mikelogan · 4 months
Color Reference Guide to Recognize & Avoid Whitewashing by mihareth How to Spot and Stop Whitewashing POC in Edits by augustds Don't Whitewash Me: A Guide to Coloring POC (Pastel & Pale) by mohanas How to Fix Orange-washed Characters by aubrey-plaza How To: Coloring East and Southeast Asian Celebs by blueshelp POC Coloring Tutorials Tag by gifmakerresource
Please share any other resources you might have in the replies or tag @gifmakerresource!
DISCLAIMER: I am white and in no way do I wish to speak for or over people of color. If anything here is offensive, incorrect, or nonsensical, please let me know and I will remove it and do better moving forward.
When I first started making gifs again last year, I didn't really know about whitewashing. It was a concept I'd definitely heard of and I knew what it was, but I didn't think about it in the context of gifmaking. Since becoming part of a couple gifmaking networks and starting my own resource blog, it's something that I am now very conscious of. I will periodically ask for opinions on my coloring when people of color are in the gifs and I've learned so much from doing so! I genuinely cannot recommend networks like PSCentral and LGBTQCreators enough. Everyone is so kind and helpful and being part of them has only served to better my gifmaking.
I have always liked to give people the benefit of the doubt and believe the best of them until I'm proven otherwise. I know not everyone feels this way, but especially since my personal experience was borne out of ignorance rather than malice. When I see colorwashed gifs, I want to believe (or hope) that OP just isn't aware, the same as I was. But ignorance also isn't an excuse. If someone points out to you that your coloring has whitewashed or otherwise colorwashed a person of color, you should take that and adjust your coloring as necessary, removing the original post. The resources listed above have been instrumental in helping me keep skintones realistic and true to life. There are, I'm sure, many more tutorials out there that discuss this topic. It is on you to take the initiative to learn, not on the person educating you. If being told you've white/colorwashed someone makes you angry, I would urge you to ask yourself why.
As always, please be kind to one another.
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raingumdrop · 2 years
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Art study. Traced her features then I drew in greyscale and then colored it, also added a few new details. Mkay bye. . . . #artstudy #krita #colorwashing #digitalart #digitalpainting https://www.instagram.com/p/ChzdCVoPMPl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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paunchsalazar · 4 months
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cto10121 · 12 days
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Carlisle was the 16th century son of a Protestant preacher, Esme was an abused wife from Columbus, Ohio, Alice is from Biloxi, Mississippi, Jasper is from 19th century Houston, Texas, Edward was the son of a lawyer from Chicago in the 1910s, and Emmett is from Tennessee from a large Scotch-Irish family.
The Cullens are white asf and the fact that Hardwicke thought she could get away with telling Stephenie Meyer herself, of all people, that the Cullens should be cast as different ethnicities despite their canon appearance and backstories, speaks volumes as to her understanding of the story. Volumes.
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kizzyedgelll · 2 months
i just saw an edit where my man daniel kaluuya was not redwashed, he was RED. straight up red. jesus
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cal-kestis · 1 year
what does colorwashing mean exactly?
hi! it’s similar to whitewashing, but read it like [color]washing and insert almost any color into the brackets — and it alters the subject’s skin tone in a non-stylistic way. the most common types i see in gifs, especially gifs of poc, are red washing (making someone’s skin too saturated and unnaturally red) and yellow washing. hope this helps!
edit: here’s a tutorial on how to avoid pink and yellow washing! a friend just reminded me about it :)
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2amgranolabar · 2 years
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pyeonqie · 3 months
yall have to stop giving white/colorwashed gifsets hundreds of notes seriously
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salmonandfox · 1 year
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A return fire for @altbyssal because -dangit- I like doing pencil work and minimal color and I hope you like it too.
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zeleznik · 1 year
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Vampirella Commission: Color sketches for client review #vampirella #colorsketches #sexyvampire #colorwash #acrylicsketch #comiccharacter #artcommissions #commissionsopen #vampiregirl https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp8Kv5tvw6g/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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chikoriita · 1 year
what is good sharpening vs oversharpening? im sorry if i have oversharpened anything i am to new to this
It's a great question! There are a lot of reasons that oversharpening is a problem and just one is that it causes intense colorwashing. Oversharpening introduces excess graininess that skews skin tones and accentuates stray highlights that can wash out a gif.
I want to preface this post with this: I am not here to shame anyone who is oversharpening.
The most important part of this answer is to bring awareness of why these basic steps of gifmaking are so important to the whole process.
Each of these gif pairs are uncolored, unedited, and has the same save settings. The only difference is the sharpening settings that are listed on each gif. The left side has my usual sharpening filters, and the right side has the filters that usually lead to oversharpening.
