Eating to Extinction credits Bruce Pascoe as an Aboriginal writer and farmer for introducing him to Murnong. (Correct your errs, Dan Saladino)
In actuality, he is evidently white - as per his ancestry, ie. all four of his grandparents were English. Yet he goes so far in his claim to aboriginal identity that he wrote an award winning booking on indigenous history and practices and operates a huge farm and company selling indigenous produce that he refers to in said book.
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If you want to learn more about indigenous food culture, ie. more sustainable and nutritious eating -- look to actually indigenous people. That requires some work, but here's one example: Karlos Baca, an Indigenous Foods Activist from the Southern Ute Nation
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Karlos Baca, formerly a chef, and now a teacher says his students travel from places where there are more gas stations than grocery stores.
"'Here I'm teaching them how to survive the American food system.' Baca is on the front line of a food war, one being waged against indigenous people. The way he sees it, the first casualty is health. 'That's why we need to decolonise our diets,' he says."
"During the class, he took a handful of blue maize flour and mixed in some water, turning the grey-white powder into a deep purple porridge. To this, he added a pinch of burnt wood ash that made the colour of the maize more intense. With a small blade, he sliced tiny slivers from what looked like a gnarled and blackened piece of wood. 'I can tell you my life story through this one bowl,' Baca said, 'and this food can also show you what happened to my people.'"
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world-fresh-news · 1 year
Stanford Stages Epic Comeback to Beat Colorado in Double Overtime
The Stanford Cardinal pulled off a spectacular comeback to overcome the Colorado Buffaloes in double overtime, 46- 43, in a game of council football that will live in ignominy. After Colorado dominated the first half, leading 29- 0 at the break, the game took an unanticipated turn. With quarterback Ashton Daniels at the helm, Stanford pulled off an inconceivable comeback, scoring on each of its…
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bullet-prooflove · 6 months
Thinking of writing for Haven
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milflewis · 1 year
For fic title game: “knock on wood”
ok so. it's not like seb thought that lewis would come running to him when he retired. it's not like his first thought after good for him and a strange shaped thank you when lewis told him he was going to be announcing it was now that he can have lewis all to himself. now they can finally be something. lewis's retirement is about lewis. not — not lewis and him. except. except he did kind of maybe expect lewis to give him a call during the months after the season ended and lewis walked away from formula one. they text sure. but. but there's no calling. and there's no talk about what lewis is doing and for the first time since seb retired he doesn't know how to talk to lewis and at least then lewis was still there. lewis goes to a few fashion shows. a charity event. he swims somewhere warm and gets ice cream all over his face as his niece laughs off camera. seb is not stalking him. he's just. he's just keeping up to date for when they do call. jenson laughs himself sick down the line and has to call him back after he accidentally hangs up. he's in colardo mate. jenson says. fucking go see him if you want to so badly. seb swallows. what if he doesn't want me there. jenson's face is very serious. it's the closest seb has seen him to being angry in years. since when do you lie to yourself. and then: there is no lack of bravery in sebastian. isn't that what he said. where's that guy now.
seb counts to thirteen and back again before knocking on the smooth stained wood of lewis's front door. he has the aircode from when he stayed over a few years ago. the aftermath of that party wasn't the first time seb had sworn never to drink again but it was the first time he very nearly stuck to the promise. lewis is barefoot when he answers the door. his toenails are painted a sage green. sebastian's chest hurts. hi. lewis's eyes crinkle at the corners when he says hi back. clearly a lot confused but still delighted. face lit up at the sight of seb at his door.
we should do le mans. seb says into the side of lewis's neck. seeing where the skin goosebumps. he exhales again to watch it spread further. lewis laughs under his hands. arms loose around his shoulders. ok.
i'm hoping when you told me that you wouldn't fuck me that had more to do with me driving my car into your side a few hours earlier than you not wanting to fuck me at all. sebastian says. pulling back just a little to watch the lines around lewis's mouth deepen as he laughs. seb knows that relief. sebastian's thumb traces his dimple when he kisses him.
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nevermindtheweights · 8 months
big colardo <3
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ausetkmt · 1 year
CBS Colardo: Self-proclaimed white supremacist and convicted felon held on weapons charges after trying to establish "white private community" in Colorado
A Colorado man has been ordered held in federal detention and his 11 guns were seized after the FBI says he illegally possessed those guns. He allegedly professed Nazi and white supremacist sympathies and wanted to establish a "white private community," according to investigators, in Fremont County, southwest of Colorado Springs.
