#clyde brain
rockabully · 9 months
dutch normal au. normal!dutch. dutch seeing therapist au. goes to therapy!dutch.
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kordbot · 9 months
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a true feminist
based on this legendary post
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butwhatifidothis · 25 days
Still baffled that Hopes so blatantly wrote Claude as the typical Evil Vaguely Middle Eastern Man set on destroying the Good White Nation for his Evil Vaguely Middle Eastern Nation that is often seen in fantasy settings - complete with him being seen as worse than a white woman who does many of the same evil deeds he does in-verse, even by his friends (should it be the bad ending route of SB) - and so many in the fandom were so eager to gobble that shit up. INSIST that "Clearly A Racist Stereotype" is LEAGUES better than "Subversion Of A Racist Stereotype" even. Like I don't think I'll ever get over how supremely fucked that is
#clyde discourse#anti clyde#like if you ever want a reminder that CIaude plays second fiddle to the other two lords in the fandom's mind here it is this is it#Hopes couldn't be more blatant in how much it wanted CIaude to be EdeIgard's fall guy in two out of three routes#with how they play switcheroo with their character traits#CIaude becomes the imperialistic violent invader who's willing to sacrifice innocents lives for his own gain#and who doesn't give a shit to recognize information that contradicts his beliefs#and EdeIgard becomes the one who always strives for the most peaceful means to resolve conflicts#(just ignore how she's the one who started the conflict like how what everyone in Hopes does - she has her reasons don'cha know!)#like i swear to god hearing all of these people try to sell the dumbass one-note Boss Bozo that is Hopes!CIaude#as ''more interesting'' than his 3H iteration will make my brain leak out of my nose#''what if our first POC lord was a violent evil invader who tricks everyone into thinking he's a good guy''#is not the fucking win you think it is.#like y'all this is PEAK racism. this shit isn't interesting it's brazenly disrespectful#''b-but he's not a bad guy in Hopes!'' THE SHIT HE PULLED WITH SRENG MAKES HIM OBJECTIVELY EVIL LIKE OH MY GOD SHUT UP#there's shit all ''gray and nuanced'' about him needlessly worsening foreign relations WHEN HIS WHOLE SHIT#IS ABOUT BE T T E R I N G FOREIGN RELATIONS. it is clear that in Hopes he either is too braindead to realize the contradiction#or it's just not what he gives a shit about in actuality and he's just saying it is to come across better#with recent reblogs thought i'd post this draft because WOW do people just. not give a shit#''uhm calling something racist is racist ackchually 🤓'' get your dumbass outta here
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hunter-burton · 9 days
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Recently, I’ve developed the headcannon that Alex owns a little sketchbook! Absolutely consumed by this idea, I made a physical “replica” of what I think it would look like- including some of the sketches inside! When making these pages in particular, I actually acted out a specific scenario to help myself figure out what to draw. This fic is that scenario a bit more fleshed out. Enjoy :)
Opening Up
It sucked coming home so late, especially with all that rain. After, yet, another dragging day of witnessing absolute horrors, coming home, Alex practically dropped their body into the door. Upon finally stepping into their house, they clicked the door behind themselves, muffling the sobbing clouds
Their weird ass cat, Clyde, sat at the small, round, dining table. Its yellow eyes blinked, “How was work?”
“Exhausting.” After closing and setting down their umbrella, Alex let out a sigh, lifting their uniform’s heavy coat off their hunched body and hung it on the thin coat hanger. “Y’know, the usual. Just gotta… sit down… maybe make a cup of tea.”
“Want me to make bubble water on the…” the creature traced circles in the air, “hot thing?”
“Stove? Yeah, actually. I’d really appreciate it..” Alex paused, brows furrowed, “Wait- you know how to use that thing?”
It nodded, “You turn on the knobs and, then the, sttt..circle thing.. tops turn red. I’ve seen you do it before.”
“Hm, yeah. That sounds about right.” They eased their boots off by the door, then made their way to the kitchen cabinets, “Have at it. I’ll get you a pot.”
