#cnn ufo
Breaking News there is an Alien invasion taking place right now as we speak wake up it's not a drill! We also have real video footage up front of crashed UFO
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stevesauve2007 · 2 years
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#ufo shaped cloud picture by #cnn https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn5gl7hLfP8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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generationexorcist · 11 months
They told a famous story about being abducted by space aliens. A new book says it’s really about racism
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The story [Betty and Barney] Hill told would become arguably the most famous UFO abductee story ever. One historian said the Hills were the “Adam and Eve of alien abduction” stories. The couple’s tale was turned into a best-selling book and a movie starring James Earl Jones, and it has provided the template for nearly every depiction of an alien encounter in pop culture since.
A new book, however, claims that the story isn’t so much about aliens as it is about race. The Hills, an interracial couple who were also civil rights activists, told a story that reflected their growing disenchantment with the slow progress of thecivil rights movement, says the historian Matthew Bowman in “The Abduction of Betty and Barney Hill: Alien Encounters, Civil Rights, and the New Age in America.”
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socialjusticeinamerica · 11 months
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frank-olivier · 10 months
CNN News18
UFO/UAP House Oversight Committee Hearing (July 2023)
Wednesday, December 6, 2023
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The United States Government admitted they UFOs exists in 2021.
I don't tend to like the "Oh, what are they hiding" bullshit because it leads to conspiracy theories. But in this case. They're literally admitting to shit that they already told us about 2 years ago. So that makes me think there's actually something they're trying to drown in the news.
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Will UFO Disclosure Become A Reality? with Stephen Bassett
advocate and the executive director of Paradigm Research Group (PRG) founded in 1996 to end a government imposed embargo on the truth behind extraterrestrial related phenomena. He has spoken to audiences around the world about the implications of "Disclosure" - the formal confirmation by heads of state of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race. He has lectured around the world on the political implications of UAP/ET phenomena and given over 1200 radio and television interviews. PRG's advocacy work has been extensively covered by national and international media including being featured on CNN, Fox News, MSNBC and in the Washington Post and New York Times.
In 2013 PRG organized and conducted a "Citizen Hearing on Disclosure" at the National Press Club in Washington. In November of 2014 PRG launched a two year political initiative out of Washington, DC that injected the ET issue into the 2016 presidential campaign. PRG will soon launch a new project based out of Hollywood, CA and Washington, DC.
Bassett has appeared in many documentary films and his lectures and interviews are well represented on You Tube.
Stephen Bassett YouTube Material
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kneedeepincynade · 1 year
One can only dream to be as based as Chen Weihua,but must try nonetheless
The post is machine translated
Translation is at the bottom
The collective is on telegram
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🇨🇳 Le parole su Twitter del Compagno Chen Weihua, Giornalista e Direttore dell'Ufficio dell'UE per China Daily, permettono di ragionare ulteriormente sul nuovo mantra anti-Cinese "L'ira di Pechino", e sull'aggettivo "aggressive", utilizzato dai giornali USA in funzione anti-Cinese per qualsiasi risposta legittima della Cina di fronte all'avventurismo delle tigri di carta americane 🤔
