#ow shapeshifter au
wolfasketch · 1 year
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Imagine thinking you killed your brother only to be reunited and expecting him to hate you only for him to tackle you like an excited puppy.
SpeedPaint: https://youtube.com/shorts/RtyR6ryFQdA?si=pTPqXM5rGJlUWkXX
OverWatch belongs to Blizzard OW Shapeshifter AU belongs to @overdrugs-mayhem
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larluce · 4 months
Merlin as Arthur's familiar/Arthur's shapeshifter falcon AU
@dsabian , @theplatanitosqueal , @stressed-but-chill , @gregre369 , @chaosofbelievers , @thelordofabsolutelynothing , @another-tblr-fangirl , @aceauthorcatqueen , @smileytrinity , @tiny-and-witchy
LINK TO THE OTHER PARTS: PART 1 , PART 2 , PART 3 , PART 4 , PART 5 , PART 6 , PART 7 , PART 8 (You're here) , PART 9
Arthur: (makes a space on the table and places the nest with his chicks in front of him)
Uther: (whispers) What do you think you're doing?
Arthur: (whispering back) You told me to come no matter how.
Uther: (whisper yelling) That doesn't mean you had to bring them!
Arthur: Father, the chicks are very young, I can't be away from them.
Uther: Merlin isn't.
Arthur: He can't either, he's the dad.
Uther: They are not even really his!
Merlin: (chirps sadly lowering his head) 🥺
Arthur: (To Merlin, brings his little head closer to his, comforting him) No, they are yours, you are his dad, of course they are yours. (To Uther) Father, I understand that you are angry with me, but you didn't have to hurt his feelings.
Uther: (almost yelling) I didn't- (controls himself and whispers again) I mean you could have entrusted them to some servants if they need that much care.
Morgana: Oh, they wouldn't be able handle them. (Affectionately patting the chicks on the head) These merlins require very specific care and are afraid of strangers.
Uther: And may I know how you are aware of that information, Morgana? 🤨
Morgana: Oh… 😅 Suddenly I really want to dance! If you allow me, Your Majesty. (stands up, bows and goes to dance)
Rain: (watches with interest as Morgana dances)
Uther: (sighs and turns to Arthur) You should dance with the guests too, Arthur.
Arthur: I can't.
Uther: Why not?
Arthur: (thinking) Because I have a jealous merlin watching me. (Says) I already told you, I can't be away from my chicks.
Uther: Your chicks?
Merlin: (Chirps) 😠
Arthur: Our chicks, they are ours.
Merlin: (Chirps, nodding) 😊
Uther: ...
Uther: Your obsession with merlins is worrying me, son.
Lady Elena: (approaches) Your Majesty, Your Highness. (bows to both of them) I hope I'm not being too forward, I just wanted to tell Your Highness that you have some wonderful birds.
Arthur: (smiles, genuinely pleased by the compliment to his family) Thank you very much, Lady Elena. And they are merlins.
Lady Elena: Yes, I heard. (Giggles) They are beautiful, can I touch them? (extends her hand to the chicks)
Merlin: (Chirps threateningly) 😡
Arthur: For the sake of your fingers, I'd rather you don't, Lady Elena. My Merlin is very jealous of his chicks.
Lady Elena: I understand. Do they have a name?
Arthur: Yes, this one is-RAIN! 😨 (almost shouts when he sees Rain out of the nest) Rain, go back to the nest right now 😠.
Lady Elena: (very surprised) Oh, my Gods! Is it doing what I think it's doing?
Arthur: What? (he looks over the nest, thinking that maybe Rain pooped on the table, worried)
Lady Elena: (exclaims out loud, dying of tenderness) It's dancing! 😍
Rain: (imitating the ladies' dance steps, spinning around and sometimes raising her wings)
Lady Vivian: (Getting closer) What? Really? (Watches Rain) Awww how cute! 😊
Other guests: (Come closer to see Rain too, making similar comments, delighted with Rain and they applaud)
Guardian and Brave: (also wanting some attention, leave the nest and start dancing)
Guests: (more heartfelt exclamations and applause)
Uther: (thinking) When did this become a street show? For Gods' sake!
Arthur: (watches his chicks dance with a smile)
Merlin: (pecks Arthur's ear)
Arthur: Ow, (whispers) What's wrong?
Merlin: (just looking at him) 😑
Arthur: I already told you it's not that kind of dance. It's harmless.
Merlin: 😑
Arthur: Leave them, they're having fun. (To Wary who is still in the nest) Don't you want to dance with your siblings?
Wary: (shakes his head and gets comfortable on the nest that he now has all for himself)
Arthur: Wait... (Looks around the nest, panicking) Where's Blizzard? (stands up and shouts) Blizzard? BLIZZARD!
Merlin: (just as worried, chirps loudly and starts flying around the place)
The ovation stops and the musicians stop playing due to the prince's reaction.
Uther: Arthur, by the Gods, don't make a scene!
Morgana: (puts a comforting hand on Arthur's shoulder) Don't worry, he always gets lost, we'll find him.
Arthur: In my chambers, not here! The room is very large, there are many dangerous objects. And the table! Did he fall off the table? What if someone stepped on him?
Morgana: Arthur-
Arthur: (raises voice to everyone) No one! Absolutely no one here move! And close the doors! If someone hurts that chick even by accident I'll kill them myself!
Uther: (shocked) Arthur!
Guests: (freeze and look at the ground in fear)
Morgana: Uh… And whoever finds him will have a reward! 😄
Guests and servants: (start searching immediately, being careful where they step)
Lady Vivian: (to Elena, complaining as she searches) What kind of feast is this? What a lack of property. 😒
Lady Elena: Are you kidding? This is the most fun feast I've ever been to! 😊
Rain, Brave and Guardian: (they chirp, looking around confused and afraid without knowing what is happening) 🥺🥺🥺
Arthur: You, back to the nest, now!
Rain: (returns to the nest)
Brave: (chirps in protest)
Guardian: (pecks Brave and chirps, pointing at the nest with his little wing) 😠
Brave: (pecks him back, but goes to the nest)
Guardian: (goes to the nest once his siblings are there)
Uther: (impressed, to Arthur) Did you train them?
Arthur: (absentmindedly) No, they obbey me when they want. (gives the nest to Morgana) Don't let them out of your sight.
Morgana: Got it.
Arthur: (To Guardian) And you take care of your siblings.
Guardian: (chirps, raising his little wing)
Arthur: (calls, looking around) Blizzard? Blizzard!
Merlin: (chirps as he flies around)
Servant 1: (shouts while putting his hands into a punch bowl) Sire, I found it! (Takes Blizzard out of the bowl)
Blizzard: (All purple and soaked, shaking, chirps) 🥺
All the guests who drank punch: (throw their drink and make gestures of disgust)
Arthur: (Runs to Blizzard) My baby! (grabs Blizzard and brings him close to his face) Thank the Gods! You are alright.
Blizzard: (chirps)
Arthur: Don't scare me like that again! (He snuggles him next to his chest, relieved)
Merlin: (landes on Arthur's wrist and pecks Blizzard, scolding him) 😠
Blizzard: (chirps crying) 😭
Arthur: Merlin, don't peck him, he learned his leason.
Merlin: (pecks Blizzard again) 😠
Blizzard: (chirps crying louder) 😭
Arthur: Merlin! 😠
Servant 1: Uhm... Sire? My reward?
Arthur: Oh, right. (puts the hand that is not holding Merlin and Blizzard into his pocket and takes out a couple of gold coins) Sorry, it's the only thing I have on me right now. (gives Servant 1 the coins)
Morgana: (adds a jewel) Here. I hope it's enough.
Servant 1: (more than happy, without being able to believe it) Th-thank you, sire, my lady 🥲🤧 (bows)
Uther: Alright, enough show. Someone take these merlins.
Arthur: But-
Uther: No, Arthur. I think they will be able to survive without you for a couple of hours and it's clear this place is not safe for them.
Morgana: He's right, Arthur. Also Blizzard needs a bath. And Merlin will be with them. Right, Merlin?
Merlin: ...
Arthur: (sighs and whispers) I'm not going to dance with anyone, I swear.
Merlin: (he looks at him warningly, but eventually nods and pecks Blizzard again)
Servant 1: (wanting more gold) I'll bathe your bird, sire!
Gwen: (gives servant 1 a bad look and also approaches to help) I will gladly carry the nest and take care of them, my lady (carries the nest with the chicks)
Morgana: Thank you, Gwen. (to Servant 1) Call Gaius to the prince's chambers. He will tell you both how to care for these little ones.
Uther: (exasperated) Gaius knows about this too, of course.
Arthur: (Looks at his chicks unsure, but finally puts Blizzard in the nest)
Merlin: (goes to the nest with his chicks)
Chicks: (chirp crying) 😭😭😭😭😭
Arthur: Sssh, No, don't cry. (Caresses their little heads) I'll come with you in a moment. (Kisses Merlin on the head goodbye)
Servant 1 and Gwen: (bow and leave with the nest)
Arthur: (watches them leave, sad)
Uther: (coughs and raises his voice) Well, let's get back to the celebration.
Time skip. Everyone is dancing and having fun, while Arthur sits at the table, uneasy .
Uther: Son, it's your party. Go and have some fun.
Arthur: (talking to himself, worried) How long was he in that bowl?
Uther: What?
Arthur: What if punch got into his little lungs?
Uther: (sighs) Arthur-
Arthur: And how much of that did he drink? Is sugar poisonous to birds? What if he gets sick?
Uther: Oh, for Gods' sake! Go. Go with your merlins.
Arthur: (surprised) Really?
Uther: There's no point in you being here if your mind is elsewhere. I'll see what excuse I give to the guests. Now go.
Arthur: (very happy) Thank you, father! (Bows and leaves)
Uther: Yeah, you're still going to be grounded after this 😒
In Arthur's chambers. Servant 1 and Gwen feed Wary, Guardian, Rain, and Brave with pieces of a dead sparrow Merlin brought, while Gaius examines Blizzard after being given a thorough bath.
Gaius: Everything seems fine. (To Blizzard, who is sitting on a mattress on the table) You were a very naughty bird.
Merlin: (Tears off a piece of the dead bird and flies to Blizzard)
Gaius: Look, your father saved your dinner for you.
Blizzard: (Chirps in protest and shakes his head)
Servant 1: Why doesn't he want to eat?
Gwen: Maybe he doesn't like that part of the sparrow? You know, like when you prefer the leg of the chicken instead of the breast.
Servant 1: How fussy.
Merlin: (leaves the meat on the table, pecks Blizzard and chirps annoyed) 😡
Blizzard: (chirps and reluctantly eats his meat)
Servant 1: Suddenly I remembered my mother...
Arthur: (enters)
Gaius: Oh, sire. You're back early.
Merlin: (flies to Arthur and lands on the wrist Arthur immediately raises)
Arthur: (brings him closer to bump his nose with Merlin's beak, affectionately) I missed you too.
