hottestswagking · 9 months
Ozpupnin on randal scandle (steve idnt in the oursiders play 💔💔💔🏃🏼🏃🏼🏃🏼)
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I'm genuinely upset about it. I'm not watching the play if my bitch ain't there
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men-in-4k · 2 months
Kit Connor for "Romeo + Juliet" in 4K 🥵
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If you like the content, follow me on TWITTER as well <3
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barrowsteeth · 1 year
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Joe Locke and Kit Connor for Teen Vogue (August 2023)
article linked below
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remyderatz · 5 months
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Sorry guys the only drawing I have for today and it's a wip 😔
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suguwuus · 9 months
Could you write a connor x daughter of Athena. Where she has been at camp for a year, but they have known each other for about two weeks and he flirts a little too much in training and she thinks he is being mean. but in the end they make up.
★ nice
oh em gee my first req i feel like spongebob on his first day with his shiny lil spatula and squeaky shoes
p.s. so sorry this took so long i was so very sick when you sent it in and then exam week left me bruised and broken and so sleepy 😭
wc: 2.4k words
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Who the Hades is this guy? Or more like, who the hell does this guy think he is?
You stared at the hunched-over figure wiping your bronze weapon down with a cloth, whistling as he went. It was too casual for someone like him to be doing something like that, especially with your weapon.
You recognized him as one of those Stoll brothers. They had been at camp for almost as long as you had, yet it seems that he's been popping up and about into your business these past few days. And he had been doing it a lot. Offering to carry your things, greeting you good morning and good night, even going so far as to try and make your bed for you. It was strange. Suspiciously strange. And you didn't trust him. From what you've heard and seen around camp, he was a prankster, an awfully resourceful two-faced troublemaker who could ruin your day with two paperclips and a cup of orange juice.
You thought he was no match for you, though. After all, you were equally crafty and clever as well, if not more than him. You thanked your mother, Athena, for both those skills and the grace to notice the signs this early on.
Gods, what was the purpose of all of this? You couldn't figure him out. You had some ideas, some guesses, but you couldn't pinpoint anything exactly. You needed direct contact with him; you needed to observe him up close so you could finally see his true intentions. Did he get bored and were you his new target? Was he doing this for a bet? Did you do something recently to catch his attention?
So, it was strange. Strange that you two have been skirting around each other for the past few years, not talking unless forced to and if you did, you only exchanged small talk. Why was he now all up in your business? Was he plotting something? You remembered when he put a tarantula in your half-sister Annabeth's bunk. You thought that was the last time you'd see those two boys.
"You look like you're plotting to kill him."
You jumped. Said Annabeth stood behind you, holding a plastic bag full of something you could only guess was your cabin's deposit of trash. Every other morning someone would do this to keep the cabin clean—and every morning Connor would greet you. Today, he added an offer to wipe your weapon down. You reluctantly agreed, vulnerable at 7 in the morning.
You knew you shouldn't be driven by rumors and gossip, shouldn't judge a book by its cover. But your overly paranoid self just refused to try and get to know the boy.
You pursed your lips and turned to Annabeth, sucking in a breath. "What's he like?" You asked.
"A little shit," Annabeth replied, and your heart sank. "But," she continued. "He's a reliable little shit. He's not evil or anything like that. He just has a talent for getting on people's nerves, him and Travis. It's a Hermes kid thing. Why?"
You glanced nervously to the side. "He's been doing the absolute most for me recently. Asking if I need help with anything, greeting me every time we see each other. We're not close. We're not even close to being close."
Annabeth took a few moments looking over at him as well, a small smile on her face. "Hmm. Well, I can't say anything for sure. But there's a very low chance he's doing this out of malice."
You cringed. "So..."
"Just wait and see where this goes," She advised, swinging the plastic bag. "If he hurts you, beat him up." Then she went away.
You scratched your head, starting to walk away from your cabin. That was...sort of helpful? No worries. You could handle this. It wasn't everyday you dealt with someone with the first name Connor and last name Stoll, but it wasn't everyday that you climbed the lava tower, either, no? And you survived that. So how hard could a boy be?
Quite hard, as it turned out to be.
You watched him stand up, stuffing the dirty cloth in his pocket. He then looked around the camp, walking in circles as if searching for someone. You knew he was looking for you, so when he turned in your direction you reluctantly waved a hand, but not enough to be obvious or easily noticed in the bustle of the camp.
When he spotted you, he jogged up to you like an excited dog, haphazardly swinging your weapon. He held it out with calloused hands. "Here!"
"Thanks. Erm, Connor." You added his name for good measure and took your weapon back. You inspected it quickly. No tampering, as far as you could see. It was clean, too. You looked back up at him and nodded. He had done a decent job. An honest, decent job?
