#claris' fiction
clarislam · 1 year
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Heads-up, readers: My book “Winner Takes All” will be part of Smashwords’ Read An Ebook Week 2023 Sale, running from March 5th-11th!
The sale starts TOMORROW, so go check it out when it begins! Thank you so much in advance for your support!
More info on the sale is here: https://smashwords.com/ebookweek
Find my book here: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1317785
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glitchglint · 1 year
My Dudes, Dudettes and Dudon'ts, I present to you 'The Mortal Instruments'
Part 5
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ofstarsandmoonlightt · 7 months
can someone explain my dumb self about the shadowhunters kickstarter? Like i can’t for the life of me understand how it’s gonna work; what the prices are; etc lol
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inkykeiji · 2 months
"character: alastor"
Me: creaming my panties
MUAHAHAHAHA ( ๑ ˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و ♡
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dhampiravidi · 8 months
when you dislike the MC of a good series AKA Who Will Die in The Wicked Powers
damn, being petty enough to flip off the MC x canon ship in my (favorite) fandom is really kicking me in the ass--
yeah, basically I can't touch half the TSC stuff on Tumblr bc I'm so anti-Clace...(meanwhile I love literally every other character that's been in every Shadowhunter series)...& they're probably gonna have a wedding + kids in the next books (assuming Jace isn't killed)...
The Wicked Powers is most definitely gonna have the Princes of Hell as the main villains. I feel like Luke, Gwyn, or Izzy will die, since the younger Shadowhunters are supposed to be central & well...look at the couples who will be alive/extant by TWP:
Jace & Clary
Magnus & Alec
Simon & Izzy
Julian & Emma
Kit & Ty
Dru & Ash (& maybe Jaime)
Diana & Gwyn
Luke & Jocelyn
Tessa & Jem
(forgive me if I'm missing anyone!)
Jace already died once. Clary had dreams about dying, but those were shown to be visions of Thule. Based on canon events, I think they're Clare's favorite ship. SAFE.
Magnus almost gave himself to Asmodeus in CoHF. Alec almost-ish died saving Magnus in The Eldest Curses. Also, Alec almost died thanks to that poison demon in TMI (the one Magnus saved him from). Malec might end up forced to rule some region of Hell (reason unknown but I think it'll have to do with them beating/destroying Asmodeus). I feel like past events foreshadow Magnus dealing with the unfortunate sides of being a warlock. But he won't die--the "killing your gays" trope might actually save he & Alec.
Simon nearly died when the vampires attacked him (when he was a mundane), then when Valentine bled him pre-Daylighter (then Jace's blood saved him). He "sacrificed" himself to Asmodeus CoHF, in the form of his vampire immortality + memories (which he basically got back later on). Izzy...she's been through a lot psychologically & about as much as I think most Shadowhunters would physically. She lost Max & her dad. But she's a badass (I'm not faulting her for it, either). So I don't think she's safe.
Julian & Emma both lost their parents in horrible ways. Their whole series was about the parabatai curse (which, to me, was conveniently not mentioned in chronologically earlier series...probably because it wasn't invented til TDA was written, lol). They're kinda written to be the leaders of Livvy's Watch. SAFE.
Kit has his whole faerie power reveal shit to explore & he + Ty are some of the major characters in TWP. I'm pretty sure they'll spend the series healing their relationship. SAFE.
Kieran/Cristina/Mark will survive because 1) Kieran as the Unseelie King is an important Shadowhunter ally, 2) they're poly rep in YA, which is rare, and 3) killing one of them off would leave the others to mourn in such a weird way. SAFE.
I love Dru Blackthorn. She's one of the main of TWP, so I think she'll survive, plus tbh I don't think any more Blackthorns will be killed. Ash will probably end up as the Seelie King or as Clace's adopted son, to "redeem" Sebastian in a narrative sense. Jaime's sort of a main for TWP as one of Dru's love interests. SAFE.
Diana & Gwyn aren't main characters (though I like their romance). Diana also is the ONLY transgender person in all the books (unless I missed something). I don't think she'll be killed off. Gwyn might be just because I see the Wild Hunt as an important group in TWP & he might die protecting Diana (narratively, this shows strengthened faerie-Shadowhunter relations, despite the Wild Hunt being unaffiliated with either Court).
Luke & Jocelyn deserve to be endgame, but I could see Luke being killed off as one of those "MC's loved one is killed so the MC goes & avenges them" type of things. I love Luke & Jocelyn as characters, though.
