#10 daan
daan-vdd · 3 years
Fuck sake 🤦‍♀️🙄 parsons is gonna be joe 2.0 putting daan on the wing instead of playing her as a 10 next minute he’ll put her as a cdm 😒
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20 minute upper body workout with Beth Mead and Danielle van de Donk
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wvearp · 5 years
Men hitting on Daan should be a new, specific genre of entertainment just so we can watch the new and inventive ways she finds to turn them down and stay smiling
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modelpluswarsaw · 6 years
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Ola Rudnicka by Wendelien Daan for HARPER’S BAZAAR NL 10/2018
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aus-wnt · 2 years
heyy can you please post the daan & ellie clips from this ? 🙂
6:05 , 9 , 10
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captainkirkk · 2 years
i was gonna come give u fic recs but i couldnt decide what fic so just like. read everything qigiined has written, its like 10 fics, all star wars and it all slaps, got a fantastic post-melida/daan fic focusing on obi-wan and qui-gon + has a great sort of dry humour style of writing its all 10/10 highly recommend
Melida/daan fics hurt so bad and I can't get enough of them, thank you sm
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yellowocaballero · 3 years
Do you have any star wars fic recommendations? You and your fics started my spiral into star wars hyperfixation hell and I C R A V E substance
I've been reading Star Wars fanfic literally for the past ten years, I think the Prequel section just all around contains the best fanfic on AO3 as a whole, and I almost basically do not. Every one of my favorites is still on ffn, and they would be such a pain to find. Check out the TvTropes SW fanfic rec page, they have The Real Old Timer Favorites.
I will say that the reason that the lead of the recent story is Fox is because of Our Guard and pretty much Our Guard exclusively. I need to finish it but it's deeply funny.
Similarly, a big part of the reason for The Cody Love is False Dichotomy , which influenced a lot of the way I see him. Another super good Cody (& Obi-Wan & Luke post O66) is the No Choir Series, first I Gathered You Here. My favorite Dad!Cody would definitely have to be Edges, which is just super good plotty casefic in general.
My Leia characterization can be slightly blamed on the best Original Trilogy fic on AO3 is "no one can stop me, not even gravity or nasa". The best fanfic summary of all time belongs to Ad Utrumque Paratus which is also great and has a good Leia and whatever but, more importantly, "black-cloaked psychic cyborg sorcerer dad with a severe breathing problem throwing an old man down the Death Star reactor shaft." Literally I've never read another synopsis that ever compared, I think about it every damn day of my life.
For some reason I used to read a lot of fics set around the Jedi Apprentice era (and boy oh boy is it hard to find somebody who writes a good Qui-Gon these days why are people so bad at it, just make him a good person who is so fucking annoying), which is likely the reason behind all my teen Obi-Wan fascinations. Guy's life is just HILARIOUSLY fucked. I read so much Melida/Daan stuff it's just so funny. The best and most influential fic for me right now in that aspect is also Edges, so go read it. Despite how many I read I can't think of too many, sorry! Most Teen!Obi-Wan stuff these days have takes I disliked so much that I ran off and wrote reel to reel about it. I feel like such an old man grumbling about how Jedi Apprentice era stuff used to be good but now it's all woobie Mandalorian blah blah blah.
More generally and mainstream, Vod'e An is really really fun and intricate timeline nonsense that goes into backstories. Obviously anything esama does, but we know that.
There's a ton of others I can think of but they tend to fall into the "Luke and Leia roleswap???" and "time travelling Obi-Wan??" category and I couldn't possibly dig them up right now jalksdf. It's pretty telling that usually when people ask me for fanfic recs of whatever I'm currently writing for my answer is "I don't read any of it because I hate all of it", but I can think of so much for SW I can't even name it. But those fics have been floating at the top of my mind because they were big inspo for the fic.
There would be fics that are #mandalorianinspo if it wasn't for the fact that 90% of fics about Mandalorians had so much random Mando vocab in them that they're almost undecipherable grumble grumble. And nobody recognizing how interesting Satine can be as a character for favor of #hotdunks grumble grumble more nuances on Jango outside of shipping context please grumble.
But thanks for reading, this isn't a lot but I recommend them all highly! And also ignore my old man grumbling, anybody who's been reading fic in a fandom for 10 years has a 'good old days'. The old days were not always good. So much Obikin.
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calltomuster · 3 years
(Even More) Star Wars Fic Recs
[first fic rec list] [second fic rec list]
Hello everyone, happy Monday! I've been reading some fantastic fics recently and wanted to share them with you. May 4th was an absolutely glorious day to be a Star Wars fanfic reader, but the downside to having so many great stories posted on way day is that it's super easy to miss some, so I tried to highlight some here, as well as the usual random assortment.
