#c: takeru
koushirouizumi · 10 months
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{REPEAT?_}-Verse, Pt. 53 ~ ("Hope") ~ Takeru on Koushiro
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akilahia · 2 months
One thing about Resident Evil, they sure do know how to write straight couples.
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justgaara · 2 years
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Brothers-in-law 8.10.22
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aph-japan · 4 months
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{D I G I M O N} Adventure tri. : Kokuhaku {2k16} x Katekyō (H i t m a n) {R E B O R N!} #180 {2k10} + Q u o t e's to Know {KOUSHIRO}/{Y a m a m o t o} By + F R A M I N G (+T h e m a t i c)/(S t o r y t e l l i n g) P a r a l l e l s
"It's about WHAT YOU W I L L DO" (Implied): {"From here"}+{"NOW!"}
"It's NOT AN ISSUE of WHAT YOU ' S H O U L D ' 'DO'," - T s u y o s h i Y a m a m o t o
{Cap'd by Me} {DO NOT RE-P O S T} {DO NOT COPY} (Please ASK to Use!)
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niki-phoria · 2 years
May I request for a Chishiya x reader with an Amaya Takeru personality? The character is form “As the Gods will” btw if you didn’t know! <3
P:S Nijiro and Dori were in As the Gods will😍🫶🏻
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pairing: chishiya x gn!reader (no pronouns used) genre: fluff (??) word count: 1.1k
a/n: thank you for requesting !! i totally forgot i had seen the live action movie for this until you asked about this omg you unlocked a memory for me i tried to make reader sadistic but i feel like they come off more as apathetic lol. i hope you like it :)) also if it's not clear the people in the game are ann and aguni and later on mira, niragi, and hatter lmao
warnings: not canon compliant like at all, not really romance ??, one mention of a woman dying
requests open !! read my rules first
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there are already three phones missing from the table when you approach. it’s outside of a building, pointing to a staircase that leads downwards. it looks like it leads into darkness. “they’re waterproof,” you say, reaching out to grab one and signing in. chishiya follows your lead before shoving it into his pocket. “i wonder what the game will be.” 
he hums, following you down into the game. inside is a room filled with a few inches of water. electric cables hang from the ceiling. on the side of one wall are three switches, labeled ‘A,’ ‘B,’ and ‘C.’ across from it is a sliding door with a light inside. 
there are only four other people inside of the room when you enter. a woman wearing sunglasses, black shorts and a cropped blouse stands close to a man wearing cargo pants and a black shirt. they both have wristbands on, standing in a corner separated from everyone else. 
a woman and a girl stand away from them near the door. one looks at you nervously, continuously glancing between you and the man and woman in the corner. she’s huddled into herself. her hair is tied back into a low ponytail, fingers anxiously playing with the edges of her sleeves. 
the girl stands protectively in front of her, arms crossed over her chest, though you can see how nervous she is. her nails dig into her hands. her long, black hair is covered in dirt. grass stains her white t-shirt.
chishiya stands next to you as you make your way further into the room. you keep your back against a wall but stay near the door. 
“registration closed,” the announcement chimes. “game difficulty: four of diamonds. rules: players must use the switches to turn on the lightbulb. when the door is closed, players may flip any switch. while the door is open, players may only flip the switch once. the door will not close if someone is in the room or if a switch is flipped. game clear: players unanimously answer which switch turns on the light. game over: the water reaches the current lines.” 
the nervous woman reaches up, touching one of the sparking lines. she gasps before falling to the ground - dead. you scoff. “stupid.” 
“what should we do?” the girl asks. “it’s a 50/50 chance if we flip one now, right?” 
“66%.” the woman in sunglasses corrects. she raises her arm, using them to push her bangs back. 
you wade through the water, standing in front of the switches. “close the door.” you order. she looks over at the woman and man in the room. 
“do it.” the woman says, almost annoyed. 
once the door is closed, you flip the ‘A’ switch. “what do we do now?” 
“we wait.” 
“wait? the water level is rising! we’re gonna run out of time!” 
“we won’t.” the woman wearing sunglasses smirks at you. 