Rain, Wary, Guardian and Brave: (they walk quickly to Arthur, moving their wings and chirping excitedly)
Blizzard: (jumps from the table to the chair to the floor and goes to Arthur chirping happily too)
Arthur: I missed all of you. I told you I'd be back soon. (approaches them and sits on the floor with his legs crossed)
Chicks: (climb on Arthur's legs and snuggle)
Arthur: (To the servants) Thank you for taking care of them, you can leave now.
Servant 1: Any time, sire (bows and leaves)
Gwen: Rest well, my lord (bows and leaves)
Gaius: Call me if you need me, your highness (Bows). Merlin (bows again). Little merlins (last bow and leaves)
Merlin: (he flies from Arthur's wrist to the floor and changes into his human form while sitting on the ground next to Arthur) Gaius already checked Blizzard, he has nothing.
Arthur: Despite the pecks you gave him?
Merlin: (rolls his eyes) You're too soft on them.
Chicks: 😴😴😴😴😴
Arthur: (says softly) They fell asleep.
Merlin: (Just as softly) It must have been an exhausting day for them (He takes Rain, Wary and Blizzard gently and cradles them in his arms) So… (makes the nest appear with magic on his lap and affectionately places the chicks there) Did you have fun?
Arthur: Actually, no. (cradles Brave and Guardian) I was too worried about my family to do it. (He places them in the nest too)
Merlin: (smiles at the use of the word "family" without being able to help it)
Arthur: And I didn't dance with anyone.
Merlin: You better 😑. I thought you'd stop going to those dances after we mated.
Arthur: Wait… All those times I went to balls, you thought I was trying to… 'mate' with the ladys?
Merlin: (confused) Weren't you?
Arthur: No! That's what I was trying to explain. Dancing for humans is not the same as for birds. Yes, it can be a form of courtship, but that's not necessarily what it's for. We humans do it to have fun or just to pass the time more than anything.
Merlin: Oh... Well, that explains a lot. It was strange they rejected you so many times.
Arthur: (incredulous) You thought they rejected me? The prince of Camelot? Literally the best match there is?
Merlin: That's why I said it was strange! I mean, you're very attractive for human standars too and, while you act like an idiot, a spoiled brat, and have too much pride and little imagination most of the time-
Arthur: Don't defend me so much...
Merlin: You also have a big heart and are brave and strong. More than you give yourself credit for sometimes.
Arthur: Really?
Merlin: You took care of me when I broke my wing, you kept protecting me and Morgana after you found out we have magic and you helped me with the chicks before you wanted to be their father at all. What kind of female doesn't want those qualities in her mate? I was very offended that they rejected you, though I was also relieved.
Arthur: (blushes, but laughs softly) Merlin, honestly, if you believed all this time that I was dancing with other women for that purpose, why did you make such a fuss just now?
Merlin: (pouting and crossing his arms) We weren't mated before. (Thinks for a moment) Wait, so our dance was just for fun? 🥺
Arthur: No, that was a flying dance. I knew how valuable it was to you and that's why I did it. (Takes Merlin's hand) I wanted to make it clear that I want to be with you and only you.
Merlin: (smiles, blushing) It was the most beautiful dance, we flew together without flying, I had never experienced anything like it. (his smile falls) But it really didn't mean anything, did it? I'm not a bird, I'm not human either and to others I'm just your pet, and that's okay, that's how we decided it would be from the beginning and I accepted it.
Arthur: (His heart breaking) Merlin-
Merlin: I know what you're going to say. That for you it's not like that, that you love me, that you don't care what others think, but if our situations were reversed, if you were the one who had to constantly hide who you are, pretend that you are my pet in front of others, something less than a person, when you are really my mate, that wouldn't give you that much comfort, would it?
Arthur: (sighs) I guess not. (Cradles Merlin's face) But it won't always be like this. When I'm king everything will be different. You won't have to hide anymore and neither will Morgana. And I'll show you off all the time.
Merlin: (sheds a tear) And until then?
Arthur: Until then… (Looks in his pocket for something) You can have this. (Gives him his mother's sigil)
Merlin: (confused) What is this
Arthur: It was my mother's. It has her sigil.
Merlin: (looks at it, delighted) It's a bird! 😄
Arthur: (smiles) Yes, that was the symbol of my mother's house. In royalty, giving the royal sigil to someone is practically an engagement.
Merlin: (confused) Huh?
Arthur: Let's say the proposal to mate for humans.
Merlin: Oh! (Blushes)
Arthur: Again, there is no rush for that, (Laughs softly) but it's a promise, not only of our love, but that I will give you the kind of relationship you deserve one day.
Merlin: (Gives him a brief kiss on the lips) I believe you and I'll treasure this with my life. (uses magic to make a chain around his neck and puts the sigil there) And now... (stands slowly carrying the nest) Time to put them on top of the wardrobe.
Arthur: (stands up too) I still think it's too high.
Merlin: I've seen nests in trees higher than this. Or do you want to chase them around the room again? 🤨
Arthur: What if they fall? 😨
Merlin: They're not going to fall. 😒
Arthur: They leave the nest more frequently now.
Merlin: But they're not idiots. They are not going to jump from that height.
Arthur: Blizzard wanted to jump out of the window when he was only a week old!
Merlin: Because he didn't have the awareness he has now, he has grown up since then and even he isn't that dumb to do that.
Arthur: That was just a week ago!
Merlin: You said it yourself, they grow fast.
Arthur: But-
Merlin: (done) Fine! I'll put a magic barrier around the nest, happy?
Arthur: Very.
Merlin: (he rolls his eyes, but smiles and puts the nest on top of the wardrobe) Sleep well, my chicks 😊.
Just so you know, this is Merlin in his bird form:
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Male merlins are grey or blue ish and female merlins are brown ish. However, Merlin's feathers are more brown and just a bit grey ish. That's why most merlins think he's a female at the beginning and when they realise he's a male later they kind of don't care xD. Even as a bird our Merlin is a charmer 😎
Also here more pictures of our chicks:
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fadedncity · 2 years
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wc: 5.2k
pairing: hunter!haechan x hunter!reader
cw: supernatural!au, smut, fem!reader, ex friends/fwb to enemies to fwb again, angst, sex pollen, dubcon(?), weapons, violence, gore, character death (non mcs), masturbation (reader receiving), alcohol consumption, fingering, teasing, pet names, unprotected sex
song rec: hypnotic by zella day | if you let me by sinedad harnett | love me up by etta bond | crave by tove lo
"You want me to what?!"
"Come on, there are worse things," Taeyong tried talking you down.
"I'd rather Lilith drag me to hell herself."
"Okay, now you're just being dramatic. Haechan's not that bad."
"Oh, no, he's just an annoying, pompous asshole."
"I-" before he could get in another word, you cut him off.
"Why can't you just send Sungchan? He's one of the newbies. The experience will be good for him anyway."
"I sent him and Shotaro to Oregon with Yuta to take care of a crossroads demon."
"Vampire nest in France with Jeno."
"Shapeshifter in Morocco."
"On vacation," Taeyong sighed. "Look, you two are some of the best hunters I know, and I really need you on this case. Both of you."
You knew you couldn't keep standing here bitching over this when the real problem was still at large. People were still getting hurt, and you couldn't let your feelings of anguish toward him get in the way of your job.
You rolled your eyes before sighing, "When do we leave?"
"Been waiting on you."
Looking over your shoulder, you glare at the man standing in the doorway of the room designated to be Taeyong's office. Haechan smirked at you before winking. You scoff, turning back to Taeyong. 
"You're gonna owe me," you tell him. 
"Wouldn't have asked if I wasn't expecting to," he handed you the file, "Safe trip, you two," Taeyong smiled.
"We're leaving in fifteen," you told Haechan, "And we're taking my car."
Haechan held up his hands like he wasn't gonna argue with you about that, which was surprising, but you quickly brushed past it and Haechan out of the room.
"Haechan." Taeyong called him before he left, "Please don't kill each other and make it back in one piece."
"No promises," Haechan said before leaving. 
. . .
The first hour was filled with tense silence between the two of you. Every time Haechan tried to start a conversation, you would shut him down, not wanting to hear anything he had to say.
It wasn't until he picked up the file from Taeyong sitting on your dashboard did you finally let him get some words in since he was actually saying something helpful. 
"Says there have been four victims in the last five weeks."
"All the same motive?" 
"Yeah, all four of them were drained of their blood. Completely."
"No teeth marks were found. So, it's no looking likely."
"Any connection between the victims?" 
"No, not that I can tell. Aside from living in the same area code, none of these people had anything in common."
"Great, this makes our job much easier. What about a vengeful spirit? Or demon?"
"Could be. But can't say for sure until we get there."
Haechan closed the file and threw it into the backseat.
He sunk into the passenger's seat, about to change the song playing on the radio before you slapped his hand away.
"My car, my music."
Haechan sucked his teeth, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Fine. I was gonna try to take a nap anyway."
"Whatever gets you to stop talking."
Glaring over at you one last time, Haechan shifts in the passenger's seat, turning his back to you and shutting his eyes.
Hours have passed, and you've been driving on the dark road with no cars ahead or behind you for miles now. The only thing accompanying you in the darkness was the low hum of music coming from the speakers and Haechan's soft snores. 
It didn't even register you had been driving for so long until you started seeing the sun rising from behind the horizon.
Haechan woke up with a stiff neck to find the car at a stop, and you were no longer inside with him. Taking in his surroundings, Haechan realized you had stopped for gas. 
You were so spaced out you almost didn't hear him getting out of the car, the slamming of the door bringing your attention to him. 
You looked over at the Gemini, stretching his arms over his head with a yawn. 
"How much longer do we have to go?" Haechan asks.
"Three more hours."
"Okay, you should let me drive," He tells you. 
"You've been driving all night. It won't do any good if you fall asleep at the wheel and kill us before we can even get there."
He's right. It irks you, having to admit he's right.
You took the pump out of the tank once it was filled and closed the hatch.
You held out your keys, Haechan ready to take them, but you retracted your hand before he could. 
"Be gentle with her. This is my baby."
"Baby," he scoffs, "You know I can be gentle when I wanna be," he says, taking your keys and getting into the driver's side.
You were blaming your lack of sleep on the way his words had an effect on you.
You shook the thoughts away and got back into the car, your eyes shutting almost instantly before Haechan could even pull out of the gas station.
. . .
"Oh, you gotta be fucking with me."
Now, this was an upgrade from your usual shitty motels. There was a couch a full bathroom, a minibar, and a queen-sized bed. One queen-sized bed.
And you have no doubt in mind who was probably responsible for this.
"I'm gonna fucking kill Johnny," you mutter.
"Get in line."
You were expecting to have to flip a coin or something.
"You can take the bed. I'll be fine with the couch," Haechan says, settling his things down.
"Suit yourself," you said happily dropping your things and heading towards the bed practically calling your name.
"I'm gonna shower. Then we can head over to the coroner's office?"
"Fine with me. Wake me if I'm not up in an hour." you say resting your head on the pillow.
The bathroom door closed, and you got comfortable on the bed. It wasn't the most comfortable mattress, the bed springs digging into your back, but you've had worse, so you weren't gonna complain. The sound of the water running was the last thing you remember hearing before your eyes fluttered shut, and you drifted off to sleep again. 
. . . 
