#cnovel recommendations
blobofcolour · 11 months
I have read many many cnovels over the years, but the one that has always stuck with me was 清明记 (Story of Qing Ming) by 清朗 (aka  赵晨光) since I first read it more than 10 years ago. It’s a short one at only 18 chapters, telling the story of the titular character Qing Ming, an assassin from the rebel city of Yu Jing. Of course he becomes ‘bosom friends’ with Pan Bai Hua a politically savvy minister from the capital... and spoiler alert, it does not end well.
This is my favourite part of the novel, describing Qing Ming entering the capital on his final mission to assassinate Pan Bai Hua. He has always been one to accept the life he has been born into but when he catches a glimpse of Pan Bai Hua in the sea of plum blossoms, he knows this man has been properly imprinted in his heart.
  那香雪海在拥雪城外东南方,是绝大的一片白梅林,约有千株左右。此刻恰是众芳摇落之际,惟这千株白梅占尽风情。远远望去,清幽绝俗,非雪海二字,不能道其颜色。     这拥雪城之名,正是由这一片香雪海而来。     此刻因已夜深,并无人来。清明走到切近,见月光清冷洁白,洒落在梅花之上,冷烟和月,映得那白梅花瓣透明如冰玉一般。更有暗香缭绕,似有若无。他深吸了一口气,心神俱醉。     一阵夜风吹过,几瓣梅花飘飘荡荡地落了下来。清明伸手轻轻接住,正如玉盘中盛了冰片,清雅之极。他不禁微笑,随口唱起了落花风,一时间便如前日雨夜听宋别离琵琶一般,浑忘了世间诸事,心中只想:这里是天上,还是人间?     初冬薄薄雪,近风淡淡云。     倜傥标高骨,玲珑傲气心。     月夜香雪海,莫过如此。     他这里心神摇曳,自说自笑,偶然一抬头间,忽见拥雪城头,不知何时竟多了一个身影。     此时月光皎洁,映得拥雪城头恰如明镜一般。那人身形高挑,素衣银冠,风神隽雅。月下看来,实是浊世一翩翩佳公子。     清明忽然一句话也说不出来,一声也笑不出来了。     城头那人,正是天子面前有名的重臣,朝里权倾一时的中书令,眼下拥雪城十万大军的统帅,相交五年的唯一知己,自己此次入城前来刺杀的对象!     眼见小潘相登临城头,身边并无随从,却也是望向东南方,正是为了赏鉴这一片香雪海。     他身在高处,月光又明亮,清明多年训练,目力比常人要好上数倍,看得分外清晰。     而潘白华虽也向香雪海方向看去,但梅林繁茂,清明又站在梅影掩映之中,却是看不分明。     清明站在树下,脑海里一片空白。     他也弄不清过了多久,不知是片刻,还是一个时辰。总之,当他再抬起头时,城头上那个素衣公子,已经不见了人影。     清明从树影中走出,忽然低低地笑出声来。     原道是胸中自有透顶洒脱,谁曾想意中却是透骨相思。   潘白华,见到你之前,我还真当自己已是此心到处悠然了。  
Mild spoilers on the ending incoming.......
The author wrote an extra chapter set in modern times and gave the reincarnated PBH/QM their happy ending. While I appreciated having that extra chapter on my first reading, years later I preferred the original ending. While they cared deeply for each other and recognized that this person was the only one to truly know me, it doesn’t change the fact that they were from opposing camps. Well, PBH tried to force QM to change sides but they were always ones who walked their chosen path till the end. 
I’m not sure if there are English translations out there of this author’s novels, they are really well written wuxia works. Not explicitly BL but many ‘bosom friends’ bonds.......
On current reading materials, I finished 嫁纨绔 the novel that upcoming (maybe??) cdrama Chang Feng Du 长风渡 is based on. Really enjoyed the story and the host of characters from mains to villains, so fingers crossed that the drama gets to air and hopefully the script writers don’t mangle the story. I got started on another novel 山河枕 (Mountain and River Pillow) by the same author but got bored around chapter 55. The ML isn’t doing anything for me so far, I’m actually more interested in the ex-husband hahaha. Maybe I should try 四嫁 instead where the ex-husband is the ML! 
