#cogent dealer
gangshuffle · 1 year
The Mutinous Cabal
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Marvel Capital's crew of self-proclaimed watchdogs. They keep an eye out on whatever's brewing on the city's notorious criminal underbelly- with a little cut of the pie, of course. Gotta keep their heads above water, after all.
Posing as their figurehead is the ever charming and mysterious DEBONAIR DESPOT, an ex-soldier turned vigilante. He's a quiet, dedicated man with the energy of a restless cat. Of course, when you have the ability to see the future, wouldn't that make you restless as well?
The real boss hiding behind the curtain is SCRUTINOUS SCOURGE, the visionary behind Marvel Capital's creation. He's madly in love with his city, and rumor has it he's made a deal with a Terror to secure her flourishing in exchange for his sight. God complex? Seems pretty simple to him!
With their intel guy, COGENT DEALER- a former Dersite agent- and medic turned heavy muscle, HARMONIC BASTION, the Cabal keep the shadows in line and out of the light of day. It's their city.
Team Ace
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A gang of dishonorably discharged ex-coppers, teamed up with the goal of cleaning up Marvel Capital's dirty laundry. Little do they know, they've already passed their hero arc. Everyone else starts looking like a villain when you think you're the protagonist, after all.
Leading their rather suspicious charge from the shadows is the obstinate POLEMIC IMAGINEER. They say that cute face hides the wrath of God.
Functioning as the 'man in charge' is ACEPHALOUS DICTUM. But his friends, and his co-workers, and.. Well. Everyone calls him ACE DICK. Tired father of one girl and two grown-ass men.
And every ragtag group needs a poster boy, and for Team Ace that boy is the grown-ass man, PROSAIC STEWARD. He's. Uh. Been in a rough spot since a.. Particular even that happened before he was kicked from the Marvel Capital Police Department.
They seem at odds amongst themselves often with their goals- but when they pose as a threat? Shit just gets REAL.
The Flux
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The top yakuza syndicate in the Marvel Capital. Having taken over during a vulnerable time for the city, they've had their claws dug deep into the corner of every block in every district. No gang seems stand a chance against them and their wide array of magical abilities- utlizing Shadow and Temporal magic alike.
The Flux use number based aliases, with their real names mainly unbeknownst to the public. But two in particular send shudders down the spine of even the most notorious oyabun in the city's underworld.
Number Six, DEOR. The big boss himself. A reclusive man who stands firm in his ideals, hellbent on sucking Marvel Capital dry before running it into the ground. Some say he's got a powerful Terror pact- other's claim he's a naturally gifted Green Sun mage. No one's lived long enough to determine for sure which one's true.
Number Seven, YUSHA. Deor's personal lapdog. He's never seen without a smile, nor without his Crowbar. People who know him say he's got an odd air to him, as if he doesn't even know what's going on around him. Regardless, that doesn't stop him from swiftly fulfilling his orders with great efficiency.
This rainbow of thugs will stop at nothing to claim Marvel Capital as their own. It's their land.
City Officials
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Every city is only ever as good as the people in charge of it. Luckily for the Marvel Capital, capable hands work hard behind the scenes to keep the place livable for the average citizen- determined to keep the peace. Even if it means occasionally having to play by the Cabal's rules.
The former Mayor, WINDSWEPT VILLAGER, keeps a well trained eye on the city's archives. After an attempt on his life during that left him disabled, he's stepped down from his position. Nevertheless, he continues to work behind the scenes- playing as an informant and confidant for the current Mayor. PEACEKEEPING MAYOR is the current head honcho serving in office. Having been an ex-archagent like Villager, positions of great responsibility (and stress) are nothing new to her. She's a stubborn woman with a who will do anything for the city- going so far as to work with the Cabal to keep as eye on what goes on in the shadows. If the Mayor watches over the city, who watches the Mayor? That duty of course goes to ASSIDUOUS REGIMENT, the head of the City Council's security department. Having failed to protect Villager before, he's sworn to himself to not allow that to happen ever again. He's a stiff, stern figure, but below that tough exterior, he's got a good heart.
The three of them work day and night trying to maintain the balance of the city- but everyday it grows clearer it was made to be less of a home and more of a playground.
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soltytears · 1 year
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“ you wouldn't know monsters of the night even if they looked you in the eyes during the day. ” || gangshuffle is @ontdah 's masterpiece :]
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ontdah · 2 years
[G A N G S H U F F L E]
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The Mutinous Cabal, a rogue group of vigilantes who are the sworn watchdogs for Marvel Capital
Their "Leader", Debonair Despot
Their true Leader, Scrutinous Scourge
The intel guy, Cogent Dealer
And the muscular medic, Harmonious Bastion
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Team Dick Ace, a ragtag gang of ex-coppers trying to redeem themselves by cleaning up crime in the city- who may or may not be part of the crime themselves..
Their brains, Polemic Imagineer
Their brawn, Acephalous Dictum
And their beauty, Prosaic Steward
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And the Flux (only a few pictured here), the mighty top-dog crime syndicate that rules over Marvel Capital with an iron grip
No one seems to know the names of any of their members, knowing them only by number.
Except of course, the fearsome Deor (6)
and his loyal little dog, Yusha (7)
Hohoho!! I have made an AU! GANGSHUFFLE!!
There is MUCH for me to blurb about them later but.. for now.. heres some of the main boys.. Hehe
Look out for more info on the AU later ;P
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lunarmote · 2 years
Revisiting Enter the Void (2009), why I like this film so much
You can read my first review here.
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Enter the Void (2009) is the most beautiful and terrifying film I’ve ever seen.
This movie is about a young American drug dealer in Tokyo (Oscar) who gets shot by the police during a deal gone wrong. His soul leaves his body to experience the lives of his family and friends in the wake of his death.
On my first watch of Enter the Void, I described it as philosophical. No longer. It has no claim to stake on the existence of a soul. It is a character study of how a “nobody” spends his last cogent moments struggling with these questions of identity:
Who was I? What kind of life did I live? Did I do the right thing?
To his sister: Do you remember that promise we made when we were kids? By the time you find out I’m dying, will it be too late? What will you think of me?
To the universe: Why was I born?
This film is about the beautiful tragedy of self-awareness hitting too late. As the brain physically disintegrates, the spirit expends the last of its energy recalling as many images of life as possible, hoping their recall will spark something, some remembrance. At that very instant Oscar’s death takes him, he also experiences his birth: a cycle of eternal recurrence due to the brain’s subjective perception of time.
Free association and trauma
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The visuals of this movie are fragmented, illogical, and jarring for a reason.
The movie doesn’t just tell you the story of Oscar. It makes you experience what it’s like to be him.
Confused, the brain loses its capacity to understand reality. You live in a world in which subliminal messages about birth and death are communicated through electronic screens, where elements of our consciousness appear like idea salad. Everything strobes. Ordinary objects pulsate like they have neon-infiltrated veins.
The brain loses its ability to understand boundaries. It starts mashing together visually similar and thematically dissimilar images. A prop in the dressing room reminds you of a lamp in your childhood. A bullet wound reminds you of a tunnel. You gain the ability to intensity-match across visual and aural dimensions. A grating noise evokes a harsh light; a muffled humming evokes a faint strobing.
Trauma is re-released. As you lie dying, you think of the last time you saw death up close. Your fear of death starts to hijack all the happy memories you had tucked between layers of fat. Here’s what you experience. A happy family outing. Then a truck plowing into you. A happy reunion with your sister 20 years later. Then another truck plowing into you. The brain is stuck in a loop. By decontextualizing and recontextualizing memories will it finally make sense of your existence?
Symbols and yearning for a past childhood
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This movie covers a lot in its 161 minutes. It explores the themes of life, family, birth, sex, alienation, trauma, passivity, and of course, death, but through symbols. This makes the experience extremely emotional and visceral.
How illogical many of these symbols are. Nude bodies are everywhere — Oscar sees his sister, then he sees his mom breastfeeding. The TVTropes page says that this shows Oscar wants to have sex with his mother. Wants to? I don’t think so; the overtones of trauma and longing and regret far overshadow any kind of erotic desire. Sex and intimacy can be linked in a way that is biological, symbolic, and impersonal. They are natural processes that we associate with existing and dying. I don’t interpret it as some puerile longing. I interpret it as a gaping hunger to connect back to life.