Alternating Current by @jessepinwheel (gen, WIP, 1/3 chapters, 5.7k words) I am subscribed to @jessepinwheel's AO3 account, that's how much I love all of their writing, and this is just their latest masterpiece. The premise is that after Naboo, Obi-Wan starts experiencing some strange things, almost as if there's someone else in his body. But it doesn't feel like a foreign presence in his mind... And, well, the presence calls themselves Ben. I'm so, so intrigued to see what happens next in this story.
See, I'm the Living Icarus by @crispyjenkins (Rex/Obi-Wan, WIP, 2/6 chapters, 7.0k words) Role-reversal with Obi-Wan as Anakin's Padawan post-Melida/Daan fighting in the Clone Wars alongside Rex. Yeah, that's what I thought -- you're hooked, right? I was too. And then I read the first two chapters and wowwwww, just got even more obsessed. It's all just *chef's kiss*. Cannot wait to read more.
Off Duty by thosenearandfarwars (Obi-Wan/Cody, one-shot, 4.4k words) A post-ROTS world in which the Jedi were not destroyed, the clones are given reparations, and Obi-Wan throws his whole self into reforming the Jedi Order. It's from Cody's POV as he tries to stop his (former?) General from running himself into the ground. Featuring Jedi culture, positive change, some fun namedrops (Chirrut?!), and CODYWAN! Highly recommend this fic.
Starting Over by @ewanmcgregorismyhomeboy12 (Obi-Wan/Cody, one-shot, 3.8k words) Speaking of amazing ideal post-ROTS AUs with Codywan, here's another! This one is described in the tags as being soft and domestic, and it totally is. Cody + plants + Obi-Wan = delight. Such a pleasure to read. Makes you feel all cozy inside.
Finders Keepers by SpaceWall (Obi-Wan/Cody + a ton of background ships, 2/2 chapters, 8.4k words) This fic is a soulmate AU that follows the premise that everything you lose, your soulmate ends up finding. It really does an excellent job of exploring this fascinating premise, and using it in ways I wouldn't have thought of. Like, something happens with Anakin that is just so beautiful yet haunting, I just... Ah! The main ship here is Codywan, but there are so many great background ships like Aayla and Bly or Anakin and Padmé, and some that are super interesting, like Satine and Rex, or Fox and Bail and Breha Organa. Fascinating stuff!
Benediction by @misskirby (gen, one-shot, 3.3k words, Obi-Wan & Anakin) Each new fic by @misskirby destroys me, and this one is no different except it's destroying me with HAPPY THINGS and POSITIVE EMOTIONS for once. My heart hurts just thinking about it, not because it makes me sad, but just in a... ahhh I don't know, the emotions, okay?! Obi-Wan is watching the twins with Anakin in a ROTS-didn't-happen AU and they actually TALK? With their words? And express positive feelings towards each other without being put in horrible situations? Like I said, AU 😂. This is so, so good. (This fic was not posted on May 4th, but @misskirby did post Stride for Stride on that day, which is an excellent fic about Obi-Wan and Anakin sparring for Ahsoka that you all also must read.)
still much that is fair by RaineyDay (gen, 8/8 chapters, 21.1k words, Obi-Wan & Anakin) Massive trigger warning right off the bat for this one, because it starts off with Padawan Obi-Wan trying to commit suicide by throwing himself off of the Temple roof, except instead of dying, he ends up getting caught by -- Anakin?! Somehow he ends up in the future to find out that he's loved, and a good Jedi. Back in his own timeline, Qui-Gon thinks his Padawan has just succeeded in killing himself, and is distraught and has to reckon with their relationship. Don't worry, it has a happy ending! Give Obi-Wan a hug 2k21!
trouble with the curve by jimmytiberius (Cody/Obi-Wan, one-shot, 2.4k words) Modern day baseball AU! Cody is the analytics guy whose job it is to watch Kenobi and how people hit off of him, and Rex is Obi-Wan's normal bullpen catcher. Problem is, Rex is a little hungover, so Cody has to secretly take his brother's place and hope no one notices. Sparks fly!! You guys, this fic is awesome. You don't need to know anything about baseball to read it, though if you do it adds another delightful dimension. Highly recommend! I smile just thinking about this fic!
