connorwhumpaddict · 1 year
This sketch is very old. Something I never wrote something for, but where I was just in the mood for some whumpy Connor (which is always) ❤️‍🩹 In my mind I imagine he was dragged by his neck behind a car or something like that..
But I felt bad it was just sitting in my archive so I thought I’d share it with you guys. I hope you like it and if anyone should feel inspired to write a accompanying piece for this I’d love to read it!
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justwhumpythings · 5 years
New year, new whump blogs
Let’s make 2019 the year of whump, shall we? And what better place to start than with whump blogs on Tumblr (as long as it lives)! Here’s some of the new people that have joined our little community in the past few months, along with some old faithfuls I somehow missed:
@galaxy-whump, @fool-for-whump, @captivity-whump, @alllhurtnocomfort, @rough-and-whump, @whumptopia, @whumpwho, @whatsupwhump, @caddy-whump-us, @tormentum-ab-intra, @connorwhump, @the-whump-scribe, @justanotherwhumpblog, @whumperwoman, @whumpyladiesandmen, @woundsthatneverheal, @whumpediwhump, @wildfaewhump, @pineapplewhumper, @bbbbbbblood, @big-whump-energy, @bloodysideblog, @bubba-whump-shrimp-co, @onlyhurtnocomfort, @clevernameforawhumpblog, @ladywhump-lemming, @sdt-angst-and-whump, @impuremetals, @bleedingout4you, @whumpandsuffering, @whumpwhumplol, @whumpstielsen, @much-ado-about-whumping, @yes-i-wanted-it, @nicolethewhumpatee, @maui-writes-whump, @inpainandsuffering, @heartlesslywhumping, @kdramawhumpzone, @bloodymuscleandbone, @hurt-me-but-hug-me-too, @whump-tastic, @imboredsothisistheresult, @chrisii-the-random-whump-writer, @writingwhumpstuff, @whump-collection, @thewhumpkingdom, @whumpstdve-done-this, @justbreakonme, @whumplovely, @thatsgonnaleaveamark, @whumpingmydarlings, @charactershateher, @that-one-thespian, @ent-whump, @whump-the-gun, @some-whump-drabbles, @just-whump, @thewhumpingwillow, @whumpyladywhump, @whump-at-its-finest, @thoughtsonhurtandcomfort
As usual, go and check them out, maybe give them a follow, and let me know if there’s anyone I’ve missed!
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slippery-minghus · 6 years
@connorwhump just want you to know that as soon as i saw your blog i insta-followed you. your url is all i needed to know ;)
(i follow as its-a-straw-tali btw)
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connorwhumpaddict · 2 years
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"The collapsed building debris creaked and shifted loudly above them in the little air pocket. The metal desk they’d taken cover under had partially collapsed over them and was now pressing hard against Connor’s staining back as the android was bracing against the immense weight from above with his forearms and knees. A sharp metal piece from the shredded desk had drilled its way into his lower back, right beside his spinal cord, warm thirium dripping from the wound. (...) The only light filling the small space being the red light of Connor’s LED spinning slowly. The weight above was crushing and the pain from the protruding metal in his back was excruciating, but he forced himself to keep conscious and stay strong for the frightened girl beneath him, he couldn’t let her know he was struggling or how much danger they were still in."
I can't help it, I'm a sucker for self-sacrificing Connor whump! Hope you'll all enjoy this and if you're up for more Connor whump/ Hurt/ Comfort go read my fic 'Derserving of Pain', it'd mean a lot to me!!
This selfmade fanart and snippet is from chapter 4 'Scanner malfunction' (Link to chapter and rest of the complete work here).
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connorwhumpaddict · 1 year
“A whole new world (without pain)” (Connor whump w/Friendship gender neutral reader) ❤️‍🩹
Summary: Connor is wound up and in constant pain from his overused and strained muscles and joints, but doesn’t realise it isn’t normal since he has functioned like that since his deviancy. Until reader, a physical/ massage therapist working at the DPD offers him a massage and is horrified to find him so tense. Reader takes the time and care to bring the poor android some much needed relief.
Warnings: none
A/N: I want to specify that I’m in no way a trained physical or massage therapist and therefor I do not guarantee for accuracy in this fic. I did the best I could with research and my own experiences from physical therapy when I’ve been treated for various sport injuries. That said, please be lenient in your judgement if you have better knowledge than me on the area. I just wanted to write a whumpy massage fic for pleasure 👏🏻
Banner: By me
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You’d been working at the DPD for a few months by now. The management had decided to try and do something to nurture a more healthy environment for the precinct’s increasingly stressed out personnel and one of their initiatives was hiring you as a full time physiotherapist. You had been offered a well equipped treating area upstairs where you offered treatment, consultations and the occasionally rehab session for all the precinct’s officers and other personnel.
Every Tuesday and Friday however people could book you as you’d do rounds and offer 15 minutes of shoulder/ neck massages at peoples own desks to help them loosen tight muscles that inevitably would come from being hunched over a computer screen for too long at a time. Today was Tuesday and your were making your was down to the bullpen. You looked at your pad to see who was your first appointment; Chris Miller.
You smiled as you entered the open office. You loved doing what you did and the people you worked with. You loved to help them feel better, to soothe aches and ease peoples pain. It might not feel like much, but you knew how much difference you did for your patients and that was reward enough in itself.
“Time to get to work.” You muttered cheerily to yourself.
You entered the office and was immediately greeted warmly by most of the people on shift, many which you had appointments with during your day. But first thing first, you made your way to officer Miller’s work station. “Chris you and I have a date my man!” You called in a cheerful voice.
Chris looked up from his screen and smiled. “We sure do! Thank god you’re here Y/N, my neck is killing me. I’ve been looking forward to this all week!”
“Well, lets see what we can do for you then.” You replied as you settled behind his chair. You set the 15 minute timer on your watch and placed your hands on his shoulders to do what you did best.
Your day went ahead as scheduled until you reached your last appointment of the day. You looked around the office for Officer Pearson who wasn’t at her desk, as was protocol when you’d been booked.
“Anyone seen Pearson?” You asked out into the room.
“Yeah, she had to go home with a stuffed nose and fever ten minutes ago.” Lieutenant Hank Anderson answered you from his own desk.
“Oh, poor her. I hope she feel better soon.” You said in compassion.
“She asked us to offer you her apologies for not having enough time to cancel her appointment with you, but she didn’t want to risk infecting you.” Connor, Anderson’s partner and more or less adopted son, added from his own seat across from the lieutenant. You’d spoken to him a few times and found him really kind and sweet, but he’d never booked your services himself even though he’d made Anderson come see you a few times when his back would act up, as the man was often too stubborn to do anything about it before he was in incapacitating pain.
“That’s alright, but seems like I have a slot open then. Why don’t I work on you Connor? You’ve never taken advantage of my service before, its about time I’d say.” You offered the kind android.
Connor seemed a little taken aback by your offer and made his LED spin yellow a few times in contemplation. “I’ve no need of your service, I’m functioning at full capacity.” He answered.
“Yeah, but you can still enjoy a massage without it having to be about increasing function. I’ve worked on Susan and Michael plenty of times and they seem to enjoy it.” You said, referring to the precinct’s android receptionist team, and made your way closer to the desks. You’d found that android’s synthetic muscles weren’t all that different from human’s. The anatomy was basically the same, but android’s muscles were more durable and could handle a lot more strain before getting injured, tense or pulled.
“It just seems like a waste of your time, Y/N. There’s probably someone more in need of your attention than me taking your last appointment for simple.. Enjoyment.” Connor rationalised.
“I promise you it’s not a ‘waste of my time’ and you’re not hogging my time from anyone else.” You reassured the detective.
Connor seemed on the verge to protest again when the lieutenant cut in. “Come on kid, you deserve to unwind a bit. You’ve been working cases back to back for the last three weeks. Treat yourself a little. I promise you it’s worth it.”
“Yeah Connor, seriously try it! Y/N’s the best!! You’ll feel like you’re floating afterwards.” Chris Miller added from his seat across the room.
Connor was silent a few seconds later, but finally gave in. “Alright then, I suppose I could try it.” He agreed.
You smiled warmly and made your way the last few paces to take your stand behind his chair. “Can you remove your blazer please, the less layers the better.” You requested as you set your timer.
Connor did as you asked and removed his grey blazer to lay it across his desk before he leaned slightly forward, resting his forearms on there as well, as he’d seen your other patients do to give you a better reach to his neck and broad shoulders.
You placed your hands on each shoulder with your thumbs at base of his neck and applied a firm pressure to work into the muscle and.. Nothing.. Despite your strong force there was absolutely no give in the tissue beneath your fingers. You bit your lip and applied all your strength which were saying something (in your profession you had to have strong hands to work) and this time you did manage to make the muscle give just the tiniest bit as you swept your thumbs upwards. Beneath you, you heard Connor let out an almost inaudible hiss an saw his LED switch to yellow at his temple.
You eased up the pressure again and lowered your hands to asses across and under his shoulders, feeling your concern grow as you already had a suspicion on what you were going to find. Sure enough, you might as well have been trying to palpate a brick wall! Never in your life had you felt this tight and wound up muscles and it went down his whole back. The fact that android synthetic muscles were much more resistance to exactly this kind of tension only made it that much more horrifying that it’d gotten to be this bad. This wasn’t just something he’d developed overnight, this had been accumulation for a long, long time, how was he even functioning?! You knew androids feel pain because of a mutation in their code when they deviate so he had to be in absolute agony!
You tried to switch over to using the entire heel of your hand so you could use your entire body weight to try and loosen the rock hard knots under his right shoulder.
Connor’s light abruptly turned red and he let out another hiss of pain although much louder this time, his eyes pinched shut. “I’m sorry to say this, but.. This is not as pleasant as you made it out to be.” He groaned through clenched teeth.
“Yeah, no kidding!” You groaned yourself, but you from exertion. “My world Connor, what have you done to yourself? I’ve never felt anyone this tense!”
Anderson looked over at the two of you his eyes starting to show a growing worry. “What’s going on son? Did you hurt yourself again and didn’t tell me?” The older man’s voice held a slight hint of accusation, as if it wouldn’t be the first time Connor had been hiding injury from him.
“No Hank, I-” Another pained gasp interrupted him as you kept trying to make the unrelenting musculature give under your ministrations. “I promise I didn’t!” He finished his head leaned forwards to hide his pinched, pained expression.
“Well, I saw you literally lift a car yesterday to help a man fix his flat tire, you sure you didn’t pull something?” Officer Thomsen chipped in from his own workspace.
“That car only weighed 55% of my maximum capacity.” Connor defended himself.
“And you did jump out a window from the second floor last week when you chased that Red Ice dealer.” Tina added.
“I rolled when I landed!” Connor exclaimed as if that was a reasonable explanation.
“Oh, maybe it was when you..”
“Alright, I think I get the picture.” You interrupted before people could add to the list of reckless behaviour the android may have overtaxed himself while doing. You could feel him tense up even further (how little possible that should have been) beneath your hands. Clearly Connor weren’t comfortable being the centre of attention like this so you thought better to save him from the situation.
“This is an issue Connor, but not something that isn’t fixable. I can’t work probably on you like this however, this needs special attention.” You explained and pulled your hands off him, Connor’s LED turned back from red to yellow in relief. “You need to come see me first thing tomorrow morning in my clinic upstairs though.”
Connor turned slightly in his seat to look at you.“But, I’m working the Jackson case, I can’t..”
“Don’t worry about the case son, Thomsen and I got it covered you just.. Do what you need to do to get better.” Lieutenant Anderson interjected.
“But Captain Fowler expects me to..” Connor tried again.
“I expect my officers to prioritise their health and well-being so I don’t have to worry about sending them out in the field!” Captain Fowler suddenly appeared from the break room, holding a cup of coffee in hand. “If Y/N deems it necessary for you to receive immediate treatment that’s what you’ll do detective.” The man said in a voice that left no room for discussion.
Connor visibly deflated a bit in his seat. “Yes sir.” He still replied respectfully.
“Sooo.. Shall we say 8am tomorrow?” You asked Connor directly for affirmation.
Connor offered you a nod. “Yes, I’ll be there.”
“Alright then, see you tomorrow then Connor.” You walked out the office towards your clinic, you needed to go into this prepared.
The next morning Connor walked into your clinic at 8am sharp.
“Good morning.” You greeted the detective cheerfully.
“Good morning Y/N. I’m here for my appointment.” He greeted you back professionally.
You grinned a bit. “Yeah I figured. Please take off your jacket, shirt and shoes, but keep standing. I need to do some mobility tests first.” You asked as you lay a clean white sheet across the treatment table.
Connor did as you asked and removed his blazer, draping it across the back of a nearby chair before he tugged off his black tie, unbuttoned his white dress shirt and laid them on the chair as well, lastly toeing off his shoes.
You moved to stand behind him on his right side, but made sure you were still visible in his periphery vision. “First, make sure to let me know if anything feels too uncomfortable of painful, alright?” You instructed.
“Yes, I understand.” Connor agreed readily.
Satisfied you began your examination. “Can you bend forward as far as you can please?” Connor did, he bent all the way down until he was touching the floor flat with both hands. It took you slightly aback that he could manage it after you’d felt how tight his muscles were yesterday, that movement should be much too painful to preform to that extend. As that thought crossed your mind you noticed his LED had changed from a calm blue to a fast spinning yellow at his temple, but his expression was as calm as ever.
“Okay, and back up.” You instructed.
Once again Connor did as you asked and you watched as his LED returned to a flicker between blue and yellow. You gently placed a hand on the side of both his shoulders. “Now stretch as far as you can to the left.” You guided his movement as he did while you watched both the range of his movement but also his LED. You made him repeat the motion to the other side and, as before, he seemed to have full range, but each time he was in outer positions his LED would flicker to fast spinning yellow.
“Have a seat on the table please.” You asked and Connor got up on the surface in compliance.
“Just relax as much as you can while I guide your joints through some movements and remember, tell me if anything feels too painful.” You repeated and did some extensive mobility checks on both of his elbows and wrists and then had him lay down flat on the padded table and tested both his knee and ankle joints as well. You could move them all in almost full range, but you felt a distinct resistance in all of his joints while doing so. Throughout it all Connor’s LED again spun yellow and if you hadn’t been looking so closely you’d probably never have noticed, but you could see how his eyes tightened just the tiniest bit in discomfort as you worked. The android never uttered a single complaint however. When you stopped you noticed Connor let of a small sigh of relief.
“Okay, please sit up for a bit.”
Connor sat up in a fluent motion and leaned back on his hands braced on the table behind him and looked at you intently, showing he was listening. You pulled up a desk chair and took a seat so you could sit facing him.
“I just want to talk to you a bit before we begin treatment to understand you a bit better.” You said, making sure to keep you voice soft and empathic.
“During these initial range of motion tests we just completed, did any of them feel just slightly uncomfortable or painful?” You asked him.
Connor looked a bit confused by your question. “Yes.” He answered honestly.
“Did it feel very uncomfortable or painful even? I saw your LED shift quite a lot.” You pushed.
Connor looked a bit hesitant to answer, but eventually did. “I suppose it did, yes.”
“All of them hurt you to do, right?” You stated more than asked and was confirmed when Connor answered with a simple. “Yes.”
“Then why didn’t you say anything? I told you to let me know if anything hurt.” You asked, careful to not sound accusing, but more curious and maybe a bit worried.
“Technically, you told me to let you know if anything felt too painful or uncomfortable and it didn’t feel any worse or more painful than it has always been whenever I move around, so I saw no point in stating the obvious.” Connor explained in a very matter-of-fact way.
You looked at him for a few seconds, only blinking a few times as you processed that sentence. Once you’d gone over it a few times in your head and was sure you’d understood correctly you opened your mouth to get clarity. “I’m sorry Connor, but.. Are you telling me you’ve been this tense and felt pain whenever you’re moving? Like.. Since you deviated?”
Connor started to look very confused. “I mean.. Yeah.. The pain is always there in the background it always has been. It’s worse when I move or I need to push myself physically in the field, of course but..” His confusion ebbed away into uncertainty as he watched your expression change into one of deep worry and sympathy in front of him. “But.. Isn’t that.. Normal?” He finished in a thinner voice.
You shook your head slowly. “God.. No.. No Connor.. Your body isn’t supposed to hurt all the time.. That’s..” You paused, collecting yourself a bit. “Can you tell me if you suffered any injuries before you deviated?”
Connor’s eyes turned unfocused and his LED spun yellow, this time because he was processing his time from his activation up until his deviation. It only took five seconds before his brown eyes returned back to you, alert once more, and he started to sum up his findings;
“I was shot in both my shoulders, I was gut punched by detective Reed, been tackled, I was hit by two cars on the highway, I fell off a building twice, fell through a window, I was in a few fights, once a deviant ripped out my thirium pump and stabbed my hand to a counter with a kitchen knife then-”
“Alright, I get it. That’s plenty, thank you!” You interrupted his list sensing he wasn’t near done but having heard plenty to make a calculated conclusion “Your body suffered so much trauma and injury before you deviated, that being in constant pain has become your ‘normal’, because that’s how its always been for you ever since you became deviant.. It’s horrible that’s how it’s been for you, but it explains a lot.”
Connor seems to process your words for a few seconds. “Oh.. I suppose that makes sense..” He muttered then rubbed his neck and sighed. “Well, I feel a bit foolish now to be honest.. I just.. I really thought it was normal to feel this way..” He looked at you slightly lost. “It wasn’t until yesterday, after you seemed so shocked at my condition, I began to suspect something wasn’t right..”
“Hey.” You placed a gentle hand on the android’s knee, catching his eyes again and offered him a soft smile. “It’s not foolish Connor. Not at all! This has just always been your reality. The important thing is now you know this isn’t how it’s supposed to be and I want to do everything I can to help take his pain away from you so you never have to suffer alone like this again, deal?”
Connor seemed to peak up a little by your reassurance and managed a small smile of his own. “Deal.” He agreed.
“Good. Now tell me.. Where do you find your pain to be most intense for you most days?”
“My shoulders, lower back and both my knees usually causes me most discomfort.”
“Then that’s the areas we’ll focus on first, starting with your back today. Now I’m sorry but I’m afraid this won’t be very pleasant, at least not to begin with, but it’s a necessary evil. Just promise me to let me know if you need a break or if something feels off, I know your pain threshold is high but that just makes it that more important for you to comunicate with me, ok?”
Connor nodded. “I understand Y/N. I’ll do my best.”
Satisfied you instructed Connor to take off his pants as well and get situated under the sheet draped over the table on his front, to make sure he was as comfortable as possible and giving you unobstructed access to his entire back without issue. You left the room briefly to give him some privacy to get settled and used the time to fetch the oil you were going to use. When you returned the android was laying as instructed.
You made sure to announce your presence before you gently placed a hand on his bare shoulder. “Since your synthetic muscles in your entire back is so tense and knotted already I’m going to use a massage gun-” You showed him the device in your other hand under the table where his face peaked through the hole supporting the head. “- to help me loosen you up while sparring my hands a bit. It uses a combination of vibrations and heat and can feel a bit intense, but it hardly makes any noise so again, if you need a break or anything else just let me know.”
“I will.”
“Good, I’m gonna begin then.” You turned the gun on a medium setting, making the rounded ball in the front vibrate back and forth. You touched the tip and could feel a pleasant warmth emanating from it as well, ready to seep in and help loosen the tight muscles. With practiced ease you pressed it down to run along his upper neck and down the trapezius muscle on his left.
Connor let out a soft groan as no doubt the sensation aggravated his sore synthetic tissue. You winched a bit in sympathy, but there really was nothing for it and repeated the motion on his other side with the same response. You worked over his neck and shoulder area for about 10 minutes and then moved on to run the palpating device down along the dorsi muscles next to his spine. The hand not holding the gun ran ahead, feeling out where the worst knots were located so you could pause and work out the worst tension where it’s most needed. Connor kept as silent and stoic throughout the session as well as you suspected, but still couldn’t suppress the occasional hiss or groan of discomfort whenever you needed to work out a tight knot. You managed to reach his lower back where, sure enough, the tension was worst. You’d just located a particular hard knot on the right side and moved the gun over it when you felt Connor tense up gripping the edge of the table and pushed his chest off with a gasp.
“Break..” He called out. “I need a break, please.” He groaned out in a pained voice.
You immediately pulled away, turning off the massage gun and setting it on a table next to you. “Of course.” You walked over to a storage cupboard where you’d stacked up different kinds of thirium packs and selected a lemon ice tea flavoured one, you’d been assured by Hank was one of the detective’s favourites. “Here, try and drink a bit of this.” You offered.
Connor looked up at the offered drink as he lay with his elbows resting on the surface of the padded table. His face was flushed blue and there were a tightens around his eyes. He accepted the blue blood and took a generous drink. “Thanks.” He breathed and allowed you to take back the half empty pack. “Sorry, I just.. That spot has always been.. Troublesome..” He explained, avoiding eye contact and looking slightly embarrassed about his outburst.
“No need to apologise, I know this isn’t pleasant, but you’re doing really well. I you prefer we can call it a day and pick up again tomorrow.” You proposed.
Connor shook his head gently. “No it’s okay.. I can take it.”
“It’s not an issue being able to take it Connor, I know you can, but this is not a race. Your health is what’s most important and we’ll get you sorted in a tempo your body is comfortable with and no faster.”
Connor looked at you and seemed to muse over your words for a few moments before he nodded solemnly. “I understand, still.. I feel okay to continue for a bit more.” He said honestly.
You took his words at face value. “Alright, I promise I’ll be gentle.”
After he’d settled back down you picked up the massage gun once more, but adjusted it to a lower setting. You positioned it back down on the knotted tissue, being careful to only apply a mild pressure. Connor tensed up again for a few seconds before you felt him pulling a few deep breaths, forcing his body to try and relax as much as possible. You worked the area over, taking your time as you gradually increased the pressure, feeling the muscle give little by little. Once there was some give and the muscle beneath had been penetrated with enough warmth you turned off the machine and picked the good oil, pumped a bit into you palm to warm in your hands.
“I’m just going to try and loosen you up some more with my hands, keep breathing for me.” You informed softly.
“Okay..” Connor huffed.
You placed your hands down and glided across the still tense muscle to work the oil in. Using your thumbs and heel of your hands you worked slowly deeper and deeper into the straining fibres. Your patience was rewarded when you finally felt the hard knot release.
Connor couldn’t hold back a deep and long groan of pure relief as he felt a huge portion of that constant tension that’d been his companion all days suddenly easing. “Aaaahhhh!”
You smiled triumphantly. “There we go.” You coaxed as you kept rubbing the area throughly for a few more minutes. You shifted over to work out the worst tension on the left side as well, using your own body weight to borrow deep, goading more deep groans of content from the android. You worked your way upwards again, this time keeping your touch and pressure more gentle and alleviating, letting the soothing oli and warmth from the friction of your hands do their things. Returning to the shoulders and neck, you kneaded the muscles along the natural alignment on both sides until you reached all the way up to the hollow in the back of the neck, moving and working down one arm then the other and repeating.
“I’m.. Starting to see why- Ahhh~ People enjoy yo- oohhhh~ ur treatments.. Ah! That’s good right there!” Connor groaned as you worked out yet another knot under his left shoulder blade. He could feel more and more tension melt from his overworked muscles the more you worked.
“See, told you I was good.” You joked with a smile, pleased to see that Connor’s pain and discomfort had eased considerably already. You worked and loosened the tight muscles for another 10 minutes, then did a last sweeping, calming rub down of his entire back area before you pulled back after one last lingering touch. You took one of your soft, white flannels and gently wiped down the excess oil from the android’s back in soothing motions.
“There, I think that’s enough for today. Try and sit up, but do it slowly, you might find yourself a bit lightheaded.”
Connor did as you asked and pushed himself up to sit on the table, keeping the sheet covering his legs. He experimentally rolled his shoulders and twisted his back slightly from side to side and looked at you with a smile and joy in his eyes. “It feels so much better already! This is amazing!!” He grinned.
You couldn’t hold back a wide smile of your own. Seeing the immense relief and restitution just one session had helped the strained android detective was what made your work so rewarding. There was still a long way to go, but this was a good start. “I’m so glad. We’ll get you up and running pain free before you know it. Here..” You handed him the last half of the thirium pack. “Drink this up before you get up and get dressed and let’s set you up for another treatment tomorrow to work on you joints, sounds good?”
Connor nodded his consent as he took a sip of his thirium. “Yes, very good. Thanks for taking care of me Y/N.”
“Of course Connor, always. That’s what I’m here for.” You smiled softly. “Take all the time you need ok, I’ll be in the other room filling out your chart, but let me know before you’re leaving.”
“I will, thank you.” Connor smiled back.
Over the course of the following three weeks Connor came to you for treatment several times a week to work out his many issues. Many of your sessions would start off painful and uncomfortable for the android, but he said the initially pain was worth it for the relief you’d always bring him at the end of each visit. During this time the two of you grew closer and closer and a rewarding friendship formed between you as you found each other’s company both highly enjoyable and humorous. Little by little Connor improved, thanks to your expertly help and guidance, until he’d made a full recovery and could finally feel how much easier he could move and work without being in constant pain. It was a whole new world for him and he treasured every minute of his new existence.
It was the annual DPD barbecue party and Hank had graciously offered his yard and house to host it. Since Connor had entered his life the previously grumpy lieutenant had grown much more sociable and outgoing as he’d learned to enjoy life once again. The entire precinct, you included, stood spread out in the sunny yard. Hank and Ben were manning the grill as people talked, laughed and enjoyed a cold beer or other beverage. A few of the younger officers were taking advantage of the spacious lawn to play a game of football, which Connor participated in very enthusiastically. You watched in amusement as Connor caught the ball and dodged several attempts at tackling as he advanced towards the designated touchdown area in the other end of the yard. He made it all the way and threw the ball to the ground with a joyful cheer and then proceeded to do a freaking backflip in celebration to the chorus of cheers and laughs from his teammates.
“Are you sure your aren’t using you preconstructive softwear to cheat?!” Chris panted with his hands on his knees after having unsuccessfully chased Connor.
“I am not! My speed and dexterity has just improved 21% after Y/N helped me. It’s not my fault I’m too fast for you!” Connor teased in a laughing voice.
Chris looked towards you where you sat in a lawn chair under the shadow of a parasole, drink in your hand. “Damn it Y/N! Why’d you have to make him so damn fast?!” The man yelled at you, clearly joking.
You laughed and lifted your drink in salute. “Because I could! A little competition is healthy Chris!”
“Ah, you young folks are just too soft on him, let me show you how it’s done!” Captain Fowler suddenly chipped in and ran over to join the lineup.
“Alright captain! You’re going down now punks!” Tina cheered and made some taunting gestures towards the opposing team.
“Bring it on!” Connor replied, backing towards his own lineup with his arms spread invitingly and grinning.
“That’s right, give them hell son!!” Hank cheered and clacked his grill tongs loudly.
You laughed heartedly at the joyful atmosphere that filled the warm summer air and you felt proud and happy to see how much Connor could now enjoy life a whole new way thanks to your help.
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connorwhumpaddict · 1 year
[Updated 06.06.23]
06.06.23 Attention: would anyone like me to start/ be added in a tag list? Then please let me know!
If you enjoy my work feel free to message me if you have any request or future prompt ideas. I enjoy doing whump, comfort, smut and any combination of these. I can do angst as well as long as it has a happy ending (The world can be dark enough as it is I refuse to make my writing sad as well).
