#coach calhoun
n-a-gindustries · 2 months
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i am going to the PSYCH WARD !!!
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alwaysbepositive · 5 months
Grease Will ALWAYS Be The Word ❤️❤️
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Jim Calhoun Born: May 10, 1942, Braintree, MA Physique: Average Build
James A. Calhoun is a retired college basketball coach best known for his tenure as head coach of the University of Connecticut men's basketball team. His teams won three NCAA national championships, played in four Final Fours, won the 1988 NIT title, and won seven Big East tournament championships. He won his 800th game in 2009 and finished his NCAA Division I career with 873 victories, ranking 11th all-time as of February 2019. Calhoun is one of only six coaches in NCAA Division I history to win three or more championships, and he is widely considered one of the greatest coaches of all time. In 2005, he was inducted into the Basketball Hall of Fame.
Tall, nice bulge and has been married since 1967 with two sons and six grandchildren. I know nothing else about him except I want to fuck him. Which is enough for me.
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acsn-network · 8 months
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loveroftoomanyfandoms · 8 months
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Cooking Up Love, Chapter 8
Pairing: Chef!Matt Murdock x F!Journalist!Reader
Rating: T
Story Summary: Here 
Warnings/Tags: Hallmark levels of fluffy, cheesy goodness (and speed that their relationship develops, lol), no use of Y/N, Matt is not a vigilante, idiots in love, love confessions (but not to each other 🫠)
Word Count: ~2650
A/N: Short little filler chapter here to move the plot along, but next up is the big "recipe testing" dinner!
Thanks as always to @theradioactivespidergwen for the divider!
Tag List: @yarrystyleeza @hailey-murdock @mattkinsella @bellaxgiornata @danzer8705 @chezagnes @shouldbestudying41 @thepunisherfrankcastle @mattmurdocks6thscaleapartment
"So? How was it?" Skyler said as soon as she saw you in the staff break room the next morning.
You laughed and shook your head. "Can I at least make some coffee before you start interrogating me about my brunch?"
"Oh, I already took care of that." Skyler turned and handed you a to-go cup from your favorite coffee shop near the office. "I know how much you hate Monday morning staff meetings and figured I'd get something for you while I was getting my own coffee."
You took a sip and sighed blissfully. "You are an angel, you know that? I owe you one."
Skyler took a sip of her own beverage. "So spill, girl, spill! How was Chef Hottie's cake?"
You shook your head with a grin. "Ok well first off, it's Chef Matt , and secondly, his crepes were excellent once again, as was the omelet I ordered. You really should check the restaurant out for Sunday brunch at the very least, although I'm sure their dinner menu is amazing too."
Skyler took another sip of her coffee as you walked into the conference room together and sat. "How was the rest of your day? Hopefully you did something more exciting than watching a bunch of senior citizens play bingo."
You nodded, smiling to yourself as you thought about your afternoon and evening with Matt. "Actually, yeah. Matt invited me along on his after-work errands yesterday afternoon so I could observe him outside of the kitchen."
"Ooh, so you got to spend the whole afternoon with him? Lucky. So what did you two do together?"
"He volunteers to cook for the soup kitchen at Clinton Church on Sundays after the restaurant closes, so I helped him out with that, then I watched him work out at the gym for a bit, then he asked me if I wanted to have dinner with him."
Skyler's eyes grew wide. "He asked you out on a date ? Way to bury the lede!"
You shook your head. "No, not a date , he just invited me to have dinner with him at his apartment as a thank-you for helping him out at the church, that's all."
"You went to his apartment? " 
You opened your mouth to tell her that it wasn't a big deal but was interrupted by Ellison walking into the conference room. "Okay, let's get this show on the road," he said. "First order of business: Kelsie, welcome back. Glad to see you're feeling better."
You glanced over at Kelsie, who was sulking at the other end of the table.
Ellison looked at his notes. "Okay, so assignment updates! Skyler, how was the fundraiser for the senior center?"
"Great," Skyler replied. "I sent you my article last night."
"Okay, good. Mark, what's going on in sports this week?"
Mark, who wrote the sports column, sat up in his chair. "I've got an interview with Coach Calhoun on Wednesday and Coach Dempsey on Thursday, so the article about the big rivalry between PS 114 and PS 118 will be ready to go for Friday's edition."
"Excellent." Ellison said your name. "How's the Restaurant Week feature coming?"
"It's coming along great," you replied. "Chef Murdock has been really open and cooperative, so it'll be no problem getting that article to you by EoD Wednesday."
