#co parents remus and dora
lilyystarr · 2 months
i’m gonna need some teddy lupin angst 😕 cuz that poor lad has no connection to his father, he was raised by andromeda so at least he knows a bit about his mum. but his dad? all he knows abt his dad is through harry and harry only knew him as a professor when he was 13 and briefly until he died when he was 18. dear lord 🤢
anyway send me your teddy lupin thoughts!!
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margareturtle · 3 months
Marauders & Co & Their pets
Jegulus - 3 cats and 2 dogs: before they moved in together James had a retriever and Regulus had two cats. They get a third cat when Pandora’s cat has kittens and they can’t resist, same goes for their second dog when wolfstar’s dog accidentally get pregnant and ends up with puppies so of course Jegulus keeps one.
Dorlene - 1 dog + 1 cat: Marlene has a collie, Dorcas isn’t a big animal person, except she loves Marlene’s dog. The weren’t planning to get a cat but they just clicked with one of Pandora’s cats kittens and took her home.
Wolfstar - 3 dogs + 1 cat: they started with one dog (a german shepherd) who had puppies and then they kept two of the pups. Sirius was original opposed to getting a cat but then he went with Remus to see the kittens at Pandalilys house and one of the kittens climbed up Sirius’ shoulder and fell asleep around his neck and he was convinced. He is still only a cat person for his cat, he maintains his hatred for reggie’s cats (they hissed at him first!!)
Pandalily - 4 cats and a Dog: Pandora’s two cats plus two kittens they kept and Lily’s great dane
Rosekiller - The Snake (Zar you will always be famous) and one of pandora’s cats kittens.
Emmary - a horse, two dogs, and a cat: Emmeline’s horse she got as a teen (she is a horse girl!!) that still stays at Emmeline’s parents farm. Emmeline’s springer spaniel that always comes on trail rides and they also get one of Pandora’s cat’s kittens and one of Wolfstar’s dogs pups
Nobleflower - a horse and a dog: Narcissa’s horse (that boards at Emmeline’s family’s farm they’re besties) and one of Wolfstar’s dogs pups (Alice and Cissa both always wanted to have a dog but didn’t have one growing up so Cissa was the first to get one when she found out about the puppies)
Tedromeda - two dogs: their first born is actually their golden retriever pup while Nymphadora is their second. They aren’t planning to get one of Wolfstar’s dogs pups, but Sirius brings Dora over when he is babysitting and after Dora meets them she will not let it go until her parents relent and get one of the puppies.
Quillkiller - 2 dogs and a teacup pig: one of wolfstar’s dogs pups, Rita’s golden doodle, + a teacup pig Bella just came home with one day.
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thistlecatfics · 9 months
Do you have any andromeda centric fic recs?
Oh boy do I! Listed with quotes from my comments.
not like the rest of them by unspeakable3 (Sirius & Andromeda, Andromeda/Ted, 11k, T)
Sirius has recently followed in Andromeda's footsteps and emancipated himself from their family. This afternoon, the two cousins will reunite - and see each other for the first time in four years. Andromeda is nervous. Sirius is nervous. There is a lot they need to say to each other.
I love this so much!!! oh they would have had such a complicated relationship! and Andromeda - her anxiety is so real and genuine and based in reality in so many ways. and her courage in actually being honest with sirius!!
Flying Lessons by Phantomato (Andromeda/Rolonda Hooch, 2k, T)
Andromeda takes Teddy to flying lessons so Harry doesn’t get that, too.
oh my god I'm so obsessed with this. I love this Andromeda so much -- so imperfectly realistic. I decided to snag some of my favorite lines when I started reading, and then I realized I was picking a lot of lines, and then I decided fandom is for indulgence and so here is a comment that is basically your whole fic reflected back to you.
we were sisters once (we have another love now) by Nefaria_Black (Andromeda & Bellatrix, 3k, T)
Dora is six and few things are more exciting than a day spent in Diagon Alley. Even if the street is packed with people. Even if she’s separated from her parents by the crowd Because Mother is easy enough to find, isn’t she?
I was SO tense this whole time. So emotionally immersive.
