#come play with me btw im trying to be more active on it!!!!!!!
nyupuun · 1 year
They should allow me to run 30 Extra Deck cards like how they used to in WCS2007 (DS) because I'm very bad at math and I keep messing up my Synchro plays and I only have room for 2 big Level 12 Dragons :'(
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bidisasterevankinard · 4 months
What is your opinion about the vertigo poster that Tim posted? People are saying that is a confirmation of Buck being in love with Eddie…
Im really tired about all the “will they, won’t they” and I love Lou and Tommy/Buck relationship, do you think Lou will come back for season 8 or are you of the opinion that they’ll break up on the finale?
Idk the meaning of Vertigo(tell me). But the things I know:
People was talking about "this detail"(I can name like 5 right now without thinking much) says what buddie will happen. But it never happened
Ryan literally called Eddie HETEROSEXUAL. which means now no one sees him as queer and nothing like that will happen. Especially while he still deals with Shannon and her ghost, if ever. All the talks "but Tommy/Eddie was in plan means Eddie is queer" miss the point it was on the same stage of planning as Maddie/Eddie before 2x1. They had idea, they looked at their story, talked with actors and said "no, It's not what we will do" and dropped it. So now people need to understand that in canon creators see Eddie as hetero. Ryan sees him as hetero and Tim really respects and listens to opinion of his actors about their characters (I still hc Eddie demi btw, but people need to understand hc and canon is different things and I respect Ryan's opinion)
Ryan also said it was important for him and Oliver to play how queer man comes out to his straight friend and nothing between them change. It was important for him to play it to the situation he had with his close friend to show that men can stay close as before even if one of them comes out
Lou said bucktommy are thriving during what seem like 7x9/10 shooting
Tim called bucktommy rom-com and rom-com couple stays happy together in finale
Oliver is excited about exploring bucktommy's relationship and said it exciting to work with Lou and he hopes to get to know him
Both Ryan and Oliver told that they want to show that men can be close and vulnerable how buddie are without any feelings involved
Oliver said he doesn't want the situation where queer guy comes out and it means he's in love with his best friend
Lou till yesterday was not active in cameo which means he more likely was shooting and they kept it secret bc it can be spoiling. I can't see Buck's good and exciting coming out story, when he's so smitten, end with break up in the finale
Also, bucktommy kissed right after Bobby's wedding speech, right after madney's kiss with the love song which soooooo deep connected to madney's love story still playing. They could drop the music, not show the kiss, but they did. To show the point that Buck and Tommy are falling for each other step by step. And Tommy is the one calling Buck 'Evan' and it was confirmed important(and that Lou was instructed not to call him Buck) in they way that Buck loves how Tommy calls him that and to point out how different Tommy is. Which means that they plan to leave Tommy as long term. At least try to and gather reaction from ALL the fans, not just buddie fans
Also. It's season 7. And all the seasons Buck tries to find stability in love life, settle down. And it starts to get boring and painful to see how 911 use him to bad love stories and arcs. The last season started with him trying to prove he can be good captain eventually and Bobby tells him he needs to gather some more experience and settle down at ease, before he will be ready. And it's actually time for Buck to settle down. And Tommy can be it. Person who likes him, who respects him, who runs to him, who chooses him. Buck can settle down with Tommy and be finally at ease with love and look at what else life has for him. New hobbies, new possibilities in job(not even become a captain, but for example lieutenant as somehow our show doesn't have it, they might think about adding it. Or become mechanic. Or something), new friends even
So, I'm pretty positive this poster means nothing more than Tim appreciated the, as I know fan's work(correct me if I'm wrong), and Bucktommy and Lou are here to stay and people should get use to it
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romanceddawn · 5 months
i talk about yandere seto sometimes but in season 0 it is pretty much canon, like he is actively stalking yugi throughout the show and i think its really funny so heres a bunch of evidence of that:
the first time we see it is when he sends that first game master out, he's not only hiding to listen to the duel in the nurses office but its heavily implied that he's been stalking yugi for a little bit before that too
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like at the end of the day anzu tells yugi not to go to the arcade and yugi kind of rushes off despite knowing he doesnt have the money, meaning this is a frequent thing he does, but whats more is that he's going specifically that day because someones told him theres a new game being unveiled. when he gets there he cant find it and has to ask about it, which is when we see a disguised kaiba lead him to the back alley to kidnap him (this killed me to watch btw, yugi has no self preservation, but it was cute that kaiba seemed to stutter when talking to him)
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but this all means that he was watching yugi long enough to know he always goes to the arcade after school and that yugi wouldnt be able to resist coming, even if he didnt have the money, as long as there was something new to play. it also means he had someone plant the information that thered be a new game OR that kaiba just disguised himself and told yugi this which is what im choosing to believe
of course, then we get to see him actually stalking him in the triplets episode, literally driving by and watching him (which is so funny to think about cuz his driver must be so tired of him lol)
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at first i honestly thought he was stalking the triplets but at the end of the episode there is no reveal that he wanted them out of the dueling scene or that he was even worried about them getting the card they wanted at all, he beat them extremely easily. his only reason for doing the duel is because he couldnt stand the thought of someone (that he hadnt sent himself) beating yugi before he could, so i think he was watching yugi, recognized the triplet, and got bothered by them trying to encroach in on his rival
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he also apparently records yugi? this recording is just the first game master playing him that he shows to aileen, but who knows how many other times he's recorded him just in case he 'needed' the footage
