#colette descoteaux
au-ra-babygirl · 5 months
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The trifecta is complete!
Masa, Sholi, and Colette all looking happy/excited about something.
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tltravis · 5 years
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Today’s the last day to grab these deals! ❤️♡🏳️‍🌈♡🧡♡🏳️‍🌈♡💛♡🏳️‍🌈♡💚♡🏳️‍🌈♡💙♡🏳️‍🌈♡💜 Isolation Reading Survival Plan A book a day will help beat the boredom of being stuck at home! 58+ gay romance authors have come together to discount their books to only 99c (plus a few freebies) so you won't have to break the bank to stock up on some great reading! There are over 100 books on sale! https://becausetwomenarebetterthanone.com/isolation-reading-survival-plan Participating authors include: BL Maxwell, Drake LaMarque, Brina Brady, E.M. Leya, Julia McBryant, BJ Smyth, DK Sutton, Colette Davison, Nero Seal, J. Hali Steele, Emma Jaye, Sean Kerr, Claire Castle, LE Franks, Wendy Rathbone, HM Wolfe & EL Nelson, J. Scott Coatsworth, Morticia Knight, M.M. Wilde, Louisa Masters, Elizabeth Noble, K. Evan Coles, Alexa Land, Eden Winters, TL Travis, Lisa Henry, CJane Elliott, Rain Carrington, Kris Jacen, Miski Harris, Elle Keaton, Eliot Grayson, Helena Stone, A.D. Ellis ,Michelle Frost, Lane Hayes, A. Nybo, Julia Talbot, BA Tortuga, Teegan Loy, Sara York, Riley Hart, Nyrae Dawn/Riley Hart, Lynn Michaels, Annabella Michaels, Josh Lanyon, Beth Laycock, Noah Steele, SL Perrine, Posy Roberts, Rebecca Thein, Lee Quail, Anna Martin, Charley Descoteaux, Stephani Hecht, Devon Vesper, Abigail Kade, Shane K Morton, Drea Roman and Nic Starr ❤️♡🏳️‍🌈♡🧡♡🏳️‍🌈♡💛♡🏳️‍🌈♡💚♡🏳️‍🌈♡💙♡🏳️‍🌈♡💜 https://www.instagram.com/p/B-C-fNeAyp_/?igshid=p4tlb012xkzo
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au-ra-babygirl · 3 months
5. How did you figure out your oc's identity?
🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈PRIDE THEMED OC ASK GAME🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️
I mostly go on vibes tbh.
Masa felt young-ish and is newly coming into themself away from their parents, so it made sense for them to experiment with their identity a bit. She's still uncertain of who she is and who they want to be, but Sholi is helping a lot. As for their sexuality, she hasn't exactly labeled it but would technically be panromantic demisexual.
Sholi felt like a woman to me, but not a cis woman. I have another intersex character on a different blog, and their condition (Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome) seemed like a good fit. Her sexuality is still unknown to me, but I think she leans lesbian. Maybe a bi lesbian?
Colette felt cis but not straight (very few of my ocs are cis and straight lol). Once I designed her, she gave me strong lesbian vibes, and I rolled with that.
Augustine is Colette's fraternal twin and I've wanted to write trans twins for some time now, so Augustine is a trans man who met the others at a trans meet up (I met some of my now closest friends through a local trans coalition, so I used that as a basis for their meeting) and introduced his sister to the rest of them. He mostly likes men, so I think he's a gay man.
Blyss is partly me genderwise. Lol. I've recently discovered I'm demifluid, and Blyss is a genderfluid person who's expression changes depending on the day (which is also kind of me; I exclusively use they/them pronouns but how I present kind of changes depending on the day). He's also likely pansexual
Zevri was interesting. I read up on veira culture and the fact that basically veira choose their sex fascinated me, so I wanted someone who had originally chosen one thing and ultimately decided on another. Her sexuality is something I'm also not entirely sure about. She's definitely sapphic, but beyond that, idk.
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au-ra-babygirl · 5 months
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Confused twins are confused.
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au-ra-babygirl · 5 months
Dinner with Friends (Pt. 2)
Dinner continues to pass smoothly and before long the dinner is over. This time, Augustine and Colette are determined to pay for the meal, and since no one else is protesting, Masa decides to let it slide this time. Maybe one day they’d be wealthy enough to pay for everyone’s meal, but until that day came, she would have to accept the generosity for what it was.
As everyone ventures off, Masa is left alone with Sholi. They walk around absently before landing at the beach. Sholi bends down to take off her shoes, feeling the cooling sand beneath her toes. Masa does the same. “Tonight was fun,” Sholi says after a brief moment of silence.
Masa nods. “It was. Can I ask though, are all your friends, uh, trans or did you just invite the ones who were to meet me?”
Sholi laughs. “No. No, most of my friends are. Colette is the token cis. She is gay though, so there’s that.”
“Did you do that on purpose?”