Please throw novel recommendations my way, especially wuxia ones. I have a 12 hour flight and week long work retreat coming up zzzzzz
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aroacehanzawa · 1 year
Why you should read Mist [Unlimited] if you liked ORV
If you haven't heard of it before, Mist [Unlimited] (薄雾[无限) is an action-adventure sci-fi webnovel of 106 chapters by Chinese author Wei Feng Ji Xu (微风几许) and i'm here to tell you why in my humble opinion you should read it if you liked reading Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint (and if you haven't read orv yet. well what are you doing)
Mist follows Ji Yushi, a 25-year-old "Recorder" whose job is to travel in time and record future events so that the present can be prepared for them. He also suffers from "hyperthymesia", a condition in which he remembers... everything. Literally can't forget stuff, which is both a blessing and a curse. He gets transferred to another team led by captain Song Qinlang, a notorious homophobe - or is he? And then they get into situations where they basically have to complete missions or they die etc etc you know how it is. Anyway here's a link to the carrd with more info and link to translations.
And here's how it managed to fill the void in my heart after finishing orv:
Frail-looking MC who turns out to be super cunning and big brained
MC with such a good memory it comes off as almost prophetic knowledge about the world he finds himself in
No literally, he remembers every single detail of everything with the same energy as kim dokja remembering everything that happens in the novel, and uses that to his advantage
Cold and aloof yoo joonghyuk-esque "classic protagonist" ML who seems like he looks down on others and doesn't speak much and acts like he resents the MC...
...but actually turns out to be very kind and soft, especially towards the MC
Mc has known ML for much longer than the other thinks
Absolute power couple when they work together
They have to complete missions Or They Die
Missions involve different kinds of worlds with unique characters and well-crafted settings
Parallel worlds that are interconnected in ways you wouldn't have foreseen
Very clever resolutions to the missions, that really shows the capabilities of our main characters
Strong team-spirit among the main cast of characters!
The missions seem to be set up by a system or existence somehow beyond humanity
A mystery of where the world that they find themselves in actually originates from, which ends up being closer to home than expected
ML has a Tragic Backstory(tm) that seriously reminds me of kim dokja's once it gets revealed, including heavy themes about family
Very similar themes about finding one's place in the world and *gasp* being loved by others, in all senses of the word
I'm trying to say this without spoiling too much but the ending of Mist literally reminds me of orv's epilogue and if you've read to the end of orv you know that's a strong statement but it really did manage to evoke in me the same range of human emotions and also the way it's set up is really similar down to the very time loops and paradoxes!!! I can't tell you any more though!!!!
There's probably more i can't think of right now, please do read Mist it's an absolute delight and an Experience(tm)
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mj220991 · 1 year
Because of Changfengdu, i feel like i need to make a list or introductions of the author's novel (墨书白)
The ML's usually crazily devoted and the FL is crazily competent. I will write some of her historical ones first. (English is not my 1st language, so sorry if there's some mistake)
I'll tag @dangermousie and @mercipourleslivres, maybe you guys can enjoy some of this!
长公主 (The Grand Princess)
This one is a double rebirth story of a princess and her estranged husband. They both died (at age 50's) thinking they killed each other. They born in a time before they married. In their new life they started as friends.
Our FL is Li Rong, is a prideful princess and in the 1 st life married our ML Pei Wen Xuan because he's the most handsome XD. The emotional part of this novel feels so delicate and raw. The longings, remorse, regret, especially from the ML really hook me up. The bloody drama also not only come from the main couple but basically everyone. There's no such a thing as npc chara, everyone have their own purpose. I know many people said Li Rong don't deserve Pei Wen Xuan ( nahh do we read the same novel?) Both are at faults. This one is not for the faint heart. Last time i heard they will adapt this into a drama with Zhao Jinmai and Wang Anyu, i don't want them to touch this.
山河枕 (Mountain river pillow aka the eldest wife is my wife)
This one is a rebirth story. Our FL Chuyu already married the 2nd ML in her 1st life. But her love was wasted and her husband didn't treat her right. After being reborn, she choose to married her supposed to be husband, Wei Jun (the eldest son of a border general). You know what happened to the generals who lives in the border right? Right, scapegoat of the politics in the capital.
