#dr zelenka
falloutboyyaoi · 12 days
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final part (for now) (parts 1 and 2)
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stargate kiddies phone wallpapers!! use them if you like but please don't repost or sell
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trainofcommand · 2 years
I'm just gonna call this post: Major Lorne Looking at Dudes in Certain Ways - Part 2 (see Part 1 here)
Let's do this!
You know when you're out on a maybe-quiet planet, and you're with your friends, and your buddy has your back, and you turn around and see your CO, and you think, Damn, my CO is hot? Yeah. We've all been there, Major. We get it. And we understand that you can't control that eyebrow. It has a life of its own.
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Sometimes you have to look for a while. And your expression changes while you're looking. Maybe your CO notices. And has to look away, grinning a little, because he's feeling bashful, and yes, he thinks your smile is cute, Major, but also is now really the place to be exchanging these looks? Try and resist until you get back to the city. Or at least until the chance of Wraith darts ruining the moment is lower. Just try, you two. Try.
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OK, let's switch it up a bit. A major can't stare at his CO all the time. It'll get awkward, plus I hear that other people might get jealous. No one wants tensions @ work, right? So, here he is, sharing it around, making Rodney feel included. What a great coworker! Super for morale, really. Great job, Major!
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But sometimes if it's not one scientist, it's another. And when you're looking at him, you can't help but kind of...stick your tongue out a bit. For reasons. Reasons that are about...stuff. And things. Major, we appreciate your reasons, and so does Radek.
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Oh, hey! Speaking of COs, what about that time way back when you also sometimes had to look at your old CO on some naquadah mine planet? Awww, it's a show of...respect or something. What a great guy you are to command, Major!
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Ooops, back to your current CO! Things are confusing and people are starting to act strangely and also forget stuff, but you want him to know that you respect him a lot and will not forget him, and if Ronon would just leave the two of you alone for 20 minutes, you could definitely prove that your memory is still intact. About some things, anyway. And you're not talking about your facility at filling out Form 127-B: People are forgetting things and shit is getting fucked up. Obviously.
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I'm not even going to put any kind of coy wording for this one. Because he's looking at Radek's ass. That's all there is to it. Looking, and appreciating. Frankly, they all are. Though Colonel Carter and Lt. Colonel Sheppard look a little skeptical. But Major Lorne doesn't. He knows what's up. And what's up is Radek's sweet, sweet ass. We see the twinkle in your eye, Major!
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caps by @carsonsweebabyturtles and @hero-in-waiting
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jetnosfreak · 2 years
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Trapped in a transporter with no pigeons around
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malcolmreeds · 2 years
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looking through my old stargate atlantis art and university professor doctor zelenka with a bun i drew in 2020 is so valid
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stinalotte · 1 year
Happy 19th Birthday, Stargate Atlantis!
On July 16th, 2004, the pilot aired. Here's a handy little primer for anyone who doesn't know what the heckity heck this show is about. Everything is totally accurate, 100% true and very, very serious.
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This is the lost city of the Ancients, Atlantis, in the Pegasus galaxy, about 3 million light years from Earth. (The Ancients can go fuck themselves. Long story.) Atlantis is a city/spaceship approximately the size of Manhattan. She's semi-sentient, but not really, except actually yes, maybe, sometimes, totally. The whole city can go underwater or into hyperspace. Loves her humans. Home. Declaration of independence imminent.
The Atlantis expedition consists of civilians and military from at least 34 countries (in later seasons, the original expedition was just over a dozen). In no particular order:
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Dr. Elizabeth Weir. The first leader of the expedition. The only adult. Sometimes. Okay, not very often. Is not above a little war crime for the good of the galaxy—or at least, for the good of Atlantis. Left a boyfriend and a dog on Earth, but we all miss the dog more than the boyfriend. Eats UN representatives for breakfast. Is terribly awkward on dates and really good at solitaire. Loves her chaos children. Which are:
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Lt. Colonel Suicide Mission John Sheppard. Walked through the Gate and Atlantis said, "dibs". Thinks people who don't want to fly are crazy. Not good with emotional stuff. (He's getting better.) Loves his found space family and would die for them, often literally. Stop that. Also loves Ferris wheels, things that go fast, and Rodney McKay. And no, we don't know how he gets his hair to go like that.
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Dr. Meredith Rodney McKay. Four degrees, two of which are PhDs, none of which are in social skills. Smartest man in two galaxies. Used to be an asshole, but got himself some friends who loved him such a stupid amount that he had no choice but to change. Still a work in progress. We love to see it. Blew up three quarters five sixths of a solar system. (It was uninhabited.) (Mostly.) Deathly allergic to citrus. Loves fully charged ZPMs, arguing with Dr. Zelenka, MREs, and John Sheppard.
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Lieutenant Aiden Ford. Went ass first through the Gate with a grin and a whoop on his very first trip. One of the youngest members of the expedition. Is not allowed to name anything, ever. Mild case of hero worship when it comes to his commanding officer, which is totally understandable. A cautionary tale of how addiction messes up not only you, but the people around you.
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Ronon Dex. Used to be hunted by the Wraith, lost his people in a terrible war, and is now a member of Sheppard's team where he gets to shoot things and beat up bad guys. Doesn't talk much, but when he does, he has something to say. Good friend. Excellent hugs, but have Carson check you out for any cracked ribs after. Is one bottle of Athosian wine away from staging an intervention regarding the Sheppard/McKay situation.
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Teyla Emmagan. In possession of the team's one brain cell. Leader of the Athosian people. Will rock a baby to sleep and then go outside where a Wraith is dangling from the highest tower of the city and stomp on his hands until he falls 800 feet. Can either beat you up in the gym or force you to meditate on your problem, your choice. Has the aforementioned bottle of wine ready and loaded.
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Dr. Radek Zelenka. Keeps the science team sane because Rodney sure as hell doesn't. Loves pigeons, cursing in Czech, and overseeing the thriving black market underground economy that has developed in the city. (Thanks @shaddyr for that lovely headcanon). Zachránil všechny naše zadky víc než jednou.
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Chuck the Technician. Aggressively Canadian. Doesn't have a last name, doesn't need one. Is ALWAYS in the control room, seriously man, when do you sleep? Reads trashy sci fi novels on night shifts and organized a betting pool in 5 different currencies when Ronon was fighting Teal'c. Needs to share his eyelash routine because we're jealous.
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Dr. Carson Beckett. The most Scottish Scot to ever Scot. Brilliant medical doctor who is not above the occasional unethical unorthodox treatment method. Sweet cinnamon roll of a man. Beloved by all. Loves his mom and wee baby turtles. Someone should take him fishing soon. 🥹
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Colonel Samantha Carter. Member of SG-1. Legend. Awesome. Boss. Absolute BAMF. Punched a Goa'uld system lord in the face once. We all have a crush on her.
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Dr. Jennifer Keller. Is very doctor-y, for better and for worse. Was all of us when she freaked out being on an alien planet for the first time, like a normal person would. Should totally have gone on a date with Captain Vega in that one deleted scene. [WE COULD HAVE HAD IT AAAAALL]
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Jeannie Miller. Rodney's sister. Gave up a career in science to be a mom. Solved Rodney's math problem in her spare time, with finger paints. Loves her brother even when he's being an idiot. Fanfic canon says: her house is always open for him and certain Air Force Colonels to crash in. Don't you dare get a hotel room. Yes, the guest room has Only One Bed, Mer, what's your point?
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Major Evan Lorne. If you are a moron and get yourself captured and imprisoned off world, he will swing by real quick with a couple Marines and bust you out. Co-parents Atlantis with Dr. Weir. Is actually a really talented painter. Needs a raise, a holiday, and a drink.
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Colonel Steven Caldwell. Grumpy. Has to deal with Elizabeth's chaos children on a regular basis. Will make the enemy ship go away with a big boom and save your sorry ass in space. AGAIN.
