thunderstruck9 · 4 months
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Barbara Balmer (British, 1929-2017), Hallway and a White Dove Preening, 2001. Watercolour and gouache, 31 x 41.75 in.
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casbitchh · 1 month
shout out to rich people giving away stuff for free on fb marketplace place!!! guess who is now the proud owner of a deep pink metal coat stand
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brabblesblog · 2 months
𝕽𝖊𝖒𝖊𝖒𝖇𝖊𝖗 𝖞𝖊 𝖓𝖔𝖙 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖋𝖔𝖗𝖒𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘.
Ch 13: …because I am my husband's life as fully as he is mine.
A sequel to Whither is thy beloved gone? (AO3)
After the events of ‘Whither is thy beloved gone?’ Lord Astarion Ancuńin and his consort wife navigate their relationship anew. The ghosts of the past - his, hers, and theirs - threaten to unravel everything they’ve worked for.
The special day arrives.
Professionally edited and collaborated on by my dearest friend <3 @editing-by-night
Read on AO3.
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Art by @lirotation
Ban stared at the gowns laid before her. There were three, in contrast to Astarion’s four suits. He’d hired several painters to sketch out portraits, some in the days before the event and some on the day itself. Today.
The maid braiding her hair tugged at a strand a little too tightly, but she barely noticed. On the opposite end of the room, Gale entered.
”Ah. Ban.” He nodded. “Just picking up the suits.” He reached for them, hanging from a coatstand near the doorway, but had to pause to shove away the silver-curl-topped head that threatened to poke through the door. “No peeking, Astarion! Don’t make me put up wards!”
Ban stifled a laugh as she heard a low growl, a chuckle, and then the sound of steps stalking away.
”He’s impatient,” Gale grinned, finally gathering all four ensembles in his arms. “But you already knew that.”
”You’d think he wouldn’t be, considering we’ve seen each other in these outfits before.” She remembered posing for portraits, having to hold poses stiffly - not a new occurrence, but they’d worn these outfits for them. It had felt… odd, seeing herself in wedding finery, white silks and embroidered fabrics. She was more comfortable with wearing more extravagant clothing now, but some of these outfits were well beyond what she was accustomed to. She’d imagined marrying someone, of course, but she’d figured it would be one of her father’s arranged events - a son of some fellow merchant or someone of import. Never had she considered it would be someone she’d actually love.
Not until the nautiloid, she supposed. She brought the old fantasy to mind.
Astarion in a crisp white suit, the color matching his hair. He’d smile at her, waiting for her as she walked down the aisle. The sun would shine on both of them somehow, but the tadpole would be gone - how this would be possible, she’d never thought to consider. He’d beam, his fangs making an appearance as she approached, and he’d offer her his hand, which she would take. She would be the happiest woman in Faerûn.
Another tug on her hair, and Ban sighed, opening her eyes. Their wedding would be at sunset, which meant a whole day of not seeing each other. The last time they hadn’t been glued to each other’s side was - she brushed the thought away.
Irrelevant. It will never happen again.
She instead allowed her eyes to gaze into the mirror, watching herself. She was still in her silken robe, a rich royal purple, but her eyes were locked onto her own. Still black, miraculously. Still her. She absently opened her mouth, a finger pulling her lip up to see her fangs for the first time. They weren’t anything impressive, and she sighed, letting go of her lip.
The maid doing her braids looked at her in the mirror. “You are still lovely, madam. Even if you are…” she trailed off.
Ban chuckled nervously. “I never was. But thank you.”
“That most certainly isn’t what our lord thinks,” the maid said amusedly. She resumed her work and left Ban to ponder her words.
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Gale walked in to find Astarion preening in front of a mirror, styling his hair. He wordlessly hung the suits one by one. The to-be-groom seemed perfectly level, fingers carefully raking through and arranging the silver curls into their usual perfectly-coiffed style, but Gale could see the slight tremor in his hand.
“How is she doing?” His eyes remained fixed on his reflection, his voice calm with only the faintest tremble. “I need to remind her to clasp the back of her cape properly, else the whole thing hangs off-center. There are six buttons she has to do; three on each side. One of them is rather tricky - the holes are hidden in-”
“She is perfectly fine. Her maids will attend to her clothes. There’s no need to be concerned about a malfunction.” Gale waved him off dismissively, and Astarion sighed.
“Fine. Do you have the rings, at least?”
Gale patted his pocket. “Of course.”
“Be a dear and don’t lose them.”
Gale noted the irritability, but the nervousness behind Astarion’s tone was obvious. “I’ll try not to. If I do misplace them, however, don’t drink me dry, please?”
At Astarion’s irritated huff, Gale laughed and left him with a final quip of, “Don’t fiddle with your hair too much, Astarion, she may change her mind if she sees you with frizz. Positively hideous.”
They were both laughing as Gale exited, closing the door behind him.
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They met in the gardens.
She walked down the small steps to see a figure in white, hair shining in the dying light of the sun. He was fidgeting with the buttons on his cuffs, huffing as he struggled to fit the buttons into the holes.
He was turned away from her, and did not notice her approach.
Her voice startled him, and he turned to face her. He swallowed anxiously, his Adam’s apple bobbing.
”Ban. Do you mind-” He held his sleeve up.
She approached him, taking his hand carefully and began to fit the buttons through. As she did she eyed him, meeting his gaze. He offered her a quick smile.
”Thank you.” He drew her close, hands settling around her waist to tug her to him. “I missed you.”
”It’s been…” she frowned, “less than eight hours since we last saw one another.”
”Doesn’t mean I can’t pine for my wife, does it?” He buried his face in the crook of her neck and exhaled, a long, drawn-out release of air that told her all she needed to know. “Even a minute of your absence is excruciating.”
She placed her hands on his back, rubbing gently. “You weren’t missing me. You’re nervous.” He raised his head, eyes narrowed. “Which is perfectly fine,” Ban added quickly before he could get a word in edgewise.
His brows smoothed out and he acknowledged her words with a stiff nod. “That does not mean both could not be true.”
”I guess you’re right.” She gently placed a hand on his cheek, watching the tension melt from his features as he leaned into the touch. “Any second thoughts? You still have time to say no, you know.”
“Of course not.” He scoffed, eyebrows knitting back together. “I disappear for a few hours, and you fill your head with the silliest of notions. Which of us can’t manage mere hours without the other, hm?”
”It was a joke.” She pecked his cheek.
His shoulders sagged and his features softened. “I am aware. It’s simply… difficult, comprehending being…” he threw both hands up, gesturing at them and the garden around them, “here. I never allowed myself the luxury of thinking of having a future at all - let alone this one.”
“Even during our adventuring days?”
Astarion pursed his lips, pensive. “At the start I assumed we would all part ways, or die.”
“Astarion,” Ban frowned, “we were seeing each other!”
“And I thought I was using you,” he answered without hesitating. “Later on there was the threat of Cazador and the Absolute, not to mention the rite itself. I did not have room to consider what life would be past those events.” He frowned and his eyes flicked away. “We’re both painfully aware of what happened after that, of course.”
“My love,” she murmured, the sobriquet slipping from her lips; she realized she never really used them, almost never outside sex. His eyes met hers, widening in surprise and then joy, and quietly chastised herself for not using them more. “I know. We both know. We’re also past that.”
He exhaled. “I am aware.” She could tell he was still tense, whether it be because of the mention of those six months, or the wedding itself. She placed a hand over his breast, felt the hammering there, and sighed.
Leaning forward, and on tiptoes, she kissed his cheek. “Look at me?”
He did so, a chagrined smile on his face. He dipped his head. “Just… nervous.”
“It’ll be fine. Nothing will change. It’s just a ceremony, a soiree, like any other, and that’s all it is. Paperwork. It doesn’t have to matter if you don’t want it to. If that helps calm your nerves.”
Astarion scanned her face, then shook his head. “I appreciate the sentiment, but we both know this isn’t mere theatrics to me. I refuse to belittle it that way.” He took a small, aborted breath. “So little of my life has meant anything. Let this mean something, Ban. Let me be nervous and excited. Let me feel this, because it means everything to me.”
His mind touched hers, disparate thoughts flitting through. Redemption, finally. Joy, that he had been chosen by her, wanted by her. Worthy to be the one waiting as she walked down the aisle. Worthy of being the man she’d bind herself to. Enough.
She smiled, her thumb tracing his cheekbone. “Of course it means something, and of course I want you to feel it as I do. I merely meant, well. If that sort of thinking would help ease your nerves, then it might be useful.” He leaned into her touch, eyes shuttering as his shoulders finally lowered. She drew in close, pressing their foreheads together; she on tiptoes and him bending down to accommodate her.
He exhaled, the warm air rushing over her face. She saw his lips part and kept her peace, waiting for him to speak.
“Thank you,” he finally mouthed, eyes still firmly shut. The hammering beneath her palm quieted some, and she pressed her lips to his.