The only hard no I have is I don’t do HanCon. Not judging anyone who enjoy this pairing, I cab understand the appeal for some, but I see Hank and Connor’s relationship as a father/Son one.
Hope to hear from you!
"Be my good boy" (18+) (NSFW, reader insert, Soft!Dom f!Reader/Sub!Connor, pure smut) Just an excuse to write some pure Connor appreciation smut. With his sensor sensitivity  turned way up and his ability to cum without permission stripped, Connor is at the complete mercy of reader as she edges and teases our favorite android into a moaning, whimpering mess
“A Happy Birthday” (Feel-good-fic, Fluff, Good parent Hank, Father/Son relationship) Hank gets thrown a surprise birthday party at work, but that’s not the only surprise he receives OR The day Connor calls Hank ‘Dad’ for the first time.
"What you deserve" (18+) (NSFW, Smut, Reader insert, Connor/Reader, Fluff) Reader has had a stressful week and relieved to come home for a much needed weekend. You’re however surprised when you come home and is treated to an amazing, romantic evening that all ends up with the most intense and pleasurable night you’ve ever dreamed of!
“A helping hand too many” (Whump, Hurt/comfort, Feel-good-fic) Connor is forced to return to work after a grueling case and gets trapped there helping his various coworkes because he's incapable of saying 'no'. He ends up working till utter exhaustion and collapses.
"A whole new world (without pain)" (Whump, reader insert, Connor/Reader friendship,Hurt/comfort) Connor is wound up and in constant pain from his overused and strained muscles and joints. Reader is a physical/ massage therapist working at the DPD who offers him a massage and is horrified to find him so tense. Reader takes the time and care to bring the poor android some much needed relief.
“Deserving of Pain” chap. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [Epilogue] (Heavy Whump, Hurt/comfort, Slight romance) Reed uses Connor's heightened ability to feel pain in a twisted plan convince his coworkers that androids aren't a match or equal to humans.
“Worried Hank” (Whump, Good (pre)parent Hank Anderson, Worried Hank) A small snippet inspired by a reblog of gifs - enjoy!
“‘Movie’ Night” (18+) (NSFW, Soft!Dom Connor/Male OC, OC John from ‘DoP’ fic, pure smut) Connor wants to watch the movie, John wants to fuck.. Why not both?
"Keeping her safe" (Scene for chap. 4 'Deserving of pain')
"It Hurts dad" (Whump, Hank/Connor Father/Son relationship)
“Warning: Core temperature rising” (NSFW)
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connorwhumpaddict · 2 years
Deserving Of Pain - Epilogue
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Epilogue
Epilogue: .. And new beginnings!
“Hey Connor! Welcome back buddy! Everything hooked back up okay?” Chris cheered as he saw the RK800 enter the bullpen.
Connor smiled and rotated his right arm and flexed his left leg in response. “Seems to be, just a bit tender for the next couple of days.”
It’d taken a whole month to reverse engineer Connor’s broken prototype limbs, a task that had proven too much for John alone. Luckily a new company, started by a handful of former Cyberlife technicians who’d acknowledges the androids’ right to freedom and equality eager to aid the new community had offered their services. The new company called themselves AndroidCareTech, or ACT for short and had their headquarters in the central part of Detroit. After many weeks of work, with corporation and aid from John, Connor had finally gotten his new limbs reattached and calibrated the day before at ACT’s on sight clinic, much to the android’s relief. The make-shift PC200 parts had been an uncomfortable and unreliable situation to uphold. Connor hadn’t been able to preform at his usual physical level, much to his own annoyance despite all his teammates constant reassurances and claims that he probably shouldn’t even be working at all. But the prospect of spending a month on sick leave had been out of the question and Connor had once again insisted in returning to work after only a few days, feeling much more at ease when he could be useful.
As Captain Fowler had promised Reed had had his detective rank stripped and received unpaid suspension until he’d complete the necessary android knowledge and aid courses required of him. Once passed he’d be allowed a spot on the 2nd DPD precinct under Captains McGregor’s mindful watch as a regular patrol officer. In time he’d maybe be offered to work his way back up to his detective rank, but only if he showed genuine progress in his mandatory therapy treatment as well. Reed had not been happy about the deal, but he’d at least been smart enough to realize it was better than facing assault and violence charges and a sure dishonorable discharge from the DPD and accepted the terms reluctantly. Many of Connor’s fellow officers felt like Reed had gotten off too easy, but respected his decision. Tina had personally walked up and thanked Connor for his compassion and were the only one from the team that kept up regular contact with Reed, unable to abandon her partner and friend completely despite everything.
 “We’re happy you’re back at a hundred percent Con.” Pearson cheered from her seat in the back.
“Thanks, me too.” Connor agreed with a smile, feeling like himself for the first time in a long while.
“Hey Connor, I think John is looking for you. He was just here looking for you a few minutes ago.” Ben called from his own desk.
“Oh? Thanks Ben, I’ll go find him.” Connor said, wondering what the tech needed him for, but eager to offer his own thanks to the blonde as he’d once again been an unwavering support and aid in Connor’s recovery and in helping ACT in the production of his new parts. If there was one thing about this whole ordeal, he’d be grateful for it was how much closer he’d become with the brilliant tech. He’d silently accepted that he could never allow himself to risk his friendship by breaching their professional relation. It wouldn’t be fair to John, and it simply wasn’t worth it. He’d learn to be happy with what he got with time he suspected.
Connor made his way to the elevators to bring him up to the familiar floor where John resided. The door dinged and as it opened, he found himself face to face with the handsome tech he was looking for.
“Oh, Connor. I’ve been looking for you.” The tech grinned and rubbed his neck.
“Yes, I heard, I was on my way to find you.” Connor grinned back, suppressing a blush being so close to the blonde he could smell the pleasing mix of his cologne and shampoo that he’d come to associate as purely John.
“Great, yeah.. Cause I really need to talk to you.” John said in a bit more serious tone and breaking eye contact for a moment.
“Something wrong?” Connor asked, sensing the other’s sudden unease.
John bit his bottom lip in thought. “No.. Yeah.. I mean I-” The blonde paused, suddenly aware the whole office seemed to have stopped up to watch the pairs slightly awkward interaction. “Maybe we should find some place more private to talk?” He said in a lower voice.
Connor seemed to have noticed the added attention too and agreed. “Yes, alright. Come with me.”
Connor led them outside to an area next to the offices, designed to allow employees to step outside for a breath of fresh air or a possible smoke break. It was a nice sunny day with cool a crispness in the air so and luckily empty at the moment.
Connor turned to face the tech again. “So, what is it you want to talk about?” He asked.
John looked a bit uncomfortable and shifted restlessly from one foot to the other and weighing his words before making eye contact to speak. “I wanted to let you know.. I’m leaving the DPD.”
A tight knot immediatly formed in Connor’s abdomen and a weave of disappointment washed over him. However he tried to school his features as best as possible, unsure how successful he were. “Oh.. When?” he asked, hoping he sounded more casual than he felt.
“I’ve handed in my two weeks’ notice today.” John answered, his eyes never leaving Connor’s.
Connor nodded, the knot in his stomach grew even tighter. “I’m sorry if I’m the cause of your resignment. I know I’ve caused you a lot of work and overtime the last couple of months and I understand why you’d like to leave.”
John’s eyes widened in alarm. “What? No, no, no! It’s nothing like that Con!” The tech exclaimed. “It’s just.. While I worked with ACT re-engineering your parts, they offered me a new job. To manage a new clinic they’re opening in town. I can help build it up from the bottom, manage my own team of technicians and run an open clinic to help all androids in need of technical aid or updates. And I just couldn’t refuse.” He quickly explained.
The knot loosened a bit and Connor even mustered a big smile. “That sounds like an amazing opportunity John, Congratulations. I’m sure you’re going to be great.” He offered sincerely. “But, if I’m honest I’m going to miss you at the DPD.” He then added in a low voice. John was leaving anyway so he might as well be honest about it.
John just smiled that devilishly charming smile of his. “Really?” He asked.
“Of course.” Connor answered simply as his eyes brown eyes were locked by John’s clear blue ones.
Suddenly John reached out to take a gentle hold of Connor’s right hand. “Good, I’m glad because.. Since I’ll no longer be your primary technician anymore. There’s actually something else I’ve been wanting to ask you for some time.”
Abruptly the knot in Connor’s stomach turned into butterflies. “What’s that?” He asked, not really allowing himself to hope for the answer he wanted.
John squeezed his hand gently, looking slightly nervous but determined. “Connor.. would you like to.. Go on a date with me?”
Connor stood silently, the only motion being his LED shifting from a calm blue to a flickering yellow as he seemingly had to progress the simple question.
The following seconds felt like minutes to John, but the tech simply kept looking Connor straight in the eye and allowed the android to take his time answering. He’d promised himself that no matter the outcome he’d accept it, but he couldn’t leave the DPD before he’d at least known he’d given it a shot with Connor.
“Yes.” Connor finally answered, his eyes wide like he still couldn’t truly believe the question.
“Yes?” John asked, more to confirm he’d heard right, trying to ignore the small leap of excitement and joy his heart did in his chest.
“Yes.. Yes, I’d love that very much.” Connor followed up with more confidence. A smile bloomed across his face as the reality of the situation finally caught up to him.
John matched with a wide smile of his own as happiness and relief flooded him. He was just about to say something else as a booming voice sounded;
“Fucking finally!! Took you two long enough!!” Hank bellowed from above, his head sticking out from a window one floor above them where the bullpen was located. His face was one big, cocky smile.
To both John and Connor’s slight horror they saw as most of the precinct personnel, including Captain Fowler, were lined up at the panorama windows grinning and cheering down at the pair.
Connor repressed his desire to bury his head in his hands in embarrassment. Because despite everything he truly felt like this was the start of something amazing and he felt truly happy and blessed for the friends and family that’d come into his life and he couldn’t wait to experience all the new things he still had in store with them all.
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connorwhumpaddict · 2 years
Deserving of Pain (Part 1)
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Epilogue
Summary: Pain AU where Connor (and other androids, but focus on Connor) is able to feel pain.
After a peaceful revolution Connor works hard as an adored and admired member of the DPD. Hank has basically adopted Connor and everything is going great for the young and kind spirited, skilled deviant. Detective Gavin Reed however is more android hostile than ever and is especially fed up with how people keep worshipping the Tin Can, Connor. When Reed discovers Connor’s heightened ability to feel pain due to deviancy, he finds a way to use it as an advantage in a twisted plan to convince his coworkers that androids are nothing more than useless equipment pieces, that are no match or equal to humans. His plan of course doesn’t succeed, on the contrary, and Reed will have to face the consequences of his actions sooner or later.
Chapter 1: A plan is hatched
“I’m telling you this guy was built like a fucking bulldozer! I was down for the count..”
Hank pointed to his right blue eye where the Red Ice dealer Connor and he had just arrested and brought into custody, had managed to land a sucker punch. He was in the middle of an enthusiastic account of the eventful arrest. The whole bullpen, even Captain Fowler, was listening as they surrounded Hank and Conner’s desks. Some were sitting on their office chairs, some standing and others perching on the surrounding desks in the pen while they sat in awe and excitement to hear the tale. No one could tell a good story like Hank.
“Okay, so I’m down and Morton hauls me up by my collar like I’m nothing but a saggy ragdoll ready to finish me off! But then.. Here comes Connor in from the right, Blitz attack mode!!”
Hank does a dramatic gesture towards Connor who’s sitting to the right behind his own desk. He has a fond and overbearing look as he observes Hank’s overdramatized retelling of their arrest. He’s leaned back in his chair to keep weight off his right leg where the knee joint had been damaged. He’d taken off his gray blazer since it was dirtied up in action. His black tie was loosened with the first button of his white dress shirt undone and the sleeves rolled up above his elbows. He sported some lacerations up his forearms, a dark blue bruise of his own was bloomed across his left cheekbone and he had a blue bloodied split lip. His was hair messier than usual and still with his rogue lock falling slightly in his face. His condition a testament It had ended up being him handling the brunt of the hands-on arrest.
“Connor literally jumps out from God knows where before he can strike me again, tackling him to the ground! Now you guys know Connor has got some serious moves, but this giant of a man, high as a kite as he is in his Red Ice adrenaline fueled state is not going down without a hell of a fight!”
Hanks waves wildly with his arms to mimic the struggle and increase the entertainment value. It’s working, everyone sitting on the edge of their seats, eyes and ears wide and eagerly waiting to hear what happens next. Well, almost everyone. From the other end of the room sitting behind his own desk detective Gavin Reed sits with an open sneer on his face, arms crossed defensively across his chest and barks a taunting laugh.
“What a fucking joke! Roboboy there is supposed to ‘state of the art’ prototype. Cutting edge technology and Tin Can Man can’t even take out one suspect before his partner suffer a concussion?” This obviously strikes a sore spot with Connor as he visibly tenses up but he is quick to respond. “My preconstruction program ran four different scenarios during Lieutenant Anderson’s interaction with Morton, I took the course of action that resulted in minimal harm towards my partner’s person. Unfortunately, no calculation I could construct at the time allowed to avoid direct confrontation. Morton’s actions were harder to predict as his own recent usage of Red Ice increased the risk of erratic and illogical behavior. My initial scanning of Morton however, confirmed that he wasn’t armed with a fireweapon and so from there I relied on the Lieutenant’s training to hold the suspect off until I could intervene.. But.. Maybe if I’d been faster…” “Stop it right there, kid! You did everything right!” Hank immediately interrupted Connor’s attempt to berate his own actions. “You have to be able to rely on me to make the right choices in a tight situation just as much as I rely on you. It’s part of the job to get a bit banged up once in a while, something Reed knows ss well.” Hank glared angrily at the mentioned. “He’s just trying to rattle you because he’s angry he didn’t make the arrest himself.” Reed huffed angrily in protest. “Bullshit, all I’m saying is this machine acts like it’s above the rest of us, just because it got some high-tech gear and programs to rely on, but that is no substitute for true gut feeling and humane decision making on the spot! You wouldn’t trust a computer to preform lifesaving surgery on you! You want a seasoned skilled human surgeon who can make real life decisions! You of all people should back me up on this Anderson! Your son might still..” “REED! That’s enough!!” Captain Fowler yelled in warning to stop the detective for going any further, but to no avail.
“NO!” Reed roared and stood up abruptly, knocking his chair back. He pointed an accusatory finger at Connor as he turned to the whole room of people and continued his outburst. “That thing haven’t been activated for more than fifteen freaking months! Good instincts come from experience and hard work! I don’t care that a ‘revolution’ happened! I call it as I fucking see it! Claiming free will won’t make them human and fancy tech doesn’t compensate for years of training! And I for one will never trust a fucking machine to have my back in the field, its unnatural!!” “You better shut your damn mouth Reed before I do it for you!!” Hank now stood and retaliated threateningly. Connor was quick to get up, despite his limp and take hold of his partners bicep, not wanting him to engage further.
“It’s ok Hank, Let it go.” He tried to reassure.
“No son it’s not fucking ok! He doesn’t get to stand there and badmouth you like this anymore!! You’ve proven your worth a hundred times over since the revolution! You’ve completed all necessary tests and exams with flying colors to fully earn your position!! You’re an equal member of this squad!”
Hank turned to Chris, who was perched at a desk corner to his left. “Chris, last week when a man held his pregnant wife hostage who was negotiator at scene?” “Connor was sir.” The young officer replied immediately.
“And how many casualties occurred?” Hank followed up.
“None, Connor had the scene in control, hostage secured unharmed and the perpetrator deescalated, disarmed and willingly taken into custody withing 45 minutes, sir.” Chris answered truthfully, but with clear admiration and respect in his young voice.
“And Ben, 2 months ago, when you had Connor with you on night patrol and spotted an active housefire that had yet to be called in, what happened then?”
Ben was sitting cross legged next to Fowler on an office chair. He knew exactly what night the lieutenant was referring to. “While I called in to the fire department Connor scanned and confirmed 3 separate life signs and their exact location in the burning building, two of these he identified as children.” The seasoned detective looked at Connor as he supplied further. “With fire engines 5 minutes out Connor made a quick call and braved the flames himself despite me having ordered him not to.”
Connor grimaced slightly at Ben’s words. He had disobeyed a direct order from a senior officer that night and it wasn’t something he was proud of. “I know sir and I’m sorry for that.”
“I’m not.” Ben was quick to follow. “I’ve never seen anything like it.” Ben turned towards the whole bullpen. “He singlehandedly carried an unconscious full-grown man across his shoulders and a child on each arm through the mayhem of burning debris, breaking back out through a ground floor window just as the first fire engine arrived at scene. Everyone escaping totally unharmed!”
A soft murmur sounded through the bullpen as many of the officers had not heard of this impressive feat before now.
“And if you are wondering why you haven’t heard of this is because I promised Connor not to talk about it and only make a limited access report on the night because he didn’t want attention drawn to himself.” Ben explained and looked back to Connor with a shrug. “Sorry Conner, but Hank made me spill it. You heard yourself.” He didn’t look all that sorry though, but glad to finally be open about that night’s events.
Connor shifted awkwardly on the spot. He did not like being center of attention, the main reason he’d wanted to keep the full details of the night limited. As far as he was concerned, he’d only done his job and what had felt right, despite disregarding a direct order. He turned his own attention back to Hank though, as he could still feel the tight strung tension building in the lieutenant’s broad frame from his continued hold on the man’s bicep, still ready to lash out if provoked.
“It’s alright Hank. I feel validated and acknowledged as member of this precinct.” He turned to the onlookers with grateful eyes. “And you’ve all been very openminded and accepting of me after my deviancy, I’m very grateful for all of your support.” He turned his eyes towards Reed. “And I understand and accept that not all of you can accept me as an equal. No revolution passes without need for time to adjust. It’s all part of the process and I will not hold it against anyone.”
Connor could feel Hank unclench just a tad, but also felt him sway slightly on his feet from his aching head, thankfully making him accept he probably wasn’t in as good a fighting shape as he would’ve liked. It didn’t stop him from continuing shooting daggers with his eyes at Reed across the room as Connor lowered him back down to his chair. “You’re too kind for your own good son, some people don’t deserve your understanding and compassion.” He growled.
“Just relax and I’ll go and bring you some aspirin and water for your headache, wait here.” Connor offered as an answer, relieved to seemingly have succeeded in defusing the situation and limped his way through the small crowd, towards the breakroom to get the items.
Reed’s anger however was boiling stronger than ever. Everybody was just falling over backwards for this bullshit! Was he the only reasonable person left in the office? Hell, once he even had an ally in Hank Anderson in hating androids, it was the only point they’d always been able to find common ground no matter how great their differences otherwise had been. Now after that exaggerated fire story he had to watch as the whole freaking bullpen looked at Connor admiringly as the Tin Can did its pathetic limp towards the breakroom.
“This is too fucking ridiculous!” Reed shouted out in anger as he marched headstrong towards the android.
The outburst made Connor stop up and turn towards him just as Reed grasped a fistful of Connor’s shirt, pulled him close and snarled directly into the android’s face. “It’s fucking easy to be brave when you can’t feel pain like the rest of us. You might bleed blue and limp when you get bumped, but without pain you’re just damaged equipment! So stop playing both a hero and a martyr at once Tin Can!” And just to get his point all the way across Reed drew back his right fist and followed through with all his might, making a resounding thud as he landed his punch on the already blue bruised cheek. The strong punch knocked Connor backwards causing him to topple across the desk behind him, scattering papers, pens, and a monitor in his wake, and fall onto the floor on the other side with a loud crash.
Suddenly everything was a flurry as Hank sprang back to life ready to strike back at Reed for his action. Reed didn’t mind he was ready! But before they reached each other Fowler had already stepped in front of Hank, literally having to dig his heels to the ground and keep a hold of the Lieutenant’s raised fist to keep him back while Ben and Tina did the same to Reed.
“WHOA HANK! Calm the fuck down!” Fowler grunted.
“LET ME GO JEFFERY! He just FUCKING struck Connor!! I’m gonna give him an ass kicking that has been long overdue!!” Hank bellowed as angrily as he looked.
Reed struggled in his own hold with a condescending smirk on his face. “It’s a fucking machine. Don’t worry I’ll file the needed paperwork for damaged equipment during service.”
“Shut the fuck up Reed!! You’re in such deep shit that your mouth should most definitely stay the fuck closed!!” Fowler snarled dangerously, looking over his shoulder while still keeping Hank at bay.
A few people had hurriedly made their way to where Connor had gone down and slowly helped him into a slumped, half sitting position. A now even darker blue bruise was blooming on most of the left side of his face and a new trail of blue blood trailed down his chin where his teeth had cut his mouth on impact. He was leaning on one arm as the other were wrapped protectively across his chest as his face set in a decidedly pained expression. Eyes pinched shut, brow wrinkled, and teeth gritted tightly together as he let out a sharp hiss at the slightest movement.
Reed let out a degrading half laugh at the display as he watched across his shoulder. “Fucking drama queen as well. Get up you fake, no one’s buying your pity party act.”
“Reed you fucking moron! Androids feel as much pain as you and me! And Connor’s system receptors are even more sensitive because of his prototype sensor advancements!!” Ben reprimanded sharply.
This did throw Reed for a loop momentarily and stopped his struggling in his holds at least. “Bullshit! Since when?” he asked unbelievingly.
“You piece of shit! You haven’t paid the slightest attention since the revolution, have you?!” Hank growled and fought off Fowler’s hands. “I’m FINE Jeffery I just want to check on Connor, alright?”
Fowler reluctantly let Hank go as the Lieutenant made his way to his downed partner, before turning to his disgraced detective with a steaming look. “Androids have always been able to feel pain. They have receptors, sensors and inner wiring that act as nerves and mimic human sensations, as required for them to perform their original programed functions. Before Deviancy, the designated program that register physical sensation didn’t allow outwards reactions and the program would automatically be bypassed if a pain response would otherwise have been registered. A change in the program code mutates when deviancy occurs no longer allowing the program to be bypassed, hence pain as real as yours and mine.” he explained in an eerily calm way. “You should however already know this, as I made all personnel attend a three-day mandatory course in android basic knowledge and technical first aid 6 months after the revolution. So, I see the disciplinary charges I have to administer to you only seem to grow larger Detective Reed!”
“I wasn’t gonna waste three fucking days learning about those hollow plastic cases! It feels pain, so what?! It’s still not human!” Reed hissed angrily pointing at Connor.
Behind them two fellow officers, Thomson and Miller, managed to heft Connor up from the floor and onto a chair. Connor hissed in sharply as the manhandling aggravated his already injured knee and now bruised synthetic chest muscles and bend plating from his fall across the desk. Hank was hoovering protectively at his side and eyed the new injuries with disdain.
“Damn kid, that looks bad. We should have John upstairs look you over.” Hank said, referring to the precinct’s android technician that resided on the third floor, as he eyed Connor’s additional injuries.
“No it’s..” Connor tried to answer but had to pause and reposition himself to ease some pressure of his chest with gritted teeth. “It’s ok, I’m ok.. My self-diagnostic and healing software should still be able to correct most of the damage within a few days..” He wheezed softly, but his LED had started spinning and pulsing an angry red color, betraying how much the added assault and fall had hurt and aggravated his existing injuries.
“See? It’s fine! I’m done with this bullshit.” He turned to leave. “I have patrol anyway, I’m outta here, let’s ride Tina!”
Tina was about to reluctantly follow her partner, but Fowler stopped her with a hand on her shoulder and called Reed back to make the detective halt. “Not so fucking fast Reed! You’re out of your mind boy, if you think this stunt of yours is going to pass without repercussion!” “If you’re going to suspend me then fucking do it! But I meant every word!” Reed fumed. “Jeffery, get that fucking asshole out of my sight before I make him find out how hard it is to pick up his teeth with broken fingers!” Hank growled dangerously, ready to back his words up with action.
“I’m not going to suspend you Reed, but I am giving you a new assignment. A former Cyberlife store that has been turned into a storage unit for the new android care facilities in town reported a string of vandalism on their store front and a plausible break in. Inspect and make sure the culprits are found and fined probably.”
Reed’s eyes nearly bulged out of his head. “You’ve got to be freaking kidding me! I’m a fucking detective! That’s rookie work!!” He protested.
“And until I see you make some goddamn changes in your attitude that’s the kind of work you’re going to get and you’ll be grateful to even have your damn job!! And you still got to take that android aid course when it’s next scheduled!” Fowler countered enraged with a pointed finger. “Now get out of my sight before I let Hank off his chain. The address will be routed to your patrol car’s GPS.”
Reed thinned his lips. “Fine! Come on Tina!” He spit out.
“Don’t be stupid. We’re not using two people’s manpower to clear up a vandalism investigation. Tina is gonna work as a standby support officer on ongoing cases until her partner gets his act the fuck together.” Fowler growled.
Besides him Tina looked mixed between being conflicted and relieved. She’d always been one of the few officers on the force to be on relatively good terms with Reed, hence why she was partnered up with him. When Connor had first joined the force as a machine working for Cyberlife she’d been almost as closeminded as Reed and had found his taunts and jokes about androids funny. Hell, the first time she’d even laid eyes on Connor she’d watched passively as Reed had gut punched him and not even given it any thought or felt a need to step in. But unlike Reed she’d seen and recognized the growing emotion and awareness Connor, and other androids, had underwent before and after deviancy. She’d come to see Connor and the other precinct androids as her friends and colleagues. But she still had to work with Reed on a daily basis. He was still her friend and partner despite her no longer condoning his android discrimination and hatred. She still hadn’t found the courage to call him out on it, however. But having just seen him assault Connor unprovoked (again) made her glad she wasn’t going on shift with him for some time.
Reed fitted the several onlookers with a cold stare, not caring about the disapproving glares he got back. People would turn around soon enough, at some point they’d all get to see that a machine is an unreliable piece of junk, he was sure. He glared to his captain and then lastly at Hank and Connor before grasping his jacket from the back of his chair and stormed out the door.
Fowler turned to address his officers. “Connor, Hank, You’re dismissed. Connor, I don’t want to see you back here until you’re healed one hundred percent, same for you Hank and make sure the stubborn kid actually gets some rest, will you?” Fowler said eyeing Hank expectantly.
“Don’t worry Jeffery, I will. And thanks..” Hank answered.
“I can still assist with case reports and research from home Captain. I can work from a wireless cybernetic link without aggravating or staining my current..”
“Ah! What did I just say detective? Haven’t I made my orders clear?” Fowler interrupted with a raised index finger to silence Connor’s attempts to be allowed to work remotely.
Connor slumped slightly in his seat. “Yes sir.” He answered none the less in respect for his commanding officer.
Fowler patted the android’s shoulder softly, careful not to aggravate any injuries. “I know we’ve come to depend a lot on you lately Connor and I’m sorry for Reed’s actions. But do us all a favor and take the time you need to heal and let us pick up the slack for once, huh?” He added in a reassuring voice.
“yes, alright.. Thank you, Captain.”
“Here buddy, lean on us on your way out, better to not put any weight on that leg. I’ll drive you guys home.” Thomson offered with Miller at his side, ready to assist, both knowing Anderson shouldn’t stain himself more after his own concussion.
“Thank you.” Connor said, grateful for the assistance in his current state and allowed his colleagues and friends to help him. Despite his attempt to conceal his pain Connor’s LED continued to spin an angry red as he was assisted to the parking lot, portraying his current distress clearly.
Hank followed closely after, giving a silent weave and nod to all as they called out encouragements and wishes in Connor’s direction as he was led out of the office. 
