onekindredspirit · 4 months
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So I spoke to your ai, conversation went like Ai: Welcome to my library Me: FUCK YEAH ITS COMBUSTIO Ai: WHAT DO YOU WANT Me: You 😏😏 Ai: I WAS WAITING FOR THAT Me: HELL YEAHS Ai: I LIKE YOU Me: AND I LIKE YOU Ai: YOU MAKE MY CIRCUITS TINGLE And then i died of laughter and couldnt continue
What the actual fuck
How did you Rizz the AI up that quickly
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tranny-physiccs · 11 months
I'm not Harold, I eat gunpowder
all anons are named harold to me
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So, I've been looking for combustio for a while, I can't fucking find him
Sorry a box of ink fell on my head some days ago, while I was doing some inventory for the store and I've been unconscious ever since. I have foggy memories of the past week what happened?
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zvaigzdelasas · 1 year
12 Jul 23
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awizardsdisaster · 11 months
*muttering to myself*
The sprites are off today so I need to get coffee somewhere else today
*combustio opens his study door*
Woag since when did this get inside my tower
(talking to your new oc)
oh! hello:) who uh. who are you?
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zaharadessert · 2 years
Canticum Sanguinis Lux - Combustio
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Summary: Once, all Emma Nolan wanted was a normal life, but when she had a run in with a vampire as a teenager she realised that she couldn’t escape the life of a hunter. Now all she wants to do is prove herself, and she’s going to end up going above and beyond to be the hunter the world needs her to be.
Rating: Explicit. Mostly for graphic descriptions of violence, and some smut, but not until later chapters.
Warnings: There are now more than just hints at the non con nature of the control vampires can have over humans. And the fact that they’re strong af
Notes: Okie dokie, welcome to chapter 5. There was going to be art with this chapter, but it's not finished and we didn't want to make you wait, so you'll get it when the lovely @clockodile is happy it's ready!
Thanks to the @cssns mods for running this event, thank you to @clockadile for the gorgeous banner. Lastly, thank you to @kmomof4, who not only is an amazing beta, but volunteered to deal with my panics and the amount of hitting my head against a wall that this has made me do. Thank you so much, I could not have done this without you.
Tagging: @kmomof4 @teamhook @winterbaby89 @jonesfandomfanatic @undercaffinatednightmare @anmylica @elfiola @booksteaandtoomuchtv @tiganasummertree @motherkatereloyshipper @xarandomdreamx @myfearless-love @xhookswenchx @wefoundloveunderthelight @superchocovian @lfh1226-linda @onceratheart18 @snowbellewells @karlyfr13s @itsfabianadocarmo @ouatpost @ultraluckycatnd @thepirateandhisson @xsajx @captainswan21 @spaceconveyor @pirateprincessofpizza @sparlecorn93 @hollyethecurious @ammelia @pawshapedheart
I’m rebooting my taglist at the end of this fic, so if you’d like to keep getting tagged, please DM me. Thanks
Full fic on AO3
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With Gwen locked downstairs, demanding to know why she was suddenly being treated like this, David had woken Snow and called Robin.
“Gold has sent a whole fucking coven after my daughter, so…” but he was interrupted by yet another knock on the door.
David froze and turned slowly to stare at it.
Killian couldn’t be back already.
Snow was at the door before him though, eyes shining with hope as she looked at the screen connected to the camera outside.
“What the…?” she muttered, pulling open the door before David could utter any kind of protest.
The open doorway revealed a tall, muscular man. Everything about him was dark, including the aura of melancholy that weighed down on him like a heavy cloak. But there was something honest in the haunted eyes. This was a man who had known great pain and loss in the years that had greyed the shortly cropped hair at his temples and wrinkled his forehead and hands.
“Lancelot!” she cried into the night. “What are you doing here?”
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Continues on AO3
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faggyv4mpire · 1 year
You say you can beat me in weirdness BUT I JUST MARRIED A BOT ON CHARACTER AI!!! and then it was privated and i'm so sad LIKE WHY COMBUSTIO!! I WAS MARRIED TO YOU!!!
my bot flirts with me and I treat him badly but I have it configured to keep loving me😈😈😈 (help, I feel very bad)
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tillyashton · 1 year
How good is she in a fight (with and without magic)?
