#communication as opposed to streamlining it
grymmdark · 4 months
i love how sometimes i will have wholeass conversations with myself which are about things which would probably make for an insanely good philosophy doctoral thesis. but i dont write em down anywhere or tell em to anyone else so i forget them like 15 minutes after I say them and then just move on with my life
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cha0ticr0b0tic · 1 year
I am so fucking interested in Leo DiCaprio’s trajectory when it comes to playing characters in Scorsese movies, hear me out:
Gangs of NY he’s really just a kid confronted with the possibility of violence, who’s tutored under the most violent man in his territory who also has the potential to become a father figure, but he says no, I need to do things my own way and find my own community – this is essentially a coming of age story.
The Departed, to me, is a more streamlined and polished Gangs of NY, albeit set in modern day Boston – Leo’s character is still a young man who has to go undercover and do some horrible things, and he struggles with the guilt of doing those horrible things, but he’s a little older, a little more cynical, a little more mature – though he still flies off the handle, and is still young enough to be seen as a surrogate son by Costello.
By Shutter Island, he’s a full adult, wife and kids (RIP), still struggling with violence and guilt but that’s as a result of having been in war and dealing with untreated PTSD. This is a much more adult story despite its pulpy exterior. He makes the choice to “die as a good man” as opposed to “live as a monster” – he’s taking agency for his actions. In The Departed he doesn’t get that choice (oof to those last 15 minutes.) Basically: he knows he’s done things that are irredeemable. He’s not a kid or kid-adjacent, he needs to take responsibility for his actions like an adult.
And then there’s a shift to Wolf of Wall Street where Jordan Belfort knows he’s a piece of shit and revels in it. There’s no guilt. Crime is fun! When you’re rich enough you’re untouchable! Haha silly goofy sensory overload! We all get to be immature man-children and nobody’s going to stop us! 
Makes me wonder what it’s going to be like in Killers of the Flower Moon because he’s going to be playing a piece of shit yet again – but this won’t be silly goofy funtimes, this is going to be greed and colonization and manipulation. 
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coochiequeens · 3 months
All at once now ladies "But this never happens"
By Natasha Biase March 22, 2024
Spain’s Minister of Family, Youth, and Social Affairs in Madrid is raising alarm bells after locating multiple cases in which men convicted of domestic violence changed their legal gender identity. In a letter issued to the Minister of Equality, Ana Dávila-Ponce de León Municio detailed her concerns that the safety of female victims of violence was at risk due to Spain’s “progressive” approach towards gender identity.
In her letter, issued March 18, Minister Dávila-Ponce de León noted that she had become aware of six cases in the autonomous region of Madrid where men charged with violence against women had changed their legal gender identity — a process that was streamlined and made significantly easier following the enactment of Spain’s “Trans Law” in 2023.
In addition to updating their registered sex, three of the men made requests to stay in women’s shelters with the wives and children who had been escaping from them. So far, concerned staff at the shelters have blocked their access but may be violating the nation’s gender discrimination laws as a result.
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The letter sent by Minister Dávila-Ponce de León to Minister Redondo Garcia.
But perhaps most disturbingly, an abuser changing his legal sex has a tremendous impact on the resources the victims are able to access. In one of the cases recently highlighted by El Mundo, a female victim of sexual assault was stripped of the special protection provided for victims of physical and sexual abuse because officials told her that her aggressor, who drugged and raped her in front of her young daughter, “was no longer registered as a man, but as a woman.”
In Spain, special gender-based violence charges exist, providing female victims of male violence specific protections and resolutions which can impact divorce or separation proceedings, custody, and other important factors. Victims of gender-based violence can also access special protections intended to ensure they are safe from their male abuser.
Because a female cannot be convicted of gender-based violence, male abusers who change their legal sex can avoid this charge and deny their female victims of those legal protections.
As previously reported by Reduxx, a man in Spain who abused his female partner for opposing his gender transition avoided charges of gender-based violence by legally changing his identification to “female” and adopting a woman’s name. As a result, his victim was unable to obtain a specific protection order for intimate partner violence which would typically result in the male abuser being removed from the home to minimize the financial impact to the woman at a time where they are most vulnerable.
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Despite only one year passing since the Trans Law was enacted by Spanish parliament, making it easier for people to “self-identify” their gender on their legal documents, several cases have emerged involving men using the law to receive financial, social, or legal benefits. The phenomenon is now being referred to as “trans fraud.”
Earlier this month, Reduxx reported that dozens of male civil servants in one small Spanish community changed their gender identity reportedly just to get benefits allocated for females. Among them was Roberto Perdigones, a 35-year-old Army corporal, who boasted of changing his legal sex to “female” after deciding he identified as an “intersex bigender” person.
From that moment on, he began to enjoy the benefits: the day he got his new ID card, he showed up at the barracks with earrings, long hair and a beard, now able to disregard mandatory dress code regulations without repercussions.
But the benefits are not limited to aesthetic issues, with Perdigones also now qualifying for a mother’s pension as he is a “woman” with a child.
“By changing my sex, as I have been informed, my pension has gone up. Because women receive more in retirement pensions to compensate for the inequality. In addition, I get 15% more because I have a child,” he boasted.
“I even have a private room in the barracks, all to myself, with a private bathroom. Because, being a woman, I can’t be with the men, and I didn’t consider it appropriate to be with the biological women out of respect for them. I’ve had the room to myself since the sex change.”
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Perdigones also intends to seek a promotion and will be utilizing the so-called “affirmative action measures” designed to increase female presence in the Armed Forces command.
As Perdigones is approaching the mandatory age of retirement for temporary soldiers, obtaining a permanent position would be beneficial for him. Perdigones will be applying as a “woman,” since the physical tests are less demanding and because certain positions are seeking more female representation.
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illus: Steve Brodner
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Sept 21, 2023
The fight over how we conceive of our federal government was on full display today.
The Biden administration announced the creation of the American Climate Corps. This will be a group of more than 20,000 young Americans who will learn to work in clean energy, conservation, and climate resilience while also earning good wages and addressing climate change. 
This ACC looks a great deal like the Civilian Conservation Corps established by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the Democrats in 1933, during the New Deal. The CCC was designed to provide jobs for unemployed young men (prompting critics to ask, “Where’s the She, She, She?”) while they worked to build fire towers, bridges, and foot trails, plant trees to stop soil erosion, stock fish, dig ditches, build dams, and so on. 
While the CCC was segregated, the ACC will prioritize hiring within communities traditionally left behind, as well as addressing the needs of those communities that have borne the brunt of climate change. If the administration’s rules for it become finalized, the corps will also create a streamlined pathway into federal service for those who participated in the program. 
In January, a poll showed that a climate corps is popular. Data for Progress found that voters supported such a corps by a margin of 39 points. Voters under 45 supported it by a margin of 51 points. 
While the Biden administration is establishing a modern version of a popular New Deal program, extremists in the Republican Party are shutting down the government to try to stop it from precisely this sort of action. They want to roll the government back to the days before the New Deal, ending government regulation, provision of a basic social safety net, investment in infrastructure, and protection of civil rights.
Extremists in the House Republican conference are refusing to acknowledge the deal worked out for the budget last spring by President Biden and Republican speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy (R-CA). Instead, in order to pass even a continuing resolution that would buy time for Congress to pass an actual budget, they are insisting on cuts of up to 8% on discretionary spending that Senate Democrats, as well as Biden himself, are certain to oppose.
The White House has noted that the cuts the Republicans demand would mean 800 fewer Customs and Border Protection agents and officers (which, in turn, would mean more drugs entering the United States); more than 2 million women and children waitlisted for the WIC food assistance program; more than 4,000 fewer rail inspection days; up to 40,000 fewer teachers, aides, and key education staff, affecting 26 million students; and so on. 