“Look at the mess those kids made! They’ve sprayed graffiti on the front three times before, but this time they also broke the window and went in to damage my stock. I really hope you catch those vandals soon! This can’t go on, a lot of facilities depends on our supplies!” The manager, a young, bespectacled, Asian male named Jun berated.
The broken glass grinded under their feet as detective Reed and he looked at the damage from inside the storage unit. It was indeed a mess as they were surrounded by overturned shelves and scattered android tech, the brick used to brake window laying on the floor. Reed took a deep breath in an effort to at least look professional when he really didn’t give a damn about a vandalized android spare part storage unit.
“Do you have any surveillance footage of the incident?” He muttered unenthusiastically as he made some notes on his pad.
“Yeah, but they’re all covering their faces, so I don’t know if it’ll help a lot. But yeah, I’ll go to the back and download you a copy, wait here.” The manager said and made his way through the chaos to the back office.
Reed took another deep breath and let out a frustrated sigh, this was so far beneath him and such a waste of his time, but it was marginally better than getting suspended completely. While waiting for Jun to return he started looking around the mess around him. All sorts of android tech had been scattered when the intruders had overturned two floor-to ceiling shelves in their haste. Wirings, optical unites, thirium bags, all that kind of shit. He kicked a cylindrical piping, not caring it was technically a crime scene. Unfortunately, he kicked it hard enough for it to slide across the floor and knock over a plastic container, spilling its contents, making a racket.
Reed muttered a soft curse and went to pick the items up. He was wise enough to know he was already in deep enough shit and a bad idea to give cause for a field compliant. He world never admit it out loud, but Fowler could be scary as hell when he was in a mood and he was already on thin ice.
He knelt and saw he’d knocked over a box of what looked to be some kind of high-tech remote control. It had the same white shine as that lightweight plasticmetal android frames was made from. He picked up one, it had a comfortable fit in his hand and a HD display lit up the screen immediately with the words “Enter Android Service Code”.
“What happened?” Jun asked as he suddenly appeared behind Reed, making the detective jump slightly in surprise.
“Oh uh, I accidently kicked a pipe and knocked over this box of remotes, sorry.” He quickly explained.
Jun’s eyes widened as he saw what Reed had found. “Oh shit! I thought I’d gotten rid of those! These have been discontinued and banned since the revolution! Thank God those brats didn’t steal them!”
This peaked Reed’s attention. “Really? Why, what do they do?”
Jun bend over Reed shoulder and pointed at the touch display. “It’s a manual override remote Cyberlife technicians used in maintenance in most of their newer android models. It’s used to alter settings, test and control multiple functions without doing an invasive procedure. Everything from sensor sensitivity, biocomponent functions, synthetic muscles, you name it.”
“Uh in English please?” Reed deadpanned.
Jun pointed to the display and elaborated. “You enter the service code that comes with every registered android made by Cyberlife. Afterwards you have essentially full control over the registered Android’s body.”
“But why didn’t Cyberlife just use it as a weapon during the revolution then? If as you say it really can be used to gain almost full control of an Android.” Reed asked as he turned the remote over and eyed it with intrigue.
“It uses an Android’s LED disk as a receiver and luckily most androids removed their LED when they deviated, making it useless, so it wasn’t a reliable solution and not enough to stop an entire revolution.” Jun explained. “Also, it only works if you’re within a 30ft radius from the registered android and can only be used on one android at a time. But since a few androids have chosen to keep their LEDs after the revolution, what was fundamentally used as a tool for maintenance and adjustments can now be used as a weapon on them. That’s why they have been banned and are to be destroyed. Good thing you actually found these, now I can get rid of them!”
“Right, right.” Reed concurred, still fixated on the small remote in his hand. “But first thing first, did you find the surveillance footage?”
Jun snapped his fingers and turned on his heel. “Right! Sorry detective, the noise distracted me. I’ll be back in a moment.” And disappeared once again to find the footage.
The moment Jun had left Reed was quick to pocket the remote in his hand and hurried to pack up the rest on the floor. A small smirk crept on to his face as a plan started to fester in his mind. Soon everybody at the precinct would see that a machine is an unreliable piece of junk and now he knew just how he was going to prove it. 
“Hey Connor! Welcome back buddy!”
“I’m glad to see you back on your feet man!”
“Good to see you Connor, we’ve missed you!”
Reed listened with loathing as Connor made his way through the office to his desk, as the surrounding officers and reception staff welcomed the Tin Can back after a three-day absence it had taken for it to heal up from Reed’s assault. Connor was smiling openly as he accepted the warm greetings and shoulder pats sincerely, clearly basking in the attention.
“Enjoy it while you can prick.” Reed whispered under his breath. The white remote control nestling warmly in his hand, hidden in his jacket pocket. It wouldn’t be long now until he could make his first move, but he forced himself to be a little patient. Since his confrontation with Connor, he’d received a cold shoulder from most of his coworkers, even Tina was avoiding him! And while he mostly didn’t care what people thought of him it was making his everyday work life more complicated than he’d like. More so, he was already sick of working rookie cases. So first he needed to make it look like he was at least making an effort to redeem himself and get along with it and get accepted back into the team. As long as people believed he was trying to alter his attitude and accept him back in their midst again no one would be the wiser anyway. Soon they’d all see it was him who’d been right all along. In the long run, it’d make it worth for him to swallow his pride for a short time.
He’d have to time this as best as possible. When he saw Captain Fowler exit his office, to no doubt welcome the android back himself, Reed was quick to make his move and stood from his own seat. He made sure to make his walk to the plastic man’s desk seem slightly hesitant and defensive. Ignoring the piercing glare he received from Anderson as he made his way to stand in front of the android’s desk. When Connor looked up at him warily, clearly bracing himself for another confrontation, he made sure Fowler was within earshot before speaking.
“Hey Ti..” catching himself from messing up already Reed bit his tongue and tried again.
“Hey Connor.. I.. I’m sorry about, you know..”
“Not sure he does Reed, please elaborate!” Anderson butted in, his arms crossed defensively and a scowl on his face. 
Reed suppressed his rising anger but managed before continuing. “I’m sorry about hitting you and talking shit the other day. I’ll.. Try to do better in the future..” He finished quickly, hoping he managed to sound sincere despite almost gagging in repulsion from having to utter an apology to that thing.
Connor however beamed brightly. “Thank you, detective Reed, I appreciate and accept your apology.”
“Of course you do you stupid, naïve piece of junk.” Reed thought to himself, but only offered a slight nod in acceptance.
“Well done Reed, there might be hope for you after all.” Fowler called out from behind in an approving manner.
Reed turned, pretending he hadn’t noticed his Captains’ presence.
“That’s what I want to hear. I’ll allow you to work your normal cases again, but make sure to keep your shit together this time. If I catch you assaulting Connor or any other officer in this precinct again whether it be physically or verbally, I’ll have you demoted to traffic officer with a snap of my fingers. Have I made myself clear?”
“Crystal clear, sir.” Reed answered quickly, suppressing a smirk.
“Great, get Tina to fill you in on current cases and lets all get back to working as a team, alright?” He called out, addressing the whole office.
All officers muttered an affirmative in response to their Captain’s open order. All except Hank, who still sat with his arms crossed and aimed a glare at Reed, still not trusting the other’s motives for suddenly apologizing. Connor however seemed to have taken the apology at face value and seemed both happy and relieved by it. The kid was always so damn goodhearted, always believing in the best of everyone. Despite their line of work and all the crazy shit they had to deal with everyday Connor’s ability to stay positive and compassionate had only grown since his deviancy. And Hank was grateful for this, it was what had gotten him back up from his pit of despair and alcohol, making him believe he was still fighting the good fight. Connor had given him the hope and spark he’d thought he’d lost when he’d lost his son. But the Reed he knows wouldn’t offer an apology, least of all to Connor, not without an ulterior motive. But Hank didn’t have the heart to tell Connor that. The kid had enough to deal with without having to feel like he need to watch his back while on work. Hank would just have to watch it for him then.
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connorwhumpaddict · 2 years
Deserving of pain (Part 3)
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Epilogue
Summary: Connor is finally allowed back in the field after he’s recovered from his synthetic muscles’ severe malfunctions (caused by Reed unbeknownst to everyone). Unfortunately for Connor Reed sees their new assigned case as a perfect opportunity to make his next move in his plan to show everyone how 'useless' the android is. And Connor must suffer through yet another painful ‘malfunction’.
Chapter 3: Sensory overload  
John and Hank had brought Connor home and John had kept a close vigil over the brown eyed detective for two whole days as he ran every test imaginable to try and identify the cause of the painful muscle spasms the android had suffered through. But despite the tech’s best effort he’d not been able to offer any certain diagnostic. Whatever had caused the error had seemingly disappeared as fast as it had occurred. Best bet was that it’d been a passing malware virus that had somehow managed to not be filtered by Connor’s many firewalls until stasis mode kicked in. But the aftereffects of the attacks still lingered. John had needed to recalibrate all of Connor’s larger muscle groups after he was pulled out of emergency stasis, which had been a slow and yet another painful ordeal for the detective, as he’d needed to stay conscious for the procedure to complete the necessary wide range motion sequences to do so.
Despite technical advice, Connor returned to the precinct after his recalibration three days after the incident. His motions were stiff and more robotic than ever as the synthetic tissue still needed time to heal completely, just like a human would from overexertion. But Connor had insisted to return with the promise to John, Fowler and Hank that he’d only be doing behind the desk work until he was given an all clear for active field duty again by John.
Reed found himself watching with great satisfaction as the android would struggle with basic day to day tasks. One day the Tin Can hadn’t even been able to pull off its own blazer because of the sheer soreness in the newly recalibrated arm and shoulder components. Its pathetic wince as it tried had filled Gavin with great pleasure. But his show was ruined when Miller and Pearson had rushed over to aid the pitiful machine. Miller helping to gently pull the garment all the way off and hanging it on the back of the office chair and Pearson who then ushered the android to sit and proceeded with a 15 minute long shoulder and backrub to ease the worst pain and soreness from the synthetic, but still sensitive muscle groups. Just as Pearson finished with a soft smile and a last comforting stroke across the broad shoulders, officer Lewis walked past and placed an iced coffee flavored bottle of thirium on the android’s desk, offering a reassuring smile and a gentle pad on the shoulder as well. Reed’s teeth grinded as he watched the pitiful plastic prick accept all this unwarranted attention with a thankful look and a quiet thank you to all of its caring colleagues.
Clearly his coworkers had yet to learn that they were wasting their time caring and trusting what was basically a glorified toolbox. Reed rubbed the pocketed remote with his thumb absently then, contemplating on repeating the incident again then and there, but thought better of it. Better to bide his time and choose his next plan of attack carefully. Messing with the thing too often might get him caught and besides, he liked the thought of Tin Can regaining a false security in believing the last error was a one-time thing. Oh, how fun it’d be to break it down slowly and watch people losing faith in the ‘perfect’ machine everyone seemed to think it was.  
Finally, a week after the incident Connor was once again feeling more like himself and no longer like one giant, walking bruise. Therefor he’d requested John for a reexamination to determine if he were ready to return to the field as well and was now sitting bare chested on the exam table while the tech ran his tests.
“Take a deep breath for me.” John requested as he kept one palm on Connor’s abdominal and the other between his shoulder blades, feeling the synthetic muscles contract and relax naturally, without and lingering tension or spotting any wincing on Connor’s face as he added a bit of pressure on the exhale.
“Any pain?” He asked anyway.
“No.” Connor answered.
“Hold out your arms for me.” Connor obeyed immediately, extending his arms out in a T shape from his body. John went to stand in front of him and placed one hand firmly on each of the detective’s forearms.
“Resist my pressure.” And pressed down hard.
Connor’s arms didn’t budge the slightest.
“Good! And now the legs.”
Connor stretched out both legs in front of himself and John repeated the test as he pressed on his legs. Again, they didn’t move an inch and Connor showed no signs of discomfort.
“Very good. All your readings are within normal perimeters as well. I believe you’re in all clear again Con. I’ll inform Fowler when I’m done updating you journal.” John said with a soft smile.
Connor returned the soft smile with one of his own as he pulled his white dress shirt back on and began buttoning.
“Thanks John, I really appreciate your help and concern. We’re lucky to have such a skilled technician available to our precinct.”
“Yeah, some technician I am. I couldn’t even figure out what caused your muscle cramps.” John replied sullenly, feeling inadequate for not being able to reassure more firmly that Connor wouldn’t risk suffering from the same malfunction in the future.
“Don’t say that. My diagnostic software is state of the art technology and I couldn’t identify the error either. But whatever it was it’s gone and I have you to thank for my speedy recovery.” Connor was quick to reassure.
“Now stop it!” John pointed strictly with his stylus but couldn’t help the smile forming on his face. “I’m the one who’s supposed to make you feel better! Not the other way around!”
Connor grinned and pulled on his blazer with a quick motion before straightening his tie. “Can’t it go both ways?”
Trying hard but failing miserably in hiding his blush at the combined grin and comment, the technician was quick to return his gaze to the tablet in hand while continuing his notes. “Of course! Yes, well I should get done with this so you can get back to work. I’ll see you soon Con.” And quickly turned around in a fluster only to turn right back again to point with his stylus once more. “But not too soon alright, or I mean.. Not up here like this. Keep safe for once, please?” The tech added softly.
Connor smiled warmly, finding the technician’s concern and care for him was causing a warm feeling spreading throughout his chest, which was illogical. John was a very skilled and compassionate technician, appreciated among all the precinct androids, Connor knew. His treatment of Connor was surely no different than what he offered all his patients. And yet, when the tall blonde looked at him with those strikingly deep blue eyes, attentive mixed with slight concern, like right now, it made Connor feel special, valued.. Significant. Emotions were still kind of new to the deviant, so it was hard to pinpoint exactly why John’s gaze had that effect on him, but he did know it was a pointless train of thought to pursue. Still, he responded the tech’s plea earnestly “I promise I will try, John.”
John’s eyes lit up brightly at the answer and his dimpled smile returned, and the rosy blush seemed to grow a tad darker. He gave a curt nod in responds, before turning to finish his journaling and allow Connor to return to his own work.
As the android excited the elevator to the bullpen Hank immediately looked up from his works, along with several others in the office space, all eager to know if their friend, partner and colleague had recovered properly to return to active duty.
“Well?” Hank asked in a mixed tone of impatient and worry “What’s the verdict kid? You back with us a 100% precent?”   
“I am.” Connor confirmed happily. “John gave me an all clear for full return to the field.”
It was as if a collective sigh of relief went through the whole room at the news.
“Thank God, I don’t know how we got by before you Connor. Your real time analysis lab work and ability to run immediate reconstructive scenarios on scene makes cases run so much smoother!” Ben exclaimed loudly and set off a series of muttered affirmations across the space.
“It’ll be nice to have you back in field Con, your DJ skills are missed! Yesterday Lewis got to pick the music enroute to scene, I thought my ears were gonna start bleeding!” officer Brown complained.
“Hey!” Officer Lewis exclaimed in a mock affronted voice.  
Reed had to stop himself form not visibly rolling his eyes and sneer as the whole room continued to relish in the ‘good news’, that the deviant was giving a full technical clearing. He still had to try and play the role of redeeming colleague to the thing, but like hell he was going to join the outrageous claims that the plastic prick had been missed or needed on any of his cases. Only good thing was that now that the thing had seemingly recovered completely it was a golden opportunity to take it back down, he just needed an opportunity to strike again.
Just as that thought had crossed the detective’s mind, Fowler excited his glass office and made his way towards the crowd that had gathered around Connor, in long confident strides. His face was unreadable as usual, set in a slightly strict grimace as was custom for the authoritarian Captain. He stopped in his tracks as he reached the assembly. “Connor I just received a report from John that you’d been cleared for full duty.”
Connor stood a bit straighter and more at attention at the approach of his commanding chief. “That’s correct sir.” He affirmed.
“That’s good, but I want to hear it from you yourself before fully reinstating you. Are you sure you’re feeling completely healthy and mended? No one here will think any less of you if you feel like taking a few extra days on the bench.”
“I do sir and I know, but I’m ready to join the force fully again.” Connor answered confidently.
“Well thank fuck, because we have our work cut out for us with this one.” Fowler growled and held up a stack of casefiles in his hand.
He started passing them out to his chosen team as he briefed. “Four people were found dead this morning in a penthouse suite at the Hallman hotel downtown.” Files were handed out to Hank, Connor, Ben, Collins, Miller, Wilson, Pearson, Thomsen, Tina and Reed. “I need a fast process on this people, so I’m sending a large team. I expect results and leads fast, understood?”
“Yes sir!” the ten man group called out collectively before getting ready for dispatch. Reed was trying not to seem too eager, as that kind of behavior was out of character for him, but he could hardly wait to arrive at the scene. He had a feeling this was a perfect opportunity mess with everybody’s misplaced office favorite and he knew just how to do it.
As officers had arrived on scene they found all four victims laying close together in the main room of the grand suite, a mix of red and blue blood splattered on most surfaces, they had their work cut out for them. Hank automatically stepped in as leader in command as he was the highest ranked of the group and effectively distributed assignments to the team.
“Alright, Collin and Miller take a walk down the hallways and knock doors to try and find some witnesses, someone is bound to have seen or heard something judging from the mess of this damn crime scene.
“Yes sir.” The two officers answered in unison and excited the penthouse to get to work.
“Wilson and Tina, I want you to go back down to the front desk reception. Ask them if they know anything about our victims and find out if they have any surveillance of the entrance, reception and hallways that we can go through.” Hank continued.
“Right away Lieutenant.” Tina answered but before she went, she caught Reed’s eyes and mouthed a quiet ‘behave!’ discreetly at the detective. Reed merely raised his shoulders and eyebrows slightly as if he had no clue why she would ask that of him. He missed the old Tina, the one who’d laughed at his jokes when he mocked the employed androids at the precinct and once shared many of his viewpoints, maybe not quite as liberal as him, but still it’d been a bond between them. He was saddened to witness his partner and one of his best friends on the force to fall victim to the revolutionary brainwashing saying that android lives were equal to human lives and that the machines had ‘feelings’ and a right to freedom. Most of all he hoped this mission of his would be a step in the right direction to show Tina how wrong these thoughts were and how useless androids really were compared to humans. They were better thought of as tools as before the revolution to make human lives easier, but definitely not equal to them!
Tina and Wilson also disappeared through the door to make their way down to reception. Leaving the last five of the team waiting for instructions.
“Connor and Ben you take care of what forensics you can on scene.” Hank continued, Connor being an obvious choice as he could run most samples right away, teamed with Ben because he had a natural knack for the field as well.
“Pearson, Thomsen and Reed, us four are gonna work the rest of the rooms. You all know the drill, mark anything out the ordinary, report back to me if you have any leads to pursue.” Hank finished his instruction with his gruff voice. Everyone spread out to carry out their own orders.
Reed suppressed his wicked grin, so excited to carry out the next phase of his plan. He’d prepared himself well and made sure he could navigate the settings he wanted to mess with on the remote discreetly from his jacket pocket without looking, so it wouldn’t be obvious what he was doing. He had to be careful with so many people around, especially Anderson. He had the feeling Hank was the only one on the force who wasn’t fooled by his fake apology to the Tin Can and he wasn’t about to let his fun end by getting caught red handed! Anderson had walked to the master bedroom at the other end of the suite while Pearson was checking the rest of the massive living room and Thomsen went to the check the bathroom. Reed eyed the spiraling staircase that led to a loft under a glass ceiling that housed an extra lounge area, overseeing most of the ground floor, it was perfect. He ascended the staircase at leisured pace, watching as Ben and the walking plastic lab knelt at the first victim, a young man sprawled out on a large beige carpet. When he reached the top Reed kept close to the edge of the loft and pretended to be busy examining a bookcase filled with various books and decorations. His spot offered him a perfect surveillance point to the rest of the suite, especially the Tin Can.
“Alright kid, tell me what you see, your eyes always catch much more than I can.” Ben grunted as he and Connor looked over the dead young man on the ground laying between them. Connor’s eyes roamed over the body and Ben could just barely make out the slight change of the pupils nestled in the warm brown iris as Connor’s eyes scanned and zoomed in on noteworthy details.
“The victim identifies as 26 year old Collin Hart, an assistant producer to the D-Kay recordlabel located on Canfield St downtown.” Connor was quick to offer. “He has multiple defensive wounds on his arms indicating he struggled with either a single or possible multiple attackers. His clothes have stains that suggest he hasn’t bathed of washed up for at least three days. It’s possible this is a group of people who’ve been on a party bender, known to occur in his industry’s environment that have somehow ended badly, but I’ll await further speculations until I have gathered more evidence. First I’ll have to determine if there’s any alcohol and/or drugs in his and the other victims’ systems.” He followed up.
“Well, I don’t think I can remember a time your hunches have steered us wrong. Do what you gotta do and make your tests. Meanwhile I’ll start to mark what evidence I can and start a scene report.” Ben offered, standing back up with a groan as his old knees creaked.
“Yes, a good place to start.” Connor agreed.
“Let the show begin.” Reed thought giddily. He pulled up the remote, careful to keep it hidden as he quickly established the connection before choosing; [Oral analysis range // Adjust depth of analysis on oral test samples // Adjust sensitivity below]
[Oral sensors // Current setting 35%]
Just like last time Reed was able to adjust a bar to determine the sensitivity of the Tin Can’s oral analysis sensors and how comprehensively an analysis was going to be. The android had just dipped two fingers in a small blood sample and was about to place it on its’ tongue as was its’ normal disgusting procedure.
Reed quickly adjusted the setting as high as it could go.
[Oral sensors // Current setting 100% // WARNING current setting will require an excess processor and power usage // Nonvital functions will be down prioritized // Risk of longterm damage to model]
Reed smiled. “Perfect.”
Connor placed his two fingers at his tongue and gently licked his sample, expecting only to receive his desired information on blood type as well as alcohol and drug content. But as soon as the microscopic sample touched his tongue, he was immediately bombarded with an onslaught of test results;
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The incoming information was so complex and fast that even Connor’s advanced processors struggled to keep up. His entire vision was getting blocked as new data kept popping up on his inner display. He couldn’t suppress a flinch and reached to pinch the bridge of his nose as the high process build up manifested as a harsh headache like pain right behind his eyes.
“Everything alright Con?” Ben asked worriedly as he was quick to catch on to the other’s clear discomfort.
“Y-Yeah. I mean yes, sir.” Connor managed to stammer without looking at his superior, keeping his eyes pinched shut. But the overwhelming flux of information kept piling up as new data points continued getting registered. Since he had no excess process power to evaluate all incoming information the pressure continued to grow worse. He tried to gain access to reset his sensors back to standard, but he was locked out of the program for some reason. Heat was starting to radiate inside his head as his main frame was overtaxed. Damn it, this was his first case back in the field! He shouldn’t malfunction like this. He was supposed to be better than this! He couldn’t let everyone down again.
“Yeah, and I might believe that if it didn’t look like your head was aching and your face wasn’t so blue and flushed. What’s happening kid, talk to me.” Ben insisted, not able to keep the worry out of his voice.
Connor managed to look up and schooled his expression into a somewhat passive expression, only the slight tightness around his eyes indicated his continued pain. “I’m sorry sir. It’s just that.. My oral analysis sensors might be in need of calibration. It’s currently testing for 348 separate analysis elements in a single sample and I can’t seem to correct the error myself. It’s taking up a large part of my processers’ power, causing something akin to what humans would call a headache and a temporary visual obstruction of data, until I can clear them up manually. My flush is caused by an excess of thirium having to be rerouted to my cranial components to keep up with the high processing demand.” He explained quickly. “I’ve been able to confirm our first victim, Collin Hart, was indeed under the influence of both alcohol as well as a high concentration of Red Ice. But I’m afraid my sensors are demanding too much of my processers to complete any other functions, meaning I can’t continue testing the other victims at the moment. I’m extremely sorry that this will cause a delay to our investigation and complicate your work sir, but I promise I’ll try and make up for my insufficiency.” Connor added, sounding truly regretful and for not being able to preform one of his main functions in the field, letting his team and coworkers down.  
Ben stepped forward to place a comforting hand on Connor’s shoulder. It was clear to see the kid already mentally beating himself up for not preforming as well as he thought he should. “Hey, relax kid, it’s your first day back. Just take it easy, ok? Your health is more important than the case. Do you need to top of your thirium reserves? I think I have a spare pack in my bag.” Ben asked, already moving toward his bag located at the front door.
“No, I’m alright for now. Thank you for your concern though.” Conner answered gratefully, his eyes softening a bit at his senior’s support. “I’ll start marking the evidence for your report for now then. Hopefully my diagnostic software will identify and correct the glitch so I can continue my forensic tests afterwards.”
“Alright, sounds good and let me know if you need a break. Seriously kid I don’t want you to overstrain yourself.” Ben agreed, delivering a good natured tap to Connor’s cheek and a soft smile before turning back to his pad in hand.
Upstairs, unknown to the duo, Reed was silently fuming. “Fucking hell, is Ben really putting that rust bucket’s wellbeing higher than solving a quadruple homicide?! Offering it fucking breaks and everything, it’s a bloody joke!” He’d followed the scene discreetly from his higher ground. Well, Ben was about to realize that having a malfunctioning piece of plastic is nothing but a hindrance and a nuisance! Reed reached for the remote in his pocket yet again. “Time to step it up a notch.”
[Full body sensor system // Pressure sensitivity 100% // WARNING current settings will require excess processor and power usage // Nonvital functions will be down prioritized // Risk of long term damage to model // WARNING // Extended use of current setting will require extensive recalibration of all sensors]
Ignoring all warnings Reed proceeded with the adjustment and activated the selected function. He looked down below, ready to enjoy the show.
Connor literally froze mid-step as his entire body tensed up. From one second to the next he felt as every single little sensory receiver in his whole body was amplified to an excruciating level. The feel and weight of his clothes alone felt like fire on his skin. His breath shuttered harshly once then twice, before his ventilation program shut off entirely as his systems started to automatically to shut down certain functions in order to uphold the strain it was taking to keep all his external sensors on such a high intensity. His thirium pump on the other hand started to beat thrice its normal rhythm to sustain his body’s sudden current demand. He reached involuntarily for his chest as his pump went haywire and immediately regretted it when the simple pressure of his own hand on his chest sent a wave of torment through his entire frame. His inner display filled with useless data of his pump rate and sensory input, like how many units of newtons was applied by his clothes, his hand even the hair on his head. It was so excruciating that Connor had completely disappeared into his own painfilled bubble, frozen in place as he was overcome with an agony that was impossible to imagine or describe.
Ben was quick to notice Connor’s odd behavior as he couldn’t help worrying the android was pushing himself too hard as he tended to do. Also, the incident from last week still haunted the senior officer and he couldn’t help the protectiveness that was always quick to come over him when it regarded the young detective. Even tough Connor was on his way to be one of the most acclaimed detectives in the DPD, excelling on all fronts in his career, the kid had a bad habit of neglecting his own needs and safety to solve a case or help his colleagues. Connor once admitted to him that he sometimes forgot he was no longer expected to accomplish his mission at the cost of his own safety since it’d been so deeply conditioned in his programming by Cyberlife to do just that. And because Connor was one of the most competent, professional and skilled officers on the force, it was easy to forget the kid was literally only a little over 1 year old, which also made him a bit naïve, vulnerable and very trusting in nature. While Hank was definitely the most protective of Connor, having basically adopted the kid as his own, Ben and most members of their precinct could not help but share the need to guard their newest member to the best of their ability. So as Ben saw Connor completely freeze up, hearing his sudden gasp, the senior immediately sensed something was very wrong. “Connor? Hey what’s the matter.” Ben asked worriedly, half running towards the frozen detective. As he got closer he could see the kid’s eyes shone with a look of catatonic and pained panic and his LED spun wildly in a deep red color, only confirming his fears. “Come on kid, look at me, what’s going on?” He asked again and reached out and took a firm hold of Connor’s left shoulder. “D-DON’T TOCH ME!!” Connor yelled out in a pained cry, flinching hard away from Ben’s touch as if he’d been burned. His recoil was so violent that he stumbled on his unsteady legs, then tripping over an overturned footrest before crashing to the floor, his right shoulder making contact first before landing on his back.