🇺🇸 Gli USA inviano Gruppi d'Attacco di Portaerei nel Mar Cinese Meridionale, spiano la Cina con aerei da ricognizione che si avvicinano pericolosamente, ad esempio, a Shantou? Se la Cina risponde, è lei quella aggressiva, irosa ed irresponsabile. Questa è la logica Occidentale! 🤦‍♀️
一 24/02: il Comando Orientale dell'EPL intercetta un P-8A nel Mar Cinese Meridionale, e invia un Caccia di Superiorità Aerea J-11, armato con Missili Aria-Aria, per scortare l'Aereo USA al di fuori della Zona Cinese 🔥
🇺🇸 Aereo USA nel Mar Cinese Meridionale, la Cina risponde, ed è la Cina ad essere aggressiva per le tigri di carta, come si può leggere qui, su CNN: "US says Chinese jet conducted ‘unnecessarily aggressive maneuver’ intercepting US spy plane over South China Sea" 🤡
四 26/05: Il Comando dell'EPL intercetta un RC-135V nel Mar Cinese Meridionale, pericolosamente vicino alla Città di Shantou, e invia un Caccia Multiruolo J-16 per scortarlo fuori dalla Zona Cinese 🔥
🤔 Di nuovo la stessa retorica, questa volta su ABC News: "Chinese jet carries out 'aggressive' maneuver in front of US military plane, officials say" 🇺🇸
L'Occidente collettivo, dagli USA ai Paesi UE, tra tutti la Francia, ruba le risorse ai Paesi Africani, assassinando i leader patriottici e fomentando guerre? Ecco che arriva la narrazione fasulla sul "Colonialismo Cinese" sulla "trappola del debito" smentita da tutti i leader Africani 🌍
🔺Presidente Eritreo: "Le menzogne delle «forze egemoniche» sulla «trappola del debito» sono un tentativo deliberato di diffamare le relazioni tra Cina e Africa" 💕
🔺La dimostrazione dell'ipocrisia, del paternalismo e del moralismo occidentale anti-Cinese sul Tema dell'Africa 😡
🔺La Cina condona 23 Prestiti senza Interessi a 17 Paesi Africani ❤️
🔺Le menzogne occidentali sulla falsa «Trappola del Debito» 😡
🇨🇳 Tuttavia, non è la Cina il Paese rabbioso, aggressivo e irresponsabile. Non è la Cina ad aver sparato un AIM-9X contro un Pallone Meteorologico, definito dalle tigri di carta un "pallone spia", salvo poi dover ammettere che non era un "UFO" [🤦‍♀️] e non era neanche un "pallone spia" 😂
🇨🇳 La Repubblica Popolare Cinese è un Paese responsabile. Non getta benzina sul fuoco dei conflitti, non genera tensioni e preferisce il Dialogo rispetto alle sanzioni unilaterali lanciate dagli USA, soprattutto contro la Cina 🤧
🇨🇳 Non è la Cina ad aver dato il via ad una Guerra Commerciale (Trump) e Tecnologica (Biden). Non è la Cina che definisce ogni giorno le aziende di altri Paesi come "pericolose per la Sicurezza Nazionale", diffondendo un pessimo clima per la conduzione degli affari 🤧
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
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🇨🇳 The words on Twitter of Comrade Chen Weihua, Journalist and Director of the EU Office for China Daily, allow us to further reason on the new anti-Chinese mantra "The wrath of Beijing", and on the adjective "aggressive", used by US newspapers in an anti-Chinese function for any legitimate response from China to the adventurism of American paper tigers 🤔
🇺🇸 Does the US send Carrier Strike Groups to the South China Sea, spy on China with reconnaissance aircraft that come dangerously close to, for example, Shantou? If China responds, it is the aggressive, angry and irresponsible one. This is Western logic! 🤦
一 24/02: PLA Eastern Command intercepts a P-8A in the South China Sea and sends a J-11 Air Superiority Fighter, armed with Air-to-Air Missiles, to escort US aircraft out of the Zone Chinese 🔥
🇺🇸 US Planes In South China Sea, China Responds, And It's China Aggressive For Paper Tigers, as you can read here, on CNN: "US says Chinese jet conducted 'unnecessarily aggressive maneuver' intercepting US spy plane over South China Sea" 🤡
四 26/05: The PLA Command intercepts an RC-135V in the South China Sea, perilously close to Shantou City, and sends a J-16 Multirole Fighter to escort it out of the Chinese Zone 🔥
🤔 Same rhetoric again, this time on ABC News: "Chinese jet carries out 'aggressive' maneuver in front of US military plane, officials say" 🇺🇸
the collective West, from the USA to EU countries, among all France, steal resources from African countries, assassinate patriotic leaders and foment wars. And then comes with the bogus narrative about "Chinese colonialism" about the "debt trap" debunked by all African leaders 🌍
