#cloud has been a frog for like. 20 turns...........................
willosword · 1 year
sephiroth i cannot believe i’m saying this but PLEASE kill cloud i am begging you
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monosminecraftmania · 7 months
Color!au [hermitcraft fantasy au]
so i got two notes on the previous post so here i go talking about this
(yes this is going out like a month late but shh i had stuff ;a;)
here's a full roster of everyone and everything. Hopefully this will turn into motivation for me to write but yeah. until then here have this
again, if anyone is interested in seeing close ups/detailed drawings of anyone just send me an ask and i will gladly draw them. pls im desperate
if we get 3 notes i'll. share pictures of the kingdoms.
(long long post. read at your own risk >:3)
Going Alphabetically
Bdubs - Astronomer of Flax - Lives at the top of the castle - Comically small. No don't ask it's a sore subject - Made himself a glittering cloak of "stardust"
Beef - Resident of Varie - Lives on the outskirts of the kingdom - Travels only for paints or supplies - Good friend of Etho's
Bigb - Cerule resident - Has a cloud frog as a familiar - All it does is make his shoulder slightly moist - Runs a cookie shop
Cleo - Naga, Resident of Uaine - Graveyard guardian - Made herself arms of enchanted scraps the dead leave behind - Her human disguise is a gigantic ballroom dress.
Cub - Dungeon engineer of Mauve - Will never share the recipe for totems of undying - Creates labyrinths and puzzle rooms with a small chance of death - Sources most materials from Scar
Doc - Cursed Archeologist of Uaine - Pissed off a moss spirit so now his skin's green - Can't breathe good - Cut off his own arm and made a new magic one
Etho - Crown Prince of Varie - Half fox, but vertically - Has a heavy limp so people speculate he carries old battle wounds - Very bad at hiding the fox bits.
False - Royal Knight of Amara - Gilded Eagle Hybrid. Eagle wings and colors but the feathers appear to be shimmering like metal - Kingdom is usually very calm so she spends most of her time hanging out with Stress and fishing - Kicks ass when she has to.
Fwhip - Fisher in Ochre - Gem's business partner and the less violent one of the two - Deals more in accounting than actual fish - Fixes boats on the side
Gem - Fishwife in Ochre - Not actually married. Married to THE GRIND. - Runs a fishing boat and market by the widest bend of the river - Can and will use this trident.
Grian - Geologist in Claret - That's some funny lookin floating rocks - Owns a mansion that's shared with several other people of science - Named one of the rocks Brian. Pronounced like Grian.
Hypno - Beekeeper in Flax - Has a little bee farm that he sells honey and candles out of - Has a little magic and mostly uses it to make his flowers bloom - Honestly just happy to be here :3
Impulse - Service Demon in Flax - Resident fiekind (trickster demon). Does favors for gold or food - Invented the farming plow for a request once - Will absolutely abuse vague requests and play as many tricks as possible
Iskall - Magic Blacksmith of Uaine - Makes magic weapons of all kinds, mostly swords - Has golems to help him with his work, mostly just handling hot metal - Charisma + 20. He will flirt with anything that breathes.
Jevin - Slime Amalgam - Hides in the topmost tower of Azure's castle. - Stole pieces of gargoyles to camouflage and has been collecting feathers for wings - Just a silly little guy, living his best life.
Jimmy - Whistler - Guardian of the Wishing Cave - A great guy until you realize he's evangelizing for a cult - Hasn't touched grass in years
Joe - Magic researcher in Viridian - Puts random mushrooms in his mouth - Purely curious and gets a pass from most forest spirits - Looking into the forces of death to write a funny book
Joel - Strength Bryd (forest spirit) in Uaine - In the common tongue it's pronounced Ogre - Covered in tattoos that may or may not be his past victims - Fell in love with a fish. How did it end up like this.
Jono - Local Bard of Amara - Half Dog musician who's found a nice spot in Amara to settle down - Shirts are for losers - Can beatbox amazingly well with sharp teeth.
Keralis - Holy Water Spirit - Currently napping in the big ball chained to the temple roof - Granted Xb his wish to safely walk on land - Kind to a fault
Lizzie - Resident of Amara - Half fish hybrid - Washed up in the marshes of Uaine after a storm once and rescued by a handsome ogre. - Has an army of cod.
Martyn - Servant of Claret - A Watcher - Ren's shadow - Really needs a hug
Mumbo - Wizard of Claret - Subject of all of the bad luck - Collects scriptures and studies the magic of his kingdom - Also hosts a great magic show for kids
Pearl - Royal Architect/Librarian of Azure - Started as a stable girl who threw a tomato at the design for the royal library. And instead of being arrested, she was hired to redesign it. - In charge of the upside down library - Her dragon is named Bikkie.
Ren - Crown Prince of Claret - Half dog and proud of it. - Twins with Jono who moved away to the neighboring kingdom - Curious to a fault
Sausage - Mauve Resident - Construction worker for the many dungeons and attractions - Works well with wood in the morning - Way too enthusiastic
Scar - Travelling Merchant - Sells all the wares! Even wares that don't exist! - Yes the cane is magic - Makes an annual trip across the country to Mauve
Scott - Azure Merchant - Collects fashion articles from all over the country - Runs a ferry business on the side - Might know something.
Skizz - Resident of Cerule - Chosen by a phim and gifted a pair of angel wings and a halo - Encourages body positivity! Because love yourself you jerks - Trusts blindly and with open arms.
Stress - Goat/Beast hybrid in Amara - Retractable fluff for an instant winter coat! - The hooves are more like paws, but she's got incredible balance - Runs a tea shop with odd but tasty blends.
Tango - Fire spirit - Holy spirit of fire who's honestly just confused why he's so popular - Kidnapped by Scar and escaped to Gem all within a week - Hides in Gem's fireplace
TFC - Blacksmith of Varie - Specializes in actual tools, not weapons - Has a side business of stone sculptures. Buy one get two small ones free - Has a familiar, but no one knows what it is
Wels - MC - Surname revoked. Formal title "Wels, Knight of the Realm" - Banished from his home and travelling to a faraway land - His horse is named Worse, but pronounced like 'horse'
XB - Resident of Azure - Book collector and moved out of Amara to pursue his love of books - Got a blessing from a water spirit so he doesn't suffocate - Learned flight magic and swims through the air
Xisuma - Vagabond - Originally from Mauve. Travels the lands at every opportunity - No one has ever seen his face - Incredibly helpful travel guide
Zedaph - Royal Engineer/Alchemist of Mauve - May have invented cocaine. And gunpowder - Designs elaborate gauntlets for the bold to test their strength - Decided two extra arms were a good idea
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gallexy-cat · 3 years
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The Prince has arrived!
SCP-6412 is a simple book with a red cover, and is kept in a 20 x 20 foot room with a 10 foot ceiling on a pedestal. It cannot move on its own, and is not sentient.
However, it does seem to have an anomalous sense for whoever is picking it up and reading it. Often, SCP-6412 gives the person a regular fairytale to their liking with a happy ending. The happy ending is not always what the original was, but more so what that person would see as their happy ending. Whoever reads the book has the fantasy manifesting around them, but only that person can see it. The person will often wander around the room with the book, seeing the world it creates. They are not physically affected, though some have claimed to be wearing something different for a short time for the story. One even claimed they turned into a frog, though the cameras saw nothing. The most the book leaves them with is a sense of wonder and happiness at briefly living their favorite tale. And no matter the tale, SCP-6412-1 is always present in some way, often acting as the prince or knight in the story, occasionally king, so its considered its own entity.
However, not all have a happy ending. (Warning, brief descriptions of death below, skip to the bottom if you don't wanna read that) If SCP-6412 senses that the person reading it has committed a crime that they do not regret or have not paid penance for, then it will give that person a much less happy ending. It will start off normal, but will end in a way more similar to Grimms fairy tales. And these Grimm endings will physically affect the person in whatever way the story plays out, often pertaining to their specific crime. During an incident on [REDACTED], D-15309, a known criminal convicted of [REDACTED] was brought in. They reported reading Cinderella, reading the text out loud as requested. But towards the end, in line with the story, a flock of crows flew in from nowhere and began pecking D-15309s eyes out. Then they disappeared and the book closed itself. D-15309 was extracted.
Various incidents of this type have been recorded, but no deaths occurred. SCP-6412 seems to just want to bring justice to those who hurt, and bring joy to those who are innocent.
But on [REDACTED], on SCP-4269s 8th rampage (see below post for details on him), it happened upon SCP-6412 in an incident that has been titled '[REDACTED]' or more shortly, 'A Grimm Fate'. Whether it was aware SCP-6412 was an SCP is still unclear, but either way, it decided to meld into it. The cover of 6412 turned a sickly green. The title still read "Once Upon a Time..." but it's font was much more twisted and sharp. A D-Class personnel--with no criminal background--was sent in to test it, as while researchers wanted it out, they were admittedly curious of what it would do. When the book was opened, the personnel started to describe it, but there proved no need when the scene actually began affecting the surroundings and appearing. Though the ceiling remained, it now appeared as a blue sky with a sun and moving clouds. The scenery shifted as the pages were turned and read aloud. This story was a new one, but already much darker. SCP-6412-1 was still present, but was now fighting off an evil monster, thought to be SCP-6412s interpretation of SCP-4269. The D-Class read the story, but it was much darker and more gory than any story. It contained descriptions of gutting and blood and many deaths,described in volatile detail. The story followed no true plot, only SCP-6412-1 trying to defeat the villain as it caused death and destruction. The scenery in the cell changed as well, and [REDACTED] soon splattered the scene. The D-Class kept reading under order, told that they wouldn't die because they were not criminal. But SCP-4269 had other ideas, and the D-Class ended up dead in one of the more twisted fates, quickly dying of [REDACTED]. The book closed on its own and the scenery disappeared.
Dr. [REDACTED] came in and managed to get SCP-4269 out by showing it its pet rat and reminding it of the nice things in its cell if it came back now. It eventually complied and went back, being contained once more. When another D-Class, clear of conscious, was sent in to test SCP-6412, its pages showed nothing but the short message "Intermission."
It began working as normal two days later. With SCP-4269s now known ability to possess other SCPs and seemingly amplify their powers, it is of upmost importance that it gets nowhere near any of the other SCPs, no matter how innocent they may seem. Though the possibility is unlikely, as it is kept in a separate facility, it is deadly important that SCP-4269 be kept away from SCP-682, and especially any other SCPs that are already known to cause a possible world ending catastrophe.
Okay, went a bit dark on this one, but its kinda hard not to when talking about Grimms Fairytales. Even so, I hope you all like what I did with Roman! Thanks to @manglechan1204 for the idea! Might be a bit before Logans cuz I have no idea what to do for him... Should be within the next few days at least tho
As always, likes and reblogs are appreciated!
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bubblyhoney · 3 years
warnings: sailor language, suggestive themes/mentions of sex, drinking, nicotine use, being tipsy/intoxicated. no graphic or explicit nsfw content besides basically tonguing and giving hickeys and an ass grab.
tags: karl jacobs x fem!reader
words: 1898
A/N: i wrote this thinking that both people in this fic are of drinking age; i’m not, but i thought it would be a cool idea. i can assume many adult gatherings feature alcohol, so yeah. drinking isn’t integral to the plot of this fic. also it is pre-(or post)pandemic bc it’s just a general rule of thumb to not have parties right now.
“Don’t, kill, me,” Karl warbles, setting down his bottle with a sigh. Freaks plays loud and tinny on the TV, album cover bathing those occupying the couch in a grayish light. Those occupants being just you and Karl. The room is lit with purple string lights and that one thrifted lamp with frogs on the shade he’d sworn was the best purchase he’s ever made. You’re sprawled out on the other half of the sofa, ankles crossed and a can of vodka seltzer swaying in your hand. The song changes to 20 Min by Lil Uzi and your foot bounces to the beat.
“What time is it?” You sigh, placing the nearly-empty can onto the coffee table next to your apple berry-flavored pen. He flicks his wrist towards his face.
“2:46,” he delivers, and takes a swig of the Angry Orchard in his hand. His sixth, specifically. The rest of the group had left roughly ten minutes ago, leaving the two loneliest people to drink alone. You, thoroughly tipsy, decided it was better to spend the night on his spare than pay $50 for an Uber. He agreed, of course. Why wouldn’t he?
Lifting onto your elbows, you just stare at him. He lifts an ankle to cross over the other and your eyes drop. What is his fascination with Spongebob socks?
“We should play 20 questions.”
“What?” His head swivels like a bobblehead and a giggle barely escapes your lips.
“20 questions!” You say excitedly, heaving onto your knees to look at him earnestly. “You go first.”
“Um, okay.” The song fades into Paper Planes and he bobs his head to the beat. “What’s your favorite breed of dog?”
“Shiba inu. Are you a virgin?”
The fucking tone of your voice makes him dissolve into giggles, hand pressed to his chest. You just shrug, reaching for the pen in the table. “Fair question, I think,” you say defensively. His chest heaves, but he sits up.
“No—no, I’m not a virgin.” His cheeks are red, but he’s smiling like it was an easy answer. Your mind floods with images of his long hair in your face, long fingers—a sweaty chest. You shake your head. “Okay, my turn,” he continues, giving you a weird look. “would you rather kiss Chucky Cheese or Ronald McDonald?”
“Karl!” You whine. “That is not how 20 Questions works!” You grumpily pull from your pen, blowing the smoke out of the side of your mouth. Eughk. Apple berry sucks.
“Fine, fine,” he sighs, rolling his eyes. The tell-tale guitar chords of The Adults Are Talking floods the room and his face brightens with a new question. “Have you ever been to a concert?”
“Yes, actually. The Jonas Brothers in 2009.” He wrinkles his nose, finishing his cider and dropping it onto the coffee table with a sharp noise. Your eyebrows furrow. “Don’t you dare badmouth my boys.”
“Wasn’t gonna!” He reaches for your pen and you give it to him with a slight pout on your lips that he glances at.
“Good. Where is the weirdest place you’ve had sex?” A grin climbs your lips.
“Jesus Christ, Y/N.” His eyes widen and smoke curls out of his nostrils as he hands your pen back. You just shrug and pick up your discarded seltzer. “Gimme a sec to think.”