The Waves by nanneramma (Andromeda/Ted, Remus/Tonks, 3k, M)
Andromeda is not sure if she got it right. But she tried.
I love Andromeda so much, and I love THIS Andromeda so much -- loving and sharp with moments of cruelty as self-protection. What a woman, what a fic.
Clip, Ravel, Cleave by @vdoshu (Andromeda/Bellatrix, Andromeda/Rodolphus/Bellatrix, Andromeda/Ted, 15k, E)
Before Andromeda met Ted, she was a Black, through and through. While years later the story was told that she’d turned her back on her family’s dark ways, in truth, nothing was so simple. In the beginning, it was just Andromeda and Bella. And it was just the two of them until it was too much.
I'm just fucking STUNNED by this fic. The horror and recovery of it. The meaning of it. The feeling of leaving a horrifically abusive relationship for a healthy one. Love as control and then love as care and forgiveness. It's hot and disturbing and hopeful and loving all at once. I'm just so obsessed with it. There's just so much here!
The Flavour of Loss by doshu (Andromeda/Bellatrix, Andromeda/Ginny, 7k, E) (and the whole series!)
When Andromeda was emotionally alone, cut off from her family and feeling disconnected from her own body, she sought out her sister. And in her cruel, merciless way, Bellatrix helped. Years later, Andromeda saw the opportunity to help another.
I'm absolutely dead and buried. this is perfection. (this is why it's good to be honest about your kinks on a fic exchange?? because you get lines like this that sear into your memory forever??) Bellatrix's constant comparison of herself vs Ted and the balance of humiliation and praise with Andromeda???
the grace unasked for by leftsidedown (Tonks/Remus, 17k, T)
What if… instead of going to Bill's after the Malfoy Manor, Harry and co. flee to Tonks' parents' house, where Remus and Tonks are hiding with Andromeda? How would Remus and the others react and handle this? Remember, Tonks is in her last trimester, her dad just died, she's still being hunted down by Bellatrix and everyone is in hiding, and suddenly Undesirable No 1 shows up with a tortured Hermione, former hostages and a dead house elf and his presence is now potentially threatening everyone's safety.
YESSS I'm feral. this is exactly it. this is andromeda <3 <3  my Black daughter <3 <3
Blackpool by TheDivineComedian (Regulus & Sirius, 64k, T)
When Regulus is five, he nearly drowns in the sea off Blackpool. When Regulus is eleven, his brother befriends a ghost. It’s not until Regulus is eighteen and ready to die that the Black family’s darkest secret finally unravels. It might, perhaps, change everything.
Andromeda is a side character in this but her characterization is divine.
turncoat: in defense of andromeda tonks nee black by dirgewithoutmusic (Andromeda/Ted, 8k, G)
When her little cousin Sirius got disowned too, years later, Andromeda sent him a fruit basket.
This was truly so excellent - there are tears in my eyes. A fandom classic.
history books forgot about us by @spindrifters (Andromeda/Ted, 25k, E)
Andromeda Black meets Ted Tonks quite by accident, and it’s something like mischief at first sight. From the lost papers and mixed-up files of the marginalia universe, the complete history of a relationship that was never meant to happen.
Tedromeda in a Grindelwald wins AU!! They're so in love!
Plus my own lesbian Tedromeda long fic, but I imagine if you've found my blog you've found my fic :)
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broomsticks · 1 year
my 2022 year in fic
tagged by @squidgilator forever ago for this, and @tahtahfornow for something similar - soooo late, but yes!
i am so late with this that i’m sure everyone has done it already, but if not -- @tracingpatternswrites? @celestemagnoliathewriter? @lumosatnight? @danpuff-ao3, @schmem14, @acnelli?
1 (jan) —
Resolution (peter-centric, 500, T). Since he was eleven, Peter’s New Year’s Resolution had always been the same: this year I will be braver.
It’d been an accident, really, the first time, he didn’t know Dorcas had been discharged from the hospital wing and Marlene had skipped Divination. And the second, third, well, that was being kind to yourself, wasn’t it? It must’ve been coincidence that Remus gave Lily a cat the following year, but, truly, how unkind of him.