Chad Edward Keith, 41, has been charged with possession of a firearm by a prohibited person due to a previous federal weapons conviction. If convicted on the new charges, he could face a fine and up to 10 years in prison.
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Keith bought two adjacent properties and is alleged to have been planning to build a school for kids younger than high school-age with an "anti-Semitic curriculum." 
Eleven guns, along with ammunition, were seized at Keith's property by federal agents, including:
A .300 Magnum bolt action rifle with no serial number;
Mossberg 500 12-gauge shotgun;
Savage model 93 R17 17HMR caliber;
Glock 21 .45 caliber;
Scoped bolt action rifle with a hand-engraved serial number;
Winchester model 62A, .22 caliber;
Century Arms C308 Sporter;
Ruger 10/22 .22 long rifle;
Mossberg 590 12-gauge shotgun;
Century Arms WASR-10 7.62x39mm caliber;
Ruger Super Redhawk .44 magnum.
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Keith pled guilty in 2003 to one count of possessing a "destructive device," a felony, for which he was sentenced to four years in prison, according to the U.S. Department of Justice.
While his indictment doesn't detail that original conviction, news articles and court documents from 1999 through 2004 show a man with the same name and age as Keith having been charged and later convicted of planting a homemade bomb in the bathroom of Coushatta High School in Coushatta, Louisiana, where a Chad Edward Keith, 18 years old at the time, was a senior.
The bomb was detonated, causing damage to the school, but it was evacuated before it could go off and no one was injured, according to the Associated Press.
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Court records show Keith is being represented in the Colorado case by the Federal Public Defender's Office.
In his indictment, Keith allegedly expressed antisemitic viewpoints to the FBI informant. He "has described himself as both a "National Socialist" and a Nazi. I know from my training and experience that the term "national socialism" describes a white supremacy ideology consistent with Nazism," a special agent with the FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force wrote in her application for an arrest warrant.
Keith allegedly told the informant he has some "serious fucking concerns" that he would "absolutely" die for.
He's due back in court on June 12 and a jury trial has been set for July 24.
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jedynaprawdziwa · 2 years
Dyrektorka, E. zapytała mnie czy muszę wyjeżdżać z końcem czerwca, bo właściwie szkoła kończy się 7 lipca, potem jest taki tydzień, gdy mentorzy po prostu przebywają razem, dla integracji, zabawy, podsumowania roku szkolnego. Właściwie mogę zostać do połowy lipca, zapłacą mi normalnie.
Przeraża mnie wszystko, ta przyszłość którą chcę stworzyć. Jest początek lutego, jeżeli chcę prowadzić zajęcia od września/października to teraz jest moment, aby zacząć to reklamować i tworzyć. Boję się. Mam wielkie marzenie. Działanie fundacyjne, wspieranie rodziców i dzieci w każdym możliwym aspekcie, utrzymywanie fundacji z prowadzonej działalności: zajęcia dla dzieci i młodzieży, przede wszystkim język angielski metodą Picaro i hiszpański met. Colorin Colardo. Chciałabym, aby młodzi rodzice bez względu na swój status ale z chęciami mieli możliwość jak najlepszego wejścia w nową rolę. Wspieranie w okresie ciąży, przy porodzie, w karmieniu, przy pierwszych miesiącach. Dla dzieci, które zaczynają chodzić zajęcia rozwijające, sensoplastyka, obycie z materiałami, dźwiękiem, obrazami, słuchaniem. W czasie zajęć dla dzieci nieco starszych, gdy rodzice już nie będą w nich uczestniczyć zajęcia też dla rodziców, właśnie w ramach działalności fundacyjnej, aby pomóc w wychowaniu i rozwijaniu. Dla starszych wsparcie w edukacji domowej. W ramach działalności fundacyjnej chcę także dobrych psychologów, do wsparcia dla dzieci i młodzieży, ale też rodziców. Potem zajęcia lego, programowanie, muzyczne, plastyczne, językowe. Jakby to wszystko było jeszcze po angielsku lub w innych językach obcych to był oszalała ze szczęścia. Jeżeli tego chcę muszę zacząć to ogarniać. Nie wiem jak, za co się wziąć. Właściwie to coś wiem, najpierw powinnam się wczytać w rodzaje fundacji i wybrać jeden. Następnie spotkania z osobą, która pomoże mi stworzyć biznesplan. Zacząć starać się o dotacje, znaleźć budynek. Znaleźć studentów, wyszkolić studentów, chciałabym młody team, niewypalony, świeży, popełniający błędy, nie do końca pewni siebie, ale starający się, aby mogli też w tym wszystkim dojrzewać. Tak jak ja mając 19 lat zaczęłam w tym dojrzewać. 