Tessa & Jem deserve to be endgame, arguably, more than any couple. They were the mains in their series, then Jem survived but was sort-of-"lost" when he became a Silent Brother. Then he miraculously became a (mortal) Shadowhunter again when he was burned by heavenly fire, he just left the Clave behind to hang with Tessa (good choice!). Tessa has a baby & she's gonna suffer enough when she outlives Jem. SAFE?
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liesramblings · 3 months
Headcannon that Jace Herondale will go out to the bars/clubs with friends while Clary stays home and when he gets super drunk, he'll video call her and be like 'Baaaabe, I miss you!'
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talesofliia · 3 months
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"Women, whether subtly or vociferously, have always been a tremendous power in the destiny of the world." – Eleanor Roosevelt, "It’s Up to the Women"
These fictional female characters have always been among my favorites. They've been a great source of inspiration for me, and I'm truly grateful for such amazing role models, even if they're only fictional. 🦸🏻‍♀️✨
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My favorite trope is when there’s this one character who just looks dirty and crazy and is drenched in sweat throughout the majority of their screen time
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usergreenpixel · 1 year
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1. The Introduction
Well, hello there, Citizens! Neighbors too, since we have a figure who is interesting for both communities. Welcome back to the convention! Please leave weapons by the door cause you will need them later, take your seats and enjoy tea with tricolor cupcakes!
So, Allison Pataki is an author who will definitely become my nemesis in the future, considering her less than stellar work with this particular book (more on that later). Now, I knew from the ever so blunt (but lovely) @maggiec70 that it would be a bad book with about as much accuracy as your average conspiracy theory, but… BOY WAS I UNPREPARED!
The book turned out to be not bad. Not even mediocre. It’s straight up garbage fit only for wiping one’s ass when toilet paper runs out. Don’t believe me? Well, let’s dive deeper into this mess, shall we?
(By the way, I couldn’t find it online for free due to copyright but owners of Audible accounts can purchase the audiobook or you can pay for an ebook.)
2. The Summary
The book tells a story of Napoleon’s first fiancée, one Desirée Clary. She later would become the wife of Marshal Bernadotte and Queen of Sweden, whose descendants rule the country to this day.
Quite a fascinating story, if you ask me! Also, shoutout to @tairin for introducing me to Bernadotte as a historical figure (she is my guide to the Napoleonic era in general too). And to Maggie for bringing this novel to my attention.
Okay, the premise is interesting and extraordinary, isn’t it? But let’s see what the execution is!
3. The Story
Right off the bat, the story reeks of multiple inaccuracies (in both Frev and Napoleonic departments) worse than roadkill in summer heat. Inaccuracies that range from details (such as getting the year of convents closing wrong) to things that could’ve been avoided with one google search (such as Code Napoleon’s date or the timeline of Joseph’s rule of Naples). Also the usual Thermidorian bullshit with evil Robespierre and MODERATE THERMIDORIANS (because a group that includes war criminals is DEFINITELY MORE MODERATE THAN ROBESPIERRE AND CO, AMIRITE?!)
I know I usually don’t review media based on accuracy, but anyone with any knowledge about the topic (like me) risks getting a severe case of a broken brain from everything wrong in the book. This ended up hurting my immersion into the story because I had the urge to scream at my screen the entire time.
Another thing that hurts the narrative is the length. Personally, I found the story really overstayed its welcome and should’ve ended sooner, like after Desirée becomes Queen. But no, it drags on afterwards and the last chapters are basically filler, even more so than the rest of the book (which is a giant bore). The pacing just drags on like an old horse in slow mo.
(The story begins in 1789 and ends in 1860, for a reference.)
Last but not least, there is a very unnecessary and not accurate at all sex scene un the beginning of the book. Not only is that scene completely unnecessary for the story, but it also completely breaks suspension of disbelief and just makes the characters come off as modern cosplayers, not the people they’re supposed to be.
(For those in the back: DESIRÉE NEVER FUCKED NAPOLEON!!)
Okay, moving on!
4. The Characters
Bland. Most of them are blander than the BRAT diet.
Desirée Clary is the worst offender when it comes to characters feeling too modern, since the book is told from her perspective. She’s also a flat character and a bit too omnipresent when it comes to being at important events, even before her marriage to Bernadotte. We also don’t learn much about her as a person so there’s no reason to sympathize with her. Personally, I just didn’t care about her. She’s supposed to be someone who becomes a grown strong person throughout the story but we don’t see much character development to reflect this.
