#clint's having a rough day if that wasn't obvious
normaltothemax · 11 months
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"Should I go?" [barney to clint? also hello friend ^^;]
Should he go? It was a good question that Clint wasn't sure he knew the answer to.
Truthfully, he'd forgotten Barney was coming. Had been sitting alone (well, with Lucky) in the dark, drowning himself in cheap beer and his own misery. How many had he had now? Without moving from his reclined position on the couch, he glanced at the couple of empties sitting on the coffee table. Not enough, he determined. He could still count them just fine, could still see straight and think clearly, could still feel the ache of his most recent injuries.
He sighed, leaned forward to brace his forearms on his thighs, a half-full bottle held between his knees by just his fingertips. It'd fall if he wasn't careful. His free hand came up to rub at the back of his neck, before he shook his head. "Nah. You came all the way here. Can stay if you want." He shrugged, gestured to the fridge. "Feel free to grab a beer. Grab me another one, too, while you're at it." He sounded tired, even to his own ears.
Not once did he meet his brother's eyes.
@dramatisperscnae (x)
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randomshyperson · 9 months
Party Monster - Wanda Maximoff Kinktober #01
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Summary: A Halloween party takes an interesting turn when Wanda reunites with her ex-girlfriend. Maybe she'll learn a lesson or two, or maybe she'll still be terrible at following orders.
Warnings: (+18), Dom!Reader with Brat!Wanda, ex-girlfriends who are not over each other at all, really rough smut with teasing and orgasm denial, a lot of cursing, power dynamics, toxic behavior, unhealthy relationship (implied), the “cheating vs we are on a break” dilemma, mentions of a party atmosphere but no explicit alcohol consumption mentioned, Ghostface mask during smut scene ‘cause I’m a simp for Amber Freeman. | Words: 2.688k
A/N- Someone needs to get slasher movies away from me, but I thought this would be a good theme for kinktober. And we started with dom!Reader too because it’s a tradition. Good reading by the way, your horny people.
General Masterlist | Kinktober Collection | AO3 | Wattpad
It was definitely a bad idea.
Terrible, poorly thought-out, and reckless.
But Wanda finished putting the costume together and the final touch - the black gloves - made her take a deep breath, trying to gain a little confidence in her Halloween costume.
In the bedroom mirror, there was still a photograph that she knew she should have taken from there to at least fool herself that she could move on, but just as she had done dozens of times before, Wanda adjusted the item to prevent it from falling. 
Your smiling figure stares back at her, and Wanda sighs softly, ready to party.
She crossed the campus in half an hour, alone because the girls went ahead and honestly, Wanda wasn't that close to her friends nowadays. Not since the break-up anyway.
"Hey, Wanda!" The male voice shouting her name startles her for a moment. But she forces a smile as she is enveloped in a strong hug, Steve Rogers entering her field of vision in the next second. He looked drunk when she got a closer look. "Glad you could make it."
The forced smile begins to bother her face, so Wanda stops, swallowing dryly and trying not to look so uncomfortable. 
"Yeah, thanks." She mumbles awkwardly, nodding towards the open door, where the party seems even fuller and livelier. "Stark sure knows how to throw a party."
Steve laughs. "That he does." He says, looking ready to start small talk. Usually, he's as out of place as Wanda in crowded environments, but now he's got enough alcohol in his system to seem cool compared to the rest of the team's jocks, who stand out at parties with their eyes closed. "The guys are inside, come say hi and we can get you something to drink."
The non-existent details of the exact people who constituted the " guys " Steve was referring to made Wanda's stomach turn. But the blond had already grabbed her hand and was pulling her into the crowd, and frankly, Wanda wasn't going to make a scene.
She could handle the possibility of you being at the party, even if she hadn't seen you for four weeks. And three days, nineteen hours, and according to the clock by the beers, fifteen minutes.
"Guys, look who showed up!" Steve announces to the group at the ping pong tables. Wanda remembers the first year when you first visited the fraternity house and you made a joke about the number of expensive objects in the place, and she laughed even though she didn't really get the joke. God, she was so whipped back then.
The whole group looks at them at once. Wanda almost giggles at the scene, all the creative costumes are a sight to behold. Natasha in leather outfits similar to her sister's, or Tony in some kind of colorful armor. Thor dressed as the god after whom he was named, and Clint as a green archer. 
And then there was you, with a ghostface mask around your neck so you could get to taste your drink.
You almost choke on the liquid when you meet Wanda's gaze, and she could consider it a personal victory. At least you looked as affected as she was.
It's obvious that the atmosphere gets heavy. Everyone there knows that you two broke up and that it wasn't a pretty thing. Or easy.
And maybe that's why Yelena hides a tense laugh behind her glass of drink and Natasha rushes over to greet Wanda and put an end to the scene.
The only person Wanda really wants to greet tonight puts her mask back on. You drop the glass and leave without saying anything, making the mood even worse. 
Natasha clears her throat and strokes Wanda's arm gently. "Don't mind her, I, we, are happy to see you, sweetheart. I'll talk to her, enjoy the party."
It's sweet of Natasha to worry, but as the night goes on and you don't exchange a word, and you keep ignoring her, Wanda doesn't feel a bit better.
She tries to have a good time, but her gaze keeps seeking out your figure, which manages to evade her curiosity masterfully. 
You disappear for a good few minutes after beer-pong, and Wanda begins to consider leaving. So she dismisses Bucky Barnes' story about a mess with the rival team and decides to be miserable in her bed instead of at a party full of strangers.
She turns into the corridor and there's a Ghostface cornering a pretty girl at the bottom of the stairs.
Anger blooms and dominates her actions before she can think about it. She lunges forward and grabs the figure by the cap of the costume, hard enough to almost knock the couple over.
The male's shout makes her wince.
"Are you fucking mental?" Complains the stranger in confusion and indignation.
