#color synonyms
canisalbus · 1 month
Vachete Suomi AU. Vesuri ja Vaski asuvat suuressa kylässä jossain sisämaassa kaukana suurista kaupungeista kuten Turusta. Kirkonkylän pappi, Vesuri, yrittää parhaansa mukaan vakuuttaa kyläläisiä kasvattamaan perunaa, koska se on satoisa ja ravitseva kasvi mutta kyläläiset eivät tahdo luopua nauriista. Vaski on kartanonvoudin poika ja yrittää pitää suhteita yllä kyläläisiin, että he olisivat suostuvaisia maksamaan veroja kuninkaalle eivätkä hyökkäisi hänen isänsä kimppuun.
Loose translation:
Finnish Vaschete AU.
Vesuri (a type of pruning knife/billhook) and Vaski (brass/copper/bronze) live in a big village somewhere inland, far away from the country's populous cities like Turku (Finland's oldest city and former capital located in the southwestern coast). The village priest, Vesuri, is trying his best to persuade the villagers to start farming potato, a high-yielding and nourishing crop, but people are reluctant to give up their turnips (one of Finland's most important staple foods up until 1800's when potato finally took over). Vaski is the son of a local lord of the manor (or maybe you'd call it bailiff? Or even jarl?) and is doing his best to get along with the villagers so that they would continue paying their taxes to the king and wouldn't turn against his dad.
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smile-files · 10 months
silly rhyming titles for the welcome home cast!!
julie joyful: the merry fairy
wally darling: the to-the-end friend
sally starlet: the lesbian thespian
frank frankly: the perfectionist lepidopterist
poppy partridge: the sweetheart worrywart
howdy pillar: the pleasant merchant
barnaby b. beagle: the crack-‘em-up pup
eddie dear: the selfless philatelist
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crybabydraws · 1 year
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They are so silly I adore them
Have some goofy Chara and Frisk sketches I colored! These are the Chara and Frisk from my dreamtale based au, but ut canon Frisk and Chara, if they can interact, also 100% have these interactions that make you say, "Aww! Look at these silly billies! These goofy goobers have so much wacky whimsy!" They really do mean so much to me
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emmettland · 5 days
honestly my most guilty pleasure isn't the incest or underage or whump or really weird kinks, it's the pinterest room makeovers
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petriichvrs · 2 months
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FOUR YEARS  OF  NOXTMS  /  six  characters  !
ft. @viiktorious ( my absolute favorite take on viktor, in the sense that no one else could ever really compare. i think you write him so well when it would be so easy for him to be very oversimplified, and one of the most pleasant surprises of this year - at least so far - has been you bringing him back to the dash ! ), @hoggleswart ( i don't know how well documented my 'sarah shahi deserves to be used more in the rpc' movement is here in nox, but i have been leading that charge for so many years and i was already so invested in roshana before you ticked all my favorite boxes in a character. i love ocs connected to existing canons in ways other than siblings or children, and i'm always a sucker for someone achingly sad ! ), @hcldmybroom ( not unlike the above, i have been wanting ambika to become the next big thing for so long that i, again, was always predisposed to loving a character using her ! there is so much - so far - untapped potential for drama with minette that makes me gleeful, and i really, really enjoy what i have seen of them so far ! ), @chacswins ( this guy is always gonna hurt my heart, and i'm always gonna be way more into that than i should be</3 you and sam are neck to neck in my personal 'most anticipated returns' list, and i'm so happy to be able to play around with you in all the angsty ways i've grown to love playing around with you in over the years of friendship and development we've had ! i'm so fond of damien in a way i think doesn't get expressed enough, and so grateful that his existence has provided me with 1. a whole character, in luca and 2. so many new layers for other characters ! ), @tosteelisms ( cara macdonald, my beloved, i am so glad that someone has finally given you a chance to thrive when you have so deserved it for so long ! she's one of my most adored creations, here, and i am so glad that i was able to entrust her into such capable hands ! you came into nox swinging, and i have loved seeing her form ! ), @acritudos ( last, but not at all least. theo nott was talked about at such length for so long that it would have been so easy for him to lose momentum but. of course. that was never going to happen in your hands. he is everything i've always dreamed of and more in terms of all the various dynamics i always wanted - with pansy, with the slytherin gang as a whole, with astoria, with ginny. with everyone, really ! - and of course it would be you that would give me those goods. how on earth could i expect any differently ! as always, i feel very lucky to write with you and develop such complex connections with you, and i hope that never changes<3 ) !