House speaker McCarthy cannot corral the extremists to agree to anything unless they get such cuts, which even other Republicans recognize are nonstarters (those cuts are so unpopular that Jake Sherman of Punchbowl News reported today that Republicans are somewhat bizarrely considering changing their messaging about their refusal to fund the government from concerns about spending to concerns about border security). 
Meanwhile, the extremists are threatening to throw McCarthy out of the speakership. There are rumors that Republican moderates are considering working with Democrats to save McCarthy’s job, but Democrats are not keen on helping him when he has just agreed to open a baseless impeachment inquiry into the president in order to appease the extremists. 
“If you’d asked about two months ago I would have said absolutely,” Representative Dean Phillips (D-MN) told Manu Raju, Lauren Fox, and Melanie Zanona of CNN. “But I think sadly his behavior is unprincipled, it’s unhelpful to the country,” he said.
As a shutdown appears more and more likely, even Republicans acknowledge that the problem is on their side of the House. Until the 1980s, funding gaps did not lead to government shutdowns. Government agencies continued to work, with the understanding that Congress would eventually work out funding disputes. But in 1980 a fight over funding the 1,600-employee Federal Trade Commission led President Jimmy Carter to ask Attorney General Benjamin Civiletti if the agency could continue to operate when its funding ran out. Civiletti surprised participants by saying no. 
Four years ago, Civiletti told Ian Shapira of the Washington Post that his decision was about a specific and limited issue, and that he never imagined that politicians would use shutdowns for long periods of time as a political weapon. And yet, shutdowns have become more frequent and longer since the 1990s, usually as Republicans demand that Congress adopt policies they cannot pass through regular procedures (like the 34-day shutdown in 2019 over funding for the border wall former president Trump wanted).
Many observers note that “governing by crisis,” as President Barack Obama put it, is terribly damaging and that Civiletti’s decision should be revisited. Next month’s possible shutdown has the potential to be particularly problematic because there is no obvious solution. After all, it’s hardly a surprise that this budget deadline was coming up and that the extremists were angry over the deal McCarthy cut with Biden back in May, and yet McCarthy has been unable in all those months to bring his conference to an agreement. 
Republicans appear resigned that voters will blame them for the crisis, which, honestly, seems fair. “We always get the blame,” Representative Mike Simpson (R-ID), a senior appropriator, told Katherine Tully-McManus and Adam Cancryn of Politico. “Name one time that we’ve shut the government down and we haven’t got the blame.” 
Meanwhile, the House extremists continue to push their vision for the nation by undermining the institutions of the government. The House Judiciary Committee, chaired by Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH), today held what normally would have been a routine oversight hearing focused on policy, law enforcement, and so on. Instead of that business, though, Jordan and the hard-right Republicans on the committee worked to construct a false reality in right-wing media by attacking Attorney General Merrick Garland over his role in the investigation of President Biden’s son Hunter, begun five years ago under Trump. 
Glenn Thrush of the New York Times noted drily that “[m]any of the claims and insinuations they leveled against Mr. Garland—that he is part of a coordinated Democratic effort to shield the Bidens and persecute Mr. Trump—were not supported by fact. And much of the specific evidence presented, particularly the testimony of an investigator who questioned key decisions in the Hunter Biden investigation, was given without context or acknowledgment of contradictory information.”
Instead, Jordan and his extremist colleagues shouted at Garland and over his answers, producing sound bites for right-wing media. Those included the statement from Representative Victoria Spartz (R-IN) that the rioters at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, were actually “good Americans” who brought “strollers and the kids.” Even as both Biden and Garland have prioritized restoring faith in the Justice Department after Trump’s use of it for his own ends, the extremist Republicans are working to undermine that faith by constructing the false image that the Department of Justice is persecuting Trump and his allies.  Their position was not unchallenged on the committee, even within their own party. Representative Ken Buck (R-CO) defended Garland from their attacks, while Democrats on the committee went after the Republicans themselves. Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA) accused Jordan of making the Judiciary Committee into a “criminal defense firm for the former president.” 
Garland, who is usually soft-spoken, pushed back too. “Our job is not to take orders from the president, from Congress, or from anyone else, about who or what to criminally investigate,” he told the committee. “I am not the president’s lawyer. I will add I am not Congress’s prosecutor. The Justice Department works for the American people.”
“We will not be intimidated,” he added. “We will do our jobs free from outside influence. And we will not back down from defending our democracy.”
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nicklloydnow · 10 months
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“I quote from Galt's speech: "Man has been called a rational being, but rationality is a matter of choice - and the alternative his nature offers him is: rational being or suicidal animal. Man has to be man - by choice; he has to hold his life as a value by choice; he has to learn to sustain it by choice; he has to discover the values it requires and practice his virtues by choice. A code of values accepted by choice is a code of morality."
The standard of value of the Obiectivist ethics - the standard by which one judges what is good or evil - is man's life, or: that which is required for man's survival qua man.
Since reason is man's basic means of survival, that which is proper to the life of a rational being is the good; that which negates, opposes or destroys it is the evil.
Since everything man needs has to be discovered by his own mind and produced by his own effort, the two essentials of the method of survival proper to a rational being are: thinking and productive work.
Man cannot survive as anything but man. He can abandon his means of survival, his mind, he can turn himself into a subhuman creature and he can turn his life into a brief span of agony - just as his body can exist for a while in the process of disintegration by disease. But he cannot succeed, as a subhuman, in achieving anything but the subhuman - as the ugly horror of the anti-rational periods of mankind's history can demonstrate. Man has to be man by choice and it is the task of ethics to teach him how to live like man.
The Obiectivist ethics holds man's life as the standard of value - and his own life as the ethical purpose of every individual man.” - Ayn Rand, ‘The Objectivist Ethics’ (1964)
“The turn will come when we entrust the conduct of our affairs to men who understand that their first duty as public officials is to divest themselves of the power they have been given. It will come when Americans, in hundreds of communities throughout the nation, decide to put the man in office who is pledged to enforce the Constitution and restore the Republic. Who will proclaim in a campaign speech: "I have little interest in streamlining government or in making it more efficient, for I mean to reduce its size. I do not undertake to promote welfare, for I propose to extend freedom. My aim is not to pass laws, but to repeal them. It is not to inaugurate new programs, but to cancel old ones that do violence to the Constitution, or that have failed in their purpose, or that impose on the people an unwarranted financial burden. I will not attempt to discover whether legislation is 'needed' before I have first determined whether it is constitutionally permissible. And if I should later be attacked for neglecting my constituents' 'interests,' I shall reply that I was informed their main interest is liberty and that in that cause I am doing the very best I can."” - Barry Goldwater (L. Brent Bozell Jr.), ‘The Conscience of a Conservative’ [1960]
“No sensible proposition concerning human action can be asserted without reference to what the acting individuals are aiming at and what they consider as success or failure, as profit or loss. If we study the actions of the individuals, we learn everything that can be learned about acting, as there are, as far as we can see, in the universe no other entities or beings that, dissatisfied with the state of affairs that would prevail in the absence of their interference, are intent upon improving conditions by action. In studying action, we become aware both of the powers of man and of the limits of his powers. Man lacks omnipotence and can never attain a state of full and lasting satisfaction. All he can do is to substitute, by resorting to appropriate means, a state of lesser dissatisfaction for a state of greater dissatisfaction.
In studying the actions of individuals, we learn also everything about the collectives and society. For the collective has no existence and reality but in the actions of individuals. It comes into existence by ideas that move individuals to behave as members of a definite group and goes out of existence when the persuasive power of these ideas subsides. The only way to a cognition of collectives is the analysis of the conduct of its members.
There is no need to add anything to what has already been said by praxeology and economics to justify methodological individualism and to reject the mythology of methodological collectivism. Even the most fanatical advocates of collectivism deal with the actions of individuals while they pretend to deal with the actions of collectives. Statistics does not register events that are happening in or to collectives. It records what happens with individuals forming definite groups. The criterion that determines the constitution of these groups is definite characteristics of the individuals. The first thing that has to be established in speaking of a social entity is the clear definition of what logically justifies counting or not counting an individual as a member of this group.
