arolegos · 1 month
the yaoi amoeba ate my brain
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extra sketches cause i need them to kill each other in the show
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ikenoklasm · 28 days
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let them eat (storebought) muffin
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pinkrose05 · 6 months
Sungenti & Robinhill would go on the most terse double dates in history. That's it that's the post.
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chuluoyi · 5 months
Okay, what if Gojo Satoru is with a deaf reader?
okay so i’ve been thinking for it a while and ngl i’m lowkey scared of getting the some things wrong since i have never experienced being in a deaf person’s shoes :’) so… i’m sorry in advance🤧 ofc this is inspired by a sign of affection too!
gojo is fascinated with you at first, because you were so demure, until he realizes that you’re actually more than just his silent classmate. you are more courageous, wilder and outspoken than he thought. you’d always frantically explain what you mean whenever he got it wrong, joins the fray on the frontlines without fear and rebuff him so expressively whenever you thought he’s being a menace
and then he learned sign language for you. he’s the best—he masters it quickly so he can get to know you better and oh, it’s so easy to adore you afterwards when he now understands what you’re getting at💁🏻‍♀️ the way your face lightens and darkens, the slight difference between your real smile and forced smile, the way you’re telling him everything even when no words are exchanged is growing on him too
he can see it already—sometime soon… he’ll just come out and press his palm against his chest… and then after more time together, he’ll show you his pinky, index finger and thumb… and he wonders what kind of face you’ll make next🥹🫶🏻
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yousayusei · 8 months
dongsik and juwon about "monster/s" (괴물), the title of the drama itself
dongsik says that to be able to catch those monsters, there's no other way but to become a monster too.
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so he did. he let people suspect him as the one behind minjeong's death, he caused chaos, played in the palms of people letting them believe what they want about him. he played intelligently, cunningly. dongsik never denied any accusations about him when he could have, only threw back sarcasms and more questions or just turning the convo to another topic. he became a "monster" in the eyes of many just to enter the playing field where the real "monsters" are.
and he did catch one monster: kjm. but he's not the one responsible for yuyeon's death. so that only means there are other monsters around.
then he found out who's the monster behind yuyeon's death. this time, however, him being the monster is not enough. he doesn't know much about hkh to be able to properly take him down where it would hurt him the most.
enter han juwon, who had been there from the start. watched dongsik be the monster, just to give justice to yuyeon's death. and the culprit is his father.
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this time, it's his turn to be the monster. he knows how to hurt his father the most, in a way that hkh will not be able to survive from. and its to let hkh taste the top, let him experience his dreams come true only to pull the rug under him and strip it away from him.
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diamantdog · 1 year
netflix: *sends nana a script of their original drama*
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skalidris · 8 months
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I think (and I've been blankly staring at my notes and clipping through the episodes to make sure, but I'm just not) that this hair ornament starts showing up from the second day at girl's mansion.
he wears it through the rest of that case, and then at some point in episode 30 again, and it's also what he has on at the end of his coma in episode 31 (where we can be sure somebody else dressed him)
furthermore, in all other constellations, his hairsticks are inserted with the decorative end over his right shoulder. this makes sense, since he's right handed, and that's the easiest way to do it. but here, the situation is reversed!
what I'm saying is, whenever he wears this... fang duobing did his hair?
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crazykuroneko · 3 months
The thing is, unlike Armand who can stop time for a room full of humans AND control a dozen vampires all at once effortlessly, Lestat controlled those 50-ish human soldiers in their home once and both of his ears are bleeding. A.k.a I agree with Jacob. Lestat could only do it once. And yes, he chose Louis over Claudia.
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project-sekai-facts · 2 months
Sorry to bother you you don't have to answer this if you don't want to but do you know all the times Rui and Kohane have directly interacted
i think almost all of their interactions are in card stories. i know they interact directly in kohane's first birthday story, but that's the only one i can actually remember off the top of my head (i don't exactly have the time to go through every card story in the game). they're in the same place at the same time during scramble fan festa, lion dance robot new year show, and toya's 2nd birthday card story, but they never directly talk to each other. wxs sends kohane a video message in her 2nd birthday card story, but even though its addressed to her it's not directly interacting.
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punkitypunker · 4 months
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1-lightofjustice · 8 months
Using "Sibling Title" in Romantic Relationship Is NOT Incest
You know, interacting with majorly English community about Asian media made me realize that English doesn't have any "sibling title", something that was so common in Asia (and perhaps other continent too cmiiw), thus I noticed some of them have a little difficulty on perceiving what "sibling title" actually meant. Combined with shipping war and incest allegory, many misunderstanding are created. Somehow yesterday I happen to stumble upon two of them in almost the same moment so I wanna make this post to vent my frustration.
First is this :
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The segment that they meant is when Kota called Izuku "nii-chan" and Ochako "nee-chan" after Ochako's speech.
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Yes, Kota called Izuku "Big Brother" and Ochako with "Big Sister". But really, even the translator clearly explained in their translation that "nii-chan" and "nee-chan" are not only title for older siblings but also title/name for a young teen or 20-ish boy/girl (overall people still in youth). Other people on twitter (X who?) pointed out that Kota means those title in relation to him and not to Izuku-Ochako, which is true, Kota may think of Izuku and Ochako as his big brother and sister at that situation. But even if he's not, he will still use "nii-chan" and "nee-chan" titles toward Izuku and Ochako because that's the title that was correct from person on Kota's age to people on Izuku/Ochako's age. Of course, that doesn't mean Izuku and Ochako are bounded by sibling/familial relationship in any form.