“Not exactly.” Sholi puts her hands behind her back in what shouldn’t be a distracting way but is. “When I first came here, I was lonely and wanted to make some friends who wouldn’t look at me weird for being intersex. I found a notice on the marketboard one day asking for trans folk to meet up among their own kind and just talk. At first I didn’t think it was for me, but after a little consideration, I figured the worst they could do was tell me intersex didn’t count. So I went and ended up meeting Zevri, who introduced me to the others.”
“Zevri’s the viera, right?” Masa double checks. “I think I got everyone’s names but I’m not entirely sure.”
Sholi giggles. “Yeah, Zevri’s the Viera. Colette and Augustine are the Elezens, and Blyss is the Roegadyn.”
“A strange assortment you have there,” Masa comments. “I mean, not… not weird, just… I don’t think I’ve even known so many different races to interact together, you know?”
Sholi hums. “I get it. Gridania and Limsa are pretty diverse compared to a lot of places. And now we have an Au Ra friend.”
They blush once more. Were they always this blushy or did Sholi bring it out in them like no one else could? “I’d like that. To be friends.” And maybe more, but it felt like rushing things to say as much now. Or maybe that was how normal people did it? She wasn’t sure.
“I would too,” Sholi replies. “I, uh, I’d also be open to being more than that.”
Masa blinks. “More than… you would?”
Now it’s Sholi’s turn to look flustered. “I mean, only if you’re interested. I just think you’re really cute, and I’d like to get to know you better. Regardless of whether it’s as friends or something more.”
“I think I’d like that,” Masa says after a moment of processing. “I, um, I’ve never really… dated though, so I’m not sure what you’d be expecting from me.”
Sholi nods. “That’s fine. Honestly, I haven’t dated all that much myself.”
“Really? I would’ve thought… I mean-”
Sholi laughs. “I get it. I mean, I have dated. Uh,” she side-eyes Masa, seeming to debate whether she should admit what she’s about to say. Her ears and tail droop. “I dated Zevri for a while, but we decided we were better off as friends.”
“You did?” Masa hadn’t noticed anything about their interactions that suggested they were once more than friends, but they supposed that could happen. Just because the books they had read tended to involve nasty breakups didn’t mean all breakups were nasty.
“Yeah. It sucked at the time, but I guess I understand it now. I wasn’t… ready, in some sense, to be in a relationship. I don’t know if I am now either, but it feels right. Something about you feels right.”
Masa blushes brightly once again. She wants to jump for joy and declare yes, they’ll be her… girlfriend? Date… person… what did one call a girlfriend that might not be a girl? “What makes you think this will be any different? I don’t… I probably wouldn’t know if something’s amiss.”
She sighs slowly, looking up at the starry night sky. “I dunno. It just… it feels different. With her, it was like jumping into the deep end of a whirlpool. It was fast and chaotic and I loved her too quickly. She needed me to slow down, and I wasn’t sure what I needed. I just wanted her, you know? With you, slow feels like it might be a good thing.”
“Should I be insulted?” Masa jokes.
“What? No! No, I… why are you laughing?”
Masa giggles at how quickly Sholi seems to get flustered by her terrible joke. “I didn’t mean to imply anything. I just… I dunno. Humor makes scary situations seem less scary sometimes.”
“Maybe not scary exactly, but… new. Very new.”
“You know,” Sholi says, linking their arms together. “You thought I’d dated a lot before but you haven’t. Does that mean you’ve never dated anybody or…?”
Masa shrugs. “Kind of? I think I technically dated someone when I was younger, but it didn’t feel like much of a date. Just kinda us hanging out and doing things together that newly teenage kids do.”
Sholi nods slowly. “I see. Does that mean you’ve never been kissed?”
“It does,” Masa admits sheepishly. “I know I’m too old to have never had a first kiss, but-”
“Nonsense. You’re not too old. You’re, what, in your twenties? A first kiss shouldn’t have to happen when you’re a teenager, still learning what you want in the world.”
They suppose that made sense, but they still feel awkward. Sholi, despite claiming to have little dating experience, had at least done that much. What did that say about them? That they were frigid? They didn’t want to be considered frigid. “Sorry.”
“Don’t be. There’ll be plenty of time for you to get a first kiss in the future, if you want one that is.”
They glance around thoughtfully. “I think I’d like one. Someday.”
Sholi nods. “Then someday you shall have one. There’s just one more thing I want to clear up.” Masa tilts their head curiously. “I, um, have you ever heard the term polyamorous?”
Masa thinks back through the expansive dictionary in their head, trying to remember if they’d heard that word anywhere before. It takes a moment, but it eventually comes to them. “It means liking more than one person, right? Like, dating them and stuff.”
Another nod from Sholi. “It does. I, uh, ever since I was young, I’ve considered myself to be as such. Is that a deal breaker?”
“Are you dating anyone right now?” Masa finds themself asking. 
