#complication having rhe next kid
mejomonster · 2 years
Republicans love to to after freedom to exist huh
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robinrequiems · 3 years
actors au, damijon;)
• “SUPERSONS” a tv series that has been going on for now three years
• started when Damian was 13, jon 11.
• the show was a spin-off after the superman show jon was in, and a batman show damian was in. Superman’s show is: Action Comics, Batman’s: Detective Comics
• the show was mainly focused on the supersons, so there weren’t a lot of others, but there were a lot of cameos and guest stars
• there are some movies in the little universe, theres Batman, Superman, Flash, Green Lantern, & etc, but those are origin movies for them or really important moments, shows go more in-depth.
• the first few episodes were on the action comics show, then a few on detective, the episodes received great reactions, so the company decided to bring back the two boys for a show
• their first season was based on the supersons comic, vol 1 & 2, rhe finale was the supersons of tomorrow ( no teen titans, jt was just the supersons + young justice, it only followed comic loosely )
• season 2 was supersons vol 3 + 1st half of challenge of the supersons
• s3: second half of challenge of the supersons + adventures of the supersons
• in their break between seasons, they ran into a problem. jon had a growth spurt
• damian hadn’t, so the show decided to do something else for season 4
• on the action comics show, they brought back jon and he went with grandfather, next episode, damian went onto the action comics show and watched rhe medsage jon left
• s4 was delayed a bit because fan reception wasn’t the best
• damian and robin were 16, jon was 14, but superboy was 17
• it was. complicated
• they didb’t follow the comics after this
• they had jon back on the show
• they showed a growth between them, they showed more sad moments between them, fights, and them being kids, something comic fans were ripped of
• in detective comics, dick had been shot in the head and alfred killed, fans got to see how damain was handling it all in the supersons
• we got to see the pain and anger there, and the show showers growth and redemption for Damian and did not ruin his character, and jon was there to help him
• until jon got a chance to go to the future, he went and did a trial run for a few episodes ( mainly a way for producers to see if fans liked this in a potential way to start a new show )
• we get to the midseason finale / Christmas break , where damian was about to kill kgbeast
• but then it went to black
• fans didn’t like jon in the future
• the show picked up after the break, jon standing in front of damian
• he stopped damian from killing him
• that episode got a lot of hits
• mainly because they got to see the boy wonder crying in superboys arms
• next episode; we see a conversation with jon and Saturn girl:
• “Damian isnt evil; he’s the best guy I know.”
• “but the future..”
• “the future isn’t set in stone! that’s what he told me! he believed in me and told me. we’re partners! if he can’t be here, than neither can i.”
• “but jon, you could be great here, you could be an amazing hero here!—…. *she gets cut off as another hero flies in, informing her that something happening in the timeline* jon.. if you really beleive damian isn’t evil, stop him before he goes and does something he WILL regret.”
• that’s how he knew to go stop damian from killing kgbeast
• if the legion of heroes got a good rating, damian would have killed kgbeast ( the writers and everyone were very happy that didn’t happen )
• their friendship was falling apart due to jons age up, but when jon stopped him, it got better
• the show was probably the best airing show besides young justice ( the core 4 own )
• D.C. was not alright, A.C. was alright, nightwing was good, red hood & outlaws was good, the Batgirl(s) was well received too
• fans had a problem with how many characters D.C. had, and how rhe arcs went all over the place
• during the supersons show, we can see so much development in the two characters, jon slowly maturing, and Damian’s edges being smoothed over
• and in one episode, we got some talia speaking to jon, just her making sure jon was a good friend
• we get to see a fallout with jon and his parents in A.C.
