#conrad is so precious
multifand0mbabe · 2 years
Conrad looking at his ENTIRE world here 🥹❤️
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beesarthur · 1 year
sure the resident is a hospital show that airs on fox on tuesday nights where many of the main characters end up neatly paired off heterosexually, but 3/4 proposals (by my count) have started with a woman suggesting to her partner that they get married for financial or legal reasons and honestly that really does it for me
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nade2308 · 2 years
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I will never get tired of catching the moments between these two where they are oh so touchy and soft with each other. All the casual touches and smiles, the closeness, it fills me with warmth.
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ist4rgirlo · 10 months
thinking about conrad with a touch starved girlfriend. how she craves touch but doesn’t want to ask for it so she’s shy around him, but like melts into him when he hugs or cuddles her <33
i feel like he’d catch on and be like… you know you can hug me whenever you’d like, right?? right???? ugh i love him, affectionate wonderful boyfriend
───────────── 𝐦𝐞𝐥𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐬 - 𝐜.𝐟
summary : conrad giving affection to his girlfriend that is touch deprived.
requested by : anonymous
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You and Conrad have been together for a year or two now. You were the type to not really show your affection through actions but through words. Maybe because you didn’t really got enough physical affection when you were a kid so you weren’t used to getting it.
Let’s just say that you didn’t know how to recieve it all. One of Conrad’s love language is physical touch so it really made you feel awful to not give him the affection that he needs because you just couldn’t give it, you didn’t know how to but Conrad understood it. Both of you had a talk about it and Conrad understood your side. He tries to give you affection but he still respect your bounderies.
“Hey baby” Conrad greeted waving at you. He walked towards you pulling you for a hug, you did hug him back — melting instantly, but soon pulled away.
Conrad felt it, a smile appearing on his face. “How was your day?” he asked, you smiled before replying “It was okay” you shrugged. His brows furrowed, noticing that something was wrong.
He went closer to you, placing a hand on your thigh, making sure that you were comfortable about it, you nodded, “Something wrong?” he asked, concered. You shrugged, not looking at him, brows furrowed. “Hey hey, tell me what’s wrong, baby.” he said, moving closer to you, pulling you in closer. He wrapped his arms around you gently, making sure you were comfortable.
You flinched a little bit but soon melted into his arms, making Conrad smile. “Tell me, what’s happening hm?” Conrad hummed, rubbing you arm. You shook your head no, closing your eyes. Conrad placed a kiss on your forehead.
You sighed, pulling away from him gently, “Am I not giving you enough affection?” you asked, frowning. “Hey, why would you think of that?” Conrad asked, pulling you a little closer to him. His voice concerned, confused about what would made you think like this.
You shrugged, “I don’t know, I just feel like you’re the only one who is only affectionate, like.. like this” you said, looking down. You felt Conrad lift your chin, “Baby, you know I’m okay with everything right? as long as you are here with me, that’s more than enough. Whatever makes you comfortable then I am okay with it.” Conrad reassured you, smiling at you.
You looked at him, frowning — making him chuckle because of your cuteness. “Oh my love, what’s wrong now?” Conrad said smiling. “I don’t know, I just want to hug you and touch you and all of that, I just don’t know how to” you whispered, scared.
Conrad narrowed his eyes, pretending to not hear what you just said, he tilted his head, “I can’t hear you, baby. Speak up please?” he asked, trying his best to keep his smile in. You crossed your arms before looking at him, “Can.. can I hug you? is it okay if I just you know.. suddenly hug you and do the first move?” you asked, shyly. Conrad giggled.
“Of course, sweetheart. You can hug me whenever you like, you know that right? I would love it if you make the first move, I would absolutely love it.” he said, smiling big. You moved closer to him, leaning on him hugging his arm. He pulled away, making you furrow your brows. He pulled you in again, wrapping an arm beside you, guiding you head on his chest, making you lean on it. He raked his hand through your hair, “God, you are precious. I absolutely love you” placing a kiss on your forehead. You smiled, “I love you too, Connie. So much” you said, before closing your eyes, listening to Conrad’s heartbeat.
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thewintersbloom · 2 months
delicate | conrad fisher (f)
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ᡣ𐭩 pairing : conrad fisher x fem!reader
ᡣ𐭩 summary : over the summer's spent at cousins, your feelings for conrad have only grown deeper, but does he feel the same?
ᡣ𐭩 warnings : none, pure fluff.
ᡣ𐭩 word count : 3.4k
ᡣ𐭩 a/n : hello everyone! first of all thank you all so much for such an amazing response to my very first fic, thank you, i love you all. ❤️ im back with my new fic and im very excited to share it with you all. happy reading, do like, reblog and leave your precious feedback. 🥰
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You don't remember the exact moment you fell for Conrad Fisher, maybe it was all those years ago when your family had moved in a beach house for summer in Cousins after your dad's knee surgery as the doctor had suggested that fresh air and change in scenery would do wonders for his recovery. You and your sister were playing by the huge swimming pool in the backyard when your mom had called you both over and handed you two freshly baked boxes of chocolate chip cookies that were to be given to your new neighbors, The Fishers and The Conklins.
You had nervously knocked at the Fisher's front door and a boy about your age had answered it, his eyes were the most beautiful, sublime shade of blue you've ever seen reminding you of the ocean from your bedroom window, his smile when he introduced himself, welcoming you and your sister to the neighborhood made your heart skip a beat and your nerves dissipate as you and your sister thanked him, introducing yourselves.
When you walked out of the Fishers’ front gate, waving at Conrad, your heart knew that it was the beginning of something special between you both.
At Conklins’ you were greeted by a beautiful woman who introduced herself as Laurel and a girl who was looking at you and your sister curiously from behind her mother and was the same age as your sister was her daughter, Isabel or Belly.
Another year, another summer at Cousins, your dad was recovering very well, all thanks to the ocean breeze, sun, sand and sea along with the love and care of his family, friends and neighbors. The Fishers and The Conklins have been a huge support to you and your family, Susannah and Laurel were there for your parents countless times while Conrad, Jeremiah and Belly helped you and your sister settle in with them right away.
You had gotten a part time summer job at the clubhouse as a lifeguard, same as Jeremiah and you're currently on your shift, keeping an eye out at the swimming pool and then focusing back on the book in your hand. When you look up again, you spot Steven jump over the snack bar where he was working and rush over to the other side of the pool where Conrad, Belly and Taylor had just walked in, Conrad waves at you and you wave back, Belly gives you a small wave which you return and Taylor smiles at you, you smile back and they then turn to wave at Jeremiah as Steven reaches the group.
Taylor laughs as Steven very animatedly narrates her something, both walking back to the snack bar while Belly and Conrad prepare for a dip in the pool, book momentarily forgotten in your lap, you watch as Conrad pulls his shirt over his head and you sigh, resting your chin in the palm of your hand but your daydreaming doesn't last long as a commotion in the pool has you and Jeremiah getting down from your chairs and intervene to restore everything back to normal.
Conrad ducks laughing as Belly flicks some water at him, dark brown locks of his hair sticking to his forehead, the alluring blue hues of his eyes sparkle in the afternoon sun and you sigh again, pressing your fist close to your heart.
“So when are you going to tell my brother that you've been in love with him since forever?” Jeremiah speaks up and when you look at the youngest Fisher, his arms are crossed upon his chest, his eyebrows are quirked up in amusement.
“And here we go again.” You shake your head and then start walking back to your chair when your sister joins you both.
“Since the time we showed up at your door with cookies, Jere. Conrad opened the door, one look at his gorgeous blue eyes and warm smile, she was a goner!”
“When did you get here?” You ask.
“Just now? With Conrad, Belly and Taylor.
I stayed back for a while to text mum for the snacks we would need for our Disney movie night.” She answers, holding up her phone to show you the list of snacks.
“Please tell me we are not watching Tangled AGAIN?” Jeremiah quips in.
“Flynn Ryder Supremacy!!” You and your sister both answer at the same time as Jeremiah groans making you both laugh.
“No but seriously sis, when are you going to tell Connie how you feel?” Your sister changes the subject again.
“Exactly. What are you waiting for? For him to bring a girl home from college for the holidays and announce their engagement? Or for him to get married to her and announce that they are expecting their first child?” Jeremiah adds, agreeing to what your sister just said.
“You guys..” You sigh. It's not that you never had the thought about telling Conrad how you really feel for him, you did, half of your days were spent thinking about Conrad and how would it really be if you ever told him about your feelings? Would he smile and then pull you in for a passionate kiss or would you mess up and end up ruining your friendship?
“It's.. it's not easy okay? What if I tell him how I really feel and he doesn't feel the same way? It would ruin our friendship and that's the last thing I want.”
“Sis, I understand. It's always scary to open up your heart to someone, especially when you've been friends for so long. There is a chance that Conrad might not reciprocate, there is a chance that it might ruin your friendship but there's also a chance that he might reciprocate, a chance that your friendship might evolve into something beautiful, but if you don't tell him how you feel, you'll have nothing but regrets, what-if's and a missed shot at true love.” Your sister replies, gently clasping your hand in hers.
“Hey, I thought I was the wiser one. When did you grow up so much?”