Sholi shakes her head. “Not at the moment. I, uh, I do still love Zevri though. More than I probably should given we broke up months ago.”
Masa does some mental math without meaning to. Sholi had said she moved here a few months ago, but they broke up a few months ago. It couldn’t have been a long relationship, but they suppose they can understand still desiring someone you only dated a short period of time.
“Yes,” Sholi says as Masa realizes they haven’t commented yet, “it was a very short relationship, but it was a whirlwind of one. I… I just wanted someone who understood me and my situation. She’s perisex, the opposite of intersex, but she’s trans, so I thought maybe she’d get it. And she did, but… I pressured myself into rushing things, and she caught on. Realized I was in over my head and broke up with me.”
“Did you love her then? Or did that develop later?”
“Little of both, if that makes any sense. I knew I cared for her and wanted to please her, but I was insecure and not a very good partner. I fell more in love with her after we broke up because of how kind and generous and beautiful she is.”
“Would it help or make things worse if I said I found her attractive?”
Sholi laughs, bright and loud. Nearby a hermit crab scuttles back into the ocean. “I’m not sure. I think it makes it better though. I could see the two of you getting along pretty damned well, all things considered.” She rests her head against Masa’s shoulder. “If you wanted to make a move on her too, once you get comfortable that is, I wouldn’t be opposed. Maybe we could all be polyamorous together? But I’m getting ahead of myself. This is what I did before too, and it didn’t help.”
“I think I’m starting to understand,” Masa comments. “It’s less about you pressuring yourself and more about getting too excited and jumping into things without thinking.”
“I think you might be on to something,” Sholi says after a long moment. “If I start doing that to you, please let me know. I don’t… I understand why we broke up, but it still hurt like a bitch, y’know?”
Masa nods. “Of course. I’m… I’m not good at recognizing things like that, but I will do my best to call it out if and when I see it.”
Sholi smiles. “I’d like that. Thank you.”
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au-ra-babygirl · 5 months
Colette Descoteaux
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General Info
Name: Colette Descoteaux
Gender: cis woman
Pronouns: She/her
Race: Elezen, Duskwight
Age: Late Twenties
Nameday: 30th Sun of the 3rd Astral Moon
Guardian: Azeyma
Height: 6’6” / 198 cm
Build: very tall with muscular arms and calves
Skin: Pale blue
Eyes: a reddish pink similar to her hair color.
Clothing: Currently mostly simple, inexpensive things. Grew up in poverty so she tends to wear things until they wear out and only then does she buy something new (rinse, repeat). Likes shorts and t-shirts most of the time. 
Gear: scepter for casting spells.
Occupation: Freelance adventurer
Temperament: Quiet. Shy. Introverted. Tends to stick to herself unless dragged somewhere by her friends.
Religious: Somewhat. Prays to Azeyma and visits shrines/temples/etc in his name, but doesn’t do it on a regular basis.
Hobbies: Reading.  Journal writing.
Habits: Writes in her journal daily.
Fears: Not being good enough.
Strengths: Loyalty.
Weaknesses: Shy.
Hopes and Desires: To live up to her family’s high standards.
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au-ra-babygirl · 5 months
Colette and Augustine have namedays within days of each other (one on the 27th and one on the 30th). As such, their parents tended to celebrate their namedays as one on the 28th. This is a habit that always irked them, especially once the family became wealthy and there was no reason to celebrate them together anymore.
Nowadays, they tend to celebrate their given namedays individually, but share a drink together on the 28th. The 28th is also when they got their matching facial tattoos.
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au-ra-babygirl · 5 months
Dinner with Friends (Pt. 1)
It’d been three days since they arrived in Limsa Lominsa and met Sholi. Two days since meeting Colette.
In that time, she'd done a few little assignments for the Arcanist's Guild and run a few errands for local people. It's earned her enough gil to pick up a couple new outfits, which were currently laid out on her bed as she cups her chin thoughtfully. What to wear?
Sholi (and Colette?) would be coming to pick her up in, she glances at the clock, about half an hour. Shit.
Okay. Deciding time. She had her usual dress that Sholi had seen her in twice now, so that was out. She grabs the dress and tosses it aside. 
Two outfits left. That was easier. Probably.
One is a lengthy dress (she'd yet to work up the nerve to buy anything not explicitly feminine) and the other a slightly shorter dress that required leggings. Which would impress more? Which would make a better first impression on the folks she would be meeting today?
She decides to try on both. The shorter one ends up being a little more revealing than she's comfortable in at this point, so she decides to go with the longer one.
About the time she's pulling on her shoes, a knock sounds at her door. “One sec!” She hurriedly pulls on her other boot and gives herself a once over in the mirror, smoothing down her hair as she does. She looks as good as she’s going to get at this point and moves to open the door.
Sholi stands alone on the other side, her tail waving eagerly. “Hello. You look nice. Are you ready to go?”
Masa blushes faintly. “Um, thank you. Yes, I am.”