In summary
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I really wanted to write an elaborate review of this movie with a complete thesis statement, but I simply can’t. This movie does too much for me to cover in writing. It makes me feel too much in ways I don’t even understand.
Overall, if I had to say why I appreciate this film rather than how it makes me feel, I think I just deeply appreciate when filmmakers are innovative. I appreciate when they start projects destined to be box office flops because of how alienating they can be to most people but which resonate deeply with a few people.
Regarding Enter the Void in particular, I love how its visual intensity meets its philosophical intensity. (Yeah, I know that earlier I said it wasn’t a philosophical film; I think its in-film portrayal is not philosophical, but if you’re like me, the ideas of dying and being born cannot be not philosophical). Taking symbols like the fundamental contradictions of life (the changing writing on the wall: I WANT TO LIVE / I WANT TO DIE) and ramping them up, points to the absurdity and circularity of life.
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smarterbathrooms · 6 months
Advantages of Hire Recognised Kitchen Remodelers in Melbourne!
Reputable kitchen remodelers and renovation businesses in Melbourne assist clients in turning their old and existing kitchens into hygienic and comfortable spaces to spend valuable time making food.
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Hiring recognised home renovation and remodelling services is essential to create a comfortable and private kitchen and bathroom environment.
Advantages of Hiring Recognised Renovation Services for Kitchens:
Hiring professional and well-established home renovation services can help property owners get customised services such as bathroom and kitchen design in Melbourne or kitchen cabinet renovation to improve the practicality and visual appeal of homes.
In addition to increasing the value of the home, well-executed kitchen and bathroom renovations by trusted remodelers also foster a work and play-friendly atmosphere.
Local renovators have connections to local building renovation material dealers to get the best quality materials at a reasonable cost without expending much on transportation. Owners can save money by hiring local renovators and also increase property valuation through a precisely renovated property.
• These services use energy-efficient counterparts and swap out old and inefficient fixtures and appliances.
• These experts may assist in simplifying the overall house design, guaranteeing a united and cogent appearance throughout the entire area.
• These renovators may also provide insightful advice on water-saving fixtures, energy-efficient lighting, and other actions that support a sustainable lifestyle in addition to long-term cost savings.
Expert remodelers maintain hygiene and make the space most useful with cutting-edge and user-friendly appliances with appropriate flooring, paint walls, and install recognised art effects to make personal areas more beautiful.
Reputable remodelers also offer insightful advice on eco-friendly techniques like water-saving fixtures and energy-efficient lighting. This lowers long-term expenses and promotes a more environmentally friendly way of living.
• Property owners should find a well-established renovation service locally by analysing online.
• Evaluate their market reputation by visiting their social media pages; read reviews to know about their services, workmanships, material quality, and reliability from their prior clients.
• Check whether they cover insurance, and adhere to local rules and regulations. Visit their websites to learn more about their services, proficiency, case studies, successful renovation project portfolio, cost of services, and customer support.
Finally, compare these factors and hire the most trusted kitchen renovation service and get the best possible outcome.
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tcmmyperez · 3 years
Tagged: @yukselkaminski​
Location: Tommy’s auto shop, around 4am
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Becoming the business equivalent of partners with Adrian Kaminski hadn’t been Tommy’s idea of a cogent union when taking up the role of Head Arms Dealer. Oil and water on their best days, the two men had startlingly different ideas of how to run both their individual trades and practically every situation. Yet to the entire Syndicate’s shock and tepid acceptance, they worked almost fluidly when slotted together. Save for tonight when the brunette received a witching hour phone call that drew him out of a long awaited rest, tempted to just hang up before his counterpart mentioned something about “a mess”. For fuck’s sake. Now he stands against the rear entrance, its metal garage door half-pried up just far enough to allow them room to pass underneath. “What? Couldn’t lose your shit at a reasonable hour?” Only the friendliest of greetings as he proceeds to the rear of Adrian’s car once it stops inside, his hand gesturing quickly. “Open the trunk before I regret comin’ down here.”
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Sleep Tight For Me...I’m Gone
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Lately I’ve been writing these Better Days Are A Toenail Away™️ posts in Microsoft Word, selecting all and changing the font to Garamond, which is so readable and beautiful, and posting the Word docs, paragraphs by paragraph, inside these Tumblr drafts. It makes things look nice, to my old fashioned sensibilities, but fixing errors is a time-consuming and needlessly convoluted four-step process.
First, I have to copy, then delete the paragraph containing the error. Then I open the doc. and paste the error-ridden paragraph back into Word. After I find and fix the error, I need to save it and copy and paste it back into the post. It's time-consuming because I’m not just copying a paragraph. As you can see from more recent post, what I copied looked more like a photograph of the paragraph, not the words themselves written in Tumblr’s default font Arial. For an example of this, see below. I like the way it looks like old newspaper clippings. I posted an article about how my fent dealer John Smith kept getting robbed, and had resorted to putting a machete in front of his front door as a way of preventing this, a lever of sorts, which is plainly visible in the video I posted,
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So today I’ve given up on trying to make my posts look like books or zines, and have given into the Tumblr font, which is about as pretty as a horse with his snout shot off.
There are two much longer posts I’m working on right now, one about Nirvana and one about Soundgarden, respectively, and how both bands were very unlike their public perception, but those posts are taking a lot of work so I’m putting them on the backburner because today is some dumbass corporation’s day where it tries to synthesize mental health and profit and the end result is as baldly capitalist and clumsy as you would expect. 
I’m not gonna name the company, or repeat their stupid fucking slogan. As far as I can tell (which isn't very far), talking about my trauma has never made me feel better. And in fact it has sometimes made me feel worse, because in telling you what hurts and scares me, I’ve given a part of myself away that I can’t get back. When you’re like me, and you’ve lost everything multiple times, sometimes the only form of power you have is how you choose, or do not choose, to tell your story. And in a world where everybody wants to tell “their truth,” silence is power. 
You don’t get to know me, sorry. I’m not gonna hand you my life, both my bad and good experiences, and conclude: “Welp, that’s why I’m so fucked up. Case closed.” 
Honestly, I used to be a little confused, or miffed that my former partner (who is an amazing person btw, in every respect) almost never spoke about some of the traumatic things she’d experienced in her past. I took it as a sign that she either didn’t trust me, or she didn’t think I would be a sympathetic listener, or the mere fact of my gender precluded her from sharing because I couldn’t truly understand what it was she had gone through. It’s not like I ever asked her to talk about it, but I did say, once or twice, “hey if you ever wanna talk about that stuff, I’m around.” She never took me up on it, and I let it go. 
But as I watched her, and saw her life unfold, over the years we spent together, I began to realize I wasn’t exactly in any position to be telling her how to live her life or how to be mentally healthy. After all, she has found success in a number of avenues, both creative and occupational, and I’ve found neither. I'm not saying the fact that she didn't talk much about her trauma is the reason for her success. I'm saying that she's forged a better path through life than I have, and maybe I should take a cue from that.
She never told me what to do, per se. It was more like living by example. But because I’m pretty dense, and a severe addict, our time together actually sorta reminds me now of that Cornell lyric from his first record: She’s going to change the world. But she can’t change me.
I have certainly found that talking about how shitty my life is only makes me feel more shitty, not free, or unburdened, or better. If you wanna talk about your problems, and you find it helpful, more power to you. Just don’t wait for a corporation to tell you it’s okay to not be okay. 
When Chris Cornell died I was so shocked. Of all the grunge icons he seemed the most stable, and he'd survived the rise and fall of two major label rock bands. If anyone had survived the media machine that chewed up and spat out Staley, Cobain, and to a lesser extent Andrew Wood and Shannon Hoon, it was Cornell. He would be the last guy to support hashtag activism like #StarbucksMyLifeSucks. Chris Cornell actually loved to fuck with the best laid plans of corporate rats. Molson once had a few promotional concerts in Tuktoyaktuk, Northwest Territories, called Molson Canadian Rocks Arctic, with both Hole and Soundgarden playing to a crowd of flown-in grunge fans and bemused locals. But the whole anti-corporate thing grunge was known for actually came through when Courtney Love told the crowd she “use[d] Molson Canadian to douche.” Lol. Here’s a photo of Love arriving in Tuktoyatuk.
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Cornell told the same people “so we’re here because of some beer company? Labatt’s?” Both artists’ jabs are funny. Cornell’s was a bit more subtle, but that’s what Cornell was like. 