As Alex reached for and opened the cabinet doors, Clyde tilted its head, “What’s in the rest of those little doors?”
“Oh, the cabinets?” Alex handed Clyde a small, metal pot, which it, then, took to the sink and began to fill with water. “Just general kitchen stuff. Pots, pans, spices…” they spoke over the rain hitting the road and the pot’s wet, metal hum, “Not the tea though. That’s kinda more where you’re at- by the sink.”
Once the pot was filled, it stopped the water, passed the pot back to Alex and then began to pull open all the little doors, “What does the tea look like?”
“They should be in little boxes. One should have a bear on it?”
Clyde squinted into one of the drawers, “keeyy… leee… sty.. all?”
Alex raised a brow, “Does the word start with a ‘C’” they traced the letter in the air.
“‘Celestial!’ That’s them.”
“Alright.” Clyde sifted through the boxes “Which one you want? Green? Sleep?… Gine grr?”
“Ginger? Ginger sounds nice.”
Clyde echoed Alex’s voice, “Ginger it is.”
Clyde huffed, “Don’t mention it.” The box rustled as it pulled out a tea packet. To the side of the boxes, it spots a brown oddity in the corner, adorned with colorful stickers. It pulls it out, along with the tea, “Hey, what’s this?”
Lights sparked on in Alex’s eyes, “Oh! That’s my sketch book!” They snatched the thing from its claws and began to flip through the pages, “Man! It’s been forever since I’ve opened this thing… I used to doodle in it all the time before this… fuck-ass job.”
Clyde scrunched up its face, “Doodle?”
“Yeah! Here, I’ll show you- hold on, le’me get a pencil!” Alex set the sketchbook on the dining table and raced to their bedroom and, soon, returned with a yellow pointy thing and a tiny metal object with holes. Over the trash can, they stuck the yellow stick into one of the holes, shedding off what appeared to be wood, then returned to the dining table to flip the sketchbook to a blank sheet. With the dark tip, Alex began to write symbols onto the page, narrating every movement, “I’ll start with a circle… then some rectangles… dot- dot… maybe some squiggles for the hair- then a neck…” with every soft scratch the tip made on the page, a line appeared. It was like watching magic. One moment, there was a blank page, then, the next moment, “Line, line, box box…” Alex drew an arrow and wrote
“…And that’s me!”
Clyde sat there for a moment with its jaw ajar, “gimme that thing.” It held out its claw, then shifted its eyes, remembering the magic word “..please.”
“Pencil.” With a wide smile, Alex dropped the pencil into those claws, then twirled their hand, “give it a whirl!”
Clyde clumsily situated the magic stick into its four fingers, then began to scratch the page with the tip. Lines turned into shapes and shapes turned into little units of invigoration. First, there was the face, then the horns, the uniform stripes down its sleeves, then the large zipper in the center of its chest. Once blank, this section of the page was now Clyde’s closest replica of its reflection. To top off the illustration, it, while admittedly crude, attempted to copy Alex’s arrow and Me.
Arms crossed, Alex sipped on their ginger tea and nodded, “Nice! That’s actually pretty good for your first time!”
It felt as if some tingling force was tugging on the corners of Clyde’s mouth and from the inside of it’s chest. For some reason, though, it didn’t mind- it couldn’t mind. Dismissing the sensation, however, it looked up to its next subject, sitting across from it, and, once again, scratched at the page, lines flowing more than they did before, now that the pencil was solid in its claws. Once the image manifested, Clyde, again, copied the arrow, pointing to the portrait of Alex, writing:
Seeing that the page was now full, it dropped the pencil.
“Yeah!” Alex took the pencil and wrote the word by Clyde’s drawing of them.
Clyde shifted its eyes to the previous page and up to the writing stuck up in the corner. It pointed to this mysterious text, “What does this, in the corner, mean?”
“That’s the date,” Alex passed the pencil back to Clyde, “I always jot it down when I finish my drawings so I can look back and know when I drew it.”
