#complete agricultural book in existence in China
Chinese philosophy doesn’t have the letters of salvation: differs from general religion (Essay)
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Seimin Yojyutsu (Qimin Yaoshu)
I have recently noticed books such as "Lao Tzu", "Zhuang Zhou”, "I Ching", and "The book:書経" that have been passed down since ancient times in China, That is, the concept of "salvation" in Chinese philosophy is endlessly scarce or absent.
In the case of general religions, the three major religions in the world ... In Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism, the concept of "salvation" is indispensable. No, without this, believers cannot safely enter into a religious life. Without a voice saying, "Please save me who is sinful and tainted," religion cannot be established.
With that in mind, I googled for the keyword "Is there the word salvation in Chinese philosophy?" Then, a hit page was displayed, which was the word "Keisei Saimin" or "Keikoku Saimin". The meaning is "run the world and help the people." It shows the purpose of so-called "economy", or more specifically, "politics". It certainly has the meaning of "salvation," but it has a very different nuance from religious "salvation." There is no assumption of a god and buddha to rescue, even if the politician assumes it.
In the inner part of "Baopuzi" written by Ge Hong in Eastern Jin, China, the word "Making the world folklore" appears and is used almost synonymously with the Making the world people. The era went down a little, and in the Sui dynasty's Wang Tong "Bunchuko" Rei-raku Hen, there was "Economics of the economy, so-called economic people", and "economics" was used as an abbreviation for the people of the economy. I understand. In addition, "economy" appears in later generations such as "Shinsho" Yin Koden (Tang) and "Song History" Wang Anshi Denron (former), but of course the above is a usage that means politics, governance, and administration in general. After the political change of Bojyutsu and Hundred Days' Reform, the new subject "Economic Special Course", which was newly established to appoint talented human resources in the field who are scholarly and scholarly, is also based on this usage. ..
Wiki (Keisei Saimin)
That was the source of this word. It is surprising that it first appeared in a book called " Hobokushi", which looks like a child of Taoism and Confucian. By the way, traditionally, there are technical books that enrich the people in China. I would like to introduce one of them, a book called "Seimin Yojutsu(The important technics to enrich people)" (wiki). "Qimin Yaoshu" in Chinese.
"Qimin Yaoshu" (Traditional Chinese: Qimin Yaoshu; Simplified Chinese: Qimin Yaoshu) is about agriculture, livestock, clothing, food and housing technology in North China written by Jia Sixie of Northern Wei, China. Comprehensive agricultural book. 92 volumes, 10 volumes in total. It was established around 532 to 549. It is the earliest agricultural book in the history of world agriculture and the oldest and most complete agricultural book in existence in China.
In the first half of the 6th century, Jia Sixie was a person from Shandong Province (currently Shouguang City, Shandong Province), and was a literary man who served as a Taishou in Koyo County (currently Zibo City, Shandong Province) in the Northern Wei Dynasty.
It is said to be the culmination of agricultural books up to Northern Wei, and contains many lost literary works of old agricultural books such as "Fan Shengzhi" and "Shimintsuki Ordinance". It consists of 10 volumes, and the description covers from cultivation methods such as main grains, vegetables, fruit trees, and morus alba to livestock-related, brewing methods such as koji, sake, soy sauce, vinegar, and dried dairy, food processing methods, and foreign product theory. .. It is systematic, rigorous and detailed. It had a great influence on the development of ancient Chinese agriculture. It is an indispensable document in the history of Chinese cuisine. It is said that the miscellaneous part has a later addition.
During the Northern Wei era, the northern limit of farming and livestock farming shifted to the south in the face of the cold medieval period, and after the migration of Gangnam immigrants to North China due to the armed refugees of farmers in North China and the migration of pastoralists such as the Mongolian Plateau to North China, the Five Barbarians from the end of Han It is a stable period of political economy in North China after the war until the Sixteen Kingdoms era. Therefore, in addition to the tradition of the agricultural society of North China up to the Han Dynasty, the technology and food culture of the pastoral society in the north were transferred on a large scale. In this way, there are many descriptions with a strong pastoral color, such as various dairy product manufacturing methods that are very similar to the dairy product processing technology in Mongolia today.
···I feel like this. This is a purely technical book, not a book with religious "salvation". Regarding Chinese philosophy, I think this concept of "salvation" is sparse. "Shokyo" (The Book) is a collection of episodes about the rule of politicians and alternatives, but it only talks about politics, and there are no fragments of religion. It is said that the Chinese originally liked politics, but their characteristics are different among the four major civilizations in the world. Is there a myth in Egyptian civilization, Mesopotamian civilization, and Indus valley civilization? It seems that it is not in the Yellow River civilization. In the case of China, the first emperor: Fuxi (伏羲)and his wife: Joka(女媧) were human-faced snakes, and the next emperor was a ox-faced man called Shennong(神農). There will be people who are face-to-face or strange, but even though they are strange and talented, they are just emperors, not gods. This area seems to be thorough.
Many of you may have wondered in the description so far, but isn't "Confucianism, Taoism" a religion? "When. These are certainly real religions, and perhaps (if not) there is a beneficial "salvation" in this world. However, I am the one who distinguishes between "philosophy" and "religion." I think it is the religion that is now that the original pure thoughts have been transformed into dirty teachings by folk customs.
A word of the day: From a Chinese perspective, the concept of "heaven and earth" is also important. These two words are often awe-inspiring and very close to "God," but Lao Tzu says: "Heaven and earth are not human." That is, "Neither heaven nor earth is human-friendly." Chapter 5) and. Again, I can see that Chinese philosophy lacks the concept of salvation.
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billconrad · 10 months
Creating A Book Outline
    I began my writing adventure by typing the first chapter. My lack of planning led to many issues, and I have since learned to start every book project with an outline. It saves editing time and results in a better story.
    I thought it would be an interesting exercise to describe my outline process. So… What is a book outline? It is a high-level plot summary. Once done, an author can review their concept and make radical changes. The result is a basic story framework that a writer can turn into an entire book.
    How much plot is needed to begin an outline? The writer should know the general beginning, middle, and end. The length is about a paragraph. There are formal methods of creating an outline, such as the flower method. Some writers use whiteboards, post-it notes, 3x5 cards, and circles with connecting lines. My method is chaotic, terse, and cryptic because this is how my bonkers mind works.
    I condense ideas into sentences that describe the base elements. The resulting difficult-to-understand mess has awful grammar and spelling. I encourage myself to explore, experiment, change, move, delete, and add during the process. The value of an outline is at this stage, and writers have complete freedom to make significant changes and push their concepts to the extreme.
    Once a basic outline exists, I repeatedly review it with questions like: Does the story make sense? Is the logic sound? Is this section necessary? Is motivation apparent? Are the characters interacting enough? Does the action need more conflict? Would rearranging the sections lead to more drama? Are readers going to understand the plot? Are there any unresolved issues? Is this story so good enough to be turned into a book?
    It is important to note that the character description parallels an outline. Character descriptions are an essential step but a different topic.
    When my outline looks good, it is possible to show/explain it to a beta reader to get feedback. This basic description is suitable enough to identify problems and provide feedback.
    This next paragraph is an outline section from my recently released fourth book. I intentionally did not clean it up to show my raw creativity. There are many apparent grammar errors, spelling mistakes, and run-on sentences. I understand this cryptic mess reads confusing, but it is clear to me.
    Go to Russia, (because force) find grace, difficulty with culture, wonder around woods for two days, find grubby apple tree, building remains, ponder life, gets feeling that grace knows I am looking but refuses to show herself. men at apple tree, take to china on weird Russian plane, (loud) taken to Chinese palace, describe, lots of servants, meet Chinese harvester, pincushion man, his history: land owner, horses, agriculture, gold mining, (not environment good) communism took much of it, now no land, still had gold, built relationship with communists, owns 3 party members, they leave him alone, has a lot of dirt on them. Ask questions, claims to have developed his secret process. angry james for letting the secret out. Angry at cleopatra, did not know grace, angry that grace told james secret, secret reserved “only for the divine, not worthless people like you.” pincushion man pressure james (threat to kill) to reveal total secret. pincushion man has years of experience with torture. James talk and they compare notes.
    Wow, what a rabble. However, from that mess, I wrote four chapters. The outline has a slight amount of dialog: “only for the divine, not worthless people like you.” That shows intent and what the character is thinking. I refer to one character as “pincushion man.” I did not have a name for him at that stage. My concept was that he was constantly using acupuncture, but when I tried to write that concept, it seemed silly, and I chose not to include it.
    How did I use this mess to write a book? Let’s examine the first sentence. “Go to Russia, (because force) find grace, difficulty with culture.” This is out of order. In my mind (not in the outline), I had this major scene planned “(because force)” meaning that people forced James to fly to Russia. Because I had already fully developed it, I knew exactly how to write it up and did not need details for the outline.
    For the next section, James needs to get to Russia. Details are required for the book, including buying an airline ticket, getting time off work, and budgeting. While I was writing this section, I kept in the back of my mind the next section, “finding grace.” (Grace is a character’s name, but I did not bother to capitalize the word.) This foreknowledge caused me to include all the necessary hooks, like background research about the local area where I would search for her.
    Now that James had landed in Russia, he encountered the typical difficulties of adapting to a foreign country, and I described these details. I wanted a big mistake to show James is fallible. Before James leaves his home, he “remembers” to pack a translation book. When he lands, he realizes he forgot this book. This step adds drama and shows James is not perfect.
    Let’s examine the most powerful part of an outline by pretending I identified a critical plot problem. The character James is not working. How can I fix him? What if we change the sex? How easy is it to make a major change at the outline stage? A straightforward word replacement: James to Jackie. Total time: five seconds.
    Let’s change the character’s sex in a completed first draft with a word replace. “James entered the room wearing his muscle shirt. He looked angry.” The replacement is: “Jackie entered the room wearing his muscle shirt. He looked angry.” Jackie is a woman who is called “he” and “his.” The other problem is that most women do not wear muscle shirts. So, this change requires more effort than a simple replacement, and even with lots of editing, the reader would think Jackie is an oddly masculine character.
    My outlines are about three pages long. As I write the book, I keep it on my second screen and refer to it as needed. An added benefit is using an outline reduces writing stress and makes the process more enjoyable. Now that I am better at creating them, they track 90% of the final plot. The missing 10% are details or issues found during the writing that require expanding or adding to the story. That is my chaotic process, and I hope you found it interesting.
    You’re the best -Bill
    November 18, 2023
    Hey book lovers, I published four. Please check them out:
    Interviewing Immortality. A dramatic first-person psychological thriller that weaves a tale of intrigue, suspense, and self-confrontation.
    Pushed to the Edge of Survival. A drama, romance, and science fiction story about two unlikely people surviving a shipwreck and living with the consequences.
    Cable Ties. A slow-burn political thriller that reflects the realities of modern intelligence, law enforcement, department cooperation, and international politics.
    Saving Immortality. Continuing in the first-person psychological thriller genre, James Kimble searches for his former captor to answer his life’s questions.
    These books are available in soft-cover on Amazon and eBook format everywhere.
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commajade · 4 years
There has been theory that *British* imperialism criminalized homosexuality in countries that may not have otherwise, and Britain did colonize China... but there is also theory that because Confucianism makes implications about a son’s responsibility to continue the family line, that *that* is one of the larger factors, and existed before colonization. How did Japan and US influence Korea in that way?
okie i got this a while ago and i didn’t immediately reply cuz like ur tone is. a little weird and idk if you’re asking this in good faith. but i will answer!
it’s not a theory that british imperialism criminalized homosexuality in india and other countries it is simply true. my advisor in fact wrote a whole book about it and how that’s reflected in british colonial era literature esp about india but i don’t know much about other british colonized countries incl china. 
the thing is that on a fundamental level, people don’t seem to understand that the countries of north and south korea did not organically emerge over time from the joseon dynasty. like it wasn’t even the US military division that first wrecked us it was japan. they destroyed our societal infrastructure and actively waged both physical and cultural genocide onto us and completely reshaped korea into an industrial western image. the south korean word for a part time job is actually german because japan had a hard on for nazis and left that word ingrained in our language (dprk works harder to replace loanwords with korean ones). and then the U.S. went back on its agreement with japan that if they could annex the philippines then japan could have korea and snatched us out of japanese hands as soon as we got our independence. they left all of those colonial structures in place and reshaped south korea aka the Republic of Korea in the image of the U.S. They then left the japanese collaborators to stay in charge even though we tried to guillotine or exile all of them, so these koreans that helped japan in the project of genocide just jumped into the U.S. ship and continued exploiting their own people like usual. The U.S.-ification of south korea was through many many means including military occupation and repeated U.S. backed coups and by flooding the southern half of the peninsula with U.S. military personnel to this day. the law is based in U.S. law, the government is modeled off of U.S. government. laws against homosexuality exist in south korea because the U.S. had the law first. the colonization of a united korean people has never ended. military occupation in the south (along with total diplomatic/economic control) and sanctions in the north causing mass starvation and lack of resources after the heavy bombings destroyed the rare agricultural land plots (traditionally much of the country’s agricultural output is from the south because it’s a little less mountainous/more flat+arable)
confucianism is like very much a part of china’s sphere of influence style pre-western colonization so calling confucianism pre-colonial is simply wrong. also homosexuality was fairly common in korea up to the end of the joseon dynasty because even in a confucian system people just. had gay relationships anyway. a firstborn nobleman must indeed have a wife and kids but nothing stopped him from also pursuing relationships with men. for the working/rural class there’s even less of a confucian influence and they maintained practices and beliefs that instead held respect for queerness because our indigenous religion is often led by queer people or otherwise crossdressers that channel spirits of differently gendered deities during their work. japan of course purposefully murdered as many shamans as they could and destroyed every shrine, temple, and palace they could find and then U.S. style christianity and atheism (the worship of capital) has taken front and center ever since. which is why if you ask the average south korean about shamanism today they’ll have disinterested or derogatory things to say about shamans. 
the other thing is that i was specifically talking about U.S. and Japanese influences on homophobia in kpop, not just codified law. i truly believe that every single kind of exploitation in kpop is a result of 1. the industry originating in u.s. military bases because they were some of the only places with entertainment money until the 1990s + u.s. cultural and economic power worldwide making all music be u.s. influenced music which really means all music is stolen from Black people’s innovations. and 2. intense japanese influence on korean music starting from maybe the 1920s. when choi seunghee and other korean traditional singers/dancers were the most popular musicians in japan and the arirang the biggest selling popsong in japan for a time it was because japan was proud to have annexed us. they called koreans subhuman and primitive and perpetually miserable and loved it when we sing sad sexy songs for their enjoyment. and this continued when we were finally allowed to make music in our own language again and there was an undeniable influence of western pop filtered through a japanese lens, especially in enka and jpop aesthetics and sound until the late 2000s. since then kpop has become its own style and force but also reverted to u.s. influence (including rampant anti-blackness and anti-indigeneity). the first real kpop group was the kim sisters who were signed by u.s. label and promoted with fetishization and tokenized exotification to u.s. soldiers. by definition kpop as an industry and a genre comes from a place of cultural economic physical colonization. and this is a whole separate thing but the model of queerbaiting and pedophilia and like unhealthy fetishizing of gay relationships or a fetish-y parasocial relationships happened in japan first with roots in like ukio-e culture. 
and yet, korean singers and dancers are still doing amazing things and putting real meaning and intention into their craft. especially the dancing and choreography like damn there’s really no one doing dancing at the scale some kpop does it (besides like beyonce). and a lot of these artists are gay. they just have to be, statistically. and the weird fetishy parasocial capitalist colonial structure wants them to only be gay in ways that can be exploited. and they still flag and connect with queer fans because they insist on being seen authentically as much as they can despite the state of things. and gay korean people loooooove kpop. they love sunmi and shinee and twice and snsd and uhm jung hwa and all the other gay icons. when esp ppl from the u.s. criticize the homophobia in the kpop industry it's always very much in the "oh our colonized country is so backward and homophobic and misogynistic good thing we can save them with our progressive ideals and superior economic model they're lucky we're choosing to take them into our fold" and that's what i was referring to in my original post that you made this ask in response to. 
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valhallanrose · 3 years
New OC, new worldbuild - today we’re heading off the existing arcana map, but because I’m not absolutely bonkers, I do not have a visual on a map for you to show where it is (love you, apprenticealec, and kudos to you, but I don’t have that kind of patience to draw in the new map. You’re not human). 