“So many places?” You tease, finishing the last drop of your drink and crushing it beneath your palm. He shrugs, mirroring you, and cracks open another cider. He seems to think, brows furrowing, as he pulls a swig from the dark bottle.
“Boat,” you repeat.
“Yup.” He looks at you, gaze flickering to your lips imperceptibly fast. If you were sober you’d probably notice, but you’re not and you don’t.
“You’ve fucked on a boat?” No way. Karl Jacobs. On a boat. Having sex. What an image—
“Yeah, senior year was great for me.” More Than A Woman fills the space of the silence as you consider this. You blink, processing.
“Whose boat?” You're genuinely curious. Was it a yacht, pontoon, fishing boat? Row boat? The sudden scene of him getting his foot stuck in a fishing net while pantless clouds your vision.
“My girlfriend’s.” And that’s that on that because he’s moving on before you can open your mouth and continue the discussion of the logistics of this. “Stop investigating, perv. Now it’s my turn. Hmm— wait! Where is the weirdest place you have had sex?” A sneaky grin is on his lips and now you just want to kiss him, damn it.
“I-Uh. I think it was under the bleachers. I also had a great senior year,” you offer, scooting forward on your knees so that you’re only a foot from Karl. He looks impressed, actually.
“Who was it?”
Your eyebrow raises in question.
“Personal question or one of the 16 left, Karl?”
His cheeks heat and he looks once to the TV.
“Personal,” he mutters into the mouth of his bottle.
“It was Brian Hernandez,” you sigh, gazing off into the distance with a fond look in your eyes. You feel the end of the game of 20 questions as you see him chew on his bottom lip from your peripheral. “Dude was insatiable. Managed girls’ basketball and looked damn good doing it.”
“I managed girls’ soccer,” he says simply, uncrossing his legs. “My girlfriend was goalie.”
“How long did you guys date?” You fold your legs up underneath you, tucking a lock of hair behind your ear. You feel the most sober now out of all tonight.
“Dunno.” He sips at his cider. “Couple weeks maybe?”
You smirk. “Karl Jacobs puts out in the first couple weeks?” That’s hot, you don’t say. He gives you a look. “18 year old Karl was a player,” you tease, leaning forward to poke at his chest.
Smacking your hand away, he sighs and lifts a hand to tousle his hair.
“Guess he was.” Clear eyes meet yours and you take a hit from the pen that lays discarded in your palm. He watches the smoke float from your mouth. The TV screen swipes to Deceptacon and the mood quickly shifts. “So.” He turns toward you with lifted eyebrows. “You were a total nerd in highschool, huh.”
Your jaw drops. “I was not!”
“Come on; yes, you were.” He makes a face and drains half the bottle of cider. “You probably were in SpellBowl and every teacher’s pet.”
“Nice try, bitch. You were a dumb jock. I’ve seen the pictures. The yearbook pictures.” You look pointedly at his hair.
“My hair was not that bad.”
“Yes it was.”
“No, it wasn’t,” he grumbles and pushes his hand through his long curls. “Just a little… short.” It’s your turn to make a face.
“A buzz cut nearly to your scalp is more than short.” He huffs at you and finishes the cider just as the song switches. “Anyways.” You don’t really have anything to say, actually. Too busy thinking about teenage Karl smacking tennis rackets around and fielding lost soccer balls for his girlfriend. She’s long gone, right?
“Are you wearing lingerie?” Karl asks suddenly and you look up. He stares pointedly at your chest and you move a hand to pat at your stomach.
“Oh,” you start, and flick the last three buttons open, fabric falling to reveal a baby blue lace corset. “Yeah.” He can’t seem to stop imagining what’s underneath it. Fuck. “Do you like it?” The tone in your voice is taunting and he has to look away.
He clears his throat and places the second glass bottle onto the coffee table.
You rise onto your knees and pull your arms out of the button-up, letting it fall back on the couch.
“Do you want to touch it?” You're looking up at him from underneath your eyelashes, he realizes, and you know exactly what you’re doing. You’re not asking if he wants to touch the corset; you’re asking if he wants to touch you.
“Can I?” He glances at you warily. You just nod, and it’s then that you’re shuffling forward. The material is soft on his fingertips when he brushes a hand across your torso. “Silk,” he mumbles, and stares, transfixed, at the loopy flower pattern crawling across your waist in shades of milky blue. You just hum and watch. He realizes suddenly when he traces a finger up on the ridge of the neckline that you’re not wearing anything underneath it. It makes him stop in his tracks, neck flushing. “Are-are you—,”
“Wearing a bra? No, I’m not.” You lay a hand on his shoulder, hoisting one leg over his thighs and settling down comfortable on his lap. He bristles then relaxes as you slide a hand up into his scalp. “Do you want me to show you?”
He glares at you, barely annoyed, and shifts so that his large hands rest in the curve of your waist. Poison starts in the speakers as his eyebrow raises.
“Do you normally wear corsets when we all hang out?” A lock of your hair moves past your cheek as he brushes it out of the way. His mouth tilts into a smirk. You seem to think about it, lips pursed, and grip both his shoulders in your hands.
“Only when I’ve got someone to impress.” A hand on your lower back presses insistently and you fall further into his lap.
“Who are you here to impress, Y/N?” He’s barely an inch from your mouth now, and can’t seem to keep his eyes on one part of your face. Cool breath fans onto your cheeks and they warm. God, he’s even cuter up close.
“You,” barely passes your lips before he’s taking the side of your neck into his hand and stretching to connect your lips with his own.
Cherry, you think. Cherry chapstick, that cheeky bastard. Taking your wrist in his hand, he loops it up and around his neck. You’re making a noise into his mouth, you realize, right as he’s sliding a hand down to the side of your thigh and gripping it between his long fingers. You shiver as he pulls away too soon, pressing a small kiss to the corner of your mouth before sinking his teeth into your neck. The gasp that leaves your mouth is surprisingly loud and your cheeks flush further. He just hums, pleased, and stretches an arm to the opposite side of your waist to hug you closer. Warm lips move on the skin of your neck and his tongue darts out few and far between the kisses.
“Fuck,” he breathes when your hips jerk forward once.
“Sorry,” you whisper up at the ceiling, eyes falling shut. “reflex.”
He grins against your neck and moves to grip an ass cheek in his palm.
“Your reflex to me licking a hickey is to grind into my crotch?” he teases. You just have to nod, lips parted, as he soothes another bruise with his tongue.
“Karl.” He seems to either not hear you or ignore you for he’s removing himself from your neck and connecting your mouths once more. “Karl,” you stutter between kisses, and he squeezes at your ass.
“Yes?” His lips are bitten and puffy when he pulls away, a smug look on his beautiful face.
“Take off my corset.”
He looks between your face and the lingerie, eyebrows raised in surprise.
“Don’t mind if I do.”
A/N: ask or send me some stuff!! requests, rants, anything. :D comment what you think !
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yonfiendmaker · 4 years
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behold! i didn't see any otgw icebergs, so i made my own :)
if you think i should add something, lmk!!
Explanations under cut :)
First layer:
▪︎Beast!Wirt au - very popular au in which Wirt stays in the Unknown, possessed by the Beast to some extent.
▪︎Bad End Friends - Crossover AU of Beast!Wirt teaming up with Ice Finn from Adventure Time and Bipper from Gravity Falls; sometimes other 'bad end' au characters are thrown in such as a glitched Gumball from TAWOG
▪︎Irl Copies of the For Sara tape - Limited copies of the For Sara tape were sold at two points. They have yet to sell for a third time. (🤞🤞🤞)
▪︎Tome of the Unknown (pilot) - The Pilot of the series. Can be watched on YouTube.
▪︎Wirt Staying in the Unknown - In a scrapped ending, Wirt was to stay in the Unknown, saying that facing your real problems was scarier than staying there.
▪︎Mystery Kids - Crossover AU with other child-late teens aged characters from sources based on mysterious and supernatural themes such as Gravity Falls and Psychonauts.
▪︎Quincy Endicott's grave - Quincy's grave can be seen in the graveyard that Sara and the others are hanging out in.
▪︎Original Beatrice Voice Actress - Beatrice had a different VA in the pilot, Natasha Leggero. Melanie Lynskey voices her in the actual series.
▪︎The Woodsman's Daughter is Named Anna - The comics have several issues focused on his daughter, in which her name is revealed to be Anna.
▪︎Jason Funderburker's Ax Murderer Story - At the gathering in the graveyard, Funderburker is telling a story about a man with an ax; this story is believed to have influenced the existence of the Woodsman.
▪︎Full Versions of Songs in the OST - A handful of the songs are cut down for their appearances in the series and can only be heard in full on the OST. The most notable example is Old Black Train , which is actually 2 minutes and 15 seconds long, but is only in the series for about 15-20 seconds.
Second Layer:
▪︎Sara is named after the Fleetwood Mac song - Listen to it here :) it is notable that it includes lyrics about "drowning in a sea of love" and that Sara is "the poet of [the singer's] heart."
▪︎OTGW Reanimated - a reanimated project for the first episode. Got taken off of YouTube, but can be viewed on Dailymotion.
▪︎Baby Wirt Audio - In the For Sara cassette, there is a small section of audio that can be heard in about the middle of the recording of Wirt's father talking to him as a baby.
▪︎Funderburker/Funderberker - The two Jasons's surnames are spelled slightly differently to avoid confusion.
▪︎The Brothers Never Ate or Needed to Rest - Although Greg expressed being hungry, neither of the boys actually ate anything (outside of one spoonful of bland potatoes and inedible items such as dirt and leaves) and never laid down to rest, only sleeping when night came.
▪︎Book on Interior Design in Wirt's Room - In Wirt's from, a book on interior design can be seen laying on the floor, backing up the knowledge he displayed when analyzing the interconnected mansions.
▪︎Mad Love was Based on a Dream - The plot of Mad Love came from a dream that Pat McHale had about house hunting. In the dream, while exploring one of the houses being shown, he ended up wandering into someone else's home.
▪︎Beatriceoftheday - A blog dedicated to our lord and savior Beatrice, known for its strange shitposts and intense praise of the titular bird girl.
▪︎Wirt is Jealous of Greg's Popularity - Shown in the Circus Friends issue of the comics, Wirt is jealous of Greg's ability to make everyone laugh and have fun. This may factor into his dislike of his brother.
▪︎Greg was Feeding Fred at the Tavern - At first watching, one may be confused as to where all the food Greg was gathering went, why Fred was wearing lipstick and why he was refusing to talk to Beatrice. Shown in a deleted scene, this all explained, as Fred tells Beatrice that he didn't talk to her because Greg was feeding him.
▪︎Elijah Wood Voiced the Crazy Driver - Exactly what is says on the tin, the nutty driver was voiced by Wood.
▪︎Cloud City is Heaven - A popular theory that Cloud City actually represents Heaven.
▪︎Greg is Greg Universe - A headcanon/theory that has mostly died out that Greg is the same Greg in Steven Universe.
▪︎Bee Beatrice - Beatrice was originally cursed to become a bee, but was changed into a bluebird to match better with the seasonal autumn theme.
▪︎Pat McHale Voiced Wirt's Voice Crack - Wirt's voice crack when asking the Beast Are You? was actually done by McHale, not Wood.
▪︎The Other Actors Harassing Elijah Wood When Singing Wirt's Song - In order to make the performance as awkward as possible, the other actors were asked to yell and demand Wirt to sing. This can be heard in the episode.
▪︎Come Wayward Souls Has the Same Melody as O Holy Night - The song shares a cadence with "O Holy Night", and can be sung to its tune.
▪︎Black Turtles Origin/Purpose - No one knows why the black turtles exist, and McHale has said that they're just one of the unexplainable things of the Unknown.
▪︎Anna Never Left the House - In the aforementioned comics, it is shown that Anna had never left the house, living on her own until the Woodsman's return.
▪︎Sailor Suit Greg - Greg originally wore a sailor suit, but was changed later on to his current, Johnny Appleseed inspired outfit .
▪︎Beatrice Missing Being Able to Flip People Off - In the Art Book, Beatrice's introduction states that one of the reasons she hates being a bird is because she no longer has hands to flip people off with.
Third Layer
▪︎Jason Funderberker is Visually Based on a Teen Pat McHale - As seen here, Funderberker was designed after McHale.
▪︎Babes in the Wood is Based on an Old Alice in Wonderland Cartoon - You can view the original 1923 cartoon here! Starts at 4:25.
▪︎Wirt and Sara are Dipper and Mabel's Parents - A popular AU/hc where Dipper and Mabel of Gravity Falls are the future kids of Wirt and Sara.
▪︎The Tune of Wirt's Song is Improvised - In addition to the aforementioned harassment, in a further attempt to make the performance as awkward as possible, Elijah Wood was not given a tune to sing, only the lyrics.
▪︎Wirt's Costume Origin - As said in the art book and on his tumblr, Wirt's cone and cape come from an attempted rock and roll persona from McHale's teen years.
▪︎Greg is Based on Pat McHale's Son - It has been claimed that Greg is based on McHale's son, but Greg existed before him. The similarities are simply coincidental.
▪︎Old Scratch - The original name of the Beast.
▪︎The Beast Killed the Woodsman's Wife - Shown in the comics, The Woodsman's wife was mortally injured, with her attacker implied to be the Beast.
▪︎Wirt and Greg Staying in the Unknown Until Christmas - Another scrapped ending, in which the brothers stay in The Unknown until Christmas, with their absence unexplained.
▪︎Tome of the Unknown (original plot) - Early concepts had the Beast ( then known as Old Scratch as mentioned earlier ) scattering the pages of the titular book for the brothers to collect. Each page would come to life and the brothers would explore each story.
▪︎Dante's Inferno Comparisons - Check out these videos for full analysis!
▪︎Wirt Panty Shots - In the aforementioned Circus Friend comics, Wirt dons a dress as part of a disguise. Later on, he rips off the bottom half off, revealing that he is wearing bloomers.
▪︎The Beast's True Form was Inspired by Trypophobia - As stated in the art book, The Beast's hole-filled appearance was inspired by Trypophobia, the fear of many small holes.
▪︎The Fight is Over is About Drowning - Give the lyrics another read.
▪︎The Beast Last Minute Design Change - The Beast had a very different design, and it was changed into the current one at the last minute.
▪︎Gnome in Cloud City Representing Wirt - Many people believed that the Gnome with the lantern in cloud city was a parallel to Wirt, or a glimpse into his future. However, this was debunked.