You walked out of the morgue, thoroughly annoyed. And feeling Haechan's unbothered presence was pissing you off even more. 
Bad enough that Mark thought it would be a funny enough fucking joke to give you fake badges with the same last name, leading the coroner to assume you were married. And instead of correcting her, Haechan thought it would also be funny to play along and act as if you were.
So while you were actually working, examining the bodies, and trying to figure out what was responsible for the deaths of those four people, Haechan was talking up your fake five-year marriage on the spot with the coroner. You know he's good at this part of the job, but there's no reason for him to be this good. 
Haechan loosens his tie walking in tow with you back to your car after you finish your questioning. 
"See, that wasn't so bad," Haechan says, and you roll your eyes at him. "Alright, when are you gonna pop this hate boner you have for me?" he asks. 
You scoff, "Whenever that big ass ego of yours deflates." 
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"
"Like you don't fucking know," you mutter. 
"Yeah, I fucking don't. So why don't you stop acting like a pouty little brat and just tell me."
You didn't say anything, and Haechan sighed. 
"I thought you said you weren't mad about that."
"I'm not but that doesn't mean I have to like you after you did it." 
"It was two years ago!" 
"And it was fucked up. But it's funny enough you keep showing up whenever you think I'm in need of saving."
"Need I remind you I am the one who quite literally saved you from being that werewolf's late night snack?"
You grumble at him under your breath, walking away. 
He tries to keep up with your steps, following you to the car.
"Look, I'm sorry," he said, and you finally stopped, "For everything. I didn't mean to shut you out. I was just...scared," he admits 
"Of what? I thought we were both very clear about where we stood."
"And I still cared about you. You know what it's like getting close to something in this line of work," Haechan tells you, "And I wasn't just gonna let you die for the sake of your own ego. You're too good of a hunter for us to lose." 
You didn't even think you still held this much anger towards him until now. You didn't want to anymore, seemingly taking this long to get over it. And it would make this job a lot less painful if you weren't stuck thinking about the past. 
"Don't try to flatter me now, Donghyuck." You say, a phantom smirk playing on your lips. "You're still an annoying, pompous asshole," you say.
Haechan snickers, putting his hands in his pockets and walking up to you. 
"And you're a heartless, whiny little brat," he smirked at your offended expression. He then stepped back and asked, "Wanna grab breakfast?" quickly changing the subject.
"You really wanna eat now?"
"Can't work on an empty stomach," Haechan says, "I'll buy," he offers. 
"Fine. But, after, we're going to the crime scenes." 
"Yes, Mrs," Haechan teases, laughing when you shoot him another death glare. 
. . . 
"You okay?" Haechan asks as he enters the run-down house.
"Yeah," you shake the unsettling feeling and follow in behind him, "We're getting close."
"But we still have time. We just need to find her heart and kill her. Simple."  
Yeah, simple. 
The one thing you hate about witches is how difficult they make it to hunt them. Using glamour spells to appear as whoever they want or hexing five random people as a part of some ritualistic sacrifice trying to raise something much more malicious back from the dead. They're always unpredictable. 
"I'll check upstairs," you tell him. 
Haechan nods, heading towards the living room to check the first floor, "Hey, Haechan."
"Yeah?" he turns around.
"Don't be stupid and get yourself killed," you say.
He nods again with a smirk, "You too." 
Reaching the top of the stairs, you held up your shotgun as you crept down the halls, carefully checking every room you passed. The floorboards croaked under your weight with each step you took. 
It was deathly silent; your ears started to ring. You couldn't even hear Haechan downstairs as you reached the end of the hallway.
You pushed the last door open with the barrel of your gun and started looking around. Different plants and herbs were scattered all over the room, and you made sure to stay a safe distance away, not sure what some of them were.
When you found the room was clear, you lowered your weapon and looked around, finding a book that you could only assume was her grimoire, opened to a page.
Careful flipping through the pages, you find the ritual she was trying to perform, only needing a few more things, including one last victim, before it's complete.
Supplies and ingredients were laid out all over the table, most of the things looking unfamiliar since she was using an older method of magic. 
Among the items, a box unlocked. The box holding the witch's heart.
"Now, who's the heartless one," you mumble.
"That one's still up for debate," the voice sent a chill down your spine.
You turn around, aiming your gun, but it's too late.
In her true form, thin skin stretched across the witch's face, baring rotting teeth. You could barely see anything else as she wore a tattered black cloak, the hood covering most of her face. 
She grabbed the barrel with long bony fingers, making you miss your shot, and shot the wall behind her instead. Before you could reload, she held out her hand, blowing the contents sitting in her palm in your face.
A floral scent invaded your senses, and your nose felt tingly as you inhaled whatever powder she possessed.
You heard the sound of Haechan calling your name, his footsteps rushing to your location as your body hit the floor.
"You both have been very entertaining to watch. You looking at him when he's not paying attention, and him looking at you once you turn away. Ugh! it's just someing about the secret pining that gets me everytime. So beautiful yet…so painful," the witch looks off dramatically into the distance, "But don't worry now, child. I have freed you of your misery." she speaks, smiling widely.
Before Haechan could get a shot, she moved faster than you'd expect, and she's a lot stronger than you's think for a few centuries-old witch. 
"Haechan," you weakly called his name.
He was quickly disarmed and he couldn't seem to be able to move.
"Ah, I get what all the fuss is about. He's even cuter up close. I might save him for myself," the witch wickedly grinned, "You'd make a perfect vessel," she caressed Haechan's face.
Her skeletal fingers wrapped around Haechan's throat, squeezing his airway. 
Using all the strength you could muster, you reached for the box with her heart. She fell to the ground, weakly crawling toward you to try and stop you as the shard of glass in your hand pierced through the rotted tissue. She cursed at you as she wailed out in agony.  
"You'd do it too, for love," was the last thing she said before burning to ashes. 
"Call us even now," you teased Haechan before you toppled in pain.
"You okay?" Haechan rushes to your side.
"No, something's very wrong. It hurts," you whine.
"What? Where?"
"Everywhere. I don't know what the fuck she did to me."
"Okay. We gotta get you outta here," Haechan slung your arm around his neck, helping you to your feet.
You clung onto Haechan, stumbling over your feet, leaving the house with Haechan's arm around you, keeping you upright. 
You squirmed in the passenger's seat, the pain getting even worse.  
"Haechan, I can't. Everthing fucking hurts," you cry. 
Haechan's knuckles turned white from how hard he gripped the wheel, applying more pressure to the gas, rushing back to your hotel. 
You felt like you were burning inside out while simultaneously being stabbed. Yet you were thinking about how hot Haechan looked. Maybe the end is near.
Haechan's face was set in a hard line, his jaw clenched as he did about 30 over the speed limit. You found your eyes drifting over to him, distracting yourself for a moment. Haechan's sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, the muscles in his arms rippling under his skin as he held onto the steering wheel. From the dark brown strands falling over his eyes to the jeans hugging his thighs so deliciously you couldn't resist the urge to press your thighs together. 
Your pain subsided for only a second before you shook those thoughts from your head, and your nerves returned to screaming in agony. 
Haechan could care less about how badly he parked the car before running over to your side and helping you out of the car, rushing you into the hotel. Thankfully it was late, and no one was in the lobby other than the receptionist you slipped past without detection. 
The moment you entered your room, you pushed Haechan away and locked yourself in the bathroom. You were taking a cold shower to bring your temperature back down, but you couldn't shake the thoughts of Haechan out of your mind. How good he smelled, how his body felt against yours with you tucked into his side, the genuine concern he showed for you-
You didn't even realize you had your hand between your thighs until you finally felt relief, stroking your clit. You bit your lip, trying to conceal any moans threatening to spill out of your lips. You desperately rubbed your clit, feeling the strongest need for release right now. 
Your eyes were closed, and all you envisioned behind closed eyelids were Haechan. His face, his voice—everything was overwhelming.
You were already so close to cumming, as you thought of Haechan's fingers instead of your own. 
You scraped your nails down the tiled walls, that knot inside you so close to breaking. Until you heard a knock on the door. 
"You okay in there?" Haechan asks from the other side. 
You snap out of it, opening your eyes as guilt and pain washed over you.
You cleared your throat, "Yeah. I'll be out in a second," you yelled to him.
The shower only helped temporarily. You were lying on the bed, half-naked, a thin layer of sweat covering your entire body.  
You tried to wait for Haechan to come back after getting off the phone and hopefully with a solution to this. You were exhausted but still in too much pain to even try sleeping.
Your body jolted, alert once again, hearing the door slamming. 
He didn't hear you calling his name as he flipped through the pages of the witch's grimoire you snagged from the house before leaving. Once Haechan stopped turning through the book, his eyes bounced around the page, reading whatever was written.
"Haechan?" you call him again. 
He tore his eyes away from the page and met your gaze. 
"What is it?" you ask. 
For once, it seemed Haechan was at a loss for words. And his silence was beginning to scare you.
"Haechan, please just tell me," you pleaded.
He sighs, "If it's what Jaemin think's it is, it was phoenix's blossom she hit you with. It's pretty high grade and usually associated with spells of desire." 
You thought this information would've clarified at least a few things, but you were more confused, leaving you with even more questions than answers. 
"Okay, then why the hell does it feel like I'm dying?" 
"The neglect of the heart's desires will ignite the eternal fires from within. Scorching the soul along with it," he read from the pages. 
Fuck me. 
You manage to roll out of bed and over to the minibar, pouring yourself a shot of whiskey.
If you're going to die before you're 30, you're going to at least have one last drink if it really is the end. 
It was like you could feel Haechan's eyes on you as you poured another drink, the alcohol not being enough to eliminate your pain but numb it enough that it became bearable for you. 
You didn't even notice Haechan had moved until he was standing next to you, pouring himself a drink.
He didn't say anything, just sipping on the amber liquid, carefully watching you. He looked at you blankly, and you couldn't tell what he was thinking. You were only starting to focus on how much prettier he looks up close. 
"Why are you looking at me like that?" you ask him, annoyed with the wordless staring. 
"What are you thinking?"
You scoff before downing the rest of your drink without as much as a wince, "What am I thinking? How pissed I am some old hag got the jump on me like this. How I'm gonna haunt Taeyong's ass from beyond the grave. How I'm never getting those twenty bucks Chenle still owes me." you half-joked. 
The feeling of Haechan's fingers reaching out for your hand made you finally meet his eyes. 
You sighed, "How angry it makes me to look at your face sometimes. How bad I wish things didn't get so fucked up because you were still my friend," you didn't notice he was slowly pulling you closer, "And how badly I miss the way you used to touch me." 
He cupped your face, staring into your eyes.
"Stop looking at me like that."
"Why should I?"
"Cause I'm tired of looking at your stupid face," you didn't try too hard to push him away. 
Your skin burns under his touch when Haechan grabs your waist, "Ah. Was this the same stupid face you were thinking about when you were trying to get off in the shower?" 
Haechan teased you when embarrassment took over your face.
"You think I don't remember what you sound like even when you so desperately try to keep quiet."
Haechan cups your jaw, bringing your face closer.
"You don't think I miss the pretty noises you'd make for me." 
