#clarence stoker
corvidaedream · 1 year
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some clareposting that im too self conscious about to put on my art blog but i still want people to look at him bc im going back and fleshing out his life before the vampire situation where he's got a band and weird friends and a less sickly appearance.
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cynicalsympathy · 1 year
So I saw Last Voyage of the Demeter...
Went in without any real expectations; it's been forever since I read the book or watched the old movie with Hopkins and I was honestly too young to really get them at that time. But it's been forever since I saw anything truly 'vampire horror' and the closest I've had was...Shadows Over Innistrad when it came out...
So with a clean palate and very little tolerance for the horror genre, I actually enjoyed it.
Visuals were great. The Demeter setting sail into the sunset felt like an adventure beginning and yet the shot of the Romani praying for them added dreadful anticipation. The cgi of the fog at the end was awesome and I had genuine dread of the bloodbath about to occur because as Anna pointed out, it was coming, he could feast. The old fashioned Nosferatu look with modern equipment was really good, and a good choice I felt instead of trying to make him look "exotic" somehow or just regular corpse with fangs. The changes as he fed were subtle but I'd likely see more with a second viewing or some side-by-side comparison stills.
And the audio! The sounds of the ship and calm ocean were so relaxing; it contrasts wonderfully with the horrible sucking as he feeds, the heavy raspy breathing, the wings beating, his voice coming from everywhere. I couldn't make out every word he said--at one part, climbing the rigging after a guy, I thought he said "Now, please," and when the storm kicked up a notch, I thought he did some vocal weather control. "You will be," was the first I didn't second guess my hearing. If that was the intent, well done! If not, oh well, I'll need hearing aids eventually.
The AC kicked on a few times, sending a breeze on my ankles in tense moments and I barely stopped myself from curling into the chair.
I was scared for Toby, trapped in the cabin with a monster inside and a friend turned monster outside and teared up at the funeral and what happened. The last image of him will likely be in my nightmares because it was the biggest gut wrench. The captain looked much older at the funeral and the way he yelled, reaching out even as he saw the horror Dracula had turned Toby into was just...10/10 *chef's kiss* traumatic. It looked like his mouth was moving as he sank. All I could think was that running water is a classic weakness so that second death was probably extra agony.
I did not expect anyone to survive that long. I really wanted Anna to survive because I like characters like her. I suspected she was infected and confirmation was still saddening. Her description of the toll that abuse had on her was a perfect blend of literal physical description and metaphorical for her spiritual pain. Really thought she died off-screen in that last fight and all we would see her bloody remains with a horrified expression; lived in fear and died in fear, her life tragic and her end unnoticed. Glad she didn't happen that way.
The mental connection between Dracula and his turned victims was cool. Very much an aspect of vampire lore I like to see. Makes me wonder if Dracula avoided the ambush because he was in Anna's head; she said "He knows me" as that fog rose up, as if realizing the two-way connection foiled the plan. But then, he used fog to escape the cargo hold so maybe he was just a clever hunter, knowing an ambush was their best chance. The Night Haunter just wishes. Dracula's first "ghoul"/"husk" I forget what Stoker used for a baby vampire, him trying to speak as if trying to warn them was bittersweet and just painful as I realized why he felt burning a second before the shot switched to the sun on the deck.
I'm glad Mr. Clarence survived though I suspect his death occurs off-screen, cat-&-mouse hunting Dracula in the moors, given that Dracula was full-fledged human looking by the time he sees Mina. I felt the last scene was implying that Clarence was the final 'meal' to restore the Count's body to youth.
Using the ship's knocking signal was a great touch; at first I thought it was Clarence having PTSD sound trigger to a random cause but no. And the way Clarence calls out the Count's terror tactics for what they are, calls out his cowardice as a challenge! I loved it!
I am a little confused on a few things, if anyone wants to explain. How come the Romani transporters never noticed the dragon sigils blatantly on every side of the crates and acted surprised by their cargo? How come Anna's connection to Dracula allowed them to know where each other was but she couldn't use that to guide the crew to the coffin, in the day, and prove his existence? Was it a general area of effect instead of homing beacon on her end? Why were so many crates filled with dirt but only 1 had a food source for him? The others seemed empty. I totally expected there to be dead victims. Why so much dirt for one coffin? I know it's the earth of home but why so much? Backup in case his special coffin was lost? Extras for multiple hideouts? Because he's nobility and they never travel light so it was the cheapest way to fake that he was moving a lot of stuff? Why the maggots linked to him, gross factor?
By the end I was hoping for a victorious ending even though I knew it wouldn't happen. I'm not good with horror so I often had to close my eyes so I missed a few things.
Alas, it was a late showing and my job starts before sunrise. Tomorrow will be fun.
I doubt I'll go see it a second time. Partly because my local theatre said Today Only on showtimes and it had one time slot so likely it's gone tomorrow, like the Demeter. Also because I live alone and wished many times in two hours that I had someone to grab onto. If I could handle horror better, I would watch it again.
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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Bela Lugosi and Dwight Frye in Dracula
Dwight Frye, Colin Clive, and Boris Karloff in Frankenstein
Dracula (Tod Browning, 1931)
Cast: Bela Lugosi, Helen Chandler, David Manners, Dwight Frye, Edward Van Sloan, Herbert Bunston, Frances Dade. Screenplay: Garrett Fort, based on a play by Hamilton Dean and John L. Balderston adapted from a novel by Bram Stoker. Cinematography: Karl Freund. Production design: John Hoffman, Herman Rosse. Film editing: Milton Carruth.
Frankenstein (James Whale, 1931)
Cast: Colin Clive, Mae Clarke, John Boles, Boris Karloff, Frederick Kerr, Dwight Frye, Edward Van Sloan, Lionel Belmore, Marilyn Harris. Screenplay: Garrett Fort, Francis Edward Faragoh, based on a story treatment by John L. Balderston of a play by Peggy Webling adapted from a novel by Mary Shelley. Cinematography: Arthur Edeson. Art direction: Charles D. Hall. Film editing: Clarence Kolster. Music: Bernhard Kaun.
Tod Browning's Dracula and James Whale's Frankenstein have a lot in common. Both were based on stage plays adapted from celebrated novels; together they established the Universal studios as specialists in horror movies, the way gangster movies seemed to characterize Warner Bros. and musicals became identified as an MGM specialty; both launched the careers of actors known almost exclusively for their roles as monsters -- a millstone around the neck of the very talented Boris Karloff, an alternate identity for the less-gifted Bela Lugosi. There are some other incidental similarities: Both feature performances by Dwight Frye, a rather ordinary looking character actor who became a specialist in creepy roles. In Dracula he's the vampire's stooge, Renfield, marked by a wheezing laugh that sounds like a cat trying to heave up a hairball. In Frankenstein he's the hunchbacked Fritz, stooge to the titular scientist. Both feature Edward Van Sloan as professorial types: the vampire expert Van Helsing and the ill-fated Dr. Waldman. Both have ingenues preyed upon by the monsters and handsome juveniles who try to be their stalwart defenders but mostly just get in the way. But Frankenstein is by far a better film than Dracula. It may be that James Whale was a more gifted director than Tod Browning, although Browning had a long career in silent films. including some standout Lon Chaney features, before Whale made his mark in Hollywood. Or it may just be that Dracula was made first, so that everyone working on Frankenstein could learn from its mistakes. Browning, I think, hadn't quite gotten used to making talkies, so that the pacing of Dracula is off: Scenes and speeches seem to halt a little longer than they need to. Dracula also betrays its origins on the stage more than Frankenstein. Apart from the spectacle of the storm at sea, there's little in Dracula that couldn't have been put on stage, whereas Frankenstein is loaded with spectacle: the opening funeral and grave-robbing scene; the sparking and flashing laboratory equipment and the thunderstorm; the murder of Little Maria; the torch-bearing villagers and the burning of the old mill. One thing they don't have much of is actual scary stuff, especially as compared to today's blood-and-gore horror movies. To contemporary audiences, Dracula and Frankenstein seem bloodless and gutless, and Dracula in particular has been deprived of its shock value by Lugosi's lack of sex appeal -- vampirism is a sexual threat, given its preoccupation with the exchange of bodily fluids, which is why vampires have gotten hotter over the years. The monster in Frankenstein on the other hand elicits sympathy: It's alone in a world it never made, which is why some think Whale, a gay man, betrays an identification with the character.  
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I posted 146 times in 2022
That's 146 more posts than 2021!
141 posts created (97%)
5 posts reblogged (3%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 139 of my posts in 2022
Only 5% of my posts had no tags
#welcome to chauncey's - 137 posts
#clarence renfald - 90 posts
#yves ausclair - 87 posts
#stevenson band - 19 posts
#shelley clan - 16 posts
#victor frankenstein - 10 posts
#wilde gang - 10 posts
#dorian gray - 10 posts
#phantom company - 9 posts
#erik destler - 9 posts
Longest Tag: 47 characters
#i really love your questions guys keep it up!!!
My Top Posts in 2022:
Welcome to Chauncey's, that haunt of characters from across the oeuvre of gothic literature.
And it’s our pleasure to assist you.
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My pleasure, anyway. Clarence doesn't appreciate our customers.
And I want the red. You can be blue.
This was not in my job description.
Well, this a promo, so it counts. Now smile and behave. Anyway!
Welcome, dear reader, to Chauncey's!
Stop by whenever you'd like; you never know who'll be here. We've had the Wilde gang, the Shelley clan, the Verne crew, the Phantom company, the Stevenson band, the Doyle coterie, the Stoker bunch, the Poe boys, the Melville squad, and lots of others. You might call us a haunt for gothic lit!
This blog is a collection of some of the day-to-day happenings in our little café. Don't be afraid to ask anything you'd like to know. We can't wait to serve you!
I can.
art by @klqrambles
16 notes - Posted August 15, 2022
Victor has been stirring his coffee with a lab stick for about ten minutes now.
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I'm not entirely sure he's aware that he's doing it.