"I-I, shit, I thought it was someone else" She stammers with wide eyes, walking backward, away from the confused couple. 
The scene attracts the attention of a few people around, but she feels her back hit somebody and before she can turn around, two hands come around her waist and push her away from the angry guy.
Wanda blinks, and you shove him away harshly. "Back the fuck off, motherfucker." 
The man snorts indignantly. By now, half the party is staring at the scene.  "What the hell? She started it."
"And I'm finishing, fuck off." You cut him off coldly, and you probably wear that costume better than he does, because the guy hesitates and turns away to grab the girl's hand behind him, leaving without saying another word.
You turn your masked face to Wanda, and she feels hers burning with shame. All you do is shake your head in disbelief and take the hard way upstairs.
Wanda follows you without thinking about it.
She stops the bedroom door from closing with her hand and ignores your protest.
"I'm sorry-"
"I don't want to talk to you." You cut her off, holding up a finger. "I don't even want to look at you, Maximoff. Get the fuck out." You advance but Wanda is quicker. She closes the door behind her, and you end up pressing her into the wood by the arms. 
You sigh heavily, as affected as she is. 
"I thought it was you." She confesses in a shaky whisper, her hands trapped behind the body you kept squeezing. "I don't know what I'd do if I saw you with someone else."
You chuckle dryly, taking a step back. "Apparently you'd try to throw me to the ground."
Your attempt to pull away completely is interrupted - Wanda grabs your wrists, trying to get you to wrap your arms around her again. It becomes a struggle of pushing and impatient grunting. Until Wanda is forced against the bed, and her apologies break down into a dirty moan.
Your hand around her neck - in an attempt to get her to shut up and stop repeating what you don't want to hear - has a very different effect. 
You're on top of her, pinning her to the mattress with your own body. Wanda thinks you can feel how wet she is against your thigh.
"Don't make a fucking sound. I don't want to hear you, understand?" You warn, the loosest grip on her throat to allow her to breathe. Wanda nods obediently and has to bite her lip hard when you pull up her skirt, only to grope for her panties. 
Silence is an impossible task, especially when your fingers, so eager and familiar, thrust into her without warning. She squirms, throbbing in your fingerprints, and the sigh of pleasure is yours.
"Fuck, I've missed your pussy." You pant, fucking her carelessly, hard, and deep. The sound of Wanda's soaked arousal makes her ears burn - but she doesn't mind. She's busy trying to keep still, even when you're driving her over the edge so quickly. You notice, of course, and pull out as soon as she's ready to let go, and Wanda breaks into a loud whimper, her hips thrusting restlessly into the air.
You let go of her throat to grab her cheeks. "You're not going to come, Wanda. You don't deserve it. And you know why, don't you?"
Her pussy is throbbing, enough to be almost painful, knocking her out of orbit. All she can do is whimper, nodding; you let out a wicked chuckle. "And why don't you deserve it, darling?"
Of course, you'd make her admit it. Because everything so far hasn't been hell enough. Wanda turns her face away, and with her silence, a slap hits her pussy. She spasms, moaning loudly, her back arched in the mattress. 
She almost came in one go. Holding onto the edge at the last second.
"Oh god please." She whimpers shamelessly, and you grunt, watching the wetness ooze down her thighs, her pussy clenching against the emptiness in front of you. Wanda wants to come so badly that you almost feel sorry for her. "Just... one time. I'll do whatever you want."
You chuckle, and spread her legs a lit more to fit your body, pressing her against the bed. The friction between your joined hips makes her groan, trying to grind up onto you, but you remain firm, holding her still.
"Tell me." You demand. "Why aren't you allowed to come?"
She shakes her head, tears welling up in her eyes. "I... I can't."
You sigh impatiently and walk away at once. Wanda almost cries at the lack of contact.
"Get out of my room."
"N-no, please-"
"Then say it!"
Despite her shame, Wanda swallows her tears. "I fucked up."
You chuckle coldly, busy opening a drawer. "Clarify it." You command, and Wanda only obeys because she knows very well what's in the last drawer of your bedside table, she can feel herself clenching for the feeling. With a dry throat, and looking brazenly at what you're wrapping around your waist, she retorts: "I fucked someone else." She murmurs, biting her lip when the hardness is properly fitted. You laugh dryly.
"Hm, and why did you do that?"
Wanda spreads out on the bed, a bait. You don't fall for it. She pants in anticipation. "I wanted to get a reaction out of you. We're on a break. I wanted you to regret it."
Your hand begins to slowly masturbate the dildo and Wanda lets out a shuddering breath, becoming even more aroused by the image. 
“I’m the one who will make you regret it.” It is your final clarification. But Wanda gasps.
"Take your mask off, I want to look at you."
But you chuckle again, darkly enough for Wanda to shudder. "What you want doesn't matter to me anymore."  You retort, and Wanda has no room for hurt now, the lust and longing for the feel of your body on hers taking over all her senses. "Get on all fours, you’re gonna watch yourself."
Wanda moves on trembling limbs, her face burning. She tries to ignore the mirror in the corner of the room, but as soon as you're behind her, your hand grabs her hair and forces her head up. 
The Ghostface mask stares back at her. "You're going to watch me fuck your needy pussy and you're not going to cum, Wanda. No matter how much you want it, how much you beg for it." You warn sternly, your free hand adjusting the toy at her entrance. "Because petty, selfish girls who ruin a three-year fucking relationship don't deserve to come, do they?"
She shakes her head, at this point, she thinks she'll agree to anything you say. And you must understand that pleasure has gotten the better of her because you start masturbating her entrance with the tip of the fake cock and it's enough for her knees to give way. She whines in a plea.
You sink into her at once, filling her to the brim and Wanda moans throatily, her hands clutching the sheets. The last time you were this deep, playing power games, Wanda squirted on the new sheets, and she's not sure that after going a month without touching you, she can stop it from happening again. "God."