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Richard Woolsey. Used to be a New York City lawyer, one of the most ruthless creatures in the universe. His wife got the Yorkie in the divorce. Broke his heart. Is actually pretty cool if you let him do his thing (like get you out of an intergalactic war crimes trial by bribing the judges).
I know some characters and all the villains are missing, but this post is already longer than a trip on the Daedalus, so there you have it.
Stargate Atlantis. A show about wormholes, life-sucking aliens, ancient civilisations, space battles—and family, friendship, allowing yourself to love and be loved, and what it means to be home.
Happy birthday, fam.
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sga-mcshep-4ever · 9 days
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"We start investigating evacuation plans, both on the mainland, and off-world somewhere." "You know McKay will come up with something. He's just setting himself up to be a hero." "Yeah, well, maybe Rodney is, but Dr. Zelenka, he seemed genuinely concerned." "So, my orders are to come up with a friendly planet that wouldn't mind putting us up for the night." "Exactly. Take Ford, see what you can work out."
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texasdreamer01 · 5 months
Atlantis Expedition: Science Division Departments
"Many of the scientists on Atlantis are organised into departments, each with their own department head. Dr. Rodney McKay was head of the Science and Research Division which most likely meant he was in charge of all of the science departments. Dr. Radek Zelenka was also the head of his own department. The various science departments on Atlantis are:
> Physics
 » Astrophysics
> Biology
 » Microbiology
 » Astrobiology
> Oceanography
> Botany
> Medicine
> Anthropology
(SGA: "Remnants", "Grace Under Pressure", "Suspicion")"
From <https://stargate.fandom.com/wiki/Atlantis_expedition#Departments>
As I'm working my way through worldbuilding headcanons on the expedition, I figured I ought to start with the science division first. Above is my starting point: the canonical information at hand, to flesh out and give it some real-world reliability.
When I looked at it again, I realized it was, to put it politely, ill-thought-out crap that was only looked upon when the writers needed some random scientist around for episode material.
So, what considerations would an expedition like this actually need to take into account when hiring people?
At the very bare bones of it is "how many people can I fit through a wormhole in twenty or twenty-five minutes, plus supplies?". I went back and forth, prevaricated for a bit, and settled on 200 people if you really want to hoof it.
(Why 20-25 minutes? It's SGC's first stable-ish wormhole to another galaxy that's powered by a ZPM. They don't even know how much of a success that would be, or if they're just shoving people into a glorified shredder. Gotta pick and choose who you're maybe putting through the billion-dollar shredder. Y'know. Just in case.)
My initial rough estimations were about an even split between scientific and military personnel, which I kept on hand as napkin math to sanity check myself. This would be approximately 150 scientists.
What departments would there be, and how would it be divided? Who makes the priorities, and why?
The canon data is a mess, and as I worked through things, canon kept getting folded and refolded into different configurations because there's two competing priorities: the IOA/SGC, and Rodney's approach to pragmatism.
What was everyone expecting to see on the other side of that wormhole? Definitely not a city ship sunk into the ground of an ocean, and definitely not isolated from others (the Athosians were an unexpected godsend that kicked off the reason to have a plot in the first place). Whatever the IOA or SGC had in mind will quickly get thrown out the window, but needs must, and the departments were likely arranged long before the shipping manifest was decided.
I poked around the uniforms, because everyone is colour-coded, and there's five sections:
> Red (civilian, leader) - Worn by Dr. Elizabeth Weir, Teyla Emmagan, Colonel Samantha Carter and Richard Woolsey.
> Blue/dark blue or purple (scientist) - Worn by Dr. Meredith Rodney McKay and Dr. Radek Zelenka.
> Yellow (medical) - Worn by Dr. Carson Beckett and Dr. Jennifer Keller.
> Black (military) - Worn by Lt. Colonel John Sheppard and Major Evan Lorne.
> Green (technician) - Worn by Chuck and Amelia Banks.
This information is listed in both the "List of Atlantis personnel" and "Atlantis expedition uniform" pages on SGCommand.
Thus far that gets me two and a half departments in my hand: Scientist, Medical, and Technician (that's the half).
What would the SGC and IOA want the expedition to prioritize? Technology, and lots of it. This means that, probably, there's going to be more engineers than you can shake a stick at, and not a lot of pure sciences. Remember, it cost money to fire up the gate, and flinging people into another galaxy is an unfathomable amount of (international, at this point) taxpayer funds. You're going to want as much applied science as possible, and as much overlap in disciplines as possible.
(Unfortunately this does leave little room for error, so anyone that dies is capable of leaving a hole in potential research.)
Therefore, how would a top-down order of technological research look like? My assumption was this:
> Engineering of the city of Atlantis itself
 » ZPMs, auxiliary and/or complementary power sources
 » Materials and material manufacturing
 » Design specs of different technologies (jumpers, yes, but also anti-grav, shields, climate controls)
> Biological sciences
 » ATA gene therapies
 » Whatever the Ancients were working on regarding ascension
  ⇛ Helpful with the Ori once Atlantis is informed of that issue
To wit, neither addendum on the biological sciences bullet point is pertinent at the time of department formation, as Carson invented the ATA gene therapy after arriving in Atlantis, and the Ori weren't an issue for a similar reason.
Ergo, all non-biological engineering fields would have had higher billing, and thus more of them hired. The only exception would be medical, and I'm sure the SGC had the forethought to bully the IOA into its relevancy and make sure that department was as fully-stocked as they could manage.
Now what about practical considerations? Plans are nice and all, but rarely survive contact with reality, so some adjustment might be needed. This, I believe, the SGC considered, given their own history of needing to rapidly adjust on the fly.
Rodney, as Chief Science Officer (CSO), would be the one to not only make these kinds of decisions, but also to listen to the head of the expedition as to what needed to be prioritized. As the show has demonstrated, there can be a significant amount of shuffling around of employees based on the needs of a minute, and hour, a week, a month - for an indefinite amount of time? Basics are what gets the job done.
So what things would Rodney need to consider, or be directed to consider by Elizabeth?
> Oh shit this can sink
 » Rodney's main work - keeping the ZPM working and get as many new ones as possible
> Oh shit everything's so far away
 » Rodney's other main work - making sure the gate works as ordered
> Oh shit we're in another galaxy
 » Food
  ⇛ Getting, keeping, preserving, maybe the occasional growing
 » Utilities
  ⇛ Luckily they don't have to pay for it lol
  ⇛ But also oh shit lighting, water, sewage, air filtration, general life support
   ⟹ Rodney's third main work
   ⟹ This poor guy
 » Medicine
  ⇛ Rodney delegates the hell out of this
  ⇛ Good luck making potions, guys!
 » Bullets
  ⇛ Also other things the military needs
  ⇛ Fun times re-inventing the wheel I mean gunpowder
  ⇛ Good work for bored soldiers, and possibly also any scientist Rodney puts in time-out
 » Clothes
  ⇛ Ha, thread
  ⇛ Also needles
  ⇛ Experiments in sewing machine making
   ⟹ Watch the fingers
  ⇛ How to replace fabric?
  ⇛ Off-duty clothes
  ⇛ Also medical clothing (scrubs for staff, patients)
 » Miscellaneous
  ⇛ Entertainment, I guess
Internal monologue included because I think it's funny.
While Rodney's spending his days with Benny Hill music playing in the background trying to get all of those priorities done on top of actually delegating work and doing whatever else Elizabeth (and John) want him to do, other people actually need to have some work to get done. So what are they doing?
It depends on who already does what, frankly. So in the above combined interests (amount of people that can fit through an intergalactic wormhole, competing IOA/SGC interests, realities of living in Atlantis), I'm proposing this set-up (commentary included):
Medical Sciences Department
Head: Carson Beckett (later, Jennifer Keller, later, whomever)
Contains: Surgery, psychiatry, physical therapy
Function: Maintaining health of expedition members
Examples of function: surgeries, medical prescriptions, recuperation from injuries, mental stability
Personnel quantity: 1 (Head) + 10 (surgical team) + 5 (nurses) + 1 (psych) + 1 (phys. therapy) + 1 (anesthesiologist) = 19 total
A/N: Nurses have training in medications and physical therapy, surgical team also doubles as general practitioners.