You could feel the flood of arousal throughout your body, his voice sending a shiver down your spine. 
Haechan's eyes are dark, and when you bring your hand to his cheek, you feel how warm his skin is compared to yours. 
"Haechan, you're-"
"I know," was all Haechan said. 
The residue of the phoenix's blossom on his clothes was evidence enough. 
"This shit feels like poison coursing through my veins. And it is unbearably fucking hot in here. But I can't seem to pull myself away for you," Haechan pulled you flush against him.
"I wanna hear you say it," you stop him with your finger on his lips. 
"I want you so bad, it's killing me," he said light-heartedly.
With that, your lips were on his. 
You wrapped your arms around his neck, weaving your fingers in his hair. You moaned into his mouth when he pressed your body into the bar behind you. 
You swipe your tongue along the seam of his lips, tangling with his before fighting for dominance. Haechan's hands were all over your body. He cupped your breasts over your bra, softly rubbing your sensitive nipples through the material, making you moan against his lips. You push the both of you away from the bar, Haechan blindly leading you to the bed. 
His legs hit the bed, and you push him down onto the springy mattress, climbing on top of him. Haechan's hands guided your hips, grinding into his cock, your shorts, and his jeans being the only thing between you. His hands kneaded your ass firmly as you dragged your hips against his. 
"Hyuck," you breathe his name. Haechan groans, even more blood rushing to his dick from the way his name sounded rolling off your tongue. 
You started pulling on Haechan's shirt until you got it over his head and off his body, now lying on the floor. You trail your lips down his jaw, nipping his skin between his teeth, leaving openmouthed kisses on the side of his neck. Haechan slid his hand over the curve of your ass, sliding up your back, reaching for the clasp on your bra. He couldn't keep his hands off you. Haechan flipped you onto your back before he slipped one of your nipples into his mouth, flicking the perky bud with the tip of his tongue. You arch into Haechan's touch, his saliva covering your areola as he gives the same attention to the opposite one.
Haechan starts kissing down your body. He sinks his teeth into your skin, taking in how responsive you are to him. 
Placing one last kiss on your hip, Haechan hooks his fingers in the waistband of your shorts, tearing them down your legs along with your soaked panties. 
Haechan's intense gaze made you want to close your legs out of embarrassment, but he didn't allow them, keeping them apart with his hands. He runs a finger through your folds, coating his fingers in your slick.
Your hips instantly lift against his hand, and he takes amusement in the way you pouted when he drew his hand away.
"Fuck you," you whine.
"We're getting there, baby. Patience." Haechan doesn't hesitate to bring his fingers to his lips, licking your essence off his hand. 
He hums, savoring the taste of you on his tongue. You could've sworn you watched his eyes grow darker; you could barely tell they were brown anymore. 
"Taste as good as I remember, angel," Haechan licks his lips. 
Bringing his hand back between your thighs, Haechan sinks two fingers into your cunt, easily breaching your walls from how wet you are. Moans bubbled up in your throat, the feeling of his fingers curling against your gummy walls eliminating the excruciating pain you were in.
You grab onto his wrist, rolling your hips into his hand.
"Haechan..please fuck me." 
A sound resembling a growl rumbled in his chest, hearing you beg for him. 
You pathetically whined when Haechan left you empty and untouched as he started to take off the last thing he was wearing. Kicking his jeans off, letting his boxers be the last to join the rest of the clothes on the floor, Haechan strokes his cock in his hand. Your mouth waters as you press your thighs together at the sight of him. 
"You know it's been a minute, baby, and I haven't properly prepped you. Think you can take it?" he teases. 
You wrap your hand around his length, squeezing your fist around him, making him curse lowly.
"Can you?" you raise an eyebrow.
Haechan pushes you back onto your back, giving you no warning before slamming into you. 
"Oh, my fucking god, Hyuck!" you cried, your nails painfully digging into his shoulders.
"You're so wet—shit. Pussy feels so fucking good." Haechan groaned, thrusting into you.
You roughly grabbed his hair, smashing your lips into his, and Haechan's pace started to pick up. He dropped his head to watch his cock slip into your heat easily, every time he eased out of you just to fill you up to the hilt again.
Haechan sat back on his haunches, still fucking into your messy pussy. Haechan was in awe of the sight beneath him. The way you tried to move your hips to match his movements but had a hard time keeping up because of the pleasure fogging up your mind.
With his hands still on your waist, Haechan pulled you up to sit in his lap, sinking down even further on his cock.
You threw your head back, moaning shamelessly. You held onto him, gyrating your hips against his. Haechan grabbed your ass, lifting you up before letting you sink back down, the tip of his cock brushing your sweet spot.
"You're so hot," Haechan's eyes were glossed over as he looked at you. Your walls clenched around him tightly, humming in agreement as you studied his face.
You gripped his chin between your fingers, squishing his cheeks together before you planted a kiss on his lips.
"I want—I need more. Please, Haechan," you pant against his lips. 
The corners of his lips curled up mischievously. Haechan pushed you back onto the bed, leaving you empty. He then manhandled you onto your hands and knees. You kept your hips raised in the air as he easily slipped back in, bottoming out. You moaned into the sheets, gripping them, feeling Haechan's cock stretch you in the most delicious ways.  
"Fuck, angel," he rasped.
Haechan's fingers gripped your body, bruisingly tight as you matched his rhythm and moved your hips, your skin meeting in sharp slaps each time. Haechan grabbed your ass, spreading your cheeks and watching your sopping pussy swallow his cock. You could feel the slick dripping down your thighs, probably making a mess on Haechan as well. 
"You feel so fucking good, Hyuck," your words were muffled by bedding beneath you.
"Poor baby. So desperate to cum," he started stroking your clit, making you squirm. "Good thing you have me to help make you feel better," he pressed a kiss below your jaw.
"Unfortunately, you're the only thing that can," you tease.
Haechan scoffs as if he took real offense to those words. But oh, was it the best decision you've made all night.
He forced your head back into the pillows, deepening your back's arch and fucking you relentlessly.
"Yes, yes, yes. P-Please—Haechan!"
"You feel that? How good I'm making you feel. Have I already fucked you dumb, sweetheart?" he said in a condescending tone, "What was it you said before?" he asked. Haechan knew you didn't have half a mind to think about anything from even two seconds ago, too consumed in the euphoric feeling of him blowing your back out.
"Hyuck..." was all you could say, and he proudly smiled.
"That's right, baby. Say my name. Remind yourself who's fucking you this good."
"Please, Hyuck. I'm gonna cum."
"Me too, angel." He snaked his hand down between your legs, rubbing your puffy clit. 
You cried into the sheets. The sound of your ass slapping against his pelvis mixed with your muffled whines and Haechan's breathy moans. 
"Let me feel that pretty pussy cum around me," he said in your ear. 
Your pussy had a vice grip on his cock, nearing the edge. Your walls pulsed around his length, your legs shaking from the intensity of your orgasm. 
"Haechan, Haechan, Haechan," you chanted his name, riding out the wave of euphoria. 
If it wasn't for Haechan still holding your hips up, your body would have collapsed to the bed. He kept pounding into your heat, your pussy enveloping his cock as he fucked his cum into you. 
You whined, feeling overstimulation begin to overtake you, but Haechan continued to lazily thrust into you. His cum started to leak out of you, dripping down his length and your thighs. 
Haechan's cock finally went soft, leaving you empty, the sticky white substance now coating your folds and inner thighs. 
Haechan rolled you over onto your back, looking into your glassy eyes. The tension filling the room was only accompanied by your heavy breathing.
You brushed his hair out of his eyes before slapping him across the face. Haechan cursed and rubbed his stinging cheek.
"Sorry," you apologized, "Had to make sure."
"Spell's broken," you tell him, sitting up.
"How do you know?"
"Cause I can go back to feeling like I hate you without being in pain again."
Haechan laughs, "You still hate me?" 
"Maybe just a little less," you smile before you kiss him. Haechan wasn't expecting it, but he kissed you back immediately.
"Thank you."
"Are you sure I'm not already dead and in heaven?" 
You laughed, "I'm pretty sure."
. . .
"You sure you're okay?" Jaemin asks over the phone. 
"And Haechan?" 
You heard Haechan singing in the shower and bit back a smile.  
"He's fine too," you say. "You think the witch knew what she was doing?"
"Of course, she did. She could probably sense the sexual tension between you two the moment you were in town."
"What are you saying? That that was her own twisted way of playing matchmaker?"
"She's a pretty powerful love witch, that's pretty much her specialty."
"If I didn't know any better, I would think you guys sent us here on purpose."
"We did. Just so you guys reconcile whatever was going on between you. But none of us thought this would've happened. You two could've died."
"But we didn't."
"Yeah, you didn't. What're you gonna do about that now anyway?"
"That is something we can figure out on the drive back." 
a/n: now i’m ngl i may have self inserted a little too hard with this one except we actually have a happier ending 🙂
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anticidic · 24 days
*holds microphone up to pookie, do you wanna give me ideas for a mermaid/sea monster dazai / pirate chuuya AU? /nf :33
OOO that sounds fun, i can give you some headcanons that might help!!
i'm lowkey getting Moby Dick vibes, but instead of Chuuya searching for a great, mythical white whale, it's just a Dazai. :3
merman/sea monster Dazai ideas:
Chuuya's out here illegally fishing in uncharted waters because no one can tell him what to do and the waters far out to sea are quite literally a lawless land, but he's racing against time competing against other pirates
Dazai's supposed to be worth a pretty penny back on land, but all the fishing villages Chuuya came upon on land only spoke of some sort of vague creature that may or may not exist, so he's just patiently waiting until his line catches something out of the norm. he throws back all the fish and sharks he accidentally hooks.
