wolfasketch · 11 months
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Ohmigosh, actually OW Shapeshifter AU lore and not OC related stuff?? Okay, now to be serious.
Echo Rank: Omega(Ω) Animal: Hummingbird Status: Ex. Waterhole Flock, Morrison Clan Info: Traveled with Jesse for a bit(after he left Gabe) Joined the Flock after the first visit Ends up rejoining Jesse the same time Winston joins Morrison Clan
Illari Rank: Alpha(α) Animal: Black Jaguar Status: Wanderer/Traveler Info: Last of her Clan Can be found near the Tropical Dessert
Junker Queen Rank: Alpha(α) Animal: African Wild Dog Status: Ex. Traveler, Junker Pack 2.0 Info: Exiled from the first pack Rebuilt the pack near Roadhog and Junkrat
Kiriko Rank: Beta(β) Animal: Fox Status: Ex. Shimada Clan, Wanderer/Traveler Info: Healer & Fighter Left Shimada Clan after Genji's 'death' and Hanzo went 'missing' Lived with Blizzard Clan for a bit Ends up living near the Waterhole Flock
Ramattra Rank: Alpha(α) Animal: African Buffalo Status: Big Ass Meadow Info: Protector of the Big Ass Meadow Zenyatta's brother Helped chase Doomfist away
Sigma Rank: Omega(Ω) Animal: Bald Eagle Status: Talon Clan Info: Out-thinker Joins after Gabe leaves
Lifeweaver Rank: Beta(β) Animal: Peregrine Falcon Status: Ex. Niran Clan, Waterhole Flock Info: Left his old clan when he was young Baptiste's mate
Sojourn Rank: Beta(β) Animal: Lioness Status: Ex. Black/OverWatch, Wanderer/Traveler Info: Helped Jack chase Gabe off Left the waterhole with Ana and the others Left OverWatch later Hangs around the Big Ass Meadow
OverWatch belongs to Blizzard
OW ShapeShifter AU belongs to @overdrugs-mayhem
OW Shapeshifter AU Info: https://martiverse.wixsite.com/owshapeshifterau
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Vi prego ditemi chi siete che altri blog avete chi disegna in modo così ✨ineffabile ✨
BOI OH BOI preparati ad una lunga lista di blog ahahah A disegnare è principalmente @vanycat con a volte qualcosina di @martiverse9 Insieme abbiamo creato blog come archivio congiunto di ogni iperfissazione che attraversiamo, quindi ecco la lista!
Overwatch @overdrugs-mayhem Red Dead Redemption @racoonjohn Far Cry ¾ @farcrake Dragon Age @dragonfartart
Nell'iperfissazione di Good Omens, su questo blog, ci accompagna anche @nataswilde (ed è grazie a lei che siamo scivolate in questo baratro dhfsgdhfsdh)
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
“It’s fascist to eliminate DOE!” Americans are considered some of the most illiterate people and lack critical thinking skills on the planet since the DOE was made.
Boys are INTENTIONALLY throw under the bus since the public school system is purposely designed for girls style of learning. Fuck I’m 23 and I realize I only got any form of support because of my skintone.
And what we been getting, hmm, kids don’t know how to do taxes. We barely have any cooking lessons unless your lucky af. Most Americans can only read at a 3rd grade level and oh the big ones.
Teachers unions are corrupted af and we have rampant child sex abuse issues where 1 in 10 students REPORTED sexual misconduct. And how many headlines that boils down to “Teacher raped a male student” in one year alone?
And I’m African American, now I didn’t grow up in the inner cities. But I known the government don’t give two fucks about me(I live in the Chicago area too)
What wrong destroying the DOE? People call American schools a hell on earth and we been getting more stupid since the government interference. Oh shit I forgot, how many boys were overdrugged again? Sorry I don’t have Stockholm syndrome towards schools
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2013 not sure if there's anything more recent this was the one that popped up when I was looking for something different for that post
You'll notice that adjusted for inflation there is three times the money being spent per student now than there was in 1970 with a fairly static level on scoring, but you know that whole definition of insanity trying the same thing and expecting different results doesn't count when it comes to my tax dollars apparently.
There are understandable newer things that will increase the monetary need like ADA compliance, computers, and meal programs (which I wholeheartedly support, kids shouldn't go hungry drop the obama one tho I don't support that one it's garbage and kids were still hungry, how bad does it have to be for a kid to skip out on some of what might be all they eat that day) and various other improvements and such, big fan of air conditioning myself.
Still shouldn't triple the dollar number,
Also for the record the DOE was formed in 1979 so the numbers were already going up for spending when it came in.
Data presented to the Akron, Ohio, school board revealed not a single student from the school’s inaugural third-grade class — now entering eighth grade — has ever passed the state’s math test. “It is discouraging,” said Keith Liechty-Clifford, the district’s director of school improvement, in a model of understatement. State test scores in English and science are nearly as bad, and Black students at I Promise test in the bottom 5% of all Black students in Ohio.
Nice to see the people there making excuses instead of taking responsibility too, one more lesson in failure from this school.
I do hope they can figure it out though, I still have hopes for this one.
