#clearly some. poses r more dynamic than others lol
reyryz · 1 year
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ack here r some knb nba wips ive been working on
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Hi, Miss Raven! What're your thoughts on the new characters' designs and the new cards we're getting?
[You can see the designs for the Halloween 2023 cards and other related TWST news here!]
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I'll post my general thoughts below! I unfortunately don't know enough about Pinocchio myself to point out all the little easter eggs in their outfits, so I'll leave that to those who are more knowledgeable than me.
***Spoilers below the cut!!***
Regarding the NRC boys' looks overall, I think it's a very fun theme and very fitting for the location of the event. I like that they all still wear masks, just in a different context than in Glorious Masquerade. One thing I did notice is that the masks seem... same-y? Like they all resemble thick tree roots or something like that. So maybe they aren't masks at all, but they're associated with whatever the conflict in the story is. (I previously suggested mind control or the loss of consciousness, so maybe the "roots" play into that???) You can see the marionette theme Yana was going for, as well as some design elements from Black Butler's circus arc, very clearly. The poses for each of the boys, even the R cards, are extremely dynamic and imply a strong sense of movement. The ribbons are such a simple detail that contributes a lot to this sense of whimsy and flow.
Some comments I have on specific designs and poses:
I like it when Trey makes these kind of slightly sus but plausibly deniable faces... He should make more of them...
I can't see the front of Jack's outfit that well, so I don't know if I can fully comment on it??? But I can see his. Like. Physique... coming through... That chest to waist ratio/j
Seeing Jack's tail like that kinda weirds me out. I think that's the first time we've gotten a "full" view of how the tails look coming out of the pants??? So maybe I'll get more used to it with time...
J WORD MY BELOVED dghgqwktvwukdviu1vdutw1513FR7vuofOTVUofvfaafvfyivs.,bk;mobsdb;ibuafetvuqoffSEythTOTqebivfguovqnafCUtuiUIEtt please ignore my bias 🤡 The way his top hat is angled and how there's a dark blue ribbon around him... It vaguely looks like he's trying to pass as Crowley, LOL
I like how his undershirt is frilled and how he has that sash at his waist it reminds me of the genderbent design for my TWST OC! The fact that both he and Floyd have the eel emblem that resembles a heart is also really cute~
Lilis is my favorite design of the R cards!! There's a very good distribution of ruffles throughout the look, and his knotted skirts fit well with his personal flair.
I'm not a huge fan of the style of hat Cater's wearing (sorry to all the Cay-kun stans out there), but I can appreciate his look. His dress appears more militant than Trey's, and his posing is certainly more aggressive--it's nice to see him in this new light.
Love L*ona-san’s new hairstyle here!! 👀
The way Floyd is posed reminds me of those people that walk around on stilts. I think I much prefer the coloration on Floyd's outfit than on Jade's, but I prefer Floyd's jacket to Jade's. I think Floyd's the best of the SR designs!
Shockingly, Vil's look doesn't stand out to me that much??? I enjoy his sash, but I don't immediately pick up on anything in his illustration that catches my eye.
His pose resembles that of a ballerina, which just makes me think about the time he assigned Epel and Deuce extra (ballet) dance lessons in book 5 ajdbhasivldsadued
Of the SSRs, Ace is definitely my favorite one. He just looks so dramatic soaking up that spotlight and trying to look cool while doing it... Bro's 100% thinking, "heheheheh, I'm SO awesome :))" in his head.
Ace's design also reminds me a lot of Jack Hearts (from Disney Villain Recruiters). Not sure if it was intentional or not, but I'm definitely super into it!
I was pretty much expecting a SSR Ace (because he's a trickster with a brother that works in an amusement park) and Ortho (literally a robot that became a real boy), but Kalim took me by surprise. In hindsight, I guess it makes sense though...? Kalim has a similar immature vibe as the other two (plus I do remember there being this one scene in Aladdin where the Sultan was dressed like a jester that was being maneuvered on puppet strings).
It's great that Kalim gets to be a little out of his usual element and make darker, more mysterious expressions like what we see in his new illustration. I'm not sure if I entirely agree with how he's dressed (the yellow jacket is WAY too bright), but I love his his coattails (???) trail behind him in waves.