Life Sciences Department
Head: OC
Contains: Earth biologists, bio- & biochemical engineers, astro/xeno-biologists, botany, environmental chemistry, zoology, microbiology
Function: Auxiliary to Medical Department needs
Examples of function: pharmaceutical synthesis, analysis of unknown species, biological database creation, gene therapies (pharmaceutical adjacent)
Personnel quantity: 1 (Head) + 2 (Earth biologists) + 2 (bioE & biochemE) + 1 (astro/xenobio) + 1 (botany) + 1 (envchem) + 1 (zoo) + 2 (microbio) = 11
A/N: Both biologists also have training/specialization in genetics/gene mapping (assists both Carson and Katie), some input in requesting gate missions based on in-house needs.
Field Sciences Department
Head: OC
Contains: Linguistics, historical geography, cartography, ethnography, sociology, oceanography, hydrology, atmospheric physics, planetary physics
Function: Research pool for gate teams and any assigned missions
Examples of function: Preservation of refugee cultures, scouting for trade planets, analysis of back-up sites for establishment
Personnel quantity: 1 (Head) + 3 (linguistics) + 1 (histgeo) + 1 (cart) + 1 (ethno) + 1 (socio) + 1 (oceano) + 1 (hydro) + 1 (atmophys) + 1 (planphys) = 12
A/N: SGC duplicate all shoved into one department, mostly ignored in-house but their brains are picked for background dossiers when it comes to mission planning. Linguists trained in xenolinguistics, from the SGC, can cover the various anthro fields if necessary, also various training in structural linguistics. Main scientist pulls for gate team assignments, if something critical isn't needed (i.e. Ancient technology).
Applied Sciences Department
Head: Rodney McKay (or perhaps Radek Zelenka?)
Contains: Electrical/technical engineering, nuclear physics, civil engineering, astrophysics, laser/optical, chemical engineering
Function: Study, synthesis, and adaptations of Ancient technology
Examples of function: ZPM analysis with intent to duplicate, experimental duplications of Ancient technology materials, study of gate physics and construction with intent to duplicate, study and experimental duplication of other Ancient technologies (i.e. hyperdrives, cloaks, weapons, etc)
Personnel quantity: 1 (Head) + 3 (electreng) + 6 (techeng/gate techs) + 1 (nucphys) + 1 (astrophy) + 1 (LZ/opt) +  3 (chemeng) = 16
A/N: The people Rodney are yelling at most often, because mistakes mean kablooey. Also a lot of the people running around in an emergency. 1 nuclear physicist because Rodney pulls a lot of intellectual weight, and same with the astrophysicist and laser/optical person (mostly they're there as on-paper hires and back-ups/assistants for him for his own research).
Gate Technicians
Head: ??? Joint custody
Contains: Gate technicians
Functions: Auxiliary to Applied Sciences Department, interacts with the gate and the gate only
Examples of function: dialing, searching database for addresses, maintaining mission logs and planets visited, basic repair and maintenance of the gate, technical drawings as required by others
Personnel quantity: Chuck, idk +5 for full shift overlaps = 6 total (listed in Applied Sciences department as techeng/gate techs)
A/N: Technically nerds but are active duty, probably loans from SGC (maybe also Russia because of the DHD debacle?).
Gate technicians are, although folded into the Applied Sciences department, listed separately in order to better articulate their duties (and the fact that they get the green shirts). Shout-out to @spurious for enabling the idea that gate techs would do technical drawings 😁
Sum Total of Science Division Personnel
Medical: 19
Life Sciences: 11
Field Sciences: 12
Applied Sciences: 16
Total total: 19 + 11 + 12 + 16 = 58
This isn't anywhere close to my initial estimate of 150, but I think it adequately covers all the preconceived and actual responsibilities that the science division would need to handle in the expedition. Possibly I might update these numbers as I develop this headcanon further, but that would end up in a new post.
Further elaboration on headcanons about each department will be in their own posts, with links updated here as they're posted for ease of reference.
Science Department Breakdown Posts
Medical Department (posted 14 May 2024)
Life Sciences Department (posted 29 May 2024)
Field Sciences Department (posted 30 May 2024)
Applied Sciences Department (posted 10 June 2024)
Chief Science Officer (posted 18 July 2024)
Chief Medical Officer (posted 20 July 2024)
Science Department Heads (posted 20 July 2024)
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dr-futbol-blog · 2 months
The Gift, Pt. 5
From Zelenka leaving to fetch Dr. Kusanagi we jump to Teyla finding Weir and Beckett together still working on the wraith log. It seems as though they also have been up all night, so a considerable amount of time has passed between these two scenes.
While Teyla had a nightmare, she seems to have gotten at least some (uneasy) sleep and we are explicitly told that it's the following morning. So we are to understand that Weir and Beckett in the lab had worked all through the night, and while we are not explicitly shown it, Zelenka and McKay may have done likewise. What Sheppard did during this time we are not given even a hint of. Teyla tells them that they look like she feels which also indicates that she got very little rest from her sleep.
They share their discoveries with her, breaking in the horrifying news that she has wraith DNA.
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After this, they have a meeting with the team in the conference room. Beckett and Weir are sitting on a table, probably being that they are both exhausted, while the others remain standing, underlining how pressed for time they all are. In fact, because McKay and Sheppard remain standing and later take off together as though they had places to go, there is a case to be made that they had also walked into the meeting together, having been interrupted from doing something together. In this case, possibly from having been doing some kind of work with the command chair.
Weir and Beckett are shot over Sheppard's shoulder which is probably again meant to direct the audience into thinking that we're looking at them from Sheppard's perspective and that he's looking at Weir when we are actually standing behind him and Sheppard himself very obviously, once more, has his body turned toward McKay. You can compare this scene with Sheppard standing next to anyone else in the episode and you will not find him as physically wrapped around this person as you find him with McKay.
Presumably Teyla wanted to share what they've discovered with all of them, the whole team, although it is notable that she herself is not a part of this meeting. Note that McKay is more interested in Sheppard's reaction to this news than he is in the news itself, turning to look at him instead of the person breaking in the news:
Sheppard: You're saying Teyla's part-wraith?! Beckett: A very small part. Weir: Which makes her about as different from us as you, because of the Ancient gene you possess. McKay: Well, and some other things!
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This is interesting. We are not specified what McKay means, here. He might mean that wraith as life-sucking aliens are very different from humans, or the Ancients ("And some other things [make them different from us]"). There are many things separating them. He might mean that Teyla is different from Sheppard ("And some other things [make her different from him]") in some fundamental ways (not having a chiseled jaw, broad chest, and his other masculine attributes certainly being among them). He might mean that Teyla is special ("And some other things [make her different from us]") also in some other ways (Beckett referred to her 'superpowers' and "I've seen you fight, dear" earlier), although this is unlikely given how little attention McKay pays women, including her.
But McKay might also mean that there are other things about Sheppard that separates him from "us," from ordinary people, ("And some other things [make him different from us]"). There are things beyond a single gene that makes him distinct from everyone else for him. Now, Sheppard is someone that McKay sees as special and extraordinarily capable, so interpreting this as a reference to him is warranted. He might be biased but to him Sheppard is the most unique person he has ever met. Note also that we are once again reminded of the fact that John Sheppard is a little different.
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Sheppard doesn't want Ford to tell Bates about this and enforces what he says with his hand; let's keep this between us, let's keep this hush-hush for now. What's notable is that he is very comfortable getting right up in McKay's personal space and that McKay himself is also so comfortable with it so as not to react in any way to Sheppard reaching across him. He doesn't step back, he doesn't watch where the hand is going or what it's doing, like it's the most normal thing in the world to find Sheppard's hand doing things in his peripheral vision. In fact, they again move in unison, both turning toward Ford at the same time. These two men are attuned to each other's bodies, is the thing. Also, while Sheppard is gesturing to Ford for him to keep quiet about it and his intention is to protect Teyla's reputation, what he is effectively doing is creating a protective barrier around McKay with his arm. It's like he's shooing every evil thing from approaching this man.