Ellison nodded. "Fantastic. Okay, new assignments. Skyler, you're covering the music festival this weekend. They'll have a press pass for you at the gate. Kelsie, since we switched up the Restaurant Week feature you're now going to be handling the daily report on what each participating restaurant is featuring. Everyone else, you know your assignments. Let's get to it."
You stood and picked up your cup of coffee.
"Not enough to steal the Features position out from under me, was it?" you heard Kelsie say from behind you. "Now you're going after the lead story for Restaurant Week too."
You turned and raised an eyebrow. There had been a (one-sided, in your opinion) rivalry between you and Kelsie ever since you and she had both been up for the Features position six months earlier. "Oh damn, you caught me. I made sure that you would get food poisoning just so I could swoop in and steal the Restaurant Week feature when I know nothing about the culinary industry and had never met Chef Murdock until a few days ago after the article was assigned to me. And as for the Features position, I won that promotion fair and square. It's not my fault that my article was better and that you bombed the mock interview, just like you would've tanked this one."
Kelsie scoffed. "Yeah, right. I'm sure he would've been extremely 'cooperative' with anyone interviewing him -- as long as they were female and had a pulse."
You shook your head. "I'll have you know, Chef Murdock has been nothing but professional towards me the entire week."
Kelsie smirked. "Oh didn't you know? Matthew Murdock will do anything -- and any one -- to try to salvage his reputation, so there must be a reason if he's not hitting on you."
Before you could respond she turned and flounced out of the conference room.
"What a bitch," Skyler muttered under her breath.
You shook your head. "I'm not worried about her. Ellison knows what I'm capable of."
Skyler sighed. "Anyway, I want to hear all about your not-date with Chef Hottie. Lunch later?"
You nodded. "Sure."
"Great. I'll swing by your desk around 11:30."
You went back to your desk, dutifully ignoring the daggers Kelsie was continuing to shoot your way, and worked on your other tasks until it was time for lunch.
You looked up as Skyler stopped by, purse in hand. "Ready?"
You nodded. "Yeah, let's go."
The two of you walked down the street to your favorite food truck. 
"Okay, so tell me everything ," Skyler said once the two of you sat down at a nearby table with your food. "Like how you went from going to Daredevil for brunch to a private dinner with the chef."
"There's not much to tell," you replied with a light laugh. "But okay."
You took a breath. "I had told Matt on Saturday that I was planning on coming back to Daredevil for Sunday brunch because the crepes he had made during the cooking demo he did for me were really good, so he told me to get his staff to let him know that I was there and he'd come say hi."
A small smirk graced Skyler's face. "So he was willing to drop everything in order to come talk to you, got it."
You shook your head. "He wound up bringing my order out to me, so while we were talking he asked me if I would be interested in seeing how he develops his recipes so I agreed to stop by Daredevil tonight after work for another cooking demo. Then he asked me if I wouldn't mind accompanying him on his after-work errands since he thought that it would be beneficial to my article for me to spend some time with him outside of the kitchen."
Skyler huffed out a laugh. "Right, beneficial to your article, sure."
You smiled and shook your head. "We went by Clinton Church first to cook for the soup kitchen--"
Skyler held up a finger. "Wait a second. So he asked you to spend the afternoon with him out of the kitchen, then brought you to a different kitchen to watch him cook?"
You shrugged. "I didn't mind. He usually cooks at Daredevil and just brings everything over to the church, but he asked me if I wouldn't mind coming over early and he'd just do his cooking for the church over there instead."
Skyler raised an eyebrow. "Mmhmm, so he could spend even more time with you."
" Anyway, after we finished up at the church we headed to his gym since he frequently goes after service to unwind."
Skyler grinned. "Ooh, so you got to see him all sweaty?"
You nodded. "The arms on that man, let me tell you…"
"And the ass." Skyler did a chef's kiss. "You can't tell me you didn't check out his ass."
Your face heated. "Well… maybe a bit."
Skyler gasped. "You did! I knew you were interested in him!"
You groaned. "He's so handsome and sweet and funny and genuine, not to mention an incredible chef… but I'm writing a story about him for the paper, it's completely unethical for me to be thirsting after him -- even though it's absolutely unfair how good he looks in a tank top and a pair of sweatpants."
Skyler shook her head. "Your story's due, when, Wednesday? After that you won't have to worry about journalistic integrity or whatever's stopping you from jumping his bones. So how'd you wind up going home with him?"
You wrinkled your nose. "Don't say it like that, you make it sound so… clandestine ."