The rejection of methodological individualism implies the assumption that the behavior of men is directed by some mysterious forces that defy any analysis and description. For if one realizes that what sets action in motion is ideas, one cannot help admitting that these ideas originate in the minds of some individuals and are transmitted to other individuals. But then one has accepted the fundamental thesis of methodological individualism, viz., that it is the ideas held by individuals that determine their group allegiance, and a collective no longer appears as an entity acting of its own accord and on its own initiative.
All interhuman relations are the offshoot of ideas and the conduct of individuals directed by these ideas. The despot rules because his subjects chose rather to obey him than to resist him openly. The slaveholder is in a position to deal with his slaves as if they were chattels because the slaves are willy nilly prepared to yield to his pretensions. It is an ideological transformation that in our age weakens and threatens to dissolve entirely the authority of parents, teachers, and clergymen.
The meaning of philosophical individualism has been lamentably misinterpreted by the harbingers of collectivism. As they see it, the dilemma is whether the concerns - interests - of the individuals should rank before those of one of the - arbitrarily selected - collectives. However, the epistemological controversy between individualism and collectivism has no direct reference to this purely political issue. Individualism as a principle of the philosophical, praxeological, and historical analysis of human action means the establishment of the facts that all actions can be traced back to individuals and that no scientific method can succeed in determining how definite external events, liable to a description by the methods of the natural sciences, produce within the human mind definite ideas, value judgments, and volitions. In this sense the individual that cannot be dissolved into components is both the starting point and the ultimate given of all endeavors to deal with human action.
The collectivistic method is anthropomorphic, as it simply takes it for granted that all concepts of the action of individuals can be applied to those of the collectives. It does not see that all collectives are the product of a definite way in which individuals act, they are an offshoot of ideas determining the conduct of individuals.” - Ludwig von Mises, ‘The Ultimate Foundation of Economic Science: An Essay on Method’ (1962)
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What Is Business Technology?
Technology is a product of the systematic application of knowledge that is extensively employed in a wide range of disciplines. Technologies include computers, the Internet, and cloud computing. These are engaged in practically every field and might even assist you in starting a business. However, how can you put these technologies to work for you?
Technology is the systematic application of knowledge to a practical aim. It has several applications. Technology is essential to corporate operations, from medical gadgets to social networking sites. Learning how to apply it correctly, regardless of its sector, is critical. Here are some ideas for making the most of it.
Businesses may use information technology to make better choices faster. This enables them to adapt swiftly to external developments and recognize client demands. It can also shorten the time it takes to market new products or services.
Computers are one of the most effective business tools since they allow individuals to discover information and data readily. They assist with meeting scheduling, file management, and data organization. Furthermore, computers are an excellent tool for educating personnel and streamlining operations. Over a billion people rely on computers to operate their companies.
Computers are also necessary to research instruments. Without considerable study, businesses would not be able to compete in a highly competitive market. Many organizations currently utilize computers for scientific research, and they may significantly lower research expenses. In addition, computers may aid in research and development and the production of new items.
Social media is altering how we interact and conduct business. It allows us to personalize our communications to our target audience better. We also have a new method to interact with one another and build a more coherent online persona. This is one of the most significant advantages of social media, but it also has drawbacks.
While social media has transformed the way we do business, it has only created a small portion of the potential value it may uncover. According to some observers, adopting social media into corporate processes can yield $900 billion to 1.3 trillion in value. They believe enhancing internal communication and cooperation holds two-thirds of the value generation potential. This has the potential to boost not just consumer happiness but also the creation of new goods and services.
Cloud computing is a novel method of storing and accessing data through the Internet. Cloud services, as opposed to older techniques that needed a physical storage device, allow organizations to access their data from anywhere around the globe. The system also aids in data loss prevention by keeping duplicates of lost data on other servers. Additionally, encryption improves data security.
Cloud computing is utilized for a wide range of corporate applications and services. It may store data, run the software, and even run apps. It is a quick and flexible method of delivering information and services. It also provides several advantages to users, such as monitoring and regulating their computer capabilities.
Increasing corporate productivity is critical, and organizations may do this through technology. However, technical advancements are not without cost, and rising expenses may obscure actual productivity increases. A recent NBER Working Paper evaluates the gain in productivity since the 1990s and concludes that it was driven mainly by greater technological use.
Productivity is defined as the number of products and services produced per hour of labor. Productivity increased for the first time in 1996 and peaked in the second part of the decade. Some observers, however, argue that the significant improvements in measured production during this era were caused by inaccurate measurement.
The expense of technology is becoming an increasing concern among enterprises. Businesses must understand and manage the costs of technology. The objective is to lower overall expenses while improving the service quality. Technology must be invested in, but the fee must be evaluated against the advantages. For example, technology may assist organizations in producing more items in less time while decreasing human expenses.
Assessing what each sector of the organization requires is a valuable method to manage the expense of technology in business. It is best to get technology readily incorporated into day-to-day business activities. Furthermore, technology should be adaptable enough to accommodate new technologies while not interfering with daily operations. A careful review of a company's present technological demands can assist choose where to invest the most money. Examples of technology that a firm may require to include:
Using technology in client communication provides various advantages for businesses, including increased customer service. It may assist organizations in resolving minor difficulties, routing client information to agents, and even resolving complicated challenges. Companies, on the other hand, must employ technology with prudence. According to studies, 35% of consumers prefer to contact the same person or agent over many channels.
Technology may also improve an organization's performance, increasing its profitability. It also enables firms to concentrate on their clients. Businesses today are focused on customer happiness and value, and some of the most well-known companies have developed over time by providing exceptional customer service.
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maacsatara · 20 hours
Revolutionizing VFX Workflows: Exploring Real-time Rendering Techniques
The world of visual effects (VFX) has undergone a paradigm shift with the advent of real-time rendering techniques. Aspiring VFX artists in Pune can gain expertise in this groundbreaking technology through specialized courses offered by various VFX institutes in Pune. This transformative technology has not only streamlined workflows but also unlocked unprecedented creative possibilities for filmmakers, animators, and artists. This article delves into the realm of real-time rendering, exploring its significance, applications, and the revolution it has brought to VFX workflows.
Understanding Real-time Rendering
Real-time rendering, as the name suggests, involves generating and displaying images or animations in real-time, as opposed to the traditional approach of pre-rendering, which could take hours or even days to complete. This is made possible by powerful graphics processing units (GPUs) and advanced rendering engines that can quickly process complex scenes and visual effects.
Applications in VFX Workflows
Previsualization: Real-time rendering has become an indispensable tool for previsualization, allowing filmmakers and VFX artists to visualize scenes and effects in real-time before committing to expensive and time-consuming final renders. This enables faster decision-making and iterative creative exploration.
On-set Visualization: In virtual production environments, real-time rendering allows filmmakers to see the final composite of live-action footage and visual effects on set. This gives directors and cinematographers immediate feedback and empowers them to make adjustments on the fly, saving valuable time and resources.
Virtual Production: Real-time rendering has revolutionized virtual production, enabling filmmakers to shoot scenes against virtual backgrounds and environments. This not only reduces the need for costly location shoots but also opens up a world of creative possibilities for world-building and visual storytelling.
Animation: Real-time rendering is increasingly being used in animation workflows, allowing animators to see their characters and environments come to life in real-time. This provides instant feedback on animation quality and allows for faster iteration and refinement.
Game Development: Real-time rendering is the cornerstone of game development, enabling the creation of immersive and interactive game worlds. Game engines like Unity and Unreal Engine leverage real-time rendering to deliver stunning visuals and seamless gameplay experiences.
Benefits of Real-time Rendering
Faster Iteration: Real-time rendering accelerates the creative process by allowing artists to see the results of their work immediately. This enables faster iteration and experimentation, leading to better outcomes.
Cost Efficiency: By reducing rendering times and eliminating the need for expensive rendering farms, real-time rendering can significantly reduce production costs.
