#concerned gibby
absentmoon · 1 year
i think getting bitten by gibby would be a little surprising the first time bc youre looking at his long fangs and expecting Those but obviously hes gonna like. Bite down. with. all his teeth. so i think when he does that its maybe a little jarring
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gloopdimension · 1 year
I think gibby could slip and fall on his ass and odozeir would think ohh that was so hot.
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starry-hughes · 9 months
christmas dinner (trevor zegras)
day 24 of star’s ficmas
trevor zegras x reader
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Of course, he would agree to host the team Christmas dinner. Troy had offered to do so, and Gibby did as well, but Trevor was insistent. He didn’t even ask you before volunteering himself. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to host a party, you’d be happy to do anything, hell, when Leo was called up, you had prepped the guest room in an hour, buying little toiletries and attempting a home cooked meal for him,
You’d been living with your boyfriend since the beginning of the season. You loved Trevor very much, but you were not looking forward to the Christmas dinner you were having to host. Trevor wasn’t exactly someone to trust in the kitchen. You weren’t sure why he had been so adamant on hosting this party.
He had picked out the table decor and even took responsibility for ordering the ham. “Trevor babe, can you help please?” you said, arms full of groceries. He immediately jumped up, running to help you. Mason and Jamie sat on the couch. “Hey idiots, grab the groceries from her!”
He quietly helped you with anything. He wasn’t usually quiet like this so it was a bit weird. You couldn’t exactly ask, you didn’t want to make it seem like you were worried about him.
Trevor didn’t exactly stick to his promises, he kept important ones but he was one to wait to the last second for things, procrastinating until it was too late. But this was different. It was like you were getting a new boyfriend.
The Terry Family arrived early, concerned about the four young members and you handling everything by yourselves. Leo had come over already and was helping. “Z, babe, can you get the ham out of the oven?”
Trevor was dressed nicely, in his sweater that you loved. Despite it being hot in Anaheim, everyone was dressed in typical Christmas wear. Jamie and Mason wore flannels and the Terry Family happily matched sweaters. “Yeah, I got it.” Everyone was pretty shocked at how good he was being. When the Gibson family arrived, a new baby in tow, Trevor excitedly greeted them and grabbed onto the new baby.
Jamie and Leo set the table, placing the perfectly folded napkins around, Dani pulled you aside. Trevor was laughing with Mason as the two of them attempted cutting the ham up into slices. “He’s doing good.”
You smiled at Dani. “He wanted this party and our agreement was that he had to help. I think he’s just happy.”
Most of the other guests joined and arrived, everyone slowly getting over the shock of Trevor being a proper host. You heard horror stories of your boyfriend when he was a rookie, only having beer and ketchup in his fridge. So this was a big shock. Trevor joined you in the kitchen, laughing about something Rico said in the living room. “You good?” he questioned, kissing you. No one was around the two of you.
You nodded and smiled at him, pecking his cheek with a gentle kiss. “Trevor, you good? You’ve been making sure everything is perfect.” He nodded. “I just wanted to make sure I could prove that I could host adult parties and I’m not some dumb twenty something year old.” Part of you was sad for him. “Awe baby, look at this party.”
He looked out toward the dining table and living room, where all his teammates and close friends were enjoying themselves. “Did I do good?” he asked sheepishly. “You did amazing honey. Merry Christmas Trev.”
“Merry Christmas,” he smiled proudly
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candy8448 · 5 months
I am as light as a feather, merry as a schoolboy and gibby as a drunken man
(as said wonderfully by scrooge ebeneazer from a christmas carol because that is what i am currently studying)
I am all over the place
The brainrot is real
Moving forward from @linkeduniverse
Photos will be a bit outta order
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Leg is like "i knew too >:(" lol
(There he is, the center of my hyperfixations, a gem of a character: Leg)
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They're brothers your honor
I love how they all call eachother "this guy"
The bond between wars and twi is one i live for
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I kinda wanna make this my phone wallpaper, might do it
(Okay, but the hc that the Wolfie in botw is future twi is real and i love that so much)
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Why so agry lil bunny boy?