Skyler rolled her eyes playfully. "Okay, fine. Having dinner, happy?"
You chuckled. "Yes. After he was done at the gym I asked him where to next and he said that was all he had left to do so I said okay and that I'd see him later, but then he asked if I'd like to have dinner with him as a thank-you for helping him out at the soup kitchen. I agreed, so we stopped by his plot at the Clinton Community Garden to pick some fresh basil then headed to his apartment."
Skyler waved a hand at you to go on. "Where you…"
You shrugged. "Where I drank some wine and ate some delicious carbonara, then sat and talked with Matt for a bit on his sofa before I went home."
Skyler's eyebrows raised. "Wait, you were serious? Nothing happened between you two?"
You shook your head. "I mean we hugged before I left, but that was it."
Skyler shook her head with a sigh. "Girl, if you can't see what's going on…"
Your brow furrowed. "What are you talking about?"
"He's clearly interested."
"What? No he's not."
"Oh come on. He invited you to his apartment for dinner."
"As a thank-you, I told you that."
Skyler took a sip of her drink. "I'm telling you, girl, the man is into you! He's probably holding back because he thinks you're not interested."
You shook your head and stood. "Come on, we need to get back. I'm sure Kelsie is looking for any excuse to report us to Ellison."
Skyler groaned then stood as well. "Yeah, you're right. But I am too, and you know it!"
You threw your trash away and started back towards the office, your mind racing.
Skyler had to be mistaken. Matt couldn't actually be interested in you… could he?
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Matt grinned to himself as he headed towards Clinton Church. He had spent the morning finalizing his plans for your "recipe tasting" dinner and was eager to get started on prep, but he needed to pick up his supplies from the church's activity center first. 
Father Lantom had left him a voicemail that morning saying how appreciative everyone had been of the hot meal and how nice it had been to meet you. 
Matt's mind drifted back to the previous day. While you obviously wasn't as quick and skilled in the kitchen as he was, Matt had still been touched by your willingness to help out however you could, even if it meant doing menial tasks such as slicing up tomatoes and cucumbers and dividing salad dressing into servings. 
God , he had wanted to kiss you when your fingers had brushed against his while you were handing him his measuring cups, then again when you had hugged him at Fogwell's after he had told you about his dad, then again in his apartment when you two stood listening to the rain by his window, then again when you were getting ready to leave…
He sighed. Hopefully everything went according to plan tonight.
He stepped into the office at Clinton Church. 
"Matthew, hello," Sister Maggie, one of the nuns from the adjoining convent, said.
"Hi," Matt replied. "I'm here to pick up my culinary supplies from the activity center." 
"Oh, yes. Father Lantom did say that you'd be dropping by to pick up your things." Sister Maggie took a set of keys out of a drawer. "He's out on an errand at the moment, but I can let you in."
"Great, thanks."
He followed her out to the activity center.
Sister Maggie unlocked the door. "How is the restaurant doing?"
Matt shrugged. "It's… surviving so far. We're not doing nearly as well as I'd hoped we'd be by now but I'm hoping that the article that's going to be in the Bulletin next week will help drum up some business."
"Oh, the restaurant is being featured in the Bulletin? That's wonderful."
Matt shook his head. "Moreso me than the restaurant, but yeah. We're going to be on the front page of the Restaurant Week kickoff edition."
He paused, smiling softly as he thought about you. "Actually the reporter from the Bulletin who's doing the story on me was here with me yesterday."
Sister Maggie hummed. "Oh, yes, Father Lantom did say a young woman was assisting you, but he was under the impression that you two were seeing each other."
Matt shook his head. "What? No, we've only known each other for a few days, although…"
He sighed. "There's something about her that… I don't know, she makes me feel comfortable around her. She's kind, and gentle, and caring…" And beautiful. I have no idea what she looks like, but I know she's beautiful. 
Sister Maggie hummed. "She sounds lovely."
"She really is."
"What's her name?"
Matt smiled as he said your name.
Sister Maggie gave a hum of recognition. "Oh, yes, she's the one who does all of those lovely human interest stories, right? I do enjoy reading those each week."
Matt nodded. "Right."
He bit his lip. "I wanted her to get to know me outside of the kitchen -- for her story, of course -- so I, uh, I took her to Fogwell's after we left here yesterday and wound up telling her about Dad. She already knew about his murder -- she had done some research before our interview -- but I told her about growing up with him and how he always encouraged me to get an education."
Sister Maggie reached out and took his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze before letting go. "Your father was a good man, you know."