The walk to the restaurant is easy enough as by now Masa had grown close enough to feel comfortable in the silence as they listen to Sholi speak, only interjecting as needed or desired. Sholi doesn’t seem to mind, continuing to gesture wildly with her hands as she explains the people who’ll be at the dinner. Apparently not all of them started off as mages, but all of them were capable of magic in some way. That’s actually kind of reassuring.
When they arrive, Sholi leads them to a table where four people are seated and introduces each of them in turn. “You’ve met Colette,” Sholi starts, “beside her is Augustine, her brother. Uses he/him pronouns.” Augustine is shorter than his sister but with darker hair and skin tone. His eyes are more blue than reddish. He also has the same tattoos as Colette, though in a different color. Masa wonders what their parents look like. “Zevri is the viera. She/her.”
Zevri is cute too with large flurry (and touchable looking) black ears and hair. Her eyes are also blue and very pretty. Masa waves shyly. The woman gives her a two-fingered wave in return. “And lastly, Blyss. Any pronouns.” The final woman is even taller than Colette with a skin tone similar to Masa’s own. Her eyes are a pretty shade of brown, and she’s incredibly muscular looking. Masa can’t help but be envious. Despite all her work on the farm, she never developed much muscle tone.
“Hello. I’m Masa. Uh, I use… I guess they/she? She/they? I’m still kinda figuring that out.”
“No judgment here,” Zevri says when it becomes apparent no one else is going to talk. “I’ve been there. So has Augustine.”
He nods, saying simply. “Trans man. She’s a trans woman.”
Masa looks between the two. They don’t exactly intend to look for signs that show the pair were born as the opposite gender, but they do so regardless. “I never would’ve guessed.”
“No offense, but that’s not the compliment you think it is,” Zevri comments. “Not everyone wants to pass. I certainly don’t care if I do, though Augustine puts more effort into it than I do.”
Masa looks at him. He shrugs. “Got a point.”
They look down then force themself to look back up. “My apologies. I’m, uh, there’s not… I mean there is, but I’ve never really… I’m new to all this.”
Augustine waves them off. “Don’t worry. We’ve all been there, but it’s still something to keep in mind when meeting new people.”
They nod. “Right. Of course. Sorry again.”
Sholi pulls out a chair beside Colette and sits leaving Masa to squeeze in between her and Augustine. “So all of you are mages?” Masa asks, partially to change the subject from their awkwardness but also because she was genuinely curious.
Blyss shakes her head. “Technically yes, but I’m still pretty new to it. I’m a monk first and foremost. The rest of ‘em are like you though.”
“Well, not exactly like you,” Colette points out. “I’m a thaumaturge. Augustine started off as an arcanist though.”
“Indeed, I did, and with a great deal of study, I’m now a summoner,” he explains. “Still the same concept, but much more unique creatures.”
Masa’s eyes widen in delight. “I’ve heard of that. I’m not capable of it yet, myself, but I’m very eager to learn more about it.”
Augustine nods. “It’s something you’ll pick up on after quite a bit of training, if Sholi and Colette’s assessment of you is correct. The standard carbuncle is good to start off with, but they aren’t the most powerful little creatures when it comes down to it. Once you rise through the ranks, you’ll be able to modify them ever so slightly to make them your own.”
Augustine nods. He pulls out a worn looking arcanist’s tome, flipping through the pages to one near the back. He puts a hand out to the side and summons a thing that looks very much like Biscuit, but slightly different between them. The color is similar to Masa’s but significantly bigger. “They look very similar, but they become significantly more powerful than the average carbuncle.”
“Fascinating.” Masa reaches out to touch it, noting that it feels exactly like Biscuit. “And the bigger they are, the more powerful they are?”
“In theory, yes.”
“I’ll be able to do this one day?”
“Also, in theory, yes.”
“Neat!” They were already excited to be more involved in the Arcanist community, but the knowledge that Biscuit would be able to get bigger if they were makes them even moreso.
The conversation switches soon after that and a waitress appears to take their orders. Masa orders a kind of fish that seems local to the region (if only because she’s never seen it on a menu back home). Somehow, without her knowledge or permission, the conversation switches back to gender as a whole.
“So when did you know?” Masa finds herself asking Augustine and Zevri. “I mean, I can barely figure out any of this stuff. I always heard that you should just know from a young age.”
Augustine winces. “So my story isn’t going to make you feel any better.” Masa tilts her head. “I’ve known I was a boy since I was aware what gender was. Our parents struggled with the concept a lot, so it wasn’t until I was a teenager that I was finally allowed to experiment with being a boy and wear boy clothes.”
“I found out when I was a teenager,” Zevri replies. “There’s a ceremony that all viera go through when they turn thirteen where we basically choose our gender. I thought I wanted to be a boy, but the more I spent time alone in the wilderness, the more I realized that I actually want to be a girl. So when I went back for mating and finding new jacks, I told everyone that I wanted to be a girl instead. It went pretty well. My culture doesn’t exactly have a concept of ‘transgender’ the way yours does, but it’s still not common for one to change the gender they chose at thirteen.”