Xiaoshan is found northeast of Prakra, and I’m going to do a really shitty approximation of where exactly I mean. It’s right about...
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That direction. 
As will probably become increasingly obvious over the course of this post, Xiaoshan is inspired by China. My knowledge of China is limited to research and fact checking to the best of my ability, so I want to preface the rest of this content by saying that if I say or include something that is inappropriate or offensive, please do reach out to me (via DM or ask, anon is on) so that I can correct the issue. It is not at all my intention to and I absolutely do not want to leave something in this post that is in any way damaging to the people or the culture of the place I am basing this off of.
The rest of this post is going to fall under the cut for the sake of your dash, but onward we go. 
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The people of Xiaoshan refer to themselves simply as the Xiao, and the language is referred to either as Xiao or Shani depending on who you’re speaking to. 
I personally consider Xiaoshan to sit above the existing map’s equator, so it follows the trend of being warmer in the south and colder in the north. However, the north is not to a point of being consistently frozen, it’s just cooler than the tropical climate tied to Prakra by the climate map in the art book. Warm summers and cold winters. I believe that term is temperate, but insert “wouldn’t you like to know, weather girl” jokes here, because hell if I know what I mean. 
Unlike Rosinmoor, which I treated more as seven smaller nations flying one banner but with its own separate identities, Xiaoshan’s divided roots have become so blurred that the people, regardless of origin, at least agree on being a larger identity. 
Xiaoshan began as four smaller nations - Chenguang, to the north, Huifen, to the east, Baozhai, to the south, and Tingzhe, to the west. Baozhai and Huifen shared the closest relationship at first - access to the Bay of Jewels and imported trade goods exchanged for the abundance of livestock and crops cultivated on Huifen’s arable land - but soon the remaining two nations would join. Chenguang’s land had minimal arable territory that grew only the hardiest of crops, offering the fine textiles and blacksmith’s goods created there in exchange for Huifen’s crops and exportation of their goods elsewhere on the continent through the Bay of Jewels. Tingzhe would come to the table when the mountains revealed deposits of ore and jewels of unprecedented abundance, granting it a foothold in Chenguang for fine jewelry and in Baozhai as a raw export. While their relationships continued to grow and expand, these were the first footholds that would define years of a flourishing trade system between the four nations. 
Unification would come first when a series of storms - still the worst in Xiaoshan’s recorded history - swept through the Bay of Jewels and devastated the shores of Baozhai, and though the people were largely able to evacuate, the storms flooded many of the port cities and effectively shut down any and all trade until they could rebuild the damage that had been done. 
Chenguang, Huifen, and Tingzhe pooled their resources together to help with the reconstruction of Baozhai - both for themselves, as each had a significant reliance on the bay for imports and exports, and to support the relationships that had been cultivated over the centuries beyond the point of simply trade between one another. 
The period of reconstruction in Baozhai revealed a new sort of collaboration, one that laid the groundwork for new relationships and close connections that led, first, to the union of Tingzhe and Baozhai through their respective leadership. The princess of Tingzhe married the princess of Baozhai, unifying the territories into one greater whole and dissolving the border between the two to create the first iteration of Xiaoshan. The former names of the nations became the names of the western and southern provinces of Xiaoshan, and later, when their grandchild wed the heir to Huifen, added the eastern province into their fold. 
Xiaoshan as it is known today would be completed and borders dissolved when the Empress of Xiaoshan and the prince of Chenguang wed, and since then, has flourished into a nation that has thankfully known little aside from peace over the course of its history. 
The title of Empress is held jointly now between Zhao Jiaying and her spouse, Yanlin. Jiaying is the sovereign of Xiaoshan, but frequently opens court to her people, hoping to continue to foster the close knit relationships that her kingdom was built on in any way she can. 
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Chenguang, aside from being a snowbird’s preferred place to flee in the summer months, is renowned for both its textile production (for both their beauty and their quality) as well as a refuge for artisans seeking a bit of peace away from the more populated parts of Xiaoshan. For those who would rather relax, you can find the hot springs, where plenty of little resorts have popped up for those who would rather not commit to a full residence. 
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Of the four provinces, Huifen is the best suited for agriculture in climate and landscape, and has used its lands for that purpose for centuries. Its crops are diverse but the staples are rice, wheat, potatoes, tomatoes, peanuts, millet, and soybeans, while livestock are the usual suspects of cattle, pigs, chickens, and sheep. But what Huifen is particularly known for is the growth of spices and teas, which are distributed across the country and shipped south to buyers across the continent. 
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Taking up the majority of the southern part of Xiaoshan, Baozhai is immensely populated for the surplus of opportunities available. The streets give way to canals the closer you get to the Bay, allowing for easier delivery of goods and passage to the docks, and the markets often stretch right along the canals to allow anyone on their way out or home to pick up a bite to eat and whatever else they might need. Those who don’t work the shops and markets more than likely work on the docks or the ships, loading and unloading the imports and exports to head to their next destinations.
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While part of the land in this province is arable, the real treasure is found in the Opal Mountains to the western side of Tingzhe. It was here that the deposits of ore and jewels were found, and while the people are careful not to destroy the mountains completely, searches continue to turn up resources abound to fuel their role in the trade system. However, most people live to the eastern side of the province, where the university and many towns and cities lie in semi-close proximity to Yaozu. 
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The capital of Xiaoshan and known as the heart of the nation, Yaozu has been home to the royal families since the borders were dissolved between the last of the four provinces. The royal palace complex is built directly over the point in which the four provinces meet, and is the year-round home to the Empress Jiaying and her spouse, Yanlin. Though their residence is carefully guarded and part of the complex is off limits, most of the grounds are open to the public, particularly the gardens. 
Those who live in Yaozu are largely families with some connection to the palace, particularly through employment, or merchants operating large businesses out of a central location. Many move to Yaozu in pursuit of opportunities, but the bulk of Xiaoshan’s population live outside the capital in one of the four provinces, where many families have stayed for generations upon generations. 
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thumbgarden · 3 years
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It is not without reason that the famous Renaissance physician and chemist Theophrastus Paracelsus called carrot root Mandragora (genus), making people live longer without diseases. The amazing properties of carrots lie in their carrot nutrition facts, which include various trace elements and a wealth of vitamins, some of which the human body cannot form during the metabolic process. The root of the carrot concentrates substances that help treat many diseases, obtain a strong immune system and rejuvenate the entire body. Read more about the useful properties of carrots, their biochemical composition, and the influence of growing conditions on the value of the root crop in this material.
A FEW FACTS ABOUT CARROTS Cultured carrots evolved from the wild carrots that grew in abundance in Asia and Europe. This root vegetable is thought to have originated in Afghanistan. Carrots originated in Afghanistan and possibly northern Iran and Pakistan. Queen Anne's Lace is a wild carrot that readily inter-pollinates with carrots and grows in temperate areas around the world where there is adequate moisture and disturbed ecology (roadsides, open spaces, etc.).
A. History of the carrot The domestication of carrots took the following routes. 1. 900 - 1000 AD: Purple and yellow carrots spread from Afghanistan to the eastern Mediterranean. 2. The 1300s: purple and yellow carrots in Western Europe and China 3. The 1600s: Yellow carrots in Japan 4. The 1700s: In addition to purple and yellow, white carrots were reported in Europe, and orange carrots were first reported in the Netherlands and neighboring regions 5. Today: orange carrots dominate worldwide, although some white types (for livestock) still exist in Western and Eastern Europe, some red (not orange) in Japan, some yellow and purple in the Middle East, and some purple, yellow, and red from Turkey to India and China
It should be noted that under natural conditions, the content and list of beneficial properties of root carrots differs from the cultivated form, where the beneficial properties of this crop are purposefully developed.
B. External review of key facts 1. Carrot (Daucus carota) is a root vegetable of the Umbelliferae family, including celery, parsley, parsley, dill, parsley, fennel, coriander, and fennel. 2. In 2012, the United States was the third-largest carrot producer. Approximately 80-90% of U.S. carrots are produced in California. Other major producers include Michigan and Texas. 3. In the late 1980s, the introduction of fresh-cut carrots and "baby carrots" created a carrot boom. 4. 4. Carrots are rich in beta-carotene, vitamins C and K, potassium, and dietary fiber. 5. 5. Carrots are popular as a culinary vegetable, salad item, snack food, and raw vegetable. 6. 6. Like most vegetables, carrots are low in acid and therefore at high risk of contamination with Clostridium botulinum toxin, the bacterium produced by Clostridium botulinum, when improperly canned. There have been several outbreaks of botulism associated with commercial and homemade carrot juice and homemade canned carrots. 7. Between 1998 and 2017, the CDC's National Outbreak Reporting System (NORS) reported at least 31 carrot-related outbreaks resulting in 756 illnesses, 17 hospitalizations, and no deaths. In outbreaks of known etiology, the most common pathogen is norovirus, but also includes Bacillus cereus, Salmonella, Salmonella, Clostridium botulinum, Shigella, and Staphylococcus aureus.
It was not until the 20th century that breeding efforts produced carrot varieties with a predominantly orange color, high sweetness, and pleasant juicy flesh. Before breeding efforts, carrots were used primarily for cooking and much less frequently for root vegetables, but then there was a real culinary boom. Cookbooks devote considerable space to describing various recipes for cooking carrots with other grain crops, and medical reference books present recipes for preparing treatments for various ailments.
EFFECT OF CULTIVATION CONDITIONS OF CARROTS ON THE QUALITY OF ROOT CROPS The value of carrots is determined by vitamins and other nutrients that accumulate in the root crop. Their quantity and quality depend on cultivation techniques. When agricultural practices are violated, changes occur not only in the exterior of carrots (small, sparse orange, cracked roots, etc.) but also in their biochemical indicators. Vitamins, flavonoids, anthocyanins, and other very important compounds are drastically reduced. Carrot is a temperate crop. It has high requirements for basic living conditions: soil and temperature regime, provision of water, and light. The quality of root crops decreases due to insufficient soil preparation (low looseness, insufficient filling with basic fertilizers), insufficient watering and feeding during vegetation, violation of the ratio of the main nutrients (more nitrogen and less potassium), and other conditions. When buying root crops in the market, be sure to ask about the growing conditions of the crop. But the best way to keep your family healthy is to grow carrots on your own plots, observing all the requirements of agricultural growing techniques. Also, only approved varieties and hybrids should be used when sowing seeds. During the winter period, list in your garden diary the early, middle, and late varieties with the highest biotechnical indicators of product quality and prepare carrot seeds of these varieties exactly.
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BIOCHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF CARROTS A. Vitamins in carrots 1. Carrots contain 22% of pro-vitamin "A" (carotene), including alpha and beta carotene, which are synthesized in the body as vitamin "A," and vitamin "A" is a guarantee of visual acuity. 2. 100 grams of carrots contain more than 0.5 grams of B vitamins, including B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, and B12, necessary for the synthesis of hemoglobin in the body. 3. Carrot juice contains a group of active chemicals calcitriol, representing vitamin "D," including "D2" and "D3". Vitamin "D" can be produced in the body under the influence of natural sunlight and ultraviolet light (artificial irradiation) and manifests itself in the form of tanning. Deficiency in children manifests itself in the form of rickets and in adults in the form of osteoporosis (fragility) and softening of bones (osteopenia). 4. Carrots have a high content of vitamin "K" (11%), which regulates blood clotting and prevents the formation of blood clots. 5. Vitamins "C" and "E" provide energy and normalize the function of the endocrine glands. Vitamin E also slows down the aging process of the body. It is known as the vitamin of youth. It is vital for diabetics because it helps reduce the need for insulin. 6. Vitamin "PP" (niacin), like the previous vitamins, provides energy to the body, supports heart function, blood circulation, and is involved in the metabolism of amino acids. 7. Vitamin "N," or lipoic acid, regulates the liver, thyroid, participates in the metabolism of carbohydrates, and influences the level of cholesterol in the blood. The whole vitamin complex is preserved in freshly cooked carrot juice for one hour, after thawing - 0.5 hours. The complete utilization of the body occurs in the presence of fats (butter, sour cream).
B. Micronutrients in carrots Carrots are characterized by a fairly high micronutrient content. In 100 grams of raw carrots, there is 320 mg of potassium, responsible for normalizing the heart. In Soviet times, athletes were prescribed potassium lactate. The sodium concentration was between 69-70 mg, and the sum of phosphorus and calcium exceeded 65-68 mg. Carrot root has sufficient copper, zinc, iron, magnesium, manganese, cobalt, and molybdenum. Carrots also contain selenium, a young element, and fluorine, which is responsible for the thyroid gland and helps to remove heavy metals and radionuclides from the body. Other elements are present in root crops and are compounds and combinations necessary for the normalization of water metabolism (chlorine), water-salt metabolism (sodium), and the composition of proteins (sulfur). Aluminum, boron, vanadium, nickel, chromium, lithium, and iodine complete the list of trace elements. In the context of low-calorie products, an impressive list becomes indispensable for the treatment of obesity, weight loss, and stimulation of hematopoiesis. Carrots are a part of all fitness diets. 100 grams of root crop (one small carrot) contains 35 to 40 kcal but contains more than 9.5 grams of carbohydrates and 2.8 grams of dietary fiber.
OTHER NUTRIENTS IN CARROTS Recently, there has been a general decline in immunity in children and adults and increased cold and flu attacks. The phytotoxic properties of carrots are almost comparable to garlic and onions but without an unpleasant odor. On the contrary, the essential oils add spice to the dishes prepared. In the early days of recognizing carrots as a food, as mentioned above, the seeds and green tops were used in cooking. The concentration is lower than in other vegetables, but a complete list of amino acids is present in carrots. These include tyrosine, lysine, leucine, ornithine, cysteine, asparagine, threonine, histidine, methionine, etc. Carrot has a pleasant rich color due to its anthocyanins and bioflavonoids. It contains umbelliferone, which is involved in the biosynthesis of basic compounds such as phytosterols, coumarins, quercetin, fiber, pectin, and sugar.
USEFUL PROPERTIES OF CARROTS For the treatment and prevention of diseases, carrot is available as a raw product, cooked, thawed, and frozen. In boiled form, it increases its positive impact on the body in treating nephritis, cancer, diabetes, and general flora disorders. Raw carrots prevent microbial infections of the mouth and systemic infectious colds (acute respiratory infections, influenza). Carrot is used for vitamin deficiencies, anemia, atherosclerosis. It is included in formulas for treating Alzheimer's disease, digestive tract, intestinal obstruction, cholelithiasis and urolithiasis, pyelonephritis, cystitis. Carrot juice is effective against conjunctivitis, night blindness, and other eye diseases. It is used in official and folk medicine to treat diseases of the bone and hematopoietic system. Eating 50 grams of fresh carrots per day (average daily rate) will reduce the risk of stroke by 60-70%, breast cancer by 25%, and retinal diseases with visual impairment by 40%.
CONTRAINDICATIONS TO THE USE OF CARROTS 1. Carrots are contraindicated in cases of hypersensitivity to this product. 2. In inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, small intestine, peptic ulcers. In these cases, the vegetable is used in the form of boiled or stewed. 3. If you have liver disease, consult a doctor before consuming carrots. 4. Yellowing of feet and skin in children and adults may occur if raw carrots and juice are consumed in excess. The daily dosage of this product should be reduced until the yellowing disappears. Finally, I would like to warn the reader. Carrots are very useful, but at all need to be measured. It is enough to eat 1-2 carrots a day, no more than 100-120 grams of carrots in any form - salads, purees, juices.
#ThumbGarden #Gardening Tips #How to grow #Carrot #Vegetables #Inspiration #Carrot Funny #Carrot Interesting #Carrot Facts #Organics #Vegetable Garden #Vegetable Patch #Carrot Benefits #Nutrition Facts #Nutritional Value #Carotene #Vitamin #Glucosinlates #Protein
Author: Ms.Geneva Link: https://www.thumbgarden.com/carrot-nutrition-facts/ Source: ThumbGarden The copyright belongs to the author. For commercial reprints, please contact the author for authorization, and for non-commercial reprints, please indicate the source.
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khaliltumandar · 4 years
" Influence & Impact of the Arabic Language & Literature on the Western World "
Speech delivered by:
Dr. Khalil Tumandar on 9th Dec 2020 in an international Conference/ webinar, organized by Arabic Dept of Sir Syed College, Aurangabad,
alongwith the Guest Speakers from different Countries including : (Canada ,Egypt,India, Iraq,Japan,KSA,
Kuwait,Turkey,UAE,USA & Yemen).