“Hm.” Clyde twirled the pencil back into its four fingers, “What’s today?”
“Uhm…” their voice trailed off as they stood up and made their way to their calendar, “1988…January…”
In the corner of the page, Clyde scratched down the year and its closest approximation of the spelling for what it heard:
“Today’s a Tuesday… the twelfth!”
The tip skating across the grainy texture of the page was an addictive vibration. Clyde flipped the page, then paused, eyes darting around the room for a new subject to draw, eventually landing on the front door. It scribbled down two rectangles, one for the door, then one for the door’s window, through which rain could be seen pouring down from the sky, then, finally, a circle representing the door’s handle. Besides the sketch, it drew an arrow, labeling the sketch:
“A door?”
“Well,” Clyde crunched its face, “what else am I supposed to draw?”
“Hm,” Alex put their chin on top of their hand, “What’s your absolute favorite thing in the world?”
After a moment, Clyde lit up and began to scratch at the page once more, first outlining several shaky curves, then scribbling in the one at top, and, finally, adding two triangles and a jagged mouth for a face, making a Jack-o-Lantern and, with an arrow, labeling it:
FAVORit thing
“Oh nice!” Alex beamed, “Yeah, I like Halloween too.”
Clyde dropped the pencil and slid it to them, now setting it’s chin on its hand, “What ‘bout you?”
“Oh- shoot…” Alex’s spine pulled them straight soon before they held their chin, “I need to think about this one- hold on…” their voice trailed off until, “Ah! Got it!” They snatched the pencil, twirled the book to face them, and sketched away. With five fingers, as opposed to four, their lines were, clearly, a lot more cohesive, dancing together to suggest depth in what appeared to be a ghost popping out out a TV screen, exclaiming,
Alex turned the sketch book back to Clyde, who read the note they left besides the illustration:
I really like horror movies!
“Horror movies, huh?” Clyde looked back up from the page to Alex, “Like that Critters thing you showed me last week?”
“Yeah.” Alex's eyes sparkled, “Oh- and especially- like- the really bad ones. I heard “Creepazoids” is supposed to be awful- I bought it yesterday.”
Clyde scoffed, “You humans are weird.”
Alex smiled, “Wanna watch it?”
There was a moment where the sound of rain hitting the roof filled the room.
A smile. That’s what that tingling tug was, “Sure.” Clyde smiled.
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silverstudios · 10 days
My sleepy brain brings you all this idea- very tired alex is hanging out late into the night with Clyde and Winfrey and they keep dping that head Bob thing where you fall asleep and then jerk back awake.
They close their eyes just for a second...and then wake up maybe like 7 hours later, Clyde wrapped around them and Winfrey holding them both on their chest.
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sandymybeloved · 10 months
I'm a Sarah-Jane Adventures fan first and a human being second, Doctor Who is the just part of the Sarah-Jane Adventures extended universe to me
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Okay okay so I’m not sure if anyone’s asked this but do you have any cool facts/headcannons about the characters that you’d like to share?
hmm idk if you mean them in general or the DPau specifics? assuming it's my main au but if not just tell :D
every piercing the characters have? you can assume kenny made them and you'll almost surely be right XD
butters and stan were in the goths at the same time at one point :3
ike joined the goths like a month after stan left them, tricia and karen literally dragged him out of there ("stop corrupting our computer nerd you assholes!")
firkle still hangs out with TaTI (tricia and those idiots) even after that XD
butters craig and kenny = autistic communication
bebe = straightest-looking lesbian queen
wendy = aroace icon
plural cartman canon ( @richierambles your fucking cult 😔 /aff )
carol (paraguayan) and laura (peruvian) used to share tea in spanish when their kids were little, due to this craig and kenny had playdates often :) this eventually stopped tho :(
timmy gets an AAC on his teens and he's suddenly one of the kids who cuss more in the whole school (slay)
he gets in trouble with PC principal for saying the c and r slurs (timmy like ".-. dude u dumb fr")
most of the CD songs are sung by stan but butters has sung 3, jimmy 1 and kenny 2 :)
jimmy often helps with the lyrics but he doesn't like singing as much
ike plays baseball at some point
death-caused chronic pain kenny!!!
