#clearly I have different priorities
hypahfixations · 8 months
my partner: whoa, wait, is brennan secretly jacked?? me, an intellectual: secretly?! have you not seen the man's arms?!
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getvalentined · 10 months
Got an email to fill out a survey on the concept of tumblr Premium and related features, and while I'm assuming that I'm not supposed to talk about it too specifically in case some things mentioned in the survey aren't fully implemented, the features listed as possibilities sound pretty solid. Limit increases, monthly benefits (both for the user and as gifts for others), special badges and decorations, etc.
There were no features listed that are already available for free, so they're genuinely looking at offering new features for paid users rather than following in Xitter's footsteps and locking existing features behind a paywall. Likewise, nothing listed would be obtrusive to the current tumblr experience or unfairly favor a paid user over a free user any more than dropping a few bucks on a Blaze already "favors" the person being Blazed. (Which is up for debate, since that whole feature is literally "LOOK AT MY POST, BOY" and is one of the most tumblr things that tumblr has ever done.)
I was extremely leery going into the survey, because "premium" features these days are generally not premium at all, but I'm feeling very positive about the upcoming features now. Overall—and I say this as someone who has worked in webdev and digital marketing, used to pay for icons on LiveJournal for multiple RP accounts, currently pays for ad-free here, and has been doing beta testing for so long I once had the personal email addresses of both the founders of deviantART—it sounds genuinely good! Nothing anyone can't live without, but a good number of fun things that would actually be of interest to the tumblr userbase.
Now I'm just waiting to see how many of the features floated in the survey wind up in the final package, and how much that package is going to cost.
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capaldiera · 6 months
i started reading this fucking out of character thick of it fanfic like a week ago bc even tho i could tell from first glance it was going to be ooc i was just curious and it sounded kind of funny slash tragic. (how are you tagging grief child death domestic violence attempted suicide on a ttoi fic hello?) and i dooo like complaining And for the most part if it weren't supposed to be about those guys it would just be pretty good so im not Regretting it? but i didn't realise how many stories were in the series and im probably 150k words in. and not much more than halfway through
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alatariel-galadriel · 8 months
big presentation today woot woot wish me luck
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pcktknife · 1 year
…miles as a funko 🤨🎤
still cute. ideally id like one of maya nick and miles ^^
i think the whole ace attorney funko line up would be
phoenix (regular + 3 special editions feenie/beanix/dual destinies design)
miles (trilogy vers maybe older glasses alt too) and he'd be doing that One gay lil pose he does
maya (trilogy vers + maaaybe tres bien uniform but thats pushing it or an alt pose)
apollo (regular but i could see him having an bandaged up tweaking dual destinies apollo funko also) and if polly gets one so does athena but she only has one of her reg. fit
larry (obligatory character who doesnt Really need to be in the set and could have been someone with more importance but is here anyway for some reason)
i dont think mia, trucy, franzi, or klav would get funkos cause whenever there's merch like that there's always integral or even just more beloved characters that get left out and I think it'd be them :( maybe a wave 2 would have them
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What if I proposed the analysis that Belos actually has very little internal moral compass and that his veneer of righteousness has always been implied by the writers to be complete fabricated bullshit even before watching and dreaming basically confirms it.
#ramblings of a lunatic#^shes going in drafts untagged bc a) philip stans who insist on the morally misguided angle terrify me in their persistence#and b) i would have to actually rewatch episodes and whatnot#but i think i can build credence to the idea that him and caleb started off not invested in witch hunting for moral righteousness#but numb to it via cultural normalisation and THUS. had an amoral approach to the whole thing#and the only thing either of them as orphan outsiders ever really would've gained from witch hunting would've been careers and recognition#a sense that they're heroes- not in the moral sense but in the narrative sense. that they were protagonists#The Most Important Boys so to speak#the difference being Caleb at some point decided witch hunting was wrong (i.e like hunter did. grew a moral compass)#and philip still navigated the world amorally 400 years later only motivated by a petty grudge and deep buried guilt#the latter of which is nearly irrelevant to anyone who isn't philip bc clearly he priorities that grudge above it#this is just a personal petty opinion#but i honestly don't think the 'delusional and petty' angle is any less complex than the 'moral crusader' angle w/ his character#and it matches the whole 'hes a magic conservative' message way better than his motives being genuine#one day I'll rewatch that scene in WaD and see if Philip fans are onto something and I've been drinking the pond water#or if it's actually congruent with his character like I've since come to see it and like i know many saw it the first time round#anyway this is actually all for me. in drafts you go#edit: hi. it's the ladel of like. 3 weeks after i made this and put it in drafts. it's nearly 1 am rn and- in my delirium-#i have decided to publish it#i doubt it'll do much w/ regards to response bc fandom has been on the quiet side lately (tho that can always change(#plus I made a similar post insinuating the same notion and it got ZERO traction positive or negative#which tells me I'm good to just say shit for the most part (in a good natured way)#anyway. hits post cutely (i am so fucking tired)
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zaricats · 2 years
can definitely see roman splitting off from the trio First
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booasaur · 3 months
Something really amazing happened in France, and I think it'd help us in the US to learn about it. Forgive the long read, but I think this is genuinely great both because of what happened and how.