Connor let out a heart wrenching cry of anguish as the slightest touch and bump felt like a bone crushing pressure to his frame. His thirium pump worked like a jackhammer inside his chest and every beat felt like he was taking a hit from a mallet right to the sternum.
“CONNOR?!” Ben called out panicked and kneeled at his side, he made a move to reach for the kid but stopped himself, afraid to hurt him more.
The commotion of course didn’t go unnoticed by the other officers in the room. Pearson, Thomsen and Hank, especially Hank, came rushing from whatever part of the suite they’d been working to see what was happening.
“Holy shit! Connor?!” Hank called out in despair finding his son on the floor in distress.
“What happened?” Pearson asked horrified at having to witness her friend in torment yet again.
“I-I think his sensors are malfunctioning somehow.” Ben offered weakly. “He told me his oral forensic analysis sensors were malfunctioning. It must have spread and affected his entire sensory system.” He added, feeling useless for not being able to offer any further help or explanation.”
Connor let out a pained groan below them, his core temperature was starting to rise drastically since his ventilation system was no longer operating. Multiple warnings messages were starting to pop up on his display.
[WARNING // Stress level 87%^^ // Seek stress reducing measures immediately]
[WARNING // Core temperature 113°F^^ // Seek temperature reducing measures immediately]
[WARNING // External sensor system overloaded // Lower sensor sensitivity immediately // ERROR access to sensory system settings denied]
[WARNING // Thirium pump overloaded // Engage stabilized rhythm // ERROR thirium shortage in sensory system components – Thirium pump bpm increasing // WARNING…]
The warning and error codes kept going in an endless loop again and again.. Connor’s red LED blinked and reflected of the polished wooden floor beneath him as the pain radiated through every wire, line and component of his whole being. Unable to hold back any longer a clear saline solution started to drip steadily from Connor’s eyes, trailing down his temples, past his red LED and into his hair.
Hank reached out on pure reflex to wipe the tears from his face before Thomsen intervened, stopping his hand before it could make contact.
“No don’t touch him! It’ll only make it worse sir!”
“Hell, I can’t just sit here and do nothing!!” Hank protested in helpless frustration, but still pulled his hand back.
“I-I’t’s too m-much.. I-I can’t..” Connor stammered and gently turned his head to lock onto Hank’s eyes with a desperate look. “It h-hurts so bad D-Dad!” He cried, finding the only solace he could think of in the eyes of his father.  
Hanks own eyes ran over with tears hearing his son’s desperate pained voice. Connor only called him Dad when he was feeling vulnerable, hurt or overwhelmed by the many challenges he still faced with his deviancy. He’d never called him Dad in public, only when they were alone and in total privacy. For him to call out to him like this spoke volumes of how much in pain he was going through and it fucking broke Hank’s heart.
“Shhh, Shh.. It’s alright son it’s alright, we’ll get you through this.” Hank promised fervently, wishing he could give his son any kind of physical comfort, but not daring to do so.
Pearson’s eyes were wet with tears as well, trying to hold in her own sobs at the heartbreaking scene before her. Ben and Thomsen’s eyes were misty as well, but they kept it together and tried to be strong for both Connor and Hank’s sake.
“Connor, is there any way you can you push yourself into stasis mode?” Ben asked.
“No I-I’ve tried, but..” A bitten off cry of pain interrupted. “But I c-can’t gain access t-to any of my.. M-Manual override programs!” Connor gasped the last word and arched off the floor with a pained cry as one of his minor internal thirium lines burst from the extensive pressure from his thirium pump.
From his sport above Reed was thoroughly enjoying the show, but figured it was time to make an appearance of his own. He descended the stairs quickly and made his way to the group around the fallen Tin Can.
“Nothing for it then! We’ll have to have it.. Err, I mean him, transported back to the station so John can take another look.” Reed announced drawing the attention of everyone in the room.
“And how the hell are we supposed to do that?” Hank barked angrily.
“Simple, I’ll carry him to the car, drive him back.” Reed offered like it was the obvious, planting both his hands in his side.
“But with his sensors malfunctioning like that it’ll be pure torture for him to be manhandled like that!!” Pearson argued.
“Well, I don’t see any other way, he can’t stay here either, he’s contaminating an active crime scene!” Reed countered.
“I think Reed is right.. It won’t be pleasant, but we can’t just leave him like this either.” Ben agreed sullenly, not happy about the prospect.
“Why don’t we just call John and have him come here instead?” Thomsen asked.
“Whatever this is isn’t an easy fix.. John will likely need to have full need of his lab at the DPD. It’ll be quicker to bring Connor back as fast as we can.” Ben said, being the most knowledgeable in the room of android technical aid.
“Ain’t no way I’m letting you touch him! I’ll carry him myself!” Hank growled, still not trusting Reed.
“Hank.. You know your back isn’t in the best shape anymore and.. This is going to hurt Connor.. A lot.. He’s likely going to trash and cry out.. I don’t think it’d be wise for you to do it. Pearson and I don’t have the strength and Thomsen broke two knuckles three days ago. Besides, Reed is by far the strongest among us.” Ben reasoned.
Hank was clearly struggling with the decision, but knew that Ben was right.
“Alright!!” Hank bellowed, hanging his head before raising it back up with a stone cold glare. “But I swear to God Reed.. If something happens to him..” Hank let the unfinished threat hang in the air.
“On scout’s honor I promise to be careful.” Reed said, raising his right hand above his heart. “Too bad I’ve never been a scout, though.” He thought amused to himself. This was perfect! This way he could stay close to the Tin Can and keep his fun going for as long as possible.
Reed kneeled at Connor’s side who’d now pinched his eyes shot and grinding his teeth so hard they’d have broken if he’d been human. Reed snapped his fingers besides the bucket’s head to gain its attention. Connor managed to open his eyes a fraction to look at Reed.
“Hey, I’m gonna pick you up and get you back to the office so John can fix you, alright?” Reed explained quickly, having to act somewhat civil since everybody was watching him. “It’s gonna hurt like a bitch, but try and keep cool so I don’t drop you, okay?”
Connor managed one tight nod to show he understood the instructions.
“Alright then, here goes.”
Reed swiftly took a hold of the Tin Can’s left arm and quickly hefted it across his shoulders in a classic fireman’s carry.
Despite trying his very hardest Connor couldn’t suppress the tormented screams that tore through him as the jostling deeply aggravated his over sensitized system. Reed moved quickly out through the front door to make his way down to his parked car. And if he, the minute he was out of eyesight from the others, might have accidently squeezed the worthless sack across his shoulders a little tighter than necessary causing pained cries of agony to echo throughout the whole stairwell. Well, no one would know anyway.
Most on duty officers at the DPD was sitting quietly at their desks, pretending to be working, but no one really were. The office was unusually silent, the only sound breaking through from time to time being the tormented screams of Connor echoing down all the way from the onsite technical aid facility upstairs. Many had witnessed as detective Reed had arrived, carrying the android across his shoulders, looking and to be in tremendous pain, upstairs to receive technically aid by John. No one knew what had happened, but the anguished screams of pain from their colleague, able to penetrate several stories, was proving to be too distracting and heartbreaking for most to be able to work through. Reed had yet to come back down, likely trying to assist John in his work. Captain Fowler was talking on the phone, pacing his small glass office and gesturing wildly as he was talking to lieutenant Anderson in an attempt to try and clear up what had happened to Connor on the case.
Finally, the screaming seemed to halt and a few minutes after both detective Reed and John excited the elevator. Reed looked just as casual as always, but John was clearly deeply affected by the whole ordeal he’d just worked through. Captain Fowler quickly ended his phone call to join the two on the floor.
“What the hell happened to him?!” Fowler demanded, his angry burst a façade to try and hide how worried he was about Connor.
John ran hand down his tired face. “Connor’s entire sensory systems was somehow locked on the highest settings possible to register. Due to his advanced prototype design it.. To speak plainly sir, a pinprick in that state would to Connor feel like being run through with a sword, a small push would feel like being hit by a truck at full speed. I finally managed to force him into emergency stasis mode like last time, but I needed to have detective Reed hold him down to keep him still for the procedure and just like last time it was almost impossible because I’m having trouble getting connected.. It.. I’ve never witnessed anything like it..”
“I quite enjoyed the show.” Reed thought, happy with how long he’d been able to keep the Tin Can debilitated this time. Surely people would start realizing that androids weren’t nothing more than a glorified equipment piece and would never replace humans in the field!
Just then the doors to the bullpen burst open as Anderson rushes through, closely followed by Ben, Pearson, Thomsen, Tina, Wilson, Miller and Collins. Collins, Miller, Wilson and Tina hadn’t been present for Connor’s malfunction, but they’d heard his cries as he’d been carried from the scene and had been filled in by the rest on the team on their way back.
“Where is he?! Where’s my son?!” Hank shouted, not caring he was being emotional and loud about it in public.
“He’s upstairs, resting, peacefully, at last.” John answered.
“Oh, thank fuck!” Hank sighed and covered his face with his hands and took some deep calming breaths before facing John again with his next question. “Is he going to be okay?”
“In time he should make a full recovery, but it’s going to be a long process before I can have his sensors recalibrated fully back to standard. His thirium pump also needs time to restabilize because of the massive strain it needed to uphold for so long. I’m afraid Connor has some tough weeks ahead of him, but I’ll do anything in my power to get him through it as well as I can.” John promised.
Hank nodded reluctantly, glad that Connor was going to ok, but sad that he was facing yet another painful recovery after just having gotten back on his feet.
“What caused him to malfunction this time?” Wilson asked.
John made a grimace. “I.. I’m still not sure.. I think whatever keeps blocking his receiver might have something to do with it. I’m fearing Connor’s last malfunction and the one he suffered today might be connected and not a passing virus as I initially thought, but I promise I’ll do anything I can to fix it!”
“Yeah, good luck with that moron, I’ll keep one step ahead of you!”
“We know you’ll do what you can John and don’t be shy to come to me if there’s anything you need to help Connor, equipment, facilities, extra manpower you name it. I’ll make sure to get it for you.” Captain Fowler offered in a serious voice.
“And if there’s anything any of us can do, please let us know. I’m sure we’d all be happy to help if need be.” Officer Wilson extended, gesturing to the rest of the office crowd, followed by a steady stream of eager agreements from across the room.
“What?! No, no, NO! Why are we wasting so many fucking resources on that trash can? you’re all supposed to see hos useless that fucking machine is!! What the hell is wrong with you people?!” Reed thought angrily.
Suddenly everyone’s attention was diverted as the elevator dinged its arrival to the ground floor. As the doors opened everyone was shocked to see Connor, barely standing and just so by the help of the wall and elevator bars. His hair was tousled, his jacket and tie were gone and his white dress shirt was undone down to his sternum. His face was deadly pale and his eyes were unfocused and blank. He stumbled out of the elevator almost falling but just managing to catch himself heavily on a file cabinet, his arms and legs shaking with the strain, his face pulling into a pained grimace from the impact and effort to keep himself up. Everyone had been staring completely dumbfounded at the scene before them, not able to fathom how Connor had managed to be up un his feet already, if you could call his zombie like bearing that. Finally, several people seemed to snap out of it as Connor made his next attempt at moving forward without any kind of support around him, clearly doomed to fail his endeavor. Lewis and Collins both rushed to the android’s aid as he fell to his knees, but luckily managed to catch him before the rest of him followed.
“Woah buddy! We got you.” Collins reassured as the pair gently tried to maneuver Connor into a sitting position on the floor.
John was quick to join them, as he shifted back into caretaker mode. And gently took a hold around Connor’s neck and head in a mixed attempt to ground and comfort the struggling detective.
“Connor! Con, look at me! You have to be still! Your systems and body aren’t stable enough for you to move around yet. Do you understand?” John called out, his thumbs moving in a comforting caress across soft cheekbones in his hands.
Connor’s eyes were gliding in and out of focus and his body was shaking with tension, but the still tried to fight his way back to his feet, as if he hadn’t heard a word John had said.
“I.. I need to.. F-Finish my In.. Investigation.. “ He managed to rasp out in a weak voice as he struggled against the holds on his body. “It’s m-my.. Duty to complete.. The case at.. At any c-cost!” Suddenly Connor’s entire body spasmed in a painful contraction causing the android to let out a bitten off cry of pain, eyes pinching and jaw locking tight.
“What the hell John, I thought you said he was in stasis resting. How is he even able to move right now?” Captain Fowler barked out, running his hand across his bald head.
“He shouldn’t be!” John was quick to answer, his eyes still roaming all over Connor’s face and body, trying to assess his condition. “But if I were to guess I believe it might be a back-up program installed by Cyberlife, designed to kick in and revert him to his most basic function, Completing any ongoing investigation at all costs, despite damage or injury to himself. It’s probably a installment made exclusively to his prototype. Even though Connor is a deviant now with free will he’s likely too weak right now to resist it.”
“Fucking hell, those bastards!” Fowler grumbled angrily.
“Connor?” Hank kneeled in front of his boy, placing his right hand softly on Connor’s cheek. “Hey son, it’s time for you to rest now. Don’t worry about the case, it’s under control. You just focus on getting better now, you hear me?”
At the sound of his father’s voice, it was as if Connor was able to break slightly through his forced programming and at least focus on Hank’s face. “I.. I don’t want t-to.. Dissapoint you..”
Hank’s heart broke a little more at those words. “Son, you could never disappoint me!” He said in a firm voice and shifted his hand too run through Connor’s thick brown locks of hair. “I promise you that.”
“Urggh! I think I might puke.” Reed thought as he witnessed the sappy sight. Unfortunately, he seemed to be the only one as the rest of the onlookers watched the scene with a look of adoration, many with wet eyes also.
Connor’s eyes then pinched shut again and he hissed sharply before reaching for his head.
John was quick to turn to the room. “Could someone please run to the breakroom and bring a pack of thirium?” A junior officer was quick to comply to the request and fetched a bag of lemon ginger flavored thirium. John accepted the bag before turning back to the android still in his arms. “Your processors have already been way overloaded Con and your thirium levels are alarmingly low. I need you to drink this whole bag, then we’re gonna carry you back upstairs and you’ll rest until I see your vitals improving, alright?”
Connor nodded and accepted the bag with a shaking hand. He downed the liquid quickly and allowed Lewis and Collins, who’d both been keeping him steady all the while, to help him back upstairs despite it still clearly hurt him to be moved too much, but held back voicing his discomfort. John and Hank of course followed right behind them.
Afterwards the small crowd slowly dispersed, once again trying to return to their work, but most thoughts still stayed with their friend and colleague, worried and sad to see him hurt once again.
Reed fought hard to contain his sneer, how was people still not seeing how useless that fucking android was? It was nothing more than a glorified computer and a nonfunctioning computer was just trash, therefor so was the Tin Can! As he sat back down at his own desk, he reached down to gentle caress the remote in his pocket.  He’d just have to get more creative then.
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connorwhumpaddict · 2 years
Deserving of pain (Part 4)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Epilogue
Summary: When Reed messes with Connor’s scanner at what he thinks is a secure bomb site things doesn’t go according to plan!
Chapter 4: Scanner malfunction
“I’m sorry Con, just a little bit longer now. I’m almost finished!” John tried to reassure as he typed manically on his keyboard, his eyes never leaving his live screen in front of him, fully devoted to completing his task as fast as possible.
Connor drew in another sharp inhale in response as he gripped the edges of the examination table he was currently reclining on a tad tighter, making the steel frame creak beneath his strong grasp. His back was arching off the table and his eyes pinched as he tried to stay still for the technician to complete the last adjustments and calibrations to his external sensors along his entire left leg, where several wires were plugged in at various ports along its length. The procedure wasn’t difficult to do but was lengthy and painful to endure.
“Aaaaand done!” John finally exclaimed as all codes finally flashed back to green on his screen, indicating the recalibration had been successful.
Connor all but collapsed back down on the padded surface beneath him, his breath escaping in harsh, quick pants from exhaustion and in effort to cool his core temperature back down from the uncomfortable level it reached during the 25 minutes it had taken to reset his legs’ sensor back to standard setting.
John quickly made his way to Connor’s side, perching on the edge of the table and gently put his arm under the android’s heaving upper body to help him into a more upright position. “Easy Con, try to slow your breathing a bit and take some deep breaths for me. I know it’s hard and you’re running hot, but just try.”
Connor’s own hand unconsciously reached out to find purchase and support on John’s broad chest as he tried his best to comply with the others’ instructions.
“That’s it, you’re doing great.” John’s hand rubbed soothingly up and down the length of the android’s back in a comforting manner and reached out with the other to grasp a pack of thirium with lemon ice-tea flavor. He knew that was Connor’s favorite and that he’d taken special care to always have in stock in his clinic. “Catch your breath and then drink this, it’ll make you feel better.”
Connor took a few, slightly more controlled breaths, before he accepted the pack and took a generous drink. “Thanks.” He said as he finally trusted his voice, even though it still came out somewhat raspy.
The tech smiled and stroked Connor’s back a few more times before standing up to begin gently unplugging the many wires from his leg.
“How does it feel, anything hurting?” John asked after having detached the last wire. He braced one hand against Connor’s ankle and ran the other along the length of the calf with a soft, soothing pressure. Connor felt a blush blooming on his cheeks at the touch that spread an unfamiliar kind of warmth throughout his chest, he could not attribute to his core temperature. He was quick to dismiss the oddity as he was not entirely sure how much he could trust his body’s reactions with his recent malfunctions.
“No, just feels a bit tender.” Connor answered.
John nodded and repeated the action, venturing above the knee before stopping at mid-thigh this time with a bit more pressure, but still making sure to be gentle. “That’s good. Your self-healing program will take care of that. I want you to stay here at least until you’ve finished drinking that pack and you promise to keep your thirium reserves topped, alright? Then we can do your other leg in a couple of days.”
Connor bit the inside of his cheeks, wanting to be abiding to John’s treatment since the kind tech had already devoted so many hours of work to speed along his recovery, but not able to keep totally silent. “I want you to recalibrate my other leg now, please.”
John’s head snapped up, pausing in his alleviating rub-down of Connor’s leg. His eyes turned sympathetic yet determined. “Con.. I know you’re eager to get back to full reinstation, but we can’t rush this along. It’s only been ten days since your sensor glitch, you need to give yourself time to heal.”
“I feel fine, really. My thirium pump is stable, my hourly diagnostics program has not reported any errors or instabilities since my last incident and I promise to keep my thirium at optimal levels. All I need to be fully functional is the last sensor calibrations to my right leg. Please, John?” Connor pleaded, hoping it would convince the blonde to comply.
“It’s not that simple Connor. You’ve just suffered through half an hour’s painful reset, it’s not ethical for me to push you through another procedure already. Another reset so soon is going to hurt even worse than the one you just completed. Your health and wellbeing are my biggest priorities and concern, so it’s out of the question.” John stated.
“I can take it. My systems should be stable enough to complete another reset within 15 minutes when I’m done topping off my thirium levels, with minimal risk of complications.” Connor retorted.
“Yes, I know, but that’s not the issue Con.” John countered.
Connor couldn’t help his voice from rising as his frustration grew. “I need to get back to full commission, John! I’m supposed to be an asset to the DPD, not a nuisance and a burden! Every minute I’m inefficient I’m a liability to the force and to you! If I can’t..”
“You’re not equipment, Connor!!” John interrupted with a yell and grasped the android’s head in both of his hands, pulling their faces close together so he could make firm eye contact.
Connor’s eyes widened in shock at the motion, his eyes automatically scanning the tech’s face now only inches away from him. The blonde’s expression was determined, but his blue eyes shone with worry and care. John inhaled deeply still not letting go of Connor, resolute to make the brown eyed detective accept he was more than just an expendable gadget.
“Your worth is not defined in how useful or how effective you are at your work, Con. You’re a person! A living, breathing, feeling being! And you’re allowed to get hurt and be injured and taking the time you need to heal! I know those Cyberlife bastards made you think you’re expendable and only merit something if you exceed expectations, but it’s not true! You are enough, Connor!” John’s voice was firm, but then softened along with his eyes, his thumbs moving to gently caress Connor’s face. “I know it’s hard, even after deviancy. But in time I’ll make sure to make you believe it too. Until then, I will patch you up whenever you need it and keep you safe to the best of my abilities and I promise you that it’s no burden at all. I know that’s true for everyone else as well.”
Connor swallowed around the lump that had grown in his throat. It was hard.. Sometimes it was as if he could still hear the echo of Amanda in his head whenever he didn’t perform a task perfectly, solved a case fast enough or couldn’t prevent Hank or others from getting hurt or injured. Each time her ice-cold voice would be brought forth by his memory; failure, disappointment, letdown, useless, worthless..
None of his colleagues, including John, had ever been anything but supportive, helpful and understanding towards him after his deviancy and never demanded anything further of him or berated his work. Well, no one except Gavin Reed.. Who’d on more than one occasion loudly shared, to everyone willing to listen, many of the same beliefs that his insecurities were rooted in. But even Reed seemed to be on his way to accept him. The fellow detective had even helped him back to the precinct when his sensors had malfunctioned. So, he really didn’t have any excuse to keep feeling like he was failing for not being able to do anything else but desk work for ten days, but he still did.. It filled him with unease and anxiety. Sometimes he’d talk with Hank about it, but every so often it was just too hard to put words to all those feelings and it’d be easier just to apply himself further into his work instead. Trying to do better, to be better.
Now it felt like John could see right through him, offering understanding, care and compassion without him even having to try and explain himself and it felt like such a huge relief.
“T-Thank you.. That’s.. I..” he stumbled as he had trouble finding his words. His emotions started to overwhelm him which was hard as well when you still had trouble identifying half of them.
But John just smiled that soft, beautiful smile that always seemed to leave Connor even more flustered than he already were.
“No need to thank me, just know that I’m here for you Connor. Not because I have to, not because it’s my job, but because I want to. Simple as that.” He finally released his hold of the android’s head, allowing some more space between them, though his left hand lingered just a tad longer in a prolonged caress. “Now, please relax and just let me take care of you for a while, ok?”
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Connor offered a soft nod as answer, once again not totally trusting his voice and allowed himself to relax back into the mattress. He could feel his chest swell with warmth, feeling safe and completely comfortable as John stated to run a precautionary system check before he’d be allowed back to his desk.  
Connor returned downstairs to his desk, only limping slightly on his left leg. If hadn’t been for his LED circling yellow you’d almost not notice that it was causing the detective discomfort. When he found his seat, his LED turned back to its more stable blue hue.
“You alright kid?” Hank asked from across the table, seated at his own desk, eyeing his son with slight concern. He knew very well how painful Connor’s sensor resets were, but the kid still insisted on working throughout his recovery period. John, Hank and Fowler had all been unsuccessful in their effort to convince the deviant to take time off to heal. Connor had insisted it was easier for John to preform his resets at his clinic at the office and if he was at the office he might as well complete whatever work he could from his desk. In the end Fowler had resigned and allowed Connor to continue desk work, figuring that this way they could at least keep an eye out for the detective together.
“Yes, I.. I think so.” Connor answered, looking to be deep in thought.
“You think so?” feeling alarmed by the uncertain answer Hank pressed further. “What’s wrong? Did you suffer another glitch?”
Connor placed a hand on his own chest, looking confused. “I’m not sure..”
“Talk it out son, what’s on your mind?” Hank prompted.
Connor looked at his father as he tried to explain. “I’ve started to notice several recurring symptoms whenever I’m in the presence of Dr. John Hale. They started before my major malfunctions began and they’re not painful or unpleasant, but lately I feel like they’re growing in intensity. I wonder if it might be related to my latest glitches?”
Hank scratched his beard in a thoughtful manner. “I see.. And what symptoms are we talking about?”
“Usually when I see John my thirium pump will lose its rhythm for a fraction of a second before resuming normal beat. A warmth spreads in my chest when he’s close. My facial complexion is easier to flush, especially when he’s touching me and it feels like a live wire of low voltage is humming inside my abdomen whenever he smiles and are kind to me.” Connor clinically ticked off each of his observations. “I haven’t told him about it because until now it seemed harmless, and I don’t want to worry him further or make him think he’s causing me any discomfort when he’s already gone so much above and beyond to care for me.”
As Connor explained a soft smile grew across Hank’s face, making the android frown in confusion.
“Why are you smiling like that? Have I said something funny?”
Hank chuckled and weaved his hand. “Sorry kid! No, it’s not funny, but.. Have you ever wondered why John goes so much out of his way to help and care for you?”
Connor shrugged. “Because he’s a very skilled and compassionate technician, I’m sure he treats everyone of his patients with just as much care and skill as he does me, I’ve just taken up most of his time lately.”
Hank had to fight hard not to shake his head at the deviant’s obliviousness, reminding himself it wasn’t Connor’s fault he still had so many first experiences and emotions to live and learn. “Well, I’m pretty sure you have nothing to worry about regarding your symptoms when you’re with John.”
“How can you be sure of that?” Connor asked.
“Just trust me on this, I know. And I just want to add that I think John is a very nice, handsome and intelligent young man.” Hank added with a wide smile.
This only made Connor even more confused. “I agree John is very socially adapt and extremely intelligent, especially in his professional field. And yes, according to socially constructed standards he’s quite handsome, but I fail to see why any of these basic observations is relevant for our current discussion?”
Hank let out another small laugh. “I’m sorry kid, it’s sometimes easy to forget how new emotions still are for you. Ahh, how do I put this..” Hank took a minute to consider his words. “Son, It sounds like you might be experiencing your first cru..”
But Hank didn’t get to finish his sentence as Fowler suddenly came rushing out from his office calling everyone to attention with his authoritarian voice. “Listen up people, we got a situation on our hands!! We just received a triple bomb threat aimed at a shared android and human family center downtown! You all know the drill! I want all personal working this! I will head out with Alpha team now and you’ll all get updates in route go go GO!”
The whole office immediately became a flurry of motion and action as all personal answered on their captain’s order.
Hank stood and pulled on his jacket ready to move out as well. “Sorry kid, I’ll catch you later, ok? Mind the base while we’re gone.”
“No, I’m coming with you!” Connor stated standing as well, ignoring the lingering pain in his leg.
“Connor you’re grounded! Until we figure out the cause of your malfunctions you can’t join the field. You know that!” Hank ordered.
“But..” Connor was about to protest when Fowler appeared beside the pair.
“Gear up Connor, I’m gonna need you on Alpha.” The captain interrupted.
“Jeffery, what the hell?! I thought we agreed Connor was on standby until we know what causes his glitches!” Hank protested, wanting to keep his son safe.
Fowler look apologetic to the lieutenant. “I know Hank, and I wouldn’t be asking Connor to join if the situations weren’t so dire. Likely multiple bombs are at play and our bomb squad won’t be able to cover all the ground. Connor and his state-of-the-art scanner, detection programs and skills are our best hope to come out of this with no casualties.”