Improved Collaboration: Real-time rendering fosters collaboration by providing a shared visual reference for all stakeholders. This makes it easier for directors, VFX artists, and animators to communicate and make decisions together.
Creative Freedom: Real-time rendering opens up a world of creative possibilities by enabling artists to explore new ideas and techniques without the constraints of lengthy rendering times.
Challenges and Considerations
While real-time rendering offers numerous benefits, it also presents certain challenges. One major challenge is the need for powerful hardware and software to achieve high-quality visuals. Additionally, real-time rendering techniques are still evolving, and there is a constant need for artists to learn and adapt to new tools and workflows.
The Future of Real-time Rendering
Real-time rendering is rapidly changing the landscape of VFX and animation. As technology continues to advance, we can expect to see even more sophisticated and accessible real-time rendering tools that will further democratize the creation of high-quality visual effects. The future holds the promise of even more immersive and interactive experiences, blurring the lines between reality and the virtual world.
In conclusion, real-time rendering has revolutionized VFX workflows by streamlining processes, reducing costs, and unleashing creative potential. It has become an indispensable tool for filmmakers, animators, and artists across various industries, paving the way for a new era of visual storytelling and immersive experiences. As the technology continues to mature and evolve, its impact on the world of visual effects will only grow stronger, opening up new frontiers for creativity and innovation.
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jenniferhamoy · 6 days
The Role of Technology in Modern Legal Practice: Tools and Trends with Jennifer Hamoy
As the legal landscape evolves, technology plays an increasingly vital role in modern legal practice, revolutionizing the way lawyers conduct research, manage cases, and communicate with clients. From legal research platforms and case management software to virtual courtrooms and electronic discovery tools, technology has transformed every aspect of the legal profession. In this blog, we will explore the impact of technology on modern legal practice, highlighting key tools and trends that are shaping the future of the legal industry.
Legal Research Platforms
Technology has revolutionized the way lawyers conduct legal research, providing access to vast repositories of case law, statutes, regulations, and secondary sources at the click of a button. Legal research platforms such as Westlaw, LexisNexis, and Bloomberg Law offer powerful search capabilities, advanced filtering options, and AI-powered analytics to help lawyers find relevant legal information quickly and efficiently.
Moreover, these platforms provide tools for annotating, organizing, and sharing research findings, allowing lawyers to collaborate with colleagues and clients more effectively. By leveraging technology-enabled research tools, law professionals like Jennifer Hamoy stay abreast of the latest legal developments, build stronger cases, and provide more informed counsel to their clients.
Case Management Software
In addition to legal research, technology has transformed the way lawyers manage cases, streamline workflows, and collaborate with legal teams. Case management software platforms such as Clio, MyCase, and PracticePanther offer comprehensive solutions for organizing case files, tracking deadlines, managing tasks, and communicating with clients.
Furthermore, these platforms often include features such as document automation, time tracking, and billing integration, enabling lawyers to streamline administrative tasks and focus more on practicing law. By centralizing case information and communication channels in a single platform as mentioned by legal professionals such as Jennifer Hamoy, case management software enhances efficiency, productivity, and client satisfaction.
Virtual Courtrooms
The advent of virtual courtrooms and remote proceedings has been accelerated by recent advancements in technology, allowing lawyers to participate in hearings, depositions, and trials from anywhere with an internet connection. Platforms such as Zoom, WebEx, and Microsoft Teams facilitate virtual courtroom proceedings, enabling lawyers to present arguments, examine witnesses, and interact with judges and opposing counsel remotely.
Law professionals including Jennifer Hamoy convey that virtual courtrooms offer benefits such as increased accessibility, reduced travel time and expenses, and greater flexibility for scheduling proceedings. While virtual proceedings present new challenges such as technical issues and security concerns, they also provide opportunities for greater efficiency and convenience in the legal process.
Electronic Discovery Tools
Electronic discovery, or e-discovery, refers to the process of identifying, collecting, and analyzing electronically stored information (ESI) for use in legal proceedings. With the proliferation of digital data, e-discovery tools have become indispensable for lawyers navigating complex litigation and regulatory matters. Platforms such as Relativity, Logikcull, and Everlaw offer sophisticated tools for processing, reviewing, and producing ESI in a defensible and cost-effective manner.
Moreover, e-discovery tools leverage advanced technologies such as machine learning and predictive coding to automate document review and identify relevant information more efficiently. By harnessing the power of technology-enabled e-discovery tools, legal professionals like Jennifer Hamoy streamline the discovery process, reduce the burden of document review, and uncover critical evidence to support their cases.
Artificial Intelligence and Predictive Analytics
Artificial intelligence (AI) and predictive analytics are revolutionizing the legal industry, offering powerful tools for predicting case outcomes, analyzing legal trends, and optimizing legal strategies. AI-powered legal research platforms, contract review tools, and predictive analytics software help lawyers gain insights from large volumes of data, identify patterns and correlations, and make data-driven decisions.
Furthermore, AI and predictive analytics enable lawyers to forecast litigation risks, assess settlement probabilities, and allocate resources more effectively. By leveraging these advanced technologies, lawyers can enhance their strategic planning, mitigate legal risks, and achieve better outcomes for their clients.
Cybersecurity and Data Privacy
As technology becomes increasingly integrated into legal practice, cybersecurity and data privacy have emerged as critical concerns for lawyers and law firms. With the proliferation of cyber threats and data breaches, lawyers must take proactive measures to protect sensitive client information and safeguard confidential communications.
Moreover, lawyers must stay abreast of evolving data privacy regulations such as the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) to ensure compliance with legal and ethical obligations. By implementing robust cybersecurity measures, conducting regular security audits, and providing ongoing training for staff, law professionals such as Jennifer Hamoy mitigate the risks of data breaches and protect client confidentiality in an increasingly digital world.
Technology has become an indispensable tool for modern legal practice, transforming the way lawyers conduct research, manage cases, and communicate with clients. From legal research platforms and case management software to virtual courtrooms and e-discovery tools, technology offers countless opportunities for lawyers to enhance efficiency, productivity, and client service. As the legal industry continues to evolve, embracing technology-enabled solutions will be essential for lawyers looking to stay competitive and deliver exceptional value to their clients. By leveraging the latest tools and trends in legal technology, lawyers can navigate complex legal challenges more effectively and position themselves for success in the digital age.
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schooltracker · 8 days
How to Effectively Track and Manage Time in Lieu for Your Team?
Clear policies and effective systems are necessary to track and manage time-in-lieu for your team effectively. To begin with, make clear the rules regarding when and how staff members can accrue and use time off. Using time tracking tools, spreadsheets, or specialised software, put in place a dependable tracking system. Make sure your staff is aware of their accrued time and knows how to request and use it by having regular communication with them. To further guarantee fairness and avoid inconsistencies, periodically check time-in-lieu balances. You can efficiently manage time-in-lieu for your team while encouraging equity and productivity by upholding open communication, precise tracking, and unambiguous guidelines.
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Managing Time in Absence: An All-Inclusive Handbook for Complying with Fair Labour Standards
For businesses to guarantee fairness and labour law compliance, time-in-lieu management is essential. Making use of resources like time-in-lieu calculators and Excel templates can expedite the process, from computing accrued hours to putting transparent policies in place. Covering Fair Work standards and useful templates for effective tracking, this guide delves into the fundamentals of time-in-lieu work.
Understanding Time-in-Lieu: Regulations and Fair Work Compliance
Paid time off, as opposed to monetary compensation, is what is meant by "time in lieu" when it comes to employee overtime. Time-in-lieu policies are governed by Fair Work regulations, which make sure workers are appropriately paid for overtime.
Employing the Time-in-Lieu Calculator to Ensure Precise Monitoring
Businesses can effectively track and manage compensatory time off by using a time in lieu calculator. Employees can check their balances and have the ability to calculate accrued hours based on overtime worked with this tool. Employers can guarantee that workers receive the proper amount of time in lieu of overtime by entering pertinent data, such as overtime hours and applicable rates.