You chuckle hoarsely, seeming to have the best time in the world with this. You pull out of her only to enter again, slow enough for Wanda to let out a sob. "Hold it."
"I-I can't." She cries out, choking on her own breath, and instead of taking pity, you sink in again, picking up a rough pace. Wanda would have fallen onto the mattress, but you grab her hair again and force her to watch what's happening.
"Look how beautiful you are when you're being properly fucked." You tease, your hips never failing against her. Wanda can only moan in return, each second more impossible to stop the knot in her belly from bursting. "I know no one makes you this wet, Wanda. No one knows your body like I do." To prove a point, your hand slips between her legs, and eager fingers flick her neglected clit exactly in the way that makes her squeal to the ceiling. 
Thank God for the loud sound of Tony Stark's parties.
Wanda is sure she's going to cum by now, and you can tell because you've been through this hundreds of times, and you know her body like the back of your hand. The fake cock slides out the second she's ready to let it go, and Wanda collapses flaccidly onto the bed with the lack of your hands while unable to hold back her tears.
"Fuck you, I hate you, I fucking hate you, you bitch." She babbled breathlessly, the frustration of her second stolen orgasm of the night making her groggy. You chuckle as she squirms on the bed, hugging her own body, and Wanda doesn't even notice that you've moved away just to lock the door.
Wanda is still trying to catch her breath when you remove the mask in one pull and kneel in front of her on the bed, between her legs which you pull open. 
You don't give her a chance to prepare, you move in and start eagerly fucking her pussy, ignoring how Wanda writhes on the bed and muffles her moans in the mattress. 
"Oh my god." She meows, her knuckles clutching the sheets, and the only thing stopping her thighs from closing against your head are your hands holding her tight. "I c-can't hold it, detka! 'can't-"
You stop again, and Wanda thinks she might kill you. This time, you sigh into her. "Hold it, or I swear to God I'll switch to another college."
Wanda is forced to chuckle at that. It's stilted and hoarse, and she knows there's a grain of truth in your words, but she does it anyway. Even more annoyed, you stand up. 
She despairs but is giggling nervously. "No, wait, babe, I'll behave, I promise."
It's your turn to chuckle, in disbelief at the scene. Wanda clung to you as if your departure was the worst thing in the world. 
"You're a lying brat, Wanda." You say, and despite the harsh words, your hand gently strokes her hair. Wanda sighs shakily, the redness in her cheeks showing how much she enjoyed the words. You push her hands away and take two steps back. Far enough, you quickly untie the item from around your waist. "I'm going back to the party. And if you want to cum tonight, you'll stay here. Waiting like a good girl."
She opens her mouth to protest, but you hold up a finger in warning, and the seriousness in your gaze is enough for her to know that if she disobeys now, you'll send her away.
Swallowing dryly, she lets you go, and when the door closes, she throws herself back on the mattress. 
Her body’s on fire, and the traces of your shampoo on the pillow don't help. She moans low, adjusting to touch herself. 
Maybe, just maybe, you won't mind if she comes while looking at your picture on the bedside table. 
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Tory Nichols and Carmen Lawrence. Carmen is the daughter of Johnny Lawrence. Her mother died while giving birth to her. Because of this, Carmen grew up being raised by Johnny. It wasn't the best childhood but she knew that he loved her. She knew that there was something about Tory.
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Daniel LaRusso and Terri Mills. When Daniel LaRusso came to town, he quickly met Terri and they became quite friendly. They soon developed a romantic relationship 
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Celia Walton and Sofia Burch. Celia and Sofia have been best friends since they were very young. When Celia turned 14, she realized that her feelings toward Sofia were a teensy bit stronger than friendship. 
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Peter Parker and Kara Watson. Kara, Harry Osborn, Peter used to be friends. They did everything together. When they were 13, in a heated argument, they were only friends with her because he liked Caterina and Peter just followed. He also revealed her crush on Peter, saying that Peter could never like her the way that he likes Mary Jane Watson. She then ignores them, dating Max Skinner. But after catching him in bed with her sister, she finds herself in Peter's arms.
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Aimee Styles and Michelle Jones. Aimee moved to town shortly after the events of Spiderman Homecoming. She became somewhat close to Reece Parker and Michelle. Michelle was still getting over Hana so she wasn't really looking for someone. 
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Reece Parker and Ava Barnes Rogers. Reece and Ava meet via Peter Parker, whom is Reece's cousin. The two automatically connect. After a rough time, Reece was the only person that she had on her side. After a near death experience, they share their first kiss and officially start dating. 
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Beau Trent and Finn Avery. Finn and Beau became friends when Finn, who had been one of the most popular girls in the school, got pregnant. She was outcasted when her baby's father passed away as most of the student body blamed the car accident that claimed his life on her. Beau, who goes by they/them pronouns, was her only friend and that friendship slowly but surely turned romantic 
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Peter Parker and Isabella Han. Isabella had gone to a public school but had applied to the school and gotten in. She was so excited. She met Peter Parker on her first day and immediately fell for him. It took Peter a little bit to get to know her but he soon felt himself falling hard for the girl.
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James Kremer and James Buchanan Barnes. James Kremer came into Bucky's life shortly after the events of Civil War. The minute that they met, it was obvious to everyone else that there was something there. It was about a year until they did something about it and still about six months after that that they told anyone about it 
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Steve Rogers and Rachelle Potter. Rachelle was found by Natasha and Clint and quickly became a part of Shield. Natasha was there the first time Steve and Rachelle met. She thought that they would get alone but that was not the case. In fact, Rachelle hated Steve with a passion. Her first words to him were "You may be Captain America but that doesn't mean I have to get on my knees". 
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Help Me Forget
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader x Tony Stark
- - -
The streets were busy and lively as you pushed your way through, desperate to fight the crowds and return to the safety of your home.