Lasting Marks by kyitsya (gen, 10/10 chapters, 25.8k words, Obi-Wan & Rex) I reread this fic the other day and it was just as emotionally devastating the second or third time around. It follows Obi-Wan and Rex in the Zygerria arc, except they're trapped in the mines for weeks and things really take a toll. Obi-Wan and Rex's relationship is not one that's explored much in canon, so it's really cool to see a bond form here. I also really like the later subplot with Ahsoka.
Got Me in a Tricky Situation by @dharmaavocado (pre Rex/Obi-Wan, one-shot, 5.2k words) Rex and Obi-Wan are trapped together underneath a collapsed building and they have to literally and metaphorically hold onto each other for support. I absolutely love the descriptions in this one, they're killer (almost literally haha). Some great good ol' fashioned whump. Love it!
A Long Way Down by @kckenobi (gen, one-shot, 3.8k words, Obi-Wan & Anakin) @kckenobi writes truly wonderful fics, but I gotta say I think this is my favorite. Obi-Wan and Anakin are trying to escape Separatists by climbing up a cliff face, but Obi-Wan's injured and he's really struggling to hold on... Oh, everything about this is perfect: the characterizations, the descriptions, the dialogue, everything! I reread this one all the time.
If you like any of these fics, please consider reblogging so they can get more exposure! And if you noticed I missed someone’s Tumblr account, or linked the wrong one, please let me know!
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nevertheless-moving · 3 years
I've received 69,420 notes
Top original posts
1). 9,420 notes - May 17 2021
inspired by the ‘your afternoon was already ruined’ post
Death Star Stormtroopers: “Freeze!”
Han: (panicking, trying to come up with a lie): Woah there don’t shoot, uh, you can’t shoot us because—because this guy is Darth Vader’s son! You don’t want to be responsible for shooting Darth Vader’s own flesh and bone do you?”
2). 9,305 notes - Mar 29 2021
Q: Imagine Luke and Leia ending up in the clone wars era but all of their force abilities are “what the actual fuck?” levels of bullshit, and neither of them ever realized that the things they could do with the force were considered extremely high level techniques.
A: that is one of my FAVORITE things to imagine yes. To me this is less about ‘Skywalker bullshit’ (though there is some of that) and more about the training they (didn’t) receive.
3). 6,080 notes - Mar 19 2021
I’ve been waiting for you, Obi-Wan. We meet again, at last. The circle is now complete. When I left you I was but the learner. Now, *I* am the master.
4). 3,749 notes - May 22 2021
It is a dark time for the Rebellion. Although the Death Star has been destroyed, Imperial troops have…
New Rebel: “So…I heard this base has, you know…him. His son.”
Wedge: “Him? Oh, you mean Luke? Sweet guy, total cinnamon roll.”
5). 1,807 notes - Oct 4 2021
love timetraveler luke eagerly describing his training to prequels yoda while yoda’s sitting there like what the FUCK was i ON
6). 1,386 notes - Feb 3 2021
Star Wars AU #4: Three Skywalkers & An Absolute Metric Shit-ton of Kyber
7). 964 notes - Apr 12 2021
Jango Fett (True Mandalorian Leader, apparently not dead): Hey y'all...just woke up from some sort of...mind control hangover...the fuck is going on?
8). 773 notes - Jun 1 2021
oooh star wars au where obi-wan is deaged to 13-years old. From his perspective, he closes his eyes a General of the Young on Melida/Daan and wakes up a General of…uh…a lot of ?grown men? ??somewhere???
9). 690 notes - Apr 10 2021
time travel au where old Luke dies and wakes up age 18 again
10). 677 notes - Apr 29 2021
Maul and Bo-Katan fight. The darksaber goes flying off a cliff. Cody picks it up while in a running firefight like ‘damn it Obi-Wan AGAIN.’ By the time the pissed off wannabe Mand’alors get to the bottom of the hill, Cody is long gone and the trail is hopelessly confused.
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lutfahulfah · 2 years
Temen2 pernah merasa hampa, gelisah, atau merasa ada yang kurang dalam menjalani hari? Padahal rasanya sudah banyak kegiatan yang dilakukan.
Mungkin saja, itu adalah salah satu rasa yang Allaah titipkan agar kita "Sadar" akan kurangnya rasa dekat kita dengan-Nya. Yapp, perantara mendekat pada-Nya sangat banyak, salah satunya adalah kebaikan kita pada Kalamnya, Al-Qur'an.
Coba kita renungkan sebentar saja, berapa lama Al-Qur'an tidak kita sentuh? Berapa lama pula Al-Qur'an terpampang di tempat spesial, hanya dipajang, selewat saja kita melihat, tapi hati ini tidak tergerak untuk menyentuh, bahkan membukanya.