Short story, the wei general and his 6 son died (including Chu Yu husband) as a traitor in battlefield leaving the youngest son Wei Yun bring his father and brothers coffin. The real story begin here as Chu yu keep helping Wei Yun to keep the Wei family legacy.
Poor Wei Yun, is all that i can say :p.
From the news i see Song Qian and Ding Yuxi name, please just no :(.
论撩世家子的技巧 (the trick to teasing a noble family son)
This is not the famous one but WORTH READING. Oh and this a crossdressing novel. Our FL Wei Lan is a reborn, but not from your usual world. She came from a matriarcal world, when women is the leader in society and men task is in the backyard. When she came to the her new world, the 1st thing she do is change identity with his brother. Yes you hear me right, Wei lan become the brother and her brother Wei Hua become the sister. Our ML is Xie Zichen, also a reborn. He died being betrayed by the prince that he supported.
This novel is hilarious in the beginning as Wei Lan feels like douchebag,and feels that women is far superior than men. She FLIRT a lot. Because her thoughtfulness, all of these men of course being tempted. Our ML too think like that but reverse. But don't worry there's chara development from everyone, i cried a lot and too be honest my fav chara is one of the FL suitor who end up died.
I change my mind, i'll write her Xianxia and modern too here XD.
琢玉 (Carven Jade)
One of my fav danmei together with Yuwu. Our Gong is Fu ChangLing and Shou is Qin Yan (ma babies). This is a rebirth story. In the 1st life Fu Changling killed Qin Yan out of revenge and hate thinking that he is the one who killed his family and bring demise to the cultuvation world, little did he know that Qin Yan did all of that for him.
After being reborn Fcl did everything to keep Qin Yan safe and sound. I love how devoted they are to each other. All the support characters also great. I really love the parents story too.
剑寻千山 (sword of searching mountain)
This is a broken reunion story. Our FL Qin wanwan and our ML Xie Changji were married. The FL didn't know that our ML cultivated the heart of sword way ( the way of being indifferent, throw away feelings and other desires), she think the ML doesn't love her.
Our ML lives with sadness and trauma for hundred years. Our FL sects also meet a demise around this time and it so so sad. This novels feels emotionally heavy.
Xie ChangJi is up there for me for Crazyily masochist obsessed devoted ML. This one is not my fav but have some really good part. All the support chara also awesome.
余生有涯 (rest of my life)
TW : R&pe, Suicid*
This is a modern setting novel but being the heaviest of the bunch. Definitely not for everyone. This is a realistic novel about our FL Ye Sibei who is getting r*pe after office drinking party. Usually her husband pick her up, but he didn't do it on that day.
This is very hard to read for me, only 39 chapters with knife in it. Felt very real, the one that didn't felt real was her husband Qin Nan (definitely doesn't exist). Do not recomend ro read this when you're feeling down. But very uplifting.
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yea-baiyi · 4 months
sorry i haven’t been posting lately i’ve been bingeing on random cnovels that got recommended on twitter. help me i have reread thrice married to salted fish (三嫁咸鱼)four times. i read an mpreg book by accident and i was rooting for the mpreg. i would say i need help but honestly i’m having the time of my life and no one can stop me. i’m taking recommendations
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Favourite fics of 2023
Now that the year is over, I figured I'd cast my eye back over the previous year to see what were my favourite fics I discovered that year. Notably, they may not have been published last year--just the ones that I read during that time period.
I have absolutely no idea what they will be, so I'm curious to dive into my bookmarks...
Stunted, Starving Juvenility by TomatenMark -- oooh, apparently it was last year that I consumed this. It's a behemoth of a story at over 700k words; it's a slowly sprawling tale, and I read and reread it during the same year. And it's been one of the rare WIPs that I have been following faithfully. It's an AU in which WWX and LWJ, early on during the Gusu lectures, have the extra-canonical chapters' dreams about each other (that's to say, the ravishing in the library and the peaceful domesticity) and this triggers them realizing their feelings, which in turn changes rather a lot of things. This sounds underwhelming, but the fic really is very good and rather epic in scope! I have appreciated how it depicts WWX--intensely intelligent, precocious, but in need of guidance; and he and LWJ are darling together. I only hope it keeps being this good for the next 700k words or however much it takes!