Napoleon Bonaparte is a bit more complex but that bar is low anyway. He definitely has his moments when he’s a jerk but can be a romantic. Also he kisses Desirée without her consent in the book during a game similar to Hide and Seek. Yeah, I wish I was kidding but he’s basically sexually assaulted her in that scene. Other than that, not much to see here either.
Josephine Bonaparte is more complex but still bland and almost saintly at times. Her flaws are severely downplayed or omitted.
The Bonaparte sisters are all catty cunts outright compared to the Furies in the book. Letizia suffers the same fate.
Joseph Bonaparte is a loyal brother and a nice man.
Julie is the doting big sister.
Bernadotte is a loving husband and an ardent Jacobin who has “Death to Kings” tattooed on his chest in the book. Yeah, that old chestnut that is actually nothing more than a myth.
And so on. It’s like a show with cardboard cutouts in lieu of a story with good characters.
5. The Setting
Some descriptions are quite vivid, especially when it comes to Malmaison, but that’s about the only good thing I can say about this book.
6. The Writing
Hoo boy… Remember how I said that the characters feel like cosplayers from modern times? Well, Desirée (in the book) uses gems like “I rooted for her”. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m pretty sure a bourgeois woman from that time wouldn’t know such words.
The dialogue in the book is mediocre due to the blandness of the characters and Pataki probably not giving two shits about delivering a good book, despite the fact that she is from a very rich and influential family and could’ve easily obtained access to all the research.
But hey, what do I know?
7. The Conclusion
Don’t read this book. Really, just don’t waste your time. I’m disappointed that the author took a good concept for a novel, wiped her ass with it and served the results in novel form.
I have my issues with that 1954 movie about Desirée, but, compared to THIS, that movie is a flawless masterpiece and at least there I felt some sort of way about Desirée as a character. Here, on the other hand, I just don’t give a shit, which is about the worst thing an author can achieve.
Anyway, to fit the theme of an extraordinary person the author was going for, here’s the promised song.
I hope you enjoyed the review and the song. Thank you for joining me today at the Jacobin Fiction Convention and stay tuned for future reviews!
- Citizen Green Pixel
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duaghterofstories · 1 year
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Vortex (2023) - Episode 1
dir. Slimane-Baptiste Berhoun
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clarislam · 1 year
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Nick is Bastian’s boyfriend. He first met Aubri and Bastian in “Winner Takes All.”  
Nick and Bastian have been maintaining a long-distance relationship, with hopes to eventually move in together. However, Nick’s new job brings them back together a little sooner than expected. What does the future hold for them in “Engagement To Die For?”  
Preorder “Engagement To Die For!”
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glitchglint · 1 year
My Dudes, Dudettes and Dudon'ts, I present to you 'The Mortal Instruments'
Part 3
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artemis-dawn8 · 1 year
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POV: Jace and Clary are messing around with Alec’s phone and taking selfies with weird filters to confuse Alec later when he comes back to grab it (because Jace unfortunately knows his parabatai’s phone passcode)
Not my art! Picrew used: https://picrew.me/image_maker/399481/complete?cd=ynurw2N89x
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inkykeiji · 2 months
I gotta share the silliest thought I have whenever I see Tnii - because I'm older than what you have him placed at, so whenever I see any content of him, the brat in me is like "that's ONEE-sama to you!!!" And then I die inside a little every single time because it's a become a knee-jerk reaction at this point 🤣🤣 (older, but TINY, everyone who sees me thinks I'm at least 5 years younger than I actually am LMAO).
HAHAHA awww that’s so cute hehe (*/ω\) he’d fight you so hard on that though, would vehemently refuse to use such respectful honorifics with you + would punish you for even attempting to insist that he does—how unbelievably rude of you to even suggest it! touya-nii absolutely is the type to make/force you address him with honorifics, even if you are older than him—some sort of misplaced, misguided ‘respect’ thing; age means nothing here, he is the boss, and you will address him as such! and all that stuff (especially if you are physically smaller than him!!!).
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rareranter2000 · 10 months
Incest ain't Wincest people, please🤢🤮
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Why did Sebastian/Jonathan Morgenstern ever have to be into his own SISTER??? Like I know he had demon blood, and he did and thought a bunch of f-ed up stuff, BUT STILL. And the whole thing when Clary and Jace were led to believe they were SIBLINGS?? LIKE WHY THO??? Incest ain’t wincest 🤢it’s illegal and gross🤮. Authors and creators, please don’t have incest in your stories, I’m begging you, please. It is a HUGE TURNOFF.
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