Menunda atau Malas adalah titik awal hitamnya hati kita untuk berpaling dan enggan menggerakan diri untuk memulai membaca ayat Al-Qur'an. Padahal, kita tau bukan pahalanya membaca tiap huruf al Qur'an yakni sebanyak 10 kebaikan. Bisa saja, justru jika Allaah berkehendak, kebaikan membaca Al-Qur'an itulah yang dapat menghapuskan gumpalan dosa yang sudah kita perbuat
Disamping itu, malasnya diri kita membaca Al-Qur'an, bisa saja diakibatkan oleh pola tidur dan pola makan yang kurang baik. Yaaa sebut saja misalnya begadang, makan maniiss terus, minum2 bersoda, makan makanan berminyaak, atau bahkan makanan yang sumbernya belum tentu halal
Maka, ketika nih kita dalam fase malas berbuat kebaikan, salah satunya Baca Al-Qur'an, hal yang bisa temen2 lakukan yaitu :
Berproses interaksi bersama Al-Qur'annya atau secara bertahap semacam anak tangga. Kalo temen2 ada di tangga pertama jangan buru2 ingin ke anak tangga ke-2, tapi nikmatin dlu yang ditangga pertama, baru lanjut.
Menanamkan pola pikir "jangan tinggalkan seminimal²nya kebaikan berinteraksi dengan Al-Qur'an, walau sehari, ruginyaaaa.. Bisa jadi kebaikan seminimal²nya mendatangkan kebaikan lebih agung dari Allaah"
Contoh untuk poin 1 dan 2,
Membaca Al Qur'an dengan suara, tajwid jelas, hukum jelas bisa 1 halaman/1 juz/tentatif => atau membacanya macam lipsing / tanpa suara (ketika kondisi terdesak) => atau membaca terjemahan/tafsirnya (tadabbur) => atau mendengarkan murottal *sambil dihayati (e.g ohh ini bacaannya alif lam ra) bukan sekedar didengar agar pahala yang didapat lebih banyak.
Urutan terakhir adalah seminimal²nya kebaikan yang bisa kita lakukan agar terus berinteraksi dengan Al-Qur'an beserta adabnya jugaa misalnya tetap menutup aurat, berada ditempat yang baik. Tentunya sebaik²nya amalan kebaikan, diusahakan seoptimal mungkin ikhtiar kita. Supaya? Allaah berikan keberkahan hari² kita juga orang tua kita, dosa² terampuni, dan hidayah itu datang entah dalam kondisi apapun meski saat mengerjakan tugas misalnya.
Jadii rasanya rugi banget kalau setiap hari kita terlewati begitu saja tanpa interaksi dengan Al-Qur'an. Semoga insyaa Allaah Al-Qur'an menjadi penerang kita di kemudian hari, semoga juga rasa gundah gelisah hilang dan Allaah gantikan dengan ketenangan.
Wawllaahu'alam bishawab, baarakallaahu fiikum
[Insight dari : Bang Zahid Samosir]. Topik: Produktif bersama Al-Qur'an diwaktu Liburan
Daan hingga di penghujung kata, pesan ini tidak sampai dengan kebetulan, atas kasih sayang dari Allaah padamu, lewat tulisan ini semoga temen2 tergerak hati untuk mulai kembali membaca Al-Qur'an meski dalam kondisi sesibuk-sibuknya. Semangaat!
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drarreckyninja · 2 years
Taken from @crystallized-iron
20 questions, writer’s edition!
How many works do you have on AO3?
As of today [19-06-2022], 240
What’s your total AO3 word count?