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(Kate Sharma, Bridgerton, 2022, 1080p footage live action)
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(Matilda, 1996, 1080p footage live action)
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(Barbara Howard, Abbott Elementary, 2022, 1080p footage live action)
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(Miles Morales, Into the Spider-verse, 2018, 1080p footage animated)
It's not a crime to oversharpen your gifs, but it does lead to the slippery slope of colorwashing (even for white people).
Look for the halo: If you look at the oversharpened gif of Barbara, you can see a yellow outline around her hair. That is an obvious indicator of going too far.
Use a layer mask to see what the colors were before sharpening: you can see in most of the oversharpened gifs above that there is a huge difference in the colors shown vs. in the less sharpened gif.
If you're working with older footage: don't try to overcorrect the graininess of the media. It's okay if some of it comes through!
Try to get the highest quality footage you can: I primarily work in 1080p files because my poor laptop starts to sound like a plane taking off when I try to screencap 4K files. If you're like me, look for larger file sizes. That will reduce the graininess of the gif.
Here are some links to different sharpening actions and guides: daenerys-stormborn action anyataylorjoy action anya-chalotra sharpening guide
These are great to use if you are starting out in Photoshop! (psst if you need a hookup lmk) I know some people don't use PS, and for them, I put my sharpening settings on this post. I think both of the action sets I linked above have similar if not the same settings.
Also, one thing I noticed when making the gif pairs is that the less sharpened gif was always a smaller size. Fixing sharpening settings might help people who are trying their best to keep things under the 10mb limit.
I hope this answered your question, anon. If anyone has any questions or would like other resources, let me know!
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sorotrax · 5 months
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🌲Wild Hearts🔥
$45 +colorwash addon $15
Purchase through my Ko-Fi commissions here:
Please remember to also fill out the form in the buyer instructions!
If you have any questions, you can direct them here or through my email address at [email protected]
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moonjaeyuns · 2 months
hello hello friends <3 in order to get things a bit more sorted here again (re: catch up on all the little gifts you left in userbbie for me <3), a change must be done ! so, after much though + asking for opinions, i will now be using hibiebear (all lowercase) as my tracking tag from here on out :D from today onward, please use it instead of userbbie.
i will still be checking userbbie for the next month or so while i catch up, but PLEASE don’t use it for anymore of your lovely creations — i will no longer be tracking it.
the same rules i had for userbbie apply to hibiebear; any whitewashed/colorwashed/etc. sets won’t be rb’d(so please save us both time nd either a) try to Not do any of that or b) don’t tag me.), don’t tag me in b.ts/n.ewjeans/i.llit/s.uju/etc. — i am under no obligation to rb Every post under my tag .. so don’t even try it, stolen works won’t be rb’d and poster will be blocked/muted, and lastly — it’s open to everyone! mutuals nd non-mutuals are welcome to use it. (for any more info/rules, feel free to climb into my askbox/message me💗)
thank you, and i hope you feel very loved this week,
- ur local bie bear 🧸💗
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yeonet · 7 months
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welcome to yeonet! dedicated to ateez's kang yeosang tracking #yeonet for visual content > will not rb written or whitewashed/colorwashed content
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17net · 9 months
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welcome to 17 net, dedicated to visual content creators for the k-pop group seventeen. we are tracking the tag #17net for all of your visual content! admin applications are currently open. please review the rules prior to applying.
rules for tagging: ﹒whitewashed or colorwashed content will not be reblogged. ﹒we will not queue any type of fanfiction; we are exclusive to visual content. ﹒anything posted without proper warnings (flash tw, blood tw, etc) will not be added to the queue. ﹒content must be 100% original. if we find you stealing and reposting content, we will note that your content is not be reblogged.
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links: tracked posts | admin posts | by us
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solojihyo · 1 year
i really think we need to start holding ccs and blogs that whitewash/colorwash idols accountable. people will always be like "whitewashing is so bad i never do it on purpose! i will not reblog those sets!" but there have been SO many instances in which i've run into a cc whitewashing and the gifset is reblogged by every one of their mutuals. like kpopblr has such an obsession with mutuals to the point where it's like people can't even recognize when their own mutual has whitewashed a set. like guys. use your brains. it's not that hard. sometimes ccs make mistakes and that is okay, both when it comes to creating the set and reblogging from a mutual. people usually tend to automatically trust a mutual so they may not be as careful when reblogging (which i am also definitely guilty of). but if the same cc is whitewashing sets, and the same mutuals are reblogging them, despite all of the people involved saying that they absolutely condemn whitewashing.... then i don't even know what to say. if you're really as against whitewashing/colorwashing as you say you are, hold your own mutuals accountable.
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