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There were flowers everywhere. Roses of every shade adorned each side of the aisle. The archway that they would stand under was just as she’d envisioned. She had known how it would look, had arranged everything with the florists, but seeing it all in its full glory as she peeked through a window sent a thrill down her spine.
Everyone she knew and loved was there, mingling as they prepared to take their seats - everyone save one. He was sequestered away, just as she was, in preparation for the ceremony. She caught a quick glimpse of Karlach fidgeting with her dress and Halsin looking uncomfortable in an old suit.
There was a knock at the door. She called out to an invitation to come in and it opened, revealing Wyll.
“The blushing bride.” He held out his arms and Ban stood for a tight hug.
As Wyll pulled away she looked out at the crowd, watching as they began to take their seats. “Who knew, hm?”
He stood beside her, crossing his arms. “Who knew, indeed.” He caught her gaze and offered a smile. “Shadowheart filled us in on everything that happened. A lot passes you by when you’re stuck in Avernus.”
“I don’t doubt that. Have you talked to Astarion?”
“A little, this morning.” Wyll ran a hand over a horn. “He seemed glad that I approached him, but his mind was elsewhere. I don’t blame him.”
“He’s happy you’re all here,” Ban offered. “I’m happy. I didn’t think I’d get to see you two again after the reunion.”
“In much happier circumstances, too,” he nodded. “We’re glad to be here. Perhaps the next wedding will be ours.”
Ban blinked twice. “Does Karlach know?”
He shook his head. “It won’t be anytime soon, but closer than she and everyone else thinks. I figure with our lives being so full of danger, she might want some time to settle after we’ve fixed her heart.”
“Well, if you need anything,” she said, clapping his shoulder, “you can always ask me. Or Astarion, for that matter.”
Wyll offered her another shy smile. “I’ll go ahead. Tell everyone to prepare. Shadowheart will come for you when it’s time.”
She nodded and Wyll left, leaving her to her thoughts. Not that there were any other than the present, the seconds seeming to tick by extremely slowly. Her mind wandered aimlessly, refusing to focus on any one thing for very long in an attempt to avoid thinking of how nervous she was starting to feel.
Ban had no idea how much time had passed, but it felt like mere seconds later when a bouquet was pressed onto her hands. Numerous people were suddenly checking her hair and makeup one last time and smoothing her dress into place. She took a nervous breath, keeping her eyes fixed upwards as she felt tears begin to pool. Crying would ruin the kohl.
“Take a deep breath.” Shadowheart’s hand on Ban’s shoulder startled her and she jerked, head snapping around to lock eyes with her friend.
“Is… Is it time?” Ban shuffled nervously, making sure to not step on the train of her gown.
“He’s waiting for you.” Shadowheart gathered most of the train, and they made their way out of the room. As they approached the main garden Ban swallowed; she could hear the music increasing in volume with every step.
She stopped in her tracks, Shadowheart almost tripping over the dress behind her. “I-” Ban turned to face her.
“This is it,” she choked out; tears filled her eyes and she blinked, trying to not let them fall. It shouldn’t matter, she told herself. It was a trite ceremony, and they were already eternally bound. She could think about the significance of it all later, when there were less eyes on her.
But she remembered his words, remembered him asking her to let it matter. She wanted to touch his mind, but they had agreed not to.
No cheating, he’d told her, after they’d had their final pre-wedding kiss earlier today. I want to feel it the way it was meant to be felt.
She’d understood what he meant. To experience it as if they were not vampires with a mental bond. As if they were just them.
Shadowheart approached her, carefully dabbing her tears away before they could spill. “We’ve faced worse, and you did it all fearlessly. You can do this.”
Ban nodded. “I know. I just…”
Feel it. She took one deep breath.
Shadowheart squeezed her hand one last time. “Walk as soon as your music starts.” She went ahead, taking her place next to Gale to walk down the aisle with him.
She stood there for a painful few minutes, hidden from view by a hedge. The music started, the song she’d picked for herself. Steeling her nerves, Ban took one last breath and walked to the aisle.
The setting sun hit her eyes first, blinding her for a moment. Her vision cleared and she saw the same roses, the same aisles, the same ivy-wrapped archway, but the seats were now full of people watching her. The music wasn’t quiet at all, but it was completely drowned out by her racing heart.
Her eyes locked onto that familiar glint of silver, the crimson of his eyes burning into her even from this distance. He had his hands clasped together, his face carefully neutral, shifting into an uncertain, boyish smile as their eyes met. Time froze. Nothing else mattered. Not Ulder standing by Astarion, not Gale holding the ring box in his hands. Not the music, nor the artists quickly sketching off to the side. Not the scent of roses or the blazing sunset. Not one other thing existed. Just him.
She took a step onto the red carpet. Then another. She could feel the slight drag of the train of her dress, requiring slightly more effort to place one foot in front of the other. She could feel the bite of the heeled shoes, a little tight, on her feet, and the subtle change in her posture to accommodate walking with an elevated heel. The feel of the satin ribbon holding the bouquet together contrasted with the rougher stems of the flowers it bound. The gown’s fabric slid against her body, shifting with every move.
Her mind registered all this, part of her begging to dwell on these trivial sensations, to hide behind her walls again.
We don’t cry. Not in public. Not like this. Not where everyone can see.
Her father’s words. Not hers.
Instead, she allowed herself to feel.
Every step brought her closer to the archway - to him. His smile was slightly wider now, but his eyes were wide and misty. She remembered everything - nights under the shelter of their tent, cuddled by the campfire, the soft press of his lips against her temple. Strong, slender fingers grasping her wrist, tugging her away from whatever trap she had missed in her rush. Those same capable hands undoing the straps of her breastplate, a small huff of annoyance as the armor snagged on her underclothes, tearing them, knowing those same hands would repair them later that same night. The scent of bergamot and rosemary, clinging to her clothes as they parted for the day, something she’d imagined she could still smell even under her armor. The sound of his voice, always the first one she sought out; his thoughts, his quips, even the playful little insults he’d throw her way.
Then more recently, their hands clasped in meetings, sly glances and hidden smirks as they mentally discussed the people they were making deals with. The press of his lithe body against hers as they twirled around the dance floor, leading her effortlessly. The heated kisses, his lips trailing a fiery path from her lips to her breasts, his hands tangled in hers. Breathless moans, whispered promises of eternal love - no longer only promises, but truth. Seeing his face every dawn, reaching across the bed and always finding him there, every time without fail, whether he was watching her or reading a book or sipping tea-
Astarion gave her a small, encouraging nod, and she smiled in return. The tears finally fell, wet as they traced a path down her cheeks, but she was beyond caring. She took a few more steps, bringing her closer to him - to her fate, to everything that had ever mattered and the only thing that ever truly would.
Hers. Hard-fought and almost lost, but hers now, for however long their immortal lives lasted - forever, she vowed, and even beyond.
She stopped. Faced him. He swallowed, his smile fading as he took a step towards her, his hand held out for hers. It was a gesture they’d made countless times, in countless ways - helping each other up in combat, in camp, at breakfasts and dinners and meetings and parties - but this felt like the first time. She placed her hand on his, feeling the skin under hers, smooth and trembling, but still the same. Always.
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They stood side by side as Ulder recited the rites. None of it was anything she’d remember, she thought. Her eyes were on him, from the perfectly coiffed hair to the slightly-trembling hands clasped behind his back, to the embroidery on his shoes. She reached out, and to her relief he noticed and responded in kind, even though his eyes never left Ulder. His index finger touched her first, gently tracing the back of her hand. His lips curled at the corner, his eyes crinkling even as his gaze remained ahead. Ban slipped her hand into his and felt him squeeze.
“Do you, Lord Astarion Ancunín, take this woman to be your wedded wife?”
For the first time since the ceremony began his eyes moved over her. They were large, wet, and painfully beautiful. He shot her a grin before turning back to Ulder. “I do.” The hand holding hers was cold, and she fought back the urge to reach over and rub warmth back into it.
The same question was leveled at her. She met Ulder’s gaze while he spoke, but made sure her eyes were locked on Astarion’s as she uttered her response. His shoulders dropped almost imperceptibly at her words, eyes flicking downwards for the briefest of seconds, then settling back on her face.
Then Gale approached, the rings kept in a small, ornate box. He opened the lid, offering it up to Astarion, who nimbly took her ring in his hands. He playfully bounced the ring on his knuckle, to the crowd’s delight, then looked at her.
“I am not prone to… long speeches, or poetry, for that matter,” Astarion began, the ring passing between his thumb and index finger as he fidgeted with it. “Nor am I the kind of person who usually appreciates public declarations of love. However, with you I could enjoy anything, and that includes this.”
His hand drifted down, patting his hip anxiously. “You probably weren’t the best leader, likely not even the best companion - I’d wager Wyll wins out over everyone in that regard.”
Ulder laughed; Ban glanced over at Wyll, who gave her a small wink. Astarion continued. “Back then… you tended to make frankly foolhardy decisions - thought with your blade rather than your brain… except when it came to me. With me…” he paused, thinking, “you seemed to think with your heart. Yet another foolish thing to be doing at such a time, darling, but I very much appreciated it.”