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this moment of him lamenting about being connected by fate is ooc for him and not really stalking but it is very yandere of him so im throwing it in here anyways
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and of course i have to add the death t invitation because you know he was watching yugi and his friends that whole day just waiting for the perfect moment to hack into something and invite him as dramatically as possible (however i wont add any of the death t stuff cuz like. we know what happens and how obsessive he is there)
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since having this in my drafts, the season 0 movie has been restored and posted to youtube and in it kaiba is technically looking out for rare cards but even then he's managing to get in some time to stalk yugi (also the way his employee says "i know sir" i just know they're so tired of his obsessive ass)
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TDLR: yandere seto is canon thank you for your time
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elliespeach · 1 year
fantasizing about protective festival!ellie
warnings: 18+ explicit sexual descriptions, drug use, alcohol use, very Very brief choking kink, implied homophobia, mild possession, pet names
an: an offering until i finish part 2 of you belong to me i thought of this at work and knew she would be a festival girlie okokenjoy
she def tried to convince u to let her buy an airtag and stick it in ur outfit just in case she lost you in the crowd “you could just call me els” “what if ur phone dies” she pouted
she wore a simple button up that was unbuttoned with a sports bra underneath, her abs showing which made ur toes curl and loose basketball shorts. meanwhile u had to spend hours trying to find what to wear, always earning a “everything looks so good on you baby” as ellie watched u change for the 8th time
“absolutely not” she protested one of the more scandalous outfits u tried on, typically she wouldn’t care and actually liked ur skin showing to be able to flaunt you around “you know how these people are there, i don’t need you being ogled all night”
no bc watching her dance at the actual festival was intoxicating, grinding up behind you going with the beat of the music, grabbing ur ass and feeling u up in a way that felt hungry
also note she had a blunt resting in her mouth while she danced on u AHH
im also picturing her in a backwards worn out ball cap do with that what u will,, ok carrying on
u were only crossed, as when u suggested trying something a bit harder ellie def had something to say "idk babe u dont even take well to being too high sometimes" "fine but were doing shots!"
so u both were wasted, she guided ur hips with her hands to spin you around to face her the strobe lights started going crazy for the drop of the song that was playing
ellie hit the blunt while u watched not even questioning it bc she was so fucking fine while doing
she inhaled slightly and leaned in, grabbed ur neck face and blew the smoke into your mouth for u after u exhaled she wrapped her free arm around ur waist pulling u closer in
this time she kissed u and kissed u hard, still grinding to the music while doing so ofc
her hand wandering around ur back down to ur ass and when the kiss ended u continued dancing and ellie took a quick glance around
she saw a guy poking at his friend then pointing to u and her and immediately protective mode was activated
"cmon, i gotta go to the bathroom" grabbing ur hand and not even giving u the chance to respond "ellieeeeeeeee"
u guys were towards the back because "i dont wanna lose u in the crowd plus i think i would suffocate"
"els we just went to the bathroom" "i saw some guys staring at us, i didn't like the looks of it" she was very occasionally glancing in the direction where u guys came from, obviously worried
"lets go finish this and then go back" she suggested and brought u to the back of one of the food stands,, holding ur hand the entire time of course kinda too tight like she was white knuckling that shit
u guys passed it back and forth a few times before the redness of your perfect eyes, being crossed, and full on craving u overwhelmed her
"els!" u giggled as she sucked on ur exposed neck, marking every single square inch she possibly could before moving to ur jaw
ellie being ellie she lightly bit ur earlobe sending shockwaves thru u n feeling the surge of confidence ((and bc shes a cocky shit)) she goes "let those try guys come near you, you're mine"
immediate butterflies. immediate pulsing in ur pussy like oh my GOD and being so horrendously down bad u say "i'm yours"
instinctively u stretched ur arms over her shoulders and as soon as u started to move ur hands thru her hair in pleasure she threw the remaining blunt to the ground and literally picked u up
like hoisted u up so that ur legs were around her waist, one of her hands placed itself on ur back the other firmly on ur ass
this was all mid kiss btw
she spun around and crashed ur back into the back of the food stand and bc shes so strong she could hold you there basically by holding herself so close to you
she reached a hand down feeling ur pussy thru the very light shorts u had on "no underwear, huh baby?" all u could do was shake ur head the feeling of her touching u was overwhelming to say the least "and already so wet, tsk tsk"
u blushed but thank god it was dark bc she wouldve teased u about it and u wanted so badly for her to just kiss u again u leaned in slightly as if asking permission
"and so needy" "please, els" "what was that?" she paused her fingers on ur core and u whined "words princess, i need words"
sigh, anyway
leaving the festival she knew u were drained and let u piggy back most of the way to the car, she drove back home letting u sleep peacefully in the passenger seat
when u guys got back home she was fully prepared to carry u in but u woke up
but u were way to tired to get ready for bed so she undressed u, showered u, and put u in one of her tee shirts and ultimately put u to bed only to be interrupted by her coming to cuddle only a short time later
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lovebvni · 8 months
hii!! Im a christian shifter, but i have a question. Idk if you are christian, but if you can help me, that’d be great!! <3 also, hope your having a great day!
So, basically how should i try to shift as a christian? do i believe i can do it myself, or should i believe God makes me shift or not? Like how people ask the universe, etc, should i ask God?
And how could i make my scripts more christian like? (like how God would want it?)
Sorry if this doesnt make sense, and feel free not to answer if you dont want too! I just want to make sure im not doing anything wrong <3
have a good day, God bless.
