#clangen evil run
moths-wc-aus · 1 year
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beampelt goes to nectarstar (the bloodthirsty leader who recently held a public execution) for her wisdom.
also their statuses after this were “nectarstar teaches beampelt the small details of being a leader” and “beampelt is doing his best to honor his clan and his leader” so apparently she did in fact convince him to commit murder ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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goofy-clan · 1 month
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Heyo! Narrator peep and creator of goofy clan! I wanted to share this fanart I made as a gift to the clan series that inspired this entire series! Enjoy!!
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And now it’s time to pair cat with creator! Click more to see notes I left for the creators too!
Goldsight belongs to @gray-thistleclan , I loved the way the cats were drawn in this series, and especially how the story progressed! Gold was always my favroite -w-! Even though she has the crazy disease now ;-;.
Eukltna belongs to @loudclan-clangen ! I loved the silly cats in this series, the artstyle actually helped me draw mouths easier! I love our doomed religious kitty, even if she was a bit odd. That crude oil does get everywhere huh…
Longstrike belongs to @juniper-clan ! The fact that the entire series was set in olden times is really neat! I also love the theme of seashells/ cowrie shells being bad, those are spooky! Long was my favroite, I was sad to see him go. So he’s drawn in the cozy sunshine!
Tigertoe Belongs to @circus-clangen ! Circus clan was actually a big inspiration for the puzzles/cipher aspects of my blog! I was always a sucker for finding stuff out, plus clowns are cool! I love tiger with all my heart, she was so fun to draw! Best entertainer :)!
Ravenstar belongs to @fallenclan ! Oh boy where do I start. I think it’s super impressive how far the series is now, even if I picked up halfway through! I love how the cats look, fun fur colors! Raven is such a good villain, evil stinky cat. So here he is with a totally real (and not painted) star!
Kestrelstar belongs to @echoes-in-echoclan ! I love this series, even though I don’t get what’s going on sometimes, it’s still a wonderful read! I also loved the connected universe with circus clan, what a twist! Kestrel is my favorite, he’s such a cool old dude!
Sweetkit belongs to @mourningsbane ! It isn’t every day I see a eldritch horror/spooky clangen series! As an avid horror fan, I love how body horror is drawn and shown in this series! Honey is the best cat :)! But, I drew sweet today! They’re a good protagonist, because who better to explore the spooky uknown than kittens?
NettleIris belongs to @moons-of-dewclan ! I adored the art style of this series, and the fact all the backgrounds are drawn so beautifully! Even though this series tugs at my heart strings, it’s lovely! Makes me wanna go wander in the woods! Nettle is my favorite lil’ peep, best medicine cat. Plus, puffy cats are fun to draw!
ConiferSun belongs to @castaway-clan ! I love the trope of “rebuild and build anew” in clangen runs! Seeing the clan in this series slowly grow in size and for the leader to not be alone anymore was very comforting. Conifer is my favorite simply because they’re blue and just a wonderful cat in the series! They also get to look at the lady bug :)!
And that’s all! Y’all are cool Peeps, keep on rocking!
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whispering-clan · 9 months
Hello hello! Hope you don't mind I have a few questions about how you run your clangen
1. Do you have multiple save files for the different clans and are the older clans older in moons?
2. Is bignose in clangen? If so how is he just a cat there or what
Just wanted to say I really love your art though, go evil murder cats go
Some other clangen blogs let their anons claim emojis, so in case I ever come back with more questions I'm a train now
Hello! I don't mind the questions ^-^
1. Yes! I have separate save files for each clan! The other clans are in classic mode just to make things simpler! Also they are 10 moons older in game than Whisperingclan, though canonically they are generations older! I just wanted to give them the chance to get a bit bigger!
2. Bignose is not in the game, neither is his brother Littlepaw, this is because I am terrified of editing the game. The last time I messed with Singingclan's code it broke so bad I had to redo the clan 😭. That doesn't really matter too much to bec they prob won't show up too much past this recent event, unless Whisperingclan goes to war lol
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rift-clan · 10 months
welcome to riftclan!
i’m going to be doing a clangen challenge where i kill literally everyone off except two cats (inspired by @fog-and-the-frost & @dawn-clan ) and i will draw art every moon for whatever event happens 😁
tags will be #rc moon for moon updates, #rc asks for asks, and #rc lore for lore and #rc art for just doodles i do. also if u wanna be a little evil. a little silly, even… u can tag fanart with #rc fanart
blog is run by @sugarr-moon (go follow if u like rain world grins)
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here are our starting characters, tawnypaw and emberkit! get used to them bc they will be our only company for a while
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notwarriorswiki · 1 year
Have you played Clangen and if so what do you think :)
I love Clangen! I have a personal clan that I’ve played for a long time now that is approaching 22 years old in game! I’m very attached to some of the little guys there.