“I cared little for you at the start. In truth I didn’t know how to care for anyone, and certainly didn’t think anyone could care for me… despite my dashing good looks.” He huffed out a high-pitched laugh, one she hadn’t heard in what felt like forever. He grew somber then, and continued. “But I quickly grew to love you. I grew to treasure every single moment we spent together, from camping out in the wilderness to the most mundane arguments about which vase would match the drapes. We’ve already lived through a lifetime’s worth of tribulations in our time together, but look at us.” He gestured at her and then himself. “We held on to one another, through every challenge. We have worked so hard to be the people we are today. To seize this happiness for ourselves and for one another.”
He ran a hand through his hair, mussing the curls as his fingers carded through them. “And while there’s little doubt we’ll run into more trouble, because of course,” he rolled his eyes. “I do so knowing that you will be with me for all of it. Knowing that my every sunrise and sunset will be spent with you. Knowing that…” his breath caught, and Ban squeezed his hand. He swallowed. “that after two centuries… I am finally enough, the way that I am. Perhaps quite a bit more than enough at times, darling,” he chuckled.
Astarion straightened up. “But now that I am enough… I stand here today and I vow to love you forever. For the rest of time, even when the sun burns out and we give ourselves to the night. When we face whatever lies beyond - I vow to love you then too.”
His hand took hers, slipping the ring onto her finger. It did not meet much resistance, the cold metal settling in place easily. They both looked down at it, at how it seemed to belong there, as if it had always been there but just out of sight.
Gale’s movement brought her back to the moment. The box was held out to her, and she took Astarion’s ring. It was larger than hers, heavier, with a slightly thicker band, and with engraving identical to hers. She looked at him and saw the same hunger in his eyes as the day she’d asked him to marry her, that ravenous need clear in the set of his features.
“I wasn’t… born for this. Not for any of it. My life was supposed to be one of quiet subservience, to be what I was raised to be. I left that behind, and then I thought my life would be one of unassuming simplicity. Not… not these gardens. Not this palace, or the journey we all had. Not immortality. Not you.” She bit her lip, a fang catching on it. “I think we were both done a great favor the day the nautiloid took us. It brought me to you, and you to me.”
“The way fate works is something I don’t pretend to comprehend. I don’t think any god looked kindly on us before that day,” she snuck a glance at Withers, who merely nodded, “but neither do I think it was mere chance. We were… meant to be here. Meant to meet, meant to go through everything we did and everything else we will encounter. Each meant for the other,” she added, watching his lips curl as he acknowledged her words.
“You waited far too long for me, while I did not have to wait long at all. There’s no compensation that can make up for all that,” and she shook her head as he opened his mouth, “but I hope that I can at least begin to… I don’t know, ease it.”
She looked down at the ring in her hand. It felt easier to say the words then, without meeting his gaze. “There are not enough words to express the depth of my love for you, and I fear there never will be. I have never been good at baring my heart, but if there was ever a moment to do so anyway it would be this one. I could say I love you more than anything I’ve ever loved in my life, and it would be true, but somehow it fails to express the sheer magnitude of my feelings for you.” She dared glance up to Astarion and was rewarded by an encouraging nod. “I vow from this day on to love you, to cherish you, and to see you. Even when it gets hard, even when it takes work to do so. I promise to do better, as you have done. I shall be your rock, your support, your comfort whenever you need me. Until the sun burns out, and through whatever lies beyond, I am yours. For as long as we exist, I vow to be your home, as you are mine.” She finally met his gaze and thanked herself for not fully looking up sooner. He looked so beautiful.
Astarion held his hand up, his fingers quivering visibly. He was smiling, but it was a bit frozen, almost forced in his anxious excitement. His eyes were too bright and wet, and she realized the trembling wasn’t just his hand but his whole body. She wanted nothing more than to wrap him in her arms and hide him away from everyone else, to keep him in the shelter of her embrace until his nervousness abated.
She slid the ring onto his finger.
Astarion cleared his throat. “Wrong finger,” he whispered, his voice cracking slightly. She stammered out a quick sorry, moving the ring from his middle to his ring finger.
The moment the ring slid home, Ulder spoke up. “It is with great honor that I pronounce you husband and wife. Lord Ancunín, you may kiss your beautiful bride.”
Instantly, Astarion wrapped an arm around her waist, tugging her close. He pressed their bodies together, and slipped his hands down, linking them under her ass. He gripped her tightly, lifting her up. She wound her hands around his neck, the silken fabric of his collar pleasant against her skin.
His mouth slotted against hers, his plush lips pressing against her own. Leaning into the kiss, she heard him groan softly as his tongue lapped at her lips, seeking entrance. She opened for him and the approving hum that answered her sent shivers down her spine. The feeling of his teeth catching her lower lip, dragging over it as he pulled gently, elicited a quiet moan from her. The sound of whistling from somewhere in the crowd broke through to her and she finally pulled away, embarrassed. He set her down but didn’t let go of her.
Astarion simpered for the crowd, but his eyes were still damp and round. He offered her his arm and she gratefully accepted, leaning against him as they walked back down the aisle, finally husband and wife.
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Astarion sauntered over to where Ban stood in front of the enchanted mirror, fighting with the clasps of her capelet, approaching from behind. “Does my wife need aid?” His hands ran over her shoulders to the clasps.
“Probably,” she huffed. “I had so much trouble having them put on. No one really knows how to do it, other than you.”
They were working on their first outfit change of the day, and she knew there would be more. Astarion had insisted on doing so for some variety in the portraits that would be painted today, but Ban also thought it a good idea to convey a sense of decadence and power. She was beginning to regret the pragmatism in that decision, now that she had to deal with the reality of multiple complex and tedious dress changes in a single evening.
He hummed in response, fingers slipping under the ornamentation to undo the buttons. “At the very least they managed to put it on straight. I was worried.”
“Gale did say as much.”
They both watched their reflections as he easily unbuttoned one side, then did the other, allowing the cape to fall to the floor between them. He leaned forwards, placing a kiss on her bare shoulder.
“Do you require more assistance, my love?” he whispered against the shell of her ear.
Shivering, she turned. “I wouldn’t say no, but I’m surprised you’re offering. The day isn’t quite over yet, Astarion.”
“Is it not? We’re wedded,” he held up his left hand, ring glinting in the candlelight, “and we have more than two hours before the reception starts. I presume we could steal a few minutes.” He closed in, crowding her, foreheads almost touching. “It wouldn’t take long, surely.”
Ban shook her head, reaching back to begin untying the laces of her dress. “We have portraits to pose for. We don’t have time.” She would have loved to; a month apart ensured her resistance was thin, but in that moment her thoughts were with the wedding arrangements. “As much as I want to-”
The words died in her throat as he moaned in her ear, rolling his hips against her thigh. “Certainly it should be up to me when our game ends, don’t you agree, darling? Ten minutes,” he whispered, “is all I would need.”
That word and the needy, aggressive tone in his voice undid the last threads of her restraint. She growled, taking a step back to remove the rest of her outfit. His eyes tracked her every move as she stripped the gown off, shimmying out of it gracelessly, shoving it down to her legs and stepping out of it.
“On that table,” Astarion pointed, and she backed up to sit on its edge. He prowled towards her, eyes dark and very much hungry, still fully clothed. His hands parted her legs roughly as he knelt. Their eyes met and she swallowed.
“Ten minutes, Astarion,” she warned weakly.
A dark bark of amusement answered her. “Trust me. I require less than that.”
His hand made its way up her thigh, fingers dancing playfully. He kissed her knee, eyes still locked onto hers. The other hand wrapped around the back of her knee, fixing that leg in place.
“Be a good girl,” he purred, “and be quiet. We don’t want anyone,” he traced her folds through her underwear, then flicked her clit through the fabric, “hearing us, do we?”
“Or walking in.” She took a quick, cursory look. She was pretty sure the door had been locked so they could change; the likelihood of anyone walking in was low.
He sank his teeth into the meat of her thigh, lapping lazily at the blood that formed, then smirked. His thumb ran circles around her clit, no doubt feeling the wetness beginning to soak through the cloth. “That too.”
Her eyes were glued to him as he began kissing his way up her thigh, fangs scraping her skin. He mouthed at her core, the thin cloth leaving too little and yet too much in between his tongue and her. He drew back a hand to undo the buttons of his suit, but his mouth never left her.
She rolled her hips, an insistent, pleading gesture, one hand wrapping around the side of the table as she bit on the other to stifle a moan. He hooked a finger in her underwear, tugging the fabric aside to bare her glistening folds. Red eyes flicked to her face, and he looked ravenous. “I wager you now agree with my assessment?”
“Probably less than ten minutes, yes,” she said breathlessly. “Just please. Lick me.”
He nodded, his face perfectly neutral, as if they were merely talking about the weather. “I knew you’d come around.” Keeping his eyes on her, he licked her, his tongue laid flat, from her entrance all the way up, making sure to give her a firm flick where she needed it most.