(sorry for if i have bad grammar btw! english is confusing. And english is my first language 😭)
hii! yes i am a christian shifter. i would like to disclose my religious ideas are a little bit broader than the normal ones, so it may not have the same effect as if i was a conservative christian. i hope in my soul this can still help you though !! <3
so to include god more in my shifting journey, i literally pray every night for him to give me the strength to shift. i ask him to help me and guide me each step of the way with the tools, beings and people that have taught me thus far. i ask him to show me the way, and if it’s in his will allow me to shift the night in question.
but there is also some self confidence that comes into play. Philippians 4:6-7 says this “Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”
so basically, i interpret this scripture as give thanks that god introduced you to shifting, pray about being able to reach that goal, and work towards and have confident in yourself and god that it will happen. Like 1:37 “nothing will be impossible with god”
with implies you’re doing work too. you also have to believe in yourself! you can’t just say “god, can u feed my dogs for me to keep them alive? thanks man.” because it’s more likely than not he won’t do it. he definitely can! but that’s something you should be doing. and, if your dogs eat healthy, they will live long lives! :)
and that’s with the grace of god. he moves in every aspect of our lives if we know it or not.
with scripts, i really don’t know.. i mean i don’t physically script much but my best suggestion would be in your dr, preform activities you do here. such as reading the bible and praying.
i’m gonna be honest, i have one of the most unholy, jaw dropping, gut wrenching, soul snatching scripts known to this earth (which is why i haven’t posted them)
but i know, even in my drs, i pray and thank god. hell, even in my wr i literally said one of the first things i wanna do is meet jesus christ, okay?
but yeah. there’s nothing you have to add to your script, you just have to accept jesus into your heart in those realities too <3 and don’t give up on him
that’s all i have anon i hope this helps u <3 sorry it took so long to respond
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little-red-fool · 2 months
Ok, have some basic wf tips with some questions regarding socialization at the bottom:
-Best early game warframes are Rhino and literally every Warframe you can get from the Tenno Lab of a Clan Dojo. You can check guides to see how each frame is built, but i can also give you an overview directly if any warframe specifically catches your eye.
-Level up your damage mods and elemental damage mods. They will get you through with your weapons.
-Each weapon has either a higher crit chance or a higher status chance. Build either a full crit build for a weapon or a status build with elemental mods (best are viral, corrosive against grineer, heat and slash) depending on which stat is higher for your weapon. (Btw, you normally get weapons by buying their blueprints from the market for credits, yes for credits not plat, then building it wih the right materials. Same for Warframes, but you need to craft their components first which drop from their own places before you can craft the blueprint for the warframe itself)
-Experiment, get slots from Nightwave or by buying them with plat (if you still have starter plat remaining), and stick with weapons you enjoy using the most rather than whats meta or good. You can get an Mk-1 strun (a very bad weapon for all but the very early game) to kill level 100+ enemies, so meta is a suggestion. (Also, theres a set of mk-1 weapons you can buy for credits which are slightly worse versions of the same weapon without the mk-1 prefix. They serve as intro weapons and consider buying them, but remember to sell them if you need slots/get their base counterpart or a better weapon)
-Progress through the starchart at your own pace. All Warframe content since 2022 and probably forever will be locked behind the New War quest. Do not fret over this, Warframe is not made to be rushed. Play at your pace, everything can be earned.
-Prime gear is not necessary to do good in Warframe, it is a bonus
-If youre confused by the story, thats normal
-if you ever get stuck, the wiki is your friend (but i am also available, being a veteran of the game)
So, yea, that should be all you need to know to get started. Now, onto questions regarfing your interaction with the community:
1. How much do you usually interact with other fandoms youre in?
2. Do you even wish to be a part of the Waframe fandom?
3. Do you prefer to stay at a distance or would you like to interact a bit more? (Asking cause if its the latter, I can offer to be your training wheels considering the sheer number of people in the warframe community im actively friends with).
Ok, thats about all of the questions i can think of right now, but heres one more thing:
Warframe is a game filled to the brim with customization and fashion. It is an oc creator's wet dream. So just saying, if you like making ocs like your blog suggest you do, you will not wanna miss out on the later content in Warframe, trust me. As a proud owner of a bunch of ocs made over the course of multiple years...I would know
Ahh thank you so much this will probably help me a lot! (genuinely had no clue what I was doing in game lmao) I’ll have a look into these when I next log on because I’ll most likely need to change and upgrade stuff like mods, and I’ll try to acquire more Warframes since Excalibur’s the only one I’ve got right now. Also you’re 100% right about the OCs when I saw the amount of customisation options I was so excited lol
In terms of interacting with fandoms whilst I’d like to be able to be more social in the future I’m mostly just a casual observer at the moment, the extent of my interaction is usually just drawing and reblogging fanart, occasionally coming up with theories if I’m really invested in the story but that’s about as much as I interact most of the time and I’ll probably be like that for a while longer knowing me.
That being said I really appreciate the offer and I’m very grateful for the help you’ve given me, thank you so much! :)
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lpsotd · 10 months
hopefully this isn't too weird to say but - i read the tags on your last post, and you said you were on your last year of childhood – don't worry about that!
im currently 25 and im starting to collect lps again, and ill tell you, even though there's more responsibilities, you still get to be a kid! no one ever truly grows up! my 67 year old grandma keeps one of her ragdolls from when she was a kid and always sews it new dresses. one of her favorite hobbies is watching anime with me! my 46 year old mother loves tv too, but one of the things she's crazy about is boardgames! we have a big collection and we all always play together. (she's got crazy competitive spirit btw. i never win). my 28 year old sister goes out with her friends just to wander around town and eat fast food like she did back when she was a teenager. you're never too old to have fun :) you just gotta let yourself have it. <3
thank you for this !! tbh it's kinda hard to let myself be a teenager when i seemingly have so much to do kgjdnbkjgb, and it doesn't help that i have less-than-supportive around me (not friends. i mean family) who are quick to belittle me or dismiss the things i'm interested in. i just can't stop thinking about the time my aunt saw my lps collection and started laughing, it hurt a lot especially since she's (usually) the more understanding one, and it may have been a "woah??" kind of surprised laugh instead of a "i'm making fun of you" laugh, but it felt that way kjgsnbkjgsfbn
i did have friends who actively made fun of me for what i was into (i no longer associate with them, so phew), and they're one of the main reasons i'm always so hesitant to share and infodump about the stuff i like kjgnbkjdbnkdfgjb
i feel like kids shouldn't be pressured to grow up fast. like, once you reach a certain age, you shouldn't have to stop playing with dolls or watching cartoons. you can stop doing those things when you aren't interested in them anymore, not when people tell you that you should stop, because they don't know anything.