• they treat him differently now, but damian doesn’t, not after they got over everything, damian realized he was still jon
• BUT for the actors, Damian 17, Jon 16, they are on their 4th season, they started secretly dating
• they found themselves with people shipping them in real life, they didn’t mind the characters, but they were real
• abd they didn’t want that to effect them
• it made them even going out on a date uncomfortable
• press conferences are so chaotic, at first, jon was so shy, so damian could easily insult him
• but as time went on, the interviews & etc went smoothly, they playfully bickered, it was good
• jons voice used to crack during shooting, it made damian laugh so much
• they became really good friends over the years
• but the show was coming to an end soon since the kids are becoming older
• but luckily enough, it just so happens that A.C. and D.C. are too, batman and Superman are retiring, there needs to be a new Worlds Finest
• “The Supersons will return in World’s Finest.”
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cherry-ber · 4 years
Too drunk to fuck (pt 7)
Previous | Part one
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If only you had known how bad of a day you were going to have, you would've lied and told your parents that you got a cold from last night, but of course, you didn't.
You woke up early, eager to meet Jaemin at school. You had a dream about going to a Cafe with him, so you were feeling a little positive. You got ready as usual and made time to prepare coffee and two sandwiches, planning on having lunch with him. You didn't know what it was, but Jaemin was making you so happy.
You asked your dad to drive you to school, and had a nice talk on the way. He asked about Mark, and thatvwas the only reason that you remembered his existence. You didn't mean to be mean, but he hadn't been nice to you, at all, so you just told dad that he had been busy since the day he saw him.
You arrived early, and wondered if he'd be at school already, by any chance.
“Monday, 7:20 a.m: morninnnnnnggggg!!!!!!
r u at school already 🤪
i wanted to have lunch with you
Ten minutes happened and he didn't reply, so you just assumed that he was on his way. You walked towards your classroom and ran into Jeno, who seemed to be having a good morning, himself.
“Hey, sunshine” his smile was wide and bright, it made you smile too instantly.
“sunshine?” he nodded, and you both laughed it off “should I call you something cute, too?”
“Not if it doesn't come up natural” he asked to carry your bag and the bottle you had in your hands, you only gave him the bottle and you kept walking together “Anyway, have you talked to Jaemin? He hasn't replied to my texts since you left yesterday”
“No, i just texted him, but he hasn't even read them” a slight feeling of worry rushed through your spine, but you ignored it, thinking that you were just over thinking what happened yesterday.
“Well, i guess we'll have to wait” you arrived to your classroom and left your things in a chair. “Are you having lunch with us?”
“Sure, I'll see you later, then”
“Great, see you later, Sunshine”
Even though you were worried about Jaemin, it wasn't s bad day at all. You figured that maybe he just decided to skip the day if Mark annoyed him too much. You had a nice day with the boys again, you finally met Jisung and Chenle, and they were, indeed, babies. Jisung said that from now on you were officially the only girl allowed to be with them, and the rest of his friends laughed at how childish he was, but you thanked him and assured him that you were flattered. You couldn't remember the last time you had fun with boys like that, that had no other intention than to be friends.
In the last period, though, you got a text, and went to the restroom to read it.
“Monday, 1:46 p.m, Mark: I'll pick you up
Be on time
“Monday, 1:55 p.m: you're kidding”
“Monday, 2:06 p.m: we need to talk. i won't be late”
You were anxious. You were pissed at him, you were hurt and him acting like that, again, made you feel even worse. But knowing that you were meeting again, as so many times you had, still made you feel some type of way.
When the class was over, you rushed to his place in the parking lot, trying not to run into any of your friends or someone that would distract you. You waited for him, and know he was the one coming late. You thought that maybe it was time to get going, until you heard rhe roar of his Harley in the distance. He stopped and looked at you, not saying a word but telling you to hop in. You did, with ni helmet this time, in fact, he barely gave you enough time to sit properly and hold him, before rushing to wherever he wanted to go. You realized soon that he was taking you home. When you stopped and got off, you wanted to thank him for the ride, bug he took off his helmet and interrupted you.
“Are your parents home?” he had scars everywhere on his face, a black eye and deep dark circles. For a moment you felt guilty for being pissed.
“No. Do you wanna come in?” he nodded and you told him to park in the garage.
You sat on the dining table, and none of you dared to speak first.