“how do you know?” the girl asks. 
chishiya scoffs from his position against the wall. “this game is simple. close the door, turn a switch, and wait for the water to rise a little. after a few minutes, turn it off and open the door and turn another switch. if it doesn’t turn on, touch the light bulb. they get hot from the electricity. it it’s hot, then it’s the ���A.’ if not, it’s ‘C.’” 
the woman and man share a glance between themselves before they look back at you and chishiya. you lean against the wall next to the switches, waiting for the water level to rise. “what’s with the wrist bands?” you ask. 
after some hesitation, the man answers. “we’re part of a community.” 
“a community?” you repeat. “interesting.” 
the water level continues to rise, reaching from around your shins all the way up to your waist. the girl stands up on her toes every now and then, water reaching high up on her chest. “shouldn’t we turn it off now?” 
“that should be long enough,” you agree, reaching over to turn the switch off. the girl forces the door open, anxiously looking between you and the light bulb. you flip the ‘B’ switch, waiting a few seconds. when nothing happens, you turn it back off. “go touch the bulb.” 
the girl makes her way into the room, jumping up to feel the light bulb. she flinches, pulling her hand back. “it’s hot!” 
“it’s switch A.” the woman in sunglasses says. the water stops running, lights turning back on. 
“game cleared,” an announcement chimes. “congratulations.” 
you follow chishiya out of the room, making your way back up the staircase. you leave the phone back on the table when the woman and man call out to you. 
“hey,” the woman calls. “we see potential in you. would you like to join us?” 
you share a glance with chishiya before you step forwards. “we’d love to.” you ignore chishiya’s questioning glare burning into you, following the two away from the game and into a car driving down to the coast. 
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they lead you into a luxurious hotel with the word ‘beach’ spray painted over the name in red paint. “welcome to the beach!” a man greets. his long hair has been pulled back into a ponytail. he’s wearing a button down shirt and the same wrist band as the others in the room. the man and woman from the game stand behind him, joined by a woman wearing all black and a man balancing a rifle on his shoulder. “my friends here tell me they think you have potential. we hope you’ll join us.” 
“of course we will.” chishiya elbows your ribs, glaring at you. 
“did you bring us here to get us killed?” he whispers, eyeing the people in front of you. 
you smirk at him. “of course.” 
“we won’t hurt you,” the leader says. “we want you to help us. to join us.” 
“speak for yourself,” a man holding the rifle scoffs. 
“niragi.” he backs off at the sound of his name. the man from the game gestures for him to follow, leaving the room.
“watch your back, blondie,” he sneers before following him out.
chishiya glances at you for a second before turning back to them. “i can’t tell if you’re joking or not.” 
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shiki-aki · 3 days
By narrative choice, why do you think most of the route have Akira not witnessing Keisuke's death (No way Keisuke lived after that)? Like why it always with Shiki or Nano (a bastard (affectionate) and a bastard), not with Rin or Motomi?
Rin would less likely to help him, thought but for Motomi, I think it's a good set up, I just don't know why the team never did that 🤔
I just realise n+c like to leave Akira to the wolf, not that im complaining, esp if he end up with Shiki 👉👈
hiii thanks for the ask!! ❤️
I'll break down my thoughts into several points:
Why doesn't Akira witness Keisuke's death in Motomi's or Rin's routes?
Because Akira's character arc in those routes revolve around him learning to be a more emotionally and socially well-adjusted person, lol. After Akira sees Keisuke run off, he still clings onto the vain hope that he can mend his relationship with Keisuke as long as Keisuke is alive. This leads into Akira learning to communicate more with Motomi because his lack of communication is what caused the conflict with Keisuke. (I personally take issue with this narrative framing because it ignores Keisuke's agency and puts the blame solely on Akira for why their friendship failed, but that's how the game frames it.)
With Rin, Akira decides to take care of him because he doesn't want to essentially have a repeat of the conflict with Keisuke (he didn't care about Keisuke and look what happened, so now Akira tries to make an effort to care about Rin). In both routes, Akira comes to the implicit understanding later on that Keisuke is most likely dead, but he doesn't lose his will to live over that because he has Motomi/Rin by his side.
Why does Akira witness Keisuke's death in Shiki's route?
Because Shiki's route is the one that explores what life and death means and the difference between the two, and Akira's character arc revolves around him developing a strong will to live. We see at the start of the game how Akira has neither the will to live nor die, and only in his interactions with Shiki does he start possibly developing the resolve to live. He tells Shiki to kill him because he doesn't want to submit/beg for his life, but Akira also tries to resist death when push comes to shove because he doesn't want to die a death where the circumstances are out of his control.