Matt nodded. "I know."
She sighed. "I know I haven't always been there for you in the ways you've needed me, Matthew, but for what it's worth, I'm really proud of you."
Matt nodded. "Thanks… Mom."
"So what are you going to do?"
Matt furrowed his brow. "About?"
Sister Maggie said your name. "She's not seeing anyone, is she?"
Matt shook his head. "I don't think so. At least, she hasn't mentioned anything in that regard."
He gestured towards the kitchen. "She's actually coming by the restaurant tonight to taste-test some new recipes for me, so I better get going so I can get started on everything."
He headed into the kitchen to get his cart.
Sister Maggie gave him a hug as he came back out. "Goodbye, Matthew."
Matt hugged her back. "Bye."
He headed towards Daredevil, his mind swirling. He knew you were attracted to him -- at least physically -- but there had been something holding you back. Could you be seeing someone?
Matt had assumed you were single based on your availability over the weekend, but just because you were available didn't mean you were available. 
He shook his head. He remembered overheating your conversation with that other reporter who had greeted him the day he had brought tiramisu to the Bulletin, during which you had said that you didn't have a boyfriend.
…So then what was it?
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wrixie · 9 months
Sim request!
This Sim has lived in Henford on Bagley their entire life, but recently fancied a change. This y/a female sim has taken up a job as a swimming instructor and yoga coach at San Myshuno's local gym. Her dress sense is indefinitely split between atheleisure wear and pinterest city glam.
Have fun :) (public download is a-okay)
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Briana Calhoun - Zen Guru Traits: Art Lover, Vegetarian + Athletic
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adrianasunderworld · 1 year
White Ash Institute Staff
More staff members for White Ash
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Constance Wary
Twisted from Prudence
Headmage Cristalerías assistant. A very prim and proper woman, Constance takes her job very seriously. Every woman in her family has graduated from The White Ash Institute for centuries, and thus upholding the integrity of the school and its teachings are very important to her. The students often think she is a stickler for the rules and traditions, but Clara put a great deal of trust in her to help keep the school in order.
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May Fae
Twisted from Fairy Mary
The professor of technomancy. As a fairy woman, she is the second oldest staff member of White Ash next to the Headmage herself. A hard working woman and a brilliant mage, she created the magic bell in the Schools clock tower that allows anyone on grounds to properly communicate with the pixies that are on school grounds.
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Anne Roger
Twisted from Captain Hook
One of the history professors. Anne grew up sailing all over Twisted Wonderland. A woman known for her fiery temper and a strict teacher, students do not wish to be on her bad side. However despite this, when all is well, students love to hear about her stories from her travels. She over sees a club that teaches the ropes of sailing and takes students out on her boat.
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Marie Marsh
Twisted from Mama Odie
The alchemy professor. She is the oldest of the human staff members at White Ash. She is well respected among her colleagues and students for her seemingly vast knowledge and skills in potion making and alchemy. Students often go to her for advice for this very reason and is often referred to affectionately as Mama by them. She has poor eyesight and keeps her snake familiar with her at all times to help her.
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Talia Aran
Twisted for Sergeant Calhoun
The Coach of the school. Born in the Kingdom of Heroes, Talia once served in its military for most of her young adult life. After she left, she took a position at White Ash. A strict coach that students often refer to as their drill sergeant, Aran runs a tight ship. In her time working there, it's noted that she has a soft spot for the school's repair man.
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mistressxgrace · 1 year
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Join us for the spring musical! Please contact myself or Wat Fletcher if you are interested in helping behind the scenes, and attend our open casting call for auditions!