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Gotta love the salt shaker
I love the "buddy" from hyrule XD Ive said it before but hyrule is way sassier than people realise
(I accidently cut that bubble off)
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These pannels give me LIFE
Its holarious XD
Time's face XD
Gives me same vibes as "come on guys, be normal" and im loving the vibe jojo is going with >:D
I love wild defending himself, he looks so silly
"Just some guy!"
Next art piece: epona as just some lady
(Gotta love the dowsing. I can practically hear the sfx of it)
Them having very important conversations and the sky is just lost lol
Also four talking abt the transformed friend and im like "HAT!"
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Soft. Boyo.
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(Okay but Four looks so concerned D:)
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I love how they're all like "good doggo :D"
Wolfie is as tall as wind and that is adorableeeee
Tis the doggo, gotta love the doggo, such a fluff doggo
Ive said this before but twi has such a cute, soft babyface
(I saw a post about wolfie looking weaker and less healthier and true, but rn my mind is focused on the sillies and ill thing about the sad later)
You can tell that my mind is melting from just how very makes sense this post is compared to my other part analysises
Just wanna say, i LOVE, i ADORE, i GOBBLE UP jojo's art, its so soft and i love love love it so much it appeals so much to me <3
Jojo mentioned in the tags that she is dropping hints about before they met and i noticed that before and ahagsjsgssjsvsjsvsi
I cant wait for that
But i love the whole thing about wild being like ":0 wolfie? My bestest friend ever? My mysterious companion spirit? The one who has been with me on my adventure?"
And then twi is like "ive never met this guy im my life 0.0"
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dustedmagazine · 7 months
Butthole Surfers — Rembrandt Pussyhorse (Matador)
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Photo by Jerry Milton
Given the amount of ink spilled and pixels configured concerning the music and cultural phenomena associated with the Butthole Surfers, it seems a daunting task to find anything new to say about the band — even about a record as excellent as Rembrandt Pussyhorse, first released 38 years ago (say what) on Touch and Go and presently being given the vinyl reissue treatment by Matador. But two things obviate the perceived difficulty registered just above: somehow, someway, Rembrandt Pussyhorse sounds like it could have come out yesterday on some currently über-hip, punk-adjacent underground label (say, Feel It Records from Cincinnati, or London’s La Vida Es un Mus); and for certain, it feels a very particular, vividly upsetting sort of way to listen to these demented, raging and inspired songs in March of 2024, as we struggle and lurch our way toward spring.
For example: Give “Strangers Die Everyday” a spin and try not to think about Gaza. That shouldn’t be a compelling match, of past music with present, all-too-real event. The song features a nigh-histrionic, Bela-Lugosi-as-the-Count organ, plastic fangs chewing on cheap, drywall scenery. Gibby Haynes does some of his bullhorn-mediated vocal antics, and sounds of bad plumbing bubble up into the mix. It’s the Butts in nightmare mode, which was always a vertiginous blend of ruthless ugliness and brain-rattled hilarity, and there is nothing funny about Gaza. Nothing at all. But keep listening. “Strangers Die Everyday” ends up expressing a deranged pathos. The organ is hammy, but the melody is mournful. The glurping, glooping bubbling evokes looking down a mostly stopped-up drain, which is always a bum-out experience, woven into the textures of the “Everyday” world nodded to in the song’s title. It situates the sadness and disgust in a feeling tone. But just exactly where is your everyday world? If you can tune in and make an additional metaphorical leap (to all the drains in Gaza, and in Myanmar, and in Ethiopia, and elsewhere, all of them backed up and drowned by unstanched cataracts of blood, from the bodies of all of those strangers), you will feel a particular sort of weight in your gut.