So as some of you might have seen, in a decision historians will debate for years (mostly to figure out just WTF he was thinking, even though he is alive right now and can be asked), the French president, Emmanuel Macron, currently in power and THREE YEARS before the scheduled election, seeing the far right rise in popularity decided to dissolve the assembly and hold snap elections.
577 seats were up for grabs. Remember that number. Since half of that is 288.5, 289 seats are needed for a majority.
The first round happened last week and boy, was it bad. The far right made HUGE gains. It won or was in first place in so many races. And Macron's party ended up third!
Overall, this is how things ended up after the first round:
Far right bloc: 33%
Left bloc: 28%
Macron's centrist party: 20%
Conservatives: 7%
The way the French system works is that if a candidate gets over 50% of the vote, they win outright, and some of the far right did manage that. But, many races went to a runoff.
Immediate projections after were that the far right bloc might win anywhere from 240 to 310 seats, a catastrophe.
A shameful swing to the far right leading to the first time they'll be in power since the 1940s? Yes, but maybe not??
This is where things get interesting.
Unusually, a lot of these runoffs are 3-way, instead of a simpler 2-way choice. And in pretty much every case, that helps the far right.
So on June 30th, the night of the first round, this is how things went down:
Immediately, the left parties put out the call: anywhere they were third, they withdrew and their voters would go over to whoever was running against the far right candidate. Their goal: form a "republican front" to block the far right. The far right cannot get 289 seats.
Macron's bloc was not so...motivated. Different people put out different instructions: in some places, if they were third, they should drop out, but only to help the center left, not far left, in other places, see how far you are, only then drop out, that kind of thing.
The conservative party simply said they won't drop out and won't give their voters instruction either way in races they're not involved in.
Late night developments:
More people in Macron's party are now beginning to realize the situation and starting to coalesce around whichever candidate can beat the far right one. Prime Minister Gabriel Attal, from Macron's party, says clearly the priority is to block the far right. BUT, some Macron spokespeople on TV say they'll form a coalition only with the center left and conservatives, splitting the left bloc if needed. Some individual Macronists still saying they won't drop out, even if there's no hope of winning.
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So, now July 1st:
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Only half so far. In one race, where the sister of Marine Le Pen (the far right leader and the face of their movement) was leading, the third place Macronist refused to bow out.
Excellent quote from another Macronist:
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Perhaps realizing the same thing, that Macronist in the race against the Le Pen sister now drops out.
In some places, third place Macronists are dropping out DESPITE Macron bewilderingly telling them NOT to?
Halfway through the day:
Of the 311 3-way or 4-way runoffs, the number is down to 135 because of these candidates dropping out: 121 Left, 56 Macronists, 1 conservative.
Oh, there was this, in case people had any doubts about how terrible the far right are:
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And to show the selflessness of the left:
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July 2:
The deadline to decide if they want to stay in a runoff is today.
A dozen new third place Macronists who said they'd stay in have now dropped out. One got a call from both the PM Attal AND Macron to drop out, signalling the dawning understanding of the importance of this moment.
Even some conservative party members are now backing the left candidate who faces the far right.
A Macronist who had 30.55% of the vote in the first round and came in third to the far right's 33.11% and left's 32.73% and who would have been tempted to stay has dropped out.
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The deadline to stay in or not has now passed.
Look at these far right shenanigans!
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Macron still being a freaking loser:
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July 3rd:
In the end, of the 311 3- or 4-way run offs, only 91 left. Some polls come out that have the far right getting between 190 to 220 seats.
July 4th:
New polls say the balance of the voting itself isn't transferring between the left and center and predictions have risen for the far right, now predicted to get between 210 and 250 seats.
July 5th:
New polls again, left voters now predicted to do better transferring vote to the centrists, decreasing the far right projections again.
However, scandalous reporting emerges: while Attal was trying to fend off the far right, Macron was not only NOT taking the far right seriously, he was undermining efforts to defeat them. His team shrugged off the first round results and celebrated a BIRTHDAY as the results were still coming in?
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July 6th:
A few runoffs happened yesterday, nothing much unexpected, some left and center wins.
July 7th:
The day of reckoning. At this point, the expectations are that the far right won't come close to that 289 number but could still easily have the most seats.
It's over and the left are in the lead!
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A LOT of cases where a leftist or centrist was 2nd in the first round and now won.
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SO many lessons to take from this.
First, you have to vote! You have to. You can't do anything without voting. The freaking French, who'll protest for anything, are showing up to vote. If you're trying to achieve any kind of result and it's not going to happen by January 2025, you have to vote now.