So today’s post is about Chris Cornell’s suicide, more specifically the media’s reaction to it. For whatever reason, when Cornell died, every single news outlet, from CNN to Fox to CBC, posted “Black Hole Sun,” as if it’s the only song he ever fucking wrote, or – and this is far worse – the only song he wrote that’s worth hearing. The problem with this is more than twofold or threefold. It's fucking hydraheaded. 
Not only is “Black Hole Sun” a mediocre piece of music, it’s a complete misrepresentation of Soundgarden’s sound. 
Now, I’m a huge fan of the A.V. Club series HateSong, in which public figures gleefully talk shit about the one song they hate more than any other song in the world. The Max Bemis (Say Anything) one where he talks about Nirvana’s “Rape Me” as a terrible rewrite of “Smells Like Teen Spirit” is terrific, but comedian Anthony Jeselnik’s HateSong takes “Black Hole Sun” apart, and I love it. I think the best line is: I think the more I hear it, the worse it gets. AVC: After the song became a huge hit, Chris Cornell said that he’d written it in about 15 minutes. AJ: I totally believe that. I don’t believe that Soundgarden likes that song. Like, I remember Eminem once said that he knew his song “My Name Is” was going to be a huge hit because the first time he heard it he was annoyed. It’s something about an annoying song that just grabs onto people. But I don’t think that anyone likes “Black Hole Sun.” I’ve never heard of anyone who likes it. I don’t understand why it gets played so much. It’s become a summer jam, and it’s not a summer song at all. Jeselnik is right that Soundgarden didn’t think much of the song. Guitarist Kim Thayil wasn’t kidding when he disparagingly called it the “Dream On” of their live show. And Cornell himself, known for a meticulous approach to his songwriting, had admitted that with “Black Hole Sun”was “probably the closest to me just playing with words for words’ sake, of anything I’ve written. I guess it worked for a lot of people who heard it, but I have no idea how you'd begin to take that one literally.” I mean it’s obvious from the opening lines that Cornell is just playing with words and how they sound: in my eyes/indisposed/in disguises no one knows What songs would have been more appropriate for Cornell’s untimely death? Glad you asked! Cuz there’s like…fucking at least ten that would have been better. I’m not tryna be one of those “the deep album cuts are better maaaaaan,” but with Soundgarden, it happens to be true. With some bands, the single are their best work. With other bands, the singles are the hors d’oeuvres for the entrees. So what deep cuts would have celebrated Cornell’s death a bit better? Well, to begin with, Superunknown’s strange and stately closer “Like Suicide” would have worked, for obvious reasons.
“Tighter and Tighter,” a song that is actually about the moment of death and what it might feel like, is one of my all-time fav Soundgarden songs. Not only is it a creepy and prescient prediction of what Cornell’s death by hanging himself may have felt like, it’s opening line is a good description of the personification of death: Shadow face/Blowing smoke and talking wind
Another sample lyric: “A sucking holy wind will take me from this bed tonight/and bloody wits another hits me and I have to say goodbye/sleep tight for me, I’m gone/and I hope it’s  a sweet ride/here for me tonight/cuz I’m feel I’m going/feel I’m slowing down.” 
The morning after Cornell’s death hit the news my buddy and bandmate James told me that en route to work his phone, which was playing music randomly through his car speakers, landed on “Tighter and Tighter” and he had to pull over because he was tearing up. 
“Fell On Black Days” is another song about depression and mortality. Cornell had the following to say about the song: “Fell on Black Days” was like this ongoing fear I’ve had for years ... It's a feeling that everyone gets. You're happy with your life, everything’s going well, things are exciting—when all of a sudden you realize you’re unhappy in the extreme, to the point of being really, really scared. There's no particular event you can pin the feeling down to, it's just that you realize one day that everything in your life is fucked! 
Now, if that’s not a cogent and even-tempered explanation of suicidal thoughts, what is? Why else would Cornell have admitted to being “really really scared” by his depression unless he knew what that depression could ultimately leasd to? Here’s some lyrics to “Fell on Black Days.” Dig the high literary use of “whomsoever” and “whatsoever.” Whatsoever I’ve feared has come to life Whatsoever I fought off became my life Just when every day seemed to greet me with a smile sunspots have faded and now I’m doing time cuz I fell on black days
Whomsoever I’ve cured I’ve sickened now Whomsoever I’ve cradled...I put you down I’m a searchlight soul they say but I can’t see it in the night I’m only faking when I get it right I sure don’t mind a change but I fell on black days how would I know that this could be my fate?
Eagle-eared listeners might think this version different from the album version. They are right. The rendition in the video was recorded live off the floor @ Bad Animals, the Seattle studio owned by Heart, where Soundgarden would record Down on the Upside. 
“Boot Camp” is a scary meditation about loss of agency that for years was tied with Zeppelin’s “I'm Gonna Crawl” for Creepiest Song to Cap a Discography, until Soundgarden reunited and released King Animal.
“Taree” is about ghost light, influencing events after dying and features Cornell’s most exhausted, convincing “yeah” @ 2:57.
“Applebite” is a Matt Cameron-penned ponderous clunker about Adam’s original expulsion from Eden. Doomy and death-laden.
“Let Me Drown” is a song about letting someone die.
“The Day I Tried To Live” is frequently cited as Soundgarden’s finest achievement, its odd time signature somehow sounds straight, thanks to Matt Cameron’s brilliant time keeping.
“4th of July” is a song about a post apocalyptic urban landscape, where the speaker isn’t sure whether he is seeing fireworks or bombs. 
“Limo Wreck” is a cool death song and has an eerie 9-11 prediction. “Building the towers belongs to the sky/when the whole thing comes crashing down don’t ask me why.” 
ANY of the above songs would have been better than that fucking asinine dirge-like major key fuckaround that has somehow not just become Soundgarden's signature song...but their ONLY song. 
Does nobody remember Johnny Cash covering “Rusty Cage?” 
“Burden In My Hand?”
“Blow Up The Outside World?”
Did none of these other songs get stuck in the electric head? (The electric head is Rob Zombie’s term for the technologically advanced culture we have found ourselves enmeshed in, or imprisoned by. It was the subtitle for White Zombie’s 1995 hit album Astro-Creep 2000: Songs of Love, Destruction, and other Synthetic Delusions of the Electric Head.)
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For my money (which ain’t much honey), the song that best fits both Cornell’s artistic integrity and the sad circumstances of his suicide is “Tighter and Tighter.” I once wrote a whole article on the way artists use “yeah” as a placeholder or as a way to convey emotion when words themselves aren’t adequate. Dig that tired, world-weary exhausted “yeah” at 5:35 of “Tighter & Tighter.”
Or the creepy line going into the first chorus: remember this...remember everything’s just black or burning sun. Not that I agree with such a bleak worldview. It’s a writer’s line. And Randy Bachman has said, “when you’re a writer, you’d step over your own mother.” That’s the Cornell I want to remember. Not that he would step over his own mother. By all accounts he was a committed family man. I mean, I want to remember the Cornell who created strange atmospheric sonic worlds, who explored the dark side that sadly, eventually won out. His otherworldly beautiful music is what I choose to remember about Chris Cornell, not his estate tastelessly exploiting “Black Hole Sun” by using a line from the song to title a posthumous Cornell album of covers No One Sings Like You Anymore. Sigh.
First Cornell’s widow said this was “Chris’s last album.” Okay. What about the Soundgarden songs he recorded vocals for before he died? Kim Thayil was pretty diplomatic about it when asked recently. Cornell did record vocal tracks for the follow up to King Animal.
Kim Thayil: “Given our love for Chris, I do not see us reconfiguring without him.”
But he makes it clear in this interview that Cornell’s widow Vicky has those tracks and won’t release them to the band. Maybe because she blames the band for Chris dying that night? She’s not wrong to believe that they would have known, and seen, what kind of shape Cornell was in, at least at the venue, maybe not later at the hotel.
Kim Thayil: “It’s entirely possible that a new Soundgarden album will be released. Certainly. All it would need is to take the audio files that are available. I tighten up the guitars. Ben does the bass. We get the producers we want to make it sound like a Soundgarden record.”
Interviewer: “Is there an obstacle stopping that?”
Kim Thayil: “There shouldn’t be. There really isn’t. Other than the fact that we don’t have those files.”
Interviewer: “They’re not under your auspices?”
Kim Thayil: “Right. It would be ridiculous if [the record wasn’t made]. But these are difficult things. Partnerships and...property.”