19 notes - Posted November 22, 2022
Have you ever been scared by a customer, either on purpose or by accident
I mean we got customers like Adam who look pretty frightening in the right lighting, not to mention customers like Eric that like to hide in the shadows all the time
Funnily enough, one of the biggest fears is tripping over Victor (he'll lie down on the floor and pass out). I usually just yell for Henry (of the Clerval variety) or just gently nudge him out of the way with my foot.
Erik likes making sudden loud noises at the piano. And then he laughs when people jump.
Adam? Nahhh. Everyone loves him. He once startled Dorian by mistake and next thing you know, it's a hug-fest. Turns out Dorian likes enveloping hugs.
From Adam.
Yeah, don't try it otherwise.
Hyde once put on a red cloak and mask and scared the ******* out of Prince Prospero.
I applaud that.
So did everyone else.
19 notes - Posted November 16, 2022
Henry Clerval came in today with Victor slung around his neck. I told Yves it's called a fireman's carry, but Yves keeps insisting it's a fashion scarf.
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...I don't even know if Victor was awake.
20 notes - Posted September 29, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Raw sugar cubes...
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Hyde's eating raw sugar cubes again...
54 notes - Posted September 4, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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megasaurusssss · 4 years
Every Single Name in The Magnus Archives: Season 1
I just finished listening to season 1 of The Magnus Archives. As someone who is both terrible with names and also (probably) has some auditory issues, I decided to take note of every single name I heard from each episode. Some might be misspelled and possibly listed out of order. I also included some titles or phrases that I thought were important at the time I was taking notes.
Let this be a guide for people like me!
Angler Fish (EP 1) Nathan Watts, Michael Macauley, John Fellowes, Jessica McEvan, Sarah Baldwin, Daniel Rawlings, Ashley Dobson, Meghan Staw
Do Not Open (EP 2) Joshua Gillepie, John, Breekon & Hope Deliveries
Across the Street (EP 3) Amy Patel, Graham Folger & ‘Not-Graham’, Desmond & Samantha
Page Turner (EP 4) Dominic Swain, Katherine Mendes, Ex Altoria, Jurgen Leitner, MacGregor Mathers, Pinhole Books, Mary Keay, Gerard Keay, Michael Crew
Throw Away (EP 5) Kieran Woodward, David Atayah, Matthew Wilkinson, Alan Parfitt, Michal Parfitt 
Squirm (EP 6 ) Timothy Hodge, Harriet Lee, Jane Prentiss
The Piper (EP 7) Clarence “Lucky” Barry, Owen, Willfred, Joseph Rayner
Burned Out (EP 8) Ivo Lensik, Raymond Fielding, Annie Suma, Agnes, Edwin Burroughs
A Father’s Love (EP 9) Julia Montauk, Robert Montauk, Det. Rayner, Christopher Lorne, Maxwell Rayner, People’s Church of the Divine Host
Vampire Killer (EP 10) Trevor Herbert, Nigel Herbert, Sylvia McDonald, Robert Arden, Alard Dupont
Dreamer (EP 11) Antonio Blake, Graham, Anahita, John Uzel, Getrude
First Aid (EP 12) Lesere Suraki, Kayleigh Brice, Gerard Keay
Alone (EP 13) Naomi Herne, David, Evan Lukas, Michael Getty
Piecemeal (EP 14) Lee Rentoul, Paul Noriega, Toby McMullen, Angela, Salesa, Hester
Lost Johns’ Cave (EP 15) Laura Popham, Alena Sanderson, Alistair Popham
Arachnophobia (EP 16) Carlos Vittery
The Boneturner’s Tale (EP 17) Sebastian Adekoya, Irvine Welsh, Ruth Weaver, Michael Crew, Jared Hopworth, Jurgen Leitner
The Man Upstairs (EP 18) Christof Rudenko, Toby Carlsile, Diane
Confession (EP 19, p1) Edwin Burroughs, Christopher Billham, James Mann, Father Harrogate, Father Singh, Bethany O’Conner, Mentis, Annie Kesuma, Ivo Lensik
Desecrated Host (EP 20, p2) Breekon & Hope Deliveries
Freefall (EP 21) Moire Kelly, Robert Kelly, Simon Fairchild, Harriet Fairchild, Joseph Puce
Colony (EP 22) Martin Blackwood, Carlos Vittery, Yassir Kundis, Jane Prentiss
Schwartzwald (EP 23) Albrecht von Closen, Jonah Magnus, Willhelm, Hendrik, Johann von Württenberg, Hilda/Helga, Tobias Kohler, Hans Winkler, Clara, Rudolf Ziegler, Elsa, Michael Keay, Mary Keay
Strange Music (EP 24) Leanne Denikin, Nikola Denikin, Josh, Irene Harlem, Gregory Petry, Gregor Orsinov
Growing Dark (EP 25) Mark Billham, Katherine Harper, Natalie Ennis, Mr. Pitch, Hither Green Dissenters, People’s Church of the Divine Host, Getrude Robinson(’s death)
A Distortion (EP 26) Sasha James, “Michael”, The Flesh Hive, Jane Prentiss, Timothy Hodge :(
A Sturdy Lock (EP 27) Paul MacKenzie, Marcus MacKenzie, Diane
Skintight (EP 28) Melanie King, Andy Caine, Peter Warhol, Antonia Farron, Georgie Barker, Sarah Baldwin, tall dude not touching the ground (see: ep 1)
Cheating Death (EP 29) Nathaniel Tharp, Fiona Law, Faro, Death (plural?), peeling flesh (see: ep 28)
Killing Floor (EP 30) David Laylow, Tom Hann
First Hunt (EP 31) Lawrence Mortimer, Arden Neeli, some werewolf dude probably
Hive (EP 32) Jane Prentiss, The Flesh Hive, Oliver, Getrude Robinson, Arthur Nolan
Boatswain Call (EP 33) Carlita Sloane, Peter Lukas, Tadeas Dahl, Sean Kelly, Kim Dwoug, Nathaniel Lukas, Lukas Family (see: ep 13)
Anatomy Class (EP 34) Lionel Elliot, Elena Ballard, Erika Mustermann, Juan Novak (haha it sounds like Joan of Arc), Diotr & Pavel Patrov, Jon Doe, Fulan Al-Fulani, Juan Pérez, Laura Gill, Risheeda Sidana
Old Passages (EP 35) Harold Silvana, Rachel Turkey, Alfred Bartlet, Jurgen Leitner, Gerard Keay, Robert Smirke, Breekon & Hope Deliveries
Taken Ill (EP 36) Nicole Baxter, George Baxter, William Gordon, Josh Gordon, Alenka Kozel, Bertrand Miller, Hannah Rumirez, John Amhurst, table from ep. 3
Burnt Offering (EP 37) Jason North, Ethan North, Lucy North, Getrude Robinson
Lost and Found (EP 38) Andre Romao, Mikade Salesa, Charlie Miller, David
Infestation (EP 39)
Human Remains (EP 40) Elias Bouchord, Jane Prentiss, Getrude, Tim Stoker, Not-Sasha, “Michael”, Martin Blackwood
Obviously I went back to some of the episodes where a character was only named later on, like the priest. 
Let me know if I missed any, or if any names are misspelled :) No spoilers, thank you! I only just began listening to S2!
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lady-plantagenet · 4 years
I see you are inspired by my rambling huhu. 2, 19 and 25 for the history meme!
In response to: Tumblr History Ask Meme: https://lady-plantagenet.tumblr.com/post/643743359209472000/ive-seen-plenty-of-tumblr-ask-challenges-but
Umm... YES I HAVE. Thank you for that friend 💕.
2- What is your country most famous for in history?
Oh this is really really easy... Vlad the Impaler; or as we call him - Vlad the Dragon. I would also like to take this as an opportunity to say that I feel a bit uncomfortable with the West’s obsession with Dracula and, by extension, his sadism. The real figure was just so much more compelling and interesting and this caricaturisation of him is inappropriate. No beef with Bram Stoker of course, just more irritated by what grew out as a result of that novel (which I have yet to read). He was fair, penalised laziness and theft, was a byword for greatness, piety and bravery in all of Europe and had it not been for him my country would have long become an Ottoman colony. He is the single-most most revered figure in Romania to the point where he is some sort of King Arthur for us. While I am happy that he has found world renown and in the west we are primarily associated with him, I would rather it be with the real man and not Dracula. 
19 - What’s your favourite historical book?
Well, I’ve rambled about The Last of the Barons by Lord Edward Lytton-Bulwer enough to give everyone on here hives, so I’ll just give you the links to my other posts haha. One of these days when I am less stressed I will write an essay/book-review about it as a whole, though I am not worthy :(. I will give you my favourite historical non-fiction book and that is The Waning of the Middle Ages by Johan Huizinga. Mercy! When I found out they assign it as reading in some universities it restored my faith in humanity and the coming generations of medievalists. So far, I haven’t disagreed with Huizinga once, he really *gets it*, by it I mean the culture and beliefs of the 15th century (focusing almost solely on Burgundy and a little bit on France). I think it should be compulsory reading for all 15th century historical novelists even if you are setting your story in England. It is the finest example of thematic history around but also with an acute awareness of the practicalities and mechanics underpinning this system and hierarchy. It is written in a very idealistic wistful tone but doesn’t woobify the Middle Ages and idealises it past how its inhabitants would have seen it e.g. it admits that by the 15th century some parts of the pomp and such e.g. court rituals were performed with this sense of irony and even lampooned by some of its participants because they have really become overwrought and out-of-place not because the renaissance brought luxury, and end to barbarism or whatever. My Tumblr is full of quotes from his book and I am ashamed to say that I have ran into a very similar situation here as I had once with the aforementioned novel - I have not finished reading it because I am committed to only reading it when I can truly absorb what it is saying. It needs to be savoured as it is really not long. 
25 - Who is the most overrated historical figure, in your opinion?