But just as importantly, the left and center (and even conservative) parties made very key decisions. They were all lucky that Attal, who Macron chose, saw the big picture, bigger than indeed Macron could. A stupid selfish centrist leader could have still ruined everything if it were up to him.
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TL;DR: After a disastrous first round in the national French elections where the far right was on the cusp of taking power, the left and center formed a strong coalition and through the power of voting and unity, overcame the far right AND their selfish centrist president to win.
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snekdood · 4 months
ppl need to stop equating being messy with being unhealthy
#messiness =/= unhealthiness ok#its messy to have pieces of paper all over the place#its unhealthy to have moldy trash all over the place#THERE. IS. A. DIFFERENCE. *slams fist on table* DAMMIT!#one produces bacteria or fungi and attracts bugs#ones just fucking. paper.#i'm extremely passionate about this.#as a likely autistic kid being told these sorts of things were the same it made me rebellious bc no matter how much ppl tried to#tell me it was the same my brain still knew they were somehow different.#if you're like 'clean that up' and I ask why. you need to give me a good reason why otherwise my brain registers it as something#that will just waste my energy I could be using more productively#and also I knew that paper isnt dangerous and isnt gonna kill me with fungus or bacteria or whatever#but the hammering in became sort of effective at a point bc I started to think they were the same which only made me burnt out#and give up (and for other reasons but thats a story for another day) and instead of seeing clearly like I did before anyone tried to#convince me I wasnt seeing clearly- I just thought of it all as the same. but it's not! some things hold more priority over others. but no#one taught me this. they just told me to clean and then never showed me how or why I should. so I became rebellious bc unfortunately#'because I said so' isnt a very convincing argument for someone w autism lol.#so now i'm having to teach myself how to clean basically from the bottom up and I've had to realize that some things are more important#than others. and im so upset and angry that I was convinced it was all the same when I already knew before it wasnt#just bc i'd be yelled at otherwise#but no- bacteria producing. bug attracting. fungus making things take priority over everything else and i'm not about to let#anyone convince me my space is equally as gross if all I have is paper and empty water bottles everywhere. fuck off.#i do not care about aesthetics. and caring about mess means caring about aesthetics.#any yknow what else is messy? plants in nature. disorganized. inconsistent. growing all over the place. and I think that's beautiful#so personally I dont see the point in getting upset over mess.#I understand getting upset over things that are unhealthy- but not messiness. life is messy and always will be.
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entropyunending · 11 months
god i really am alone aren't i?
the only person i have trusted enough to tell at least somewhat how i've been feeling.
and they won't even check back in with me to make sure i'm okay after acting obviously suicidal.
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sadwolfbadwolf · 2 years
Smthn about being labeled someone’s best friend that makes them immediately start to deprioritize me
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Yandere Contained Monstrous Family  
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Thinking about being born into a monstrous family
You, a baby human lovingly in the arms of a vampire man and his werewolf husband 
“Aw isn’t our little peony just perfect!”
“Another gorgeous cub, in our pack. Good job hon!”
Inside your opulent crib with a bone ladden mobile above you and the heads of two of your eldest siblings show
“They haven’t got nearly enough fur!” your moth brother says 
Your basilisk sister scoffs,” Or any scales for that matter!”
Life is lovely for awhile 
You’re the apple of everyone’s eye as the youngest of the family
But it’d be early on when you’d discover that wasn’t all that made you different
If they had been more careful perhaps you wouldn’t have discovered what the family hunts were all about 
Chasing humans–creatures just like you–for sport
Who could blame 5-year-old you?
The school lessons you’d sneak to listen to always said to call the authorities if something was wrong
You can vaguely recall the events that followed your brain clearly walling off the memory out of guilt
Time has passed and you are a partially thriving adult
Able to support yourself and devote your time to your study of the mythical
In a movement that had recently come to light, plenty of creatures spoken about in folktales 
And your place of work was housing them
Housing was a strong word
maybe detaining and experimenting were better
As part of the maintenance crew, your job is to upkeep the creatures by their specified scientists demands
Occasionally offering your observations about whatever habits they have when it comes to eating, cleaning, etc.
As someone who’s been working with the facility for a long time so long you may not remember when you’ve become the experienced lead of your department
But you do still interact with the creatures specifically the most high-priority or high-maintenance ones
And like any other, you’ll report for duty with the newly acquired vampire 
Apparently, they’ve been talked about for their violence and intelligent ramblings
Claiming it was married to an earlier capture and the father of some others
So far it drained forty of your employees 
So now it was time for you to come face to face with this menace
You’ll wave off the security guard as you come up to the window
“Your file says your name is Villar? 
“We won’t get very far if you keep lashing out like this. I’m in charge of making sure you eat, I suggest you get it in gear if you want to ever to see your husband again.”
At the mention of his husband the blonde vampire deflates
His black scleras morph into white 
He tiredly rests his head against the silver bars despite the skin burning
“You…will let me see him?”