Masa looks thoughtful at Zevri’s explanation. “I don’t think I could’ve known. My parents didn’t treat me like a girl specifically. They let me choose what I wanted to wear and didn’t limit my toys or books or whatever-”
“Y’all are weird,” Zevri interjects. “Gender is weird outside of viera culture.”
“Yes,” Masa agrees. “But like I was saying, I was always kind of neutral when it came to gender, but I never explicitly thought of it that way. It wasn’t until recently that I began to realize maybe something was off about me, but-”
“Nothing is off about you,” Colette interjects. “No matter what your gender is or isn’t, you’re still Masa and we’ll still respect you no matter what.”
Tears begin to blossom in their eyes, and they wipe at them with the back of their wrist before Blyss offers them a napkin. They take it and dab at their eyes. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t-I’m not-”
Sholi places a hand on their back, rubbing small circles along their upper back. “It’s okay. We understand. Gender is hard - unless you’re a viera apparently - and it can take time to understand how it applies to you.”
Masa nods, sniffling. “I know, but I feel like I should have it all figured out. I’m not a kid anymore.”
Augustine snorts. “No one has this shit figured out. I tend to prefer he/him now, but I went through a phase where I wasn’t entirely sure either. I tried out they/them and he/they as a teenager before realizing that they wasn’t for me.”
They look up cautiously. “And that’s okay?”
“Of course that’s okay,” Zevri says. “It’s okay to question yourself. It’s okay to not be sure. And whatever you eventually settle on will be okay too, whether that’s she/they, they/them, or even she/her.”
They look down, dabbing at their eyes as tears threaten once more. “Thank you.” Their voice is softer and thicker than they’d like to admit, but no one comments on it.
Sholi moves her arm to rub along Masa’s. “It’s okay. If you like, we’ll be happy to help you as much as you want or need.” Masa sniffles again. “Most of us have been where you are and we understand. If you need or want to talk to us about any of this, we’re here for you.”
Masa peeks up and notices nods around the table at Sholi’s words. They struggle not to burst into tears. “Thank you. Again.”
They feel someone else touch their knee, giving it a gentle squeeze before pulling away. They glance up at Augustine, who’s nursing a cup of tea that had been brought out earlier. They smile at him.
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au-ra-babygirl · 5 months
Meeting Colette
As their dinner draws to a close, Masa and Sholi discover they're both staying at the same inn. As such, they decide to walk back together, further increasing time spent together.
As the night draws to a close, Masa feels the impulse to try and kiss the miqo'te as they're standing outside her door. She refrains though, not wanting to ruin the night with awkwardness.
The following morning, Masa awakes to the sound of knocking at their door. They reluctantly rise from their cozy bed to pull on an oversized t-shirt before opening the door. "Good morning," Sholi chirps, carrying a tray of breakfast foods. "I wasn’t sure what time you'd wake up, so I brought breakfast. Hope that's okay?"
Beside Sholi stands an incredibly tall Elezen woman. She gives a two fingered wave when she notices Masa staring. "Hi." She points to herself with her thumb. "Colette. Sholi mentioned you wanting to meet some other mages."
Masa blinks, taking in Sholi's sheepish expression. "Uh, 'kay." She stands to the side for the women to enter then looks down at herself. She typically slept in her small clothes and the t-shirt she'd pulled on did little to cover her legs. "Uh, maybe let me get dressed though?"
Sholi opens her mouth to comment but the Elezen clamps a hand over it before she can speak. "That's fine. We'll wait out here."
Masa nods, closing the door behind them. Okay. Right. Breakfast with two cute women. What did one wear for that? They didn’t exactly have much with them, determined to travel lightly when they left home, but this called for something a little more special than their usual dress.
Unfortunately, they hadn't had much chance to go shopping yet, so their usual dress is all they have. They quickly pull it on, and brush their hair. What else did they have to do? Oh. Right.
They freshen up in the bathroom, trying to hurry as much as they can. By the time they exit, Sholi and Colette are still outside, though they've moved to lean against the opposite wall. Sholi’s ears perk up when the door opens, making Masa’s heart flutter ever so slightly. 
This was definitely starting to feel like a crush, and they're not sure how to feel about it. They didn't have much (okay, any) dating experience, and surely Sholi was more knowledgeable and worldly than them. Not that they were implying anything about her. Just that she surely had people falling at her feet to appreciate her beauty.
…Yeah, they were definitely entering crush territory. That was kinda terrifying actually. They didn't usually develop crushes, especially not on people they'd just met. Not one's that they recognized as such anyway. They'd thought they were demiromantic, but maybe they were wrong?
