danni-nip-nip-nyan · 8 months
I would apologize for not posting as much but I have no excuse so have Finn
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My friend and I were taking Abt how Finn would wear a headpiece to remember Fern by, like with his Jake tattoo. They said a cloak would be cool and I thought the same, so yeh
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He's such a lad i luv him
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starberry-skies · 6 months
aaah i'm regressed again -___- bwahhh
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octocurse · 1 year
In Adventures with 9 / Melo, souls are naturally connected to their body (or, what’s left of it.) so when Misery is unable to take Melo’s body, his soul attatches to both Melo and where his bones are. Him saying he can feel his bones is not an exaggeration, he really can.
This is separate from Melo’s soul, as it is directly connected to the body and is unable to be separated from it. However, this does not mean they can’t play ping pong on who get’s to have it from time to time.
When Misery borrows the body, he basically saps the energy out of it, like possession. While the energy does return to Melo, it takes a toll on the body and leads her to having intense headaches, nausea, or basically just passing out.
If Misery experiences a stronger emotion than Melo, that’s also inherently negative, he may unintentionally shove Melo out of the body. Again, playing a game of ping pong to see who gets to have it.
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stocious · 7 months
tag games time! i was tagged by @energievie, @creepkinginc, @darlingian, @jrooc, @spacerockwriting and @mybrainismelted, thank you friends! 🫂🖤
Iced coffee or hot coffee? no coffee.
Iced tea or hot tea? no tea.
Lemonade or sweet tea? NO. i'm so picky sorry.
Minty gum or fruity gum? minty to the point it burns.
Pasta or potatoes? taters precious.
Olives or pickles? pickles.
Rice or bread? oh. uh. hm. bread then.
Cookies or brownies? cookies!
Handwritten reminders or phone reminders? handwritten. my just ignore my phone so gotta get that shit down on paper.
Pull-over hoodie or zippy hoodie? zippy all day every day!
Jeans or sweatpants? sweatpants.
Flip-flops/thongs or slides? slides, if i could find any that fit my feet 😂
Paperback book or ebook? i mean i haven't read an actuall book in years, so i guess ebook? but i love the feel of a good paperback.
Enemies to lovers or fwb to lovers? enemies to lovers baby! chomp slurp!
Only one bed or fake dating? i'm not really into either but i'm more likely to click one bed.
Hurt/comfort or whump? hurt/comfort.
Mutual pining or amnesia? mutual pining! *slams fists on table*
Canon-compliant or alternate universe? au! any au! all the au! gimmie your best au recs, i'll eat it up.
Soulmate AU or sports AU? RUDE. i really didn't think i'd be into sports, but here i am. sports, simply because i think the most commonn soulmate systems are a little boring (i'll read them all though)
Celebrity AU or coffeeshop AU? coffee shop.
One-shot or longfic? i'll read a million words and still want more. the longer, the better.
Milkovich or Gallagher? milkovich 🖤
idk whose been tagged so i'll leave this open to anyone who feels like it! 🖤
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back to the diofield chronicle
ch2: between watching 3 playthroughs i think i can finally see most of the character dialogue. wasn't waltaquin's whole family killed? does that make her duke now? or are we being english and only men can own things. why did we take charge lorraine outranks us by far. the first chapter focused on messy noble ties i wonder if we'll find out who sponsored him as a child. see this is the problem of having a month gap. what happened to fredret's family again? he was part of an important noble family that hosted a prince but then he ended up a mercenary's apprentice, what do you mean his family fell.
waltaquin's just out for a good fight, would rather be fighting the empire than bandits but doesn't care about the nation's future.
hey tinfoil conspiracy theory but what if there was a secret negotiation with the empire for a shipment of high quality jade, which the blue foxes just stopped thus starting a war.
waltaquin craves violence, iscarion is looking out for the people, andrias is looking for an angle, and ferdret is the moderator
the high quality is being used by the empire to control monsters, like the demifiend horde and the jade hende confiscated and hid from the government.
ch3: like if he was secretly selling jade to the empire that would be reason to purposefully jeopardize alliance negotiations
andrias has estalt wrapped around his little finger. stop manipulating the boy. he's so impressionable like clay.