in february i'm gonna be 18 and it's a tough concept for me to grab. i've always been told that i am ""mature for my age"" (i am not, by the way.), and i think that also kinda warped my perception of myself, because i've always felt like i Had to act a certain way, or else people are gonna see me as childish instead of this serious and mature person, but i was only like, what, 14, 15 ?? i should not have felt that way !! i should've been doing what young teenagers usually do, not feeling the need to impress middle aged adults.
it's only now that i feel like i have a sense of self because i'm trying to distance myself from certain people (ahem. family) who made me feel that way, and i'm trying to embrace who i really am: i am not mature or serious at all. i'm 17 years old who enjoys toys, cartoons, coloring, and playing video games with my friends. but i'm also ready to embrace my up and coming adulthood, and i'm serious when i need to be. i'm me and i think that's good enough.
very sorry i went on a bit of a mini tangent there. your ask made me very happy, so thank you !!
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cutieeeszn · 1 year
Hobby’s to pick up:
Okay, if I’m being honest. I am very inconsistent with my hobbies. I end up dropping them all. But having hobbies and activities really help you in multiple ways. Finding new friends, learning new things, disengaging from electronics. (I see y’all) so here are a few hobbies to look into. Some of them ive tried/been trying to get into. And these are the ones I’m most consistent with. :)))
Crochet or knitting is so calming. And really not that expensive. It’s simple to learn. And you can do it over playing some music. Let me know if there’s any crochet tutorial accounts you’d love to know!
- ah. This one is simple. Many tutorials available. I’d say, begin with finding out your art style. Experiment. Go crazy. You can trace some drawings first, as practice. Slowly move on to actually drawing. And remember, be creative. Finding your own art style is so important and influences how good your drawing may come out.
Learning a new language
This one is fun. Duolingo…my best friend right now. I’m doing French. It’s a beautiful language, and after a while of learning French. (3 weeks) when I’m listening to songs I can understand some parts. I also find it so entertaining comparing them to English words and how they link. 21 days forms a habit. So, doing duolingo. Kind of an habit now.
Again, calming. It’s beautiful to see how the images end up. And it’s more fun when you draw your own images. Really cheap I believe, varying from where you’re from. But making pillows, frames and little pieces is so lovely with embroidery.
Writing/ Poetry
This one is good and interesting as a hobby, personality trait. And for your mind. Training your brain to express its thoughts in different words, sequences and hidden under other meanings. Is so beautiful.
Digital scrapbooking
My instagram is filled with these. Actually, I only have one post. But it’s a digital scrapbook. Using CANVA and 17v28 to make these scrapbooks are so fun. Not messy, and so easy.
Not only does it look snazzy. Dancing has so many health benefits. Hip Hop to ballet to jazz. Now I think about it, I miss being a dancer.
Be a book warm, have no shame about it. Really. Let me know if you want some book recommendations. Books take you into another world, let you view things. It’s trust beautiful when you find the right kinda book.
Creating a tumblr blog
I just started this. It’s fun though. That’s all I can say.
Fashion Designing
I sewed a shift dress. Well, kind of. It’s so fun making clothes. Although, fashion design was a school subject. It’s very fun to do. You can remake clothes at home. Turn an old skirt into a shirt. Go crazy. (Btw, when you take classes you start noticing fashion design features in your clothes. I noticed seam allowances, overlocking.)
Learning to play an instrument
I’m guilty of picking and dropping instruments. Currently, it’s guitar for me. I was really good at clarinet, and eh and piano. But now, I’m going back to guitar. Learning and instrument has many benefits. Study wise, talent wise, im pretty sure mentally too!
Normal Scrap Booking
Same thing as digitally. Just pulls you away from the screen ;)
Capture those moments. Cherish them. Post them. Print them. Annotate them. Write about them. Just capture them.
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thescreamcorner · 2 months
hi! same anon. it's been a minute. i do think we're on the same page a bit, even if we don't come to the same conclusions, so i really like that!
i don't have super strong opinions on like self misdiagnosing and symptom faking. you talked about it a lot, but it doesn't really bother me too much because i don't think people like that are necessarily solely responsible for the spread of medical/psychology misinformation. a lot of pop psychology comes from sort of laconic dissemination (i.e. rauscher's mozart effect study) and a sort of regurgitation of stuff from therapy from all sorts of corners. self dx i'm sure plays a part in that, but like. i think there's other aspects of it as well. but i think we sort of come from different settings vis a vis that. (my dating life is peppered with so many ppl who think i'm a therapist and know about their pop psychology isms LMFAO)
fwiw i do sort of get the isolated feeling of DID. not to the extent that it upsets you for sure, but like. i kinda get it. i suspect i may have osdd myself, but it's very difficult to find discussion of that that isn't based on THE one pro-or-con issue, and the community has pretty strong opinions focusing almost entirely on it, when not only do i not agree with either side, but i'm also just trying to find people's experiences.