(cast list under the cut as well)​
Danny (Elijah Scott)
Sandy (Tilly Beaumont)
 Rizzo (Sunshine Bunny)
 Kenickie (Atticus Carmine)
Sonny (Felix Martin)
Frenchie (Fayeth Araven)
Marty (Daisy Lynch)
 Principal McGee
 Teen Angel (Noah Wright)
 Vince Fontaine
 Coach Calhoun 
Mrs. Murdock 
 Patty Simcox
Cha Cha (Nova Walker) 
Johnny Casino (Ciaran O’Bryan) and the Gamblers
 General Ensemble (including Rydell students and Scorpions)
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this-should-do · 1 year
Barney x Lauren for the Ship Ask Game. I know the latter hardly exists outside of pure fanon, but I gotta say that I appreciate the sheer dedication and effort put towards creating a character whose existence is near hypothetical. Yes, Barney Calhoun totally definitely had a girlfriend or spouse at some point in time prior to the ResCas (which, if you're unfamiliar with 'Lauren', this post puts it quite nicely [https://www.tumblr.com/shrimpkidd/694596732780249088/theory-about-lauren] Or, TLDR; it is most likely that Barney's to-do list in the Half Life: Blue Shift manual is referencing the surname of an established coworker [that of Otis Laurey], rather than the forename of a partner who is not mentioned anywhere else in or out of the series). Considering the speculative nature of Half-Life as a series, it's not too much of a shocker that people went hog-wild with this idea. It's cute I suppose? Not that I particularly have strong feelings on the subject matter either way. I just think it's a neat tidbit of fandom trivia, y'know? Dubious canonicity aside, I've seldom ever really seen people bring her up at all nowadays. If I could be bothered I'd love to figure out how to incorporate Lauren into my little interpretation of Half-Life, but that's for another day.
oh no shes def a canon character in my lil brain, and she and barney did date for a while, but personally i wouldnt say i ship it in the traditional sense, its kinda complex
the way ive sorta got it is that she and barney started dating in college or in the short time barney was inbetween college and working at black mesa, and into barneys time at black mesa as long distance partners, but the romantic relationship part kinda died off within a year or so at the longest, but they still remained friends afterward given that hes still making sure to get her presents n all
im havent yet solidified what exactly their relationship was like, cuz on the one hand it coukd have been a they dated genuinely but long distance killed it, but theres also the fun concept of lauren kinda using barney as a beard with or without his knowledge becuz they were already kinda friends so she knew he porbably wouldnt like freak out too bad if he knew she was queer (cuz ykno its the 90s and comin off the 80s and the aids crisis)
so in terms of shipping, i guess i dont ship it, But i do think this relationship is one thats important for barney in terms of life experience and expanding his social circle
i guess dont ship it cuz shes just a name literally and its alot harder to like develop and get attached to it lol
if she had been a character we see and meet and if there were more to develop off of the way there is for barney and gordon (since gordon is personality wise nearly blank but we get to see interactions between him and barney and hear about things theyve done together that shows a close relationship hypothetically)
in terms if positive stuff allot of it i kinda already addressed in laying the ground work to even answer this ask proper lol, she is another person in barneys social cirlce, and if shes also queer him knowing eould suplly him another person to help him to overcome his own internalized stuff, not that im saying its her job to help him bit like her queerness should he know about it is a little example that he personally knows tht he can compare his own experiences with and see live happily as she is should she come out to him, as opposed to her having to coach him thru it ykno? it as a ship is also just fun in terms of just a sweet little normal relationship if they are genuinely dating (meaning we ignore my idea of them not being in a relationship by thebtime of thebrescas) just barney being goofy and working hard to have that long distance relationship and its cute how he makes a note to remind himself to get her flowers, i dunno theyre just sweet regardless i think :)
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usafphantom2 · 2 years
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Boeing's defense area records quarterly loss of US$ 2.8 billion, in part by the KC-46 and new Air Force One
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 10/27/2022 - 19:41 in Military
The KC-46A aircraft assigned to the 157th Air Refueling Wing perform an elephant walk training on the runway of the Pease National Air Guard Base on September 8, 2021. (Photo: U.S. Air National Guard / Senior Master Sgt. Timm Huffman)
Boeing recorded a loss of $3.3 billion in the third quarter of 2022, driven by increasing problems in its defense business such as KC-46 and the new Air Force One, the company announced on October 26.
Boeing's defense, space and security sector lost $2.8 billion in excessive costs in fixed-price development contracts.
The financial difficulties of the aerospace giant were highlighted by a $1.2 billion blow to the KC-46 Pegasus tanker plane and a loss of $766 million in the VC-25B, better known as the new "Air Force One", according to Boeing's chief financial officer, Brian West. Boeing also recorded losses in its USAF T-7A Red Hawk coach, the Navy's MQ-25 Stingray and NASA's Commercial Crew program.
"We are not ashamed of them," said Boeing CEO David L. Calhoun, about excess costs in a results conference call. "They are what they are, and we intend to fulfill these contracts and satisfy our customers."
For years, Boeing followed a strategy of offering aggressive bids for fixed price development contracts. These contracts put Boeing on the hook for extra costs associated with the development of the programs. Calhoun admitted that this was largely a mistake for the company.