The Butts’ best stuff always worked the spaces in which earnestness, nausea and a decidedly bonkers mirthfulness overlap. Perhaps “collide” is a better word for the music’s resulting dynamic. In their early recordings, you can hear them bashing and stumbling their way toward ever-more-effective smash-ups of sharply opposing affects: the delirious one-two punch of “Suicide” and “The Revenge of Anus Presley” from Butthole Surfers (1983); the ebullient, anxious, headlong hallucination that is “Dum Dum” from …Another Man’s Sac (1984). The best performance of that sort of collision on Rembrandt Pussyhorse is “Perry,” which initially registers as a hyperbolic parody of the theme music to Perry Mason. Natch, let the laffs commence. The organ is back, but this time it’s in full Phantom-of-the-Opera mode, rollicking and tempestuous, Lon Chaney grinning horribly. Haynes delivers the laffs, howling and whooping himself breathless.
Keep listening. “Perry” takes its turn toward something more than parodic goofiness when Haynes provides a series of anaphoric itineraries: “It’s about coming of age / It’s about learning how to do it / It’s about learning how to experience things the way they ought to be experienced….” And so on. It’s a reckless thing, following Haynes into that improvisatory philosophical space: How, precisely, should things be experienced? What would a Butthole Surfer say? “It’s talking about being the slave boy / It’s talking about giving head when you’re 6 years old / It’s talking about enjoying these things….” You can just about see Raymond Burr blanch, even in black and white — and sure, it’s the Butts being the Butts, invoking a series of transgressive, taboo images, perhaps only for the charge of the transgression itself.
But there are other ways to hear the transgression. We might take the reference to Perry Mason a little more seriously. In the summer of 1986, just months after Rembrandt Pussyhorse was released, the Meese Commission on Pornography published its final report, a Puritanical screed that sought to throw the full moral weight of the Justice Department (yeah, yeah, I know) behind a juridical condemnation and potential outlawing of sex work, porn consumption and kink. The most liberal — in the hard sense of that word — readings of the Report’s recommendations would likely sanction tossing a band called the Butthole Surfers and songs like “Perry” (and “Lady Sniff,” “The Shah Sleeps in Lee Harvey’s Grave,” “Moving to Florida,” and later just about every song on Locust Abortion Technician and Hairway to Steven…) onto the pile with all the copies of Hustler and Torso and the endless numbers of VCAvideocassettes — not to mention the models and actors themselves, and all the folks who watched them and looked at them and felt pleasure.
It's not a hard history to uncover when you listen closely. Reagan’s reinvigoration of the American Right in part drew upon Jerry Falwell’s political turn, and the idea that evangelicals could have real power if they participated in the electorate, rather than regarding it as the fallen domain of a lesser law. In 2024, the Republican Party takes that evangelical vote for granted, and its full complicity with the array of MAGA-affiliated constituencies has created a new set of political alliances, issuing in events like January 6 and the Q Shaman leading a prayer service in the evacuated Senate chamber. Not sure even Haynes could conjure that image. Return to the record. The echoes of Raymond Burr’s voice, in full closing-statement declamation, reverberate out from “Perry” to the Butts’ magisterial cover of “American Woman”: “All right, you little creep, come out of there! We know your name!” We’ve got you surrounded! Where’s Mike Pence?
No one would argue that the Butts possessed anything like socio-political prescience when they recorded Rembrandt Pussyhorse. They were too busy experiencing things the way they had to experience them, to make the music that they had to make. And some of us enjoyed it. Still do. That may be reason enough to return to the record — or to reissue it. But the band somehow tapped into some very serious energies circulating in the mid-1980s: the Reagan Administration’s bloody-minded Christian nationalism (read some of his speeches, you’ll hear it); the Israeli Labor Party’s “Iron Fist” policy of 1985 and the accompanying intensification of settler activity, all of which would soon lead to the First Intifada. And here we are: Gaza on fire and self-identified Christian Nationalists like MTG and Tommy Tuberville setting policy. Here we are, in the “Whirling Hall of Knives” Haynes and Paul Leary and the rest of the band set in motion in 1986. Even today, especially today, it cuts deep. It draws blood. Strangers die everyday.
Jonathan Shaw
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iridescentis · 9 months
after finishing the part of the Sam and Cat video where the episodes are covered (past the 5hr mark) I have come to a realisation
If you choose to believe the iCarly reboot as the canon timeline of the universe and where the characters actually ended up, we have the answer as to what happened to Sam after we assume that Cat went to some kind of prison for what she did in the final episode.
