#cliff hanger again uwu
just-another-siimp · 2 years
Love and Pain
Johnny's been gone 6 months now, except suddenly he's home and your boss asks you to stay back a few hours longer. Surely you can wait til your shift finishes? Unless fate has other plans for you
Warnings: bad guys uwu, more shitty dialogue, not beta read again
To fall in love was a natural thing, each and every human experiences love in some way shape or form. Falling in love was something that John had never seen himself doing, he’d always imaged that he’d be six feet under before experiencing the chance to fall so madly and deeply in love. Yet three years ago, in a small coffee shop he fell. He fell so hard that not even Price could warn him of the complications that came with loving in their line of work, there wasn’t a lot of time for love. Except for you, he seemed to have all of the time in the world. 
Like you he couldn’t wait until six o’clock rolled around, he couldn’t wait to have you in his arms again and take you home. Most of all he couldn’t wait to spoil you with all the love he’d stored away whilst on deployment, he’d planned to take you on picnics and to see a movie that had premiered just a week ago. John wanted to return to something normal, something that could distract him from the six months of hell he’d just been through. 
So when he arrived at the coffee shop to find it surrounded by police tape his heart dropped, a shrill ringing began in his ears as he continued forward pushing past the police tape until he was eventually stopped by an officer. They weren’t fast enough, he caught a glimpse of tables overturned, cups smashed on the floor, a bullet hole in the coffee machine but what was worse was the blood. There was so much of it, staining the floor and tables leaving a trail out onto the street. 
For once he didn’t go charging in, allowing himself to be pushed back behind the police tape again. Reaching for his phone he called the only other person who came to mind, the skull masked contact picture seeming to loom at him from the screen. Ghost answered straight away, silent as he waited for him to say something. Except nothing came out, they’d just bought a body bag out of the cafe. 
“Johnny?” The body within the bag was bigger than you, yet it didn’t change that someone had died. His heart rate increased. “Oi Johnny- did you butt dial me?” 
Police sirens sounded as more detectives arrived, doors slamming shut behind him. He stood there numb to everything around him, his greatest fear was quickly becoming a reality. Where were you?
“Are those sirens? Soap, where are you?” He swore he couldn’t breathe, one of the police officers had just walked out of the cafe with a handgun in an evidence bag. “MacTavish, answer me that’s an order.”
Ghost didn’t come alone, Price and Gaz followed behind him all three of them casing out the street as though it was about to become a battlefield. Did they know something he didn’t? Together he and Ghost stood in silence, the lieutenant's hand resting on the base of his neck, a firm squeeze both grounding him and stopping him from interrupting Price as he spoke to one of the detectives. Johnny hated that Price’s face gave away nothing, not even Gaz who was the easiest to read out of all of them had reacted to what the detective had to say. 
“Johnny. They’re coming back.” Ghost’s hand dropped back to his side as he straightened up, they both stepped back allowing Price and Gaz enough room to go under the tape. 
“Leaves canceled.” none of them argued, if leave was canceled it meant that whatever happened at the cafe involved them. If something had happened to you because of him, because of his job? He’d make the entire world burn. Price’s hand on his shoulder drew him out of his murderous thoughts. “The authorities have already sent the cctv footage over to us, Soap you’re coming back to base with us.” 
No one argued.
He watched the cctv footage play out in front of him, heart aching as he caught how your lips seemed to be moving. John wondered if you were singing or talking to yourself as you worked. Guilt pooled in his chest, if he hadn’t gone back to the base with the others maybe he could’ve stopped this. The footage slowed as a man entered the cafe, the angle of the security camera not able to catch his face as he approached the counter. Everything seemed to be normal as you took his order, that was until two other men entered. Their faces were visible to the camera this time. 
“Gaz-” Price’s voice seemed distant.
“On it boss.” 
While Gaz moved around behind him John’s eyes stayed focused on the cctv, the two men spread out in the cafe one blocking the exit while the other stood close to the bathrooms. You’d seemed to notice the strangeness of it all, stepping away from the counter smile replaced with a look of terror as three guns were pointed in your direction. There was a commotion when your manager entered, the man closest to the door yelling something before shoving him to the floor. 