Being that Sheppard is the only one of them that has actually seen a wraith feed on a human (McKay has seen the aftermath of the feeding), he looks absolutely horrified as Weir tells them that the plan of this wraith had been to make "the feeding process more efficient". But as disgusted as he is, as striking as this image must be in his mind's eyes, the moment McKay starts talking, his attention shifts back to him and, just as suddenly, he's not thinking about the wraith any more.
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They discuss the topic and Sheppard has a reaction to the mention of the Iratus bug that almost killed him. McKay glances at him, clearly also having a memory related to this incident in 38 Minutes (S01E04). Because Sheppard already had a visceral reaction to the mention of the bugs earlier, he is checking up on him. This also invites us to compare especially McKay then and McKay now.
Back then, he was unable to focus on doing the work because he felt like he was the only one who understood just how screwed they were. Even now, he probably understands how screwed they are much better than most people on the base, even though everyone is worried about the approaching attack. But it is especially being around Sheppard that has taught him that it is better to focus on the work than on panicking because panic does not actually solve anything. And neither does learning about Teyla's fascinating lineage, as he points out, again letting his exhaustion show in not mincing his words:
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Ford: So what you're saying is the Ancients actually created the Wraith? Beckett: By accident. McKay: Or negligence. Weir: Well, either way, it doesn't matter. Beckett: Ultimately, the more we know about Wraith physiology, the closer we get to a biological weapon that can attack the Wraith and leave humans unharmed. McKay: Yes, but for the moment all we know is that the Ancients might have accidentally created the Wraith, and why Teyla can sense them coming. I mean, fabulous mystery solved! But neither of which help in any way stop them from coming. Weir: Rodney's right. Let's get back to work. McKay: Thank you!
But he says 'thank you,' the man who never says 'thank you'. He is trying not to be "always like this" McKay so hard.
In this scene, we see Sheppard walk out after McKay as though pulled by in invisible tether. We are not explicitly told why or what they are going to do but it is very obvious that they leave the meeting together. The way Sheppard looks at McKay is similar to how he did at the end of the meeting on the previous morning so it follows that he likely walked out of that meeting after McKay too, what with his lunch plans and all.
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Now, the next time we see them they are talking about the control chair, but this does not mean that they went from the meeting directly to the control chair room or that they were coming from the control chair room to Weir's office. This is an assumption we can make and that the main stream audience certainly is going to make. But what is true is that we see them leave together and we see them arrive together, and that they have spent time in the meanwhile in each other's company doing something that we don't get to see. And while it is more obvious here, this happens for the second time in this episode that the pacing of the episode gives them space for private time with each other following a meeting.
Even if it is just working on the control chair, it's still something that they did in private and that was not for our eyes. Is it too boring to show us Sheppard with the chair? Hell no, it isn't. It's something we're looking forward to. Sheppard wants to hop on that chair. McKay certainly wants to see him in that chair. So why can't we see it happen? Why are they going out of their way to let us know that we are missing scenes that must have taken place between them in private? Why are we told of things that have happened between just the two of them but the show is going out of its way not to let us actually witness any scenes where it's just the two of them?
We get scenes where Sheppard is alone with Teyla. We get scenes where he's alone with Weir. The last time we saw Sheppard and McKay alone together, and even though they were in a public place and were interrupted by Weir in Before I Sleep (S01E15), they were basically sitting in each other's laps, might be the reason. The last time we saw them alone together without being interrupted (and only for c. 20 minutes, we're told) was when they were walking toward the jumper at the end of The Defiant One (S01E12).
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Sheppard was damn nearly walking backward to be able to have his body facing McKay. The only thing that might have saved this man from backing himself up against a wall only to pull that damned fool there with him and having his back pressed against what ever it was for a kiss were those cracked ribs, and they didn't seem to be bothering him all that much. All I'm saying is, by this point the show has a problem and all they can do is figure out different ways of splitting them up.
The most fascinating thing about this is that they don't need to say anything to the other person. Rodney just says "Thank you!" to Weir and takes off, and Sheppard just follows. His face is doing all kinds of things because he doesn't know what to think about any of this yet but even while his mind seems to be occupied doing at least a dozen things at the same time, his body just follows McKay. Like he doesn't even have to think about it. Where that man is going, he is going.
Continued in Pt. 6
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List of Actors in Sanctuary who Also Appeared in Stargate (Spanning Entire Franchise).
Main Cast (Counting Regular Major Appearances):
Amanda Tapping. Sanctuary: Helen Magnus. Stargate: Sam Carter.
Christopher Heyerdahl. Sanctuary: John Druitt, Bigfoot. Stargate SG-1: Pallin. Stargate Atlantis: Halling and Todd the Wraith.
Ryan Robbins. Sanctuary: Henry Foss. Stargate Atlantis: Ladon Radim.
Agam Darshi. Sanctuary; Kate Freelander. Stargates Atlantis: Novo and Athosian 2.
Jonathon Young. Sanctuary: Nikola Tesla. Stargate Atlantis: Dr. Parrish.
Peter Wingfield. Sanctuary: James Watson. Stargate SG-1: Hebron and Taneth.
Jim Byrnes. Sanctuary: Gregory Magnus. Stargate SG-1: Documentary Narrator (Heroes Part 2). Stargate Infinity: voice (no character listed).
Significant Stargate Actors Not in Main Cast of Sanctuary:
Michael Shanks. Sanctuary: Jimmy (one episode). Stargate: Daniel Jackson.
Tom McBeath. Sanctuary: General Villanova. Stargate SG-1: Colonel Harry Maybourne.
Vincent Gale. Sanctuary: Nigel Griffin. Stargate SG-1: Deputy - Agent Cross. Stargate Universe: Morrison. (he was significant in Sanctuary and had a high episode list for Stargate, so no arguing)
Colin Cunnigham. Sanctuary: Gerald (one episode). Stargate: Major Paul Davis.
Paul McGillion. Sanctuary: Terrance Wexford (four eps + webisodes). Stargate Atlantis: Carson Beckett.
David Hewlett. Sanctuary: Larry Tolson (webisodes). Stargate: Rodney McKay.
Kavan Smith. Sanctuary: Joe Kavanaugh (two episodes + webisodes). Stargate: Evan Lorne.
David Nykl. Sanctuary: Strickland (one episode). Stargate Atlantis: Radek Zelenka.
Sarah Strange. Sanctuary: Allison Grant (one episode). Stargate: Morgan Le Fey.
Dan Shea. Sanctuary: Transit Cop 2 (one episode). Stargate: Sergeant Siler.
Gary Jones. Sanctuary: George (one episode). Stargate: Walter Harriman.
Peter Flemming. Sanctuary: FBI Agent Bruce Tanner (one episode). Stargate: Agent Barret.
Martin Christopher. Sanctuary: False Priest/Father Clark. Stargate: Kevin Marks.
Barclay Hope. Sanctuary: Security Force Commander (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Col. Lionel Pendergast.
Peter DeLuise. Sanctuary: Ernie Watts (one episode/webisodes). Stargate SG-1: Sal's Diner Customer, Wormhole X-treme Replacement Actor, plus 20 other roles. Stargate Atlantis: Dr. P. Smith (uncredited). Stargate Universe: Peter. (<- also directed all four shows)
Significant in Sanctuary but not Stargate:
Shekhar Paleja (Credited in both as Shaker Paleja). Sanctuary: Ravi Ganapathiraman. Stargate SG-1: Jaffa. Stargate Atlantis: Doctor (uncredited, six episodes).
Ian Tracey. Sanctuary: Adam Worth. Stargate SG-1: Smith.
Pascale Hutton. Sanctuary: Abby Corrigan. Stargate Atlantis: First Officer Trebel. (<- almost/should have been main cast in Sanctuary)
Carlo Rota. Sanctuary: Richard Feliz. Stargate Universe: Carl Strom.