“Fyi, contrary to what you think dearest sister, I am always the wiser one, duh. Also, I've been learning from the best.”
You smile and hug your sister tight, who hugs you back as tightly.
“Room for one more?” Jeremiah asks.
Smiling, you both open your arms for him to join in the hug and he does, happily throwing his arms around you and your sister.
“Now I need to tell Connie how I feel.”
“Tell me what?”
A deep voice that you would recognize even in your dreams, Conrad stands behind you, a towel on his shoulder as he looks between the three of you.
“To tell you that.. that we'll be watching Tangled at the disney movie night again.” Jeremiah saves you at the right moment and you quietly mouth him a thank you to which he responds with a subtle wink.
“Oh, that's cool. I like Tangled.” Conrad shrugs.
“Et tu, Brute?” Jeremiah clutches his chest dramatically making you all laugh.
Still laughing at his brother's antics, Conrad shakes his head and then looks at you, “I was thinking, if you are free then maybe we could go for a swim.”
You look at your watch, “Yeah sure, my shift ends in five minutes. Let me just change out of my lifeguard uniform and then I'll join you.”
Your sister clears her throat, “We too have be somewhere, don't we Jere?”
“Yeah, I have a few hours of my shift left so I'll be going back to my chair.”
“And I'll go find Belly and Taylor.”
“Have fun kids.” Jeremiah salutes you both and then walks off with your sister.
You change out of your uniform and since you are already wearing your bikini underneath, it's even quicker. You untie your hair, give them a little shake as you take a last look at yourself in the mirror and then take a deep breath to calm the butterflies fluttering in your stomach before walking out to meet Conrad by the pool, whose eyes widen and jaw drops as he takes you in, his eyes lingering on your curves.
“I.. Wow. Is that new?” He asks, breaking out of his trance, referring to your burnt orange high waisted bikini.
“Oh.. this old thing? No, I brought it last summer just.. never had the chance to wear it.” You reply shyly, tucking a lock of hair behind your ear.
“I.. you.. Wow. You look..”
Last summer when you had picked up the bikini from the rack to try it on, you instantly fell in love with it, for it beautifully accentuates your curves and not to mention, your sister wouldn't leave you alone till you brought the swimsuit.
Now that you've left Conrad Fisher speechless, you're so fucking glad that you tried on the bikini, that your sister pestered you to buy it and that you decided to wear it this morning.
“You.. You look stunning! I love the color on you.” Conrad says as he steps a bit closer, his sapphire eyes darken precisely to a shade of the ocean under a night sky.
“Thank you Connie.” You reply, the tips of your ears turning pink.
“So, the last one to reach the other side of the pool is a rotten egg?” He then looks at you with pure mischief, amusement dancing in his blue eyes.
“Oh you're so on, Fisher!”
The two of you dived into the pool together, trying to out-race each other. It's something you both have been doing every summer since you were kids and you had first arrived at Cousins. Jeremiah and your sister used to be the referees but you both are competitive and the loser has to buy winner ice-cream for the rest of the summer, so the stakes are even higher with free ice-cream which resulted in a fighting match and ended in you both sulking and not talking to each other.
It made you and Conrad miserable, not to mention Jeremiah and Your sister had to be your messengers when you both weren't talking and they were sick of it, so they quit and you both then decided to dial down the competitiveness but the loser still had to buy winner ice-cream for the rest of the summer and you and Conrad still squabble over who out-raced whom.
You both swam to the other side of the pool together, finishing neck to neck and agree to buy each other ice-cream, as you and Conrad dry off, you two trade stories about college, your classes, the friends you've made and agreeing on the fact that the friendships you've both formed in Cousins will always be special.
Strands of his wet, dark brown hair fall on his forehead, obstructing your view of his eyes and before you can stop yourself, you are already pushing back the locks of his hair so you can look into his eyes.
“Have I ever told you that your eyes are the most beautiful shade of blue I've ever seen? It reminds me of the ocean. Everytime you pull your hair down, I want to brush them away because.. I want to get lost in those eyes, Connie.”
Sometimes when I look into your eyes,
I pretend you're mine, all the damn time.
Conrad steps closer to you, his hand cupping the side of your face and his thumb caressing your cheek gently.
“No you haven't, but the way you look at me tells me everything.”
An enormous splash of water drenches you both, breaking the tender moment between you two as a twelve year old resurfaces and apologizes for cannonballing into the pool too hard.
“So ice-cream?” Conrad laughs, wiping off water from his face, his hand now entwined with yours.
“Yess ice-cream!” You respond excitedly, with a child-like gleam in your eyes and Conrad laughs again as he leads you out of the pool area.
You all had worked and planned your butts off for the 70’s themed party, a last hurrah at the Fisher's beach house, a homage to Susannah. Initially, it was Belly's idea and Conrad had agreed to it but you all wanted to give the beloved beach house a proper goodbye.
You had chosen black velvet bell bottoms paired with a red bohemian print front tie top that had cute bell sleeves, hoop earrings and chunky heels while your sister had opted for a sparkly silver dress with a matching headband, cuff bracelets and ankle length boots. She had done both hers and yours makeup with holographic eyeliners, lots of glitter and gems for the eyes and classic red lips. You looked beautiful, you felt beautiful and you got compliments the minute you walked in through the door.
You spot Conrad standing by the drinks counter with Steven and he waves at you as he sees you, picking up two beers and making his way through the crowd to you.
“Wow.. you look..” He tries, never once taking his eyes off you.
Was Conrad Fisher speechless again? This is the second time! Do you have that effect on him?
Your heart skips a beat as you reply, “I just hope I'm on theme.”
“You are, you look beautiful.” Conrad speaks as he looks into your eyes.
“Thanks Connie.” You blush, unable to hold eye contact.
Steven calls you both over for photos, you strike a cute pose, your fingers held up to the left side of your face in a v sign and a bright smile, your other arm around Conrad while his arm is around your waist, the warmth of his skin against yours making your heart pound in your chest.
The camera goes off with a bright white flash and you both go over to Steven to see the photo, it takes a few moments to develop and when it does, Steven has the biggest grin on his face as he hands the photograph to you both.
It's a very cute picture, you posing for the camera while Conrad looks at you adoringly, not at the camera where he should be looking but at you, warmth spreads in every fiber of your body as you realize that that's exactly how you look at him too, not to mention, you also noticed how he had brushed his hair back today and wasn't pulling it down like he always did. The crimson on your cheek darkens when you realize that he did it for you because you like his hair brushed back so you can look into his eyes.
“What do we have here?” Your sister comes up from behind you, pulling the polaroid from your grasp before you can stop her and Jere ofcourse is right behind her, the two being of the same age and are as thick as thieves.
“Ooooh. This is such a romantic picture, isn't it Jere?” Your sister's eyes sparkle with fondness and mischief as she looks at the polaroid.
“It is. The way Connie's looking at her, oof.” Jeremiah nods cutely, his golden brown curls swishing across his forehead.
“I know right? This is exactly what they call The Look Of Love.”
“Okay you goofs, that belongs to us.” Conrad takes the polaroid back from your sister and Jeremiah, “by the way, I heard Skye asking Cam that they are confused as to what they should watch at the next Disney movie night, Tangled Or Frozen?”
“Frozen obviously, there's no way I'm watching Tangled again!” Jeremiah crosses his arms across his chest.
“How dare you? I'm going to tell Skye that we are watching Tangled!” Your sister glares at Jeremiah and then stomps off to find Syke and Cam.
“Oh no, you don't!” Jere follows her.
Conrad gives you the photograph, his hand closing around yours as he pulls you closer to himself and you gasp softly from the sudden proximity.
“Should we head out to get some fresh air?” He asks, handing you one of the beers.
“Yeah, fresh air sounds great!” You smile.
Your hand entwined with Conrad's, you both walk out to the pool area and sit side by side, dipping your feet in water. The party rages on inside and while you enjoyed it immensely, it's nice to take a break and listen to your thoughts again. Nostalgia of every summer that you've spent here ever since moving to Cousins when you were kids washes over you and you blink back tears, Conrad wraps an arm around you, pulling you closer and you rest your head on his shoulder.
“I miss Susannah.”
“Me too.”
“Remember when she threw us a welcome party?” You look up at Conrad, smiling and his lips curl upwards in a smile at the memory.
“You mean the party where you tried to convince us that pizza tastes better with peanut butter on top?” He mimes barfing.
“Hey, that was one time! Besides, you were the very first one to try it out.” You hit him playfully in the chest, laughing.
“Yeah well, maybe because I've never been able to say no to you, also your puppy eyes are deadly!” Conrad looks down at you adoringly, his blue eyes soft as he tucks a lock of hair behind your ear.
You blush, looking down at your lap and then look back at him again.
“God, you're so beautiful.” Conrad whispers as he cups your face, his thumb gently caressing your cheek, moonlight washing over you both and you close your eyes, giving into the warmth of his touch.
“That day at the pool, you said that my eyes are the most beautiful shade of blue you've ever seen and that you want to get lost in them. What if I say that every time I look into your eyes, I'm unable to look anywhere else, I'm lost in your beautiful eyes. What if I say that every time I look at you, my heart feels as if it'd beat out of my chest. What if I say that every time when you walk in through the door, all I want to do is take you in my arms, kiss you and tell you how incredibly lucky I am to have you in my life and that everytime you leave after summer's over, a piece of my heart goes with you.”