You tilt your head sympathetically,” If you can comply with some of our tests. It’ll be a lot easier to make it a necessity for you two to meet if you cease killing so much of our staff.”
He growls tearing himself from the bars to glare 
“What do I have to do to see him?”
You smile flipping through your clipboard
“There’s three blood tests, four endurance tests, and intelligence quizzes for a start. That sound like a plan?”
The vampire reluctantly nods 
You look back at the camera and begin to walk out 
“Hey! What’s your name so I’ll know to tear your throat out if they lie to me?”
You smile again on your way out hushing the security guard
“I’m (Y/n). Pleasure meeting you Villar.”
The black-haired vampire loses his vitriol as he’s reminded of the little bundle he’s agonized over losing so long ago
“Doctor (Y/n) your absolute genius has saved this company again.”
“I appreciate the thought, but I’m just someone trying to have a peaceful work environment.”
As planned you handle the older werewolf man
Violent, giant, and usually rotting in his corner 
He hasn’t moved much until you got involved
“Hey bud, I’ve got good news for you.”
At the sound of your voice, the werewolf Rod is at the silver bars, practically grazing them as he gets as close as he can to your little window
“Hello (Y/n), have you been eating well today?”
“Sure did but I have an update about your husband.”
He stills but looks interested
“He’s going to work with us so he can see you.”
“That is…what you want?”
“Yes and for you to do the same.”
He stands tall for once, taking an unusual air of authority
“I refuse to do anything if my conditions are not met.”
“Even if it means not seeing him again?”
He growls and turns away from the window
“Look my Uncle is not going to let me go in alone for your tests. Even if you’ve been peaceful so far, he just doesn’t want to take that chance.”
He snarls at the mention of your uncle 
“Fine. Then come in with twice as many guards but I will only agree if it’s you.”
You thank him for his time, “we’ll have to see what Uncle says.”
When you leave the werewolf man slinks back into his corner 
You’ll have to negotiate with your uncle about the most prized pieces of his collection his facility
Not to count the latest editions claiming to be related to the vampire and werewolf 
The real obsession starts because every member of the original family realizes just who you are 
And using your job as a mediator to piece together how you managed to slip out of their grasp
When Villar and Rod finally meet they nuzzle and kiss each other as they whisper to one another
“That’s them! Isn’t it? Our baby’s okay!”
“I know, now we just have to take them far away from here.”
Thus chaos is bound to ensue as they balance escaping with their long-lost human child 
With promises to pay back your abductor and all these scientists back ten-fold for the pain they’ve brought their little family
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gogobootz1 · 10 months
The Mentor
Finnick Odair x Reader
Summary: As a mentor, you do your best to help your tributes. When one of them turns into a victor, she knows just how to embarrass you in front of people you’d like to impress.
part two | part three
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You whisk through the backstage hallways of the filming center, wet hair whipping as you turn corners. You’re on a mission. Apparently your tribute, now victor, is having a total breakdown.
Your fellow mentor told you he could absolutely handle her post-games interview. Clearly not, though, since your phone wouldn’t stop ringing while you sat at the bottom of your shower. When you finally pulled yourself out of your stupor to answer it, the district ten escort was on the phone begging you to get down here and fix her. You thought she was exaggerating until your stylist came on and told you it was bad. At that point, you threw on the closest clothes you could find and flew out of the apartment.
Darla is a sweet girl, and you’ve grown quite fond of her. You busted your ass getting her sponsors. Every year you try your best, but you thought she had a good chance and she proved you right. Seeing her in the hospital bed, though, you knew she was different. You thought something like this might happen, but you didn’t think it would happen during your shower.
Rushing around another corner, you crash right into another body.
“Sorry!” You try to quickly remove your hands from where you’d steadied yourself, and sidestep this new obstacle.
“What’s the rush?” The obstacle won’t quite let go of you, though. Now interrupted from your task, you look up to recognize the person in your way. Finnick Odair. It couldn’t have been anyone else?
“Emergency,” you quickly dismiss, trying to get by him again. If you look into his eyes you will be thoroughly distracted. You generally try to avoid Finnick at all costs. His intense stare makes you rather nervous.
“Everything ok?” He raises a brow.
“It will be when I get through here,” you start to get antsy. You tend to accidentally default to short and rude with him.
He lets out a scoff of a chuckle, “you’re a tough egg to crack, you know that?”
You’re really not. The Capitol knows you as the gentle victor, who often visits classrooms and reads to children. You guest star on daytime Capitol tv, making some of your favorite recipes in your houses’s enormous kitchen. You’ve designed gardens and parks and are generally well liked here for your friendliness.
“Look,” you huff, “Darla’s in trouble.” This, at least, you know he’ll understand. “Let me through so I can help her.”
“That’s why everything’s been delayed?” He asks. He’s right, too. The time it’s taken you to get dressed, get a car, and get here is all time that Darla should’ve been on air.