Chuuya keeps changing his bait, and eventually he hooks something that says 'OW' and uhh, fish aren't supposed to talk?? when he looks over the railing and sees a tail flopping around above water, he's so confused and turns around and questions the nearby crew if they're messing with him, because it isn't funny
as he's reeling the line in slowly, the hook is caught in Dazai's tail :( Dazai flails around in midair and tells Chuuya, "Unhand me, heathen!" and smacks his tail against the ship
Chuuya's STILL confused, and did he accidentally drink seawater or something because is he hallucinating or seeing this right? a sea creature is speaking to him? he thinks it's a man who went overboard and he's not sure how he feels about saving this guy, Dazai's kinda staring daggers up at him despite being upside down
Dazai's in the bargaining phase and offers to lead Chuuya and his pirate crew to the great undersea treasure lost at the bottom of the ocean if he lets him go, dammit
a crewmember warns Chuuya this guy might actually be a siren trying to lead them all to their deaths. Chuuya thinks he has a good point, and threatens to harpoon Dazai. Dazai continues wriggling around and eventually frees himself and flops back into the water
still irritated by his poor tail getting caught, Dazai seems to retreat for a while and the waters become calm again until he returns with a vengeance and starts throwing things at the ship's hull, springing a leak
now Chuuya's annoyed because he worked hard for a lot of money for this ship and this guy won't leave them alone. he hears some sort of scratching like human fingernails against wood at some point, and when he looks over, he sees Dazai slowly crawling up the side of the ship?? it actually spooks him a lil when Dazai reaches the top
other Dazai/Chuuya hcs:
Dazai has pretty, iridescent scales that get duller if he's sick :(
he'd actually have a really pretty, albeit haunting, singing voice as a siren, but he sings about strange things like his prey's greatest fears. (he sings about loss and the crippling void left by losing everything he holds dear to Chuuya)
Dazai being some kind of underwater shapeshifter who can turn into a basilisk; you know you have the right guy because Dazai has literal snake eyes, forked tongue optional. and the sky turns dark and drizzled. he's just a sleepy, ancient guy and wants to be left alone and Chuuya's Not Wanted
admittedly, pirate!Chuu was in this for the money and/or poaching, but the fact Dazai speaks creeps him out
Dazai was rumored to be some sort of great leviathan who took no prisoners and this caught Chuuya's interest; a crewmember goes 'eek!' when they look overboard and see several glowing pairs of eyes looking up from the dark water
the bounty on Dazai's head turns into something more than just a trophy, people by the shore are legitimately terrified and Chuuya, as a renowned pirate, takes it upon himself to crack the case (probably a bad idea)
merman!Dazai likes sunbathing when he gets the chance, and he's accidentally beached himself a few times. sand does NOT feel good against his skin nor scales
alternatively: Chuuya's line hooks itself into one of Dazai's gills :(
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corvidcentral · 11 months
Erm, Lich Scarab AU upon ye
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Basically, the Lich possesses Scarab and uses Scarab’s powers and status to try and kill everything in every universe, and the entirety of F&C is the Lich steadily becoming more unstable and using the guise of gathering evidence against Prismo to try and complete his eradication goal :3
More art, some beta designs, and a complete au dump under cut!!
This is all copied from my rant in a discord server 😭
So, from what I’ve seen, it’s like the Lich can possess/manipulate people with unstable emotions or who are disillusioned with the world around them. Scarab, being a god auditor, often has to travel to different dimensions to track down wayward cosmic entities, and it’s canon (? The wiki said so) that the Lich can share memories between different dimensional variants of himself.
So basically, in some universes, Snail Lich sees this cosmic entity that’s just furious at everything and starts scheming. Basically, it starts stalking him the moment it senses he arrives in a dimension, and feeds off the negative energy. He then uses this energy to become more powerful, and eventually, in one universe the Lich breaks free and just beelines it towards Scarab
Don’t get me wrong, Scarab is a brutally efficient god auditor but he also does have a bit of a superiority complex and easily dismisses the threat that the Lich poses. He just goes about his job, disguised, until a Lich possessed old man asks disguised Scarab for some help with a chore
Scarab, wanting to keep his cover, reluctantly agrees, and then is ambushed by the old man turned Lich, who possess him in turn (and it’s canon that the Lich can, on some level, possess cosmic entities, as seen w/ New Death)
Course, because Scarab is a cosmic entity, he doesn’t die when he gets possessed, he just gets shoved into a dark corner of his mind and body. He’s like, freaking out, trying to rationalize to himself on how he was tricked so easily, and the Lich is like having a blast with a high ranked cosmic entity as a puppet/vessel
He also uses Scarab’s shapeshifter abilities to his complete advantage, and just parades around as Scarab. And, well, if other gods notice Scarab acting a bit more erratically, and if his eyes glow more green than red, and he’s quieter and more calculated, it’s just Scarab doing his job, right? Nobody really likes Scarab, anyway, so why do they care?
The only one who really notices that Scarab is Not Actually Scarab is Prismo, bcuz he got killed by the Lich before, and he can recognize that energy even if the Lich is putting on a perfect performance of a god auditor, inspecting him for some faulty readings (that being Fionna, Cake, and Simon)
Basically, the reason why Scarab was so fucking bonkers during the entire Fionna and Cake series was cuz of the Lich bending his body to the absolute limit trying to figure out how to properly take over the Time Room and eradicate every single living thing in all universes.
And during the Golbetty scene, Lich Scarab watches himself get cubized by Golb, does the whole attacking Simon before crawling into his head, and then just loses his mind in Fionna’s world
His drops the Scarab disguise and reveals the Lich face, along with his patchwork of other disguises and bones and stuff, and just goes ham on killing Fionna’s world
It’s not until another cosmic entity shows up and forcibly removes the Lich from Scarab that he gets complete control of his mind and body back, and while he’s back to “normal” he’s scarred pretty badly and has to step down as god auditor.
Prismo kinda takes pity on him and asks Orbo if Scarab can become a Wishmaster and Orbo is like “yea sure mate” and it actually really helps Scarab bcuz being out of his pain ridden body and being simplified does wonder to the mental health ya know
Not exactly Prohibitedwish but also they’re a lot more friendly with each other than in canon cuz Scarab owes Prismo for saving him from terrible pain
Scarab’s body does eventually get healed over the course of a few hundred years so by the time it’s like, mostly okay, Scarab wouldn’t be in pain for every time he moved. His body is still scarred badly, and his disguises share those scars, but yea!!
Also special shout out to Lily cuz she gave me Ideas >:3
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It’s great :3
Pencil art/beta designs:
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Bonus dumbass pic:
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crowdemoninkinkyboots · 8 months
Can I ask your top 10 fav fics ever (from any fandom, if you don't mind)?
Also, just curious, is there a story behind your name "crowdemoninkinkyboots "?
before i give my fav fics, my username is in reference to sebastian because he’s a crow demon with kinky boots uvu
okay these are in no particular order but here’s my top 10 fics:
Shapeshifter by Honeythief
black butler, sebaciel
y’all this fic broke me. whoever suggested it owes me emotional compensation. but it also hurt so good. it’s in first person which may turn off some people but i promise it’s worth the read
Sanglier by vanroku
twisted wonderland, rookpel with a hint of jackpel
it’s painfully hard finding dead dove/whump content with my fav pomefiore boys, but this is absolutely perfect
Timeless Eternity by GammaRays
demon slayer, kibutan
y’all this fic is dark. but it’s so good. it kinda sparked my thing for captor/captive tropes, and tbh it’s probably my fav kny fic
actually i lied the next two are fics i commissioned i still absolutely adore (they’re also omegaverse lmao)
Knock Knock Little Bunny by mattysones
demon slayer, kibutan
i was so excited for this fic and it was worth the wait. omegaverse + whump is such a tasty combination for me and matty wrote it perfectly. best money i’ve spent.
Torridity by mcpoggy
demon slayer, kanaoi
mcpoggy is usually a giyutan writer and i’m probably going to add one of her other fics here but i absolutely adored how this fic came out. it’s so vanilla compared to the other fics listed but i love it. i need more omegaverse yuri in my life
When I Kissed The Teacher by mcpoggy
demon slayer, giyutan
this is like THE giyutan fic, and also my first bookmark on ao3. it’s also vanilla compared to most other fics on this list but giyutan does have an age gap. it’s super long but i’d alway recommend mcpoggy’s giyutan fics uvu
heads rolling for the one i adore by nyabatos
genshin impact, zhongven
ok i’m INCREDIBLY biased because the author is my best friend but she’s such an incredible writer. it’s also such an interesting au where venti sacrifices his freedom to zhongli to save mondstadt and the aftermath of that deal
The Fall of Mondstadt series by Probabri
genshin impact, kaeluc
whoops my bias is showing again bc i’m also friends with the author but this story awakened kinks in me i didn’t know i had oops
Spear Fishing by reallybadcontent
genshin impact, beidou/fem!reader
ahem. so. i’m not typically into reader pov fics but beidou is. beidou. and i’m a weak lesbian. and ngl i also imagined my oc instead. so. next fic
Dream A Little Dream of Me by BadBadz
black butler, sebaciel
ok i’m being biased again, since this was based off of a tumblr post i made, but i was so happy it inspired someone and it turned out great. of course my fav sebaciel fics have angst in them…it’s like i like hurting myself…
pls lmk if y’all have ever read any of these fics/ur thoughts! i’m sure u all noticed a trend lol
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zarvasace · 8 months
1931 Vampire AU!
For those unaware, I wrote a bit of a neat Linked Universe setting AU last year that I haven't done much with, but I really like it and want to share a bit more about it! Links to the existing fics where relevant.
The series on AO3 is here!
(It would also be fun to develop this AU a little more, and I'd like to draw some stuff for it, so if you send in an ask about it, I might answer with a doodle. ;) )
AU basics: a hidden magic world in America, the year 1931 after WWI. None of the boys are human (except Twilight, at least at first), but they all think they're hiding magic from everyone else, at least for a time. :) There are a lot of magical peoples in this world, organized in their own ways, e.g. merfolk kingdoms, fae courts, the vampire councils, entire hidden cults, and hunter organizations. Ganon exists, but he's a hidden threat that they've all faced in one way or another.
Character summaries!
Wind: the focus of this AU. (The original fic was an excuse to make him very cool.) He was born 1696 in Florida ish, at the height of the golden age of piracy. He was turned into a vampire by Tetra in about 1710 and is eternally physically 14. He sailed with her crew (all pirates) for a few decades. She was invited to the western vampire council in Spain in 1750 as the vampire pirate queen, but... stuff went down. (fic: Body and Soul Marooned) She and her whole crew died, along with a lot of vampires. Wind survived, getting a nice angsty scene in there where they said wedding vows as she died, and went on to try and warn other councils about the upcoming massacres. Because most vampires died during that time, Wind is one of the oldest vampires still alive, and most who survived that time owe their lives to him.
Warriors: the secondary focus of this AU. He was a legitimate soldier during WWI, proper age and everything. When Wind enlisted, Wars took it upon himself to guide this seemingly young kid, and got killed doing so. Wind turned him into a vampire, not wanting him to die. (fic: In the Chill of Battle) He has a fun relationship with Wind, both of them taking the big-brother role in turns. Wars is a younger vampire, but his brain and body was able to mature more, so. Before Wars knew Wind, he was also captain of a division with Time, not that Time remembers that right off. Wars acts the responsible adult, so he gets them both hired as part of Time's team.
Time: he's Twilight and Wild's uncle. When he was a kid, he was whisked away to Faerie and replaced by a changeling for a few years. He fought his way back to find that time had passed differently for him, so he's mentally older than he appears. He didn't get out without being touched by the fae, and is beholden to some of their rules. He's the only one old enough to have enlisted in the military at a legal age, and used his status as a veteran to get a job at a local police station as a sort of detective. That's how he collects all the boys. :)
Wild: half-vampire. He's aging slowly, but still aging. He's close to Twilight, but always felt like he didn't exactly belong. Vampires as an organization don't believe there are many dhampirs out there, and don't like them, but a few underground cells have been organizing. Wild had a few run-ins with them. He's aware of a lot more magic than people think he is, having networked out to several kinds of magical peoples. The Yiga are a cult of shapeshifters that are out for his blood. (fic: Caged) He joined the team when the existing members came to save him and Twilight from them, later in the "story." Wild is one of those in the group willing to do Mad Science. :)
Twilight: is human. He dealt with Wild his whole life, so he's aware of vampires, but not much else. Over the course of the "story," he gets turned into a werewolf, so all of the boys get to deal with that.
