#clean filth
justfangirlstuffs · 2 years
House Call
You have feelings for your lunar animatronic work partner, however, sadly there’s very little chance of either of you getting any serious alone time. Until they decide to take matters into their own hands.
Eclipse x Y/N
Rated E for Enabling (because that’s what I’m doing)
It was a typical Saturday night and you had clocked out for the weekend since you had the following day off. Sun and Moon, the daycare animatronic that you were in charge of handling, had begged you to stay over for the weekend. It had been so hard for you to say ‘no’ considering how attached to both of them you had become over the months you'd been working with them. You suspected they had grown rather attached to you as well if the not-so-subtle innuendos they teasingly whispered into your ear -softly enough that no children could hear- was any indication. There was also the fact they had become shamelessly physical with you. Nothing lewd of course, but they never seemed hesitant about physical contact. Little touches and caresses that made you smile and blush like the star-struck idiot that you were. Because yes, you could not deny to yourself, you had feeling for the lunar animatronics.
You suspected they knew it too. Why else would they whisper things to you that most certainly were not work-appropriate, let alone appropriate for the daycare of all places? You suspected that they took great delight in watching you turn beet red as your face burned hot as a jalapeno pepper. Sometimes you were tempted to smack that self-satisfying grin right off their faces. but of course, you could never bring yourself to do that. You could only imagine how Corporate would react if they caught wind that your animatronic work partner was hitting on you on the clock, or hitting on you at all for that matter.
“I'll be back bright and early Monday morning,” you promised, waving goodbye to Sun though you knew Moon could see and hear you as well by proxy.
You blew them a playful kiss goodbye. Sun made a show of catching it in his hand and cradling it lovingly to his chest. This made you laugh like their antics most often did. You waited until the daycare doors closed before heading off to the entrance.
Earlier that same day, they had talked about visiting your place someday. Of course, you readily told them they would be more than welcome at your home. Though the sad truth of it was that neither of them was allowed to leave the premises of the Mega Pizza Plex. It was something that was hardwired into their coding, part of company policy, a safety and security measure no doubt. So, unfortunately, your relationship was suspended strictly to working buddies. But, hey, you could dream, right?
When you got home, you were tired from your long shift, but you were also riding the ‘I just got off work’ high that would keep you up for about another hour. So, you poured yourself a bowl of your favorite cereal, settled onto the couch in your bathrobe, and began flipping through the channels to find something that would entertain you for a while. You were just getting cozy when there came a knock at the door.
Who in the heck would be knocking on your door at this hour? Clearly, someone looking to get murdered that's who. Figuratively speaking of course. You weren't a murderer. You were cautious, however. Setting aside your bowl of cereal and tying your bathrobe tightly around yourself, you grabbed your metal bat and went to the door, not ready to open it just yet.
“If you're selling something, I'm not interested,” you called loudly.
“Oh, Starlight, you know better than that,” a voice crooned from the other side of the door. You nearly dropped the bat. That voice sounded so familiar, yet alien at the same time. “You’re supposed to say ‘who's there?’”
No way, there was absolutely no freaking way. Keeping the bat clutched tight in one hand, you unlocked the bolt of the door but kept the chain lock fastened just as a precaution. Opening the door the few scant inches it would allow, you peered out. You were expecting either Sun or Moon but the figure that stood on your doorstep was neither of those.
The body was tall and sinewy, the outer casing dark and dusky, the clothes colored in deep maroons and dusty purples. Darkened orange sunrays crowned the familiar lunar-designed face, but the eyes that beheld you were neither white nor red nor black, but a bright and vivid amber. They were familiar and yet not, but they regarded you like a long-held and treasured friend. With a hint of something else… something intense.
Your breath caught in your chest, your blood pounded in your ears as your heart raced a mile a minute, your brain scrambling to try and make sense of what you were seeing. One of the being's hands -because it had FOUR of them- gripped the edge of the door, pulling the chain taught. Another reached through the opening to caress your cheek, the thumb drawing a teasing trail over your jawline.
“Surprised to see us?” the voice asked carrying the playfulness of Sun yet carrying Moon’s darker tones.
“Who,” you choked, “are you?”
“Why, darling, you wound us. Don't you recognize us?”
You continued to stare dumbfounded up at the animatronic. A deep hum reverberated from its chest area, which you noticed was… not as hard on the eyes as it probably was to touch. “We suppose we do look rather different. It's us Sun and Moon, but in this form, you may call us ‘Eclipse’.”