اعوذ بالله من الشیطن الرجیم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم
الحمدلله رب العالمین والعاقبته للمتقین والصلوہ والسلام علی سید الانبیاءوالمرسلین وعلی آله و اصحابه اجمعین اما بعد -
قال رب الشرح لي صدري ویسر لي امري و احلل عقده من لساني یفقهوا قولي
Respected Chairperson ,
Dr. Shamama Parveen۔
Principal Sir Syed College,A'abad ,India,
Dr Shaikh Kabir Ahmed.
Prof & Head, Department of Arabic , Sir Syed College,Aurangabad(Maharashtra),
Dr. Muhammed Mustafa khan Al - Nadwi Al- khairi.
Former Prof, Dr. Abdur Rasheed
Al- Nadwi ,Al-Madni.
Former Prof Dr. Muhammed Sadrul Hasan Al- Nadwi Al - Madni.
Distinguished Guest Speakers from different Countries .
Respected and Dear Audience .
As-salam- Alaikum
السلام علیکم ورحمتہ الله وبرکاتہ
Indeed it is a great privilege and honour for me to be here, on this auspicious occasion of two days Arabic International Conference / Webinar on
" Literary & Linguistic Influences of Arabic on International Languages" organized by , Department of Arabic, Sir Sayyed College of Arts, Commerce and Science, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India.
Late (Marhoom) Prof Tilawat Ali was founder Chairman of this renowned institute. Prof Tilawat Ali was very well known to me since 1989-90 when he planned to establish this great educational center. May Allah accept his deeds and services as a source of maghfirat in Aakhirat ( the life hereafter)Aameen .
Today I have been asked to highlight few relevant points over the topic,
" Influence and impact of the Arabic Language and Literature on the Western World ".
Dear Audience ,
Before we should proceed our main discussion, it would be better to know how many spoken languages exist presently ?
It is around 7117.
if we select, ten top most popular spoken languages among these, then the list would be as:
(1) Mandarin
( Mandarin and Cantonese languages , used mostly in China).
(2) English .
(3) Hindustani (mixed Urdu & Hindi ) .
(4) Spanish.
(5) Arabic .
(6) Malay.
(9) Portuguese &
(10) French.
The Arabic language is ranked as , fifth spoken language in the world.
Dear Friends,
Today I would like to begin my talk, with the Divine Message of the Holy Quran, Chapter 30 Surah Al - Rum, Aayat 22.
ومن آیاته خلق السماوات والارض و اختلاف السنتکم والوانکم ان في ذلك لایات للعالمین -
And among His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the diversity of your languages and colours. Surely, in this there are the signs for those of sound knowledge.
These Divine words of the Holy Quran indicate clearly that, all languages are signs of the greatness of our Creator Allah Subhanahu Taala. Hence, we should respect all languages and at no cost discriminate against any human being based on language and colour.
The Arabic language has a great significance all over the world, as it is the language of the Holy Quran.
We know very well that, the first aayat of the Holy Quran revealed as :
اقرا باسم ربك الذی خلق
Translation: " Read, O' Prophet, in the name of your Lord "Chapter 96/1.
Another reference regarding the importance of the Arabic language:
احبوا العرب لثلاث:
لاني عربي' والقرآن عربي و کلام اھل الجنته عربي
رواه العقیلی فی الضعفاء
والطبرانی فی الکبیر
والحاکم فی المستدرک
والبیہقی فی شعب الایمان
( عن ابن عباس رضی اللہ عنہ)
and there is one more reference as :
عن ابی ھریرہ رضی الله عنہ: قال قال رسول الله صلی الله علیہ و سلم انا عربي والقرآن عربي ولسان اھل الجنته عربي
It is narrated from Abu Huraira ( رضی الله عنہ ) that, Rasoolullah Prophet Muhammed( P.B.U.H) صلی الله علیہ و سلم said that, I am Arabi, Quran is in Arabic and the language of Paradise is Arabic.
Al - hamdu- lillah, these (03) three are the main reasons why we should love the Arabic language.
According to data collected in the recent past, it was believed that around two hundred & twenty( 220) Million Arabic speakers exist, but equally four hundred & fifty ( 450) Million could be considered as Arabic language speakers all over the world when one should include non- Arabs, who know the Arabic language because of their interest.
Arabic is the language of the Holy Quran, Prayers ( Salah )and Islamic Studies( Hadith & Fiqh- Islamic Jurisprudence) for a billion and a half Muslims all over the globe. it is also used by a large number of people in different fields of culture, religion, history, trade, technology, agriculture, medical fraternity, engineering, fabrics & clothing, chemicals & pharmaceuticals, food & drugs, Mathematics & Astronomy, Algebra& Geometry, Zoology & Botany.
English and other European languages are enriched with numerous Arabic loan words. As many words in the European languages are originally derived from Arabic.
Just for an illustration, few examples of the English words as:
Camel جمل ،Giraffe زراف' Camphor - کافور ' Musk - مسک ،Caliph - خلیفہ ' Lemon- لیمون ' Alcohol - الکحل ' Sugar - سکر '
Syrup - شراب, Algebra- الجبرا '
Carat - قیراط etc.
There are almost more than 1000 English words of Arabic origin used in a routine.
Dear Friends,
Arabs invented the concept of numerical digit (0)Zero/ صفر ( sifar ,khali - kuch naheeh ,zee- roh) which means emptiness or nothingness and it made easier all complicated mathematical calculations.
We equally noticed that Western Culture is very much influenced by Arabic Philosophers like Khalil Jibran ( خلیل جبران ), Poet Mehmud Darwesh. ( محمود درویش )۔ Even they were impressed by great scholars like Avicennia ( ابن سینا) Ghazali ( غزالی ) and Ibn Rushd( ابن رشد ).
The translation work of renowned Mathematician Al - Khwarizmi who invented Algebra ( الجبرا) mostly at the end of the eighth century, Jabir bin Aflah & Muslima Al - Majriti were the famous names referred by Madrid ( Capital of Spain), even in the 12th century.
Andalusian Scholar completed the great work of translation of Aristotle and Ibn Rushd into Latin & that too in those days, when Greek Philosophy did not exist in Europe. It is also mentioned in the history of the world that collection of Indian Stories known as پنچ تنتر / Panchtantra was translated into Arabic from the Persian version of Ibn- Al - Muqqaffa with the name " Kalila - wa- Dimnah" . This Arabic portion was translated in many languages of the world and collection of these stories were published five hundred years ago, by an English publisher named William Caxton in 1484.
It is also observed that the Spanish language has many Arabic words.
Cardova (Qartaba/ قرطبہ) is also called Cardoba, a city located in southern Spain. There is a library that has more than 400000( four hundred thousands) manuscripts ( مخطوطات ). But, this was a time when taking a gus'l or a bath was considered a dangerous custom.
Non-muslim Arabic Scholars from the West are called " Orientalists"( مستشرقین). They are paid for presenting their critical concepts. They have a keen interest in learning the Arabic language, to know details about the Holy Quran & Hadith (Traditions of Prophet Muhammed, P.B.U.H,صلی اللہ علیہ و سلم) and deep knowledge of Islam & history. They dedicate their lives to their missions. Few of them during their research realized the truth and finally enter the fold of Islam. The Hidayat ( ہدایت / guidance) comes to them only from Almighty Allah subhanahu Quddus ( الله سبحانہ قدوس).
Infact , we should be thankful to the Orientalists who learn the Arabic language & literature, irrespective of their intentions and missions. I would like to enumerate the few .
(1) Joannis Damascene: (676-749 ) official of the Caliph of Damascus.
(2) Abd - al - Masih ibn Ishaque Al- Kindi, an Arab Christian most probably of the 8th / 9th century, his work was translated into Latin and very much popular in Europe.
(3) Petrus Venerablis ( 1092-1156 ) translated , Holy Quran into Latin.
(4) Mose bin Maimoon ( 1135-1204 ) A Jewish Theologist and Talmudist wrote a book Dalalat al- Harin, a guide on Jewish theology, published in 1190.
(5) Marco de Toledo: ( 1193-1216 )
Did translation of Holy Quran, from Arabic to Latin.
(6) Frederik 2: ( 1194-1250 )
An emperor, who continued the mission of translation of Holy Quran from Arabic to Latin.
(7) Ibn- Kammuna : ( 1215-1285)
A Jewish scholar who wrote a book in Arabic on examination of inquiries into three faiths.
(8)Alfonso Sabco: ( 1221-1284)
who did the translation from Arabic into Greek, over the scientific works of Arabs, later on, it was translated into Latin and its maximum translators were jews.
(9) Raman Marti ( 1286):
A traditional partisan ( a strong supporter of a cause), who studied Islam thoroughly and in his book gave the references of Holy Quran, Hadith and quotations from Al - Farabi, Ibn - Sina, Al - Ghazali & Ibn Rushd in his books.
(10) Bar -Ebraya: ( 1226-1286)
much influenced by Al - Ghazali.
(11) Theodor Barliander: ( 1506-1564).
A Zurich theologian published his book with a preface written by Martin Luther.
(12) Andre Ryer: ( 1580- 1660)
Did translation of holy Quran from Arabic to French, published from Paris
in 1647.
(13) Alexander Ross:(1591-1654)
From Scotland did a translation of holy Quran Kareem from French to English.
(14) Antoine Galland :( 1646-1715)
From France, first in the West to translate the Arabian Nights.
(15) Humphrey Prideaux: (1648-1724) wrote many books on Islam.
In addition to the above mentioned, there are many more orientalists, still busy round-the-clock in their mission since the last 1400 years.
No doubt, the Arabic language has also influenced the English language and Western Culture.
Indeed the Arabic language is a live language, which is survived in its original form even after 1400 years, when the first aayat or the First Divine Message of Almighty, in the form of the Holy Quran revealed to, our Beloved Prophet Muhammed ( P.B.U.H) صلی اللہ علیہ و سلم, brought by Archangel Jibraeel علیہ السلام ( Alaih salam), at the Mount Hira ( جبل نور ), Holy Makkah.
اقراء باسم ربك الذی خلق
" Read, O Prophet, in the Name of your Lord, who created ".
Hence, we must read and understand the Arabic language as much as possible, so that we can convey the message of our Creator to mankind all over the world.
انا انزلنه قرانا عربیا لعلکم تعقلون ( سورہ یوسف آیت 2 )
We have revealed it as a Recitation in Arabic that you may fully understand ( surah Yusuf,aayat number 2).
May Allah guide all of us and everyone in the world so that we can understand the words of our Lord Almighty Allah , the words of wisdom in the form of
" Holy Quran " on this earth . ( Aameen ).
Speech delivered by :
Dr. Khaliluddin Tumandar,
mbbs( Bom)mcps.
Former physician, Haram Shariff
Holy Makkah
Presently at :
Ontario, Canada.
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harryp22h · 5 years
[FGO Fan Servant] Servant Caster, Genderbent King Sejong.
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In celebration of Hanguel Day, a national holiday in Korea, I have decided to play my hand in creating a Servant. My first attempt, actually.
Introducing: Servant Caster King Sejong 'The Great'!
Name: King Sejong the Great
Class: Caster
Origin: Korea – Joseon Dynasty (1400s)
Alignment: Lawful-Good
Type: Man
Bio: The 4th King of Korea’s Joseon Dynasty. A scholar. A writer. A scientist. A mage.
Seeming to possess both insatiable curiosity and infinite kindness, along with a dash of spite-fueled stubbornness, she earned the title ‘The Great’, not for military conquest, but for her humanitarianism and progressive polices. In sharp contrast to her father, a king who murdered even his family for the throne, she was a kind and caring King of the People, one who fought tooth and nail for those in her care regardless of risks. An avid supporter and patron for the advancement of science and magecraft in order to improve her nation and her citizens’ livelihood, her most famous act would be the creation of Hangeul, an alphabet designed so that even the lowliest of peasants could learn to read and write within a week.
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Class Skills
Territory Creation Rank C+: The Hall of Worthies, a Royal Research Institute which contained the King’s personal mage workshop.
Item Creation Rank B+: Was personally involved in the creation of Hangeul, and sponsored many other projects at the Hall of Worthies.
Personal Skills
Patronage B+: Served as patron to the Hall of Worthies, and sponsored many endeavors into the fields of science and magecraft. Heavily believed in Meritocracy and held the belief that anyone, regardless of status or lineage, could succeed if given the chance. Personally promoted a peasant to position of Royal Engineer, the most shining example of her beliefs.
Charisma B: Wildly popular amongst the populous, and able to persuade the fickle Royal Court, regardless of how many times she pissed them off.
Humanitarianism A: Improved literacy nation-wide. Supported paternity leave for both mothers and fathers. Introduced tax reform to reduce burden on famine-stricken areas. Funded many inventions to help improve citizens’ livelihood.
Agricultural Boon C: Penned several books on agriculture and farming techniques, then had them distributed amongst the populace to increase productivity.
Rapid Words of Casting EX: Invented an entire alphabet for the express purpose of easier and faster reading and writing.
Entertainment Revision EX: K-Drama. Gains access to skills she does not normally possess. Stronger the more dramatic and flashy the skill is. Similar to Imperial Privilege.
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Bond 1
Born the 3rd child of the 3rd King Taejong (태종-이방원), and the grandchild of the dynasty’s founder Taejo (태조-이성계), Ido (이도) was originally never meant to inherit the throne. However, her 2 older brothers, horrified by the King’s, their father’s brutal actions towards anyone who possibly posed a threat to the monarchy, desired nothing more to do with the throne. They instead choose to abdicate the position of heir apparent to Ido, much to their father’s delight, who thought the studious and hard-working Ido as much better suited for the position. Given the title of Grand Duke and place under her father’s direct tutelage, the Royal Court feared, that like father like daughter, that there would be a second calling of Taejong, a bloody King who killed his half-brothers, his brothers-in-law, his father-in-law, his son’s father-in-law, and so many others to both obtain and maintain the throne. Luckily, the only notable trait she seemed to inherit was his stubbornness and his disdain for nobility.
 Bond 2
After her father’s death by surprisingly not murder, but old age, Sejong (세종), formerly named Ido, worked to distinguished her reign from her predecessors. She heavily promoted the pursuit of knowledge in the fields of both science and magecraft, and established The Hall of Worthies (집현결), the Joseon Dynasty’s Royal Research Institute, filling it with the brightest minds the nation had to offer. Meteorology, astronomy, military weaponry, alchemy and agriculture were some of the many fields being researched and expanded upon, with the hope that they could be utilized to strengthen Korea, both internally and externally. The King, holding a healthy amount of curiosity herself, participated as well, having a personal lab and workshop set up there.
 Bond 3
She did not care for social norms, and promoted meritocracy, holding the belief that if anyone, regardless of status or bloodline, were given an opportunity, could accomplish anything if they put their mind to it. The most shining example of this belief would be Jang Yeong-sil  (장영실), a former peasant-turned-Royal Engineer. Having heard rumours of his cleverness and ingenuity, she personally invited him, the son of an escort, to the palace, where he managed to pique the King’s interest after completing a series of trials. Impressed, she promoted him to the position of Royal Engineer and invited him to partake in the Hall of Worthies, despite the protests of the nobility. Nevertheless, he would prove himself a worthy addition, helping to create independent advancements in the fields of astronomy and meteorology using his knack for inventing. Bonding over their love of the pursuit of knowledge, he and the King shared a very close friendship, with him confiding in her his inventions and discoveries, and her taking him under her wing in the field of magecraft. Her trust in him was absolute, even willing to forgive him immediately when one of his inventions proved faulty and injured the test subject… who just so happened to be the King herself. Unfortunately, the nobility, jealous of the inventor and fearful for their own positions, seized upon this opportunity, having him tried and ultimately imprisoned, in spite of the King’s protests.
 Bond 4
Noble Phantasm: [훈민정음 – 한글]
The Proper Words for the Instruction of the People.