It was only then that the first man turned around, eyes staring directly at the camera as a malicious grin spread across his face. The room went deathly still as Makarov’s face stared back at them, gun pointed at the camera before the screen went black.
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yes im on my tab, yes i tried to copy one question, it was the villain question, but all posted and i have a headache so i'm choosing chaos UwU
1. What is your favourite television show from the 80′s?
2. Favourite television show from the early 2000′s?
3. Favourite television show from the 2010′s +?
4. Who is your favourite female television character of all time?
5. Who is your favourite male television character of all time?
6. Favourite television show of all time?
7. If you could watch one t.v. show for the rest of your life, what would it be?
8. Favourite television soundtrack?
9. Favourite guest-star appearance on a television show?
10. Least favourite character on your favourite television show?
11. Favourite character on your favourite television show?
12. Best cliff-hanger?
13. Saddest death scene?
14. What television show would you like to be a regular on?
15. What television show would you like to guest-star on?
16. A show that you hate to love?
17. A show that you love to hate?
18. Name an episode from a show that you will always remember?
19. Name an episode from a show that you wish didn’t happen?
20. Spin-offs: yes or no?
21. A show that you started watching but then stopped? What was the reason?
22. Name a show that means something to you, and why?
23. A show that you find relatable to your life?
24. A show that makes your cringe?
25. Favourite television villian?
26. A show that you will continue to re-watch over and over again?
27. Name a show that had the worst series finale, in your opinion?
28. What is your favourite movie from the 80′s?
29. Favourite movie from the 90′s?
30. Favourite movie from the early 2000′s?
31. Favourite movie from the 2010′s +?
32. Favourite movie villian?
33. Who is your favourite male movie character of all time?
34. Who is your favourite female movie character of all time?
35. What is your favourite movie of all time?
36. Favourite director?
37. Favourite series/saga/triology, etc.?
38. What’s your favourite universe?
39. Favourite comic-book movie?
40. What’s your favourite disney movie?
41. Favourite pixar movie?
42. What’s your favourite animated movie?
43. Best voice-casting, in your opinion?
44. Is there a movie that you could watch over and over again and not get tired?
45. Name a movie that made you cry uncontrollably?
46. A movie that had you laughing throughout it’s entirety?
47. A preview/trailer of a movie you saw and thought “I HAVE to see that!”?
48. Rom-com’s or drama?
49. Thriller’s or comedies?
50. Horror or psychological?
51. Your favourite book adaptation turned movie?
52. Your favourite actor?
53. Favourite actress?
54. In your opinion, a well deserved Oscar win?
55. Favourite Oscar speech?
56. Most memorable movie ending?
57. A movie death that shocked you?
58. A movie you thought was going to be good, but wasn’t?
59. Biggest Oscar upset, in your opinion?
60. A movie you hated but everyone else loves?
61. Do you cry during movies? 
62. Do you prefer classic movies, or new movies?
63. In your opinion, the best character casting?
64. Think of a movie you really love, how many times have you seen it?
65. Do you like to re-watch movies you’ve seen before?
66. Have you ever been to a midnight screening of a movie?
67. Ever attended a movie premiere?
68. An actor you love that nails it in both television & film?
69. An actress you love that nails it in both television & film?
70. Why is your favourite movie, your favourite movie?
71. Movies based on real life/facts or made-up stories?
72. Your favourite movie genre?
73. A movie that made you feel proud?
74. A movie that scared you/made you paranoid?
75. An Indoor movie theatre or outside drive-in?
76. Are you a snacker/drinker during movies?
77. Where abouts in a theatre do you prefer to sit (front, middle, back)?
78. If you could have a role in any movie ever made, which movie would it be?
79. An underrated movie, in your opinion?
80. An overrated movie?
81. A movie you felt attached to after watching it?
82. A movie that was relatable to you and your life?
83. Name a movie that made you go “wow” after watching it?
84. Action-packed movies or lots of dialogue?
85. Fantasy movies to normal life movies?
86. Have you ever walked out of a theatre mid-movie? What was the movie?
87. Tell us about your worst movie experience?
88. Have you ever spoiled a movie for someone by accident?
89. Ever spoiled a movie for someone on purpose?
90. Tell us about a movie that made you feel all the feels?
91. Pick a movie, any movie. Now tell us your favourite scene?
92. What’s the perfect movie time/length? 
