#code lyoko fan characters
pluagemask042 · 3 months
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Project Nexus - Ulrich Stern, Virtualized
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holyghostflo · 1 year
Catboy Hours
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On Kadic, a one-of-a-kind guy (with the fashion sense to match).
On Lyoko, the most GOATed warrior of all time.
My favorite character everyone, Odd Della Robbia!
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a-queenoffairys · 11 months
it's not about franz hopper, it's not about the men in black, it's not about carthage. all of that stuff is just set dressing to provide a basic explanation for why the supercomputer and xana are here in the first place. it's not about the past, it's about the present, it's about the five kids and their lives, their relationships, their struggles and their fight against xana. and I don't want a reboot that loses sight of that in favour of fleshing out a backstory with details that really don't matter.
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No Propaganda For Either
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strikerwott12 · 2 years
Side characters and background characters my beloved
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rhubarbrambles · 1 year
code lyoko, aelita, and neurodivergence
hi-ho! i'm rhubarb. i'm autistic. and a big fan of code lyoko. it's been a hyperfixation of mine on and off for a couple years now. aelita has ALWAYS been my favorite. her arc, her wit, her .. everything! yet there was always something.. different about her to me that i couldn't place.
that is.. that she's. REALLY relateable to the autistic experience. let's jump right into that.
first off. aelita's otherment from other human chatacters. yes, we learn aelita IS human. but even after learning that, aelita states feeling.. off, different. and, fuck, does that GET to me. it's very similar to how neurodivergent people often feel othered when around neurotypicals. that something is just.. wrong. that they don't belong, that they aren't being a person .. correctly, so to say
we even see aelita struggle with identifying tone / social cues, i.e. the multiple times sissi leads aelita into trouble by lying to her (like when telling her there's another shower upstairs, but refraining from saying that is the boy's shower). not only is she struggling, but sissi continues to laugh at aelita's failures. she IS being othered.
aelita, in a sense.. is having to "learn how to be human" again. that is. ..learn.... social norms. like how many neurodivergents often attempt to mask. this gets to her, too — we see aelita run BACK to lyoko because she's so damn stressed about it. she wants to go to HER normal.
ive also seen aelita's love of things like dj-ing as a hyperfixation of sorts. this one is hard to explain, but .. it was relateable to me to watch her gain a passion she loved so deeply.
my favorite part? when her character develops. we don't see aelita become.. "normal". we see her become CONFIDENT. we see her learn how to cope with her differences, learn how to THRIVE. she stays just as witty, as "weird", but accepts those parts of her and matures. it's.. something a younger me really needed. to watch her grow up and be.. okay. that despite it all, there's nothing WRONG with aelita. in fact, she's really damn cool.
i don't.. think aelita was written with such a subtext in mind. i don't think it was on purpose for her to fit so nicely into these boxes. and i don't think every autistic (or other neurodivergent) person will feel the same. yet. she was there for me. and was so, so important to me. people don't have to hc her as on the spectrum, but god, i sure do.
i love when chatacters, even on accident, can provide this for people. if you have a character like this, id love to hear about it in the tags / comments / reblogs etc!!!
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Not Miraculous Ladybug but since I heard you're a fan of Code Lyoko, I wanted to ask a few questions if that's cool. Who's your fav character and why? What's your favorite and least favorite thing about each main character? Fav side character? Favorite episode? Favorite XANA attack? Are we all in agreement that Clone William is best boi? Anything else you want to say about it that no one's asked before? Sorry this if this is a lot, lol.
Favorite Character: Aelita. She easily went through the most development over the course of the show, going from a walking plot device to a capable fighter in her own right.
Favorite Things About the Characters:
Ulrich: He easily has the coolest powers in Lyoko. Twin swords, super speed, duplication, and an awesome bike.
Odd: Similarly, I like how Odd's powers are handled. It's clear that compared to the others, his are the least practical (cat features, a limited supply of "laser arrows", and a shield), but he manages to hold his own through his quick thinking.
Yumi: I like the way she has to struggle the most balancing her personal life with her Lyoko duties. Unlike the others, she lives with her family, so she has to deal with family drama, and that's not getting into what happens once William gets involved.
Aelita: Again, it's the way she goes from a standard damsel in distress to becoming the de facto leader of the team when Jeremie isn't around.