When Akira sees Keisuke die right in front of him, he has to deal with the harrowing fact that it was his own blood that killed him. Akira was already shaken up from his previous encounters with Rein addicts/Takeru because he saw what his blood did to them, so it was the final nail in the coffin when the same thing happened to Keisuke, because it made Akira realize that there's something wrong with him. Following this, Akira becomes suicidal for the first time in his life and wants Shiki to kill him, because he thinks of his own existence/his blood as cursed, and that it would be better if he was dead.
But Shiki doesn't kill him. Instead, he kidnaps Akira and claims ownership over him, and after Akira realizes that Shiki isn't going to kill him, he begins regaining his resolve to resist Shiki. Shiki essentially brings back Akira's will to live and builds him back up to be even stronger than before lol. Akira tells Shiki that he follows his own will and that "everyone dies someday; I just can't stand the thought of being under someone's thumb" (very rough paraphrasing by me), which is why he's not afraid of death and will continue resisting Shiki no matter what. Shiki's route is all about Akira becoming a more willful person, because Akira at the start of the game didn't have the will to do anything... at all.
In the True Blood version of the game, Akira also doesn't see Keisuke die in Shiki's route. Instead he sees Keisuke run off (just like in Motomi's and Rin's routes), and then you actually get a new choice. If Akira submits to Shiki, Shiki will kidnap Akira and it will lead to a bad end with Akira being held captive. But if he resists, then Shiki will leave Akira alone, and the route will continue. Akira makes the decision afterward to collect tags and takedown Il Re as his personal goal, because Rein is the whole reason why Keisuke turned like this in the first place. Later on in the route, Akira understands that Keisuke is most likely dead, but Akira is still determined to challenge Il Re as his way of atoning for Keisuke's death.
SORRY THIS TURNED OUT SO LONG WINDED but I feel like there's multiple factors involved (off the top of my head) for why Akira sees Keisuke die in Shiki's route lol
1) Because it fits in with the narrative themes in Shiki's route, and by proxy, Akira's character conflict (what's the difference between life and death, what could one hope to accomplish by staying alive, is death not just the cessation of function?). Akira wants to die after accidentally causing his own friend's death, but after Shiki forces him to live, Akira instead regains his resolve to live and lives for the sake of defying Shiki.
2) Because it homes in on Akira's identity crisis with regards to his cursed blood, which is brought up again later on in Shiki's tunnel scene. Akira starts to doubt the reason for his own existence because he sees how his blood causes harm wherever he goes, but Shiki tells him that Akira is still Akira to him ("You're mine. That's all there is to it.")
3) It strengthens Akira's character development in Shiki's route, because we see the contrast in how he goes from being at the absolute lowest point in his life (Akira is actively suicidal during the Keisuke death scene and doesn't even have the will to get up or move; he doesn't care what happens to him anymore), to actively clinging onto his autonomy and developing this mindset of following his own will/obeying no one but himself.
Why does Keisuke die in Nano's route?
Straight up? Hot take: they needed Keisuke to die because Akira wouldn't have ended up with Nano if Keisuke was still alive lmao. Nano's route does a terrible job at setting up the romantic chemistry between Akira and Nano. Akira, during the entirety of Nano's route, is way more focused on finding and saving Keisuke. He just chills with Nano here and there for plot reasons (yeah makes perfect sense for Akira to just sit in a movie theater with some guy he barely knows when Akira is the type to be a lone wolf), but it's very clear that Akira's goal is making it out of Toshima with Keisuke and Nano isn't even really on his mind that much.
So they killed Keisuke off. If Keisuke was still alive in Nano's route, it's very likely that Akira would have ended up in a relationship with Keisuke instead, leaving Nano to be by his lonesome self lol. So with Keisuke out of the picture, now Akira is forced to leave Toshima with Nano because he has no one else with him. (Oh and that totally shoehorned scene with Nano suddenly regaining his emotions because he saw Akira crying for Keisuke. Not forced at all...)
This is the only time I'll ever feel sorry for Keisuke lol, because his death here wasn't a consequence of his own actions. His death in Nano's route was completely unnecessary and was only there for the sake of making sure Akira ended up with Nano instead. Besides, there was no way Keisuke would've gotten a happy ending in Nano's route even if he did survive, because he'd end up depressed if Akira fell in love with Nano lol.