4 (apr) —
the grace unasked for (remadora, 17k, T). my @remuslupinfest 2022 entry, DH AU-but-make-it-canon. What if… instead of going to Bill's after the Malfoy Manor, Harry and co. flee to Tonks' parents' house, where Remus and Tonks are hiding with Andromeda?
That point was driven home two days ago, when the peaceful silence of their morning lie-in was interrupted by the sound of things clattering to the ground and smashing. This wasn't exactly a rare occurrence in the house—just not when Dora was asleep beside him. They'd rushed to Andromeda's room to find her doubled over the dressing table, objects atop all swept to the floor, and the last vestiges of a Patronus dissipating. "Ted," she'd gasped, clutching at Dora. Remus had put his arms numbly around the mother-daughter huddle, feeling waves of horror cresting and breaking over him. Feeling for all the world like he was taking another man's place, living another's life.
5 (may) —
I'm In Here (bellatrix-centric, 1.8k, M). inspired by fantismal & krethes’ 600k modern marauders textfic Did You Miss Me? (highly rec!!). some bellatrix/tom riddle & bella&narcissa, and my first time writing anything remotely spicy!
She’d never told anyone (not even Sirius, not even in his most annoyingly skeptical moments), but he’d kissed her there—the translucent skin on the inside of her left wrist—after, like a gentleman. Until next time, princess — and she’d died again.
6 (jun) —
flowers kiss and miss (narcissa/lily, 1.4k, T), a nonlinear canon compliant drabble collection.
it’s Narcissa’s favorite Lily, pink and breathless.
7 (jul) —
no present like the moment (luna/ginny, 1.5k, T). a oneshot slice-of-life written for @hawksquill’s @hpqueerfest prompt, and inspired by their luna-centric 200k linny AU Luna Lovegood and the Forgotten Circle [also recced here!]
You’re special, Luna Lovegood—you’re magic, Ginny Weasley—they repeat to each other, in tongues spoken and unspoken. In chocolate-tasting kisses, in constellations of freckles and scars traced out by sight and touch and memory alone.
8 (aug) —
More Than This (wolfstar, peter-centric, 3k, T). a mwpp-era asexual!peter POV wolfstar get-together for another @hpqueerfest prompt. i am pretty proud of how many parallel storylines i managed to squeeze in here!
James’ long stretched-out arm is heavy across Peter’s shoulders and, feet curled under her, Lily’s toes are poking his side lightly. They’re grounding anchors, a counterweight against the heady lightness of too much firewhisky and too much future.
9 (sep) —
she's dressed in black again (1.5k, T). technically canon compliant bella/andromeda/prewett twins + narcissa/molly, written for Untagged fest.
Let Bellatrix and Andromeda have their cut flowers, their champagne flutes, in the crystal chandelier-adorned ballroom. She and Molly would be out in the garden, at home amidst the common weeds. Unobtrusive and overlooked, staying away from it all.
i like the title, hahaha, and, er. parts of the rest of the fic 😂
10 (oct) —
We Can Have It All (james/remus, 1.5k, E). hotel balcony pwp for @pumpkinspiceficfest, aka my first time writing something ACTUALLY spicy.
(slightly NSFW excerpt, so snip snip snip)
He was probably pressing Remus into the railing with the forcefulness of his kisses, James realised, but he didn’t have it in him to care about anything else other than his hand curled around Remus’ girth, slick with precum, and Remus’ hand in the small of his back, pulling him closer. Remus’ moans and tugs combined to create an unspoken urging of right here, right now, that James found himself utterly powerless to resist.
note to self that wow i sure posted a lot of nonsense in october!
11 (nov) —
unabashed in a storm (minerva/poppy/pomona, 1.2k, G) for Tarot fest. split POV, the three of them at Remus and Tonks’ wedding.
She lets herself be drawn in by the guests’ gushes and gasps, the brilliant choreography, the magnificent conjurations. It’s a testament to their talent, their synchronicity, and of their determination to fight — their anticipation of a better tomorrow. The ferocity of their spellwork speaks to how deeply they believe it, and for a moment, she believes it too. Beams of light up the night, in every colour she can name, shining all the brighter for the darkness. She thinks, irresistibly, of hope.
