#colin hughes x michael
laminy · 1 year
if ur taking fic asks would you mind writing a Colin/Micheal fic where Colin has a panic attack and Micheal comforts him
Isaac had told Colin that was he was alright, but Colin feels less sure about that now. A lot less sure. He knows he should be chuffed that they beat Wolverhampton. But he has to admit that a part of (maybe all of him) was hoping that Zava would show up, play like absolute shit, and Colin would get to play again.
He has no idea how he’s supposed to compete with someone who scores from the halfway line three seconds into the match. Everyone else on the team was celebrating, and Colin was sat there on the sidelines, realizing that his future with Richmond was… Maybe not gone. But certainly not secure.
And that scares the absolute shit out of him.
Just like Nate always wanted. 
He can’t find it in himself to go out celebrating that night. He comes up with some excuse about having to call his dad, but nobody cares. They’re all too happy to bother with him. He goes home and eats alone. He tries to distract himself with his phone but every tweet is about Zava, all the Instagram reels are clips of Zava and commentators talking about Zava, Zava, Zava, and nobody gives a shit about Hughes.
He swallows hard past the lump in his throat, feeling like he’s about to burst into tears. The tears don’t come, though. But the lump in his throat doesn’t go away. It makes him feel like he can’t breathe. He gets a bottle of water and downs the whole thing, trying to convince his brain that yes, he can breathe, he’s fine. But it still won’t go away, and soon it feels like he’s gasping for breath. 
The tears finally come, and as much as he’s trying to convince himself that, he’s still on the team, he still has friends, he’s still a strong and capable man, he feels like an absolute fucking failure. And after that, he’s gone. He can’t breathe, he can’t stop crying, he hates himself so much. He’s a piece of shit. And he can’t call Isaac, or Jamie, or anyone else, because they’re all out partying. Dr. Sharon left. Coach Lasso might answer but Colin’s not about to dump his anxiety on a guy with his own anxiety.
Furiously wiping at his eyes, Colin shakily opens his text messages, looking at his chat with Michael. Who’s in Dubai. Fucking hell, what’s the time difference? He knows Michael said but he can’t remember if it’s three or four hours. And he’s not really sure that they’re in the talk me through my panic attack phase of their relationship yet. 
But if Michael rang him, crying, Colin would help. Colin wants to believe that Michael would do the same.
He clicks Michael’s photo, and then hits video, and waits while the FaceTime call rings. God, he looks like absolute shit.
That’s the first thing Michael tells him, too.
Colin has to laugh. “I know,” he says, wiping his face. “I— fuck. I’m sorry.” He sniffles and tries offering Michael a smile. “Hi.”
“Hi,” Michael says warmly, always so warm to Colin. His smile is kind.
Colin sniffles again. He doesn’t need to drag Michael into this. “I shouldn’t have rang.”
“I think you should’ve,” Michael says. “Because you look like you need someone.”
“I can’t breathe,” Colin says.
“Do you need a doctor?” Michael asks quickly.
“No,” Colin says. “I can breathe, but I—” He swallows hard, and briefly registers that the lump has faded, at least a little. Talking is helping. “Can’t.”
“Okay,” Michael says. “You sound like you’re doing an okay job of it now.”
“My throat hurts,” Colin says.
Michael gives him a sympathetic smile. “Then let’s breathe in.”
Colin does as he told, and holds it, and then Michael tells him to breathe out so he does that too. And then he breathes in again, and repeats the process. The tears have stopped, but his cheeks are still itchy and now his eyes hurt, and he curls in on himself, drawing his knees up to his chest.
“So,” Michael says, “what’s going on?”
“Football,” Colin says. “What else.”
“I heard some people at work today talking about Zava,” Michael says.
“Yeah, I’m sure you did.”
“I’m sorry,” Michael says. “I can’t imagine.”