“Eight five percent of the business is going very well,” Calhoun said about the defense side of the company based in Arlington, Virginia. "It is these fixed price development programs that, unfortunately, we are working on. We had to take into account recent performance, including a reassessment of our expected cost to be completed. There is no doubt about that."
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New Air Force One is based on the conversion of two 747-8i.
The losses in the KC-46 reached more than US$ 6 billion. The initial U.S. Air Force contract for the aircraft was $4.9 billion.
West said that the problems of the defense business are due “mainly to the higher estimated manufacturing and supply chain costs, as well as technical challenges”.
The KC-46 program encountered a substantial setback when Boeing and the U.S. Air Force announced that the Remote Vision System (RVS) 2.0 update would be postponed until 2025, 19 months longer than previously planned. RVS 2.0 will be required for all KC-46 to fix problems with the current system used to operate the main refueling probe. As the RVS fix also includes updates for screen resolution and cameras, Boeing is not paying all costs. Instead, some will fall into the U.S. Air Force, although the company and the service have refused to go into more details. The company said that the problems of the KC-46 stem from the shortage of parts and the instability of the workforce.
The new Air Force One jet had more problems after the company signaled that the program was on the right track at the beginning of the year. Boeing said the new costs stem from a tight labor market and supply chain problems. Security release issues for workers in the highly confidential project make labor issues particularly acute. Boeing agreed to a $3.9 billion contract for the new Air Force One after pressure from former President Donald Trump, who found the price too high.
The concession of the T-7 contract followed a $9.2 billion Boeing offer to produce the new USAF coach that will replace the robust T-38 Talon. This agreement, however, cost Boeing more than expected and suffered delays.
Trump was personally involved in the cost of the Air Force One contract, and Boeing agreed to produce the two VC-25B aircraft at a lower cost than initially planned.
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KC-46 probe prepares to refuel a C-17.
“Well, it turns out that our critics were right,” Calhoun said in an interview with CNBC. "We didn't get enough price. This is quite obvious to all of us. In the meantime, we do not accept any of these fixed price development contracts and it is not our intention to do so."
Boeing recently made changes to the executive team of its defense division, also known as BDS. The company had a disagreement with regulators and the general public after fatal accidents of its commercial plane 737 MAX, which was temporarily grounded. Boeing reported a strong demand for the 737 MAX, its famous civil plane, in the third quarter of 2022. She resumed deliveries of her widebody jet 787 Dreamliner that had been interrupted after manufacturing defects.
Although Boeing cited inflation as a factor that drives its losses, the company did not try to blame the problem for all its problems. The Department of Defense signaled that it may be willing to make adjustments for inflation for companies with fixed-price contracts, such as Boeing. However, Calhoun or West did not raise the issue in the connection with financial analysts, despite being repeatedly pressured on Boeing's defense losses.
After years of instability, safety and quality concerns, Boeing's main focus is now to deliver the planes that the U.S. Air Force has already ordered.
“I think what we should keep in mind is that our mandate is to stabilize and now deliver very important products to our customers who need them,” Calhoun said.
Source: Air Force & Space Magazine
Tags: Air Force OneMilitary AviationboeingBoeing KC-46 Pegasus
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Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. It has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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gqresearch24 · 2 days
Boeing Presents Safety Plan To FAA Amid Production Challenges
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(Source – eTurboNews)
Boeing’s outgoing CEO, Dave Calhoun, along with other top leaders, met with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) on Thursday to present a comprehensive safety and quality improvement plan. This meeting follows a near-catastrophic incident involving a door plug blowout on an Alaska Airlines flight in January, which prompted the FAA to give Boeing 90 days to devise a plan addressing these critical issues.
In February, the FAA mandated Boeing to develop a quality improvement plan after a door plug on a new 737 Max 9 aircraft blew out midair shortly after takeoff. Federal safety investigators revealed that the bolts securing the panel were not installed before the plane’s delivery to Alaska Airlines, underscoring significant lapses in Boeing’s production process. Consequently, the FAA barred Boeing from increasing production of the 737 Max until these issues were resolved.
Boeing’s submitted plan outlines significant enhancements in employee training, better platforms for workers to raise concerns, and a reduction in out-of-sequence work. These measures are designed to bolster production quality and ensure such incidents do not recur. FAA Administrator Mike Whitaker emphasized that the agency would not approve any production increases until they are fully satisfied with Boeing’s progress. He also highlighted that despite Boeing’s detailed plan, substantial work remains, and stringent oversight will continue.