🔺Eritrean President: "The lies of «hegemonic forces» about the «debt trap» are a deliberate attempt to defame relations between China and Africa" ​​💕
🔺The Demonstration of Western Anti-Chinese Hypocrisy, Paternalism and Moralism on the Theme of Africa 😡
🔺China condones 23 Interest Free Loans to 17 African Countries ❤️
🔺Western lies about the fake «Debt Trap» 😡
🇨🇳 However, China is not the angry, aggressive and irresponsible country. It is not China that fired an AIM-9X at a Weather Balloon, defined by the paper tigers as a "spy balloon", only to then have to admit that it was not a "UFO" and it was not even a "balloon spy" 😂
🇨🇳 The People's Republic of China is a responsible country. It doesn't add fuel to the fire of conflicts, it doesn't generate tensions and it prefers Dialogue over the unilateral sanctions launched by the USA, especially against China 🤧
🇨🇳 It's not China that started a Trade (Trump) and Technology (Biden) War. Isn't it China that defines companies of other countries as "dangerous to National Security" every day, spreading a bad climate for conducting business 🤧
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
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us-cj · 21 days
Sep 3, 2024 Lex Fridman Podcast
Donald Trump is the 45th President of the United States and the Republican candidate in the 2024 US Presidential Election.
0:00 - Introduction
1:09 - Psychology of winning and losing
3:51 - Politics is a dirty game
5:28 - Business vs politics
8:04 - War in Ukraine
9:53 - Kamala Harris interview on CNN
10:36 - Trump-Harris debate
13:33 - China
15:47 - 2020 election
24:03 - Project 2025
24:52 - Marijuana
27:13 - Joe Rogan
30:54 - Division
38:00 - Communism and fascism
41:36 - Power
43:36 - UFOs & JFK
44:16 - Jeffrey Epstein
45:55 - Mortality and religion
47:25 - Lex AMA
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ufo-thetimesareripe · 7 months
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ear-worthy · 7 months
"In the Room with Peter Bergen" Podcast Investigates Domestic Terrorism
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Don't get turned off because Peter Bergen is from CNN. This guy is good. Very good. Look at his photo below. He could be the protagonist, or villain, in any John LeCarre or Robert Ludlum spy novel. I think Bergen even knows Jason Bourne.
Here's the pitch for In the Room with Peter Bergen. "Overwhelmed by conflicting narratives and sensationalism in the news? Wondering where you can get an objective analysis and direct-from-the-source reporting?"
"Look no further than In the Room with Peter Bergen. In his weekly nonpartisan news podcast, longtime national security journalist and bestselling author Peter Bergen goes beyond the headlines, to explore the world’s most important and captivating stories."
While there's some hyperbole there, it's also true that Bergen is a traditional journalist, searching for the truth and not worrying about ideological camps. 
Each week, Bergen covers a news topic like war, artificial intelligence, UFOs, and more, including a rare peek inside the FBI's unit that is trying to prevent mass shootings. Balancing various perspectives on the subject, he combines narrative-rich storytelling and interviews with top experts and leaders like former Acting US Secretary of Defense Chris Miller, US Army General David Petraeus, Jen Easterly who leads US efforts to prevent cyberattacks, former US National Security Advisor John Bolton, first-ever female Afghan ambassador to the US Roya Rahmani, and CNN Chief International Correspondent Clarissa Ward.
 The conceit of the podcast is that Listeners go “in the room” with Peter Bergen as he presses his contacts for accurate, on-the-ground information to help his listeners contextualize and understand the impact of these stories on their lives through a quality, trustworthy, and engaging lens.  Recent episodes I've enjoyed are "Is The Pentagon Really Hiding Crashed Alien Spaceships?" and "Yes, the United States has a Space Force. Stop Laughing." Bergen is excellent at drilling down below the headlines.