It had been a relatively normal day, a good day, up until you had stumbled across one little happening. 
Up until you had seen them.
As you walked briskly on the darkened pavement, you tried frantically to rid your mind of the troubling thought, but no matter how hard you tried, the images kept flooding right back.
Your eyes filled with tears as you recalled the unfortunate incident.
You had gone out on a food run for the group, it was a usual occurrence and it just so happened to be your turn. You had turned up at the restaurant to pick up your order, when you saw something that made you freeze in your tracks.
Sitting on a table not too far away, was Steve. Much to your shock, he was not alone. He was sitting across from a unfamiliar woman, looking very cosy. Too cosy. 
When you had first seen him, you thought you had imagined it. Perhaps, you had mistook a stranger for the Captain. No. You soon realised that you had seen right.
The sight had shocked you so much, that you turned around and speedily left the restaurant. The food long forgotten.
Returning back to the present moment, as you made your way back home, you had more time to process what had happened, but it only made it worse.
You and Steve had a history, to say the least. You had joined the Avengers not long before the attack on Ultron. The former solider was kind and gentle to you, two things that you had never been very familiar with, given your harsh background. You had found comfort in his warm personality, and you soon became good friends. Shortly after, friendship had blossomed into something more, and the two of you were known around the tower, as the 'power couple,' of the group. You were inseparable, and highly protective of each other. You were in love. Plain and simple.
However, your loving relationship came crashing down when you had got badly injured in an assignment. It was risky to begin with, but Fury had needed all of the team. You had been fighting off a gang of radical soldiers with Natasha, when the Hulk had a huge break out, he had lost control and the team needed Natasha to get to him, quick. Subsequently, Steve made the call for Natasha to go to Banner and go through their lullaby.
What he didn't know, was that you were left alone with a very large group of bloodthirsty lunatics.
You had given the best you could, but there had been too many for you to fight off. By the time Natasha had warned Steve that you were on your own, it was too late.
Steve and Tony arrived to see you on the floor, unconscious, with blood pouring out from gaping wounds. They had rushed you back to the jet and straight to the hospital at S.H.I.E.L.D., where you underwent intense treatment, but had also slipped into a coma.
For weeks Steve sat with you, begging you to wake up. The image of how he had found you haunted him deeply, he knew he would never be able to forget what he did. When you finally woke up, you didn't remember much about the attack, which turned out to be a blessing. 
However, you also woke up to a very broken man.
Steve was left traumatised after the event. No matter how hard you or any other of the avengers tried, he could not and would not accept that he was not responsible to what had happened to you. He blamed himself entirely. He could not live with the fact that he had caused you any sort of pain of injury. He could not bear the guilt and shame. 
As an unfortunate result, Steve had made the painful decision to distance himself from you. He had told you that he could not be with you anymore, that you deserved better than him, that you needed someone who could always protect you.
Needless to say, you had not taken it very well. At all. You thought he was being too hard on himself, to the point where it was ridiculous. He was being infuriatingly stubborn, and you told him as much, but he would not listen. He had made up his mind. He hated himself for putting you in danger, and it was too difficult for him to be around you, knowing that truth.
The two of you had been separated for a little over six months now. You thought that you had finally come to a place where you could deal with it better. It was hard and painful at times, but you had tried your best to come to a place of acceptance, knowing that he was not going to change his mind. 
However, seeing him, the man that you had loved, the man who had detached himself from you, seeing him with another woman...and looking so-so happy...it killed you. It hurt you in ways that you didn’t expect. The pain that you felt in your heart, reminded you just how much you still loved him. 
You were also angry. Very angry. 
You couldn’t believe that he had the audacity to do that to you, to simply find someone else and move on...casting you aside.
As you marched back into the tower, you had one single bitter thought in mind; ‘if he can move on so quickly, then so can I!’
The elevator doors rolled back when you reached the main floor. You took a deep breath then strolled into the allotment, very much aware of the multiple pairs of eyes upon you.
“Hey, Y/N,” greeted Clint from his seat on the sofa, but you ignored him, causing him and Natasha to exchange a concerned glance.
Piertro, who was over by the bar, noticed your empty hands and frowned. “Where is the food?”
“Didn’t get it.” Was all you replied, as you continued to stalk through the floor, passing by all your perplexed friends. 
Piertro pouted sadly. “Aw, but I’m hungry.”
Wanda rolled her eyes at her brother. “You’re always hungry.”
“What? I have a really fast metabolism.”
Bruce couldn’t help but pipe up at the scientific inconsistency. “Actaully, that has nothing to do with how your appetite works...”
You left the room as if you had never even heard them, your mind bubbling with too many things.
Noticing the hard glare that you were wearing as you walked away, Clint asked the others, “what was that all about?”
You walked up the stairs to your own floor, but didn’t go into your room. No. Instead, you stopped right outside a black, shiny door, and quickly knocked on it. The door opened and Tony stared back at you in momentary confusion, before registering that it was you.
He quickly fixed a charming smirk onto his handsome face. “Hi, sweetheart.”
You didn’t reply but gazed at him with semi-guarded emotions. He saw the pain in your eyes that you were half-halfheartedly trying to hide, and immediately sobered.
“Whats wrong, Y/N?”
You shook your head, not being able to say anything aloud just yet. “Can I come in?” You asked.
Tony answered your question by moving back and gesturing for you to enter, his concern increasing. Wordlessly, you went in and sat down on the large bed, waiting as he joined you.
You just sat there for a few moments, gathering your thoughts. Tony waited patiently, knowing that something had definitely upset you.
Finally, you managed to summon the courage to speak the words out loud.
“I saw Steve...with another woman...”
Your words were left to hang in the air, as Tony tried to process what you said. He looked at you worriedly, but was sure that you had to be mistaken.