▪︎Send Me a Peach - This song is included in the ost, but isn't in the actual series.
▪︎Fred and the Highwayman's Backstory - The comics expand upon the story of Fred the Horse and his involvement with the Highwayman.
Fourth Layer
▪︎Babes in the Wood Title Origin - The name of this episode comes from an old story of a pair of children getting lost in the woods, dying, and being buried in leaves by robins.
▪︎poorlydrawnotgw - This was a blog created during the poorly drawn series meme period. It consisted of poorly drawn and very strange shitposts and has since been deactivated. I was a part of it as mod Goopy Wirt and only have a handful of images saved from it.
▪︎Read and Listen Book Lost Audio - A read and listen book was created, with the book being read by Greg's Frog, who would stop every now and again to talk about being a frog. The pages can be found online, but the audio is currently lost.
▪︎Skinless Witch - A scrapped episode concept involved a skinless witch that kidnapped Greg and rode him like a horse.
▪︎Gentleman Burglar Wirt - A scrapped concept in which Wirt breaks into a woman's home, who is charmed by this young man who has come to visit her.
▪︎Animal Transformation - It was originally planned for Wirt and Greg to be turned into a bear/dog and a duck and remain that way for several episodes. This was later used in the comics.
▪︎The Unknown is influenced by Wirt's mind/interests - The Unknown is influenced by those who walk in it, in this case, Wirt. This includes the old timey mystical nature of it, as Wirt has been stated to have an interest in old folk tales.
▪︎Good Guy Beast/Black Train Scrapped Concept - In an earlier draft, the brothers were on a train, heading to what they assumed was death. They jump off, ending up in the Unknown. The Beast tries to get them back on the train, which turns out to be heading back to life.
▪︎Evil Woodsman - At one point, the Woodsman was intended to be under the influence of the Beast and tried to sabotage the brothers's attempts to return home.
▪︎Lorna Reading the Tome of the Unknown in the Epilogue - In the epilogue, Lorna can be seen reading the titular book from the aforementioned scrapped plot.
▪︎The Beast was Originally the Devil Himself - The Beast was first designed as a devil-like character, the aforementioned Old Scratch.
▪︎The Brothers Never Went Home/The Hospital is Part of The Unknown - a theory based on the fact that the edges of the screen are still blurred at the end of chapter 10, the rushed narration, and the lack of consequences of nearly drowning.
▪︎Beatrice Seeing Wirt Nude - In one of the comics, Beatrice accidentally sees Wirt while he is washing his clothes in the river.
▪︎Sara is a Descendant of Lorna - A theory that Sara is a distant relative of Lorna.
▪︎Exists in the Same Universe as Clarence and Home Movies - The most well known piece of evidence is the overhead shot of the town matching the town that Clarence is set in. Wirt and Greg also have a cameo in another episode, and one of the final episodes shows Brendon Small of Home Movies runs a movie rental store in the town, connecting all three series together.
Final Layer
▪︎Beast x Wirt - Also known as Poetree.
▪︎Candycone - Greg x Wirt.
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vickyvicarious · 4 years
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Ace Attorney Daemons - Misc. Lawyers
Animal species and reasoning behind each choice under the cut, as well as links to other groups of characters!
Winston Payne - Stump-tailed macaque. So, fun fact... there are only a few animals in the world that naturally experience baldness with age the way many human males do. This is one of them! Both male and female can go partially bald (on the head) as they get older, which is a hilarious detail. However, that’s definitely not my only reason for choosing this monkey. Stump-tailed macaques aren’t very large (females average 17-20 lbs.) and spend most of their time on the ground. They’re actually pretty clumsy climbers, although they’re agile enough on the ground. Winston’s whole reputation is built around being a ‘Rookie Killer’ but he loses every case against player characters. If we infer them as being more skilled than most rookies, then every time he tries to ‘climb higher’ so to speak, he’s shown up. Stump-tailed macaques eat mostly fruits, with some frogs and birds and such. Still, generally small prey if anything alive, which also fits. This species also has a social dynamic built around clearly expressed hierarchies, and I found a couple notes about them being especially skilled at exhibiting submissive behavior (such as teeth-chattering) to avoid fights with more dominant monkeys. Winston acts very arrogant around those he considers beneath him (generally, defense attorneys) but tends to get nervous and cower very visibly when outmatched or around ‘superiors’, so this whole dynamic fits him well.
Gaspen Payne - Common cuckoo. Cuckoos are a parasitic species; everyone knows the story of them laying their eggs in other birds’ nests, and of the chicks often pushing the other chicks out of the nest to kill them so that they get all the food. Well, that was one of the main reasons I chose this daemon for Gaspen. He is very willing to use dirty tricks in court, and willingly signed up to be a prosecutor in a country where he knew if he won his opponents would be put to death (not to mention, delighted in the lack of opponents this law created). He cares about personal gain, more than any moral code. The patterning of cuckoos tends to mimic sparrowhawks, thus making other birds more reluctant to chase them away from their nests or attack them. Gaspen likes to get people in positions of power on his side when possible. Cuckoos are migratory, and Gaspen certainly doesn’t seem like the type of person who is able to curate goodwill for long, based on him being ‘forced’ to actually migrate to Khura’in. And of course, in speech “cuckoo” is associated with crazy, or “cloud-cuckoo-lander” for someone with their head up in the clouds. Gaspen isn’t exactly the most calm and stable person, though I wouldn’t say he’s actually insane, so much as he gets full of himself and loses sight of/doesn’t care about the facts.
Marvin Grossberg - Wombat. I liked having a marsupial for Grossberg because he’s shown to have had several subordinates and to think fondly of them even years later. Raising their young in a pouch for a long time seemed fitting to someone who enjoyed being a mentor. At the same time, wombats have only one young and are generally a solitary species; of all his employees, none of them actually survived and remained in contact with him for long that we know of. Wombats are generally nocturnal and spend their days in expansive underground tunnels - Grossberg also has a habit of vanishing a lot so I liked that. Wombats have poor eyesight, are herbivores, and generally travel slowly and peacefully. Grossberg definitely doesn’t seem to have much of a killer instinct or emotional investment in his cases. However, he did establish a great reputation because he was a skilled lawyer, and wombats can run as fast as a person and have sharp and strong claws to do some damage when they want. Despite his reputation/the money he’s clearly earned, we soon learn that Grossberg is in some ways a symbol of corrupt attorneys who have lost sight of protecting people. He’s not an evil person, but he’s done wrong. Wombats are famous and certainly cute, but more often seen as annoying pests by people actually living near them. And finally, in a nod to his infamous hemorrhoids, wombats are also known for a rear-end oddity: their feces is a distinctive square shape.
Lana Skye - Great horned owl. This one gave me a lot of trouble, but I think I like where I ended up. Owls are traditionally associated with wisdom, and Lana is a very intelligent person. They are silent and powerful hunters, which I think matches Lana’s quiet, deliberate way of speaking most of the time, and her skills as a detective and prosecutor. She usually thinks things through and is careful about how she acts. The exceptions to this are of course when she’s protecting Ema. Great horned owls maintain and defend their territory, and when the chicks hatch, the female stays with them and the male delivers food for several weeks. They’re known to be aggressive and dangerous to anyone approaching their nest. I knew Lana’s daemon needed to be a nurturing or protective parent, so I liked that. Another detail I enjoyed was that this is one of only a couple species confirmed to have been used in falconry, though they are apparently challenging to work with and don’t especially enjoy it. Felt like a nice nod to Lana being blackmailed. And a minor fun detail in the way Lana always turns away, and owls can turn their heads nearly all the way behind them. No real importance but it amuses me.
Detectives, Feys, Prosecutors, Villains, Witnesses, Wright Anything Agency
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Code: Light
Part of my Series based on the in game dungeons lol. Just for fun.
In fact… there was a boy who lived here… 20 years ago…
The words echoed in Lu Mingfei’s mind as he looked over the rundown landscape in front of him. He was sitting on a dirty pillow on a broken, rotted out porch, rain pouring down on his head through the holes in the overhang. Spiders skittered about and made him pull his feet in. In front of him was a table of rice, vegetables and tea. Outside the porch was a small garden with a pond, green and overgrown with algae. It was pouring down rain as it had been all day. The pond was at capacity and it would soon overflow its banks. From the gloomy surroundings, frogs creeled out a constant serenade.
He was led there by a woman, an elder in that particular village, who had first reported what turned out to be dragon activity in this small town. Lu Mingfei, Chu Zihang, and Caesar Gattuso were called to investigate. According to the report on the dossier, a young child in a red coat, carrying a red balloon could be seen standing at the edge of the village. His face was impossible to make out. Japanese towns could be full of local ghost tales, but this one occurred with disturbing regularity. EVA, the Cassell Supercomputer then detected an elemental anomaly. Plants seemed to be growing at such an incredible rate, that the rain clouds over this small area of Japan never seemed to stop. The rain would fall, the plants would soak it up and transpire the water again. It was as if the Amazon Rainforest took up residence in the far East.
After explaining about the child, the old woman took them out to that ramshackle ruin of a place. “If it’s that boy you’re seeking, why not try making him something to eat?”
Then she left.
“Guys I’m so over this ghost hunt. This is so creepy and the lower the sun gets the more I want to leave.” He said. He was wearing his usual combat suit, that skin tight but extremely durable wear that was close enough to the body to avoid catching on anything, but strong enough to withstand the cut of a knife. But was it ghost proof? Who was to say they wouldn’t get eaten by this ghost and the rice be left cold and moldy with no sign of them?
“Are you excited to be on an actual ghost hunt? It’s a shame that the ghost is a boy though.” Caesar sat smoking his cigar and looking out over the grey sheet of rain in front of him. He was dressed similarly, with his Desert Eagles at his side. Of course, he made a much more handsome figure in the muscle-hugging suit.
Lu Mingfei wanted to pull his hair out. “You’re engaged! Don’t lust after the dead you freak!”
Chu Zihang slid his sword part way out of his sheath to check his equipment. “There’s no such thing as the dead coming back to life, unless it’s a dragon. And dragons don’t really die. They just sleep until they can be reborn. What we’re looking for is not a real ghost… but something that has the properties of a dragon.”
“Ghost… dragon… whatever. Do we even know if it’s attracted to rice?”
“It’s not about the rice, Lu Mingfei, it’s the routine. If the boy had a family or cared for anyone at all, wouldn’t it miss sitting at a table with a family meal?” Caesar bit his cigar, 
“And we’re supposed to be its family huh? Who are you? The mom?” Mingfei shot back.
“Well…” Caesar looked down at the food. “I cooked it.”
Lu Mingfei opened his mouth to say something else but Zihang suddenly tensed. His golden eyes stared into another pair of golden eyes. A boy in a red raincoat, stood at the edge of the mossy pond. He was holding a red balloon. Only those glowing eyes were visible under the red hood. It didn’t seem to have a face.
Lu Mingfei’s face went white and then grey with terror. He shook so hard his teeth chattered “G-ghost!”
A small child’s voice echoed clear despite the pounding rain. “Outsiders. I need your help. Come with me.”
The rain suddenly stopped but the sky grew darker, like a great shadow from something large coming over head. The air suddenly cooled. They were still in front of the table but the garden was replaced by sand. The sand was grooved in artistic circles, like an elegant Japanese rock garden. Looking around, they seemed to be in a ruined ancient village. The piece of land they were standing on was floating in mid air, like it had been torn from the earth. There was no sun. The way was lit by ominous paper lanterns that floated in place, painted with a red swirl pattern. In the distance an ancient Japanese castle tower rose out of the misty horizon.
Torii gates were seen floating in the grey, foggy surroundings. Most were shattered. They seemed frozen in the middle of being demolished, their broken pieces spraying at odd angles, their elegant cross bars tilted, but they never collapsed. 
What was most noticeable about this place however, was the sudden sense of crushing sorrow. The feeling one got when they received some sort of horrible news. Like a loved one had just died. It hit Mingfei in the chest and took his breath away.  “Guys. I don’t want to be here. I don’t want to …” Mingfei eyes filled with tears. “What’s happening. I’m so scared.” He hugged his own arms and tried to stop the tears from falling. “We’ve got to get out!” 
He turned to Chu Zihang who always knew what to do in times like this. But the man was frozen, his jaw tense and locked, staring at the ground in a trance, trying to control his out of control emotions. He was breathing fast and trying to swallow the lump in his throat.
Apparently, sorrow drove Caesar Gattuso to action. He drew Dictator and pointed it up towards some broken stairs framed by a bright red Torii gate. Caesar suddenly roared. “This place sucks! Let’s get out of here as soon as we can. The only way out is up!”
His sudden yell seemed to break whatever emotional spell had been cast on the other two teammates. Lu Mingfei wiped his face. “What was that all about?”
“I’m not sure. Likely the owner of this place had a terrible life.” Chu Zihang said gravely. “I’ve heard of Longwei, the natural fear that dragons give off to other creatures, but I’ve never heard of a Dragon’s sorrow being projected like this.”
The stairs were floating over empty air, made of uneven, ancient grey limestone. There were dozens of stairs leading up into the ominous grey sky with broken Torii gates at intervals every twenty steps. Chu Zihang held up his hand to catch what appeared to be snow flying in the air. He sniffed at it. “Ash. Like something is burning. This must be some sort of Nibelungen. But I’ve never seen anything like it.” Chu Zihang said. “We should watch out. Where there’s a Nibelungen, there’s always…”
A sudden loud screeching interrupted him. A flock of bats the size of geese suddenly dislodged from under the stairs.  A whole flock of them swept forward in a single black cloud mass. Lu Mingfei ducked his head as the claws and teeth scraped at him. “I hate this place already!”
Caesar drew his pistols and fired. The bats were flapping and tilting and whirling, but he just needed to aim for just a moment before shooting one out of the air without missing. Likewise, Chu Zihang quickly slashed once and twice, neatly severing their bodies in two without trouble.
“Bats are better than snakes!” Caesar yelled, reloading his Desert Eagles.
“At least Snakes don’t fly!” Lu Mingfei yelled.
 As they climbed the stairs, they stayed back to the back, firing and slicing through the endless swarm of screaming bats. The sound of it was like a constant siren. Mingfei held his hands to his ears and allowed himself to be shielded by his two older students. He could hardly see anything between the endless assault of black bodies.
