#climate change records
mondoreb · 1 year
End Times Prophecy Headlines: February 20, 2023
End Times Prophecy Report.com HEADLINES MONDAY February 20, 2023 And OPINION “And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.” —Matthew 24:4 “The best way to keep a prisoner from escaping is to make sure he never knows he’s in prison.” —Fyodor Dostoevsky ===INTERNATIONAL UKRAINE: Putin’s War Against Ukraine: The End of The Beginning RUSSIA: Russia’s War in Ukraine…
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memenewsdotcom · 11 months
Phoenix breaks heat record
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useless-catalanfacts · 5 months
A new record: temperatures are so high, that yesterday Gavarda (a town in the Valencian Country) registered the highest temperature ever recorded in Europe in January: 30.7°C (87.26°F). This would usually be the expected temperature in early May. The previous record was set in 2021 (29.8°C in Alacant). We are record after record, and it's not good.
This adds on the drought that the Catalan Countries have been suffering for 3 years. We have water use restrictions and many farmers have lost the harvests for months because they're not allowed to water the fields. And there's no prospect for generous rain any time soon. Experts have been warning that for every degree Celsius that temperatures rise in the Mediterranean region, annual rain will reduce by 4%, and since we're a region that is already naturally prone to summer droughts, this will mean 20% less water resources.
The Mediterranean region is one of the places in the Earth that heats the most because of climate change. There will be 40% more days with extreme heat (days with temperatures higher than 35°C=95°F), which will have effects on health, particularly on open-air workers, and will suppose a 17% decrease in agriculture produce. That is, without counting rising sea levels.
The Mediterranean region is inhabited by 400-500 million people, out of which 150 million live on the coast. Experts calculate that the sea will have risen 1 meter (it's not out of the question that it might have risen even more if polluting emissions aren't reduced) by the end of the century. Considering that 37% Mediterranean coast is very low, on sea level, this means that this rise of the Mediterranean sea will put about 42 million people in extreme danger. One of the first victims will be (and is already suffering the early effects) the Delta of the Ebro river, a mostly-agricultural area in the South of Catalonia which is also a Biosphere reserve due to its great biodiversity.
And some people still say climate change isn't real 🤦
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mindblowingscience · 7 months
The global average temperature on Friday was more than two degrees Celsius hotter than pre-industrial levels for the first time on record, Europe's Copernicus climate monitor said Monday, adding Saturday likely continued the unprecedented warming streak. ​Months of extraordinary heat are expected to make 2023 the hottest year in history, with droughts, massive wildfires and fierce storms ravaging swathes of the planet. ​According to new data, global temperatures on November 17 were 2.07 °C above the pre-industrial average, the EU's Climate Change Service (C3S). "This was the first day when global temperature was more than 2 °C above 1850-1900 levels," said Samantha Burgess, C3S Deputy Head on X, formerly known as Twitter. Preliminary data suggests the record continued into Saturday, with temperatures around 2.06 °C above the pre-industrial average, Copernicus said on X.
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Whilst America freezes, Europe is in the midst of a winter heat wave. Some of these temperatures are 4-5 degrees Celsius higher than previous January records. BTW, these things are directly linked, due to the unstable polar vortex.
People may not see this as a bad thing- particularly with high energy prices this winter, but it is disrupting the normal seasonal weather seen in Northern/Eastern Europe, which may have knock on impacts on the growing seasons of crops. Excessive snow melt can also lead to flooding, which can be a major problem.
If these trends of warmer temperatures continue on to next summer, we’ll also see issues around drought and people dying due to extreme heat, like we did this summer.
Anyway, it’s just another reminder that “climate change” isn’t going to happen in some far off future. It’s 2023. It is the future. This is happening now.
We need to find ways to deal with it, and to try and ensure things don’t get any worse.
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pjharvey · 11 days
like in addition to ushering it an absolute nightmare world for lgbt people, especially trans people, and anyone who can get pregnant, especially black women, and like countless other things a vote for biden is a vote against the worst possible outcome for the climate imaginable. you can't be a single issue voter. we don't live in a single issue society.
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marzipanandminutiae · 11 months
a misconception I see a lot- and have even believed myself! -is, "well, women in western history could only wear all those layers because there was no climate change!"
which is. not really the case, as far as I can tell?
obviously this varies from era to era, but I was looking into historical temperatures here in Boston from the earliest consistent records (1893) and I was surprised to see several 90+-degree days most summers throughout the 1890s (fahrenheit)
now, I am not at all a climate-change denier. extreme heat has been getting more likely and more frequent the world over- I'm fully aware that I'm posting this during what some scientists are calling the hottest July on record globally. that being said, the idea that our ancestors NEVER had to deal with the temperatures we're facing now is factually incorrect for many of the areas worldwide where the clothing we're talking about was worn (and most scientists aren't saying that, I know! this is a pop history commentary, not a scientific one)
the fact is that, in most of the western world, yes, our ancestors did wear That Clothing in These Temperatures. less often and for shorter periods of time, most years, but...it happened! and they found ways to deal!
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mckitterick · 11 months
Record heat is killing saguaro cactus
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Record-high temperatures, combined with a lack of seasonal monsoons, are killing Arizona's famous saguaro. Phoenix just saw 115°F (46°C), continuing a streak of temperatures over 110°F degrees for 28 consecutive days.
Stressed by extreme weather and lack of water, saguaro can begin to rot from the inside and eventually lose limbs or collapse. Saguaros are beautifully adapted to heat and aridity, but they have their limits.
At night, saguaro normally open their stomata, or pores, and carry out a gas exchange where they take in the carbon dioxide they need to photosynthesize during the day. But Phoenix's record-high heat is suffocating and stressing out the saguaros, dehydrating them and making them more susceptible to infections and insects.
Phoenix is one of nine US cities where at least 1 million people live in neighborhoods that reach 8° higher temperatures than surrounding areas. Tucson, where temperatures are slightly lower but still over 100°F, isn’t seeing the same distress in local saguaros because they aren't suffering the added “heat island” effect of Phoenix plants.
When plants especially evolved to thrive in desert conditions are dying because of the heat, we have a problem.
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ponku-po · 17 days
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This graphic shows the years 1982-2022 in shades of blue and 2024 in red. 2023 has been omitted to help give context for how fast things have changed. Unedited graphic below vvv
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climate-crisis · 11 months
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🫠 The goddamn temperature record was broken more than 10 times this month.
As in, the warmest day record (globally) EVER was broken on the 3rd of July. Then that record was broken the next day, on the 4th. This one was broken on the 5th... and then on the 6th...
This all follows last month being the hottest June on record.
It's a CRISIS.
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mizz-sea-nymph · 11 months
Back in 2022 I started calling Poseidon Pussydon cause idk what I was pissy about I just came into a few chat rooms and typed and voice mailed like crazy PUSSYDON 💀🤚🏽 and now everyone calling him that? Deadass everyone 🥹
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I feel like I’ve really made a difference in the world is this what curing climate change feels like? 🤯
I feel proud 🦈🤌🏼
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memenewsdotcom · 7 months
Hottest 12 months on record
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doomsayersunited · 11 months
Tuesday Thursday set the record for the hottest day ever recorded on the planet, shattering the previous record, which was set on Monday Tuesday. Tuesday's record, of course, beat the previous record, which was set on Monday. How much hotter will the planet get before most of us are unable to survive?
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monstersandmaw · 9 months
Why is it 31°C in my room at 9.30pm in September, IN FUCKING ENGLAND?!!
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thebusylilbee · 8 months
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29°C in october... never seen that shit in my whole life, we are so doomed...
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