You’re just gonna keep those wav files? And why title his covers album Volume 1 if it’s his “last album?”
Oh right. $$$
No one does sing like Cornell, but is “Black Hole Sun” really the best thing he ever did? The best song he ever sang? Should an album of covers be the last thing he gives to the world?
The only honest answer is no.
Sleep tight Chris. You’re gone.
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arcticdementor · 4 years
Thread: I was sent this and felt the need to thread it here on Twitter. It will be long. It is purported to be an anonymous, open letter from a professor at UK Berkeley in the History Department. The only comment I will make is to say it is worth every moment of the read.
C Berkeley History Professor's Open Letter Against BLM, Police Brutality and Cultural Orthodoxy
Dear profs X, Y, Z
I am one of your colleagues at the University of California, Berkeley. I have met you both personally but do not know you closely, and am contacting you anonymously, with apologies. I am worried that writing this email publicly might lead to me losing my job, and likely all future jobs in my field.
In your recent departmental emails you mentioned our pledge to diversity, but I am increasingly alarmed by the absence of diversity of opinion on the topic of the recent protests and our community response to them.
In the extended links and resources you provided, I could not find a single instance of substantial counter-argument or alternative narrative to explain the under-representation of black individuals in academia or their over-representation in the criminal justice system. The explanation provided in your documentation, to the near exclusion of all others, is univariate: the problems of the black community are caused by whites, or, when whites are not physically present, by the infiltration of white supremacy and white systemic racism into American brains, souls, and institutions.
Many cogent objections to this thesis have been raised by sober voices, including from within the black community itself, such as Thomas Sowell and Wilfred Reilly. These people are not racists or 'Uncle Toms'. They are intelligent scholars who reject a narrative that strips black people of agency and systematically externalizes the problems of the black community onto outsiders.
Their view is entirely absent from the departmental and UCB-wide communiques.
A counternarrative exists. If you have time, please consider examining some of the documents I attach at the end of this email.
Overwhelmingly, the reasoning provided by BLM and allies is either primarily anecdotal (as in the case with the bulk of Ta-Nehisi Coates' undeniably moving article) or it is transparently motivated. As an example of the latter problem, consider the proportion of black incarcerated Americans. This proportion is often used to characterize the criminal justice system as anti-black. However, if we use the precise same methodology, we would have to conclude that the criminal justice system is even more anti-male than it is anti-black.
Would we characterize criminal justice as a systemically misandrist conspiracy against innocent American men? I hope you see that this type of reasoning is flawed, and requires a significant suspension of our rational faculties. Black people are not incarcerated at higher rates than their involvement in violent crime would predict. This fact has been demonstrated multiple times across multiple jurisdictions in multiple countries. And yet, I see my department uncritically reproducing a narrative that diminishes black agency in favor of a white-centric explanation that appeals to the department's apparent desire to shoulder the 'white man's burden' and to promote a narrative of white guilt.
If we claim that the criminal justice system is white-supremacist, why is it that Asian Americans, Indian Americans, and Nigerian Americans are incarcerated at vastly lower rates than white Americans? This is a funny sort of white supremacy. Even Jewish Americans are incarcerated less than gentile whites. I think it's fair to say that your average white supremacist disapproves of Jews. And yet, these alleged white supremacists incarcerate gentiles at vastly higher rates than Jews. None of this is addressed in your literature. None of this is explained, beyond hand-waving and ad hominems. "Those are racist dogwhistles". "The model minority myth is white supremacist". "Only fascists talk about black-on-black crime", ad nauseam. These types of statements do not amount to counterarguments: they are simply arbitrary offensive classifications, intended to silence and oppress discourse. Any serious historian will recognize these for the silencing orthodoxy tactics they are, common to suppressive regimes, doctrines, and religions throughout time and space. They are intended to crush real diversity and permanently exile the culture of robust criticism from our department.
Increasingly, we are being called upon to comply and subscribe to BLM's problematic view of history, and the department is being presented as unified on the matter. In particular, ethnic minorities are being aggressively marshaled into a single position. Any apparent unity is surely a function of the fact that dissent could almost certainly lead to expulsion or cancellation for those of us in a precarious position, which is no small number.
The vast majority of violence visited on the black community is committed by black people. There are virtually no marches for these invisible victims, no public silences, no heartfelt letters from the UC regents, deans, and departmental heads. The message is clear: Black lives only matter when whites take them. Black violence is expected and insoluble, while white violence requires explanation and demands solution.
Please look into your hearts and see how monstrously bigoted this formulation truly is.
No discussion is permitted for nonblack victims of black violence, who proportionally outnumber black victims of nonblack violence. This is especially bitter in the Bay Area, where Asian victimization by black assailants has reached epidemic proportions, to the point that the SF police chief has advised Asians to stop hanging good-luck charms on their doors, as this attracts the attention of (overwhelmingly black) home invaders.
Home invaders like George Floyd. For this actual, lived, physically experienced reality of violence in the USA, there are no marches, no tearful emails from departmental heads, no support from McDonald's and Wal-Mart.
For the History department, our silence is not a mere abrogation of our duty to shed light on the truth: it is a rejection of it.
Most troublingly, our department appears to have been entirely captured by the interests of the Democratic National Convention, and the Democratic Party more broadly. To explain what I mean, consider what happens if you choose to donate to Black Lives Matter, an organization UCB History has explicitly promoted in its recent mailers. All donations to the official BLM website are immediately redirected to ActBlue Charities, an organization primarily concerned with bankrolling election campaigns for Democrat candidates. Donating to BLM today is to indirectly donate to Joe Biden's 2020 campaign. This is grotesque given the fact that the American cities with the worst rates of black-on-black violence and police-on-black violence are overwhelmingly Democrat-run. Minneapolis itself has been entirely in the hands of Democrats for over five decades; the 'systemic racism' there was built by successive Democrat administrations.
Given the direction our history department appears to be taking far from any commitment to truth, we can regard ourselves as a formative training institution for this brand of snake-oil salespeople. Their activities are corrosive, demolishing any hope at harmonious racial coexistence in our nation and colonizing our political and institutional life. Many of their voices are unironically segregationist.
MLK would likely be called an Uncle Tom if he spoke on our campus today. We are training leaders who intend, explicitly, to destroy one of the only truly successful ethnically diverse societies in modern history. As the PRC, an ethnonationalist and aggressively racially chauvinist national polity with null immigration and no concept of jus solis increasingly presents itself as the global political alternative to the US, I ask you: Is this wise? Are we really doing the right thing?
As a final point, our university and department has made multiple statements celebrating and eulogizing George Floyd. Floyd was a multiple felon who once held a pregnant black woman at gunpoint. He broke into her home with a gang of men and pointed a gun at her pregnant stomach.
He terrorized the women in his community. He sired and abandoned multiple children, playing no part in their support or upbringing, failing one of the most basic tests of decency for a human being. He was a drug-addict and sometime drug-dealer, a swindler who preyed upon his honest and hard-working neighbors.
And yet, the regents of UC and the historians of the UCB History department are celebrating this violent criminal, elevating his name to virtual sainthood. A man who hurt women. A man who hurt black women. With the full collaboration of the UCB history department, corporate America, most mainstream media outlets, and some of the wealthiest and most privileged opinion-shaping elites of the USA, he has become a culture hero, buried in a golden casket, his (recognized) family showered with gifts and praise. Americans are being socially pressured into kneeling for this violent, abusive misogynist. A generation of black men are being coerced into identifying with George Floyd, the absolute worst specimen of our race and species. I'm ashamed of my department. I would say that I'm ashamed of both of you, but perhaps you agree with me, and are simply afraid, as I am, of the backlash of speaking the truth. It's hard to know what kneeling means, when you have to kneel to keep your job.
It shouldn't affect the strength of my argument above, but for the record, I write as a person of color. My family have been personally victimized by men like Floyd. We are aware of the condescending depredations of the Democrat party against our race. The humiliating assumption that we are too stupid to do STEM, that we need special help and lower requirements to get ahead in life, is richly familiar to us. I sometimes wonder if it wouldn't be easier to deal with open fascists, who at least would be straightforward in calling me a subhuman, and who are unlikely to share my race.
The ever-present soft bigotry of low expectations and the permanent claim that the solutions to the plight of my people rest exclusively on the goodwill of whites rather than on our own hard work is psychologically devastating.
No other group in America is systematically demoralized in this way by its alleged allies. A whole generation of black children are being taught that only by begging and weeping and screaming will they get handouts from guilt-ridden whites.