Ban groaned, spreading her legs further, needing more. Astarion obliged, slipping two fingers into her without meeting any resistance. “You’re deliciously wet, darling. How long have you wanted this? Wanted my tongue on you, wanted me - my fingers or my tongue or my cock, any part of me - inside you?”
She bucked, fucking herself on his fingers helplessly. “Too long,” she whispered. “Far too long.”
“Then I shall reward your patience, my love.” Without another word he dove right back between her legs; his hand spread her open, his tongue running circles around her clit before finally wrapping his lips around it and suckling.
She whined, the sensation momentarily overwhelming, but then he shifted into gentle, loving licks. Even that was intense, her hand instinctively lowering over his head, about to fist into his curls, until she remembered they needed to keep them pristine for the reception. She saw his eyes crinkle at her movement, but his mouth and fingers never stopped their work.
His fingers pumped into her faster, curling to hit her spot with every pass. His tongue lapped harder, the delicious friction making her hips move of their own accord, grinding against him. The fingers spreading her open, the naked, sheer desire in those eyes eating up her every reaction, the way his hips moved desperately in rhythm with his fingers, and the tent in his trousers were sights to behold, sights she had not seen in far too long, and it brought her climax barreling towards her.
“Astarion,” she whimpered, his name a quiet supplication upon the altar of his tongue.
He growled, low and deep in his throat, dragging a fang across her clit. The vibration and the slight sting of his fang sent chills racing along her entire body. She fought the urge to arch, to allow her eyes to roll back, wanting to see it. To see him. Their eyes met, and he cockily raised a brow as he gave her one last, hard flick, perfectly timed with a hard thrust of his fingers.
She bit her hand, fangs inadvertently breaking skin, a loud, muffled scream emanating from her as she came. Her hips jerked and Astarion wrapped a hand around her hip, pressing her closer as he lapped up everything she had to give. As she slowly recovered he kept licking, seemingly unwilling to stop. She could still see his erection straining against his trousers, his hips still slowly rocking.
“I… fuck,” she finally managed to say. She put a hand on his shoulder, pushing gently, feeling slightly oversensitive.
Astarion let go, a lazy, satisfied smirk on his face. He wiped his mouth on his cravat, then tugged it off. “Plenty of time to spare, just as I expected.”
Still trembling, Ban barely managed an annoyed glare. She let her eyes stray to the bulge between his legs. “And what about you?”
He looked down, as if noticing his clearly painful erection for the first time. “I think I can wait a little longer.” He adjusted his trousers and took a slow, deep breath in an attempt to calm down. “I simply wanted to end your punishment.”
“As for myself,” he drew in close and kissed her, letting her taste herself on his tongue, “I figure I have all night, and eternity after that.”
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qqtxt · 8 months
[🎈] tranquil [🐿]
[!] this is for the 1k followers mini fics. click here to find out more! ✿ pairing: taehyun x reader / idol!txt / non.idol!you / fluff / 599 words / mentions of nudity but nothing explicit! ✿ request: [bath] + taehyun (for our muses to bathe together) [main masterlist 🌸] / [event masterlist] / [tag: #qqtxt: 1k]
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you return to your apartment with the lovely scent of your lavender candles wafting from the lit bathroom. from the familiar looking sneakers at your doorstep, you're certain someone is–"just in time," you flinch a little at the voice that reverberates the room, and you chuckle when you see a head popping out from the bathroom door.
"jeez, almost gave me a heartattack," you shake your head, stepping in and putting your bag aside as you remove your jacket. he reveals himself entirely and pads over to you, helping you hang your jacket onto the coatstand with grin, "nah, impossible. i've been testing your heart all the time and you're gonna outlive me whether you like it or not."
"consider me lucky, then," you snicker, and he can't resist the urge to spin you around so he can give you a quick kiss. you can't ignore the smell coming from him that you had to put your hands on his shoulders, nudging him back to now take in the fact he's still in his clothes he wore to practice–"tae, respectfully, you stink."
he gasps and jolts back, eyes wide as he keeps one hand on your waist, the other up to cover his mouth in attempts to be dramatic. "oh no, whatever shall we do now?"
you throw your head back with a laugh; one so pretty that it makes taehyun form heart eyes at the sight. he takes this moment to pull you by the hand to follow him, leading you to the bathroom, "guess we'll need to take a bath, then."
he pushes the door open to reveal the multiple lit candles he's prepared around the sink, around the tub and a freshly drawn bath with a bath bomb from the cupboard. 
"kang taehyun, you were prepared and waited a bath for me?"
"yeah, for us."
"...stop. i love you too much as is."
he scoffs and follows your movements to get undressed, shaking his head, "can never be too much."
past the sounds of clothes ruffling and meeting the floor, taehyun holds your waist from behind to ensure you get into the tub safely (yes, all because of that one time you slipped trying to get in quickly). you hold your hand out for him to grip to leverage onto as he steps in behind you and soon, with the aroma of mandarin and sandalwood weaving in the mixture of lavender, you're leaning back against taehyun's chest as he circles his arms around you, cocooning you in as he presses his chin atop of your head.
"y'know, whether you're stinky or not, i don't think i'll ever get tired taking baths with you like this," you murmur, nudging him to lift his head from resting atop of yours as you move to rest your head against his shoulder. he gets a good look at you with a chuckle, shifting his legs and hugging you a bit tighter as the warm water swallows the pair of you a whole. "how is it that you threw an insult at me but still managed to compliment me at the same time?"
"dunno. i could be a wizard with words, i guess."
"brat," he mutters under his breath, and it makes you smile in a way that your eyes crinkle up. it makes him sigh at the sight, knowing very well that–"you love me."
he nudges the side of your head with his as he lowers himself to snuggle into you, his lips by the side of your ear as you two relax in the water together. "yeah, i do."
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Beyond this is the things they added to the 4.2.3 upd of DoL
Please send me an ask if you want me to add something or I missed one
Images/stories I still need
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Masc., Fem., and Andro.
Chest/breast sprites
Made the breasts have better visibility
Flattest chest size looks flatter on combat sprite
Added breast sprites to lace nightgown, virgin killer, ball gown, evening gown, open shoulder sweater, pink nurse, plastic nurse, skimpy lolita outfits, open shoulder crop top
Tattoo Parlour
Any unlocked bodywriting can be turned into a tattoo, even if it's not on the PC
New Triangle, Square, and Circle tattoos [look at the Island page for more info]
All down
Fishtail braid (left, right, twins)
Ribbon tail sides
Low tail
Thick ponytail
Short air vents
Side pinned
Dreadlocks bun
Emo/Emo Left/Emo Right
Traditional Maid Dress
Victorian Maid Dress
Shrine Maiden Robes
Virgin Killer Dress
Halter Sundress
Leather Dress
Cat hoodie
Ao dai Top
School cardigan
School blouse
Polo shirt
Color block crop top
Band t-shirt
Boxy t-shirt
Remade Serafuku
Classic Serafuku
Ao dai trousers
Plaid school skirt
Plaid school trousers
Plaid school shorts
School pinafore
Plaid school pinafore
Wide leg trousers
Straight leg trousers
Yoga pants
Jean miniskirt
Dolphin shorts
Under outfits
Turtleneck Leotard
Under upper
None 😔
Under lower
Tie Side Bikini Bottoms
Highwaisted microkini bottoms
Sheer Leggings
Stripped kneesocks
Patterned dress socks
Polka dot socks
Sports socks
Rib-knit socks
Rib-knit ankle socks
Canvas Loafers
Hairpins (butterfly + star)
Conical hat
Raccoon cap
Fur cap
Bat beanie
Mini pumpkin
Gas Mask
Doggy Muzzle
Medical Eyepatch
Love Locket
Fur boa
Work gloves
Temple garden, moor, farmlands, temp office, altar, secret path, the churchyard, the dilapidated shop, Eden's cabin, brothel stage [pt1]
Garden plots, stream, gloryhole, park fountain, asylum, sea rocks, waterfall, thicket, Great Hawk's nest, and perch [pt 2]
Rainwater pool, Eden's bed, lake campsite, fishing rock, archaeological field office, Remy's Estate, Great Hawk's tower, Ruins,
Black Dog
Riding a horse, question mark for inquires, searching for pots in lake, excersizing/hobbling in heels, gliding, entering town, searching for a mark, praying, and renting a stall [pt 1]
Getting in/out/refusing rides, trick or treating, sitting on the school stump, diving, descending/ascending in water, leaving water, and fixing Eden's cabin [pt 2]
Digging, showering, practise shooting, undo bindings, daydreaming, tilling, watching TV, chatting, singing, and plundering [pt 3]
Making tops/bottoms out of seaweed, meditating, relaxing
Trial of purity
Patient gown
Milk, breast milk, chicken eggs, truffles, temple pew, dog treat, bronze key, library desk, soap [pt1]
Lichen, cosmetics, small/medium/large/huge exotic/huge decor fish tanks, auto feeder, tank decor, and sewer safe [pt 2]
Antique watch, grass, antique crystal, scrap, stimulants, torch, fertiliser, antique candlestick, rubble, and mud [pt 3]
Spiderwebs [pt 4]
Salves, sink, computer, rug, broom, dustpan, gift boxes, wolf chew toy, padlock [pt 1]
Cash register, Eden's valentine's day gift, Eden's coatstand, condom vending machine [pt 2]
Breast milk
Chicken eggs
"Take all"
Fetish collar icon is updated
Pirate ship
Old Church
Dilapidated Shop
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"Split by Gender Apperance" changed to "Set/Ignore Sexual Orientation
Split into 10 categories; Assault, Coercion, Destruction of Property, Indecent Exposure, Obstruction of Justice, Prostitution, Resisting Arrest, Thievery, Petty Thievery, and Trespassing.