“Are you positive it was Cap?”
“Absolutely. I saw them together at the restaurant when I went to get the food.”
Tony couldn’t quite believe it. It didn’t sound like the Cap he knew. “Maybe it wasn’t what you thought, maybe they’re just friends. Or he could have saved her from a burning building, its Cap, that’s kind of his thing. He can’t resist being the hero.”
You didn't laugh at the jesting in his voice, instead you merely looked at him tiredly. "I know what I saw, Tony. Steve is never that comfortable with someone he's just met, not like he was with her. There was familiarity between them, and not just the friendly kind."
Tony was finding it hard to comprehend how Cap, Cap of all people, could be on a date with another girl. A girl that wasn't you...it didn't make sense, and yet, there was no mistaking the striking betrayal that lay in your pretty eyes.
He reached out and rested his arm across your shoulders, drawing you into his side in an attempt to offer you some kind of comfort. He didn't know what he could say to make you feel better, if there was anything at all. The break up had been pretty rough on you, and to learn that the man who caused it had now done this...it made Tony's jaw clench. 
He would punch Cap in his shiny, patriotic face the next time he saw him.
You lay your head on Tony's chest and wrapped your arms around his waist, breathing in his pleasant aroma of aftershave and whisky. As you sat there together, with him gently rubbing your back, an idea formed in your bedraggled mind. An idea that may have seemed incredibly unwise, but one that brought you a twisted sensation of solace and satisfaction.
You lifted your head and angled it towards him, gazing at him with wide eyes. "Tony, if I ask you to do something for me, will you do it?"
He smiled softly. "Anything for you, sweetheart."
You bit your lip as you removed your hands from his waist and brought them up to his chest, clutching his shirt tightly. 
“I need you."
Tony stared back at you in bewilderment, certain that he had misheard, because you couldn't possibly have said what he thought you had. 
“Sorry, what?"
"I...need you," you repeated, judging his reaction carefully.
He was worried you had said that. Under normal circumstances, he would have been only to happy to oblige your request, however, these were not normal circumstances. You were in a highly emotional state and that changed everything.
“You’re clearly not thinking straight.”
“Maybe not,” you agreed. “But so what? I always think things through too much lately and I’m sick of it. Maybe, just one time, I want to do something not so right.
“I cant, Y/N. I can’t.”
Tony shot up from the bed and ran a hand through his hair, glancing at you with obvious temptation. 
“Why not?” You countered, standing up too and going over to him. “Because Steve wouldn't like it? Well, he doesn’t seem to care how I feel right now, so why should I care about him? You saw me, Tony, I was a wreck after he ended things. I kept hoping that he would change his mind, but he never did! Now-now he goes off and finds someone else because it suddenly suits him! Without giving me a second thought!”
Anger, betrayal and anguish laced your voice heavily, making Tony’s wall break down one-by-one. He hated seeing you upset. He wanted to be there for you. You had always been there for him.
You sighed deeply, your eyes silently pleading with him as you wrapped your hand in his.
“Please, Tony. I need to forget. Help me forget.”
No more words were uttered.
Pushing away his final thoughts of conflict, Tony promptly captured your lips in his in a passionate kiss, wrapping his arms around you and backing you over to the bed.
As you lay down, he hovered over you, his eyes conveying the question he needed to be sure of. You nodded hastily in reply, giving him his answer, and he joined your lips again.
The rest of the night was spent in a whirlwind of emotions. Yielding to passions and succumbing to temptations that you knew deep down, you would come to regret. For that moment, you blocked out the rest of the world, as you focused on only you and him.
The following morning, you awoke early in Tony's embrace, and instantly felt irritation creep up at yourself for letting things go so far.
There was no taking it back now.
As quietly as you could, you detached yourself from his arms and left his room, clothed only in one of his AC/DC shirts.
Since it was so early, you assumed that no one else would be up yet, so you went down to the kitchen, intending to make yourself a cup of coffee.However, you stopped in your tracks when you saw that you weren't alone. 
Wanda was sat at the breakfast bar...with Steve.
You went to turn around and leave before they saw you, but you found that it was too late, for Wanda called, "good morning, Y/N."
You sighed in frustration but turned back, plastering on a false smile. "Morning."
Upon hearing your name, Steve swivelled around on his stool to look at you, his heart clenching at the sight of you. He couldn't believe how you managed to be so beautiful all the time. It was still so painful for him to have to keep you at a distance, but he had to do it. He couldn't risk you getting hurt again. It was in your best interests.
“Y/N," he greeted with a small smile.
Steve bit back a wince at your curtness. It felt so strange to hear you be so formal with him. He knew that something was amiss, you hadn't called him that since you first joined the team, and even then it hadn't lasted more than a couple of days.
Wanda handed you a mug of coffee but her eyes scanned your appearance curiously, until it clicked.
“Is that Tony's shirt?"
That made Steve draw his attention to it too, scrutinising it with narrowed eyes.
You glanced down at the oversized garment, hurrying for an explanation. "Yes, I borrowed it a while ago and forgot to give it back, I just threw something on to come and get a drink."
"That's one of Stark's favourite shirts," observed Steve with a deep frown. "It's strange that he doesn't mind you keeping it."
You took a sip of your coffee, trying to stop the panic from rising. "Well, he's a strange guy."
Wanda accepted that as a reasonable response and decide to change the subject, though Steve was still pondering it, he could always tell when you were lying.
"Steve was just telling me about this dinner he went to last night," explained Wanda, unaware that the topic was a sensitive one for you.
"Oh, was he?" You voiced, sarcasm lacing your tone as you sent a small glare his way.
Wanda took that as a prompt to carry on. "Yeah, he met this woman on this old war website, and found out that she was related to-"
"I'll take it from here," Steve interrupted, not knowing how you would react to the information. "I found out that she was a distant relative of Peggy. She wanted to meet me to see if I could tell her anything about her great-aunt, and I felt obliged to."