“Connie..” You speak, your heart beating a mile per minute.
“If I don't tell you how I feel tonight, I might never have the chance to do so. I love you, most ardently, I am in love with you and I never wish to be parted from you from this day on.” Conrad says, looking into your eyes, holding both of your hands in his and tears pool your eyes realizing that he just quoted your most favourite, timeless declaration of love from your most favourite book.
You remember talking his ear off about your love for Pride and Prejudice, about Elizabeth and Darcy being the OG enemies to lovers during the long summer afternoons when you both would be relaxing by the poolside with chilled glasses of lemonade, sometimes you would read to him too and Conrad had gifted you a hardcover edition of Pride and Prejudice with illustrations on your birthday.
It's one of your most special gifts and one of your most prized possessions till date.
You take a deep, calming breath, ready to bare your heart to him as well.
“My life has never been the same ever since I walked up to your front door with cookies and you answered the door with your serene blue eyes and your warm smile that reached up to them, the way my heart skips a beat when you hold me close everytime we watch horror movies, the way I want to kiss you everytime you get chocolate on your nose from your favorite donuts and everytime I leave after summer's over, a piece of my heart stays with you. I love you, I love you too, Conrad Fisher.”
You both look into each other's eyes for a few moments letting the words, the feelings sink in, before inching closer. When his lips touch yours, you melt into him, your arms wrapping around his shoulders while his wrap around your waist pulling you closer. The kiss is soft, sweet, full of promises and you both part with a sigh before Conrad kisses you again, a little passionate this time.
“I love you Connie.”
“I love you more.”
“So boyfriend, should we head inside? I wanna dance and would love do so with your arms around me.” You ask, pressing a kiss to his lips before getting up and pulling him up as well.
“Would love to girlfriend, just give me a few more minutes because I'm not done kissing you yet.” Conrad smiles before leaning in to kiss you again.
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mvltisstuff · 1 year
could you do a jealous conrad fic?
don’t blame me - c.f
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summary: request
conrad fisher x reader
a/n: thank you for the request <33
conrad felt bad for what he did, or he thought he felt bad. he knew it was for the best, but he saw how let down y/n was.
he had to, though. he new this new guy was bad news. y/n was just his new target, someone who didn’t know what he was all about. this guy just used girls left and right for his own gain. conrad just wanted her to be ok in the end. she’d be more hurt if conrad didn’t stop it.
she was trying to ignore everything in her mind that she had for conrad. y/n always admired him. he was always her favorite, and days were better when conrad was in them. she was scared to fall in love with him so fast, because her biggest fear is pushing him away. on the other hand, conrad was undoubtedly falling for y/n very quickly. he panicked, he didn’t know what to do but to stop whatever she’s doing.
it all rooted from jealousy, but it branched out into protection of y/n and her precious heart. he wouldn’t dare to watch it break when he could do something about it. so, he scouted for the phone number of the boy y/n was seeing. he tried so hard to force him to stay away from y/n, and just to leave her alone. but, of course, the stubbornness got the best of the other party, and he wanted more. y/n was an easy girl to just add to your body count and get things you need from her to him. to conrad, she was more. she could easily become his whole world.
that’s when the deal was made. conrad paid the guy to stop seeing y/n. conrad figured it would only last until he found another girl, so he obliged. even though y/n wasn’t head over heels for this guy, it still hurt watching him slowly get less interested. she watched as he stopped answering and started making excuses. naturally, y/n thought she was the problem, when that was the furthest from the truth. she wasn’t the problem, she was the solution.
she was dragged by the ear to this bonfire. all her friends were there, but belly was the one who truly wanted her to come. she slipped on a nice outfit, and went out anyway. she sipped at another truly and eyed conrad with his beer. he was doing the most simple task, talking and drinking with his friends. y/n swore she saw an angel in front of her, though. his short curl that came in front of his forehead, the shining of his gleaming eyes and smile. there was never a part of conrad, inside and out, that y/n didn’t praise in her mind.
her night was going smoothly, until he arrived. he walked in with a few others hanging off his shoulder, surrounded by his friends. he pushed the girls off and walked over to conrad. “hey, buddy!”
“listen, man-“
“uh-uh, where’s my money?” he asks conrad, making y/n’s face scrunch in confusion as she stands up.
“i already gave you what you asked for.”
“this was your fucking idea, fisher!” conrad stands up, leveling his eyes with the guy in front of him. he notices y/n to the side, looking almost fearful about what the two may be interacting about. “if you don’t want to pay me, that’s fine, just know that it’s now your name she’ll be screaming tonight.”
just then, something flicked on in conrad. his instinct to connect his fist with his face was awoken, carrying out the act. everyone heard the clean punch on the boys jaw, causing him to fall back into his friends arms. they push him to the side, stepping up to conrad, trying to make themselves seem taller. “yeah, let them fight your battles like a pussy. don’t even go near her again.”
conrad walks off the beach, disappearing into the grassy hills on the beach. y/n storms after him, tuning out the calls from her friends or anyone else shouting her name.
“conrad!” she yells.
“y/n, i’m just gonna go home-“
“what was that? and you’re not just walking away because you’ve been off around me for weeks. ever since he stopped seeing me,” she grabs his arm as he tries to turn away, looking at his reddening knuckles. “you’re explaining everything to me.”
she walks with him back to the fishers beach house, summoning away to a bathroom and closing the door. she takes out a first aid kit, and starts caring for his sore hand. “i’m sorry.”
“for what?” y/n asks.
“i never wanted to hurt you, and i need you to know that.”
“conrad,” she sighs. “i know you’d never hurt me. please just tell me what’s going on.”
“he’s not a good guy. at all. he was just using you. i didn’t want to break your heart by telling you so i tried to just let you down easy. so i told him to stay away from you, and he asked for money.”
y/n pauses, looking into his eyes feeling nothing but lost. she didn’t know if she should be pissed at conrad, or at anyone else. he could’ve just said something. she looks away, “oh.”
“no, no,” he says, putting his ok hand on her chin, bringing her eyes back up to meet his. “but i need you to know how much i’m falling for you. i wish i could take every second back that i never told you. but i’ve been falling deeper for you every single day. you can be pissed off or whatever you want but i needed you to know-“
she cuts of his blabbing by placing her lips against his, letting his words be cut off by the kiss. she lets his hand rest on the side of her face as he just moves deeper into the kiss. before anything progresses, she pulls away. “you’re an idiot if you think i haven’t been wanting you this whole time. i just wish you told me instead of bargaining behind my back.”
“you’ll never have to worry about that again. you’re mine now, and i’ll make sure of it.”
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evermoresversion · 2 months
ㅤㅤ♡⃕ ﹙falling for you, conrad fisher. chapter three.﹚
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PAIRING Conrad Fisher x Fem!Reader
TW/TAGS Established relationship, fluff, marriage proposal, mention of pregnancy.
SUMMARY After everything you've been through, you and Conrad decide the future of your relationship.
SONG Paper Rings by Taylor Swift.
"Where we go?" you asked Conrad as he guided you somewhere on the beach while you had your eyes covered with a blindfold.
It had been at least two years since what happened with Belly.
"Just wait a little bit." you could hear the smile on his lips and there was a moment where he let go of you.
"Connie?" you asked with a bit of worry but it dissipated when you heard his voice again.
"I'm here, hon." You waited until he gave the next instruction. "Walk a couple of steps forward."
"I'm not going to fall, am I?" you heard him let out a soft laugh.
"No, love, trust me."
You sighed and did as he asked, thus coming across his body, from which you took his forearms with your hands so as not to fall.
"I got you, I got you." he assured. "Take off the blindfold."
Once again you obeyed him and blinked several times to get used to the sudden change in light while Conrad adjusted your hair that had been messed up.
Once you could see clearly a big smile formed on your lips.
"We are in...?" You asked, looking into his eyes and observing a shine in them that you were sure was the same in yours.
"Yes, we are in the same place where..."
"We kissed for the first time." You both said in unison while you watched the beach and he admired you.
"Yeah." he smiled.
"This part of the beach is even prettier at night." you mentioned and your gaze finally landed on Conrad and he looked at you with love and adoration. Despite so much time together, he still managed to make you nervous.
"I thought about making dinner for you but everything would probably have burned, so I might as well pass on that option." He mentioned with a sly smile of embarrassment and you smiled, caressing the back of his hand with your thumb.
"It's perfect anyway." You murmured, observing everything in detail. "Did you decorate it yourself?"
"Yeah, yeah," he scratched the back of his neck, looking at everything as well and then at you. "Do you like it?"
"Are you kidding me? I love it. I love the vintage lights and the detail of the petals. Thanks, Connie." You smiled gratefully and he leaned down to peck your lips.
"Everything to see you happy."
Your attention was diverted to one of the nearby trees, some photos were hanging on it. You approached to see it up close and sure enough, they were photos of both of you.
"Connie this is beautiful..." as you turned to look at him, he was kneeling on one knee in front of you, holding the most beautiful ring you had ever seen in your life.