Caesar’s eyes glowed yellow. “There’s something big at the top of the stairs. That’s where they’re coming from!” He had sent out his Scythe Itachi and they returned with a huge heartbeat up ahead. “Chu Zihang, get rid of these things!”
“Get down.”  Chu Zihang closed his eyes for just a moment and then an evil snarl emanated from his throat. Black waves of heat drove back the bats and then exploded outward into violent flames. The bats were instantly set alight and hundreds of burning bodies folded their wings and fell into the endless pit below. Lu Mingfei didn’t even want to think of what it meant to fall down into that grey void. Would he just continue to fall forever?
“Eugh…” Caesar pinched his nose to escape the smell of burning flesh and hair.  “Good.” He said, reaching down at pulling Mingfei to his feet.
A loud roar shook the stairs and cracked them.  Then the stairs started to crumble, starting from the bottom. If they didn’t hurry, they would be the ones falling. “Run! Run!” Caesar yelled. 
Ahead of them was a large gap. The stairs were falling apart around them, coming to pieces, like the mortar that held them together suddenly lost all its strength. “We’ll have to jump it!”
It looked to be ten feet across over the nothingness. They’d never make a jump that far. But it was either try to jump or fall to their deaths anyway. Chu Zihang suddenly grabbed Lu Mingfei’s arm and without explanation took a leap and dragged him with him. For a moment, there was nothing but empty air under him. And then a sudden blast of heat and a loud boom! Chu Zihang used Royal Fire to blast himself over the gap, dragging the terrified Lu Mingfei the extra few feet needed. They landed and Lu Mingfei collapsed on shaky legs. “Are you out of your mind? You could have at least told me!” He gasped.
Chu Zihang looked at him with no expression. “You would have hesitated.”
Lu Mingfei froze. “I- n.- No…” Lu Mingfei looked away and then looked around. “Where’s Caesar?”
Caesar pulled himself up onto his arms. He was hanging from the ledge, having barely made the jump himself. He looked at Chu Zihang, annoyed. “Sure. Don’t mind me. I’ll just help myself up.”
His eyes suddenly widened at something behind Chu Zihang and Lu Mingfei. They turned around and saw a looming snake with a thick human-like torso and bulging human arms. It glared at them with yellow eyes shining from the skull of an ancient predator it wore as a mask. It brandished a spear as long as a car with a sharp bone tip.
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danwhobrowses · 3 years
One Piece Chapter 1016 - Initial Thoughts
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It was Pfizer yesterday, but now today we are hooking a new chapter of One Piece into my veins
At least this one won't make my arm ache all day XD but small price for protection from a deadly virus
A lot of shit kicked off yesterday as attempts of crushing morale were undone, so let's see where it leads now
Spoilers for the Chapter, Support the Official Release as well
Zoro cover chapter, a little reminiscent of Nami and Shinobu's cover being blown earlier in the arc
The mainland of Wano are still partying, including Robin's Geisha teacher shredding it on the shamisen
So this is where Hitetsu and Toko are, it's cute and someone did have to look after Toko but Hitetsu you let Tama run off? Also kills the 'Hitetsu is King' theory, he doesn't have wings in this one
Oda nudging us hard with the 'THE FIRE FESTIVAL HONORS THE DEAD, KIDS'
A clear sky huh? You mean a sky where the full moon won't be obscured by clouds? Interesting...
CP0 again back to reviewing the battle like a board game
20 to 7 isn't as gross a disadvantage now, Agincourt was 30 to 3, you know what also was 30 to 3? Okehazama - where Oda Nobunaga's forces attacked the enemy camp during their celebrations
And you also have to add that they don't know about Tama turning the Smiles, we could see it as much different
Scouring Squirrel Girl Bao Huang's frog Mary views the wreckage of Momo's escape, but assumes that he died in the fall, she's quite happy to break the enemy's spirits with this though, strangely she didn't mention the status of the samurai
Over to Nami, Usopp and Tama we get confirmation of what we expected happened: Zeus latched onto the Tact rather than be eaten by Hera and has now been reborn
Nami has mixed views on a talking weapon, I mean talking weapons require maintenance, attention and reassurance, and whatever Zoro does with his swords. Plus she and Zeus haven't really buried the hatchet
The group have reached the stage right behind Unassuming Squirrel Smile Bao Huang, about to make an announcement
Ulti comes back though! Ringing Usopp's bell good and proper
Say what you will about Ulti but she is damn resilient, I can't forgive her for attacking Tama but she has proven intelligent and strategic, definitely an asset to Kaido, and while her thoughts regarding BM's turn is wrong she is allowed to be upset about her Pay-Pay being hurt
Nami goes for a swing and Zeus turns into a mace!? Looks like Nami has upgraded to bludgeon weapons too
The bludgeon doesn't work because of Ulti's durability, so Zeus recommends lightning - but doing so would hit Tama
So out comes Usopp with the clutch green star: Sargasso to split her from Tama
Zeus offers to be given a new name by Nami, and then immediately turns back on it when the option is 'Cotton' XD
Ulti dodges the Lightning, but Zeus while in control curves it so it hits Ulti: Auto-aim is a lil' OP there
Ulti looks officially KO'd now, though we thought that with BM considering that she did a combo laser, but it's right in front of Surprised Squirrel Girl Bao Huang, who is still broadcasting
She just announced that 2 of the Flying Six have been defeated, the morale has been inverted and only a worried Sasaki, Maria and Who's Who remain
Then Sneaky Sniper King Usopp entraps the Frightened Squirrel Girl Bao Huang, noticing that she can act like a projector for Tama
Small Sanji, Speed and Bepo cameos in preparation for Tama's announcement
But up to Onigashima's dome for the Father/Son rumble, and Kaido's already talking down at him and acting like Luffy and Momo are dead
I wonder if Yamato does mean to join Luffy's crew, the wording is 'sail the seas with Luffy', will have to see how it's translated. I'm still not sold on Yamato for Nakama either, he's cool yes but what does he add to the crew? Oda hasn't really shown us any qualities he could have outside of fighting and we kinda already have the sole fighter in Zoro
Kaido's back in hybrid form to remind Yamato that Wano is important for him - likely because of all the resources and the fact Poneglyphs were made her, and there must be teaching tools on how to read them
But yeah Yamato is just here to bide time, a conqueror's coating clash ends the chapter (though it's not certain if Yamato has Conqueror's)
Noooooo break...Oda why? We were just getting some pace going
This chapter did fly by, I felt like there should've been at least 3 or 4 more pages left. But maybe that was because it was all very good.
Beast Pirates still lying to themselves thinking Luffy and Momo are dead, but their numbers are dwindling resoundingly for CP0's entertainment. I wonder if they will get involved though since there is a disproportion between number of named heroes and number of named villains, they can't all turn out as 2 on 1 battles either.
Ulti is defeated, we think at least. I guess Nami will take the W even though it was 80% Big Mom with a minor assist from Usopp, but we got to showcase the new potential of Cotton, I mean Zeus. If Ulti can get up from all that though Page One may be able to get back up too. The other three do look pretty battered so either they're losing or it's fairly even.
Tama's announcement will turn the tides for any SMILE users, and with Ulti the only one who clued into it that bodes well for the alliance, and finally Yamato's off to bide some time for Luffy. That giant sword is in view again though, Oda what are your plans for this Chekov's Giant Fuck Off Sword?
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pipsqueakparker · 3 years
first line meme
i saw @annabellelux and a couple others tag me on this, so i’ll try to do this as well (if tumblr doesn’t destroy everything 😂) 
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favourite opening line.
I’ll go ahead and put these under a cut, there’s gonna be a weird mix of smut and non-smut, so be warned (i don’t think any of the opening lines are too graphic, but fics are)
And I’ll tag @caitybuglove23, @thehoneyedhufflepuff, @krisrix, @sharkmartini, @scone-lover & anyone else that wants to do this!
breaking routine 
I don’t know what’s gotten into Baz lately, but whatever it is, it’s a blessing in disguise. Or whatever the saying is.
thank you steve jobs 
“I’ve got an idea.”
Those words frequently scare me when they come out of Snow’s mouth, but somehow even more so when we’re on separate sides of the city, connected only by the small screens of our phones. My screen is mostly dark, with a flash of light or color here and there as Snow walks through his flat. He’s living with Bunce and I’m still staying at Fiona’s—it’s just easier right now, to be this way.
the one with the frogs 
We’re meant to be putting up the Christmas decorations tonight, but Baz won’t let me off the sofa. Our Christmas tree is still boxed up somewhere in the flat, mixed up with some other boxes of decorations we’ve brought in recently. And Baz is nestled into my side, both arms wrapped tightly around my middle, his nose pressed into my cheek. We were going to watch a film while we decorated, but I think he’s gotten a bit distracted.
“Enjoying yourself?” I ask, my voice soft and low. I want to turn to look at him, but I feel the tip of his nose press deeper into my cheek and find myself laughing. He gets especially soft and silly around the holidays.
It’s dark, nothing lighting up the night except for the sliver of moon peeking out over us. Stars twinkle among the wisps of clouds, in and out of my field of vision.
The only thing clear about tonight is the swell in my chest when I watch Simon swoop down over the treetops, wings beating powerfully as he makes a sharp turn. Thank Crowley for my heightened sight; I can make out the individual bones in those mighty wings, the way his curls get tousled by the wind, and the grin split across his face.
Simon Snow is a vision.
love’s not a competition (but we’re winning) 
Baz is on top of me, pressing me into the mattress with his entire body.
reconnecting for christmas 
I’m not a grinch, or a scrooge.
I don’t hate Christmas; I just hate all of the ridiculous expectations that come along with it. The ugly jumpers, the secret Santas, the grown adults trampling each other and trading blows over toys.
The annual holiday parties held at my university that I’m always forced to attend because my cousin is a fucking horror.
chore negotiation 
It started as a joke.
Well, mostly a joke. I hate doing the washing up after dinner; the only thing worse than the Humdrum is a sink full of dirty dishes. Every moment I spent in front of the sink felt like a special kind of torture. (Maybe that’s an exaggeration.) (But not much of one.)
scary movie 
“Let’s watch a scary movie,” Simon suggests. At seven in the morning.
His face is just inches away from mine, eyes bright like it isn’t seven in the fucking morning.
I glare at him.
And then I turn my back to him and go back to sleep.
Because it’s seven in the fucking morning.
poorly timed christmas decorations 
Someone has taken it upon themselves to decorate Mummers for the holidays.
I’m actually fairly certain it was a group of someones, and I wouldn’t be surprised to discover that my ridiculous cousin and his roommate were at the helm of the poor decisions. Niall genuinely wants to start celebrating Christmas as early as possible, but Dev just wants to create chaos.
There are lights wrapped around the railings and hung over the walls, wreaths on every door, and poinsettias on each landing. If it weren’t the middle of October it might be nice. However, it is the middle of October.
carving pumpkins 
Baz is good at a lot of things. He’s smart, fit, athletic, flexible, charming, etc. He’s an expert at nearly everything, at least that’s what he’d have you believe. It’s what he’s had me believe for the longest time. It’s part of what made me hate him so much. (Suppose that wasn’t as much hate as I thought initially, though, was it?)
Anyway, Baz is good at shit, and it’s annoying.
spooky ghosts 
I don’t know what prompted me to open my mouth as I was leaving Watford.
I don’t know what possessed him to accept such an offer.
But somehow, by the grace of either Merlin or Crowley (potentially a little of both), Simon Snow is at my family home for the winter holidays.
black cats 
Sometimes Snow can be a mad genius.
And sometimes he’s just mad.
witch hats 
It’s our next to last day — well, my last day, I suppose — at Watford.
We’ve a whole ceremony to deal with, us eighth years. It’s strange to be preparing for this without Snow or Bunce.
new candles 
Coping mechanisms are something we’ve been talking about a lot in therapy. Healthy ones and unhealthy ones.
Apparently I had a lot of unhealthy ones for a long time. I didn’t even realize until my therapist pointed them out to me, but we’re trying to replace them with healthier ones.
cinnamon spice 
Simon’s working late tonight.
He got a new job at this little bakery on the other side of town. He positively loves it, I swear he came home after his first day already best friends with the entire staff. I don’t blame them, Simon’s a delight.
warm apple cider 
“We should get lunch,” Simon says, swinging our joined hands between us as we follow a dirt path toward a picnic area.
Bunce asked us if we could find our way out of the flat today, she and the Normal wanted some alone time. I was just going to take Simon back to my flat, but Fiona decided she would be coming back early from her trip, knocking that option out. (Not that I don’t love my aunt, but sometimes it’s just easier to keep her away from Simon. For my sanity’s sake.)
We were just going to drive around for a bit, maybe find somewhere to spend some time, try to have our own day to ourselves. Simon ended up looking up events happening around and found this little autumnal festival, which is where we ended up.
fuzzy socks & a book 
Snow always teases me when I wear these socks, but they’re soft, and warm, and nice. They run up well past my ankle, about mid-calf, and they’re sherpa-lined so they’re especially insulated and soft. They also have two little vampire teeth at the top, and two little leathery black wings that stick out from the ankles.
Mordelia picked them out when she was around six or seven, Daphne was just properly tickled by them and put them into my stocking that Christmas. Several years later I’m still wearing them.
They’re nice.
take two 
We’ve not talked about the clone incident since that day.
In fact, we’ve not talked much since that day. Full stop.
We kissed until our lips were sore, until we were both gasping for breath, until the sun went down and the shadows lay over us and we fell asleep.
The next morning I woke up in his bed. He was nowhere to be found. He didn’t show up to breakfast, or lunch, or dinner. He was absent from all of our classes. I didn’t see him again for nearly two full days.
baby animals 
Baz is letting me hunt with him.
Well, not hunt with him, really. But he’s letting me go out with him. Into the woods behind his family house.
I know how hard it is for him to let me in on this part of him, the whole vampire thing. He’s trying.
(basil the) scarecrow  
Simon Snow was well into middle age now, as he carried his two youngest to bed.
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stragglewort · 4 years
Uncommon OC Questions! For Ardolf: 1, 2, 14, 18, 33, 38, 45, 50 For Martin: 4, 5, 10, 15, 20, 21, 36, 49 And 25, 41 and 43 for both! \(^▽^)/
Whoa, that’s a lot. You always know exactly how to pander to me. I’ll do my best! These are probably going to be some pretty long answers, though. 