Your thoughts were screaming at you as you stared at him, not moving.
Steve mistook your silence for anger or hurt. Peggy was always a difficult subject to broach between the two of you. He had managed to move on from his first love by finding you, his true love, but you had always questioned whether he had completely let her go.
He stood up and walked towards you, his expression wary. "Y/N, I only went for the woman's sake. I didn't think it was right to leave her with unanswered questions, to leave her wondering. There wasn't anything more to it than that. I swear. My history with Peggy is just that. History.”
You didn't have time to reply or fully register what this new information meant, because Tony came strutting in, shirtless, and looking immensely pleased with himself. 
“Morning, everyone." He went over to the counter and picked up the piece of toast that Wanda had made for herself, and took a bite out of it. He took notice of the soldier and tried to contain his anger at him for hurting you, so he settled for irritating him.
Tony threw you a wink as he walked back over to go to his room again. On the way out, he said cheekily, "thanks for last night, Y/N."
Your pulse quickened as you looked at the gaping Wanda in front of you, but you were more concerned by the look of utter pain and shock on Steve's face.
He swallowed thickly, his mind filling with every negative thought. 
He whispered, willing his voice not to crack. He could feel his heart breaking that very moment.
“I can't believe you would do that..."
Steve's eyes were full of pain, the same pain that you had felt the previous night. He knew he had to leave quickly, before his emotions overcame him.
He gave you one last, broken look, then stalked out of the kitchen, leaving you to watch after him helplessly.
You had messed up. You had messed up badly.
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almostmaybealways · 4 years
Oh How The Mighty Have Fallen
Alexandra Simmons.... Agent of SHIELD. Missing in action since 1963, she's given up hope on ever being rescued. Turned into a weapon for the very organization she vowed to end, HYDRA seems to have the upper hand. Until the Avengers that is. Now, Alex must learn to adapt to a new century, a new way of life, and a new team desperate to help her move on from her past. And who knows? Maybe she just might find love along the way. Only, things aren't ever the way they seem, are they?
Steve RogersxOC
Disclaimer: I own none of the Marvel Franchise, only my OC Alexandra Simmons
TRIGGER WARNING: Depression, mentions of torture, and other dark themes will be discussed in this book. Please DON'T read if this may be triggering.
***To read more of this story and my other works, please please go to Wattpad and search for my profile, @piecesofhome.****
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Everyone has a preconceived idea of what it means to be a superhero. Most think of the grandeur, the fame and fortune that comes with saving the world.
They don't think about the sacrifice. Or the days where you can't get out of bed because you're too caught up in the decisions you shouldn't have made. The lives that were lost along the way. 
Truth is, most heroes are broken. They've lost more than any one person should ever have to endure and yet, they persist. For you. And for me. And if they're lucky, they might be able to find small minuscule shreds of happiness along the way, though it's rare. Heroism isn't glamorous.
It's tragic.
But between the tragedy and the happiness are these small seemingly insignificant moments that can change everything. They make you stop, take a minute, and reflect on your choices. How did you end up here?
For Steve Rogers, that moment was when he began to plummet into oblivion from a destroyed Hellicarrier. And when the water washed over him, stealing his breath and darkening his vision, he thought. He thought about his life, about his friend that seemed oh so lost. And he thought about that beautiful woman he left back in 1943. And Steve Rogers welcomed the darkness.
But life was cruel.
With the sound of soft jazz, Steve Rogers was welcomed back into the twenty-first century. He looked to see his friend Sam Wilson next to him, reading a magazine. And yet, he had hoped to see a different friend at his bedside. A fake smile was plastered onto his face, fake happiness in his tone, everything was fake. Steve Rogers had been faking since he came out of the ice. Not that he'd admit it.
"I hope you weren't planning on getting any rest." Sam's face was solemn as he fished a piece of paper from Steve's soaked uniform.
"Your friend? He left you this. The nurse's found it when they were changing you." As Steve's eyes roved over the small slip of paper, his eyes hardened, a hard set making it's way into his jaw. On it, was a set of coordinates, coordinates that would change everything he thought he knew. Underneath, two words. Help Her.
For Alexandra Simmons, her moment was the day she shook Howard Stark's hand for the first time. That had been the beginning of everything. It had been the beginning of her hell on earth. And now, as she sat chained inside her cell, water dripping from the ceiling above, she silently prayed today would be the day they decided to put her out of her misery.
But this day was merciful.
Gunfire permeated the silence, panic washing over the faces of each scientist outside her cell. Mumblings passed through the room, soon turning to loud shouts and screams. Files and various other papers were shoved into coat pockets, her form being forgotten as they attempted to escape whatever, or whoever, was coming. Clanging bars caused her to look towards the door, rough hands yanking her upwards. Her body was weak, too weak to resist, but this wasn't any normal relocation.
And Alexandra was not a quitter.
Thin hands grabbed ahold of rusted metal, knuckles turning white, teeth gritting in determination as she remained steadfast and unmoving. Her efforts were met with a literal slap to the face, a ring splitting her lip.
And Alexandra smiled.
It was almost sadistic, the grin she let spread across her mouth. The grin eventually developed into full laughter, eyes focused on something behind the man's head. A sickening crunch sounded, a large red stain blooming on the scientist's red coat as a blade was thrust from his chest. A splash of red swept across Alexandra's face, red that for once wasn't hers. Her knees began to shake, vision swimming as she attempted to look at her saviors. But the uniform that greeted her had been retired long ago. It was impossible. Unless it wasn't.
Her recovery had been slow. At first, she spent time in what Steve could only call total catatonia. She was awake. Her eyes were open, fixed on the pristine white ceiling above her head. Banner had said it was trauma, that what she'd been through was easier to cope with if she didn't allow herself to be awake.