the redditch family was killed by a bunch of zombies, was that waltaquin's magic experiments? ye
yup. how convenient that duke hende lept on an excuse to execute his enemies. lol we're a bunch of private military riot breakers, gotta keep that pesky foreign democracy propaganda believing commonners down! yeh ambitious rich man's private army how else was this going to go down but a power grab
i was right in ch1 when i decided i liked iscarion. fredret and iscarion are offput by waltaquin but andrias doesn't seem to care probably exactly because she's so good at killing.
ug problem with the month gap, was meeting lorraine really an accident, what were they doing out there again? ah mercenaries working for izzy's dad
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teapotart · 4 years
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Chemistry and Life Shouwa AU, part 3: Realizations™
(Shouwa AU: part 1, part 2, intermission, short story)
As always, I'm drawing things backwards, so this is something that happens before the confession comic events. 98% sure this is how F realized his own feelings. Also, no matter if it's main story or au, these two can be found in places with cheap tasty food :")
To be continued~
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Soon to be history - with some luck.  Sign on the locked gates of the children’s playground in the Cambridge Commons park, just above Harvard Square, the first grim days of lockdown in 2020
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brawn-gp · 4 years
rules: answer the questions and tag at least 8 people to participate.
tagged by: @eefiplier​ thank you love <3
nickname: barbi
zodiac sign: taurus
hogwarts house: hufflepuff (its the best house sorry not sorry)
favourite colour: i love colors with my soul so they change everyday depending on my mood, but i’ll say yellow and turquoise
favourite animal: catss, specially my own dumb ball of cuteness, but i also love doggos
favourite season: fall, windy spring and rainy winters
somewhere you’d like to travel: italyy, but actually everywhere
random fact about yourself: i’m very clumsy and tend to brake everything on my path, and yesterday my mom broke a glass and screamed “oh no i did a barbi!” jshjf 
tagging: @albonoo @stuffstephstans @widdajan and @ my latinx peep and everyone who hasn’t done this already ☺️
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casualazurlane · 5 years
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Artist: 月见
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warrioreowynofrohan · 3 years
I’ve been wanting for a while to do a comparison of Dante’s Divine Comedy with CS Lewis’ The Great Divorce, since the latter is very much modelled after the former (with George MacDonald in the place of Virgil) and they deal with very similar concepts.
My first inpression of the difference between them is that Dante develops a very specific and granular categorization and hierarchy on sins throughout the Inferno and Purgatorio, whereas to me all of the ones that Lewis showed were variations on a commonn theme of pride, the choice of one’s own opinions and preconceptions and self-image over heaven. In Lewis’ words, “There is always something they prefer to joy.” But as I think about it more closely, I think there are more specific correspondences between the two.
As Dorothy L. Sayers discusses in the introduction to her translation of the Commedia, there are two types of allegories: ones where all the characters are representations of specific concepts (such as in Spencer’s The Fairie Queen or Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress), or one where characters with their own names and identities can stand in for specific concepts: Virgil is Virgil, but he also represents Human Reason, Ciacco is an actual Florentine who existed, but he also represents gluttony, and so forth. This makes the characters more real and alive than the first type of allegories usually feel, and also allows the work to show nuances in its concepts by having multiple characters representing the same concept and so showing different nuances of it. Both the Commedia and The Last Divorce are the latter types, but they differ in how they design their characters: in the Commedia they are specific, named characters from Dante’s time, or from history, mythology, or the Bible. Lewis doesn’t do this (probably wisely; in an age of mass media, if he was sending MPs to Hell, any conversation about the books would be about that, and not about the book’s themes); instead he gives them epithets like the Big Ghost, and Hard-bitten Ghost, and Ghost in a Bowler; I will sometimes give them other names in this post. One of the thinfs this lets Lewis do is to deliberately subvert the prominence of famous religious and historical figures in the Comedy by having his celebrated and beloved ‘great saint’ in Heaven be not a figure from the Bible or later Christian history, but an ordinary woman named Sarah Smith with an ordinary life who was good, kind, and loving to everyone she met.
As an example of how Dante and Lewis work similarly and yet differently: the concept of Avarice. Dante shows it in both Hell and Purgatory, in different forms - people who ‘getting and spending, laid waste their powers’ (the Ciardi translation actually puts it similarly to that’. Lewis has no one who rejects Heaven based on desire for personal possessions; what he has instead is the character I’ll call the Economist, who says that the reason everyone in Hell spreads out (because they quarrel all the time) is because there are no commodities to drive them to live closer together, and tries futilely to bring back one of the - extraordinarily heavy, to him - apples of Heaven as such as commodity. (Is Lewis deliberately recalling the heavy rocks rolled by the Avaricious? Probably a stretch.) His problem is not a personal desire for riches, but the need to see the world in exclusively material terms and the only solution to problems as material ones.