But if you've been around here for more than a few months you'll likely know I have hopes for everything to be better, I try to be very bright side oriented.
and in that vein, at least these kids get 3 hots 5 days a week maybe more so that's a W, less hungry kids is always a W
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tales-from-syscord · 6 months
a recent ask reminded me. I got banner from a ramcoa server bc someone else implied I wasn't upset enough about a mistake and was fetishizing drugging bc they too much weed (I misread the label and my partner insisted on a whole gummy) in an nsfw chat in a completely different server. bc I didn't like scream and cry about it ig??? I took care of them the whole time but whatever ig. I'm just sooo oooooohhhh dangerous and spooookyyyy.
they then decided I was too dangerous bc I didn't like people implying I was overdrugging my partner as a fetish when I was just handling another greenout, which just happens sometimes. but *I* was the dangerous one, not the person flat out stating I didn't care about my partner and gave them too much on purpose.
they're overrun by teens that think they know everything and spread misinformation anyway, so probably for the best.
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p0pcu1tur3d · 2 years
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What if Brian[yes, that's his name] was in the Overwatch Shapeshifter AU?
I was thinking he'd be a (1)Barn Owl, (2) Tiger, (3)Ape, (4)Mackenzie Valley Wolf, or a (5)Badger. I tried out the Barn Owl route and it turned out decent(ly shit🤣) Hope this gets noticed by @overdrugs-mayhem who is the author & originator of the whole AU. Along with @racoonjohn as well.
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Owl art credit - https://www.drawingtutorials101.com/how-to-draw-a-barn-owl-printable
Hair art credit - https://pin.it/3m1u3Oy
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simp1111111111111 · 2 years
So i know i'm suppose to put this in wattpad but it's really hard anyway so, it's a story where Muzan is just using Y/N as a sex toy for his wife, he was using Y/n and hating her to the point where she overdrugged herself and died from that, tho muzan knew his wife was cheating on him, and he loved Y/N he just had to be the selfish bitch he is an acted stubborn, in the end he regret it. 😒😒
Thank you whoever finds it hopefully 😭😭😍😍😍😍
Merry christmas everyone
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pouchnami · 22 days
high right now
overdrugged myself before going to the gym
now i cant sleep
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nathank77 · 1 month
12:11 p.m
This is my favorite shirt. And I'm feeling really good looking today. I'm still bogged down by my insomnia but it's been two nights I fell asleep without overdrugging myself despite it taking longer than it should. Hopefully this revolves. Let's cross our fingers that Metopolol causes insomnia and by tomorrow it'll be out of my system and it'll go back to normal otherwise I have to attribute it to subclinical hyperthyroidism... but right now it's the only symptom...
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anadrenalineslut · 1 year
something i heard going around a lot is "well depp was being abused, of course he wanted to hurt amber" as a way to excuse his behavior and bringing up parental abuse etc when trying to excuse the damning text messages.
first of all, abuse between two grown adults have a different reaction cycle than abuse between a parent and a child. the dynamics are NOT comparable because in order to manipulate someone into giving you total control over them as an adult, the process just... looks different.
children are built with an automatic deferral to their parents and love for their parents.
if ur in a relationship where ur constantly talking about how much u want to rape and kill them, ur the abuser. period.
secondly, i am not convinced abuse victims fantasize about raping and kill their partners. especially when the evidence points to the victims constantly minimizing the abuse they are experiencing because they are so in love with their partner they dont want to believe the worst of them.
it was so annoying and uneducated ignorant bullshit because when you are talking about kill and fucking burnt corpses while ur partner is crying to their mom about how much they love you and how they just want u to stop drinking because u get violent, you're not the one being victimized in that situation.
it was so fucking nasty and disgusting. this is one example of damning texts, we literally have proof of him admitting to overdrugging amber??????????????? and threatening her medical team to do what he wants or else they will be fired??????
like yall are so stupid and fall for ben shapiro bullshit and ruin a woman's life for what? a rapist.
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overdrugs-mayhem · 5 years
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jEsSe’s weAKneSs aRe hAnZO wEAk anKLesSSssss
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mcoxtonbro · 6 years
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This is the whole plot of the story. the end.
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wolfasketch · 9 months
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Shapeshifting Hana Bonus round
Protecting the elder and napping with uncle
OverWatch ShapeShifter AU belongs to @overdrugs-mayhem
OverWatch ShapeShifter AU Info: https://martiverse.wixsite.com/owshapeshifterau
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racoonjohn · 4 years
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Just so you know if we slip into this hell we are dragging all of you with us-
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dragonfartart · 4 years
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The only thing we told ourselves while making a new blog was “Hey, let’s not use a dash in the middle of it like in the last blog, keep it simple this time” and then we signed up with DRAGON-AGEGEGEGE 🤦
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xrainbowdawnx · 5 years
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Genji Favart from my favorite Overwatch AU by @overdrugs-mayhem
i haven't drawn anything from the AU in a llooonngggg time, and i miss it, but this is part of my goretober for this year and the theme is mauled, like genji was mauled by his brother hanzo.
I hope you enjoy! (c) me
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hamletva · 5 years
Ladies and gentlemen! The Wedding is finally here :D  So is it a joke by Gabriel or will Jack’s dream come true ? Find out in the next episode and final episode of The Wedding!  Comic by the ever so talented @overdrugs-mayhem 
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 // Part 5 // Part 6 // Part 7 // Part 8 // To be continued.
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