Long Road to Recovery for Boeing
The impact of Boeing’s production issues extends beyond safety concerns. The company has faced significant financial and reputational setbacks, especially in the wake of two fatal 737 Max crashes in 2018 and 2019, which claimed 346 lives. These tragedies have led to intensified scrutiny and regulatory oversight, challenging Boeing’s efforts to restore trust and stability.
Financially, Boeing is under pressure, with production delays affecting airline customers such as United and Southwest Airlines, forcing them to revise their growth plans. Boeing has reduced its output of the 737 Max to address production flaws, enhance manufacturing processes, and meet increased FAA oversight. Currently, the company produces an average of 21 Max planes per month, significantly below the target rate of around 38 per month.
Boeing’s Chief Financial Officer, Brian West, indicated that the company anticipates burning cash this year rather than generating it, forecasting a $4 billion cash outflow for the current quarter alone. This financial strain underscores the urgency for Boeing to rectify its production issues and regain operational efficiency.
Despite the challenges, Boeing is committed to improving its safety culture and eliminating defects. The company has invested in its workforce, adding 300 hours of training material and introducing workplace coaches to support new employees. Boeing has also implemented “stand-downs” in its factories, pausing work to discuss potential production line improvements with staff. These efforts aim to cultivate a more vigilant and safety-conscious work environment.
FAA’s Safety Mandate and Boeing’s Response
Stephanie Pope, Boeing’s newly appointed Chief Executive of the commercial airplane unit, expressed confidence in the company’s improvement plan, stating, “We are committed to continuously improving and working under the FAA’s oversight to deliver safe, high-quality airplanes.”
As Boeing navigates these turbulent times, the company has also encouraged a culture of transparency and feedback. CEO Calhoun reported receiving over 30,000 improvement suggestions from employees and a 500% increase in “speak up” submissions, reflecting a growing willingness among staff to voice concerns and contribute to the company’s recovery. In conclusion, Boeing’s meeting with the FAA marks a critical step in addressing the manufacturing flaws that have plagued the 737 Max program. While the road ahead is challenging, Boeing’s commitment to safety, quality improvements, and transparent communication with regulators and employees will be crucial in restoring its standing in the aviation industry.
Read More: Airbus Secures Major Jet Orders from Asian Airlines, Rivaling Boeing Amid Quality Woes
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MCU Musical Fancast
Grease (1978)
Danny Zuko: Bucky Barnes
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Sandy Olsson: Aricka Rogers
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Kenickie: Steve Rogers
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Doody: Tony Stark
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Sonny: Bruce Banner
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Putzie: Thor
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Pink Ladies:
Betty Rizzo: Darcy Lewis
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Frenchy Facciano: Pepper
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Jan: Jane
Marty Maraschino: Natasha Romanov
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Eugene Felsnic: Peter Parker
Patty Simcox: Wanda
Thomas "Tom" Chisum: Clint Barton
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Leo "Crater-Face" Balmudo: Zemo
Charlene "Cha-Cha" DiGregorio: Maria Hill
School staff:
Principal McGee: Peggy Carter
Blanche Hodel: Sharon Carter
Coach Vince Calhoun: Nick Fury
Mrs. Murdock: Laura Cardellini
Mr. Lynch: Phil Coulson
Mr. Rudie: Logan Howlett
Nurse Wilkins: Susan Storm
Vi: Dori @yeehawselfshipping
Teen angel: Loki
Vince Fontaine: Johnny Storm
Johnny Casino & The Gamblers: Sam; Rhodey; Scott, and the GOTG
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packernet · 2 months
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New Post has been published on https://www.packernet.com/blog/2024/04/09/the-nfl-draft-helped-the-packers-survive/
The NFL Draft helped the Packers survive
The Green Bay Packers, one of the NFL’s most storied franchises, have a rich history that intertwines with the evolution of the NFL Draft. The team was founded in 1919 by Earl “Curly” Lambeau and George Calhoun and joined the NFL in 1921. Since then, the Packers have become known for their small-town roots, fervent fan base, and championship legacy, including multiple Super Bowl victories.
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A way to even the field
The NFL Draft, initially established in 1936, transformed the way football franchises built their rosters. Before the draft, players were free to sign with any team, which often created an imbalance as wealthier teams in larger markets secured the most sought-after college players. The draft was introduced to level the playing field, providing a structured system where the weakest teams would have the opportunity to select the best available talent from the college ranks.
The Packers have had a remarkable draft history, with their strategy evolving through the decades. One of their most famous draft picks came in 1956, when they selected Bart Starr, a quarterback from the University of Alabama, in the 17th round. Starr went on to become one of the greatest quarterbacks in NFL history and led the team to five NFL championships, including victories in Super Bowl I and II.