“It’s not just that I’m not playing,” Colin says. “It’s that none of them care that I’m not. They’re all so far up Zava’s ass that nobody realizes I…” He shakes his head, and new tears spring forward. “I’m pathetic.”
“That’s not true.”
“I’m a shit footballer.”
“Hmm.” Michael smiles, and playfully taps his finger against his lips as he thinks. “I don’t know enough about football to know if that’s true, but I suspect it’s not.”
“I’m a piece of shit.”
“Now I know that’s not true,” Michael says. “And I like Colin Hughes far too much to let anyone say such awful things about him.”
Colin swallows (the lump is almost gone) and gives him a tiny smile. “Yeah?”
Michael nods. “Yeah. So knock it off.”
That gets a laugh out of him. “Okay, I’ll try.”
“No,” Michael says. “Do or do not, there is no try.”
“Do not Star Wars me.”
“You’re footballing me.”
“Football’s cooler.”
Michael rolls his eyes. “You sound like you’re doing fine now, maybe I should go.”
“No!” Colin exclaims, and then a moment later realizes how desperate he sounds. Should he be embarrassed?
Based on Michael’s smile, he thinks maybe not. 
“Stay,” Colin says. “Please. If you can. I know it’s late there.”
“It is,” Michael says. “And I do need my beauty rest.”
“No, you don’t,” Colin says. “You look gorgeous.”
Michael’s smile grows. “Flattery will get you everywhere.”
“I wish you were back,” Colin says. 
“Me too,” Michael says. “Soon.”
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queerinthealps · 1 year
Hot stranger's eyebrow is raised, looking at Colin expectedly. "Oh shit he's waiting for me to speak", Colin thinks. He panics, trying to think of what to say. Ok well, this was completely his fault of course, so he obviously wants compensation. He'll be able to pay for the damage easily, but the issue is he absolutely cannot be late to the earliest training days of the new season. The best bet is to exchange contacts, of course. Colin has absolutely no ulterior motive here. "Can you give me your number?", he blurts out. Hot stranger looks taken aback, both eyebrows now raised. “Smooth move idiot”, he thinks. “It’s just I can’t be late, but I can pay for this, but I gotta do it later we can maybe meet up or I can send you the money I don’t know whatever works.”, he rambles. Hot stranger blinks at him like he has all the audacity in the world. “Um, excuse me? You don't think I have somewhere to be, too? You're just trying to get out of this”. " No that's not true I promise trust me I can easily pay for this-shit that sounds like I'm bragging but I do" "I can tell-you drive the tackiest sports car I have ever seen. I mean, lime green? Really?" And evidently you can't even drive it". Colin thinks he should be offended by this, but honestly at this point he thinks this man could say anything and he would agree. Well, almost anything. If he said the phrase, "Wales does not need to be an independent sovereignty", then he would have a problem. “Listen, you can take a picture of the license plate if you want so if I don’t reach out you can take it to the police. That won’t be necessary tho, because I promise I will. Also, lime green is a great color”. The man finally relents, eyeing Colin, clearly mulling over something. “Alright fine, but on one condition-you have to buy me a coffee, too.” Wait, what? The gears turning in Colin’s head must be evident on his face, because the man in front of him smirks, clearly amused. “Give me your phone”, he says, reaching his hand out. Colin obliges, and when the man hands his phone back he looks down and sees he has added his contact- Michael. Hot stranger’s name is Michael. He then hold his phone out to Colin, and Colin puts his name and number in. “Nice to meet you, Colin.” I’ll be in touch”. And just like that, he turns around, gets into his car, and drives off. Colin can only stare and think “What in the actual fuck just happened?” He walks back to his car in a daze, vaguely registering a female voice shouting “Oi!”, and gets in. As he puts on his seatbelt, he hears somebody knock on his window. He turns, and its..a nun?? He rolls down his window, perplexed. ”Hello there’,” he says. The woman wastes no time with a greeting. “Sorry about the pre-season predictions. If I were you, I would fake an injury this season to avoid dealing with the misery.” And just like that, she leaves. Ok, so that’s two bizarre things to happen to him consecutively today. Ever since Ted Lasso showed up, things have changed so drastically. Maybe that’s what causing so many weird things to happen. And Colin can’t help but feel that something big is going to happen to him this season, and he is both nervous and excited.