“Finnick,” you snap.
He steps aside in an instant, “good luck.”
You breeze past him.
“Mother hen is a good look on you,” you hear from behind you.
“Shut up,” you bark over your shoulder.
Back on track, you quickly find the right door. Whipping it open and rushing in, the entire district ten beauty team turns to look at you. Their eyes are wide and they look quite upset.
“She’s been staring at the wall since before we called you,” the hairstylist whispers, quickly rushing up to you and taking your hand. You instantly tug it away, they are not your priority.
You breeze past them and slowly approach where Darla is sat. She faces away from you, and is curled up in a ball staring at the wall. Quietly, you sit parallel to her and enjoy a similar view of the wall.
“Hey, D,” you say quietly. Taking a slow approach will probably be more effective than trying to force her up. You’re certain the beauty team tried that approach, but quickly got scared.
She’s silent for a bit, “I can’t do this.” Her voice comes as a relief to you.
You hate what you’re about to tell her. You’d really rather whisk her away back to the apartments, but there’s not exactly another option here. “Look at me, honey, yes you can.”
“No, I-“
“Darla, you can.” You try to be firm, but it falls short.
“You don’t under-“
“Now I know you weren’t gonna say I don’t understand. Baby, I might just be the only one who does.”
Darla starts to cry, and suddenly she looks her age. In this moment she’s not a victor. She’s just a sixteen year old who’s been through far more than she should. You move from your spot to embrace her.
“I know, honey. I’ve been here. Sometimes I’m still here. I know. But they don’t- and they can’t.” You say as you hold her close to your heart.
“So what do I do?” You pull away to see her teary face. You rise to your feet and slowly pull her with you.
“We’re gonna clean you up, and send you out there good as new,” you say, trying to imbue some confidence in her.
Darla’s eyes widen in fear.
“Relax, honey, we’ve got time,” you wipe her teary cheeks. You wave the makeup artist over, as you sit Darla in a chair. “Now in the meantime,” you start, pouring a glass of water and forcing it into Darla’s hand, “I’m gonna tell you a story. How’s that sound?”
Darla nods reluctantly, taking in ice water through the straw. You sit on the glass coffee table in front of the girl as the makeup artist gets to work.
“Now this happened a looooong time ago- back when I was ten. It was a bright summer’s day on the ranch, and I was up nice and early when my Paw came up and told me he’d lost his wedding ring. Now, my Nana was an insightful gal- if she had noticed (and believe me she would’ve) she’d have pitched a fit.
So I was enlisted to help him find it. Well, we searched everywhere. All around the house, the garage- no luck. Finally, we headed out to the pasture. We were digging through manure, when suddenly my foot sank into a pothole and I went flying toward the ground. I landed face first in an enormous pile of shit. But that’s not the worst of it- ohhh no.
When I pushed myself off the ground, I saw my nana had come home. She’d brought four of her friends and all of their grandkids. That included little Jimmy Price, who I happened to be enamored with. (Not that I ever spoke to him since I was so shy.) And in that moment, my Paw, back turned to the whole thing, held up his ring and shouted ‘found it!’ Only to turn and find me covered in cow poop and his wife watching with all her friends.”
Darla smiles a bit at your misfortune, “so he found the ring in the poop?”
“Oh no,” you shake your head, “it was in his pocket all along.” Darla cackles this, nearly messing up the eyeliner her makeup artist tries to fix from her earlier tears.
“So what was the lesson in this fable?” Darla asks teasingly.
“Oh none,” you reply innocently, but a smirk grows on your face, “but at least you’re not heading out there covered in cow shit.” Darla grins and shakes her head, feeling up to the task now. The makeup artist nods at you and dashes from the room.
“Now honey,” you start, pulling Darla up from her chair, “you just blame your tardiness on me. Tell Caesar I was fawning all over you like a mother hen.” At least something useful came out of your run in with the Capitol’s darling.
Darla smiles a little, nodding. “And remember, just be your charming self- everyone here adores you,” you remind her. She seems a lot better now.
“Oh hey, where were you earlier?” Darla asks, about to head out the door.
“I’ll tell you when you’re older.” You tell her, smile dimming.
“Now you really sound like my mother,” Darla quips back, and you grin again.
With that, a stagehand pulls Darla away to where Caesar’s been waiting. There’s not much else you can do for the girl now. Out of your hands and into the Capitol’s. You can only hope Darla won’t freeze feeling all their eyes upon her.
You shouldn’t have been worried, though. Darla nails her post-games interview. The audience finds it adorable when the girl says she took so long because her mentor was fussing over her hair and her dress.
“You wouldn’t think it- but she’s a real mother hen.” Darla says, and you smile as you watch from backstage. The audience erupts into a gleeful sort of laughter at the comment.
Caesar knows just what to do with it, too, “well it’s no wonder, I’m sure you’ve made her proud!” Darla beams, and very convincingly so. “Let’s take a look back at Darla’s games!”