“Are you hurted?” Dumb question, of course he was hurted. His lips were still bleeding when he'd smile , but he did anyway.
“A little” you couldn't look him in the eye and he noticed “Are you?”
“I didn't get beaten yesterday” you tried to laugh but you knew what he meant.
“I mean... Did I hurt your feelings?”
'yes' you wanted to scream at him, you didn't understand why, but you were so done with him for some reason 'what would you know about feelings anyway?'
“No, why would you?”
“I think i was a jerk yesterday. Not only to you, I was so selfish with my friends, I need to apologize, but I wanted to make sure you were okay” In his mind it made no sense, he knew he was wrong, but he didn't know what made him be wrong, not at all.
“Did you apologize to Jaemin already?” There it was. The sudden mention of his friend's name triggered some kind of jealous that he couldn't understand, but he couldn't stop.
“Talking that” he said in a more serious tone “What's going on between you and Jaemin?”
Well, you sure didn't know what to say. Mark was the one that you were "dating" somehow, and as much as he had been and idiot, you knew that you couldn't treat him like that. But Jaemin was so sweet, he also confessed already, which made things easier, because you didn't have to guess what he was feeling, unlike Mark. If anything, why did Mark care, anyway?
“Nothing at all, I guess” but the sensation of lying to him made you feel guilty, everything about being with him did, “well, we had fun yesterday, that's it”
He raised an eyebrow and got the feeling of something being wrong, but he wouldn't make it a bigger problem. “Sure”
The silence was overwhelming as both tried to think what to do next. He knew he wanted to grab you and kiss you, hoping you would forget about Jaemin, at least for a while. You started to make excuses for him to leave, without sounding rude at all.
“What kind of fun?” it came out of him unnoticed, and he regretted it as he was speaking.
“What?” it was unexpected, and turned on a switch made made your anger grow again, but you spoke calmly.
“I mean, do you ever say you have fun with me?” you were about to go off, you knew you were done but Mark was quick to continue “I'm- sorry, I just got... Confused? I'll just stop”
“Monday, 3:20 p.m, Na Jaemin: I'M SORRY
Okay so I don't want to make up excuses
I'm sorry, but you don't have to forgive me
Do you want to talk?
Should I leave you alone?”
You couldn't help but smile. The man in front of realized and the look on his face was intimidating again.
“Y/N” he got your attention again “please, just tell me if you feel something for... someone. I just need to know, please” his voice cracked a little and your only reaction was to hold his hand, he squeezed you back and waited for your answer, but you didn't know what it was. You were sure you had feelings for him, after all this was the main reason that whatever he did ended up hurting you, but at this point you didn't know what kind of feelings they were. You cared for him, you were thankful that he introduced you to his friends, you knew that you'd be there for him what ever he'd been through, and what ever he wanted, but was that what he wanted to hear?
“Do you?” you asked, but didn't know who you asked.
“What do you mean?”
“I don't know” you wished things never became complicated, and he did too.
“Jaemin likes you, do you know that?” he hoped you said you didn't, and that he'd scare you away from him, even knowing that his friend, who literally saved him last night, would be hurted.
“Yes” he started to let your hand go, and it didn't have to feel as dramatic as it did, but you couldn't help it “how do you know?”
“He told me. In fact-” he got visibly nervous “he told me some time ago”
It seemed like everytime you tried to excuse Mark he said something to be wrong again. You didn't want to discuss anything with him anymore, you didn't even know what ypu were thinking anymore.
“Can you tell me what happened yesterday?”
“I don't really want to talk about it” he looked tired, and you felt compassion for him “I will apologize to Jaemin, just so you know”
“It's what he deserves”
“He does” it was so awkward, it felt like during this days you grew apart so much “I'm sorry Y/N, I don't what I'm doing, I feel weird and lost, do you think he'll ever forgive me?”