No message will more surely devastate their futures, especially if whites run out of guilt, or indeed if America runs out of whites. If this had been done to Japanese Americans, or Jewish Americans, or Chinese Americans, then Chinatown and Japantown would surely be no different to the roughest parts of Baltimore and East St. Louis today. The History department of UCB is now an integral institutional promulgator of a destructive and denigrating fallacy about the black race.
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gangshuffle · 1 year
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Muwutinowous Cabal.
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soltytears · 1 year
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“ a price must be paid, despite your indecision. ” | cogent dealer's decisions are things he sometimes wishes he was saved from... [ gangshuffle is @ontdah's ! ]
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dragonnan · 5 years
Carlton Lassiter and/or the Whole Psych gang for the headcanon meme? XD especially the Heartcanon
So this ends up being quite broad with these categories so narrowing it down will mean hitting on only a few points versus the entirety of the characters.  If that makes sense.
Headcanon: I can muster a cogent argument for why it would make more sense or make for a better story if this were the case: 
Always this comes down to more accuracy with character injury. Both Shawn and Carlton were shafted with regards to carryover with their gunshot wounds what with being miraculously healed by the next episode. Shawn wasn’t even shown to have a scar which, of course, is completely impossible given the proximity as well as the caliber of the gun.  With regards to the injuries themselves, Shawn will have ongoing pain, to some degree, as well as some weakness in that shoulder and will have a rubber ball that he squeezes on regularly to try to build back the strength in that hand.  Carlton, too, will have physical side effects from his wounds and would have taken a long time to recover before returning to work - which he’d have insisted upon doing in spite of the need for recuperation.  They both will have been required to see a therapist before returning to work; no exception full stop.  Shawn, especially, will suffer from nightmares and some flashbacks from his ordeal and this will carry with him for years to come.  He will not want to talk about it but at some point Gus will observe a flashback in action with full panic attack and emotional fallout and will insist Shawn tell him what the hell is going on.    
Heartcanon: I don’t have a particular rationale for why this ought to be the case, I just like to imagine it’s true because it gives me the warm fuzzies:
Everyone: By the birth of his second child Lassiter has finally let go of the (basically fake) animosity he’s shown towards Shawn.  After all, with the kid married to Juliet he’s essentially family (though that does still make his lip curl in mild disgust).  They make regular visits back and forth - the Lassiters to San Fran or the Spencers (and the Gusters) to Santa Barbara.  Holidays, in particular, are a huge shared affair and typically take place at the Lassiter home both for the space as well as the memories attached.
Shawn and Henry: Henry is, frankly, sick of doing nothing.  He’s tried out various distractions but nothing compares to the excitement that came from working with Shawn on cases - even in a limited capacity.  While his near death experience makes working as a police consultant highly distasteful, he still wants to be involved in some way.  Eventually he reopens the old Psych location.  Not, though, as a PI.  But as a trainer for aspiring private detectives.  He guides young people and gives them the skills to solve cases and stay safe.  He also begins helping Shawn semi-regularly either remotely via Facetime or by occasional trips to San Fransisco.  He and Juliet are extremely close and he’s basically the dad she never had - allowing her to confide in him and find a willing ear and wise father figure to walk her through her troubles.   
Gutcanon: it’s not that I actively want this to be the case – it just unaccountably feels like it should be:
Shawn and Juliet are not ready to be parents whereas Gus and Selene almost immediately ended up having twins and Gus is in a constant state of panic and meltdown and eventually Shawn and Juliet become sorta co-parents and help out with the two wild toddlers.  Henry gleefully considers himself grampa to the twins but only babysits once before declaring “NEVER AGAIN” as its a hellish experience.  And yet he eventually does take on that duty again though not without dragging in outside help either by hiring a professional or making some of his PIs-in-training use it as part of the educational experience. 
Junkcanon: I like to imagine it’s true because it gives me the other kind of warm fuzzies:
Yeah, that’s gonna be whump again cause HELLO.  San Fransisco is a significantly different world than Santa Barbara.  Shawn is somewhat naive in this regard and it costs him.  The experience of being shot and kidnapped is a mild jaunt compared to what he faces when he ends up in the sights of ruthless heroin dealers who are tired of the mouthy dude and his sidekick cutting into their profits by getting their client base clean and into recovery.
Spleencanon: I insist that this is the case specifically to spite the author, because, like, fuck you, sir or madam:
Honestly?  Screw the entire San Fransisco storyline. THAT NEVER HAPPENED.  Vick retired - Carlton became Chief - and Juliet became his Head Detective. END OF STORY!  You know, after the endgame debacle I’m far more open to kicking “canon” to the curb and creating the story that actually makes some damn sense! I hate the San Fransisco BS and frankly axe it from my personal canon for the series.  Psych is at its best when everyone is together like a big team - not scattered apart and only able to see one another occasionally. I haaaaate thaaaat!!  There, I said it.  
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longwindedbore · 5 years
Mental Compartments.
Imagine we are in high school. We are taught a fact in Science class that contradicts a fact we are taught History class. We have a pop quiz in both classes. Of the two facts which is correct?
The “correct answer” is that fact that we were taught in each class is the “correct” answer for that class’s quiz.
Both facts can’t be correct. Do we experience cognitive dissonance that compels us to seek to resolve the intellectual discomfort even though we passed the tests? Or do we get on with the meaningful things in Life by compartmentalizing - subconsciously holding both answers as True and False depending on the class?
The problem is that we can create whole structures of absurdities if we don’t resolve the dissonance.
Example: Trumpeteers still chant “lock her up” at rally’s 10/19/18, 10/24/18, 8/1/19. That’s compartmental irrationality.
Trump was sworn in January, 2017. He had a GOP majority in both Houses of Congress until January 2019. He didnt and hasn’t started investigations into e-mails, emoluments in the Clinton charity, Benghazi, alleged mysterious deaths, etc.
Trumpeteers 2018-19 should chant, “when will you lock her up? When will you do what you promised?”
The same applies to his Wall, Repealing Obamacare, Immigration, stripping gun laws, etc. He keeps renewing promises to accomplish what his supporters would be justified to argue he should have done two years ago.
None of his supporters seem to feel the cognitive dissonance. Anymore than Evangelicals consider the treatment of immigrants as contrary to everything Jesus said.
Anymore that economically devastated Kentucky voters say, “maybe Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul aren’t the best choices.” The Senators give the Trumpeteers the cultural gifts with one hand and take away the economics with the other.
So the ‘GOP gives’ but ‘the government’ takes. Even when the government = the GOP. Mental compartmentalization.
Trumpeteers I know personally have empathy. But their empathy is in a different compartment from feelings about strangers.
Brown or black people my Trumpeteers know personally - always empathy and even a helping hand. Brown or black people they don’t personally know - must be murderous thugs and drug dealers.
Frankly, my Trumpeteers apply the same empathy/prejudice values to Caucasians with ‘odd’ accents, ‘unfamiliar’ last names, ‘different’ religions. Which is why my Trumpeteers - believe - in all sincerity that they are not “racist”. Equal opportunity judgmental bigots.
If challenged about the dicodomy, the comparmentalized mental structures respond with anger and hostility. You expect your cogent argument that a person with whom you are talking is holding contradictory views will produce a change of mind. A finger snap, light bulb over the head, a “jeeze, I never thought of it that way”, ...well...don’t expect it.
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industryuptodate · 3 years
Global Palm Vein Biometric Device Market Growth Factors, Research Survey and Trends for 2021-2027
Syndicate Market Research (SMR) added the latest study report entitled Global Palm Vein Biometric Device Market 2021 that focuses on market analyzes the important factors and enables the user to assess the long-term based demand also predicts specific executions. This report studies the Palm Vein Biometric Device market status and outlook of global industry, from the aspect of major players, regions, product types and applications/end-user of industries; this report also analyzes the top players in the global market like (FUJITSU, M2SYS Technology, Hitachi, NEC, 3M Cogent, Safran, Mantra Infotech, IDLink Systems, BioEnable, Matrix Security Solutions, Identy Tech Solutions, PalmSure, Mofiria, Tyco) and splits the Palm Vein Biometric Device market by product type and application/end users. The growth rate which is really estimated depending on the intellectual analysis provides complete information on the worldwide industry. The restraints and drivers are actually assembled after total attention to the global Palm Vein Biometric Device industry development.