You'll See Me Again by anon -- oh man, I loved this one. It's sadly a short-ish WIP (12k> words), but the concept is brilliant: it's NHS, who's time-travelled back and is determined to fix everything by getting WWX as his younger brother, and it's told from NMJ's baffled point of view. It's very good! I just wish it were longer.
Mourning Dove by jaemyun - a WIP featuring a dark LWJ who's very fed up with the hypocrisy of the cultivation world. Hasn't updated in a while, though...
This was the year I read SVSSS! Boy, did I ever love it. This naturally unlocked a new fandom for me, so here are some of my favourite fics:
A Transmigrator and a Time Traveler Walk Into the Bamboo House by VeryCharismaticDragon - this is super lovely! This is Binghe who time-travels from after SQQ's self-destruction to the start of the story. And he's determined to change things, even as he's trying to understand them. The whole thing is great.
The More You Don't Know by Neery - this is sweet and angsty in just the right way. Binghe is convinced SQQ only loves him because he doesn't realize he's a demon, and does his best to hide. (There's also a canon divergence in there.)
The Peace Between Divine Pec- ah-hm sorry - uh…Peaks by AceOfDivineChlorophyll - I need to catch up with the latest chapters of this, but I have it bookmarked as "absolutely love it, mega oblivious SQQ thinks he's LBH's advisor and not realizing that he's effectively the empress (something everyone around him sees) and of course not realizing also that he's super in love with LBH."
Particular by thehoyden - a very sweet SQQ/LBH a/b/o!
The King's Avatar
This is also the year when I consumed this canon!
Born of Fire (We Shall Not Fall) by TheDefenestrator - I loved this fic so much. So much. It's my favourite take on omegaverse I've ever seen in any fic, ever. It's got a super lovely Ye Xiu/Han Wenqing slowburn and Ye Xiu joining Tyranny, but it's also set in this universe which brings this omegaverse context into everything and makes it extra delicious. It's so well done. I just hope it updates one day.
here in search of your glory by Synoshian - I also adored this long slowburn long slowburn Ye Xiu/Han Wenqing WIP where Ye Xiu joins Tyranny.
a bloodless coup by Ark - scorchingly hot, great characterisations, very well done.
There's a lot more fics that I read and enjoyed last year, but these were in my bookmarks as absolute faves, so I figure it's fair enough to end it here!
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milkmynk · 8 months
Are you in the mood for :-
a. angst b. devotion c. tooth-rotting fluff d. scheming, somewhat ruthless, but ultimately kind MC e. impeccably gentlemanly but equally intelligent and firm ML f. well-developed plotlines (yes, plural, because this is a quick transmigration novel with an overarching plot) g. snappy dialogue and writing that whiplashes from comedic to painful to devastatingly sweet
If you are, please read Don't Pick Up Boyfriends from the Trash Bin, I promise it's a fantastic read! Quick explanation :
MC is a first-rate actor who got into an accident. For a chance at revival, he signed a contract with a System that specifically helps hosts (people who died with a vast amount of regret/vengeance) take revenge on their ex-lovers who forced them into a terrible situation.
His job in the system is to take control of each host's body, and re-navigate their lives (rewound to an appropriate timepoint) to take revenge on their ex-lovers.
Each world is well-plotted and varied, and every revenge is specific and targeted to the world's plot. (There's also an overarching plot, but I won't spoil!)
One of my favorite quotes from the novel :
"Love is when you wish you could follow him when he dies, yet fearing that besides myself, nobody else will remember him. So I can only take his wishes as my own, I will live on in his place, and I will live very well. I won't go anywhere that is a world without him."