"y/n, we have been through so much together that I think we deserve a happy ending, I wanna teach you how forever feels like, I want to wake up with you every morning, spend the rest of my life with you and grow old together. You are everything I was looking for and I finally found it, so I won't let you go, I will take care of your heart as the most precious thing I have, you are everything to me. Do you want to marry me?"
Some tears threatened to come out of your eyes and a look of panic appeared on Conrad's face at your silence, but he sighed in relief the moment you began to nod effusively.
"Yes! Of course I want to marry you." Conrad got up from the ground, gently took your hand, put the ring on your finger, kissing your hand and took your face to kiss you lovingly.
"We're going to be very happy, you won't regret it." He murmured against your lips and you kissed him again excitedly.
At that moment you didn't need anything more than each other.
Deep down you have never needed it.
disclaimer ── evermoresversion © 2024.
TAGLIST OF THE SERIES : @ilovefamousmen11 @elcpsstuff @j-u-hs-world @akornsworld @conradfisherswifesstuff @sarcasm-and-stiles @nctma15
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buckyssexcmetalarm · 6 months
ngl i’m tired of these reductive generalised comparisons of cole = conrad and alex = jeremiah because while the similarities between shows are glaringly obvious, this is just a bad take.
clearly conrad and cole are both the broody yet caring older brothers while jeremiah and alex are the friendly and sweet younger brothers, but the comparisons end there. and to be honest, it’s a disservice to your precious conrad fisher to equate him to cole simply based on you shipping him more with jackie. not even two dimensional shitty book conrad intentionally would’ve amped up the flirting with belly while her and jere were clearly together. i don’t give a shit whether cole had feelings for jackie, as soon as her and alex got together he should’ve taken an automatic step back. not to mention that cole’s safety blanket of “not doing relationships” is really just the douchiest excuse in the book to openly treat women badly, play with their feelings and get away with it. he deserved everything he got at that bonfire for how he was treating ellen and the other girls and his brother’s relationship. for a man who spent whole episodes swearing up and down he would never have stolen alex’s girlfriend he really didn’t have any problem doing exactly that. so, no cole is not conrad, really his behaviour aligns more closely with jeremiah if we’re really being honest here.
i know we’re supposed to see beneath cole’s hard exterior and recognise his heart of gold and his true love for jackie despite everything, but i just can’t. regardless of alex’s clingyness he’s still leagues better than cole and did not deserve what was done to him.
besides, i happen to like them clingy, sweet and freckled.
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arkhamjack · 3 months
CW for gore and suicidal ideation (TriMax Vol. 7) also Spoiler warning!
EDIT: I am a drama queen and just assume a lot of Trimax readers misinterpreted this scene bc I saw like only two people do it but I’m also using this as an excuse to yap about Vash and Knives’ personalities bc it was super interesting in this volume ok byyeee read on:
Is it just me or is the majority of the fandom under the impression that it was Knives who stabbed Rem?? Because it was actually Vash. Which I think says a lot about their actual personalities vs how the fandom perceives them.
Analysis under the cut!
In classic Nightow fashion, it's hard to figure out wtf is going on and you gotta read over it multiple times, but look:
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After the discovery of Tesla, Knives faints and is placed in a little incubator thing or whatever and Vash laments the fact he remained awake to mull over the horrors. From this point on, Knives is not in the picture bc he's busy honk mimimi (which is actually something he employs as a coping mechanism throughout the story... his precious beauty sleep...)
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Now, Vash is refusing to eat and lashes out at Rem, expressing his disdain for being stuck on a spaceship with all these nasty humans.
Rem once again tries to get Vash to eat, peeling him a fruit.
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Vash lunges for the knife and attempts to stab himself, but Rem stops him.
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Vash is locked in a reactive state - he's in shock and acting out. This is where I think ppl miss the mark in interpreting the twins and why Vol. 7 is so important.
Vash can actually be nasty as hell. He ain't all that babygirl. His silly goofy facade is a way of integrating himself into the human world sure - but it's also lying to himself. He's impulsive, stubborn, and dare I say arrogant with his Messianic martyr type shit. (EDIT: I’m being a bit harsh here… I mean yeah he’s the only person on Gunsmoke who’s got a chance against Knives but like getting up in townspeople’s business gets really annoying imo like I understand why he does it but man…that’s why we’ve got Wolfwood bc narrative foil and whatever… anyway)
Knives on the other hand, internalises everything. Though he may appear to be the one who lashes out, and yes of course he's also arrogant, but it's mostly projection. He is in a MAD state of denial. For all his talk of being a superior being, that humans are icky and should all perish, yada yada yada, he actually wishes for love and acceptance - he wants to be safe.
Obviously, his head is too far up his ass to admit it, and he's always too busy tweaking about how annoying Vash is and blaming Rem for everything to actually try and sit down and think of better ways to do things but ANYWAY
(You know who else's head is up their ass? Vash. The twins are actually so alike if you really study them!! Anywayyyy)
That was Knives' whole deal from THE VERY BEGINNING. Knives was the one to cry in relief when Conrad and the crew accepted them, not Vash. Vash was more like "ok cool! life might not be so bad! yipee!" and then Knives had to Big Fall about his internalised plantphobia or whatever etc etc.
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The stabbing occurs. Again, hard to tell it's actually occurring bc Nightow, but yeah Vash stabbed Rem. Not Knives! Bro has passed out for a couple days now lol.
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More evidence it's Vash - Vash was the one to express feeling suicidal. Knives cannot express anything to save his life bc he's the king of internalisation and deflection and projection lmao. Also yeah he's still eeping.
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Oh look! He rises! Completely unaware of the drama that has unfolded! Not that he'd care! He's set on a mission to hurl humanity to the dust bowl of Gunsmoke! Little scamp.
Ok take from all that what you will!
Thanks for reading <3
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multifand0mbabe · 2 years
The way that after giving that punch, right away Conrad turned around and gently cradled Billie's face in his hands to see if she was hurt, to make sure his girl was okay!
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grapejuicestyless · 9 months
hi, hope you're well! i was wondering if you could write something for conrad based on the song my love mine all mine by mitski? i've been obsessed with it lately and it reminds me off him 💖
My Love, Mine All Mine.
Conrad Fisher x fem!reader
summery: Y/n has always gave too much. She always loved, believed too easily. She can’t control what others will do with that, but she can control how she loves.
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Sorting through the shiny papers, the corners cut into my skin with each photo I crumpled up, tossing it into the shadows. Each memory ingrained forever on a film that would only taunt me with the past.
I hate the way the sun shined through the leaves in each one. How the sand looked so soft under our feet, the ocean bluer than any summer sky could every paint it now. I am reminded of how vibrant the world became with him in my life, when he was mine.
I say that he was mine loosely. I am unsure if I even have the ability to own something so pretty, so precious. If I ever even did. I remember the way my hands would run through his salty curls after a beach day. How he would hold me extra tight, we’d only bring one towel to share. His lap was soft, shorts scrunched up and dripping still.
I think of his lips on mine. How perfectly they fit on mine. I remember how desperate each kiss was. Not once had he ever made it seem like if it were to go no further we would cease to exist, but he was feverish enough with each lick into my mouth where I knew no matter what, he would never be satisfied. He always wanted more, more, more. How foolish of me to believe it was because he could simply not get enough of me, not because I was not enough.
He was kind, showing me affection in ways he swore would only ever be for me. He decorated his walls with love letters and Polaroids of us, of me. He had stacks of our adventures in an old shoebox under his bed for when I was away and he was missing me. He reminded me everyday how much he adored me. Counting down the seconds until he could hold me in his arms. He promised me it was a feeling that nobody else could ever give him. A heart rush that only ever came over him when my name was involved.
So why does he look at her that way? Why must his eyes carry the same shimmer of lust in them that he once held for me? I see the way his hands grip at her hips, her thighs. It’s animalistic in a way, primal. He wants her, needs her. He’s hers.
I remember the night I discovered their secret. My lover and my sister hand in hand one late June night. I stood still on the grass watching over them. My tears came out dry. I couldn’t even try and sob, let myself break. With his leaving just months ago, I’d already rung myself dry of any tears I had left.
It’s funny how something that once made you feel special can make you feel so sick so suddenly. What once gave me a reason for my living killed me so suddenly.
I knew I was always destined to die, to burn out and disappear. I never imagined how it would’ve happened at the hands of the two I trusted the most in my life. Looking up at the moon that night, I prayed to forget, to heal so suddenly. Rid me of the ache in my heart and replace it with a cold emptiness.
He holds her while she sits in my spot on the couch. She laughs at the jokes I told him that now spew from his lips. Her hands find home in his hair and the towel we once shared as become theirs. It’s all reused, it’s the same. He makes her feel special, wanted, lusted after. He’s a damn good actor, he fools the whole damn world with his cruel games.
Now I know better than anyone that when calling him mine, I must use it loosely. At some time, he might have been. The photos I tear up in my room are only proof of our years spent together. Two summers spent doting on each other. He was with me, but could I call him mine? If he left so easily, did he ever even need me? Want me?