Rank: EX
 King Sejong’s most influential creation. The one that would rightfully earn her the title ‘The Great’. Developed in secret at the Hall of Worthies, its very existence alone had the potential to put even the King’s life in danger. Penned by the King herself, it was a scientifically-designed featural alphabet with 17 constants and 11 vowels, created to replace the ill-fitting Chinese characters that had been in use up to this point, in spite of Korea having had a separate spoken language for centuries. Designed to be easy to read and write, even a working man was capable of learning it in a week. Upon its completion, it was initially announced to the Royal Court, who vehemently opposed its very existence. Even those loyal to the crown protested, fearful that a literate populous would prove unruly and rebellious. In spite of, or perhaps because of the protests of the nobility, it was released on October 9, 1495 to the public with almost immediate success. It strengthened the Korean national identity, helping Korea to differentiate itself from China. It would kickstart a literary Renaissance, as even the peasants, now almost all literate, could participate, writing down their own thoughts and observations while reading those of others. Even the nobility, initially disdainful, would later adopt it, both in private and public affairs.
 Bond 5
A King of the People, who cared greatly for her nation’s citizens. In addition to Hanguel, she also penned several books of agricultural techniques to be distributed amongst the populous for increased productivity and surplus. She introduced tax-reforms, so that plague or famine-stricken areas could pay reduced taxes, focusing on recovery instead of immediate gains. She introduced paternity leave, not just for mothers but for fathers as well. Amongst other Kings, both past and future, she would go above and beyond the call, willing to risk her standing, her reputation, and even her health to improve the lives of her citizens. 
Almost suspiciously so. So very caring for people she should not have met. Should being the word here. There are rumours she snuck out of the palace to mingle with the populous. That would certainly be the case for most K-Dramas… 
Nevertheless, she truly earned the title ‘The Great’ as a King fully devoted to the cause of humanitarianism and the pursuit of knowledge. Long live the King.
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theculturedmarxist · 5 years
Risky: The Game of Global Domination
Recently an acquaintance said to me that if Donald Trump wins (or “wins” as the case may be) a second, term, there’s going to be a third World War. I don’t think they’re wrong, but not because of Donald Trump himself. Rather, it’s a matter of the current economic paradigm reaching its uttermost limits.
When I was younger, I used to love my school history textbooks. I was a fast reader and a quick study, and I loved learning. The maps always fascinated me, particularly of these ancient empires. Often my books went into detail regarding their technological and cultural innovations and the effects these empires would have on later societies and cultures.
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Alexander’s empire, for example, would bring Greek thought, culture, and art to Asia. Bactria would ultimately become a hybrid Indo-Greek kingdom that would introduce Greek sculpture to the Eastern world. Before this, the Buddha was depicted symbolically as a lotus blossom. It’s after Alexander and the advent of the Seleucid Empire and the Kingdom of Bactria that the Buddha would be depicted in natural, humanistic means in freestanding sculpture. Of course, Alexander’s empire didn’t last, but it’s interesting to think about what might have been if he hadn’t died. Alas.
The Roman Empire tended to receive a great deal of attention too, perhaps for good reason. It would influence practically every country in Europe, after all, and its influence was felt as far away as Cathay. Latin was the language of learning in Europe well beyond the Renaissance. Their system of political thought, architecture, and philosophy would influence countries even in modern times, like the United States.
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These kinds of maps inspired awe in me, but also numerous questions. Why didn’t the much vaunted Roman war machine just keep going? Especially in light of the numerous barbarian incursions that would ultimately do it in? Surely an empire as mighty as the Romans could manage to quell a bunch of naked, ignorant Germans. The history of Roman expansion up to Caesar Augustus was one of almost unmitigated success. What happened?
There are numerous factors at work which contribute to an explanation. One such is the nature of travel at the time: generally you went on foot or not at all. The great Inner Sea aided transport of goods and resources throughout the empire. Egypt was Rome’s breadbasket. It’s produce was essential for feeding Rome and subsequently Constantinople. While the agricultural lands of Italy were in fact rich and productive, they were long ago dominated by the Patrician class, which turned its soil towards the production of cash crops. Feeding the vast urban mobs required the importation of thousands of tons of grain, the Cura Annonae.
To put it shortly, a person could only walk so far, so fast, and resources could only be moved so quickly, so far before they began to spoil. Sun Tzu mentions in The Art of War that a single wagon of captured feed is worth ten of what an invading army brings with it. Invasions are costly, dangerous, a huge economic gamble, and this is on top of the tremendous exertions necessary to supply an army so far inland in an empire that relies on relatively speedy seaborne transportation to survive. Between these factors and the internal contradictions gnawing at the empire, it simply couldn’t expand any further.
Ultimately, this would be Rome’s downfall. For all its technology and military might, its economy relied on expansion. It would attempt to expand eastward into the Iranian plateau, but this would result only in fruitless wars first with the Parthians and then with the Sassanids. The failure or inability to expand would result in it cannibalizing itself to death until it succumbed to Germanic incursions.
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In my history books, on the subject of World War I, the explanations for what precipitated the war were rather simple. The Archduke gets shot (for some reason), and the system of secret alliances, along with the military buildup within each empire, lead to the ruinous war. Sometimes it would hint that Europeans had become complacent, that they hadn’t experienced a continental war since Napoleon or the Crimea. In others the explanation was the pride instilled in populations by burgeoning nationalism. Rarely if ever was the economic dimension even mentioned.
The state of the world by the beginning of WW1 was a rather dismal one. The scramble for Africa was complete, and in Asia what wasn’t already claimed by China or one of the European powers was being scrutinized with greedy eyes by Imperial Japan. China was sick and increasingly feeble as capitalist inroads eroded the foundations of thousands of years of the Chinese Imperial system, and the importation of opium was rotting out the rest.
Essentially, whatever had been “up for grabs” had been claimed. The Americas were more or less in the de facto sphere of the United States. Almost everything else had a European flag on it (and yes, that includes the Turks). Whatever the asspained dullards on this website might blubber and shriek, imperialism isn’t the exclusive demesne of “White people.”
Countries like Germany and Italy were Johnny-Come-Latelies in regards to Imperialism. Previously, Germany would exist, insofar as it could be said to, as the “Holy Roman Empire,” which was none of those things. It was a miscellany of small, independent states with regional and religious rivalries dating back hundreds of years or more. It wouldn’t be until Napoleon that the HRE would be officially disbanded and the process of conglomeration under Brandenburg could begin in earnest. By the time there actually is a Germany, the fledgling empire would have to scramble for whatever was left.
At its apogee, just prior to the first Great War, Germany would have a population of approximately sixty-five million people. Great Britain would hardly approach that, but then she was hardly alone. The population of the British Raj was somewhere in the neighborhood of three-hundred-and-fifty million people. The Industrial Revolution was well under way by this point, but the majority of production still required manpower and labor, skilled or unskilled.
You might well imagine then that this leaves a country like Germany, even with its scant and marginal colonies, at a severe disadvantage. Napoleon would plant the seeds not only of the German Empire, but German Industry. To compete, Germany would need by necessity to become a sophisticated industrial power if it wanted to have a hope against the hundreds of millions of people in the British or French or Russian Empires. The same would go for Japan as well. It didn’t take a genius to see that it was either colonize or be colonized.
By 1914, the Imperial economic system had reached its limit. There was nowhere left to colonize, explore, or claim. While increasingly feeble, China was still too formidable (and profitable) to simply invade and annex. At last the European Empires had to confront one another, like it or not, and the military buildup prior to this conflict is testament to that fact.
Suppose for a moment if you were to imagine the GDP of these industrial empires as singular units produced at the end of every year, the sum-total of production traditional and industrial. If the British Empire produces 2 and the German Empire produces 1, then the first year it would be 2:1, the second 4:2, the third 6:3, and so on. This is without taking into consideration the accumulative effect of industrial and technological development. The BE wouldn’t only produce 2, then 4, then 6, but 2.1, 4.4, 6.8, and Germany 1.1, 2.2, 3.4, 4.5. The British simply have more men and women working and producing than Germany. That’s more people to work the fields, factories, and universities. Without intervention Germany would be doomed to lag behind Britain, subject to its economic domination.
While factors such as nationalization and secret treaties contributed, the economic dimension was the main precipitate of the conflict. These unresolved contradictions would in turn go on to produce the second World War. Lebensraum wasn’t some idle delusion of der Fuhrer, but an economic necessity if German Industry hoped to compete on a planet a full quarter of which was the exclusive domain of the British Crown, not to mention the other empires of the world at the time. One must either upset the paradigm or resign oneself to subjugation. The Second World War would resolve some of these contradictions and pave the way not only for the “Cold War” ostensibly between Western Democracy and Eastern Communism, but also the unprecedented expansion of Capital.
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I have only the vaguest recollection of the fall of the Soviet Union. I recall the 90s as being a time of unbridled enthusiasm and optimism in the US. Finally, without the thorn of The Evil Empire in our side, we could do all the great things we dreamed of. Communism was dead, and American Freedom and Democracy were the things that buried it. The threat of nuclear annihilation evaporated like a bad dream. It was a new world, but much too similar to the old one.
There’s an ancient Vulcan proverb: “only Nixon could go to China,” and he did, making inroads for global capital in the process. When the USSR was finally disintegrated (or dismantled), the ideological and economic counterpode to the US was suddenly gone. The unifying ideological force in the United States was gone, and for all intents and purposes whatever impediment to capital along with it. I don’t think I’ll shed any tears for the USSR, but however one slices it, the US and all which that entails was almost entirely unopposed. The pretense of international law would keep NATO from running roughshod over what remained of these ideological holdouts, but there was no longer opposition significant enough to stop the US from doing whatever it wanted to do. The “hard power” of the US military worked in tandem with the “soft power” of organizations like the IMF and World Bank to spread the good news of laissez-faire capitalism, which brings us inexorably to now.
Capital has suffused practically every country on the planet. Even old communist (or “communist”) holdouts like Cuba and North Korea are softening their stance on private enterprise, such is their theoretical and economic sterility. China, rather than being a cautionary tale of reactionary revisionism in the face of dealing with capitalism is seen as an example to be emulated. The treatment of workers there is infamous, the oppression of workers seeking to organize obscenely blatant. China would even come to the rescue of global capital in the 07/08 financial crisis. The complete collapse of the global economic system would be prevented by what should have been its greatest enemy. Alas.
Expansion is a necessity for capitalist economies. It is completely unavoidable and totally essential to its survival. By its nature, capitalism collects wealth and concentrates it, thus depriving itself of the very lifeblood it needs to function. If there is no one capable of consuming, that is without the capital with which to consume, then whence cometh production? Production to the ultimate excess is an integral feature of capitalism as well. The more of a commodity is produced, the lesser the scarcity, and subsequently its diminished value, actual or perceived. A tremendous mound of wealth is piled up which no one can access, because the tokens of access are monopolized by an incredibly few number of people, who have no need for the knick-knacks and baubles they produce to amuse the proletariat. It molders while millions starve, for no other reason than spiteful greed.
We’re left then under circumstances not unlike that in the early 20th century. Capital has no place else to expand, no other great mineral or material wealth to appropriate and exploit. The capitalists realize this as well. The US is spending trillions to prepare for an inevitable showdown with Russia or China or both. It’s the ultimate conclusion of the so-called “New American Century,” the reactionary effort to ensure American hegemony in the face of the Russia petro-state and the constantly developing economic, technological, and demographical weight of China. As climate collapse progresses, these contradictions are only going to come into sharper and more pronounced relief. Clinton began it with adventures in the Balkans. Bush II continued it in crushing practically defenseless nations in the Middle East. Obama exacerbated it with his “Pivot to Asia.” Trump continues it with his reckless bellicosity towards Iran and North Korea. The military efforts of each of these administrations points towards the purposeful isolation of China and Russia. The Pentagon seeks to crush any potentially unfriendly states, great or small, with the long term goal of depriving their chief adversaries of any succor in what they imagine to be the conflict to come. History shows us just how frequently out of touch the military establishment is with reality. America is convinced of its own special place in history, its uniqueness, and absent any enemy of respectable capability, its invincibility. Time and again the US military has been proven demonstrably wrong, and time and again they fail to learn this lesson.
Ironically, their integration into global capital is what painted the target onto China and Russia’s backs. The Chinese working class has becoming wealthy at the expense of the American and European working classes. The sale of necessary petro-chemicals and China’s status as “the workshop of the world” have concentrated vast sums of capital within them. Every passing day bleeds the West dry and enriches the East. While an inevitable motion of the Invisible Hand, this is viewed as an unacceptable aberration by American and European capitalists. Lesser capitalists in so-called emerging economies or developing countries, such as Brazil, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and so on, can sense the direction of the wind as well and are seeking to align themselves against their regional rivals. History might look back and recognize that we are in the opening moves of this next great conflict already. Russia is taking an aggressive stance at home and abroad to stymie American efforts. China spreads roots ever deeper into African soil, a continent that the US views as its sole domain. Trump diverted two carrier groups to the Sea of Japan to intimidate North Korea and by extension China, and even went so far as to invade Syria in complete contravention of international law and shoot down a Russian jet.
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2019 isn’t exactly like 1919, however. For better or worse, our technology has advanced substantially, dangerously. Nuclear weapons are more potent than they were at their advent in the last century, but the threat of mutually assured nuclear annihilation disappeared with the USSR. Two generations now have grown up ignorant of the nuclear specter hanging over them. Nuclear war is something for movies and history books. No one talks about it. No one mentions it.
Advances in technology have always cut deepest the working class. Industrial machinery obviated the need for millions of serfs. Telecommunications technology has in our day obviated the need for billions of workers. Perhaps an even greater deterrent to the bourgeoisie pressing The Button and annihilating the world in atomic hellfire was the inescapable economic losing prospect that would ensue. Money would be worthless. Material wealth would be destroyed. The millions of human chattel they required to facilitate their life styles would be turned to dust. It’s one thing to take the other guy with you into oblivion, it’s another thing entirely to go blithely marching into it yourself.
Now, however, the bourgeoisie have no use for the reserve army of the working class. Machinery has become so sophisticated that whole factories can operate without so much as a breathing janitor. Rather than a begrudging asset, the working class represents a liability. We can all see what is happening to the planet. We can all see what capitalism is doing to us and the people we love. The bourgeoisie can see the inevitability of the proletarian backlash to their excess, stupidity, and greed. They push STEM subjects on the workers while keeping the Humanities for themselves. They know their history and know it well. They know what happens when the peasants have had enough cake.
Whether because they actually believe it or have deluded themselves with the fantasy, the American missile shield that has been so carefully erected around China, Iran, and Russia is a white elephant. It doesn’t work, even with all the cards stacked in its favor. That doesn’t really matter, though. Capitalism doesn’t care whether or not something works, only that it is believed in enough that rubes will buy it. Whether the Pentagon and NATO know this or not, they are still basing their future plans around the supposed functionality of this system. They either believe or wish to believe that, in the event of a nuclear exchange, they will be reasonably shielded from the infernal holocaust which will ensue. The bourgeoisie is ever superficial. They don’t care for culture or history. Let New York be flattened. Let the Louvre be incinerated. Vaporize the Kremlin and annihilate the Forbidden City. These aren’t losses to them after all. They only care for something insofar as it profits them, and nothing is more profitable than the prospect of rebuilding a city, a country, a civilization, and best of all it would be a civilization in their own image—the ultimate bourgeois revolution! As they emerge from their bunkers and silos to a silent planet, they’d have the technology, resources, and know-how to put the pieces back together again. No more Marxism to rile up the impertinent slaves. No more democracy to impede their whims. No more gods to flaunt their authority above these earthly masters. Just the rule of Gold, and those who have it. Finally, there will be resources aplenty, even in the event of complete ecological devastation. There will be only the bourgeois and their retainers. Atomic fire reduced the stupid, teeming billions to dust, a happy little accident of the nuclear conflagration. Not a tear would be shed, only sighs of relief. It turns out you can take it with you, and by this they establish their heaven on earth.
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2019 isn’t 1919. Our circumstances are different, and perhaps even more urgent than those of the working class of generations past. The ravages of capitalism have left our planet irreparably damaged. The most intense period of reaction, through the Cold War and on through the collapse of the Soviet Union to today have rendered the Left, such as it is, fractured, impotent, and broken. Capital has learned its history well and spends billions in order to keep the proletariat under its massive thumb. To say that things were dire would be putting it mildly.
But all is not lost.
The Second International was undone by the first World War. Abandoning the ideal of Internationalism, millions of workers rallied to their nations’ calls and killed themselves by the millions. The development of a global consciousness existed but only in an embryonic state.