That's a thought for later dissection. For now, they try to focus on the pretty girls in front of them as Sholi explains what local place the food came from. They cross their legs in front of them as they eat, not noticing the way Sholi’s eyes keep drifting toward her legs. “Are you from here?” Masa asks the Elezen woman who’s name she’s already forgotten. Co…something. Colee? “Also, uh, can you repeat your name? I wasn’t fully awake before.”
The woman laughs. “Colette. Colette Descoteaux, thaumaturge extraordinaire… or so I like to believe.”
Masa laughs. “Sholi’s probably already told you my name’s Masa?”
Colette nods. “Indeed. She, uh, also told me about your gender issue.”
They wince. “Oh. Yeah. Uh…”
“No worries,” Colette quickly tries to assure her. “I went through a period of questioning of my own. Ended up deciding I like being a girl though. I’m just… fluid in how I like presenting as such.”
Masa blinks. “Oh. I see.”
“We have a viera friend who’s trans that I tried to coerce into coming, but she was busy doing somethin’ for the Arcanist’s Guild. Or so she claims. She’s not much for meetin’ new folks.”
“Oh.” Masa tries not to take that personally. A lot of people weren’t people persons, herself included, so why take it personally that someone didn’t want to meet her? “Maybe next time?”
Sholi beams. “Yeah. Maybe when we meet up for that group dinner we can introduce you?” Masa nods. “Great. We still need to plan for that. Maybe this weekend?”
Masa is coming to discover that being friends with Sholi was an interesting whirlwind of an experience. Sholi was kind and generous and pretty, but she was also very talkative and seemed to make friends easily. Much easier than Masa did at any rate, which wasn’t necessarily that high of a bar. “I’m free this weekend.”
“Same here,” Colette agrees.
“I’ll see if Zevri is available too. And maybe Augustine? He’s Colette’s… brother? Cousin?”
Colette giggles. “Brother. He started off as an Arcanist like you, so meeting him would probably be better than meeting me.”
Masa wants to agree, but that feels rude. “Meeting you is interesting too. I like meeting mages of all varieties, not just ones like me.”
They’re pleased when their phrasing gets a smile out of their incredibly tall new friend. “So how does thaumaturgy work? It’s elemental spells, right?”
Colette’s eyes brighten and she immediately dives into an explanation of how thaumaturgy compares to being an arcanist, including that yes, it does involve elemental magics. “I’m relatively new to all this, but I can do some fire and ice spells. I tend to prefer ice though.”
Masa tilts their head curiously, struggling to follow along with the explanations until she reaches the part about her preferences. “I tend to just summon Biscuit.” It’s Colette’s turn to blink in confusion. Masa grins slyly, holding their hands out in front of them and focusing on the aether around them. After a few seconds, a small blue fox-like creature with three tails appears. “Carbuncle. Its name is Biscuit. I named it when I was small though, so please don’t judge me.”
Colette’s eyes light up in fascination and she reaches out to scoop up the creature, cuddling it to her chest. “Oh, it’s so cute!”
They grin. “Thanks. I read about them in a book one day and decided to try to summon one for myself.”
“How many tries did it take?” Sholi asks, eyeing the creature cautiously as she reaches out to touch its head. It should feel a little chilly, as Masa was well acquainted given the number of times they’d done the exact same thing Colette was doing.
“Just a few. It was significantly smaller than it is now, but it wasn’t too hard to summon it.” Both women’s eyes widen in surprise. Masa blinks. “Did I say something wrong?”
The two turn to look at each other before Colette slowly releases Biscuit. “Well, no, but… it took Augustine forever to learn how to summon a carbuncle and he’s normally pretty damn good at magic.”
Sholi nods. “My Ma’s a mage and tried to teach me how to summon one. Couldn’t do it for the life of me. Still can’t.”
“Really?” Masa had known their talent was, well, special, but they’d never realized how special it apparently was. “I thought everyone had an easy time of it.”
Sholi shakes her head. “Not at all. Mine might be a me problem, but Augustine is now a summoner. A really good one too. I’ve only met him a few times, but he’s pretty impressive. At least, I thought he was.”
Colette nods fervently. “He is good, but it sounds like you might be just as good, if not better one day.”
Masa blushes. “Oh, come now. I’m not… I mean, I know I’m good, but I’m not particularly special or anything. Just lucky.”
“Clearly,” Colette agrees. “You can probably feel the aether in a way that most people can’t. That’s my only explanation of it. Mind you, I’m no expert on the subject. You’d need a Sharlayan scholar for something like that.”
Their blush darkens, thinking of the ones they’d met back home who’d been fascinated by their innate skill. “It’s nothing special. Like I said, I’m just lucky. I’m sure with enough practice you both could do just as well.”
Sholi shakes her head. “I doubt it. I mean, maybe with enough time and effort, but we’ll never be as natural about it as you sound like you are.”