YEAH SORRY THIS WAS LONG and rambly, typed this up in like half an hour but those are my thoughts!! ty for the ask as always :3! ❤️and I'll respond to your other ask once I get home ^w^
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bagerfluff · 3 months
Vigilante Loving
Older Takaishi Takeru x Male Reader
Prompt - Vigilante
Warnings - Stalking, mentions of blood, unhealthy relationships
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“Hello darling”. Takeru rolled his eyes, again.
Takeru turned his head towards the alleyway and walked a few steps into it. “What do you want?” Takeru asked the shadows. “Can’t I just see my beloved”, the shadows responded.
You smirked as you leaned forwards and stepped out of the shadows.
You were wearing entirely black so it was impossible to see you. The bottom half of your face was covered by a metal mask that stretched all around your lower jaw and to the back of your head.
The only thing Takeru could see was your eyes and your hair. Though, Takeru could see the smirk you had on under your mask. “I heard that a murder was killed, was that you?”
Takeru asked. Already knowing that it was. “I was quite proud of that, made him suffer. I took them hours to find out how that was even the murder”, you said.
Takeru could tell you were proud of yourself with how you were standing. Takeru shook his head and turned towards you, how he got himself in this situation.
It was only a few weeks ago when he first met you.
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Takeru was walking home from getting some groceries when suddenly he was pulled into an alleyway. Takeru dropped his back and quickly tried to get out of the person's grasp when he felt something against his head.
“Stop moving or I'll kill you”, the person said in a deep voice. Takeru was shaking. His heartbeat was beating in his ear. His palms were sweaty. And he wished he had brought Patamon.
“Give me your wallet”, the person said. Takeru was about to say something when he heard a thud behind him. “You know, I don’t like robbers”, a voice said.
The person turned around and started to yell but it was cut off. Takeru heard a thud, then a louder thud. But he was out of the person’s grasp.
Takeru fell forward on his hands. Still breathing heavily and heart still racing. “You okay?” Takeru turned around and fell onto his back. When he looked up he saw a boy with h/l h/c hair and e/c eyes.
Takeru couldn’t see his mouth because of a mask and the boy was wearing an entire black outfit. Takeru glanced behind the boy to see the person on the floor with something pouring out of their head.
Takeru tried not to think that it was blood but. “You alright?” Takeru looked back at the boy to see him holding out a hand. Takeru took the hand and let himself be pulled back up.
“Thank you, but who are you?” Takeru asked. This boy looked too weird to just be a passerby. “Sorry, can’t give you my name, but you can call me Dekker”, the boy said.
“Well, thank you”, Takeru said again before turning around, picking up his stuff, and walking away.
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It was later that day that Takeru realized that there was a vigilante by the name Dekker.
And he matched the way the boy that saved him looked. Ever since then the boy keeps popping up and talking to Takeru. Takeru hasn’t told anyone, not even Patamon or the police.
Maybe it was because the boy saved him or it might be because Takeru finds the boy just a little bit hot. “Whatcha doing?” Dekker asked, now right in front of Takeru
“Thinking about the time we first met”, Takeru said. You smiled behind your mask, “I remembered that night. It was the time I laid eyes on the most beautiful boy in the world”, you said.
Takeru rolled his eyes and looked away so you couldn’t see his blush. “How many times do I have to tell you to stop stalking me”, Takeru said, feigning anger.
“And how many times do I have to tell you that I’ll do what I want”, you said again. “Also, you look a lot like your brother”, you said teasingly.
Takeru snapped his head back to glare at you. You just shrugged. “Don’t lie, you love me, that’s why you haven’t told anyone about me”, you said while walking closer to Takeru.
Takeru kept his mouth shut, knowing that he didn’t have an excuse for that. You smoked under your mask and leaned in closer to Takeru. “You like it when you know I’m watching you”, you whispered.
Takeru turned his head around, face redder than it was a minute ago. “Plus, I’m not a villain, I just like watching things that are pretty, and you are the prettiest”, you said.
Takeru shoved his hand against your face and pushed you away.
Takeru couldn’t handle your flirting with all of his feelings. He was in love with a criminal. Takeru didn’t even know your real name or what you looked like.
Takeru knew nothing about you yet you knew everything about him. Takeru was in love with someone who stalked him for fun, you were a criminal.
Yes you only killed those who deserved it, robbed the rich to give to the poor, that stuff, but still. If anyone found out about this. Takeru was a little scared, what would happen.