12 (dec) —
Tension in Tinsel (dorcas/marlene, 2.5k, E). inspired by incredible art from @carlav-blogs which you all HAVE to check out. Dorlene, ribbons and bows, bondage and suspension. That's it, that's the fic.
“Good,” Dorcas hears herself reply, in a tone she hardly recognises, but she’s pleasantly surprised. She walks to stand between Marlene’s legs, adjusting them so that Marlene’s straddling her. As she levitates the string of Christmas lights around the red strips ascending to the ceiling, Marlene whimpers for her, legs tightening painfully around her hips. “Pose for me, sweetheart,” she instructs.
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dogwooddivinity · 5 years
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I've been running my mouth in the comments again but, for real, hold me to this. I love these boys but 96k+ in the one scenario is enough.
Also, I hope you like dad!remus because Teddy's about 18 months in the thing I just started, and it's mostly cave time and detailed descriptions of how to transfer a sleeping toddler.
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acciocrzychickfics · 4 years
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2020 Remadora Fanfic Recommendations
So these are not all of my favorites because there are so many, many to choose from but these are. Also I rarely read fluff, so I struggled with that list, sorry. I have put an * next to any story that is fabulous read by has been abandoned.  
MutliChapter Rec
1. If Only by LoquaciousLupin
Tonks meets a mysterious, charming and handsome man at a muggle bar, imagine her surprise when the next time she bumps into him is at her first Order meeting! Will they continue their flirtatious relationship or push aside their feelings in the name of the Order?
Rating: K  Status: Complete
2. The Bureaucratic Error by Iniga
After his death, Remus finds himself 5 years in the past, having undone Voldemort's defeat and Teddy's birth. He's going to need his old friend Sirius to help him with this one.
Rating: T   Status : Incomplete* 
3. Chasing Grindylows by Firetoflame
She pens the note on official Ministry letterhead. Remus Lupin, it reads. You are hereby summoned to attend an Auror interview regarding case file number 713, suspect to be named, Sirius Black. You are required to attend promptly at nine o'clock on the morning of Tuesday the twenty-first. Sincerely, Nymphadora Tonks, Auror Department
Rating: M Status: Complete 
4. Lycanthropy, Love and Other Curses by Thora Jane
This is the story of Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks from beginning...to end.
Rating: T    Status: In-Progress (last updated on 12/13/20)
5. A Marriage of Convivence? by BDA 
The Ministry of Magic is preparing to pass new and extremely restrictive laws against magical beings. The Order must scramble to protect Remus, who will be greatly affected by the restrictions on werewolves. Thankfully Dumbledore has a solution. It is decided that Remus will marry Tonks - a pretend relationship to take advantage of a loophole in the laws. Will it work? How will the pair find being married to each other? 
Rating: E       Status: Complete
6. A Crinkle of Fate by AFaith1192 
What if you were given a second chance? An opportunity to change everything... At the last minute before dying, Nymphadora Tonks makes a desperate wish; a wish to save more than one life. But changing the future has a price, and she will have to learn how to pay it. 
Rating: T Status: In-Progress (last updated on 11/15/20)
7. Flying Colours Series by TauraNorma 
The ‘Flying Colours’ trilogy follows Lupin and Tonks’ romance across the canon timeline, from the beginning of the Order of the Phoenix until the end of the Deathly Hallows. 
Rating: E      Status: In-Progress 
8.  Snapshots by brainyisalwayssexy
Mini scenes and moments that could’ve, should’ve been in the films, but weren’t. Movie-canon semi-compliant. Not meant to make sense from chapter to chapter, and not in chronological order.
Rating: M Status: In-Progress (last updated on 12/21/20)
9.Muggle AU Series by AyashiTetsuko132
A school teacher with a rebellious past. A punk musician with a dynamic present. They have an interesting future together.
Rating: T Status: Complete 
10. Protection Detail by LoquaciousLupin
As she can't actively be involved with the search for Black, Tonks is sent to co-ordinate the protection of Hogwarts and Harry Potter whilst Sirius is on the loose. Whilst there, she befriends a charming but secretive new professor. Set during Prisoner of Azkaban. AU in later chapters. Rated for language! Remus/Tonks centred fic.