After Carly returns from Italy, she goes to university in the US, I can't exactly remember where but she does mention that she went with Sam, and she bought her car with her. I doubt Sam actually went to uni as a student herself but it is referenced that the two of them were together during Carly's uni years. An unspecified amount of time after that, Sam joined a biker gang which she is still in to the present day.
Unfortunately it makes sense, unless Sam and Cat had some kind of off-screen disagreement or separation, there wouldn't really be a reason, other than wanting to be with Carly, for Sam to leave to go to uni of all places when she had spent the past 2 or so years doing whatever she wants, but if Cat is legitimately in prison or equivalent, then there's also little reason for her not to go. It gives Cat a pretty concrete ending, even if it isn't pleasant it makes sense that her character needs professional help before she adjusts to the world as an adult.
Personally, I always ignored the final episode because there isn't really any way to write around it unless you address Sam's disregard for Cat and Cat's concerning mental state (which I have seen a very well written interpretation of which made me cry), and I decided that Cat went to some form of music university at the same time Sam left to be with Carly at her university, so they parted ways in a very typical season finale fashion (graduation and a party followed by an emotional goodbye). Because to me that's the most pleasant and satisfying ending that doesn't feel too unrealistic or out of character; their characters aren't stuck together forever but there's potential for their paths to cross again.
I love thinking about how these characters ended up because the ending of Victorious and Sam and Cat is so vague you can pretty much make up anything and say it's canon-compliant - the future of all the characters appearing in the reboot has been canonically decided but other than Sam joining a biker gang, we don't have much else. My favourite headcanon is that Gibby opens Gibby's as an official restaurant and maybe Sam and/or Nevel are involved in running it in some capacity because it finishes Gibby's story off pretty nicely whilst giving a reason for him not being in the reboot (I have imagined that Bots goes bankrupt and he buys that building to open Gibby's just because that's funny to me)
I love all things post-canon, it's my favourite thing to speculate about with any form of media, and fully acknowledging how weird the canon ending of Sam & Cat actually is instead of ignoring it made this pretty interesting to think about
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emeraldtied · 9 months
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↳ @familylightfox asked: “Mini…” As the toddler made her way over and pawed at the singer’s ankle, there was a look in her eyes that might not have made too much sense. “Gibbie ball… bye bye.” She was pointing to a pile of colorful tinsel, similar in color to the toy in question. It had rolled in the front and almost blended in. Almost. “Mini help?”
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{➹} – IT DIDN'T TAKE MUCH more than that to tear the mongoose away from her notepad and pen or for her to spin around in her chair, the look on her face confused when she saw Gibbous' own expression. More so when the toddler spoke and pointed to the pile of shiny decorations. The family was still in the process of cleaning up after the holidays.
She looked from it, to the ball and back to Gibbous. At first sure it was some sort of game, or that the other had a sudden aversion to tinsel, but that look in the toddler's eyes said otherwise. It was concerning, she would admit, but she still strolled over to the toy in question.
"It's right here," she picked it up, her tone nothing but gentle as she handed it back to the girl. There a small silence before she had to asked, "could you really not see it...?"
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stories-from-the-warp · 11 months
Misadventures of a 40K Ork in Faerûn
Alternatively titled: "Da Legend of Da Panzysmasha"
Among Greenskin-kind, the Death Skulls clan are an anomaly: preferring looting over fighting and favor short engagements against weaker enemies, giving peers the impression that they are "un-orky". Combined with their poor habit of borrowing without ever attempting a return, Orks of this clan are almost as distrusted as a Blood Axe. If one such Ork believes an item could be useful later, he will take it---regardless of whether it is bolted down.
Naturally, when an ancient spacehulk emerges from the Warp, any self-respecting Death Skull would make haste to pillage it---doubly so if they are a Mekboy in search of parts and upgrades. This is the tale of one such kleptomaniac engineer: Gib-Gob "Da Panzysmasha".