What would happen to you, what would happen to Takeru. Takeru doesn’t want to admit it, but he’s grown to love you. “Calm down”, you said. “You think too much”, you said in an annoyed voice.
Takeru looked at you with confusion, “How did you know I was thinking about that?” Takeru asked. Your eyes went a little wide for a bit before your face went expressionless.
“Not now, anyway”, you leaned closer to Takeru. “I wish I could stay but”, you leaned in closer so you were next to Takeru’s ear. You reached up and removed your mask.
“I have to leave darling”, you whispered into Takeru’s ear. Takeru shivered and his blush ran to his ears. You smirked and pulled away, putting your mask back on.
You ran to the end of the alleyway, “goodbye my love”, you yelled before going back into the shadows. Takeru smiled before groaning. How long was this going to go on for?
Takeru heard a beep and reached into his pocket to get his phone. It was just a notification but he realized what time it was. Patamon must be worried about him. Takeru turned around and ran out of the alley and back to his house.
Not realizing that you were watching him from a rooftop.
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
Headcanons To Dabbles Masterlist (A-C)
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Heyo! I've decided to divide up the Headcanons To Dabbles Masterlist up more!
Full Masterlist
Updated: 7/4/24
Big Windup
Duster (Lee!Abe, Ler!Tajima) 
Black Clover
Background Check (Lee!Leopold, Ler!Yuno)
Black Bulls Tickle Royale! (Group Tickles: Black Bulls)
Commoner Life (Yunleo, Lee!Yuno, LerAsta)
Jealous (Lee!Finral, Ler!Zora)
Just Like Me (Lee!Teen!Nozel, Ler!Acier)
Not Ticklish (Lee!Nozel, Lers!Yami, Fuegoleon)
The Better Cousin (Lees!Leopold, Noelle, Ler!Mimosa)
The Pits! (Lee!Finral, Ler!Magna)
Blue Lock
Cuddles? (Lee!Niko, Ler!Isagi)
Complimentary (Lee!Kunigami, Ler!Chigiri)
Crimes In Glam (Lee!Chigiri, Ler!Aryu)
Brat (Lee!Rin, Ler!Bachira)
Brat (Lee!Rin, Ler!Sae)
Doorway (Lee!Bachira, Lers!Isagi, Gagamaru)
Hair (Lee!Chigiri, Ler!Kunigami)
Insecurity (Lee!Bachira, Ler!Isagi) 
Looney Toon (Reo x Reader)
Moody (Lee!Chigiri, Lers!Isagi, Nagi, Barou)
Not Ticklish (Chigiri x Reader)
Nom (Nagi x Reader)
Race (Lee!Chigiri, Ler!Bachira)
Respect (Lee!Chigiri, Lers!Barou, Nagi)
Sacrificial Lambs (Lees!Isagi, Chigiri, Ler!Gagamaru)
Smile Security (Chigiri x Reader)
Simba (Lee!Chigiri, Ler!Kunigami)
Stay? (Lee!Reo, Ler!Nagi) 
Whatcha Say? (Lee!Chigiri, Lers!Bachira, Isagi, Kunigami)
Wet Willy! (Lee!Kunigami, Ler!Bachira)
Buddy Daddies
Iity Bitty (Lee!Rei, Ler!Kazuki)
Lesson Not-Learned (Lee!Miri, Lers!Rei, Kazuki)
Bungo Stray Dogs
“Back” To Work (Lee!Dazai, Ler!Kunikida)
Break Time (Kunikida x Reader)
Feather Light (Lee!Chuuya, Ler!Dazai)
Hands (Lee!Fyodor, Ler!Dazai) 
Piggy Spot (Lee!Fyodor, Ler!Dazai)
Stare (Lee!Akutagawa, Ler!Atsushi)
The Empiricists Have No Clothes (Lee!Kunikida, Ler!Reader)
Ushanka (Lee!Fyodor, Ler!Reader)
Chainsaw Man
New Thing (Lee!Denji, Ler!Power)
Suckers (Lee!Yoshida, Ler!Octopus Devil)
Wall (Switches!Denji, Beam)
Collar x Malice
Distraction! (Lee!Ichika, Ler!Takeru)
Experiment (Lee!Ichika, Ler!Kageyuki)
Multi-tasker (Lee!Ichika, Ler!Takeru)
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devinescribe · 2 years
Aguni Morizono x Reader
Pre-borderlands, Hatter playing matchmaker , cursing i think that's it
You owned a flower shop. That was really all that needed to be said.