Just as Lenin said, the Capitalists will sell us the rope we hang them with. The ubiquity of American culture has created, like it or not, a layer of universality that spreads across the globe. The Internet too has facilitated the development of an international proletarian culture. The sophistication of travel, both domestic and foreign, has likewise spread the roots and seedlings of an international understanding that supersedes parochial tribalism. “Globalism,” or so it is called, has done the marvelous work of eroding the sanctity of the nation-state. The bourgeoisie is scrambling to undo the damage, but there’s no putting the genie back in the bottle. That borders are superfluous, even authoritarian, is an idea gaining coin and traction among all levels of the working class. Those that have circumvented them have no respect for them. Those trapped by them harbor growing resentment to the limits of their cage. The injustice is plain to those with plenty made to look out at the starving multitude, whose starvation enables their own feasting. Even those unsympathetic to the cause of labor are ground to dust by the ever proliferating demands of capital exploitation. Even those mode deluded and devoted workers are breaking down physically, mentally, spiritually beneath the onslaught of capitalism.
Unions in the US are standing up with growing confidence. Workers there and abroad are beginning to realize just how precarious the situation they find themselves in. India was host to the largest organized labor action in history not two years ago. Teachers in the US are growing restive beneath the weighty boot of austerity. The insanity of the Right, unguided by political ideology or personal conviction, lashes out like cowards only at the most vulnerable. Only the Left offers refuge to this vile, stupid violence. Only solidarity offers respite to the corrosive forces of capitalist economics. The Right consists only of the weak. The Left constitutes a plethora, weak and strong, whose collaboration makes the whole stronger. The Right needs a mythological father figure to have coherence and purpose. The Left is propelled by the collective will of all, towards the collective benefit of all. Cut the head off a snake and it will wriggle like a worm until it dies. Cut the head off a hydra, and two more take its place.
This should not be taken lightly. The labors ahead will take the collective effort, the unified dedication, and total collaboration of all of us. We not only have to prevent our own deaths, but preserve our planet. We not only have to ameliorate the wrongs of the past, but build a future congenial to all. We’re faced not only by the most developed, wealthy, entrenched plutocracy in history, armed with the most advanced weaponry and politico-military theory, but one which has spent the last century preparing for exactly such a conflict. Our work is cut out for us, to say the least.
But we can do it. We have to do it. There isn’t any other option, any other alternative. We either survive as a whole or perish alone. We either achieve socialism or succumb to barbarism. The dialectic, always in motion, has brought us to this point, to this ultimate historical moment and we will either rise to meet it or be crushed beneath it, without a whimper, anonymous bones lamented and remembered by no one. There is only one possible conclusion, and you know it. We all know it. All we have left is to embrace it.
Workers of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains, and a world to win!
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aftaabmagazine · 5 years
From Aryana to Afghanistan: The Historic Role of the Afghan Flag
By Mir Hekmatullah Sadat From the April - September 1999 issue of Afghan Magazine | Lemar-Aftaab
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[caption: the first Afghan flag of the last century]
Mir Hekmatullah Sadat writes about the historical significance of flags in the course of human history. He also explains the background of the various flags of Afghanistan. The "Most Changed Flag of the 20th Century" was awarded to the Central Asian nation, a sign of the political volatility it faced during the last century.
According to Flags of the World, "Since time immemorial man has felt the need of some sign or symbol as a mark to distinguish himself, his family or country, and such symbols have taken many different forms, of which one is the flag" (Barraclough, 1978). Political scientists, historians, sociologists, and others recognize flags as artifacts expressive of cultures of certain times and places. The scholarly study of the history, symbolism, etiquette, design, manufacture, and other aspects of flags is known as "Vexillology" stemming from the Latin word "vexillum" (banner) which was coined by Dr. Whitney Smith of the Flag Research Centre. According to Fruhlinger (1996, Nov 26),
The vexillum (pl. vexilla; "v" pronounced like an English "w" in classical Latin) was the term for the standard carried by the Roman legion. This word is itself a diminutive for "velum," sail, which confirms the art historical evidence (from coins and sculpture) that vexilla were literally "little sails," i.e., flag-like. (Velum in English has various specialized meanings, mostly about sail-like things: the membranes of certain mollusks, and a kind of drafting paper, bear the name.) The word velum comes from the Indo-European roots VAG- or VEH-, involving motion. These produced the Germanic words that became Saxon (and later English) words like wagon and way, which are unrelated to the flying verbs above.
In the rich and diverse cultural-linguistic heritage of Afghanistan, there exist numerous words for flag such as bayraq (incorporated from the Turkish language), parcham (in Dari), lewa (religious purposes such as Islamic), darafs (dating back to the Aryana era), alam (military purposes), togh (used in holy shrines), and janda (for holy shrine purposes). The flag, over the centuries, has developed many specialized uses.
Flags recognizable as such were the invention, almost certainly, of the ancient civilization of China and the Indian subcontinent. The first "flags" consisted of symbols attached to the tops of poles. Such flaglike objects appear in Egyptian art of the mid-3000's BC. Cloth flags were probably first used in China about 3000 BC. These flags were made of silk. Barraclough (1978) informs us that in 1122 BC, the founder of the Chou dynasty in China had a white flag carried before him. It is also known that in 660 AD a minor prince was punished for failing to lower his feudal flag before the emperor. Flags had equal importance in ancient India, being carried on chariots and elephants.
Originally, flags took the form of cloth or similar material displaying the insignia of a community, an armed force, an office, or an individual. It marked the position of an important individual before a battle, during a siege, throughout a ceremony, or at a tournament. For the monarch or feudal lord, it marked the palace, castle, saluting base, tent, or ship where he was actually present. The royal flag had all the attributes of kingship, being identified with the ruler and treated with similar respect. It was thus a crime even to touch the flag-bearer. The flag was the first object of attack in battle, and its fall would mean confusion if not defeat. The monarch would rarely expose his flag and his person together; the flag is normally entrusted to a general. Flags are now extensively employed for signaling, for decoration, and display.
In recent times the issue of flag burning busied the United States Supreme Court. Incinerating a nation's flag often signifies political protest and a great insult. Also, when the flag of one country is placed above that of another, the victory of the former is denoted. Hence, in time of peace, it would be an indignity to hoist the flag of one friendly nation above that of another. Each national flag must be flown from its flagstaff. To denoted honor and respect, a flag is dipped. When troops parade before a sovereign or other reviewing officer, the regimental flags are lowered as they salute superiors. A flag flying at half-mast is the universal symbol of mourning. The white flags are universally used as a flag of truce.
The color and designs of national flags are not arbitrarily selected but rather stem from the history, culture, or religion of the particular country. Many flags can be traced to a common origin, and such 'flag families' are often linked both by a common tradition and by geography. In the Middle East, the predominance of Islam has generally influenced flags to been comprised of the four traditional Muslim colors of red, white, green, and black. Many of these flags use one or several of these colors in the tricolor format along with some emblem.
The black color in the Afghan flag is derived from the Prophet Mohammed's (PBUH) time. Black was the color of Prophet Mohammed's (PBUH) banner. The flag was heroically carried and hoisted into the battles, from the 822 AD to 1022 AD (2nd to 4th century Hijri).
According to Ghobar (1963), the black flag was raised again by Abu Muslim Khorasani in 746 AD in the city of Marwa. Khorasani was a General and leader who rose through the ranks in the ancient land of Afghanistan, Khorasan. Abu Muslim, dressed in black attire, led the revolutionary movement for people's independence and an end to taxation without representation in Khorasan. Abu Muslim declared himself Shahan-shah Khorasan in reward for his services to the Abbasid caliph. The Abbasid dynasty still depended on him to keep order because Abu Muslim had the support of the inhabitants of Khorasan. This movement changed the base for influence in the Islamic World. The base became international, emphasizing membership in the community of Muslim believers rather than Arab nationality. The black color symbolized the struggle for independence and the Muslim guardians in the Abbasid era in 746 AD (129 Hijri).
From the 9th century until the 10th century, the Ghaznavid era took root on present-day Afghanistan. Ghaznavid power reached its zenith during Sultan Mahmud's reign. During this period, the palace of Lashkari Bazar near Lashkar Gah just north of Qalah-e Bust, Kandahar was built. The famous poet Ferdowsi (d.1020 AD) completed his epic Book of Kings (Shahnama) at the court of Sultan Mahmud in the year 1010. During this period, the color red became the standard color of the Ghaznavid Civilization. This strong culture continued where Abu Muslim Khorasani left off. He forged an empire that stretched from the Oxus to the Indus Valley and the Indian Ocean; in the west, he captured most of Persia and eventually encapsulated North Africa and the Middle East. The Ghaznavid's influenced the inhabitants of what is referred to as Pakistan to embrace Islam. A devout Muslim, Mahmud expanded the frontiers of the Islamic World. The red color came to represent the blood of the martyrs of Islam and the valor of the brave ghazis (fighters/warriors).
According to Sadat, Ahmad Shah Baba, for the united government of Afghanistan, chose a national insignia representative of a sword, a star, and ears of corn which were also included in the flag of Afghanistan (3). The ears of corn are symbolic of the agricultural nature of Afghanistan. Moreover, the two ears of corn are symbolic of the first Loya Jirga in 1747. It was then that all the various tribes united and chose Ahmad Shah Baba as their first formal Afghan leader. The famous dervish, Saber Shah Kabuli, crowned the ears of corn upon his head to signal the prosperity of his reign.
About a century later, among the Ghazis and other heroes lays the stories of brave women such as Malalai. In today's political atmosphere, where women are treated as property the achievements of women like Malalai must be noted. Her patriotism and struggle were exemplified during the Battle of Maiwand on July 29, 1879, where the victorious Afghans led by Sardar Ayub Khan ensured victory over the British forces. Throughout the midst of shelling and warfare, Malalai stood firm and kept the red flag of war aloft to the last minute until success was declared. The red has come to symbolize the lives and sacrifices of brave warriors for the preservation of their motherland and religion.
After the expulsion of British colonialism, Afghans hoisted again the green color. It represented a new beginning and was the color of the Prophet's turban. The color green has an even deeper meaning in our history of the land. During a Naw-Bahar (early spring), a tradition dating back to the Aryana civilization, a green flag would be flown to commemorate the season. Green symbolizes vegetation, lushness, and prosperity. Besides this tradition, green has become a favorite color in the Islamic world noticeable in many nations' flags.
Similar to the color of the flag, there have existed many emblems. In the course of history, the emblems have assumed various shapes and forms. Lions are often referred to as the king of the animal kingdom; therefore, many civilizations adopted that animal as their emblem.
Five thousand years ago in present-day Afghanistan, the first flag for a formal government belonged to King Yama. According to historical texts, this flag is referred to as Darafsh-Aryana. The first capital of the Aryan civilization was in Balkh, known then as Bukhd or Bukhdis. This city was symbolic of a united culture and enlightenment. The ancient flags were comprised of peacock feathers with the sun as their emblem. Ahmad Shah Baba and his Abdali descendants symbolized this heritage by using peacock as ornaments on their crown. Legends describe the beautiful high flags flown from the city's lofty towers.
According to ancient Dari folklore tales, there exist legends regarding Kawa-e Hadad (the leather flag of a Blacksmith) which resembled a flag. Many poems and poets such as Ferdowsi have written interesting books and articles regarding Kawa-e Hadad. Kawa-e Hadad is a symbol of the resistance movement against the corrupt King Zahak. Kawa is a leather-material used to generate air with it for the refreshment of the fire so that the metal becomes hot and can be smelted. A famous blacksmith raised his Kawa, as a form of a flag, to lead the resistance against Zahak who wanted to sacrifice the blacksmith's son. The other inhabitants of the city allied themselves with the blacksmith and this movement were so successful that it dethroned an evil king. Later on, this Kawa or leather flag used by the blacksmith came to be globally known as Darafsh-e Kawiani.
A settlement existed at Balkh as early as 500 BC, and the town was visited by the Greeks, the Turks, Kushans, and Arabs. During the 8th century, Balkh became the capital of Khorasan. At the time of the Abbasids and Samanids, Balkh earned its name as capital and center of learning earned it the title Mother of Cities (Umm al-Bilad). This city produced was the birthplace of Maulana Jalaluddin Balkhi (Rumi). Unfortunately, like many of us, Maulana's had to migrate because of the region pillaged by the Mongol invaders under Ghengis Khan in 1220.
In the 19th century AD (13th century Hijri), the state emblem appeared as a minbar (pulpit) under an arch on a flag. It is from the pulpit that the faithful are led to the right path, the path leading to salvation, justice, and freedom. This emblem was symbolized of worship and faith among Muslims in Afghanistan. In modern times, since about 1890, the state emblem has been a stylized picture of an open mosque with a praying mihrab (a mark in the wall of a mosque) and pulpit. This is the constant reminder of the influence of Islam because the mihrabs of mosques always point towards Mecca, the direction in which all Muslims pray. The pulpit and the arch are representative of Islam.
After a study of various flags used in different eras of Afghan history, the flag was again augmented to fulfill the patriotic needs of the Afghan people. In the early part of this century, a Loya Jirga (Grand Assembly) convened in 1928 after Shah Amanullah Ghazi's tour of Europe chose to add to the existing national flag three vertical fringes, a wreath of wheat, a rising sun, and a star; to the foot some snowy mountains and a tape with the inscriptions "Afghanistan."
The wreath of wheat (two ears of corn) symbolizes agriculture and refers to the tradition that one of the army officers, Ahmad Shah Baba, was chosen monarch in 1747 at a tribal council and crowned with such a wreath by the famous dervish Kabuli. The sunrays resemble the old name of Afghanistan, Khorasan meaning, "land of the rising sun." It symbolizes freedom and promises a new bright future.
Subsequent national flags also included a cogwheel and an open book. The cogwheel was chosen for its symbolism of the forthcoming industrialization; the open book represented the Holy Quran and knowledge of the past and future to come. Also, the prior mentioned colors green, red, and black were incorporated into a tricolor flag. The tricolor flag took the shape of black, red, and green vertical stripes. Shah Amanullah Ghazi led Afghanistan to independence in 1919 and similarly raised the first nationally independent flag since the mid-1800's century. The arms and colors designed appealed to the patriotic and religious sentiments of the Afghan people.
After Muhammad Nadir Khan was proclaimed king in 1933 through his comrade-in-arms, the Amani flag was restored, the old shield was included, as a concession to those in favor of tradition and the return of Shah Amanullah Ghazi to the throne. Contrary to the prior mentioned approach, Nadir Khan did change the color of the royal flag. The royal flag which was the color black since the days of Dost Muhammad Khan changed to red during Nadir Khan's reign.
On September 2, 1947, the Independence of Pashtunistan was proclaimed, although this was never realized during the decolonization of British India. The provisional flag symbolic of this movement was a red flag with inscriptions "Pashtunistan" or "Pashtunistan Zindabad" (Long Live Pashtunistan). The flag was comprised in a diagonal or semicircular form. This Pashtunistan issue reached its peak in 1955. At that time, Afghan protesters stormed Pakistan's Embassy in Kabul, as well as, the Consulates in Jalalabad and Kandahar. The demonstrators expressed their sentiments towards Pakistan's policies by incinerating their flag. Almost forty years later, the conflict with Pakistan reopened old wounds, and in 1994 this act was repeated in Kabul.
President Muhammad Daud changed the tricolor pattern to a horizontal shape in 1973, and the national insignia was modified to contain ears of corn, pulpit, and sunrays. More impressive than any of these changes was the re-introduction of the eagle into the flag. According to Lawrence Keppie, The Making of the Roman Army, "Marius [Gaius Marius, a Roman General] is also credited with making the eagle the legion's first standard, and a focus of loyalty and affection." In ancient times, the emblems often bore a resemblance to lions and eagles. The lion was widely used as a symbol of strength and courage, and the eagle was often used to signify powerful, swift, high flying, and graceful flight, and keen vision. Eagles are representative emblems of the original Aryan Civilization.
The Aryans lived in the high mountainous areas of the region where their foremost animal companions were the beautiful eagles. In ancient legends told throughout Afghanistan, the eagle has had a sovereign place in society. In those times when a tribe chose their leader or when tribes chose a king; they would gather at a place and let the eagle take flight. Whoever's shoulder or head the eagle perched on would be designated as their rightful leader. There is also an Afghan saying regarding good luck: Oqab-e padshahi bar sarash nishasta ast (A royal eagle has perched on his/her head). Moreover, the eagle is said to represent the legendary bird that brought a crown for the first king of Afghanistan, Yama.