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anya-chalotra · 1 year
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#he finally got to kiss his fella
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theshadyrodian · 1 year
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3.03 | 3.12
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3.06 // 3.12
Ted Lasso (2020-2023)
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tomlinfonda · 1 year
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Something about queer people going out into a world that is not safe for them. Something about being a professional in a highly homophobic field of work. Something about having to be careful, having to be discreet.
"Everybody knows you've been discreet, but there were so many people you just had to meet without your clothes"
Something about Colin being a shit driver, something about him immediately driving his car into the trashcans on his way out.
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Something about him and Michael kissing in an alley so close to the street, exposed by the lights coming from passing cars. Attempting to hide, to be careful, to be safe, but failing, opening themselves to prying eyes, be them Trent's or someone else's.
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"And everybody knows that you're in trouble, Everybody knows what you've been through"
Something about Trent not taking pictures, but walking on. Something in his eyes, in his somber expression, tells me he knows exactly what Colin and Michael are going through. And he knows, as well, that they're not safe. That trouble is on its way.
That's how it goes.
Everybody knows.
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walnutmistjamie · 11 months
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@giftober 2023 Day 18: Romance
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cowboybuckleys · 1 year
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Right so next episode Michael's gonna come back from some work trip where he was off the grid and as soon as his plane lands he's gonna have like two hundred missed calls and texts from Colin because he's been freaking out over the past few weeks but none of them will be coherent because it's Colin so Michael will panic and show up at Nelson Road and then be very obviously losing it but trying to act cool and blend in while he asks around about Colin and he'll pull the "worried friend" card and Colin will be out signing autographs for all the fans who come to watch training so everyone will be in the dressing room except him and he finally shows up and they're all like, "your boyfriend's here and he's freaking out why the fuck did you leave him so many panicked messages and then not give any context" and Michael will nearly die on the spot because he thinks he's just outed Colin by showing up but Colin will be so excited he's home and kiss him in front of everyone and they all whistle and cheer and then Colin apologizes and explains, that's how it's gonna go, right?
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boasamishipper · 1 year
michael colinsboyfriend i’ve only just met you but you are Lovely
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oh-surprise-its-me · 1 year
Roy/Jamie prompt: A stampede happens at an away game and Roy and Jamie are torn apart from each other, Jamie getting swallowed up by the crowd while the team manage to hold onto Roy. Everyone is terrified beyond words. The team all huddle away to safety, physically having to keep Roy from running out into the chaos to find Jamie. Once things die down a bit Roy and the team all carefully come out to see the devastation all around them. They don't know what to do or whether they will find Jamie alive or trampled to death. After what feels like hours and Roy feeling full despair, arms wrap around him from behind and hold on for dear life as Jamie, bloodied and bruised but very much alive, sobs into his back. They reunite and are surrounded by the rest of the team.
💞Someone’s on a angst kick💞
People were pouring in everywhere. Roy hadn’t ever seen anything like it. The were running and grabbing players. Roy has grabbed Jamie’s hand and all the Richmond guys were holding on to each other.
He felt Jamie get ripped away. Roy screamed. He went to grab Jamie back but was shoved back into Isaac.
Jamie disappeared.
Roy couldn’t stop screaming. He knows the odds of people swept away by crowds. Colin grabbed him and held on with Isaac. Michael is on the other side of Colin holding him. “Roy you can’t go after him. You’ll get swept away he’ll be okay.”
The cops eventually get it under control, there’s quite a few people on the ground, all are bleeding, most are conscious. As soon as the cops get the crowd back Roy takes off, he hears Isaac and Dani swear, they all start running trying to find Jamie.