“Mark... Of course he will, you are friends and he loves you”
“I don't want to make this about us again. I just wanted to clear up everything, I think it's confusing. There's nothing between us, right? You can do whatever you want, I don't want you to feel like you're tied to me... That's not me, I don't do that, you know it, right?”
You expected that. But it didn't change the fact that it hurted just so much.
“Yeah, I know” you didn't want him to notice, you knew that it wouldn't change anything “of course I know”
“Are you okay with that?”
“Of course I am”
Mark felt an urge to ask you to reconsider your relationship, he wondered if there was anything he could say to make you change your mind, but deep down, he knew that you wouldn't agree. That was the problem of not being honest from the beginning.
If he could go back in time, he would, and do whatever he could differently.
A.N: I'm uninspired and feeling down, but i didn't want to sink in my own thoughts, I hope you can enjoy this a little bit. Did you drink some water already?
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People might object that algorithms could never make important decisions for us, because important decisions usually involve an ethical dimension, and algorithms don’t understand ethics. Yet there is no reason to assume that algorithms won’t be able to outperform the average human even in ethics. Already today, as devices like smartphones and autonomous vehicles undertake decisions that used to be a human monopoly, they start to grapple with the same kind of ethical problems that have bedevilled humans for millennia.
For example, suppose two kids chasing a ball jump right in front of a self-driving car. Based on its lightning calculations, the algorithm driving the car concludes that the only way to avoid hitting the two kids is to swerve into the opposite lane, and risk colliding with an oncoming truck. The algorithm calculates that in such a case there is a 70 percent chance that the owner of the car - who is fast asleep in the back seat - would be killed. What should the algorithm do?
Philosophers have been arguing about such ‘trolley problems' for millennia (they are called 'trolley problems’ because the textbook examples in modern philosophical debates refer to a runaway trolley car racing down a railway track, rather than to a self-driving car).“ Up until now, these arguments have had embarrassingly little impact on actual behaviour, because in times of crisis humans all too often forget about their philosophical views and follow their emotions and gut instincts instead. One of the nastiest experiments in the history of the social sciences was conducted in December 1970 on a group of Students at the Princeton Theological Seminary, who were training to become ministers in the Presbyterian Church. Each student was asked to hurry to a distant lecture hall, and there give a talk on the Good Samaritan parable, which tells how a Jew travelling from Jerusalem to Jericho was robbed and beaten by criminals, who then left him to die by the side of the road. After some time a priest and a Levite passed nearby, but both ignored the man. In contrast, a Samaritan - a member of a sect much despised by the Jews - stopped when he saw the victim, took care of him, and saved his life. The moral of the parable is that people’s merit should be judged by their actual behaviour, rather than by their religious affiliation.
The eager young seminarians rushed to the lecture hall, contemplating on the way how best to explain the moral of the Good Samaritan parable. But the experimenters planted in their path a shabbily dressed person, who was sitting slumped in a doorway with his head down and his eyes closed. As each unsuspecting seminarian was hurrying past, the 'victim’ coughed and groaned pitifully. Most seminarians did not even stop to inquire what was wrong with the man, let alone offer any help. The emotional stress created by the need to hurry to the lecture hall trumped their moral obligation to help strangers in distress.
Human emotions trump philosophical theories in countless other situations. This makes the ethical and philosophical history of the world a rather depressing rale of wonderful ideals and less than ideal behaviour. How many Christians actually turn the other cheek, how many Buddhists actually rise above egoistic obsessions, and how many Jews actually love their neighbours as themselves? That’s just the way natural selection has shaped Homo sapiens. Like all mammals, Homo sapiens uses emotions to quickly make life and death decisions. We have inherited our anger, our fear and our lust from millions of ancestors, all of whom passed the most rigorous quality control tests of natural selection.
Unfortunately, what was good for survival and reproduction in the African savannah a million years ago does not necessarily make for responsible behaviour on twenty-first-century motorways. Distracted, angry and anxious human drivers kill more than a million people in traffic accidents every year. We can send all our philosophers, prophets and priests to preach ethics to these drivers - but on the road, mammalian emotions and savannah instincts will still take over. Consequently, seminarians in a rush will ignore people in distress, and drivers in a crisis will run over hapless pedestrians.