I do not want to copy you but I was itching to say that it is Richard III. I have recently encountered some users who are a fan of him and take a very healthy approach and I greatly admire them for that and I am not knocking on their interest by saying this - I swear. Personally, The Wars of the Roses, I find to be an interesting period generally so by extension yeah I think Richard is worth a study. My only issue is... he does not appear that remarkable? If anyone wants to debate me on this go ahead, I confess I haven’t dedicated a lot of time on reading about his life 1469 - 1483 where he was an able administrator (but then again that’s not the reason why most people are interested in him anyway). Hell, people in the 15th century weren’t fawning over him like they did with Edward IV, George Duke of Clarence or Richard Neville Earl of Warwick, not only did he ultimately fail (like the latter two) but he didn’t even have that diva appeal or humanness that makes you wonder what was going on in his mind. His motivations, to be honest, seem very easily discernible. For some time I wondered whether his deposition (and likely murder) of his nephews was down to some great concern for the common weal or utilitarianism - I have seen many thesis on him being some sort of ‘people’s champion’. I was intrigued. BUT I really feel like “the people” did not see it like that. Edward, Clarence and Warwick all experienced much higher popularity during their lifetimes so really how remarkable was he in this respect (again, tell me if you have a counter-argument, hell send an ask). Besides, in his 1483 coup, he chose to ally with Buckingham. Yes Buckingham - the very symbol of the high-handed feudal baron that Edward IV was trying to weaken to promote greater stability and suffered greatly in this enterprise. So my question is, did Richard III have any strong beliefs of his own that underpinned the 1483 coup? The execution of William Hastings was very baffling for me to understand for that it provides a further contradiction to my point about Richard wanting to promote an Edward-style stability in the realm. Hastings and the Woodvilles were both essential for that and something good really could have come out of them working together for Edward V. Also, no one hit me with the ‘his life was in danger’. He had the military power to easily crush all the Woodvilles if they all banded together against him (whether that was even their intention in the first place is another story). 
Also, the historiographical debate which is what really makes him is getting very trite lately. That is not to say I am not eager to see what others have to say - I have great faith in some of the people I’ve met on this site, BUT, as a whole, what is being written in blogs, books and articles so far is hardly riveting. You could tide me over if you hit me with facts that he was unusually precocious or incredibly hard-working (both I get a sense of) but I really could not care less that he stayed loyal to his brother. Like most people did, that’s how Clarence and Warwick lost... as Hicks pointed out, he was a third son [sic fourth] there really was not other prospect for him and his advancement than sticking with Edward. Also what is with people’s obsession with loyalty on here? I get a medieval person’s concern with being loyal but this is the 21st century. So yeah he’s overrated in the sense that he is really not that special. Not in a saintly too-good-for-the-world sort of way nor in a tittilating oh-wow-he-is-sooo-evil-nice~~. He was a great man in many ways and deserves interest invested into him. Let me make this clear ~ I don’t think he’s basic or whatever. But given the proportion that this is to nowadays he is severely overrated. I’m talking millions of pounds, an ECHR trial, nearly one hundred novels, a stately funeral and all this distorts popular history’s approach to the period as a whole in a way that really annoys me - often with Clarence being made to look far more incompetent, insignificant and lame as a consequence (which admittedly is more of a me problem but then again this is an opinion meme).
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teachingmycattoread · 2 years
Things We’ve Yelled About This Episode #2.11
Out of the Silent Planet, C. S. Lewis
"There once was a boy named Eustace Clarence Scrubb, and he almost deserved it," Voyage of the Dawn Treader, C. S. Lewis, cf. this post
Gnostic Christianity (wiki)
Perelandra, C. S. Lewis
That Hideous Strength, C. S. Lewis
The Once and Future King, T. H. White
Philology (wiki)
Dawkins atheism (wiki)
the rivers of mars theory (wiki)
Arthur Conan Doyle and the Cottingley Fairies (wiki, @antiquesfreaks also have an excellent episode about it here)
Ransom is based on Tolkien (wiki)
"I made you into a tree who never gets to the point," Treebeard (this post)
"drowned in moonlight strangled by their own bras"
Carrie Fisher (imdb)
This tumblr post about C. S. Lewis and whipping
The Long Way To A Small Planet, Becky Chambers
Children of Time, Children of Ruin, Adrian Tchaikovsky
The Poetic Edda
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The Chronicles of Narnia, C. S. Lewis
The Problem of Pain, C. S. Lewis
St Augustine (wiki)
Dorothy L Sayers on C. S. Lewis quotation: i have searched high and low for this, and despite reblogging it on my own tumblr at least twice i can't find it anywhere smh
The Church Fathers (wiki)
Irenaeus  (wiki)
The Demiurge (wiki)
Pelagius (wiki)
The Good Place (2016-2020)
Religion  and Rocketry, C. S. Lewis
Aldhelm (wiki)
De Virginitate (wiki)
Tatwine (wiki)
The conference M's talking about is the Cambridge Colloquium in Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic, full programme here
"The Marvels of Grammar in Tatwine's Enigmata," Alexandra Zhirnova, paper given at CCASNC 2022
"Rejecting monstrosity in 'The Marvels of the East'", Catrin Haberfield, paper given at CCASNC 2022
opus geminatum - I couldn't find any handy non-paywalled explanations, but basically it's a literary work where the same material is covered twice, once in poetry and once in prose. Aldhelm's De Virginitate is an example, and Bede's metrical and prose Lives of Cuthbert can be (as far as I remember) considered as one also.
The Marvels of the East
The Beowulf manuscript, a.k.a The Nowell Codex, British Library MS Cotton Vitellius A. xv (British Library catalogue, wiki)
For more on the crucial question "can sheydim be Jewish?", listen to this episode of Throwing Sheyd
"Now, my own suspicion is that the universe is not only queerer than we suppose, but queerer than we can suppose." Possible Worlds, J. B. S. Haldane
Dracula, Bram Stoker
Mansplain, manipulate, malewife; gaslight gatekeep girlboss (meme)
Y Goddodin (wiki) - the edition M is thinking of is probably this one, but they wouldn't swear to it in a court of law.
Tradwife concept (wiki) e
Sisco vs Q (youtube)
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1993-1999)
Star Trek: Voyager (1995-2001)
Cyrano de Bergerac, Edmond Rostand
The scene M is thinking of is Act III Scene XI.
Packing For Mars, Mary Roach
Bambi (1942)
Next Time On Teaching My Cat To Read
Abhorsen, Garth Nix
(ed. actually next time will be our first ever mini-episode, which will be on Pride and Prejudice - our Abhorsen episode will be released on the normal schedule after that)
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Day 51 — Shrugged Off
A successful war against religion on the right has been waged by none other than perpetual philosophical train wreck and failed film critic Ayn Rand.
Rand is perhaps the only virulently anti-Christian writer that Republicans nonetheless routinely feel comfortable heaping praise upon. In a charming 1964 interview with Playboy, Rand described the crucifixion of Jesus in terms of “mythology,” and submitted that she would feel “indignant” over such a “sacrifice of virtue to vice.” That Christians are called to care for the most vulnerable of God’s people was, to Rand, manifest proof that the religion has nothing constructive to add to human life: After all, in her philosophy, "superiors" have no moral obligations to those weaker or more vulnerable than they. According to Rand, the Christian moral imperative to serve the needy is a “monstrous idea.”
Speaking of Rand in 2005, Paul Ryan (American politician who served as the 54th speaker of the United States House of Representatives from October 2015 to January 2019), noted “I grew up reading Ayn Rand and it taught me quite a bit about who I am and what my value systems are, and what my beliefs are … It’s inspired me so much that it’s required reading in my office for all my interns and my staff.”
Paul’s love of Ayn Rand seems to be only one drop in a current of adoration for the woman’s writing; Clarence Thomas reportedly holds yearly screenings of the film version of her book "The Fountainhead" for all new law clerks, while Gary Johnson evidently gave a copy of her book "Atlas Shrugged" to his fiancée with the romantic addendum “If you want to understand me, read this.” Praise for Rand in minor mentions and allusions is even more widespread, so much so that very few murmurs of distress are raised when conservative politicians wax sentimental about her work.
Excerpt from The right's Ayn Rand hypocrisy: Why their "religious" posture is a total sham, Elizabeth Stoker Bruenig, Salon, February 28 2014
Photo: Dog Eared Books Castro, San Francisco, (some books you can’t give away)
0 notes
thecraggus · 7 years
Abbott And Costello Meet Frankenstein (1948) #MonthOfSpooks #Review
It's a graveyard smash as Abbott And Costello Meet Frankenstein (1948) #MonthOfSpooks #Review
Having pioneered the ‘shared universe’ concept by producing a slew of crossover monster movies, Universal decided to go one meta step further and crossover movie genres as well. Tempting Bela Lugosi back to arguably his most famous role as “Dracula“, as well as Lon Chaney Jr as “The Wolf Man” and Glenn Strange as Frankenstein’s Monster, Universal set these fearsome fiends against their funniest…
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tuseriesdetv · 5 years
Guía de series: Estrenos y regresos de enero 2020
Empezamos el nuevo año con más series nuevas que días tiene el mes. ¿Preparados para no dar abasto? ¿Qué criterios seguiremos a la hora de elegir nuestras nuevas adquisiciones?
¡Feliz año!
Verde: series nuevas.
Rojo: series de las que haremos reviews semanales.
Negro: regresos de otras series.
Naranja: miniseries o series documentales.
Amarillo: tv movies, documentales, especiales o pilotos.
Morado: season finales.
Púrpura: midseason finales.