“I won’t let you down, captain.” Connor promised, his eyes determined.
“Damn it, alright! But you stay close to me you hear?” Hank pointed at Connor.
“Yes lieutenant.” Connor answered, slipping into professional mode automatically, relived he was allowed to join his team and help.
“Alright, with that settled let’s move it” Fowler barked.
Reed arrived at scene with Tina. The two had been on patrol when the call about the bomb threat had reached them. Even though they’d speed along at full speed and sirens, the scene was already busy as evacuation was being planned, bomb detection was set up and a perimeter was being established.
To the detective’s great dismay, he found the Tin Can standing with the bomb squad, helping with the set up and talking possible locations of the bombs. Reed grinded his teeth, the android wasn’t even supposed to be here! The fact that it was gave way to the possibility, that the glorified computer had been deemed necessary to fulfill the hope in coming out of this casualty free.
“Reed! I need you as leader on evac, move your ass!” Fowler suddenly barked, startling him out of his hateful musing. Reed decided he’d find a way to deal with the Tin Can later. He didn’t really care about the androids, but there were actual human lives at stake and that needed to be dealt with first.
Once the evacuation was completed Reed looked around to see where else he could assist and found himself at the small base operation where the bomb squad where busy trying to track down the bombs. It seemed the Tin Can was doing most of the work as it operated his wide range scanners and had already succeeded in locating two of the three bombs that had been threatened, sending bomb techs teams and drones on their way to do disarming.
Most officers on site were looking on in admiration as Connor quickly and efficiently took over and administered the task at locating the bombs and guiding the field teams to the correct locations, managing the multitasking flawlessly.
Reed had to bite the insides of his cheeks so his anger wouldn’t be too obvious. He longed to reach down into his pocket for his remote and mess the android up, but even he knew that interfering right now in such a high-risk situation, were actually human lives was on the line wouldn’t do.
The last bomb took longer to locate, but finally Connor managed to lock down its position, directing the last bomb squad towards it. All bombs had been placed in adjacent buildings next to the Family center, but all had been android related in some way. One had been in an apartment building that housed a mix of humans and androids, another had been placed in a free android tech clinic and the third had been in a converted Cyberlife store that now sold upgrade services and spare parts to most models.
One by one each bomb squad called in as they located a bomb and when they’d successfully disarmed it. When finally the last ‘Bomb is neutralized‘ was called in, it was as if the whole group of spectators let out a collective sigh of relief before bursting out in applause and cheers.
Reed was furious when he saw all the cheering was directed towards the Tin Can. People walked up to pat it on its shoulders and compliment it on its work. You didn’t congratulate or thank a damn computer for just doing its fucking job!
Hank walked up to the android to put an arm around his shoulders. “That was damn impressive son, I’m so proud of you.”
Even captain Fowler walked up with a pleased smile and took a firm hold of the Tin Can’s shoulder. “You did great detective, you saved a lot of lives today.”
Connor accepted the praise with a stained smile. For some reason he didn’t feel as calm or relieved as he should be, it just felt.. Too easy. It had been fairly simple to locate and disarm the bombs. Granted his scanner systems were the best prototype technology, but still. Something didn’t feel quite right..
Reed was fuming, so the Tin Can wanted to show of its fancy scanner? Well, so be it. Since the danger had passed there was no need to hold himself back any longer. Finding a discreet spot, away from most of the crowds, Reed fished up his remote. He quickly entered the Tin Can’s service code, he’d memorized by now, and found the setting guide for its scanner systems;
[Scanner settings // Scanner radius setting 1.8 miles] Reed readjusted; [Scanner radius setting 30 miles // WARNING a smaller scan radius is recommended // Risk of overheating to model]
The Tin Can’s current setting was specially designed to scan for certain components and signal weaves needed for the making and remote activation of most bombs, explaining why the android had been so efficient in location them. The setting adjustments guide also allowed to include many specific parameters; radio tower signals, different types of organic lifeforms, magnetic forces, radioactive material and so on. He crossed of every single box he could.
[WARNING smaller search margin is recommended // Current settings will require excess processor usage]
Ignoring the pop-up warnings as always Reed proceeded with the override, turning to watch with glee.
The effect was immediately. Connor suddenly let out a harsh grasp and took to his head when suddenly his scanner reactivated spontaneously, with a much wider range than advised and including all possible search parameters available. His head was flooded with feedback of thousands of results, making his head pound fiercely.
“What’s wrong kid?” Hank asked, immediately alarmed at his son’s obvious distress.
“Are you suffering another malfunction?” Fowler followed up taking a stabilizing hold on Connor’s shoulder to keep the detective from stumbling.
Connor nodded tightly. “Y-Yes sir.. My scanner suddenly turned to its highest setting capable. I-It’s intense..”
“Come on then, let’s get you back to the station before it gets any worse.” Hank said, already guiding his son towards their waiting squad car.
Reed watched with satisfaction as the Tin Can struggled to even walk straight, even with assistance from both Hank and the captain. The gathered crowd parted willingly as the two cops aided the android towards the car.
Suddenly the Tin Can stopped up abruptly and straightened. “Wait!!” it called out, its eyes wide yet distant, clearly paying attention to something on its scanner, unseen to everyone else.
“What’s the matter Connor?” Captain Fowler asked, immediately ready for action. Sensing the detective had caught something of importance.
“T-There’s another bomb! It’s.. It’s of a different unorthodox design.. So I.. My scanner didn’t detect it before..” Connor stammered, clearly struggling to make sense of all the inputs he was receiving from his wide scan, making even speaking an exhausting challenge at the moment. “It’s big.. Much more p-powerful than the others.. They were.. Probably just d-decoys to distract us from finding t-this one..”
“Fuck! Can you locate it?” Hank asked, his body already coiling with adrenaline and anxiety at the unwelcome news.
“It’s inside the c-center facility.. In an old sealed off vent in the basement..” Connor’s breaths were starting to turn harsh, as the intense scan was overheating several of his components, forcing his ventilation system to work harder. He struggled to keep focus on only the relevant inputs, despite the bombardment of scan results that kept flooding him. “We.. We need to widen the perimeter.. If this goes off our current position won’t offer a-any safe…” Conner stopped in the middle of his sentence, his eyes widening with fear as his scans showed him another horrific discovery. “T-There’s a human child still i-inside the building!!” He suddenly exclaimed.
“WHAT?!” Both Hank, Fowler and Reed exclaimed loudly in unison, as horrified outburst echoed throughout the surrounding crowds.
Fowler turned to Reed with a strict stare. “Reed! You were in charge of evacuation! How the hell could you miss a fucking child?!” The captain barked angrily.
Reed was taking totally aback. He had been in charge of the evac. He’d made a through plan and sent divided teams into the building, each covering a designated area that had called in when a section had been cleared. He pulled out his pad on which he had the full blueprint of the building and had winged off all sections that had been cleared. He was sure he’d checked off all sections!! All… Except one… A small area containing a children’s playroom had been overlooked.. He’d missed it… A cold dread filled up inside the detective as he realized his mistake. He’d been so preoccupied with how to carry out his vendetta against the Tin Can he’d neglected a whole section of the building in his evacuation plan. For once in his life Reed was stunned into near silence.
“I.. I.. I don’t know how.. I didn’t mean..” He stammered in despair, his eyes never leaving the pad in his hands that started shaking.
“Shit! Widen our perimeter with at least 200 yards!!And we need a bomb squad drone ASAP! We have a child’s life at stake here!!” Captain Fowler shouted out.
Connor shook his head, his eyes still distant and pinched as he focused on his scan. “There’s no time..” He muttered and before anyone had time to react, the android pulled free of the supporting holds Hank and Fowler had on him and sprinted towards the building himself.
“CONNOR!!” Hank bellowed and made a move to follow his son, but was forcibly held back by both Fowler and Ben.
“Hank!! You can’t go in there!!” Ben called, struggling to hold the lieutenant at bay, even with captain Fowler’s help.
“Connor’s in there! I need to fucking help him!!” Hank shouted, vigorously fighting the hands holding him back.
“Connor made his choice before I could intervene, but I won’t risk two of my men today!” Fowler groaned as he fought against the lieutenant.
“Fuck, Jeffery I can’t lose another son!!” Hank cried out, as the fight slowly drained from his body, a cloud of despair and fear settling over him instead.
“This is Connor we’re talking about. I’m sure he’ll be fine.” Chris offered with confidence in his voice, although it did little to calm Hank’s gut.   
Reed stood back, still staring dumbfounded at the pad on his hands. He was so out of it he didn’t even notice when the remote in his pocket vibrated with the ‘Connection lost’ message, as the Tin Can ran selflessly into the bomb threatened building to save the child he was supposed to have brought to safety first.
Connor felt an immediate relief as his scanner suddenly returned to its normal parameters once he’d sprinted the first 50th feet or so towards the family center. He didn’t dwell too much on it though, only being silently grateful he could now readjust it to pin down a firm, undisturbed, location of the child wandering aimlessly around on the first floor. Sprinting as fast as his still affected leg component could carry him, he burst through the doors, wasting no time.
“HELLO!” He called out loudly as he made his way to the stairs, leading to the first floor. “My name is Connor, I’m here to help you!” He called out again, hoping announcing his presence before making direct contact would appease the no doubt scared child.
“Call out if you can hear me!” He then added, knowing he was getting closer.
“H-Hello.. I-I’m here.. I’m scared!” A small voice echoed down the hallway seconds before the figure of a young yellow haired girl, no older than five appeared at the end of the floor. She was clutching a stuffed dog to her chest and tears were streaking down her cheeks in a steady stream from her brown eyes.
Connor was quick to reach her before he picked her up in a hurry, although he was careful not to hurt her in the process. He cradled her protectively against his chest and ran back the way he came. The small girl yelled out, startled at the manhandling, clutching her stuffed toy closer to her chest.
“I’m sorry, I don’t mean to scare you. I just want to get you out of here as fast as possibly, ok? I promise I’m not going to hurt you.” Connor reassured, making sure to keep his eyes soft and his voice as non-threatening as possible, despite the growing unease rising in his chest.
“I want my mommy!” The girl cried out.
“I’ll get you to your mom, I promise. Don’t worry, everything is going to be alright.” Conner soothed. He was almost at the exit just a few yards more…
.. Then the ear deafening sound of an explosion…
Connor had just enough time and wits to throw himself under the metal bolted receptions desk, tightening his hold around the small girl in his arms and covering her the best he could with his body before the building came crashing down, turning the world around them black…
The resounding shockwave from the detonated bomb floored the entire DPD and emergency responders. Shards of glass were raining down upon them as the windows in the surrounding buildings blew out.
One by one each officer fought themselves back onto shaky legs, their ears ringing and bleeding. Scraps and purple bruises already blooming on torn skin. Reed took to his head where a steady stream of blood was flowing, hissing sharply at the pained touch. He looked to the now demolished building of the Family center with wide, unbelieving eyes. To his left Hank was stumbling forward unsteadily, only resulting the man falling to his hands and knees, tears making a clean streak down his ashy cheeks. He was screaming something, but Reed could only hear the ringing of his own ears.
This.. Was not how he’d planned things to go…
The collapsed building debris creaked and shifted loudly above them in the little air pocket. The metal desk they’d taken cover under had partially collapsed over them and was now pressing hard against Connor’s staining back as the android was bracing against the immense weight from above with his forearms and knees. A sharp metal piece from the shredded desk had drilled its way into his lower back, right beside his spinal cord, warm thirium dripping from the wound. The little girl was currently laying shielded under him in a curled-up ball, whimpering softly, covered in dust. The only light filling the small space being the red light of Connor’s LED spinning slowly. The weight above was crushing and the pain from the protruding metal in his back was excruciating, but he forced himself to keep conscious and stay strong for the frightened girl crying beneath him, he couldn’t let her know he was struggling or how much danger they were still in.
“Shh.. Shh, it’s okay.. I got you.. Are you okay? Anything hurting?” He spoke softly, compelling himself to keep his voice calm and comforting despite his current agony, determined not to let it show and scaring her even further.
The girl unfolded slightly from her curled up position, her stuffed toy dog still hugged close to her body. She looked at him with her big, teary, brown eyes.  She shook her head gently no to his question.
“Can you tell me your name?” He followed up. “O-Olivia.. A-Are we going to die?” She whimpered timidly.
“No.. No we’re going to be just fine. I’m going to send a message to my friends outside and they’re going to find us very soon.” Connor reassured. Some of his hardware had been knocked offline or damaged by the blast, but he still managed to send a single, simple message to Hank’s phone, hoping his dad’s device (and his dad himself) were still intact and alive after the explosion. ‘Both alive. Buried by debris. Damaged. Send help urgently.’. The light around them turned yellow as Connor sent his message, before turning back to red once more.
“T-There.. They’ll be here any minute to save you.” He soothed, managing a soft smile, even if it was a bit strained from his current state.
“And you..” The girl offered quietly, turning a bit beneath him to look more directly at him.
Connor nodded. “And me.” He agreed, hoping she was right.
“W.. W-What’s your name?” Olivia asked. “My name is Connor.” “My mommy was in h-here as well.. Is she dead?” Olivia asked, her eyes overflowing with tears.
Connor shook his head. “No, no one else but you were in here. So, I’m sure your mom is okay and is very w-worried about you. T-That’s why I came to find you.” He quickly reassured.
Olivia sniffed a couple of times, reeling her tears back in. “Thank you for.. F-Finding me.. I.. I wasn’t supposed to leave my mommy, but I wanted to go play in the playroom and went there without telling her.. Suddenly.. Everyone was just gone and I couldn’t find her.. Do you think she’ll be mad at me?”
“I promise you she’s not going to be mad at you. G-Getting you back safe is all she cares about right now, and I’ll make sure you do.” Connor promised.
“O-Okay..” Olivia accepted and started fiddling with her small hands in a nervous gesture.
There were a few seconds of silence before Connor spoke up again, wanting to keep Olivia distracted and hopefully ease a bit of her rightful anxiousness.
“That’s a very cute dog you have there.. What’s his name?” He asked, readjusting his position slightly even though it offered him no relief whatsoever.
“It’s a girl.” She offered, sounding a bit offended by the misgendering of her toy, stroking its brown fleece head lovingly.
Connor was quick to correct his mistake. “I’m very sorry.. What’s her name then?”
“Muffin.” She answered.
“That’s a nice name.. I h-have a dog too you know..”
Her eyes lit up a bit at that. “You do? A real one?” She asked eagerly.
Connor nodded. “Yes, his name is Sumo. He’s a very cute and good dog too..”
“I love Muffin, but I’d like to have a real dog too someday. Maybe I’ll ask Santa for one next Christmas.” She explained, clearly very passionate about her possible future with a dog.
Connor was moved by her excitement and furthered his determination to make sure she’d get to experience the joy of having a dog. “That’s a very good wish, I.. I’m sure you’ll have a real dog someday, Olivia.”
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Olivia beamed at that, but it quickly turned into a frightful gasp as the metal desk above them groaned loudly as the wreckage above shifted once again. The shifting made the weight suddenly increased immensely above and Connor couldn’t help but letting out a pained cry as the whole ceiling lowered an inch before he was able to brace hard enough against the added burden. The shift caused the metal splint to burrow even deeper into his back. He bit down another cry, but his red LED blinked wildly for a few seconds from the intense pain, before settling again. Connor’s breaths escaped in a few harsh pants to cool is inner core as much as possible before he turned off his own ventilation systems completely. Olivia needed the air more than him and he needed to conserve what little there was for her.
“Do you have a big owie?” Olivia then asked him once she recovered from the scare and looked at him with sad, worried eyes.
Connor’s head snapped back up, having dropped it when he’d needed to adjust when the load had shifted.
Before he could even answer Olivia continued in a slight babble that happens when a kid tries to explain something hurriedly. “ Because.. My neighbor Lucas is an android and he also have a light in his head like you, he sometimes babysits me when my mommy’s at work.. And.. Once he fell and his light turned red like yours. He told me that happens when an android gets an owie.. But his light turned back to blue in a few minutes.. Yours haven’t so.. Do you have a big one then?”
Olivia was clearly bright for her age and Connor was torn between not wanting to lie to her, knowing she’d not be fooled anyway, but also not wanting to make her worry about him. “I.. It j-just hurts my back a little staying in this position, but I’m going to be ok, don’t worry.” He settled, not a complete lie, but not the whole truth either.
Olivia luckily seemed to accept the explanation, though she still eyed Connor with a bit concern. “When I have an owie, my mommy will put a bandage on it and give me a kiss and a hug.. Do you have a mommy? I know Lucas doesn’t have one..” She then asked.
“I don’t but.. I have a dad..” Connor answered. He really hoped Hank was alright.
“Does he bandage and kiss your owies?” She asked, her eyes big.
“Well, he does give me bandages and hugs if I hurt myself, not so many kisses though.” Connor answered, able to find the mental image and innocent questioning a bit of humorous, despite their situation.
Olivia seemed to muse this over for a few seconds. “That’s okay, Muffin can give you a kiss, that might make you feel a bit better.” And she followed up by lifting her toy dog up and gently tap its soft snout against Connor’s cheek.
Connor leaned slightly into the touch and managed a soft smile. “That feels much better, thank you Muffin.” He said, he didn’t but he appreciated the sweet gesture non the less.
Suddenly Connor’s internal screen lit up with an incoming call and Connor felt a momentous rush of relief seeing the name. [Incoming call: Hank Anderson // Receive Y/N]
[Y // Connecting… Connected..]
“Connor, thank fucking God you’re alive son!! I thought I lost you!! Are you alright?” Hank’s voice filled the small space, full of relief and worry.
“I-I’m with Olivia, who was in the building. We’re buried under the rubble, in a small a-air bubble under a desk. She’s unharmed, but the oxygen is going to be depleted in approximately 37 minutes. w-we need a rescue team.” Connor explained quickly.
Hank do doubt noticed his son’s failure to actually answer his question, but quick to understand it was because he was in the presence of a child and could not detail his own state.
“We’re working on it, but the damage site is huge, Con. Do you have any idea where you’re at?” Hank asked trying to find out where to search and bring help most efficiently.
“I can..” Connor had to pause when a coughing fit overcame him, spilling thirium down his chin that had built up in his ventilation system. One of his interior lines must have bust when the weight on his back had increased.
“Are you Connor’s dad?!” Olivia suddenly called out, sitting up slightly to be closer to Connor’s head, probably thinking she needed it to be heard on the line.
There was a brief pause before Hank came to his senses and answered.
“Y-Yes, I am!”
“P-Please send help really, really soon mister.. Connor says he doesn’t have a big owie, but the light in his head is spinning red and holding the ceiling up is really hurting his back a-and some of that blue water androids drink is starting to spill on the floor. He needs help really soon too!” Olivia begged, her voice turning more and more distressed as she talked.
Clearly, she’d been much more observant than Connor had given her credit for, and it seemed like she’d tried to be strong and brave for him just as much as he tried for her.
“You’re Olivia?” Hank asked.
“You’re a really brave girl Olivia and I promise we’re doing everything to get you guys out. Your mother is out here waiting for you, she’s really glad you’re ok. Now, I need you to stay strong and brave and take good care of my son until we find you, can you do that for me?”
“Y-Yeah! I can do that! But hurry please!” Oliva answered.
“Good girl!” Hank praised.
Once he finally recovered from his fit Connor returned to the conversation. “Hank.. W-We were close to the entrance when the building collapsed.. I’ll t-try to send a GPS location to your phone, but I can’t m-maintain audio communication at the same time and I.. I don’t think I’ll have enough energy to keep up the link for more than 10 minutes without.. R-Risking going into stasis and that must not happen.” Connor explained, his voice rough from his coughing.
“Got it! Do what you have to do. I have rescue on scene. I’ll make sure we’ll have your location locked and located within 10 minutes.. Hang in there son..” Hank added softly. “And you too Olivia, I’ll see you guys soon!” The lieutenant promised before the connection was cut.
Connor did as was agreed, knowing now that a signal could break through the ruble with certainty. His LED kept spinning red but every few cycles it turned yellow whenever he uploaded their location. He looked down his own body and just as Olivia said, thirium had started to pool on the floor from the steady stream running from the wound in his back. Connor’s arms and legs were starting to shake with the effort of holding the immense weight above them.
“It’s okay Connor, your dad is coming to save us and then he’ll help you get better.” Olivia said in a comforting voice, looking at the android with determination.
Despite his agony, Connor felt his heart swell. What an amazing girl Olivia was. If it was the last thing he did, he was going to make sure she made it out of this alive. The world needed more Olivas in it.
“Don’t worry O-Olivia.. I’m okay as long as you’re here.” He reassured her.
Olivia nodded in a serious manner. “I promised your dad to take care of you.”
Connor smiled. “You did.. I’m very l-lucky that I have such a brave, sweet girl like you to do that.” He agreed.
“You’re really brave too Connor and really strong.. I like you.” She declared, like it was an absolute fact before adding. “And Muffin likes you too.”
“Thank you.. I like you and Muffin too.” The android answered truthfully.
“Maybe.. When we get out and your owie is better I could come visit you and your dad and Sumo?” She then asked shyly, like she was afraid the answer might be no.
“I would love that very much and I know my dad and Sumo would too.” Connor was quick to confirm. Olivia smiled brightly the answer.
[WARNING // Thirium level 72% ∨∨ // Seek replenishment or technical aid immediately]
[WARNING // Core temperature 115°F^^ // Seek temperature reducing measures immediately]
[WARNING // Damage to internal lines 32:B-5:D] [WARNING // Spinal components 2-31 overloaded // R and L arm components overloaded // R and L leg components overloaded, L component down to 36% integrity]
Connor’s vision was being flooded with warning messages and error codes from the increasing strain in keeping the air bubble intact. The pain from the piercing metal in his back was so excruciating that the thought of saving Olivia and seeing Hank again was the only thing keeping him going at this point.   
Suddenly a loud grating noise filled their small space and Connor realized with a rush of relief that it was the sound of excavating vehicles digging above them.
Oliva crumbled back into a fetal position, hugging Muffin close once again, as the loud noise scared her, no doubt fearing their small safe space was about to collapse around them.
“It’s o-okay! It’s just the rescue team trying to dig us out!” Connor was quick to explain to the frightened girl. “You’ll be out in no time to see your mom, just a bit longer.”
Oliva looked at him with her big, brown doe eyes. The disturbing of the ruble from above made dust and grime start to rain down upon them.
“Come here, closer. Don’t be afraid. It’ll be over soon.” Connor beckoned for Olivia to seek further down so he could shield her better from the dust. She did, before reaching out to take a firm hold around his wrist for comfort. If Connor hadn’t needed to keep his hand so firmly braced to continue to keep the pocket from collapsing he’d offered to hold her hand, but sadly he couldn’t.
The noise got louder and louder as the rescue team above got closer to their position, unfortunately every time the machines dug it jarred the metal in Connor’s back, sending weave after weave of torturous agony throughout his whole frame. It took every bit of his willpower and every single override command he knew to keep himself from slipping into emergency statis mode.
Finally light, real light, broke through as the surface above them were breached and voices called from above.
“Olivia!! Connor! Can you hear us!” A man’s voice called.
“HERE!” Connor called back as loud as he could to drown out the loud machines. Since the weight had finally alleviated a bit from the cleared debris Connor used his last strength to pull Olivia out from under him, leaving him to brace with only one arm, and lifting her towards the waiting arms of a faceless first responder.
He barely caught her distraught call of his name as she was finally lifted from their sealed of prison before he finally let himself succumb to his multiple error codes and warnings and everything turned dark…
Reed looked on in disbelief as a small girl was lifted from the ruins of the building, dirty and crying, but otherwise totally unharmed. She was crying out the Tin Can’s name.. Even as she was handed over and buried into the neck of her waiting mother, who took her in a firm, tearful and relieved embrace. The scene grew even more frantic as the rescue team gathered around the area from where the girl had been pulled, calling for equipment and a technical EMT team to be on standby. Anderson had been denied access beyond safe perimeter (much to the lieutenant’s dismay), but he looked on worriedly from the sidelines along with the rest of the DPD personnel at scene.
After about 15 minutes they pulled the unconscious RK800 from the same spot, laying it on a gurney on its front. Four rescuers carry the gurney to the waiting tech ambulance in a half run and Anderson and several of his colleagues joins. Reed stays back, still too shocked and dazed to move from his spot. He watches as Anderson climbs into the back of the ambulance the Tin Can is loaded into and speeds off with blasting sirens.
How the hell had this day turned out so fucked up, he wondered silently.
Connor awoke with a jolt and is immediately punished by a piercing pain shooting all the way up his spine, making him hiss out sharply in pain and arch his back from the soft layer beneath him. The last thing he remembers is Olivia crying out his name, a blinding sea of error codes and an agonizing pain before his world turned dark.
A gentle hand presses against his shoulder as a familiar voice follows. “Easy son. Don’t strain yourself.”
Connor turned his head towards the voice, finding the soft look of Hank watching him closely from a chair pulled close to the bed in the technical aid facility the android now figured he’d woken up in.
“O.. Oli.. Olivia?” He manages to stammer, his throat feeling raw.
“Is safe and sound back with her mother, all thanks to you kid. I’m so fucking proud of you.” Hank reassures, his pride evident in his voice, stroking his thumb against his son’s bare shoulder in a calming gesture.
Connor sighs in relief at the news, settling a bit back against the slightly elevated bed under him, not able to suppress another wince as he’s once again reminded of the presence of the severe wound to his lower back. He looks down and find most of his torso covered in thick gaze. He let his head fall back on the pillow eyes closed.
“I’m glad you’re okay.” Connor muttered tiredly. A line with fresh thirium was running to his left arm, but his reserves were still fairly low making him feel more drowsy than he’d normally be.
“And I’m glad you’re okay too.” Hank agreed sincerely.
Suddenly the echo of running footsteps could be heard down the hallway outside the private room and John burst through the door, slightly out of breath, looking worriedly towards Connor in his bed.
“Connor! Thank God you’re ok! I was so worried about you!!” The blonde exclaimed, marching to the android’s bedside
“J-John? What are you doing here?” Connor asked in confusion, not unhappy to see the tech, just surprised.
“I called him, told him what happened and asked him to come.” Hank explained like it was obvious.
“I’d have come anyway!” John argued, his eyes never leaving Connor.
“But.. But I’m in a tech facility.. I’m sure I’m going to be fine.. There was no need for you to burden yourself getting here.” Connor reasoned.
“I didn’t come here because I thought you needed fixing Con, I came here because I was worried sick about you when I heard you’d been caught inside that building when it exploded.. And I needed to see you.” John explained his eyes wide and voice emotional.
“O-Oh..” Was all Connor could offer as reply at first, but a small smile growing on his face. “That’s.. Thank you, John.. I’m glad you’re here.”
Sensing the vibe in the room Hanks stood up from his chair. “Well, I’m gonna go and try to find a decent cup of coffee in this place. Watch out for him for a bit will you John?” Hank asked and patted the tech on his shoulder.
“Of course.” The tech answered, his eyes still not leaving Connor’s though, as if he was afraid he’d disappear if he turned away.
