#eating to extinction
Eating to Extinction credits Bruce Pascoe as an Aboriginal writer and farmer for introducing him to Murnong. (Correct your errs, Dan Saladino)
In actuality, he is evidently white - as per his ancestry, ie. all four of his grandparents were English. Yet he goes so far in his claim to aboriginal identity that he wrote an award winning booking on indigenous history and practices and operates a huge farm and company selling indigenous produce that he refers to in said book.
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If you want to learn more about indigenous food culture, ie. more sustainable and nutritious eating -- look to actually indigenous people. That requires some work, but here's one example: Karlos Baca, an Indigenous Foods Activist from the Southern Ute Nation
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Karlos Baca, formerly a chef, and now a teacher says his students travel from places where there are more gas stations than grocery stores.
"'Here I'm teaching them how to survive the American food system.' Baca is on the front line of a food war, one being waged against indigenous people. The way he sees it, the first casualty is health. 'That's why we need to decolonise our diets,' he says."
"During the class, he took a handful of blue maize flour and mixed in some water, turning the grey-white powder into a deep purple porridge. To this, he added a pinch of burnt wood ash that made the colour of the maize more intense. With a small blade, he sliced tiny slivers from what looked like a gnarled and blackened piece of wood. 'I can tell you my life story through this one bowl,' Baca said, 'and this food can also show you what happened to my people.'"
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chocochipbiscuit · 1 year
So I've been reading Eating to Extinction: The World's Rarest Foods and Why We Need to Save Them by Dan Saladino, and really enjoying it so far! The writing is engaging and I find the topic interesting, especially as he talks about how the loss of biodiversity risks us losing traditional foodways and more vulnerable to crop losses due to disease and climate change.
I've heard of the Svalbard Global Seed Vault before, but never the world's first seed bank: the Vavilov Institute, founded in 1921 by a Russian scientist dedicated to ending world hunger. His ideas fell out of favor with Stalin and he was sent to a prison camp in 1940. During WW2, though:
….his seed collection came close to being lost as the German Army blockaded Leningrad in a 28-month siege. The Soviets had plans in place to save works of art from the city’s galleries but had done little to protect the seed bank. The Nazis, however, recognised its potential as a future food resource and saw the institute as an asset they needed to target. Fortunately, Vavilov had so inspired his fellow scientists that they moved hundreds of boxes of seeds to a basement and took shifts inside the dark building, in the sub-zero temperatures, to protect he collection. What happened next is well known to botanists, but it’s a story we should all know.
Surrounded by seeds they could have eaten, the caretakers of the collection faced hunger rather than jeopardize the genetic resource. By the end of the 900-day siege, in the spring of 1944, nine of them had died of starvation, including the curator of the rice collection. He was found at his desk surrounded by bags of rice. ‘We were students of Vavilov,’ one survivor said, explaining their heroic efforts to protect the seeds. By then, Nikolai Vavilov was already dead. In 1943, at the age of fifty-five, he was claimed by the very thing he had spent his life working to prevent: starvation. He died in a Soviet prison and was buried in an unmarked grave.
This book includes foods thought to have gone extinct, but which have been brought ‘back to life’ and restored to farmers’ fields because their seeds were collected by Vavilov and his colleagues and kept safe inside the institute. Nearly a century after his dead, a new generation is following in Vavilov’s footsteps.
Just!!! How is this not amazing? It’s sad and heroic and all I can think about is the strength of purpose it must have been to been literally dying of starvation while surrounded by the food that could have saved their lives, but still holding on to hope that these could be useful to replenishing food after the war, and for future generations.
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sandflakedraws · 6 months
How about Floyd, who came back as promised, hugging little Branch who just saw Grandma Rosiepuff get taken/eaten by the Bergen Chef?
Or how about Floyd, who came back as promised only to find the Troll Tree devoid of life and Rosiepuff's pod empty, going grey as he mourns baby Branch whom he thinks got eaten?
Hey so! Totally fun (and not hurtful at all) fact-!
For Trolls Band Together, the story the writers wanted to go with (according to the Artbook and novelization), implies that Brozone's disbandment happens before Bergen Town is even a thing, which has such severe implications to me.
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tfw you return to your home to find that
actually, the forest that sheltered you is eradicated, replaced with a giant town whose occupants' sole form of joy consists of devouring you.
the tree that served as your home is the only thing left of that forest, and it is decayed, withered, and desiccated... displayed in the middle of the town in a cage.
your pod, your home, is empty. every home around it is empty too. there are no trolls in sight.
as far as you know, everyone that used to be here is gone. or dead. most likely dead.
you will never see them ever again.
you were just a teenager.