I hold the final photo in my hands, the moon shines down on us. We’re only young in the photograph. His cheek is pressed to mine, our smiles touch. We look so free, so happy. I feel guilty if I were to rip it up when it still feels so happy.
Grabbing a pin from the bedside table, I poke it into the wall beside my mountains of other places and people I’ve seen. It sticks out, like it’s been highlighted in bright red. It stings to look at, but it reminds me of a better time, a time when I believed I had the ability to have good things.
Now I know, nothing in this world belongs to me. Not my baby, not my sister’s loyalty. Not my mother, not my brother. I have no control over anything. Yet, each time I allow myself to believe that I do. That I mean something. I pay a price for the immaturity of my heart. I act a fool over the smallest affections, the most discrete love. And I watch as each time it is taken away, leaving me with a heavy chest and a heart far too full for my body. Nothing in this world is mine for free. Nothing in this world belongs to me but my love, mine all mine.
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nade2308 · 2 years
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imtryingbuck · 2 months
Too Late part two
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~ gif not mine credit to owner ~
Pairing: Steve Rogers x fem!Reader. Fem!Reader x Conrad (whoever you picture)
Summary: part two of Too Late
Word count: 2,613
Warnings: angst. fluff. lies? Steve makes an appearance. 
Part 1
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Now in the two years since she had left she finally felt at peace, she found herself.
For close to a year Conrad would visit Y/n in her little sanctuary that sat alone in the woodland area, for those months Y/n didn’t trust him of course she didn’t he was a member of Hydra, the bad guys who spend years and years destroying the goodness that was James Buchanan Barnes, destroyed and killed those that didn’t bow down to them and abide by their rules.
And while yes Conrad decided not to put a bullet in her head like she had asked for him to do, choosing to open her eyes to the betrayal, he chose to give her a second chance in life he was still the guy apart of a terrible organisation.
Even though she didn’t trust him she did have to admit that she appreciated his help, appreciated his company. Every time he visited he brought supplies and food for her, he even showed up once with a van that had a ray of different livestock in the back so she could start a little farm up like she had wanted to do.
Y/n tried, she really did try to not get too comfortable with Conrad but he was just so easy to talk to about everything and anything, she appreciated that he never once mentioned Steven and his betrayal with Natasha. She hated how funny he was, she hated how much she missed him when he left to go back to the monstrous organisation that was Hydra. Hated how he occupied her mind when he wasn’t there helping around the house fixing things and only accepting a nice cold glass of homemade lemonade from her.
She definitely hated how much he looked so attractive when he chopped fresh firewood for her.
She especially hated that.
It wasn’t fair, he was supposed to be the enemy yet he had treated her better in those few months than anyone had ever.
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It had been exactly four months, three weeks and two days since Conrad had last been to visit and she hated it. Though she had the many animals to keep her company she had to admit she was kind of going a bit crazy.
Molly the cow would look at her like she was insane when Y/n would be perch upon on the wooden little stool that Conrad had made for her, talking to the cow as she milked her. Y/n swore that one time the black spotted animal rolled her eyes at the woman once.
Y/n walked into the pigpen fussing over the month old piglets that were the most precious little things she had ever laid eyes on. When her leg was knocked she looked down to see Grumpy, named perfectly for his grumpiness, she patted him on his head telling him to hold on for food, chuckling lightly when he snorted in response. The moment she finished putting the food in the trough she heard the unmistakable sound of a car coming up the gravelled driveway.
Nobody had ever come up to where she lived apart from…
“H-he’s back” she mumbled to herself before dropping the bucket with a clank and running out finding herself nearly tripping over her own foot when she had to turn back around to shut the gate of the pigpen.
Running to the front of the house she saw the same car Conrad always came in, her eyebrows pulled together when she saw two figures sitting in the front, as the car got closer her heart started beating faster as she noticed Conrad and another figure she had come to know because of Steve.
“Y/n-“ Conrad shouts as soon as he gets out of the driver side door “-god I’ve missed you” he jogs over to her and wraps his arms around her frame, pulling back when he notices she doesn’t hug him back but is staring at the other person who stands by the car. “I can explain everything I promise”
“It’s nice seeing you again Y/n.”
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Two sets of eyes moved back and forth as Y/n paced around in front of them. One was nervous the other didn’t care about her reaction, well lack of one. Conrad went to speak but the other person in the room shook their head.
“Y-you lied-“
“I didn’t lie-“
“You didn’t tell me the truth!”
“Because I couldn’t, I’m sorry Y/n”
“It’s true Y/n. He couldn’t tell you the truth”
The truth being that Conrad was never a member of Hydra but a SHIELD agent. He had been undercover for four years. There were a handful of agents that were sent undercover and Conrad was one of them, the plan was to take Hydra down from the inside.
From what Conrad had said that it had worked, they had successfully captured members of Hydra one by one.
“Bu-but your meant to be the enemy”
“Yet you trusted him”
Y/n’s eyes squinted at the man sat next to Conrad “I understand that I’ve got real bad judgment when it comes to trusting men Fury”.
“I understand your confused but to be honest Conrad never lied to you-“
“I’ve been thinking he’s the bad guy from the moment he kidnapped me!”
“And yet you trusted him enough to let him come into your home”
“I-shut up. Okay so why are you telling me now?”
“I’ll let him fill you in on that. I’m going to go, it was nice meeting you again Y/n, truly. Goodbye”
Y/n watches Fury stand up fixing his trench coat before nodding to both of them then leaving. Taking the car with him. Leaving with a promise, promising her that Steve doesn’t and will never know that she’s alive.
Conrad’s eyes never moved away from Y/n, patting the seat next to him sighing a breath of relief when she sits. “I’m sorry for not telling you the truth about me, I wasn’t allowed to.”
“No I understand, sorry for overreacting”
“You didn’t-“ he chuckles “I missed you”
“I missed you too”
“So I erm I-I told Fury I want to retire and he’s accepted it, bu-but I was wondering i-if you would have me, here I mean”
“You want to say here? With me?”
“I haven’t got any family anymore a-and I feel happy here”
Conrad hated the silence that followed, he was about to tell her that it didn’t matter, that he would still come to visit, that he was sorry for overstepping when she finally spoke.
“We’ve got piglets. They are the cutest things ever, want to come look?”
“Well yeah you live here now so…”
He moved so fast wrapping his arms around her, bringing her into his chest. Mumbling thank you over and over again.
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In a way Conrad went off script when he took Y/n from her shared apartment with Steve, it was Hydra’s plan all along. The plan was to find a way to destroy Captain America. They had heard from a Hydra agent that was undercover with SHIELD that America’s golden boy had a girlfriend but was cheating on her with the black widow. The plan was to use Y/n as a way to get Steve to stop destroying their ‘hard work’. They were going to blackmail him, telling him that they won’t tell Y/n about his straying ways as long as he did what they said.
It was foolproof as the double agent told them that Steve was in love with Y/n.
Even though he had been cheating on her with someone she thought was her friend.
But Conrad knew that Hydra would hurt her just to get Steve to break. And that wasn’t something he could stand by and watch so he told the team he had been in charge of that he had gotten word that it was time to go ahead and kidnap Y/n. He did have to admit that it was admirable that she put up a fight against ten men who were ten times bigger than her, he hated it when Mitch punched her.
Due to having eyes on him he had to act as if the tears that were coming out from her pretty eyes wasn’t bothering him when she watched her boyfriend and friend sleeping together. When the Avengers showed up he couldn’t stop his eyes from rolling as Steve tries to make a pathetic attempt at explaining his betrayal. He did have to force himself to stifle the laugh that tried to make its way out when Natasha had tears in her eyes hearing that she meant nothing to Steve.
Conrad’s heart clenched at hearing that she was pregnant because she had already asked him to kill her, a thing that he agreed to do even if he didn’t want to. But hearing that she had lost her unborn baby made his heart clench even harder.
Getting her out of the rundown facility was easy as his team were to focused on keeping their eyes and guns trained on the Avengers. Getting her to the farmhouse that sat alone in the middle of nowhere was easy even if she was driving him mad when she kept asking him where he was taking her.
Fury found out that it was Conrad that had ‘killed’ Y/n a few months back when he had to meet the man to talk about how the progress was going. Fury was angry. He had met Y/n a handful of times he thought she was sweet, nice, definitely didn’t deserve to have her life to be ended the way it was. That was until Conrad told him the truth.
For the four months, three weeks and two days since he hadn’t seen her it had drove him insane he wanted so badly to reach out to her and let her know that he was thinking about her, that he was definitely coming back to her. Fury made him go no contact with her until the dust settled around them.
Conrad begged Fury not to let Steve know about Y/n being alive or where she was, Nick wasn’t a stupid man he knew that Conrad had clearly grown fond of Y/n. Finding out what Steve had done, he gave the man pacing around in his office his word. Steve would never find out.
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“Con! We’ve got a runner!” Y/n screamed trying to chase after one of the pigs who decided to make a run for it. “She’s coming your way”
“I’ve got eyes on her! I’ve got her!” He cheered picking up the animal, who actually sighed in defeat.
“Shes so fast it’s unbelievable”
“I know, she was on a mission to get away” he laughed placing the pig back down into the pen.