93. Do you get bored easily during movies?
94. The worst acting you’ve ever seen in a movie?
95. Can you think of a movie where one scene had ruined the whole thing?
96. Are you a “tommy texter” during movies, or a “shhh-ing susan”?
97. Think of a positive movie experience you will never forget?
98. A movie or performance you thought deserved an Oscar nomination?
99. Best movie soundtrack?
100. A block-buster movie that deserved all of the hype & more?
Cloud what the fuck
Give me a minute
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oscarseyebrow · 3 years
Couple weeks ago I remember coming onto your blog and read the fic " I am no Jedi". And I followed u before but apparently it didn't sense me actually pressing the follow button so I spent the last couple of weeks trying to find your blog and here I am! I re-read the "I am no Jedi fic" and goddammit man left us on a cliff hanger 😂😤😩. It Was emotional for me. The way you gave the smallest bits of details though and the feels though it's just djkejsbsmlwje it was amazing! Can't wait to read the next chapter please take your time UwU. ♥️
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this is me right now waking up and reading this. pretty sure this is the nicest message i’ve had 😊 thank you so much and thank you for finding me again!
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bedeliainwonderland · 5 years
I understand disliking a character..but you realize anything that happens to bedelia in context of the show is driven by hannibal, right? the man you ship her with? the stinger, her fear, all that necessitates her self preservation is instigated by hannibal. the show frequently did a disservice to its female chars, but hannibal was the tool they used to do it. denying that and then shipping him w/ your fav only to turn it around on another char seems...hypocritical.
Ahh yes, some good ol’ anon hate, I missed that. Honestly, perfect timing, I am having the worst of times and getting to talk about my favs literally saved my day. So thanks!
First of all, Bedelia and Hannibal are a canon ship, whether you like it or not, so let’s get that out of the way (as opposite to certain other ship but that is a whole other thing). I merely fill in the blanks of what the show failed to provide because, for some inexplicable reason, the show named “Hannibal” was centered on a character named Will and every other character (especially the female characters) served only to further his “man pain”. But I digress, that is surely not why you chose to hide behind that grey square.
I don’t know whether you follow me or just saw that one reblog (which ironically weren’t even my words but I stand fully behind everything said), but I have already spoken about this extensively. Every day, really. I find it hard to understand how something is hypocritical when it is based on canon information. I am not denying anything. So here we go, under the cut, because I have a LOT to say:
The stinger- oh god, you all know how much I hate it. First of all, there is no proof that Hannibal is involved, we don’t know who is involved, that is kinda the point of a cliff hanger. We don’t even know if it’s real. But it’s absolutely pointless and makes no sense! It was quite literally Fuller wanting to do something “shocking” to finish off the series without any regard to continuity or characterisation. It was supposed to be shocking and look aesthetically pleasing, that’s it, no logic. It is as if he looked at the character list and thought “hmm, which female character is yet to be hurt? Oh right, Bedelia!” The so called “punishing Bedelia” as the fandom loved so very much is mere misogyny. Why can’t a female character do something morally questionable or even plain evil and get away with it? Because Will didn’t that is why. If she were a man, no one would scream for “she has it coming”, no, he would be uwu baby.
Having Hannibal involved in that would be completely out of character and contradictory to all their previous interactions/ their relationship. So let’s expand, shall we?
When we first see Bedelia and Hannibal, it is mentioned that she has been his psychiatrist for 7 years. 7 YEARS, let that sink in. No one, NO ONE, has been in Hannibal’s life for such a long time. It is clear she means a lot to him. If she didn’t, he had plenty of chances to kill her. It is established she is a loner, so it would so easy for Hannibal to dispose of her and claim “she left to UK” or something, like he did with his secretary. But he didn’t because he cares for her and she is important to him. He literally says he feels protective of her. Every session, you can see how much he needs her approval and how he hangs on her every word. How hurt he was when she said she wasn’t his friend (and yet he did nothing). How enamoured he is with her. When he comes to bring her dinner in Savoureaux, the dish included roses! Such a romantic.