"Did you just wake up?" He blurted out, sporting a smile that made you feel...what, self conscious? His words didn't help.
"No, I've been doing errands while waiting for you." You kept your answer plain and simple. "Why?" Without realizing it, you smoothed out your shirt.
He saw where your hands were going and chuckled, his eyes crinkling as if you just cracked a joke that amused him twice as much as the average pun did. "Don't worry, sunshine, you're not the ugliest thing I've seen in my life."
And the he walked away whistling, probably going off to tie someone's shoelaces together to trip them up. What the fuck? You thought, still processing what had just happened. What was that all about? Don't worry, sunshine?
You bet Apollo was laughing at you from Mount Olympus with the way the sunlight was shining right onto your face as Connor walked away, blinding you as you stood there in confusion.
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You eyes searched the assortment of campers for Annabeth, some tiny bit of support you could anchor yourself to. She wasn't there. No striking grey eyes of hers among the orange shirts. You grit your teeth, accepting your defeat.
Well, not exactly your defeat. Not yet, at least. Hopefully not.
You gave Connor your best glare as he walked up to you in the middle of the arena. He swung his sword in his hand back and forth as if this was a game to him. Luckily for you, you also saw it as a game. A fun game to try and get to learn a thing or two about him. You wanted to observe him, close up? Here was your chance.
Sword practice. Sparring. Percy as the instructor overseeing the match. Perfect.
"Shake hands, guys," He said, standing between you and Connor. He then nodded at the boy. "No cheating, alright? No extra tricks."
"Yeah, yeah," He said, tapping his foot. You saw how he seemed almost giddy, but when he met your eyes, his smile melted and he cleared his throat.
You held a hand out. He shook it, not taking his eyes off you. He had a serious expression on, devoid of all humor or teases. "Nice shirt," he mumbled. And then he was off, stepping backwards until he was a reasonable distance away from you.
Shaking the confusion out of your head, you got into position, holding your weapon as you adjusted your stance.
Percy gave the signal and you two were off, celestial bronze clashing against one another. Your ears rung and you tried to not let the sun blind you.
Frustratingly enough, you couldn't observe much except for his physical traits (a light spray of freckles across his nose bridge, a nasty looking scar on his knee and a bruise on the other one, a hand with only one fingernail painted cherry red; unsurprisingly enough for a son of Hermes, he seemed to be ambidextrous) and that he was awfully talkative.
"I might have trouble focusing, but I'm multitasking right now, see? Your face is distracting, but I can handle it." "You're nice to look at when you're cornered like this, you know? Cute and mad, I should piss you off more!" "I really like your lack of enthusiasm all the time!"
Parry. Strike. Slash. Clang! The tip of his sword grazed your jaw and you swiped at his shins. Contrary to his blabber, you stayed silent except for grunts and the like, determined to finish him off.
Someone in the audience of campers yelled for Connor to focus. Instead he laughed. Soon you ended up with your weapons pressed against each other, screeching as the material of each grinded against one another. You were face to face with him now.
"You seem a little rusty, maybe you should consider practicing with me—"
That was your last straw. You pushed him back, so hard that you ended a few feet away from him, and charged, but at the last second swung to disarm him from his waiting sword instead of striking. With your momentum, you wrapped an arm around his neck, pushing his head upward, and stepped behind him, holding your weapon to his throat.
"You know, I'd say something, but I don't think it's very audience friendly, I think it should be reserved for someplace without overbearing coordinators or nine year olds," He giggled.
You released him after Percy gave you the signal. Of course, you had to be somewhat polite. So you maneuvered his body so he was facing you, standing properly now. You took his clammy hand and shook it, looking him straight in the eye.
"Good duel," You said, nodding, chest still rising and falling from the intense practice match.
"Yeah, yeah, good duel," Connor replied, stumbling over his words. "Percy didn't...didn't have any comments for us, y-yeah, that's...that's good, right?"
You nodded again, and he let go of your hand, swallowing and glancing at the floor. He wet his lips, as if there was something he was itching to say, something stuck in his throat.
"You...you have nice eyes." He walked away with something you might have called a scurry.
Tilting your head in utter confusion, you heard a voice and felt a hand tap your shoulder. You turned around to see a little girl of about 12 years old. Strands of her dark hair stuck to her chubby cheeks from sweat. "Return the compliment. That's pamahiin, you know." She shot a cautious glance at Connor's turned back.
"It's what?"
"Superstition where someone curses you in the form of a compliment. He's been saying all kinds of things since the start of your match!"
"That doesn't sound like a Greek superstition to me. Where'd you hear that?" The girl left before you could finish. You shook your head. Silly kids.
You decided you had some business to attend to, so you jogged after Connor, following him down the path to the archery range.
"Hey," you called. "Connor!"
