#clary fray supremacy
vierss-herondale · 5 months
I don't understand how there's people that don't like Jace Herondale, like be for real how can you not like a man that literally looks at his girfriend as if SHE WAS A MIRACLE PAINTED ACROSS THE FACE OF THE WORLD THAT HE COULD BARELY BELIVE IN!?!?!
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He loves his woman like a mad man 😭😭❤️❤️❤️
@ God when’s my turn??? I need me one of those!!
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daily-clace · 2 years
Isabelle threw her hands up as the elevator arrived with a ping. “Fine. You win. Sulk up here alone if you want.” She stalked into the elevator, Simon and Alec crowding in after her. Clary was the last to follow, turning back to look at Jace as she went. He had gone back to staring at the doors, but she could see his reflection in them. His mouth was compressed into a bloodless line, his eyes dark.
Jace, she thought as the elevator doors began to close. She willed him to turn, to look at her. He didn’t, but she felt strong hands suddenly on her shoulders, shoving her forward. She heard Isabelle say, “Alec, what on earth are you—” as she stumbled through the elevator doors and righted herself, turning to stare. The doors were closing behind her, but through them she could see Alec. He gave her a rueful little half smile and a shrug, as if to say, What else was I supposed to do? Clary stepped forward, but it was too late; the elevator doors had clanged shut.
She was alone in the room with Jace.
Cassandra Clare, City of Fallen Angels
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tscclace · 2 years
book Clace > show and movie clace
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28onlythebrave · 4 years
!!!!!!! friendly reminder !!!!!!! CLARISSA ADELE FAIRCHILD SAVED THE SHADOW WORLD FROM BECOMING THULE!!!!! thule is what would’ve happened if she died in cohf. she is literally the most important shadowhunter in history!!!!! if i see someone else disrespecting her i fucking swear
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divergentxtribute · 3 years
Happy Birthday Clary Fairchild 🦋
my first comfort character, my best friend inside a book. thank you for showing me that we, tiny girls, can be powerful enough to change the world <3 i love you so much
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carmenfairchild · 3 years
I’m fine
*many ppl hate Clace because of the movie, they did not get to the “Valentine play us” part so they can not see them as anything but siblings*
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Clary, struggling to keep upright in their 1 inch heels: Yeah, I-I don’t really think heels are for me Izzy, pointing at them and walking flawlessly in sparkly golden 6 inch heels: WEAK.
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chlo-tk · 3 years
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Clary Fairchild<3
Message me and tell me which shadowhunter chronicles character you’d like a portrait of next.
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lightwood-carstairs · 3 years
As the creature lunged for her face, jaws wide, she jammed the Sensor between its teeth........Suddenly the thing began to twitch. Spasming uncontrollably, it rolled off Clary and onto its back, multiple legs churning the air. Black fluid poured from its mouth.
Can we talk about how Henry's invention saved his own descendant over a century later? Please?
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malecsecretsanta · 3 years
Merry Christmas, ladswithflags!
For @ladswithflags. Heyyy! Merry Christmas! Writing this was so fun, fluffy!malec supremacy! ( A little note: imagine Season1!Magnus ). Hope you enjoy reading it as much as I had in writing this.  *****
Lemon Slices and Silk Masks.
One more line.
Two more strikes.
Two more verses were written.
One more page was torn and thrown.
Writing always came naturally to Magnus. The words slipped fluently and rhymed in the way he wanted them.
After all, he was Magnus Freakin’ Bane. The lead singer and backup drummer for the band, Zoom Around the Sound.
6 hours later~
Magnus had thrown a birthday party for his cat, Chairman Meow. It was a masquerade. Nothing formal except for a mandatory mask.
He was wearing a purple tux jacket and trousers with a yellow silk button-up with only a few buttons closed. A few long necklaces hung around his neck and several thin silver rings around his fingers and knuckles. He had an arrow ear cuff on and a few studs on the other ear.
But the show stopper was his mask. Because. It wasn't a mask at all.
Magnus had asked his make-up artist, Clary Fray, to paint an elaborate and very intricate design onto his face.
He was quite proud of the work. It had a midnight blue base with a silver and gold iridescent design. The colour seemed to shift as the light hit his face from different angles.
It spanned across his nose, curling sharply upwards and covering his forehead.