Rating: T Status: Incomplete (last updated 06/27/20)
11. Worth the Risk by HeadintheCloudsForever
AU. Odyssey-length long fic. Tonks/Remus. Following an Order mission gone horribly wrong that results in Tonks becoming gravely wounded, she meets Remus Lupin when he and Moody rescue her, and Dumbledore assigns Lupin as her new partner for the year, and during the painful time of healing as the young witch recovers from her injuries, she slowly begins to warm up to the man and falls in love with him. Remadora.
Rating: T        Status: Complete 
1. I Can't Tell Her by accio_spaceman
He couldn't tell her- it would ruin everything. But can he stop himself? Originally written about Remadora but written in such a way that you could make it about pretty much anyone. 
Rating: K    Status: Complete 
2. In Denial by secretfanficlover
Remus and Tonks try their best to prevent Tonks from becoming pregnant, a war wasn't the time or place for a child, but Teddy was going to become part of the family whether they liked it or not.
Rating: K  Status: Complete 
3. The First Goodbye by couldbemoresonic
“I’m leaving. Albus,” he nodded to the Hogwarts Headmaster, who nodded in return, “has asked me to go into the Underground to help with recruiting.” A few people gasped, Molly audibly said, “Remus no, that’s far too dangerous!” Remus didn’t look at Molly Weasley though. He found himself instead, looking directly into the pale grey eyes of Nymphadora Tonks.
Remus leaves to be a Werewolf spy for the Order, but stops in to say goodbye first.
Rating: G  Status: Complete 
4. Clearing the Desk by HecateA
Harry inherited a certain someone's desk in the Auror Office and finds out just how many slices of someone's life can be contained in a couple of drawers. Oneshot. 
Rating:   K  Status: Complete 
5. For the Sake of the Daughter by Gilpin 
Tonks brings Remus home to see her parents and it's a meeting of mixed emotions for all. Set just after the end of HBP 
Rating:  T  Status: Complete 
Fluffy, Fluff
1. The Order’s Most Eligible Bachelors by cafei-au-lei
The Order's Most Eligible Bachelors, or: the ladies indulge in some firewhiskey and gossip. Sirius and Remus stumble upon a game they're not sure they want to be privy to (okay, maybe Sirius does.) The results lead to some necessary conversation and introspection for a few of the parties involved. Oneshot. 
Rating: T  Status: Complete
2. Lucky Stars by Sirussly 
Series of oneshots (most are fluffly haha)
Rating: G     Status: Incomplete*
3. Chapter by Chapter by HecateA 
Due to a mix-up in the school library, McGonagall's new TA gets the book that Remus needs, which leads to some slow and painful torture. Oneshot. University/College AU.
Rating: K Status: Complete
4. Strange Magic by ItsSoRonksItsRight
Molly comes across a pair of bright purple female short-style lace briefs, what will Remus do? Ronks. Rated T to be safe. One-shot. Disclaimer: I do not own anything relatable to Harry Potter, I'm just borrowing. 
Rating: T Status: Complete
5. The Love Life of Nymphadora Tonks by miniandminie
After Tonks slips to Sirius that she likes someone, the entire Order of the Phoenix is on her case to find out who that ‘someone’ is, including the ‘someone’ himself: Remus Lupin. RLNT, Remadora.
Rating: K Status: Complete 
Family (Remus/Tonks/Teddy)
1. The Talk, Or The (Lighthearted) Trauma of Teddy R. Lupin by cafei-au-lei
Teddy knew when Dad brought out the firewhiskey that something was suspicious. Then again, maybe he wasn't giving Dad enough credit for being the cool parent. AU. Remus and Tonks survive to raise their son and give him The Dreaded Talk. Oneshot.
Rating: T    Status: Complete
2. Grocery Shopping with the Lupins by Deletinvthissoon
What happens when Teddy Lupin gets lost in the grocery store?
Rating: K   Status: Complete
3. In Case I Don’t Live Forever by ThatHCWriter
While cleaning out her attic years after the war, Andromeda discovers a strange muggle media device. She turns it on, and when it begins, Andromeda's world stops.