OR-KUN MY SON 😭😭😭 As is the case with all of his gears, I adore how the devs creatively adapted clothing into metal parts for Ortho! The half-caplet is easily the best part of the whole look for me (the pattern on it reminds me of stars falling down)--and because Ortho has a smaller stature, the type of hat he's wearing isn't as offputting; it actually looks very cute on him.
... Is that the fucking cricket on Ortho’s cape... and the goldfish on Kalim’s scarf… AND THE CAT ON ACE’S WAIST… What does this meeeean 🤡
And now for my thoughts on the two new boys!! Honestly?? I don't actually have much to comment on in this regard because I try to reserve my judgment of characters until I've actually seen them in action. I haven't seen Pinocchio either, so I don't have a strong basis for what their personalities would be like based on their original Disney counterpart. I only vaguely understand that Honest John and Gideon trick children into visiting Pleasure Island... That's it, that's the full extent of my knowledge on that pair. I don't have any other expectations going in other than "yeah, these two are going to swindle me".
Gidel looks like a mix of Cheka and Ruggie to me (because of the hair and the eye shape). He seems like he’ll be the other guy’s goon, similar to how Jade and Floyd/Ruggie follow Azul/Leona. Nothing else for me to add, Gidel seems alright… Just a silly lil’ guy!
I have more… mixed thoughts on Ferro. One one hand, he looks like the exact kind of shady bitch I’d love. (You know, the ones that smile and lie and manipulate and drive a knife into your back and—LOOK, HE’S VERY J WORD CORE) On the other hand, I’m beating back the “you like cat/dog boys” allegations from my friends, so 💀 I can’t give in so easily/j
Looks-wise, Ferro’s iteration of the rat tail hair is not as ugly to me as Malleus’s is. (I think it’s because it looks more windswept!) I also really like how he dresses—very dapper 😌 and he can pull off green eyeshadow well!
I’m wondering how they’ll make Ferro different than the other con artists we’ve seen so far *eyes Octavinelle* but I’m keeping my hopes up since the devs did a good job remixing the “I have a dead brother and I feel immense guilt about it” backstory for Rollo (when Idia had a similar one). Looking forward to that~
I’m sure my thoughts will chance once I actually get to see them in the event! ^^ I’ll keep you posted. For now, I’ll keep cautious. (Actually, this fan art basically summarizes my current feelings on the two! I’m Rollo/j)
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jonsameta · 5 years
Hi, me again!
jesuiscommejesuis: Haha, I’m on that GoT grind and probably won’t stop until the premiere 😂. I trust your opinion so unfortunately you have to endure another ask from me. Anyway…I think that most of us have considered the possibility of Jonsa not being canon. (RIP me if that happens). But my question isn’t about whether Jonsa will be or won’t be (I’ve come to terms with the fact that GoT will end how GRRM always intended it to end) it’s about what that possibility means for all of the evidence, clues, foreshadowing, etc that we’ve gathered. In your opinion will Jonsa not happening render those clues and meta meaningless and we were all crazy after all? Or do they take on a new meaning and point us in a new direction? Idk if that even makes sense. Maybe I’m just afraid that Jonsa wont happen and I’m afraid for no other reason other than that I will have looked and sounded insane to all of my GoT friends and had nothing to show for it. Also do you know of any interviews or blog posts from GRRM possibly supporting Jonsa? Same for D&D? Or any other people on or working with the show? Thank you so much!! 💙
Hi there, 
The thing about theories is they’re like Shrodinger’s cat. If you try to be objective, you have to entertain the possibility that it won’t happen, but it can’t completely be false until proven otherwise. That said, some theories are more probable than others because there’s material within the text that thematically undoes something. This is because a story’s themes (which differs depending on the adaptation but it can’t be completely divorced from the original source either) define its boundaries because they essentially make up “the heart of the story”, not the plot. They give the main characters a moral dilemma that drives their journeys. Considering the themes of the story - both bookwise and showwise - Jonsa is very probable because it answers a lot of long standing character arcs that go beyond these characters and provides a bookend that Jon/Dany cannot considering R+L=J. 