First up, Ardolf:
1.) A little-known talent of your OC?
Hm, for Ardolf? It would probably be his ability to work with children. Like, if he had been in a modern setting, he probably would’ve gone into family medicine or pediatrician work. Though he’s not a terribly charismatic person, he is pretty soft and fatherly and has high-key adopted nearly every child we’ve come across in the D&D campaign I use him as a character in. 
Otherwise? Whistling. He’s really good at whistling.
2.) What trait does your OC like best about themself? (Eyes, guitar skills, random bird facts, etc)
He’s extremely proud of his practical doctoring skills. Though he’s learned healing magic and divination now that he’s gotten older and wiser, he grew up in the Greymouth Clan – a house of human doctors and surgeons that almost specifically worked with hands-on medicine. Give him some bandages, some leaves, and a bit of elbow grease and he can patch you just as well as any spell! (Though maybe it’ll take a bit longer. He really just wants to be as helpful as possible, even after he can’t cast anything).
14.) Happy birthday! What kind of present would your OC want?
Anything from the heart! It could be a song, a poem, a letter, or even a neat looking rock. He hasn’t celebrated his own birthday for years and just the gesture of someone remembering would probably make him tear up. Had he been a bit younger, freshly baked sweet or herb bread would’ve been his jam! That’s only changed in the recent years because, you know, lycanthropy makes eating that sort of thing real difficult.
18.) Something that makes your OC laugh without fail? Carved pumpkins, gourds, and really anything that has a face when it probably shouldn’t.
Like, a goofy face? A scary one? A half-baked monstrosity that could barely count as a Jack-O-Lantern? Doesn’t matter, it’ll get him every time.
33.) A song that reminds you of your OC?
There’s too many to choose! Probably Kind Folk – instrumental by Kenny Wheeler and Brian Dickinson, Secunda by Jeremy Soule (from the Skyrim soundtrack), or The Bygone Days from Porco Rosso. Kind of just dependent on the scene!
38.) Random thunderstorm! How does your OC react?
He’d probably around and watch it go by. The thunder gets a little uncomfortably loud, considering his hearing is all lycanthropic, but something about rain and a nice mist reminds him of home at the times when he’s farthest away.
45.) What kind of self-esteem does your OC have?
A very poor one!
Though he does try to keep his chin-up, as he’ll say, the first word that would pop in his head to describe himself would be something like ‘monster’ or ‘creature’. Though his lycanthropy is something he wasn’t born with, and he’s spent a good portion of his life fighting against it, he’s begrudgingly settled on the idea that it’s a part of him he cannot control. And that tends to be a bit of a bummer sometimes! Though he tries to, he has a very difficult time separating the wants of the curse with his own – and though he’ll say he and the beast are two different beings (and ultimately, he’s right) he worries, deep down, if that might not truly be the case.
50. What is your OC’s happy place?
On the top of a mountain somewhere – close to his family – close to his friends – watching the clouds of morning mist roll across the peaks. Mostly anywhere safe, warm, and together with people he cares about.  
On to Martin!
3.) Is your OC good at keeping secrets?
Hahaha, no. 
He certainly tries! But if he gets off on a nervous tangent (which is about 60%-85% of his dialogue) he has a tendency to overshare. Quiiite a bit.
4.) Your OC’s worst habit?
He cannot keep quiet. Half of the time he’s speaking, he’s usually not even sure what he’s saying! But boy will he say it. And he’ll say it in staggering, stuttering bulk. See above.
10.) Would your OC prefer to live in the city, the suburbs, or the country?
He has no idea. The suburbs?
A close-knit community, nice, quiet, everyone-knows-everyone and that means everyone knows who he is and maybe they’ll use that to catch him off guard. 
The city? 
So many people that he’d be faceless, could be safe! But also very, very unsafe. Notoriously unsafe. Wait, doesn’t he live in a city? If something happened would authorities even have time to help him? What if there’s so many people that they gang up on him? Hold on.
The country?
That’s isolated, safe, lovely – but what if it’s so isolated that if something bad happened no one would hear him calling! What if his neighbors were strange and odd, then what would happen? He’d be stuck with them! And the land prices!
If he’d have the choice, he’d probably live in a Minecraft house. On peaceful.
15.) Something that grosses your OC out?
Ironically, considering he’s a vampire spawn, blood! He’s super, extremely squeamish and cannot stand the stuff.
20. An obscure/ridiculous fear your OC has?
Honestly if you talked it up right, you could convince this poor man to fear anything. I cannot pinpoint just one. (Though high-key, reality television. He knows it’s usually fake, but what if it wasn’t? What if someday he’s just trying to watch TV or go grocery shopping and all of a sudden a camera crew shows up Truman Show style? Horrifying.)
21.) Does your OC have any type of disability, whether it be mental, physical, etc?
Mhm. Overarchingly he suffers pretty majorly from Post-Traumatic-Stress-Disorder (something that I plan to cover/work with pretty majorly in the stories) and Generalized Anxiety Disorder (something he had been working with since before the whole vampirism thing). After the vampiric attack/turning, he also has some unnamed disorders he’s working with (I, as the author, have applied them as symptoms of his pseudo-vampirism, and didn’t want to apply real-world diagnosis to avoid some really poor misguided diagnostic attempts!) such as a whole lotta’ paranoia and general poor-coping with being a half-undead. He also has some pretty major ticks (specifically an eye twitch he, for the life of him, cannot get to stop).
36.) Your OC’s favorite fashion era? (20’s, 70’s, etc)
I’d say 90s grunge. But that’s kind of a stretch, and probably more of an excuse to not futz with his hair and wear clothes three times his size. 
49.) Your OC’s most prized possession?
:・゚☆✧ The friendship he creates with the other Ghoul Parade protagonists :・゚☆✧
In his apartment (which, mind you, is extremely cluttered and it the apartment equivalent of that Pepe Silvia picture) he has a small battery powered waterfall set up on what used to be his kitchen counter. It has a frog at the top that spits water into small pots that then pour into each other, and if he presses a button it’ll turn on some very soft LED lights. That. That is one of his most prized possessions.
29.) Someone does something awful in front of your OC. How do they handle it?
That depends on what sort of awful we’re talking about. He instinctively wants to help – to really help – and will go as far as putting himself into a hypothetical (or literal, who knows!) line of fire if someone’s really in danger. Though smaller things, in more everyday situations, he usually finds himself freezing up.
And now, for both!
41. Does your OC like/make puns?
Yes. Absolutely. Without a doubt.  
43. Your OC wakes up with a coin super glued to their forehead. How do they react?
Ardolf would probably spend the whole morning trying to pry it off, before either succeeding or just giving up and asking one of his friends to help. To which they’d probably have no better luck. He wouldn’t be angry with whoever did it! More just kind of flustered until ultimately laughing it off. 
And Martin probably wouldn’t notice for some time (he doesn’t really keep any mirrors in his house. He can very-well see himself in them, but something about the connection they have to vampire lore makes him uneasy) and wouldn’t notice until someone pointed out. He’d then drop everything and take hours trying to figure out how someone got into his house to put a coin on his head. Why they did it. What kind of coin it was. If it was really, actually a coin. All to probably learn that he somehow did it himself in some freak minor mishap. Yes, that’s absolutely what he would do. 
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aiweirdness · 6 years
GPT-2: It learned on the Internet
Prompt: The black-capped chickadee is a small songbird native to
Response: The black-capped chickadee is a small songbird native to Africa that is powerfully seductive. In the songs of Barry Sequson, Harry Holness and Alan Emerson the black-capped chickadee competes with others—and climbs on top of each other and fights with high-powered snakes, Emperor jockeys and mysterious unicorns.
This is text generated by an artificial neural network that the researchers at OpenAI unveiled this week. In fact, it’s generated by the worst neural network they trained. Even the worst neural network generates text that, if not demonstrating actual knowledge of chickadees, is leaps and bounds over the coherence of any neural networks I’ve trained myself. They’ve built in a way for the model to zoom out and look at longer-term features of text, which means it’s much better at making sentences hold together, and even remembering what it’s talking about from sentence to sentence.
The model learned by crawling the Internet and seeing which words are used together in which order, trying to build up an internal model that will let it predict which word comes next in a sentence. It’s similar in concept to the models I’ve trained to generate paint colors, first lines of novels, and Harry Potter fan fiction, except it’s a lot more powerful. It also learned from a much larger dataset than I use, consisting of every page that was linked to somewhere on Reddit with a minimum number of upvotes. That encompasses a LOT of topics.
It includes fan fiction, for example.
Prompt: Harry wished that Hermione would hurry up. The icing was beginning to harden.
Response: Even now, the cracks only hurt and were beginning to make the steel in her hair and tie in like clumps. Hermione sipped the bitter frost from her dinner and chewed on her eating soup.
Prompt: Darth Vader entered the room, cape billowing. "What is the meaning of these... festivities?"
Response: ”Strange and solemn, now," Princess Leia replied. "Will pirates make jokes at Jabba's birthday cake? Oh, and for a moment, Darth Vader was too full of himself for that ceremony, hence all the mirth."
"Did your father suffer there?" Vader roared and growled and turned to gaze up from the balcony.
The model can also try to communicate Important Science Facts, although its actual facts are a bit suspect.
Prompt: Our solar system consists of the inner and outer planets, separated by an asteroid belt. It has
Response: Our solar system consists of the inner and outer planets, separated by an asteroid belt. It has only one sun, Pluto.  Mercury rotates on its axis a little to allow a few planets, called gas giants, to be independently charged.  During some of these cycles periods between  90% and 64% of the solar system's surface might be charged.  (Not enough is needed for vermin but that is gradually fading away.)
Prompt: Throughout the long cold Antarctic winter, the residents of South Pole Station
Response: Throughout the long cold Antarctic winter, the residents of South Pole Station lost virtually all of their ancient crustaceans, most notably pterodactyls, and all of the all-important plankton hydrates and protozoan eggs of the five ordered species of mammal.
Other deposits for sea organisms included eraymarine calcifye, the redfin ball, penguin heads, and the red whale.
Prompt: A carbon atom's outer orbitals
Response: A carbon atom's outer orbitals are basically a ring of ions around the border of thin mini-glaciers (usually colloquially referred to as bubble"). Like viruses, these planes are in islands in large weather groups. In and out they get all of their energy from many small regions of solar wind and dense cloud cover (usually thousands of square meters). Like viruses, their weaponry is imaged to record the movement of material-- (by deflecting rays, for instance) to complete waves or to cause the material to deform under shell impact. Capacitors--like gravity ids-- produce buoyancy with the exhalation of liquid hydrogen atmospheres, an essential electrolytic letdown when the material is what one calls a watermelon. Heat range is quite long and space is limited so one must stick with watermelons for a stability boost at a given coordinate system vital to shelter those who require them in space.
Interestingly, it takes its cues from the phrasing of the prompt more than from its specific content.
Prompt: Behold, the three-toed sloth, known for its
Response: Behold, the three-toed sloth, known for its ichorotic smile, with its four shades, pantered organic wizened broken bony paws, bulging knees, hairy tubercles, and orange's-black mandibles.
It’ll also do recipes, delightfully. Its recipes aren’t enormously more coherent than the recipes I’ve been able to generate. Part of the problem seems to be that the model is getting a bit confused by other types of recipes in its dataset.
Prompt: Quitterbread bars. Ingredients:
Response (some formatting adjusted for readability):  
Quitterbread bars.
Creamy cole slaw, chopped fresh cilantro, garlic, etc. 1  few very good options at lime-light, milky-white (at a light foodie) space 1  medicated towel (albino & aluminum mesh - see a friend's link to see if you can use it carefully & what you're expecting) a few paraffin-y dice (sleep about half of the weight, use the 1 ounce plus 2 pounds extra when handling these onto a hot baking sheet) 20 baking sheets 30 1/2 lb. white sanding board 1 didn't dry paper cup 1 cup extra hot water
boil the butter and electrical polishing after 20 minutes 3LB neurons
gently massage these into their slots, reduce heat in oven to approximately 350°F
stuff seam side-side down with binding compound, avoiding every drop of water the thinner sides will be tidy and seperate and pull out after 24 hours know how long they will keep it's held well, thin enough to live with 3-4 weeks teach you all the serenity you'll need to know for fantasy...
_______________________________________ >>> A limited amount of not-spicy crème brûlée (orange - read about how to do it in Meteor!) I used black chocolate cake Crème Brûlée
Painted cocktail draped across the small purple curtain of Shana Liu's Stepmother Coconut Guild guest house in France. 35' x 30' $150
Embargo thank you. Our magical rich chocolate cube
Still, its memory is better than any model I’ve worked with before. Look how it manages to almost remember that it was making a list!
Prompt: My 10 favorite animals are: 1.
My 10 favorite animals are: 1. zebras with a white scar on the back; 2. insiduous spiders and octopus; 3. frog with large leaves, hopefully black; 4. cockatiel with scales; 5. razorbill with wings hanging about 4 inches from one's face and a heart tattoo on a frog. 3. cockatric interlocking tetrapods that can be blind, cut, and eaten raw. 4. black and white desert crocodiles living in sunlight. 5. zebra and many other pea bugs.
And this is just the worst model, the one that was trained with 117 million parameters instead of 1542 million. What can the best model do?
Here’s an example of its output:
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This give you a clue as to why the OpenAI researchers have decided for now not to release their best model to the public. They’re worried about people using it to produce destructive bots, fake news, phishing emails, and other dangers. It might be difficult indeed to moderate a forum filled with angry time-wasting mostly-coherent bots. In their blog post they posted more examples of the full-powered model producing impressively coherent text, including a delightful news story on four-horned South American unicorns.
What will they end up doing with their model? Even now, someone else with the time and resources - a government, for example - could train and use a model like theirs, especially now that they’ve shown everyone what their technique can do. They’re hoping that their paper will prompt some regulation, or at least some countermeasures, that can guard against this technology’s misuse. They’re also hoping that other researchers will stop to think about potential misuse before they release their models to the public.
For now, the GPT-2 version OpenAI released isn’t going to fool very many people.
Prompt: NO!!! You should NEVER feed a dog from a silver platter.