"Is this thing on? Teddy! It's your dad."
Or, how an accidental discovery allows Teddy Lupin to hear a message from beyond the grave.
Rating: T   Status: Complete 
4. Remus, Teddy! by LadyLoss15
Remadora oneshot Tonks spends an amazing day with Remus just to realize at the end of the day that, to her horror, they have forgotten about bringing Teddy home from the kindergarten. Or have they really?
Rating: NR Status: Complete 
5. The Miracle of Accidental Magic by Mills87
Teddy has a bout of accidental magic when he and his Grandma are attacked by a remnant group of Voldemort supporters on his third birthday. His magic transports him and Andromeda back in time to three years before he was born. With no way back to their time will Andromeda find a way to safely alter time to save her loved ones, what consequences may lie ahead?
Rating: T   Status: Incomplete*
1. Awake at Night by Skelpielimmer
Tonks muses on her newfound obsession with Remus Lupin's hands. OotP. Rated M for adult content!
Rating: M   Status: Complete
2. The Perils of Patrol by Worthfull1
Things get a little heated when patrolling undercover. Rated M for swearing and smut. One-shot.
Rating: E    Status: Complete 
3. Under the Invisibility Cloak by AWideEyedPhoenix84
Lupin and Tonks find themselves in a precarious situation on a mission for the Order, and months of pent-up passion come out right before the full moon.
Rating: E    Status: Complete
4. Under the Desk by immahorny
Tonks pays Lupin a visit at Hogwarts. What will happen. AU - Remus is still a teacher when they have an established relationship Book 6 . ***CAUTION: HEAVY SMUT. RATED M FOR A REASON. DON'T LIKE DON'T READ***
Rating: M    Status: Complete 
5. Phantom Touch by Fleshisonlyflesh
Dora is unable to sleep, and her fantasies of a certain werewolf cause her to find a way to relax...
Rating: E     Status: Complete 
1. First Meeting and She’s a Piece of Work by firetoflame
He doesn't even know her, not really, and somehow she's ended up with his wand. He thinks maybe next time he'll listen when Sirius tells him his cousin is a real piece of work.
Rating: G   Status: Complete 
2. Remus, Interrupted by Tonkswyrda 
Sirius likes to interrupt people when they're in the middle of things.
Rating: K  Status: Complete 
3. Things Sirius Black Cannot Unsee by HecateA
In which Sirius doesn't know how to knock, sees something he shouldn't have, and can't keep it to himself—especially not during a very serious Order meeting. Oneshot.
Rating: T Status: Complete 
4. Pluto by bikelock28
A series of Lupin/ Tonks one-shots. Canon universe. Ch84 now up. "Did you send him away, Professor? Or did he ask to go?".
Rating: T  Status: In-Progress (last updated on 12/18/20)
5. Girlish Giggle by failuretoland
Sirius could always tell when Remus had an enjoyable evening, and he had a bad habit of announcing it to anyone who would listen.
Rating: G   Status: Complete
6. The Dawn Patrol by aegle 
Mundungus Fletcher resents being dragged to Yorkshire by Remus and Tonks. He laments.
Rating: T   Status: Complete
7. On First Impressions by cafei-au-lei 
"'You know,' Sirius said, 'it's kind of funny. For someone who thinks Remus is so annoying, you sure can't seem to stop talking about him.'" A series of moments in Remus and Tonks' developing relationship as they get to know each other and learn that maybe first impressions aren't necessarily everything. OOTP. Oneshot. 
Rating: T  Status: Complete 
8. Tuesday by Moreofaguestage
“Sure, Okay let's go get married” Tonks replied brightly. “Where do people get married at 8pm on a Tuesday evening?”
Rating: G  Status: Complete
9. Find Us in a Week by myscribblinquill 
Tonks' new case is different to those she's had before. First off, there's no crime to solve, all she has to do it collect information on the mark and pass it along to her client. But the problem is there's nothing to pass along, he's so boring and yet, somehow, Tonks can't stop following him.