Request Free Sample Report Palm Vein Biometric Device Industry Outlook, Click Here @ https://www.syndicatemarketresearch.com/sample/palm-vein-biometric-device-market
(Note: We will add an analysis of the impact of COVID-19 on the Palm Vein Biometric Device industry in the final report.)
The study report contains the present market size of the global Palm Vein Biometric Device market and its development rates (%) depend on the last 5-year history information alongside organization profile of major companies/manufacturers such as FUJITSU, M2SYS Technology, Hitachi, NEC, 3M Cogent, Safran, Mantra Infotech, IDLink Systems, BioEnable, Matrix Security Solutions, Identy Tech Solutions, PalmSure, Mofiria, Tyco. The inside and out data by segments of the Palm Vein Biometric Device industry helps screen future gainfulness and to settle on basic choices for development. The data on trends and improvements focus on business sectors and materials, limits, innovations, CAPEX cycle, SWOT analysis and the dynamic structure of the worldwide market.
The Global Palm Vein Biometric Device market is estimated at about xx Million USD in 2020 and it is expected to reach xx Million USD by the end of 2026, growing at a CAGR of XX% between 2020 and 2026. As per consumption and production; North America is the largest region within the world, while China and India are the quickest developing countries.
The report is decently drafted with the collection of fundamental information particular to the global Palm Vein Biometric Device market, with key components in charge of the demand for its product and benefits. Also, it recognizes the main feature thus as to improve with initial business decisions. The report highlights the most recent mechanical developments and modern dispatches, which facilitate the customers to plan their supply systems, make sharp business decisions and achieve vital executions.
Do Inquiry about Full Customize report @ https://www.syndicatemarketresearch.com/inquiry/palm-vein-biometric-device-market
The Palm Vein Biometric Device market report highly defines the modern industrial issues, forthcoming policy adjustment, growth and also striking conceivable outcomes in the business. The regional development techniques and its expectation are really one of the central point that depicts the whole execution and stresses in the key regions and countries such as North America (the USA, Canada), Europe (Western Europe, France, Germany, U.K., Spain, Italy, Eastern Europe), the Middle East & Africa, Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, India, Republic of Korea) and the Rest of Asia-Pacific.
The report turns top to bottom segmentation of the worldwide Palm Vein Biometric Device market in view of various procedures, Product type (Readers, Scanners, Cameras), Application (Banking And Finance Sector, Healthcare, Home Security, Commercial Security, Consumer Electronics, Education Sector, Gaming), innovations and strategies. This article comprehensively specified various angles of the market including details, specifications, growth factor, generation limit, material parameters, product value, demand, supply logistics and chain, profit & loss.
A few primary components utilized in the Palm Vein Biometric Device market report are clarified in a simple and easy way to comprehend analysis and receive the most astounding in return. This study report also supports business development activities for better business prospects, the right figures and graph presentation of important statistical information. The report again helps to distinguish the reliable and promising vendors as well as providers.
This Study Report Offers Following Objectives:
1. Forecast and analysis of the global Palm Vein Biometric Device market sales, share, value, status (2016-2018) and forecast (2021-2026). 2. Analyze the regional as well as country level segments, share evolution for Global Palm Vein Biometric Device Market. 3. Analysis of Global Palm Vein Biometric Device industry-leading manufacturers/players. 4. Define and analyze the market competition landscape, SWOT analysis. 5. Forecasts and analysis of the segments, sub-segments and the regional markets based on the last of 5 years market history. 6. Analysis of the Palm Vein Biometric Device market by Type, by Application/end users and region wise. 7. Forecast and analysis of the Global Palm Vein Biometric Device Market Trends, Drivers, Investment Opportunities, Openings, Risk, Difficulties, and recommendations. 8. Analyze the significant driving factors, trends that restrict the market growth. 9. Describe the stakeholder's opportunities in the market by identifying the high-growth segments.
There are 15 Key Chapters Covered in the Global Palm Vein Biometric Device Market:
Chapter 1, Industry Overview of Global Palm Vein Biometric Device Market; Chapter 2, Classification, Specifications and Definition of Market Segment by Regions; Chapter 3, Industry Suppliers, Manufacturing Process and Cost Structure, Chain Structure, Raw Material; Chapter 4, Specialized Data and Manufacturing Plants Distribution, Limit and Business Production Rate, Manufacturing Plants Analysis, R&D Status, and Technology Sources Analysis; Chapter 5, Complete Market Research, Capacity, Sales and Sales Price Analysis with Company Segment; Chapter 6, Analysis of Regional Market that contains the United States, Europe, India, China, Japan, Korea & Taiwan; Chapter 7 & 8, Palm Vein Biometric Device Market Analysis by Major Manufacturers, The Palm Vein Biometric Device Segment Market Analysis (by Type) and (by Application); Chapter 9, Regional Market Trend Analysis, Market Trend by Product Type and by Application: Chapter 10 & 11, Supply Chain Analysis, Regional Marketing Type Analysis, Global Trade Type Analysis; Chapter 12, The Global Palm Vein Biometric Device industry consumers Analysis; Chapter 13, Research Findings/Conclusion, deals channel, traders, distributors, dealers analysis; Chapter 14 and 15, Appendix and data source of Palm Vein Biometric Device market.
For More Information with full TOC: https://www.syndicatemarketresearch.com/market-analysis/palm-vein-biometric-device-market.html
Thanks for reading this study report; we can also provide individual topics-wise, chapter, or region-wise report variants such as North and South America, Europe, the Middle East & Africa, Asia-Pacific.
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At Syndicate Market Research, we provide reports about a range of industries such as healthcare & pharma, automotive, IT, insurance, security, packaging, electronics & semiconductors, medical devices, food & beverage, software & services, manufacturing & construction, defense & aerospace, agriculture, consumer goods & retailing, and so on. Every aspect of the market is covered in the report along with its regional data. Syndicate Market Research committed to the requirements of our clients, offering tailored solutions best suitable for strategy development and execution to get substantial results. Above this, we will be available for our clients 24×7.
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linhgd9 · 3 years
Global AFIS (Automated Fingerprint Identification System) Market Research Report Covers, Future Trends, Past, Present Data and Deep Analysis 2020-2027 By (COVID-19 Impact)
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“A SWOT Analysis of AFIS (Automated Fingerprint Identification System) , Professional Survey Report Including Top Most Global Players Analysis with CAGR and Stock Market Up and Down.”
The global “AFIS (Automated Fingerprint Identification System) market” research report highlights the need for the up-to-date market data for the business management that will offer development and profitability of the global AFIS (Automated Fingerprint Identification System) market. The research report presents all the essential facts and figures on drifts & growths. It emphasizes on technologies & capacities, materials & markets, and unpredictable structure of the AFIS (Automated Fingerprint Identification System) market. In addition, it also highlights the dominating players in the market joined with their market share. The well-established players in the market are NEC Corporation, Cross Match Technologies Inc., M2SYS Technology, Afix Technologies Inc, 3M Cogent Inc., Fujitsu, Biometrics4ALL, HID Global Corporation, Safran Identity & Security, M2SYS Technology.
Click here to access the report
The global AFIS (Automated Fingerprint Identification System) market report portrays best approaches to assess the global AFIS (Automated Fingerprint Identification System) market. It offers the reliable facts and extensive analysis of the global AFIS (Automated Fingerprint Identification System) market. The report presents a summary of the global AFIS (Automated Fingerprint Identification System) industry, embracing categorizations, applications, and industry chain structure. The study also represents a thorough analysis including significant insights, industry-legalized figures, and facts of the global AFIS (Automated Fingerprint Identification System) market.
Furthermore, the study also assesses the principal aspects of the market that entails revenue, demand, gross value, growth rate, cost, capability, market share, import, gross margin, expenditure, export, manufacture, supply, and so on. A number of methodological tools are used in the global AFIS (Automated Fingerprint Identification System) market analysis. It offers a complete analysis of the market statistics and the estimation of the global AFIS (Automated Fingerprint Identification System) industry players along with their market scope.
The additional geographical segments are also mentioned in the empirical report.