This disjunction between the seminary and the road is one of the biggest practical problems in ethics. Immanuel Kant, John Swart Mill and John Rawls can sit in some cosy university hall and discuss theoretical problems in ethics for days - but would their conclusions actually be implemented by stressed-out drivers caught in a split-second emergency? Perhaps Michael Schumacher - the Formula One champion who is sometimes hailed as the best driver in history - had the ability to think about philosophy while racing a car; but most of us aren’t Schumacher.
Computer algorithms, however, have not been shaped by natural selection, and they have neither emotions nor gut instincts. Hence in moments of crisis they could follow ethical guidelines much better than humans - provided we find a way to code ethics in precise numbers and statistics. If we teach Kant, Mill and Rawls to write code, they can carefully program the self-driving car in their cosy laboratory, and be certain that the car will follow their commandments on the highway. In effect, every car will be driven by Michael Schumacher and Immanuel Kant rolled into one.
Thus if you program a self-driving car to stop and help strangers in distress, it will do so come hell or high water (unless, of course, you insert an exception clause for infernal or high-water scenarios). Similarly, if your self-driving car is programmed to swerve to the opposite lane in order to save the two kids in its path, you can bet your life this is exactly what it will do. Which means that when designing their self-driving car, Toyota or Tesla will be transforming a theoretical problem in the philosophy of ethics into a practical problem of engineering.
Granted, the philosophical algorithms will never be perfect. Mistakes will still happen, resulting in injuries, deaths and extremely complicated lawsuits. (For the first time in history, you might be able to sue a philosopher for the unfortunate results of his or her theories, because for the first time in history you could prove a direct causal link between philosophical ideas and real-life events.) However, in order to take over from human drivers, the algorithms won’t have to be perfect. They will just have to be better than the humans. Given that human drivers kill more than a million people each year, that isn’t such a tall order. When all is said and done, would you rather the car next to you was driven by a drunk teenager, or by the Schumacher-Kant team?
The same logic is true not just of driving, but of many other situations. Take for example job applications. In the twenty-first century, the decision whether to hire somebody for a job will increasingly be made by algorithms. We cannot rely on the machine to set the relevant ethical standards - humans will still need to do that. But once we decide on an ethical standard in the job market - that it is wrong to discriminate against black people or against women, for example - we can rely on machines to implement and maintain this standard better than humans. A human manager may know and even agree that it is unethical to discriminate against black people and women, but then, when a black woman applies for a job, the manager subconsciously discriminates against her, and decides not to hire her. If we allow a computer to evaluate job applications, and program the computer to completely ignore race and gender, we can be certain that the computer will indeed ignore these factors, because computers don’t have a subconscious. Of course, it won’t be easy to write code for evaluating job applications, and there is always a danger that the engineers will somehow program their own subconscious biases into the software. Yet once we discover such mistakes, it would probably be far easier to debug the software than to rid humans of their racist and misogynist biases.
We saw that the rise of artificial intelligence might push most humans out of the job market - including drivers and traffic police (when rowdy humans are replaced by obedient algorithms, traffic police will be redundant). However, there might be some new openings for philosophers, because their skills - hitherto devoid of much market value - will suddenly be in very high demand. So if you want to study something that will guarantee a good job in the future, maybe philosophy is not such a bad gamble. Of course, philosophers seldom agree on the right course of action. Few 'trolley problems’ have been solved to the satisfaction of all philosophers, and consequentialist thinkers such as John Stuart Mill (who judge actions by consequences) hold quite different opinions to deontologists such as Immanuel Kant (who judge actions by absolute rules). Would Tesla have to actually take a stance on such knotty matters in order to produce a car?
