con-dientes · 6 months
Imagine getting fucked by a ghost or an invisible force in front of a mirror. There’s nothing you can do but feel and see your gaping pussy. The best part is that you never know when they’re going to fuck you again since you can’t see them <3
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espiral-descendente · 3 months
Since I don’t send pics, I asked my friends to do picrews of me. This is how I look like to them:
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More descriptions about me:
- Latina (tan skin)
- Dark brown, wavy, and short-medium length hair
- Dark brown eyes (sometimes wear glasses)
- 5'1 and 150 lb.
- My best features (according to my friends) are my eyes. I've got naturally neat eyebrows and naturally long lashes. Extra: I have been told that I also have very kissable lips
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notninani · 2 years
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i'm sorry godain
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gatoburr0 · 1 year
More headcanons but this one is in Spanish idk why it just fits them better
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manaosdeuwu · 5 months
I'm such a normalpilled cleanmaxxer
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entropiasgift · 6 months
Yo intentando llegar viva a Semana Santa like:
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frasesenespa-ol · 13 days
–Ojalá nunca te hubiese conocido –deseo con los dientes apretados.
Corazón de mariposa -Andrea Tomé
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thousandth-island · 2 years
my mom reacts to splatoon characters
neo 3: oh is that you? Why are you with yellow hair? Your jacket was zipped up how’d it fall off?
Little Buddy: he looks like a chicken…look at the way he bounces he’s so cute 🥰
Captain Cuttlefish: is he on bald team? (I explained that your ‘hair color’ is your team color. Therefore,) Thinks he’s silly.
DJ Octavio: he’s so funny! He’s a DJ and an octopus with a hat. And he has a vacuum lol. Kick his ass
Callie: she’s scary and kind of like a vampire…is she evil
Marie: oh she’s interesting. Find your own grandpa though??
Captain 3: *going off Marie’s dialogue* She’s shy and doesn’t talk. Respectable. Likes their hat and finds them funny bc they did a peace sign as a greeting
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minglana · 3 months
girl help estan haciendo algun tipo de acto oficial en santa engracia
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This has been me lately
#I usually don't care about the murders because it's a story and it's fun#But the waist this time...#And I've become someone who cares about ample chests now apparently. I never cared about those in any form of gender presentation#I did like small waists before. I find them very pleasant especially in male presenting people. They remind me of a poem by Lorca too#But I didn't like them exactly like I'm liking them now I think#I think I understand that Lorca poem better now#I could lick blood off his face as if icecream or a lollipop#Anyway...#I talk too much#I should probably delete this later#Wait I'll go look for the poem#It's one of the gacelas#'Nadie comprendía el perfume /de la oscura magnolia de tu vientre. / Nadie sabía que martirizabas / un colibrí de amor entre los dientes.//#Mil caballitos persas se dormían / en la plaza con luna de tu frente‚ / mientras que yo enlazaba cuatro noches /#tu cintura‚ enemiga de la nieve. //#Entre yeso y jazmines‚ tu mirada / era un pálido ramo de simientes. / Yo busqué‚ para darte‚ por mi pecho /#las letras de marfil que dicen siempre. //#Siempre‚ siempre: jardín de mi agonía‚ / tu cuerpo fugitivo para siempre‚ / la sangre de tus venas en mi boca‚ /#tu boca ya sin luz para mi muerte'#Sometimes I read Lorca and so many things I love and how I love them are in the imagery and symbols he uses and it's a bit... humiliating?#He's was my favourite poet when I was four#He was my favourite before but I also wonder how much he's influenced my tastes without me realising it#That verse about his lover's blood on his mouth is so ugh
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cr0wra · 4 months
Aprender a ser una persona disciplinada requiere de justamente eso... SER DISCIPLINADA. Así que chiste u.u
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con-dientes · 6 months
My eyes widen. “D-Do we really need to do this part? I-I'm a virgin...” I stutter in fear, staring at the speculum. “It’s for a thorough examination.” My gynecologist reassures me, snapping his gloves on. I gulp down, my legs shaking as I continue to try to convince him otherwise. “B-But I-I've never had anything up there before, not even a tampon!” He casually and genuinely laughs at my fear: “You sound really terrified!” “I am!” I snap back, “D-Does it hurt?!” He gives me a look that makes me blush. “Really? You’ve never even fingered yourself?” He asks, making me blush even more. I press my lips together, looking away. “… Can you even ask that?” I whisper in embarrassment as he laughs again.
“I’m a doctor.” He coos, “You’re in good hands, I promise.” He rubs his hands on my knees, trying to ease my concerns. I sigh, nodding. He’s right, he is a doctor; he knows what he’s doing, right?