Sky: he's a lynchpin of the team! Without Sky, not everyone would be there. He's an air elemental by birth, fairly important in those familial circles but mostly separated from them these days. His natural form is not exactly... physical. He knows Time from the war (he enlisted at too young an age near the end, and didn't see much combat, but made connections), Legend from some of what Legend did (aka everything, but specifically some merchant connections in this case), and found Four on his own. Sky doesn't count as fae at all, but he's in-tune with the environment and flow of magic around him. (He's not happy about the dust bowl.) He is pretty oblivious to the others being magical, though.
Four: he's rather disconnected from the others, in terms of backstory. To understand him, you have to know that there are six courts of the fae: one for each season in the wheel, with a light and a dark in the center and outside. Four grew up in the Light Court, full fae. One of the princess's Minish advisors betrayed the Light Court and gave power to the Dark (hi Vaati), and Four helped to restore balance. In the process, he had to change. The courts didnt generally trust each other, so Four split into four fae with the help of magic, one for each seasonal court. More magic and betrayal happened, and Four is semi-stuck as a Dark fae now. He can become a shadow and hide in other shadows, but he's vulnerable to light in general. When he left Faerie for the mortal world, he found Sky, who pretty much adopted him as a little brother. He's very protective of Sky.
Legend: is a prince of one of the merfolk kingdoms. He saved each of the underwater kingdoms at least once, then ventured to the surface to find more wrongs that needed righting. He isn't obvious about it, but he has a good heart. He's kind of sort of employed as a spy and informant, but he focuses on supernatural issues. He's more of a special ops agent than anything, though he does like to find people who'll pay him for doing what he wants to do anyway. He's been practically everywhere and done practically everything. He definitely heard of Wind, but didn't connect the dots right off. Merfolk aren't considered fae, but his particular family line made contracts with fae long ago, and he has some of their geases in a lightened form. He figured out pretty quickly that everyone was magic and trying to hide it.
Hyrule: is full fae, like Four, but of the Spring Court. He lived in the human world his whole life, a street kid who had to keep his fae nature tightly under wraps, which could get difficult around the promises and names and iron of daily life. He moved around a lot. He was captured for a year or two by unscrupulous scientists and rescued by Legend, who took him to Sky and Time. (fic: EPISODE SEVEN: Lost and Found) He's the resident healer and mad scientist.
Other Fics
More Than You Can Chew: the beginning of the "story." Starts with Wars confessing he's a vampire, and then they go rescue Wind, who's been captured by wannabe hunters.
Council: sort-of ongoing fic about Wind taking the rest of the Chain to the latest vampire council meeting. >:)
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yeets-ix · 9 months
Sonic Bad Guys AU Infodumping
@thefakehedgehogaroundhere pitched the AU and its roles, I went too far and fleshed it out a LOT.
Here's the first round, the basics of the characters:
The Bad Guys go by “Ms. Surge,” Ms. Metal, Mr. Rough, Mr. Tumble, Mr. Duo and Mr. Kitsunami (for fun.)
Backstory: While the AU is mostly just the self-contained plot of the movie, Eggman and Starline did exist in the AU… emphasis on DID. In a very very deliberately loose interpretation of Sonic canon setting up this AU, they created Surge, Kit and Metal, but were ultimately defeated for good, with their former creations and minions being left to form various random organizations including the Bad Guys, none of whom are nearly as much of a threat anymore. Sonic took all the credit for “beating” Eggman, though it probably wasn’t actually him in this AU considering this version of him is also a villain and has just been using his hero image for personal gain (hell, considering his Marmalade-assigned wealth, he probably bought out Eggman Industries after the Doctor was gone.)
Ms. Surge, instead of the “big bad wolf,” boasts about being an “evil twin.” A twisted and evil counterpart to a hero. Of course, she turns out to actually be the good one between herself and Sonic in this AU, but that’s beside the point. She still doesn’t remember her original life and has only experienced being compared to Sonic and seen as a monstrous, evil version of him, never being given any other chance. When Sonic gets exposed as the criminal he is and arrested, Surge, Kit and Metal recognize they’re fully free and able to go good, what with him being put away for good.
Ms. Metal was also originally designed after Sonic (that’s why she and Surge are best friends,) but being “the safe-cracker,” has modified herself with some help from Kit into a heist-focused robot with stealth tech, safe-cracking tools, and the ability to turn into a hyper-boost engine for the getaway car. She’s the “most evil” because she’s still programmed to defeat Sonic, even if she’s currently spending almost all of her time pulling heists with the Bad Guys. She comes around in the end and rejoins Surge and the gang, and stays with her as a good guy after finally taking down Sonic. She’s also kind of addicted to absorbing Wisps.
Mr. Mimic actually goes by Mr. Duo most of the time - he’s made the happy-go-lucky but still evil cat his public identity they think of when they hear the term “Bad Guys.” After genuinely befriending the others, he wants to move on from and forget the even worse crimes he committed as an octopus (even though not necessarily those of his canon self.) That being said, he’s still a shapeshifter and “the distraction.” Instead of Mr. Shark swallowing Mr. Snake when he annoys him, Duo can mess with Metal’s circuits since he’s “good with computers.”
Mr. Rough and Mr. Tumble are the flattest ones, but then again, they always are. They beat the shit out of people, make immature jokes, and Rough uncontrollably sprays when he’s nervous. Mr. Piranha is perfect for both of them (and also for Surge - she’d release catastrophic EMPs - if she wasn’t Mr. Wolf here.)
Mr. Kit is “Drippy” the same way Ms. Tarantula is “Webs.” His laptop has extra monitors and keyboards for his Hydro-Coils the same way as Webs’ does for her eight legs. He’s also still Surge’s younger brother for the feels. Owing to being around 13, he's less anxious and less formal, and with the world aware of his power, more confident in being scary on his own or at his sister's side.
Governor Rose’s backstory as the Crimson Paw Rascal is changed a bit. She, too, gave up just as she was about to steal the Awardy Award (the Golden Dolphin equivalent,) but it was because she realized she’d built her criminal career upon being a “sweet widdle hoggo” who nobody would suspect or believe could be a criminal mastermind, instead blaming more scary or ugly animals. Realizing that not only would some undeserving creature take the fall for the Rascal’s ultimate heist, but she fully knew and wanted to exploit this, just made Amy feel like shit, and she immediately hung up her cowl. Note that this same reason also leads to her despising Sonic for working under the same ideals, and makes her very happy when he’s the one who takes the fall for her crimes in the end.
“A wolf and a fox are not so different” becomes “A tenrec is just a false hedgehog.” Sonic later reuses this line to mock Surge, before Surge and Amy finally wreck him with it in the end.
Sonic as Marmalade? Take every bad take on IDW Sonic in the entire hatedom, make them completely true, and then sprinkle the resulting abomination of a Sonic with Scourge dust. He’s supposedly the same hero as his canon self, but in truth all he cares about is his own entertainment and his own reputation. Lying and manipulating people are what give him “the tingle.” He’s gonna scream “LET’S DO IT TO IT! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!” like in that one satire comic as he’s dragged off to S.U.C.M., utterly determined to the end to convince everyone he’s never done anything wrong in his life. Fuck him. He deserves nothing, he is the scum of the earth, I want to punch him in the face, and maybe call in a few other AU Sonics to punch him in the face too.
Heck, I have an OC named Shine who is basically “Sonic but Marmalade” already, and I’d be willing to donate her for this role if I didn’t want Sonic himself to get to chew some scenery.
We’ve agreed Whisper is Chief Luggins due to her power to be incredibly biased against these people, especially Surge with a good helping of Mimic on the side. Lanolin would work too, but I think Whisper being really angry a lot fits better. You poor wolf, you poor meow meow, you poor thing, how did you end up becoming a cop?... or she's just the face of what's left of the Restoration in this universe. Lanolin can probably be Tiffany the reporter, IDK.
To be continued.
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here is what everyone is in my pjsk fairy tale au (I love this au sm..)
Ichika - Princess of a neighboring kingdom
Saki - Princess of the main kingdom (i need names for those..)
Honami - Maid for both the Tenmas and Kanade (owes a debt to her)
Shiho - Knight trying to free shizukus curse
Minori - werewolf
Haruka - also a knight, used to be a noble but wanted to earn her honor
Airi - fairy
Shizuku - mermaid, slowly turning into a sea animal
Kohane - also a werewolf
An - demon thingy of some sorts
Akito - fairy, but ran away from home and became an honored knight who is training haruka and shiho
Toya - vampire
Tsukasa - prince of main kingdom, next in line to king
Emu - court jester :)
Nene -shapeshifter, turns into a snake at will
Rui - alchemist and shapeshifter, turns into a fox at will
Kanade - witch
Mafuyu - kanades assistant and shapeshifter, can turn into a cat at will
Ena - fairy
Mizuki - average joe actually. They're just friends with all of the special snowflakes.
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riverin-stories · 9 months
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↕️ "Hm? Looks like we have some misplaced relics again. Better put it back before we lose track of it…" 💎 "Have you seen this woman? I'm looking for her. She… owes me something." - monty / amani [here] - huang / nia
A young archivist who works at Herta Space Station. Monty spends most his time organizing documents and items alike with the help of a gravity-manipulation Curio. Soft-hearted and supportive, he dreams of traveling the cosmos and befriending those who cross his path. Monty's mentor referred him to the space station for his current position on account of his stellar academic track record. Lately, despite his best attempts, said beloved mentor has been rather difficult to contact...
A wandering shapeshifter relentlessly pursuing a figure from her past. Cold-hearted and wary, Amani has a habit of quieting rooms full of people through sheer presence alone. She is a capable fighter, conjuring various weapons of ice to meet her needs. Her alternate form is that of a red-eyed chinchilla. Nimble and discreet, Amani likes gathering information about her target in this shape. Despite others' recommendations, she doesn't like using her chinchilla charm to disarm others with displays of cuteness.
hello to everyone !! i have some sketches of my ocs for their honkai star rail au, in a mostly splash-art-pose-with-label kind of presentation. i started this on a whim, but suddenly it snowballed into two ocs already (that's half of my main little group)! we have monty and amani here with their aforementioned little blurbs. both of these characters are ocs i translated from their previous setting into the world of hsr, and i'm really happy with their core concepts! i also pair them together a lot because they have a lot of contrasts between each other that i enjoy seeing side by side. i struggled with monty's design a lot in the past because he had a very classical-fantasy outfit from his original setting that i couldn't really translate over. it took a few attempts for me to give him a vague coat-ish outer layer with long-trailing tassels (to generally match asta). i think his cute little hat helped pull everything together!! amani's outfit came a lot more easily (though you can only see the back view here). i've always enjoyed giving her the high-waisted shorts (NOT vacuum-sealed to her body), thigh-high boots, and a cropped jacket. her boot designs also ended up being really fun, with the slight cutout behind her legs for more shape-y-ness. i have 2 more characters i hope to draw alongside monty and amani, so will see if i can get to them and have them all together as a little group !!