Well, maybeTesla will just leave it to the market. Tesla will produce two models of the self-driving car: the Tesla Altruist and the Tesla Egoist. In an emergency, the Altruist sacrifices its owner to the greater good, whereas the Egoist does everything in its power to save its owner, even if it means killing the two kids. Customers will then be able to buy the car that best fits their favourite philosophical view. If more people buy the Tesla Egoist, you won’t be able to blame Tesla for that. After all. the customer is always right.
This is not a joke. In a pioneering 2015 study people were presented with a hypothetical scenario of a self-driving car about to run over several pedestrians. Most said that in such a case the car should save the pedestrians even at rhe price of killing its owner. When they were then asked whether they personally would buy a car programmed to sacrifice irs owner for the grearet good, most said no. For themselves, they would prefer the Tesla Egoist.
Imagine the situation: you have bought a new car, bur before you can start using it, you must open the settings menu and tick one of several boxes. In case of an accident, do you want the car to sacrifice your life - or to kill the family in the other vehicle? Is this a choice you even want to make? Just think of the arguments you are going to have with your husband about which box to tick.
So maybe the state should intervene to regulate the market, and lay down an ethical code binding all self-driving cars? Some lawmakers will doubtless be thrilled by the opportunity to finally make laws that are always followed to the letter. Other lawmakers may be alarmed by such unprecedented and totalitarian responsibility. After all, throughout history the limitations of law enforcement provided a welcome check on the biases, mistakes and excesses of lawmakers. It was an extremely lucky thing that laws against homosexuality and against blasphemy were only partially enforced. Do we really want a system in which the decisions of fallible politicians become as inexorable as gravity?
- Yuval Noah Harari, The philosophical car in 21 Lessons for the 21st century
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xfrancecis · 7 years
My Princess, My needy one, My love
I don’t know how to explain this all to well and how feelings are reciprocated and elaborated but I’ll try. I’ll try my best to tell you and to tell everyone how much I love you.
Let’s start of from the very beginning. Let’s start off from where it was complicated but not really.
You were someone that I could not comprehend, someone that I could not read and it was frustrating. You continued to frustrate me for a good two months, so instead of pursuing just you, I had sides. I talked to a few other people but I could not find interest in any of them. I could not help but find you and only you to interest me.
I found you very attractive when we took our Cali trip but I didn’t think anything of it. I wanted to just focus on myself, loose weight and learn to love myself more than I already did. I didn’t think anything of it when we slept together on the same bed but I found it oddly comforting. I also didn’t find it awkward which is weird because out of everyone in our group, you were the person that I least knew. You were a mystery to me. But after our trip, we got closer. Our group ended up hanging out the rest of the summer and the rest of the year almost every night.
I went to school, worked close to full time and only had as little as 1 hour of sleep per night. That was okay though, because I saw you. I saw you smile and that filled my world with happiness. Let me tell you, your smile is the reason I fell for you. Nothing could beat that smile, and just thinking about it makes me smile. (I’m writing this, and guess what? I’m smiling) Now a few weeks after our trip, that is when I knew that my little crush on you, turned into something more than I wanted or expected. I was interested in everything about you. I wanted to get to know you and to know your story. Unravel the mysterious Kateleen.
You interested me sooo much that for 10 nights, I had a dreams of you. An adventure that I wanted to up hold with you, an adventure for just the two of us. That’s when it all started, the feelings and everything that I now have for you. To be completely honest, I figured it would just be a fling. I thought that I was just crushing on you hard. Though that all changed. I found myself wanting to talk to you and only you. I found myself checking on my phone every 5 minutes just to see if you messaged back. I found myself wanting to say goodnight and good morning. And I found myself just wanting you. I couldn’t help myself anymore.
Crazy right?
Now the only reason that this is crazy is because I’m the type of person to not really be serious in relationships. I want to flirt around and to just have fun. Be a hoe. Have multiple people interested in me but not give the same feelings back. But you changed me.