also if i may address luna-space (cogneuro icon btw you were not rude at all), because luna's askbox was not opened and i'm sure you want to know too!
you do raise a good point, psychology IS the study of brain AND BEHAVIOR. i'm just kind of neuroscience pilled i spend too much time in my funny office box doing connectivity analyses. and thinking it over i do think behavior DOES play a role in symptomology. i just dont think it should play the ONLY role.
if i may return to my bipolar, schizophrenia, and depression example. (btw Brett Clementz is the main guy i know for bipolar+schizophrenia overlap research. he did a lot of stuff there.) both bipolar and depression have depressed mood as a symptom (schizophrenia arguably too as negative symptoms like flat affect and anhedonia can fall into this, but i digress). however, schizophrenia has a similar sort of pattern of activity to bipolar, and while yes, bipolar and depression both affect mood, the fact that i've had whole lectures in undergrad with instructors pointing out the subtle differences between bipolar and schizophrenia (the primary difference being the psychosis) before i knew about this is a bit questionable for a mood disorder and a psychosis disorder.
idk how necessarily to cite something i see a lot of in general i.e. the tendencies research. i know we do some sliding scale stuff with a certain condition that i do not wish to say because i do not wish to get doxxed or anything. i'll give you some other dois tho.
the paper i was referencing for the bullying thing. it's more a developmental thing, but i think that stuff still falls under the plasticity umbrella. -> https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bbr.2019.01.054
and here's a paper about other diagnostic models i thought was interesting (i dont know if i FULLY agree with it but i think it's a start) -> https://doi.org/10.1353/ppp.2020.0020
sorry if im being too nerdy in your ask box btw i'd say this is my job but really my job is writing this goddamn paper about brain networks. not sending tumblr asks XD
I unfortunately do not have the brainpower to really read this too thoroughly but I appreciate the ask and the empathetic viewpoints regardless, and will share it so Luna gets a chance to see it too since it's not just @ me ^^;
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frzerburn · 1 month
Hello. First off I am here to say you can’t be given me life updates then fall off the face of the earth! I need to know what happens next, we drinking more coffee? We fighting off bitches? We out here dancing? 😂
Anyways, I hope you are well friend. I like hearing all the things and hopefully this makes you laugh a little. 😊
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This is coco and she makes the best faces when she wakes up from naps 😂
🤣….Im Sawwy!
Almost got into a fight that i was trying to stop the other night with my barguest. I really want sum fucking coffee damn it!!!! I dont connect well with others so lets say im staving off bitches 😊. Also i dance behind the bar every night and i personally think its fucking amaze ballz! Btw u made my fucking night last night when i saw you wrote me literally made me smile cause tbh i dont genuinely think anyone cares about my life much at all,which is fine but this actually had me leaving my phone open in the service well lasg night with a thoughtful smile on my face. Hmmmmmm lets see…its 5:55am and i still haven’t gone to sleep since closing my bar at 1am. Ive been binge watching the office for the past week and a half for the 5th time now cause why nottttt mental health 😋. I met literally the sweetest couple and they love me and i think theyre the greatest and unfortunately theyre moving to Michigan so theres that but they’ve come to see me at my bar twice now and plan to come see me more before they leave. My hair has been looking very different and pretty dope and i love it because it helps my mental health. Ive been thoroughly enjoying a game on xbox with my best friend which i will say is the best game ive ever played! Busy football season is upon us and i need the money and very excited for the busy work seeing as im super hyper active! My jeep (Zoey) has been treating me right so were good there. Ive been posting alot about Border Collies because i really want a super active dog to run everyday with & they’re beautiful 😍. My Aunt Lily sent me $100 for gas last night and that was such a random surprise 😊💛. Oh ! Dare i say fall is upon us?!?!? 🍂 🍁 🍃
September & December both have Friday 13ths so im gonna get lots of piercings because those are my favorite holidays! Ive been deeping alot of awesome music like Jaded by Fordo , Lost souls Baby Keem ,Like we wrote LITHE & i just loving listening to anything EDEN! Like i absolutely have been listening to Zzz ALOT! Hmmmmm i havent read in a week now just cause my Adhd gets the best of me and i cant focus but thats life. Coco is fucking adorable!!!!!!!!! What a fucking cutie!
Thanks for being the best , friend and i hope you’re out here doing your best and if you’re not i wanna hear about it all! Seriously im glad u reached out to me! Means literally more than i can put into words! I have so much more to talk about but i wrote a fucking book bwahahahahaha! You’re so very welcome!
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ancientgreekyuri · 5 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers (ó ꒳ ò✿) <3
Finding new "obscure" music from around the world :~) listen to this song by a Malaysian pop artist btw.
2. Reading even tho I'm bad at doing it consistently 😭 having a story stick with you is one of the most meaningful experiences in the world to me, and I've been trying to read more "mature" books and watch more "mature" films as a way of developing my own writing too
3. Umm... learning about fashion history and traditional clothing items :~) genuinely seeing like recreations of clothing from the early bronze age or like jewelry uncovered from an archaeological dig site makes me feel sooooooooo crazy. I wish fabric was a material that's more easily preserved though 😭
4. Hmm......... Making OCs 😭 very basic answer but I luv it 🫶🏾 I love designing them and I love coming up with stories for them. And I especially love being able to create a world setting for them(!!). My most recent one I've been developing is a more ""traditional"" European medieval fantasy world because I think it's really fun to deconstruct traditional tropes from those. My stories always end up having a religious focus bc I think the topic itself is fascinating, and so it's fun to play around with how traditional fantasy settings are often very Christian im nature (it may use different words but the concept is still there). A mortal priest of this christ-like god ascending and becoming a god himself but rather than a god of man he becomes a god of dragons, creatures that mankind had been actively trying to drive from the world. Inevitable that there would be attempts to cover up this kind of crazy story, that one of their own became an "old god" of sorts. I didn't mean to say this much about it 🙏🏾
5. Even though I have a very low social battery I love talking to others and hearing about their lives even if it's something very mundane 😭
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duckwithablog · 10 months
Dear Duck, I hope this ask finds you in good health.