Her photo had been compared to missing persons all across the world, the results staggering. They'd expected many things, a grieving family, an innocent woman who had nothing to do with their life. A missing SHIELD agent from the 60's wasn't it. The doctors didn't know how she was even alive. Besides the fact that she was supposed to be in her seventies, the effects of torture were more than obvious. Scars, burns, and various bruises mapped their way across her skin, telling various stories Steve would rather not have to hear. They called it pure determination to live. Tony had called her too stubborn to die. Banner took her blood after the first week to try and figure out what they'd done to her. After a month of her being unresponsive, they'd declared her a lost cause.
Steve Rogers didn't believe in lost causes.
Bucky had proven he was still in there somewhere, still fighting against who he'd been forced to become. And if he could overcome. So could she. So Steve did the only thing he knew how to do. He sat next to her bedside between missions, and simply talked. He went over his most recent missions, the terrible and the good that came with being a superhero.
One day she smiled.
His eyes had widened, grinning as she turned her head to look at him for the first time. She said nothing, but she didn't have to. Progress was being made.
The second month she sat up for the first time. Her muscles were stiff and sore, protesting to the movement. But with his help, she'd persisted.
The third month she'd gotten out of bed for the first time. Her legs had shaken and trembled at the unfamiliar movement. But she was determined. She'd yet to speak, but Steve knew she was listening intently to each word he uttered.
By the fourth month Steve looked forward to his visits with her. The most she'd done was smile at him, her eyes gleaming with joy at every spoken sentence. Until one day when he told her about the battle of New York, how Tony had grabbed a Nuke and carried it through the wormhole to space.
"I knew his father, Howard." Her voice had been rough, broken from going unused, but it was audible. He'd looked at her with such pride that day.
The rest of the team had slowly introduced themselves after that. Her reaction to Thor had been almost childlike, eyes wide, glittering with happiness and laughter. It had blown up his ego far too much. She'd been intimidated by Natasha, the redhead's fiery personality a stark contrast to her current state. Clint's rough exterior had terrified her at first, but the first smile he sent her way made her relax entirely. Tony had been.....well....his usual self, but his antics made her laugh joyously. She and Banner had gotten along quite well, their intellect complimenting each other. And Steve, well, he liked to consider himself her friend. I guess that's where our story begins. A broken agent, a ninety-seven-year-old superhero, and a team of misfits, somehow coming together to bring down the most notoriously evil organization in the world. And it was going to be quite a ride.
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The Maze Trials: A Gally Fanfiction
Pairing: Gally x Emi(OC)
Background: Emi, first girl the Glade has seen. Tougher than she looks and more than ready to prove it. Since day one her and Gally have been at each other's throats. Fighting constantly and not just with their words.
(Gally fanfiction which will include smut. It also has an actual story line. Think of it as an AU to the original Maze Runner. It'll mostly follow the main story line with some changes. Mostly focusing on Emi and Gally and their relationship.)
Chapter Five
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I was sitting in a circle on the floor with a few other kids. We were chatting and laughing like old friends.
"She couldn't even make it a quarter of the way!" The boy next to me laughed then patted my knee.
"I could too!" I shot back at him.
"Oh really? Every time I've seen you run you can't make it but a few feet before you start panting." He laughed sticking his tongue out at me.
Instead of answering I lunged toward him knocking him back on the floor. We rolled around playfully fighting each other.
"Gally! Emi! That is enough!" A woman's voice shouted from somewhere in the room.
We jumped away from each other knowing the woman meant business when she sounded like that. We quickly went back to our seats in the circle. Once I was seated an arm draped over my shoulder then pulled me to the side. It was the boy on the other side of me.
"Minho stop it" Gally said then swatted at the boy's arm around me.
"Alright kids let's go!" A man's voice shouted making all of us jump up and run towards him.
I shot up into a sitting position.
"Bloody hell" the thick accent shouted.
What the hell was that? I thought to myself as I stared at the wall in front of me. Then I had another thought. Gally? Minho? Emi? We were kids. Just little kids. What kind of dream was that?
"Emi" I said aloud.
"What?" Newt asked.
I snapped out of my little trance and jumped out of bed. He took a startled step backwards. I grabbed his shirt pulling him against me.
"My name is Emi." I said with a grin.
Newt started laughing. He grabbed my hands releasing himself from my hold.
"It's a pleasure to meet you Emi." He smiled at me.
Once we got outside to where everyone was eating Newt walked to one of the tables then climbed on top of it.
"Can I get everyone's attention!" He shouted.
Everyone stopped and turned to look at him.
"Our greenie has remembered her name. Everyone, this is Emi." He smiled gesturing down to me.
All the boys shouted "Emi" at the same time then cheered. As Newt climbed down from the table everyone went back to what they were doing. Just like yesterday I sat between Newt and Minho with Clint and Jeff across from us.
"Emi, I like that." Minho said more to himself.
I started eating ignoring the chatter around us. It wasn't until I was almost done with my food that Newt nudged me.
"Today you're with Fry in the kitchen." He said matter of factly.
I nodded glancing over to the boy in the shack. That shouldn't be too bad. Hopefully I'll be busy most of the day.
"Before I go to work would I be able to have a quick chat with Alby?" I asked Newt.
"Yea, he's in his office. Everything alright?" He asked raising a brow at me.
"Yea everything's fine" I smiled then turned back to my food.
After I finished eating I made a quick beeline for Alby's office. He was sitting there head down looking at something.
"Hey Alby" I said quietly in the doorway.
"Greenie, how are you?" He asked with a smile.
"Well first, I remember my name. It's Emi. Second, I wanted to see if I could talk to you about a dream I had last night." I said stepping into the room.
"It's a pleasure to meet you Emi and yes of course you can have a seat." He gestured to a lone chair.