Rating: G   Status: Complete 
10. Dora by notoriously
Meetings with the Order are long and boring, and Don't-Call-Me-Nymphadora Tonks doesn't do long and boring. She takes some time out of her duties to carefully consider Remus Lupin, and he quite-significantly-less-carefully considers the name that leaves his mouth when addressing her.
Rating: G  Status: Complete 
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wolfstarwarehouse · 5 years
Hey I was wondering if you could help me find a fic. It was on AO3, a non-magic au. Remus and Tonks once hooked up while drunk and when she turned out to be pregnant, they decided to keep the child with co-parenting. I'm pretty sure Tonks was a nurse/doctor. Remus and Sirius meet in the fic, I believe Remus was a teacher? Not sure about that though. I know it's not much, but I truly can't remember anything about the plot, except that Sirius and Remus fall in love. Thank you so much!
I think this might be the one: 
Of Caffeine Addictions and Nail Polish by BlueAzalea
Remus hated being addicted to caffeine. On top of the withdrawal headaches and jumpiness if he drank too much coffee, it was causing him to pine like sixteen-year-old boy. And he was an adult --Yes Dora 'real adults' carry chocolate on them at all times-- and adults do not pine. Adults go on dates. But how do you know if its a date or not?
Or Remus is a teacher. Sirius owns a coffee shop. And neither know what qualifies a date as a date.
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acciocrzychickfics · 4 years
Second, Third Chances
Authors Note: this angsty one shot is based on canon until Remus returns to pregnant Tonks. Inspired partly by Exhile by Taylor Swift. It’s up to you if you decide to listen to it while you are reading. Please don’t hate me 😩
I can see you starin', honey
Like he's just your understudy
Like you'd get your knuckles bloody for me
Second, third, and hundredth chances
Balancin' on breaking branches
Those eyes add insult to injury
“Teddy, no” he heard from the sitting room from his study. He had been rereading the divorce papers Dora had owled over a couple days ago. He had only gotten past the dissolution of their marriage part. He couldn’t focus.
He walked into the front room to see his Dora. He had to stop calling her that. She was somebody else’s now. She had been for almost two and a half. They just shared a son now minus those nights every once in a while. Though she always left before he woke up. He didn’t think those nights would last after he signed those papers, however.
Unlike what the pictures and the public may have believed, Tonks had not forgiven him for leaving her when she was pregnant with Teddy. She had agreed to co-parent with him for Teddy’s sake. Tonks had lived with her mother until Teddy was about a month or two old, then had moved into her own flat. They both had sat down and decided on days when Remus would be able to take Teddy. Remus has been adamant about not having Teddy the days before, during and after the full moon. Tonks had asked if he wouldn’t mind taking Teddy every once and while so she could get some time to herself.
“How does he...?” Remus glances at his estranged wife then back to the turquoise haired almost three year old.
“A picture book that Ron & Hermoine gave him” Tonks answers dropping his bag down beside the chair. “He had a bit of a fever last night so he may not be feeling well either”
Remus nods juggling his squirming son in his arms as Teddy morphed into the brown hair and blue-green eyes. The exact replica of his father.
“Be good for daddy” the pink haired metamorphmagus kisses his forehead then glances towards the werewolf “Remember his party is at 11:30.”
“We’ll be there at 11.” Remus nods looking down at his son in his arms “ Did you scare your Mum, Teddy? “
Everything was for Teddy now. It didn’t mean he had to like it though.
“Where is he?” Tonks asks her hair turning magenta running around the kitchen.
“It’s only 11 now. He is probably struggling getting Teddy ready” Andromeda reminds her daughter “you know how Teddy has been recently”
“I know, Mum” Tonks sighs running her hand through her hair “I just want him to be here before the guests arrive.”
“Has Remus mentioned receiving the papers?” Andromeda asks knowing that this would be a sore subject with her daughter and her future ex son-in-law.
“No, he hasn’t but he wouldn’t if he had” Tonks mutters avoiding her Mum’s eyes “this day is about Teddy though. Not us.”
“Well, has Dom asked about it?” Andromeda asks pressing the issue.
“Yes” Tonks admits knowing the subject was going to come up sooner or later.