Crimes the PC has commited would be read out before punishment
Can adjust each crime in the cheat menu
Can view the crime stats in the stat menu
Ear Slime
Added an event that prevents PC to wear under lower garments, unless given directly to them
Sleeping event at Alex's farm
Sleeping event if you study at school naked
Alternate abduction event at the dog pound
At Remy's Farm, it would attempt to force you on all fours and eat grass
May force you to have sex with dolphins
Ear slime tasks are now in the Journal menu
Clit Parasite
Alternative masturbation options if PC has a clit parasite
Skip Button
Added a skip button that brings you to the next orgasm
Alex the Farmer
Avaliable pregnancy candidate [+more]
Crossdressing Fame
Can lower fame more if seen as a female are pregnant
Paternity Test
Option to do it at the Hospital
Hide Option
Can now choose to hide unavailable items in the shop
Gilded Spear
Lost World
Face of a Guardian
Wild Monarch
Prehistoric Landscape
The Island
How to enter, how to escape [+more]
Sensitivity values can be viewed in the "Extra Stats" tab under "Characteristics"
Confirmation dialouge appears when you try to exit/refresh the page [is on by default in ironman mode]. Can toggle it in the Advanced tab
Destroy, repair, dry, and drench clothes at once is added
Breast and Cum Values have been replaced with sliders
More additional options for pregnancy cheats
Farmland tp is added
Double Penetration
Unique cum images is added
Improved xray sprites
Lower Underwear
Able to pull it to the side during encounters
"Driving Lesson"
Rimming and Watersports outcomes
Whipping and buttplug outcomes
Rimming outcomes
Rimming outcomes
Car Sex
NPCs will ask if PC needs to be dropped off anywhere after
Prostitution opt. added
Wardrobe Outfit Editor
Added a random color option
Warmth filter is added
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Whitney can upgrade the Loft
Repeatable scene where he unlocks the chastity belt Winter put on you
Untying your bonds before swim class generates slightly random dialouge
Changing Rooms
PCs thoughts of being in the wrong changing room are more diverse, changes based on Crossdressing Rep
PC is no longer rejected immediately when looking like the opposite gender and is given weird stares and comments
Crossdressing Fame/Rep
Chance to lower crossdressing fame after not
Dog Happiness
Added a description of the dogs happiness on the main screen
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Wolf Pack
PC is more comfortable naked around the wolves in the wolf pack
Wolf Cave
You can submit to wolves that advance towards you in the cave
Will now deliver PC to the tutorial person if PC stays at the orphanage for the first whole week
Named NPC that is found during the Disguised Escape option
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Fleshy color option is added to sex toys and strap ons
Fleshy color sidebar renderer is added [no idea what that means]
Plumeria, tendable [view the Island page for more info]
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Can tie cardigan around waist
Able to lower suspenders
41 notes · View notes
koulakoukoula2003 · 2 years
hello, hope you're doing well and taking good care of yourself :) I just wanted you to know that I absolutely adore and worship the way you write Stepdad Erwin 🛐
And if you've got the time for this I have a request for Stepdad Erwin where the reader just had a terrible breakup, her and Erwin share a not so very innocent father and daughter bond which goes along the lines of passing flirtatious comments or stuff like that. And now that his sweet daughter is hurt and feels miserable Daddy Erwin decides to comfort her by fucking her real good ♡
If you're comfortable I'd love to see your approach towards this, thank you :)
Pairing: stepfather!Erwin x stepdaughter!reader
Genre: smutty smut, age gap (Erwin is 37, y/n is 20 lmao), stepdad x stepdaughter relationship TW: daddy kink, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, oral f and m receiving, stepcest, dumbification dd/lg uh idk what else lol Taglist: @hopeless-daydream3r @syrma-sensei @nathalunalune @nighttimescribbles @dassmyname @slavanimesimp @shrekisshrimpthesimp @antoxsmith @killerbananas @macyomoiji @teri-yeager IT'S UNEDITED!!
"Honey, I'm going out with the girls, tonight, alright?"
Of course, there was never really a night when Erwin actually fell asleep with his wife beside him. She was always gone and it pissed him off at first, but lately, he had just stopped caring.
Erwin sighed and hung his coat by the coatstand. He had just gotten home after a long day at work and all he wanted to do was rest.
"Is y/n home yet?" Erwin asked. The only reason he hadn't divorced that woman was because of you. You had great potential and he had made sure you were studying in one of the best colleges in the country.
Having your mom marrying another man when you were just fifteen, you didn't really like it at first, but as the time passed, Erwin earned your respect, and eventually your affection. Now, you were twenty years old and you knew better than ever that the only reason you were studying in that college was because Erwin was there to provide for you.
If you were left with just your mom - hell you wouldn't be studying at all. Erwin supported you and when he was in a good mood - he spoiled you, funding your shopping sprees, your outings with your friends, your vacations. It wasn't such a big deal. His purse was always full since he owned a company and fuck you'd be a liar if you said you've never thought about him in the loneliest nights.
Maybe he had picked up on your sounds, coming from your room, late in the night, touching yourself to the very thought of him. He had watched you once. You little minx - you had left your door half-open so that he would see you.
The way you moaned his name when you came all over your fingers - he would never forget it. You slutty little thing.
Of course, his wife was clueless. She was never really home.
"Oh yes," She said. "Just came home from college. Her boyfriend broke up with her so she's a bit of a mess. Just leave her alone for a while." She pecked Erwin's lips before walking out the door. "Bye, honey!"
Erwin frowned. He'd known you had a boyfriend. It had pissed him off as well, but he couldn't really stop you. You'd both known that the awkward looks, the flirtatious conversations, the lusty nights - you both knew that this was wrong. You were his stepdaughter and he was your stepfather. You both had to get it together and never indulge in this.
So, you tried to run from it. You got a boyfriend and he focused on his job. But Erwin was angry anyway.
No man should be allowed to hurt his little girl.
Erwin ignored his wife's instructions, and he headed straight for your room. Your door was closed but he could hear silent little sobs coming from you.
You sniffled and wiped your cheeks. "Not now, daddy."
He sighed. His pretty baby was a mess. He walked in anyway and gently approached you. You were lying on your bed, your back facing the door. He walked around to sit by the edge of the bed, facing you. You buried your face in your pillow and a small sob escaped you again.
"Aw, my sweet baby." He caught your chin, urging you to pull your face from your pillow so that he could look at your teary eyes and damp cheeks. You were so fucking beautiful when you cried.
He wrapped his arms around you and he picked you up like you weighed nothing, settling you on his lap. Your knees pressed on the bed on his sides and you sniffled again, wiping the pretty tears off your cheeks with your palm while he tucked your hair behind your ear. Ruined mascara stained your cheeks and he licked his thumb, swiping it away.
"What's his name? Tell daddy and he'll take care of it."
"No! Daddy, it's alright, I'm..." you wrapped your arms around his shoulders, grasping onto his half-open white shirt. "...I'm alright... s' glad you're here..." you buried your face in his neck, drawing in his scent mixed with his expensive cologne. His fingers buried within your hair, petting your head as if you were some beautiful little pet.
"You poor thing. Your first heartbreak. Must be so devastated."
"I am, daddy."
"That's alright, little girl..." he pulled back to look at you, cupping your pretty face "...will you let daddy make you feel better?"
You nodded frantically before he leaned in caught your pretty lips in his own. You sighed contently in the kiss and parted your lips allowing entrance to your mouth. He kissed you soft and sweet letting him taste you and you buried your fingers in his hair. His arms were around you, sneaking beneath your tank top to touch your waist, your hips, your belly, your breasts.
He let go of your lips, pressing soft, wet, open-mouthed kisses on your neck, your chest, your shoulder. He pulled your tank top over your head, revealing your pretty body beneath. Your hips were already thrusting against his crotch. He grabbed your hips, keeping you in place.
"Not yet, baby girl." He planted a bite at the crook of your neck and you gasped, throwing your head back for him.
"Please... please, daddy, I need you... been wanting you for so long..."