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mejomonster · 6 months
Currently (or maybe soon) Reading Novels, some thoughts:
I'm currently reading In The Dark volume 1. My thoughts so far: they're a good writer, not my favorite though (priest is still pretty easily the favorite of mine style wise), but I do like the fast pacing of this novel and the way the author moves things along. Both me, and priest, sometimes dawdle in a scene for ages soaking it up, which is fun to read but also thats how you get the 4000 character chapters priest writes ToT (and the 3000-5000 words a scene i often write). So this writer is inspiring me to try and be more casual about my writing as far as just moving forward, not caring so much about perfect in depth ness. Plot wise? Mixed. So far its fairly basic, with the tell tale signs of general tropes like traditionally pretty leads and heroic detectives with playboy vibes. After priest its just hard to adjust... priest makes Such specific characters, even when they fall in some trope categories theyre so unique you'd not swap them with any other similarly trope having character or it would feel wrong. Like Luo Wenzhou is heroic detective playboy, but his history (of failed dating) hangs off of him heavy, his nurturing protective loyal to a fault colors every decision he makes (from getting to attached to fei du, clingy to tao ran, blind to superiors being shady, and trusting of mentor's children even if crime adjacent or involved until its IN his face), his controlling leadership style seeps into interactions with everyone from his parents to best friend to boss to coworkers to barely adjacent witnesses. His character faults (and unique aspects i love) are so intrinsic to him i could never mistake him for zhao yunlan Another Playboy Rich Dad Heroic Detective. Zhao yunlan isnt controlling, he is more level headed in viewing people with the facts before letting loyalty blind him, zhao yunlan is far WORSE at self care and nurturing of others and when he does help others its motivated by charm or kindness first (versus Luo Wenzhous ingrained normal state is nurturing, he finds it feels safe, lets him control making sure others have X things they need and provide routine to help them, hes a mother hen). Luo Wenzhou is quite aware of his economic status, his family backgrounds, comparative to his employees, comparative to fei du, just a general much higher awareness of how those differences affect everyone (from it being too hard to ever get custody of fei du as a possibly abused child, because luo is unrelated and too poor to challenge custody with a CEO, to the way hes aware he can abuse powers in certain ways that his underlings cant... so he stands up to authority more with an awareness hes got more room to negotiate). Zhao Yunlan is more reckless amd uncaring if there are consequences as long as he does the right thing (though he has status to somewhat protect him), while lup wenzhou is actually viscerally aware of risks at all time and despite being passionately kind and believing in justice... he is aware if hes not careful as he acts, then the effort is wasted and he will fail and no one will be helped. Luo wenzhou is much cooler headed and less passion motivated than zhao yunlan (though zjao yunlan isnt as simple as hot headed as hes got inherent power and intuition and ftankly Can Afford to be riskier). My point is... priest can give me multiple characters that would be summarized under the same tropes and be vastly different in actual personality. In The Dark? So far its not giving me much to make its characters stand out compared to say the intro to Breaking Through The Clouds ive read. Nor is its case. But time will tell. I need good characters though or i get bored.
I will say though, In The Dark so far succeeds at feeling like a detective novel aimed at murder mystery readers With queer characters, rather than being a BL with a murder mystery side plot. Theres 3 queer characters within the first few chapters, so no stupid "im not gay except for him" and a realism to handling queer characters that feels nice. Its similar to MoDu in that way, so im anticipating a solidly written murder mystery with queer characters as major players.
Novels Im considering reading (so any thoughts? Suggestions??): liehuo jiaochou, the positive? Its kind of mutants in the present plot, which is one of my favorite plots and what sucked me into Guardian the drama. Since i loved xmen and qnything with an xmen like premise will make me interested. Also, theres an ancient guy in it, so i like the themes possibly of past compared to present, beliefs clashing, moving forward. Can ci pin: i know im going to like it, the downside is its SO long im not sure im up for it right now. 2ha: i never finished it and own 3 of the print books now, so i know ill like it and i love meatbuns writing. Downside? Its SO LONG also i kind of want to read something new, and the first 100 chapters would be rereading. Peach Blossom Debt: i own it now, i heard Etetnal Love sort of ripped it off so im curious if pbd is better... because i basically hated and hate watched Eternal Love... but i saw the potential in some of it, and it was very queer friendly suprisingly for a bg romance drama. Imperial Uncle: i heard it was great, i think edanglars translated it so love that for me. Tai Sui by priest: i heard its amazing, but its very long so im not sure i qm up for it now. Guardian: see heres the thing. Ive read 20% in chinese. Its slow going. But im 1/5 through it so im kind of commited to finishing it in chinese. Its taking ages but ive just been picking qt it, im unlikely to read it any faster frankly, and im unlikely to touch the english copy at this point until im done with the chinese so i can have fun comparing the translation to the original. Also i need to reblog the Kunlun intro i translated, because its in my chinese print copy but they did not include it in the english translation :/ i hope they include the shen san extra in the english translation eventually. But im bummed theyre not including everything. Jinse by priest: i heard it was good, im glad its short, but not sure hpw into the plot ill be. Sha po lang: i just want the drama to live... i want tan jianci.... anyway. I want to read it and i know ill like historical steampunk... but im in a murder scary stories supernatural mood lately, so murder mysteries like In The Dark and supernatural like Guardian are just wayyyy easier for me to focus on and read right now.