For example, this is a "7 years old" kid Conan ("a young boy" in disguise, for complicated reason) called 18 years old Heiji and Kazuha with "nii-chan" and "nee-chan" while at the same time helping them to hook up. He didn't really think of them as his brother/sister like in personal level, but he still used "sibling title" because that was the appropriate ethic for him.
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Next is the example in broader sense, but the point is still because they are "brothers", there's no way Gilgamesh and Enkidu have romantic relationship.
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let's pretend it's not completely bizarre to input arabic perception on a story with a language that way predates arabic, with different time, culture, and setting. Let's use arabic now. Brother in Arabic is "akhi", derived from Akkadian "ahu", the language that was used on 12 tablet Epic of Gilgamesh standard version ("Ses" is Hittite/Sumerian version).
This is the excerpt from Epic tablet by Andrew George, when the word "ahu" is used to described Gilgamesh and Enkidu :
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The thing is, "ahu" may meant brotherhood, but they don't necessarily mean bounded by familial forbid-to-marry relationship. The word "ahu" can mean brother of same social standing, close male associate, or the proof of companionship, for example King Tushratta used "brother" (ahu in akkadian, shesh in sumerian) to Pharaoh Egypt which they have brother-kingdom relationship. Of course they are not "family" with each other and their family can marry each other.
Even if, as the commenter said, translated into arabic, "akhi" is not meant for strictly brotherly relationship. The word itself means "brother, close male friend, male associate". In fact, there's webtoon in my country (Muslim majority) that has female lead called her love interest "akhi". And this is her pray so God can make her meet her "akhi".
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Translation : "There has been 6 years passed but I still haven't meet "akhi". Please God lead him to be close to me"
Of course when the female lead called her crush "akhi" she doesn't mean that there's familial feeling from her to him that prevent her for wanting to marry "akhi". And readers from my country completely expect her to still call her husband "akhi" even after marriage.
Those "sibling title" are not and never strictly platonic. Those are title for almost-familial-but-not-really attachment, usually to emphasis social construct. It just, I don't know the exact term but I call it "polite endearment title". When it comes to romantic relationship/marriage, even with "sibling title" there will be no incest feeling involved as long as the couple are not bounded by blood of close family, share the same mother's milk/wetnurse, nor raised together from before puberty (the latter may depend on situation).
P.S : I wonder, do English users find it weird if we Asian use the exact same title for sibling and for romantic partner? Like, you guys know that Korean fangirls called their idols that they want to date/marry as "oppas" in the same word as they call their "oppa" in home, right? I am Javanese, I call my blood-brother "mas", and I expect to use that word for my husband too, like my sister who called her husband "mas" even though she's older than him.
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mokachikoshi · 10 months
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Is messy tree line stuff, sorry
But i only interested when attila the hun is mentioned on other legends.
(also i only manage to draw 2 oc, bleda and priscus)
For more attila the hun original info:
-Zerco is actually moorish drawf & bleda jester, so when bleda died, attila is never have single interested with him and kick him to roman empire.
-Priscus is roman diplomat that also writing some attila history when he get dinner invitation.
-He likes to eat meat. (Most likely deer, horse and sheep meat, i guess)
Volsunga Saga:
-Attila is truly pissed off with brynhildr death and wants revenge by killing Gudrun 2 brother.
-In Lay of Atli, attila is accidental, eating his 2 sons (Erpr & Eitil) because gudrun is killing them and served it as a dinner, also mixed their blood to his wine.
Causing lots of cursing between 2 of them.
(And i know, in nibelungenlied og ver, attila still get killed by kriemhild, but i gonna stick that attila be a little tiny wiser man)
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And sorry again for messy google translate of icelandic language TwT)
(attila just talking bout her past to obe, with hungarian language)
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bluesuns3t · 2 years
Oh my baby Teaamm.. here's the thing, (I dunno if this implies to every middle child but) we're middle child are ✨ people's pleasers ✨. we're really outgoing and nice. we have to accept that we're a middle child so we respect our older siblings and we have to care about our younger ones. it's really hard. but for you to notice that Win is kind to everyone is really making me cry. the fact that you are interested in him and observe his life. Team, I'm so proud of you
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And no... We're not just giving our kindness to everyone. We also have our ✨ favorite ✨. We may seem kind and lovely, but WE CAN BE KINDER AND LOVELIER TO THE PERSON WE CARE OF.
And you, my guy, are Win's favorite.
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And one more thing, I think Win has trouble expressing his feelings with words. He more likes act of services guy. So... Please be gentle with him....
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starchyeah · 5 months
one thing i realize was they were all surprised when the dome show elmville raining during fig performance of the murder of wanda childa because adaine cast the rain. it was the first time it get used, and how convenient the art department prepared that... and in the same episode we get to know why the art department prepared that.
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lostandbackagain · 2 years
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inkheart vs inkspell/inkdeath is one of my favorite things to rant about but like.
in inkheart dustfinger refuses to dwell on what and who he's lost because the grief is making him insane so he doesn't tell us anything and all we get about the inkworld is hateful, unreliable snippets from capricorn and basta so you think, yeah, this man is kind of a lunatic to be willing to be so horrible and to suffer so much in return for the chance to return to so little.
then you get through the rest of the series and see how extremely loved dustfinger is by so many people and it paints the first book in such a different light that it makes me rabid knowing the majority of people just stop there. like most people have to just. believe basta of all people and never know that dustfinger is being grieved by the people who raised him and grew up with him and worked with him and chose him and whose nights were less dark just because he existed. I'd burn the skin off my hands too for that kind of love.
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avenirdelight · 1 year
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happy sunday🫶🏼🫶🏼
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