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
129 as of today. I’m not listing them all, but here is the link to my dashboard [305unreal | Archive of Our Own] and I will list my current 10 most written: Sanders Sides; Recess; Gotham; Merlin (BBC); Marvel Cinematic Universe; House MD; Psych; Sherlock (BBC); The Big Bang Theory; Sonic the Hedgehog (2020)
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I'm Scared, Bobby (Buck/Eddie)
An AU of the effects in Outside Looking In: Lucy doesn’t take ‘no’ for an answer [one shot]
Welcome to the Building (Sheldon/Leonard)
1st in a series; Rewrite of the pilot with Sheldon and Leonard as husbands [continuing series]
Life and School between Heaven and Hell (a.k.a. High School of the Damned: The Reboot) (Multifandom)
Cowritten with my then-girlfriend; 30-40 something fandom crossover high school au [discontinued]
Call Me Devil, Don't Call Me Douche (Lucifer/Dan)
Rewrite of the pilot with Lucifer and Dan as boyfriends [likely one shot]
Thanks, 'Lijah (Klaus/Elijah)
Post-series 01 & early series 02; Elijah reads to Klaus when he’s vulnerable [continuing… at some point]
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Sometimes, but usually only when I know I’m finished. Otherwise, I give a shoutout or answer questions in the next chapter/installment
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I had to dig through my fics, but Torture & Trust and Biting Remarks end pretty darkly
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Most of my fics are continued in a series or are planned to continue, but Stephanie's Mother and Irina Katrina von Hapsonburg end in a bittersweet kinda happy way
Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
Yeah. something a guy could get addicted to
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Yeah, but I just ignore it
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Yeah, especially in the Copasetic-verse.  I’m not sure I understand what you mean by “what kind”, but… gay sex, car sex, anal sex, dom/sub, protective, possessive, consensual non-consent, hand jobs, roleplay, boss/employee, semi-public sex, underage sex, oral sex, mating bond, t’hy’la. Does that cover what kind?
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Uh, yeah but not on ao3. On my old wattpad account
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, a macdoc fic! Joindre le Phoénix 
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yea, there’s an ao3 account [Hillbilly_Leprechaun] that was operated by me and my ex. We cowrote a lot, uploading as one person. And when we first split, we were cowriting another, but it’s been some time now
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
My top 50 ships change monthly, but stuck at #1 currently is Spirk [Spock x Kirk, Star Trek TOS & AOS]
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Life and School between Heaven and Hell (a.k.a. High School of the Damned: The Reboot) – written by me and my ex
Dinners & Roommates
What are your writing strengths?
Descriptions & grammar?
What are your writing weaknesses?
Having too many ideas and not enough motivation
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Eh, I write Vulcan & Klingon (+ occasional Russian & Scottish) in Star Trek, Big Bang Theory; I write bits of French and Spanish in Sanders Sides; Austrian German and Hebrew in Gotham; Deutsch parody (+ occasional Japanese) in Phineas and Ferb; Latin in MCU & SCU; Icelandic in LazyTown; French in Sherlock; a multitude of different languages in other fandoms with an obnoxious and/or genius character
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
On ao3: Gotham (Nygmobblepot)
On ffn: WordGirl (Tobecky)
On wattpad: Fairly OddParents (no ship)
Overall: Hartslag (Daan & Arend)
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Fic: I’d say Ask Me Again 
Series: Copasetic-verse [7 works thus far]
tagging: @anxious-multishipper @heroes-trash @britsgovernmentmh @wgcore @crashpit & whoever wants to do it!
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anthemofthefates · 2 years
a vague overview of the plunny hoard
skywalkers are all feral bastards (this was meant to be canon compliant. in true skywalker form, it did not stay that way.)
pre-prequels clone revolt au
mando harlequin romance novel. kinda.
din+luke time travel au, a plunny adoption
clone medics fic, feat. bathtub bacta
shmi as the virgin mary fic (this one started as a dare)
trans!cody post-war
post-66 obi/sati/cody, and the ghosts of the genocides they survived
shmi, beru, and an exploration of agency
alt.66 au, where the chips don’t work right but they still work
Alderaan, round 3! yay for legal precedent?
feemor and obi-wan bond over abandonment issues, a melida/daan au
obi/sati/cody bakery au (satine is the one with the bakery)
rick astley’s never gonna give you up, but make it mando’a
prohibition era au, from the pov of the 212′s moonshine business’ accountants
mando adoption fic (mostly an excuse for worldbuilding tbh)
xanatos gets eaten by the dark au
fox saves the day with the power of bureaucracy au
foxpatine sugardaddy au. yes, really.
the corrie guard and their jedi au
an obi-taini gets adopted by a mando, an OWK Collective fic
fox meets the obi-akens, an OWK Collective fic
jedi archivist and clone squad shenanigans au
force ghost clones do a time travel and the jedi are very confused
obi/sati/cody time travel au, feat. puberty mark ii in the middle of a civil war: 0/10 stars, would not recommend
mace doesn’t die and leia is his padawan, time travel edition
din djarin as the mandalorian god of death
accidental deity din djarrin
din djarin doesn’t know what the darksaber is but he knows the song of the midnight blade by heart
half-fallen jedi au, w/ feral battlefield healer bant eerin
fae!jedi au (this one’s more like 3 au’s in a trenchcoat tbh)
nobody knows what species the skywalkers are
jedi, and conversations on perseverance/adversity, rising/falling
crèchemasters vs. sith lords: FIGHT!