I think anything in this story has to be considered according to the politics - even the fantasy part because the personal is political. With such a spread out story only the themes and the morality dilemmas of politics that the smallest moment can have is what holds it all together. And I think the strongest argument for the probability of Jonsa comes from a structural level of gauging the politics. 
Jon’s parentage is a political game changer and the way it’s been built up it cannot just be for personal angst - especially when the element of his parentage revealing him to have a higher claim than Dany is brought up. It doesn’t just affect him or his relationship with Dany. It affects Westeros and Dany’s own longstanding goal.
Jon may not want to be king, but Dany is walking in as a very unpopular figure into the North and the way she has gone about her campaign hasn’t improved her reputation and only worsened it. And Jon himself will lose popularity after having 1) bent the knee to a Targaryen, 2) consorting with a Targaryen and 3) being a secret Targaryen. 
Dany doesn’t realise that although Jon claims to have pledged his allegiance to her, it doesn’t mean the North has fallen into her hands. He’s only lost their faith from this move so no Targaryen by themselves could claim the North. Not to mention the Vale and Riverlands are more allied to Sansa than they are to Jon. To regain faith, he’d have to separate himself from Dany and the Targaryen identity a bit and yet he would need a political statement that only a marriage alliance to Stark could give if he were to remain in power. There’s also the pesky issue of how unknowingly Sansa and the Starks have more allies than Dany (or Jon without the Starks) does as everyone comes into Winterfell. So Sansa’s constant label as “key to the North” and the importance of marriage alliances becomes very important here. He can’t become king or even gain the faith of the people (back) without Sansa. So in that case, the whole notion of the Pact of Ice and Fire being fulfilled through Dany and Jon falls apart because Jon will be seen as an outsider. @thelawyerthatwaspromised has even written a post with infographics to make it easier to understand. It’s like R+L=J resets the chessboard. Ironically, what the audience thought Jon/Dany’s union would do politically is far more possible through Jon/Sansa. 
As it makes sense as a political match, the possibility of it happening and impacting the narrative increases a lot more. The original outline also matters here because clearly the pseudo-incest tag didn’t stop the author. However, as the characters haven’t interacted in real time in the books and aren’t close, there’s not much people have asked him about it nor has GRRM has said about it unless you count his vague reply once (”I won’t say more than I’ve already said in the books”). I’d say there’s more to be gauged from what he has to say about other ships that fandom roots for, that isn’t as positive as they make it out to be - whether Jon/rya, San/San, San/rion or Jon/Dany. It’s not obvious because he hardly shuts down possibilities but there’s reading between the lines. It becomes more obvious through a process of elimination. It’s also because Jon/Sansa as a ship tramples over so many ships that fandoms have banked on that people are inclined to dismiss it rather than re-evaluate the pre-existing ships. 
On the show, people have been coy too but there’s more content to gauge as the characters have already reunited and their dynamic has become pretty pivotal to the story. Where D&D shut down Dany and Yara ever happening, in the same panel they evaded a question about Jon and Sansa being developed as a romantic relationship. Aiden Gil/lian commented on how Jon’s parentage opens up possibilities for Jon and Sansa’s relationship romantically at the end of season 6. Sophie was asked about it post season 6 and she said it was possible because it’s GOT and they’re cousins. Also, there’s Liam Cunnin/gham who once liked a Jonsa fanvideo lol and he barely has any likes. Sophie has said it’s possible, even as she joked about how it would be embarrassing to film an intimate scene. Kit has somehow avoided all questioning, but he has some pretty interesting reactions regarding Jon and Sansa’s relationship - either in the words he chooses (”She twists him like no one else”) or how over the top his reaction to Sansa is when he talks about how annoying she is to the point where he’s flushed and red and laughing while saying “I’ve gotten really animated now that Sansa has come into the story”. Bryan Cogman has a lot to say regarding this dynamic too, that he even wrote Jon leaving Ghost behind to watch over Sansa when he left for Dragonstone. 