"I know, sweetheart, I know..." he unclasped your bra, letting your pretty breasts loose, pulled a nipple in his mouth, sucking hard, watching your shake and shiver while you struggled to take off his shirt. "No." He caught your hands, and trapped them both behind you, at the small of your back with just one of his own. You tried to free them, but he was just too strong "the only one naked in here, will be you, baby girl."'
You whined. "That's unfair!"
He chuckled and finally pulled from her breasts to look up at that cute little pout that spread on your lips. "Do you think that it wasn't unfair of you to be a slutty little thing, touching herself in the nights, moaning my name so damn loud? It was intentional, wasn't it? Leaving your door open... pretty baby, all spread out for daddy to watch."
"No! Daddy, I- I didn't mean to-"
"Ssshh, it's alright, my pretty angel, just let daddy make you feel good, alright?"
You nodded sheepishly. He helped you take off your shorts and your panties, now completely naked, settling back down on your bed, parting your pretty legs for him and fuck your cunt looked fucking divine. Better than what he had imagined.
He stood up of the bed and grabbed your legs, dragging you to the edge of the bed. He knelt down and buried his face between your legs. He closed his lips around your clit, giving it a strong suck and making your head roll back to the mattress. Your hands balled into fists around the sheets of your bed while he eased a thick finger inside your warm, wet walls.
He licked a stripe from your slit to your clit, gathering your sweet arousal on his tongue. He curled his finger inside your cunt, searching for that sensitive spot that he'd use for the rest of the night to coax however many orgasms he wanted out of you.
You let a particularly high-pitched moan when he found it and he smiled devilishly. He pressed his tongue on your twitching clit while he looked up at you. How you had thrown your head back. Beautiful body arched and delicious breasts peaked in attention. And then there were those sounds - those delicious sounds that he had heard before but he had tried so hard to hold himself back.
It was so fucking wrong to do this with his stepdaughter. You were but a little girl in his eyes - a twenty year old inexperienced little princess that he was going to corrupt and turn into a mindless slut who was only made to provide holes for daddy.
"Shit..." Erwin growled sucking harder on your clit and gently easing another finger inside your spasming hole that was now dripping. The second finger came in without any resistance. His cock was forming a tent beneath his pants and if you didn't cum now, he'd skip the prep and just fuck you right then and there.
He licked your juices and he nudged your sweet spot with every rough thrust his fingers made inside you. The sounds were obsecene. Your wet cunt was almost as loud as your moans and whimpers and gasps that turned to tiny little screams as he brought you closer and closer.
"Right there, daddy! Right there, I'm gonna cum!"
He smacked your thigh, leaving an imprint of his hand there, hard enough to make you cry out from the sudden pain that travelled straight to your cunt.
"Cum, baby, be a good girl and cum on daddy's tongue."
You screamed. Your back made an unnatural arch and your legs shook around his head. He pressed a hand to your belly, to keep you pinned on the bed while he fucked his fingers into you, overstimulating you through your orgasm till you were scream and pretty tears were running down your cheeks.
"No! Daddy! S' too much, too much... too much- Ah!"
He slapped your clit roughly a couple of times knocking another orgasm out of you in a row. You could barely breathe. It was too much, you wept, but he let you ride it out, planting kisses on your thighs, while you twitched and trembled and you finally calmed down.
"What a good girl..." he planted a gentle bite on your thigh "...my good, pretty girl... you did so well for me."
He took off his belt and hovered on top of you, sinking his limbs all around you on the bed while he kissed away your tears and you wrapped your arms around his shoulders, burying your fingers in his hair. You caught his lips again, devouring his mouth, trying to get sly and unbutton his shirt while you kept him distracted with your lips.
He pulled back from the kiss and he wrapped your arms, tearing them away from his shirt and pinning them on the bed above your head. You giggled at that look of irritation on his face.
Maybe if you riled him up he'd fuck you hard. That's exactly what you wanted and he was going to give it to you.
"Don't be a bad girl, y/n." He warned. "You don't want to know what happens to bad girls."
"I want to touch you!"
He clicked his tongue. "Not today, babygirl." He caught his belt that he had set aside. "Hands up."
You pouted but still did as asked, letting him fasten his belt around your wrists and after he made sure you'd keep them there, he got up, and grabbed your bound wrists with one arm, dragging you off the bed and on your knees right in front of him.
Your parted your lips like a good girl, sticking your tongue out, waiting for him to stick his cock inside your awaiting mouth. Your mouth watered at the sight of it. Big and beautiful cock, long and girthy, one large vein protruding along the length. Fuck, this man was perfect.
He pressed the leaky tip to your tongue, letting you taste his salty precum before he caught your head and gently thrust his cock inside you mouth. He buried his fingers in your hair and he fucked your mouth. He grunted as the wet warmth of your mouth enveloped his cock. Spit ran down your chin and leaked on the floor, making a mess on his black shoes.
He brought you close enough, burying himself down your throat, making you gag and bury your nose in his underbelly. He grunted before finally releasing you and picking you up, literally throwing you on the bed as if you weighed nothing.
You wrapped your legs around his waist while he positioned himself on your entrance before he thrust in. Your mouth parted in a silent scream and your body arched. You threw your head back while he buried his face in your neck, beginning to lick and kiss and bite.
"Fuck... you're so big, daddy... s' deep..."
"You feel amazing, sweetheart." He caught your lips in his own, settling deep inside you all the way for a moment like he kissed you sweet before he pulled back and settled on his knees.
He settled your legs on his shoulders and he started thrusting.
With a few slow thrust and his thumb on your clit, those pretty moans started to slip from your lips. His cock nudged your spot and you cried out. He groaned as you clenched around him. Your wetness was making a mess on your bed.
But that was alright, daddy would just buy a new set.
His fat cock stretched you over and over, reaching the deepest parts. He groaned. "You're squeezing me so hard, sweetheart..." he leaned down, grabbing your tied hands and forcing them above your head while he pulled out and thrust back in harder this time, knocking you forward. A delicious cry escaping your pretty mouth "...no boy has fucked this cunt the way it deserves to be fucked, hmm?"
"Y- Yes! D- Daddy, please... s' good, fuck..." there was no way you could form a coherent sentence right now.
"It's alright, baby. You're mine now," he buried his face back in your neck, biting down harshly enough to leave a mark. You gasped. He picked up the pace, bullying your spot with his cock. His balls slapped against your ass, heavy and full. He groaned. "Are you going to be a good girl and cum around daddy's cock? Hmm?"
"Fuck, daddy, yes! Yes, please, please... m' so close, s' fuckin' close please..."
His hand snuck between your bodies, rubbing your clit in tense circles whilst he fucked you hard, hitting your cervix and you were a gone.
Your screamed, gushing all over his pumping cock. Your body arched and shook beneath him and he groaned because you squeezed him so fucking tight, he nearly came inside you. He pulled out, cumming all over your heaving stomach.
He let you both to take a moment to catch your breath. He cleaned you up before tucking you to sleep, kissing away your tear-stained cheeks and cupping your face.
"I don't want any other man laying hands on you. Is that understood?"
"Y- Yes, daddy!"
He pressed a kiss on your forehead. "Good girl."
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catsafarithewriter · 1 year
A/N: I have so many projects to focus on, not least of all the bday bash, and instead of literally of then, I wrote 1K for a new au I'm not sure I'll ever finish – but since it doesn't fit any of the bb categories, I might as well dump it here for ppl's amusement. Uh, enjoy?
In the many years since he had established the Cat Bureau, Baron had become accustomed to a great many oddities arriving through his front door. Haunted dolls, river spirits, and on one memorable occasion, a singing teapot – to recount but a few.
Even so, the bride was a new one.
She stormed through the Bureau doors with enough force to send the mahjong tiles rattling (Muta was winning, but only because Baron hadn't figured out how he was cheating yet) and froze upon seeing the occupants.
She glanced back at the double doors she'd just slammed through, her ears nearly unsettling the veil, back at Baron and Muta, and then finally to the doors again for good measure. "Well," she said, probably to herself, "I suppose that does save me the trip."
Baron rose to his feet, abandoning with some relief the lost mahjong game, and instinctly reached for his top hat. His hands curled around thin air. Ah. Right. He supposed it was a tad late to grab it from the coatstand.
At least he still had his introduction.
"Hello, and welcome to the Cat Bureau–"
"Does your front door often move?"
His normal greeting stuttered. "Move where?" he asked.
The bride opened the door and seemed unusually surprised to see the Sanctuary courtyard on the other side. "You know, just anywhere else." She closed it, then tried again – seemingly for good measure. "It was a church hall door thirty seconds ago."
Ah. She was one of those clients then, picked up by the Sanctuary in a moment of great distress. He tried not to extrapolate any further, given her current, telltale attire.
"I think you'd better sit down, Miss...?"
"It was going to be Mrs Itsuki," the bride grumbled. She took one look at Muta, monopolising the sofa with obviously no intent to budge, and instead perched on an armchair.
Baron took the other seat. "Now, what seems to be the problem?"