kenny likes drawing :3
butters and heidi being vent buddies (they both fucking hate cartman)
karen stealing kenny's parka when it doesn't fit anymore
late night calls between stan and kyle<3
actually stan just texting/calling kyle whenever he can't sleep
clyde becoming a bit insecure about his weight since when he's selected as the 2nd fattest kid in school
autistic craig
creek hanging out in a gap under the stairs at school when either of them gets overwhelmed
clyde venting to tweek about stuff (mainly his mom's death but a bit of everything) and tweek being surprisingly good at listening<3
jimmy being friends with literally everyone at school
nichole being the same (legally impossible to hate her<3) (inspired by my incredibly nichole-coded classmate)
tolkien, stan, red, wendy and craig play Brawl Stars because i say so :3
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welcum-to-sp · 1 year
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doodle-girl · 2 months
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Felt like posting this wip, decided to get on making some thumbnails for an animatic idea I’ve had for a WHILE now and the new volume has given me even more ideas >:3 So here’s one! I should figure out how to draw tears through walls n stuff for this lmao
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sparkedblaze · 28 days
90 years since bonnie and clyde roamed the earth
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cosmic-kaden · 18 days
I.... I had a dream.... about Clyde... >///>
It was pretty cute and I will be finding a way to incorporate it into a third fic ldfkjlsf
YES I have a third fic in mind already-
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rockabully · 2 months
so mad that most of my growth will come from making fanart on literally any art platform it's SO ANNOYING!!!!!!!!! everyone should just be automatically super interested in my ocs
i can't grow on instagram & i've been around like 4k followers since 2021... bruh....... when i was still into clone high
all of my followers are from clone high it's horrible
HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i hate instagram SO BAD. PLS im gonna be a COMM ARTS MAJOR i NEED a more active audience 🤦‍♂️
i think i need to start posting more actively on other socials but i hate twitter 🩰🩰 so i'll do other places
rant over
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bluespikelvr · 2 months
Do you guys know how fucking EMBARASSING it is to be talking about your comfort ship for weeks to your friends and when they ask you who are the people in said ship you have to show them this:
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buysomecheese · 1 year
Y’all ever spend.. 2+ hours consuming fan content for a ship for a show you Refuse to watch?
Anyways Tweek and Craig are so cute together and they love each other
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kumisona · 11 months
Getting a new fixation every five minutes
Hey guys !! Go watch silly striped orange demon man !! He’s good !!
(Image from Pastra video)
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corrupteddoodles · 11 months
i’m gonna ramble to you no you do not have a choice in this matter/h
so, i’ve been thinking. the idea of clyde slowly becoming afraid of simon has rotted my brain beyond redemption and allow me to explain why i feel this way
simon is the kind of person who uses ingenuity and craftiness to win a fight
clyde is reliant on brute force to win any conflict he gets into. either force or intimidation.
winfrey, despite his own physical strength, is about as smart as a wooden plank (/aff)
simon however? it would make sense that his form is just goop and tentacles, cause he refuses to eat humans. being goopy, it makes sense that he’s not very physically strong, so he uses craftiness to win
flock would also be like this. they’re stuck in void stage, but since they’ve consumed an ass ton of crows (which are smart ass birds), it would make sense that flock is also clever
also, the scarecrow motif fits into this
scarecrows exist in the first place because farmers needed a solution to birds eating their crops
so, with some ingenuity and craftiness, they made the scarecrow
my point is:
clyde and winfrey are physically strong, but that isn’t always good.
simon and flock are clever and crafty, even if only one of them is capable of complex thoughts.
they don’t have fully solid forms, so they are reliant on cleverness and the ability to function under pressure to survive
thank you for coming to my TED talk/j
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