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corporatefrog · 1 year
꒦‧₊ ꒷ Team Stan w/ a reader who can shapeshift into animals! [Headcannons] ✧.*
✧.* tags: college au, superhero au,
✧.* Charactions: kyle broflovski, stan marsh, kenny mccormick, butters scotch
a/n: this is an old request but i think i was able to get pretty silly with it
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Imagine soaring through the sky with fucking human kite
And being such a better flyer than him
Literally cliche flying through the clouds and kyle traces his hands through them 
“Stop going so high! I can’t gain altitude that fast!”
“Uh… lame power? Get better? Don’t be a human kite?”
“I fucking hate you.”
Yall probably fight really well together 
He thinks up the plans and you shapeshift and attack
Dynamic duo vibes fr
Coolest duo 
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“Dude I TOLD YOU not to go in the radioactive lake”
“Oh… I thought that was code for go into the radioactive lake”
“In what world is telling you not to do something code for doing it?”
Tries to not be impressed because he’s supposed to be annoyed 
But he thinks its so fucking cool
Lowkey wanted that to be his power if he could choose anything
After the veal thing he volunteered at animal shelters 
This is real because I said so let me be delusional 
Asks you to turn into a cat and talk to the other cats to make sure they don’t hate him
Because ferguson always glares at him from the corner and he is NOT interested in being attacked by a bunch of pissed cats
Convinced they’re scheming against him
Still mad at you for going into the radioactive lake though
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He cannot comprehend it
Like you try explaining it to him and it is just NOT clicking
The only thing that works is telling him it’s like Beast Boy from Teen Titans
“Oh so you can shapeshift into animals while still regaining your consciousness?”
“I literally said that fifteen times- You anger me so much every day.”
Wants to make the teen titans
He is robin (obviously)
Probably has the costume from halloween a few years back
PLEASE turn into a bear and pretend to fight him
He wants to say he fought a bear
And cartman bet him $100 that he couldn’t 
Choreographs an entire battles scene in the middle of town
Because it’s not like south park animal control actually does anything
Kenny now owes you 10 favors that can be cashed in whenever needed
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Turning into a tiger whenever he gets bullied and scaring the shit out of whoever is bothering him
(usually it's eric)
Or turning into a little puppy whenever he’s sad 
“Everything alright, butters?”
“Oh, it’s nothing.”
“So you don’t want me to turn into a husky and play with a frisbee?”
“Well you didn’t mention that. That changes everything!”
Just being his lil animal buddy
Turning into an elephant walking to a doctors appointment to get there in like 2 seconds
If he’s professor chaos, he refuses to attack when you’re an animal
It’s animal abuse 🙁
He’ll punch you in the face as a person but he REFUSES to hit a cat
Even if you’re a mountain lion lunging at him
Heart of gold fr
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A rat got into his sock drawer and ripped holes in all of them?
What a shame :( so sorry that happened to you
Suddenly all of his clothes have cat piss on them
How could that have happened??? Poor poor eric
What do you mean you’ve found spider webs everywhere but no spiders? Hopefully there aren’t spider eggs everywhere. That would be terrible.
Really just looking for excuses to ruin cartman’s day
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wolfasketch · 1 year
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Ohmigosh, actually OW Shapeshifter AU lore and not OC related stuff?? Okay, now to be serious.
Echo Rank: Omega(Ω) Animal: Hummingbird Status: Ex. Waterhole Flock, Morrison Clan Info: Traveled with Jesse for a bit(after he left Gabe) Joined the Flock after the first visit Ends up rejoining Jesse the same time Winston joins Morrison Clan
Illari Rank: Alpha(α) Animal: Black Jaguar Status: Wanderer/Traveler Info: Last of her Clan Can be found near the Tropical Dessert
Junker Queen Rank: Alpha(α) Animal: African Wild Dog Status: Ex. Traveler, Junker Pack 2.0 Info: Exiled from the first pack Rebuilt the pack near Roadhog and Junkrat
Kiriko Rank: Beta(β) Animal: Fox Status: Ex. Shimada Clan, Wanderer/Traveler Info: Healer & Fighter Left Shimada Clan after Genji's 'death' and Hanzo went 'missing' Lived with Blizzard Clan for a bit Ends up living near the Waterhole Flock
Ramattra Rank: Alpha(α) Animal: African Buffalo Status: Big Ass Meadow Info: Protector of the Big Ass Meadow Zenyatta's brother Helped chase Doomfist away
Sigma Rank: Omega(Ω) Animal: Bald Eagle Status: Talon Clan Info: Out-thinker Joins after Gabe leaves
Lifeweaver Rank: Beta(β) Animal: Peregrine Falcon Status: Ex. Niran Clan, Waterhole Flock Info: Left his old clan when he was young Baptiste's mate
Sojourn Rank: Beta(β) Animal: Lioness Status: Ex. Black/OverWatch, Wanderer/Traveler Info: Helped Jack chase Gabe off Left the waterhole with Ana and the others Left OverWatch later Hangs around the Big Ass Meadow
OverWatch belongs to Blizzard
OW ShapeShifter AU belongs to @overdrugs-mayhem
OW Shapeshifter AU Info: https://martiverse.wixsite.com/owshapeshifterau
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larluce · 3 months
Merlin as Arthur's familiar/Arthur's shapeshifter falcon AU
@dsabian , @theplatanitosqueal , @stressed-but-chill , @gregre369 , @chaosofbelievers , @thelordofabsolutelynothing , @another-tblr-fangirl , @aceauthorcatqueen , @smileytrinity , @tiny-and-witchy , @wako-weirdo , @a-very-tired-ravenclaw , @schiwalkers-ineffability , @natsu2501malo , @dearfuturelyn , @thedollopheadofcamelot , @yougottobekittenme , @your-local-asylum-escapee , @theroundbartable
LINK TO THE OTHER PARTS: PART 1 , PART 2 , PART 3 , PART 4 , PART 5 , PART 6 , PART 7 , PART 8 , PART 9 , PART 10 (You're here), PART 11
⚠️WARNING!! ⚠️: This chapter explores Merlin's friendship with Claws and his perspective of the events when he died, so it will inevitably be sad :(
Merlin in his bird form shortly after Arthur rescued him and Gaius tended his broken wing. He's alone in Arthur's chambers, perched on the window.
Merlin: (with his wing bandaged and looking out the window, thinking) This human's nest has a beautiful view. Oh, how I miss flying.
Claws: (flies in, lands on the window and gives Merlin a dead bird) For you, mate 😊.
Merlin: I'm not a female 😒. And I don't need you to feed me. (Thinking) I already have my human for that.
Claws: I hunt well. I will provide well for our chicks, mate 🥰.
Merlin:  Do you realize how forward it is for you to call me "mate" when we haven't even mated?
Claws: Oh! Do you want to see my flying dance? 😃
Merlin: No, I don't wa-and he's already dancing 🤦‍♂️
Claws: (flying very high and plummeting several times before flying up again and doing an 8 in the sky)
Merlin: (sighs in bird) Well, at least it's not so bad.
Claws: (he lands on the window again) So? Shall we mate? 😏
Merlin: I must say, that's the most impressive flying dance I've ever seen.
Claws: 😃
Merlin: But I wouldn't mate with you even if you were the last bird on earth.
Claws: ☹️.
Merlin: (thinking) I hate being so cruel to them, but that's the only way they leave me alone. (Chirps) Go away.
Claws: (does not move)
Merlin: I rejected you, go away! 😡
Claws: Are you going to eat the prey?
Merlin: What?
Claws: The prey I brought you, will you eat it?
Merlin: I already told you, I don't need-
Claws: 🥺
Merlin: (sighs in bird) If I eat it, will you leave me alone?
Claws: Yes 😊.
Merlin: I'll eat it, but only because I don't like wasting food (starts eating the prey). Now go away.
Claws: Okay, mate. (flies away)
Merlin: I'm not…! Ugh, never mind. (Keeps eating his food)
Merlin perched on a tree branch, sad after discovering that he is not a real falcon, but a familiar, a creature of magic.
Claws: (arrives and perches on the branch too) Hello, mate 😄.
Merlin: (barely paying attention to him, still very down) Hello, Claws.
Claws: (worried) Are you okay?
Merlin: Hmm?
Claws: This time you didn't say "I'm not your mate", or "I'm not a female". What's wrong? Are you sick?
Merlin: That has never stopped you, has it? But no, I'm not sick, I'm just sad.
Claws: Why?
Merlin: I discovered I'm a monster.
Claws: You're not a monster. You are my mate 😊.
Merlin: Do you want me to prove it to you? (He lets himself fall from the branch)
Claws: (chirps screaming) Mate! 😨 (flies after Merlin)
Merlin: (takes his human form just before landing on his feet on the ground) See?
Claws: (flying around Merlin, frantic) Mate! 😨 Where is my mate? What did you do to my mate?! 😡 (Pecks Merlin and scratches him)
Merlin: Ow! Stop it! Claws, it's me! (Takes his bird form) See?
Claws: Mate! 😃 What happened? Where did you go?
Merlin: I never left. The human you saw is also me (takes human form again) See?
Claws: (flies around Merlin, frantic) Mate! 😨 Where is my mate? Give me back my mate! 😡 (Pecks Merlin)
Merlin: Ow! (sighs) This is going to be harder than I thought (but laughs genuinely for the first time since he found out he is a familiar)
The day Morgana gives Merlin his neckerchief.
Claws: (perches on Morgana's window with a prey in his claws)
Merlin: (in his human form, talking to Morgana and Arthur) She does have a point. (turns around and exclaims happily when he sees his friend) Claws! (Takes his bird form and flies to him) What are you doing here?
Claws: I brought you food.
Merlin: (laughs in bird) I can hunt my own food, you know?
Claws: I know, but I'm practicing.
Merlin: Practicing?
Claws: Brownie and I got a nest. Soon we will have our chicks. So I have to practice to feed them.
Merlin: That's wonderful! 🥰 Congratulations!
Claws: (looking at Arthur who is talking to Morgana on the other side of the room) Is that your human?
Merlin: Yes.
Claws: I don't think he likes me. He looks at me ugly.
Merlin: Oh, don't pay attention to him, that's just his face.
Claws: (still looking at Arthur) Your feathers are dirty. (Pecks Merlin's plumage).
Merlin: (laughs in bird) What are you doing? My feathers are more than clean.
Claws: (seeing that Arthur looks at him even more ugly) Oh, I get it now.
Merlin: What?
Claws: (points his prey) Are you going to eat it?
Merlin: You should give it to Brownie. It is her you have to prove you can provide for your chicks, not me.
Claws: Right... Yes, I'll do that. (grabs the prey with his claws and is about to take flight, but turns to Merlin) Are you coming? I want to show you the nest Brownie and I found. In the way, you can help me convince her to give names to our 10 chicks. She still doesn't quite understand how names work.
Merlin: (mocks in bird) You think you're going to have 10 chicks in your first nest? You hold yourself in very high esteem.
Claws: Are you coming?
Merlin: Wait a minute (flies to Arthur and Morgana and takes human form) Claws wants to show me his nest!
Merlin going to visit Brownie after Claws' death.
Brownie: (crying in bird) How did he die? 🥺😭
Merlin: (wanting to cry too, but staying strong for Brownie) He was hunted by a human hunter. (Sighs in bird) I'm so sorry, Brownie.