In the twentieth century, the Afghan flag took slightly different shapes; however, it still contained significant commonalities. The colors of the flag were usually interpreted as standing for progress from the dark times of the past sacrifices to prosperity. Black stood for the past flags, red for the bloodshed of heroes for independence, and green is symbolic of the Islamic faith and hope in the future. Although the exact form of the flag has been changed several times, these colors are recognized as the national color.
The myths, legends, and historical incidents concerning the Afghan flag and the emblems, therefore, present a variety of cultural riches. The liberation of the people of Khorasan and the dawn of a new day is represented by the rising sun. The flag has contained in its coat of arms such ears of corn and eagles remind the Afghan people of their heritage and their honorable roots. The Holy Quran, mihrab, mosque, and minbar are seen as emblems of religious enlightenment and faith as they indicate the direction of Mecca.
During the summer of 1992, the government handed over the administration of the country to an exiled provisional government located in Pakistan. As of June 5, 1992, the new rulers of Kabul had not yet altered the official flag. In the opening parade of the 1992 Olympic Games in Barcelona, Spain, the Afghan delegation paraded with the legal flag consecrated by the Constitution of 1987. In the past decade, After 1992, the Afghan flag has changed so much that experts have gone so far as awarding the title, "Most Changed Flag of the 20th Century" to the Afghan flag.
According to Talocci (1982), flags are an everyday object, yet the vast majority of people are quite ignorant of them. While most individuals can recognize a half dozen national flags, generally little or nothing is known of their history, symbolism, or usage. Adults, as well as children, are attracted by the bright colors and motion of flags. Rarely there is consideration given to why flags are used or what they mean. The flag is a reminder of lost territories, of patriot heroes, of hopes for a better future, of the promises of religions and political systems, of the sanctity of the ways of past generations. The American Revolution of 1775-1783 and the French Revolution of 1789 in large part created the modern sense of citizen participation in the formation of the nation which nowadays we take for granted (pages 7-8).
The flag was based on the will of the Afghan people in both religious and national tradition relative to the history of the land. Throughout history, the Afghan flag has represented sanctity for those seeking refuge in it, national liberation from oppression, and was always designed by aspirations from environmental and philosophical symbols.
The existence of Afghanistan's national flag has not easily been handed to its citizens who have sacrificed themselves for their people. Therefore, individuals' loyalties and allegiances to their homeland should surpass other individualistic or sectarian interests. Furthermore, under Chapter 1, Article 1, of the United Nations' Charter, Afghanistan must be allowed to regain its "self-determination" from exploitative neighboring and regional countries.
Chronology of the Century's Past Flags of the past century. 
Afghanistan was awarded "Most Changed Flag of the 20th Century".
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1901-1919: Black field with a central white emblem of mosque, flags, and wreath. 
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1919 - September 1928: Same, except central emblem surrounded by an eight-pointed sunburst. 
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September 1928 - January1929: Vertical black, red, green. Central white emblem of mountains, sun, wreath, topped by a star.
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January 1929 - October 1929: red, black, and white tricolor.
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October 1929-1933: Same three-striped field, but using earlier emblem used periodically between 1901-1928 surrounded by a sunburst. 
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1933-1973: Same three-striped field, central white emblem of mosque, flags, and wreath.
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July 1973 - April 1978: Horizontal field, lower half-green, the upper half is black over red. The emblem in the upper hoist of eagle, pulpit, wreath, sunburst. Designed by Youssef Kohzad for Sardar Daoud Khan. 
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April 1978 - December 1979: Red Field with a gold emblem in upper hoist consisting of script characters saying "Khalq" (Masses Party), wreath, and star. 
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January 1980 - November 1987: Three equal horizontal stripes of black over red over green. The multicolor emblem in the upper hoist of pulpit, book, wreath, sunburst, topped by cogwheel and a star. 
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November1987 - April 1992: Same as previous, but emblem lacks book and a red star. Also, the cogwheel was relocated to the bottom and the green "horizon" below the sunburst is now curved. 
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April 1992 - December 1992: Three equal horizontal stripes of green, white, black with white text on green stripe saying Allah Akbar (God is Great) and black text on white stripe saying the Shahadat. 
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December 1992 - August 1996: Same three stripes with a golden emblem similar to past flags centered in the middle. 
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1996 - 2001: The flag (at least initially) was a plain white banner, later incorporated the inscriptions of the Shahadat in the center. 
Barraclough, E.M. (1978). Flags of the World. London: Frederick Warne.
Fruhlinger, J. (1996). Etymology of Vexillological Terminology." FOTW Flags Of The World Website. http://fotw.digibel.be/flags/flagetym.html
Ghobar, G.M. (1963). Afghanistan dar Massir-e Tarikh. Kabul. P. 77.
Sadat, M.E. (1998). Afghanistan sar Zamim Hamasa wa Fajaha. Germany. P.3.
By Mir Hekmatullah Sadat 
Mir Hekmatullah Sadat has a BA from the University of California, Irvine and an MA the California State University, Fullerton, and a PhD at Claremont Graduate University. 
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twatd · 6 years
6,000 Years of Murder – Part Four: There Goes the Neighbourhood
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Tim: The Wicked + The Divine #36 finally gave us a definitive list of every damn Recurrence that has occurred since Ananke first started exploding heads, so we thought we’d take a walk through the annals of history and provide some context for what was happening at the time. Welcome to 6,000 Years of Murder.
In this entry, we hit the halfway mark in our voyage through history, as we found a modern religion, celebrate the most baller of all the Pharaohs and watch thousands of years of progress get flushed into the Mediterranean Sea... 
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1657BC – North America It’s time for another one of our rare pre-Columbian trips to North America, and around this point, that means we’re probably in the area of modern-day Louisiana, checking out some mounds. The Poverty Point culture (an unfortunate name, but historians are a cruel and unusual lot) were a group of indigenous peoples who occupied the lower Mississippi Valley from around 2200BC to 700BC, building settlements in over a hundred sites and creating a large trading network throughout what is now the eastern United States. Mainly hunter-gatherers, they are descended from the tribes that passed through Wrangel Island and down into the continental US.
This time would have been the peak of Poverty Point culture, with work on their eponymous largest settlement just beginning. It would go on to take up 910 acres, and has been described as the “largest and most complex Late Archaic earthwork occupation and ceremonial site found in North America”. Exactly what Poverty Point was used for is heavily debated – some think it was a settlement or trading centre, while others point to its concentric rings of semi-circular mounds as suggesting a ceremonial function.
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1565BC – Northern China Our last trip to Northern China saw the Xia dynasty emerging around Erlitou and the Yellow River. As we check back in, the Xia are on their way out, about to be replaced by the Shang dynasty, who will rule for around 600 years. The Shang provide us with some of our first examples of Chinese writing, and oversaw several important developments, including large-scale production of bronze; a foundation of a powerful standing military; artistic works in jade, bone and ceramic; and the construction of large walled palace complexes.
The Shang are the earliest dynasty we have concrete archaeological evidence for, with earlier dynasties existing in the weird space between oral history and folklore. Not only do we have evidence, but we have accounts of the Shang in classic Chinese literature like the Book of Documents, the Bamboo Annals and the Records of the Great Historians (although these were all written at least 1,000 years later). Sidenote: the Chinese remain great at naming things.
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1473BC – Northern Indus Valley Our old friend the Indus Valley Civilisation is no more, I’m afraid. It dissipated around 200 years back, when consistent drought and aridification made agriculture more difficult, and urban settlements became harder to support. As it broke up, the people of the Indus Valley Civilisation scattered. Many headed east, while others remained, mingling with incoming Indo-European and Indo-Iranian tribes. For the next 1,000 years or so, the Indus Valley will return to a more tribal, pastoral model without a strong urban centre.
However, who needs an urban centre when you’ve got RELIGION?! Not just any religion, either – this time is known as the Vedic period, because it’s when the four central texts of Hinduism will be written, starting around this time with the Rigveda, a collection of 1,028 Sanskit hymns and 10,600 verses. Discussing cosmology, the nature of god and the virtues of charity, the Rigveda is one of the oldest extant texts in any Indo-European language, and a cornerstone of a religion that boasts 1.15bn followers today. If we’re trying to correlate Persephone fighting back with particularly momentous periods in history, the Vedic period – despite being largely pastoral – certainly qualifies.
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1381BC – Central America It’s Central America. There’s a big head in the background. It must be OLMEC TIME. One of the earliest known major civilisations in Mesoamerica, the Olmecs were found in the tropical lowlands of south-central Mexico, in the modern-day states of Veracruz and Tabasco, between 1500BC and around 400BC. As the first major culture to emerge in the area, the Olmecs sort of set the template for civilisations that would follow in the area, and while that template included a complex writing system, the concept of zero, advanced calendars and a great ballgame, it also involved ritual bloodletting and, quite possibly, human sacrifice.
Let’s talk about the big heads. No known pre-Columbian texts explain their origin or purpose, and while only 17 have been unearthed to date, they have become a well-recognised symbol of the Olmecs. Once theorised to be popular ballplayers, they are now generally accepted to be portraits of rulers, although possibly dressed as ballplayers, like when Putin rides around shirtless on a horse. No two heads are alike, and they were carved from huge single blocks or boulders of volcanic basalt, with the finished products ranging in size from 4'10″ to 11' tall. Those are some big-ass heads.
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1289BC – Egypt Oh Egypt, we couldn’t stay away too long, especially when you’ve been so busy. The Middle Kingdom is long over and it’s time for the New Kingdom. See if you can recognise some of the names that have come and gone while we were away. Amenhotep. Nefertiti. Tutankhamen. But if they weren’t important enough to bring us back, what could possible be around the corner? It’s only ya boi Ramesses II, aka Ramesses the Great, aka Ozymandias, Great Ancestor, king of kings, the greatest, most celebrated and most powerful pharoah of the Egyptian civilisation.
The 19th Dynasty has just begun in Egypt, and at age 14, Ramesses has been appointed Prince Regent by his father, Seti I. Within 10 years, he’ll have taken the throne, and he’ll reign for around 70 years. During that time, he’ll engage in countless military campaigns, retaking territory from the Nubians and Hittites. He’ll also sign the first recorded peace treaty, oversee a period of unprecedented construction throughout Egypt, and move the capital from Thebes to a new city named after himself that includes huge temples and a zoo. Microscopic inspection of his mummified body, which was originally buried in the Valley of the Kings, suggests he was a redhead, adding to his similarities to Cheryl Blossom.
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1197BC – Hattusa We’ve mentioned that Ramesses II was going to war with the Hittites – what’s their deal? Well, at this point, their kingdom is in decline, following a lengthy war with Egypt and the rise of the Assyrian Empire. But at their height in the mid-14th century BC, they encompassed Anatolia (aka modern day Turkey), Upper Mesopotamia, the Levant and chunks of modern day Egypt. The capital city Hattusa is located in central Anatolia, surrounded by rich agricultural lands and small woods that provided wheat, barley, lentils and timber, as well as grazing lands for sheep.
During the reign of the most successful Hittite monarch, Suppiluliuma I (circa 1344-1322 BC), large walls were erected around the city that are still visible today. The city had an inner and outer section, with the inner area occupied by a citadel with large administrative buildings, temples and a royal residence, all decorated with elaborate reliefs depicting warriors, sphinxes and lions. Unfortunately, just as Ananke perfects her force field, here comes the Bronze Age Collapse, which will result in much of the city being abandoned and falling into ruin.
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1106BC – Greece That long mix of a fart noise and a scream you can hear is the Late Bronze Age collapse. In between 1200-1150BC, the area surrounding the Mediterranean  undergoes huge upheaval, shifting from the city-state and palace economy that has characterised the region back to small isolated villages. Wave goodbye to the Mycenaean Greeks (who just won the Trojan War finally), the Kassites in Babylon, the Hittites and the Egyptian Empire. In a 50-year span, almost every major city between Pylos in Greece and Gaza in the Levant will be violently destroyed.
What the hell caused all this chaos? There are a variety of theories, including climate change, drought, a volcanic eruption, changes in warfare, the rise of the Iron Age and a general systems collapse that encompasses all these things plus untenable population growth and soil degradation. Whatever the cause, the result is a complete shift in terms of power in the area. While Assyria and Elam will survive past the main period of collapse, they too soon shrink and fade. The Iranian people from Central Asia and the Eurasian Steppe will travel southeast, displacing the Kassites and Hurrians to become the Persian Empire, while following the Greek Dark Ages, this area will eventually re-emerge into the Classical Greek period with its many steps and columns.
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1014BC – Central China While the Middle East is wondering what the hell happened, China is continuing to kick ass and take names. The Shang dynasty has come to an end, and been replaced by the Zhou dynasty, which will last longer than any other period of Chinese history, from 1046 to around 250BC. The period will see Chinese bronzeware-making at its peak, and the written Chinese script evolve from a very basic form to something close to its modern version. The Zhou dynasty is often compared to feudal Europe, with a complex system of peerage ranks and intensive agriculture carried out by serfs on land owned by nobles.
The first half of the Zhou dynasty is called Western Zhou, and begins with King Wu of Zhou overthrowing the Shangs at the Battle of Muye. Wu died shortly after and, with his son too young to rule, his brother the Duke of Zhou took command, stamping out civil wars and rebellions, conquering more territory and establishing the Mandate of Heaven, a sort of two-for-one sale that combines the divine right of kings with manifest destiny. All this upheaval and authoritarian rule is clearly approved by Ananke, who has perfected her Double Click Technique when it comes to taking out Persephones.
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Automotive Composites Market Analysis, Trends, Top Manufacturers, Share, Growth, Statistics, Opportunities and Forecast to 2029
Sales of automotive composites are directly correlated to automotive production and vehicle parc. Despite fluctuating economic conditions in the recent past, on an average, the global automotive market has observed reasonable growth. Efforts to reduce the weight of vehicular components will increase, thereby providing substantial opportunities for the growth of automotive composites market.
The global automotive composites market is estimated at US$ 7.4 Bn in 2019, and is projected to grow at a moderate rate during the forecast period.
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Key Takeaways from Global Automotive Composites Market
Glass fiber has been observed to be the most preferred composite material in the automotive industry, owing to low cost and high structural strength.
Demand for high-performance automotive vehicles is increasing across the globe, along with the growing demand for emission control. As a result, manufacturers are focusing on using advanced composite materials due to the high temperature generating components that are required.
The demand for passenger cars has seen a surge in regions such as India and China. This is expected to further increase the demand for automotive composites in the coming years.
Natural fibers are also gaining popularity in the designing and manufacturing of door panels, seat backs, bolsters, and load floor, among others.
Most automakers have started to position and re-brand their respective car models with aesthetic and stylish interior features, which demands the increased adoption of lightweight automotive composites.
While the demand for automotive composites is primarily driven by elevated automotive production, the trend of lightweight components in the aftermarket will further increase inclination towards automotive composites.
Automotive Composites Market Participants
The market for automotive composite has remained competitive, with the presence of giant players with expertise in advanced manufacturing technologies. In order to sustain in the global automotive composites market in the long run, product development is the key growth strategy being adopted by market participants. Launching advanced products that provide numerous operational benefits, and at the same time complying with existing emission norms and other regulations in the market, will help market players maintain product differentiation and strengthen their presence in the global automotive composites market.
Some of the key participants mentioned in the automotive composites market report are Mitsubishi Chemical, Teijin Limited, SGL Carbon SE, Solvay Group (Cytec Solvay Group), and Holding Toray Industries Inc.
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The global automotive composites market is segmented into five segments in detail to cover every aspect of the market and present a complete market intelligence approach in front of the reader.
Glass Fiber Composite
Natural Fiber Composite
Carbon Fiber Composite
Aramid Fiber Composite
Power Train
Engine Components
Vehicle Type
Straight Trucks
Dump Trucks/Garbage Trucks
Fire Trucks
North America
Latin America
Western Europe
Eastern Europe
South East Asia & Pacific
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Future Market Insights (FMI) is a leading provider of market intelligence and consulting services, serving clients in over 150 countries. FMI is headquartered in Dubai, the global financial capital, and has delivery centers in the U.S. and India. FMI’s latest market research reports and industry analysis help businesses navigate challenges and make critical decisions with confidence and clarity amidst breakneck competition. Our customized and syndicated market research reports deliver actionable insights that drive sustainable growth. A team of expert-led analysts at FMI continuously tracks emerging trends and events in a broad range of industries to ensure that our clients prepare for the evolving needs of their consumers.