“What does he think about Remus’ avoidance of it?” Andromeda questions knowing that Dominic would not be okay with her daughter still married to the man who left her and their unborn son.
“I told him I’d deal with it.” Tonks answers knowing she was not dealing with it which she imagined was her mother’s point. “Today is about Teddy. Not my non existent relationship with Remus.”
Andromeda gave her a knowing look, then busying herself charming the banner.
Turning around to see Teddy and Remus. “I thought I told you to apparate with him. His outfit is all sooty”
“We were running late and he was squirming so much, I didn’t want our son being splinched” Remus answers matter of factly.
Tonks shakes her head not wanting that either. Seeing his mother, he hurls himself into her arms as she grabs him whispering “Dom will be here. Please behave.”
Eyes wide exclaiming “I thought this was just going to be family and close friends?”
“Dom is family and he is part of Teddy’s life no matter if you like it or not “ Tonks forcefully tells her estranged husband. “Go out to the yard and make sure the tent is set up.”
Teddy knew that name. It was his Mum’s friend who brought him presents and made his Mommy smile.
Remus stalks out to the yard muttering about how if it were up to him, he’d just have Andy, Tonks, him and Harry at Teddy’s third birthday. No one else.
However, he had to admit when Tonks asked him if it was alright for Teddy to be introduced to her new boyfriend, he did not object. He just did not think that he would be a permanent figure.
When they had come to the agreement of who would take Teddy when, he had not imagined that his wife would meet someone when Teddy was at Remus’. She did of course and every time he was mentioned it hurt Remus’ heart. Not because he didn’t think she would move on. He just still hoped that she would still love him as he still loved her.
“Darling, why doesn’t Remus take Teddy one more night. We can have a night to ourselves where we are not in the office. Don’t get me wrong, I love Teddy. I just want to spend a little bit of time with you.” the dark haired man asks holding her hand. Tonks had met Dominic at a work party. He worked as an investigator in the Law Enforcement division.
“The full moon is in two days. I can’t do that to Remus” Tonks counters knowing that she would love a night with Dom. They had come to an agreement, as much as she would love to sometimes go back on that agreement. She couldn’t do that to Remus for something he couldn’t control. Bitterly she thinks about how he could control leaving her.
“Well what about your Mum or Harry?” Dom asks hoping one of them could take Teddy. He was always for Teddy coming along, he just missed Tonks as a woman not just as a mother.
Remus glanced at Tonks and Dom, trying to keep the jealousy at bay. There were times when Dom touched Tonks and he wanted to punch him. He chalked it up to it being a couple days till the full moon. He knew that was a lie. He also knew however that the only reason he was here was because of Teddy. If Teddy never existed, he would have been gone a long time ago.
Walking up to Dom and Tonks “Can I speak with Dora alone?”
Sighing angrily Tonks gives Dom a glance, squeezes his hand as she follows Remus to the study.
“How dare you call me Dora!” She exclaims once the door is shut. “You lost that when you left.”
“It was a slip of the tongue” Remus reassures her. It was most likely not a slip of the tongue.
“What do you want Remus? Can we not argue? Today is about Teddy” Tonks asks her eyes pleading with Remus.
“Every day is about Teddy for me” Remus answers truthfully.
“Then what?” Tonks asks moving towards the door.
“I got the papers.” Remus admits. He didn’t want to admit that his marriage was ending. They had been separated for three years now. He knew it was coming. He just did not expect to not be prepared for it.
Putting her fingers on the bridge of her nose “and? I don’t really want to talk about this right now.”
“I’m not sure how I feel about it” Remus admits not really understanding why those words were coming out of his mouth.
“Why? Did you not expect that I was going to move on? I see the signs. The reason I am doing this now is because I believe that Dom wants to marry me. He wants to heal the hurt you have put on me. He wants to stick around.” Tonks argues quietly. She knew by saying those words, she would hurt Remus but they were the truth.
Remus knew he deserved that. “Let’s go back to our son's birthday party. I’ll sign the papers and mail them to the judge.”
“Remus, if I had it in my heart to give you another chance, I would.” Tonks whispers before exiting out of the room.
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