Masa attempts to continue denying she’s anything special, and eventually the subject changes as their meals dwindle into nothingness. With the last of the breakfast finished off by the trio, Masa figures there’s no need for them to continue chatting and the two girls would leave. To her surprise, they end up staying an extra hour chatting about the various intricacies of their magics (and Sholi’s bow).
When they eventually leave, it’s past noon and Masa’s pretty sure she’s late for something, though she hasn’t the slightest clue why that may be as the Guildmaster hadn’t given her an exact time to return come morning. She shrugs it off as she makes her way to the door after making promises to meet up with the girls again for dinner over the weekend.
Masa waves to them as they part ways, her going to the Arcanist’s Guild while the other two head elsewhere. As she walks, she muses that, despite what happened from here on out, this was turning out to be an excellent trip to the city. It’s only been a day, but she already can’t wait to experience everything Limsa Lominsa has to offer.
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au-ra-babygirl · 5 months
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Colette looking happy to see her friends.
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au-ra-babygirl · 5 months
Introduction Post
Hello and welcome to my FFXIV OC blog where I post about, you guessed it, my FFXIV OCs! My name is Sylvanus (also known as Sylv or Winter) and I use they/them and xe/xyr pronouns.
About the OCs
Masa Yukimura
Sholi Rhel
Colette Descoteaux
Augustine Descoteaux
Zevri Solnir (Note: I do not have Shadowbringers yet, so I'm unable to even create her since she's a Viera, hence why there's no about section just yet)
Frydblyss Blanaiswyn
Introducing Masa
Introducing Sholi
Not a Date
Meeting Colette
Dinner with Friends Pt. 1 Pt. 2
Letters to Home
First Date Pt. 1 Pt. 2
Sholi and Zevri
Beach Day
Warning Masa
Training and Cuddles
Colette and Augustine's Parents
Tarot Reading
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tltravis · 5 years
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❤️♡🏳️‍🌈♡🧡♡🏳️‍🌈♡💛♡🏳️‍🌈♡💚♡🏳️‍🌈♡💙♡🏳️‍🌈♡💜 A book a day will help beat the boredom of being stuck at home! 58+ gay romance authors have come together to discount their books to only 99c (plus a few freebies) so you won't have to break the bank to stock up on some great reading! There are over 100 books on sale! https://becausetwomenarebetterthanone.com/isolation-reading-survival-plan Participating authors include: BL Maxwell, Drake LaMarque, Brina Brady, E.M. Leya, Julia McBryant, BJ Smyth, DK Sutton, Colette Davison, Nero Seal, J. Hali Steele, Emma Jaye, Sean Kerr, Claire Castle, LE Franks, Wendy Rathbone, HM Wolfe & EL Nelson, J. Scott Coatsworth, Morticia Knight, M.M. Wilde, Louisa Masters, Elizabeth Noble, K. Evan Coles, Alexa Land, Eden Winters, TL Travis, Lisa Henry, CJane Elliott, Rain Carrington, Kris Jacen, Miski Harris, Elle Keaton, Eliot Grayson, Helena Stone, A.D. Ellis ,Michelle Frost, Lane Hayes, A. Nybo, Julia Talbot, BA Tortuga, Teegan Loy, Sara York, Riley Hart, Nyrae Dawn/Riley Hart, Lynn Michaels, Annabella Michaels, Josh Lanyon, Beth Laycock, Noah Steele, SL Perrine, Posy Roberts, Rebecca Thein, Lee Quail, Anna Martin, Charley Descoteaux, Stephani Hecht, Devon Vesper, Abigail Kade, Shane K Morton, Drea Roman and Nic Starr ❤️♡🏳️‍🌈♡🧡♡🏳️‍🌈♡💛♡🏳️‍🌈♡💚♡🏳️‍🌈♡💙♡🏳️‍🌈♡💜 https://www.instagram.com/p/B-AhtWyARC6/?igshid=17yowupyge04v
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tltravis · 5 years