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decesionforesight · 3 years
Global Hot Melt Adhesives Market
Global Hot Melt Adhesives Market: Industry Perspective, COVID-19 Impact Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Segment, Trends and Forecast, 2030
The Global Hot Melt Adhesives Market held USD 7.0 billion in 2020 and is expected to grow with a CAGR of 5.0%. All sectors have relied on Materials and Chemicals to keep their manufacturing lines stocked with raw materials. Because of the critical significance of this business, we have a compelling need to comprehend its influence on the global economy. As urban environments evolve at breakneck speed, the sector has seen a spike in demand for specialty chemicals and diverse types of materials.A chemical compound is a separate substance or combination that has been created or refined intentionally, whereas a material is a compound that is used to make more complicated materials. Chemicals, both organic and inorganic in origin, are the fundamental components of many materials. Ceramics, adhesives, metals, composites, polymers, and glasses are all common materials. Chemicals and materials are used in a wide range of end-use sectors, including automotive, power and energy, agriculture, food and drinks, instrumentation, consumer products, aerospace and military, healthcare, and information technology. The market for chemicals and materials is vast.
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Market Dynamics and Factors:
To reduce the negative impact of chemical manufacture on the environment, chemical firms are progressively embracing sustainable and environmentally friendly procedures. Chemical businesses may now create chemical goods using alternative fuels because of advancements in technology and chemical sciences. They use carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to make fuels, industrial goods, and other chemicals.For some years from now the pharmaceutical, nutrition, and hygiene industries will likely trend upward, while the automobile, construction, and consumer industries will likely trend lower. With a renewed focus on broadening product portfolios, end-user applications have become the major focus for most chemical firms, and they may take advantage of the current crisis to make product portfolio adjustments. Chemical businesses may consider aligning their product strategy with market movements, prioritising demand, and leveraging existing and near-term trends to profit on new sources of demand, such as hygiene goods and services such as antibacterial coatings. The rapid economic expansion in nations like India and China has driven demand for infrastructure and building, which has resulted in an increase in the number of infrastructural development operations. As a result, the chemicals and materials industry has a very favourable environment to expand in.
Market Segmentation:
Based on the type,  the Global Hot Melt Adhesives Market is segmented into ethylene vinyl acetate,polyamides, styrenic block copolymers, amorphous polyalphaolefins, polyolefins, polyurethane, metallocene polyolefin, and others. On the basis of application, the market is segmented into the paper and book binding, construction, packaging, furniture, footwear, non-woven/hygiene, electronics, automotive. Considering  the geography, the global hot melt adhesives market is divided into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and RoW.
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Geographic Analysis:
On a regional basis, The United States accounted for the biggest proportion of the Materials & chemicals market in North America. The country's speciality chemical industry is being boosted by rapid industrial growth and technical developments in the industrial sector.Asia-Pacific accounted for one-third of total market share, the highest among all regions. This is due to the presence of important emerging economies in this region, such as China, India, and Japan, which accounted for the largest share of the materials & chemicals market. Paints and coatings, water treatment, personal care products and cosmetics, electronics, agriculture, and other chemicals & materials are largely utilised in the Asia-Pacific area. For foreign investors, these locations provide excellent investment prospects. 
In Asia, China is the largest market for specialty chemicals.Value chains are rapidly moving eastward, driven by economic development and commercial possibilities in Asia, posing significant difficulties for the European chemical sector. State-controlled players and rising chemical behemoths are developing in a new, more competitive environment. In order to manage volatility on a playing field where trade flows change direction gradually, fragile economic circumstances must be managed. Understanding these difficulties and, more significantly, developing the best strategic alternatives to succeed in this new competitive climate, are at the top of any chemical executive's priority list.The MEA speciality chemicals market is being driven by the revival of the oil and gas sector, expanding agrochemical consumption in African countries, and increasing building activities for the creation of new industrial facilities, commercial centres, and housing projects.
The key players dominating the world global hot melt adhesives market  are 
Exxon Mobil, 
H.B. Fuller, 
Henkel AG, 
Hexcel Corporation, 
Tex Year Industries, 
Beardow Adams, 
Dow Dupont, 
Heartland Adhesives, 
How will this Market Intelligence Report Benefit You?
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100+ charts exploring and analysing the Global Hot Melt Adhesives Market from critical angles including retail forecasts, consumer demand, production and more
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Magnesium Peroxide Market - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth Trends, and Forecast 2018 - 2026
Magnesium Peroxide Market: Overview
Magnesium peroxide (MgO2) is an off-white colored, odorless fine powder. Magnesium peroxide is similar to calcium peroxide, as it too releases oxygen by breaking down at controlled rate when in contact with water. Commercially, magnesium peroxide exists as a compound of magnesium hydroxide and magnesium peroxide.
Commercial production of magnesium peroxide involves mixing of hydrogen peroxide with a light grade of magnesium oxide. The slurry of this mixture is then dried. The final product of the reaction is a white powder which contains around 25% magnesium peroxide and 7% active oxygen. The remaining components are magnesium hydroxide, magnesium carbonate, and magnesium oxide.
Industrially, magnesium peroxide can be produced by reacting magnesium oxide with hydrogen peroxide to generate magnesium peroxide and water. The final product synthesized through this process contains magnesium peroxide with no more than 50% of the composition. One other industrial production process involving magnesium hydroxide can generate a yield that contains upto 60% of magnesium peroxide in the final product.
Magnesium peroxide is not a naturally occurring compound. It is also not known for its persistence in the environment for extended time period, as a bio-accumulate or in its complete state.
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Magnesium Peroxide Market: Key Segments
Based on application, the magnesium peroxide market can be segmented into chemical, agriculture, bleaching, wastewater treatment, and others. Magnesium peroxide is used as source of oxygen. Magnesium peroxide slowly decomposes and releases oxygen when it reacts with water. This function as an oxygen source is utilized in industries such as agriculture. Magnesium peroxide is also used for sanitation purposes, as a source of oxygen, for aerobic organisms in the treatment and disposal of biological waste. Magnesium peroxide is added to the compost piles or soil to boost the microbial activities to reduce odors produced in the process, as decomposition of hydrocarbons in soil is faster in aerobic conditions.
Magnesium Peroxide Market: Drivers & Restrains
It is also used as soil bioremediation to decontaminate the soil. It improves metabolism and soil quality to help plants grow. Use of magnesium peroxide as a decontaminant also reduces contaminants in groundwater. This function is utilized in industries such as agriculture and aquaculture.
Magnesium peroxide is also used in hydraulic fluids that are used in the extraction process of shale gas. It is used as a destruction agent for polymers utilized in the extraction process as it generates magnesium hydroxide. Magnesium hydroxide is a naturally occurring compound in soil.
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Magnesium Peroxide Market: Regional Outlook
Based on geographies, the magnesium peroxide market can be divided into North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Middle East & Africa. China, Russia, and Turkey are key producers of magnesium peroxide. Asia Pacific dominated the global magnesium peroxide market in 2017. China continues to dominate the magnesium peroxide market as the leading producer and global exporter of magnesium peroxide. Following Asia Pacific, Europe is one of the key regions of the magnesium peroxide market, with major demand in the region coming from Western Europe and CIS countries. Demand from Latin America is expected to lesser than that from Middle East & Africa.
As magnesium oxide is a key element in the production of magnesium peroxide, the consumption patterns of magnesium oxide across the globe plays an important role in determining the overall magnesium peroxide marke. Large mineral deposits of magnesite are located in China, North Korea, and Russia. China was a leading producer of magnesium oxide from natural magnesite. It accounted for around 64% of the total production magnesium oxide in 2016. Abundant presence of magnesite deposits in China resulted in high domestic production of magnesium compounds in the country originating from this natural ore.
Magnesium Peroxide Market: Key Players
Key players operating in the magnesium peroxide market include Solvay, Arkema Group, and Evonik.
This study by TMR is all-encompassing framework of the dynamics of the market. It mainly comprises critical assessment of consumers' or customers' journeys, current and emerging avenues, and strategic framework to enable CXOs take effective decisions.
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Our key underpinning is the 4-Quadrant Framework EIRS that offers detailed visualization of four elements:
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The study strives to evaluate the current and future growth prospects, untapped avenues, factors shaping their revenue potential, and demand and consumption patterns in the global market by breaking it into region-wise assessment.
The following regional segments are covered comprehensively:
North America
Asia Pacific
Latin America
The Middle East and Africa
Companies in the Magnesium Peroxide market have increasingly shifted gears with wide application of digital technology across the continuum, from raw material sourcing to manufacturing to generation of final output, to warehousing to final distribution operations. Among the various affects, the market is witnessing new growth economics due to thinning of line between specialty and commodity businesses that are associated with the larger ecosystem. At the same time, new growth parameters are being vigorously being debated as industry stakeholders put greater emphasis on the circular economy processes.
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koreaunderground · 3 years
(1994/10/09) C.I.A. Spent Millions to Support Japanese Right in 50's and 60's
  [1]: <https://www.nytimes.com/1994/10/09/world/cia-spent-millions-to-support-japanese-right-in-50-s-and-60-s.html?pagewanted=all>
# C.I.A. Spent Millions to Support Japanese Right in 50's and 60's
Tim Weiner
13-16 minutes
* * *
 * Oct. 9, 1994
In a major covert operation of the cold war, the Central Intelligence Agency spent millions of dollars to support the conservative party that dominated Japan's politics for a generation.
The C.I.A. gave money to the Liberal Democratic Party and its members in the 1950's and the 1960's, to gather intelligence on Japan, make the country a bulwark against Communism in Asia and undermine the Japanese left, said retired intelligence officials and former diplomats. Since then, the C.I.A. has dropped its covert financial aid and focused instead on gathering inside information on Japan's party politics and positions in trade and treaty talks, retired intelligence officers said.
The Liberal Democrats' 38 years of one-party governance ended last year when they fell from power after a series of corruption cases -- many involving secret cash contributions. Still the largest party in Japan's parliament, they formed an awkward coalition in June with their old cold war enemies, the Socialists -- the party that the C.I.A.'s aid aimed in part to undermine.
Though the C.I.A.'s financial role in Japanese politics has long been suspected by historians and journalists, the Liberal Democrats have always denied it existed, and the breadth and depth of the support has never been detailed publicly. Disclosure of the covert aid could open old wounds and harm the Liberal Democrats' credibility as an independent voice for Japanese interests. The subject of spying between allies has always been sensitive.
The C.I.A. did not respond to an inquiry. In Tokyo, Katsuya Muraguchi, director of the Liberal Democratic Party's management bureau, said he had never heard of any payments.
"This story reveals the intimate role that Americans at official and private levels played in promoting structured corruption and one-party conservative democracy in post-war Japan, and that's new," said John Dower, a leading Japan scholar at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. "We look at the L.D.P. and say it's corrupt and it's unfortunate to have a one-party democracy. But we have played a role in creating that misshapen structure."
Bits and pieces of the story are revealed in United States Government records slowly being declassified. A State Department document in the National Archives describes a secret meeting in a Tokyo hotel at which Eisaku Sato, a former Prime Minister of Japan, sought under-the-table contributions from the United States for the 1958 parliamentary election. A newly declassified C.I.A. history also discusses covert support sent that year.
But the full story remains hidden. It was pieced together through interviews with surviving participants, many well past 80 years old, and Government officials who described still-classified State Department documents explicitly confirming the Kennedy Administration's secret aid to the Liberal Democrats in the early 1960's.
The law requires the Government to publish, after 30 years, "all records needed to provide a comprehensive documentation of major foreign policy decisions and actions." Some State Department and C.I.A. officials say the Kennedy-era documents should stay secret forever, for fear they might disrupt Japan's coalition government or embarrass the United States. Other State Department officials say the law demands that the documents be unsealed. A Secret Operation That Succeeded
The C.I.A.'s help for Japanese conservatives resembled other cold war operations, like secret support for Italy's Christian Democrats. But it remained secret -- in part, because it succeeded. The Liberal Democrats thwarted their Socialist opponents, maintained their one-party rule, forged close ties with Washington and fought off public opposition to the United States' maintaining military bases throughout Japan.
One retired C.I.A. official involved in the payments said, "That is the heart of darkness and I'm not comfortable talking about it, because it worked." Others confirmed the covert support.
"We financed them," said Alfred C. Ulmer Jr., who ran the C.I.A.'s Far East operations from 1955 to 1958. "We depended on the L.D.P. for information." He said the C.I.A. had used the payments both to support the party and to recruit informers within it from its earliest days.
By the early 1960's, the payments to the party and its politicians were "so established and so routine" that they were a fundamental, if highly secret, part of American foreign policy toward Japan, said Roger Hilsman, head of the State Department's intelligence bureau in the Kennedy Administration.
"The principle was certainly acceptable to me," said U. Alexis Johnson, United States Ambassador to Japan from 1966 to 1969. "We were financing a party on our side." He said the payments continued after he left Japan in 1969 to become a senior State Department official.
The C.I.A. supported the party and established relations with many promising young men in the Japanese Government in the 1950's and 1960's. Some are today among the elder statesmen of Japanese politics.
Masaru Gotoda, a respected Liberal Democratic Party leader who entered parliament in the 1970's and who recently served as Justice Minister, acknowledged these contacts.
"I had a deep relationship with the C.I.A.," he said in an interview, referring to his years as a senior official in intelligence activities in the 1950's and 1960's. "I went to their headquarters. But there was nobody in an authentic Government organization who received financial aid." He would not be more explicit.
"Those C.I.A. people who were stationed in the embassy with legitimate status were fine," he said. "But there were also covert people. We did not really know all the activities they were conducting. Because they were from a friendly nation, we did not investigate deeply." Recruitment Was 'Sophisticated'
The recruitment of Japanese conservatives in the 1950's and 1960's was "a pretty sophisticated business," said one C.I.A. officer. "Quite a number of our officers were in touch with the L.D.P. This was done on a seat-by-seat basis" in the Japanese parliament. A second C.I.A. officer said the agency's contacts had included members of the Japanese cabinet.
As the C.I.A. supported the Liberal Democrats, it undermined their opponents. It infiltrated the Japan Socialist Party, which it suspected was receiving secret financial support from Moscow, and placed agents in youth groups, student groups and labor groups, former C.I.A. officers said.
Obstructing the Japanese opposition "was the most important thing we could do," one said.
The covert aid apparently ended in the early 1970's, when growing frictions over trade began to strain relations between the United States and Japan, and the growing wealth of Japan made the agency question the point of supporting politicians.
"By that time, they were self-financing," a former senior intelligence official said. But the agency used its longstanding relationships to establish a more traditional espionage operation in Japan.
"We had penetrations of all the cabinet agencies," said a C.I.A. officer based in Tokyo in the late 1970's and early 1980's. He said the agency also recruited a close aide to a prime minister and had such good contacts in the agriculture ministry that it knew beforehand what Japan would say in trade talks. "We knew the fallback positions" in talks over beef and citrus imports, he said. "We knew when the Japanese delegation would walk out."
Useful though it may have been, the inside information rarely gave American trade negotiators the upper hand with the Japanese. 'The Reverse Course' Of American Policy
The support for the Liberal Democrats had its origins in what some historians call "the reverse course" of American policy toward Japan after World War II.
>From 1945 to 1948, the American forces who occupied Japan purged the Government of the right-wing militarists who had led Japan into war. But by 1949, things had changed. China went Communist. The Soviet Union exploded its first atomic bomb. Washington was fighting Communism, not ferreting out rightists.
The American occupation forces freed accused war criminals like Nobusuke Kishi, later Japan's Prime Minister. Some of the rehabilitated politicians had close contacts with organized crime groups, known as yakuza. So did Yoshio Kodama, a political fixer and later a major C.I.A. contact in Japan who worked behind the scenes to finance the conservatives.
These politicians also drew support from a group of retired diplomats, businessmen and veterans of the Office of Strategic Services, the World War II precursor of the C.I.A. The group's leader was Eugene Dooman, an old Japan hand who quit the State Department in 1945 to promote "the reverse course."
During the Korean War, the Dooman group pulled off an audacious covert operation, bankrolled by the C.I.A.
Japanese conservatives needed money. The American military needed tungsten, a scarce strategic metal used for hardening missiles. "Somebody had the idea: Let's kill two birds with one stone," said John Howley, a New York lawyer and O.S.S. veteran who helped arrange the transaction but said he was unaware of the C.I.A.'s role in it.