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medicalunprofessional · 10 months
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give this poor animal the long hair and nails and teeth it deserves ☹️aggggrrRRRR.Obsessed with this look im only drawing it like this from now on
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housecow · 7 months
the problem with me working around fossils is that when i see a mollusk my first thought isn’t “wow how did this thing live” but “holy shit that would’ve been delicious”
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It seems my planetary welfare course is fighting the harmful "noble savage" sterotype by uh... saying that the savages were never noble at all! Humans were always harmful and causing irreparable damage to our environment actually. It's really trying to hammer in that humans have caused hundreds of extinctions ever since we evolved and everywhere we went which is definitely a take I'm not sure how to feel about
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the-witchhunter · 7 months
AU where Sam and Danny use their access to the ghost zone to bring back the extinct banana variety artificial banana flavor is based on
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runawaymarbles · 2 months
Something under-explored in fantasy is the effect over-hunting monsters has on the food chain.
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story-stew · 1 month
I know they’ll probably be SO SIMILAR but ENA x Fem!Reader headcanons please? ✨
Aa hello! I'll try to do a little spin on it to make them different! Thank you for asking!
AND--I'm sorry for the super super long wait!
Now onto the thingy
‎‧₊˚✧[ ENA w/ a Female!
Reader ]✧˚₊‧
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(🎭🌙👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨💭) - ENA headcanons
(reader type) - AFAB / Feminine)
‧₊˚ ⋅ 𓐐𓎩 ‧₊˚ ⋅
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♨ Unlike the Male!Reader headcanons, ENA actually understands how women work
♨ you guys talk about girly things, like summoning demons at slumber parties or planning out ways to fight other Gods
♨ ENA quite literally towers over you, so sometimes she picks you up and carries you around however you'd like
♨ Like I said in the last one, you guys go everywhere together
♨ You explored the Hourglass Meadow and the Mannequin Expanse while you waited to escape the Holy Code Portal Thingy
♨ You also managed to make friends with Shepherd, Radical Phindoll, Mariya, and Gabo (you think Mariya's your friend..)
♨ You guys like trying on different outfits to mix things up a bit (you both always rock them)
♨ Journies to places are extensive but rewarding. You love getting to see different parts of your world
♨ (The wackier the better)
♨ For example, you guys enjoy revisiting old places like the Backroom Labyrinth
♨ Even if Merci and Robert said it was dangerous..
♨ Also, your conversations never make sense.
❝ ENA, have you seen that Hourglass Dog thingy? I promised it I would take it to the theatre this afternoon.
❝ Oh, yes! If I recall correctly, I left it with the talking tree for it to babysit.
❝ You what.
♨ But you both make sure that you're mentally stable for all your tomorrows <3
♨ And, with Moony, too, you all make an unstoppable force
- - - - - - -
‧₊˚ ⋅ 𓐐𓎩 ‧₊˚ ⋅
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brakish-tea · 1 year
Tma enjoyers, reblog this post with fears you feel like you'd be marked by and the experience that gave you said mark. I saw a post like this a while back and I found it interesting.
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scrooges-greasy-toes · 2 months
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pls ignore small disgusted Dewey I can’t find what layer he’s on he has nothing to do with Webby in fact he was reacting to Huey’s long lanky dream legs but I CANNOT FOR THE LIFE OF ME FIND HIS LAYER TO GET RID OF HIM HELP
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wallofshrek · 15 days
imagine if salmon run is disabled forever after the big run because we killed literally all the salmonids and stole ONE BILLION of their eggs
like "oops! you all overfished too hard! there's no more salmonids to take eggs from!"
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i-used-to-be-a-spy · 3 months
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Jeffrey Donovan in the movie Extinction
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Cattle Decapitation - We Eat Our Young
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nando161mando · 4 months
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housecow · 4 months
Would you want to travel sometime in the future? Not just the US, but the world in general? Europe for instance.
yes!! i actually have a trip to italy set up for next year :)) idk about much more than that, grad school will be a massive time commitment but… i will get to do some traveling due to the nature of the program, sooo 🥳
i’d love to visit germany, too!! so many cool fossils, i very much want to see the solnhofen limestone and the associated museums—where the first beautifully preserved archaeopteryx was found!!!
also, as a personal goal. i wanna go to mongolia…… i am a huge fan of wide open space and i want to eat horse in their native habitat
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