Calendario de series
1 de enero: 
Messiah (1T completa) y Spinning Out (1T completa) en Netflix
Dracula y Doctor Who (12T) en BBC One
Bancroft (2T) en ITV
Mrs Brown's Boys (especial Año Nuevo) en BBC One
Almost Family (vuelve) en FOX
2 de enero: Last Man Standing (8T) y Deputy (1T) en FOX
3 de enero: 
Anne with an E (3T y última completa) en Netflix
Blue Bloods (vuelve), Hawaii Five-0 (vuelve) y Magnum P.I. (vuelve) en CBS
Dracula en BBC One
5 de enero: 
Golden Globes en NBC
Call the Midwife (9T) en BBC One
Power (vuelve) en Starz
God Friended Me (vuelve) y NCIS: LA (vuelve) en CBS
Bless the Harts (1T finale) en FOX
6 de enero: 
Manifest (2T) en NBC
Father Brown (8T) en BBC One
All Rise (vuelve), Bull (vuelve), The Neighborhood (vuelve) y Bob Hearts Abishola (vuelve) en CBS
7 de enero: 
Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist (1T) en NBC
Schitt's Creek (6T y última) en Pop
The Haves and the Have Nots (7T) en OWN
FBI: Most Wanted (1T), FBI (vuelve) y NCIS (vuelve) en CBS
Mixed-ish (vuelve), Black-ish (vuelve) y Emergence (vuelve) en ABC
The Resident (vuelve) en FOX
8 de enero: 
Party of Five (1T) en Freeform
White House Farm en ITV
Criminal Minds (15T y última) en CBS
Modern Family (vuelve), Single Parents (vuelve) y Stumptown (vuelve) en ABC
Chicago Fire (vuelve), Chicago PD (vuelve) y Chicago Med (vuelve) en NBC
9 de enero: 
Death in Paradise (9T) en BBC One
Mom (vuelve), Carol's Second Act (vuelve), The Unicorn (vuelve) y Evil (vuelve) en CBS
The Good Place (vuelve), Superstore (vuelve), Will & Grace (vuelve), Young Sheldon (vuelve), Perfect Harmony (vuelve) y Law & Order: SVU (vuelve) en NBC
10 de enero: 
AJ and The Queen (1T completa), Medical Police (1T completa) y Jamtara (1T completa) en Netflix
Lincoln Rhyme: Hunt for the Bone Collector (1T) en NBC
Deadwater Fell (1T) en Channel 4
Sick of It (2T) en Sky One
Grantchester (5T) en ITV
King Gary (1T) en BBC One
SKAM España (3T completa) en Movistar+
High School Musical: The Musical: The Series (1T finale) en Disney+
11 de enero: The New Pope en HBO
12 de enero: 
The Outsider (1T) en HBO
Vera (10T) en ITV
Critics' Choice Awards en The CW
13 de enero: 
Cold Feet (9T) en ITV
The Good Doctor (vuelve) en ABC
14 de enero: 
Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts (1T completa) en Netflix
Arrow (vuelve) y Legends of Tomorrow (vuelve) en The CW
This Is Us (vuelve) y New Amsterdam (vuelve) en NBC
15 de enero: 
Good Trouble (2bT) en Freeform
The Magicians (5T) en Syfy
68 Whiskey (1T) en Paramount Network
Grace and Frankie (6T completa) en Netflix
Pequeñas coincidencias (2T completa) en Amazon
The Goldbergs (vuelve) y Schooled (vuelve) en ABC
Riverdale (vuelve) y Nancy Drew (vuelve) en The CW
SWAT (vuelve) en CBS
16 de enero: 
Everything's Gonna Be Okay (1T) y Grown-ish (3T) en Freeform
Legacies (vuelve) en The CW
17 de enero: 
Sex Education (2T completa) y Ares (1T completa) en Netflix
El embarcadero (2T y última completa) en Movistar+
Little America (1T completa) en Apple TV+
Diary of a Future President (1T) en Disney+
Cobra (1T completa) en Sky One
Troop Zero en Amazon
American Housewife (vuelve) y Fresh Off the Boat (vuelve) en ABC
Charmed (vuelve) y Dynasty (vuelve) en The CW
Servant (1T finale) en Apple TV+
19 de enero: 
9-1-1: Lone Star (1T) en FOX
Avenue 5 (1T) y Curb Your Enthusiasm (10T) en HBO
Batwoman (vuelve) y Supergirl (vuelve) en The CW
20 de enero: 
Carter (2T) en WGN America
Family Reunion (2T completa) en Netflix
All American (vuelve) y Black Lightning (vuelve) en The CW
Prodigal Son (vuelve) en FOX
21 de enero: 
Legends of Tomorrow (5T) en The CW
The Conners (vuelve) y Bless This Mess (vuelve) en ABC
22 de enero: Awkwafina is Nora From Queens (1T completa) en Comedy Central
23 de enero: 
Outmatched (1T) en FOX
The Bold Type (4T) en Freeform
The Dead Lands (1T) en Shudder
The Ghost Bride (1T completa) y October Faction (1T completa) en Netflix
Grey's Anatomy (vuelve), Station 19 (vuelve) y A Million Little Things (vuelve) en ABC
Supernatural (vuelve) en The CW
24 de enero: 
Star Trek: Picard (1T) en CBS All Access
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (3T completa) y The Ranch (4bT y última completa) en Netflix
Shrill (2T completa) en Hulu
26 de enero: Shameless (10T finale) en Showtime
28 de enero: 
Miracle Workers (2T) en TBS
Arrow (series finale) en The CW
29 de enero: Good Trouble (2T finale) en Freeform
30 de enero: 
Evil (1T finale) en CBS
The Good Place (series finale) en NBC
31 de enero: 
BoJack Horseman (6bT y última completa), Luna Nera (1T completa), Diablero (2T completa) y Ragnarok (1T completa) en Netflix
Ted Bundy: Falling for a Killer en Amazon
Shrill (2T finale) en Hulu
Estrenos de series
Messiah (Netflix)
Un hombre llamado Al-Masih (Mehdi Dehbi, Tyrant) dice ser el mesías en Oriente Medio. Sus presuntos milagros están propiciando un seguimiento internacional cada vez mayor, y las dudas sobre su identidad crecen también, incluso en la CIA. Con Michelle Monaghan (The Path, True Detective), John Ortiz (The Guest Book, Togetherness), Tomer Sisley (La commune, Les Innocents), Will Traval (Arrow, Jessica Jones), Melinda Page Hamilton (Devious Maids, Mad Men), Stefania LaVie Owen (The Carrie Diaries), Jane Adams (Hung), Beau Bridges (Homeland, Masters of Sex) y Philip Baker Hall (Room 104, The Loop). Creada por Michael Petroni (The Book Thief) y dirigido por James McTeigue (Sense8, V for Vendetta). Diez episodios. Estreno: 1 de enero
Spinning Out (Netflix)
Una prometedora patinadora artística (Kaya Scodelario; Skins, The Maze Runner) está a punto de colgar sus patines tras una aparatosa caída. Cuando aprovecha la oportunidad surgida de competir por parejas con un chico (Evan Roderick, Arrow), teme que salga a la luz un oscuro secreto. Completan el reparto January Jones (Mad Men, The Last Man on Earth), Willow Shields (The Hunger Games), el ex patinador olímpico Johnny Weir, Sarah Wright Olsen (Marry Me, Parks and Recreation), Will Kemp (Reign, Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce), Kaitlyn Leeb (Shadowhunters, Slasher), Amanda Zhou (October Faction), Mitchell Edwards (All American, The Fix), Svetlana Efremova (The Americans) y Charlie Hewson (White Collar). Creada por Samantha S. Stratton (Mr. Mercedes), antigua patinadora. Escrita por Stratton y Lara Olsen (90210, Boy Meets World). Diez episodios. Estreno: 1 de enero
Dracula (BBC One)
Basada en la novela de Bram Stoker (1897), nos trae a un Dracula (Claes Bang; The Square, Bron) recién llegado a la Inglaterra victoriana. Con John Hefferman (Collateral, Dickensian), Dolly Wells (Doll & Em, Blunt Talk), Joanna Scanlan (No Offence, Requiem), Mark Gatiss (Sherlock, Game of Thrones), Morfydd Clark (Patrick Melrose, The City and the City), Lujza Richter (Phantom Thread), Clive Russell (Curfew, Rellik), Catherine Schell (The Spoils of War, Doctor Who), Jonathan Aris (Sherlock, Lucky Man), Sacha Dawan (Iron Fist, Line of Duty), Nathan Stewart-Jarrett (Misfits, Utopia) y Youssef Kerkour (Nightflyers, Home). Escrita por Mark Gatiss y Steven Moffat, creadores de Sherlock y guionistas de Doctor Who. Tres episodios. Estreno: 1 de enero
Deputy (FOX)
Cuando muere el sheriff del condado de Los Ángeles, una vieja regla aprobada en el salvaje Oeste convierte en su sucesor al hombre menos indicado: Bill Hollister (Stephen Dorff; True Detective, Star), un abogado de quinta generación que se encuentra más cómodo acabando con los criminales que manejando temas políticos. Lidera un equipo de personas ambiciosas y complicadas que no descansarán hasta impartir justicia. Completan el reparto Yara Martinez (Jane the Virgin, True Detective), Brian Van Holt (Cougar Town, The Bridge), Danielle Moné Truitt (Rebel), Bex Taylor-Klaus (Arrow, The Killing), Shane Paul McGhie (Sacred Lies, After), Mark Moses (Desperate Housewives, Mad Men), Natalia Cigliuti (This Is Us, The Glades) y Karrueche Tran (Claws, The Bay).
Escrita y producida por Will Beall (Aquaman, Training Day). El piloto fue dirigido por David Ayer (Training Day).
Estreno: 2 de enero
Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist (NBC)
Zoey Clarke (Jane Levy; Suburgatory, Castle Rock) es una programadora informática que vive en San Francisco y, a partir de un acontecimiento inusual, comienza a escuchar a través de canciones los deseos y necesidades de la gente que le rodea. Al principio se cuestiona su cordura, pero pronto se da cuenta del maravilloso regalo que ha recibido. También cantarán Skylar Astin (Pitch Perfect, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend), Lauren Graham (Gilmore Girls, Parenthood), Peter Gallagher (The O.C., Covert Affairs), Alex Newell (Glee), John Clarence Stewart (Luke Cage, What/If), Carmen Cusack (Sorry for Your Loss), Mary Steenburgen (Back to the Future, Last Man on Earth), Andrew Leeds (Barry, Get Shorty), India de Beaufort (Veep, Kevin (Probably) Saves the World), Michael Thomas Grant (Roadies), Kapil Talwalkar (American Princess), Alice Lee (Brittany Runs a Marathon) y Stephanie Styles (Bonding, American Vandal).
Drama musical escrito por Austin Winsberg (Gossip Girl, 9JKL), dirigido por Richard Shepard (Girls) y producido por Paul Feig (A Simple Favor, The Office).