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hospitalroom · 7 months
theres so much racism in the goth subculture & people will have your head on a stick if you dare speak out about it
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quibbs126 · 2 years
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So today I decided to just draw a bunch of Des’s spouses according to other people on here, as well as my own
I wanted to draw them interacting, but I wasn’t sure what to have them talking about. Originally it was gonna be Eternal Diva (since I’ve seen redraws of screenshots with two of them) only to realize the other two wouldn’t know anything about that time. Maybe I’ll draw them interacting some other time
Also I know that there are more spouses for Des around here, these are just the four I know much about
But I do very much enjoy these guys. I may wish that Level 5 told us more about Des’s family in canon, but I can’t complain about the interpretations people have made for them in their stead
Artemis belongs to @mortallychaotickingdom
Christine Jetpardon/Olivia Sycamore belongs to @sunnyskies281
Oscar belongs to @teenytinyapprentice
Eileen belongs to me!
*(Also, to clarify with Eileen since I realize I haven’t really explained her all that well, I’m saying that back in the day, she did a lot of crimes and had a similar personality to what Descole had, but without the empathy (I assume) he has. Also the mechanical skills or theatrics (she has stage fright); basically if Descole was much smaller scale. Basically she was the one to get Desmond into doing crimes, but over the course of her time with him, she learned to be better and feel empathy for other people, with him as her moral compass. I don’t talk much about her and her personality mainly because I haven’t really pinned it down and I’m still not sure what to do with her)
(Also she has a body count. She does not feel guilty about this)
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aaternum · 3 months
what color character are you?
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Dark Blue Characters
Dark Blue characters are kindhearted and responsible, driven to care for others around them. They are good at strategizing in the heat of the moment, but are also quite impulsive and rush into things without a plan when they are fired up. While calm people and patient teachers, they are quite hotheaded and not afraid to stand up for what they believe in. Their sense of morality guides them, both into battle, and into healing. They get along with a wide range of people, but do have a temper that causes them to get into short-lived disagreements. They don’t like to be seen as inferior, as much of their strength comes from the softness inside of them. They like being needed and helpful, and want people to agree that they know what’s best for them, although others can get annoyed at what they perceive as nagging. They take turns being the voice of reason and the reason for the voice. They can hold their own, and believe in respecting everyone as long as everyone is respectful in turn. They often had to grow up fast and mature early, which they both take pride in and resent. They are likely to join a just cause on a whim, and do what it takes to develop the skillset they need to best help the cause, although they prefer to be at the center of the action. If they feel no one is doing anything and it needs to be done, they’ll step in. They are often close to prodigies, having some sort of incredible skill that they can expertly hone. They are inspirational and have a lot of emotional maturity. They can both maneuver people through their hardships and inspire them to rise up. They can often ignore their own feelings and needs in the process of being a sort of martyr for others, however, and can grow resentful when no one pays attention to them like they do for others. Dark blue characters need people in their lives who will encourage and uplift them in whatever cause they choose to support, as well as give them space to talk out their feelings. They also need others who will recognize when they are taking too much responsibility on, and take some time to give them care and support and affirm their willingness to care.
tagged by: @nezumivc103221 (thank you!) tagging: you! 💜
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knackfandomarchive · 8 months
They *are* alive. Or at least have some instinct of self-preservation
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The spinners don't care and will attack, but those big Guardians I circled are either standing there looking up at him, or slowly backing off.
And unless they're robots, or can survive shattering into pieces, Knack is unambiguously killing them. The Doctor also defeated some of them with bombs.
You could probably walk right by these two, but the player I'm watching did not.