It was then that you realized that having Eclipse, a seven feet tall animatronic standing on your doorstep, would no doubt be cause for all kinds of attention. Even though it was practically the dead of night you did not want to risk any of your neighbors asking questions. Quickly you unfastened the door chain, throwing the door open wide. “Get inside,” you hissed, checking for any onlookers. You saw none.
“We were wondering when you were going to invite us in,” they remarked teasingly before strolling past you.
You tried your best not to ogle but found it insanely difficult. The more you watch them the more you recognized bits and pieces of the two animatronics you had become so close to. Eclipse's movements carried hints of Sun's bouncing energy, and the roving gaze, as they looked over your apartment, was very reminiscent of Moon’s attentiveness.
After bolting your door with the fervor of someone trying to hide a crime, you whirled to face your new house guest. “Okay, I need some context for what is happening right now.”
“It's very simple, darling,” Eclipse said folding, their lower arms across a set of robotic abs. You couldn't fathom exactly why an animatronic would need a set of abs, but honestly, you weren't complaining. The upper arms gesticulated as they spoke. “We couldn't bear the thought of being away from you so long, but we knew that neither one of us could step foot outside the plex. So, we tried a little experiment, where we both are active at the same time, and after a few tries, this was the result.” 
They gestured to themselves and you took that as permission to give them a thorough once-over. Consensus: they were hotter than they had any right to be.
“The security protocols did not recognize us in this form, so we were able to leave the premises of the plex,” they further explained. “Then using our access to the employee database we were able to find out where you live, and here we are.”
You suppose that maybe, just maybe, you should feel a little unsettled by the fact that your work partner had followed you home uninvited. However, your brain was so preoccupied and trying to take this all in, that it ended up laser-focusing on one detail in particular.
“So, you’re both Sun and Moon?”
“That is correct, we are both aware and present. Don't you feel so lucky, Starlight?” Their arms through open wide, as if to welcome you in a hug. “You get to have us all to yourself.”
Reaching up, you tugged on the color of your bathrobe, thinking that maybe you should check on the thermostat because suddenly it was getting very, very hot in here. You leaned against the door, your bat having been long forgotten.
“But, like… this has to be against company guidelines right?” you asked.
Eclipse took several steps towards you and their lower hands settled on either side of you, while the upper hands gripped you just below the neck. You were pinned between them and the door, your back pressed against the wood. You shivered in unexpected delight as you felt fingers caress your ear.
“I wont tell if you won't,” came Eclipse’s smoky whisper. Oh… you were beginning to recognize what that intense look in their eyes was: hunger. One of the hands slid a fiery trail down your neck to toy with the collar of your robe. “Look at you all wrapped up like a present just for us.”
Yep, you were pretty sure you were red as a tomato by this point. This was going past anything that was ever done at work, and thus anything that you were mentally ready for. You took hold of the hands, gently pulling them away from your face in order to regain some ground, both physically and mentally.
“But, what if…”
You were cut off as the two lower hands grabbed you by your hips and you yelped as your feet lost purchase of the floor. Eclipse sat down on your couch with you straddling their lap. Two hands remained gripped on your hips while the other pair studied your upper half. One settled on your cheek, the thumb brushing your lower lip, and suddenly it was all you could do to remember how to breathe properly.
“Starlight, just relax,” that smooth voice crooned.
Easier fucking said than done, you thought. Your body was hot, every touch and movement sending electrical zaps of pleasure to your brain. You were fighting hard against your lizard brain which was having fun imagining what you would do if that thumb caressing your bottom lip were to push past your parted lips and then slide in across your tongue.
“Starlight, your heartbeat is absolutely racing,” Eclipse chuckled as their hand brushed along your neck over your fluttering pulse.
“I wonder whose fault that is,” you said through gritted teeth.
You only just realized that your nails were digging into their shoulders, having grabbed onto the first thing you could for some kind of purchase. You felt fingers rubbing slow, taunting circles over your hips and you had to stifle any embarrassing noises that might have come loose. You couldn't help it, the anticipation was killing you and you had no idea what to expect from them.
“W-What are you planning to do to me?” you asked in a soft, trembling voice.
Eclipse leaned in closer, so close that their mouth brushed against your ear. “We think the more important question is: what do you WANT us to do to you?”
You wondered if it was possible for a person to spontaneously combust by sheer embarrassment.
Then there was a pause, just a hint of uncertainty. “You do want this, don’t you?”
Bless them, they were checking in, making sure they weren’t crossing any lines you didn’t want to be crossed. They were still the boys you so dearly loved. Yes, LOVED.
You nodded emphatically, not wanting to lose hold of whatever moment it was you were having. A soft sigh, followed by a chuckle.
“Then don’t be shy. It's just us after all.”