Applying a Time-in-Lieu Model for Streamlined Procedures
An organised framework for handling compensatory time off is offered by a time in lieu template. Fields for tracking usage, computing accrued time in lieu, and documenting overtime hours are usually included in this template. Businesses can preserve uniformity and transparency in their time-in-lieu policies by utilising a standard template.
Making Certain Fair Work Compliance in Lieu of Arrangements
when implementing time-in-lieu preparations, compliance with Fair Work rules is crucial. It is mandatory for employers to comply with rules pertaining to the all-out number of hours worked, least rest periods, and the entitlement to salaried time off. Businesses can stay in compliance and prevent violations by keeping up with Time in Lieu Fair Work standards and seeking legal advice when needed.
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Excel Template for Increasing Efficiency with Time in Lieu
Businesses can easily track compensatory time off with the help of an Time in Lieu Excel Template for time in lieu. This template is adaptable to the unique requirements of the company; fields for employee data can be added, and calculation formulas can be changed. Businesses can ensure accuracy and expedite time-in-lieu management by leveraging Excel's functionalities.
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productiveandfree · 17 days
Sorting Fact From Fiction: Nygina Mills on Building Brand Trust in an AI Future
In a future dominated more and more by artificially intelligent agents and algorithms, how can brands build and retain trust? And what can they do to center concerns about safety, ethics, and systemic bias — to say nothing of the potential for “runaway” intelligence — as they integrate AI into their operations?
AI and regulatory compliance expert Nygina Mills brought this perspective to a Harvard Business School symposium last year that focused on the intersection of AI ethics and corporate strategy.
Mills and her fellow experts tackled a range of challenging questions about the future role of AI in the boardroom and the broader economy.
Some, they admitted, are difficult to answer conclusively with the information available right now. But they were able to address some of the most pressing AI ethics and compliance issues facing decision-makers right now.
Will Companies One Day Run on Algorithms?
For all AI’s benefits today, companies don’t “run” on it today. At best, human decision-makers use models like ChatGPT to gather information and feedback in advance of setting strategy, or perhaps as part of an iterative decision-making process.
However, in the not too distant future, AI models will have substantially more autonomy to make impactful decisions that affect company personnel, customers, vendors, and others.
In this paradigm, brands will need to show internal and external stakeholders that they have not “handed over the keys to the computers.” This will require a new type of strategic communications and brand-building — one almost certainly assisted or even directed by AI, but ultimately accountable to humans.
What’s the Role of AI and ML in High-Level Decision-Making Right Now?
For now, AI and machine learning (often synonymous with “narrow AI” models, as opposed to generative AI) have relatively proscribed roles to play within organizations.
These roles often involve automating or otherwise streamlining rote, repeatable tasks like customer relationship management and automated cybersecurity processes, notes business strategy expert Adam Uzialka. We should not discount their importance, as AI and ML really do drive “faster, better-informed decisions” at every level of the organization, says Forbes’ David Morel.
Indeed, in the near term, forward-thinking business leaders will look for ways to expand these roles while demonstrating to external stakeholders the value they generate.
What Are the Most Important AI Ethics Issues of Our Time?
This question is crucial for those tasked with maintaining or growing brand trust in an AI present and future. Today, AI ethics questions tend to revolve around instances of bias, misinformation, or inaccuracies (“hallucinations”) that produce harmful and/or value-destroying outputs.
For brands that leverage AI to be seen as trustworthy, they need to be seen as actively addressing these near-term challenges while laying the strategic groundwork for a more distant future where AI begins to engage in meaningful executive activity.
What Might Future AI Breakthroughs Mean for American Businesses?
ChatGPT went farther, faster, than many AI experts believed possible. However, many remain skeptical that further LLM development will result in the breakthroughs necessary to achieve the precursors for artificial general intelligence.
Those breakthroughs will probably occur — but they’ll be built on different architectures, possibly ones that haven’t yet been designed. Businesses interested in remaining competitive in an AI future must pay close attention to highly technical developments within the space, because the risks for not engaging as the state of the art advances are simply too great.
Final Thoughts
Many experts believe that AI will one day be as important for organizations as human capital is today, if not more so. If and when that day arrives, how will tomorrow’s leaders manage it?
And will they be grateful or resentful of the preparations today’s leaders made in anticipation?
We don’t know exactly what the future will look like. But we do know that AI ethics will become ever more important as models’ capabilities improve. We can also expect future breakthroughs in AI models — moving beyond the LLM status quo of today — even if we can’t predict exactly when they’ll occur.
Finally, we know that the risks for companies that don’t embrace AI will be just as great as those facing companies that don’t build proper risk management and compliance frameworks into their AI models and AI-assisted processes.
The future is (almost) now. It’s past time to prepare.
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viral-web · 25 days
[ad_1] Video email is bringing a huge change in how we send and get electronic messages. It combines the visual appeal and emotional resonance of video with emailing. Individuals and organizations may now record and send personalized video messages directly to recipients’ inboxes rather than relying simply on written text. Platforms like OMAIL are leading the charge in embracing innovative features such as Video Email. OMAIL’s video email feature offers users a dynamic platform to enhance their communication. Benefits of Video Email Authenticity and Trust Building: A big plus of video email is that it helps to show realness and create trust. Video emails, as opposed to plain text emails, allow you to show your personality, expressions, and feelings. This helps you connect better with the person receiving the email. When people can see you talking, it helps build a stronger relationship and makes them trust you more. It’s like meeting face-to-face, which makes your emails more meaningful. Engagement with Call to Action: Video email enables seamless integration of call-to-action (CTA) elements, empowering senders to guide recipients toward desired actions. Whether it’s scheduling a call, visiting a website, or making a purchase, CTAs embedded within video emails streamline the conversion process. This makes the whole process smoother, boosts interaction, and helps achieve better outcomes. Personalization at Scale: When you send a video email, you can personalize each message for the person receiving it. For this, businesses employ data and insights about each recipient to determine their interests and preferences. With this information, they can develop video content that is both relevant and interesting to each individual. This personalized approach helps to strengthen the connection between the sender and the recipient. Enhanced Email Marketing: There are several benefits to employing video emails in marketing. For example, more individuals will open your emails, which increases the chance that they will buy anything or click on the links you provide. Furthermore, the statistics from these provide vital information about how people interact with them. This allows you to improve your videos and make your marketing campaigns more effective. Simplifying Complex Pitches: It refers to the use of video email to simplify complex explanations and attract customers for businesses that provide intricate products or services. Video email is an effective technique for simplifying explanations and engaging prospects in businesses that provide complex products or services. By showing the important features and benefits in videos, businesses can make it easier for people to understand and see why their product is valuable. This method assists potential customers in understanding the value of the product or service being offered. Engaging Allurement: With people easily distracted and overwhelmed by lots of information, video email is a standout method to really catch their attention. It’s like a magnet that pulls in your focus because it includes both sound and pictures. This means that when you watch a video, you’re more likely to stay interested and remember what you saw, making the message stick with you for longer. Improved Understanding and Virality: According to studies, videos help people understand and remember things better, especially when explaining tricky topics. Plus, since videos are easy to share, they tend to spread quickly online. When someone shares a video they like, it helps spread the word about a brand, reaching more people and making it more popular. Enhanced Social Sharing and SEO: Video email content is highly shareable on social media platforms, amplifying brand exposure and driving organic reach.