  On this week’s episode of his In the Room with Peter Bergen politics podcast, Bergen - CNN’s National Security Analyst, and world-renowned terrorism/extremism expert who landed the first TV interviews with both William Pierce, a key leader of the American neo-Nazi movement and The Turner Diaries author, and Osama bin Laden - dives deep into the ongoing issue of domestic terrorism in the United States.
During the episode, titled “Why America’s Biggest Terror Threat Is Homegrown,” Bergen is joined by his fellow domestic extremism expert Daryl Johnson, Northwestern University professor Kathleen Belew, and American political analyst Bruce Hoffman to investigate how the January 6th, 2021 insurrection at the US Capitol was the culmination of political trends in the United States that have festered for many years and how it may be a dress rehearsal for what comes next. 
Check out In the Room with Peter Bergen. You can actually witness what a real journalist does. Or is he a spy?  
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my-evil-brain · 8 months
Ok, buckle in for this on it's a pisser.
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So the other day, I mentioned at work how some states are making furries and litter boxes in schools illegal, and if not, the parents then animal control will pick them up for removal. I stated "wow seriously? People still on that 5 year old bs story?"
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My coworker (you know the one whos into all the conspiracies) gets all huffed up and..
Cw; "You have no idea."
Me; " Oh come on!"
Cw; " um yeah! They're doing it all over. You just dont see it because mainstream media doesn't want you to know about it. Im telling ya these pedo groomers out here tellin kids its ok to..."
Me; " yeah i call bullshit. I mean, i need proof! Where is it. Kids LOVE their phones n social media. NOTHING ON ANYTHING. Google images, nothing. Proof. I need it."
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Cw; " oh the proof exists. I've spent 8 years researching this shit trust me. Lemme guess you go to "cnn" and "google"? The establishment doesn't want you to know. You have to actually do the work. Research, look into it."
Me; "ok yeah sure but... KIDS LOVE POSTING PICS. You mean zero kids are proudly displaying their furry adventures? BULLSHIT! "
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Cw; "See, you won't do the research. I have. Have you read all the released Hillary emails?? I have. Damning stuff. Youve seen the video of Hillary and her aid sacrificing a child and laughing as they butcher her?
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Me; "Nnnno... but i saw Taylor swift suck a giant black cock yesterday. A.i. is a wonderful thing . That's why i say proof where is it?."
Cw; " yeah, see. I could show you the proof, but that's exactly what you'd say "A.I. or PHOTOSHOP. " So there's no point."
Me; " ok so show me. I need proof. Till then non exists"
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Cw; " i can't show you. You would just deny it. You need to look into this. Im telling you, it's coming. One day real soon, you and everyone else out here not believing what Trump has been saying this whole time are all gonna have your minds blown wide open.."
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Now, keep in mind this one coworker believes all of it. Everything trump said about Hillary. Everything trump and Q said online about the "real truth", Everything . From the child cannibalism to secret satanic jewish cults that control us all from the shadows. But we have to get our own proof. From REAL news sites. Like OAN and FOX and podcasts and reddit. Not fake news sites and organizations.
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I'm all for a good conspiracy. Kennedy had a video and various eye witnesses. Bigfoot has videos. Ufos have video. But this bs from the last 9 years is just such shit!
The really scary part is the rest at work believe some of it. And are ok with more being possible. If this is the micro cosm of Tennessee and America and half of everyone believes 1 or 2 of these bullshit allegations and conspiracies. WE'RE FUCKED!
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generationexorcist · 1 year
Officials And Lawmakers Push For More Government Transparency On UFOs
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Three retired military veterans testified Wednesday at a House hearing on unidentified anomalous phenomena – commonly known as UFOs – warning that the sightings are a national security problem and that the government has been too secretive about them.
A House Oversight subcommittee convened Wednesday’s hearing on UFOs, as the lawmakers who pushed for the hearing are calling for the government to be more forthcoming about the unidentified anomalous phenomena...
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vomitnest · 11 months
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