#coftff patrick
koushirouizumi · 1 year
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs O.C.s {Shane & Co.}
Patrick (Younger): ... That's what you get for being born in the {late 80's}? SHANE, Groaning at Screen: Patrick: {Shane still doesn't quite Get how on-line communication has changed since 'those years'...} Shane: (I still know e-mail.) Patrick: (Besides e-mail.) Shane: (And forums.) Patrick: (And--) {was born too late to experience the heyday of forums} (Wait---) Patrick: Did you have a site??? Shane: Not really, but Hikaru did. Hikaru was more into site building than I was. Patrick: (...Is that a Yes or a No.) Shane, who was a complete Lurker:
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs 02 [... and some O.C.s]
Inter-national Chosen O.C. Shane... entering a certain Place for the first time in 10~ Years: ... Shane: (This is risky, but I need to confirm if---) Person, immediately spotting Shane: (!!) ...Oh. SHANE: SHANE: (SH*T) Shane: (I should have guessed the "head" would still be around, even if enough "time" may have passed in between--) Shane: Sorry. Uh. I didn't want you to see me like this. In fact, you're not supposed to be seeing me. You didn't see me. Sorry, I'll go (*turns to leave*) Person: ... Person: Your brother has been concerned as to your whereabouts "since then". SHANE: Shane: ("Brother.") I can't bother them with this right now. Person: ... Shane: Just... Shane: One request. Person: Shane: I want a "plain" one. OK? With my original name centered on it. That's all Person, slowly Nodding: Shane: (*turns to scram for real*) SHANE, Not Looking Back: (*BOLTS*) Shane, making it outside, not immediately noticing anything else "sudden": (I made it outside. Good, even if I couldn't look around basically at all, no one else has "seen me" ye---) Shane, landing eyes on Someone: SOMEONE, Staring back up at Shane: (??!???!) SHANE: (SH*T) (Gotta dodge before they---) That Someone, immediately running to tackle jump at Shane: SHANE, No Flexibility Since "revival": (OOF) HEY- SHANE: (YOU--) (Harsh whispering) What if I'm an evil {'Mon} posing as your b---?! Patrick {Shane's sibling}: You're not. Patrick: This is an "important" place. Even the immediate surrounding, technically - "Evil" monsters *can't even step foot* inside there... Patrick: For us it's definitely the truth... SHANE: ... Shane: (They got me.) Shane: LOOK, I have to go. You can't come wi--- Patrick: No. I'm coming with you Shane: (My siblings' turned into a DELINQUENT.) PATRICK: (*YOU* WERE THE ONE WHO VANISHED FOR JUST ABOUT *10 YEARS*.) SHANE: (IT WAS AN *ACCIDENT*) PATRICK: (I DON'T CARE "HOW" IT HAPPENED I AM NOT LETTING THEM TAKE YOU AGAIN) SHANE: ...You're really not going to let go are you? Patrick: No. Shane, meeting Takeru's gaze down the steps: Takeru, noticing Patrick: (?!??!) SHANE: (Yeah, this was definitely my bad, but now we BOTH need to go back with you...)
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs 02's Daisuke+Co. [and some O.C.s]
Hikaru, bit earlier that day: !! I just remembered!! Chosen: ?!! Hikaru, ponderingly: Shane mentioned Shane had a younger brother. Hikaru: "Patrick", I think the name was. Taichi + Daisuke: (This is New...) Taichi: (Shane's from the U.S. {right??} so...) Hikaru: But Shane only got to mention him a few times in our e-mail exchanges. It seemed like Shane really cared about Patrick though. They didn't always "hang out" closely, but they did bond when able. Daisuke: (...So Shane is a kind guy after all.) Daisuke: (But Shane was kind before that, too...) Ken: ... (*definitely not thinking of Own family.*) Koushiro: I can look up "Patrick" in combination with "Shane" and see what I can find, but... (both are pretty common names...) Koushiro, to Hikaru: Did Shane ever reveal Shane's surname? Hikaru: It took Shane a *while* to, since we met on-line, but once we finally got more acquainted... Hikaru: (*gives surname*) Chosen: !!! Koushiro: (We should have expected this, actually.) Takeru, Looking down at Patamon: (...That kind of surname...) Miyako: Oh, Takeru-- Takeru: ?? Miyako: (I need to Speak with you after this) Takeru: ...! (What's--) Miyako: (We Need To Talk---) TAKERU: (What Did I Do---)
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
(My Digi-Advs Inter-national Chosen Child O.C. Shane's profile is up!)
{These are re-done profile pages for a revival of my 02 web-shrine!} [Which will include profile pages for my O.C.s still actively in use!]
(Shane originally didn't have one at time, so Shane's page is new!)