Gib-Gob---often called "Gibby" by his fellow Mekboyz and "Mr. Gibbs" by everyone else in his warband---shoved aside countless Boyz and Grotz to ensure he was be the first Greenskin to set foot on the hulk. He zealously carved through every door and tore open every cargo container, seeking first dibs on the best components and equipment.
Deep inside the hulk, Gib-Gob found what appeared to be a large teleportation device. Instantly convinced that the best loot was on the other side, he slammed his fist into the control console, rushed onto the platform and threw himself at the opened portal.
Just as he crossed over the threshold, however, Gib-Gob realized he had made a terrible mistake: it wasn't a teleporter he had activated, but an artificial Warpgate made with techno-sorcery. When he skidded to a halt and turned around, the portal had closed. Worse yet, lesser daemons had discovered his presence.
Frantically searching for an exit, Gib-Gob fought wave after wave of feral Warp-creatures---using all his ammunition, breaking his empty weapons beyond repair by bashing daemons with them. Piece by piece, his armor was either destroyed or torn from his body, leaving him half-naked and defenseless. Punching and kicking even after the bones broke, the self-proclaimed "Panzysmasha" would eventually get krumped.
But just when a much larger wave of stronger daemons came barreling towards Gib-Gob, a rift had opened nearby. Not particularly concerned about where this would lead him, Gib-Gob once again threw himself across time and space---praying to both Gork and Mork to guide him to a land of plentiful loot.
The Green Gods would hear his prayer, though Gib-Gob would not find himself anywhere in the Milky Way galaxy...
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I’m going to ramble and gush a little so feel free to ignore this.
But I love @semisolidmind twice as bad AU involving the two handsome mystic monkeys and @skittlescripts Isekai to the west fan fiction.
I love the chaos and shenanigans that unfold in their drabbles of reader/peaches interacting with the monkey demons. As well as the glorious fluff among other things~!.
But obviously after reading as much as I can, some ideas of my own pop into my little head. Mostly what my self-insert would be like or how she would react to certain situations.
One at the top of my mind being that if my Self-insert found herself dropped into ancient china (whether she is given a mission from a certain goddess to help a monk or not), she would struggle big time to find anything to eat as she is huge a picky ass eater like myself due to autism and has a very limited diet. I just imagine her becoming so skin and bones that she will cause all around her to be incredibly concerned.
Or if Darcy lived in a village by flower fruit mountain where two certain demon monkeys live, she would end up being called the village crazy woman that always talking to herself and mumbling under breath. Who does odd things with her hands (stimming), I imagine the villagers would think she is some poor soul that has lost her mind due to some awful tragedy. When in reality she’s just vibing and trying to get by on what limited variety she has for food.
I can’t help imagining her finally coming across potatoes and getting all gibby about them, thinking that she can finally somehow make chips\fries. Holding a potato like Gollum would and her eyes sparking as she says “potatoe” in a some funny voice in excitement. Only for onlookers to look at her like she’s a mental patient.
The monkeys find her amusing and curious.
Darcy would definitely rant to the boys about her plans as if they could understand her (they totally can), maybe spill some information about her old world and how this was a delicacy she needed. Only to cry and break down moments later when she fails miserably to make chips/fries.
I also can see her struggling to peel apples with a knife and cutting her fingers accidentally, cursing loudly when she does as the juice of the fruit stings her cuts. “MOTHER F**KER! F**KING KNIFE! F**KING APPLES!.”
She’ll probably take the mystic monkeys offer on becoming their wife if it means someone would look after her sorry ass.
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dyadhogs · 8 months
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– @familylightfox asked: The toddler had disappeared into the nearby grass lining the beach after the frisbee that had been thrown. A few minutes passed and she came back out, mouth empty and currently in a frown as she scampered over to Basswood. “Fizzzz-bee bye bye.” She led them over to where it had disappeared. It was hard to spot with all the grass around it. Even harder when the ‘colors’ all blended together. “Gibbie sorry loooooooooose fizzzz-beee.”
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basswood had just been about to go after the toddler, convinced she had gotten distracted by something in the grass or sand, before she reappeared. the lack of a little plastic disc wasn't as concerning to the speedster as gibbous' frown. he knew he was strong and all but he didn't think he had thrown it that hard, and didn't protest as he was led to the grass.
where he promptly saw their lost toy, lying right there in the grass.