We had a talk one night about our situation, about where we want our relationship to stand. This was a deep talk and to be honest, I couldn’t look at you. I couldnt look at your eyes. With the intensity of our conversation, I would just smile looking at you. But not just that, but you made me feel shy. Something that no girl has ever casted upon me. Butterflies always fluttering in my stomach, and so much emotions just for one person. I didn’t know how to talk to you, and that made it really hard because I wasn’t sure how to pursue you.
Now before everything became complicated, I just want to briefly explain to you how I felt when I first found out you “liked” me. That night you were a bit tipsy, and just said things that came to your head. Joseph said to me, “man you’re too nice”. And you just yelled in a frustrated way, “yeah you are too nice.” Honestly at first I wasn’t sure what this meant. I asked you the following day what being to nice meant. After all the hassle of asking you, you finally told me but you didn’t tell me straight. You said, “ you’re likable.” I was so happy reading that, I was on the phone with Rhe and I was pacing around CSN campus and smiling. Man I was out of control. That’s what you did to me. But with the little burst of happiness, things got a little complicated.
I wasn’t sure if you were interested in me as I was with you. Or you didn’t act like it at all.
So I asked Rjay and I asked Shai how you were with your “ex” Donny. And they said you were talkative and you always enjoyed yourself with him. Not like you were with me at the time. I was jealous, and honestly was to the point of giving up. That night where we went to Jasmines Debut was my tipping point because you were avoiding me and being complicated. But I was also over thinking. Things started to get better from the time we talked though.
Until your last hoorah.. but the past is the past and that’s something irrelevant. But let’s just say that was our turning point.
A lot has happened hasn’t it?
October 31, 2017. That was it. The first day that we made it official and the first time when I “said” I love you. But that wasn’t the day when I knew I loved you.
I knew a little before that time. I knew when I looked to my right and thought “this is the girl that I want to marry and spend the rest of my life with.” You were drunk and a little upset, but I got you to smile. That smile was worth a million words. And just making you happy made me happy. Making you happy for the rest of my life would be one of the best gifts that I could ever receive.
Now days were just going by. Spent nights sleeping together, spent entire days together. And I can’t wait for more to happen. We spent a whole month at Rjays together and it was just a glimpse of what it would seem like with us living together. I’m ready for what the future holds for us.
Now with that said, let me explain to you just how I feel about you now. How I feel about what the future holds. And what I feel about being together.
I can’t say it enough, I’m deeply in love with you Kateleen Boyd. I love everything about you. And learning more and more just gets me deeper in a hole for you. Now my body is yours, my love is yours and my life. It’s all yours. You’ve broken every wall I have protecting myself, my heart and I can’t help but give you all of me. I’ve never let myself be this vulnerable, but you seriously have the key to my heart. I don’t know how else to tell you about how I feel because other than telling you, I would like to show you for as long as I live. And until the next life we meet eachother. And so on and so forth.
The future is clear to me. And all I know about it is that I want you to be there with me every step of the way. I want to love you, I want to be the father to our kids, I want to be there for every accomplishment you have. I want nothing more than to see every smile you shine upon this earth. I wish to see the world with you, to experience a happy life. To share my dreams and for you to be there when I acquire my dreams. The adventure we will share together. And the day that I see you walk down to me at the end of the alter.
I’ve never met anyone as right for me as you. Ive never been happier in my life. And meeting you has completed me in every possible way. I’ve never imagine that I would meet my soul mate so early in my life, but I’m glad that I did. It really helps me on not wasting time on anyone one else. Not just that but I could be more happy for a longer time. My life with you has just started but I’m pretty sure that our past lives vowed to love one another for all eternity. And I’ll make you the same vow.
Kateleen, I vow that I will love you for as long as I live. I vow to find you for the rest of the lives that I live and give you the same love and promises that I am giving now. No matter what, my love for you will be eternal and ever lasting.
Now would it be weird if I told you I wrote my vow to you already? Well I did. I’m so sure, that you will be that person that I spend my life with. Like I said, I’m happy that I’ve met you and I appreciate everything you do. I can’t wait for what the future holds for us too.
I love you soo much.
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