Estreno: 7 de enero
FBI: Most Wanted (CBS)
Spin-off de FBI centrado en el equipo de búsqueda de los fugitivos y los criminales más buscados del país. Está protagonizada por Julian McMahon (Charmed, Runaways), Keisha Castle-Hughes (Game of Thrones, Manhunt: Unabomber), Kellan Lutz (Twilight, The Comeback), Roxy Stemberg (Absentia, Emerald City), Nathaniel Arcand (Heartland, Black Summer), Alana De La Garza (Law & Order, Forever), Lorne Cardinal (Kayak to Klemtu) y YaYa Gosselin.
Creada por René Balcer (Law & Order).
Estreno: 7 de enero
Party of Five (Freeform)
Reboot de la serie emitida entre 1994 y 2000 que seguía a cinco hermanos que crecían juntos tras la muerte de sus padres. En esta ocasión, los hermanos Acosta tratan de sobrevivir juntos tras la deportación de sus padres a México. Protagonizada por Brandon Larracuente (13 Reasons Why, Bloodline), Emily Tosta (Mayans MC), Niko Guardado (The Goldbergs), Elle Paris Legaspi (To My Family), Garcia (Tales of the City), Sol Rodriguez (Devious Maids) y Elizabeth Grullon. Creada por Amy Lippman (Party of Five, Masters of Sex) y Christopher Keyser (Party of Five, The Society). Diez episodios. Estreno: 8 de enero
White House Farm (ITV)
Drama sobre el asesinato de cinco miembros de la misma familia -abuelos, madre e hijos gemelos de seis años- en una granja de Essex en agosto de 1985 y la investigación posterior. Basada en hechos reales. Protagonizada por Freddie Fox (Cucumber, Year of the Rabbit), Mark Addy (Game of Thrones, The Full Monty), Stephen Graham (This Is England, Boardwalk Empire), Gemma Whelan (Game of Thrones, Gentleman Jack), Mark Stanley (Sanditon, Criminal), Alexa Davies (Detectorists, Harlots), Cressida Bonas (The Bye Bye Man), Alfie Allen (Game of Thrones, Close to the Enemy), Amanda Burton (Silent Witness, The Level) y Nicholas Farrell (The Cry, Will). Escrita por Kris Mrksa (The Slap, Requiem) y Giula Sandler (Nowhere Boys, Glitch) con la cooperación de Colin Caffell, padre de los gemelos asesinados. Seis episodios. Estreno: 8 de enero
AJ and The Queen (Netflix)
Ruby Red (RuPaul) es una drag queen arruinada que viaja de club en club en una caravana de los años 90 junto a AJ (Izzy Gaspersz), una huérfana de once años un tanto desquiciante. Con Josh Segarra (Arrow, Orange Is the New Black), Michael-Leon Wooley (Dreamgirls, The Princess and the Frog), Katerina Tannenbaum (Sweetbitter, The Bold Type), Tia Carrere (Relic Hunter, Wayne's World), Misty Monroe (Overdue, Foursome) y Matthew Wilkas (New York is Dead, Top Five). Comedia creada por RuPaul y Michael Patrick King (2 Broke Girls, Sex and the City). Diez episodios. Estreno: 10 de enero
Medical Police (Netflix)
Es un spin-off de la comedia Childrens Hospital en el que Lola (Erinn Hayes) y Owen (Rob Huebel) descubren un virus en el hospital pediátrico de São Paulo, Brasil y trabajarán juntos como agentes del gobierno para encontrar una cura y descubrir la conspiración que está detrás de todo. Completan el cast Lake Bell (Cat), Rob Corddry (Blake), Ken Marino (Glenn) y Malin Akerman (Valerie) volverán como recurrentes. Completan el cast Sarayu Blue (I Feel Bad, No Tomorrow), Fred Melamed (Casual, Lady Dynamite) y Eric Nenninger (One Day at a Time, Wet Hot American Summer).
Escrita y producida por Rob Corddry, creador de la original. Dirigida por David Wain (Childrens Hospital, Wet Hot American Summer). Diez episodios.
Estreno: 10 de enero
Jamtara (Netflix)
El estado de Jharkhand es la capital del phishing en la India. Allí, los primos Sunny y Rocky, junto a sus amigos, dirigen un exitoso negocio de estafa desde la pequeña ciudad de Jamtara. Cuando las noticias informan de este negocio, todo el mundo quiere formar parte de él. Protagonizada por Amit Sial, Dibyendu Bhattacharya, Aksha Pardasany, Sparsh Srivastava, Monika Panwar, Anshumaan Pushkar, Kartavya Kabra, Rohit Kp, Harshid Gupta, Sarfaraz Ali Mirza y Aatm Prakash Mishra.
Inspirada en hechos reales. Escrita por Trishant Srivastava y dirigida por Soumendra Padhi. Nueve episodios.
Estreno: 10 de enero
Lincoln Rhyme: Hunt for the Bone Collector (NBC)
Inspirada en la novela 'The Bone Collector (1997) y en la película de 1999, sigue a Lincoln Rhyme (Russell Hornsby, Grimm, Proven Innocent), un antiguo detective de la policía de Nueva York y genio forense que tuvo que retirarse tras el ataque de un asesino en serie. Amelia Sachs (Arielle Kebbel; Midnight, Texas; Ballers) es una joven oficial que sigue el rastro del criminal y se alía con Rhyme para atraparlo. Completan el reparto Brian F. O'Byrne (Aquarius, FlashForward), Tate Ellington (Quantico, The Brave), Courtney Grosbeck (Parenthood, Homeland), Ramses Jimenez (Vida, Fear The Walking Dead), Brooke Lyons (The Affair, Life Sentence), Roslyn Ruff (Divorce, Godfather of Harlem) y Michael Imperioli (The Sopranos, Mad Dogs).
Escrita y producida por VJ Boyd (Justified, SWAT) y Mark Bianculli y dirigida por Seth Gordon (The Goldbergs, Atypical).
Estreno: 10 de enero
Deadwater Fell (Channel 4)
En una pequeña e idílica comunidad escocesa, una madre (Anna Madeley; The Crown, Patrick Melrose) y sus tres hijos aparecen asesinados. Aunque parecían una familia feliz y perfecta, el padre (David Tennant; Broadchurch, Doctor Who) es el principal sospechoso. Con Cush Jumbo (The Good Fight, The Good Wife) y Matthew McNulty (Misfits, Versailles).
Escrita por Daisy Coulam (Humans, Grantchester). Cuatro episodios.
Estreno: 10 de enero
King Gary (BBC One)
Comedia sobre un matrimonio de los suburbios que quiere encajar y ser aceptado por los vecinos y también impresionar y estar a la altura del padre de él (Simon Day; The Fast Show, The Life of Rock with Brian Pern). Protagonizada por Tom Davis (Murder in Successville, Plebs), Laura Checkley (Wanderlust, Detectorists), Camille Coduri (Doctor Who, Him & Her), Neil Maskell (Humans, Utopia), Romesh Ranganathan (The Reluctant Landlord), Dustin Demri-Burns (Sick Note, GameFace), Lisa McGrillis (Mum, No Offence), Mim Shaikh (Informer) y Emma Sidi (W1A).
Creada por Davis (Murder in Successville) y James De Frond (Murder in Successville). Seis episodios.
Estreno: 10 de enero
The New Pope (HBO)
Continuación de The Young Pope en la que John Brannox (John Malkovich; Being John Malkovich, Places in the Heart) reemplaza a Lenny Belardo (Jude Law) como papa. Con Sharon Stone (Basic Instinct, Casino), Marilyn Manson (Salem, Sons of Anarchy), Ulrich Thomsen (Banshee, Counterpart), Mark Ivanir (Barry, Homeland), Kika Georgiou, Massimo Ghini (Raccontami), Jessica Piccolo Valerani (Loro), Antonio Petrocelli, Henry Goodman (Genius) y Yulia Snigir. Vuelven Javier Cámara, Cécile de France, Ludivine Sagnier, Ignazio Oliva, Silvio Orlando y Maurizio Lombardi.
Escrita y dirigida por Paolo Sorrentino (Youth, La grande bellezza). Diez episodios.
Estreno: 11 de enero
The Outsider (HBO)
Adaptación de la novela de Stephen King (2018) en la que una simple investigación de asesinato lleva a un policía y a un investigador a cuestionarse qué es real, ya que una malvada fuerza sobrenatural interviene en el caso. Protagonizada por Jason Bateman (Ozark, Arrested Development), Cynthia Erivo (Bad Times at the El Royale, Harriet), Ben Mendelsohn (Bloodline, Rogue One), Bill Camp (The Looming Tower, The Leftovers), Mare Winningham (The Affair, Mildred Pierce), Paddy Considine (Informer, Peaky Blinders), Julianne Nicholson (Masters of Sex, Law & Order: True Crime), Yul Vazquez (Treme; Midnight, Texas), Jeremy Bobb (The Knick, Godless), Marc Menchaca (Ozark, The Sinner), Michael Esper (Trust, The Family), Hettienne Park (Hannibal, Blindspot), Derek Cecil (House of Cards, Treme) y Max Beesley (Jamestown, Ordinary Lies).
Escrita por Richard Price (The Deuce, The Wire) y dirigida y producida por Jason Bateman (Ozark). Diez episodios.
Estreno: 12 de enero
68 Whiskey (Paramount Network)
Dramedia militar, adaptación de la israelí Charlie Golf One, que sigue las vidas de un grupo de médicos del ejército que trabajan en Afganistán. Protagonizada por Sam Keeley (Dublin Murders, Burnt), Gage Golightly (Red Oaks, iZombie), Cristina Rodlo (The Terror, Too Old to Die Young), Jeremy Tardy (Dear White People, Ballers), Nicholas Coombe (Imaginary Mary, Dora and the Lost City of Gold), Derek Theler (Baby Daddy, American Gods), Beth Riesgraf (Leverage, Complications), Lamont Thompson (NCIS: LA, The Brink), Usman Ally (On Becoming a God in Central Florida, A Series of Unfortunate Events), Artur Benson (Shooter), Aaron Glenane (Picnic at Hanging Rock) y Linc Hand (Revenge, Ghosted).
Escrita por Roberto Benabib (Weeds), dirigida por Ron Howard (Arrested Development, Felicity) y producida por Brian Grazer (Arrested Development, Friday Night Lights). Diez episodios.