“Her mission fail- what?”
“I love you”
“I love you too”
“Gimme a kiss- wait…”
It had been two years since Conrad had joined Y/n at the farmhouse after retiring, in those two years Conrad had confessed his feelings for her, he understood that she probably needed some time since how her last relationship had ended so he was completely shocked when she jumped into his arms and kissed him. Through them two years they lived happily in complete ignorance of the world around them.
“What?” Following Conrad’s eyes looking up at the sky she frowned. “That’s one of SHIELD’s jets Con…”
“I know. Stay close to me okay”
They watch in silence as the jet lowers on the field just at the back of their home, the door comes open and the ramp begins to descend. They share confused glances at seeing no one making an appearance, when someone finally stands in the doorway Y/n gasps.
It’s been four years to that day since she last saw him. Those four years weren’t kind to him honestly. His hair was longer and he was even sporting a beard. He looked bigger in muscle though his face was slimmer, his once bright blue eyes were now sunken and dull.
“H-how did he find us?” She whispered unable to move her eyes away from him.
Steve Rogers had found them.
And unfortunately was now making his way down the ramp.
Since Y/n had her eyes trained on his approaching figure she didn’t notice the rest of the Avengers making their exit from the jet. Even Loki and Bruce were there.
“You-you made out that you’ve been dead for four years and yet here you are shacking it up with the enemy” his voice was deeper than it use to be.
“How did you find her?” Conrad asked standing in front of her, not liking the way Steve’s eyes moved up and down her body.
“You let me believe that you was dead baby, for four years I’ve-“
“What are you doing here?” She cut him off.
“Fury. He’s not as sneaky as he thinks.”
“Why are you here Steven?”
“I want you back” Steve states as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world.
“Not happening. Leave all of you”
“Baby I made a mistake-“
“Don’t come any closer Rogers. I mean it” it’s now Conrad’s turn to interrupt him. Steve cocks his head to the side and laughs. But does as the other man says.
“He’s Hydra baby-“
“He was undercover for SHIELD. Please leave now”
“Is that what he told you?”
“It’s what Fury told me. Leave”
“Just come home okay, I can be better please baby I love you”
“I’m already home. Tony, Bucky please get him gone”
Bucky looks at her with an unreadable expression on his face “it’s nice to see you again Y/n/n. Come on Steve she’s happy here let-“
“No. No because she isn’t. She can’t just run away and pretend she’s dead-“
“You was cheating on me Steven. With my so called friend as well. I’m happy here, I don’t want you anymore”
“Natasha meant and still means nothing to me baby, it was a mistake, one that I want to make up for. Please just come home”
“I don’t care, I stopped caring about you and her a long time ago. I won’t ask-“
“Just come home!” Steve shouts cutting her off.
“She is home! Just leave and move on”
Standing there Steve shakes his head slowly before looking back up to Y/n. “D-do you really love him?”
“I do”
“Does he make you happy?”
“He does”
Nodding, defeat and acceptance written on his face. “I really am sorry for everything I did Y/n, I-I never wanted to hurt you, I’m sorry truly.”
Leaving Conrad’s side she walks closer to Steve, standing in front of the man who she loved so much, the man who broke her heart. “I forgive you Steve, I’m happy now. Conrad is a great person and he makes me happy”
“I’m glad. I-I’ll always love you Y/n. Goodbye” Steve says before walking backwards and turning around to walk up to the jet. Everyone all except Natasha nods or waves to Y/n before following their captain.
Watching the jet leave Conrad moves closer to her wrapping his arms around her waist, kissing her neck. “You alright my love?”
“I’m more then alright, come on I’m starving and let’s not forget I am eating for two”
Hand in hand with Conrad she walks into their farmhouse seeing the positive side to seeing Steve again, it felt like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders.
At first Steve cheating on her was the worst thing that ever happened to her, but now four years later she was finally happier than ever before with the man who loves her and their unborn baby.
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Tags: @imcinnamoons | @pigeonmama | @vicmc624 | @capsbestgirl77
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conrad fisher x reader fanfic when they're secretly hooking up but nobody knows because reader is best friends with belly and belly likes conrad?
Thank you so much for your request! I really hope you enjoy reading this! :)
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The scorching sun beat down upon the pristine sands of Cousins Beach, its intensity mirrored by the searing passion that simmered between Conrad Fisher and me. Our love, once hidden in stolen moments, grew bolder, igniting a desire that demanded to be explored.
In the depths of the night, when the world was cloaked in shadows, Conrad and I sought solace in each other's arms. Our stolen kisses grew more fervent, our touches more insistent, as the hunger within us intensified. The line between friendship and desire blurred, and the embers of our secret romance burned brighter.
But as our love bloomed, so did the stakes. Belly, my closest friend, became entangled in the web of emotions we wove. Unbeknownst to her, her own feelings for Conrad fanned the flames of jealousy and longing, turning the once innocent friendship into a battleground of desire and betrayal.
The tension in our trio grew palpable, like electricity crackling in the air before a storm. The stolen moments and whispered promises became fuel for the fire of drama that threatened to consume us all. The weight of our secret became an unbearable burden, casting dark shadows on our once carefree summer.
One fateful day, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting an orange hue over the ocean, Belly's suspicions grew too strong to ignore. She confronted us, her voice trembling with a mix of hurt and accusation. The truth spilled forth, revealing our hidden affair, tearing at the delicate fabric of our friendship.
Belly's eyes welled with tears, her heart shattered by the revelation. Betrayal laced her words as she lashed out, unleashing the pain and anger that had simmered beneath her facade of innocence. The fallout was inevitable, the fractures in our relationships threatening to sever the ties that had once bound us so tightly.
In the midst of the chaos, Conrad and I were forced to confront the consequences of our actions. We realized that the intensity of our love had blinded us to the collateral damage we had inflicted upon our friendship. Regret washed over us like waves crashing against the shore, leaving us gasping for forgiveness.
But within the tempest of emotions, a glimmer of hope emerged. Belly, in her vulnerability, found the strength to forgive, understanding the complexities of the heart and the unpredictable tides of desire. She chose to rebuild what had been broken, embracing the messy entanglement of love, friendship, and forgiveness.
And so, amidst the backdrop of a tumultuous summer, we embarked on a journey of redemption. Conrad and I vowed to protect our love while nurturing the bonds that had withstood the test of time. The nights grew quieter, the stolen kisses more precious, as we discovered the true meaning of love's depth and the fragility of trust.
In the wake of our shared secrets and whispered confessions, a newfound equilibrium settled over Cousins Beach. The once scorching flames of desire transformed into a gentle warmth, a love that burned steadfastly, knowing the scars of our mistakes and the resilience of our hearts.
As the sun set on our final days at the beach, we stood together, a trio forever changed by the journey we had embarked upon. The memories of stolen kisses and fiery passion would forever be etched in the sands of Cousins Beach, a testament to the tempestuous nature of love and the enduring bonds of friendship.
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ist4rgirlo · 11 months
─── 𝐛𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐝 - 𝐜.𝐟 : 𝐈𝐕
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Summary: Being Belly & Steven’s older sibling has it’s pros and cons. protecting them and taking care of them is a must, but do you really have to put their feelings first instead of your own?
Prev ; Next || Conrad Fisher x fem!reader || My blog
Warnings: fighting, angst, yelling, accusations, swearing, crying, panic attack. JUST MOSTLY ANGST (lmk if i missed anything!)
It was the morning after the movie night. I woke up and realized that I wasn’t in my own bedroom, I was in Conrads. He might’ve carried me up here instead of my room. I tried to wake myself up so that I can get out of this room immediately.
I got out of the covers looking at the clock — it was already 11 in the morning so I went on and immediately walked to the door but as I open it I saw Belly — she was outside of Conrad’s room waiting — probably didn’t know that he was gone. She was surprised — shocked, betrayed seeing me there.
She looked at me, her brows furrowed. She chuckled sarcastically and scoffed, “Wow Y/N. Goodmorning to you, too.” she said, turning her back on me — running towards the stairs.
I panicked, she must’ve thought wrong “It’s not what it looks like Bells!” I yelled at her, trying to catch up to her. I messed up. I shouldn’t have let myself sleep on Conrad.
“Yeah?! that’s what they always say! You came out of Conrad’s room, Y/N!” Belly turned to me, she was at the end of the stairs — I saw Steven come in the view “Why were you in Conrad’s room? and where the fuck is Conrad?” Steven asked, looking at me — confused too.
I understand that she’s hurt, she probably felt betrayed. “I was in Conrad’s room but nothing happened! It’s not like that, will you just let me explain?!” I told Belly — walking down the stairs — we were in the living room now. She probably thought that I was a traitor. “You guys, why are you yelling? what is happening?” Mom asked, Susannah right behind her — her face filled with worry.
“I saw Y/N come out of Conrad’s room” Belly said looking down at her feet, crossing her arms. Jeremiah came into the view — walking towards me, standing by my side. “What do you mean you came out of his room? why were you there Y/N?” Mom looked at me, her brows furrowed.
“I woke up then I was just there, he might’ve carried me last night or something. I swear nothing else happened, Mom.” I told them, my face was still filled with worry. “Bullshit!” Belly yelled at me — she walked towards me and looked at me in the eyes.