With the new update, I’ve been wanting to try a new one. I’ve considered a side blog, but I don’t know lol
It’s a fun game though! Here are some of my favorite babies and a bit about them from my personal playthrough, FernClan.
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This is Lionpoppy! She's a warrior turned medicine cat. She was the quiet and polite one of her siblings, rather average by nature and not standing out. She fell in love with the rather popular, outgoing, and handsome Clearspring though. They talked about having a family, but unfortunately Clearspring drowned saving his apprentice Coniferpaw from the flood. Lionpoppy was devastated.
However, she had always been blessed and comforted by the stars. Her clan needed her during these difficult times, and she became a medicine cat. A few moons later, Clearspring visited her in a dream, whispering of the hollows on he outskirts of their territory. When Lionpoppy went there upon waking up, she found three abandoned kits - Sunnykit, Primrosekit, and Ospreykit. She believed this was a blessing from Clearspring, and these kits were the family they never got to have together.
She died recently from greencough and I was sad. Her kits all grew up though! Primerosethroat was very cold and aggressive, and sadly he died rather young to a pack of rogues. Sunnystreak was captured by twolegs as a young warrior, but returned later alongside her two kits Curlkit and Cloverkit (Curlkit became Curlspot, who trained under Lionpoppy :) ). Ospreyshade is a sassy spitfire who is still going strong today.
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Squirrelclaw was a bloodthirsty little guy growing up and was the secret lovechild of the medicine cat Deerbracken and warrior Shortmouse. They had 5 kits! Squirrelclaw was always getting into fights and got pretty scarred up growing up. He's definitely the patrol guy, but is very soft towards his mate Brownnut. He had a hard time when his mother Shortmouse abandoned him and his siblings as apprentices to be a kittypet.
Him and Brownnut also had 5 kits. Runs in the family. He's the father of Lionpoppy actually! His son Mottledflood is a weirdo elder still, and his daughter Burdockgoose murdered the mediator because she thought she was being far too nice to the other clans. She's in the Dark Forest now. Squirrelclaw lost his eye from a dog mauling.
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Beaverkite my beloved. He was Clearspring's dad. Beaverkite was an orphaned kit FernClan took in, always working hard to prove himself and earn his place. His heart always belonged to Archheart, but he was in a love triangle with Pondleap, a former loner and mother of Brownnut. He didn't do anything amazing, but he just had some of the best interactions and relationships. He's also probably the plainest cat I've ever had appearance wise.
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Putting these two together. Creekstripe is very strict and always following rules, kinda standoffish. Bluepond is ditzy, curious, always wandering off. Bluepond disappears for days at a time and Creekstripe has just learned to sigh and not worry. They're complete opposites but love each other very much. Bluepond was captured by twolegs as an apprentice due to her curious nature, and Creekpaw was captured shortly after, so I imagined he left to go and save her. And they both returned too! Creekstripe lost his eye from a rabbit scratching it - nothing crazy cool.
They've had... a lot of kits. Nine in total. Five are still alive. They both retired together, but Creekstripe was murdered by Gustbrook, and Bluepond died of old age not too long after.
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Lowclaw was my first evil Dark Forest cat. She was a fierce and strong cat who wanted to be the perfect warrior and have the "perfect life". She wished to be leader, have a mate at her side, kits, and do everything she was ever taught from a young age. She takes this to the absolute limit though as she discards anyone in her way without care.
The one cat she was romantically interested in, Fringeswipe, was in love with another cat. So she got rid of the other cat. Problem solved! She wanted to be leader someday, but wasn't deputy... So she got rid of the deputy. Problem solved! Oh shoot Lowclaw can't have children. Guess she'll go murder a loner and steal hers. Problem solved! Cicadastar has only one life left. Guess we better get rid of that!
Unfortunately for Lowclaw, she was struck down by the leader, unable to complete that last checkmark for the "perfect life".