Estreno: 15 de enero
Everything's Gonna Be Okay (Freeform)
Comedia creada, escrita y protagonizada por Josh Thomas (Please Like Me) sobre un neurótico de veinticinco años que vive con su padre soltero y dos hermanas adolescentes, una de ellas con autismo, y no ayuda a criar a las chicas hasta que su padre cae gravemente enfermo. Completan el reparto Kayla Cromer, Maeve Press y Adam Faison (Here and Now). Diez episodios.
Estreno: 16 de enero
Ares (Netflix)
En la primera serie neerlandesa original de Netflix, Rosa (Jade Olieberg) y Jacob (Tobias Kersloot) descubren, tras el accidente de un amigo, que la sociedad secreta de estudiantes a la que se han unido para entrar en la élite de Ámsterdam oculta oscuros secretos del pasado de la nación. Completan el cast Lisa Smit, Robin Boissevain, Frieda Barnhard, Rifka Lodeizen, Roos Dickman, Jip van den Dool, Steef de Bot, Janni Goslinga, Dennis Rudge, Minne Koole, Jennifer Welts y Florence Vos Weeda.
Creada por Pieter Kuijpers y escrita por Michael Leendertse. Ocho episodios.
Estreno: 17 de enero
Little America (Apple TV+)
Antología que adaptará las sorprendentes historias reales de inmigrantes en Estados Unidos contadas en Epic Magazine.
Escrita por Emily V. Gordon y Kumail Nanijani (The Big Sick) junto a Lee Eisenberg (Hello Ladies, The Office). Ocho episodios. Ya está renovada por una segunda temporada.
Estreno: 17 de enero
Diary of a Future President (Disney+)
Comedia sobre las idas y venidas en la vida de Elena (Tess Romero), una niña cubanoamericana que se convertirá en la Presidenta de Estados Unidos (Gina Rodriguez; Jane the Virgin, Annihilation). Con Selenis Leyva (Orange Is the New Black, Maniac), Charlie Bushnell, Michael Weaver (Here and Now, Ouija: Origin of Evil), Carmina Garay, Harmeet K. Pandey, Sanai Victoria (The Paynes, No Good Nick), Avantika Vandanapu, Nathan Arenas, Tiernan Jones y Connor Falk.
Creada por Ilana Peña (Crazy Ex-Girlfriend) y escrita por Robin Shorr (The Middle, Galavant). Producida por Gina Rodriguez (Carmen Sandiego). Diez episodios.
Estreno: 17 de enero
Cobra (Sky One)
Drama que nos contará qué ocurre en los pasillos de las sedes del gobierno británico durante tiempos de emergencia nacional. Protagonizada por Robert Carlyle (Once Upon a Time, Trainspotting), Victoria Hamilton (The Crown, Doctor Foster), Richard Dormer (Game of Thrones, Fortitude), David Haig (Killing Eve, Penny Dreadful), Marsha Thomason (White Collar, Better Things) y Lucy Cohu (Broadchurch, Ripper Street).
Escrita por Ben Richards (Strike, The Tunnel). Seis episodios.
Estreno: 17 de enero
9-1-1: Lone Star (FOX)
Spin-off de 9-1-1 ambientado en Texas y protagonizado por un sofisticado policía de Nueva York (Rob Lowe; Parks and Recreation, Brothers & Sisters) que se muda con su hijo (Ronen Rubinstein, Dead of Summer) a Austin, donde tendrá que compaginar su trabajo con su vida personal. Completan el reparto Liv Tyler (The Lord of the Rings, The Leftovers), Jim Parrack (True Blood, The Deuce), Sierra McClain (Empire, Mindhunter), Natacha Karam (The Brave), Brian Michael Smith (Queen Sugar), Rafael Silva (Fluidity) y Julian Works (American Crime, Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones).
Producida por Lowe, Ryan Murphy, Brad Falchuk y Tom Minear.
Estreno: 19 de enero
Avenue 5 (HBO)
Comedia de turismo espacial ambientada cuarenta años en el futuro, cuando la humanidad puede viajar por el Sistema Solar. En pleno viaje alrededor de Saturno, una serie de dificultades técnicas provoca el descontento de los pasajeros y varios acontecimientos inesperados. Protagonizada por Hugh Laurie (House M.D., The Night Manager), Josh Gad (The Comedians, Frozen), Zach Woods (The Office, Silicon Valley), Nikki Amuka-Bird (Luther, Quarry), Rebecca Front (Humans, The Wrong Mans), Lenora Crichlow (Being Human, Flaked), Suzy Nakamura (Go On, Dr. Ken), Ethan Phillips (Star Trek: Voyager, Girls), Himesh Patel (Yesterday, The Luminaries), Kyle Bornheimer (Casual, Brooklyn Nine-Nine) y Jessica St. Clair (Playing House, American Housewife).
Creada, escrita y producida por Armando Iannucci (Veep). Ocho episodios.
Estreno: 19 de enero
Awkwafina is Nora From Queens (Comedy Central)
Comedia protagonizada y producida por Awkwafina (The Farewell, Jumanji: The Next Level), e inspirada en su vida, sobre una veinteañera que vive en Queens con su padre (BD Wong; Mr. Robot, Gotham), su abuela (Lori Tan Chinn; Orange Is the New Black) y su primo (Bowen Yang, Saturday Night Live).
Escrita por Awkwafina, Karey Dornetto (Portlandia, Community) y Teresa Hsiao (Family Guy, American Dad!) y dirigida por Lucia Aniello (Broad City). Diez episodios.
Estreno: 22 de enero
Outmatched (FOX)
Cay (Maggie Lawson; Psych, Santa Clarita Diet) y Mike (Jason Biggs; American Pie, Orange Is the New Black), un matrimonio de clase obrera y sin estudios del sur de Jersey, tratan de arreglárselas para criar a cuatro hijos, tres de los cuales resulta que son genios: Brian (Connor Kalopsis, The Grinder), un condescendiente y pretencioso fenómeno de las matemáticas que cree que sabe más del mundo que sus padres; Nicole (Ashley Boettcher, Gortimer Gibbon's Life on Normal Street), una prodigio del lenguaje falsa y manipuladora que consigue todo lo que quiere; y Marc (Jack Stanton, The Mick), un sabio introvertido que quiere ser el próximo Beethoven. Solamente una hija no es un genio, y esa es Leila (Oakley Bull; Thanksgiving, Beautiful Boy), la única a la que sus padres pueden entender aunque sea remotamente. Les acompañan Tisha Campbell-Martin (Empire, Dr. Ken) y Finesse Mitchell (Roadies, Saturday Night Live).
Escrita y producida por Lon Zimmet (Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, I'm Sorry). Jonathan Judge (School of Rock, Life in Pieces) dirige el piloto.
Estreno: 23 de enero
The Dead Lands (Shudder)
Inspirada en las tradiciones e historias maorís, nos presenta a Waka Nuku Rau (Te Kohe Tuhaka), un guerrero asesinado que regresa de entre los muertos para redimir sus pecados. Pero el mundo al que regresa ha sido devastado por una brecha entre la muerte y el más allá y los espíritus de los que acaban de morir acosan a los vivos. Waka conocerá a Mehe (Darneen Christian), una mujer decidida que se convertirá en su protegida y en su guía moral, y juntos combatirán a las fuerzas tanto naturales como sobrenaturales que se crucen en su viaje para reparar el mundo.
Creada por Glenn Standring. Ocho episodios.
Estreno: 23 de enero
The Ghost Bride (Netflix)
En Malaca (Malasia), a finales del siglo XIX, una joven (Huang Peijia) recibe la lucrativa proposición de convertirse en la novia fantasma de un chico fallecido recientemente (Wu Kang Ren) para salvar a su adinerada familia de una deuda de por vida.
Basada en la novela de Yangsze Choo (2013), escrita por Kai Yu Wu (Hannibal, The Flash) y dirigida por Quek Shio-Chuan (Guang) y Ho Yuhang (At the End of the Daybreak, Mrs K). Seis episodios.
Estreno: 23 de enero
October Faction (Netflix)
Adaptación del cómic de Steve Niles en la que Deloris (Tamara Taylor; Bones, Altered Carbon) y Fred Allen (J.C. MacKenzie; Molly's Game, Vinyl), un matrimonio de cazadores internacionales de monstruos, se retiran y comienzan a vivir junto a sus hijos adolescentes, Viv (Aurora Burghart) y Geoff (Gabriel Darku, Impulse), en el estado de Nueva York y pronto descubren que vivir en un pueblo pequeño no es tan ideal como pensaban. Completan el reparto Wendy Crewson (Saving Hope, Revenge), Megan Follows (Reign, Winonna Earp), Stephen McHattie (Orphan Black, The Strain), Amanda Zhou (Spinning Out), Sara Waisglass (Degrassi: The Next Generation) y Maxim Roy (Shadowhunters).
Creada, escrita, producida y dirigida por Damian Kindler (Sleepy Hollow, Sanctuary). Diez episodios.
Estreno: 23 de enero
Star Trek: Picard (CBS All Access)
Patrick Stewart (X-Men) vuelve a interpretar al capitán Jean-Luc Picard, personaje de Star Trek: The Next Generation, en el siguiente capítulo de su vida. Con Santiago Cabrera (Heroes, Salvation), Michelle Hurd (Blindspot, Devious Maids), Alison Pill (The Newsroom, American Horror Story), Harry Treadaway (Mr. Mercedes, Penny Dreadful), Rebecca Wisocky (Devious Maids, For All Mankind), Isa Briones (Hamilton) y Evan Evagora.
Escrita por Gene Roddenberry (Star Trek, Star Trek: The Next Generation) y dirigida por Hanelle Culpepper (Star Trek: Discovery, Criminal Minds). Diez episodios. Ya está renovada por una segunda temporada.
