#clown biology
ceo-of-sloppy-men · 4 months
I don't see enough people talking about this, but your mimes still need candy! So do your rodeos! While rodeos can be fine with a diet of just nuts and deep-fried foods, a proper clown diet requires candy. There is also the common mistake that mimes can only eat black-and-white candy - which is completely untrue! Mimes and Rodeos need a well-rounded, colourful diet of candy to have the proper nutrients. By ignoring their clown nature and focusing solely on their subspecies, you are not giving your clowns the proper care they deserve.
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Public service announcement!
If you see a service/emotional support clown in public, DO NOT INTERACT!! I’m tired of hearing story after story from my friends about how someone was distracting their service clown. If they have a vest on they’re working, end of story! Don’t try to get them to honk, show you a magic trick, and especially don’t try to feed them. Just pretend like they’re not there. Thank you
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petite-lunas · 3 months
Just discovered clown husbandry and found this stray. What breed is he? I'm guessing purebred germanic medieval bard.
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How can i take care of him? He seems to be particularly into alcohol and apples. Found him playing with a lyre.
Also, how to breed him?
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clown-father · 1 year
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Clown Breeds
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cows-andsweettea · 4 months
Howdy yall!
I’m new to the clown husbandry community and I’ve been lookin into adopting a rodeo clown. I live in a kinda rural town with access to large open fields, farms and livestock and I love goin outside and getting out of the house, so I’ve got the basics covered in terms of preferred environment! We don’t have rodeos where I am unfortunately but we do have the yearly county fair and other such events so there should be plenty of entertainment for him!
Information for rodeo clown care is a little hard to find, so if anyone has any tips, tricks or resources, please send them my way!!
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bugtoast · 4 months
clown husbandry tumblr i request your help
i'm taking notes on homorediculous so that i can make a biology diagram on them, and i want to know if my notes are correct
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(btw i meant obligate carnivores as in the same way cats are obligate carnivores)
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bluemooncircus · 8 days
All about:
The Clowny
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The clowny is a fascinating breed of clown of currently unknown origins but may have been the result of crossbreeding or strange mutations that have evolved in spaces where humans are not populous. They are mostly found in Utah, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, and some parts of California, although there have been reported sightings of the clowny in New Mexico, Arizona, and Nevada, these have not been confirmed at this time.
The clowny usually appears as a horse or pony with a curled rainbow or otherwise vibrantly coloured mane, colourful clothing, and a red bulbous growth on the bridge of the nose just above the nostrils (but some lack this trait). The red bulb is not a second nose but a brightly coloured sphere of cartilage of unknown purpose. Instead of the average horse noises, they make a variety of honking noises. The most common horse breed variants are the Appaloosa and the American Paint Horse, but the clowny can be a cross of any horse breed and any clown breed. It is important to note, however, that the purposeful breeding of clowns and horses to produce a clowny (or for any other reason) is highly illegal.
Their diets consist of grass, hay, grains, certain fruits and vegetables such as carrots and apples, cotton candy, funnel cake, snowcones, and one of the most important staples of their diet, circus peanuts. Clownies absolutely CAN NOT be pellet fed. Pellets do not have adequate nutritional value to give the clowny its much needed energy and strength.
Clownies are recommended to clown owners who have the experience and land necessary to care for regular horses and ponies since they act very similarily. They need a large area to roam and be ridden frequently. They pair extremely well with rodeo clowns and are excellent choices for livestock companions. If you are not a fan of horse riding, your rodeo clown will almost certainly be up for the job.
Some rare variations of clownies have been observed by field coulrologists, such as the zebra/clown crossbreed (the clownbra), or the donky/clown crossbreed (the clownkey), but have not been made available for legal acquisition at this time due to their unpredictable nature and unknown population status.
Do you know about the clowny? Talk about what you've observed!
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squirrelboxer · 2 months
Will playing CBAT affect my clowns breeding?