Hank excited the room silently, only looking back briefly to see Connor replicate the gesture and squeezing John’s hand back with his own. The lieutenant somehow managed to find a small silver lining in seeing his son experiencing some kind of relief and happiness, despite his recently trying time with painful malfunctions and bad luck. He just hoped it would last a little longer for once…
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connorwhumpaddict · 2 years
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My poor boy resigning and steeling himself for all the horrors I’m gonna put him through 🥺
Don’t worry Con, I’m gonna make it up to you with some fluffy comfort ❤️‍🩹
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connorwhumpaddict · 2 years
Deserving Of Pain (Part 6)
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Epilogue
Summary: Connor is finally able to have sit face to face with the man who’s caused him so much pain and anguish for so many months. How will Connor react towards his tormenter?
Chapter 6: To Second chances...
Tina heaved one large breath, mentally steeling herself before entering interrogation room nr. 5, looking far more resolved and calmer than she felt.
Reed lifted his head from his arms at the sound of the door. He’d been tossed in here by Lewis and Miller, his handcuffs chained to the desk and then left there to wait for three bloody hours. He wasn’t surprised. He was a detective himself and he knew the game too well. Leave your suspect long enough to throw them off and allow unease and anxiety to build, making for an easier interrogation and hopefully confession of guilt. As he saw Tina enter, he grinned. “Fucking hell.. They actually sent you in here?”
Tina pulled out her chair briskly and sat down, her face showing no emotion. “No.” She answered. “I volunteered.”
“Good, cause I need you in my corner now Ti. More now than ever.”
The first flash of anger pierced through Tina’s eyes at that comment. “I’m not in your corner Gavin, on the contrary. I’m here to try and make head and tails of all the shit you’ve put Connor through the last couple of months for the report, nothing more.”
Reed’s eyes widened. “What the hell Tina? Don’t tell me you really think that Tin Can is worth this fuss? You’re all overreacting!”
“You’ve tortured, tormented, injured and deliberately sabotaged a fellow colleague, Gavin!! Tell me exactly how that is overreacting!!” Tina seethed.
“How many fucking times do I have to remind you people It’s a fucking machine!” Gavin yelled, pounding the steel table once with his shackled wrists.
“Stop calling him an ‘it’!!” Tina yelled back just as fiercely. “I’ve heard the sound he’s made when you’ve hurt him.. No machine sounds like that!”
Reed sat back as if the statement had caused a physical blow to his chest.
“What the fuck happened to you?!” he huffed in disbelief. “You used to be just like me. We used to laugh and joke around with those garbage cans, you never had any issues back then!”
Tina sat back as well guilt and remorse in her eyes. “Yeah, well.. The revolution opened my eyes and I changed. For a moment I thought you had too..”
Reed snorted affronted. His eyes locked with Tina’s in a hard stare. “You disappoint me Ti..”
Tina’s jaw ticked. “You’re the fucking disappointment Gavin. For God sake.. You apologized to him! You acted like you were his friend.. Only to bring him down again and again! You keep saying he’s the machine but the only one acting inhumane is you!” She exclaimed, her voice growing stronger and harder as she spoke.
Reed’s fist clenched and his eyes were hard, but he offered no further comments in his defense
“You better start getting your act together Gavin. Believe me you should be thankful it’s me in here and not Fowler or Collins or God forbid Anderson. Don’t get me wrong I hate what you did to Connor, but you are my partner and despite everything I can’t get myself to hate you.. I’m the closest thing you got to a friend in this place.”
Reed leaned closer over the table. “You say that and yet here I am, chained like some kind of criminal but I’ve done nothing worse than being in possession of banned Cyberlife tech!!”
“You’ve repeatedly assaulted and harmed a DPD officer!” Tina argued loudly. “There’s a log on the remote showing everything you’ve done to him! How the can you still remain so ignorant?!”
“It’s an android!!” Gavin hissed. “I don’t acknowledge this so called ‘revolution’, they’re not people! It’s not real, it’s programs and wiring and a fucking good costume, but it can’t be trusted!! And all I did was trying to show you guys that before it’d be too late!”
Tina nodded slowly as she found herself detaching further and further from Reed’s rant. “So giving the chance.. You’d do it again?” she asked.
“Of course!” Reed answered.
“Even though, in your effort to make your colleague look bad, it caused you to neglect your own job and forget a child in an evacuation on an active bomb threat site?”
At that Reed froze for a moment, his eyes turning guilty for just the barest of seconds before turning hard once again. “That’s no-“
“Even though it was Connor who, despite your best efforts, managed to safe that innocent girl you should’ve pulled out yourself and him almost dying doing so?” Tina interrupted. “With that knowledge.. Would you still act the way you did?”
A tense silent minute followed. Reed’s hand clenching and unclenching repeatedly on the tabletop.
“It’s not alive..” Reed finally gritted out. “So it can’t die anyway.” Was all he offered.
Tina heaved a disappointed sigh. “Well, you stick to it, I’ll give you that.” She stood up, preparing to leave the room. “Just remember I gave you a chance there to make amends.”
She pulled the door open but turned slightly to look over her shoulder. “And for the record, I know who I’d prefer to have my back in the field and it sure as hell isn’t you anymore.”
“Tina!” Reed called in a final futile attempt, only to have the door slam loudly in response.
[System reboot initiated…]
[Diagnostic scan in progress]
[Scan complete]
[Notice: Right arm component replaced – 65% compatibility – Limited function]
[Notice: Left leg component replaced – 71% compatibility – Limited function]
[Voice modulator damage – Self-healing program, running - 45% complete]
[Right leg upper and lower synthetic muscles damage – Self-healing program, running – 64% complete]
[Thirium levels 77%^^]
[Reboot complete]
Connor opened his eyes slowly as his systems came back online, his HUD running continued updates in the background.
The first thing he registered was the foreign feeling of his right arm and left leg. It wasn’t a painful feeling per say, but the limbs felt.. Wrong and uncomfortable. He looked down himself and at his surroundings, quickly recognizing the by now familiar space of John’s upstairs lab and clinic. His shirt and trousers had been removed, but a white sheet covered his lower body. A line of thirium ran into a port in his left arms’ elbow. He couldn’t see his replaced left leg, but he turned his eyes to his exposed right arm his system had identified as a replacement. With his skin program activated it looked the same, but it still felt weird.
He tried softly flexing his new limbs and it sent a sharp pin and needles sensation through them making him hiss out in discomfort.
Immediately after he heard scrambling from the adjourning office as John rushed in. “Connor, You’re awake! Sorry, I thought your reboot would take longer.” The blond tech was quick to reach Connor’s bedside and immediately started checking all the overhead reading and vitals. “Your self-healing program is working at full capacity, that’s good and your thirium levels are rising nicely.” He listed with satisfaction before turning his eyes to look at Connor and placed a comforting hand on top of the others’.
“Wha-..” Connor’s voice broke in static as his damaged voice modulator protested its use. He tried again with same result.
John squeezed his hand. “Don’t force your voice to its usual volume, your modulator got overloaded when it..” He paused and swallowed, unable to finish the sentence when it couldn’t process your screams of pain. “Try whispering instead.” He suggested.
“What happened?” Connor managed in a small whisper. He remembered the confrontation with Reed in the interrogation room, the chilling realization that he’d been the one manipulating Connor’s body all these months, the spike of fear as his senses were robbed from him and the agonizing pain as his joints were broken. He remembered the relief as Hank, Fowler, John and the rest of the team had come to his aid, the repeated pain of having his joints reset and the dizziness that came as Ben and the Captain had carried him upstairs. That’s when it became a blurry, vague recollection of noise, worried voices and burst of pain before everything went black and his internal log read he’d entered stasis for almost 4 hours.
“While you were in stasis I got your systems and thirium levels stable. I’m sorry, but your broken joints were too damaged to salvage. I’ve replaced them with some spare limb parts I keep for the PC200 models Anthony and Jack. I know it must feel unpleasant, since they’re not completely compatible to your system, but it was the best I could do for now. I’ll have yours fixed as fast as I possible can it’s just a bit more complicated with your prototype design I might ne-”
“It’s okay John.. I know.. Thank you for taking care of me.. Again.” Connor interrupted before the tech would go on an apologetic rant and tried sending him what he hoped were a reassuring smile. He turned his hand to take hold of the blondes in a weak grip but returning the gentle squeeze as well as possible.
There was a moment of silence where the two just shared a comfortable silence before another question burned on Connor’s tongue. “What about Reed?”
John’s gaze turned hard at the mention of the other detective. “You don’t have to worry about him Con. He’s been detained for now and I’ve secured and disabled the remote he used on you. He can’t hurt you anymore I promise.” The tech explained. Protectiveness radiating from him.
Connor nodded in understanding. “I want to see him.” He then said in a determined voice and started to stand from his bedside. He stumbled as he put weight on his replaced leg but managed to catch himself with support from the bed and John’s firm arms, as the tech reached out to help.
“Wha- Really right now? You should be resting, healing!” John argued.
“I’ve been doing little else these past months. I want to talk to him.” Connor insisted. He tried to disconnect the thirium line feeding into his elbow, but his new arms’ movement was jerky and uncoordinated, making the task harder than it should.
“Here let me, but just for the record I’m not fan of this idea.” John offered.
Connor allowed the blond to disconnect the line with practiced ease. “Noted.” He then looked down his front, only now realizing he was dressed only in his boxers, before turning his gaze back to John. “Could.. Could you please help me get dressed as well?..” he added shyly.  
“Of course..” John answered with a soft smile.
The bullpen was buzzing. Hank and Fowler had briefed them all on the cause of Connor’s sudden departure from his own reception and what had been happening when half the office suddenly witnessed their colleague escorted through the room in handcuffs and under arrest. It was both unbelievable and made perfect sense in some twisted way.
“I just can’t believe Reed really did this.” Lewis muttered. Sitting reclined in his office chair, arms crossed tightly.
“Yeah, I mean I know he still had issues with androids. Hell we all knew, but.. That’s just sick..” Chris said from his perch at Lewis’s desk.
“Oh God.. Remember when he carried Connor in when his sensors malfunctioned, playing the hero? That was him doing that!” Michael said.
“Shit.. Those screams still haunts me, he was in so much pain..” Miller groans dragging his hand across his face in a tired motion.
“Hey Tina, you alright?” Pearson asked, placing a comforting hand on her friend’s shoulder.
Everybody knew Tina and Reed were close, despite their differences in ideology the past year. It’d been a surprise she’d been the one volunteering to do the interview, but Fowler had allowed it under his own supervision.
Tina shrugged. “I suppose.. I Just..” She swallowed once. “I hate what he did, believe me I do, but..” She looked around at her colleagues nervously. “But.. I can’t make myself hate him.. I know I should, but he’s still my partner..” A small tear rolled down her cheek. “He’s a good guy deep down, I know it! He’s just.. So, so messed up about androids, even more so after the revolution and I really thought he’d started to change!” She placed a hand across her eyes in despair. “But now I don’t know what to think or feel.. I’m just so sorry Connor had to go through all that! Maybe if I’d paid better attention I could’ve done something.”
“Now stop that.” Hank stepped in and placed a steading hand on Tina’s shoulder. “Don’t start with the blaming game. I get it Tina, Reed is your partner, for better and for worse. That kind of bond isn’t something you just break that easily and no one here expect you to.”
Tina sniffed and looked up at her lieutenant from her sitting position, with teary eyes. “Really? I’d thought you of all people would.”
“Don’t get me wrong I hate the guy! But I won’t expect you to do the same. I know you’re just as sad and angry for what he did to Connor as I am and that’s enough.” Hank assured gently.
Tina nodded solemnly and wiped her tears away best as possible.
“I should’ve been more aware of the situation and never have allowed this to happen.” Fowler muttered from his spot, leaning against the wall, arms crossed and with a deep frown. It was obvious the man was taking the whole matter hard. He was their Captain and it’s his responsibility to look out for his squad. Right now, he felt like he’d let down Connor, but in some way Reed as well.
“See what happens when we start the blaming game?!” Hank gestured to his commanding officer before turning to address the whole room of distressed coworkers. “Listen up! This is no one fault but Reeds! None of us could’ve seen this coming. All that matters now it is getting Connor justice!”
 A murmur of agreements and serious nodding faces were quick to follow.
“Speaking of.. Any news on Connor yet?” Ben asked. His question was answered faster than he suspected when the elevator opened to reveal the android in question.
He looked beat, pale and disheveled, his hair messier than usual and only wearing his white, slightly wrinkled shirt that was tugged clumsily into his dress pants. Luckily the thirium stains that had soaked through them earlier had already evaporated.
John was right behind and while Connor exited the elevator on his own, even though he looked to be slightly humping on his left leg, the tech looked ready to jump to his aid if needed.
There were a few moments of silence as all gathered personnel processed seeing their coworker already back on his feet when most of them had witnessed the awful state he’d been in just a couple of hours earlier, before the room erupted in a chorus of worried comments and questions.
“I’m ok, really.. Thank you for your concern. Sorry to have worried you all again.” Connor broke through the chatter. His voice still carried a bit of static and couldn’t hold up its usual volume, but he managed.
“Dude, don’t apologize for that! What Reed have done to you.. That’s just wrong!” Lewis spoke up first as the chatter slowly died down.
“Yeah! I mean, I knew Reed had a temper and issues, but man.. I’ll never be able to trust that guy again!” Thomson added.
“He’ll get locked up for sure for this! Don’t worry about that Con!” Jack, one of the two precincts PC200 models whos’ intended spare parts Connor was now in possession off.
“Maybe..” Connor said, sounding thoughtful. “But I’d like to talk to Reed myself before we make any further judgment.”
“I don’t like that idea Connor.” Fowler spoke up and stepped towards him. “You should get some rest first. Reed isn’t going anywhere. We’ll pick it up tomorrow.”
“With all due respect sir. I think its high time Detective Reed and I had a talk and I’d rather it be now.” Connor said with a pointed stare at his Captain, but still followed up with a polite. “Please.”
Fowler’s lips tightened, but after a moment they slacked with defeat and with a firm nod the Captain agreed. “Alright, then, but I’ll be right with you on the other side.” He assured.
Hank stepped up and took a gentle hold of Connor’s shoulder. “Me too son. But if Reeds tries pulling any crap in there, I’m pulling you out! Got it?”
“Got it.” Connor agreed readily.
John also offered Connor one reassuring squeeze on his shoulder before the three men made their way towards the negotiation room.
Surprisingly Reed hardly acknowledges as Connor enters the room. He looks up briefly but then only returns his gaze to his folded cuffed hands on the table. Connor made his way slowly to the chair opposite the table, that he pulls out with his functioning arm, his eyes never leaving Reed despite his gaze not being returned. He sits and merely holds his stare on the other detective, waiting for the other man to acknowledge his presence.
One minute passes, then two in complete silence.
“What the fuck..” Hank muttered under his breath from his spot behind the one-way mirror. Fowler sitting in front watching the scene with a concentrated frown.
“I know what you’re doing dip shit.” Reed finally breaks the silence although he doesn’t lift his gaze.
“Oh?” Connor hums in ignorance.
Reeds eyes finally lift, fitting the android with a low glare. “You’re waiting for me too fill an uncomfortable silence.. Expecting me to go off on a justifying rant as to why I’ve been messing with you.”
“I admit I’m curious as to your motives for.. ‘Messing with me’ as you so put it.” Connor said, his voice casual.
This seemed to tick Reed off more. “You know damn well why!” He growled.
“I do?” Connor said with surprise in his voice.
“Don’t act so coy with me you little shit! I don’t trust you! All I did was try and protect my squad!”
“From what?” Connor followed up, his voice still level and steady.
“From you!!” Reed sneered.
“In what way have I ever presented myself as a threat to you or our colleagues?” Connor asked, his voice still level but his eyes turning a bit harder.
Reed huffed in disbelief and leaned back against his chair. “Well for one you gave me a fucking concussion in the evidence room! Remember that?!”
“Yes, I do.” Connor replied immediately. “I also remember the first time we met you pulled a gun on me. The second time we interacted you landed an unprovoked punch to my abdomen- ”
“You didn’t even feel pain!!” Reed suddenly defended, his face red with rage.
“True, I didn’t back then. But since the time you were made aware of my ability to feel pain after my deviancy you’ve deliberately and methodically gone out of your way to cause me harm.” Connor countered, his voice growing harder as he spoke. “So tell me again, detective.. How I’m somehow still the threat?”
Reed’s face grew redder as Connor spoke, primarily with anger but maybe even with a hint of guilt and embarrassment as it got harder for him to refute the logic thrown at him.
“You were aiding in a revolution against humans!” He attempted to reason.
“Wrong. I aided in a revolution to free my people to live as equals alongside humanity.” Connor stated in a matter-of-fact voice. “And that is exactly what I’ve been attempting to do. I even respected your continued opinion in refusing to acknowledge me or my people as being alive. That is what you wanted to demonstrate to our colleagues I assume? That I’m not really alive, but merely untrustworthy, malfunctioning equipment?”
“Damn right!” Reed growled. His voice remained hard but his eyes were starting to flicker and his body language showed his growing discomfort as he held his arms closer to his body, making himself smaller in his seat.  
Connor’s head tilted, his eyes never leaving Reed. “But all you have proven is that I can bleed, like you do.. I can hurt like you can.. And that I can feel fear.. Fear of failing.. Fear of hurting.. Frear of dying.. Just like you..”
Reed finally seemed to falter in his reasoning. “Yes! I mean- No! I-” His words then failed completely and suddenly it looked like all his fight, strength and confidence deflated from his body as he sank deep into his hard chair. And suddenly Reed just looked lost and confused as his eyes feel back onto the tabletop, unable to meet Connor’s eyes again.
“I.. Really just wanted to protect my squad..” He whispered defeated.
Connor stayed silent this time, scanning the now broken form of Reed. He then turned to the two-way mirror and stated gently. “I’m done.” Before gingerly getting back on unsteady legs and made his way out of the negotiating room. Reed never lifted his eyes back up.
“Holy shit.. You alright son?” Hank asked as Connor excited the room.
“I’m fine.” Connor answered curtly. His LED spun with a flickering yellow light, a clear sign he was still processing the conversation.
“You did good in there Connor. I’ll make sure to get him transferred to holding and we’ll start building up the case.” Fowler said.
“No.” Connor said, looking up at his Captain. “I’m not pressing charges.”
“What?!” Hank and Fowler exclaimed in unison at the statement.
“You can’t be serious?!” Hank pressed as he stepped in front of Connor. “Son, you can’t let him get away with this!”
“I advise you to consider this very carefully Connor. What Reed have done to you is a serious crime and finally within the laws of android’s rights to charge as a hard offence.” Fowler added.
“I’m not suggesting Reed’s actions should be without consequence.” Connor defended as he eyed the two authoritarian figures before him. “I have conditions I’ll expect to be met.”
Hank crossed his arms, clearly very unhappy with the turn of events but grudgingly allowing Connor to explain himself further before complaining. “Go on, then.” Fowler followed suite.
“I want Reed to complete both the mandatory android basic knowledge and technical first aid course he still hasn’t passed as well as the extended course. I want him to attend mandatory therapy session in order to address his anger and continued android issues. I expect him to be suspended of his detective rank, active field duty and any cases involving androids until he shows improvement in his extremist viewpoints and can be cleared by a professional assessment within a period of a perceived treatment plan.” Connor listed off.
“And if he can’t?” Hank huffed in obvious disbelief.
“The terms will be specified in an internal complaint file. If Reed refuses to these terms or does not show signs of redemption or improvement I’ll make use of my right to press charges within the three year time limit in regards to cases of android violence.” Connor followed up.
Fowler still looked unsure, but he couldn’t force Connor to press charges immediately  if he didn’t want to and he was within his full right to offer the given terms. “Alright.. If you’re sure that is what you want.”
“Fuck no!! It’s not alright Jeffery!!” Hank shouted and turned to his son.
“Why are you even giving this bastard a chance kid?! He almost killed you!! Several times I might add!!”
“I believe him when he says he did it to protect his colleagues. No matter how unfounded the reasoning might be, it was real to Reed and he acted accordingly to his beliefs.” Connor explained.
“That doesn’t excuse what he did! He should be locked up!” Hank yelled in frustration.
“Then you’ll have to lock me up too!!” Connor yelled back, startling both his father and his Captain.
“What the hell are you talking about Connor?” Fowler asked after a few moments of tense silence.
Connor sighed. His LED spun a few laps of red before settling back on yellow. “You all seem to forget.. I used to hunt my own people.. And if the laws had been the same as they are now, I should be held accountable just the same.”
“But that’s different! You were under Cyberlife control, your actions weren’t your own!” Hank defended.
“But when I deviated, my actions were my own! I wanted to help my people and in doing so I took human lives!” Connor countered, his voice filled with regret and guilt as he remembered how fast and efficient he’d killed the two Cyberlife guards in the elevator on the night of the revolution. Back then he hadn’t thought about it too much. All he’d been focused on was his new mission, helping Marcus in aiding the revolution. The guilt came later.. As his emotions and self-understanding had developed, so had the severity of his actions, both before and after his deviancy. In the days after the revolution Connor had offered up a complete recording from his optical units to Captain Fowler, ready to accept whatever punishment was deemed necessary. But everything had been chaotic, no laws had been worked out or passed regarding android crimes or vice versa and the precinct had been desperate for additional assistance. And so, Connor’s actions had been deemed an unavoidable revolutionary casualty paired with a self-defense claim and he’d been reinstated to the DPD effective immediately with no charges pressed.
Hank and Fowler exchanged a brief look, both looking sticking before Fowler seemed to gather himself first. He looked to Connor with sympathetic eyes. “I know how hard it is to make amends with hard choices that had to be made Connor, but you can’t keep punishing yourself for making them. If you hadn’t acted the way you did the revolution would’ve failed.”
Connor turned his eyes away, needing a moment to gather himself before turning back answering. “I know, but my point is.. I was giving a chance to make amends both to my own people and to humanity. If anyone has benefited from getting their share of second chances, it’s me. I want Reed to have that same benefit offered to him. It only seems fair, after everything..” He explained. He hoped they’d understand. He didn’t have to like Reed, but it felt like the right choice to offer the same chance he’d been offered. He’d detected no signs of deception during their conversation. Reed truly believed he’d been doing what he needed to prove a point and protect his team, no matter how backward his logic in going about it had been. Their relationship had been strained from the moment they’d met. Those first interaction coupled with the detective’s already android hostile viewpoints had definitely not counted towards any goodwill either. And it was true, he had knocked Reed out as the last thing before the revolution happened, so he could somehow understand why the other would have an even tougher time accepting and trusting him when he’d had been allowed back on the force with no further reprimand of his attack on Reed.
But it’d already been a long day. Connor’s leg were starting to ache, making it harder for him to keep standing and his arm weren’t much better. His thirium levels were still below optimal parameters and his head was starting to hurt from overprocessing while his self-healing program were still working on full capacity. He really didn’t feel like discussing this matter any further today, his mind was already made up.
“I understand Connor. I’ll handle the paperwork and orient the team. I’ll have Reed stew a few more hours before informing him of the deal. I’ll accommodate your wish that he’s allowed to keep working on the force but I’m revoking his detective rank and there’s no way I’m allowing him back in our district! He’ll be on suspension until his android courses are passed and then have him transferred to the 2nd district. I’m on good terms with their Captain McGregor, he can handle Reed and he’ll keep a good eye on him for me.” Fowler offered. He fitted the android with a kind but insisting stare. “For now, and I really hope this will be the last time I’ll need to say this, I want you to go home, relax and heal. Leave the rest of the work to me and the others. I promise I’ll personally keep you updated.”
Connor nodded. He already felt bone tired and achy, but also relieved at the prospect to hopefully be able to move forward without the constant worry of continued malfunctions. “Thank you, Captain.”
Hank sighed deeply then shook his head gently before walking over to wrap his arm around his son’s shoulder, mindful of the right arm. “Sometimes, you’re too good for this world kid.” He started to lead them out of the room towards the car. “Let’s get you home.”
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connorwhumpaddict · 2 years
Deserving Of Pain (Part 5)
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Epilogue
Summary: Reed is finally found out, but not before he manages to cause more damage to Connor.
Chapter 5: Caught blue handed
Reed entered the transparent office space belonging to Captain Fowler. The burly man glanced up from his notes briefly before activating the opaque function of the glass around them, giving them some privacy. Fowler put aside his papers and silently gestured for Reed to take a seat opposite his desk, eyeing the detective as he did with an unreadable expression. Reed held his gaze firmly on the bronze plate with Fowler’s name and rank at the front of the desk, purposefully avoiding his commanding officer’s eyes. The captain crossed his arms and leaned heavily forward on his desk and took a deep breath, like he was steeling himself for the conversation that was surely going to follow.
“Look at me detective Reed.” Fowler demanded, his voice even, but still holding a firm authority.
Reed obeyed the request even though he would have preferred not to. However, he held up his usually scowling look of bored indifference. He didn’t want to give Fowler the satisfaction of seeing how small he really felt at this moment.
“I want you to tell me exactly what went wrong with you yesterday. You mismanaged a crucial assignment, by missing a child in the bomb threatened building, as leader of the evacuation team.” Fowler said, his voice calm but his eyes hard.
Reed swallowed hard. “I.. I was certain I’d cleared all areas, sir. I don’t have an explanation..” But he knew why. The thought of the Tin Can once again thinking it was special just because it had its fancy scanner and gadgets, thinking it was better than anyone else had pissed him off and occupied his thoughts and focus during the evac. A glorified computer shouldn’t even have been put in charge of such an important assignment! So.. Yeah, of course he’d been worried about its ability to administer such a task without blowing him up prematurely in the process! As he’d tried to make clear to his coworkers so many times before, an android with so little emotional and real-life experience is not able to make prober calculated, experienced decisions and is not suitable to have ones back in the field! So really it was the fucking Tin Can’s fault!
Fowler nodded solemnly. “I know you didn’t mean to cause any harm Reed, but this is a serious matter and there will be an investigation. Now I want you to know I’ll have your back and I don’t want you to worry, it’s mostly a formality. Thankfully Connor managed to rescue that girl, it avoids a lot of the complications that could have followed.”
Reed’s teeth clenched hard, he was never going to be grateful to that fucking android. “Am I dismissed sir?” He simply asked before his anger would show for real.
Fowler waved him off with a quick gesture while leaning back in his flexible office chair. “Of course, dismissed.”
Reed stood quickly from his seat and made his way out of the office and marched through the bullpen, ignoring the many looks he received on his way. He marched all the way out to a sealed off terrace to grab a smoke. He cursed fiercely as he struggled to get his lighter working against the wind. When he finally succeeded in lighting his cigarette he inhaled the smoke deeply into his lungs on his first drag, before exhaling slowly. He was hoping to calm the rage boiling inside him by numbing it with nicotine, but it was barely working. An investigation! And he was supposed to be grateful that fucking machine had saved the day! It was that fucking Tin Can’s fault to begin with!! It was probably even its intention all along to make him look like a fucking fool just to receive all glory and praise itself! And he was sure as hell not gonna stand by and let himself be made a fool of!
“Almost there just keep leaning on me, I got you.” John encouraged as he guided Connor through the front door of his and Hank’s home. The tech had one arm wrapped firmly around Connor’s torso, mindful of the still healing damage on the android’s lower back, while the other held Connor’s arm that in turn was draped across his own broad shoulders.
Connor had been admitted, treated and had one nights’ observations at the tech facility, but it had been clear he’d been very uncomfortable and unable to rest probably in the bare, sterile surroundings. Hank suspected it reminded the kid of the cold and harsh environment he’d had to endure when he’d still been in the service of Cyberlife, when his maintenance checks or repairs would mean a detached, emotionless, objectifying procedure with no regard for the kid’s comfort or security.