His usually spiked hair, was fluffy today. And gelled, it fell partly across his left eyebrow. The tips were highlighted in purple.
He sat on a barstool. Drinking limoncello. He usually enjoyed the crowd. To feel lost in a world of loud head-bangers and occasional hook-ups. But today he felt out of place.
When he went to the dance floor he felt as if he were watching himself across the room, alone. Out of focus. 
So, he returned. He sat near the stool and tried to feel light with a glass full of lemon sugar and vodka.
"Ugh, Izzy I'm going to leave in exactly 3 more minutes. I don't care if this Magnus person knows we're here or not. Not as if he'd care to notice two college students who apparently got " invited" to his party. A masquerade party." A certain black jean-black shirt and leather-jacketed fellow with a silk black mask said to a sparkly black-haired girl, Izzy. She just patted him on the shoulder and walked towards the dance floor.
"So, this Magnus person would care to notice if you'd tell him your name?", Magnus said.
Leather Jacket turned around and OH HOLY SMOKES! He had blue eyes. Blue eyes and Black hair were Magnus's favourite combination. Magnus felt himself smile. Even though it crinkled his paint-on mask.
His celestial blue eyes were lined with black smokey eyeliner. Could he get any hotter?
"Oh, um. I am so freakin’ sorry. No offence to you or your party, which is great by the way. I just don’t like crowds and loud music." Oh god, that voice. Magnus could die right there.
"Magnus," he said as he smiled and extended his hand towards Blue Eyes.
“Alec.” Alec shook his hands and stared at his drink.
"Is it good? I'm not much of a drinker."
"Yeah, it is actually. It's one of my favourites. Can I get you one?"
Magnus ordered one for Alec and turned back to the boy in the silk mask.
"So, Alec, what do you do except not like crowds and loud music?"
" I am a senior college student with a major in Psychology and Mass Communication. "
" Oh, fancy! I'm just in a band,"
" You say that as if it's not what you thought it would be like?"
"Well, sometimes it feels too overwhelming. The sounds, the fame, the media," said Magnus. And he continued," Sometimes it’s suffocating. Like tonight. I was so excited about this. I planned it for weeks. But now it feels like this place is filled with people I don’t know or people who don’t care about me. Talking to you has been the highlight of my evening, "
"Was she your girlfriend?"
"Who? Isabelle? No. Nah, she’s my sister,"
"Do you have a girlfriend?" Magnus raised an eyebrow.
"Boyfriend...?" He asked with a tiny smirk.
"Yeah, nope. No one."
Even better.  Magnus broke out into a grin.
Magnus stood up from his chair and extended his hands, "I am not vibing here and you don’t like crowds. What do you say, we leave?"
"But it's your party,"
"No one's going to notice as you said."
And Alec smiled. "Okay," he said and nodded. They took their woollen coats from the coat rack, Magnus wore a pair of gloves and Alec wrapped a baby blue scarf around his neck. He clasped hands with Magnus and they walked out of the club, away from the buzzing sound of churning people and loud music.
And that was when Magnus noticed the tattoo on the other boy’s neck. “What’s that tattoo?”
“Oh. One night I got drunk and accidentally ended up at a tattoo parlour. My sister, Izzy, convinced me to get this. It’s called a Deflect Rune. In some script it stands for deflecting negative vibes and aura and stuff.”
It made Alec look incredibly sexier, Magnus had no clue how that was even possible. Blue Eyes had reached maximum sexiness and yet he was getting hotter by the minute. “It looks cool,”
People always just assumed Magnus had a tattoo, or rather tattoos, considering his band and the stereotypes his job offered, but he had none. He wasn’t opposed to the idea but he had never found something meaningful enough.
It was a little chilly outside; the New Year was almost here.
They laid down under the clear sky, on the dew-covered grass. 
“That’s the Orion,” Alec said, pointing towards a constellation.
“No, it’s not.”
Alec laughed, “Yeah, I don’t know shit about stars.”
“Me neither, but that one kinda looks like a grumpy cat-face.”
“Sure it does,”
“What look!” Magnus took Alec’s hand and pointed it in a certain direction. Alec squinted.
“You know what, it actually kinda does. And that one is a butterfly. Look, there,” Alec said, a smile on his face.
Magnus burst out laughing, Alec joined. The silence that followed was calming.