So the Dooman group smuggled tons of tungsten from Japanese military officers' caches into the United States and sold it to the Pentagon for $10 million. The smugglers included Mr. Kodama and Kay Sugahara, a Japanese-American recruited by the O.S.S. from a internment camp in California during World War II.
The files of the late Mr. Sugahara \-- researched by the late Howard Schonberger, a University of Maine professor writing a book nearly completed when he died in 1991 -- described the operation in detail. They say the C.I.A. provided $2.8 million in financing for the tungsten operation, which reaped more than $2 million in profits for the Dooman group.
The group pumped the proceeds into the campaigns of conservatives during Japan's first post-occupation elections in 1953, Mr. Howley said in an interview. "We had learned in O.S.S., to accomplish a purpose, you had to put the right money in the right hands."
By 1953, with the American occupation over and the reverse course well under way, the C.I.A. began working with warring conservative factions in Japan. In 1955, these factions merged to form the Liberal Democratic Party.
The fact that money was available from the United States soon was known at the highest levels of the Japanese Government.
On July 29, 1958, Douglas MacArthur 2d, the general's nephew, who was then United States Ambassador in Tokyo, wrote to the State Department that Eisaku Sato, the Finance Minister, had asked the United States Embassy for money. Mr. Sato was Prime Minister of Japan from 1964 to 1972 and received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1974.
Ambassador MacArthur wrote that such requests from the Government of Prime Minister Nobusuke Kishi were nothing new. "Eisaku Sato, Kishi's brother, has tried to put the bite on us for financial help in fighting Communism," his letter said. "This did not come as a surprise to us, since he suggested the same general idea last year."
Mr. Sato was worried, an accompanying memo explained, because a secret slush fund established by Japanese companies to aid the L.D.P. was drained.
"Mr. Sato asked if it would not be possible for the United States to supply financial funds to aid the conservative forces in this constant struggle against Communism," the memo said. While it is unclear whether Mr. Sato's request was granted directly, a decision to finance the 1958 election campaign was discussed and approved by senior national security officials, according to recently declassified C.I.A. documents and former intelligence officers.
In an interview, Mr. MacArthur said the Socialists in Japan had their own secret funds from Moscow, a charge the left denied.
"The Socialist Party in Japan was a direct satellite of Moscow" in those years, he said. "If Japan went Communist it was difficult to see how the rest of Asia would not follow suit. Japan assumed an importance of extraordinary magnitude because there was no other place in Asia from which to project American power." A Close Call In 1976
In 1976, the secret payments were almost uncovered.
A United States Senate subcommittee discovered that Lockheed Corp., seeking lucrative aircraft contracts, had paid $12 million in bribes to Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka and the Liberal Democrats. The conduit was Mr. Kodama -- political fixer, tungsten smuggler and C.I.A. contact.
Then a retired C.I.A. officer living in Hawaii phoned in a startling tip.
"It's much, much deeper than just Lockheed," Jerome Levinson, the panel's staff director, recalls the C.I.A. man saying. "If you really want to understand Japan, you have to go back to the formation of the L.D.P. and our involvement in it."
Mr. Levinson said in an interview that his superiors rejected his request to pursue the matter.
"This was one of the most profound secrets of our foreign policy," he said. "This was the one aspect of our investigation that was put on hold. We got to Japan, and it really all just shut down."
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lightoftruth · 4 years
There should be no question now in spiritually attuned minds of Bible prophecy students. The principalities and powers in high places of Ephesians 6: 12 are in full throttle mode. They intend to use this presidential election theft to galvanize their one-world tower building effort.
Global warming didn’t do it. Following that lie, the climate change ruse hasn’t done it. Now, with more than four years of inflicting every sort of prevarication and coup d’état attempt by the globalist wickedness, they are all in for changing Planet Earth into their own Utopian concept. At the heart of that blueprint is the term we’ve heard over and over since the 2020 presidential campaign in the U.S. began.
The Great Reset is thrusting ahead into 2021, seemingly unstoppable while it threatens to pierce the fabric of culture and society the founding fathers wove together so carefully back in 1776. They have corrupted this God-blessed republic through fraud and deceit that is itself prophetic in nature (read Jesus’ first prophetic words as recorded in Matthew chapter 24). They have, with Lucifer-inspired cleverness, possibly put the political party and the presidential placeholder into office that will, when the blueprint is come to fruition, dissolve American sovereignty, tear down borders, and bring this nation’s great assets into the globalist coffers, just as has been their goal for decades.
I use the word “possibly” because as of this writing there remains room for the God who brought into existence this republic time to perform yet another miracle. –One like He performed in the 2016 presidential election, in my estimation.
And, certainly, it will take a miracle directly from Heaven. Prospects, from the human view of the way things are shaped at this time, are less than good that Mr. Trump will get a second term.
Thoughts of The Great Reset has all of the pundits on the other side positively giddy. –And that consists of the vast majority of those who make up America’s political, news media and business elite who anticipate Mr. Biden taking the oath of office on January 20.
While the following is more lengthy than the excerpts I prefer to include in commentaries, I thought this portion of a superb article on the matter of The Great Reset is something that will explain what the nation faces.
[A WEV video stated that] the brainchild of the World Economic Forum [WEV,] a globalist group of powerful Deep State elites that meets every year in the Swiss ski-resort town of Davos, is the “Great Reset” aims to fundamentally reengineer industries, societies, education, agriculture, relationships, and even human beings. Its advocates are openly saying as much, with WEF boss Klaus Schwab declaring that “all aspects of our societies and economies” need to be “revamped” Even “our thinking and behavior” will have to dramatically shift, he said. A WEF statement marketing the controversial scheme also calls for a “new social contract” centered on “social justice.”
“Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed,” added Schwab, calling for even “stronger and more effective” government, without explaining what might happen to those that refuse. “We must build entirely new foundations for our economic and social systems.” And there is no other choice but to submit, he and others declared.
In his book on COVID and the Great Re*set, Schwab also vowed that life would “never” return to “normal.” “The world as we knew it in the early months of 2020 is no more, dissolved in the context of the pandemic,” he said, adding that the looming changes are so huge that some are now speaking of “before coronavirus” (BC) and “after coronavirus” (AC) eras.
The changes will be systemic. “The COVID19 crisis has shown us that our old systems are not fit anymore for the 21st century,” Schwab declared in his speech unveiling the Great Re*set in June. Beyond just social systems, Schwab also called a change in “mindsets” the “most important” issue. “We have to … bring our thinking and behavior once more into harmony with nature,” he said. Read that again: Even your thinking and behavior is in the global elites’ cross hairs. “Now is the historical moment — the time — not only to fight the virus, but to shape the system for the post-corona era,” he added. [The Great Reset, thenewamerican.com, by Alex Newman, December 29, 2020]
To understand the dangers of this blueprint, we have only to consider that the Chinese Communist government is wholeheartedly signed on to the WEV plans to establish this Great Reset. Chinese dictator Xi Jinping is one of the most applauded leaders when the WEV meets. This brings into focus the almost certainty that the Coronavirus (often called the Chinese Virus) has been instrumental in galvanizing the efforts to bring America down and establish the globalist elites’ Utopian dream.
The Great Reset, no matter the planning by those who believe they are superior to not only everyone else on earth, but superior to God, Himself, can’t proceed without that very God’s permission. They, like their father, Lucifer the fallen one, have determined to put their throne above the Throne of the Almighty. Their neo-Tower of Babel won’t be completed as long as the Restrainer is on this fallen planet. The Holy Spirit, Who resides within each believer in Jesus Christ, will hold back their devilish plans until He removes all believers to Heaven.
In the supernatural battle of Reset vs Restrainer, the winning strategy is firmly held only in the mind of God. This should give everyone who names the name of Jesus Christ great comfort. I know it does me.
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The Human Overpopulation Problem And Policy Options To Confront It
By Alex Pagel, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse Class of 2021
June 7, 2020
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Human overpopulation, or the occupying of too many humans for an environment to naturally sustain, has become an exponentially larger problem for our planet in recent decades. As our world population continues to rise, problems including increased resource demand, deterioration of land and living conditions, and elevated levels of emissions, among other issues, have risen to the forefront of world politics. 
The issue of human overpopulation has been greatly exacerbated since the mid 20th century. According to the Pew Research Center, “From 1950 to 2010, the world population increased from 2.5 billion to 6.9 billion” and “is expected to increase from 6.9 billion in 2010 to 9.6 billion in 2050”1. If these projections are accurate, the entire human population would have to make many changes in their daily lives to adjust to this increase. Describing the amount of people that can comfortably inhabit our world, a 2012 United Nations report stated that, “While there is an incredible range to the estimates of Earth’s carrying capacity, the greatest concentration of estimates falls between 8 and 16 billion people”2. As our world’s population currently is calculated at just below the 8 billion mark (about 7.79 billion), we are now entering the estimated range of the maximum human occupancy of our planet.   
The issue of human overpopulation became well-known in 1967 and 1968 when Paul Ehrlich, a population studies professor at Stanford University, wrote “Playing the Piper” and The Population Bomb, a controversial essay and book, each respectively explaining the world’s expanding population. In the former, which was published in the New Scientist journal, Ehrlich stated that “the battle to feed all of humanity is over … In the 1970s and 1980s hundreds of millions of people will starve to death in spite of any crash programs embarked upon now”3. Ehrlich wasted no time in expanding these ideas into The Population Bomb just one year later and used that same statement as the first sentence of his book. According to a Wesleyan University report, more than 2 million copies of the book had been sold by 1974, making it the best-selling ecological work of the 1970’s4. While many of Ehrlich’s brutal estimates never came to complete fruition, his writing acted as the muse for the mass attention the human overpopulation problem receives today.  
At about the same time that overpopulation was becoming recognized, our world was experiencing The Green Revolution. The Green Revolution describes a variety of increases in agricultural research and technology that greatly increased world agricultural production beginning in the mid-20th century and has contributed to large population growth. According to Oxford University researchers, the Green Revolution continues to contribute to the world's growing population and it is expected to contribute to its rise from an estimated 7.79 billion in 2020, to 10.88 billion in 2100. The researchers also suggest that increases in agricultural efficiency will lead to massive population growth mostly in underdeveloped African and Asian nations during this period. For example, they project that over the next 50 years, India alone will have around 400-450 million extra mouths to feed and the Asian and African continents will consist of more than 4 billion people, respectively, by 21005. While the Green Revolution’s effects are less pronounced in developed countries like America, they have and will continue to affect developing nations more acutely.  
In efforts to confront this growing problem, many different policies have been implemented across the globe. One option that has been exercised is the introduction of creative and ethical family planning programs, which was effectively demonstrated by the government of Thailand in the 1970’s. Having grown to a population of 54 million in a country roughly the size of California, Thailand’s government teamed up with the non-profit Population and Community Development Association (PDA) to spread information about healthy sexual practices across the country. According to the Context Institute, the PDA utilized “creative publicity techniques that drew public attention to family planning issues” such as “a high profile public education campaign, staging such events as a condom balloon-blowing contest featuring village headmen competing for condom-inflating glory”. The result of this fun-based campaign led to Thailand’s population growth being cut in half, from 3.2 percent to 1.6 percent in just 15 years6.  
Another policy that has been exercised, as has in the United States, is to increase public funding and access to contraception devices. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, “The most important determinant of declining fertility in developing countries is contraceptive use, which explains 92% of the variation in fertility among 50 countries”. Furthermore, the Center reports that since 1972, when Medicaid funding for family planning was authorized in the United States, “the average family size has leveled off at approximately two children, and the safety, efficacy, diversity, accessibility, and use of contraceptive methods has increased”7. Expanding public funding for contraceptive use has encouraged safer sexual practices, lowered birth rates and has the potential to mitigate human overpopulation as demonstrated by its effects in America.
 Furthermore, an additional option to slow the growth of the human population is to make child marriages illegal. Empirical data shows that, across the entire world, child marriages lead to larger family sizes. According to the Council on Foreign Relations, 
“Child marriage contributes to higher total fertility as women marrying earlier tend to both have children earlier and bear more children over their lifetime than if they had married later. Analysis across fifteen countries shows that, toward the end of their reproductive life, women who married at age thirteen have on average 26.4 percent more live births than if they had married at eighteen or later, all other things being equal. Even marrying at age seventeen versus marrying at age eighteen or later has important effects on total fertility in all the countries evaluated”8.  
While child marriages are illegal in all but two American states, (Delaware and New Jersey), they are much more commonplace throughout the rest of the world. The Global Citizen group suggests that “Approximately 650 million girls and women alive today were married before their 18th birthdays”, most of whom have birthed at least one child9. Therefore, many studies and a surplus of data suggests that child marriages are widespread in the world and typically lead to having families with more children than in families with women who married after age 18. By eliminating this practice across the globe, the growth rate of the world population would undoubtedly decrease.   
A last option to confront human overpopulation is to pass legislation limiting the number of children a family may have. In 1978, this procedure was embraced in China, which placed a one-child-per-couple policy upon its citizens.  The Chinese government had implemented this policy with the hope of lowering the nation's population to less than 1.2 billion people by 2000. According to the American Anthropologist Association, “China had close to its target population in 2000, when a nationwide census counted a population of 1.27 billion”. And “in 1980, two years after the start of the one-child policy, China's total fertility rate was down to two births per woman (from six births per woman in 1970)”10. While this policy faced some resistance from Chinese citizens, the one-child mandate certainly demonstrated its effectiveness at decreasing population in a nation with a more serious overpopulation problem than most.   
As the world’s human population continues to rise, policies like those implemented by nations such as Thailand, America and China will need to be utilized more commonly. These nations have proven that family planning programs, increasing access to contraceptive devices, eliminating child marriages and one-child policies each slow human population growth, despite their very different approaches to accomplishing this goal. If population estimates for the remainder of the century are anywhere close to accurate, it appears these policies will need to be used more commonly across our world. As our planet has seen population growth for nearly its entire existence, it is now time to significantly slow this trend. If population policies are not implemented, the daily lives of humans will undoubtedly face drastic change and those born in later years will be forced to deal with the imprudent actions of their ancestors.  
[1] Pew Research Center. (2014, January 30). Chapter 4. Population Change in the U.S. and the World from 1950 to 2050. Retrieved from https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2014/01/30/chapter-4-population-change-in-the-u-s-and-the-world-from-1950-to-2050/ 
[2] United Nations. (2012). World Population Prospects The 2012 Revision . Retrieved from https://population.un.org/wpp/Publications/Files/WPP2012_HIGHLIGHTS.pdf 
[3] Morris, J. (2009). The Persistence of Population Pessimism. The Electronic Journal of Sustainable Development, 1(3). 
[4] Reed, S., & Wesleyan University. (2008). The Publication of Paul Ehrlich’s The Population Bomb by the Sierra Club, 1968: Wilderness-Thinking, Neo-Malthusianism, and Anti-Humanism . Retrieved from https://wesscholar.wesleyan.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1064&context=etd_hon_theses 
[5] Ritchie, H., & Oxford Martin School. (2017). Yields vs. Land Use: How the Green Revolution enabled us to feed a growing population. Retrieved from https://ourworldindata.org/yields-vs-land-use-how-has-the-world-produced-enough-food-for-a-growing-population 
[6] Frazer, E., & Context Institute. (n.d.). Thailand: A Family Planning Success Story. Retrieved May 12, 2020, from https://www.context.org/iclib/ic31/frazer/ 
[7] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (1999, December 3). Achievements in Public Health, 1900-1999: Family Planning. Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm4847a1.htm 
[8] Council on Foreign Relations, & Women and Foreign Policy Program . (2017, July 10). Child Marriage, Family Planning, Population, and Development. Retrieved from https://www.cfr.org/blog/child-marriage-family-planning-population-and-development 
[9] Selby, D., & Global Citizen. (2019, August 27). Child Marriage: What You Need To Know And How You Can Help End It. Retrieved from https://www.globalcitizen.org/en/content/child-marriage-brides-india-niger-syria/ 
[10] Fong, V. L. (2002). China’s One-Child Policy and the Empowerment of Urban Daughters. American Anthropologist, 104(4), 1098–1109. https://doi.org/10.1525/aa.2002.104.4.1098 
[11] (Image) Our World in Data. (2019, July 15). World population by region projected to 2100, 1950 to 2100 Projected population to 2100 [Table]. Retrieved from https://ourworldindata.org/region-population-2100 
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