Another example. Lewis, like Dante, has an example of heresy, and the connection between them came to me because of Sayers’ line in her commentary, quoting Charles Williams, that “the heretic accepted the Church, but preferred his own judgement to that of the church…an obduracy of mind, an intellectual obstinacy.” All of those traits are seen in one of Lewis’ ghosts, a self-identified Christian who denies the Resurrection and insists that one cannot know any spiritual truths for certain and that he wouldn’t want to, because it would prevent free inquiry and intellectual broadness. (In opposition to the heavenly spirit he is speaking to, who insists that the point of intellectual inquiry is to learn what is true.) This ghost has another particular trait that recurs in different forms a few times in The Great Divorce: he expresses the, on the surface laudable, sentiment that he’s not of any use in heaven whereas in hell he can help people. The recurrent sentiment - from him, from the Tragedian, from the Economist, from an artist (sort of), from a variety of planners and improvers who are mentioned in passing - is the need to be needed, and the two former of these are explicitly told that they are not needed, though they are certainly wanted and welcomed. The very gratuitousness of heaven leads some to reject it.
As a further example: the Sullen, in Dante, are one of the more problematic aspects of Hell, as their fate seems rather excessively harsh just for being grumpy (or melancholy, in you like). Lewis takes a bit of a different tack that sheds some light on it. There’s an elderly ghost in Heaven who we only see complaining to heavenly friend about how dreadful her life was. George MacDonald explains to Lewis that if she’s simply an old lady with a bad habit of grumbling, she’ll accept heaven and be well in the end; but if there’s nothing left of her but grumbling, there’s nothing to be done. The sullenness that Dante depicts is here shown as a person who is looking joy in the face, who is standing in the midst of joy, but is unable to see it in their focus in dwelling on past wrongs.
Curiously, Lewis - unlike Dante in the eighth and ninth circles - spends very little time on those who are deeply evil, beyond saying “Those that hate goodness are sometimes nearer it than those that know nothing at all about it and think they have it already.” Rather than Malice, the characteristic of the lowest levels of Dante’s hell, Lewis focuses on a range of forms of distorted love that, I think, we do not see equivalents to in the Commedia. The Commedia’s characterization of the roots of evil in forms of distorted or ill-governed love (or desire) is very helpful to this concept. Virgil (via Aristotle?) characterizes it in three classes: love of thy neighbour’s ill (Pride, Envy, and Wrath: desire to put someone down for your own aggradizement, resentment of someone’s rise because it dininishes you in comparison, and immoderate anger in response to wrongs), insufficient love (Sloth - which in Lewis would likely be represented by those who don’t get on the bus at all) and excessive love of earthly things (Avarice, Gluttony, and Lust).
Lewis takes his critique well beyond that to various forms of non-sexual love for people that are nonetheless harmful to them or others. (This gets into his idea, expressed in Till We Have Faces, that in the absence of grace all human loves are ultimately selfish.) There’s a woman, who in a determination to “improve” her husband socioeconomically and culturally, drove away all his friends and pushed him into a career that made him miserable until he ultimately died of sheer unhappiness, and on her visit to Heaven can speak of nothing but all the thankless work she did on his behalf, and futilely demand to be allowed to ‘manage’ him again. There’s a woman who loved her son so all-consumingly that she neglected everyone else in her life, and made them miserable after his death by reorienting her life and theirs entirely around mourning him.
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sauluoi0101 · 4 years
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The prologue of my webtoon canvas   😊 actually this series is so sweet...
You can read it on Webtoon . com and Tapas. Coming soon on Webcomic.