You had always loved plants from a yound age, always taking care of your garden.
Next door to you there was a hatter. He was rather excentric and always said hello to you.
"Goodmorning (Y/N)!" He chirped, walking through the door with a smile. "Goodmorning Takeru," you said, placing some of your rose bushes out into the greenhouse area. He followed behind you.
"So... if my friend needed desperate help with one of his house plants... would it be a bother if he came to ask you for help?" He asked suddenly. "A friend?" You asked, opening up a bag of soil, adding some of your compost into it,, mixing it around. "Yes! A friend, uhm he.. has this plant and it is just not doing well. No matter what he does with it," he explained. "Ahh... I see. Well, you can tell him I'd be more than happy to help," you said with a smile. "Thank you! I'll be sure to send him in later,"he said, leaving you to your work.
You sighed, wiping your forehead from the sweat. There was dirt on your hands, and you heard the bell for the door chime. You sighed, walking up to the front part of the building.
"Hello, how can i-"
"(Y/N) I brought my friend!" The man said excitedly.
You looked shocked at his outburst.
"Alright calm down Jesus... (L/N) (Y/N)," you introduced to the tall man.
"Morizono Aguni... it's a pleasure to meet you. Takeru won't shut up actually," he muttered.
You giggled. He swore that his heart must have been beating at the speed of light when he finally took a good look at you.
You were gorgeous. Your (h/l) (h/c) hair put into (H/S). And your beautiful (e/c) eyes. Your skin was glowing, as if you wore glitter, but he knew it was probably from the exptensive care you took of it. Especially since you worked out in the sun most days. There was dirt smudged on your face and on the cute overalls you had on.
"So, you gonna keep staring or actually talk to her?" Takeru whispered to his hest friend. The stoic man looked away shyly.
He had seen you around obviously. If you closed early you'd help Takeru. If not, you two would close at the same time everyday. Many days he passed by to talk to his friend and watched you lovingly take care of each and every plant.
He remembered watching you cry over a vase that a kid had broken. Not while they were in the store, but you cried over it. Maybe it was about the plant and not the vase, but still.
You smiled. "Morizono, Takeru here told me you needed help with a plant, yes?"
He nodded. Why would his his friend lie to her about that. There was really an easier way to do this, like just say he wanted to meet you. But his friend oh so into theatrics had to lie.
"So what kind is it?"
"Ugh, they are so picky," you mumbled, grabbing some different things around your shop.
He watched you mumble to yourself, grabbing things and putting them back. Then he noticed his friend had left.
He felt bad that you were frazzled running around the store for a plant that he most definitely did not have.
“(L/N), it’s ok you don’t have to do all that,” he said.
“Oh? But your-,”
“Doesn’t exist. Made it up because I wanted to talk to you… just didn’t know how to start conversation,” he explained, a bit embarrassed.
You blushed.
“Oh… well… in that case, would you like to go get dinner or something tonight? Get to know me?” You asked with a bright smile.
He smiled back and nodded.
“I’d like that.”
Takeru watched from the outside shop window and jumped in glee. Finally you two would stop being cowards and just talk.
“Another job well done by me if I do say so myself.”
So sorry for the short chapter!
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
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Digi-02 ~ "COF" precursor to "repeat?_verse"
{In which Takeru hasn't been "sleeping well" since before 2010} -The oldest "final scene" Drafted (of time)
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{DO NOT Copy} {DO NOT re-post} (Img by Me) (Imagine my reaction when this happened Next)
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nasuversekinkmeme · 8 months
Weekly Roundup: Prompts
Gudako want to find something in the room until she was attacked by a naked and drunk Saberlot.
can I request something like Faker getting summoned to Chaldea after the case files collab extra story? If it gets written I’ll give a thousand thanks to the author.
smut, Y-Yandere yan qing (NSFW please) 👉👈😳
Mandrcardo x Yan Qing! VA jokes and Kiribaku type of crackship.
Takeru x Aesc! Can be platonic, romantic or sexual, i just think the idea is neat
Summer BB x Summer Kiara! They're both Moon Cancer High Servants. BB has Pele and Nyarlathotep while Kiara has Shen and Yaobikuni (the mermaids).