I also want to point out an interesting difference in the Guardians based on location, most noticeable in this type:
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In the giant orb's room, sleeping Guardians look like this:
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Notice that their arms are fully extended, fists on the ground, and their heads often face completely downward. They remain completely still until you come within range.
Whereas the Guardians sleeping under Obelisk mountain look like this:
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Their hands do not touch the ground, but the Guardians are not in their bright blue active state. They also just stand there, but they have a breathing-like animation, as opposed to those very still in the giant orb's domain.
In the end game, the idle Guardians again take up the powered-off look, in the giant orb's region.
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I thought that was interesting.
Okay, that's that. I'm not sure what to post next for KNACKtober except a few doodles here and there.
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vvindication · 1 year
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hey wait a fucking second
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the-kneesbees · 2 years
I hate how tiktok is teaching people this so let me clarify. furries are not the people in the hallway that bark at you when you wear shorts. those are cat callers and creeps and you should absolutely avoid them, report them, tell them to fuck of, or what ever you need to do. but they're not furries.
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hyunubear · 1 year
Look at this, from the Mexican memes
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How Monbebe sees them / how the other fandom sees them
Dude, stop!!!
I swear it's very funny in Spanish
LDKDKDKKD IT IS FUNNY!!! (Not funny haha, funny weird @ armchairs)
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saritawolff · 5 months
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Phew. This one took, uh… a bit longer than expected due to other projects both irl and art-wise, but it’s finally here. The long-awaited domestic animal infographic! Unfortunately, I didn’t have enough space to cover every single domestic animal (I’m so sorry, reindeer and koi, my beloveds) but I tried to include as many of the “major ones” as possible.
I made this chart in response to a lot of the misunderstandings I hear concerning domestic animals, so I hope it’s helpful!
Further information I didn’t have any room to add or expand on:
🐈 “Breed” and “species” are not synonyms! Breeds are specific to domesticated animals. A Bengal Tiger is a species of tiger. A Siamese is a breed of domestic cat.
🐀 Different colors are also not what makes a breed. A breed is determined by having genetics that are unique to that breed. So a “bluenose pitbull” is not a different breed from a “rednose pitbull”, but an American Pitbull Terrier is a different breed from an American Bully! Animals that have been domesticated for longer tend to have more seperate breeds as these differing genetics have had time to develop.
🐕 It takes hundreds of generations for an animal to become domesticated. While the “domesticated fox experiment” had interesting results, there were not enough generations involved for the foxes to become truly domesticated and their differences from wild foxes were more due to epigenetics (heritable traits that do not change the DNA sequence but rather activate or deactivate parts of it; owed to the specific circumstances of its parents’ behavior and environment.)
🐎 Wild animals that are raised in human care are not domesticated, but they can be considered “tamed.” This means that they still have all their wild instincts, but are less inclined to attack or be frightened of humans. A wild animal that lives in the wild but near human settlements and is less afraid of humans is considered “habituated.” Tamed and habituated animals are not any less dangerous than wild animals, and should still be treated with the same respect. Foxes, otters, raccoons, servals, caracals, bush babies, opossums, owls, monkeys, alligators, and other wild animals can be tamed or habituated, but they have not undergone hundreds of generations of domestication, so they are not domesticated animals.
🐄 Also, as seen above, these animals have all been domesticated for a reason, be it food, transport, pest control, or otherwise, at a time when less practical options existed. There is no benefit to domesticating other species in the modern day, so if you’ve got a hankering for keeping a wild animal as a pet, instead try to find the domestic equivalent of that wild animal! There are several dog breeds that look and behave like wolves or foxes, pigeons and chickens can make great pet birds and have hundreds of colorful fancy breeds, rats can be just as intelligent and social as a small monkey (and less expensive and dangerous to boot,) and ferrets are pretty darn close to minks and otters! There’s no need to keep a wolf in a house when our ancestors have already spent 20,000+ years to make them house-compatible.
🐖 This was stated in the infographic, but I feel like I must again reiterate that domestic animals do not belong in the wild, and often become invasive when feral. Their genetics have been specifically altered in such a way that they depend on humans for optimal health. We are their habitat. This is why you only really see feral pigeons in cities, and feral cats around settlements. They are specifically adapted to live with humans, so they stay even when unwanted. However, this does not mean they should live in a way that doesn’t put their health and comfort as a top priority! If we are their world, it is our duty to make it as good as possible. Please research any pet you get before bringing them home!