Jeremie: It's really interesting to see Jeramie act as the leader of the team when he isn't much of a fighter, almost like a young Professor X. The other four may fight XANA directly, but Jeramie gets a lot more done. When XANA wiped out Lyoko, Jeramie managed to recreate the entire world, give the other four upgrades to their powers, and create a submarine for the team to use.
Least Favorite Things About the Characters
Ulrich/Yumi: Putting them together because this one is obvious. The "will they or won't they?" stuff. It just got old, and even after Season 3, which has Yumi try to say she just wants to be friends, the show still rode with this.
Odd: He's funny, but there are still times when he can be pretty annoying.
Aelita: There are admittedly times were it felt like the show kept coming up with ways to endanger her. It made sense in Season 1, but by Season 3, it felt a little excessive that XANA needed her to destroy Lyoko.
Jeremie: I always found it disappointing that we never got to see his Lyoko form.
Favorite Side Character: Jim
Favorite Episode: "Aelita"
Favorite XANA Attack: "Temporary Insanity"
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trashrattt · 10 months
Since I've been playing thr Super mario Rpg remake, I had to just think about Code lyoko somehow, so heres some dumping of this dumb idea;
Wouldn't it be cool if code lyoko was a turn based Rpg game? I mean think about it, it would be perfect for the format, on lyoko, you'd expect for some exp gain and general grinding, although there isn't a vast area to explore like SMRPG, but still
And it's expansive! With the addition of replikas, that format can be put into the real world as well. If I were to make a Code lyoko Rpg, I'd use Replikas, as those areas are vastly expansive, and where you would get the main meat of the story.
And in the code lyoko games (Quest for infinity) there are bosses that you can find in the replikas, so it would totally be a dope ass story to play.
And when the LW are on earth (no replikas) you could probably rest and do general side missions with the more minor characters (sometimes needing to take out monsters ON earth without being a spectre) which is why you'd need to gain weapons for the real world to use (you'd find them in the characters respective rooms) and most likely, need to hide them until the time may be needed (this idea hasn't been considered a whole lot but still)
If I were to write the story, it would be after season 4, because let's be honest, the games need yo take place afterward, be expansive! And also give Will the time he needs to become a Lyoko warrior (without just tossing him aside, yk, the end of season 4, ugh)
General stats for most of the characters:
Aelita - Role: Support
Aelita now has the ability to heal! But in turn, that takes some damage to herself, so the others have to be careful (healing items have to be used when her HP is low)
Strengths: land manipulation and energy fields (she can pack quite a punch! Not too overpowered though, she often needs upgrades to be super effective)
Weaknesses: often being the main target; Xana tends to focus on her, and using her powers takes damage, like a double edged sword
Yumi - Role: Ranged combatant
Strengths: her fans can go far! Often targeting multiple enemies at once.
Weaknesses: little to no defense; she can evade long ranged attacks easily, but when it comes to head-on combat, her fans aren't of much help
Ulrich - role: warrior
Strengths: both agile and strong! A great lead for teams, and has a excellent powerset to go with it!
Weaknesses: although strong and agile, in strength, he's neutral. Nothing too overpowered, and not underpowered, just neutral
Odd - Role: Ranged combatant
Much like Yumi, Odd has ranged attacks, although there are some differences between the two:
Strengths: Odd has much more speed than Yumi, with his Cat-like reflexes, he can evade danger easily. He often targets a single monster at a time, although he's not limited to multiple monsters at once. Bonus: monsters often can't predict what he's going to do, so that's even better! He often gets them off guard
Weaknesses: he has his shield, but he's still very vulnerable to attacks
William - Role: Single combatant
Strengths: in dealing Physical damage, he does so exceptionally well, often taking smaller enemies in one blow
Weaknesses: with a high amount of strength, he doesn't have much magic to go along with him. He can stay in his supersmoke for only 3 rounds before he needs to come back out, often running out of magic easily, he often prefers one one-on-one combat, so it wouldn't take a bit to finish the round if there were alot of small creatures
Anyways, that's it, thank you for listening to by dumb rambling 😸
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liquidstar · 2 years
ilisten i have 0 stakes at all in the mario movie but i feel like the “ugh not another isekai” sentiment is getting passed around for no real reason. “isekai” is not a bad thing? it just refers to the trope of someone from the normal world getting sent to somekind of fantasy world (sometimes in reverse too)- here we call those “portal fantasies” and its not a singular genre.
anime fans who are disgruntled by the overinflation of shitty and cheaply written isekai being produced often complain about it but... i feel like people online have seen others complain about the overinflation of lazily written isekai and, without really understanding what the complaints were, somehow got the message that portal fantasies are a Bad Trope which isnt true. 