Czyli cele:
- wspieranie rodziców w wychowaniu (także psychologiczne),
- wspieranie dzieci i młodzieży będących w procesie wychowania (także psychologiczne),
- promowanie edukacji domowej, wychowania w bliskości, poszanowaniu granic,
- wspieranie młodych ludzi w rozpoczynaniu ścieżki zawodowej, odkrywaniu siebie, pasji i umiejętności, także: wsparcie w procesach rekrutacji jako wychowawcy/animatorzy za granicą.
Muszę spisać to wszystko na papier, za niedługo spotkać z dwoma znajomymi chłopaka, jeden jest prawnikiem specjalizującym się w fundacjach, drugi aktywistą, który zajmuje się fundacjami, działalnościami pro bono na terenie miasta. Chcę otworzyć zbiórki, aby zacząć z czymś.
Zdałam prawie wszystkie egzaminy. Jednego nie zaliczyłam, nie mogłam wysłać, błąd programu, zdarza się. Zbliża się kolejny semestr. Liczę, że będzie dobrze. Może jakimś cudem będzie stypendium, choć nie liczę na to w tym momencie...
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machetemaiden27mcx · 2 years
10pm in colardo, hello my American friend, welcome to insomnia lmao🤣😘
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bluelineroofing · 4 months
Colorado insurance experts warn of roofing scammers who could take advantage after severe storms - CBS Colardo
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thedadvocates · 4 months
The Dadvocates - Challenging Injustices in the Courtroom
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The Dadvocates firm has locations in Denver Colardo and Woodland Hills, California and passionately defends fathers, challenging injustices in the courtroom with empathy and exceptional skill.
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zipwriting · 5 months
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Epiphany ⦁ Fidget : ability to stand still a. Low Fidget makes it hard to lie, failed passives tell you false observations of the world b. High Fidget boosts encyclopedia and face, suggessful passives tell you about how dry your socks are c. Crutch for Face (a crutch is when you don't have enough Vis Calc and rely on Perception, or don't have enough Drama and rely on Authority) ⦁ Encyclopedia : ability to know about the world a. Low Encyclopedia makes you treat people like tools, failed passives make you go "uh… contact mike…" b. High Encyclopedia will butt in with facts about people's worlds, and let you remember/guess what people like c. Invaluable d. Crutch for Blue Now ⦁ Multitasking : ability to do things and focus a. Low MT will allow skills to contradict each other, and snap at people due to oversensory b. High MT mediates and summarizes when two skills are arguing, and boosts Blue Now, makes you stay calm in stressful situations c. Crutch for Face ⦁ Transhumanism : ability to use technology a. Low MT makes portal hard to use, lowers Encyclopedia b. High MT Allows you to read texts from Papyrus, Treestache (writes like a dad), and Hobie c. Crutch for Bite Investigation ⦁ Suggestion : ability to ask people to do things a. I have always thought this skill is OP b. Low Suggestion makes you mean c. High Suggestion makes you able to make people answer questions d. Crutch for Bite ⦁ Connectedness : knowing what people are feeling a. Low connectedness makes you project panic and anger on people (ei : Kim is being quiet because he's unhappy with how the case is going.) b. High connectdness lets you read people's minds (failed roll makes it lie I think?) c. Crutch for Transhumanism ⦁ Rendez vous : ability to roll a white check to unlock "better" dialogue options a. Low Rendez Vous makes ballsy questions and dialogue have a lower chance to pass b. High RV lets you flirt (the suggestion of suggestion) c. Crutch for Transhumanism ⦁ Trop Cool : ability to return to people for new dialogue a. Low Trop Cool makes you desperate to be liked b. High Trop Cool makes you able to roll for new questions c. Crutch for Bite Manipulation ⦁ Face : ability to control your facial features a. "Kim is shaped like Composure" Nao is shaped like Face! b. Low Face makes Elys look impatient, Nao look impassive, Hickory look judgemental, and Colardo look mean c. High Face lets you lie d. Crutch for Fidget ⦁ Liquid Smooth : ability to gloss over awkwardness and fast travel a. Explains what characters mean or jokes about what they said. Warns you if Nao is nearby b. Low LS makes people hold grduges against you for choosing wacky dialogue, failed passive checks project fear and anger c. High LS let's you joke around with people d. Crutch for Rendez Vous ⦁ Bite : ability to hyperempathize a. Low bite makes you say stupid things b. High bite makes you say mean things, pushing people, or putting them on their left foot to make them react in an honest way c. Crutch for Rendez Vous ⦁ Blue Now : stop! observe the situation (a very important passive) a. Will butt in with observations b. Low Blue Now will make you unable to read in the dark, find other ways of doing things c. High Blue Now will put people at ease d. Crutch for encyclopedia