To your great relief, Darla holds it together through the recap. The girl gets boisterous applause as the leaves the stage, then comes flying into your arms once she’s out of sight. The force of it makes you stumble, but you quickly plant your feet and return the hug.
“You did great, kiddo,” you tell your tribute.
“Thanks!” Darla replies, speaking loudly from the adrenaline rush, “and thanks for telling me about when you face planted in a pile of cow poop back home, it really helped!”
Every single person milling around backstage turns to look at you when Darla says it. Not that the girl notices the extra eyes.
You drop your chin, trying to avoid the stares of these people. This is what you get for comforting her at your own expense. Taking a calming breath, you look up only to meet a pair of sea-green eyes.
Of course Finnick Odair heard that, and of course he’s smirking teasingly at you.
Like Jimmy Price all over again.
You stick your tongue out at him.
I did not edit this so I hope it’s ok lmao. The new hunger games movie was great so ofc finnick’s been on the brain
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sleepynoons · 2 months
wriothesley x afab!f!reader, nsfw, 18+, not beta read
cw: massive size kink/difference (wriothesley is implied to be much larger than the reader), breeding kink, brief moments of dacryphilia, a whole lot of body worship, marking, fingering, overstimulation, creampie because y'all are going at it raw (please use protection in real life and get tested <3), mention of mind break (but not actually), aftercare ofc
notes: lmk if i missed anything in the warnings. also, unrealistic because wriothesley is always busy and his sense of duty is extremely strong to the point that he probably wouldn't miss work, but also, he deserves a break and i gave him one.
YOU FEEL the bed jostle as your lover gets into bed. you know he’s trying his best to be quiet, but forgive him because he’s a little worn down, too. as per usual, he turns onto his side so that he’s facing your back, and his arms tug you back a little as they wrap around your hips and waist. 
you let out a soft sigh to let him know you’re awake. he hums in response and presses his lips to a spot right underneath your ear. his hands continue to fiddle with the lace and cotton of your sleep shirt as he continues to kiss and suck at your neck. his touch is light enough so that he won’t leave any marks, yet you feel wholly consumed, as if the lingering feel of his kisses will be evident to others as well when you leave in the morning to go to work.
slowly, your lover makes his way down. he hooks a finger at the back of collar and tugs it down a little. he begins to lap at the top of your spine. when he can’t reach further down, his fingers tap at your stomach twice, an indication to take off your shirt. you comply, and he helps you slip out of it.
then he resumes, licking and sucking and nipping at the skin of your back. with every bruise and hickey he leaves, you shudder and teeth at your lips, and you can’t resist the slight jerks in your hips and legs. your lover, always known to having a teasing streak, suddenly bites, and you gasp, breathless at the sensation.
“wrio!” he chuckles and comes back up, as if he’s coming to surface to breathe.
“yes, darling?”
you know he’s tired. you know he’s not intentionally pitching his voice to sound so low. you know he wants to take it slow.
but you whine out of desperation and struggle a little in his hold until his arms loosen up and allow you to roll onto your other side so that you’re facing each other.
he asks again, “need anything, my love?”
you peer up at him. though his tone is casual, his face is set and serious. your comfort has always been his top priority, and even when there are no stakes or risks like now, his intentions, which are so clearly expressed in his expression and eyes, warm your heart.
you whisper, “i want you.”
somehow, at some point, your faces have gotten so close. noses almost touching and heartbeats converging where your chests meet. the silence is deafening, and with bated breath, you wonder if you should make the first move.
there’s no question who acts first – the two of you collide simultaneously, and the warmth of his mouth on yours surges through your entirety. he’s groaning into your lips, and you reciprocate by swiping at his bottom lip with your tongue. at this point, the both of you have rolled over so that he’s hovering over you, arms encasing your head and shoulders, while your hands are tangled in his hair and scratching at the base of his neck. he’s even nudged your legs open, and his knee is pressed into your core. he begins shifting and rocking against you, eliciting hisses and moans from you.
“can tell you’re wet through your panties and shorts,” he grunts. you whine again and begin to take off your remaining clothes. wriothesley sits back up, watching as you kick off your pajama shorts and panties, and you feel your cheeks warm at the sight of his fiery gaze. he also throws off his shirt before he’s leaning back over you.
he calls you beautiful, though you’re not sure if he intended to say it out loud. but, before you can comment, you feel one of his hands slip between your folds. your mouth opens at the touch of his thumb against your clit, and he takes this opportunity to slip two fingers into you.
you moan out his name, while he whispers yours.
in and out. in and out. his pace is moderate and rhythmical, not enough to bring you to a high. but it’s been so long since the last time the two of you’ve been intimate, and you want to bask in the closeness for much longer.
the pads of his fingers feel warm yet firm against your walls, and the occasional swipe of the heel of his hand against your clit only serves to make you gush around him.
he’s staring so intently at where the two of you are connected. he shakes his head, totally in awe, and says from under his breath, “so messy.”
over time, even though you still haven’t reached your high, your body almost feels like it’s… overstimulated. he’s fingering you so passionately, while littering your body with hickeys and bites. your whole body is jittering slightly, and you can’t prevent your soft yelps when he hits that spot inside you or pinches your nipple.