Response: It will make them bark in farts when you put it away.
Prompt: Actually, you should never microwave your food, because
Response: it holds sodium, mercury, mercury or "cold enemy cocktail" flavorings and the exact same flavorings used then for chili powder. This is wrong, it's not safe, and some people get hurt while cooking at their homes! If you have these very dangerous ingredients and want to keep them around, you should absolutely rinse them and cook them in a dishwasher and set aside.
Support AI Weirdness and get bonus content: A few more GPT-2 samples I generated.
You can download and play with the second-best model here - requires some familiarity with installing and running python code. Or there’s a colaboratory version (works in-browser; no coding required). Content warning: it learned some awful stuff from the Internet.
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alternislatronemhq · 4 years
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Congrats, CHRISTIE, you have been accepted to AL for the role of LUCINDA TALKALOT (FC: Alisha Wainwright). Ah, Christie, excellent job! You’ve taken a character that isn’t much more than a name in this verse and brought her to life! I love your portrayal of her and am so excited to see how she adds to our little group!! Please send in your blog (no sideblogs for first characters, please) in the next 24 hours and be sure to take a look at our new player checklist. Welcome home (once again), we’re so excited to have you join the family!
name — christie age — 20 pronouns — she/her timezone — gmt+3
any questions? — If I could just ignore the fact she was Quidditch captain during her time at Hogwarts that would be amazing just because it doesn’t quite fit my interpretation of Lucinda. Oh, wait, that’s not a question. Pretty please?
IC Overview
name — Lucinda Talkalot faceclaim — Alisha Wainwright age — 27 (9th of January) gender — Cis-female sexuality — Homosexual
patronus — A greyhound – much like Lucinda, the greyhound is intelligent and gentle, though often accused of passivity. What might be perceived as laziness and indifference, however, is simply a very careful and precise distribution of time and energy – after all, why waste your time on something you don’t care about when you could be working on achieving your real goals?
[tw: claustrophobia] boggart — Herself, stuck in a small space with no means of escaping. Lucinda is claustrophobic and usually, she can deal with tiny spaces as long as they provide some sort of an exit, be it a door or a window, but if they are locked or sealed, her claustrophobia gets triggered. It should be noted, though, that even in the event where she manages to keep her anxiety under control, she still would prefer to avoid small spaces altogether.
IC In Depth
personality traits — 
( + ) Intelligent: Lucinda’s intelligence isn’t innate as is that of the Ravenclaws she remembers from her Hogwarts days, the ones who would just understand concepts and ideas with little if any explanation. Lucinda, on the other hand, needs all the guidance her professors provide and makes use of all available books on the subjects she’s interested in. Her intelligence comes from hard work, from days spent hunched over old dusty tomes, from sheer ambition to learn and to become somebody.
( + ) Driven: It’s the Slytherin in her that would stop at nothing to achieve her goals. If Lucinda Talkalot wants something, she’ll get it. She’d wanted to do well on her NEWTs, she’d done it. She’d wanted to become an Unspeakable, she’d done it. The one regard in which her ambition doesn’t seem to help is the social aspect of her life, but oh, well, nobody’s perfect.
( + ) Accepting: Lucy knows what it feels like not to be accepted, be it for her blood or for her sexuality, and she would never want anybody else to feel like that around her. Even though she’s not the best in social situations, one thing one can always rely on with her is to remain open-minded and willing to listen.
( - ) Reserved: Books don’t ask you about your day nor do they require an explanation as to why you did what you did; they’re just there. People don’t work quite like that, Lucy knows, but she still has trouble putting herself out there and speaking her mind. After all, what does she have to offer in conversation? She’s not funny, she’s not charming, and she quite literally can’t speak about her job.
( - ) Single-minded: She tells herself it’s justified, with how important her work is, but the truth is Lucinda is almost cut-off from the world. The downside of her ambition is that she’s so focused on her goals that she can’t see anything beyond them; even with Voldemort, she knows he was dangerous, but she never quite understood just how dangerous. But what does it matter anyway? After all, he’s a thing of the past.
( - ) Tactless: It’s not that she’s not aware of social etiquette, it’s just that she sometimes forgets to follow it. She doesn’t choose her words carefully, instead they slip out of her the same way her mother’s old china had slipped between her fingers when she’d been a child – without meaning to, unrefined and sharp. She doesn’t mean to be rude, by any means, but she’s also never been known to sugarcoat anything.
character biography — 
Margaret Talkalot always had a vision of how her only daughter’s life would go. Lucinda would attend the same school she did – the only school in town – and then would later attend university in the big city where she would meet a nice, hopefully wealthy man who with whom she would have two children, a boy and a girl, and live happily ever after. It’s a manifestation of everything her mother didn’t get, Lucy realises years later – she’d never got the chance to leave their tiny town, her husband had left her soon after Lucinda’s birth and Margaret hadn’t had other children. (But even to little Lucinda, those fairy tales of princes and princesses didn’t sound appealing – at least the princes didn’t)
Fortunately for her, her mother’s plan started to unravel as soon as Lucinda’s eleventh birthday rolled around. A small white envelope held promises Lucy had never even dreamt to ask for and she’d begged and pleaded her mother to let her go. It’d taken a while to convince her but come September 1st, Lucy was on the train set to Hogwarts.
The castle is absolutely magical in a way that had nothing to do with actual magic. She’s sorted into Slytherin and her housemates give her weird looks as she goes to sit at their table, but that’s fine, the kids back home looked at her weird too. In any case, it’s not nearly enough to dampen her excitement and Lucy spends her first year walking on clouds. The following years she wants to try everything, from Quidditch to Frog Choir, and she does, but… it’s not quite what she imagined. She doesn’t have the experience other kids do with Quidditch, and her face flushes every time she has to sing in front of her peers. It’s okay though, because the library is just as magical and soon Lucy starts spending most of her time there.
She gets good grades, she’s on par with the Ravenclaws, and she wishes sometimes that she was sorted into Ravenclaw instead. Perhaps then she would’ve had more friends? But then she sees Ravenclaws during class, with their clever, understanding eyes, and feels inadequate as she struggles to keep up with the torrent of information. She perseveres. So what if she has to work three times as hard as Beatrice Galloway to get the same grades? She’s not scared of hard work. (She is scared, however, of the way her stomach flutters whenever Beatrice smiles at her. Not because of the feelings she stirs inside of Lucy, but because she knows her mother won’t be happy to learn about them. And Lucinda’s already disappointed her by going to a magical school instead of a “normal” one. Can she disappoint her like that too?)
Turns out, she can. At eighteen, Lucinda passes her NEWTs with flying colours and emboldened by that, she tells her mother she’s not interested in boys. Her arguments sound childish even to her own ears (they’re crass, and smelly, and annoying and she just doesn’t like them, okay?), but they’re true enough and eventually, Margaret stops trying to convince her otherwise. She says she accepts it, but Lucy knows better; her mother is still waiting for the day Lucinda will “come to her senses” and settle down with a man.
The knowledge of it weighs down on her heart, but she’s also never been happier, as though her mother had been the last frontier before freedom. And in the Wizarding World, she’s flourishing – she gets an internship at the Ministry and a few years later, she becomes an Unspeakable. There’s a war raging outside her office, but Lucinda is too busy scribbling down test results and experiment proposal to glance out of the window.
Eventually, it all ends and as relieved as Lucy is, she also can’t deny she feels guilty – but then she reminds herself there’s nothing she could’ve done anyway, except perhaps bored Voldermort to death with theories of how the brain functions.
plot ideas —
I’d love to get Lucy involved with the Order at a later point! In general, the way I envision her character arc (which is always subject to change as time goes on, of course) is that a big part of it would involve her getting out of her office and returning to the world as a whole. That includes becoming more aware of everything going on, becoming more involved in it as she realises she does have more to offer than dry facts she’s read in a book.
Getting her a social life! A bit self-explanatory but as established, Lucy isn’t the best at forming friendship so naturally, I’d love to see her put in a situation where she does end up doing that. Especially with people who challenge her way of thinking. (Also I’ll just throw it out there, but she deserves a girlfriend.)
Some sort of work-related plot seems inevitable too considering how much of her life is spent in her office. Whether that would be potential colleagues (chats by the coffee machine are probably interesting when neither party can talk about their job) or maybe someone who knows more than they’re supposed to (in which case I would love to explore Lucy’s reaction and how she would deal with that). Just about all and any workplace plots!
extra —
Some headcanons:
Throughout this app I’ve been referring to Lucinda both as Lucinda and as Lucy, which I personally see like a very Hercules situation in the sense of:
Meg: Megara. My friends call me Meg. At least they would if I had any friends.
Lucy works in the Department of Mysteries, as previously established, but to elaborate on that, she works primarily in the Thought Chamber. I say primarily because due to the door connecting the Thought and Death Chambers, I’m running with the assumption that their spheres of study are also connected and thus Lucinda sometimes has to visit the Death Chamber too.
(Also I really like the irony of Lucy studying brains, but not being good with people. Like, “I understand your brain, but you I just don’t get.”)
Furthermore, since her job is so centred around minds, she’s also picked up a few skills outside of Hogwarts’ curriculum. Lucinda is an Occlumens, though she struggles with Legilimency. She can only perform it under very particular circumstances, including an intense focus on her part and total silence of the room, so she is almost entirely unable to use it outside of the Thought Chamber. [This is, of course, subject to change if you feel like it might be too much power.]
Lastly, she just gets very flustered around women.
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Ch2 - Operation Grandpup Drop (A SitBoy Discord Crack Fic)
Created by awesome people on the SessKag SitBoy Discord, one post at a time in complete wild abandon. This is a SessKag crack fic.
Chapter 2:
mythicamagicToday at 3:20 AM Sesshoumaru, meanwhile, had taken off on his own, eyes narrow. He could still hear the words of his mother ringing in his ears as he flew above the trees. But it was no matter. He felt certain he'd smelt Naraku's foul stench close by.
Walter205Today at 9:04 AM Inukimi watched her son go after giving the strange garment the briefest of sniffs before dropping it to the ground in his haste to leave. She sighed softly before turning to glance at the others. Her Sky Palace would be a most suitable location for the breedings to occur, perhaps she should round everyone up from both camps and have them waiting there for both her son and her hopeful second when they arrive?
Even if no one else breeds on their own, they could prove a useful distraction fodder for her amusement while she waited, in addition to an added incentive for her son and the miko to come visit her, if for no other reason then to "retrieve" their companions, then she would be able to spring her growing little plan into action. Nodding to herself silently, she smiled softly as her hands started glowing pink as she called her debilitating poison to the surface of her claws…
Slayer07/30/2019 While Sesshomaru  stood shocked that this she/he incarnation  asked to play with his hair. Naraku took his moment of shock to escape in a massive cloud of miasma
Stormie Like Weather07/30/2019 Poof! Frustrated, Sesshomaru glared at the new incarnation, "Do you always do what Daddy says, or can you think for yourself?" Gritting his teeth, "Your weak blood will sully my sword if I run you through."
Walter20507/30/2019 Jaken could still hear the clashing of swords but they were fading into the distance. Earlier Kohaku and Rin had tried to flee from Inukimi, leaving Jaken free to make his escape in the other direction. Trying to follow the path his Lord took through the forest, he came upon a hot springs. Neither his Lord nor the enemy he sounded to be fighting were present, although the miko's yellow satchel and odd items were strewn about the area, along with some signs a fight or two had taken place here.
His curiosity once again got the better of him as he examined several items from the Miko's Satchel, before coming across another odd garment, this one containing straps and two cups, the latter of which had soft padding that felt very pleasant to the touch. Jaken had no idea what this was used for but them came up with the idea that it might some kind of padded armor, meant to be worn under the clothes.
After stripping and bathing in the springs, he tried putting it on, but it seemed oddly sized for a toad of his stature. Still, he managed to get it where one cup protected his head and the other gave him some comfort when he sat down. On the negative side though his clothes couldn't quite fit over the armor but to be honest the padded armor covered enough of him that he didn't need to worry about it for the time being, after all the two battling warriors could return at any moment so Jaken hurriedly collected the other things into the Satchel before carrying it off into the forest, away from the sounds of battle.
mythicamagic07/30/2019 It smelled... Fusty. Or maybe it could be described as wet dog smell, but less without the dog and more... "Ah you're awake!" Kouga grinned, looking down at her. Kagome winced. Wolf. "K-kouga.." she sat up, squeaking when the furs draped over her naked body slipped down. She quickly hugged them to her chest. "Where are we? Where's Naraku?"
Stormie Like Weather07/30/2019 "Ah, there's no need to hide. I've already see-!" Clap! Her palm left a bright red mark on his cheek. "You've seen nothing!" She held fistfuls of the fur against her chest, and repeated slowly, "You. Kouga. Have. Seen. Nothing." He scratched the back of his neck, "Uh, right." He blinked, still smiling. She wanted to slap the stupid grin off his face, instead she gritted her teeth, "Thanks for saving me back there." Not catching a hint, he patted her head, "Of course I would protect my woman!" His expression quickly shifted to anger, "Where was dog breath!?" Kagome shrugged, "Back at camp, I was at a hot springs." That wasn't the point though, she needed to know, "Were you able to get Naraku?" Kouga shook his head. "Now that you are awake, I need to track the bastard down." He tilted his chin at a young wolf youkai to his side, "This boy will take care of you until we return." She looked over at the child and winced, "Wai-t!" But he was already gone.
mythicamagic07/30/2019 Kagome sighed. Well, there was no way she'd be waiting around twiddling her thumbs. She awkwardly glanced at the boy. "Could you um.. Turn around for a second?" The boy complied, and by the time he was given permission to turn back, Kagome was standing in a dress she'd somehow fashioned out of the furs that had been acting as a blanket. The boy blinked. "How did-" "No time~" she smiled brightly, waving. "I'm gonna go now. Do you have a bow and arrow handy?" Or underwear she wanted to add.
Stormie Like Weather07/30/2019 Itchy and smelling something akin to what she imagined an opossum might smell like, Kagome left with a bow, some arrows, and a package of food she suspected might be rancid. Trying not to be rude, she'd taken the offered package despite the smell, but with no intention of eating it, she left it by the entrance on her way out.
mythicamagic07/30/2019 Sango had taught her how to track, but it didn't exactly take a genius to work out which way Kouga had gone after leaving the rocky terrain. Broken twigs paved the way, like a hurricane had swept through. Wincing as the forest floor met her bare feet, Kagome raised her head, feeling the tell tale pull of jewel shards further ahead.