“This feels so amazing.” He turned his head around to look at Alec.
Alexander looked him straight in the eye.
“People these days are just so pretentious. Partying, drinking the night away. Maintaining a media presence completely different from what they are in real life.”  Magnus looked up at the sky again, a sad little smile on his face. “This sounds just like me.”
“No. If you were pretentious, you wouldn’t be here with me. You would want to stay at the party even if you hated it there. You think you are just like those two-faced people because that’s how you’ve been shaped to portray yourself since you were a teen. How old were you when you first started this career?”
“See, exactly my point. It might have felt fun when you were younger but people change as they grow old. Times change. It’s fine if you don’t like this anymore and it’s fine if you love this job every day even more. What matters, is that you should enjoy what you are doing.”
“I am enjoying myself here. Thank you, Alexander, for coming here with me.”
Then Alec quickly stood up and brushed the grass off. “Wanna go to 24/7 ice-cream shop? It’s just around the block,” said Alec. 
They stopped at a medicine store and Magnus got a pack of make-up wipes and when to the restroom to take off his paint-on mask. When he returned, Alec had also taken off his mask. Magnus was bombarded with the other boy’s beauty.
Some people were hot, some were cute, some were beautiful. Alexander was perfection.
They reached the shop and got a Salted Caramel for Alec and a Belgian Chocolate for Magnus and walked out. They stood near a lamp post and ate in silence; the road was almost empty.
“You’ve got a little bit on your cheek,” Alec said, tapping his own cheek lightly. They had completed the sugary delight.
Magnus tried to rub it off but couldn’t, “Help me?”
Alec leaned forward. He brushed his lips across Magnus’s cheek and licked the ice cream on his lips. Magnus turned around and captured Alec’s lips between his own.
The bells chimed, “Merry Christmas, Alexander.”
“Merry Christmas,” Alec brushed his lips again with Magnus’s, ever-so-slightly, and leaned his forehead against Magnus’s. “Is this a one-time thing, Magnus?” Alec asked, and added in a whisper, “Please say no,”
Magnus looked him in the eye, “No,”
Alec smiled, he looked like an angel. “My apartment is near here, would you like to come over for a nightcap? It’s getting chilly,”
Magnus nodded and wrapped a hand around Alec’s shoulder, Alec leaned into him, and held him close as they walked towards Alec’s house.
They both had a flushed face when they reached the flat, it had started to snow. The apartment was small, basic. It had a living room, a bedroom down the hall and a kitchen and a bathroom on either side of the hallway.
Then they sat on the couch, kissing, warming themselves up.
Alec made two cups of hot chocolate for them. They sat on either end of the couch, their legs intertwined. A warm blanket was spread over their legs.
They drank the cocoa and talked about anything to everything. Talking to Alexander felt so easy, just how he wanted his entire life to feel easy. Talking to Alexander brought Magnus newfound happiness he never knew existed. Talking to Alexander was Magnus’s new favourite activity.
Later Alec and Magnus had a debate of “No I’ll sleep on the couch,” “No you are technically a guest here” “No” “No”. Ultimately Magnus had won and Alec had made him a makeshift bed on the sofa.
Alec receded into his bedroom and peeked from the doorway, “Good night, Magnus,” he said with sleepy eyes and a sleepy smile.
“G’Night, Alexander,” replied Magnus.
Alec shifted slightly and dropped a kiss onto Magnus’s head and snuggled him closer. He knew his boyfriend wasn’t yet awake, so he left the bed as quietly as possible.
He wore a pair of black sweats and padded to the coffee machine and turned it on. He poured milk for the Chairman and went off to brush his teeth.
He watched the cat drink from his bowl and took out ingredients to make pancakes. He mixed them into a bowl and set it aside. In the last 4 years if he had learnt anything it was: Magnus loved fluffy pancakes. The fluffier the better.
The Chairman rubbed against his calf, so he picked him up. “Good morning,” he whispered to their cat and scratched his head.
“Good morning,” said the voice he loved the most.
“Good morning,” he smiled. “Did I wake you up?”
“No such thing,” Magnus said and walked towards him and ran his fingers through the Chairman’s fur.
Alec leaned forward and kissed him. It would seem that the years would have changed the way it felt to kiss Magnus but every time it was an explosion of fireworks through his entire body. Magnus pulled away and bopped his nose with his own.