“ah! wrio! it’s too much!”
he locks eyes with you briefly before looking back down. “but you haven’t cum yet.”
if you weren’t so sensitive, you’d pick up on his pouting. but just the sensation of his fingers and tongue is sending you spiraling, and you can only muster the strength to reply, “then make me cum!”
he ceases all motion immediately. you’re dumbfounded, caught off guard, orgasm impending ripped away from you. you huff in frustration when he removes his hand. but, before you complain, wriothesley is suddenly grabbing you by the hips before slamming you down onto his dick. 
your moan is lewd, loud, embarrassingly shrill. his cock is so heavy and girthy, and you’re unable to breathe because he’s just so big. every roll of his hips forces you to gasp for air, and while there’s always a tinge of pain, you’re so turned on that the pain only serves to reinforce your arousal and affection.
wriothesley isn’t faring too well either. he’s sure you haven’t noticed, but you’ve started crying a little. he feels horrible, but the sight of your warm cheeks and teary, clumped eyelashes is enough to bring him over the edge. but he holds on, for your sake. he wants to enjoy the view of your shaking body and sensual expressions for a little longer.
it also doesn’t help that the two of you are going at it raw, and your pussy is so, so, so hot. he throws his back and moans, losing his mind over the thought of filling you up. how’d messy you look – so dazed and fucked out. and he’d push the cum leaking out back into your pussy, and you’d sigh, content with being so stuffed.
one round’s not going to be enough, he thinks.
you’re getting close. there’s a roaring inside your ears now, amplified by a deep satisfaction as you see and hear your lover losing his mind.
“wrio, wanna feel you,” you gasp.
he pants before responding, “i’m already in you.”
you shake your head. “wanna be closer.”
wriothesley bends over you and slots his face into the crook of your neck. you laugh a little. after all, your lover has such a large stature, yet he’s curling and bending his back to fulfill your needs. the position must look so absurd.
“you’re such hard work,” he complains.
but now that he’s pressed so closely into you to the point that your ass is resting on his thighs, his dick is reaching farther and farther into you. you’re moaning straight into his ears, and as you wrap your arms around his neck while your legs are around his waist, you feel sweat and heat radiate off from his back. this position doesn’t allow for any space between the two of you, and it’s so passionate and steamy, literally.
“wrio, i don’t - ah! - i don’t know if i can last much longer.”
wriothesley pushes himself up onto his forearms, and he shares a smoldering look with you. you stare back, enamored by his intensity. he demands, “then cum.”
and the string, wound tight and taut inside of you, snaps. all you can do is react and take it. your back is bending upwards, your legs are shaking, your pussy is spasming yet squeezing your lover’s cock so, so tightly. your high is extended as wriothesley cums inside of you, and it’s psychologically mind breaking. he’s telling you to “take it, yeah, just take it. good fucking girl. you’re all mine.” you keep on chanting his name because you can only think of him.
you’re awoken by a soft towel prodding at the top of your thighs. you try to open your eyes, but the light streaming into the bedroom is blinding. so you roll over instead, burying your face into the covers.
though your voice is muffled, you ask, “wriothesley, what are you doing?”
the wiping stops, and the bed dips beside you as your lover lies down. he kisses the crown of your head. “taking care of you, of course.”
you quickly switch sides and nuzzle into his chest, still shielding yourself from the blinding sunshine. 
“are you feeling alright?” you ask.
“yeah, i’m alright. how are you?”
wriothesley pats you gently on the back. “sorry about that, darling.”
you shake your head. “i should be the one saying sorry. you always clean up after us. how can i make it up to you?”
you peer up at him, and he flashes a soft smile. “how about less apologies and more cuddles, hm?”
“what about work?”
he hums before saying, “work can wait.”
you suppose your work can wait as well. and so, the two of you, tangled in the sunbathed sheets, let out a collective, contented sigh, before sinking deeper into the mattress and each other.
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liesmyth · 9 months
TLT thought of the day is that more posts about John Gaius should engage with the fact that he's explicitly an indigenous man. Especially content about pre-Resurrection John and his backstory, intentions, politics, ambitions etc. He's a product of an environment that Tamsyn goes out of her way to describe.
This is noteworthy, because TM doesn't give much thought about race when it comes to the rest of her characters. It's not a key aspect of the present day side of her worldbuilding; see the sparing physical descriptions, her 'take it or leave it' Word of God on the matter. It's not something that she makes a priority to communicate to the reader, and clearly not a big deal for any House or BoE characters that we've seen.