❝ hey, it's okay. we have plenty where that came from anyway, even if we had lost this one. ❞ as he said it he plucked the disc from the grass, and turned it over before looking from it to gibbous. he was...confused.
❝ it was right in front of you, kid. you didn't see it...? ❞
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faeriejones · 2 years
hey!!! deimos here :)
i hope you're having amazing holidays!
first of all, id like to apologize for not being so active these past weeks. they've been way busier than i expected and i wish i'd had more time to chat with you. however i do hope we'll become friends even though we didn't talk as much as i expected :)
now, about your last response to my ask:
i loved back to the future! i've watched the three films but its been a few years since i've watched them, so i cant quite remember exactly what happens. (but i do remember i liked them a lot!)
i prefer icarly mainly because i watched it more than victorious when i was a kid (i dont really know why......i just know it was easier for me to watch icarly????????). my favourite icarly episodes are any episodes where spencer has tons of screen time. i really like those where they go to japan as well! and spencer is definitely my favourite character. spencer and gibby – they are THE best!
speaking of nostalgia, i've recently started playing club penguin again. i grew up playing it, got really sad when it ended and now i'm back at it (obviously not playing the original BUT its still cool)
it really was amazing. i'm curious for what's going to be the theme for next year's presentation. i think it's going to be an even nicer experience since i'll probably feel more confident :)
yes!!!!!!! make pluto a planet again!!!!!! pluto's been a planet for so long why not just let it be a planet??? it's not harming anyone!!!
lore olympus is really lovely. i hope you enjoy reading it! i don't think deimos appears at least for the parts i've read. who knows what happened after that?
again, i hope you've had/are having lovely holidays. i loved being your secret santa and i really really wish i'd had the time and energy to talk to you more often during this. but what's done is done and i really hope we'll keep chatting (you're so nice and interesting aaaaaaah!!!!!!)
have a great day :)
- lilly
hello, lilly/deimos! it’s nice to finally meet you!!! i apologize for the late response, as i’ve been busy with work and i also have a concerning tendency to stall before responding to people. so don’t even worry about giving late responses, as i completely understand how difficult it can be at times! with that being said, i hope you’ve had a wonderful holiday!
there’s this little quirk about bttf 2, which is most notably one of the most random subplots in cinematic history, where marty suddenly gets pissed off every time someone calls him ‘chicken’. it’s absolutely hilarious when you go back and watch that scene where he turns around and says, ‘nobody calls me chicken’ with a serious tone. where did this subplot come from? why is it pertinent for the movie to establish that marty doesn’t like to be referred to as a barnyard animal? i don’t know, but it’s funny as hell lmaoooo
spencer and gibby are the backbone of icarly, to be completely honest. spencer’s niche artistic expression paired in with his genuine passion for his little sister’s show is what makes him such a great character. and gibby’s eccentricities are also what makes the show so iconic even years after its final cancellation. (although, noah munck did admit that he began to feel exhausted by how fans of the show would constantly go up to him and ask him to pull off his shirt—the whole “gibbyyy” routine) it’s a shame that gibby’s anticipated spinoff show was cancelled before an official pilot was released. it would’ve been interesting to see how that character’s life would’ve progressed post-series finale. instead, we got ‘sam and cat’ ; a decent show that contained two of the most beloved characters on nickelodeon at that point in time, but a failed emulation of its predecessors
icarly tangent aside, that’s awesome that you reconnected with club penguin again! did you play any other online games that were popular at that time like petpet park, movie star planet, poptropica, ect.? (damn.. we had so many virtual games that catered to our demographic back then :( )
okay, if you receive any hints as to what’s going to be next year’s theme for your presentation, i’d love to know! it’s great to know that you’re gradually becoming more comfortable with performing in front of others!