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poptartmochi · 3 months
it is 4am so i am once again debating if it would be evil of me to give Maggie red hair
#she will always be reboot gioia at her core BUT. you know. recently i realized she has quite a few Trish Things going on..#so I've been considering this 🧍🏻‍♀️#and also the fact that w the way things are rn‚ 3/4 of the leading cast for rb2 have black hair..... it is too much.. it's unbalanced 😢😢#if she has red hair‚ then we diversify the hair colors a bit and also riff on Trish being a devil made in eva's image..#and we can have a fun call back to dante + trish's bring your dark soul to liiiight moment 🥹#and this would also reflect his and trish's narrative where she was Made to fuck with him but then gets murderized by the Big Bad Boss and#comes back to his aid later 🕺🏻 (<- needs to replay dmc1...)#BUT. in dmc1 dante has a photo of his mom framed on his desk. in the rb dlc vergil kills the memory of his mom bc it made him weak#so. I don't think it really fits his character to commandeer this eva-lookalike around to spy on + fuck w dante#really the only person it would fuck with would be vergil.. considering dante still doesn't remember eva super well in the reboot? (<- needs#to replay the reboot 🧍🏻‍♀️) the only way i could justify it w this eva-specific lens is that controlling maggie is a way of sticking it to#the man. but Again I don't think this is really harmonic w his character post reboot.. it's like taking two steps backwards#i think it makes more sense that he just plays her like a fiddle Solely Because she is so dedicated to the cause (which. to her is#synonymous w his vision and agenda. sad for her lol!) he's drunk on power and being the Boss Man yk.. she doesn't need the eva throwback to#be in his circle. so! idk. playing hot potato w it all rn 🌪️🌪️🌪️🌪️#💃🏻#sriracha.txt
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angorwhosebabyisthis · 3 months
tfw you keep trying to write up a concise Introduction of a Complex and Interesting Concept You Think About a Lot, getting distracted by an infodumping derail about The Breadth of the Subject, and running out of steam and having to start over ashdndmfb
#whosebaby talks#me waving a sign over my head: DISLIKING CHARACTERS IS A HIGHLY NUANCED AND PERSONAL THING#AND EXPLORING THAT AND LEARNING WHAT YOU'RE SENSITIVE TO AND COMPARING NOTES LEADS TO RICH ANALYSIS#disliking a character can be a geiger counter for certain themes and tropes and narrative devices; shitty or otherwise#and it's a highly personalized one between people and that's okay#and your ability to notice and analyze things doesn't end with what personally presses your buttons#in fact it's highly important to learn to recognize that you *won't* always have a visceral reaction to shitty things worth talking about!#and you can learn so so so many things from 'my dislike of something in fiction is not necessarily petty or irrational'#'and being colored by my personal feelings and experiences does not make it useless data; nor mean it should be treated as unimportant'#'and knee-jerk personal emotion not being objective or universal =/= *any* opinion i might have about fiction is subjective'#'especially if it's even slightly informed *by* an emotional reaction'#'my being personally triggered by a rape scene when someone else isn't does not mean it's up for debate whether it's a depiction of rape'#because fuck that shit running into hell#'but the emotional reaction itself *isn't* objective or universal; and is not synonymous with having an opinion'#'and that makes for both a rich tool of storytelling and analysis; and a check on my own potential assholery as well as other people's'#and i think this approach and its process are *critically important*#for addressing and deconstructing misogynistic/racist/ableist/fatphobic/anti-survivor/etc trends#in who fandoms Just So Happen to Dislike En Masse compared to everyone else; and why#i could go on and on and on it's so interesting and imo such an important principle to go by#gnaws on a table edge about it
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sammydem0n64 · 7 months
Baron and Winda have "Nessa" as their last name because saying Baron Nessa together sounds like. Barossa kinda. So Baron follows that neat Percy name principle too!
But im not giving that man any praise or favor no matter what.
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