“Let’s drink in the balcony,” Magnus announced as he took both the coffee filled cups from the machine. Music poured through the loft from Magnus’s morning playlist. It had a few hundred songs, repetition was not an issue to worry about.
Magnus had started liking his job again after he met Alec. He had fired his old manager and Alec had found him a new one, Jace Herondale. He was a classmate of Alec at NYU and he seemed to understand Magnus, his style and his tastes. He was perfect for the job.
They drank while enjoying the view of early morning New York City from Brooklyn. Later, when Magnus went to take a shower, Alec quickly made the pancakes, stacked them and drizzled them with caramel syrup.
He arranged a tray with the plate of pancakes, a small candle and something he had made.
It was a shot glass wrapped with a mini black silk mask. The mask was painted on the left side with a silver and gold design, the one he had loved so much. He had contacted Clary, one of his good friends and Magnus’s make-up artist, to help him get the design right.
A dried lemon slice was stuck over the knot of the mask, behind the glass. The glass was filled with pebbles and on it sat a ring.
It was a ring made of intertwined silver and gold wires. It looked gorgeous. He hoped Magnus would think the same.
Magnus came out of their bedroom, dressed in a pair of high waisted maroon trousers and a V-necked khadi white button-up. His wet hair made the fabric on his shoulder translucent; Alec blushed a little.
Magnus sat on a stool and propped his elbows onto the island counter. Alec lit the candle and turned around with the tray in his hands.
“Surprise,” he whispered as he placed the tray on the counter.
Magnus’s head snapped up in realisation. Alec had come around the counter and knelt in front of him. He took his hands in his own.
“Words about love don’t come to me easily, you know that better than anyone.” Alec licked his dry lips and continued. “The love I have for you is a love that knows no bounds. I have loved you since the moment you first showed me the Grumpy Cat and I want to stick around for all the goofy things you have to show me. For the things, we will share in the future. You have made me the happiest I’ve ever been, my life has changed completely and I cannot imagine a moment with you. A future without you.”
Magnus’s eyes sparkled with unshed tears.
“I want to scream out how much I love you and how much you mean to me and my little heart to the entire world. I want every single person I come across to know that my heart belongs to you, and yours to mine. Marry me and make my dream come true?”
“Yes,” Magnus said, “YES YES YES YES”. He pulled Alec up and hugged him. He twirled them around and dropped kisses on his face. That was when he realised, he had been crying too.
Magnus dropped him and Alec took the ring out.
“Wait,” Magnus said and ran off to the guest bedroom.
He came back with a small black velvet box and pulled the ring out.
“I got this last weekend and planned on proposing tonight. You beat me!” Magnus chuckled.
It was a simple ring with white gold and gold bands parallelly placed.
Alec slid the ring onto Magnus’s left finger and extended his own hand. Magnus slid the ring on.
“Well, hello there, fiancé!”, Alec exclaimed, once he sat down on the stool.
“Hello you, fiancé.” Magnus had the biggest smile. “And look at this!”, he pointed at the shot-glass Alec had modified as he sat back down on a stool. “It’s gorgeous, darling.”
“Aku cinta kamu, sayang,” said Alec.
I love you, my dear,
Magnus’s head turned sharply at that and he smiled his brilliant smile, “Now, aren’t you filled with surprises today?”
Magnus leaned his forehead against Alec’s, his eyes were sparkling more than the glitter he loved so much. “Aku cinta kamu, Alexander,” he said and kissed Alec.
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(a little amateur aesthetic board for the story)
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ketzwrites · 6 years
Rewatch 106: Of Men and Angels
Not a lot of action in this episode aside from the blue flashbacks, but it is still a good one. The focus is on the family dynamics and I dig it. 
lol Magnus asks what happened to Luke and neither Simon nor Clary gives him the right answer. Luke challenged the alpha. He wasn’t “attacked” and we can see that he needs a warlock’s healing magic. Good thing Magnus arrives at the right conclusion on his own.
I don’t understand if Luke’s hallucination is a figment of his imagination or if it is a magical link to Jocelyn. All I got was that they are dressed as their younger Circle Member selves.
Act One
Sure, the Seelies want to be on the winning side, but this argument doesn’t work when the “winning side” wants them all dead. Also, Maryse was such a bitch.