Regarding Shadow, yeah I’m definitely a sucker for grumpy characters with depth 😂. Other than Shadow, I love Rouge and Chaos. Prime is giving Rouge attention, and it makes me so happy :))
I never heard of Ian Jr until now… but my eyes has been opened now. I-I have found the enlightenment Wukong has been searching for. He’s…He’s just so silly! 🤩 Definitely blorbo quality. I must pat his head and stuff him in my pocket- Also, Knuckles is such a valid choice. You know da wae *nods* *click click click*. Lastly, I think we can both agree that Chaos needs more love. He’s just a sweetheart protecting the chao. We must protecc at all cost.
To answer your questions….I had a Sonic phase as a kid so get ready:
The only Sonic games I’ve played were Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic Generations, Sonic and the Black Knight, and Mario + Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games. HOWEVER, I’ve watched people play all of the other games (except frontier). Out of all those games, Sonic Generations is probably my favorite. In terms of shows, Sonic X is my favorite for nostalgic reasons. I’ve only just started reading the comics.
Ngl… I could probably go all day talking about my interests 🤣.
When did you start enjoying the Sonic franchise? For me it was around 7 years ago when I actually got into it.
-🍑 anon
Fuck yeah, Rouge Appreciation! Good to see SEGA supportign womens rights AND womens wrongs <33
Yes... Im so glad ur finally seeing the light (Ian Jr). AND KNUCKLES <333 OUGHH HES SO SO SILLY I LOVE HIM SM!!! Chaos is honestly p underrated. Dude is a water blob, how can u not love them?
Yes, they may have genocided Knuckles's ancestors. But like. Erm. Theyre blorbo. So!!
YOOOO u fr a bonafide sonic fan!! Unfortunately, the only game ive ever played is frontiers and ive only gotten that recently,, Not sure if i mentioned that before lmao. I think I'm nearing the end of Archie Sonic, as in I'm getting close to the Super Genesis Wave aka the Reboot. Which happened bcs of... HIM.....
But whatevs!
7 years is a long time :00 Hmm let me try to remember... I think I got into sonic december of last year? I think? Not sure, but it's probably somewhere around that time I got into the silly blue hedgehog franchise.
SORRY THAT THIS TOOK SO LONG TO ANSWER BTW!! My christmas break is coming soon, and I'm planning to (hopefully) get this blog active again by FINALLY posting some x reader stuff!! Drop another ask if u have the time!!
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omi-papus · 2 years
Ok this is a really specific.... thing of mine??? Like ok. Why is the PDA still in this game? Ok I mean I get WHY, storage, logs, blueprints, information, warnings ect. OBVIOUSLY.
Buy like. Here's the thing. You know how sometimes it's a bit of a theme for players to start going a little crazy in the first game. This is where the whole, holding a Hoverfish and talking to it phenomenon comes in. Some people play audio logs on repeat to sort of hear people talk in a game where there's no one. What I did, is that I got unreasonably attached to the PDA. It was the only sound I understood and trusted at the beginning of the game, and I felt so good when it said some whatever programmed in, tone-deaf inspirational quote. The entire "scans suggest swimming was your favorite activity" bit will forever be iconic. I thanked it every time it gave me a warning, and it was just this feeling of, I'd rather listen to an unfeeling unaware, slightly better version of Siri than put up with this loneliness.
Now Below zero.
Robin talks to herself externally from the player. Which I mean, it makes it seem like SHE is going a little crazy, but it separates the player from that feeling themselves. (I know some people hate this, and I did too the first time, but I digress) You have detailed voice logs from the beginning of the game, and most important of all. A whole ass guy available to you 24/7 wherever you go.
Siri is a lot less enticing when I have better options.
And I don't mean this in just the way, that I'd rather have the PDA not talk. Especially since unlike the first game, where the PDA is obviously just not programmed for the situation and unironically says morbid, incorrect or even soul crushing shit like It's nothing, making it hilarious, in Below zero it feels like they actually wrote jokes directly into the PDA. It calling coffee "dirty bean water" was so fucking forced I was tempted to @ someone about it on Twitter. And I don't just mean It's now just not as good as in the first game. I also mean it in the way that in almost every way, having a fully functional PDA detracts from the story. I spent a decent chunk of this game trying to do shit to get a reaction out of Al-An. (Btw I will forever be pissed that you can make a toilet in this game and Al-An makes exactly zero comments about it, and I can't laugh as I torture the alien with the knowledge of poop. Is this because Robin is a woman or something?? Let me harass the alien, damit!) And nothing annoyed me as much as expecting Al-An to say something and being left with the PDA saying something right out of a brand tweet. But more important than anything. It undermines the characters beyond belief. Robin especially. Like ok, in the first game you're just some guy, lord knows what your job was but you're definitely not someone who knows a whole lot about Alien fish. So I'm fine with the scanner just inexplicably giving you names, behavior and biological info on animals and plants that are supposedly undiscovered. Like whatever. But please tell me, how a Xenobiologist, or any biologist for that matter still has a job when this thing exists. Now you could make a point out of it, like they did with that doctor in the first game that realized he was completely useless because he only ever let robots do the job. But it's never really brought up how it just does her job for her. Like sure, going in to scan certain things takes a lot of guts, and that's clearly the type of vibe Robin is supposed to give off. That sort of Steve Erwin attitude of "Im gonna poke it with a stick", but it still just feels wrong. And it doesn't explain why spy penglings were ever needed if scanners can even determine an animal's level of intelligence in one go.