North America: U.S., Canada, Rest of North America Europe: UK, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Rest of Europe Asia Pacific: China, Japan, India, Southeast Asia, North Korea, South Korea, Rest of Asia Pacific Latin America: Brazil, Argentina, Rest of Latin America Middle East and Africa: GCC Countries, South Africa, Rest of Middle East & Africa
Read Detailed Index of full Research Study at:: https://www.marketresearchstore.com/market-insights/afis-automated-fingerprint-identification-system-market-814116
The research report highlights the assessment of its diverse segments. It also offers analysis of main topographies of the global AFIS (Automated Fingerprint Identification System) market. This profound review portrays the existing market development & drifts, key aspects impelling the market expansion, market projections, drivers, limits, and market structure. The market study also offers analysis of every area of the global AFIS (Automated Fingerprint Identification System) market along with its sub-segments. Additionally, the global AFIS (Automated Fingerprint Identification System) market report covers the major product categories and segments Hardware, Software, Others along with their sub-segments Hospitality, Government, Transportation, BFSI, Healthcare, Education, Others in detail.
In addition, the study emphasizes the leading market players ruling worldwide. It also provides the user with important details such as sales, contact details, product specifications & pictures, and market share. The assessment also embodies previous and expected data and statistics that make the report an extremely precious reference for advertising individuals, advisors, industry executives, sales & product executives, forecasters, and other personals hunting for crucial industry information in readily handy scripts with outstandingly displayed tables, statistics, and graphs.
Impact Of COVID-19
The most recent report includes extensive coverage of the significant impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Heated Jacket division. The coronavirus epidemic is having an enormous impact on the global economic landscape and thus on this special line of business. Therefore, the report offers the reader a clear concept of the current scenario of this line of business and estimates the aftermath of COVID-19.
There are 15 Chapters to display the Global AFIS (Automated Fingerprint Identification System) market
Chapter 1, Definition, Specifications and Classification of AFIS (Automated Fingerprint Identification System) , Applications of AFIS (Automated Fingerprint Identification System) , Market Segment by Regions; Chapter 2, Manufacturing Cost Structure, Raw Material and Suppliers, Manufacturing Process, Industry Chain Structure; Chapter 3, Technical Data and Manufacturing Plants Analysis of AFIS (Automated Fingerprint Identification System) , Capacity and Commercial Production Date, Manufacturing Plants Distribution, R&D Status and Technology Source, Raw Materials Sources Analysis; Chapter 4, Overall Market Analysis, Capacity Analysis (Company Segment), Sales Analysis (Company Segment), Sales Price Analysis (Company Segment); Chapter 5 and 6, Regional Market Analysis that includes United States, China, Europe, Japan, Korea & Taiwan, AFIS (Automated Fingerprint Identification System) Segment Market Analysis (by Type); Chapter 7 and 8, The AFIS (Automated Fingerprint Identification System) Segment Market Analysis (by Application) Major Manufacturers Analysis of AFIS (Automated Fingerprint Identification System) ; Chapter 9, Market Trend Analysis, Regional Market Trend, Market Trend by Product Type Hardware, Software, Others, Market Trend by Application Hospitality, Government, Transportation, BFSI, Healthcare, Education, Others; Chapter 10, Regional Marketing Type Analysis, International Trade Type Analysis, Supply Chain Analysis; Chapter 11, The Consumers Analysis of Global AFIS (Automated Fingerprint Identification System) ; Chapter 12, AFIS (Automated Fingerprint Identification System) Research Findings and Conclusion, Appendix, methodology and data source; Chapter 13, 14 and 15, AFIS (Automated Fingerprint Identification System) sales channel, distributors, traders, dealers, Research Findings and Conclusion, appendix and data source.
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Reasons for Buying AFIS (Automated Fingerprint Identification System) market
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thomasmarleyblog · 3 years
Biometrics in Workforce Management Market New Era of Industry & Forecast 2020-2027 | Bio Enable, NEC, 3M Cogent, etc.
Data Lab Forecast Insights has recently updated its massive report catalogue by adding a fresh study titled “Global Biometrics in Workforce Management Market – Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, & Forecast 2021 – 2027″. This business intelligence study encapsulates vital details about the market current as well as future status during the mentioned forecast period of 2027. The report also targets important facets such as market drivers, challenges, latest trends, and opportunities associated with the growth of manufacturers in the global market for Biometrics in Workforce Management. Along with these insights, the report provides the readers with crucial insights on the strategies implemented by leading companies to remain in the lead of this competitive market. Get the PDF Sample Copy of This Report @https://www.datalabforecast.com/request-sample/57093-biometrics-in-workforce-management-market
Asia-Pacific region is expected to dominate the market over the forecast period owing to the increasing focus on the research, development, and manufacturing of Biometrics in Workforce Management in countries including China, Japan, India, and South Korea.
Biometrics in Workforce Management Market report provides key statistics on the market status of the Biometrics in Workforce Management Market manufacturers and is a valuable source of guidance and direction for companies and individuals interested in the Biometrics in Workforce Management Market Industry. The Biometrics in Workforce Management Market Report also presents the vendor landscape and a corresponding detailed analysis of the major vendors operating in the market. Top Key Players Profiled in this report: Bio Enable, NEC, 3M Cogent, Safran Detailed Segmentation: • Global Biometrics in Workforce Management Market, By Product Type: • Fingerprint Biometrics, Facial Biometrics, Voice Biometrics, Hand Geometry Biometrics, Iris Recognition. • Global Biometrics in Workforce Management Market, By End User: • Application A, Application B, Application C. Biometrics in Workforce Management Market Reports cover complete modest outlook with the market stake and company profiles of the important contestants working in the global market. The Biometrics in Workforce Management Market offers a summary of product Information, production analysis, technology, product type, considering key features such as gross, gross margin, gross revenue, revenue, cost. Key Stakeholders Covered within this Biometrics in Workforce Management Market Report • Biometrics in Workforce Management Manufacturers • Biometrics in Workforce Management Distributors/Traders/Wholesalers • Biometrics in Workforce Management be component Manufacturers • Biometrics in Workforce Management Industry Association • Succeeding Vendors There is Multiple Chapter to display the Global Biometrics in Workforce Management Market some of them as Follow Chapter 1, Definition, Specifications and Classification of Biometrics in Workforce Management, Applications of Biometrics in Workforce Management, Market Segment by Regions; Chapter 2, Manufacturing Cost Structure, Raw Materials, and Suppliers, Manufacturing Process, Industry Chain Structure; Chapter 3, Technical Data and Manufacturing Plants Analysis of Biometrics in Workforce Management, Capacity, and Commercial Production Date, Manufacturing Plants Distribution, R&D Status and Technology Source, Raw Materials Sources Analysis; Chapter 4, Overall Market Analysis, Capacity Analysis (Company Segment), Sales Analysis (Company Segment), Sales Price Analysis (Company Segment); Chapter 5 and 6, Regional Market Analysis that includes the United States, China, Europe, Japan, Korea & Taiwan, Biometrics in Workforce Management Segment Market Analysis (by Type); Chapter 7 and 8, The Biometrics in Workforce Management Segment Market Analysis (by Application) Major Manufacturers Analysis of Biometrics in Workforce Management; Chapter 9, Market Trend Analysis, Regional Market Trend, Market Trend by Product Type Natural preservative, Chemical preservative, Market Trend by Application; Chapter 10, Regional Marketing Type Analysis, International Trade Type Analysis, Supply Chain Analysis; Chapter 11, The Consumers Analysis of Global Biometrics in Workforce Management; Chapter 12, Biometrics in Workforce Management Research Findings and Conclusion, Appendix, methodology and data source; Chapter 13, 14 and 15, Biometrics in Workforce Management sales channel, distributors, traders, dealers, Research Findings and Conclusion, appendix and data source.