“Belly, don’t scream at your sister like that!” Mom said, walking towards Belly — pulling her away from me before anything bad happens. I felt Susannah come up behind me — she held my hand guiding me away from Belly. “You know you could’ve just told me that you like Conrad. I can’t believe you Y/N, after me and Conrad kissed this is what you’re going to do? You know how much I like him!” Belly yelled again — still caught up on her emotions.
Steven was surprised, even Jeremiah “You and Conrad kissed? Since when?” Steven asked Belly, Belly looked at him — probably shocked about what she said, she didn’t mean to just blurt it all out. Her emotions took over her.
“On our date, we went to the beach after and that’s when we kissed” Belly looked at all of us, “So are you guys together?” Mom asked, smiling. It’s crazy how the mood just changed like that — like she wasn’t about to kill me earlier.
Belly smiled — trying to contain her giggle. “I guess so? Yeah?” Mom hugged her and said that it was great, Steven also smiled at her. “That’s good news, Bells. Just to clear everything, I don’t like Conrad. He’s all yours.” I told Belly, smiling at her gently. Not wanting to ruin this precious moment that they are having — I turned my back to them and walked towards the kitchen.
I acted like nothing happened — I sat down to eat my breakfast, I heard Susannah ask me “Hey, are you okay?” She said, she went beside me and rubbed my back. “Yeah, I’m happy for Belly. I’m glad that her and Conrad are together. I’m okay, Susannah.” I looked at her with a smile. She looked at me, her eyes filled with worry. “Are you happy because you’re happy or are you happy because your siblings are happy?”
I ask myself the same thing — am I truly happy because I am happy or am I just putting up a front for my siblings, for my mom. I really don’t know.
I looked at Susannah, I started to tear up. “I don’t know, Susannah. I don’t know If I am happy at all, whatever i’m doing is hurting me.” Susannah looked me, she put her hand on my cheek — caressing it. “Oh my special girl. Come here” she pulled me closer and hugged me.
“Thank you for always being here for me Susannah”
“Ofcourse, you’re my special girl” She smiled, her eyes gleamed.
“Promise me you won’t ever leave me” I looked up to her, smiling.
There was silence, it wasn’t an easy question to answer but still she said, “I’ll be by your side, forever. I promise” Susannah hugged me tighter.
I know that the future might do otherwise, thats what the fate is. Right now, I just want to enjoy and cherish my moments with Susannah. Cherish the moment of me being her special girl.
I was in the living room with Steven, we were playing a game that he pushed me to play because Conrad and Jeremiah wasn’t here so he made me play it with him.
“NOT THERE! there there there, NOOOO GO RIGHT, okay now go left” Steven yelled at me, determined to win. “OH MY FUCKING GOD, SHUT UP STEVEN! you’re stressing me out” I yelled back at him.
After awhile, we had a few rounds and there and then we tied. While Steven was in the kitchen getting some snacks for the both of us — I saw Laurel walking towards me, sitting beside me.
“So, what was that earlier?” Laurel asked — not looking at me, just looking at the screen. “What was what?” I asked, confused.
Laurel looked at me then turned to me. “That thing with Conrad, why were you in his room?”, I looked at her with my brow furrowed, “Mom I was just sleeping there. Remember last night? we were watching a movie? He probably went and carried me up to his room. That’s all, nothing else.” I explained to her.
“You know that him and Belly got something on right? they’re together now.”
“I know that, Mom”
“Then why did you sleep in his room? did something happen to you guys? you know you can tell me everythi-.”
“Mom! I just told you, nothing happened. I thought this conversation was over!” I groaned — she didn’t believe me, it’s like she wasn’t even listening to what I just said. Why was she acussing me of something I didn’t do? she knows that I can’t do this to Belly, I would never.
Mom turned herself away from me, leaning on the couch, “I don’t know why you’re acting so selfish right now. You know how much Belly likes Conrad. So please, don’t take this away from her” she said, crossing her arms.
My brows furrowed, shocked from what she just said, “Selfish? what do you mean selfish? how am I selfish when all I did was sleep in Conrad’s room? that wasn’t even my choice Mom! and I am not taking anything from her! She can have Conrad as much as she wants, I don’t fucking care!”
I yelled at her, frustrated. I didn’t even notice that I was already crying — I would never take anything away from my siblings, I care for them too much to do that.
“Don’t yell at me like that, Y/N. I am still your mother! I’m only saying this because I am worried about you and your sister. I don’t want you guys to fight about this! ” My mom yelled — hurt about how I answered her.
I scoffed, sure she was worried “Well I am sorry mom but… y-you’re hurting me right now. I can’t believe that you just called me selfish, after everything I’ve done? I-I’m sorry, this is too much for me.” I told her, I stood up from the couch then walked towards the door, as I was walking I saw Steven standing there in the kitchen looking at me, I looked back.
As he was about to walk towards me, I shook my head no then continued to walk out of the door. “God mom, you didn’t have to be so harsh to her. She’s going throught a lot of things too you know. She didn’t do anything wrong, you know yourself that she can’t do that to Belly.” Steven said.
“Steven stay out of this.”
“Well I’m sorry but they’re my sisters too, I care about them so I wont stay out of this.” Steven told my mom — mom just looked at him then stood up from the couch and then went back upstairs.
As I reached the beach, I felt my heart tighten. I felt my heart beat so fast — I couldn’t breathe, I just couldn’t. It was so hard for me, I was so hurt. I just saw myself sobbing, crying my emotions out.
How am I the selfish one when all I ever did was let Conrad have the choice, I decided to let him go for Belly. So why am I the selfish one? I was the one who got hurt — I was the one to let go of my feelings and prioritize other’s feelings first.
I tried to walk but it was hard, my knees were buckling. It was so hard to breathe, I need a second. I need to breathe.
“Y/N?” someone yelled. “P-please, just… just go.” I said, still struggling to breathe, tripping a little. I felt the person walk towards me
They grabbed my shoulder gently then they turned me — we were face to face now. I could see their eyes, it was a bit blurry but I immediately knew who it was.“You’re okay, you’re safe with me. Follow me yeah?” he instructed. He guided me to sit with him, we were kneeling in front of each other — face to face.
“Breathe in, breathe out. That’s good, there you go” he said as I followed his breathing. We did that for a minute until I calmed down. My heart was beating at a normal pace, I’m okay now.
He rubbed my back and pulled me closer. He sat down so that I can lean on him. I was now sitting between his legs — my back against his chest. “There you go, you’re okay. I’m here, you’re fine. No one’s gonna hurt you” he said, rubbing my shoulders. I felt myself fall asleep from exhaustion.
I felt safe, I felt secure. Today was exhausting, never expected that my day would end like this. I am just thankful that he’s there for me, because I wouldn’t know what to do if it wasn’t for him.
taglist : @maybankslover @urmomisafinewoman @user3729107491 @melllinaa @anthgoldenhrry @arunabrak @amj2277 @whoisalexa @remuslupinwifee @gulphulp @layanderson @astrvalee @goldenmoonbeam @podiumprincess @johannelis2302nely @silcintilla @smw-96 @apollo3475 @drikawinchester @fangirl-kimora @sanjanapm
hi! i hope that you are enjoying this fic so far! sorry if it was just angst for this one, i just had to :> thank you for everyone that’s reading and loving my work !! i appreciate all of you :))
sorry if there wasnt any conrad or jeremiah here (or is there?? 👀) LOL
lmk if you guys want me to tag you on th next part !! also feel free to request anything :))
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askvashthetyphoon · 1 year
A Precious Gift
 A Nai(Knives) x Fem! reader fic I made while high on mochas and pork buns lol
!!TW!! mentions of Pregnancy+ alien anatomy shit lol At the beginning it was purely professional.
You were one of the few plant researchers who could ‘understand’ the readings from the plants. Though nowhere near as effective as Vash at ‘healing’, you were usually able to bring them from the edge of panic and meltdown to some kind of homeostasis( at least, until Nai could get there). It was because of this that, during one of Nai’s raids of a human vessel, he took you in. Disposing of the others.
You’d never been happy with how the plants were treated, not from the beginning. But when Nai filled you in on the scope of the horrors, you couldn’t help but fill him in on what you knew of human history; exactly how, and why, the planet had been destroyed. You, like William Conrad, did your best to help Nai in his ongoing research and received your life as a reward.
You were attracted to him, though. Being around him was enough. Had you ever seen such a beautiful creature? The way the light from the screens were caught in a thousand rings of diamond blue? The way his hair so softly danced from the slight pressure of the underground vents, soft and feather-light?
And he knew it too, you could tell. The slight change of his downturned eyes; tightening just slightly in amusement. The catlike twitch of the corner of his mouth; almost a grin, but he’d never let a full one escape, of course. The way he’s let one of those deadly knife-ropes ‘accidentally’ brush against your shoulder, your thigh, as he went to grab something from around you. One evening about four or so months ago, everything had changed.
You’d shared a drink with him; some of the fancier stuff left behind on one of the SEED ships. It wasn’t as if Conrad would join you- he was far too melancholy for that. And drinking with Nai was better than drinking alone. It was sort of amusing to watch his reactions; he, apparently, could get drunk just like any other human.