But ok I've been going in circles to get to my idea. So, what I would do, is have the PDA be broken. Either during the crash into the planet, or have Robin actively mess it up to avoid tracking from Alterra. So it's still used for storage, you can still keep scanned blueprints, and it still keeps track of all the info. The changes are exactly three. It doesn't talk, no matter what. It doesn't give you warnings or even display your hunger, thirst or even oxygen levels (Put a pin in that it's not that bad I swear), and there's a point made like" I have a scanner, oh... but it can't connect with the alterra database, it can only tell me some things about this animal... I have to figure the rest out myself." Bonus points if Robin is actually nervous about this prospect, realizing she's never researched with no outside sources before. Still brave and ready, but not acting like it's piece of cake or like she's not a little scared of her lives expertise being tested like this.
Functionally, it would work exactly the same. No gameplay changes here. The only things changed would be the writing and dialog. Fauna and flora scans would now be phrased as if written by Robin herself. "Ok, so the scan says this species has a high amount of CO2 in its body, in the same area as its waste passes through. Looking at it, those transparent pouches on its top and bottom are the only places with enough space to hold it. The scans don't detect any way for waste to leave the body, so could it just recycle its urine into clean water to use again like some species in places with sparse drinking water do? It's kind of gross, but I think I could get drinkable water out of that." Something like that.
And with the oxygen, hunger, cold and thirst, who would know better than the good helpful pal literally inside your body? Yep, that's right, Al-An would replace the PDAs survival system completely. He tells you if you're hungry or cold or need to breathe, because he can see into your brain cells or something.
This would mean that for the first bit of the game you would be left to just guess and or memorize what you need until you find Al-An. Maybe have Robin say something here and there. Like, "Ok, I can hold my breath for 45 seconds and I should eat every 30 minutes on average. Gotta remember that". But that would also add a layer to the game. Of the sort of morally gray kind. Do you really want Al-An out of your head? He wants to have autonomy again. But wouldn't you like to keep him around until you find the truth about your sister? Would make things a whole lot easier. He doesn't have to know you're stalling. And creating a two-sided situation where both characters hide information thinking they've got the other one under control would be really fun. Especially with Al-An also hiding information from Robin to make sure she doesn't decide to not make him a body because she thinks he's dangerous. And it would be adorable in the end for both to find out their mistrust was completely unwarranted. They'd both be like, "Wtf of course I would have helped you, you're my friend and I'd do anything for you. You thought I would just leave you to suffer like that?" Al-An could mod the PDA or something at that point idk.
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streaminn · 1 year
Well maybe it was you Wenclair art that got me here or maybe it was Crush? ( somepoetontumblr I think) I believe you did an animation for them once for R and Jenna.
As for my interests? soccer, fencing, archery, and maybe drawing aswell oh, and the piano, and violin and I'd like to try the guitar some time. as you can see I love being active it keeps me going and happy I guess. but don't worry I'm not a serial killer trust me I think I'd get caught before I even kill the person (I'm really clumsy) and thank you for telling me It's okay for me to ramble to you most people hate it.
btw I love flirting with people as a joke I think it's fun and honestly hilarious and I saw alot of anons flirting with people so I was like: hey that could be fun!* (for example 💛) but make sure to take care of yourself get sleep and drink water I just want to make sure that you're okay love 🥰
YOU CAME FROM CRUSH?? THATS LIKE TWO BLOG AWAY?? bc you had to go to my main to find this account!? i can respect the dedication mouse, i definitely didnt expect you to come from so far
thats kinda flattering, damn :o really tempting to me to twirl my hair or smth (obviously never done this before)
a really physical person huh? that's great :) it takes alot of dedication to do all of those so having so much hobbies is pretty neat. I was actually really into basketball as a kid but due to reasons couldn't play as much and lost interest
Also no problem with the rambling because its literally me with this whole blog!
its neat asf to see what everyone thinks esp if it matches my interest, its why i appreciate long asks where they wonder wtf is happening in the aus
As for 💛 yeah ive seen that go down too and its really really funny, i didn't expect that to happen in my feed but now that ik its all in good fun for you, i can try to match the vibe
but do know that i cannot flirt to save my life.
anywaysss You should sleep soon too mouse, you did imply that you're planning to stay up just to talk
im sure we have more time to talk or something in like a few hours or so!
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gnzma · 2 years
6, 7, and 8 !!
also 21 and 22
[ gio spills the tea ; ACCEPTING ]
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6. dash commentary ; also asked by @battlesfought
[ another dashcomm thing, if i see the height discourse again i think i will blow up fr
also i'm so glad we moved past the soup discourse. i know i'm treating with the devil over here by bringing it up but im SO glad ]
7. excessive ooc
[ okay, i think i have to make a distinction here. like for me "excessive ooc", as in writing ooc posts? that's more than fine, we all need to write things down, vent, or even just write a lot of updates or talking about stuff we enjoy!!
my big problem with excessive ooc comes when someone uses their rp blog exactly as a personal. like of course anyone can use their blogs as they please, but i remember years ago i ended up unfollowing a good friend (we're still friends now btw!!) because they really kept reblogging shitposts, memes and IRL news and posted, like. one thread every 10 posts that have nothing to do with their muse ]
8. DNIs in rules
[ eeeeeeeeh okay uh let's say i have my beef with this because. other than the usual "hey don't interact if you follow idk aku or smth", most of the times i had to deal with DNIs were from people who were like. Really Not Good? at all?
