#consider it a new year gift /hj
glowexxy · 6 months
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would you listen to him talk about minerals
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m0nost4tic · 6 months
juuuust because the holidays are around
i was thinking on it a wee little bit, and i've come to imagine there's a pretty similar concept to christmas with the travelers. they'd all have different customs and celebrations, so a fic about them celebrating together via mixing all their diverse traditions would be pretty sweet
when it comes to their individual experiences, i think they'd all [roughly] be something like...
he probably hasn't truly celebrated with family since he was young, but ku held an annual festival. it was an evening joined in laughter, dancing, drinking, and, most of all, celebration of the past and upcoming year. because ku's culture was so heavily based on war, part of this tradition was hoping for many more victories up ahead (and, for those who opposed war, wishing for a more peaceful future). hikari probably used to spend these with his friends and the townspeople, and that's where the christmas-y part of his tradition took place. many people exchanged gifts, and most valuable of them were ones crafted by one's self, because then you'd know how much dedication and thought was put into it
.. ochette
either never heard of it or had an extremely simplified version where all the beastlings shared one large celebratory feast. the humans on their island could have maybe tried to celebrate with them on occasion but, considering how things were at the start of ochette's story, it didn't always work out. this could be because the beastlings struggled to understand the tradition?
.. castti
similar to modern day celebrations and would have been shared with the eir's apothecaries. there could be an herb that she associates with the holiday. mistletoe maybe?? (/hj). also, if they were to do a mural sort of thing to keep lost family and friends in mind for the holiday, she'd 100% add things reminiscent of the eir's apothecaries to it. if the fic took place before she regained her memory, she'd be relearning things about the holiday and feeling a strong sense of déjà vu the entire time. oh, and she might even have a killer peppermint tea recipe lol
.. throné
has heard of it, has wanted to celebrate, never really has. the blacksnakes might have had a small tale that's similar to santa claus, though more...thief-themed. due to her wholeheartedly believing in the secret treasure in her crossed paths storyline, i can see her believing in that story, too. (bonus points if some of the other travelers try their best to make her first official christmas special by encorporating this tale. maybe think of it like someone dressing up as santa and pretending to be him??)
.. osvald
again, similar to modern day, and used to celebrate with his family. in the past, he got elena gifts and loved seeing her face light up. lady clarissa and her husband used to join them some holidays. in a fic, if it's before the end of his story, i can see him being a bit reluctant about celebrating due to the memory of lost family, but eventually giving in and joining them
.. partitio
used to do a sort of charity-like event around oresrush during the day where he'd help people with their daily tasks and/or donate a few spare leaves. (this guy would definitely be a sucker for carolers). could also see him spending time with joe, nikki, and his other friends, and totally used to drink with them on new years. later in the afternoon, he'd celebrate with papp (and mr. roque before his departure). chances are, while he used to scrap up any money he had and work extra hard to get his pops a good gift, his traditions were more based on family and connectedness than pure materialistic ideas
.. agnea
her home likely had a festival similar to the one in her ch1, plus her celebrating with her father and pala. she probably cooked and performed for them on holidays too. gus might have invited them to the tavern for a holiday celebration a few times
.. temenos
as a member of the church, he'd give out gifts to people who spent the holidays nearby. i could see the pontiff, "mindt," roi (before...you know), or some of the thankful citizens giving him a few gifts, as well. the church's holiday was most likely based around the sacred flame. i can also envision him putting on a puppet show for the kids like he did in his ch1. outdoor celebration might have happened around their sacred flame monument, an area which they would decorate each year
.. hikari
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childeproof · 10 months
doing the self insert questions for amelia! warning for mentions of drugs, s/a, & relapsing (all vague).
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1 — give us a quick run down of your s/i!!
amelia e. woods (cis woman, she/her), a famous child star that faded into obscurity as she grew older. she turned to drugs & partying during her late teenage years / early twenties just to stay somewhat relevant. at the age of 22 she opted to sober up and move to new mexico with her parents. by the time the breaking bad series starts, she’s around 25 i imagine!
2 — post a meme that describes your s/i.
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3 — where does your s/i live? do they aspire to move or are they content with where they are?
she lives in albuquerque, new mexico with her roommate jesse (and previously with another roommate named daisy, who she called daisy-dill). she’s pretty content with where she is! she does want to move into a bigger house but that’s only if she ever has kids.
4 — what's a song that describes your s/i? even better if you have a playlist!
songs that are distinctly amelia core are hollywood baby & dumbest girl alive by 100 gecs. she would absolutely hate both of these songs because of the genre but they are HER. hollywood baby relates to her backstory & dumbest girl alive also fits the vibe considering the hollywood movie-esque opening before a loud “angry” guitar comes in. i think dumbest girl alive would be more her when she’s doing her partying / when she first moves to new mexico. angry, sarcastic, bitter, etc.
5 — what is your s/i’s profession?
she used to be an actress but now she is a news reporter! she enjoys news reporting by a lot, especially when it’s a heart felt subject. she likes most of her coworkers too!
6 — what does your s/i have most in common with you? what's different about them?
both me & amelia are early risers, we both are very interested in schedules, we’re of the same race (african american).. um, we both can be bossy, sarcastic, clever, etc. she takes the type a personality all the way though. she is scared to relax because she’s worried she’ll let go of herself. we both can be argumentative but we don’t always mean it offensively, we just like debating ideas. we both were “good” kids. “gifted” kids.
7 — if your s/i was an animal, what would they be?
I THINK ABOUT THIS A LOT! i believe she would be a deer (a mecore animal in general) or calico cat..
8 — how did you get the idea for your s/i's backstory?
i dunno.. she told me herself idk.. /hj some of it is more personal (i haven’t touched on the s/a she’s been through but that mirrors my own experience) but other parts are just things i thought would be interesting.