Other Actors in Mostly Minor Roles in Both (but often more significant in Sanctuary, for obvious reasons) Listed in Order of Sanctuary Appearance:
Lauren K. Robek (Credited as Kirsten Robeck in both). Sanctuary: Maryanne Zimmerman (three episodes). Stargate SG-1: Lieutenant Astor.
Sheri Rabold (credited as Sheri Noel in all). Sanctuary: Molly (two episodes/webisodes), Helen Magnus Stand-in. Stargate SG-1: Physiotherapist. Stargate Atlantis: Scientist, Lab assistant.
Laura Mennel. Sanctuary: Caird (one episode/webisodes). Stargate SG-1: Mary. Stargate Atlantis: Sanir.
Alex Zahara. Sanctuary: Carver (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Motion Capture Warrior, Warrick Finn, Iron Shirt, Eggar, Shy One, Alien Leader, Alien #1, Micahel Xe'ls.
Peter Bryant. Sanctuary: Cabal Team Leader (two episodes). Stargate SG-1: Hoskins and Fro'tak.
MacKenzie Gray. Sanctuary: Mr. Jones (one episode). Stargate Infinity: Pahk'kal, Napoleon Bonaparte (voices).
Matthew Walker. Sanctuary: Oliver Braithewaite (one episode). Stargate SG-1/The Ark of Truth: Merlin/Roham.
David Richmond-Peck. Sanctuary: Jake Polanski (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Jaffa Leader. Stargate Atlantis: Toran.
Panou. Sanctuary: Sylvio (two episodes). Stargate SG-1: Lt. Fisher.
Katherine Isabelle. Sanctuary: Sophie (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Valencia.
Chuck Campell. Sanctuary: Two-Faced Guy. Stargate: Chuck the Technician.
Gabrielle Rose. Sanctuary: Ruth Meyers (one episode). Stargate: The Ark of Truth: Alterean Woman #2.
Daryl Shuttleworth. Sanctuary: (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Commander Tegar, Commander Rigar.
Rukiya Bernard. Sanctuary: Kayla Bradley (one episode). Stargate Universe: Airman Richmond.
Alex Diakun. Sanctuary: Doctor (three episodes). Stargate SG-1: Tarek Solaman.
Chris Gauthier. Sanctuary: Walter (two episodes). Stargate: Mattas and Hertis.
Anne Marie DeLuise. Sanctuary: Rachel (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Amy Vandenberg, Farrell.
Aleks Paunovic. Sanctuary: Duke (one episode). Stargate Atlantis: Rakai.
Ryan Kennedy. Sanctuary: Darrin Wilson (one episode). Stargate Universe: Dr. Williams.
Terry Chen. Sanctuary: Charles (three episodes). Stargate SG-1: Monk.
Nimet Kanji. Sanctuary: Pili (two episodes). Stargate Atlantis: Doctor.
Ron Selmour. Sanctuary: Kanaan (three episodes). Stargate Atlantis: Jannick.
Raquel Riskin. Sanctuary: Cheryl (one episode). Stargate Universe: Mindy.
Eric Keenleyside. Sanctuary: Det. Michael Bronson (one episodes). Stargate SG-1: Fred.
Michael J Rogers. Sanctuary: Stanley O'Farrel (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Major Escher, Col. Richard Kendrick, Colonel John Michaels.
Fabrice Grover. Sanctuary: Father Nathaniel Jensen (one episode). Stargate: The Ark of Truth: Amelius.
Allison Hossack. Sanctuary: Lillian (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Zerina Valk. Stargate Atlantis: Perna.
Scott McNeil. Sanctuary: Birot (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Kefflin, Townsperson.
Jody Thompson. Sanctuary: Fallon (three episodes). Stargate Atlantis: Hospital Nurse.
Nels Lannarson. Sanctuary: Commander Tollan, Praxian Guardsman. (two episodes). Stargate SG-1: Major Green. Stargate Atlantis: Captain Holland.
Sean Rogerson. Sanctuary: Castor (one episode). Stargate Atlantis: Nevik.
Richard de Klerk. Sanctuary: U.S. Sergeant (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Dominic, Joe.
Aaron Brooks. Sanctuary: Lieutenant Hallman (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Nisal.
Collen Winton. Sanctuary: Anna (one episode). Stargate SG-1: National Security Advisor, Dr. Greene.
David Milchard. Sanctuary: Garris. Stargate Atlantis: SGC Technician.
Greyston Holt. Sanctuary: Lt. Coxswell (two episodes). Stargate Universe: Corporal Reynolds.
Brian Markinson. Sanctuary: Greg Addison. Stargate SG-1: Lotan.
Lara Gilchrist. Sanctuary: Cassidy (one episode). Stargate Atlantis: Dr. Hewston.
John Novak. Sanctuary: Thug Boss (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Colonel William Ronson.
Martin Cummins. Sanctuary: Brad Sylvester (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Aiden Corso.
Kurt Evans. Sanctuary: Agent Gavin Crealy (two episodes). Stargate SG-1: Col. Johnson.
Sage Brocklebank. Sanctuary: Canadian Press Photographer (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Rand Protectorate Tech.
Kwesi Ameyaw. Sanctuary: Colonel Bosh (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Olokun. Stargate Atlantis: Technical Sergeant.
J.C. Williams. Sanctuary: SCIU Agent (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Jaffa (uncredited), Stargate Universe: Marine (uncredited).
Caroline Cave. Sanctuary: Sheila Delacourt (one episode). Stargate Atlantis: Dr. Cole. Stargate Universe: Dana.
Brent Stait. Sanctuary: Finn Noland (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Major Louis Ferretti.
Richard Stroh. Sanctuary: Orin (one episode). Stargate Atlantis: Genii Soldier #2.
Venus Terzo. Sanctuary: Capt. Franklin (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Dr. Francine Michaels.
I spent entirely too much time on this, but I really got going. I also probably missed a few people (and didn't even start on the crew because of so much overlap). I'm not sure if this is just Vancouver film industry at work or what, but I am done.
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tumblr viděl 100 filmů! aneb 25. statistika
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Princezna se zlatou hvězdou (1959) : vidělo 97,6 %, nezná 0 %
Tři oříšky pro Popelku (1973) : vidělo 95,9 %, nezná 0 %
Pyšná princezna (1952) : vidělo 94,3 %, nezná 0 %
S čerty nejsou žerty (1985) : vidělo 93,9 %, nezná 1,2 %
Noc na Karlštejně (1974) : vidělo 92 %, nezná 1,3 %
Lotrando a Zubejda (1997) : vidělo 91,5 %, nezná 1,2 %
Princ a Večernice (1979) : vidělo 91,3 %, nezná 1,4 %
Ať žijí duchové (1977) : vidělo 90,8 %, nezná 5,3 %
Princezna ze mlejna (1994) : vidělo 90,7 %, nezná 1,3 % N
Anděl Páně (2005) : vidělo 88,4 %, nezná 1,1 %
náhodné poznatky: speciální faktoidní edice
zastoupení filmů podle dekády je takovéhle:
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Nejvíce známých filmů pochází z osmdesátých let, pak následují sedmdesátky a za nimi s drobným odstupem roky 2000–2009; stále existují dvě dekády, z kterých nikdo nic neviděl, a uboze jsou na tom nové filmy, které obvykle znáte, ale nesledujete je (ten jediný spatřený film je štědrovečerní pohádka); zdaleka nejpopulárnější dekáda jsou ovšem léta padesátá, kde jde sice jen o 11 filmů, to ale představuje hned 73 % ze všech filmů z této dekády, o kterých se hlasovalo – asi budu muset dát do pranice něco budovatelského, aby se to vyrovnalo
nejúspěšnějšími roky z pohledu kultovnosti jejich filmů jsou 1977 a 1980 (po pěti filmech), jinak je to poměrně vyrovnané
jediná dekáda, kde jsme kolektivně viděli aspoň jeden film z každého roku, jsou nulté roky, jinak se to žádnému desetiletí nepovedlo, ale osmdesátky se blíží (schází už jen 1988!)
