professoredu · 10 months
It goes without saying…😂
Essay help services for social sciences students via the Fiverr LINK ON MY BIO.
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gabrielle-hall23 · 2 years
Chapter 5 Fieldwork: Racism
The Hate U Give portrays a prime example of racism that we unfortunately see too often in America. In this scene a white student Hailey is distastefully expressing her opinion that the shooting and death of black teenager Khalil by a white police officer was justified because he was "threatening" and it appeared as if he had a weapon. Starr however (a black student ) voices that she only feels that way due to her racist beliefs that black people are menacing or dangerous. Hailey did not know Khalil personally yet made these assumptions based on the color of his skin. She does not however racially profile Starr and even goes as far as to say its because she is the "non- threatening black girl". Starr not only explains that she does not blatantly have to commit hate crimes against black people to be racist, but makes an example out of her. Starr shows Hailey not only how black people are treated due to racist mindsets such as hers, but invokes the same feeling of fear many victims of these altercations have faced within her. This movie brings awareness to and educates on the matter of racism within America and highlights the severity of the situation.
Individual Racism
The black woman in this video is distressed from an interaction she had with a white lady whom initially had complimented her braids to which she responded thank you. However, the lady follows up by calling her a tree ornament. To some this may seem like a harmless comparison, but this comment is blatantly racist. Christmas ornaments are hung on trees so by calling her an ornament she is stating that she should be or would look "lovely" lynched. Lynching is the act of hanging a person by the neck. This was an extremely popular practice in the 1800's, black people being the main victims of this heinous crime and one which is slowly starting to resurface in certain areas. No crime was committed by these people in order to even attempt to justify this hateful act. Mobs would form and were notorious for spontaneously lynching black people on no grounds other than their race. Therefore, this woman was a victim of individual racism and this could be perceived as a threat to her life. This altercation could have resulted in her being harmed if this white woman had acted based upon her racist beliefs.
In this video this Chinese woman made a skit based upon the microaggressions she experiences in daily conversation. Due to microaggressions being very subtle, indirect, or in some cases unintentional these instances of discrimination are usually brushed past and not properly addressed. In this case when asked "what kind of Asian are you?" instead of simply asking her ethnicity was the first example of a microaggression. The initial question was where she was from which turned into a question about her ethnicity implying that it was believed that since she was Asian she could not have been from the US. Another subtle hint was the "I knew it" response to her stating she was Chinese which is another common yet racist misconception. There are six main ethnic groups in Asia yet it is usually assumed that an Asian is Chinese before anything else just as how a lot of Hispanics are assumed to be Mexican and so on. Finally the last comment made in regards to her pronunciation of hello in cantonese was also indirectly racist. The person she is portraying making these comments is white and not a native speaker so they have no place to correct her. Instead they generalize the language of an entire group based on a show which only teaches one language and dialect. There is an extreme amount of diversity within language especially in different ethnic groups. Ni Hao Kai-Lan taught its audience mandarin whilst the speaker in this video speaks cantonese which are two distinct dialects.
Institutional Racism
This video covers events that occurred in a school in Texas in which one of its student Deandre Arnold is facing discrimination. There is a school policy implemented that was being weaponized against Deandre in order to prevent him from attending his graduation because of his hair. There are claims that his locs (which are a cultural black hairstyle) violate the school's dress code in which he would either have to cut his hair or be penalized. Deandre is facing repercussions for a personal choice that does not affect anybody or his learning which eliminates any argument the superintendent is making that this has nothing to do with race. He claims that he has to "be fair" and enforce the dress code to everyone "equally" but that county is notorious for being racist and it is evident that this is also the case. The comparison of a cultural hairstyle to underwear was extremely ignorant and racist because going out in public in your underwear is considered indecent so, he is implying that his hair makes him look indecent as well. Laws have been put in place to ban discrimination of natural hairstyles in institutions such as school and the workplace in order to prevent occurrences such as this, but it is still evidently a problem.
In this video this mother answers a lot of questions that she gets in regards to her red haired children. This red hair trait is linked to a lot of assumptions, the main one being that the hair color is either not real or that the kids are biracial. This is a prime example of how society associates certain phenotypes with certain races because there is a common misconception that people who are 100% black cannot carry traits including colored eyes (excluding brown), colored hair, or a straight hair texture. The phenotypes for black people are extremely diverse and come in many shades and many forms. Accurate assumptions cannot be made about someone simply based on how they look especially in regards to their background or personality, but society has normalized this behavior and it is strongly linked to phenotype.
Racial Ideology
This song is a satirical play on stereotypes of Mexican people which falls under racial ideology because they list a popular set of beliefs on this group some of which are loosely based on real events or culture, but can be harmful nonetheless due to the assumptions that it brings about. For example, the stereotype that all Mexicans are undocumented or are in cartels or gangs are some of the most harmful beliefs especially considering the mass deportation that has taken place in America which has destroyed multiple families and lives. Mexican people have also fallen victim to harassment from police due to the belief that they deal drugs or participate in gang violence. Beliefs such as these contribute to the unfair treatment of people of color and are used to justify discriminatory actions despite them being a fixed and oversimplified image or idea rather than actual reality.
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alphafightmusic · 1 year
Who finna ready to turn up this weekend!???
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#collegegotmelike #Part1 #comedy (New YT video! Link on my Twitter @reallyreallyrj)
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waterparchive · 4 years
awstenmadeatiktokalright: For ur page bicth aha #CollegeGotMeLike #CTCVoiceBox (October 3, 2020)
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emilyblame · 4 years
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For ur page bicth aha #CollegeGotMeLike #CTCVoiceBox
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e-6000 · 4 years
I have witnessed the birth of Gaud
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ensignrook · 4 years
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roxinova · 4 years
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I got tired of studying, so I made a meme. #aliathememegenerator #collegegotmelike https://www.instagram.com/p/BoYHQhqAV8Q/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=2h7assxcqh2
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swiftscene13 · 7 years
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Power nap activated andddd GO @taylorswift @taylornation #collegegotmelike
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justeverydaything · 7 years
College meals got me like
Me: Wow, I’m finally eating healthy.
Also me: Hi, I would like a large pizza with extra cheese please.
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unfoldnikki-blog · 7 years
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Hey, how's my awesome #instagramfam doing today😍🌹 ok yall wish me luck I'm going to take my college entrance exam in a couple of hours😥 I'm nervous, anxious, but most importantly I am filled with hope of a positive outcome in my goal.📚Today I hope everyone is moving with that purpose, shifting any negative thoughts into positive ones, balancing them to create a flow of energy that radiates happiness, bliss, and contentment. Have a wonderful day, and until a couple hours later, now I'm 'bout to go pass this exam...Nikki out🖒👏😋 #malcomx #education #stairwaytosuccess #stregthofmind #achieve #goals #schooldaze #booksandlearning #formation #grind #slayeveryday #knowledgeispower #waterflow #creationandenergy #creationandflow #positvity #happyday #collegegotmelike #igotthis #educationgamestrong #thepositiveforceiswithme
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professoredu · 10 months
Shoutout to my awesome college roommate who doubles as my personal alarm clock in the mornings! Thanks for always making sure you never miss a class or study time!
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ositaamor · 4 years
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