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tentative-wanderer · 10 months
🧸 Danmei Book Recommendation: 安乐死 Euthanasia by 风溯君 Feng Su Jun
• Title in pinyin: an le si
• Genre/setting: Modern, entertainment industry (film)
• Introduction (translated by me):
Each day, how many people are born is how many people die. Those who don’t have a right to decide on their birth at least have a right to decide on their death. No one could figure out why young, tremendously wealthy John chose euthanasia.
He was well-prepared on the day of his death, but when he woke up again, he had acquired a legal husband.
• Pros: likeable cast of characters, interracial transnational couple, story interspersed with some humour, pursuit of dreams, mutual support, thoughtful verbalisations of affection and encouragement. John Williams’ expressiveness, quirkiness, and unabashed love of childish and feminine things go well with Liu Zhiwei’s stability (even-tempered, mature, resilient).
• Other tags: LGBTQ+ issues, family, rough personal histories. I excluded spoilery tags.
• Cons: many, many flaws (for example, the lack of detail regarding John’s rehabilitation, an incorrect depiction of how one should treat coral reefs while diving, an interview arrangement that doesn’t make sense), too troublesome to list them all
• Excerpt (translated by me):
“You are a part of my dream,” said John. “God played a prank on me, putting my dream on the other side of the globe. But luckily I found you in the end.”
• Despite the intro, Liu Zhiwei, not John, is the main character in my view. The story is told from several characters’ perspectives, but the book centres on Liu Zhiwei more than John.
• At the start of the story, Liu Zhiwei is a broke background actor with little hope left.
• It’s open to interpretation, but I think John is the top, haha.
• John’s name is not spelled as John in the book. I believe the name in the novel is not what the author would have chosen if their first language were English, because the spelling is unusual, yet it is mentioned in the book that there are many people in the US with that name. Hence, I’ve taken the liberty to use the similar-sounding “John” here.
All my danmei recommendations:
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elidelio · 2 years
Life Going Wild With Plug-Ins / 带挂装逼, 最为致命 / Dai Gua Zhuang Bi, Zui Wei Zhi Ming [translation pick-up]
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I haven't seen much activity on this novel's tag, but I figured I would make a post.
Since the translation for Life Going Wild With Plug-ins by Shi Zhi Qing had been without updates since May of 2021, I decided to pick it up!
I have translated from Chapter 16 where the previous translator left off, and at the time of posting this I have translated up to Chapter 43. It's complete! You can find the translated chapters in my blog:
I'm also posting the chapters on Novel Updates for ease of access.
I'm mainly making this post because I really like this silly little novel and wished more people would know about it lol
Thanks for listening, that's all from me folks~
Disclaimers under the cut.
As a disclaimer; I don't speak Chinese, I've just taken a few classes. I started translating the novel for myself as a way to expand my vocabulary/grammar, and figured I'd share with others since there was no one else doing it. I'll try to keep every chapter as high-quality as I can, but since I am just one person things may slip through the cracks.
This is an unofficial fan translation, and all the chapters are free to access in jjwxc, so go support the author!
All feedback and comments are welcome.