Brownie: You should! 😡 This is your fault!
Merlin: What? 😧
Brownie: My mate insisted on flying around human territory because you were there! I told him this would happen if he kept flying that area! Humans are evil by nature!
Merlin: Humans hunt to eat. Us too. Why are they the only ones who are evil? Because they hunt birds? We do it too!
Brownie: And you defend them! You defend my mate's killers!
Merlin: You are hurt. I understand and I'm sorry. I will leave you alone. (He turns to take flight)
Brownie: You think I don't know you interact with those monsters? You say they are not very different from us, but they don't just kill to eat. They kill for fun, they also kill each other for no reason. That's how they are.
Merlin: Not all of them are like that (thinking) Arthur isn't like that. (Chirps) But even if that were the case, I think that just proves it.
Brownie: Proves what?
Merlin: That we are all animals (sighs in bird) When I return I will bring you prey.
Brownie: I don't want anything from you! 😡
Merlin: Goodbye, Brownie (he flies away).
Merlin in his way to the castle spots Arthur and Morgana outside, so he approaches to tell them that he has returned early, but before he can make his presence known…
Morgana: (yells angrily at Arthur) Don't "hi" me. You killed Claws! You murderer!
Merlin: (shocked, hides in a nearby tree) What…?
Arthur: (shouts back) You're talking like I've just killed a person. He was just a bird.
Morgana: He was not just a bird to Merlin and you know it! Did you think about how devastated he would feel?
Merlin: (Keeps listening to the conversation, increasingly horrified, but he is too petrified in his place, not knowing what to do or what to think)
Morgana and Arthur: (enter the castle)
Merlin: (destroyed, to himself) Arthur… Arthur killed Claws.
At Claws' funeral.
Merlin: (To Arthur) Anyways, I need to go now. (Thinking) I need space from you. (Says) Brownie needs me to hunt her food since she's incubating her eggs still and can't leave her nest. (Thinking) Because you killed his mate. You killed my friend.
Arthur: (guilty) Right, send her my condolences.
Merlin: (thinking) Are you really sorry? Then why did you do it? Morgana said it was because of jealousy. Did you do it for me? Was it my fault? Brownie says you are a monster, that you are evil. You killed my friend and that's evil... but I can't hate you, why can't I hate you? (Without being able to say goodbye, he just kisses Arthur's cheek, takes his bird form and leaves)
Merlin: (thinking while flying to Brownie's place) Humans are animals that feed on other animals. They also hunt, they also kill. There are animals that kill when they feel threatened too. Arthur... Arthur is not evil, he acted on instinct, didn't he? He is not evil. He killed Claws, but he also took care of me when I broke my wing, he protects me and protects Morgana, he loves me even though I'm not... He's not a monster, he's not... He's not evil... Right?
Brownie: (chirping in pain in the distance)
Merlin: (coming out of his thoughts) Brownie?
Peregrine falcon: (chirps furiously in the distance too)
Merlin: (worried) Brownie! 😨 (flies faster)
Merlin: (finishes killing the Falcon that was attacking Brownie)
Brownie: (dying on the ground) Merlin?
Merlin: Brownie! (flies to her) Don't worry, I'll cure you. You'll be fine. (Thinking) Shit, there's a lot of blood. (He tries to heal her with magic, but it's difficult in his bird form and he's always been bad at healing magic, plus Brownie's injuries are too serious) Damn it!
Brownie: My nest.
Merlin: It's save. He didn't touch it. The eggs are save.
Brownie: Take care of my nest.
Merlin: (chirp crying) No, you're going to be fine! (tries to heal her again)
Brownie: That's what Claws would have wanted.
Merlin: ... What?
Brownie: He always wanted to have a nest with you. (closes her eyes)
Merlin: Brownie? (Chirps in pain) Brownie!
When Arthur finds Merlin with the nest.
Arthur: (carefully lowering the nest with the eggs and Merlin from the tree) Done. (Orders one of the knights) Carry the corpse of the female merlin. I want it intact in my chambers, don't you dare cook it.
Knight 1: Yes, sire (picks up Brownie)
Knight 2: Do you want me to carry the nest for you, si- (makes gestures to take the nest)
Merlin: (Chirps, furious) NO! 😡
Knight 2: (Steps back, scared)
Arthur: I'd better do it, Sir Bedivere.
Knight 1: How are you going to carry it, sire? You won't be able to go on horseback carrying that.
Arthur: I'll walk. You can take my horse and go ahead.
Knight 2: But-
Arthur: That's an order! And not a word of this to my father. Understood?
Knights: Yes, sire. (They leave)
Arthur: (stroking Merlin as he checks him, concerned) Are you alright? Did that falcon hurt you?
Merlin: (shakes his head)
Arthur: (relieved) I'm glad. (looks at the spot Brownie was found, apprehensive expression on his face) That was Brownie, wasn't she? (Points to the nest) And these are...
Merlin: (nods, sad)
Arthur: (his heart hurting for Merlin) I'm so sorry, Merlin. (pulls him close in a comforting hug as carefully as he can still holding the nest) I'm really sorry. (his eyes water)
Merlin: (Chirps) I believe you. And I forgive you.
Merlin may have forgiven Arthur but I will never! And I'm the fucking author! 😡 Claws! 😭 You deserved better 🤧. #justiceforclaws
I swear I cried while writing this. I apologize if I made you cry too, but I think it was necessary to see this side of the story.
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ribbons-and-keys · 3 months
Midsummer Moment
Another TADC Faerie!AU installment. A little something for the Summer Solstice.
Shades of vanilla and rose ribboned the horizon as stars began to peak their heads though the darkening sky; they were witnesses to the boisterous festivities below. Music and laughter muddled and mixed in the sea of swaying bodies. Despite the large crowd and summer heat, no one seemed to break a sweat. Pomni felt like she was the exception.
Sweat gathered at the base of her neck and made the back of her jumpsuit stick. Pieces of her dark hair stuck to the sides of her face. She already abandoned her mushroom cap on some tree branch to relieve herself of heat. (It would appear again in some convenient place, courtesy of an enchantment placed by Caine). The humidity stubbornly latched onto her skin and made her already exhausting evening even more unpleasant. She was half tempted to sneak off to the lake and soak in it's cool waters. She knew, however, that Caine wouldn't let anyone go off on their own tonight.
It was Midsummer, "One of the grandest and greatest celebrations for faeries!" as Caine had put it. And he insisted that everyone join. Zooble almost got away with a quiet evening alone, but Caine caught them in their shapeshifted form-a blackbird- before they could get away. In protest, Zooble remained at the edge of the festivities, this time as a wolf, snapping at anyone who got too close. Pomni followed similar suit by standing near a table of treats away from the dancing.
The table was filled with an array of glistening pastries, candied fruit, and tasty, savory bites. Bubble outdid himself with an arrangement of small tea cakes to look like a luna moth. Pomni almost swore the cakes that made the wings fluttered ever so slightly off the table. She still couldn't get used to the strangeness of this place.
Once upon a time, when she was human, magical celebrations were found in books and movies. Although her memory of such things were still cloudy, she knew that the party before her was a thousand times more extravagant. It was also more horrifying.
There was something about this revelry that was extremely off-putting. Beneath the smiling faces and sparkles, there was an eerie truth that had yet to be uncovered. Pomni couldn't put her finger on what it was.
"Need a drink?" a kind voice asked. The faerie woman held a cup of something shimmery and pink towards Pomni.
"Thanks, Ragatha," Pomni took the mystery drink graciously and drank down it's saccharine contents.
"No problem," she said sweetly and took her place beside Pomni. Ragatha's cellophane wings twitched slightly as she looked up. A few strands of scarlet, yarn-hair came loose from her bun.
"Caine outdid himself tonight, don't you think Pomni?" she chirped. Pomni clutched her clay cup.
"I'm not really one for parties," she confessed awkwardly. They were still trying to figure each other out. They were friendly enough with each other, but they hadn't found that spark of realtibility just yet.
"Oh! That's totally fine! If you need-"
"Excuse me, ladies," Pomni wasn't sure to be thankful or groan at Jax's arrival. His cheshire smile gleamed underneath his shadowy cowl. The keys hanging from his neck clinked merrily.
"Yes, Jax?" Ragatha said politely. From the corner of her eye, Pomni saw Ragatha clutching the sides of her violet dress.
"The little 'shroom owes me a dance," Jax declared. He grabbed Pomni's hand before she could protest and dragged her to the dance floor.
They stumbled upon a group of faeries engaged in a circle dance. Jax practically threw Pomni into their midst, with the other faeries catching her by the hand with ease. He slipped between Pomni and another faerie, not once breaking the dance.
They spun and spun. Time seemed to both be too fast and too slow as they did. Colors became faces and faces became colors. Pomni tried to pull herself away from the dance. Her legs were growing tired and her feet ached terribly. She felt herself slipping towards the floor. Her body was crying out for rest. But hey held onto her like a fly in honey. They wouldn't stop. They couldn't stop.
Pomni finally understood. She would have fun whether she wanted to or not.
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thebucketpail · 11 months
Wip from Danny joins the Blood Syndicate AU for you peoples.
Tw. For mentions of injury
"Phantom? Kid, wake up."
"Wha-?" Danny woke up to Fade's face filling his vision with that stupid worried look he had all the time. The man was patting his face gently.
"You up kid?"
"M'not a fucking kid, geezer," he mumbled, shoving him away as he attempted to sit up. And, ow. Fuck everything hurt. He'd probably had at least three breaks and alot more bruising. Thank the Ancients for super healing.
Fade chuckled. "Yeah sure, whatever, kid. You good to stay here? I still need to find Mask and I don't want you dying if I look away for 10 seconds."
"Ha ha," Danny deadpanned as he wrapped his arms around his torso. "Keep your worries old man, I've already tried the dying thing, and I don't intend to go through that again anytime soon."
Danny pulled himself up by the wall, floating a bit, because he didnt really trust his still sore and shakey legs to hold his weight. Fade reached out a hand to steady him but he shrugged it off.
"I think I saw Mask go this way before the fog spread," he grunted, already moving toward where he had last seen the shapeshifter.
"Lead the way kid."
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randomshyperson · 8 months
Anon…thats like saying “I read a coffee shop au fic so all others are just copying” like?? And believe it or not, two people can have the same idea
Yes, exactly! They accused me of plagiarism because I used one of the most classic couple dynamics in media, the Killing Eve show itself worked with traditional elements of the trope, and anyone with more than two brain cells isn't going to accuse the producers of stealing other couples' dynamics because it just doesn't make any sense.
I was trying to do something nice by saying references of killing eve on the notes for those who also watched the show and missed the couple, only for the anon to ruin my afternoon with such a low accusation. I haven't really seen any other fic that has a Shapeshifter!Reader around here, but this is also a superpower present in hundreds of characters in the comics. No one owes that shit. If any other author decides to write something similar, please don't feel the least bit intimidated just because I have a series with the dynamic. I don't know what kind of idiot would be unhappy with seeing their favorite character get more fanfics, honestly.
Imagine saying that only one person is allowed to write enemies to lovers.
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