Swallowing your pride, shame, and any other inhibitions you might have had on the job, you leaned forward and whispered your desires to them.
“Why you little minx,” they chuckled, fingers combing deliciously through your hair. “To think you had these naughty thoughts dancing around in that pretty little head.”
Two hands cupped your face, pulling you closer and closer until there was no room left for Jesus or anything else.
“This is the part where you close your eyes,” they whispered.
You did so, surrendering yourself to their whims.
Your poor abandoned bowl of cereal was long forgotten and would never get eaten.
The End
(Wrote this for @feralmoonlight but honestly anyone is welcome to enjoy it. In fact @certified-handler might get a kick out of it too. If you wanna check out my other works, here is my AO3.)
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momo-de-avis · 19 days
I genuinely wonder what the usa looks like because lisbon is a fucking dirty city. I cannot emphasise how much it smells of piss. there's dog shit everywhere cause nobody in this country will deign to bend over and pick up their dog's shit with their royal fine hands. there's an astounding lack of public bathrooms in lisbon and with the insane rise in tourism cafés are now charging 1€ even to clients so everyone pisses on the ground. when I do a tour, I take a shortcut which is just a fucking stairwell that I swear to fucking god has not been cleaned in years. that shit is limestone that looks jet black. it reeks of something that at this point i cant even say what anymore. there's trash rolling about the city. tourism is so much, there's many people in the city, it's literally impossible to collect all the trash the city is producing. it's an open air garbage disposal this city. literally every lisboner has been complaining these past couple of years that the city is filthy, it's disgusting, it smells of piss, its full of dog shit, that the portuguese are filthy fucking animals who cannot be clean, that the homeless situation makes it worse because again, homeless means bathroom-less and there's no public bathrooms. I literally have to hold my breath for 10 seconds every day I get off the ferry the smell is so unbearable.
like I cannot highlight enough how dire the situation is
AND YET every week at least one american says to me 'wow lisbon is so clean'
what the fuck is happening over there bro
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stlamb · 9 months
laundry piling up/dirty room? my personal hack for adhd people who hate clutter:
1. gather everything dirty you can & throw into washing machine right now don't think do it right now bitch
2. all your clean stuff around the house + clutter - throw it all on your bed. all of it. preferably in middle so u can't sleep or sit down at all. put ur phone under it first for extra motivation, no fr
3. as fast as you can, pick things up and just throw them in different piles like, super fast like its a game. don't stop to put things away one by one, you WILL get distracted.
so like i do: a.) stuff to hang up b.) tshirts/hoodies (fold away) c.) underwear/socks d.) pjs/sweatpants (fold away)
4. put on music and fold stuff while dancing :3
also i make rules for myself.
my rule of thumb is nothing in my room touches the ground (except things that stay there or bags maybe) ever ever. i have two laundry baskets, one for dirty and one for stuff i just need to put away later if i don't feel up to it. catch-alls SAVE MY LIFE i have them in every room, for small stuff especially. eventually, i clear the catch alls out and put things away. i throw hoodies on a chair sometimes but they never touch the floor. the floor is lava. i do not leave drawers open ever, it takes 2 seconds to close them so make it a rule.
taking the extra 2 seconds to keep things off the floor, have "catch all" containers, close things etc... save me so much hassle and time & the lack of visual clutter keeps me from getting overwhelmed. if i didn't do these things my life would be a mess & it would take longer to find things and get shit done without constant distraction.
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ruthytwoshakes · 8 months
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sick as horse. Going to die. See you all in. , hell. I am goign to get water now goodbye.
If soldier tf2 was sick I think he would curl into a little ball and shiver all alone in the cold. That is too sad, no, somebody would find him and bring him some soup. AND a blanket. yeaajhh
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queenbeedarling · 2 months
Still not over the fact we never got to see Kao tear into Ter after the "trying to force Wandee into a date and covering it up as a work dinner" thing.
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rivertigo · 7 months
i got skin picking ocd instead of keeping a clean and tidy room ocd
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wecanbeperfect · 4 months
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Psalm 51:7 Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.
Psalm 51:8 Make me hear joy and gladness; that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoice.
Psalm 51:9 Hide thy face from my sins, and blot out all mine iniquities.
Psalm 51:10 Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.
Psalm 51:11 Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me.
Psalm 51:12 Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit.