What helps regarding the show is that it’s not just the actors or the political sense, but the camerawork and visual framing that makes their scenes very confusing because they’re shot as a romantic couple about to happen, as @trinuviel has explored in her series “All is Subtext”.  This notion that it was “framed” or “shot” that way was echoed by multiple reviewers and podcasts through season 6 and even into the beginning of season 7. 
A huge part of this was because it very subtly visually paralleled more positive romantic ships on the show like Ned/Cat, Jaime/Brienne, Robb/Talisa, Sam/Gilly, Missandei/Greyworm and even Jon/Ygritte to some extent. This is over a course of 7 episodes under 5 different directors. One of the most telling scenes for me was when they did two back to back parallels to Ned/Cat and Jaime/Brienne after Jon chokeholds Littlefinger over Sansa and they go on to give a Jaime/Brienne-esque goodbye. The same director Mark Mylod directed both the season 6 Jaime/Brienne and season 7 Jon/Sansa goodbye. Bryan Cogman even confirmed that the Littlefinger chokehold was meant to parallel Ned doing the same over Cat. 
But in my opinion, what weirdly cemented it was how Jon/Dany contrasted Jon/Sansa’s dynamic and framing. There were a lot of structural decisions made that undercut the Jon/Dany “romance” and made Jon/Sansa look more compatible and romantic, which is something I explored in my “Undoing Romance” series. Again, this is looking beyond the actors. The biggest tell for me was that they never got a first kiss so romantic tension was never released but just dissipated over plot exposition. Moreover, how is it that Jon and Sansa have more parallels with romantic ships than Jon/Dany do? Why do Jon/Sansa have more Robb/Talisa framing through season 6 than Jon/Dany through season 7 if that’s what’s happening? Why was there no passionate first kiss like theirs? We just skipped to the sex in between a montage that told us how related they are. 
Why didn’t Jon look back at Dany when Jorah did, while he looked back at Sansa? Why does Jon react more violently to Sansa’s suitors than to Jorah? Why are these characters caught in triangle with interlopers, who pose a political threat but are also interested in one romantically? Why is this dynamic given so much importance where there’s tension but also there’s emotional vulnerability that pours out contrasting Jon/Sansa’s and Sansa and Arya’s season 6 and season 7 battlements scenes respectively. Why did they reveal R+L=J at the end of season 6 - the season in which people questioned what the hell was happening in the Jon/Sansa dynamic and a whole season before Jon met Dany. Both season finales also teased conflict because of political claims that change because of R+L=J. Where his parentage reveal, relieves Jon/Sansa of the direct incest factor because it biologically distances them, it makes Jon and Dany biologically more related - especially because she’s heavily inbred herself. 
So it is a situation of “will they/won’t they?” but even more subtly because the cast and crew always skips past discussing it and with Jon/Dany happening people take it as accidental chemistry. There’s no heavy dismissal from the TPTB though when there could’ve been or laughing at it like Tormund and Brienne, which is totally for laughs and a show ship. What they do keep saying is that this relationship is key to watch and you have to wonder: why is it so important? To me it’s not about the actors chemistry or singular scenes. It’s about the story’s intrinsic narrative structure and the camera framing that makes the visual subtext convey more than the text does. 
The show frames Jon and Sansa’s relationship is odd because we know they weren’t close and Arya was his favorite and yet they take up quite an important part in each other’s arc at this point, where they both want to trust each other completely but don’t and yet their vulnerability comes out most around each other in these last two seasons. They’re being built up more slowly than Jon/Dany and more subtly so while people expect a full blown romance, I expect something more subtle, more quiet and thus emotionally rewarding for these characters individual and collective arcs. If it happens, D&D are building it up as a plot twist/game changer because it’s related to politics. But it’s not to say there can’t be emotional catharsis too because these characters have a lot of issues that they answer pretty well. 
Hope that answers your questions. 