I sat down then thought about what to say for a moment.
"I'm not sure if this means anything but it felt more like a memory than a dream. We were little kids maybe 7 or 8 years old. When I say we I mean myself and some of the boys from here in the Glade. We were sitting in a circle just chatting and joking like kids do. The boys were making fun of me for something to do with running. I ended up fighting with a young Gally. At least that's the name the woman yelling at us used. Then Minho was there too sitting next to me. I have no idea what any of that was but it felt weird." I explained the best I could.
Alby sat there for a moment like he was thinking up an answer to my dream. He shook his head lips drawn tight as he thought.
"I'm not sure what to say. It's very intriguing. Will you let me know if you have anymore dreams like that?" He asked.
"Of course" I nodded with a small smile.
"If I think of anything I'll let you know until then go ahead and get to work. Thank you for sharing that with me."
I waved at him as I left the room then went straight to the shack with Frypan in it.
"Sorry I'm late I had to talk to Alby." I stated as I walked inside.
"It's all good Newt told me. So let's get straight to it. After breakfast I work on cleaning up everything. Which is what we are gonna work on now but after everything is clean we will start preparing for lunch."
I nodded then followed Fry's lead. He showed me what to clean and how to clean it. With both of us working on it we had it all finished it pretty good time. After that we immediately got started on cooking lunch. This is where things got a little rough for me. I felt like a bumbling fool. Fry was explaining everything to me and I was trying to remember it but there was so much to remember. How in the world did he do all of this by himself?
"This is stressful" I said as I went back and forth between a large pot and a skillet full of meat.
Fry chuckled then grabbed the meat out of my way.
"It can be if you're not use to it." He smiled at me.
I somehow made it threw the cooking process. It was rough and I felt like I'd never worked harder. We only had a few short minutes to rest before the lunch bell tolled and here came all the hungry boys running towards the shack. Fry and I both served making the line go faster. Newt made a joke about how cute I looked. I thought about throwing my large spoon at him but decided not to. Gally came threw to get his food. He didn't comment but he did smirk and look me up and down.
When all the boy's had their food Fry and I made ourselves plates then went out to the tables. Fry went to sit with Gally while I joined Newt, Alby, Clint, and Jeff.
"Hows the kitchen?" Newt asked.
"Awful" I said quietly.
The four boys chuckled knowing exactly what I meant.
"Fry can be tough to deal with when it comes to his food." Clint said matter of factly.
"Not really it's just really stressful. I don't know how he does that by himself but I know I'm not gonna be much help to him." I said shaking my head.
Lunch was over all too soon meaning I had to go back to the kitchen. Fry and I chatted a bit as we cleaned up from lunch. Then just like we did earlier we jumped straight into prepping food for dinner.
"How'd you learn how to do this?" I asked him as he showed me how to cook tonight's meal.
He shrugged.
"I have no idea just came naturally I guess." He smiled at me.
This meal wasn't too bad to cook but I still felt a lot more stressed out than I should have. Fry had a good time laughing at me for it.
"I can tell cooking isn't your thing." He chuckled as we finished up.
"Is it that obvious?" I asked laughing.
He nodded as he prepared to start serving in a few short minutes.
As the end of work and dinner bell tolled I watched the boys once again run towards the shack. No one made comments to me this time which I was thankful for. I might have actually thrown my spoon this time. I joined the others at my usual table.
Minho and Newt left me very little space to squeeze in between them but I managed. Newt chuckled and scooted over once I was seated. Minho on the other hand stayed right next to me.
The normal chatter about the day went on around me. I just ate my food silently. I was more than ready for bed. After I finished I went to get up but Minho threw his arm over my shoulder and pulled me closer to him.
"Wanna take a walk?" He asked in a whisper.
"Sure, why not?" I questioned chuckling.
The two of us got up and put our trays back on the counter of the shack then I followed him towards the forest. Even though I was ready for bed I figured I could do something other than work and sleep. Once we were past the tree line Minho put his arm around me again.
"How are you liking the Glade so far?" He asked as we walked.
"It's not too bad." I smiled watching my feet.
"I figured you hadn't seen this part of the Glade yet. Thought I could be the one to show you." He smiled at me.
"That's very nice of you Minho." I chuckled.
We were far enough in the trees now that I couldn't see the Glade behind us anymore. Minho stopped walking and looked around. Then he did something I wasn't exactly expecting. He grabbed my waist and pulled me against him. He wrapped his arms completely around me holding me tightly.
"You know you're incredibly beautiful right?" He asked in a hushed voice.
I couldn't help the blush that crept up my face. With my messed up memory I had no idea if anyone had ever said anything like that to me before so it was like the first time.
"Thank you" I whispered.
One of his hands moved to grab my chin. He lifted my head slightly so I was looking at him. He smiled at me then slowly leaned closer. My heart started thumping in my chest. Do I let him do this? Do I want him to do this? Before I could decided his soft, warm lips found mine. This could possibly be my first kiss. He seemed like he knew what he was doing. I couldn't help relaxing into him. I kissed him back feeling my stomach swirling and flipping around. He turned us around and pushed me backwards until my back hit one of the trees. He pressed himself against me. His hands grabbing each side of my face. I felt his tongue skim my bottom lip. One of his hands was suddenly on my ass. He squeezed causing me to let out a small moan. He chuckled into the kiss then pushed his tongue into my mouth. It was an odd but good feeling. My tongue fought against his but he overcame me. He groaned when he started to grind his hips against mine.
My eyes flew open when I felt him rubbing against me. My hands pushed against his chest sending him stumbling backwards. I manged to grab him and keep him from falling.
"What was that for?" He asked with a hurt expression.
"Sorry Minho, the kiss was amazing but I'm not letting you go any farther." I said quietly but sternly.
He put his hands up in surrender. Without another word I made my way back to the homestead. I really needed some sleep.
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