Clary feeling guilty for doubting Luke is a great moment. So is Magnus hijacking Luke’s healing process to ask for Alec to come and see him. Smooth.
Alec thinks Maryse is on edge, Izzy thinks she’s acting as she usually does. We know Maryse is worried because the Lightwoods might lose the Institute. Supposedly, Alec is right but it’s interesting that Izzy doesn’t perceive a difference in treatment: it speaks a lot to her relationship with Maryse. Same thing with how Robert is affectionate with Izzy but goes straight to business with Alec. These parents clearly have favorites.
This suit and shirt make Max look like the rich kid that thinks he’s better than the other kids at the playground. I know kid-actors aren’t usually great, but this is the wrong fit for Max even physically speaking. Emeraude and Matthew look like siblings and they look like they could’ve been Nicola and Paulino’s children. Blonde, round-faced Jack Fulton? Not so much.  
Jace changing “virgin” to “powerful” is hilarious to me.
The issue between Alec and Jace is quite interesting. On one hand, Jace is arguably breaking the rules to do the right thing: he’s helping Clary to get her mother back, he’s interfering in Downworlder business to save Luke’s life. However, Jace has and is able to get away with rogue behavior: in a few episodes we will see Maryse saying that Jace’s methods might be unconventional, but he gets things done. Alec is in a different position. He doesn’t get a pass; in fact, his superiors (who are also his parents) expect and order him to follow the rules. And it is only because Alec follows the rules and bears that responsibility that Jace (and Izzy) get to be the wild younger children. Jace deciding to go rogue is one thing, Alec deciding to go rogue is another.
I really like the uncle/niece dynamic between Magnus and Clary. He praises her a little too much, as previously discussed, but I guess Clary is one of the few people Magnus watched grow up. I’ll resign myself to him doting on her a little.
This macho-dispute between Jace and Simon is making me roll my eyes. You both fancy Clary, get over it. Luke is literally dying, so if you care about her, hurry up and help save Clary’s father-figure.
Simon pseudo-defends Alec while arguing with Jace and that makes me wonder how a friendship between Simon and Alec could’ve been had they bonded even a little in the last episode. That said, Jace freaks out again when Simons rubs salt on the wound: Jace and Alec’s friendship is strained and Jace loses it.
Act Two
I still love this scene between Alec and Maryse so much.
Honestly, the whole dynamic between Magnus and Clary is great. But the still “Bring it, Warlock” ruins it. Clary is about to learn how her beloved mother was a founding member of a blood supremacy group that preyed on warlocks like Magnus. Had Clary realize how racist she sounded and apologized by the end of the explanation, it would’ve been one thing. As is, the line is as tone-deaf as they come.
Kat looks nothing like the actress playing young Jocelyn. That’s a casting mistake because people literally take Clary for Jocelyn when they first see her. They should’ve chosen an actress that resembled Kat or let Kat herself play the part.
And now we get a parallel scene with Izzy and Robert. I dig the Lightwood family so freaking much.
The Clave is doubting the Lightwood command of the New York Institute because of the unauthorized missions Alec sanctioned. Which started after the Clave’s orders to keep Clary in the Institute back in 102. Let’s count those rogue missions, shall we? 1. searching for Dot at Pandemonium; 2. going to the City of Bones; 3. attacking the DuMort; 4. (arguably) meeting with Magnus Bane; 5. searching for J.C.’s box at the Fray’s loft. That’s about five missions (the Magnus Bane one might have been authorized since Hodge knew about it) that Alec sanctioned without the Clave’s approval in the span of about four days. No wonder the Lightwoods are losing the command of the Institute.
Act Three
Okay, Magnus. Sure, if it wasn’t for Jocelyn and Luke, Valentine would’ve taken the Mortal Cup. But if it wasn’t for them, the Circle wouldn’t exist either. One thing doesn’t cancel the other. They have Downworlder blood in their hands and Clary is right to be upset.
Alec’s motivation to go and help Magnus is reaching his breaking point. He’s about to lose the last thing he had, his private life. At this point, he doesn’t care anymore what the consequences of his disobedience will be. He already lost it all.
Act Four
Sorry for the outburst. Anyway, how convenient are Simon’s hallucinations? Always when he’s alone.
Gay Love saved Luke.