YOU’RE RIGHT!!! pluto has never committed a single crime (besides being too short, i guess) this is a noble cause for short kings/queens worldwide : advocate for pluto’s validity as a planet!!! and hopefully, deimos makes at least a minor appearance in the most recent issues of lore olympus. he deserves more representation, poor chap :(
as i’ve said previously, don’t fret about not having sent enough asks during this event. i wholeheartedly enjoyed exchanging messages with you and hope to become good friends as we enter the new year! you’re very kind and interesting, and you’ve introduced me to media that was unfamiliar to me before. overall, you’re really cool and i anticipate that we continue to keep in touch here on tumblr :D
have an amazing day!!!
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absentmoon · 1 year
hey bug what does gibbys heartbeat sound like. Yknow. From when you lie on his chest with his arms around you and he gives you little kisses. Just curious :)
~ @qilinkisser <3
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gloopdimension · 1 year
Meanwhile I think Dedus is a Lot less concerned over the wigglies and the circumstances they emerged in but they certainly do motivate him to figure out the current Wayne horrors and fix em so that the two of them can focus on the Normal aspects of slugthing raising and not the extra "Would we even be capable of parenting if some spell of absurdity type event happened" "Is Gibby going to come back and try to kick my ass" worries. I do however think that this starts making Pongo experience the classic of falling asleep on the couch neck snapped back and claiming to have simply been resting her eyes when called out. On her hands and knees in defeat because the baby carrier doesn't work with these ones like it does the waynegrubs they just keep sliding out
HEEHWEUWEGWGEAWHEGGHH THIS ONES SO SO CUTE TOO.. gorma commissions smuldunde for a wiggly carrier..sniffle... AND YEAH i think dedoos is far more optimistic when it comes to the wigglies futures but yeah deifnitiely, i think shed make twice as much of an effort to find out what happened with wayne. how can we fix it. how can we get him back if possible.
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incorrect-icarly · 5 years
Sam: Rules are made to be broken.
Freddie: They were made to be followed. Nothing is made to be broken.
Spencer: Uh, piñatas.
Gibby: Glow sticks.
Sam: Karate boards.
Carly: Spaghetti when you have a small pot.
Sam: Rules.
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mycarlydotcom · 3 years
Well, I've officially watched the first episode of the iCarly revival and...I didn't hate it. I admittedly had a big dumb smile on face watching the old characters I loved again. The new characters didn't bother me, but I didn't connect with them very much (it's still just the first episode though, so I'm not gonna write them off that quickly).
MOST IMPORTANTLY though, Sam. They did not say she was in prison, which was what I was most concerned with. She is part of a biker gang, called "The Obliterators" lol. I can accept that. It's an outlandish explanation that I would expect from iCarly, and it does at least make sense with the canon of the how the original show ended (and Sam & Cat for those keeping score). And I'm totally reading into things way too far but...Freddie very specifically made a certain facial reaction when Carly mentioned Sam, and followed it up by saying "I hope she's okay." That made me smile, even if it is meaningless. ❤
No mention of Gibby however...not sure how (or if) they'll address that.
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laloward · 3 years
This is from the first part of the saga of 3-6 hour long video essays about nickelodeon sitcoms. I am concerned for this man
Transcript: “Recently I’ve been having dreams almost exclusively as Carly Shay. You see, usually I have like, anxiety nightmares, you know, things that keep me up at night, haunt me in my sleep. And all of that is still happening, except instead of dreaming as myself, I’m dreaming as Carly, and all of my deepest fears and anxieties are being recontextualized as things that could happen in a sitcom world to her. One weird nightmare I had a few weeks ago was that I was in an episode of iCarly, and it was like, your typical sitcom shenanigans. People were running around, Spencer was doing jokes, there was a laugh track, and then someone died. I can’t remember who, I think it was Gibby, but like, someone just died in the middle of this iCarly dream, and immediately it just stopped being a sitcom. Like, the studio set morphed into a real room, there was no laugh tracks, it was all very serious. Spencer was a completely different person - he like, suddenly wanted revenge - and I was left with the sinking feeling that like, I was next. I was going to be the next person to die. And I just desperately wanted to get back to that sitcom world.” (He starts saying something else but the video cuts off cause i didnt bother to crop this properly)
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