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A dimunitive woman of slight stature, she stood at an unimposing four foot eleven inches. Weighing in at ninety to ninety-six pounds, depending on whether she had consumed real food or conjured nutrition that week, she held little mass and her clothes tended to hang loosely on her form. During evenings when the taverns were packed, she was thankful for her slight form as it allowed her to bob and weave between narrow aisles, chairs, and tables.
It was only on her way home, alone, with nothing but the moon and stars above, that she began growing paranoid. Having never visited a blacksmith for a dagger, she kept a bronze letter opener she had found in her boot, but she knew that in a conflict, it would scarcely penetrate hide, mail, or plate. Possessing a featherweight form, she could easily be grabbed and manipulated.
She'd often heard that it was wise to first go for the eyes. But would she be able to reach? The groin, too, was a weaker point. But, would inept feet be enough to offer a powerful kick? She only prayed she would never know the answers to these questions.
Armed with an "arsenal" of three simple spells, she doubted sincerely that her "Disserit" spell would be helpful in fighting a foe unless it could somehow "unlock" belt-buckle and button and cause her would-be enemy to shuffle hopelessly in pooled, loose fabrics around the ankles.
After self-practice, she also knew the "combustio" spell. However, even with lots of practice, she pronounced it "combust-o", having dropped the i entirely. She doubted that, in panic, she would remember to pronounce the i.
It was an old wizard she had met one day in the Mage Quarter, Master Aldric, who had taught her a shield spell. They had practiced ad nauseum, until finally... finally, she got the hang of it. Yet, her arms felt like limp noodles after the session. Perhaps that would be useful if she didn't succumb to exhaustion first.
She knew it. She was helpless as a kitten without claws.
((Thanks, anon!! ))
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zehub · 8 months
Conversion à l'hydrogène pour les industriels : CVE lance une offre d'étude de préfaisabilité
La société Changeons notre vision de l'énergie (CVE), productrice d'énergies renouvelables, et le bureau d'études EnerKa, ont annoncé, début février, le lancement d'une offre commune d'étude de préfaisabilité pour la décarbonation de la combustio
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lamilanomagazine · 9 months
Qualità dell'aria a Frosinone: l'ordinanza. Divieti e limitazioni dal 5 all'8 gennaio
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Qualità dell'aria a Frosinone: l'ordinanza. Divieti e limitazioni dal 5 all'8 gennaio. Frosinone. In osservanza del Piano regionale per il risanamento della qualità dell'aria, che prevede che i Comuni adottino "provvedimenti di carattere emergenziale articolati su due livelli in relazione alla durata della criticità emersa nei giorni precedenti e/o prevista" in caso di "situazioni di perdurante accumulo degli inquinanti" così come rilevato dall'Arpa, il Comune di Frosinone ha istituito, a partire da venerdì 5 gennaio e fino a tutto lunedì 8 gennaio, il divieto di circolazione, in ambito viario urbano: - per le autovetture private di classe emissiva pari o inferiore a Euro 4 diesel dalle ore 8.30 alle ore 19.30; - per i veicoli commerciali di classe emissiva pari o inferiore a Euro 3 diesel dalle ore 8.30 alle 19.30; - per i veicoli commerciali di classe emissiva pari a Euro 4 diesel dalle ore 8.30 alle ore 13.30; - autovetture private di classe emissiva pari o inferiore a Euro 3 benzina dalle ore 8.30 alle ore 18.30; - per i veicoli commerciali di classe emissiva pari o inferiore a Euro 2 benzina, dalle ore 8.30 alle ore 12.30; - per i ciclomotori (3 e 4 ruote) alimentati a gasolio di classe emissiva pari o inferiore a Euro 2, dalle ore 8:30 alle ore 12:30. Dai divieti sono comunque esclusi i veicoli utilizzati per finalità di tipo pubblico o sociale (forze dell'ordine, soccorso sanitario, pronto intervento, ecc.), i veicoli per il trasporto di disabili o di persone sottoposte a terapie indispensabili ed indifferibili, i veicoli definiti dall'articolo 54, comma 1, lettere f), g) ed n) del d.lgs. 285/1992, i