annual temple hologame tournament, beatsaber edition
telekinesis makes theatre better, feat. jedi shadows
clone wars jedi and really old military textbooks
plo koon is chronically ill, modern au
human!threepio/artoo, modern au
garden witch boba fett
star wars/valdemar crossover, feat. horses loose in the senate
the princess bride but make it star wars
korkie kryze is schrödinger’s kenobi
mando’a vs. gender, crack edition
“praise the lord and pass the ammunition” but make it clone wars
a mando’a translation of March of the Cambreadth
a mando’a translation of Call of the Light Brigade
an adaptation of a local folk song into a spacer hyperroute shanty (ish? idk if it counts as a shanty since its a river song)
who left the teenagers in charge of the troops? aka: what happens when a shiny CC and a padawan commander are the most senior officers
arla fett time travel au
a fic told entirely thru paperwork fox has forged palpatine’s signature on
gardulla the hutt hoards force-sensitive kids as an investment prospect and shmi is in charge of all of them and very stressed
sand is tatooine’s biggest export
kyber crystals are little shits, aka: kyber crystals deserve the opportunity to torment their naughty jedi. as a treat.
the softshells pull a fast one, inspired by that one episode of M.A.S.H.
accidental clone sith, but not fox this time: utter crack edition
5+1 mace windu through the years
the last clone survivor, and a drink to the dead
the fall of the republic, orchestrated by the clones
baze and chirrut and the lost padawan: found family in the midst of an apocalypse
orphaned padawans on the run
leia goes rock-climbing on alderaan
obi-wan and tropey romance
palpatine’s been assassinated and nobody knows what to do next
how do you keep your people’s traditions in a galaxy where no one can know your people even still exist? a hidden jedi order au
a butterfly change from bruck chun’s death onwards
young fulcrum and the birth of the rebellion
nobody knows how palpatine died... except for [---]
clone emancipation, social media edition
not included in this list are: 1) everything from the UG!au, 2) the fics listed in my pinned post as currently being actively worked on, and 3) the separate hoard of plunnies that belongs to the Stùjàni Conlang Collective, which at last count was up to 43. (i might have been one of the ones producing those plunnies but i’m only laying claim here to the one i’ve already started writing)
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wvearp · 5 years
one of my favourite Daan interview moments is after the Everton game where she goes “yeah, we all did weird stuff today” and then trails off, staring into the distance, probably thinking about pushing the referee, before snapping back to the present and going “lets just blame the heat”
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No way would she date someone 10 years apart. I thought even beth was too young for daan.
Im going to answer this even though I could care less who is dating who. It is perfectly acceptable for a her to date a person that is younger (I believe it's eight years btw). Both are consenting adults and if they are dating then good for them. I feel like people are to involved in these woso relationships. They are real people who go through breakups just like all of us. If they did break up (it is pretty obvious that they did btw) then they are both allowed to move on and date whoever they want (no matter how young they are)
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elliescent-affairs · 2 years
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A Leason on Love To My Future Daughter:
Masakit magmahal.
Para kang umuukit gamit ang mapurol na punyal. Ngunit sa halip na iukit mo ang inyong pangalan sa bungad ng walang hanggan ay malalaman mo nalang na duguan kana, na sugat-sugat na pala. Dahil imbes na ikaw siya ang nag-ukit ng pagdurusa’t pasakit. Walang humpay ang pagsirit ng iyong dugo tulad ng agos ng luha mula sa mga mata mong mugto. Mapurol man ang punyal, babaon parin ito. Ang pag-ibig ay ganon, bumabaon. Maaalala mong lagi na ang tamis at pait, pighati at lugod, bawat pagpapala’t dinulot niyang salot.
Kaya’t huwag kang palilinlang.
Maraming magtatangkang magmahal sayo. Ilan sa kanila’y mamahalin mo ng todo. Sa pag-aakalang siya na ang para sayo, ang iyong pang-walang hanggan, magpakailanman.
Maraming pag-ibig ang ganito.
Na bubuhatin ka kapag baha para ang mga paa mo’y ‘di mabasa, ngunit sa huli’y lulunurin ka rin pala sa luha. Mga pag-ibig na parang pinupuri ka, sinasamba ngunit sa mata ng iba’y kinahihiya ka niya.
Tatanggapin mo ang bawat salita niya, para bang siya’y sugong propeta. Pero ang totoo’y ginagawa ka nang puta.