- lostlittlesatellites
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whateverisbeautiful · 7 years
Richonne in Retrospect
#27: The Gift (5x09)
Alright, so I’m excited to talk about this next Richonne moment cuz it’s super special and cuz I need some positivity rn since This Is Us has me super emotional and Walking Dead has me super emotional. 😭😭😭
And now these two shows are about to air their most emotional episodes in February and I’m just so not ready. 😢 Like these shows really want to break my heart into a million pieces. 💔
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So this Richonne moment couldn’t have come at a better time cuz it really is one of Rick and Michonne’s sweetest and most important moments, in that it shows how much these two really do love each other. 😊😌
But first, I’m here for the couple vibes as they collect bags of things they can use and Michonne makes the hopeful suggestion about how they can try and make this place livable. 
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And then when she sees that Rick and Glenn aren’t sold she ardently says, “It can work.”
I love that Rick is so gentle and patient as he brings up the valid point about how there’s no sight lines since this place is surrounded by forest. Like he’s trying to say “it won’t work” as compassionately as possible cuz he knows how important this is to her and he doesn’t want to just insensitively shut the idea down.
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Michonne suggests that they could start taking down the trees and put a wall up cuz Sis is the type of person who stays strategizing and trying to find a way.
And you literally see Rick respond like such a husband that knows this is a dead end, but he’s going to at least consider it for her. I really don’t think he’d be this accommodating for too many others, but Homegirl has this man’s heart. 
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Michonne can tell Rick and Glenn still aren’t fully on board so she says “Look” and then she stays gesturing for that added emphasis lol.
You can just feel her desperation to find a place to call home for her family. And as she walks towards the opening of course they follow, cuz Rick is always willing to at least go and see for Michonne.
But then they all see that a full on massacre has occurred, with all those body parts sadistically severed, which sort of puts a damper on the possibility of making this place home.
Seeing this brutal aftermath for herself, confirms to Michonne that this place really won’t work and that it’s clearly susceptible to unforeseen attacks.
And you can see just how visibly devastated and deeply disappointed Michonne is to get this confirmation.
And we’re not the only ones who can see she’s upset cuz Rick can clearly see it and feel it too.
I love that when they stumble upon this gory scene, Rick’s attention immediately turns to Michonne and how she’s taking this. Like they were not kidding about the whole I’m okay/You’re okay thing, cuz you can tell that in her not being okay, he’s not either.
Now, you know how I like to say that Rick and Michonne are magnets? It’s not even a joke, y’all. 🙌🏾
And to prove it lemme just present some solid evidence real quick that these two are very much magnetically connected. 😋
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See I wasn’t even playing lol. These two are magnets! And I adore this gif and this moment. The fact that as she walks forward, Rick just instinctually walks towards her. Mag-to-the-nets, y’all. 😊👏🏽
This in-sync movement so accurately paints the picture that they’re one and how where she goes, he follows.
Also, in seeing her broken up, you can tell he wants to find a way to fix it. I appreciate that her disappointment and sadness matters so much to him, to the point that he even follows after her without even fully realizing it.
And Homeboy’s eyes are only on her. Even when Glenn speaks, Rick still stays looking at her at first. #entranced.
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Glenn says it doesn’t matter if Rick had killed Dawn of if he would’ve or if Daryl did, none of it matters. And it’s a pretty somber outlook.
(Side note: Re-watching this moment with Rick, Michonne, and Glenn makes Rick and Michonne’s conversation about Glenn in “Say Yes” even sadder, cuz Glenn was present for a lot of there little Richonne landmarks. 😭)
(Other side note: This show is wrong for having Glenn hold a bat in this episode. 😭)
So then Michonne brings up Washington and how, even tho Eugene lied, there might have been a legit reason he thought of Washington.
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She looks at Rick when she says “We’re close” and asks “What if there are people there. What if it’s a place where we can be safe.”
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I love that you see Rick really hearing her out. And every day their without a home is a day they know will be riddled with danger and, while finding a home base doesn’t end the danger, it at least makes it so that they can rest a little and not be so on edge all the time cuz they’d be somewhere somewhat safe. And you know their family being safe is really important to both Michonne and Rick.
She then says, “We’re 100 miles away. It’s a possibility. It’s a chance.” and similar to when Michonne told Rick they should try and fight back against Negan even with the odds against them in season 7, we’re again seeing her remind Rick that they have to take a chance for the possibility that their family will be better because of it.