Hannibal knew Bedelia was similar to him that is why he set up the whole Neil incident; he wanted to make sure she is. Do note that Bedelia wasn’t ever in danger, since Hannibal was there to step in if needed. But here is what I’ve found interesting; Bedelia killed someone, proving Hannibal’s hunch right, but she refused to fully acknowledge that part of herself. And Hannibal let her withdraw, doing nothing (as in not killing her, as I’m sure he had done many times with unsuccessful “candidates”) merely securing her continuous therapy. Because she was more than just another experiment to him.
And Bedelia isn’t so innocent in other aspects as well. She knows, yet she purposely evades the truth while talking to the FBI (“Will could use friends like Hannibal” ha!) under the cover of patient/ doctor confidentiality and even warns Hannibal directly (“they are starting to see your pattern). I have had my fair share of “Bedelia doesn’t care for Hannibal” posts and nothing could be further from the truth. If she hadn’t cared, she would not have done any of that.
But then of course, Hannibal’s game goes one step too far and he gives her the written permission to discuss him with the FBI. This is bad for Bedelia because it puts her under the scrutiny as well and that is not where she wants to be. Bedelia’s self-preservation always comes first (both Bedelia and Hannibal are egocentric by nature). Yet, she still comes to say goodbye to him and he lets her go! The script described Hannibal’s reaction to her words as “imperceivable wound”. “But he then went to kill her!” I hear you say? *Thor’s gif* Did he though? If he wanted to kill her, he would have done it then and there. No, he went to check if she were really gone (again, script) and whether she betrayed him. That was his only concern (betrayal is a big thing with Hannibal), but she didn’t. She even left him a memento. It said it was a memento of friendship, I think it was a “see you later” card.
This is getting super long, so let’s quickly skip to Florence. Bedelia left with Hannibal, knowing exactly who he was. Unlike other (all of them, actually) characters, she did not reject him/ was scared of him. “You let them see you/ I let them see enough” exchange says it all. She is not surprised by him or shocked by what he is; she is merely stating the facts. She has long accepted him in full. They lived together in Florence, openly behind the so called veil, as fake husband and wife, but the wedding rings remained intact even at home (showing how important it was to them, not just a front), displaying a ridiculous amount of domesticity and intimacy. This deserves a whole separate post but I am trying to be brief(er). “But she was scared!” you might shout again, except that she wasn’t. Even if Antipasto purposely played with the ambiguity of her situation for suspense purposes, the following episodes made it clear she was exactly where she wanted to be, from the very start, on her own terms as Hannibal’s equal. We were obviously misled by the promos, they promised us a Bedelia and Hannibal show and what we got was, well, you know… And that is yet another post altogether.
Now to the glorious farewell, boy, do I love to talk about that. Bedelia packs Hannibal’s bags and tells him to leave, and he does! What more, he promises to tell her story. HER STORY. Now, that is a major thing, because Hannibal has never ever done that for anyone. He always turns other people’s stories into his own, manipulating and adjusting accordingly. But with Bedelia, he simply agrees to do it, on her own terms. Not only that, he is visibly impressed and enamoured by her. Again, if he wanted to kill her, he could have just killed her then. He was going to get caught anyway, what is one more murder? All this “he waited until he could eat her” story makes no sense at all, since as it was already mentioned, he knew her for almost a decade, plenty of time to eat her if he wanted to. He lets her go because he wants to. Because he cares for her.
The point I have made several times is that Bedelia is the only person that Hannibal treats as, well, a person! Everyone else is beneath him, meat only if you will, but not her. Even the ever so special (apparently) Will and Abigail aren’t treated as “people”. Bedelia is the only person that Hannibal respects; that is what makes her so special. Not love (even though he obviously loves her), because respect is rarer for Hannibal than love. Sure, he “loves” Will, the same way you love your favourite book. You want to have it and you don’t want anyone else to have it, but you don’t expect the book to return your feelings. Bedelia is Hannibal’s only equal.