Estreno: 24 de enero
Luna Nera (Netflix)
Nos encontramos en la Italia del siglo XVII. Una joven matrona acusada de brujería (Nina Fotaras; Il nome della rosa, Skam Italia) se ve obligada a huir de su pueblo junto a su hermano pequeño y se une a un grupo de mujeres. Es entonces cuando deberá elegir entre un amor imposible y perseguir su destino. Protagonizada Giada Gagliardi, Adalgisa Manfrida, Lucrezia Guidone (La ragazza nella nebbia), Barbara Ronchi (Fai bei sogni), Giorgio Belli, Manuela Mandracchia (Fai bei sogni) y Federica Fracassi (Benedetta follia).
Creada por Francesca Manieri (Il Miracolo), Laura Paolucci (L'amica geniale, Gomorra) y Tiziana Triana. Basada en la trilogía de novelas de Triana, cuyo primer libro se publicó en 2019. Seis episodios.
Estreno: 31 de enero
  Ragnarok (Netflix)
En Edda, un pueblo ficticio de Noruega, los inviernos calurosos y las fuertes trombas de agua auguran la batalla de los dioses en el fin del mundo. Magne (David Stakston, Skam), recién llegado al pueblo, parece distinto al resto de chicos de su edad. Quizás pueda salvarlos a todos. Con Jonas Strand Gravli (22 July, Amundsen), Herman Tømmeraas (Skam), Emma Bones (Home Ground), Theresa Frostad Eggesbø (Skam), Henriette Steenstrup (Lilyhammer) y Gísli Örn Garðarsson (Beowulf, Prince of Persia).
Escrita por Adam Price, creador de Borgen y Herrens veje. Seis episodios
Estreno: 31 de enero
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shultzing · 6 years
What might yield an improved neighborhood policy milieu? As guideposts, we offer four considerations, each with a basis in new-era experiences: (1) ensuring the presence of a stable and substantial entity centered on neighborhood policy work; (2) giving major attention to building neighborhood capacity, particularly where capacity is weakest; (3) establishing a neighborhood constituency network and elevating its prominence in the city’s civic and political life; and (4) encouraging cross-strata communication that respects and responds to the experiences of less-well-off neighborhoods, including recognition of long-established resentments they may hold. Although the reforms presented below are ambitious, they are not pie-in-the-sky hopes; each has some basis in existing practice.
Urban Neighborhoods in a New Era, Revitalization Politics in the Postindustrial City – Clarence N. Stone, Robert P. Stoker, eds on how to fix distressed neighborhoods in inner cities
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corvidaedream · 5 months
41 for Clarence, 11 for Mal
41. What phrases, pronunciations, or mannerisms did they pick up from someone / somewhere else?
clarence will occasionally pull out the phrase "je ne sais quoi" that he picked up from layla, but crucially he has absolutely no idea how to spell it. he has texted the words "jenny say qua" or something similar in a sentence to her before.
his handwriting is all-uppercase print like his mother's, but he's never made that connection and if he did, he might put effort into changing it.
11. If someone was impersonating them, what would friends / family ask or do to tell the difference?
advocate in front of mal for the removal of mosquitoes or similar "pest" species from thedas's ecosystems. you will not be able to fake the passionate rebuttal the real mal will hit you with.
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netmyname-blog · 6 years
Urwin Stokker MN
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lipwak · 7 years
VHS #329
American Roots Music 1-4 PBS, Down From The Mountain concert at the Ryman Auditorium with O Brother Where Art Thou musicians, Life and Times of Bill Monroe, Agnazar - A singer from Badakhshan, Coleman Barks & Paul Winter Consort - 3 Rumi poems (2002?) Geraldine R Dodge poetry festival, Ray Charles at the White House 2003 Correspondent's Dinner, 4/26/03. *** American Roots Music 1-4 Produced by Ginger Brown/The Ginger Group Narrated by Kris Kristofferson (Ginger reads some credits, Buzzy Hum mixed it…)2001 http://www.pbs.org/americanrootsmusic/ Episode One: When First Unto This Country Marty Stewart, Bernice Johnson-Reagon, Ricky Skaggs, Robert Mirabel, Gillian Welch, Bonnie Raitt, Rufus ThomasMy Blue Ridge Cabin Home - Jay Ungar and Molly Mason track gangTurkey in the Straw at a fiddler's convention Dinah - Louis Armstrong Mary, Don't You Weep  -  Georgia field hands Home on the Range - Jules Allen The Fisk Jubilee Singers Mavis Staples Rockin JerusalemSteal Away - the Princely Players, Joshua Fit de Battle, spirituals James D. Vaughn and the Beginnings of Southern Gospel, Ralph Stanley,  Gordon Stoker, Doyle Lawson Amazing Grace - a group of Shape Note singersWhere the Shades of Love Lie Deep -Doyle Lawson and Quicksilver The First Recording of Vaudeville Blues and Hillbilly Music Arlo Guthrie, Pete Daniel, Rufus, Paul Kingsbury, Merle Haggard Lonesome Blues - Louis Armstrong Crazy Blues - Mamie Smith St. Louis Blues - Bessie Smith Will the Circle Be Unbroken - the Carter Family Old Joe Clark  - Fiddlin John Carson, the start of country music records Wildwood Flower - the Carter Family, Bristol sessions Keep on the Sunnyside - the Whites, AP Carter collected songs and reworked them Waiting for a Train  - Jimmie Rodgers Never No Mo Blues - Doc Watson In the Jailhouse Now - Jimmie Rodgers Country and Delta Blues Bonnie, Keb, Robbie Robertson, Keith Richards Henry - Keb' Mo' Death Letter Blues - Son House John the Revelator  - Son House Crossroad Blues  - Robert JohnsonLove in Vain Blues  - Keb' Mo' Love in Vain Blues   - Robert Johnson Boogie Woogie Dream  - Pete Johnson and Albert Ammons, 1930s Foldin' Bed - Whistler's Jug Band The First Recording of Cajun and Tejano Music  (brief mention only) Mal Hombre - Lydia Mendoza The Influence of Radio and the Grand Ole Opry Ranger Doug (Riders In The Sky), Mike Seeger, Sam Phillips, Doc Take Me Back to That Old Carolina Home  - Uncle Dave Macon, old but regular Fox Chase - DeFord Bailey Great Speckled Bird  - Roy Acuff Hillbilly Fever - Roy Acuff The Father of Gospel Music Thomas Dorsey, It's Tight Like That - Tampa Red and Georgia Tom (Dorsey), after he lost money he turned to gospel He's Blessing Me - The National Convention of Gospel Choirs and Choruses If You See My Savior - Thomas A. Dorsey and Sallie Martin Precious Lord - Thomas A. Dorsey Precious Lord - The National Convention of Gospel Choirs and Choruses Mike Seeger - The Cuckoo *** Episode Two: This Land Was Made For You And Me Opening Sequence: Lord, Lord - Mamie Smith Boogie Woogie Dream - Pete Johnson and Albert Ammons Cowboys and Western Swing Tumbling Tumbleweeds - Douglas B. Green (Riders In The Sky) Tumbling Tumbleweeds -  The Sons of the Pioneers Pete Seeger talks about John LomaxLay My Burden Down - Turner Junior Johnson Unknown title - Ken Maynard on fiddle Back in the Saddle Again - Gene Autry Silver Haired Daddy of Mine - Gene Autry A breakdown - Bob Wills Merle Haggard, Ray Benson and Willie Nelson talk about Bob Wills, Bob wanted to sing like Bessie Smith (Ray) Sitting on Top of the World - Bob Wills (distorted) Bonnie Raitt talks about the Lomax field recordings Early Folk Revival: Good Night Irene - Lead Belly Alan Lomax talks about LeadbellyPick a Bale of Cotton - Lead Belly Gray Goose - Lead Belly Leadbelly met Pete Seeger and Woody Guthrie in NYThis Land is Your Land - Woody Guthrie Arlo talks about his dad, voice of Woody talking about the dust bowl Blowin' Down the Road - Woody Guthrie, pic of him singing in the subway, Marty Stuart talks about WoodyJohn Henry - Woody Guthrie with Sonny Terry & Brownie McGeeWoody joined the Almanac Singers, This Land is Your Land, songs could bring about social change, Studs Terkel Bluegrass: John Henry - Bill Monroe Marty Stuart, Ricky Skaggs, Bill talks about singing in church, learned music by ear A Voice from on High - Bill Monroe Mike Seeger talks about Bill, James Monroe, Earl Scruggs Sally Goodin'  - Earl Scruggs Doc Watson and Bela Fleck talk about Earl's banjo playing. Rabbit in a Log - Flatt and Scruggs Salty Dog Blues - Flatt and Scruggs Monroe didn’t want Flatt and Scruggs to go on the Grand Ole Opry until Martha White Flour insisted Earl's Breakdown - Earl Scruggs (at Newport) Earl's Breakdown - Earl Scruggs and friends Country, Honky Tonk: Dark as a Dungeon - Merle Travis Paul KingsburyNine Pound Hammer - Merle Travis If You've Got the Money, I've Got the Time - Lefty Frizzell Kitty Wells, Merle Haggard and Willie Nelson talk about honky tonksI'm Walking the Floor Over You - Ernest Tubb Always Late With Your Kisses - Lefty Frizzell (distorted) I Want to Be With You Always - Merle Haggard It Wasn't God Who Made Honky Tonk Angels - Kitty Wells Cold, Cold Heart - Hank Williams … Robbie Robertson talk about Hank The Blues & Radio: Your Funeral and My Trial - Sonny Boy Williamson King Biscuit Time - couldn’t give away the flour... Bye, Bye Bird - Sonny Boy Williamson King Biscuit Time Theme - James Cotton (wanted to be just like Sonny Boy Williamson) Take a Little Walk with Me - Robert Lockwood Jr. with James Cotton BB King talked about listening to Sonny Boy Williamson during an hour off for lunch when he worked on a plantation Rufus talks about BB, BB talks about Memphis,Sweet Little Angel - B.B. King WDIA first black station in the nation, Sam Phillips, I'll Be Back Someday - Howlin' Wolf Sun Records/StudioI'll Never Let You Go Darlin’ - Elvis Presley BB talks about ElvisThat's All Right Mama - Elvis Presley Blue Moon of Kentucky - Elvis PresleySam talks about Blue Moon and Bill Monroe *** Episode Three: The Times They are A-Changin’ Opening Sequence: Foldin’ Bed - Whistler's Jug Band Foggy Mountain Breakdown - Earl Scruggs Electric Chicago and Urban Blues: Rollin' and Tumblin’ - Muddy Waters Keb Mo, Marshall Chess, Muddy Waters talk about Chicago Rock Me - Muddy Waters BB, Bonnie Raitt, Marshall Chess, Rufus Thomas talk about Muddy Got My Mojo Working  - Muddy Waters (with James Cotton) Willie Dixon - unknown songBuddy Guy, Marshall, Hubert Sumlin talk about WillieShake for Me  - Howlin' Wolf Bonnie talks about Howlin’ Wolf - take me, take me, take meKeith Richards talks about MuddyI'm Ready  - Muddy Waters Three O' Clock Blues - B.B. King Rufus, Koko Taylor, BB, Keb talk about BBHow Blue Can You Get?  - B.B. King The Thrill is Gone  - B.B. King Cissy Houston, Keb, Flaco Jimenez, WIllie talk about BB Gospel's Golden Years: Do You Call that Religion?  - a quartet of oyster shuckers Blind Barnabus - the Golden Gate Quartet BB KIng and other talk about the GG QuartetWade in the Water  - the Soul Stirrers Down  the Riverside - Sister Rosetta Tharpe Bonnie, others, mavis Staple talk about Sister Rosetta Tharpe He's Got the Whole World in His Hands - Mahalia Jackson Mahalia worked for Thomas Dorsey selling sheet music, Mitch Miller promoted herMove on Up a Little Higher - Mahalia Jackson Come on Children Let's Sing - Mahalia Jackson When the Saints Go Marching In - the Clara Ward Singers CL Franklin, Sam CookeSit Down Servant - the Staple Singers Robbie Robertson, Mavis, Marty Stuart talk about the Staple Singers Folk and Blues Revival: Good Night Irene  - The Weavers Pete talks about The Weavers and Gordon Jenkins, Decca Record Co totally dumbfounded over success of first recordHarold Leventhal, talk about Carnegie Hall concert and blacklisting, Peter YarrowSo Long, Been Good to Know Ya  - The Weavers Tom Dooley - The Kingston Trio Harry Smith's American Anthology of Folk MusicThe Soldier and the Lady  - the New Lost City Ramblers John Cohen, MikeSeeger, (Dave Van Ronk song), John Sebastian, Washington SquareIf I Had a Hammer - Peter, Paul and Mary Peter talk about PP&M, Albert Grossman, Bitter End, the rest is historyA Hard Rain's Gonna Fall - Bob Dylan Dylan becomes Woody, John Cohen, John Sebastian, Pete Seeger on DylanThe Times They are A-Changin’ - Bob Dylan Newport Folk Festival, Ralph Rinzler looked for talent for NewportCuckoo Bird - Clarence Ashley Doc Watson - son, I believe you’ll do (Ralph)Way Down Town - Doc Watson Spike Driver Blues - Mississippi John Hurt Dick WatermanWe Shall Overcome - Odetta with The Freedom Singers Blowin' In the Wind - Peter, Paul and Mary Juke -  the Paul Butterfield Blues Band Dylan went electric at Newport with Butterfield Blues Band backing him, Pete retells story of wanting to change it Maggie's Farm - Bob Dylan It's All Over Now, Baby Blue - Bob Dylan *** Episode Four: All My Children of the Sun Opening Sequence: The Times They are A-Changin’ - Bob Dylan We Shall Overcome - Odetta and The Freedom Singers Cajun & Zydeco: Dans La Louisianne - Marc & Ann Savoy Marc talks, Ralph Rinzler looked for music there, Port Arthur Blues - the Balfa Brothers La Valse Criminelle - the Balfa Brothers, 1975Steve Riley, Savoy jam session, over 100 accordion builders in LA, Ann Savoy Zydeco Two-Step - Clifton Chenier Marc talls of Clifton Two-Step d’Amede - Marc Savoy I'm a Hog for You Baby - Clifton Chenier  at Jazz Fest Ossun Two-Step - Steve Riley and the Mamou Playboys during Mardi GrasAnn Savoy La Valse de Mardi Gras - the children of  the Basile Mardi Gras trail ride Tejano: Rosalito - Valerio Longoria with Little Joe Hernandez and Mingo Saldivar Flaco, bajo sexto, Valerio made the accordion sound Cajun-y (Saldivar)Las Nubes/ The Clouds - Little Joe y la Familia with Valerio Longoria and Mingo Saldivar Ring of Fire - Mingo Saldivar!Sorry Boy - Flaco Jimenez, rock?? Native American Pow Wow and Crossover: Traditional Powwow Drumming  - Renzel Last Horse and his group Robert Mirabal, Floyd Red Crow WestermanTraditional Powwow Drumming  - Nellie Two Bulls and Lakota children Robbie Robertson, native americans used to follow the buffalo, now they follow the pow wowWounded Knee - Floyd Red Crow Westerman Enchantment Song - R. Carlos Nakai Jesus Loves Me  - Everette Red Bear and Sandor Iron Rope of the Native American Church, peyote The Dance - Robert Mirabal, native american rock operaSmithsonian Folk Life Festival Century Wrap Up: Stomping Grounds - Bela Fleck and the Flecktones, one of the first integrated bands on the circuit Oh Happy Day - Edwin Hawkins with the National Convention of Gospel Choirs and Choruses, hit on underground rock station in SF, then NY... Stomp Remix - Kirk Franklin Hoochie Coochie Man - Billy Branch with Pinetop Perkins, John Primer and Willie Big Eye Smith Mannish Boy - Billy Branch with school kids Rock of Ages - Gillian Welch, repackaged… alt/no depression, Steve Earle Train on the Island  - the Old Crow Medicine Show Little Maggie - Ralph Stanley Get Up John - Ricky Skaggs and Kentucky Thunder Worried Man Blues - Earl Scruggs, Ricky Skaggs, James Cotton and Marc and Ann Savoy, Stewart Duncan on fiddle *** O Brother and Beyond - Down From The Mountain Musicbenefit concert, CMT1/2 hr, s, 2001missed beginning Coen Brothers, T-Bone Burnett, Jerry Douglas, Dan Tyminski, I Am A Man of Constant Sorrow, Fairfield Four, music recorded before the movie then they performed for playback, "Down From The Mountain" concert at the Ryman Auditorium in Nashville on May 24, 2000 filmed by DA Pennebaker, Fairfield Four - Lazurus (https://youtu.be/sxSRkYaGgDc) this clip, The Cox Family, Gillian Welch, Emmylou Harris, and Alison Krauss (https://youtu.be/tCQiCCnn9IQ), The Whites, John Hartford, Alison Krauss, Chris Thomas King, Gillian Welch & David Rawlings - My Dear Someone (https://youtu.be/lswjecWmJkM), Ralph Stanley. *** Life and Times of Bill Monroe 1 hr, cmt, smissed beginning1996 Emmylou Harris, Ricky Skaggs, Mac Wiseman, Sonny Osborne, birth, Charles Wolfe, Arnold Shultz, Uncle Pen, moved north, worked at Sinclair, Monroe Brothers, fighters, The Bluegrass Boys, John Hartford, Muleskinner Blues, Chubby Wise, Flatt and Scruggs, baseball, tent shows, when band members left he wouldn’t talk to them for years, Del McCoury, took a long time to accept other bluegrass groups, Ralph Rinzler, doesn’t talk much. *** Agnazar - A singer from BadakhshanPersian music 1/2 hr, 2002sibilant narration lyrics by Rumi, wedding, funeral songs, dancing, top themes - girls, girls and girls, *** Bill Moyer’s - NowColeman Barks & Paul Winter Consort 3 Rumi poems (Geraldine R Dodge poetry festival 9/22/02?, Sun am session I just missed?)(https://youtu.be/a-AX6_YrsWM) this clip!2003 Out beyond ideas of wrong doing and right doing there is a field...Who makes these changes? ...Today, like every other day, we woke up empty and frightened. ... *** Ray Charles at the White House 2003 Correspondent's Dinner w/ President Bush, 4/26/03, C-Spanpt 1 of 2, (see #311 for pt 2)See the whole thing here: https://www.c-span.org/video/?176331-3/2003-white-house-correspondents-dinner-entertainmentsmall band of 4crowd looks bored, Bush too Georgia On My Mind.Stranger In My Own Home TownYour Cheating HeartRain Teardrops From My EyesJust For A Thrill (tape runs out)
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Welcome to Chauncey's, that haunt of characters from across the oeuvre of gothic literature.
And it’s our pleasure to assist you.
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My pleasure, anyway. Clarence doesn't appreciate our customers.
And I want the red. You can be blue.
This was not in my job description.
Well, this a promo, so it counts. Now smile and behave. Anyway!
Welcome, dear reader, to Chauncey's!
Stop by whenever you'd like; you never know who'll be here. We've had the Wilde gang, the Shelley clan, the Verne crew, the Phantom company, the Stevenson band, the Doyle coterie, the Stoker bunch, the Poe boys, the Melville squad, and lots of others. You might call us a haunt for gothic lit!
This blog is a collection of some of the day-to-day happenings in our little café. Don't be afraid to ask anything you'd like to know. We can't wait to serve you!
I can.
art by @klqrambles, banner art by @hyac1nthus
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corvidaedream · 5 months
For the weird oc questions, 5, 12 and 47 for Clarence and 14 for Mal?
5. Can they cry on command? If so, what do they think about to make it happen?
i don't think so, especially not after becoming a vampire. he's a thin-blood so he's capable of crying for normal reasons sometimes, but even that's less than when he was a human.
12. What’s something that makes them laugh every single time? Be specific!
weird al songs.
47. Who have they forgotten about that remembers them very well?
he's remembered pretty fondly by the little music scene he used to frequent. he's not necessarily a good person, but he's always been a kind one, and he also didn't used to spend a lot of time in those spaces sober, so there are random garage band musicians and associated kinds of people who he barely remembers existing who have clear memories of him lending them extra equipment, or helping them scale a fence to get away from cops, or just being a really nice guy to be around.
14. How do they put out a candle?
mal has one of those elegant little metal candle snuffers at home.
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