Green Bay’s draft acumen was further highlighted in the 1960s under the guidance of legendary coach Vince Lombardi. Lombardi’s focus on character and mental toughness led to the selection of several Hall of Famers who would form the backbone of the Packers’ “Titletown” era. The team’s scouting and drafting philosophies have been key to maintaining competitive teams, even as the draft itself has become a highly scientific and scrutinized process.
A three-day spectacular now
In the modern era, the NFL Draft has become a media spectacle, with extensive coverage and analysis. It provides a yearly renewal of hope for teams looking to rebuild or reload. The Packers have adapted to these changes, leveraging both traditional scouting methods and advanced analytics to identify talent. This balanced approach led to the selection of players like Aaron Rodgers, who dropped to the 24th overall pick in 2005 and has since carved out a Hall of Fame-worthy career.
As the draft has grown in complexity, so has the Packers’ strategy. They have become known for their “best player available” approach, often picking the top talent on their board regardless of immediate need. This strategy, combined with judicious trades and free agency moves, has kept the Packers consistently competitive.
The relationship between the Green Bay Packers and the NFL Draft is a tapestry of strategic decisions, legendary figures, and serendipitous moments. Each draft pick carries the potential to alter the franchise’s trajectory, continuing the legacy of a team deeply rooted in the history and tradition of American football.
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swamyworld · 2 months
College basketball is changing. The crushing superiority of the Yukon remains the same | NCAA Tournament 2024
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karlsenmatthiesen10 · 5 months
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1,000 Confederate States of America be aware is considered one of 607 issued and features photographs of John C. Calhoun on the left and Andrew Jackson on the precise. 1976 sequence, going through King George III - U.S. 1971-current half greenback (copper-nickel) The reverse only changed in 1975 and 1976 when the double dated coins displaying 1776-1976 have been minted to celebrate the U.S. The reverse only changed in 1975 and 1976 when the double dated coins exhibiting 1776-1976 were minted to have fun the U.S. Often, Discover More Here was used, 60% in total between 1975 and 1990, allowing the forex to more carefully follow the depreciating US greenback than the rising German mark. In 1991, the markka was pegged to the currency basket ECU, however the peg needed to be withdrawn after two months with a devaluation of 12%. In 1992, Finland was hit by a severe recession, the early 1990s depression in Finland. In 1991, a 12-coin silver 5-greenback sequence was issued in the Bahamas commemorating the 500th anniversary of European discovery of the Americas. The 1983 International Bicycle Motocross Federation-sanctioned world championship, held in Slagharen, the Netherlands, attracted 15,000 to 20,000 spectators and was broadcast live on European tv.
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kowalskiology101 · 5 months
If We Stay- The Modern Family AU series of fanon characters-especially Cam-in which the Tucker-Pritchett family stayed in California:
Completed stories:
If We Stay- The beginning of it all
Catalina- Tucker-Pritchett family trip since they're not moving
Quinn's custody trial- Mitchell defends Lily's friend in court
New Romantics- Mitch and Cam have the night to themselves for the first time in months. Where did we think the bottle of Cabernet was going to lead to?
Outsiders- Lily and friends navigate eighth grade with sprinkled stories of Cam and Mitch
Summer of self discovery- Rex's birth family visits and first contact is made with Lily's birth family
Coach Tucker of Palisades- Cam's final full semester as a high school football coach. He's accepted a college coaching job in the LA area
WIP mostly chunks of ideas that go in chronological order up to Lily's senior year
Empty Nester's guide to an RV trip- A Phil and Claire story parallel to Catalina partially on Ao3. The rest are in the Pages.
Maya and Lily- a surface exploration of a potential relationship in their sophomore year
Merle Tucker's death- The Tucker-Pritchett family goes to Missouri and no, Mitchell was not forced
Tucker Family mystery- Discovery of a long lost relative Cam's Nana kept away from the family
The Calexico kid- Joe's pen pal is the kid Cam and Mitch couldn't adopt way back in the s3 finale. Lily is 15, Joe 11, Rex 3
Calhoun Johnson- Seven year old Cal returns to Missouri for the final time to attend his mom's funeral and eventually is adopted by Cam and Mitch
Untitled (Currently called Dear John, can you tell I'm way too into putting Taylor swift song/lyric titles?)- Mitchell faces his abusive ex in court
Artie- The end of senior year for Lily and the Outsiders, no synopsis available
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