They don’t see him sitting up. Fuck.
Roy hears Michael shout for an paramedic. His head whips around but it’s not Jamie, it’s a kid.
Christ Roy might start to hate away games.
He keeps going until his knee clicks, fuck. He stops, he goes on the ground he sits with his head in between his knees. He can’t do this if Jamie is.. no. He can’t think that it’ll be fine. Jamie is strong, he’s resourceful.
Roy feels arms go around him, he knows he’s having a panic attack. Whoever’s hugging him knows it to because they just hold on tighter.
“Roy open your eyes come on.”
He turns faster then he ever has before. Jamie. Oh god.
Jamie alive. Fucking beat to shit and crying but it’s Jamie. He lunges forward and grabs Jamie.
Jamie starts crying for real now, full chest sobs. Roy buries his face into Jamie’s hair. He almost lost this. He can’t ever lose this.
Everyone else slowly makes their way over, they all sit around in a circle, Roy and Jamie in the middle.
Roy can see Colin hugging Michael who looks extremely shaken. Christ the poor man’s second game ever and this shit happens.
Sam eventually stands he walks over to the two of them, “need to get him medical.”
Roy nods. He can’t let go of Jamie what if he disappears. “Jamie we gotta get you checked.”
Jamie lets out is one of the worst sounds Roy has ever heard him make. He pulls back. His face is already starting to blacken where it looks like he caught an elbow to the eye. His nose is broken.
Everyone reaches out a hand to help the two of them stand. Jamie takes Roy’s hand back as soon as they are standing. Jamie’s other arm goes around Isaac’s shoulders “ribs are fucked few people kicked me. Couple stepped too.”
Roy sees red for a second before he can help himself. He squeezes Jamie’s hand, “ankle?” Jamie shake his head. “Can’t put any real weight on it.”
Roy kisses the side of Jamie’s head, “it’s okay, it’s fixable. The important thing is you’re fine.”
Jamie nods. “Love you, love you all really.”
There’s a chorus of love you’s back at him, Jamie smiles, he’ll be okay. Roy knows it.
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This episode had me absolutely crying on the floor. I dont think Isaac is homophobic or similar but the look Colin gave him? That terrified expression on his face kills me. The description for the next episode too. How are we supposed to wait another week for the continuation?
Anywaysss anyone want to rp? Some friendship rp between colin and Isaac or any shop between colin and someone i dont mind:)
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svld99 · 1 year
I keep thinking about how Colin would react if AFC Richmond, where to get a visit from the Prince of Wales, Prince William who is the president of the football association. The day the team is made aware of the visit. Colin storms out of the locker room swearing in Welsh the whole time. The next day after a conversation with Michael and Isaac. Colin goes to Rebecca’s office where Trent the coaching staff  and keeley are waiting for him. Where a discussion is held on what to do when William comes to the club. So they come to a decision that he will miss training that day. Along with AFC Richmond, giving a very big donation to a charity in Wells. The charity is working on making sure more people know the welsh language. Also the day before the visit Colin educate everyone on the team why the welsh people want their independence. Every single one of the himbos also makes their own donation too the charity.
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destielcowboy · 1 year
no media has ever wrecked me more emotionally than watching colin kiss michael on that field after winning without even caring
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"Big day for Richmond." "Thought you didn't know anything about football." "Oh, I don't. But I know who Zava is." "Of course."
Ted Lasso (2020-), 3x03 - “4-5-1”
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tomlinfonda · 1 year
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3x03 || 3x04
The juxtaposition between these shots is so interesting to me... One couple hidden in a dark alley, one in a well lit room. A man whose secret could destroy his career, one whose many affairs have never done any damage to his reputation.
I also love how well the mise-en-scène matches the character whose perspective we're seeing: Trent's scene is gothic, mysterious; Rebecca's is glossy, black and gold, luxurious.
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