It’s interesting how medieval the Shadowhunter culture is. More interesting still is how Izzy didn’t seem to understand that until now. She behaved like the wild child her whole life without realizing there would be consequences? Unfair consequences, but still. I guess Izzy is smart, but not wise.
Some Alec and Clary bonding. Noice. Another superficial making up for the Parabatais. Not so noice. I wonder why Alec doesn’t tell Jace about his impending marriage. Still, Jace is so emotionally dysfunctional he can’t even bring himself to articulate an apology to Simon for putting a blade to his neck, so the young men in this show aren’t exactly great communicators among themselves.
Maryse is so close to telling Izzy about her past in the Circle. Well, of course, she won’t, but she does tell Izzy about how she was wrong for thinking that she could “change the world by breaking the rules.” Only, Maryse’s rule-breaking meant killing innocents. Izzy’s rule-breaking means self-expression and sexual autonomy. There is an important distinction to be made there.
Wait. Is Luke implying that experimenting with Downworlder blood is what turned Valentine into a monster?
Act Five
Oh, yes. It’s the blood injections that made Valentine mad. Not his ideologies, not his jealousy, not his twisted principles. The Downworlder blood. This is bullshit.
I want to point out that Luke (and presumably Jocelyn) were still going on rogue missions to kill Downworlders with Valentine up until when Valentine set Luke up and left him to die. It’s important to me to point this out.
Act Six
While Izzy represses herself into the box her mother wants her in, Alec has that drink he postponed with Magnus. I dig this parallel a lot.
At the risk of losing my Malec card: Magnus’ iconic “you’ve unlocked something in me” line comes out of nowhere. He saw Alec twice: one time for a second or two, and another when they exchanged a few sentences and then Magnus proceeded to hit on Alec hard to little-to-none reaction from Alec. Then they talked on the phone. At this point, Magnus could, at most, feel attracted to Alec. Saying that Alec’s mere presence made Magnus think he’s ready for a serious relationship again is a little hard to believe. I prefer the “breakfast” 218 scene where both Alec and Magnus trust each other against their “better” judgment but also don’t want anyone to know they were nice to a shadowhunter/downworlder. There, I said it. Please don’t kick me out of the fandom. I still love them.
Luke is a little bit exalted, isn’t he? Kind of yelling. That’s a weird direction for the character.
Clary’s power of turning things into drawings was inherited from Jocelyn; they are not due to her pure angel blood. I need to remember that.
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vierss-herondale · 5 months
Bro, can you blame Janus for wanting to burn down the world for Clary Fairchild?
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I mean I would too 😌💕
Art by Cassie Jean
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daily-clace · 2 years
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“Oh!” said Clary, and looked up to find Jace watching her. “Do they bloom every night?”
“Only at midnight,” he said. “Happy birthday, Clarissa Fray.”
She was oddly touched. “Thank you.”
Cassandra Clare, City of Bones
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vierss-herondale · 2 years
How can you say no to sexy times with Jace Herondale?
Even in hell.
In a cave.
In the floor.
For the first time.
Mad respect for Clary Fairchild
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vierss-herondale · 2 years
Every time I see a post hating on Jace or Clary or Clace I want to go feral but my king Harry Styles says to Treat people with kindness so I just scroll by and go and reblog a bunch of Clace stuff to combat hate with love
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vierss-herondale · 2 years
Clace fanfic recommendation of the week
A few days ago I read this AMAZING fanfiction about Jace and Clary that I found to be really refreshing because is an AU but not the typical one.
Title: Reading Between The Lines Author: SereneCalamity  Summary: Jace was a powerful crime lord with incredible telekenetic powers. Clary was his one weakness, a telepathic art teacher. Clace. Mutant AU.
I really REALLY liked it because is such a different plot and that´s so hard to find when you been reading Clace fanfics for a few years like me. And it´s got extra points because Jace and Clary are already an established couple who kick asses together and I LOVE Clace as a team rather than fighting each other. I actually cried when they said "I love you" to each other.
There´s sexy times, so much fluff, drama, fights, is well written, is such a good fic I tell you.
Anyways, I decided to recommend the fic in case you are a sucker for Clace fanfics like me haha 
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You can find more of my fanfic recommendations under the tag: Clace Fanfic Recommendation of the Week.
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