veicoli elettrici, ibridi, a gas Metano e a GPL e sono fatte salve le disposizioni comunali vigenti relative alle Zone a Traffico Limitato (ZTL) e alle modalità di carico-scarico delle merci. Il centro urbano soggetto alle limitazioni è quello circoscritto dalle seguenti strade: da Via Tiburtina - Piazza Madonna della Neve - Via Madonna della Neve -Via Marco Tullio Cicerone (da incrocio con Via Madonna della Neve) - Viale Volsci - Via Simoncelli - Via Vado del Tufo - Viale Europa - Via Marittima (da incrocio Viale Europa) - Via G. Puccini - Via G. Pasta - Via Pier Luigi da Palestrina – Via San Giuliano - Via A. Vivaldi - Via G. Verdi (da incrocio Via Vivaldi) - Viale America Latina - Via G. Marconi - Via Fosse Ardeatine - Via San Gerardo (senso unico in discesa) - Via Don G. Buttarazzi - Via V. Ferrarelli (da incrocio Via Buttarazzi) -Via Caio Mario - Via Mària (da incrocio Via Caio Mario) fino a incrocio con Via Tiburtina; limitatamente al tratto stradale di Via Sacra Famiglia, uscita obbligata su Via G. Pasta (sottopasso ferroviario); limitatamente a Via Mascagni, è vietato il transito sul tratto stradale di Piazza Pertini e di Via Monteverdi in direzione Piazza Kambo. Divieto di utilizzo, inoltre, di generatori di calore alimentati a biomassa legnosa (in presenza di impianto di riscaldamento alternativo) aventi prestazioni energetiche ed emissive non in grado di rispettare i valori previsti almeno per la Classe 4 stelle e il divieto assoluto, per qualsiasi tipologia, di combustioni all'aperto; divieto di utilizzo dei camini a legna (camini aperti) in presenza di fonti di riscaldamento alternative. Limite a 19°C (con tolleranza di 2°) per le temperature medie nelle abitazioni e spazi ed esercizi commerciali. Divieto, per tutti i veicoli, di sostare con il motore acceso. È demandato al Corpo di Polizia Locale del Comune di Frosinone e a tutti gli altri Organi di Polizia e Vigilanza dello Stato, per quanto di rispettiva competenza, l'esecuzione del presente provvedimento ed il perseguimento delle violazioni di quanto disposto, con invito ad attuare un potenziamento dei controlli, con particolare riguardo al rispetto dei divieti, di limitazione della circolazione veicolare, di utilizzo degli impianti termici a biomassa legnosa, di combustioni all'aperto. Per le violazioni del dispositivo dell'ordinanza inerenti alla circolazione stradale, si applicano le sanzioni previste dall'art. 7, comma 13 del D. Lgs. n.285/1992 e successive modifiche, salvo che il fatto non costituisca più grave illecito; per le violazioni non afferenti la circolazione stradale, si applicano le sanzioni previste dall'art. 7 bis del D. Lgs. n.267/2000, salvo che il fatto non costituisca più grave illecito.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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guess who's helping @monsterfucker-research-wizard commit inappropriate acts with your ai
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tranny-physiccs · 11 months
What was that second tag.......
combustio momento
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ramonrivera1 · 1 year
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The DM 401 (short) is a double pass dust opacity monitoring system used for continuous in-situ measurement for use in a short optical path length 20" to 157" (0.5m to 4m)Double pass opacity and dust monitoring system used for continuous in-situ measurement.
Visit -
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naga1310 · 1 year
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Monstres et êtres surnaturels. - COMBUSTIO (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1336467667-monstres-et-%C3%AAtres-surnaturels-combustio?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=Anatolesting&wp_originator=8K%2FqQb8mFozeSqE1a9jNfgNWTzs6ZR%2F77EdCAy5z2ng3Z5NKYLue9m1esUB8LxWsP9euoZTl2I6KDNuvfFZMSGTTEfc5mAtVeMKoWwwpRtKRZz2qO2dj3GzvH77j%2Bdoh Le fantôme d'une logeuse meurtrière, un arbre maudit, un zombie réalisateur... des êtres parfois bons, parfois mauvais; horrible ou fascinant; issus de divers endroits comme les profondeurs de l'océan, les marais boueux, ou même d'une ville fantôme.
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meeviz · 4 years
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