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❤️♡🏳️‍🌈♡🧡♡🏳️‍🌈♡💛♡🏳️‍🌈♡💚♡🏳️‍🌈♡💙♡🏳️‍🌈♡💜 A book a day will help beat the boredom of being stuck at home! 58+ gay romance authors have come together to discount their books to only 99c (plus a few freebies) so you won't have to break the bank to stock up on some great reading! There are over 100 books on sale! https://becausetwomenarebetterthanone.com/isolation-reading-survival-plan Participating authors include: BL Maxwell, Drake LaMarque, Brina Brady, E.M. Leya, Julia McBryant, BJ Smyth, DK Sutton, Colette Davison, Nero Seal, J. Hali Steele, Emma Jaye, Sean Kerr, Claire Castle, LE Franks, Wendy Rathbone, HM Wolfe & EL Nelson, J. Scott Coatsworth, Morticia Knight, M.M. Wilde, Louisa Masters, Elizabeth Noble, K. Evan Coles, Alexa Land, Eden Winters, TL Travis, Lisa Henry, CJane Elliott, Rain Carrington, Kris Jacen, Miski Harris, Elle Keaton, Eliot Grayson, Helena Stone, A.D. Ellis ,Michelle Frost, Lane Hayes, A. Nybo, Julia Talbot, BA Tortuga, Teegan Loy, Sara York, Riley Hart, Nyrae Dawn/Riley Hart, Lynn Michaels, Annabella Michaels, Josh Lanyon, Beth Laycock, Noah Steele, SL Perrine, Posy Roberts, Rebecca Thein, Lee Quail, Anna Martin, Charley Descoteaux, Stephani Hecht, Devon Vesper, Abigail Kade, Shane K Morton, Drea Roman and Nic Starr ❤️♡🏳️‍🌈♡🧡♡🏳️‍🌈♡💛♡🏳️‍🌈♡💚♡🏳️‍🌈♡💙♡🏳️‍🌈♡💜 https://www.instagram.com/p/B9-PPyugS5A/?igshid=1eqga6krs29n3
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tltravis · 5 years
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❤️♡🏳️‍🌈♡🧡♡🏳️‍🌈♡💛♡🏳️‍🌈♡💚♡🏳️‍🌈♡💙♡🏳️‍🌈♡💜 A book a day will help beat the boredom of being stuck at home! 58+ gay romance authors have come together to discount their books to only 99c (plus a few freebies) so you won't have to break the bank to stock up on some great reading! There are over 100 books on sale! https://becausetwomenarebetterthanone.com/isolation-reading-survival-plan Participating authors include: BL Maxwell, Drake LaMarque, Brina Brady, E.M. Leya, Julia McBryant, BJ Smyth, DK Sutton, Colette Davison, Nero Seal, J. Hali Steele, Emma Jaye, Sean Kerr, Claire Castle, LE Franks, Wendy Rathbone, HM Wolfe & EL Nelson, J. Scott Coatsworth, Morticia Knight, M.M. Wilde, Louisa Masters, Elizabeth Noble, K. Evan Coles, Alexa Land, Eden Winters, TL Travis, Lisa Henry, CJane Elliott, Rain Carrington, Kris Jacen, Miski Harris, Elle Keaton, Eliot Grayson, Helena Stone, A.D. Ellis ,Michelle Frost, Lane Hayes, A. Nybo, Julia Talbot, BA Tortuga, Teegan Loy, Sara York, Riley Hart, Nyrae Dawn/Riley Hart, Lynn Michaels, Annabella Michaels, Josh Lanyon, Beth Laycock, Noah Steele, SL Perrine, Posy Roberts, Rebecca Thein, Lee Quail, Anna Martin, Charley Descoteaux, Stephani Hecht, Devon Vesper, Abigail Kade, Shane K Morton, Drea Roman and Nic Starr ❤️♡🏳️‍🌈♡🧡♡🏳️‍🌈♡💛♡🏳️‍🌈♡💚♡🏳️‍🌈♡💙♡🏳️‍🌈♡💜 https://www.instagram.com/p/B97e13SAsJc/?igshid=ntiy8qe1rerd
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tltravis · 5 years
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SALE TIME! 58+ gay romance authors have discounted over 100 MM romance novels to only 99c from 18th to 22nd March https://becausetwomenarebetterthanone.com/isolation-reading-survival-plan Participating authors include: BL Maxwell, Drake LaMarque, Brina Brady, E.M. Leya, Julia McBryant, BJ Smyth, DK Sutton, Colette Davison, Nero Seal, J. Hali Steele, Emma Jaye, Sean Kerr, Claire Castle, LE Franks, Wendy Rathbone, HM Wolfe & EL Nelson, J. Scott Coatsworth, Morticia Knight, M.M. Wilde, Louisa Masters, Elizabeth Noble, K. Evan Coles, Alexa Land, Eden Winters, TL Travis, Lisa Henry, CJane Elliott, Rain Carrington, Kris Jacen, Miski Harris, Elle Keaton, Eliot Grayson, Helena Stone, A.D. Ellis ,Michelle Frost, Lane Hayes, A. Nybo, Julia Talbot, BA Tortuga, Teegan Loy, Sara York, Riley Hart, Nyrae Dawn/Riley Hart, Lynn Michaels, Annabella Michaels, Josh Lanyon, Beth Laycock, Noah Steele, SL Perrine, Posy Roberts, Rebecca Thein, Lee Quail, Anna Martin, Charley Descoteaux, Stephani Hecht, Devon Vesper, Abigail Kade, Shane K Morton, Drea Roman and Nic Starr #gayromance #mmromance #gayromancepromo #Ilovegayromance #amreading #booksale #mmromancenovels #gayromancenovels #discoverMMromance #iloveromance #Ilovereading #amreading #Ilovebooks #romancenovel #gay #lgbt #bookstagram #authorsofinstagram #gayromanceauthor #writersofinstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/B94j2o0AvsV/?igshid=1au53qvkkun1w
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