Additionally, videos contribute to improved search engine optimization (SEO) by increasing dwell time, engagement metrics, and social signals, ultimately boosting website visibility and rankings on search engine results pages (SERPs). Enhanced ROI and CTR: When you add videos to your email marketing efforts, it can make them work even better. This means more increasing click-through rates (CTR) and return on investment (ROI). Video emails attract viewers and drive them to take action, leading to improved campaign performance and measurable consequences. This helps your email campaigns do better overall, with clear and positive results that you can measure. Final Thoughts Video email changes how people and businesses connect with their audience. Video email has numerous advantages, ranging from building authenticity and trust to increasing engagement and conversion rates. Businesses can open up new prospects for development, innovation, and success by including video content in their email strategies. Overall, it acts as a transformative communication tool. Platforms like OMAIL are at the forefront of this evolution, offering users dynamic features such as video email to elevate their communication strategies. The benefits are manifold, ranging from building authenticity and trust to simplifying complex pitches and enhancing ROI. By embracing video email, businesses can optimize their marketing efforts, amplify brand visibility, and drive tangible results. Join ONPASSIVE Ecosystem and register to get the benefits of the free webmail platform OMAIL. [ad_2] onpassive.com
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eaglebittrader · 25 days
[ad_1] Video email is bringing a huge change in how we send and get electronic messages. It combines the visual appeal and emotional resonance of video with emailing. Individuals and organizations may now record and send personalized video messages directly to recipients’ inboxes rather than relying simply on written text. Platforms like OMAIL are leading the charge in embracing innovative features such as Video Email. OMAIL’s video email feature offers users a dynamic platform to enhance their communication. Benefits of Video Email Authenticity and Trust Building: A big plus of video email is that it helps to show realness and create trust. Video emails, as opposed to plain text emails, allow you to show your personality, expressions, and feelings. This helps you connect better with the person receiving the email. When people can see you talking, it helps build a stronger relationship and makes them trust you more. It’s like meeting face-to-face, which makes your emails more meaningful. Engagement with Call to Action: Video email enables seamless integration of call-to-action (CTA) elements, empowering senders to guide recipients toward desired actions. Whether it’s scheduling a call, visiting a website, or making a purchase, CTAs embedded within video emails streamline the conversion process. This makes the whole process smoother, boosts interaction, and helps achieve better outcomes. Personalization at Scale: When you send a video email, you can personalize each message for the person receiving it. For this, businesses employ data and insights about each recipient to determine their interests and preferences. With this information, they can develop video content that is both relevant and interesting to each individual. This personalized approach helps to strengthen the connection between the sender and the recipient. Enhanced Email Marketing: There are several benefits to employing video emails in marketing. For example, more individuals will open your emails, which increases the chance that they will buy anything or click on the links you provide. Furthermore, the statistics from these provide vital information about how people interact with them. This allows you to improve your videos and make your marketing campaigns more effective. Simplifying Complex Pitches: It refers to the use of video email to simplify complex explanations and attract customers for businesses that provide intricate products or services. Video email is an effective technique for simplifying explanations and engaging prospects in businesses that provide complex products or services. By showing the important features and benefits in videos, businesses can make it easier for people to understand and see why their product is valuable. This method assists potential customers in understanding the value of the product or service being offered. Engaging Allurement: With people easily distracted and overwhelmed by lots of information, video email is a standout method to really catch their attention. It’s like a magnet that pulls in your focus because it includes both sound and pictures. This means that when you watch a video, you’re more likely to stay interested and remember what you saw, making the message stick with you for longer. Improved Understanding and Virality: According to studies, videos help people understand and remember things better, especially when explaining tricky topics. Plus, since videos are easy to share, they tend to spread quickly online. When someone shares a video they like, it helps spread the word about a brand, reaching more people and making it more popular. Enhanced Social Sharing and SEO: Video email content is highly shareable on social media platforms, amplifying brand exposure and driving organic reach.
Additionally, videos contribute to improved search engine optimization (SEO) by increasing dwell time, engagement metrics, and social signals, ultimately boosting website visibility and rankings on search engine results pages (SERPs). Enhanced ROI and CTR: When you add videos to your email marketing efforts, it can make them work even better. This means more increasing click-through rates (CTR) and return on investment (ROI). Video emails attract viewers and drive them to take action, leading to improved campaign performance and measurable consequences. This helps your email campaigns do better overall, with clear and positive results that you can measure. Final Thoughts Video email changes how people and businesses connect with their audience. Video email has numerous advantages, ranging from building authenticity and trust to increasing engagement and conversion rates. Businesses can open up new prospects for development, innovation, and success by including video content in their email strategies. Overall, it acts as a transformative communication tool. Platforms like OMAIL are at the forefront of this evolution, offering users dynamic features such as video email to elevate their communication strategies. The benefits are manifold, ranging from building authenticity and trust to simplifying complex pitches and enhancing ROI. By embracing video email, businesses can optimize their marketing efforts, amplify brand visibility, and drive tangible results. Join ONPASSIVE Ecosystem and register to get the benefits of the free webmail platform OMAIL. [ad_2] onpassive.com
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jcmarchi · 27 days
Adam Jackson, Co-Founder & CEO of Braintrust – Interview Series
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/adam-jackson-co-founder-ceo-of-braintrust-interview-series/
Adam Jackson, Co-Founder & CEO of Braintrust – Interview Series
Adam Jackson is the Co-Founder and CEO of Braintrust, an all-in-one hiring solution, that is powered by AI. The platform uses a matching engine that scans 800,000+ talent members globally to find the top 5 candidates to fill any position. The AI is also conducts and grades video interviews, providing enterprises with a detailed scorecard to make fast, and informed hiring decisions.
Could you share the story of the genesis behind Braintrust AIR? 
Today’s hiring process is fundamentally broken. It’s slow, it’s costly, and it leaves talent in a weeks-long period of limbo. We wanted to change all that. We wanted to reduce the friction of finding your next job the way kayak.com forever changed how you book travel by shrinking the hiring process into days. We think that will free human resource professionals from the most tedious and repetitive aspects of their job and empower them to help build culture and cultivate talent.
Braintrust AIR offers various innovative solutions for hiring and managing global workforces. Can you highlight some key features that set your platform apart from traditional staffing solutions? 
Braintrust AIR stands apart in three ways.
First, it’s comprehensive.  No other platform offers AI-driven job description creation, precision candidate matching, automated screening, and onboarding, all under one roof. It’s an end-to-end solution that the market desperately needs
It’s also data driven. We have four years of proprietary data, 750,000 talent and thousands of successfully completed jobs for Fortune 500 companies. We’re not just using ChatGPT to write a generic JD and calling it AI-powered. Instead, we purpose-built models to achieve specific goals that recruiters care about.
Lastly, it’s unbiased. Humans are inherently biased and tend to flock towards familiarity. Our AI ranks and matches talent with jobs based on discrete skills as opposed to personally identifiable information.
These other sites don’t do any vetting of the talent. They only allow you to post jobs and collect applications. We provide a specialized AI-driven hiring platform designed to automate and streamline the entire talent acquisition process, end to end.
How does Braintrust’s AIR AI Matching Engine enhance the accuracy and efficiency of matching candidates to job roles compared to manual screening processes? 
Braintrust’s AIR AI Matching Engine streamlines the recruitment process by automatically analyzing job requirements and candidate profiles to make high-accuracy matches. This system significantly outperforms traditional manual screening by reducing human error and bias, accelerating the hiring timeline, and ensuring a better fit between job roles and candidates.
How does AIR ensure the quality of candidates when performing automated AI-driven video screenings and grading? What criteria does it use? 
AIR ensures high-quality candidates by utilizing advanced algorithms to assess video interviews based on defined competencies and job-specific criteria. This process includes evaluating communication skills, technical knowledge, and problem-solving abilities, ensuring that only the most suitable candidates are shortlisted.
With AI playing a significant role in recruitment, concerns about bias are inevitable. What measures has Braintrust implemented to ensure fairness and reduce bias in its AI algorithms? 
Braintrust has implemented several measures to combat bias in its AI systems. We’re not using any personally identifiable information for model training and inference. The Matching Engine provides a summary for every candidate that clearly states why someone is a match or not, and what criteria were used in decision making. The other thing to note is that our AI looks at every single applicant, instead of simply coming up with a pool of “good enough” candidates. Moreover, our async video screening enables companies to video screen a lot more applicants than they would with a traditional screen. This gives a shot to a wider variety of candidates that would not typically be invited to a screen.