Ritsuka has a bisexual harem (both guys and girls)
Ryouma and Oryou. That’s it, that’s the prompt. (Joking aside, I just really want to anything with Ryouma and Oryou. As lighthearted or as dark as the writer/artists want. If I get cavities from the sweetness or feel nauseous from the depravity, it doesn’t matter to me. As long as it’s Ryouma and Oryou.)
Walter White from Breaking Bad takes part in the 4th Fuyuki Grail War instead of Ryuunosuke, summoning Paracelsus
Yiffy Lalonde-Harley is summoned into Chaldea (as a Foreigner, on account of possibly having First Guardian hax) and proceeds to be a terrible influence on Abby.
Fate Stay Night x Pokemon SV prompt: Basically FSN cast living in Paldea region. The pairings: Nemona x Shirou Emiya and Arven x Rin Tohsaka.
Fate Extra x BNHA crossover prompt: Hakunon x Shinsou. Hakuno and the Extra/Extra CCC cast (the students) are in the same class as Shinsou, Class 1-C.
Kohaku and Hisui are now the maids of the Todoroki family, how would they take care of Todoroki Shouto?
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kachikirby · 7 months
Mostly Extensive List of my Comfort Characters
Friends told me to embrace the potential cringe and create a list of characters from media I like that I consider my comfort characters. I'm going to put all of them under a cut since there might be a lot.
If this makes me cringe, then I am cringe, but I am at least free.
Also I will say a lot of my OCs are my comfort characters, but this is for characters that aren't my OCs. Italiced characters are like some of my personal favorite characters.
Kirby series
Meta Knight
King Dedede
Fate series
Theyber/Yamato Takeru
Iori Miyamoto
Arthur Pendragon
Murasaki Shikabu
Sengo Muramasa
Sei Shonagon
Cu Chulliann
Okita Souji
Hijikata Toshizo
Waver Velvet
SD Gundam franchise
Knight Gundam
Musha Gundam
Musha Noomaru/Onmitsu Gundam
Musha Victory Gundam
Kouki Gundam
Musha Godmaru
Kokuryu Gundam
King Gundam II
Mystery Knight Neo Gundam
Selenis Knight Luna Gundam
Devil Dragon Blade Zero Gundam
Knight Unicorn Gundam
Vassal Duke Strike Freedom Gundam
Valkyrie Gundam Hazel
Gundam series (not SD)
Amuro Ray
Bellri Zenam
Asemu Asuno/Captain Ash
Zeheart Gallet
Cagalli Yula Athla
Rey Za Burrel
Suletta Mercury
Elan Ceres 4
Fumina Hoshino
Domon Kasshu
Uryu Ishida
Ichigo Kurosaki
Rukia Kuchiki
Orihime Inoue
Renji Abarai
Yachiru Kusajishi
Yoruichi Shihoin
Bambietta Basterbine
Askin Nakk Le Var
Vanillaware Games
Keitaro Miura
Natsuno Minami
Blue Archive
Pretty much everyone in C & C (Especially Asuna Ichinose)
Aris Tendou
Aru Rikuhachima
Koharu Shimoe
Hifumi Ajitani
Kayoko Onikata
Tsurugi Kenzaki
Azur Lane
New Jersey
Gargantia on the Verduous Planet
The King of Fighters
Leona Heidern
Ash Crimson
Terry Bogard
Rock Howard
Fire Emblem series
Disgaea series
The World Ends with You
Shiki Misaki
Neku Sakuraba
Mashin Hero Wataru
Wataru Ikusabe
God Eater series
Ciel Alençon
Gilbert McLane
Persona series
Shinjiro Aragaki
Naoto Shirogane
Yusuke Kitagawa
Macross series
Alto Saotome
Ranka Lee
Freyja Wion
Back Arrow
Back Arrow
Shu Bi
Others (Series that only have like one character)
Ryogi Shiki (Kara no Kyokai)
Erica Fontaine (Sakura Wars)
Takuto Tsunashi (Star Driver)
Yuudias Velgear (Yu Gi Oh! Go Rush)
Switch (Sket Dance)
Violet Evergarden
Black Jack/Kuro Hazama (Black Jack)
Reiji Moritsugu (Linebarrels of Iron)
Mami Tomoe (Madoka Magia)
Kitaro (Gegege no Kitaro)
Rosalina (Mario)
Slime (Dragon Quest)
Strider Hiryu (Strider)
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entirelysein-e · 29 days
questionable from wbk c:
There's not too many questionable ones but I present:
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Play unhinged smash or pass with me!