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okgooglenews · 6 months
Monday morning commute will be challenging, CDOT warns - 9News.com KUSA
* Monday morning commute will be challenging, CDOT warns  9News.com KUSA * Denver weather: Where, when and how much snow to expect in Colorado Sunday  FOX 31 Denver * Colorado expected to see heavy snow  CBS Colardo * WEATHER ALERT: Blizzard conditions Sunday PM through Monday AM  KRDO * Snow, freezing overnight temperatures could affect early morning commute in Colorado Springs  Colorado Springs Gazette http://dlvr.it/T4ZP2R
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rebeleden · 10 months
Watch "Officers CAUGHT LAUGHING at brutal arrest of woman with dementia (BODYCAM)" on YouTube
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stevishabitat · 1 year
CBS Colardo: Elijah McClain death: Officer Randy Roedema guilty, former officer Jason Rosenblatt not guilty
The 23-year-old died after first responders got a call of a suspicious person walking down the street. They found McClain on Aug. 24, 2019, wearing a mask and carrying groceries when they arrived at Colfax Avenue and Billings Street. Jason Rosenblatt, Randy Roedema and another officer all were indicted by a grand jury for forcibly restraining McClain in a violent struggle that was captured on police body cam video. They face felony charges of criminally negligent homicide, manslaughter and second-degree assault, however, the jury had the option to convict on lesser charges which they did in the case of Roedema where they found him guilty on third-degree assault.
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mystlnewsonline · 1 year
LPR Construction, Inc. Recognized by the US Department of Labor
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U.S. Department of Labor Recognizes Colorado Structural Steel Erector, LPR Contruction, Inc. for 25 Years of Safety, Health Excellence, and Renews its Star Designation. Washington, DC (STL.News) The U.S. Department of Labor released the following information on July 3, 2023: LPR Construction Inc. continues its history of high standards for employee protection: Participant: LPR Construction Inc., 1171 Des Moines Avenue, Loveland, Colardo 80537 Description: The U.S. Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration has again awarded Star designation in its Voluntary Protection Program to LPR Construction Inc., a structural steel erector in Loveland.  OSHA recognized the company for having outstanding vehicle safety management, fall protection, and pre-task planning programs.  The company has maintained its star designation for 25 years. Background: The VPP Star is OSHA's highest level of recognition of employers and workers who have employed effective safety and health management systems and kept injury and illness rates below the Bureau of Labor Statistics industry averages.  VPP programs bring company management, site employees, and OSHA together to work proactively to focus on hazard prevention and control, worksite analysis, training, management commitment, and worker involvement to prevent fatalities, injuries, and illnesses. Prospective VPP participants apply to OSHA for consideration and then undergo a rigorous onsite evaluation by a team of safety and health professionals.  Learn more about the VPP. Duration: LPR Construction Inc.'s VPP Star certification has been renewed for three years. Quote: "For a quarter century LPR Construction Inc. has been a recognized leader in employee safety and health.  They are an exemplary industry leader, and their commitment to excellence in fall prevention and protection is impressive," explained OSHA Regional Administrator Jennifer Rous in Denver.  "As we renew their status for another three years, OSHA salutes the company's commitment to keeping workers safe." SOURCE: U.S. Department of Labor Read the full article
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nevermindtheweights · 7 months
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