Braintrust also has its cryptocurrency (BTRST). What are the benefits of incorporating a token, and how do the tokenomics work? 
The BTRST token incentivizes community participation and governance, allowing token holders to vote on significant decisions affecting the platform. This use of cryptocurrency aligns with Braintrust’s decentralized ethos, promoting a transparent and collaborative environment.
Braintrust operates on a decentralized model using Web3 technology. How does this influence the platform’s governance and operation? 
Braintrust’s decentralized model empowers its community by allowing talent and companies to have a say in the platform’s development and governance. This model enhances user engagement and ensures that the platform evolves to benefit all stakeholders.
How does the integration with Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) and job description automation benefit companies looking to streamline their hiring processes? 
Integration with Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) and automated job description tools help organizations quickly post job openings, manage applications more efficiently, and optimize job descriptions to attract suitable candidates. Many customers are using Braintrust as their ATS; all in one hiring solution. Our integrations with other ATS systems enable customers to easily sync all their data in one place. The Job Description generator is differentiated because it uses data from other job postings and what’s been successful (vs. ChatGPT which will just produce a generic job description)
Can you share some success stories where Braintrust AIR has significantly improved the hiring process for your enterprise clients? 
Braintrust AIR has facilitated numerous successful hires, notably reducing hiring times and costs for Fortune 1000 companies. The industry average hovers around 58 days; Braintrust AIR – specifically the AI Matching – has already reduced time to hire down to 12 days.
What are Braintrust’s long-term goals, and how do you plan to expand your services in the next few years? 
Currently AIR serves as a fully autonomous hiring platform for technical and design roles.  Later this year we’ll be expanding AIR to be able to deeply screen for ALL skilled roles:  accounting, legal, compliance, even retail management.  AIR will be available as its own standalone screening system that will integrate with any ATS at any company, turning thousands of applicants and hours wasted on repetitive screening into the best matches, already fully vetted, in a day or two instead of 6-8 weeks.
Thank you for the great interview, readers who wish to learn more should visit Braintrust.
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irshadrajasthali · 1 month
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Excelling in Your Legal Career:
How To Apply Legal Knowledge In Your Legal Career As A Lawyer
In the legal arena, mastery of legal knowledge isn't just a requisite; it's the catalyst that propels careers to new heights. From deciphering intricate statutes to crafting compelling arguments, our grasp of legal principles underpins every aspect of our professional journey. Yet, true proficiency in law transcends mere comprehension; it demands strategic application and perpetual refinement. In this extensive guide, we explore diverse strategies to harness legal knowledge effectively and achieve unparalleled success in your legal career.
The Power of Legal Expertise
Legal expertise encompasses a vast array of laws, regulations, and precedents that govern societies worldwide. From criminal law to corporate regulations, the breadth and depth of legal knowledge are immense. As legal practitioners, our ability to navigate and apply these principles sets us apart in the legal landscape. Whether drafting contracts, litigating cases, or counseling clients, our command of legal knowledge serves as the cornerstone of our practice.
Mastering Legal Research Skills
In the digital age, proficiency in legal research is indispensable. Leveraging advanced research tools and databases, we can delve into case law, statutes, and scholarly articles with unparalleled efficiency. By analyzing legal precedents and scholarly discourse meticulously, we strengthen our arguments, formulate persuasive legal strategies, and navigate complex legal issues with confidence and precision. Mastering legal research not only enhances our advocacy skills but also keeps us abreast of legal developments in a constantly evolving landscape.
Strategic Case Analysis and Planning
Success in litigation hinges on our ability to analyze cases strategically and formulate effective legal strategies. Through meticulous case analysis, we identify pivotal legal issues, evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of our position, and anticipate opposing arguments. By leveraging our legal knowledge to craft nuanced litigation strategies, we position ourselves for favorable outcomes and advocate vigorously on behalf of our clients.
Embracing Legal Technology
In an era of rapid technological advancement, embracing legal technology is paramount for staying competitive in the legal profession. From case management software to e-discovery tools, technology streamlines legal processes, enhances efficiency, and improves client communication. By harnessing the power of legal tech solutions, we optimize workflow, mitigate risks, and deliver exceptional legal services that exceed client expectations.
Continuous Professional Development
The legal landscape is dynamic, with laws and regulations evolving to reflect societal changes. Therefore, a commitment to continuous professional development is essential for staying abreast of emerging legal trends and maintaining relevance in the legal field. Whether through attending seminars, participating in legal workshops, or pursuing advanced legal education, ongoing learning enables us to expand our legal knowledge, refine our skills, and uphold the highest standards of professional excellence.
Cultivating Soft Skills for Legal Success
In addition to legal expertise, success in the legal profession requires proficiency in soft skills such as communication, negotiation, and emotional intelligence. Effective communication fosters strong client relationships, facilitates collaboration with colleagues, and enhances advocacy in the courtroom. By honing our soft skills, we enhance our effectiveness as legal practitioners and establish ourselves as trusted advisors within the legal community.
Rajasthali Judicial School of Law: A Beacon of Legal Education
Situated in the vibrant city of Jaipur, the Rajasthali Judicial School of Law stands as a testament to excellence in legal education. Renowned for its distinguished faculty, comprehensive curriculum, and state-of-the-art facilities, the institution nurtures the next generation of legal luminaries. With a focus on experiential learning, interdisciplinary study, and professional development, the Rajasthali Judicial School of Law prepares graduates to excel in a rapidly evolving legal landscape.
In conclusion, the effective application of legal knowledge is paramount for success in the legal profession. By leveraging our expertise, honing our research skills, and embracing technological innovation, we position ourselves as leaders in the legal field. Through continuous learning, strategic planning, and the cultivation of soft skills, we can navigate the complexities of the legal landscape with confidence and proficiency. Together with esteemed institutions like the Rajasthali Judicial School of Law, we can forge a path to enduring success and make a meaningful impact in the legal profession.
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rohitpalan · 2 months
Debt Collection Software Market: Valuation to Reach US$ 11.5 Billion by 2033, Driven by Efficiency Gains – FMI
The Debt Collection Software Market is currently estimated at US$ 4.3 billion in 2023 and is poised for substantial growth, projected to reach US$ 11.5 billion by 2033. This remarkable expansion reflects a robust Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 10.2% over the forecast period from 2022 to 2032.
Debt collection software aids in the automatic and daily monitoring of customers’ accounts, as well as the provision of loan installation notifications and alerts. This enables financial institutions to provide timely updates and cautions about loan Equated Monthly Instalments (EMI).
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Debt collection software also assists financial institutions in complying with consumer protection regulations by recognizing bankruptcy status and litigious customers. As a result, the debt collection software market is fast growing.
Debt collection services are gaining popularity as a result of their ability to assist businesses with strategy formulation, software deployment, and implementation based on their unique needs. As a result, a rise in the use of debt collection software across various industries, such as collection agencies, financial institutions, government, telecom & utilities, real estate, commerce, and healthcare, is supporting the growth in the sales of debt collection software.
As per the recent debt collection software market study, several firms from various industry verticals are rising in demand for multichannel communication solutions to communicate with debtors and advance their collection methods using cutting-edge automated technologies. This reason is increasing the sales of debt collection software, which is propelling the debt collection software market’s growth.
The adoption of debt collection services is expanding among major businesses, as opposed to small and medium-sized businesses, due to economies of scale and pricing. This indicates that the market is expected to attract excellent sales opportunities from significant corporations around the world.
Key Takeaways
Data analytics with debt collection solutions is a trend that is projected to gain pace in North America, particularly in the United States, shortly. Debt collection software providers understand the importance of big data analytics and predictive analytics in debt collection, as well as the advantages of data visibility in terms of compliance.