"The problem?" the bride echoed. She motioned to herself. "Just look at me, Baron!"
Baron did, assuming that he'd somehow overlooked some glaring dilemma – but no. All he could see was a tabby cat decked out in a stunning bridal dress, even if the veil didn't quite fit around her ears. "Could you perhaps be more specific–"
"I'm a cat."
"As I can see." He finally clocked on to the use of his name, remarkable since she had cut his introduction short. "Have we met before?"
She blinked. "Well, I suppose it has been a good few years since our last encounter. Similar-ish kind of circumstances too," she added with a sheepish half-laugh. "Despite my attempts to change it, my name is still Haru Yoshioka."
It took him a moment to place the name – and then a few more to mentally dig up the case associated with it.
Muta was a second faster to compose a response.
"Chicky? Don't tell me you've gotten yourself hitched again to a cat!"
A blush rose to Haru's cheeks, visible even beneath the fur. "He's strictly human, Muta. Nearly getting married to a cat once is quite enough for me."
"Then what happened to yer?"
"I don't know! One second I'm walking down the aisle," she said, hands thrown up for emphasis, "and the next I start sprouting fur and a tail! I made a run for it, and instead of being dumped in the vestry, I stepped through into here." She slumped where she sat. "I was kind of hoping you'd have an explanation."
"The Sanctuary will often offer a door to those who need our help," Baron said, "although I must confess I have no immediate solution for your dilemma. Are you sure you don't know of its cause?"
"Unless I'm weirdly allergic to organ music, no."
Muta chortled. "Perhaps it's a wedding gift from the Cat Kingdom."
"Not funny."
"Perhaps it wouldn't be unwise to check with the Cat Kingdom," Baron said, before Muta could goad their client any further. He read the wrinkling of Haru's whiskered nose. "The Cat King you knew is enjoying his retirement in a distant corner of the Kingdom; his son, Lune, has since taken the throne."
"Oh. Well, that's okay then. I mean, I did kind of have things planned for today but, well..." She looked down at herself. "They're probably cancelled now."
Upon King Lune being introduced to Haru, he took one look at her dress and feline traits, and his face dropped. It wasn't so much disappointment, as it was the dawning realisation that consequences had just come a-knocking. (Baron was fairly certain he'd seen a similar breed of regret on Muta's face, just after Baron had found the remains of a cake Muta had hidden away and promptly forgotten about.)
"Oh," said the young royal. "I'd rather hoped this wouldn't happen."
"Rather hoped?" Haru echoed in dangerous tones. "So you knew about this?"
King Lune raised his paws in supplication. "Knew is such a strong word. Theorised is more like it."
"I think the lady has a right to know what you've theorised," Baron interceded, before Haru's temper could make an appearance.
"Well, it wasn't my theory," Lune said, once the Bureau and its plus-one had been ushered into a drawing room. "Natori was the one who warned me of it."
"Natori is..." Haru prompted.
"My father's advisor," Lune said.
"Not the short one who smiles a lot?"
"No, that'd be Natoru," and Lune didn't respond to Haru's evident relief. "Natori officially went into retirement when my father did – but since he was also the only one to have a handle on any of the paperwork here, he makes the occasional return trip."
"And what did Natori warn you of?" Baron asked.
Lune didn't reply immediately, instead visibly chewing over his words with an air of deliberateness that had been absent in his princely years. "He explained that the Cat Kingdom is subject to a series of... rules – or forces," he said eventually. "Like the Human Realm obeys such things as time or gravity. The Cat Kingdom has another kind of rule – that of equal exchange."
"Equal exchange?" Muta echoed.
"Favours, debts," Lune clarified. "If a neighbour kitten-sits for you, you look after their ageing parents another day. For the small, everyday things, it mostly works itself out, enough so that most cats don't even notice – the idea of repaying a favour is just ingrained into our culture, that most will naturally fulfil it."
There was a pause as his audience digested this unexpected spat of worldbuilding. Then, from Baron, "And if it were a larger debt?" He glanced to Haru. "Such as saving the life of the kingdom's prince?"
Lune's expression flickered, betraying an exact hitting the nail on the head. "Then something of equal value must be returned. Something like marrying into the royal family the individual had diverted catastrophe from." He studiously didn't meet Haru's eyes as he added, "Attempts to avoid such a repayment might have... consequences."
"So I'm a cat because I didn't marry you," Haru deadpanned. "That feels a little bit like railroading my life choices."
"It's not something we can control!" Lune insisted. "Otherwise I would consider it null in a heartbeat! But the rules of the Cat Kingdom have a penchant for... symmetry, as Natori put it, so when you tried to marry someone other than a cat royal..."
"The Cat Kingdom got pissy," Haru finished.
"That hadn't been the word I'd been thinking of, bit close enough."
Haru's shoulders slumped.
"Cheer up, Chicky," Muta said. "Perhaps he's got a cute cousin."
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✨Nanny Helena and Her Volunteer Boys Snippet ✨
"Hey, Wy!"
Wylan stopped and glanced over his shoulder at Jesper. Jesper paused, running his hand over the back of his head.
"I, um..." He trailed off. Wylan raised an eyebrow.
"Are you trying to get me to miss the tram again?" He asked with a roll of his eyes. He turned away. "Very funny, Jesper-"
Jesper grabbed his hand. "I wasn't-" He drew Wylan's hand slightly closer and Wylan's heart picked up as he thought Jesper might actually be pulling him close. Jesper dropped his hand, though, as if he'd realised what he was doing. "I was just, uh, wondering if you were doing anything for," he cleared his throat and looked away, "for de Dag van Sankta Dood?"
Wylan blinked. What?
He crossed his arms, all worries of a late tram momentarily forgotten. "Not really, why?"
"Well, um," Jesper swept his eyes up to the ceiling, looking anywhere but Wylan's face, "if you, uh, weren't doing anything, I thought we could hang out. My da's letting me borrow his car and there's a drive in cinema going up in town. They're showing, uh, old horror films, Dracula, that sort of thing." He scratched the back of his head, chewing his bottom lip. "I, um, I was wondering if you wanted to go? With me? Like," he glanced at Wylan and his eyes stuck, "we could dress up - if you wanted - and get some popcorn and it'd be fun. Maybe."
Saints above, Wylan was going to kiss this guy breathless if he got the chance.
"What?" He teased, a grin pulling at his lips. "Just us two?"
Jesper's eyes widened in panic. "/Saints/, no!" His eyes widened more, mouth opening and closing as he scrabbled for something to say. "Not that- I mean, uh- Inej and Kaz'd be there too. Like," he chuckled, "it wouldn't just be us."
Wylan nodded.
Course it wouldn't just be them too. As if they had a relationship that close.
Wylan checked his watch. "I, um, we'd better get to the tram," he said.
Jesper nodded. "Right. Yeah." He grabbed his jacket from the coatstand and swung it on, walking Wylan to the door. "But what dyou think about it?"
Wylan nodded his head to the side. "It'd be nice," he said. He smiled up at Jesper. "I'd like to come along."
Jesper grinned, something like relief sparkling in his eyes. "Good. Great! I'll, uh, I'll come pick you up, yeah?" He looked down at his feet, shoving his hands in his pockets. "Just text me your address, I'll come along at some point."
Wylan nodded. They walked side by side in the frigid October air in a silence. It wasn't exactly comfortable but it was nice enough that Wylan didn't struggle for a way to break it.
Eventually, though, he frowned and his breath puffed out in front of him.
"I didn't know you could drive."
They're just idiots in love it's FINE-
Nanny Helena will clear this up. She's the og shipper.
Make him miss the train "again"?? Jesper 😂
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steelycunt · 2 years
hi!! whats ur favourite description of both r and s like the best one you've read/wrote, one that you think about constantly?
hi darling!! sorry it took me so long to answer this!! i wanted to give it some thought and ive only been functioning on half capacity for the last few days frankly xx
if you mean description in terms of a specific passage/sentence in something ive read, im not quite sure what i'd refer to for my 'favourite' although i know for a fact ive read sooo many passages of characterisation for both of them that ive loved very much...speaking more broadly i (once again) would refer to gamesformay's all the young dudes as an example of a fic where the characterisation definitely stayed with me and i think about it often, certain passages about the way sirius expresses emotion in that fic and if i remember a correctly i specifically enjoyed certain lines from peter's pov when he's describing remus...also generally the way laura dykesiriusblack (hi laura xx) writes sirius in particular across all their fics is definitely a description i think about a lot i love his version of him soooo much hes so messy he's such a cunt he's wearing a silk shirt etc xx like i think a lot about how laura's sirius is all the things the character is meant to be (hot + charming + supposedly confident) but also a very real and often vulnerable person. also nobody's empire (im doing it again) by le_mru has a dynamic between r/s which i loveee and think about a lot!! the way their relationship is written there aligns so well with how i imagine it to be.
in terms of descriptions ive written...looking back at the majority of my fics i tend to find little issues and things i would change about the characterisations were i to write them now bc its so easy to get like that about ur own writing!! but certain lines that i remember more vividly than other are like...silly lines like the bit in aofgwm where sirius mistakes remus for a coat stand--[He is not what they had expected Lily Evans’ friend to be. In fact, at first glance, Sirius thinks he’s a coat stand.]--because like yeah thats what he is he's my little coatstand. otherwise...for remus i think certain passages in on the issue of fever and delight--i don't necessarily think about them a lot but i do feel they solidly present my characterisation of him! for instance this line: ["I’d rather you—you hate me, than forget about me,” he admits, and it sounds so pathetic, and so violently true.] from that fic essentially sums up how i see his relationship with loving sirius so i was pleased that i could get that in there :-) sorry i couldn't provide more like...specific passages but i will definitely build on this if i come across more/get myself together enough to organise them because i love answering things like this!! thank you so much!!