průměrný počet hlasů je (zaokrouhleně) 76, což je více než u všech filmů dohromady (70) i u neznámých filmů (64)
stejně jako u stovky neznámých filmů jsem si dovolila něco o žánru:
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Celkem nepřekvapivě jsou top 3 žánry komedie (64), pohádka (40) a rodinný film (17) – pro srovnání u 100 neznámých filmů šlo o komedii (57), drama (39) a pohádku (9) – jsme prostě veselý národ; stejně jako minule předestírám, že jde o žánry z ČSFD, někdy značně pochybné.
a závěrem statistika dle režisérů (hvězdičkou jsou označeni ti, kteří figurují také v žebříčku neznámých filmů, kurzívou pak ženy):
10 filmů: Zdeněk Troška*
8 filmů: Václav Vorlíček*
7 filmů: Oldřich Lipský*
5 filmů: Martin Frič*, Karel Janák*
4 filmy: Bořivoj Zeman*, Jiří Menzel*, Jan Svěrák
3 filmy: Marie Poledňáková, Ladislav Smoljak*
2 filmy: Karel Zeman, Zdeněk Podskalský*, Karel Smyczek, Jiří Strach*, Vlasta Janečková, Jan Hřebejk, F. A. Brabec*, Věra Plívová-Šimková*, Dušan Klein*, Karel Steklý, Juraj Herz*, Václav Gajer
1 film: Hynek Bočan, Jiří Adamec, Jiří Vejdělek, Eduard Hofman, Filip Renč*, Josef Mach, Ivo Macharáček, Vladimír Karlík, Antonín Moskalyk, Vlasta Pospíšilová + Aurel Klimt*, Roman Vávra, Ludvík Ráža, Zdeněk Zelenka, Jiří Věrčák, Peter Bebjak, Miloslav Šmídmajer*, Ondřej Trojan*, Antonín Kachlík, Zdeněk Sirový*, Milan Cieslar*, Petr Nikolaev*, Ivo Novák*, Jindřich Polák*
ve srovnání s režiséry neznámých filmů je tu patrný jistý monopol a musím vám říct, že ten Troška na mě skočil totálně nečekán a ze zálohy
Tož. Stačilo by. Uvidíme se opět, až uvidíte nebo neuvidíte nějaké filmy. Celý žebříček viděných filmů najdete pod perexem. Mějte se fanfárově.
Princezna se zlatou hvězdou (1959)
Tři oříšky pro Popelku (1973)
Pyšná princezna (1952)
S čerty nejsou žerty (1985)
Noc na Karlštejně (1974)
Lotrando a Zubejda (1997)
Princ a Večernice (1979)
Ať žijí duchové (1977)
Princezna ze mlejna (1994) N
Anděl Páně (2005)
S tebou mě baví svět (1982)
Jak utopit dr. Mráčka aneb Konec vodníků v Čechách (1974)
Tři veteráni (1983)
Šíleně smutná princezna (1968)
Marečku, podejte mi pero! (1976)
Anděl Páně 2 (2016)
Jak dostat tatínka do polepšovny (1978)
Jak vytrhnout velrybě stoličku (1977)
Princezna ze mlejna 2 (2000) N
Princové jsou na draka (1980)
Zlatovláska (1973)
Císařův pekař - Pekařův císař (1951)
Pelíšky (1999)
Adéla ještě nevečeřela (1978)
Jak se budí princezny (1977)
Honza málem králem (1977)
Dívka na koštěti (1971)
Limonádový Joe aneb Koňská opera (1964)
Účastníci zájezdu (2006)
Stvoření světa (1957)
O princezně Jasněnce a létajícím ševci (1987) N
Jára Cimrman ležící, spící (1983)
Na samotě u lesa (1976)
Rebelové (2001)
Vesničko má středisková (1985)
Z pekla štěstí (1999)
Vrchní, prchni (1980)
Hrátky s čertem (1957)
Tajemství staré bambitky (2011)
Slunce, seno, jahody (1984)
Slunce, seno a pár facek (1989)
Sněženky a machři (1982) N
Kytice (2000)
O princezně, která ráčkovala (1986)
Obecná škola (1991)
Cesta do pravěku (1955)
Třetí princ (1982)
Slunce, seno, erotika (1991)
Postřižiny (1980)
Nejkrásnější hádanka (2008)
Kameňák (2003)
Páni kluci (1975)
Fimfárum Jana Wericha (2002)
Dařbuján a Pandrhola (1959)
Popelka (1969)
Kolja (1996)
Kuky se vrací (2010)
Snowboarďáci (2004)
Jezerní královna (1998) N
Čert ví proč (2003)
Tajemství hradu v Karpatech (1981)
Jak básníci přicházejí o iluze (1984)
Sedmero krkavců (1993)
Dobrý voják Švejk (1956)
Což takhle dát si špenát (1977)
Korunní princ (2015) N
Rafťáci (2006)
Kouzla králů (2008)
Škola základ života (1938)
Krakonoš a lyžníci (1980)
Saturnin (1994)
Poslušně hlásím (1957)
Slavnosti sněženek (1983)
Krakonošovo tajemství (2022)
Vratné lahve (2007)
Jak svět přichází o básníky (1982)
Probudím se včera (2012)
Jáchyme, hoď ho do stroje! (1974)
Spalovač mrtvol (1968)
Občanský průkaz (2010)
Princ Bajaja (1974)
Černí baroni (1992)
Dešťová víla (2010)
Princezna a půl království (2019) N
Pupendo (2003)
Panna a netvor (1978)
Báječná léta pod psa (1997)
Léto s kovbojem (1983)
Z pekla štěstí 2 (2001) N
Rozpuštěný a vypuštěný (1984)
Trhák (1980)
Pod Jezevčí skálou (1978) N
Anděl na horách (1955)
Ať žijí rytíři (2009)
Kačenka a strašidla (1992)
Máj (2008)
Vynález zkázy (1958)
Král sokolů (2000)
Na pytlácké stezce (1979) N
Kristián (1939)
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dangerously-human · 2 months
@starspray tagged me to share the last lines of my ten most recent fics. I've actually been giving more intentional thought to my opening and closing lines lately, so this is fun! I've skipped two recent works because they were chapters in a longer story, which maybe still applies but I wasn't exactly thinking of them as endings, you know?
Two kinds of peace: neither something Lucy could have foreseen when she started over in London. (The Best Is Yet to Come)
“Stay,” Lockwood whispered. / So Lucy did. (Now an Open Door)
However long it took, the light always conquered the dark. (Hold Life Like a Face)
Who will tell Irulan’s story? (Irulan, Invisible)
Ivy stirred briefly, blinking around with wide, curious eyes, and then settled once more with her ear to his heart, her breaths coming in soft puffs against his shirt. (You Must Be New Here)
“Yes, I think Dr. Zelenka’s opinion was obvious,” Elizabeth interrupts dryly. (A Scrabble Drabble)
All history converges on that single moment, and a wind whispers through the leaves to call them home. (Always to Savour Your Sweetness)
His breath returns. (The Way Through)
As the tiny flame flickers in the darkness, Quill sighs at it in kinship. (Requiem)
After all, we’re agents: we know better than to hesitate at thresholds. (Forward Motion)
Okay, so, patterns? I mean, most of these function as thesis statements for the work as a whole. That especially makes sense for the drabbles, given that I've got 100 words to build up to a theme, I've got to end on a punch to make it count. I very rarely end on dialogue. And most of these are swathed in dual meaning. What do you notice?
I tag @menina89, @astridcontramundum, @coraclavia, @clawedandcute, @fairytale-lights, and @softboiledwonderland, if you'd like to try!
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trainofcommand · 2 years
Time for some more Major Lorne-centric fic recs! Awesome. This is a mixed bag of things that I love.