This is what makes John's backstory VERY noteworthy by comparison. Or, rather, the care Tamsyn put into it.
Compare that one GtN character description post — “Judith is Pasifika and Isaac is Chinese and Magnus is Samoan and Abigail is white, but this mostly in my head and you can picture them as monitor lizards if you want” — compare that to the way she really goes out of her way in NtN to make sure that the readers know that John is Māori, and it's something that absolutely shaped his 30-something years on earth.
Like, it's spelled out multiple times, it's not something for the keen-eyed repeat reader to puzzle out. He's explicitly referred to as Māori; Tamsyn specifically namedropped Dilworth; she sketched an underprivileged background for both him and G. lot of John's obsessive attitude about his world-saving project — no compromises and acting now and nobody left behind — it echoes the concern that small island nations have repeatedly expressed towards the climate crisis, and predictably bigger rich countries don't give a shit about.
IDK where I'm getting at! But I think it's a fundamental part of his character that we sometimes overlook. We all live in a society etc, and the society John created is very very different from the one he grew up in — but it's the latter that shaped him.
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hydrobunny · 1 year
meet me in the pouring rain
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tags: comfort, established relationship, aftermath of fights, happy ending!!!!!
obviously, you two had your fights. it would be stupid to think you didn't: stupid to assume the two of you were constantly perfect.
you curl up by the door of your bedroom, trying to stop yourself from crying.
you hated this. you hated how you had expected anything different. of course sae itoshi would choose football over you. it was what he had been doing for his entire life.
but why had you thought today would be something different? just because it was your birthday?
you had asked him if you two were doing anything so excitedly, so stupidly. he had looked at you with the blankest expression you had seen.
and of course when you tried to press the matter, he had snapped at you that he was busy- to not bother him before practice.
and the words had spewed out of your mouth, telling him to get on with it and get out of the house.
sae hadn't argued further, merely blinking at you in vague confusion before slamming the door behind him.
he hadn't returned for lunch. and with the sheer amount of rain outside, you knew he couldn't be practicing still. (well, you mused, there was a slight chance.)
but that meant he had to be taking shelter somewhere away from your home, somewhere with other people.
lightning crackled outside. the rain was really coming on in droves now. you curl further into a ball and listen to your own heartbeat, steady and calming.
the notification sound of your phone was a scare, and you flinch, hard. you look around for the source of the noise. the dings continue on and on.
when you finally find your phone, you're stunned to see the contact sae <33
the messages are a clear change from his usual short ones, practically an entire chain of frantic words. it's a drastic change compared to the dead silence he's been giving you today.
fuck i'm sorry
i didn't mean what i did in the morning
i forgot the date i'm so sorry
i'm outside. you don't have to come if you don't want to. i'll stay.
you stare at that last message. sae was-
you run to her window, heart rate rising. you can barely see past the sheer amount of rain slamming down.
but sae was there. you can make out his vague form, the rain unforgivably landing on top of his head.
you almost fall down the stairs with how fast you run down. you skid to a stop in front of the door.
your hand turns on the knob.
“sae,” you breathe out.
sae looks at you with a bouquet of soaked roses and a small box, looking more like a drowned rat than the boyfriend you knew.
“you're going to get sick,” you sputter. “what were you-”
“i love you,” sae interrupts, eyes glowing with an intensity unfamiliar to you.
you've only seen that look on the field, when he's truly concentrating.
"i'm so fucking sorry," he continues. "i need you to know that you are my first priority. i know i don't act like it- but you're the best thing that's happened to me."
your mouth hangs open, your voice weak. "come inside."
he does. you gently take the roses from him and place them on the table. he pockets the box, and you don't question him.
sae waits patiently for you to speak.
"i'm sorry too," you finally say. "i shouldn't have-"
he grabs onto your hands, squeezing reassuringly. "don't apologize. im the one who forgot. it's not-it'll never be your fault."
you swallow. "i love you. but you should really go change-"
"before that," sae digs back into his pocket and pulls out the neatly wrapped box. "here."
the wrapping paper gives easily underneath your nails. you eye the box warily. it's clearly jewelry, so you crack the thing open-
"jesus christ-" you fumble the box.
sae catches it easily, raising one eyebrow.
"you got a ring?"
"it's not what you think it is." he hums, gently taking the ring out of the box. it's a pretty little thing, all delicate and fragile looking. "my proposal wouldn't be this tacky."
you stare at him. "so the ring is..."
"a promise," he answers as he slides it carefully onto your finger. "for a better one eventually."
the blood rushes to your face immediately. sae doesn't seem phased at all, even if he's just confessed that he's going to marry you.
sae sneezes. once, and then twice.
you grab his arm. "okay. you are getting into some warm clothes."
he frowns, but follows you up the stairs anyway.
when the two of you reach the bedroom, you stop him by the door.
"you know, i only wanted two words."
his head tilts almost imperceptibly, confusion leaking-
sae smiles. "happy birthday."
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