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apatojp · 2 years
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Cabine by @ingasempe is both a mirror and coatstand. A hybrid furniture that allows one to divide a space, check one’s reflection as well as organise coats and sports equipment. Cabine expands the perception of space through the use of a double mirror and ships flat. Photographed at Cipango - our Milan design week exhibition set in a private residence at Porta Venezia. Photography by @sebastianstadler.jpg Art direction by @martinowski Styling by @kraakvikdorazio https://www.instagram.com/p/CgOozboP1n8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thunderstruck9 · 3 years
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Michael Farrell (Irish, 1940-2000), Serie au bistro, 1982-83. Oil on canvas, 53.5 x 25.75 in.
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simichiamano · 4 years
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Jannis Kounellis Fondazione Prada, 2019
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decoreway · 3 years
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night-and-dreams · 4 years
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Ole Marius Joergensen-Slow Night
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kirillalexanin · 5 years
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Прихожую в загородном доме решено представить в​ светлых тонах, от этого это пространство стало воздушным и лёгким. Интерьер не нагромаждён лишней мебелью, все вещи занимают свои места.​ В ленте представлены фрагменты эскизов из нашего дизайн проекта загородного дома. Напольная вешалка из меди​ Alana Coat Stand, Copper https://www.instagram.com/madedotcom/ https://www.made.com/alana-coat-stand-copper?wvideo=sa8xen8dk1 Минималистичная банкетка Minotti Flynt Bench​ ​​ https://www.minotti.com/en/flynt_2 https://www.instagram.com/minotti_spa/ Минималистичная банкетка Кубо 120 https://www.instagram.com/p/BoK8lVJhUui/ https://www.instagram.com/dantonehome/ #дизайнеринтерьера #AlanaCoatStand #MinottiFlyntBench #Copper #Кубо120 #банкеткакубо #Coatstand #lechuza #дизайнпроект #современныйинтерьер #светлыйинтерьер #напольнаявешалка #банкетка #interior #kirillalexanin #зеркало #hanger #statuary #camp #coatrack #floohanger #strelitziaplant #кэмп #interiordesign #strelitzia https://www.instagram.com/p/B1EIOj2FmUw/?igshid=9r8vq96rtcau
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koulakoukoula2003 · 2 years
Now that college is not kicking my ass idk what to do with so much free time, so i ofc end up making scenarios with erwin, sooo...
We all are needy for big blonde daddy erwin but what if this time he's the needy one, and not in a subby way like us, in a demanding way, so picture this, y/n is his pretty little housewife, always there for him when he gets home from work, and this time, he really REALLY needs her there bc he's had a shit day at work, so he gets home and goes straight to her to just basically kiss her senseless and touch her everywhere making clear he needs her, but y/n is like "Im doing (whtver she might me doing)." And erwin is like "well now you are not." And basically stops her from doing what she was doing to fuck her dumb right there bc poor man is so stressed he needs to let it out🥺💖
no, but Erwin IS a burdened man no matter the AU we're in, but as his wife, you're trying your best to be there for him. You cook, you clean, you do his laundry, anything for your beloved man who always comes home late in the night and exhausted providing for you both.
And tonight was one of those nights. You decided to make him his favourite meal and you wanted it to be warm by the time he'd be home so you started making it a little later than you usually would.
You heard the door opening and his familiar footsteps hitting on the floor. He let down his bag and hung his coat by the coatstand nearby the door and the delicious smell of your cooking reached his nostrils. He sighed in utter relief from being home to you at last.
You were all he could think about all day and during his drive home. Your pretty moans and gasps and sounds. Your plush thighs that were always so tender beneath his fingers. Your sweet lips that were always parted and wet for him.
He couldn't wait anymore. He needed you and he didn't care the least about how tired and hungry he was. His hunger for you exceeded everything else.
He found you by the stove, mixing ingredients in a pot and working fast to finish his meal just in time for him to unclothe. He worked so hard, but you always worked just as hard for him.
Goodness, he loved you.
You were so pretty like this. You were wearing a loose, sleeveless, colourful gown that reached just above your knees. Your hair were messy and all he wanted to do was bury his nose into them.
Before you knew it, you had strong arms around you, gripping on your body everywhere he could reach. Your waist. Your rear, your hips, your breasts. Your loose nipples peaked at his touch and let out a soft growl at the back of your neck as he buried his face there. He buried his nose at that sensitive part that connected your neck to your shoulder and he drew in your scent.
He buried his hand beneath your skirt, finding the plush skin of your thighs, your hips, your stomach. He could already feel his cock straining his pants, pressing against your rear and your lips parted in a silent moan. You were absolutely certain of what awaited you.
"Need you..." he groaned in your ear and you bit your lip.
You chuckled. Your sweet man. "I'm sorry, darling, but I'm making us dinner-" you were interrupted by a moan that erupted from your throat. His fingers had snuck beneath your panties, touching your awaiting clit and god you were so fucking wet, and he had barely done anything to you.
"Well, now you're no longer doing that, aren't you?" He groaned in your ear, pressing his fingers harder down your clit, having your legs shaking. "You're so wet and here I was thinking I'm the desperate one."
You let out a pathetic whimper when he pressed his hand to your back and urged you to bend over the counter. You complied right away, bending over the counter.
You felt him fumbling through your gown, mounting up your waist to reveal your perfect buttcheeks. He ghosted his hands over them before landing a powerful spank knocking a cry out of you.
"Fuck..." he bit his tongue. You were so fucking hot. Normally he would make sure to prep you, but you were so wet already and he couldn't think straight unless he started fucking you right now.
"Bad day at work?" You asked.
He sighed. "The worst." He fumbled through his belt, letting it loose and unzipping his pants. He took out his hard cock and he slipped your panties aside. He pressed the fat, leaky tip of his cock to your opening and your lips parted in a silent cry as he began to thrust in.
No matter how many times you had had sex, you could never get used to his size and girth.
He bottomed out, pressing against your furthest spot and you panted hard. Your legs shook and tried to close but he was pressed snug so deep. He sighed and leaned back down over you, planting his teeth on your exposed shoulder and you whimpered at the stinging pain. He left a beautiful, deep red mark that would stay there for days.
"You're squeezing me so hard, sweetheart," his hand reached beneath your body, rubbing your clit and you almost came on the spot. Your sounds were the sweetest thing he'd ever heard.
He pulled out completely before thrusting back in. He started slow before picking up the pace. Every thrust was now knocking you forward. One hand was wrapped around your neck, forcing you to look back at him so that he could kiss your lips furiously whilst he fucked into you. His other hand was on your clit, rubbing maddening circles and his cock was hitting so very deep you cried out against his mouth only for him to kiss you harder.
He was slamming into you now, hard and fast bringing both his hands on your hips, colliding you back to him. His cock hit against your cervix, rubbing your sensitive spot. He brought a hand to your belly, feeling himself hitting deep before rubbing your clit again and you were gone.
You screamed out his name, cumming so hard around him, your whole body shook and if it wasn't for the counter, you would've dropped on the floor.
The lewd sound of his cock slamming in and out of your wet, gushing cunt was almost as loud as your screams. He fucked you harder through your orgasm, and he didn't let up even when you were begging him to.
"T' much! Too much, daddy, p- please!" pretty tears ran down your cheeks, making a puddle on the counter beneath you. His fingers still rubbing on your clit "oh fuck, I'm gonna cum again... 'm gon' cum 'gain, fuck- fuck- AH!"
He smacked your ass again, slamming harder into you. He gripped your shoulders, your hair, your throat, bringing you harder against him.
"That's it, pretty girl... cum around daddy's cock... I know you can do it... such a greedy little slut..."
He caught your hair, bringing your back to his chest, pushing your poor body in an unnatural arch. He wrapped a hand around your throat, the other to your belly to keep you in place as he slammed mercilessly against your sensitive spot.
You screamed again and thrashed beneath his grip as came again all over his cock that kept slamming into you, fucking you through your orgasm. Hot ropes of cum shot inside your quivering walls and he brought your body back to the counter, watching you shake and writhe beneath him.
You both took a moment to pant and catch your breath.
"I think the food got burned."
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