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Biometrics in Workforce Management Market
Why this is Important Report to you? It helps  To analyze and study the Global Biometrics in Workforce Management Market capacity, production, value, consumption, status Focuses on the Key Biometrics in Workforce Management manufacturers, to study the capacity, production, value, market share and development plans in future.  Focuses on the global key manufacturers, to define, describe and analyze the market competition landscape, SWOT analysis.  To define, describe and forecast the market by type, application, and region.  To analyze the global and key regions market potential and advantage, opportunity, and challenge, restraints, and risks.  To identify significant trends and factors driving or inhibiting market growth.  To analyze the opportunities in the market for stakeholders by identifying the high growth segments.  To analyze competitive developments such as expansions, agreements, new product launches, and acquisitions in the Biometrics in Workforce Management Market.  To strategically profile the key players and comprehensively analyze their growth strategies.  It provides a forward-looking perspective on different factors driving or restraining Market growth.  It provides a six-year forecast assessed on the basis of how the Market is predicted to grow.  It provides pin point analysis of changing competition dynamics and keeps you ahead of competitors.  It helps in making informed business decisions by having complete insights and by making an in-depth analysis of Market segment. We Offer Customized Report, Click @ https://www.datalabforecast.com/request-customization/57093-biometrics-in-workforce-management-market Lastly, this report covers the market Outlook and its growth prospects over the coming years, the Report also brief deals with the product life cycle, comparing it to the significant products from across industries that had already been commercialized details the potential for various applications, discussing about recent product innovations and gives a short summary on potential regional market. About Us Transforming Information into Insights We pride ourselves in being a niche market intelligence and strategic consulting and reporting firm driven towards resulting in a powerful impact on businesses across the globe. Our accuracy estimation and forecasting models have earned recognition across majority of the business forum. We source online reports from some of the best publishers and keep updating our collection to offer you direct online access to the world’s most comprehensive and recent database with skilled perceptions on global industries, products, establishments and trends. We at ‘Data Lab Forecast’, wish to assist our clients to strategize and formulate business policies, and achieve formidable growth in their respective market domain. Data Lab Forecast is a one-stop solution provider right from data collection, outsourcing of data, to investment advice, business modelling, and strategic planning. The company reinforces client’s insight on factors such as strategies, future estimations, growth or fall forecasting, opportunity analysis, and consumer surveys, among others. Contact: Henry K Data Lab Forecast Felton Office Plaza 6375 Highway 8 Felton, California 95018, United States Phone: +1 917-725-5253 Email: [email protected] Website: https://www.datalabforecast.com/ Follow Us on: LinkedIN | Twitter | Data Lab Forecast, Biometrics in Workforce Management Industry, Biometrics in Workforce Management Market, Biometrics in Workforce Management Market Analysis, Biometrics in Workforce Management market growth, Biometrics in Workforce Management market report, Bio Enable, NEC, 3M Cogent, Safran, Market Strategies, DLF
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madyjose5 · 4 years
Keyless Entry System Market Revenue and Growth Rate Research Report 2020
Keyless entry system is also referred to as central remote locking. It is a lock, that operates automatically and ensures enhanced convenience, and security to users.  It is used in various applications such as cars, buildings, bank lockers, and others. Keyless Entry System locks are accessed by keypad, numeric codes, and touch sensors. These keypads are located near or at the driver’s door, or the entry gate of premises. Moreover, it offers several advantages over the traditional lock system as it is compact in size, easy to carry, and is coupled with feature of proximity sensor.
This market research study determines the increase in changes and the aspects which are likely to have an impact on the growth of the Keyless Entry System Market. Increased demand for the technologies is also one of the factors, which are likely to boost the growth of this industry. The market research study uses several tools and techniques which are used for the determination of the growth of the Keyless Entry System Market.
Download Report Sample with Industry Insights @ https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/request-sample/5778
Keyless Entry System Market Competitive Analysis:
Key players operating in the global keyless entry system market are Atmel, Mitsubishi Electric, 3M cogent, Delphi Continental AG, Denso, Alpha electric, Hyundai mobis, ELLA GmbH & Co, Robert Bosch GmbH, and Valeo among  others. These players focus on R&D, advancement of electronic devices. These players adopt collaboration, partnership, and agreement as their key developmental strategies to increase revenue of the keyless entry system industry and develop new products for enhancing product portfolio.
COVID-19 Impact on the Keyless Entry System Market:
Keyless Entry System Market research report provides an overview of the industry based on key parameters such as market size, sales, sales analysis and key drivers. The market size of the market is expected to grow on a large scale during the forecast period (2020-2027). This report covers the impact of the latest COVID-19 on the market. The coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) has affected all aspects of life around the world. This has changed some of the market situation. The main purpose of the research report is to provide users with a broad view of the market. Initial and future assessments of rapidly.
COVID-19 Scenario Analysis:
Global Keyless Entry System Market has been significantly impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak. New projects throughout the world have stalled, which, in turn, have led to decline in demand for the market.
Global factories have struggled to integrate new products as workers have stayed in their homes, which disrupted the global supply chains.
The impact of COVID-19 on this market is temporary as just the production and supply chain is stalled. Once the situation improves, production, supply chains, and demand for hybrid chips are gradually going to increase.
This COVID-19 lockdown would help companies think about more advanced xx to enhance efficiency.
Get Detailed COVID-19 Impact Analysis on the Keyless Entry System Market @  https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/request-for-customization/5778?reqfor=covid
The report is also used in the analysis of the growth rates and the threats of new entrants, which are used for the determination of the growth of the market for the estimated forecast period. Moreover, increased demand for the factors influencing the growth of the market is also one of the major aspects which is likely covered in depth in the report.
One of the methods for the determination of the growth of the market is the increased use of the statistical tools, which is used for the estimation of the growth of the market for the estimated forecast period. SWOT analysis is one of the methods for the determination of the growth of the Keyless Entry System Market. These tools are also used for the determination of the major players for the growth of the market for the estimated forecast period.
This report focuses and highlights the strategies and the trends, in which the manufacturer and the company is likely to move. The research study is also known to provide in depth analysis of the reports which is one of the key aspects for the growth of the Keyless Entry System Market.
Request For Customization @ https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/request-for-customization/5778
The study covers the production, sales, and revenue of various top players in the Keyless Entry System Market, therefore enabling customers to achieve thorough information of the competition and henceforth plan accordingly to challenge them head on and grasp the maximum market share. This report is filled with significant statistics and information for the consumers to attain in-depth data of the Keyless Entry System Market growth.
Market segments are also an important aspect of any market research study. Reports are product based, they also includes information on sales channel, distributors, traders and dealers. This helps in efficient planning and execution of supply chain management as it drastically affects the overall operations of any business. The up-to-date, complete product knowledge, end users, industry growth will drive the profitability and revenue. Keyless Entry System Market report studies the current state of the market to analyse the future opportunities and risks.
The research offers a detailed segmentation of the global Keyless Entry System Market. Key segments analysed in the research include product, storage, and region and geography. Extensive analysis of sales, revenue, growth rate, and market share of each segment for the historic period and the forecast period is offered with the help of tables.
The Keyless Entry System Market is analysed based on regions and competitive landscape in each region is mentioned. Regions discussed in the study include North America (United States, Canada and Mexico), Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia), South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia), Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa). These insights help to devise strategies and create new opportunities to achieve exceptional results.        
Our Report Offers:
Evaluation of market share for regional and country-level segments.
Market share analysis of top industry players.
Strategic recommendations for new entrants.
All mentioned segments, and regional market forecasts for the next 10 years.
Market Trends (Drivers, Difficulties, Opportunities, Threats, Challenges, Investment Opportunities and Recommendations)
Strategic recommendations in the main business segment of the market forecast.
Competitive landscaping of major general trends.
Company profiling with detailed strategy, financial and recent developments.
Latest technological progress mapping supply chain trends.
Key Benefits of the Report:
This report provides a quantitative analysis of the current trends, estimations, and dynamics of the global Keyless Entry System Market from 2020 to 2027 to identify the prevailing market opportunities.
The key countries in all the major regions are mapped based on their market share.
Porter’s five forces analysis highlights the potency of the buyers and the suppliers to enable stakeholders to make profit-oriented business decisions and strengthen their supplier–buyer network.
In-depth analysis of the Keyless Entry System Market segmentation assists in determining the prevailing market opportunities.
Major countries in each region are mapped according to their revenue contribution to the global Keyless Entry System Market. Players positioning facilitates benchmarking and provides a clear understanding of the present position of the market players.
The report includes the analysis of the regional as well as global market, key players, market segments, application areas, and growth strategies.
About Us
Allied Market Research (AMR) is a full-service market research and business-consulting wing of Allied Analytics LLP based in Portland, Oregon. Allied Market Research provides global enterprises as well as medium and small businesses with unmatched quality of Market Research Reports and Business Intelligence Solutions. AMR has a targeted view to provide business insights and consulting to assist its clients to make strategic business decisions and achieve sustainable growth in their respective market domain.
We are in professional corporate relations with various companies and this helps us in digging out market data that helps us generate accurate research data tables and confirms utmost accuracy in our market forecasting. Every data presented in the reports published by us is extracted through primary interviews with top officials from leading companies of domain concerned. Our secondary data procurement methodology includes deep online and offline research and discussion with knowledgeable professionals and analysts in the industry.
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