Sinasabi ko sayo huwag kang mang-mang. Malaman mo sana ang kanyang mga tagong lihim. Na anomang oras ay maaari niyang gamitin bilang patalim para ikay saksakin. Maari ka niyang bugbugin sa dilim, gagawin mong tanging pang-alo ang pansariling panalangin. At ikaw si tanga dahil maniniwala ka ng matagal. Huwag kang martir. Pakiusap, huwag kang hangal.
Huwag mo sanang basta-bastang ibigay ang sarili mo. Pinanganak kang mula sa pag-ibig at kahit hindi mo man batid, may halaga ka. Isipin mong ginto ka. Mahalaga. Hayaan mong paghirapan ka niya. Ang tanging may karapatang angkinin ka ay ang karapatdapat. ‘Yong kayang magbayad ng sapat. Hayaan mong saya ang ibayad sayo. Ginto ka. Mahalaga. Hindi tamang magpakalugi ka sa barya.
Mahapdi ma’y masanay kang masugatan. Sa pagmamahal ay ganyan ang kalakaran. Sa pagmamahal ang masaktan ay pawang pangkaraniwan. Bagkos, ay hanapin mo ‘yong taong kung humingi ng tawad ay taos, kung magsisi ay lubos.
Ganito ang mahalin mo. Hindi ba’t sabi nga nila, sa panahon ngayon ang tunay na pag-ibig ay matatagpuan na lamang sa pamilya? Pwes, mahalin mo ‘yong pamilya na ang turing sayo. Mahalin mo ‘yong di ka pipiliting magbago. Batid na ‘di ka perpekto, ngunit tanggap ang tama’t mali sayo. Mahalin mo ‘yong kahit isang daang beses mo nang tinaboy palayo ay hahanap parin siya ng isang daan at isang mga daan pabalik sa piling mo.
Ang pagmamahal ay masyadong komplikado. Misan para kang nahagip ng rumaragasang auto.
Bababa ang nagmamaneho,
Lalapit siya sayo.
Tumakbo ka.
Tumakbo kang palayo.
Palayo, hanggang sa mahanap mo ang maglalakad kasama mo. Hanggang sa mahanap mo ang maglalakad sayo sa dambana. Titingin sa mga mata mo, at kahit na kawalan ang makita niya sa mga itim nito ay handa siyang mahulog kasama mo.
[This poem drew inspiration from Katie Pukash's "A Lesson on Love to My Future Daughter"]
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About the candle:
Chandler: Twin Flame Candles PH (IG: @twinflamecandlesph)
Scent: [Love Jam - gourmand] This Valentines Special is a mix of fresh strawberries, sweetened shortbread, and vanilla cream. AMOY MONAMI!!!!! Like strawberry milk shake that's really, really creamy. Smells like puppy love! 💕
Wick: Wood
Vessel: Amber jar with black tin screw lid.
Performance: The cold throw is strong enough to fill my room. Its a very good mix of powdery, strawberry, milky, creamy gourmand. The hot throw makes is better! The scent even lasts for most of the day! My only problem is that its doesn't burn evenly. It's now pooling but very, very thing lang naman sa sides.
Final Thoughts: 9.5/10 awesome experience! Maybe this really is love ❤️ Interesting that I found Miss Chandler in a makeup group (colourette club) I'm looking forward to more scents from this shop 🥰
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uswntxfootball · 4 years
laser tag (jill roord x arsenal!reader)
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at some point you’re going to have to acknowledge your not so platonic feelings for each other... but in the mean time, what about a game of laser tag?
word count: 1232 ish
your eyes snapped back to leah’s face, the defender sporting an annoyed look as you smiled sheepishly.
“i’m sorry what were you saying?”
leah scoffed in disbelief.
“you’re impossible. i was asking you if you wanted t-”
you tuned her out again.
you weren’t always this distracted, but at the moment you were much, much more interested in watching a certain midfielder across the room.
leah followed your gaze and rolled her eyes.
you two were both equally oblivious.
the pining had started ever since jill transferred to arsenal.
and that had been a year ago.
your teammates were ready to rip their hair out, waiting for someone to make the first move.
not to mention there was a bet circulating, leah having bet on you to make the first move, which seeing your state now may not have been the best idea.
but then again jill was just as oblivious.
one could hope.
leah cleared her throat.
your eyes snapped back.
“i’m sorry what were you sayi-“
“ask her out.”
“what?” you shook your head at the suggestion, your cheeks tinted red with embarrassment.
“i said ask her out.”
“no i- she doesn’t like me like that.”
you were full on blushing now, and from across the room jill’s eyes settled on your face.
you looked across the room again, eyes widening when you see the midfielder’s eyes already on you.
jill looked away quickly, cheeks flushing red after being caught staring.
and even through the heart beat in your hears you thought you heard the collective facepalming of your teammates.