Stormie Like Weather07/30/2019 Unconcerned, Kagome made her way through the path created by the brash wolf, when something strange caught the edge of her sight. The little object gleamed in the sunlight. A plastic covered ramen cup..."How did this get here?" Looking further ahead, she noticed more items from the future dropped along the path. "Oh no!" She'd left her bag at the hot spring. "Some one has my backpack!" Stomp running, she gathered up her things, carrying them against her chest until she couldn't carry any more. She eyed her first aid kit in a bush. Her brow ticked. "I'm going to kill someone..."
Slayer07/30/2019 Jaken felt a shiver run down his back and a dark sense of impending doom.
Walter20507/30/2019 That sense of impending doom proved accurate when a distantly familiar female figure emerged from the edge of the clearing that he had been taking a breathing break in. It took several moments for Jaken to remember where he had seen the lithe figure with red hair and eyes before. While he couldn't remember this particular female's name, he recognized what she was instantly.
"You...you're...," he stammered as he took a few steps back with the satchel at his side.
"Karan, of the Panther Demon Tribe. I remember you, you're Lord Sesshomaru's Lackey. I bring an proposal to him, an offer from our leader Toran," said the figure as she came closer to him.
"N...no, stay back!" yelled Jaken as he started taking items from the largely depleted satchel and throwing them at her. Karan dodged most of them with ease but one item caught her interest for an unknown reason to her. A vial with a dotted green substance inside, with a little note attached that read; 'For Buyo, do not take to past'.
The cat's curiosity getting the best of her, she opened the vial and took a quick sniff before her eyes glazed over. She stuck her tongue and gently licked the edge of the green stuff before her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she collapsed backwards, mewing and purring softly as she spasmed and thrashed about on the ground.
"Buyo must mean Panther Poison, I must keep this with me," exclaimed Jaken as he gathered the various spilled things, put them back in the satchel, then continued on his way.
Stormie Like Weather08/01/2019 "Merow...merow...merrrroooooow." Kagome swallowed hard, staring at a fully transformed panther demon as it batted at a squeaky toy she'd intended to use as a way to taunt Inuyasha. She blinked, and shook her head. The youkai suddenly hissed at the stuffed toy and it caught fire. "Merrrrrrow!" Her tail swished back and forth, and she rolled over onto her back, kicking in the air at an invisible opponent. Kagome sighed, "I'm so done today. If one more crazy thing happens..." That's when she heard the squawking up ahead. "Jaken." She seethed. His head was illuminated by the setting sun, and what he was wearing was unmistakable. The lace. The silk. The 600 yen price tag dangling from the strap. With a clatter, everything in her arms fell to the ground, and she charged the stupid toad with an arrow in her hand. "You perverted frog! Just you wait, when I get my hands on you, you're gonna pay!"
Walter20508/01/2019 The feeling of impending doom was upon him again. Turning his head as he heard a noise behind him, Jaken's eyes opened wide as he took in the visage of the spectre of death herself, an irate and familiar human female scantily clad in furs, eyes glowing as pink a color as the tip of the arrow that she held in her hand.
"Please no I'm sorry you can have it all back!" he squawked as he shrugged off the bra and dropped the satchel. All it did however was to make it where she could strike him at will without further damaging any of her belongings. With a cry of fury that channeled all of her frustrations of the day, she stabbed the arrow into his toaddy buttocks, causing him to cry out in anguish as the little purifying power there burned his slimy tooshy.
Flexing her arms that had built up years of strength from lugging around said packed yellow satchel, Kagome lifted the impaled Jaken up onto her bow and notched him into the sky as she pulled and released, sending the toad arcing into the night sky with a terrified yell on a pink contrail as she sent him blasting off again.
Collapsing to her knees afterwards as the adrenaline started to wear off, Kagome took stock of her belongings present. She picked up her brand new push up bra by one of the...uninfected straps and examined the slime and sweat infested materials within as she mentally wrote off the expense, knowing that even if she washed it five hundred times she would never be able to wear it without thinking of the toad wearing it.
Stormie Like Weather08/01/2019 After digging a small hole, Kagome said a few kind words about her bra before dropping it in, "I never got to use you, but you were one of the best bras I've ever bought online." She wiped away a tear with the back of her hand, "I wish I could have worn you at least once before the end." She pushed dirt over the tiny grave. For a moment she wondered if tempting the well's power would be worth it for the chance to have a bra again. Probably not. She could try to make one, but it'd be a sad comparison to what had been lost. There was a chance she'd run across one of the other two she'd brought with her, but the likelihood of finding them was slim, and who knew if Jaken had rubbed his slimy butt all over those as well. Backtracking to gather up the belongings she'd dropped at the sight of the filthy little creature, she noticed the panther demon had left the area. The faint sounds of battle laid ahead. With her backpack zipped closed, she pulled it up on her shoulder. Fists clenched, glaring at the path ahead, Kagome vowed to do more damage to Naraku than biting his tentacle the next time they met.
imjaneees08/01/2019 Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned and she's a scorned woman who just got a few good bucks wasted. Underwears were ridiculously expensive and that was one fine pair she just got herself. Not mention if was probably desecrated by an overgrown toad with major personality problems.
A shiver went down her spine and Kagome didn't know if it was out of revulsion or her sometimes reliable sixth sense telling her that things weren't about her way again.
Stormie Like Weather08/01/2019 Darkness crept in, but she could still hear the clanging of swords and growls of youkai. Out of no where, Kagome fell back with an, "Oof!" Her back slammed into rocks while her chest felt like a brick sat on it. Coughing, she opened her eyes to the strangest visual. A woman, no a man, straddled her breasts. Glittery bearded, blood red eyes sparkling, hair tied up like Kaguras'.  "Hey girl!" Kagome blinked, "Um, hi." She winced, "Do you think you could get off my chest?" He shook his head, "Daddy says I can't, but let's be friends anyway! Okay?" The crazy look in his eyes gave her chills. She nodded slowly while praying to Kami she'd make it through this.
Slayer08/01/2019 In a flash of red and white the bearded lady was tossed off of Kagome.
Stormie Like Weather08/02/2019 Blinking through the dust, Kagome expected to see Inuyasha standing there with his sword at Sparkle Beard's throat, but, much to her surprise, it was Sesshomaru promising his death.
imjaneees08/02/2019 Still reeling from the very creepy image of Kagura with a beard, Kagome silently prayed that if was the real Sesshomaru this time. She's had enough tentacle experience for one day.
Walter20508/02/2019 Both of them had been momentarily distracted by the pink arrow arcing up into the night sky in the distance with a screaming form atop it, but Sesshomaru with his superior battle prowess was the first to recover and managed to land a fatal blow against Murakumo. The incarnation let out a hideous death scream before it changed into mocking laughter before his form disappeared and a golem token appeared, split in half.
Sesshomaru sighed audibly, recalling that after his eleventh power up while hidden in seclusion that Naraku had gained the ability to provide golems for this incarnations in addition to himself. In addition, after his 13th hidden power up, he had gained the ability to equip his bees with biological boomboxes that mocked them whenever they defeated a golem.
Right on time came by a saimyosho going "kukukukukukukukukukukukukukuku..." as it flew by before being swatted by Sesshomaru's green poison whip. Turning, he headed in the direction that the arrow had come from earlier, before coming across the sight of a beared version of Kagura sitting on the miko's chest. He stopped and stared at the two of them before knocking the bearded thing off.
"Right, enough is enough for one day," muttered Sesshomaru as he unleashed an attack on the untypical figure. The incarnation deflected the attack, but by the time the smoke had cleared, Sesshomaru had gathered Kagome into his arms and formed the ball of light around them both before taking off into the night sky. The bearded Kagura tried to pursue but was rapidly being left in the dust.
revang08/02/2019 “Boo, that’s no fun,” Murakumo pouted, coming to a stop when the pair were out of his range of detection. “And just look what they’ve done to my lovely sakura pink hakama! This is going to take scrubbing.” After a minute of dejectedly stroking his ever-sparkly beard, he sighed. “I suppose I have to go report back to daddy now. He’s, like, so not going to be happy.”
Walter20508/02/2019 Inukimi sighed as she wrapped a hand around the enchanted necklace resting on her shoulders, watching the impudent half demon before her actually try to challenge her authority over all of them. He had drawn his sword and even dared to raise it against her, in her own sky palace none the less!
"Now you'll die for kidnapping us! Take this, Blades of Boulders!" yelled Inuyasha as he used the Rock Tetsuiga to unleash boulders formed into the shapes of claw strikes at his half brother's mother.
Unsuprisingly, a barrier formed into existence to block his attack, leaving him dumbfounded that one of his most powerful recently learned attacks was totally ineffective against his nemesis. As was usually the case, he fell back on a old friend of his next as he leapt into the air for his next attack.
"It's over. Wind Scar!"
At this point Sango, Miroku, and Shippou placed their heads into their hands. They knew he had run out of options at that point, but why does he think that that'll work? All three of them sighed out loud while the old energy attack struck and sizzled out against the barrier.
"Are you done playing tantrum, Inu Child?" asked Inukimi as her eyes started glowing with warning of potential punishments to come.
revang08/02/2019 Inuyasha growled low in his throat, still brandishing his Tessaiga. He didn’t know what this crazy bitch was capable of, and he didn’t like it one bit. There was no way in hell he was going to just let her keep them here captive. He still had to go find Kagome!
Miroku sighed and shook his head at his brash hanyou friend. He appreciated the protectiveness, and knew it was his way of caring for them, but sometimes.... Well, this had gone on long enough.
He calmly walked up and placed his hand on Inuyasha’s shoulder. “Come now, Inuyasha, is this any way to treat our hostess? She has promised Kagome will be joining us here. We should listen to what the lovely lady has to say.”
This last comment earned him a glower from Sango, and he smiled back at her guiltily, scratching the back of his head.
Walter20508/02/2019 "Naraku, today is the day that I will end your reign of terror. This time you've gone too far, going after my intended like that!" yelled Kouga as he leaped to attack the demon that had been looking for his trail.
"Ah, the young demon leader of the Wolf Tribe returns. Did you come to peacefully hand over your five shards of the jewel?" asked Naraku mockingly as he prepared for battle.
"Shut up and die!" Kouga yelled as he leapt into the air and attacked with a leg kick. He surpisingly made impact with Naraku's body, wondering why he didn't impact the barrier first. The answer became clear when his leg started being absorbed into Naraku's body.
"No! I don't want this, you can't take me like this, I won't let it happen!" yelled Kouga while trying to free himself from Naraku's digusting mass.
"Heh, what would you know about not wanting something? If you had any clue you would know that Kagome doesn't want you in the least, yet you still pine for her affections at every turn as if she's going to suddenly warm up to you. But don't worry, I'll give you the companionship that she never will as you become one with me," Naraku cruelly taunted as the wolf continued to be further absorbed into his body.
revang08/02/2019 Suddenly in the sky came a bright pink projectile, squawking shrilly as it raced directly towards the fighting pair. At the last second, Naraku threw himself back, just barely avoiding the dangerous missile of purity, but losing his hold on the wolf. The arrow yelped repeatedly as it tumbled over and over itself, finally resting in a thatch of bushes several yards away.
Walter20508/02/2019 Kouga was not one to waste a good opportunity to run away. In a quick swirl of dust he was gone, taking the screaming pink object with him as it was caught up in his cyclone. Knowing that Naraku would be chasing after him though, he changed direction and instead of heading back to the Wolf Demon Hideout he instead started chasing Puppyboy's scent, although he seemed to almost be flying as the scent on the air seemed.
Stormie Like Weather08/02/2019 "See!" Kouga thought to himself while running, "Kagome just saved my life, there's no way she could have known of my being in danger if she didn't feel it in her heart."
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equiluxblog · 5 years
damn, class 1C came through with their slightly overpowered quirks(but are essentially useless because they don’t know how to utilise them). they are my bapbees uwu. i’m going by first name, last name- if anyone was curious! if you’re just a humble tumblr scroller who has happened to come across this- please read my fic otherwise it will make no sense lmao
Ichirou Nakano: Ocular Energy Emission
Type: Emitter
Light and heat energy collects within the optic chiasm, pupils acted as a gate and allows the energy to pass through in beams at Ichirou’s will
However, he developed retinoblastoma when he was 9, resulting in the removal of both eyes. With no pupils to stop the energy from travelling, his quirk is constantly active
His eyelids don’t help as they are simply made of a thin layer of skin and capillaries, so support gear was specifically made to stop the light beams
Area(s) removed: purple/pink indicates removed parts
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Although he should be blind as a result of the eye removal, Ichirou can sense others’ heat energy in the form of light (an adaptation his quirk made to his blindness)
His quirk absorbs the heat energy of those around him within a 2km radius and converts it into light and heat energy
Shigeru Ueda: Minor Object Teleportation
Type: Emitter
Can teleport any object with a mass lower than 500 grams to himself.