Summary:  Asha - the youngest princess is dating a commonner. He said he would go to the palace to meet her. But WHAT THE *Beeeeeeep*... WHY HE TURNS OUT TO BE AN EUNUCH??????????
link: https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/darishaprincesss-secret-sweetheart/list?title_no=526837
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mermories-nook · 3 years
Ayoo If anyones looking for new friends to play dbd with like this post, I'm also extending the offer to other games if we have them in commonn. Please be good sports or whatever, bc you know, video games are for fun
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tsukishima: guess who almost died biking home from practice with a severe weather warning being issued for a storm i just barely missed.
hinata: i got my mom to pick me up??
tsukki: if you were close enough to hear thunder you were close enought to get hit and i saw lightning and heard thunder before it started raining. Festive
Daichi: not festive!!! YOU COULD'VE DIED
tsukki: i just said i almost died. Not the first time, not the last time, don't worry you're little head about it. Once at a pool party it was storming and we counted 30 second between thunder to jump back in and we didn't die
daichi: i am concerned. Time to stop
yams: that's boring, tsukki's lack of commonn sense is what's so fun about it
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gorillageek27 · 4 years
Weiss: what do tatoos and kids have in commonn
Yang: i dont know.
Weiss: once you have one its yours forever.
Jaune: well both can be removed with lasers
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To backstory anon, I highly recommend the dwarf commoner. It’s probably the most uplifting of the bunch and it’s really underrated. Definitely love it!
See, it depends on what's fun for a specific person.
Dwarf Commonner and Male City Elf are the most “heroic” ones, you get to be the savior and the champion.
City Elf Female, Dalish Elf, Noble Dwarf, Human Noble - these are all tales of loss and saying goodbye to your past whether you want it or not, forcibly growing up and taking a new role not because you want it - but because you have no other choice. They’re angsty and dramatic, and for some people that’s fun!
Mage origin becomes more interesting in hindsight, as it’s more lore-heavy, and it’s my personal favorite because magic and lore are my two favorite things. It also gives you a sense of wonder and mystery. Because magic.
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hades-999 · 4 years
🕙 How to put together;
Starter playlist
Hi. Maybe it will be a longer seria, or no, depends on you. So, le't see wha kind of aliens should be in the pack😁
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Be sure all character has alien like aspect. Something new, something what makes them alien
Referre to alien stories or mythology (not copy them, just something similar)
It's practical to have different colours, makes the team more versatile. Same with body shape and size
Make some animal like. Easyer to designe and animals are already cool
However, don't make them absolutly animalistic. It can be offical (since the Nemetrix) and humans are more atracted by humanoid figures
It's makes more sence if the transformatios has similar coloured outfits. It makes them "A Team"
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Fire - Since Ben ever first alien was Heatblast, it's a kind of tradition to use a fire user as a transformation
Strong - Ben always choosed the though guy in battle, even if the Omnitrix were created for intergalactik peace makeing
Shapeshifting - The ability to morphe always interesting, but if it limitles it will make the character overpowered or borring. Maybe unidentifieable. Use a theme
Water - It's practical to include one alien who can operate underwater, it gives the oppurtunit to have adventure in water
Fly - They usuallly put one or two flying aliens in the team. Beside it's fun it's useful too
Regenerate - Haveing a regenerating alien is always a win. They practically indestructables, usually good for offense and defense
Small - Ben mainly has human size or bigger aliens, but a small one (because of their less-commonnes) coming handy
Goo - Beside being serious sometimes, Ben also likes to have fun. Give the team sometbody who is more gross in an useful way
Fast - Beside it's fun, it's a handy traveling opportunity and useful one
Smart - Being clever is one thing, but being super inteligent is an other. Ben already has a great memory, but if you give him some brain power, he will be superior
Equality - Try to balance the power level of each one. Can be one Strong and on weak, but don't make any useles one or one which is technicly nullifie the other's usefulnes
Own power - It's simply not practical to include alien who's power is depending on something. They can be cool, but the fact they not independent makes them less apriciated
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The sarter aliens are the one most used group. Make them memorable and enjoyable
Don't do overpowered aliens. Even the strongest ones have weakneses, and it makes them interesting
Think about a theme (costume, Whatever-trix place, eyes colour....etc.)
You can give them equipments, but keep it in mind, the Omnitrix only gives them supplies nesecary to the species
Do not base them on already existing designes. Be original
Also, don't try to break records, like makeing bigger and stronger alien than Way Big
Make a special one. You can build a story arch around him
When you name them, not nesessary use puns. But use cool names from two separet parts. Surpriseingly, the are no really starter with simple name
I hope you like, next maybe about the extra aliens designe 😀
If you got inspiration, I would be pleased if you send me your starter aliens in message 😁 Thanks you and have a nice day! 👽
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