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miragestar · 2 months
Navigation Masterpost!
Hello! This my side blog for my next two webcomics, PeatClan's Run and unnamed murder mystery about cats in the desert I'm working on (formerly known as Evil Eye). If you're looking for my main blog, find me over at @wolfsnis. @wolfsnisart is my art-centered blog.
Currently, only my clangen comic is in production. PeatClan's Run is a clangen-based survival story featuring an apprentice Butterflypaw and a kit Parsleykit escaping the Chernobyl disaster to rebuild their clan. Chaos and drama ensues.
If you want to read, you can select the tag #peatclan moons and see all the public pages!
See reference sheets for the characters in the #reference tag.
#extra art is self-explanatory!
You may also click on any of the characters' tags to see all posts/pages featuring them, and #peatclan for everything!
Questions, concerns, wanting lore? Feel free to ask! I'm happy to talk about these characters whenever.
My second story used to be called evil eye, is now tagged with #desert cats if you wish to see any of it! I'll get to it someday hopefully.
#weevilclan is a much older clangen run I did last year. I didn't keep meticulous recordings of it like I did PeatClan though, and it is no longer active. Just here for archival purposes. I may resurrect the name someday tho.
ANYWAYS welcome, I hope you stay awhile! Its slow going around here but still lots of fun.
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pyrocitrix · 1 year
Clangen rambles; Ravenclan
When I started this run, I was just considering doing an ‘evil’ run, not many plans besides wanting a bloodthirsty leader and wanting to focus on negative traits and antagonizing on patrols. I don’t ever post my clangen stuff rlly but this save has been so fun (INSANE?? I DIDNT REALIZE A LOT UNTIL I STARTED TYPING THIS??)  that I have to,
and so, We start with Scornstar, who is bloodthirsty trans she-cat with natural intuition.
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and their mate Bluedawn, Who is a grumpy she-cat and a fast runner
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the other warriors aren’t super important for what I’m talking about but I’ll post about them if anyone is interested, but i do have to say that I was trying to prioritize negative traits but some of the clan had traits I didnt want like righteous and loving, so like 3 moons in I send them a patrol together and get the storm event and they both drown. and over time, every cat that had a trait I didn’t really want had somehow died, leaving only the leader, deputy, medcat, and a single warrior left. The generator unintentionally did exactly what I was thinking.
okay I didnt think she was important but I guess she is?? 5 moons into the clan, a rogue abandoned their 1 moon old kit to the clan and has been living with the clan since, The kits name is Cloudkit, was later mentored by Scornstar and was later named Cloudfur at 13 moons.
anyway, at moon 13, Bluedawn and Scornstar have a litter of two kits, Beetlekit, a tom and Sandkit, a she-cat.
I don’t remember their original traits as kits but Beetlekit has always had a connection to starclan, and Sandkit was always kind.
Beetlekit gets renamed to Beetlepaw and is apprenticed to Scornstar
Sandkit gets renamed to Beetlepaw and is apprenticed to warrior Cloudfur, who is ambitious.
Scornstar influenced Beetlepaw to be more likely to heed their inner compass, use teeth and claws over words, think things through and be cold towards others. They graduated to a warrior at 12 moons old, given the name Beetlecove. Their traits are now Bloodthirsty & strong connection to starclan
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Cloudfur had tried to turn Sandpaw towards being colder and more aggressive but instead just influenced Sandspeckle to refrain from socializing with their clanmates, and learn how to bend the rules and think things through. Because of their refusal to antagonize and fight, They were held back a moon. Depite this, their traits are still compassionate a beloved kittsitter & good mediator. At 13 moons they finally graduated and were named Sandspeckle.
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- Beetlecove gets caught by two legs and is lost
- Bluedawn retires and another cat is named deputy since Beetlecove isn’t there.
-After a few moons, Beetlecove returns and is named deputy, Scornstar deciding to demote the previous one.
- Scornstar lost a life to green cough while Beetlecove was gone and then 3 at moon 57 and the rest at moon 62, meaning Beetlecove takes their place and is named Beetlestar.
At moon 71, Cloudfur announces they’re having kits even though she doesn’t have a mate, and two moons later dies giving birth to Sandfreckles kits. (I had no clue they were so close and completely forgot that Cloudur was Sandfreckles mentor, I didn’t even realize I had that setting on) Theres two kits in the litter, Stormkit and Cloudkit, both toms and both named after Cloudfur.