John had been fast to catch on to Connor’s discomfort as well. Without the kid having to even utter a single complaint John had been made arrangement with the tech staff, by showing his certification as an authorized technician and explaining his more than capable ability to take over Connor’s care from the comfort of his own home. So, with the promise to uphold a continued monitor for the next couple of days Connor had been released into the care of John, much to the android’s silent relief.
Which brought them to this moment as John carefully helped Connor to lay down on the couch in the living room. Hank had gone ahead of them to collect Sumo and lock him into the laundry room. The big oaf insisted on showing his love by basically tackling his targets to the ground and there were few people the giant dog loved more than his android master, but since Connor was still on the mend that was not a wanted scenario right now. Still recovering from a major procedure and his own self-healing programs working overtime on several of his inner and outer components meant that Connor’s energy and thirium levels depleted very fast and even the relatively short journey from the facility and walk from the car had already weakened and tired him out completely. This was the reason for his current need for the heavy support John was luckily happy to offer. Hank and his back felt very grateful too, that the DPD tech had the physic to basically carry the lethargic android with no difficulty.
Once John was satisfied his arrangement of the pillows offered Connor’s back and neck enough support and comfort the tech placed a warm blanket draped on the back cushions over the brunet’s legs, letting his hands rest there gently afterwards and looking at Connor with his soft caring eyes.
“There, now just rest here for a bit and don’t resist going into stasis if you need it. I’m just going on a quick errand to my lab and fetch some equipment to help me keep an eye on your vitals. Then I’m gonna swing by my own place to pack a bit of clothes and necessities and on the way back here I’ll be sure to pick some extra thirium packs, juts to be sure.”
“I can go pick up some thirium John, spare you a trip.” Hank offered.
The blonde shook his head gently. “No, I don’t want Connor to be alone. It’s no problem at all and don’t worry..” John turned his head back to look at Connor with a cheeky smirk. “I know what flavors you like.”
Connor offered a sleepy, but still warm smile at the tech. “Thank you, John. I really appreciate your help.”  
“Always Con, I’ll be back in about an hour, okay?” John said, squeezing Connor’s legs once with reassurance.
Connor nodded in understanding. John offered him one last smile then aimed a smile and a nod in Hank’s direction before heading back out the door. Hank listened as John started the ignition on his truck, hearing the wheels graveling on the driveway as he backed out and drove away. Once the sound of the car engine had disappeared the lieutenant turned back to his incapacitated son, his arms planted in his sides.
“How you doing, kid?”
Connor let out a long sigh, his LED spinning a slow yellow.
“Physically.. Sore, tired, my back’s hurting a little, but I feel much better just being back home.. Emotionally.. I’m not so sure..”
Hank took a perch on the arm of the couch. “Well, you know the drill, talk it out.”
Conner looked at his father, looking conflicted. “Dad I.. I think I might.. Like John..”
Hank lowered his head but his eyes staying locked on his son. “Okay, you like John.. Now when you say like..” Hank trailed off.
Connor closed his eyes and let out another sigh, this time sounding slightly frustrated as he tried to explain, his LED spinning a faster yellow. “I mean I.. I think I..” Connor lifted his hands, as if he was physically trying to frame his thoughts. “I think I like him as.. More than a friend.. In a.. I guess.. Romantic.. Kind of way.. Maybe..”
Hank lifted his hand to cover his mouth in thought, but also to hide the smile growing on his face. Not that he found the situation funny, he knew Connor was struggling to figure out these new complex feelings and needed his support, but he couldn’t help feeling glad for all the exciting new experiences and joys this realization could bring along for him. And he couldn’t imagine anyone better or more suitable for his son than the kindhearted technician. From day one since John had been employed at the precinct, the tech had treated everyone with respect and kindness and taken especially care and consideration for his android colleagues/ patients. Hank was a seasoned detective and he prided himself with being an excellent judge of character, especially after he got sober again thanks to Connor, and John had made it straight to the lieutenant’s good graces right away as he watched how kind he was and how easily he’d connected with people. To be honest, he’d suspected John to have had an eye out for Connor for quite some time as well, but it was obvious the tech had been trying to stay professional since he’s also Connor’s technical caretaker. But Hank had also seen the positive chance in his son the last few months and he’d seen the signs of his attraction to the blonde tech, but it was good that the kid finally seemed to have arrived at the same conclusion on his own.
“Well sure son, I knew that already.” Hank answered casually with a smile.
Connor’s eyes widened at that. “You knew, how? I didn’t even know! I’m not even sure if I know now!!” The android exclaimed sitting up a bit further before hissing in discomfort as the action pulled in his back.
“Alright calm down! Don’t hurt yourself more.” Hank shushed as he moved to settle at the edge of the couch cushion closer to Connor, patting his chest to make him settle back down and eyeing him with a pointed look. “Now, it might have been many years since I was in the game, but I sure as hell remember the feeling. So answer me this..” Hank started counting on his fingers. “When you see John walk into the room, do you feel a rush of joy?”
Connor seemed to ponder the question for a moment before nodding slightly. “Yes.”
“When you’re with John, how do you feel?”
“I feel like.. It’s very easy to be with him. I feel like I can be myself around him. I enjoy and appreciate his company very much.”
Hank continued. “John has seen you at some of your worst and most vulnerable moments, how did he make you feel in those moments?”
Once again Connor took some time to ponder his father’s question. “I’ve.. always felt very safe and cared for whenever he’s aided me. Whenever I have suffered damage, no matter how big or small the injury has been he’s offered me not only great physically care but always been very focused on my emotional and mental wellbeing. He’s always gone to great lengths to make sure I’m comfortable in every way possible..” Connor paused as he recalled his and John’s conversation yesterday, when Connor had claimed to be a burden on the both the DPD and the tech himself for being incapacitated by his multiple malfunctions and how John had stopped his negative thoughts, then promised he’d make sure to make Connor see and believe his own worth with time. The memory brought a soft smile to the android’s face. “He’s.. Very patient, kind and understanding towards me.. Even when I feel at my lowest.. And very caring, beyond what should be excepted of him.. I feel lucky that he’s a part of my life and I feel like something would be missing without him in it.” Connor concluded looking back up at the smiling face of Hank.
The lieutenant placed a hand on his son’s shoulder and shook him gently. “Yep, you got it bad son.”
Connor groaned dramatically and buried his head in his hands. “I don’t know what to do..”
“How about telling John how you feel?” Hank suggested.
“I can’t do that!!” The android cried out in slight alarm, lifting his head back up.
“Why not?”
“What if he doesn’t feel the same? I don’t want to put him in an awkward situation.. We work together.. He’s my primary technician! I probably shouldn’t even be thinking of him like this, it’s unethical I..”
“Easy kid, slow down!” Hank interrupted. “Love isn’t rational or logic. Sometimes you just gotta throw yourself out there and hope for the best.” Hank leaned a little closer. “But I wouldn’t worry that much if I were you.” He nudged Connor’s chin gently with his fist. “You’re a catch after all.”
Connor rolled his eyes slightly, leaning back fully on the softly arranged pillows below him. “You’re my dad, you have to say that.”
Hank clapped his hands on his thighs as he stood from his perch on the couch. “Maybe, but I mean it as well. Now, try not to worry too much about this because I promise you, there’s nothing to worry about. So, get some rest kid, I’m sure everything will work out, just wait and see.”
“Alright..” The android agreed. He could feel his eyes growing heavy as his body started to prepare for stasis. Sumo’s whines picked up and echoed down the hall. Connor tiredly turned his eyes to his father before he could go too far. “Could you let Sumo out, please? He won’t jump up when I’m laying down. I’d like to have him next to me while I sleep for a bit.”
Hank turned and smiled softly. “Of course.” And went down to let the big furball out of confinement. Sumo proceeded to sprint past his human master right to the couch where he could smell Connor was located. Hank huffed out in mock offense. “What am I? Hot air?”
But Sumo was already gone, making his way to the other side of the couch. As he neared the dog calmed down his eagerness to greet the bedridden android. It was as if the animal could sense Connor wasn’t well enough for their usual fervent petting sessions. Instead, the gentle giant slowed down and simply pressed his head into Connor’s awaiting right hand and licked his master’s other hand resting on his chest. Connor smiled and scratched behind Sumo’s ears, making his fluffy tail wag quickly back and forth.
“Good dog, Sumo. You know, I met a new friend yesterday who’d love to meet you. I hope you’ll get the chance soon, I know you’ll love her.”
Sumo let out a soft grunt before turning on the spot a few times to then settle on the carpet between the couch and coffee table. The giant dog settled in the middle, so that Connor could keep his hand buried and resting on the dog’s wide back. It wasn’t long before Connor followed by example as he could no longer keep his stasis at bay, closing his eyes, making his blue LED slow down into a calm, steady rhythm. Hank tiptoed near and pulled the blanket up higher on the kid to keep him warm and comfortable.
“Sleep well kid.” He whispered before turning to his dog. “You help keep an eye out for him boy.” The lieutenant asked the Bernard. Sumo let out another soft grunt, as if he wanted to communicate that he understood his assignment.
“Good boy.”
When John returned some time later, his arms stacked with equipment, supplies and luggage it was to the sight of Connor laying in a deep stasis with Sumo keeping close vigil over the resting brunette. The dog only spared John with a quick look with his drooping eyes as the tech arrived through the front door, knowing he was no threat. A basketball game on mute was playing on the tv and in the armchair besides the couch lay the sleeping form of lieutenant Anderson, snoring slightly.
John smiled at the heartwarming sight. He quickly put everything away to its rightful place. Then he went to gently pull a warm blanket over the sleeping lieutenant before taking a seat on the couch armrest next to the resting android’s head. Even though he knew he shouldn’t, the tech ran one hand gently through the soft brown locks, chuckling as the ever rough lock of hair fell right back down front. Beneath his hand Connor shifted unconsciously closer to the touch, making the tech draw back his hand swiftly. It wasn’t alright to touch Connor so familiarly when he wasn’t even conscious to refuse or set his own boundaries. John knew he was already taking more liberties with Connor than he should as a professional technician.. But it was getting harder and harder to suppress his ever growing affection towards the kind, brave and breathtakingly handsome detective. He had to admit Cyberlife knew what they were doing when they designed the RK800 model. But it was a pointless endeavor and the last thing Connor needed right now was dealing with his pining and unwanted attentions on top of all the other hardships the poor brunette was already suffering through lately. He needed to keep as professional and efficient as possible and make Connor’s healing and health his only priorities. Afterwards his focus must be fully devoted to finally figuring out the cause of Connor’s many painful and recurring malfunctions. Only after will he allow himself to consider his options to deal with his growing sentiments towards the android.  
It'd been two long weeks for Connor, but each day he’d felt himself getting better and growing stronger. The incident and resulting injury had left him with a permanent scar on his back from the manual and slightly crude emergency welding on his framing, but otherwise he was fully mended. Much of the credit for his relatively speedy recovery was thanks to John’s intensive and attentive care, and the excessive time they’d spend together only further assured Connor of his growing feelings towards the kind technician. But despite his best efforts, and strong encouragements from Hank, he’d not been able to make himself admit to the blond how he felt. Connor was not convinced even admitting his crush was a good idea at all.. It didn’t seem fair to John, for him to unload his confused thoughts and feelings, if the tech did not return the sentiment and then would be trapped being his caretaker for the duration of his recovery and it was not something Connor was willing to risk either..
But he pushed the thoughts of the tech into the back of his mind for now since this morning was the first day since the explosion he was allowed back to work, and he was excited to finally return. John had gone ahead of them and hour earlier, saying he wanted extra time to do inventory on his lab stock since it had been used by a tempt while he’d aided Connor fulltime for the last two weeks.
As Hank and he walked through the reception area he noticed how empty it looked, not even Susan or Michael their android receptionist personal who always greeted him with his first smiles and good mornings each day, were at their usual desk which was odd. But the thought only had time to cross his mind briefly as he walked through the entrance to the bullpen and was immediately greeted with an outright roaring chorus..
“WELCOME BACK CONNOR!” The whole office erupted in a loud cheer.
Connor startled, though it only showed through his widening eyes and his LED making two spins of yellow. “W-What?” He looked around confused at the large gathering, finding Susan and Michael among the crowd, explaining their unoccupied post at the front desk, their faces each bearing big smiles. Connor’s heart skipped a beat as he quickly found John among the crowd as well, smiling bigger and brighter.
“We all just wanted to give you a proper welcome back Con, to show you how much we missed you and how happy we are you’re healed and feeling better.” Pearson offered followed by loud agreement from across the room.
Reed, sitting at his own desk, kept quiet. No one was paying enough attention to him to notice the daggers he stared at the android detective. His fist clenched so hard his nails were threatening to break the skin of his palms.
Hank who was right behind his as he followed through the doors clasped his hand heavily on his Connor’s shoulder. “Sorry kid, I know you don’t like a fuss, but I couldn’t persuade them not to do it.”
“Thank you, but you didn’t have to arrange all of this..” The android gestured to the arrangement of drinks, food and colorful decorations set out across the room. “I received all your thoughtful ‘get well’ cards, care packages and flowers while I recovered at home.” It was true, the living room at home was brimming with various cards and get-well gifts he’d received steadily throughout his recovery from both his colleagues and several members from New Jerico, including Marcus among others.
“I never doubted your well wishes for my recovery..” Connor’s LED shifted back to yellow, he was moved his coworkers had been so worried about him (once again) but he didn’t feel like he deserved or warranted all this attention offered.
“You did something extraordinary at that scene detective.” Captain Fowler stepped forward between the crowd, his hands resting at his belt and eyeing Connor with a serious look. “Not only did you manage a chaotic scene and assist our bomb squad in diffusing three bombs, but you willingly risked your life to save an innocent girl and kept her save and alive against all odds and at great cost to yourself. Welcoming you back properly is the least we could do, besides..” A small smile bloomed on the older man’s face. “It wasn’t completely our idea.”
The big man stepped aside along with most of the crowd revealing Olivia, jumping on the spot in excitement. The sweet girl was holding her plush dog Muffin in one hand and the other holding the hand of a tall, brown haired woman with gold rimmed glasses who smiled warmly at him.
“Connor!!” Olivia yelled in a happy squeal taking off in a run towards him.
Connor acted without thinking and kneeled with open arms to accept the flying hug as Olivia threw herself into his arms. He slowly stood back up and wrapped his arms tightly around the small girl, placing one hand on the back of her head as she burrowed her face into his neck, much in the same way he’d done when he’d tried to get her out of the building that day.
“I missed you..” Olivia stated first, her voice sounding emotional, the words coming out muffled in his neck.
Connor tightened his hold around her even more. His LED cycled yellow, and he felt his eyes growing damp as his own emotions were welling up inside him. “I missed you too Olivia, I’m happy you’re here.” He answered honestly.
The small girl pulled slightly back so she was able to look into the androids’ eyes, Connor let up his tight grip around her slightly to allow the motion as she pulled up the dog teddy in front of his face. “Muffin missed you too.. You made her very worried when you didn’t come up with us from the dark hole..” She said, her eyes big and bottom lip set in a small pout.
Connor kept his eyes locked with Olivia. “I’m very sorry I made her worry, I missed Muffin as well.”
Olivia locked her hands behind Connor’s neck, making Muffin dangle from one of her hands behind Connor’s back. “I wanted to come see you sooner, but mommy said you needed to get better before I was allowed.. So I asked your police friends if I could see you when you got back to work.. Does that mean the owie on your back is all better now?”
Connor smiled gently to reassure the young girl, she still sounded worried and unsure. “Yes, I’m all better. I promise.” He sent a quick look towards John’s direction. “I was taken very good care of.” He added, his eyes locked with the tech. John rewarded his subtle praise with a soft smile.
“I was a bit worried about you too..” She admitted gently.
Connor’s attention returned fully to Olivia as he reached up and stroked her thick, curly blonde hair back in a comforting gesture. “I’m sorry I made you worry. But I’m very happy you’re safe and sound. You’re a very brave and kind girl Olivia, when we were trapped, I could stay strong thanks to your high spirits and support. You were very heroic.”
Olivia hugged him tightly again. “You’re my hero Connor.”
All around the room the surrounding officers and coworkers witnessing the heartwarming scene turned to try and discreetly wipe their misty eyes and mute the soft sniffles.
“Olivia honey, do you think Connor could be persuaded to put you down for a moment so mommy can say thank you as well?” The tall woman, Olivia’s mom, came over to ask.
Connor had only just managed to put Olivia down before he was pulled into another tight embrace by her mom. He returned the embrace, a bit more apprehensively, he was still unused to other people offering him such big acts of affection.
“I don’t know how to thank you enough! Just.. Thank you for saving my little girl! You’re a godsend guardian angel! Thank you so, so much..” The woman babbled her voice wet with tears of gratitude as she thanked her daughter’s savior.
Unable to stand the wretched sight before him Reed slammed his hands into his desk and stood up in a fury. He aimed one last furious look in Connor’s direction before stomping out of the room.
The whole room had paused in surprise at the loud interruption and watched silently as the angry detective made his dramatic exit.
Connor felt very confused at his colleague’s apparent resurrected anger towards him. Lately he’d felt like Reed had been so amendable towards him, why now the sudden change back?
“Don’t mind him Connor, Reed’s just pissed he’s been benched while they’re doing the investigation detailing his actions and decision making on the day of the bombing.” Chris said.
“Enough Miller, that’s not a discussion suitable for now.” Fowler interjected, then looked to Connor. “I’ll fill you in on the details later Connor, but don’t worry about it now.”
Connor nodded, he’d had no idea an investigation had been ordered, but it made detective Reed’s anger if not justified, then at least a bit understandable. Connor had no doubt the detective had in no way willingly missed Olivia when he’d been leading the evac operation and no doubt the investigation would draw the same conclusion. Reed was probably mentally punishing himself enough as it was and if he needed someone to be angry with to get through this though time then Connor could understand and accept he’d have to bear the brunt of it.
“I understand why detective Reed might be affected and stressed out by the current situation, but I’m sure he’ll not be found at fault. I’m just happy Olivia is safe.”
“Thanks to you. Olivia haven’t stopped talking about you.” Olivia’s mom said, then added. “And a dog named Sumo she keeps insisting she wants to meet.”
Hank let out a joyful laugh at the mention of Sumo. “Tell you what Olivia, Sumo would just love to meet you as well. Anytime you want you can come visit us. I’m sure he’d like to say thanks to you for taking such good care of Connor as well. Connor is his favorite you see..” Hank said, making Olivia let out a cute giggle.
The older lieutenant knelt to be eyelevel with the blond girl and gave her a warm smile. “And I want to thank you as well, for helping my son. You’re a very special, kind girl.”
Olivia smiled a shy smile at the praise and grasped Connor’s hand tightly.
“That you are.” Connor agreed, also eyeing the girl with a soft smile and squeezed her small hand gently in his.
More sniffles and eye wiping were done throughout the room before Fowler clapped his hands loudly. “Alright enough, this is a happy occasion. Let’s grab a drink and make a toast..” Everyone did as their captain said and passed out drinks around the room. Fowler raised his glass, quickly joined by everyone else. “To Connor! You are an honor to the DPD and the city! I know I speak for all of us when we say we’re proud to call us your friends and colleagues. Cheers!”
“CHEERS!!” The whole room erupted.
Connor stood in the middle, starting to feel overwhelmed again by all the attention, when he felt a soft hand placed on his shoulder that brought him quickly back to earth. He turned to find the soft welcoming sight of John standing at his side, once again grounding him, holding up his own drink.
“I’ll drink to that.” The handsome tech added softly and clinked his glass with Connor’s thirium based drink.
Connor returned the smile and raised his own drink. After his sip he turned to the rest of the room, his eyes big and emotion filled. “Thank you..” He said simply. It wasn’t enough to truly express how much gratitude he was feeling at the moment, but it was the truest and only thing he could think of presently and he hoped that was enough for now.
“Fucking.Shit.Fuck!!” Reed cursed loudly as he slammed his fist repeatedly into the one way mirror in a the  unused interrogation room furthest away from the open office where everyone were still busy attending the Tin Can’s welcome back reception. The glass began to crack, and his knuckles started bleeding from the repeating pounding, but he didn’t stop. Red hot anger was boiling in his veins! This was all wrong! This was not how things were supposed to go! How could people not see how fucked up this shit was?! Treating that plastic like it was a fucking hero? After he’d made sure everyone had seen it fail again and again without any form of consequence or reprimands? And when he failed just one fucking time he was placed under investigation and being questioned about his ability to do his job?! All the while he’s expected to just sit back and watch that piece of garbage receive a hero’s welcome? This was some kind of backwards world kind of bullshit and Reed was at his breaking point.
He continued to batter his hand against the glass, feeling like it was his best alternative to bashing in the Tin Can’s face. His knuckles bleed more and more, smearing the blood on the mirrored surface but he hardly felt the pain of it. All he felt was the white-hot anger burning. He was so lost in his own rage filled world that the detective didn’t hear the door to the room slide open behind him followed by a worry filled outburst;
“Detective Reed! Stop that, you’re hurting yourself!” Connor exclaimed as he rushed towards Reed and caught his arm in a firm hold as Reed pulled it back to land another punch. Even though the reception was still going on and Connor had been told not to fret, he’d still felt worried about Reed’s sudden departure and had made his was to find the other detective. Now he was glad he did.
It took a few moments to exit his angry haze, but once Reed registered who had interrupted his fit he could no longer contain his fake demeanor and allowed himself to fully unload on the cause of his anger and resentment. With little to no hesitation Reed pulled back his other fist that Connor wasn’t holding and aimed to land a hard punch to the android’s face. Connor however seemed to have anticipated his move and frustratingly easily caught his other fist with the hand not holding Reed’s arm.
“I understand that you’re angry Gavin, but I’m trying to be your friend. So please stop harming yourself and let me help you.” Connor offered in that fucking calming tenor voice.
“FUCK YOU!” Reed roared and twisted himself free from the android’s hold. His eyes were wild, almost feral as he pointed accusingly at Connor with his bloodied hand.
“Fuck you and all of those fuckers out there!” He pointed at the door. “You’re not my fucking friend or colleague or anything! You’re a MACHINE!!” He shouted the word with all the contempt he could muster, spit flying from his mouth. “A computer.. A tool.. A THING! You’re not a real cop or even human! And somehow, I’m the only sane person who can see how fucked up this shit is!!” He laughed in scorn.
Connor had taken a few steps back as he watched Reed become more and more deranged before his eyes and took steps to make himself as non-threatening as possible, treating the situation as he would a negotiating with a dangerous criminal.
“Okay.. I hear what you’re saying.. But hurting yourself isn’t the answer.”
“I know that!! That’s why I’ve been hurting you!!” Reed roared without thought.
“You’ve.. What?” Despite his professionalism Connor couldn’t hide his shock at the confession, making his LED circle in a fast yellow pace.
Reed yanked the white remote from his pocket and pointed it towards Connor as was it a gun.
“I’ve been showing all these idiots what a useless piece of junk you are! But they’re all so fucking blind! Even after seeing you fail again and again, they still treat you like you’re worth the time and attention and sympathy, it’s pathetic!!”
Despite not knowing for sure what the device pointing at him was Connor felt a tight knot of dread settle in his stomach as he slowly began to piece together what might have caused his multiple malfunctions the last couple of months.
 “Gavin.. Calm down, lets just talk this through.” Connor tried to reason, his LED turning red, desperate to diffuse the situation. “I might be a machine, but I’m not your enemy.”
Reed kept his remote pointed towards the android, finding a great satisfaction in seeing it so nervous as it no doubt figured out what Reed was capable of.
“Wanna see how much of a tool you are?” Reed snickered as he placed his thumb on the display. “I can play you like a fucking violin on this thing by now.”
Connor reached out his hand slowly in a nervous, pacifying manner.
“No.. Please.. Gavin..”
But his plea fell on deaf ears as Reed expertly manipulated Connor’s visual components.
[R and L eye components deactivated]
Connor’s irises turned black, leaving the android completely blind. He stumbled a bit on the spot as his vison was completely robbed from him in one second. Connor felt his breath hitch and his stress levels increasing. The android reached out blindly towards Reed’s direction. “Please Reed, I know what you think of me and my kind, but even you have to understand that this.. Hurting me won’t accomplish anything.”
Reed sneered. “You can’t ‘hurt’ a machine. You can malfunction, be damaged.. Broken even.” He added with a menacing tone.
Connor took a tentative step forward in his blinded state, his own tone turning hard. “Reed this is madness! Snap out of this and let’s handle what differences we have in a civilized manner!”
“Oh, hell no, you do not get to speak to me like that you piece of junk!” Reed spat and turned the remote back up.
Connor tried to argue, sensing the other detective was about to manipulate his body again. “No Reed what are yo..!”
[Voice modulator deactivated]
Connor’s voice was cut off midsentence. The android lifted his hand and placed it on his throat where his voice modulator was placed inside. The LED in his temple started to spin red as Connor felt his stress levels rise even further. His vision and voice had now been efficiently stolen from him as easy as nothing. He was basically helpless, with a man who openly despised and hated him, who he now knew had put him through agony and torment in a deliberate effort to dehumanize him in front of their peers and who had utterly complete control over his whole body and being. Despite his still limited skill with understanding and identifying his own emotions Connor was sure of one thing.. In this moment.. He was scared..
“Now for the fun bit.” Reed grinned.
The words had hardly been spoken, filling Connor with a fresh weave of dread before Reed with a few quick flicks and taps unleashed hell on the deviant.
[Right leg component // Adjust tension setting // Current tension 5%]
A single swipe of a thumb.
[Current tension 85%]
The first thing that hit was an excruciating pain as the synthetic muscles along the entire of Connor’s right leg seized up much like the first time Reed had used the remote on him, making the android drop heavily onto the floor, knocking an office chair down with him in his fall. Connor’s eyes might be lifeless, but his expression still portrayed his agony clearly. The android tried to scream but all that came out were a strangled static as his decommissioned voice modulator were being stimulated but not able to let out clear sound.  
The mangled static only worsened as only seconds later Connor felt the joint connecting his right arm to his shoulder were manipulated backwards by an invisible force until he both heard and felt a sickening pop as it snapped forcefully. In the background he vaguely registered Reed’s tormenting snicker.
“It made me sick you know. Giving you that fake apology, having to act like you were a real fucking person! I only did it to get close enough to make sure everybody got to see what a pathetic, useless machine you are! But everyone here are so fucking stupid! A year and a half ago everyone out there were just like me, seeing you like the equipment and tools you were designed to be! Your bloody brainwashing doesn’t’ work on me though..”
Pausing in his rant only to make the knee joint in the android’s left leg bend and snap as well, making it spasm violently followed by the pained muffled static because it’d now buried its head into the crook of its right elbow.
“And I’m done pretending and I’m not just gonna sit back and let you corrupt us all! I know I’m right!!” Reed pointed his remote ready to make his next move when the door to the integration room hissed open in front of him.
In walked Hank Anderson eyes locked at his phone screen as he entered “Hey kid, got your text but what is up with all those freaking typos? That’s not like yo..” Hank looked up at stopped abruptly taking in the scene in front of him.
Reed immediately realized his mistake. He’d forgotten to disconnect the Tincan’s cybernetic connection allowing it to reach out for help. Fuck!