I breed Party/Scare clown mixes, and I've noticed that Quippy, my Party clown, changes the sound of her honks right around her heat. Squeals, my Scare clown, seems to really enjoy Quippy's altered honks since they are a lot more eerie than typical Party honks. It's almost time to breed Quippy and Squeals again, but this time I wanted to play CBAT instead of their regular music since Quippy's honks sound similar to the music.
They seem to enjoy CBAT outside of breeding time, but I wanted to know if it would interfere with their natural mating behaviors instead of enhancing it?
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ellies-rambles · 4 months
so sick of people saying glamours are invasive clowns. they aren't even technically clowns! regardless, they've been on earth for literally millions of years and we should treat them with the respect they deserve. anyway, here are some tips for new glamour owners on how to ETHICALLY take care of your glamour: food: glamours will eat lots of small animals, such as frogs and birds. If you find roadkill, give it to them they will eat it right up. chicken from the store is another good alternative.
enclosure: glamours like to roam. unless you live by a body of water, you're going to need to get a large pool for them to inhabit.
companions: glamours are SOLITARY CLOWNS. DO NOT PUT THEM WITH OTHER CLOWNS. It can cause great disaster, even with other species. It doesn't matter if you keep them in other enclosures, glamours can shape shift and WILL cause problems
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theyseemeclownin · 2 months
respect the clown ecosystem
a LOT of clowns are domesticated. wild clowns are an endangered species.
clown habitats are often fragile, they feed on berries and fruits and prey animals, and attempting to domesticate anymore wild clowns, when there are already clowns on the street, clowns at breeders, clowns at shelters, clowns in your homes. these animals are wild and they are not satisfied living a domestic life. disrupting their life and giving them candies and processed sugars harms them!
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jelliibeanz · 3 months
can someone help me identify this clowns breed?
ii found this little guy barking at a mail man last week, they seem to have no owner so i've decided to keep them.
this is my first clown and i'm very excited, but ii need to know what breed they are
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they like to sleep a lot and i'm not sure if that means they're sick or its just the breed? i've been feeding them popcorn and ice cream, and set up a ball pit for them.
i'd appreciate any advice!
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he-is-vaporub · 1 year
Owner Reveal a la TikTok meme
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buffoons-clownbreeder · 4 months
there’s a user called carnival-cuts-co who is killing clowns to eat. they claim it’s ethical farming. what do you think? i’ve always seen clowns as pets like dogs, but far more intelligent. i don’t know if i can stomach the thought of someone eating clowns, much less selling clown meat to other people…
I think this issue is really complicated and I can see a lot of different sides to this. On one hand clown meat is a long standing delicacy in a lot of cultures and I don’t think it’s fair to deny people their traditional food. However, clowns are living thinking creatures.
I think any kind of farming of their meat cannot be ethical. Clowns crave love and attention from not just each other but humans and meat farmers are inevitably going to see their clowns as just that, meat.
I personally believe the only ethical way to consume clown meat is to hunt it for yourself, or buy it from a local hunter. This can be particularly good for areas where clowns are an invasive species and there is an over population of feral clowns.
It’s sad as a lover of clowns to see people eating them but at the end of the day I don’t think it’s my place to put down other peoples cultural practices. What we can do is advocate for more ethical ways of obtaining clown meat.
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kyrianne · 6 months
When clowns die their soul returns to their Clown Egg and when they’re ready to reincarnate, the egg hatches :)
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chrf-honk · 1 year
Future help
Hello, I'm taking this time to make a premature announcement, I will hopefully have enough things figured out and squared away that I will be looking to bring some help in. "For what?', you may wonder, I will hopefully be able to explain when I know for sure things are going in the right direction! Anybody who wants to help with a big project that's ALL about clowns, clown breeds, clown husbandry,
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jackncc · 1 year
Lil bell has been repeating the same Christmas song for 2 hours. I’m tempted to bring out the coal.
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