Then she gets more passionate as she says “Instead of just being out here. Instead of just making it. Cuz right now this is what making it looks like.” And y’all, Rick is all ears. Like you can tell seeing her bare her heart out is resonating with him in the deepest possible way.
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It’s a big deal that Michonne feels like she can be this vulnerable with him. Like she’s not hiding how she feels cuz she’s come to trust Rick enough to be this candid. 
And this clearly means something to him. I know I keep saying it, but this episode really is so telling of how much he prioritizes her happiness and how much it matters to him. 😊 
She then poses the question, “Don’t you want one more day with a chance?” and, like everything else she’s said, you see this question resonate with him as well, cuz that really is what Rick wants.
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And what’s sweet is that in being together these two give each other that very thing; a chance for more than just making it. 🙌🏾
It’s also important too that Rick’s repsonse suggests that having one more day with a chance is something that’s important to him cuz in Michonne’s last relationship she had to watch as her man and her community stopped trying to have that and then that’s when everything fell apart. So for Rick and Michonne to be on the same page about this just helps confirm why they’re really right for each other. 
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And y’all, you know how sometimes Husband’s like to surprise their wife with a gift? I feel like that’s what happens next. 😋 
Cuz they see some walkers approaching and Rick says “We should go”. And Glenn and Michonne both turn away thinking he means they should leave this community and head back.
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It’s tough seeing Michonne turn away feeling like her words fell on deaf ears, but see Rick just wanted to grant Michonne’s request in a surprise sort of way lol, which makes it all the more special. 😊😋 
Cuz then he says “It’s a hundred miles away.” which lets her know he’s talking about more than just leaving this area.
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I love that he starts with saying it’s 100 miles away cuz it shows that Rick heard her mention the distance and is now essentially telling her “I’m willing to go the distance for you.” 😊
Both Glenn and Michonne turn to Rick when they realize what he’s saying. And then Rick says, “We should go to Washington” looking straight at Michonne. Like Glenn is not exactly there rn cuz R&M are definitely having a moment. 😋
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And I love that it’s crystal clear that this is about Rick wanting to make her happy and trust her instinct. 😊
There was a woman named Lori who once said Rick would never just up and move on a hunch...But she thought. Cuz Rick just demonstrated how he would be willing to do that for Michonne cuz soul mates. 👌🏽
And then when Michonne hears this, she legit looks at Rick like he’s the one. And Homeboy’s giving the same look back.
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It’s cute seeing that they have seriously caught all the feelings and this moment between them is just really precious. 💯😊
Like to know he not only heard her and considered it, but just off that one pitch he’s willing to make this big decision. Whipped Rick is alive and well, y’all. Here for it. 🙌🏾😋
Again it reminds me of their cell moment in season 7, where Rick was motivated to take a chance and make a big decision for the group once Michonne poured her heart out to him. 
Seeing that this has been their dynamic for the longest it really throws those “Richonne came out of nowhere” arguments out the window imo. 
The way they’re interacting with each other just makes it so clear that falling in love was inevitable. 😌 Like the relationship between these characters couldn’t have just stayed platonic cuz their love goes too deep.
And seeing Rick be such a real one, by taking Michonne’s words to heart and deciding to take this big step for her, really had me like…
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You can almost visibly see both their hearts grow two sizes for each other and I’m too here for it.
And then the world goes back to screaming at them pretty much immediately so this major stride in the relationship doesn’t get to be expounded upon as much in this moment.
As they rush to find Noah and Tyreese, they’re taking out walkers and often times Michonne is the life saver but we get to see Rick come to her rescue when she struggles against a walker with a metal thing in his neck.
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As they head out of the community, we see that even with the emergency seat change Rick and Michonne still sit together. I’m just saying, those magnets are at work ‪24/7‬ and I’m not mad at it. 😁
So this episode really helped to establish the serious love that’s forming between Rick and Michonne. And to me, this episode showed us two things in particular and that’s that Michonne has the gift of being able to really win Rick over and Rick enjoys being able to give these kinds of gifts to her. ☺️
And episodes like this, that show us why Richonne is something special, really are nice gifts for us. So if this episode was a gift then this upcoming Richonne centric episode is like Christmas morning. 👌🏽😋
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