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koushirouizumi · 11 months
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs 02 O.C.s
Shanes' Mon: ... SHANE: ...(FLOATING...) {FLOATING...} {Eyes Closed} SHANES' MON: (Shane.) Shane: ... {Sigh} Yeah? Shanes' Mon: ... You've been here a while... Shane: (I was resting.) Shane: Are you concerned for me? I'm fine. Shane: I have these (*holds up Taichi+Daisuke's GOGGLES*) now, so... and Koushiro-...san really upgraded them well. So I can actually SEE where I'm going now when I need to. Shanes' Mon: (It's like you've 'accomodated' yourself.) SHANE: ... (M aybe.) Shane: At the same time, the colors sometimes give me a headache. But Koushiro-san did add in an option that can dim them... but then it's harder to see the signals for "distortions". Shanes' Mon: (But at least, you can still somewhat tell them apart based on the vividness.) Shane: ... (Yeah...) Shane: ... Well, I'm up now, so... Shanes' Mon: (Where are you going from here?) Shane: I don't know. (Mostly I just wanted to "sleep".) Shanes' Mon: ... Shanes' Mon: (But you said, 'want{ED}'.) Shane: Yeah. There's people I want to see again... SHANE: ... But I know they'll wait for me where they can, so there's no major rush. Shanes' Mon: (Are you going to go back to "sleep"?) Shane: (It depends.) Are you going to be there when I open my eyes? SHANES' MON: ... (If you reach out to me.) SHANE: ... Shane: (Yeah, I know.) Guess I gotta wake up then. Shanes' Mon: (As you know, I cannot leave "the Void". But you know how "to communicate" with me.) SHANE: ... Right. (And you know how "to listen".) Shanes' Mon: (You might want to put those goggles back on.) Shane: ('Heh') Honestly, I'm surprised I got this much use out of them, but as said, they're... functional now. SHANE, ADJUSTING GOGGLES: Ready. Shanes' Mon: (Time to 'wake up'.) SHANE, SEEING Darkness ... and Signals: SHANE, OPENING EYES: (*in a bed*) ... ?? ? PATRICK (Shane's sibling): Huh, I thought I heard something...!! ! W-wait, SHANE??? SHANE, Awkwardly raising hand slowly: Um, hi PATRICK, IN AWE: You're at my place--!! ! Shane, nodding: I'm ... home? PATRICK: SHANE: ... (I'm solid.) (I'm not glitching out.) PATRICK: ... Do you still need to rest? Shane: ... Maybe a bit. But later... we can see? PATRICK: That's fine. Just... let me know when you're feeling better. (*closes door carefully*) SHANE, CHECKING GOGGLES: (Still here.) SHANE, CHECKING DIGIVICE: {STILL... Here.} Shane, sighing in relief: (I guess it'd be {REALLY} Bad if even the most powerful 'Mon in all the universe got caught up in 'that'.) SHANES' MON: (They don't Know the half of it.) SHANE: {LAUGHS} ... Hey. Shanes' Mon: (Say hi to Patrick for me.)
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs 02 [+O.C.s]
O.C. Hikaru, laughing gently with Daisuke as Hikaru's walking up, only to suddenly freeze in place when seeing: O.C. Shane, raising hand: ...Hey. ... Hikaru, Blinking: Hikaru, Slowly: You ... look older! SHANE: Shane, murmuring just loud enough: The Void and I really seemed to be in agreement that "mental age" as a concept doesn't have much worth to me... Daisuke & Ken, Exchanging Glances: Shane, Taking In Hikaru's Appearance: ... Shane: (It's summer, and its hot, so it makes sense when one would want to wear kimono or more specifically yukata instead, but...) Shane: ... You're wearing a-- Hikaru: Hmm, this? Well... DAISUKE, (+EXPRESSION) FREEZING IN PLACE: Ken, Casually Looking Off To The Side: Hikaru: It was from a local maker, so I bought it... Shane: ... It looks... Nice. DAISUKE: ... Shane: -- I mean it, it does. Hikaru: Hikaru, laughing: You're wearing yours, too. SHANE: (It's one I've had ever since back then...) Shane: Patrick went to pick it up for me, but had to leave for work again before it got dark, so... Hikaru: Oh... (Patrick's not here..) in that case.. HIKARU, GRASPING SHANE'S HAND: SHANE, DAISUKE, KEN: HIKARU, lowering voice so only the group can hear: ... When we get a chance, maybe we can duck into one of the arcades? I know the event is ongoing right now, but... Hikaru: ... I really missed our "challenges". Daisuke, Looking At Ken: (C-Challen--) SHANE: ... I don't mind if they don't mind waiting up for me. Hikaru, laughing: I'm with Daisuke for now, so it's fine!! DAISUKE: (h IKARUUUU----) Hikaru, leaning forward a bit, murmuring just more so Shane can hear: Seriously... Hikaru: I'm really happy you're here right now. Shane: Hikaru, FIRMLY: ... So let's make sure to go back together before it's too late, ok? Shane: . . . Yeah. SHANE'S MON: (Well, it took you around 10 or some years, but you finally managed it...? ??) SHANE: (Aren't you going to say "hi" too?? ?) SHANE'S MON: (Now might not be the time.) {Fades} Hikaru: Anyhow... let's get going!! Shane, Daisuke, & Ken: (This Will Be A Night.)
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
Meanwhile with {Adv+02 Chosen Child O.C.} Shane
mE: Coincidentally that also means Shane would be the one fasting {if Shane chose to}.
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