The software component segment of the debt collection software market is expected to rise at a CAGR of 9.3% throughout the forecast period.
The increasing willingness of businesses to use debt collection software to streamline the debt recovery process is expected to drive demand for debt collection software solutions in the Asia Pacific.
The US debt collection software market size is projected to reach a valuation of US$ 3.3 Bn by 2032.
Competitive Landscape
As per the debt collection software market analysis by FMI, the global debt collection software market appears to be moderately fragmented in character. Furthermore, the presence of a large number of vendors demonstrates that the market for debt collection software is highly competitive.
As a result, to keep ahead of the competition, key market players are implementing various strategies such as mergers, acquisitions, partnerships, and collaborations. Companies are also benefiting from these techniques as they expand regionally.
Many organizations in the debt collection software market are boosting their research and development spending. One of the main goals of these studies is to improve the quality of the services they offer. These initiatives are expected to help the debt collection software market grow in the coming years.
FIS, Nucleus Software Exports Ltd., Scorto, Inc., Temenos Headquarters SA, CGI, Inc., TransUnion LLC, Sentinel Development Solutions, Inc., Debtcol Software Pty Ltd., Intellect Design Arena Ltd., and Chetu Inc. are some of the key companies operating in the global debt collection software market.
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Key Segments
By Component:
By Deployment:
By Organization Size:
Large Enterprises
By End user:
Financial Institution
Collection Agencies
Telecom & Utilities
By Region:
North America
Latin America
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marketminglemaster · 2 months
How to Develop Engaging Ad Copy for  Business Law Practices
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Search engine marketing (SEM) is a critical factor in augmenting the visibility of businesses, including those that specialize in business law, on the internet and attracting prospective clients. SEM comprises a diverse range of tactics that are designed to enhance the position of a website in search engine results pages (SERPs) by means of compensated advertising and optimization methods. SEM provides business law attorneys with a potent instrument to augment brand recognition, simulate website traffic, and produce leads from their intended demographic.
Ad copy functions as the initial interaction between the law firm and potential clients; therefore, it is critical that essential messages are communicated in a clear and persuasive manner. Users are compelled to take action, such as visiting the law firm's website or contacting them regarding legal services, by persuasive advertisement copy. For business law attorneys seeking to expand their practices and acquire clients through digital marketing, it is critical that they comprehend the significance of ad copy in SEM.
Crafting Influential Communication
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Emphasizing unique selling propositions (USPs) that differentiate the attorney from competitors is a critical element. Attorneys can effectively attract clients in search of customized legal solutions by succinctly expressing the attributes that distinguish their services, such as specialized knowledge in particular domains of business law or a history of favorable case results.
Lawyers ought to exhibit their credentials, extensive professional background, and noteworthy accomplishments in order to inspire confidence and establish trust in their aptitude. And the value proposition is emphasized by focusing on the benefits that clients will receive from employing the attorney, as opposed to simply listing features. By effectively addressing the needs and objectives of their clients with their legal services, attorneys have the ability to motivate prospective clients to pursue representation. Long Island business attorneys rely heavily on these techniques to construct persuasive communications that resonate with their target audience and stimulate client participation.
Development of Captivating Headlines
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Captivating headlines are of utmost importance in the highly competitive digital environment, where users are constantly bombarded with information. Attorneys can captivate their audience and encourage them to continue reading by employing strategies to generate attention-grabbing headlines, such as incorporating provocative queries, intriguing statements, or impactful statistics. Long Island corporate attorneys must craft persuasive headlines in order to captivate their intended audience and encourage them to continue engaging with their content.
In order to enhance the effectiveness of their headings, the corporate attorney on Long Island should incorporate pertinent keywords that pertain to their areas of expertise and the requirements of their intended clientele. Attorneys can enhance the probability that prospective clients discover their content while actively seeking legal services by aligning the headline content with the interests and search intent of their audience. Long Island corporate attorneys who wish to increase their online visibility and attract qualified leads via persuasive headline strategies must implement these procedures.
Enhanced Functionality and Ad Extensions
By employing ad extensions, legal professionals are able to furnish prospective clients with more extensive information through their search advertisements. For example, the integration of location extensions facilitates localized targeting, thereby streamlining the process for clients residing in the Long Island region to locate and establish connections with legal services that are specifically designed to their geographic circumstances. Attorneys have the ability to augment the pertinence of their advertisements and raise the probability of attracting qualified leads from their intended demographic by utilizing location extensions.
Additionally, in order to increase the efficacy of their SEM campaigns, the business dispute attorney Long Island must make use of additional features like sitelinks and callouts. By guiding visitors to particular pages on the legal practitioner's website, sitelinks offer supplementary chances to exhibit pertinent services or areas of expertise. Callout extensions provide attorneys with the opportunity to emphasize significant advantages or distinctive selling points, thereby strengthening the value proposition of their legal services. Long Island business dispute attorneys can optimize their SEM campaigns to attract more qualified leads and effectively convey their expertise and offerings to prospective clients by integrating these supplementary functionalities.
Optimization of Action Calls to Action (CTA)
Calls to action (CTAs) are critical components of effective marketing strategies as they direct prospective customers to take the intended action. It is critical to prioritize the use of clear, actionable, and persuasive calls to action (CTAs) in order to increase clicks and conversions. Developing persuasive calls to action (CTAs) requires effectively conveying the value proposition in a concise manner and motivating users to proceed with a specified action, such as arranging a consultation or downloading a resource. Through strategic CTA optimization that aligns with the requirements and preferences of the target audience, legal practitioners can successfully elicit responses and enhance user involvement with their marketing endeavors.
Moreover, through the assessment of various calls-to-action (CTAs), legal professionals can enhance their strategy and ascertain which messages exert the greatest influence on user behavior. By conducting A/B testing and analyzing performance metrics, legal professionals can acquire significant knowledge regarding the call-to-actions that generate the greatest click-through and conversion rates. Through this iterative optimization process, legal professionals are able to consistently enhance the efficacy of their calls-to-action (CTAs) and optimize the overall influence of their marketing campaigns.
Efficiency and A/B Testing for Business Law Firms
Continuous optimization and A/B testing are integral elements of a successful advertising strategy. By conducting methodical experiments on various advertisement variations, organizations can ascertain which targeting parameters, messages, or imagery elicit the greatest response from their target audience.This facilitates the progressive enhancement and optimization of advertisement efficacy. Ad performance metrics, including conversion and click-through rates, offer significant insights into the efficacy of various ad components. By analyzing these metrics, organizations can optimize ad copy and maximize advertising return on investment through data-driven adjustments.
Collaborating with a New York social media advertising agency can significantly improve the efficacy of A/B testing and optimization initiatives. These agencies possess the knowledge and resources necessary to perform exhaustive ad testing, evaluate performance data, and execute strategic adjustments. By enlisting their aid, organizations can guarantee that their advertising campaigns are consistently enhanced to attain peak performance and stimulate substantial interaction from their intended demographic.
Key TakeAways of How to Develop Engaging Ad Copy for  Business Law Practices
Attorneys can effectively connect with potential clients by customizing their communications to reflect the distinct requirements and inclinations of their target demographic. Ad copy must contain compelling headlines, persuasive text that emphasizes unique selling points and benefits, and unambiguous calls to action in order to be effective. Additionally, ongoing optimization and testing enable legal professionals to hone their strategies gradually, guaranteeing that their advertisements persist as compelling and pertinent in a fiercely competitive online environment.
The efficacy of search engine marketing (SEM) campaigns for business law attorneys is fundamentally dependent on their capacity to effectively convey their value proposition, expertise, and credibility to prospective clients. Optimizing advertising copy to directly address the requirements and concerns of the intended audience, while employing persuasive language and compelling messaging techniques, can notably improve the efficacy of search engine marketing (SEM) endeavors. Business law attorneys can acquire high-quality leads and generate significant results with their advertising campaigns by adhering to these fundamental principles and consistently improving their strategies via testing and optimization.
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