its SUCH an old and common trope you can find it everywhere from mythologies about fairfolk to... you know what heres a list
spirited away
the owl house
every heart a doorway
otherside picnic
infinity train
the chronicals of narnia
hairy farter
stranger things
that one episode of adventure time where finn went to a pillow dimension
peter pan
lost, debatably
angel beats
the haunted house game in goosebumps
code lyoko
the neverending story 
any episode of supernatural where they go to hell or an alternate timeline
alice in wonderland
fullmetal alchemist 2003
that episode of kim possible where they have to go inside a video game
the matrix
believe it or not fucking homestuck has it on like 3 levels
over the garden wall 
the little mermaid, debatably
the wizard of oz
rwby but only vol 9
the fairly oddparents’ channel chasers movie
that teen titans episode where they go into a tv
the devil is a part-timer 
any episode of wizards of waverly place where they go to the wizard world
cool world
planet of the apes until the twist happens
space jam
mlp equestria girls
and yes sword art online and all those other ones
like, you see how incredibly different all these things are? how much variety there is in tone, genre, demographic, themes, story, characters, all that? “isekai” isnt this monolithic thing its really just a trope. it can be used in good ways, it can be used in bad ways, no big. but its kind of sad seeing people take a cinemasins approach to it where they assume that Trope=Bad. its not! its one of the most classic and varied ones...
anyway in terms of the mario movie specifically, like i said idc, and you can for sure critique how the portal fantasy is written in it. it could be bad lol idk, but dont throw the baby out with the bathwater. 
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xneisix · 10 months
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I can introduce you to my second original character- Tori. She's my in Code Lyoko universe. I really wanted to post it because after interview with CL author there is so much people which suddenly remembered they are fans XD Me and my friend are so devastated but what can I say. Now you know I'm not seasonal;))❤️✨️
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pluagemask042 · 3 months
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Project Nexus - Ulrich Stern
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trash-rattt · 9 months
Feeling rather poetic today, Code Lyoko fans shall receive Poetry about my least favorite character of aalllllll time🤞🤞🤞
The spider falls into the interwoven web of the widow,
The widow quickly leaves its mark, weaving it tighter against its sticky web.
The Maiden desperately calls out your name, hoping you would hear,
The Angel tries to pull you up front the bloodied sea of anguish with her feathery wings,
The Warrior tries to cut the bonds that have been ingrained in your soft flesh,
The Joker cannot bear to see you in such a state…
And the Genius tries so hard to try and fix what has already been broken,
But you can't get rid of me easily,
I shall curse your mind, even when I die, I'll haunt your dreams,
Dip it in the burning hot acidity of anguish and trepidation, forever making my mark on you,
If you somehow escape the web of deceipt I have woven for you, you'll still think of me no matter where you turn,
Even if I die, I shall come back, no matter if it's me, or a dreadful memory.
I'll live on, forever.
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misssakurapetal28 · 1 year
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The next poll tournament I will be running is the Characters With Fans Tournament.
...Um, fans as in hand fans, I should probably clarify.
I have submitted two characters myself (they'll be at the top of the submissions list)
Submit a character with a fan, along with where they come from and (if you want) propaganda. You can do this through ask or submit a post.
Currently submissions will be closing once the already running poll tournament ends (the 7th of May I think it would be). This could be changed and there will be an update if it does, but for now that's how it is.
Submissions in bold have propaganda, submissions not in bold do not have propaganda. Whether they do or do not have some already, you are still free to submit some.
Princess Hildegard: Sofia the First
Nie Huaisang: Mo Dao Zu Shi
Shen Yuan/Shen Qingqiu: Scum Villain's Self Saving System
Shi Qingxuan: Tian Guan Ci Fu
Xue Zhengyong: The Husky and his White Cat Shizun
Wen Kexing: Word of Honour
Haruaki Kurama: Ayaka: A Story of Bonds and Wounds
Kalluto Zoldyck: Hunter X Hunter
Kyoshi: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Douma: Kimetsu no Yaiba
Shiver Hohojiro: Splatoon
Sharon Rainsworth: Pandora Hearts
Sheryl Rainsworth: Pandora Hearts
Rufus Barma: Pandora Hearts
Suki: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Kagura: Inuyasha
Eva Ushiromiya: Umineko no Naku Koro ni
Mulan: Mulan
Temari Nara: Naruto
Tenten: Naruto
Yukimi noh Daiomoru: Protector of the Small Quartet
Tingyun: Honkai Star Rail
Mayura: Miraculous Ladybug
Yukimaro: 9 R.I.P.
