#comics ghost thinks he’s SOOOOOOO cool
mausoleum-resident · 5 months
Fanon interpretations/new ghost interpretations always have him being really vague and dodgy and unavailable about his trauma but ghost in the comics/by extension ‘09 ghost is actually like “Hey Do You Want To Hear About The Coolest Most Badass Guy I Know He’s A Fucking Legend I Swear Let Me Tell You His Full Backstory In Detail So You Know Exactly How Cool He Is” and the whole time it’s him. He’s talking about himself and also he is telling this to strangers
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themyscirah · 8 months
Jess? Or Hal? For the ask game (And if you've done both of them, just pick your favorite super)
I haven't done either yet! I'll do Hal in this post and maybe Jess in another after this
Tw for canonical past suicide for later in the post (skip the story idea section)
First impression:
My real first encounter with him was probably as a guest appearance within Green Lanterns, but the first book I read with him was GL/GA. I don't remember too much of what I thought of him there, it was probably more of a general "oh he seems cool I guess" kind of neutral/positive attitude. By the time I read a Hal comic I'd already met Simon, Jess, and Jo so he wasn't a contender for the spot of my favorite lantern. I never fully finished GL/GA though bc I had the book on loan
Impression now:
Mixed. There are some Hal moments I genuinely do love and like, but tbh he can get on my nerves very easily. Of the Earth lanterns he's either my least or next to least favorite (which doesn't mean I don't like him!) but he's also like the "main character" of GL so I get annoyed when I feel like other GLs are being ignored in favor of Hal.
Favorite moment:
With that said there are sooooooo many Hal moments I just love. He's very much a character made by specific moments for me (rather than a general appreciation of who he is overall). Some Swishy fave contenders include his "Avenge me" internal monologue when he fights Mongul in GL (1990) #46, and OFC the Emerald Twilight arc a few issues later. Also in the very first issue of that book, where he jumps off a cliff in front of some campers (waiting until the last moment before using his ring) was an important moment for me in reading Hal, because it was the first time I went "oh! This guy is crazy!"
Idea for a story:
An exploration of the fact that Hal literally killed himself on panel in GL (2011) #19. Because like what the hell, why did this happen and then NO ONE EVER TALKED ABOUT IT. (This is insane to me). I think I'd probably revisit it in a dream sequence, maaaybe doing a rewrite/reimagining of his Knight Terrors issue (which I have NOT read lol) to kind of address that and talk about his mental state and things that had an impact on that, stuff like his parents, the Guardians, PARALLAX. Basically it'd be Hal and the ghost of Tomar-Re just talking about how he is not okay. A pretty heavy response to a pretty heavy topic.
Unpopular opinion:
I'm going to be so real here like 95% of my Hal opinions are unpopular bc its just me talking about how I think he's overrated. Like we're bros ig but still. Overrated.
Like I LIKE him but I'm annoyed at him like 80% of the time bc DC is always putting out a mid story focusing on him while ignoring my faves WHO ARE SO COOL AND DESERVE STORIES 😤💔😭
I guess one beyond that is I'm not a fan of his friendship with Barry. Maybe this is just because I haven't read anything where they're like... interesting? But I just don't get the hype. ESPECIALLY compared to his relationship with Oliver which is absolutely insane in comparison. Like why are we talking abt Barry rn when OLLIE LITERALLY SHOT HAL AND HAL RESSURECTED OLLIE. like guys. Guys. Are you seeing this shit.
Favorite relationship:
Like ship wise? I'm not a huge Halcarol fan personally but I do think they're kind of the epitome of "you're perfect for each other. Never involve anyone else in what you have going on," kind of messy drama-filled relationship with a lot of history.
I also really like halollie and their relationship but not in like a "they should date" way or anything like that. Like they're bros to me who emotionally have a whole complicated little thing going on like idk
Within the lanterns I think the frenemy whatever thing Guy and Hal do is SO funny. I love especially the beginning of GL (1990) where Guy just in his free time shows up to ruin Hal's life while Hal is just so sick and done and mad about it. Peak comedy, Guy never change
Fave headcanon:
Do I have any headcanons about Hal? Not really. I try to think about him as little as possible (kidding). No um I'd say I don't really have any, and if I did they'd probably be really basic or smth like that he cries watching both Top Gun movies.
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upagainstthesunset · 2 years
Okay I feel like I’ve been looking forward to this FOREVER. So finally, Flash Vol 2, Issue 19 - A Meeting of Rogues 
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This cover is everything. 
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again.. Wally’s a shoes on the couch kinda guy. Also, gotta love his absolute trash diet. 
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I think about this sometimes. Having super speed is such a powerful ability, but there are some scenarios where it just plain isn’t going to help you. Even the ability to vibrate through things doesn’t do much good if you’re going to fall thousands of feet. 
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I think I missed when Chunk got Wally’s mansion. 
Obsessed with this reaction. “Ohh nooooo!” AND let’s not skip over the fact that they still call him names and refer to him as Kid because of course they do.
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Wait where did Connie come from? I swear I have zero retention for this kind of stuff.
Shirtless Wally strikes again. Can’t believe he told Chunk to take a hike so he could have a booty call. Wait, actually I can definitely believe it. (Meanwhile the batflash shipper in me is like 👀 Batman’s the first one you mention, eh?)
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LOVE THESE GUYS. Barry’s enemies seemed fun, and I’m so glad Wally gets to inherit some of them. And can I just say, good on the author to have the rogues react to Barry’s death. We know that it really impacted Wally and he’ll be dealing with that for years to come, but this group of weirdos over here had a relationship with Barry too. And they miss him, dammit.
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Hmmm some rogues drama. Interesting, interesting.