The Long Way Home, by Requiem: This is Aiden Ford and Evan Lorne timeloop genfic. I love Ford. I love Lorne. I love timeloop fics. And I love things are super-well written, absorbing, and have a great resolution. Therefore, I adore this story. Just over 10 000 words, this fic is amazing. Read it with a yummy cup of hot chocolate, or maybe some nice biscuits.
Tu ferais quoi?, by Saschka: A very short Lorne/McKay fic where Evan asks Rodney what he would if DADT was repealed. Sweet, with a nice, gentle tone. In French, and just over 1000 words. A great little pick-me-up fic.
take this longing from my tongue, by MistressKat: A lovely Lorne/McKay fic that has Lorne pining, while also be awesome and great at his job. I love the longing here, and the story unfolds so well. I also love the way the author sets up the first sections of the story, with Evan's first, second, third, fourth, and fifth impression of McKay. It's awesome just brings you into the fic. At about 16 500 words, this is a great one to sit down to read with a nice cup of tea on a sunny afternoon.
a state of mind, not of the world, by @escriveine: This was written for me (me!!) and gosh, I LOVE it. It's Lorne/Zelenka, and also stars Teyla being amazing, and she gets nice things. Teyla deserves nice things. The central plot idea for this fic is so interesting and unique, and the writing is just beautiful, with such great descriptions and visuals. The Lorne POV is wonderful. I love everything about this fic, it makes me giddy. At about 7100 words, this is a great read to get cozy with.
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kijiboop · 1 year
Take Care, Darling - Stargate Atlantis
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Characters: Dr. Radek Zelenka, Aino Tamm (OFC)
Warnings: None, except swearing in other languages
The first thing he noticed was her voice.
No, that wasn't quite true. The first thing he noticed was her language. Not that he knew the language. It was as different from Czech as it was from English but the fact of it, the foreignness of a language other than English being spoken in Atlantis was what first drew his attention. 
Radek Zelenka stopped in midstride toward the lift and backpedaled to listen more closely. 
There are some words that are curses no matter what language you speak and this woman was clearly cussing wholeheartedly at something in a language he didn't recognize. He had to swallow a smile as he approached; she cursed in her mother tongue the way he did in his own. "Did you need some help?" he asked. 
The woman with the non-English vernacular vocabulary of the proverbial sailor spun away from whatever she'd been addressing to look at him in surprise. She was about his height, maybe a trifle shorter with bright blue eyes behind glasses that tried to mask the color and still couldn't manage it. Short, wavy brown hair was swept away from her face and into an efficient twist. Even her hair didn't seem to dare to step out of line. "Tämä päivä on perseestä!" she blurted, then blushed a rather becoming shade of pink.
Radek chuckled. "I'm sorry, did I startle you?"
"Yes, but it's my own fault," she replied, brushing nervously at her clothing. "I was preoccupied."
"I noticed. Did you need help with something?"
The woman shook her head, her eyes closed as she tried to regain her composure. "No, thank you, Doctor Zelenka. I'm fine. Just annoyed."
He raised his eyebrows in surprise. "You know me."
"Doesn't everyone in the science department?" she asked with an almost sly smile. "You're quite notable, you know."
"I wasn't aware you were in the science department."
She gestured to the name tag on her informal uniform. "Aino Tamm, linguistics and anthropological studies. I'm more on the soft science end of things, but we still answer to the science department."
"It's a pleasure to meet you, then, Doctor Tamm."
She shook her head with a wry smile. "No doctorate. I was working on it when I was recruited for the Atlantis expedition and there was a lot of head-scratching and handwaving behind the scenes, as I understand it."
Radek smiled at her, charmed in spite of himself. "You must have impressed someone. But then, we all did to get recruited here."
"True enough." Aino shook herself and glanced down the hallway. "I'm sure I'm keeping you from something, Doctor. Thank you for stopping, though you didn't have to."
Radek nodded. "I probably should be getting back to the lab. Drop by anytime. It's nice to hear a non-English accent from time to time."
"We take what we can get?" she laughed. "I have been meaning to learn Czech, actually. If you're willing to cringe through my pronunciation?"
"Anytime," he repeated with a smile. He nodded his way past her and back to the lifts, the smile still clinging to his lips. "Kdykoli," he murmured to himself, then let the smile blossom to a grin.
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whump-star · 1 year
Shards part 2B - not so mini chapter 
*This is part 2, thanks to @macgyvermedical and @criminallyfanatic for the help  on this part really appreciate it, I think I've left it at a nice point this time and am still eager to publish more in the coming days so keep an eye out, I also can not remember if this as cursing, so be warned they may be some
Back on Atlantis, Weir grew ever more worried about the colonel and the doctor. They had missed their daily check-in by almost 2 hours. “Open up the gate, we’ll try radio contact one more time”   
“There seems to be an issue” Zelenka poked his head up from his laptop just long enough to see Elizabeth's face drop. “The gate has been activated from their end, there is no way to make contact until the wormhole closes” and with that, the Czech slumped into his chair pondering the earful Rodney would unleash once he arrived at the gate room.
A bright light flashing in front of his face brought Carson back to the land of the living, almost reminding him of the neuro exams he had done on thousands of patients (and thousands of times on Sheppard).
 “Mr, can you hear me, mr, mr, are you awake” An unfamiliar voice roused him fully awake. to his surprise, a young boy no more than 10 or 11 was standing over him shining a light in his eyes. “Aye, son I'm awake” The boy jumped slightly at the Scotsman strong accent,
 “Mr, your head is bleeding, and I think he's dead” and with that Carson jumped up a wave of dizziness and nausea coming over him but he fought the urge to expel his lunch.
“Who’s dead, son” As Carson looked around the damp dark cell, it seemed like at some point it had been clean and almost modernized but had been battered by time and was now run down and ragged.
Sheppard was laying still in the corner of the room. Carson clawed his way over unable to stand due to the intense dizziness, “Colonel! Colonel!” Carson shouted as he rubbed his knuckles against John's sternum, a faint groan barely loud enough to hear escaping his lips.
The relief instantly fell over Carson, letting his guard down and relaxing his muscles he was overcome with a wave of nausea. he did all he could to hold it down but as much as he tried the acid feeling crept its way up as the cramping in his stomach reached unbearable levels and he lost his battle with his stomach.
Just as the retching had stopped a small hand passed Carson a damp rag. He cleaned himself up and turned to the small boy in front of him, “Who have we got here then”.
The boy stepped forward almost proud to announce “i am Rraeli, and I am going to help you mr?” and with that questioning end to his sentence Carson interrupted. 
“I’m Dr. Carson Beckett, and my friend over there is Colonel John Sheppard, do you think you can help me asses the Colonel, son” The boy looked almost excited to help, Carson and Raeli carefully lifted away John's shirt and revealed a new layer of makeshift bandages covering the shards of crimson stained glass protruding from Sheppards abdomen,
 “You did this, Raeli” Carson examined the work done by the child, “this is good work”
Raeli paused for a minute “My mother taught me she was a… a…healer” 
Carson could see the solemn look on the boy's face and thought the better of poking that particular sore spot, instead, he focused once again on Sheppard.
 The blood seemed to clot around the shards as he hadn't yet bled through the new bandages and he thought better of removing them. Instead, he quickly assessed the Colonel's abdomen noting the deep bruising across his chest, the blast must have caused more damage than he originally thought. 
“Colonel!!! Can you hear me, lad, I need you to wake up for a moment” 
John's eyes blinked, he grabbed onto consciousness with all his strength and opened his eyes to a familiar shadow over his head. “Doc…you…okay…head…bleeding”
With that usual deflection, he smiled at Sheppard, his smile faded as for once it made Carson consider his own injuries he’d been neglecting.
“How the hell is that bloody gate still open” Rodney paused for a minute before thinking back to the early days when Sheppard had been studying wraith battle techniques and how they hold gates open so no help can come and no one can escape, “CULLING!!” it was the only thing that made sense. They'd never seen anyone else use that technique and Sheppard had gone partially to warn of the possibility of wraith attack as their civilization had been advancing fast almost reaching technological age, something the wraith would likely want to stop.