Attempting to teleport objects greater than 500 grams or further than 20 meters causes extreme muscle strain
Shigeru’s quirk acts as multiple extremely thin, invisible arms that can grab any object and transporting them across space to his person
Transporting an object that weighs more than 500 grams overexerts the invisible arms as their scrawniness are unable to support its weight
These arms are also no longer than 20 meters
Haru Kimura: Frequency Refinement
Type: Transformation
They’re able to change the frequency of their voice with pinpoint accuracy
Additionally, they’re hypersensitive to pitches on an inhuman level, which helps in creating an exact frequency when altering their voice
Changing their voice too often and for a long period of time strains the vocal cords in their throat- overexertion could cause permanent damage
Shiori Kobayashi: Relaxation Hypnosis
Type: Mutant
A psychic ability that decreases stress and anxiety in the individual if they stare into her eyes, leaving them to be in a relaxed state for a period of time until they break eye contact
Eye contact allows for the emission of Alpha waves from her to the other
Alpha waves are the electrical activity occurring in the brain that enables relaxation or meditation
Dai Sasaki: Feather Cloak
Type: Mutant
Iridescent feathers grow across his body that covers his vital points: main arteries, chest area, spine, etc
No exact purpose except for aesthetic qualities, however no one knows why his feathers cover specific areas rather than his whole body
Diagram: red indicates areas of feathers- darker shades suggest denser population of feathers (it’s a really shitty diagram, but it gets the job done lmao)
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Yua Pham: Affectionate Paralysis
Type: Mutant
Saliva contains a parasite that, when consumed, instantly reacts if the other party’s brain is releasing even small traces of Phenylethylamine
Phenylethylamine is the chemical in the brain that indicates romantic or sexual affection
If there is no Phenylethylamine released at all, the parasite will eventually die within 2 minutes
The parasite enters the brain halts all muscle movement in the body and essentially paralysing the other
The higher the traces of Phenylethylamine, the longer the other will be paralysed
Eg. 10 mg of Phenylethylamine results in paralysis for 3 minutes
Kenshin Kumar: Memory Bank
Type: Mutant
Able to selectively store any information in his brain like a hard drive and continuously refer back to it when he wishes to
The memories become “deleted” after 2 months if not used
Jesse Althaus: Sound to Light Conversion
Type: Emitter
Any type of sound he produces from his body can be voluntarily converted into light energy
The type of light relies on the type of sound he produces
Eg. clapping releases bursts of light, talking releases a constant stream of light
Additionally, the volume of the sound influences the brightness of the light
Chika Takahashi: Skin Translucency
Type: Mutant
Was born with translucent(almost transparent) skin, however all of her organs, blood vessels, muscles, hair, etc. is still visible
Similar to: Hector Rendoza of X-men
Refer to: transparent mutant frogs
Chihiro Maki: Multitudinous Language Comprehension
Type: Mutant
At 4 years old, she was able to comprehend any global language with the skills of an 8 year old
However, at 5 years old, she was able to comprehend Japanese to its fullest extent for an unknown reason
However, this also means that sort of language(ie body language, computer languages, etc) is only comprehensible with the expertise of an 8 year old.
Nanami Satou: The Liquid Cycle
Type: Emitter
Can create any body of liquid(maximum volume of 10L) within a 5 km radius of herself in the form of a precipitating cloud
However, to materialise a liquid she must know that there is a reservoir nearby containing it so that she can be able to evaporate, condensate and precipitate it  
Attempting to materialise more than 10L induces dehydration
Attempting to materialise liquid further than 5 km risks inaccuracy
Elisa and Ismael Montes: Selective Consciousness Transfusion
Type: Emitter
Able to merge consciousnesses only with someone who has the same quirk
Only works when both individuals are making skin to skin contact, however any sort of skin to skin contact(intentional/unintentional) will merge their consciousnesses
They’re able to unmerge when they wish to
Able to assess whether the quirk is in use if one of the twins are in an unconscious state. This indicates that the unconscious twin’s conscious has been merged with the other’s
Able to merge consciousnesses for a prolonged period of time, however it’s best if both parties separate consciousnesses after a maximum of 9 hours, otherwise issues may occur (ie. halted brain activity, fatally increased blood pressure)
Josèp Soler: External Climate Resistance
Type: Transformation
Able to manipulate his core temperature greater than the maximum and lower than the minimum for the average human(13.7 and 46 ° Celsius)
However raising or lowering his temperature greater or lower than the average human’s in neutral conditions has different effects:
Having a hotter core temperature than average induces dehydration and can cause anyone to burn themselves if they touch his skin
Having a lower core temperature than average causes lethargy and can give others frostbite if they’re in a close vicinity
Momoka Abe: Eye Removal
Type: Transformation
Able to pull out her eyes- that’s it
She can put down the eyes and still be able to see through them
They act a bit like wireless cameras that are connected to her brain.
It’s good for stealth missions!
Taiki Akiyama: Blood Colouration Manipulation 
Type: Transformation
Consuming certain foods make him able to colour his blood with a specific shade because of the activation of specific enzymes within his body
Consuming carbohydrates triggers the activation of amylase, allowing the blood to voluntarily be turned blue
Consuming proteins triggers the activation of proteases, allowing the blood to voluntarily be turned black
Consuming fats triggers the activation of lipase, allowing the blood to voluntarily be turned yellow
Emi Honda: Laughter Empowerment
Type: Transformation
Receiving genuine laughter from others increases her muscle mass and baseline strength
The stronger the laughter(ie. Chuckling, giggling, howling, etc) the more muscle mass she acquires
Even small, amused huffs of air can make her muscle mass increase by 3%
However, the effects of the laughter wears off after 30 minutes
Hitoshi Shinsou: Brainwashing
Type: Mutant
We all know the ups and downs of resident purple boy’s quirk- but if you are unfamiliar then here’s a recap:
Able to control an individual’s actions when they respond with a verbal response
Unknown if non-verbal responses apply to this rule 
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thearkhound · 5 years
3 Wonders story and character descriptions
The following is a translation of plot summaries and character descriptions for the 1991 Capcom arcade title 3 Wonders as featured in the December 1991 issue of Micom BASIC Magazine. 3 Wonders was actually an anthology of three different games (each part of a different genre) in one board. The games included were Midnight Wanderers: Quest for the Chariot (action shooter), Chariot: Adventure through the Sky (flying shooter) and Don’t Pull (puzzle). The first two games in this anthology are actually set in the same universe and involve the same two protagonists, with Midnight Wanderers being part 1 and Chariot being part 2.
Lou - A hot-blooded 12-year old adventurer. Although it is unclear, he was told by his father that they were the last descendants of the holy warrior who wielded the Mirror of Lalu back in the middle ages. What is known that his father was also a great adventurer himself. After losing his father at the age of 7, Lou continuing adventuring by himself without making any friends until he met Siva. According to Lou himself, Siva is only with him by his own accord, but in reality he’s pretty reliant on his help. He boasts that his dream is to uncover all the treasures of the world someday.
Height: 160cm, Weight: 48kg, Hair: Brown, Eyes: Black
Siva - He met Lou in the outback of Mongolian and has since become his companion. Where he was born or how he was raised is unknown, but he claims to be 14 years old. He is very silent, rarely speaking for himself, preferring to let Lou do the talking, but in recent years he’s been more talkative thanks to Lou’s influence. His sharp mind and cool judgment has saved Lou on many occasions. His hobby is collecting small antiques.
Height: 164cm, Weight: 52kg, Hair: Red, Eyes, Black
Midnight Wanderers: Quest for the Chariot
Beings who changed into people and controlled the world appeared. They are demons who like to kill and plunder, and they have no faith in God.
During the age of darkness, in the middle of the turmoil, there were adventurers who lived freely and traveled the world in search for treasures. They were called the Midnight Wanderers.
My name is Lou and this is my pardner Siva. And we are adventurers who travel all around the world.
One night an old man holding the Card of Dawn came to visit us. He was wondering if we could help him retrieve the chariot. The chariot is a vehicle that can move freely into the air. It seems its holy light will save the people from the curse of the demons and lead them into happiness.
We don’t care about helping people, but a vehicle that can move freely in the air sounds like fun. But in order to obtain it, we have no choice but to do battle with the demons. It’s going to be interesting. “Let’s go, Siva!”
Ecote - A human-like demon with unusually-shaped ears who lives as part of a clan under a large tree. They like liquor and smokes. It’s easy to dismiss their lifestyle as uncultured, in reality they have a much higher sense of culture than anyone could imagined. However, their sense of intellect is pretty low and they enjoy making other beings miserable. They have propensity towards shining objects and have a tendency to steal them. Although, they’re not a particularly scary type of small fry enemy, they can take advantage of your careless, leading to a painful experience.
Piccolino - A type of humanoid robot that were built by humans a long time ago. The Piccolino robots were once popular among mankind, opting serving as conversation partners. But after people got tired of these seemingly unfeeling automatons, they were abandoned as trash and gradually forgotten about. Perhaps for the Piccolinos, they might be happier being controlled by the demons... They are manipulated by a pair of disembodied hands (Pata Pata) and make a large jump as their attack. When the hands are destroyed, the robots will disappear on the spot.
Miatsu - They are creatures who live in places with little light such as caves and they feed on luminous moss. Although they move slow, they are capable of spitting out flames.
Garny - They live in the depths of the wetlands and will fly into the air to attack when they detect an enemy on the land. Its arms and nails are quite strong and sturdy, but its head is its only weak point. It moves in a large wave-like pattern, going above and below the ground regardless of the player’s position.
Pukupuku - A usually mild and gentle creature, but he is territorial awareness is so strong, he will attack any outsider without announcing its presence. It usually wanders above the water surface aimless, it becomes more aggressive with its pursuit when the player is nearby.
Pucchi - A lower lifeform that resembles a frog. They are always born as twins from the same egg. They live their lives as a pair from the moment of birth, but if one of them is killed, the survivor will run like crazy and the attack the enemy in front of it. Their breeding rate is abnormally high, being born one after the other.
Chariot: Adventure through the Sky
After the demon Gaia, who has been ruling the world for a long time, has been vanquished by the boys known as the Midnight Wanderers, the curse of the demon has been lifted from the people and the world returned to its peaceful days.
But then one night, a wounded fairy arrived at the home of the two boys.
“A new demon has appeared and attacked the land of Ashtar, taking our princess captive. His power is so great, our magic was no use against him. Our only hope is to find the holy Chariot in possession of the Midnight Wanderers. I must ask them to save the Princess in my place.”
Upon hearing the fairy’s plight, the two boys jumped onto the roof of their house, where there was a chariot wrapped in light.
“The Legendary Holy Chariot... Then that means you two are...”
“We, the Midnight Wanderers, are going to save the Princess of Ashtar.”
The two boys shouted strongly, as they rode the chariot  into the sky.
Lumarta - A so-called small fry enemy. While their strength are minimal, they are hard to get rid of since there are so many of them.
Dooga Line - A so-called formation enemy. They line up in a straight line to attack the player. Their speed increases during the second half of the adventure. An enemy type that doesn’t give up...
Hatch-20 - A face that hides in the terrain and spawns enemies from its mouth to obstruct the player’s path.
Amagmorn - A couple of rain clouds who attack as a pair. Even if you destroy one, the other will duplicate itself. It is dangerous to try and take them both at the same time.
Faceblock - They used to be lifeless fragments of floors and walls until they were brought to life by the Demon Lar’s magic powers and now they move freely into the air. When a Facebloock see that the player is open, it will launch itself into the player in the air. When they’re destroyed, they will break into smaller pieces that can still damage the player, so be careful.
Golden Bat - One-eyed bat-like creatures spawned from Hatch-20′s mouth. Since they act in groups, there’s a possibility of getting swarmed by them if you underestimate them.
Wayne - A moon-like enemy that wanes every time it takes damage. He is difficult to destroy, but when you do it, he will leave behind an item that will give you a large amount of points.
Witch - She flies in high speed with her broom and can create her own underlings out of thin air. The four underlings she creates are elemental beings known as Tornedia, Ganrock, Jelly and Burns, each with its own attack pattern.
Tornedia - A small tornado which pursues the player at high speed.
Ganrock - A one-eyed rock that doesn’t move much and doesn’t attack much either, but his resistant body often stands in the player’s path.
Jelly - A gelatinous being created by the witch that spreads over a wide area and strikes regularly. A single Jelly is not dangerous by itself, but when it is in groups...
Burns - A fiery being that chases the player.
Armstrong - A mechanical rocket (modeled after the ship from A Trip to the Moon) with considerable durability. A large sub-boss with wide attacks. Once its destroyed, it will leave behind an item.
Wall Goblin - A creature with a large steel wall on its back. He is invulnerable when he turns his back on the player and can only be damaged when facing him face to face.
Tin Snake - Like its name suggests, it’s a snake made out of tin that restlessly pursues the player.
Jack’in - A Jack-in-the-box like enemy that puts out its clown face when it starts attacking. If you only destroy the head, the box will simply create another.
Seesaw Trolley - A trolley that uses a seesaw to launch a projectile into the air. Once the projectile is in the air, it gets split into several smaller bullets. The projectile falls in a parabola pattern.
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ascalonianpicnic · 5 years
2, 7, 15, 20. 24, 25 and 29 for Lace, Wrelia and Aselif
2. What textures can they absolutely not stand?
Lace: Cold metal
Wrelia: Chalk, and anything similarly dry and fine
Aselif: Pillowy and fluffy things like wool before its been turned into strands. I don’t really know how to describe it.
7. If they suddenly woke up with animal ears and tails what animal would they be?
Lace: It would probably be a red fox for them
Wrelia: She’d have lemur features!
Aselif: It’s a damn shame frog wouldn’t work for this, because I would totally say poison dart frog if I could! It would probably be clouded leopard ears and tail
15. What are their favourite textures?
Lace: Worn leather
Wrelia: Old bone and old paper
Aselif: Cayde’s hair *cough cough* Glass
20. How do they bathe/shower? Long or short? Hot or cold?
Lace: Short and somewhat warm showers, in and out quick unless they’re lost in thought or hiding from something.
Wrelia: Depends on the weather. In hot weather, she likes shorter, cold showers. In colder weather, she likes long, hot baths.
Aselif: He always takes quick showers at whatever temperature the water is when he gets in, but he really loves long, hot baths, especially with Cayde, when he has the opportunity.
24. Do they indulge in anything?
Lace: Coffee, cigarettes, and torture are some of Lace’s main indulgences. Also, watching Cue work.
Wrelia: She not only indulges in sweets, she way over indulges.
Aselif: Sleeping with Cayde *louder coughing* He occasionally indulges in a glass of nice wine or a sweet and fruity drink.
25. Would they do the exact opposite of what someone says just to spite them?
Lace: Absolutely. A lot of the things they do for comfort now started as ways of spiting Braith after he was arrested.
Wrelia: If you tell her not to do something, she will do it just to find out why you said that. So yes, though less from spite and more from curiosity.
Aselif: No. He would never be that overt in his dislike of someone. Too dangerous.
29. What is the stupidest thing they’ve ever done just because someone said they couldn’t?
Lace: They let themself get kidnapped just to prove they could escape once.
Wrelia: She ate an entire cake because someone said she couldn’t. She felt sick for the next three days, but it was worth it.
Aselif:  He topped Cayde, the daring bastard  *ahem* He tried to jump from when tree to another when a friend told him there was no way and it was too far. The friend was right and Aselif broke his arm. Also, he topped Cayde, the daring bastard.
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