With that, he gently spreads my pussy lips open with ease and professionalism. “Ooh, see? Easy.” He continues to comfort me. He runs a finger up and down my slit, lubing me up with my own juices. “This thing is gonna go in easily, even if you’re a virgin.” He states, staring at my pussy as he grabs the speculum. He gives me one more look before sliding the cold metal in, I wince at the pain. “Shh shh shh… You’re doing such a good job, you’re almost done.” He shuts me up with a tender whisper. Once my pussy is gaping with the speculum he begins to poke and prod inside it, making me even more wet as my pussy begins to throb, wanting more stimulation. I make little noises, biting my bottom lip as I make sure not to full out moan.
Unfortunately, he catches on a little too quickly, beginning to just tease and play with my gaping pussy, rubbing and circling my clit for fun. He zips down his pants, “I’m going to need to inspect a little more, sweetheart, now be a good girl and keep your little mouth shut.”
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espiral-descendente · 3 months
/) /)
(。•ㅅ•。)〝₎₎ About me: ✦₊ ˊ˗
. .╭∪─∪────────── ✦ ⁺.
. .┊ ◟﹫ Formerly known as: con-dientes
. .┊﹒𐐪 Age : 23
. .┊ꜝꜝ﹒Pronouns : Any
. .┊ ⨳゛Sexuality : Pansexual
. .┊ ◟ヾ Likes : Praise, overstimulation, apologetic cnc, faux sympathy, hole inspection, object insertion, intox (🍃), breeding, f@uxcest, monsterfucking, cuddling and kissing <333
. .┊﹒𐐪 Dislikes : misogyny, racism, LGBTQ+phobia, sc@t, p1ss, vom1t, any gross things.
. .┊ ◟﹫ Extra : I am a switch so you gotta tell me if you want me to be dominant or submissive
Be nice to me! Praise >>> Degradation
I’m more of a hopeless romantic than a kinky person.
My DM’s and inbox are open, I do NOT send pics, don’t even ask.
[picrews of how I look like]
Minors do NOT interact.
All my posts are fictional, 18+ and consensual.
[Block, don’t report.]
╰───────────── ✦ ⁺.
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yume-fanfare · 9 months
melons were fun but i don't think you guys should let me participate in food discourse considering i once ended a friendship over how to make paella
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11oh1 · 1 year
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dianarurib · 11 months
Las flores de cempasúchil son un ingrediente tradicionalmente utilizado en la cocina mexicana para celebrar el Día de los Muertos. Aquí tienes dos recetas gastronómicas que incorporan estas flores:1. Arroz con Flores de Cempasúchil:
Ingredientes: • 2 tazas de arroz blanco • 4 tazas de caldo de pollo • 1 cebolla picada • 2 dientes de ajo picados • 1 taza de flores de cempasúchil (retira los pistilos y sécalas) • 2 cucharadas de aceite de oliva • Sal y pimienta al gusto Instrucciones: 1. En una cacerola grande, calienta el aceite de oliva y saltea la cebolla y el ajo hasta que estén dorados. 2. Agrega el arroz y revuelve durante unos minutos hasta que esté ligeramente dorado. 3. Vierte el caldo de pollo caliente sobre el arroz y agrega las flores de cempasúchil. 4. Cocina a fuego lento hasta que el arroz esté cocido y el líquido se haya absorbido por completo. 5. Sazona con sal y pimienta al gusto antes de servir. 2. Ensalada de Flores de Cempasúchil: Ingredientes: • Flores de cempasúchil (lavadas y secas) • Hojas de lechuga fresca • 1 taza de jícama en tiras finas • 1 naranja pelada y en gajos • 1/4 de taza de nueces picadas • 2 cucharadas de vinagre balsámico • 3 cucharadas de aceite de oliva • Sal y pimienta al gusto Instrucciones: 1. Coloca las hojas de lechuga en un plato o tazón grande como base. 2. Distribuye las flores de cempasúchil sobre la lechuga. 3. Agrega las tiras de jícama y los gajos de naranja. 4. Espolvorea las nueces picadas sobre la ensalada. 5. En un tazón pequeño, mezcla el vinagre balsámico y el aceite de oliva para hacer el aderezo. Agrega sal y pimienta al gusto. 6. Riega el aderezo sobre la ensalada justo antes de servir.
Estas recetas realzan el sabor y la belleza de las flores de cempasúchil en platos tradicionales mexicanos. ¡Disfruta de estos deliciosos sabores!
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