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blobofcolour · 6 months
Recent CNovel reads post
Reading now: 《诱宦》 再枯荣 (BG)
I'm only about 10% in the novel but it's a refreshing and different setting from the period cnovels that I typically read. It's a love story between a eunuch and a prostitute, like an ACTUAL eunuch and prostitute, not them pretending to be one and turning out to be a manly man and a pure woman to fit into the usual protagonist stereotypes. They have both been beaten down by the harsh realities of life but still struggle through day by day in the hopes that life could one day give them some grace. Looking forward to see them help each other heal the deeps scars within.
Completed: 《求生倒计时》 木兮娘 (BL)
I really enjoyed this one for the court politics and while Zhao Bai Yu definitely had a lead character halo, it didn't get too out of hand and his character growth was a good read. The weak part of this novel was the relationship between the two male leads. Like... they just fell in love in the early part of the novel and Huo Jing Tang became this convenient weapon in ZBY's journey. I mean, I kinda get ZBY deciding to give himself to someone that has his back after struggling by himself his whole life, but it seemed to be a snap decision on their wedding night and they went from almost strangers to love-of-my-life overnight.
But still, I do recommend this if you like court politics novels with a touch of romance in the background.
Dropped: 《大撞阴阳路》 木兮娘 The Great Collision of Yin and Yang English translation (BL)
The supernatural stories are an ok read but it doesn't keep me engaged cos the supernatural incidents are standalone and after I finish one I don't feel compelled to continue. Similar to 求生倒计时 the main couple's relationship is just there. When the story starts the main couple is already married, only that Chen Yang does not know he married the big lord of the underworld so there's zero romantic tension or progress. Also when the novel starts Chen Yang is already rather skilled in dealing with supernatural beings thanks to hubby's support so I don't even have the character growth arc to draw me in.
If you like a supernatural BL story 《新时代 新地府》 (New Times New Hell English translation) is a wayyy more fun read. If you are a scaredy cat like me, this novel describes the after life/supernatural in a very fun and light hearted way so no worries about reading it even at night lol.
If you like something a bit scarier (by my standards anyway), 《判官》 (Pan Guan English translation) is a really good one. I couldn't read this one at night lol. Unlike The Great Collision of Yin and Yang where the goal is just to find and get rid of evil beings, the cases in Pan Guan reads like a mystery to be unraveled and more often than not, the human heart and emotions are the source and solution to these cases. I definitely cried more than once while reading this! The only meh thing for me was the (supposed to be kinda tragic?) relationship between the 2 male leads. There's an overarching plot between Wen Shi / Xie Wen that threads through the cases that leads to the final big reveal but I was mehhhh. I guess I just don't have a thing for the master/student set up. I almost didn't read the final arc cos I couldn't be bothered if they ended up together or not lol.
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aroacehanzawa · 11 months
On the topic of machine-translated unlimited flow novels, i wanna read Supernatural Movie Actor App so bad based on the synopsis but it's edited MTL by the same "translator" as The Earth Is Online :///
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iamablinkmarvelarmy · 2 years
Im trying to find a cnovel
In the novel an actress killed herself and got reborn into the body of a teen girl who just committed suicide, she then got an opportunity to act in a school drama with her replacing an injured actress. My memory is getting kinda hazy but, She first met the ml in a rich people party, where she caught a shooter?bomber?
I think she and the ml has the same special type of blood, and when the ml got injured she was escorted to transfer some blood? Then the ml gave her a special phone just for contacting him. The ml might be a doctor??? or sumn
Thats basically what i remember on top of my head but pls, im beggin someone to help me remember the title of this cnovel.
It was such a nice feelgood read, i wanna read it again but iforgot the title
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Pls help
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persefone88 · 3 months
Chinese Web Novel Recommendations Hour
Shareing some of the web novels I have enjoyed.
She is a moving corpse, with no heartbeat, no breathing, no pulse, and no body temperature. Every day, she is thinking about how to prevent corrosion, moisturize, rejuvenate, whiten, and maintain the vitality of her body.
Doing sauna, soaking in hot springs to activate blood circulation, drinking angelica red date chicken soup to replenish qi, eating vegetables and fruits to replenish water, exercising daily to prevent osteoporosis, using her mind at all times to prevent rigid thinking, she is determined to be a good corpse that is healthy, environmentally friendly and pollution-free.