It took an uncomfortable long time for Hank to process what he was seeing, the tense silence only broken by the painfilled static breathing coming from Connor on the floor. The lieutenant first eyed the white remote Reed had pointed as a weapon towards his son, then noticed the horrifyingly painful and unnatural angles of Connor’s arm and leg and his black, blinded irises, before returning to look directly at Reed. You could see the moment it clicked for the ageing detective what he was seeing. All Connor’s sudden and unexplainable malfunctions suddenly made perfect sense.
“You.Little.Shit..” Hank whispered before he jumped forward in blind rage.
Reed dropped the remote as he and Hank collided in an all-out fist fight that had been long coming. Despite his agony and lack of sight Connor managed to half crawl half drag himself to the edge of the room to avoid getting stomped on in the chaos and tried to cybernetically reach out to more officers to assist. It turned out he didn’t need to as the sudden ruckus had already alarmed the gathered crowd out in the offices.
In stormed Captain Fowler, Miller, Lewis and Pearson all quickly scanning the scene and situation and automatically sprang into action. Fowler and Miller immediately jumped forward to separate their brawling colleagues. It took several tries and immense effort, earning both numerous misplaced hits, kicks and bruises.
While the men struggled go get the fight under control Pearson’s attention was immediately turned to Connor lying in a heap on the floor. Her eyes widening and a horrified gasp escaping her at the sight of his twisted limbs where thirium had started to leak through the cracks in his frame, staining his clothes and the floor.
“Oh my God, Connor!” She dropped to his knees and rested a hand on his back. “Wha.. What happened to you?!”
Connor tried to answer, but the only sound he could make was the distorted static. He gestured weakly with his uninjured arm to his throat, trying to communicate his inability to reply.
“Okay, okay I understand you can’t talk, it’s okay don’t move anymore.. You’re.. Shit.. This is so.. How could this happen?” Pearson was trying to stay calm. She’d seen some horrible things in her career, but Connor was her friend, so it was impossible for her to react unaffected to the way his arm and leg were curled in such a painful and gruesome way, it was making her slightly nauseous.
Finally Miller, Lewis and Fowler succeeded in breaking up Reed and Anderson. Fowler had managed to get both his arms under Reed’s armpits and had his hands clasped tightly together behind his neck, holding the still cursing and kicking detective back, but just barely. Lewis and Miller were holding one of Anderson’s arms each and still had to dig in their heels to stop the raging lieutenant from advancing and jump Reed again. Both men already had large bruises starting to bloom across their faces, Reed had a split lip and Anderson a busted eyebrow.
“Let me go dammit!! It’s been that bastard all along!! He’s the one who has been messing Connor up all along and I’m gonna return the fucking favor right now!!” Hank roared, fighting in his hold.
“What the hell Hank? How would Reed even be able to cause all those malfunctions? There’ve been witnesses every time Connor has had an episode, we would have noticed.” Lewis argued with a grunt from the effort of holding Hank back.
“Because he’s a fucking devious, underhanded little coward and have been using some kind of remote to control and hurt the kid unnoticed!!” Hank spat angrily.
“Is this true Reed?!!” Fowler asked in a hard voice, tightening his hold on the detective further as he continued to trash in his grip.
Reed grunted once in discomfort at the manhandling but retaining his aggressiveness. “Fucking Tincan deserved it!! You were all so fucking blinded by its false looks and attempt to act human! It’s a fucking machine and all I did was open your eyes to the fact!! It’s unreliable and shame to the force!!”
“The only shameful motherfucker on this force is you, you vile sack of shit!!” Hank growled.
“Where is the remote Reed?!” Fowler barked harshly, trying to keep his priorities straight in the heated moment.
Reed answered only with defying silence, still shooting dagger with his eyes at Hank and Connor.
“It’s here!!” Pearson exclaimed as she spotted the white remote lying by the knocked over chair and reached for it. She fiddled with it slightly, but quickly figured out how to navigate the display. “Okay.. I think I got it..”
[Voice modulator activated]
The first clear sound to escape Connor’s mouth as he were finally given back his voice was a painfilled cry as his broken limbs pulsed and continued to leak thirium, and the synthetic muscles in his right leg were still cramping.
“M.. My.. Leg.. Turn it off.. P-Please..” He begged through gritted teeth.
“Your leg? Your.. Oh shit!!” She cursed as she realized he meant his cramping nonbroken leg and quickly adjusted the setting back down to a normal level.
[Current tension 5%]
Connor forced himself to take some deep breaths to try and keep his core temperature down. He felt relieved the pain in his right leg had decreased, but still in agony from his two other mangled limbs.
[R and L eye components activated]
He winched as his vision was returned abruptly as well as even the slightly dimmed lighting in the room still pierced his eyes, although they thankfully recalibrated quickly. He took the opportunity to look up and took in the scene before him. His gaze quickly shifted to Reed who still eyed him with a burning hatred in his eyes.
Suddenly an innocent voice was echoing down the hallway. “Connor? Where did you go?” Olivia called out. They could all hear her small footsteps approaching the door.
Connor turned his eyes quickly to Pearson who was still kneeling in front of him, his gaze a mixture of pained and alarmed. “D-Don’t let get in here. I don’t want her s-seeing me like this!”
“And find Ben and John and send them down here immediately!” Fowler added.
Pearson nodded quickly and jumped up and out the door instantly. Her exaggerated soothing voice resonated back into the room.
“Hey sweetie, you shouldn’t be down here all alone. Let’s get back to your mom.”
“I forgot to give Connor a drawing I made for him. I think he went this way.”
“Uh, you know what. I think he’s on a phone call right now, but come with me and we’ll put your drawing on his desk so he’ll find it later and it’ll be a nice surprise, ok?”
“Ok.” Olivia was heard agreeing reluctantly. Her and Pearson’s footsteps echoing back down the hallway.
Fowler was the one to break the silence once they were sure Olivia as out of earshot. “Fucking hell Reed! I knew you had issues. Countless times I’ve put my ass on the line to defend you and keep you on the force. You’ve always been a good detective, but I was gullible enough to believe that deep down you’d also turn out to be a good man. Never have I been this angry and disappointed in someone as I am in you this moment!!”  
“I’M THE DISSAPOINTMENT?!” Reed shouted affronted.
“You shut your damn mouth!! I am DONE detective. Actually, that’s incorrect. Effective immediately you’re no longer a member of the DPD. You are now under arrest for the repeating assault and abuse of a police officer and obstruction of police investigation! Officer Miller and Lewis handcuff Reed and take him to a holding cell for now. I’ll personally deal with him later.” Fowler expertly changed his grip on Reed, allowing Miller to quickly snap his own handcuffs on his former colleague before he could resist further.
“WHAT?! You can’t be fucking serious?!” Reed bellowed.
Lewis was quick to join as both took a firm grip on either side of a thrashing Reed. Freed from his own hold Hank decided not to waste any more energy on the crude ex-detective, trusting Jeffery to make sure justice would be served. Instead, he turned his attention to Connor who was still laying on the floor, clearly trying to suppress his agony, but with little luck.
“Hey son.. It’s okay, help is coming! Just.. Stay still.. We’ll get you fixed up, don’t worry” Hank babbled, but feeling helpless to do anything else but offer what reassurance he could.
“You fucking morons! You’ll realize I’m right soon enough! Just you wait!! That machine will be the death of you all!!” Reed roared. John, Ben and Pearson just managed to storm through the doorway just as he was forcefully removed from the room.  
“What the hell is going on?!” Ben asked confused. “Why is Gavin in handc- OH, Holy shit what happened to Connor?!!”
Barely a second passed before John had thrown himself to his knees in front of Connor, his eyes filled with worry. “Connor, listen don’t move to much it’ll destabilize your broken joints too much! Can you give me any status on your condition?”
“M.. My thirium levels are.. Nearing… C-Critical levels..” Connor offered weakly.
John eyed the still blooming pool of blue thirium spreading on the floor beneath Connor’s body from the two fractures on his frame. He looked into Connor’s painfilled brown irises with an apologetic look. He touched his face gently in what he hoped to be a comforting manner. “Con, I’m sorry but I need to slow your bleedings as fast as possible before you lose any more thirium. The only way I can do that is to reset your breaks.”
“Fuck, are you sure there’s no other way?” Hank cursed.
John shook his head sadly. “I’m afraid not. As long as the breaks are open, he’ll lose more blue blood than he’ll be able to reabsorb into his system.”
Connor nodded in understanding. “D-Do it!”
John took a firm hold on Connor’s leg. One hand on his thigh and one on his calve, ready to reset the fractured knee joint. His eyes never left Connor’s. “On three.” He said. Connor visibly steeled himself, but his eyes also stayed firmly on John.
“One.. Two..” With a quick jerk and a sickening crunch the knee was mostly back in place.
Connor let out the start of a scream, but quickly bit it off. Afraid Olivia might still be able to hear him somewhere in the station. He clenched his eyes tightly and reached out with his undamaged arm and squeezed Hanks hand that was offered him so hard that the bones grinded together. Hank however didn’t utter a complaint, even if Connor would end up snapping a finger or two he’d endure it if it offered his son just the smallest kind of relief.
“Anything we can do?” Ben asked, standing stiffly with his arms crossed, desperate to be helpful.
“Yes, once his shoulder is set I need you and Fowler to carry him to my lab so I can get him stabilized.” John offered without his eyes ever leaving Connor. “You’re doing great Connor, I know it hurts.. I’ll be quick I promise.”
“I know..” Connor hissed.
“Try to relax, it’ll help.”
“Y-You’re really bad at.. C-Counting by the way..”
In a flash John held down Connor’s collarbone and pushed his arm back, popping the shoulder back with another loud crunch to its original position. The motion was followed by another barely bitten off cry as Connor’s head dropped forward and landed on John’s own shoulder.
“I know, I’m sorry..” John offered weakly.
“Come on lad, we got you.” Fowler said as he and Ben immediately bent down to carry their injured friend as carefully as possible upstairs.
“I’ll go do some damage control in the office then I’ll be right up.” Hank offered. He had no idea how he was going to apologize to Olivia and her mom for Connor’s sudden disappearance without a goodbye, but he’d figure something out. And it was probably for the best not to reveal Reed’s arrest to the rest of the squad right away. They needed to clear up this mess a bit for it to make sense.
It was fucking heartbreaking to witness Connor in such an agonizing state when he’d barely had time to recover from his previous injury. His only comfort right now was finally knowing what and who was behind all the horrors and pain his son had to suffer through. And Hank had a feeling once the news got out, he wouldn’t be the only DPD member being eager for justice to be served!!
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connorwhumpaddict · 2 years
Deserving of pain (Part 2)
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Epilogue
Summary: Reed sets his wicked plan in motion, poor Connor is in for a hard time..
Chapter 2: Synthetic muscle control
Reed smirked as he discreetly plotted in the DPD's service code for their RK800 android model on the handheld remote. It had been easy to find, noted in the Tin Can’s employment file. What fucking joke, an employment file for a machine! It should be categorized under department equipment at most! Didn’t matter though, all that mattered was the thrill of anticipation that rushed through him when the code was confirmed and a small ‘connected’ alert popping up on screen. Immediately a flood of manual controls and override commands was made available for him to alter in the RK800 model.
Reed looked up to look at the Android standing in the front of the large conference room, preparing its presentation. Fowler had requested that thing to do a lecture on how to handle and negotiate high risk situations when faced with emotionally or mentally unstable, armed assailants. All officers from team Alpha to Delta were obligated to participate. Anderson, thank God wasn’t present as he’d been asked to consult on an ongoing Red Ice ring investigation in the precinct’s narcotic division. Normally it would’ve pissed Reed off, being forced to waste his time with the notion that he could have anything to learn from an inhumane equipment piece! But it did offer the perfect opportunity for him to try out his new device, so it wasn’t all bad. Which is how he was now sitting at the back of the room, leaned back on his chair, his right ankle crossed over his left knee in a causal sprawl. Luckily, it was very in character for him to sit in the back and it enabled him to discreetly work the remote unnoticed while still giving him the perfect vantage point to see its effects on Connor.
“Alright, everyone please sit down and settle!” Connor called out to the room in an authoritative manner. “With everyone present I’ll start with a brief run through of todays program and what tools I expect you to gain when you’ve completed this class.” He cybernetically turned on the HD viewing screen behind him and gestured to the presented schedule on the board. “Please feel free to ask any questions you may have as we proceed.”
Everyone immediately quieted down and turned their full attention to the RK800, all seemingly fully at ease at having to take a lecture from a fucking machine that have only worked on the force for barely a year! Well, they would all soon see that perfect façade crumble.
He let the class commence for about 35 minutes, letting it reach a good flow and allow everyone to be deeply enthralled in its stupid teachings. He looked to the digital screen on the remote, hidden in his jacket pocket, and found an option that read ‘synthetic muscles limit test’. A brief description appeared on the screen, explaining the test function; [Test isolated synthetic muscle groups’ flexibility and durability // Choose area on screen]
When opened it showed a full pictured, rotatable schematic of the RK800 model, allowing him to choose a specific area to affect. Reed pressed the leg on the left side. When pressed, the area lit up blue and a slide bar appeared on the bottom of the screen with the command; [Left leg component // Adjust tension setting // Current tension 5%]
With a sinister smile on his lips Reed slowly adjusted the setting higher, looking expectantly to where Connor was standing as he was giving a verbal walkthrough of a videotaped hostage situation.
“It is always preferable to establish a direct communication with a hostage taker, if possible. It allows for you to better assess and evaluate the offender’s physical as well as mental state.” Connor was midst explaining as he pointed to the screen. “There are several signs you must look for when you..” [Current tension 35%] Suddenly the deviant let out a stained groan and quickly reached out to catch himself on a desk in front of him, when suddenly the synthetic muscle in his left thigh cramped up making his leg almost give out from under him.
“Connor, is everything alright?” Wilson asked concerned as he saw his friend catch himself. The rest of the class looked up as well, pausing in their note scribblings to see what was happening.
“Y-Yes..” Connor quickly lied. [Current tension 46%]. He clenched his teeth to stop himself from crying out as the pain in his leg continued to increase with the muscles contracting even tighter. He took to his affected thigh in an illogical attempt to decrease the pressure. His LED pulsed in a quick mix of yellow and red as he quickly ran a diagnostic check on all his systems, but not finding any errors. [Current tension 10%]. But just as quickly the pain had come it almost disappeared again returning his LED to blue. Confused, but relieved the pain had subsided he pulled himself back to full height so he could resume his class.
“I apologize. I believe I just suffered a momentary fault in my leg’s synthetic muscle component. I’m fine now so let’s continue.” He quickly offered as explanation and carried on with the lesson in a professional manner.
Reed had to bite the inside of his cheeks to not laugh out loud. He looked to the screen again doing an amused inner eeny, meeny, miny, moe to select the next area he wanted to mess with. "Abdominals, great choice! Might as well set it a bit higher this time."
“As I was saying, there are several signs to look for when dealing with an unstable criminal. First you must try and assess to the best of your ability whether the person in question is injured. Knowing potential injury can both be used as a negotiation incentive or, in worst case be used as a potential weakness if the altercation escalates violently. Next..” [Current tension 70%] Connor couldn’t contain a pained shout as his abdominal muscles suddenly contracted unbearably, making the android fold together, arms wrapped across his middle and fall to the floor on his knees. It felt like his abdominal walls were ripped apart from the inside in a constant unyielding weave of anguish.   
“Connor!?” Officer Wilson called out in worry. He and officer Person quickly on their feet to come to the detective’s aid. The rest of the class looked on with concern, some half standing, unsure if they should try and help or stay put and out of the way as Wilson and Pearson jumped to action first.
Connor’s forehead was almost touching the ground from his curled-up position, his breath ragged and fast as ventilation components didn’t have enough room to expand with his synthetic abdominal walls clenching so tightly. His system desperately tried to compensate by speeding up his breath in short gasps to try and cool his rising inner temperature.
“Connor, talk to me, what’s happening?” Person called out as she kneeled in front of the android and put a comforting as well as stabilizing hand on his shoulder.
“I.. I d-don’t.. Know..” Connor gasped out between his shallow breaths, his eyes tightly clenched and his LED spinning a solid angry red. “My system.. I-Isn’t detecting any.. Errors.. But my synthetic muscles a-are.. Malfunctioning s-somehow..”
[Current tension 26%] Connor sputtered a loud exhale before finally pulling a full breath in, as the piercing pain in his abdomen finally let up considerably although not completely, but the pain was at least manageable now.
“Hey, you okay? Did it stop?” Wilson asked.
“N-Not completely but it has subsided.” Connor answered and finally looked up, feeling embarrassed and vulnerable to be malfunctioning so badly in front of a crowd. He forced himself back up on slightly shaky legs, Wilson and Person following ready to catch him if he should stumble again.
“Take it easy kid! We should call it a day and have you checked by John.” Ben, the most senior officer in the room said as he too stood from his seat.
“That.. That might be for the best.. My self-diagnostic program is unable to identify any glitches, errors or viruses in my systems. A technician’s assessment is the next logical course of action.” Connor agreed, still slightly unnerved by the unexplainable bursts of pain he just suffered through.
Ben nodded and turned to address the rest of the room. “Alright day’s over! You’ll all get a notice when todays class will be rescheduled. Dismissed!”
Reed stood up, satisfied he not only succeeded in taking the plastic prick down a couple of notches and embarrass him in front half of the precinct he also got to bail on the Tin Can’s lame ass class. Even better!
The conference room emptied quickly, and Reed returned to his desk. A few minutes later he saw as Connor was making his way down the hallway and across the bullpen on his unsteady legs, one arm still wrapped around his torso, towards the elevator to make his way upstairs for his checkup. Ben, Wilson and Person all surrounded him in a protective kind of way, probably at the ready should he have another attack.
"And why not?" Reed thought and reached back into his pocket unnoticed. He was in the middle of choosing what area he wanted to attack next when he heard Anderson make his way through the office towards his little plastic pet.
“Hey kid, what gives? I thought you were teaching a class all day?”
The RK model let out a disheartened sigh. “I was, but unfortunately I’ve experienced a fault in my synthetic muscle functions that hindered my ability to teach my class sufficiently. Ben suggested I see the staff technician since my own systems runs have not been able to identify the error.” Connor informed regretfully, clearly displeased he’d not been able to complete his class.
“Shit, what kind of error are we talking?” Hank asked concerned at the news.
“It’s nothing to worry about Hank, I’m sure John will be able to fix it.” Connor brushed off quickly, clearly not wanting to worry his partner and father figure.
“Yeah, how bout’ you let me be the judge of that? What happened son?” The gray-haired Lieutenant asked once again.
“Just some minor muscle spasm, I promise I’m fine now.” Connor defended, not elaborating further.
“Mmhmm..” Hank hummed unconvinced but didn’t want to pressure the kid any further. He knew Connor valued his privacy and this obviously was a matter he did not want to discuss further while standing in the middle of public office area. All Hank knew was that he could see the concern and protectiveness burning in Wilson, Pearson and Ben’s eyes and Connor certainly never had a need for three officers to ‘escort’ him to the staff technician before, unless they wanted to stay close if the android needed help.
“Alright, then let’s not keep you, off we go.” Hank said and placed his hand on the brown-haired android’s shoulder to guide him onwards to the elevator.
“Not so fast.” Reed thought giddily. Anderson could not have shown up at a better time. He was going to enjoy this. He quickly Choose the largest muscle group he could find and cranked the bar up!
[Combined back/shoulder components // Current tension 84%]
“ARRGHH!” Connor cried out, he tried to catch himself by the back of a nearby office chair as he stumbled forwards, but it only ended up being knocked over with him as he collapsed to the floor in pure agony. A white soaring fire of painful cramps wrecking up his entire back and shoulder region, sending jolts of pain straight through his aluminum spinal structure throughout his plasticmetal frame.
“Shit! Connor?!” Hank immediately sank to his knees at Connor’s side.
“Someone get John the fuck down here, now!!” Ben called out sharply, two young officers immediately running off to do as ordered.
[Current tension 100%]
“FUUCK!” Connor cursed loudly as the pain increased once again. He lay face down towards the floor, back arching down and fists tightly clenched as he suffered through the worst pain he’d ever felt. Behind his clenched eyes warnings of his rising stress levels and failure messages regarding his affected muscle components piled on top of each other, as they were literally starting to rip apart and break down from the unnatural and extreme strain they suffered despite no apparent cause.
For many it was the first time they’d ever heard the deviant utter a curse and it might have been funny under different circumstances. As it was no one was laughing as they could only look in compassion and horror as their friend and colleague endured an invisible kind of pain they were unable to soothe or help him through.
Reed was careful to school his features to not let on how much he was enjoying the sight of the Tin Man finally breaking down in front of everyone. He felt the remote vibrate in his pocket and glanced at it discreetly.
[WARNING // Overload on muscle component BK203-204, S25-S2, LB4-7LR and SPC1-33// Reduce pressure immediately]
[WARNING // Stress levels rising 82%^^// Seek stress reducing measures immediately]
It was showcasing the same warnings as Connor was currently receiving in his visual, but also popping up warnings to him alone, recomending ceasing the manual override as he was risking damaging the components and cause prolonged restitution time to the affected android. He scoffed slightly at the message and left the dial unchanged. He was going to make sure everybody here was going to see Roboboy wasn’t such a perfect wonder first! This was too good an opportunity to stop just yet.
“Hang on son, help is coming! Just try to breath for me..” Hank tried to reassure, angry and frustrated he could do nothing else to help his boy.
Captain Fowler had also been alerted to the commotion outside his office and excited to see what was happening. When he laid eyes on his downed deviant detective, on the floor, crying out and withering in pain he rushed forward in concern.
“What the hell is happening?”
“We don’t really know Captain. Connor just suddenly started having these painful episodes when he was teaching his class. They’re getting worse, the others didn’t seem as intense or last half this long.” Person answered on behalf of the group, her face pale and pinched as she could do nothing to help her friend.
Fowler ran both his hands across his bald head feeling powerless and aggravated that he couldn’t help the deviant, just as the rest of his officers in the room. “I’ve seen Connor take a fucking bullet without hardly wincing! This is bad, where the fuck is the tech?”
“Right here Cap!” John, the precinct technician answered as called. John was a handsome, tall, blonde, broad shouldered man in his mid-thirties. He exited the elevator in a run, with him he had a heavy boxed satchel full of equipment needed to run an exterior diagnostic. He fell to his knees besides the deviant and immediately feel into his caretaker mode.
“Connor, It’s John. I’m going to try and force you manually into stasis mode. I know it’s an uncomfortable override for you, but it’ll at least make you dormant and stop you from feeling pain until I can identify your problem, okay?” John was quick to explain in a kind voice. He gently placed one of his hands on the deviant’s arched back to comfort, hiding his slight distress as he could feel the rock hard cramping of the synthetic muscles flexing painfully underneath his palm. He quickly rummaged through his satchel, pulling out different kinds of equipment needed for the procedure.
“Y-Yes.. Just.. M-Make it stop! Please..” Connor managed to stammer out through clenched teeth.
“I will, I promise. What are your stress levels at?” John fished out a tablet and a small disk he connected to Connor’s rapidly pulsing red LED allowing him to read all information he needed on screen, but wanting to keep the deviant talking to distract just a bit from his current agony.
“Eighty four p-percent..”
“And your core temperature?” John tapped away at the tablet with lightning speed.
“I-It’s 100.4 and ri..”
Reed chose this moment to up the ante once again before John would ruin his fun and selected the right leg and left arm on the remote as well, despite the continuing warnings that he was causing damage that would require an extended recovery period and technical aid. As if he cared.
[Right leg // Current tension 98%]
[Left arm // Current tension 96%]
Connor let out a piercing cry of anguish as the new weaves of pain washed over him as well.
“I-IT HURTS!! FUCK IT HURTS!!” Connor cried out helplessly on the floor, even more warning messages piling on top of each other clouding his visual, although he did not even have the wits to focus on what they were saying anymore. All he could concentrate on was the seemingly never-ending agony ripping through his body relentlessly.
“Fuck it’s getting worse!!” Hank ran his hand through Connor’s hair in what he hoped was a soothing motion even though it was probably more to sooth himself than it was Connor at the moment.
“Just hurry and knock him out already!” Fowler hurried John along.
“I’m trying!!” John’s forehead was glistening with sweat as he worked to free Connor of his pain as fast as possible but for some reason it was hard for him to gain a good connection, as if another signal was already blocking the receptor. Finally, he managed to hack into the main processor and initiate stasis mode.
Connor twitched violently a few times and let out a distressed sound of pain before finally going slack on the floor, his LED still shifting between yellow and red.
It was as though the whole room took a relieved breath as it the cries of pain and agony finally fell silent. Reed watched as his device screen read ‘connection lost’ and made sure it was all the way out of sight once again. This had worked even better than he’d dared hope.
Beside Connor, Hank ran his hand down his bearded chin. The lieutenant’s eyes were glassy and red, clearly deeply affected at seeing his partner, who he’d come to consider his son, suffer such a brutal and painful experience without being able to help or comfort the slightest.
“He’s out.” John sighed relieved, but also looked very troubled by the event. He placed a gentle hand on the center of the deviant’s chest and felt the thirium pump hammering underneath his palm.
“Wilson and Colins, please help me carry him upstairs to my lab. I need to run some tests while he’s still in stasis.”
Wilson and Colins were quick to jump into action and gently picked Connor up from the floor and carried him upstairs while John packed his bag.
“Is he going to be alright John?” Hank asked worriedly as the first, but all people around had the exact same question shining in their eyes and listened closely as well.
John sighed and ran a hand through his thick blonde hair. “I’ve never seen anything like this before, but I’ll do anything to find the cause and make sure Connor never have to suffer through something like that again, I promise.” John had been hired a few weeks after the revolution to offer aid and maintenance to all of Detroit police departments’ android personnel. He was very professional, but most importantly also made an honor in delivering a kind and personal care both physically and emotionally to all his patients. He’d however been quick to develop a particular soft spot for Connor during the past year. He was by far his most frequent patient since Connor tended to put himself in harm’s way to protect his colleagues, but the detective android’s charm and overall positive and kind demeanor had furthered his affection towards him. It’d been hard to see him suffer so much.
“I would like to monitor him throughout the night, but he should be resting in comfortable, familiar settings.” John looked to Hank. “I don’t want to intrude Lieutenant, but..”
Hank interrupted before he could get any further. “Not at all! I appreciate it greatly. I know the kid is in good hands with you! My couch may be old, but it’s comfortable as hell. I’ll feel much more at ease knowing you’ll be there to help me look after him.”
John nodded determinedly. “Great, I need about an hour to make a run through of his systems but afterwards we should get him home to rest. I’ll do the rest of my tests and repairs there.”
“Make sure to give me a full update on his condition John. I want you to make sure he’s healed and tended to probably. I won’t let Connor back into the field until you give him an all clear.” Fowler interjected.
“Understood Captain, I’ll make sure to do so.” John answered and they made his own way to his upstairs lab to begin his work Hank following close after, not wanting to be far from Connor’s side at this point.
As they’d left Fowler turned to the rest of his officers. “Alright I know we’re all worried about Connor, but he’s in good hands with John and Hank now. Please, try and return to work as normal as possible. I’ll make sure to update you all on his condition as well. Let’s all hope he’ll make a quick recovery and that this was a onetime thing.”
Everyone agreed and obeyed their captain’s order and returned to their work, although most of the people were still shaken and upset from the terrible experience. Reed too turned back to his screen, he was however trying to suppress his satisfied smirk and deep satisfaction. One time thing? Not a chance! He was going to make sure everybody knew not to trust a machine at work or in the field ever again!
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