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like im talking transphobes starting obviously fake shit with my friend group because we called em out for that transphobia, or people who ended up being much worse than the people in their DNIs. of course, if it helps someone feel safer, i see no problem with that!! i just wish said rule had a link to. idk proper sources or something, because all i can think of is "hey remember that one terf who tried to say we were sexist for not shipping with them?" ]
21. violent threads
[ GRABS i love violent threads so much i love blood and gore and. wheres that one tiktok where that guy goes YESSS WE'RE DRAWINGGG TWO MEN AND THEY'RE TRYING TO KILL EACHOTHER AND THE WRATH OF GOD AND THE WIND ARE MAKING THEM BLEED??? bc thats me fr ]
22. your current RPC; also asked by @battlesfought
[ WELL i talked about the pokemon RPC time to be. both positive and negative, i guess? about the SCP one!!!
because the few people who rp para are incredible. we're like, seven, eight at best? and they're hilarious we can manage to go from shenanigans to horror to angst to. fucking. mass panic at a containment breach and even if none of us is super active it's always a delight to see one pop up and quickly followed by literally everyone else
on the other. it unfortunately suffers of the "famous internet fandom" RPC disease where a lot of people play... i wouldn't say "badly", that's rude, but in a way i can't vibe with at all. most of the RP blog are actually IC blog that occasionally (which means. 20% of the time) end up having in character dialogues that fill the dash and 0 respect for rules and general RP etiquette like reblogging from source and whatnot, and once again since i'm here playing the arguably "fandom favorite" researcher i'm!already!!so tired of the people who come to me expecting to immediately play their husband!!!
so idk. i'll be in my corner with my cLiQuE being silly and cry because i just want a 076 to bully is it too much to ASK ]
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fridayiminlcve · 2 years
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I posted 4,867 times in 2022
That's 4,867 more posts than 2021!
1,099 posts created (23%)
3,768 posts reblogged (77%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
@ anuraboy
I tagged 1,472 of my posts in 2022
#q - 404 posts
#asks - 141 posts
#stranger things - 111 posts
#art - 92 posts
#fave - 56 posts
#spotify - 50 posts
#pjo - 50 posts
#yr - 38 posts
#heartstopper - 32 posts
#ph - 29 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#at least im not in 6th grade but like. why ar the teachers so terrible my mom is genuinely thinking of making my sister pull out next grade
My Top Posts in 2022:
i hate you 'abcdefu' i hate you 'ten things i hate about you' i hate you 'i just called to say i hate you' i hate you angry tiktok girl music without any original lyrics or tunes made literally only so 10 seconds of it can go viral
61 notes - Posted December 2, 2022
happy she's got you mesmerized while i die saturday to those who celebrate btw
66 notes - Posted December 3, 2022
anyway HI its me nike ur fave boymutual fuck this fuck the fact that i ahve to make this post but. anyway tumblr deleted my accoutn for apparently no reason and i am physically crying. if u could pls reblog this then that would be great
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105 notes - Posted June 6, 2022
i love u fairy lights i love u diya I love u little candles of wax and battery powered candles i love u projector lamps i love u strip lights i love u lights and lamps etc i love u mithais i love u gifts i love u rangolis i love u melas i love u kaju katli and i love u diwali !
187 notes - Posted October 22, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
what is your problem with tiktok or booktok and colleen hoover lmao its not that bad surely
the fact that it actively promotes overconsumerism, the way it sells books to you by just playing into already heavily milked out tropes with very specific character niches that are seen in every book nowadays and how the reading is just seen as something aesthetic or a part of the "it girl routine" maybe? if those are enough reasons for you?
does the fact that these books are the first things you see when you walk into a bookstore not bother you? when you ask someone for a book recommendation they'll follow it up with "its a romance slow burn enemies to lovers". it's always about the aesthetic of the book, how many lines can you take out of context and post as a compilation of your super cute romantic annotations page on instagram. no analyzing the book, no theories, no symbolism or meaningfulness at all. how people stand reading those kind of books and still feel any kind of emotions over these flat as hell books with no world or character building is genuinely baffling to me
no one seems to know about actual literature anymore, which not to sound like a boomer but i think its definitely true. there's always been trend cycles, i agree such as the harry potter craze from the 1990s to the 2000s and the dystopia hunger games/maze runner/divergent blast in the early 2010s but tiktok has just.. shortened these cycles so much. as a result, people like our darling colleen hoover whose written around 46 books since 2015 (according to google) try come up with as much fresh content as they can as quickly as possible for the readers (see overconsumption). the fact that this lady outsold the bible is not outstanding to me, its fucking concerning.
and after all that, the result is badly written books with characters who're about as dimensional as a piece of paper, overuse of tropes, read like they've been written by a toddler, toxic-ass relationships being romanticised, very unnecessary sex scenes and countless other things. seriously if i wanted to read about the kind of stories hoover tells i would just open a wattpad account.
this isn't to say that all booktok books are terrible. i'm trying to highlight some of the flaws i find in authors like colleen hoover, emily henry, taylor jenkins reid, ali hazelwood, sarah j maas and elena armas. some of their works are quite decent :) six of crows, thsoeh, tsoa, circe, daisy jones, where the crawdads sing etc are some books which i think everyone has heard of if theyre active online which were actually nice reads. also i am BEGGING u to reach out of your comfort zone and read something different like non-fiction or fantasy or one of the classics for once if you only read booktok like seriously it might be hard but just do it for the love of god!!
1,258 notes - Posted November 15, 2022
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