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sunriseverse · 11 months
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i am once again asking who the FUCK is making these and, more importantly, why.
[ID: A screencap of a CQL video titled "Wei Wuxian didn't hold back any longer, and the scheming man was speechless with one sentence!" The video shows Jin Jixun speaking to Wei Wuxian and Jiang Yanli, whose backs are turned to the camera, and the Egnlish closed captions say "Today is a big day for the Crowd Hunt." /End ID]
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fateandloveentwined · 4 months
cnovel recs
A continuation of this post.
Is anyone perchance interested in more chinese web novel recs? I have been rather taken up by them last year, and have posted a number of reviews on another site.
link to recs: https://lycorxian.notion.site/49551e76236241f094d383eb206cc1c2
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I haven't considered translating the reviews because the books are chiefly written in chinese yet to be translated (and goodness it's... taxing ploughing through your own terrible writing attempting to translate anything). However, if a rec list happens to interest you, that you would like to hone your chinese reading skills or are simply on the lookout for more cnovel recommendations, go ahead and have a go at these novels I recommended.
Links to the reviews are just at the rightmost part of the notion database (scroll down), they are in trad chi in consideration of the posting platform though it should simply be a matter of web browser translation to simplified chinese.
Thanks and enjoy!
Edit: since tumblr really has a grudge with my links, either try copying this: https://lycorxian.notion.site/49551e76236241f094d383eb206cc1c2
or use the QR code here
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spockandawe · 5 days
Hello! I've been thinking about binding some danmei novels in my native language, but I don't know where to start. I found your blog recently and find it very inspiring! I was wondering if maybe you could share with me what tools and materials would be good to get started with?
Sure!!!! So, I'm on mobile and don't have links at hand, but if you go back through my bookbinding tag, there are other replies I've got about the materials for making a book specifically. The renegade publishing blog also has resource documents that walk through the bookbinding process and include links to educational materials, etc. So for here, I'll focus on the danmei side of things!
So, a fun feature about these books is that they tend to run LONG. I've seen a number of people try to take up bookbinding in google docs, and honestly, it's doing things on hard mode. For many danmei, it's basically impossible. I think my EARLIEST earliest attempt at svsss began in gdocs, and that's not a super long novel, but gdocs was choking on it. A word processor on your desktop is going to be your best bet. Personally, i invested in a microsoft office license, because it was familiar and i could afford it. But the free parallel to that will be libre office, which does basically everything word can do, with just minor differences.
On the fancy end of bookbinding software, affinity, indesign, and microsoft publisher are also names you may hear tossed around. These can do fancier, more artistic layouts, but also come with a heavier price tag. And because i had webnovels on my radar from the start, i wanted something ROBUST. I wanted to be able to dump all of the husky and his white cat shizun into a single file and work from it. And i did eventually do that! Being able to typeset a single file rather than repeat each step across several is great, especially since i tend to tweak design choices as i go.
For danmei, you're also going to want a robust printer. I have a color laser that's been an absolute beast of a machine, but a black and white laser can get you a long ways, and monochrome designs can be very elegant. You don't want an HP brand printer, their toner subscription practices are downright predatory, but Brother and Canon are names I've seen recommended highly. You probably don't want an inkjet printer, because long books take a LOT of ink. The one exception would be if you can find an affordable ink tank printer.
And the last major thing i can think of is that if your main computer is a laptop, consider typesetting with an external mouse and keyboard! Danmei novels are split into lots of short chapters, frequently split across just as many web pages, with lots of footnotes to format, and laptops are convenient but not ergonomic. Doing too much on there is just asking for a repetitive strain injury. I've done it, but often paid for my sins in pain! And your laptop keyboard may start complaining too, I'm almost certain my first typeset of mdzs was the nail in the coffin for my last laptop's keyboard, haha
I hope that helps! Best of luck to you! Ive found binding cnovels to be EXTREMELY rewarding, even though my original reason was because these things would NEVER be licensed in english 😂 I'm delighted to see people experimenting with it for other translations in other languages, I really hope it goes well for you!!!!
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