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jacepi-time · 28 days
I'm going to take you my fellow christian to the back of a Wendy's Parking lot and fill a tennis ball machine with Bibles and blast them until you learn how to behave in a Godly way and learn what it means to love your brother
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imagine letting a filth in a kitchen. What happens is up to you go crazy
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becca-e-barnes · 2 years
I can't bring myself to think of anything except a submissive dbf Bucky on his knees, shirtless and just short of begging to be allowed to touch you. (Probably inspired by this tiktok that I've watched SO many times)
Even his very first kiss is frantic. He usually starts off gentle; almost tentative but within minutes he's holding the back of your head, keeping you close and it's such an indulgent kiss, it makes your head swim.
"Fuck." His mouth latches onto your neck, groaning quietly when he realises you already have the first couple of buttons of his shirt undone. He's already lost any desire he might have had to take this slowly.
You pull him back up to kiss your lips with a hand gently cradling the back of his neck. He doesn't voice any objections, following your lead and letting his warm lips slide over yours until your tongue teases his.
He's practically melting already and it's so rewarding to watch how easily he crumbles. Your lips don't part from his while he shrugs his shirt off and as soon as his neck is free of the collar, your hand replaces it.
His eyes open when you start to apply pressure to the outside of his throat, careful to avoid pressing on any of the more delicate structures. "Harder." He needs this. You have no problem indulging him.
"You're so good for me." He's flushed already but you swear the praise makes his cheeks blaze even hotter. His lips are pink and slick and he's long since forgotten his need to kiss you. Up until you use your grip on his neck to direct him to kneel on the carpet.
You let go of his throat, the release of pressure gives him a head rush and it's written all over his face. He's looking up at you expectantly, desperate to know what's coming next. Are you going to tease him about being so submissive? Slap his face a little? Spit in his mouth maybe? A little part of him isn't sure what he'd prefer more.
You do none of the above though. Instead, you perch on the edge of the bed while you play with his hair, letting the seconds tick past, not saying a word.
He almost feels deprived of touch, going from so much to so little in a short space of time. Your knees are pressed tightly together but he kisses up one of your bare legs regardless, worshipping every inch of skin he can press his mouth to.
"Spread your legs." It's only a quiet murmur but his tone is off. He's not in a position to be making any demands.
"Who do you think you're talking to?" It's almost funny that he thinks he'll get what he wants by addressing you like that.
"Spread your legs please." The emphasis seems genuine. He engaged his mouth before he engaged his brain. It happens and you forgive him, parting your thighs and letting him shift the skirt of your dress out of the way.
You hadn't bothered to wear underwear. It only gets in the way and Bucky seemed appreciative that he didn't have to waste any time taking it off you.
"You're so wet already." This wasn't news to you. Even just the thought of him on his knees for you is enough to get you worked up, never mind the reality.
One of your hands instinctively settles on the back of his head and you feel him start to glide his tongue over your slick sex. He kisses your body like he did your lips earlier. The pressure and intensity feels indulgent, long strokes of his tongue that allow him to taste you the way he's been dreaming of.
The slick sounds are obscene. His quiet moans are filthy. He sinks two thick fingers into your body, curling them while his tongue laps at your clit and you can't help the way your legs shake.
The pointed tip of your shoe presses gently to the front of his trousers and he gratefully grinds against the sole. His pleasure can't and won't be forgotten, although it seems like that wasn't a concern of his anyway.
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tchaikovskaya · 7 months
I cleaned my apt thoroughly for the first time in months pls clap 🧍🏻‍♀️
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Lmao I’m sorry but Taehyung is a bit stupid. Scratch that, he’s very stupid. Who comes online to do a 5 mins live and the only thing he makes sure to do is show himself lip syncing “nigga”? I know he didn’t think much of it in the sense of mouthing it, he probably feels that because he didn’t voice out the word, he gets a pass. But that’s really not how this works. Least of all in fuck ass 2023. This is nothing like any of the recent ‘controversies’ for the guys by the way. No, this is an instance of Taehyung doing something ignorant in some misguided bid to show he listens to hiphop with ‘bad words’, perhaps he thought it made him look cool to be able to ‘sing along’ to it, maybe it’s possible he genuinely didn’t think it was wrong or a big deal, but all he’s done is jeopardize his debut for no reason, with his own hands.
It’s a vanity fuck up.
Whether or not this turns out to be a shitshow, I hope someone educates him ASAP on what the hell he’s just done. I understand that in Korea, it’s very common for men to engage with hiphop in this way. Unfortunately. But this just isn’t a ‘mistake’ he or any of the guys can afford to keep making. He’s been exposed to too much to remain this clueless. It’s just disappointing.
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jichanxo · 8 months
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some bleach for these bloody hands, some bleach for my baptism! [from june/2023]
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vroomian · 12 days
Well that was the most disgusting hour of my life! I need seven showers and a memory wipe!
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angel-void · 1 year
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by ntahompagazee
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