When apprenticed, Stormpaw was originally apprenticed to Sandspeckle, who mananged to influence them to make more impulsive decisions and become better at resolving arguments before Beetlestar decided to mentor Stormpaw themself in hopes of also making him bloodthirsty and influenced them to make their own decisions. Shickingly, Stormpaw finishes their training at 10 moons old, name Stormheart and honored for their ferocity.
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Cloudkit was named Cloudpaw and apprenticed to their uncle, Emberstipe, whos the lonesome but incredibly clever younger kit of Bluedawn and Scornstar (They had 3 litters together.) Cloudpaw is shameless and constantly climbing but is still in training, with how it’s going, it might seem as if Cloudpaw might graduate late. 
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cicadaclan · 1 year
well now that more people are here, it seems like a perfect time to say that ive been rereading the prophecy begins,
ive banned myself from clangen while focusing on comm work, but atm im at work and can't do either of those things, so ive been revisiting some old stuff i was into when i was younger, warriors included,
forethought; im not a critic and wld never claim to be. im not very good at being a hater as i am finding some kind of enjoyment in something, tbqh,
But ... that being said, i think it shld surprise no one that the writing isn't always the best. the cuts cld be a lot clearer, it's a lot more show over tell, even if u don't already know later elements of the story,
but the potential was there. i kind of wish the erins put more interest into how tigerclaw and lionheart mentored firepaw for the time that they did. their mentoring styles differ vastly from each other, while sharing a few similarities, stressing upon importance of loyalty to your clan. if you put aside the Obviously Evil Tigerclaw, it wld have shed more light on how firepaw's mentality already differed from the clan cats,
that being said, i do wish they also toned down the Obvious Evil vis a vis his attitude w ravenpaw. it cld have been better done by illustrating that they just... rly were not compatible w each other as mentor and apprentice. so many different word choices i wldve gone w personally, i can already feel it.
but like i was saying w firepaw's mentality about the clans, it wld have been more interesting character-wise to have his conversation about the other clans and his sympathy towards them and cooperating w them by having it done w lionheart over tigerclaw. like he already demonstrates that he doesn't approve very much of getting along w the other clans in the long run. even the good-hearted cats have off or weird opinions of the other clans (like graypaw *coughs at his judgemental stereotypes,*)
im still reading thru it and already a couple of chapters in. doesn't bode well abt how heavy handed it is w tigerclaws whole thing, but im also just enjoying myself, taking it easy. the boys are silly, firepaw made a cat limp on his first day, he's had a lot happen already,
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moths-wc-aus · 2 years
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sandstar, rabbitclaw, and lizardtail!! the head boss ladies >:DDD
sand and lizard had a Thing for each other but it never went anywhere unfortunately. rabbitclaw is doing her best (and also has maybe kidnapped 5 kids). sandstar’s mate is wheattail, but they don’t really… like each other? it was more of a political move than born out of any actual love for each other. sandstar has At Least two victims, though it could very possibly be more…
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moths-wc-aus · 1 year
are there rules you follow for pearlclan/your evil run?
losely, yeah! when making the clan, i looked for any traits that could be used for evil (bloodthirsty, loyal, etc). with the modern game, i'd have exiled the starclan guide to the dark forest, but i wasn't playing modern so i didn't have that option lol
uhhhh if a cat tried convince someone to run away with them (cough cough deadpaw cough) i killed them. same thing if a cat retired. i declared that if a cat brings a litter back home with them one day, then they've kidnapped them from another clan. that's... about it, really!
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moths-wc-aus · 1 year
at long last…. i give you…..
the entirety of pearlclan!
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click here to see the individual characters!
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moths-wc-aus · 1 year
the month after owlflare lost his last apprentice, too 😭
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moths-wc-aus · 2 years
bloodthirsty leader/ambitious healer pog?????
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moths-wc-aus · 2 years
pythonpaw is nervous, waterpaw is altruistic, and jettail is loving....
they will not last long.
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moths-wc-aus · 2 years
clangen but i'm evil (i kill off a cat for retiring or breaking the code)
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moths-wc-aus · 2 years
moth why 😭
i was feeling STRESSED and GRUMPY anon!!! i am dealing with it in a moderately healthy way!!!! don't judge me!!!!!! /lh
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