“Culling, McKay are you sure?” the questioning tone of Weirs her voice getting under his skin 
“Of course, who else would be using wraith techniques, it makes sense they have gone to stop them advancing and restock their hive ships…. They haven't been culled in almost 2 years they must have done something to attract the wraith, maybe frequent gate activation or their spreading presence across that sector of the galaxy” he paused only to catch his own breath “We need the Daedalus we need to get there now and rescue them” he looks over to Weir how had an uneasy look to her.
“The Daedalus only just reached Earth it can't get here for 2 weeks and it would probably take another week just to reach…. ” her voice trailed off as she saw the defeat on Mckay's face.
Of all the times Carson could have been invited to teach it had to be when a wraith attack was likely and he had to take Colonel Catastrophe with him “I have a weird feeling about this” he spouted as he shoved half a power bar into his mouth. 
Although Carson wasn’t happy with the Colonel's condition, he was stable enough that he could actually take care of himself. He crudely fashioned a bandage out of the remainder of his jacket and wrapped up his head. He’d noted the dizziness was less frequent, so attempted to stand, his little friend right there to help him up. Although he was dizzy it wasn't nearly as bad as before and diagnosed himself with a mild concussion.
 “Lad, what are you doing here any way you seem a tad young to be in jail” he had been so glad for Raeli’s help that he had stopped to think about why a child was with them.
“My father works here mr, he saw you two being brought in and thought I could help ” The boy's face looks as confident as ever “I snuck in to help”
“That's brave of you lad,” he thought for a minute, “your mother taught you well. Where is she I'm sure she wouldn't want her bonny boy in a place like this” For a moment Carson was concerned until Raeli responded.
“She died, the last time the monsters came… but she used to tend to prisoners so now I do” Carson was taken aback by the child's confidence, it reminded him of someone as he could tell he wasn't getting the whole truth.
“Hey…ummm…doc…” Becketts attention immediately on sheppard 
“aye, colonel what's wrong” Carson looked at the injured form of the once strong pilot.
“Breathing…seems…trick’....” Sheppard could feel every agonizing breath, it felt like his chest would explode.
“Aye, Colonel, just try to take some nice deep breaths” he held his ear to Johns's chest, listening intently for anything he couldn't hear anything too worrying, “I suspect, son, you've got some broken ribs you need to relax, ill give you another once over” 
Carson lifted Sheppard's shirt again, noting the blood that had sipped through the new dressings, his biggest concern was blood loss, he had been bleeding steadily for some time. Now if only they could get to his quarters, his med kit was sat right there.
He pondered that for a minute “Raeli, was it, could you do me a favor” The boy looked over to him he had been taking Sheppards pulse, 
“Of course mr. Anything”
“Do you think you could get to my quarters and get my medical bag” The boy looked confused for a second “In my room there is a big bag with dressings and medicine, do you think you could find it” 
The boy's face lit up “All your belongings are in the office I can get it for you right away. I’ll let father know you may need help”
Carson smiled as the boy squeezed through a small gap in the ever-decaying wall. Carson turned back to Sheppard, his face very pale and a slight sheen across his brow. He couldn't help but think back to what Raeli had said. If his father worked here wouldn't he be helping keep them captive, if so why would they both be so eager to help?
Carson's attention was drawn to the hallway on the far side of the room, heavy footsteps echoed closer as well as talking one voice was familiar, it was Raeli and someone else. 
The door swung open.
“We have an incoming transmission from P2X-782” Rodney's heart rate increased hoping it would be Sheppard with some nonsensical excuse as to why he couldn't check-in.
“No IDC, how should I proceed” 
Weir looks over to the stargate trying to remain composed “Sheild up open communication channels” A thought lingered in the back of her head would Beckett and Sheppard really have given up Atlantis
“This is General Vaerol. We have you people. We request a delegation of your people to represent your operatives in trial” 
“What has colonel chaos got himself into this time” 
Weir, aware of Rodney's concern, overlooked his comment and gave orders.
“Have Teyla report to the gate room and get Major Lorne…
“Rest easy captives I am Raeli’s father Talgon. I mean no harm” The older worn looking man stood over them. Carson would have been skeptical had he not been carrying his medical bag as well as what looked like food and water.
Without missing a beat, Carson introduced himself. “I am doctor Carson Beckett and this is Colonel John Sheppard” he grabbed the bag ” My friend here is very sick may I ask why we are being held” Before waiting for an answer he began tending to Sheppard.
“You have been arrested for attempting to sabotage the education center. We received intel that someone was planning a coordinated attack working with a wraith worshipper we detained earlier” The man look strained and as if he did quite believe his own words
As Carson slipped a cannula into Sheppards arm and hooked up the fluids he composed himself, “Why are we suspects, I'm here to teach, and he's just here to accompany me” 
“In our initial investigation, the general wanted to look at all the most recent arrivals to the city and when we searched your friend's quarters we found a small quantity of explosives… C4 I believe you call it” 
Carson couldn't believe that his companion's need to carry C4 everywhere could get them into this much trouble. Just as he went to respond he noticed Sheppard's voice.
“Can’t….breathe…help” Carson whipped out a stethoscope and listened intently to the colonel's lungs - “shit” they'd been in this cell for maybe 6 hours according to his watch all 6 of those agonizing hours Carson had been worried about the possibility of pneumothorax, the colonel took quite a blow and breathing had been steadily deteriorating “shit”
“I need to fix this fast, can you pass me that green pouch lad” As they spoke Sheppard's breaths got ever more ragged and shallow. Carson could see the crepitus under the skin and the cyanosis around his lips. “Hold tight colonel this is going to hurt son”
And with that slight warning, Carson grabbed the biggest needle either of his observers had ever seen and plunged it into Johns's chest. He pulled the needle out leaving a catheter that hissed slightly as the colonel took a deep breath after what seemed like forever. 
The groan that followed unsettled Carson as he’d never thought he'd have to decompress a conscious man's chest let alone his friend 
“Beck..ett..please…never..do…that..’gain” Carson chuckled slightly to himself as he turned back to the two shocked faces behind him.
Talgon looked white as a sheet. It was clear that although battled hardened, he wasn't a fan of graphic medical procedures 
“Is your friend better now?”
“Unfortunately, no. I suspect he had some internal bleeding and what I just did is only a temporary fix. I need to get him back to my infirmary as soon as I can” he looked pleadingly at his captor
“Although I do not believe you are guilty, your people have been instrumental in our advancements. The evidence doesn't look good. We have a delegation of your people coming to the planet to plead your case in a trial” * hope you enjoyed this not so mini-chapter again, the original authors' (@macgyvermedical) part 1 is reblogged on my blog, and if you have any ideas or notes please feel free to message me I'm always happy for input
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stinalotte · 1 year
Sometimes I like to add stuff from 2023 to 2004 Atlantis in my head. For example, today's smartphones. Rodney would set up a mobile network for the city. Group chats would spring up SO FAST.
There's the official ones, very serious.
Please note the senior staff meeting at 1400 has been postponed to 1630.
(one single "👍" by Sheppard because he's a dork.)
Then there's all the semi-formal ones, still work related, but a bit more relaxed.
Hey sorry, any idea when we'll get the spare parts for the lab on level 16? Dr. Zelenka is getting antsy. 😉
-I am not getting "antsy". 😋
And then there's all the private ones.
The science department has one to bitch about the Marines—and a separate one to bitch about McKay. The Marines send each other 15 year old memes with lots of 🤣 emojis. The botanists create their own chat and call it "REAL Science 😎". There's some confusion because at least three separate group chats from different departments with the same name already exist.
Cadman and Vega create one called "Rate that 🍑", but it's deleted half a day later because someone accidentally set it to citywide. (Lots of 👀 in that one)
Dr. Kavanagh is blocked from all of them, and Major Lorne is in every single one of them. The Germans, Austrians and the Swiss have to explain to everyone why theirs is called "DACH". The Brazilians just add everyone, if they want to or not. If you don't mute notifications, your phone overheats within minutes.
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