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This is peak comedy. He just shows up. I can’t believe Connie is totally cool with this though ha ha.
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I’ve gotta slow down on the panels bc otherwise I’m going to end up screen capping every single one. It’s too good not to tho.
It’s funny how comics will do some phonetically to convey accents. It always trips me up when I’m reading. Lmao at Barry calling Digger gross.
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Btw I’m skipping the Blue Trinity mini story.
Lisa Snart is so nice to chat with Connie, but it’s hilarious that she’s still >:( at Barry. Lisa: “I’ll kill everything he loves” Connie: “Sooooooo shouldn’t that include Wally?” Lisa: “What? No that’d be crazy, duh.”
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Okay seriously, I’m really trying not to load up on too many images here, but every single scene is gold. Trickster jokingly testing if Wally could dodge at point blank range, Connie being like “there’s a guy here who became a criminal because he’s color blind,” Chunk showing up to finally give Wally a piece of his mind only to land on Gentleman Ghost. This issue just doesn’t quit. 😂
Lol the rogues are getting drunk and unruly now. 
Ohhh my god and Chunk is popping these randos back in.
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This is such a bittersweet and weirdly heartfelt sentiment. The rogues are powerful, and they always were. But they often got hung up on besting Barry, and you know it’s because that’s what they really wanted. And the fact that Leonard’s saying this to Wally, former Kid Flash and current Flash. Just UGH my heart.
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Final thoughts:
How do you top this? It’s so fan servicey and I’m all about it. It feels like a filler, but it’s really not. It’s world building, it’s a reminder that these other guys didn’t stop existing just because Barry’s no longer in the story. And most of all, this issue was truly all about Barry Allen. It feels almost like a way for the rogues to move on, to accept that Barry’s gone. And in the process, we get to see them as just a group of nutty weirdos. Yeah they’re sort of unhinged, but they’re not the worst kinds of criminals. They have a camaraderie about them, and sometimes they get along and sometimes they don’t. But hey they accepted Wally enough to let him join them, and that’s pretty cool!
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mathes0n · 7 years
Top five reasons Aradia deserves better? Or if you'd rather: top five ford moments from gf?
Oh Boy It’s Aradia Ranting Time, Lads
5. I love her. I don’t have much for this one except that I love her and I think she deserves better. That’s all I got. That should be all I need to say 
4. Aradia is probably one of, if not the, nicest characters in Homestuck. The only times she shows malice is when she’s in her robot form, and even then, her emotions are out of her control and everyone she beat up was for food reason (she beat up Equius bc he was being a shitty guy, she beat up Vriska for revenge and arguably to help her ascend to godtier). She has her snarkier moments, sure (usually with sollux), but she’s genuinely a nice and sweet person. She calls Jade “spiffy”. She cares about her friends. She says it herself, she just tries to be a good person. She’s so good. I love her
3. Technically, she is one of the strongest living characters right now. Like, other than Vriska and maybe Gamzee, she’s the only godtier troll thats alive atm. She was able to take on Bec Noir (something even godtier Vriska presumably couldn’t do????) and was able to face Lord English without getting a bruise on her???? She may be one of the strongest characters in the entire comic and I don’t forgive anyone involved for putting her on the shelf (she was so strong and yet she chose to be a pacifist. Bless her heart I love her)
2. Aradia’s arc had a lot of promise. She was a sweet girl who could talk to ghosts, and was brutally killed by one (technically TWO) of her closest friends. A lot of her character revolved around the idea of her being mind controlled (Vriska was unable to mind control her, the ghosts made her obey  their will, the whole thing with Equius’ robot heart); when she finally went godtier and was able to become her own person, it’s supposed to be a very rewarding moment!!!! But there’s some worry there, because Lord English used to control Aradia’s ancestor, so it makes you wonder if Aradia’ll be controlled by him too. It makes you worry, because Aradia’s technically part-frog due to sprite shenanigans, and Condy is known for mind controlling people with animal characteristics in them. And........... it all leads to nothing. Just. Nothing??? Idk the end of Aradia’s arc is lackluster and disappointing and..... even a little confusing?? Like, people out there argue that Aradia is dead at the end of Homestuck, which is absolutely not true but the fact that people debate this means that there was a poor job communicating how Aradia’s story ended. Aradia’s been through a lot, just let her go on the fun planet with all of her friends for the love of god!!!!
1. The interactions!!! THE INTERACTIONS!!!!!! There are so many interactions with other characters that Aradia will never have the chance to have!!!!! Did you know that she and Eridan never even talked to each other?? And that’s not to mention how she would’ve reacted to Calliborn and/or Calliope; how interesting would that have been?? Her ancestor was under the control of an alternate Calliborn and Aradia knew abt it, don’t you think it wouldve been cool for Aradia to have interacted with one of the cherubs????? And I’ve gone ON and ON about how Aradia’d get along SWIMMINGLY with the alphas, and she never gets the chance to even see them!!!! She’s just shoved off to the side!!!! Holding Sollux’s dumb sweaty hand!!!! Terezi was one of Aradia’s closest friends and yet they never talk, making people forget they were friends. In the Game Over Timeline, Karkat expressed that he felt guilty for his treatment of Aradia, and that was the last time he even mentioned her in the comic. Aradia had an interesting dynamic with the humans, but especially Rose (and Dave to an extent); Aradia had an interest in human culture, and Rose loved messing with her about it and Aradia was gullible enough to believe it. Some more of that would’ve been FANTASTIC!!!!! But we get nothing and I’m so miffed. I’m sooooooo miffed. Aradia R. Megido Deserves So Much Better than what this shitshow of a webcomic gave her
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