Mei Mei: Kung Fu Panda
Yumi Ishiyama: Code Lyoko
Kamisato Ayaka: Genshin Impact
Lady Windermere: Lady Windermere’s Fan
Yuzu Hiiragi: Yugioh
Shen Lanzhou: Qiang Jin Jiu
Lady Bow: Paper Mario
Swire the Elegant Wit: Arknights
Qing Ming: Yin Yang Master: Dream of Eternity
Maria Posada: The Book of Life
Princess Amber: Sofia the First
Princess Clio: Sofia the First
Ageha: Reine Des Fleurs
Madame Enge: Reine Des Fleurs
Yi Bang-won: My Country: The New Age
Yukiko Amagi: Persona
Sasara Nurude: Hypnosis Mic
Argos: Miraculous Ladybug
Robot With Fans For Hands: Futurama
April O’Neil: 2012 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Aramina: Barbie and the Three Musketeers
Princess Kitana: Mortal Kombat
Sensu-Style Oricorio: Pokemon
Chelle: Dragalia Lost
Bai Qian: Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms
Reina Itsutsuboshi: Doki Doki Pretty Cure
Boss: Underworld Office
Milady: Persona
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When I got really into Code Lyoko a while back, I was under the impression that everyone else hated William, so loving him made me feel special. And now when I meet other fans who like William, I get this pang of jealousy, where I briefly feel like “no, he’s mine!” Sometimes I like thinking I’m the only one in the world who likes a character.
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strykingback · 8 months
Hey, I just wanted to offer some encouragement to you because I know you’re having a hard time.
I’ve had someone on one of my fanfics tell me the same thing that you were told according to one of your posts. Telling somebody to do something like that is horrible, and you don’t deserve to be told anything of the sort.
You are valued, and your presence is valid. If the person who told you such a thing can’t see that, they clearly have serious issues to work through.
You are important, and you are enough.
brief tw for ableist language (Note- It was not said by me. It was someone else who said it)
And he was right........I barely can write shit. Not to mention I was getting fucked up by this guy... and I couldnt even reply to it until I deleted the whole damn story because I planned on replying to it but I fucking couldn't because I knew full well he was going to bite back ten times as harder than I could. I just ended up giving him that satisfaction. Like he even said that all my characters were shitty what does that say about my blog... they're all OC's and everytime I introduce one and try to get something going they get ignored. I just want to hang up the coat right then and there cause the RWBY RP community is dead to shit..
Oh speaking of the RWBY fandom who is well known for being the most toxic fandom ever in this goddamn world. A hardcore fan even said it best to me themselves: "I'm nothing more but a retard that doesn't know writing when I see it on the wall." like do you know how fucking deep that stings hearing that word being thrown at me.. after being called that in Elementary school for just being weird.... and having a Spec. Ed class....made me feel even more alienated to that word..... now to see that word again used on me in a malicious manner... oh how I wish I had just went off on them right then and there, but I'm too nice.
Ah thats another fact about me. Being too nice because in the end I get easily manipulated. Thats how I manipulated by people like Rebornica/Mx.Bones. I was such a huge fan of their art until my ass had to fall deep in that hole and be used as an attack dog all because of my kindness. Maybe thats why I'm so scared of actually speaking too much in a discord server or creating deep bonds with people, cause they can take advantage of my kindness right then and there and use me for their own malicious needs as without proper judgement such as hearing both sides of the story for me to try and find a way for both parties to be at peace with each other.
Then theres the fact that even though I try to be that one person to try and calm an argument down its how I get fucked right after. And boy howdy it happened to me and I lost a a very very great roleplaying friend but a very firm friend who could create a story better than I could. Even when I try to replicate it as best as I can it just explodes in my face. Remember that RP PSA post I made... yeah. while it was not related to the situation I talked about it happened last year in Summer and just the fact I could get singled-out amongst everyone else over shit that is beyond my control.
I just want to go back to being a kid when I was more happier... always having a smile on my face. Filled with imagination, always excited when Toonami turned on for the 2005 Summer. Miguzi showing Code Lyoko. My friends from Elementary School hanging out with me before I moved away....
If I could say one thing to my younger self is that: "Please be good and strong before this world breaks you down."
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