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aph-japan · 4 months
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{D I G I M O N} Adventure/02/tri. x P e n d i n g T r a i n (2 0 2 3) + P A R O D Y {Inspired} - Taichi as Y u u t o Shirahama {"S a v e as many L I V E S as you can... in my P L A C E!"} - Yamato as N a o y a Kayashima - Meiko {tri./Kizuna} as S a e Hatano - Sora as M a o Higuchi (Yuuto's 'R E A S O N to K E E P G o i n g') - Koushiro as D a i c h i Yonezawa {"I W A N T to be more U S E F U L!" - Yonezawa} - Mimi as R e n a Watabe - Jou as Shodai K a t o - Takeru as T a t s u y a Kayashima - Daisuke as K a z u m a Eguchi (Koharu's Partner) - Hikari as K o h a r u Sato (Kazuma's Partner) {"She saw right through me. It's reassuring."} - Miyako as Hiroko T a c h i b a n a {"You're A M A Z I N G, Tachibana-san!"} - Iori as M a s a r u Kajiwara {"A... k i d?"}
- Daigo {tri.} as Kota T a k a k u r a/Yuuto's Senpai {"Dream big!"} - Maki {tri.} as Kayoko T e r a s a k i; {"P l a n A will A L W A Y S F A I L."}
- Ken as K a t o's {T e a c h e r}
Cap'd by @izzyizumi / koushirouizumi {Do Not Copy} {Do Not R e - p o s t} {Do Not Re-produce Without Permission} (Please A s k to U s e / S h a r e!)
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asknarashikari · 1 month
Keiwa: Did that actually happen?
Neon: A cat stepped on the Beat Buckle and a jacket-like thing came out of it?
Neon: Yes that did.
Neon: Didn’t one of our senpais use these in battle?
Keiwa: Takeru and Makoto!
Neon: Let’s gi- *blushing*
Keiwa: Neon-chan, are you alright? You’re a bit red.
Neon: *blushing so hard* y-your c-clothes.
Keiwa: My clothes? *looks at his clothes*
Keiwa: Where did my clothes go?! Why am I suddenly wearing a parka version of the Beat Form?!!!
Keiwa: No, more importantly, Neon-chan, you’re really red. I think you should lie down *approaches to help*
Neon: Too close! *faints*
Keiwa: Neon-chan!
Keiwa: Are you okay?
Tsumuri: Do not worry, Keiwa-sama, Neon-sama just fainted.
Tsumuri: It’s a good thing you were able to catch her.
Tsumuri: I will lead you to a bed where she can lay to rest.
Keiwa: Thank you.
Takeru; Yurusen, where are you?
Keiwa: Takeru?
Takeru; Keiwa! Wha- oh no.
Takeru: Let me just say that I’m so sorry thar Yurusen managed to turn something into a parka that attached to you.
Keiwa: That was your cat?
Keiwa: Is it special?
Takeru: Just a normal cat that got turned into a ghost during my journey.
Takeru: I didn’t know it had the ability to make things sprout parka versions of forms.
Keiwa: Aaah so that’s what happened.
Keiwa: Any chance my clothes will return?
Takeru: Once the parka decides to get off of you.
Keiwa: So I have to have my top exposed for the time being?
Takeru: To be fair, your parka is closed and you’re only showing your stomach because it’s a crop top.
Keiwa: But still
Takeru: I’m sorry but we’ll just have to wait.
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^ Keiwa when he realized he HAS to stay in the outfit based on the whims of a Raise Buckle enabled by a former eyeball ghost cat
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This is why I think Takeru got his energy from you. You and your impossible stamina... I am already scared to imagine how tired it would be when our babies start walking.
*They then heard the knocking. Cherry immediately covers herself with the blanket and urges Kenshin to quickly put on something to answer the door*
Shingen: Nonsense, you look gorgeous and magical as usual, if not more. You went through a lot to bring our little angels to this world.
*He kisses her belly gently and slowly goes up to her breasts, his hands cupping them gently as he begins using his mouth to enjoy them*
*Kenshin nodded at her, going to the door to open it*
Where is cherry? She needs to eat something even if she is injured in bed.
Kenshin: she is resting, I will bring it to her.
Wait. This tea must be drank only by her.
Selena: Ahn~ c-careful, I am still feeding the babies.
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