“well i call daan!” you yell, sticking your tongue at leah’s offended expression.
on your off day, the team decided that laser tag would be the best team bonding exercise.
a bunch of over competitive twenty years olds in a dark room. what could go wrong?
the team had set you and viv as captains, and after a totally not rigged game of rock paper scissors, viv had the first pick.
viv had picked jill with no hesitation, and you groaned internally, having wanted to pick jill for your own team.
a few rounds of picking came and went, the teams were now set, and you made your way into the room.
viv’s team was red, yours was blue.
you had come prepared, drafting team tactics the night before. as you recited them to your team, you mind couldn’t help but drift and think about how good jill looked in that hoodie...
leah flicked your ear.
“stop dozing off we need to win.”
you shoved her back lightheartedly, and upon finishing your tactic review, the countdown started.
the timer began for 30 minutes, and chaos ensued.
by the 10th minute, a good half of the red team was out, equaling the number of eliminations for the blue team.
you were waiting, hunched on top of a tall structure, waiting for an unsuspecting enemy to come forth.
time passed and it was the 29th minute now, leaving you and daan, against viv and jordan.
you heard jordan yell in frustration as daan sneaked behind her, and there it was. 2 to 1.
your patience finally paid off when you saw viv run along against the wall, your hiding position giving you a perfect angle to finish the round.
viv scrunched her nose up in confusion when her vest lit up, looking around to see where she had been shot from.
as the buzzer beeped signifying the end of the round, you jumped down from close to the ceiling.
“you’re insane.”
you just shrugged.
“this is survival. one must do what one can to survive.”
viv just rolled her eyes.
the second round was a lot less eventful, as you were the main target that round, the red team winning after just 10 minutes.
here the scoreline stood, blue team 1, red team 1.
this was the last round.
what did the winner get? bragging rights? eternal glory?
honestly we don’t even know.
but you were dead set to win.
giving your team one final pep talk, the countdown began again, but this time, you were ready.
elimination after elimination happened for either side, and the player count for each team dwindled from 11 to 6, and finally to 1.
you were left.
it was showtime.
you didn’t know who was left on the other side, but you were prepared to give it your all.
after a few long minutes of silence, you snuck around, and stood backed up into a corner on the left side of the room.
you craned your head over the wall, but furrowed your eyebrows when you didn’t see the red flash of color from the opposing team.
“looking for me?”
you turned so suddenly that you smacked your arm against the wall and dropped your laser gun.
of course.
it had to be jill.
the dutch girl’s smile was so bright it could almost light up the entire room.
and you.
you were stupidly starstruck.
the girl was just so unfairly attractive.
and then you noticed that jill’s laser gun was still in her hand.
yours was... on the ground somewhere.. where did it go?
you looked down and groaned.
it was too far away.
she had you cornered.
“hey let’s let’s talk about this” you stammered, nervously chuckling as she walked closer.
she just walked forward with a grin.
“this is so unfair i-“
your words died in your throat as she stood in front of you, effectively pinning you against the wall.
“listen jill-“
you scrunched up your brow in confusion when she dropped her arm that held the gun.
“what are you-“
all of a sudden her lips were on yours.
she was kissing you.
she kissed you.
your mind went blank, her hand slipping around your waist and your hands shooting up to tangle themselves in the dutch girl’s hair.
you were faintly aware of the cheering from your teammates watching in the gallery room, but your full attention was on the girl in front of you.
she was kissing you.
after a little bit jill pulled away slowly, your dazed expression making her chuckle.
she whispered against your lips, “i win.”
it was the flashing of your vest seconds after that brought you back to reality.
“that was so unfair” you pout, pushing jill lightly.
“yeah but it worked didn’t it?”
“shut up.”
jill just smiled, and on your way out of the room slipped her fingers between yours.
the two of you were met with cheering as soon as you stepped through the doors, both of you flushing red with embarrassment.
“damn jill’s got game!” daan exclaimed, “didn’t know you had it in you jilly!”
the midfielder rolled her eyes and kissed your cheek before she moved away from you.
your face heated up from the act.
having split back up into teams, you took a seat next to leah across the room.
“not only did you make me lose the game today, you made me lose money too you ball-less idiot” she grumbled.
you scoffed and gave her a shove.
you looked over to the midfielder and having caught your glance from across the room, jill gave you a wink which you couldn’t help but blush at.
leaning over towards your ear leah whispered,“hey at least you’re going to get lai- ow!”
“piss off williamson.”
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