“You want me.” He said, quietly, after a moment of content, drunken silence between the two of you after finishing off a few bottles together. You looked down into the red wine in utter embarrassment and swallowed another mouthful thickly.
“It’s understandable.” Nai paused, twirling the drink in a slow and almost contemplative way. His eyes were unusually dark tonight; a deep sapphire. Perhaps an effect of the wine. “We have those same disgusting, carnal needs as humans. I don’t indulge in them often except for with others of my kind. But…” He lifted his eyes and you felt your stomach drop. There was a buzzing, purring in the air. So thick, and electric, that you could almost see the energy.
“Tonight I will make an exception. Come.” You felt those long tentacles, a thousand, thousand knives, gently caressing your back as he stood and offered a hand to you. The metal was cold at the tips but warmer the closer to his torso. And his hand was surprisingly warm, and soft. Almost human.
You followed.
And learned quite a bit about the anatomy of the ‘male’ plants that night. And many nights thereafter. Between the legs, Nai was female. Which was quite the adventure for the both of you, since he’d never been introduced to fingers, toys, or any other forms of pleasure.  
However, he was certainly male in every other aspect. His strange knife-tentacles, when aroused, actually turned into something completely different. Roots. They were soft, gentle, white as snow. And with beautiful blue flowers that bloomed only after he’d finished deep inside of you. Sometimes he’d slide them in the more traditional way. Other times, they’d slip directly under your skin, somehow attaching right to your womb. Afterword, they’d be able to slide away, leaving only soft stickiness. No scars, no nothing. When you asked about it later, Nai explained sleepily about how the roots didn’t follow traditional rules of this world. That they were attached to the Higher Plane, just like Vash’s. And could sort of… do what they want. Slipping through things like walls and glass and bending the laws of physics at will. If you were really good, he’d treat you to the wings as well. Not the knife-wings that he used when fighting, but the sweet, feathered wonders that seemed infinitely huge when compared to your tiny body. But he didn’t treat you to those very often.
Between endometriosis and irregular periods, your reproductive system had been screwed up since birth, so you weren’t too worried about pregnancy. But it was strange. The more time you spent with him, the less your symptoms flared up, and the more regular your cycles became. It almost felt like he was healing you from the inside out. Not that that was possible.
At first he was a horrible, selfish lover. Only concerned with his own pleasure and leaving you frustrated and wanting every time you were together. But after a while you noticed quiet changes. Beginning to ask you what you liked. What made you feel good. Paying attention to your various noises and reactions (or lack thereof). Soon, he began to understand that it was far, far better when both parties got what they wanted, and adjusted your romps accordingly. At this point, it was about twice a week. Maybe more if it’d been a particularly frustrating week for the both of you.
But something in him was softening, slightly. Often, almost unconsciously, his knives would be around you when you worked together. One of two, sometimes even three strands, gently supporting your back. Guiding you down various hallways and away from potential dangers. They were always so clean; reflecting everything around them, and cool to the touch. He seemed to like it when you ran your hands gently over the edges, so lightly as to not cut yourself. He began to linger after your romps, clinging to your arm or leg and giving you a gaze you’d never seen before as he pulled you back into bed. You found yourself spending the night at his place, showering, and getting up early together for work more and more often.
Then, it started. You started feeling sick. Not horrible’ just a general overall shittiness. Tired no matter the amount of coffee. Nauseated. You ignored it at first, dedicated to your work. Nai noticed too and seemed both annoyed and concerned, growling and huffing at you to get your human disease under control since it was affecting the quality of your work. Yet, you could tell he was perplexed. Generally speaking, you  were very healthy.
The plants began to react differently too. Cooing and clicking and purring softly when you went into their rooms. It was very strange, and made your hair stand on end.
After the disease lingered on far longer than necessary, a thought came to your mind. After work, you  tracked back in your calendar when your shift was over, counting. Three months. Three months with no period! How had you not noticed? Your stomach dropped and you felt your gorge rising, having to cover your mouth to avoid throwing up your pathetically small breakfast.
Panicked, you pilfered one of the blood tests you used on the plants to determine pregnancy. A human pregnancy test wouldn’t work; the hormones were too different. No human growth hormones to detect.
It was positive.
If it was just a plant, Nai would destroy it. You knew that in the deepest core of your being. But… your hand lingered over the spot.
You didn’t want it gone. It was Nai’s. Somewhere you’d… fallen in love with him. The gentleness. The part of him that was still kind and loving, the part of him that only you ever got to see. The way his eyes opened so softly in the morning and he gave you that silly grin. The way his body curled around yours in the middle of the night, squeezing. As if making sure you were still there. His little pet names: you were his rabbit, his doe, his sweet little dove.
Getting rid of something that was a part of him, that was his, seemed like a terrible sin.
Your only choice was to run.
You booked the tickets, packed a small bag. Your heart was racing. Maybe, you’ll get lucky. Maybe Nai would be out on one of his errands this morning.
No such luck.
“You’re late.” He murmured, tapping his watch with one of his knives cooly as you tiptoed through the room. Using one of the tentacles to lift a clipboard from one of the side rooms, sliding it into your hands without meeting your gaze.
“Um. Actually. I have to take care of an errand in August.” You managed, setting the clipboard down gently. Trying your best to stay calm, collected. But you could feel your heart racing, your legs trembling. And apparently, he could too. His eyes flicked upwards, the knives glittering as they lifted curiously, slowly, behind him. So graceful. The soft ‘shhh’ sound of metal drifting against metal.
He sighed, and they shimmered in the light. Suddenly, they were both in front of you, and behind you, totally blocking your path. He was so fast; he didn’t usually use his speed anymore with you since he knew it frightened you.
“Nai-”You moved your bag in front of your belly. You weren’t showing yet, but. His eyes followed, head tilting as he walked over to you, almost gliding. Him being so close was overwhelming. The soft scent of lemon and the sharper undertones of metal. You were overwhelmed. You wanted so desperately to tell him, for him to comfort you, to hold him.
“You’re hiding something from me dove.” He murmured and you felt the little cage get tighter around you. His hand on your shoulder, so light. You flinched and he seemed offended, a low growl coming from somewhere in his belly. He leaned into you, and you felt his warm breath as he was… smelling your skin? “Nai? What’re you-?” “I know this smell.” He murmured into your ear. And his hand was on you, lightning quick. Between your bag and your body. Cupping very gently, the spot that you’d been trying to cover. It was warmer than the rest of your body and almost hard. You gasped. He hadn’t given you any time to react.
“Hold still.” He ordered and his voice was pure ice. There was no arguing with him. Only compliance. And you whispered soft no’s, pleaded, all the while cradled in layers of his knives and in his arms as his markings began to snake up his body.
Then, something happened that both of you didn’t expect.
A soft light began to glow between the two of you. From you.
Well- from underneath his fingers. Seeming to respond to Nai’s distress and anger.
Nai quieted almost instantly, something that you’d never seen him do once he began to get riled. His thumb gently rubbing along that light in wonder and his expression softening into something like awe. A few of his tentacles arching, gently caressing that area as well. So careful that you weren’t sure if they’d actually made contact or not.
“An Independent.” He whispered, looking up at you for a moment. More boy than man for just a second, eyes an impossible blue and full of wonder. A miracle for the both of you. Something he’d been trying so hard to achieve.
It was then that your legs gave out. Most likely from stress, and anxiety. Luckily Nai always had limbs to spare. He caught you easily and curled you up to his massive chest, pressing his head to yours and making some small noise of concern. You felt his arms so strong and thick underneath you. And about six or eight of those knife-limbs hovering behind you as well; ready to catch you if you somehow managed to tumble out.
Not that you had any plans. Mostly, you were just exhausted. You grabbed onto his strange skintight garment and buried your face as he rubbed your back. “I apologize. For frightening you.” He muttered, so quietly, so that only you could hear it. You relaxed completely as he carried you around, at times even slipping in and out of the sleep that had eluded you for weeks.
Waking up when you felt him finally stop, shutting the door behind him with his heel.
“Hm? Aren’t you leaving?”
One thing you knew about him: Nai was always busy. Other than occasionally playing the piano he wasn’t exactly the type to sit around watching tv. He slid you into the bed(with blue and white sheets, of course) and sat next to you. Placing a hand over yours and squeezing.
“I’m not.” He met your gaze and you saw another emotion you’d never seen before; guilt. And concern. And self-anger. He swallowed, the knife-limbs swirling and writhing in the air behind him, showing his conflicted feelings. He’d known something was off with you. And you’d been dealing with this alone. Alone!! Carrying his child inside you! Something no other useless human had ever been able to do.
You could feel his low, angry growls; they vibrated the bed slightly.
His eyes narrowed with determination and one of those knives very gently traced along your jawline. So affectionate and gentle and racked with a slight tremor. He was so upset, more so than you’d ever seen him.
“Nai, its okay. It’s okay.” You murmured, taking the leaf-shaped metal and kissing it softly.
“No.” He said, and squeezed your hand once more. Looking into your eyes and saying with determination, “Teach me. How to care for you properly.”
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