The Red Dragon arc was a mess of epic proportions so I don’t even want to get into that. But I do appreciate the acknowledgement of Bedelia’s darker side and now she has become comfortable with it since Florence. Let’s make a few notes so it doesn’t look as if I am purposely omitting things: Hannibal’s letters to Bedelia? Clearly a part of his “telling her story” and helping her cover, plus he was not able to send her proper letters, so that is his way of telling her he thinks of her. Sessions with Will? You can’t really take everything she told him at face value, she is obfuscating after all. Why would she be honest with Will? She wouldn’t be, she was just continuing what Hannibal has started with much better results (slightly too good actually, as proven by Will’s stupid plan). Bedelia wasn’t afraid Hannibal would come after her, because she had no reasons to be. NONE. She was protected by him.
So there you have it, the great many reasons why I am so unapologetic in my shipping. Because it is all there. Thank you for reminding me why I love these two so much! Have a great day, maybe next time you can message me off anon.
(And thanks to all who got to the end of this almost dissertation, this is my testament, I love you all fellow bedannibal fans!)
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le-amewzing · 2 years
Hi there, I saw your post about you replied me but Tumblr ate your post. Lol. Thank you for the fic. Keep writing more, I'll keep reading!
Looking forward for the final ep with Parker centric. Do you have your own imagination about what's gonna happen to Parker after read the synopsis? (I'm pretty sure you do and probably more than one. 😉) Do you think you can let it out as a fic before the final on air (or after that's fine with me too) I just want to read them. 😅
BTW, I don't see the chemistry between knight and palmer as a couple (I like both of them, don't get me wrong, heck I like everyone in the team including Gibbs) but they are more like good friends than couple imo. On the other hand, I think the chemistry between Parker and knight is more like something something, you know, maybe that's why I like to read your parknight fic. Lol
Ohhh, tysm for coming off anon! :'DDD I'm very flattered by the gesture~ =w= <3 AH! So you enjoyed it? Yay! I never know unless I see activity, so I was sweating that a bit, *lol*. But ty for dropping me a msg about your enjoyment. :3 I deffo have plenty more Parknight to post and to write, so I look forward to your continued readership. c:
And HARD SAME. Ever since CBS released the ep descrips for the season finales, my heart has been beating madly for it, even tho I'm not ready for the season to end yet! 😂 Hmm, I have some thoughts, tho nothing that would be in fic form at this point (I confess, I'm more of a reactive fic writer...except for when certain scenes/eps gimme inspo and send me running off, hypothesizing XD). I'm a little concerned they might go the Gibbs route and use this Big Moment in a major Parker episode to introduce his ex-wife, and while I have my own hcs about his past marriage, I'm just a little tired of seeing the same thing again??? So I'm hoping not. :L Also hoping we're not gonna have a cliff hanger, bc that might slay me (and throw another wrench into my posting schedule ;P). Alas, best-case scenario is a cliffie, imo.
Ah, and before I answer the last part of your ask—I do wanna point out that I am a multishipper and also don't ship-bash (tho, dw, I don't interpret your comments as ship-bashing, I getcha uwu). But I agree. I love the individual charries of Knight and of Jimmy, but it's not smthg I can get behind, personally. I also discussed this a bit more in my closing A/N for "Plus One" before, actually, in defense of letting charries stay single. I love shipping, don't get me wrong, but even I get tired of show writers pairing up single charries without srsly considering chemistry. Aaaaaand, on that note, circling back to your last remark, I hella agree, with Parker and Knight there's that smthg extra there that I just cannot un-see when I watch eps (both new and reruns), and that's why I'm churning out so much content for them rn. 😉
So, for now, we few Parknight fans will just hafta dither with each other...and also enjoy the Parknight sideblog I made! it's v cute i insist you take a peek uwu 💞
Thx so much for the msg! Always feel free to chat~ :D
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