He slowly turned around, looking anxious. "...Yes?"
"What was that?"
"What was what?"
"You're being strange. You kept talking during sword practice—you never do it that much, and you keep offering to do things for me. Are you following me around? Why did you compliment my shirt out of the blue right before we started?"
His brain seemed to load. And then he smiled. "You watch me during sword practice?"
"Sometimes, when there's nothing else to watch. The point is, you're acting off!"
He cleared his throat. "Well, erm, you know, I've just been seeing you around and I wanted to get to know you more. Wait, I complimented your shirt? We're all wearing the same ones."
You stepped closer. "No, are you up to something? Trying to get under my skin? Everything you say is somewhat backhanded and it feels like you're planning to get me in trouble, or both of us in trouble. If you don't like me, just say it straight to my face." You clenched your fists as you finished.
His expression morphed and looked horrified. "Oh, my Gods. No, I'm sorry."
You stared hard, waiting for him to explain himself.
"Shit, Y/N. That, uh...that wasn't...oh man, I didn't mean for it to come out like that. I mean, I am mouthy all the time, but I didn't want you to think of it like that! I do, I'm complimenting you, I guess we just don't match up in terms of what's a 'nice' gesture or not.
"I'll say it straight, then. I'm being nice to you, trying to say nice things. Because I think you're nice."
You raised a brow. "...Nice?"
"Yes, nice. And I really liked practicing with you. And greeting you in the morning and at night. And you. I like being nice to you even if you don't understand my little pickup lines sometimes."
"So you weren't trying to be mean?"
"No, absolutely not."
"Ah...okay. I see. That's...fair. I guess I was just paranoid." You slowly nodded, understanding his defense. You could see him nervously putting his thumbs through his belt loops.
"Mhm." He looked to the side. "Oh, and by the way, maybe the thing I said this morning was confusing, you're not ugly at all, I think you—everything about you, is very, pleasing to the eye."
You chuckled. "—Is nice."
He let out a relieved laugh at how you had caught on. "Yes, exactly that. Oh," He perked up, looking behind your shoulder. When you followed his gaze you saw some campers walking towards him, and they did not look very happy. He put his sword back into his scabbard and tied his shoelaces, which had come undone.
So he was a prankster. Obviously. But he wasn't as bad as you thought. Not mean, just a little mischievous at times. You definitely were just paranoid. It's not everyday you got that many compliments. Puzzling ones that needed comprehension, yet still compliments. And he was easy to talk to. Not mean at all. Come to think of it, you hadn't fallen victim to his or Travis's pranks lately, not in a long while—
"That's my cue," he reached over and awkwardly patted your shoulder, averting your gaze. Despite that, he was smiling ear-to-ear. "See you sometime, okay? Bye!"
"Bye...!" And he dashed away, leaving you beaming in amusement. Wait, pickup lines? Those were pickup lines to him?
Nice? Nice as in flirting?
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leelany-world · 8 months
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Connor 3D model by DazCover on RenderHub
Seven Kisses Prompt Challenge, Day 3 - a kiss to get what you want
Connor and the others had tried everything to deviate the RK900 they had found in the CyberLife Tower and named Nines—but to no avail.
There was one thing, however, that Connor hadn't tried: overpowering Nines with a mixture of a direct attack on his system via an interface and intimate physical contact—a kiss.
For Connor, it was a kiss to get Nines to deviate.
And for Nines? He was already a deviant, but he wanted to know how far Connor would go.
Third prompt for the Seven Kisses Prompt challenge by @connor-sent-by-cyberlife on twitter.
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wolftozier · 1 year
anyway thinking about Richie having lots of cool cars and absolutely no car knowledge paired with Eddie who has no cool cars and lots of car knowledge
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hotboyssstuff · 6 months
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Kit Connor on Instagram
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rebeldesthings · 2 months
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handsome-n-hot-boys · 2 years
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unstablerk800 · 6 months
By the gods this edit slaps 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
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babyeater29 · 1 month
Simon Pyramid... and Kurtis Connor...
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So preppahy.....
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invisiblesmens · 2 years
Headless Connor mcgregor
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connorwhumpaddict · 1 year
While I know I don’t have very many fans or followers 🥲
But to those lovely people who does follow me! I’ve seen a lot of writers on here offer a tag list and I wondered if anyone would like me to start/ be added to one? Either with my fics, artworks or maybe both?
But the most important thing is that people no matter how many or few there might be hopefully enjoy my work and I thought a tag list might help with this? ✨❤️👏🏼
EDIT: Please let me know if you want to be added a tag list by commenting on this post or DM me. I don’t consider a ‘like’ as a permission 😊
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stoneoferech · 6 months
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Amber Lee Connors
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rebeldesthings · 3 days
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