9 — give us an example s/i outfit (or describe it).
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her style is a mash up between “goody two shoes” (whatever annie edison has going on in her closet) and 70s sort of casual femme clothing. she and her old roommate daisy got along well fashion wise.
10 — what are some of your s/i's major skills?
she’s good at debate (a club she was president of in high school), she’s a decent singer and has sung on television before, i would so just her tv presence, it helps a lot with her job. i dunno,, tv news reporter skills, that’s what she has. and she’s good at picking locks (don’t ask).
11 — what is your s/i afraid of?
relapsing… and bugs. she hates insects. except worms, she likes worms. they’re chill.
12 — if you had to compare your s/i to an already existing fictional character, who would it be?
ok so her kin list? you’re asking for her (unofficial) kin list? annie edison , kyoko kirigiri , courtney (tdi) , twilight sparkle , edelgard (fe3h) & elsa off the top of my head.
13 — has your s/i's story changed since you created them or has it stayed relatively the same?
not particularly, minor details change but the general plot is the same (as of now, lol).
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hearth4days · 1 year
Everything for mizuki akiyama!!!! 😈😈😈😈
Amab transfem
Shockingly I am going to let them be a happy child. Very close with her mom and her older sister, never knew her dad. Their sister's several years older and taught them how to do makeup and sewing when they came out. Her family's very supportive and pretty close with each other. See I can write not angst
What scares them
Not gonna get into their fear of abandonment cuz that's every single event they have /hj. They really hate heights. Like, cannot stand up, feel dizzy hate heights
Music preferences
Listens to a lot of anime OSTs in her free time, outside of that she prefers slower nostalgic-feeling music?? I know what I mean but in sysnesthesia-speak, pale rose/dusty blue songs. They need to listen to the song they're editing for while they work on it though so they don't lose the vibe of the song
Very sensitive tongue. They never eat their food any hotter than lukewarm. It disturbs many
Sleeping habits
Awful. Takes up to 3 naps a day. Doesn't go to bed until 4 in the morning. It's the depression
BPD, body dysmorphia
Love language
Gift giving. Very big on making dumb shit for people. Also likes quality time
Friendship headcanon
She avoids it like the plague. Lots less scary to ignore that you have no friends than to always stress about them maybe leaving
Angsty headcanon (tw suicide)
Kind of suspicious that they went to "sit around" alone on the roof. Rui was secretly the only suicide prevention they had. Like "okay well if Rui's not here guess I can jump". It's giving My R
Sort of already did this one. They threw a coming out party. There was crying /pos
The most self indulgent video edits. Any time they're bored they just whip out a bunch of clips that look nice and slap it over the song they're looping that week
Side note hi this is Mizuki. Would you like to see a dumb video I edited I still find it really funny. No one else does
They take it as a personal failure if they wear anything they did not adjust in some way. She got very sewing and fashion and have since redone basically their whole wardrobe to be as Gender as possible
They kind of pussy out of fighting most of the time since they're sort of used to being bullied. But if you talk shit about any of her friends consider yourself dead. An, Rui, and Akito especially since she has a special attachment to them and they go to school together
Really wants to learn how to write music, but Kanade always starts new projects before they have the chance to ask and they feel bad asking her to do any more work than she already does
What they're best at
Naturally good at photography
Very fond of sweets. She keeps tiny chocolates at her desk to eat while she works
What they lie about
Again ignoring the gender shit because that's all sega wants to talk about. They love bullshitting people about what they do when they're not at school. She just lays in bed but she will make shit up
Never dated anybody
They do the fake freckles on their makeup. But white. For the drip yk
Doesn't get angry very easily, but she's a little scary when she is mad. In a rabid racoon kind of way. Will use teeth
Likes cats, but mostly for the aesthetic. Their favorite is sea turtles
Worst thing they've done
Probably just standard-fare lying to her mom about breaking something. Generally well-behaved outside of basically being a highschool dropout
Worst thing that happened to them
For sure the transphobia. Middle school is hell
Random headcanon
Huge photo-in-locket truther
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Whumpmas in July: Day 2
How did you find the whump community here on tumblr?
Man, it feels weird to remember that there was a time that I didn’t know the term for it. It was definitely here on tumblr that I first learned the term “whump”, although it wasn’t until a while after learning the word that I discovered there was a whole online community dedicated to it.
It’s been years, so my memory’s not all that clear, but I wanna say the first time I came across it was in the Supernatural fandom? I know in my early tumblr days, I had followed a couple of blogs dedicated to reblogging Supernatural gifs, and I know at least one of them had tags specifically for various whumpy themes like “blood” and “tied up” and “sick” and such. I think I had first encountered the term in the captions for some of the posts that were reblogged. Sadly I don’t remember when it was that I realized what the word meant - maybe I had googled it after seeing it in one of those captions?
I do remember that the first whump-specific blog I ever followed was focused on vintage whump - TV shows primarily from the 50s and 60s. Which tracks, because the online Bonanza fandom had been my first foray into fan fiction, as well as my introduction to whump but under a different name. See, before I even knew about sites like Fanfiction.net or Archive of Our Own, I was getting my fic content from old sites and forums specifically for Bonanza stories and populated primarily by fans upwards of fifty years old.
I’d actually stumbled upon the world of fanfiction as a whole purely by accident. I had been trying to remember the title to an episode of Bonanza and searched for it by googling some key terms from the episode. Something along the lines of ‘bonanza episode joe kidnapped tied up dehydrated’ - you know, the parts I deemed most significant (for anyone curious, I did figure out that the episode in question was titled “The Gift”), and the results that Google gave me were not about this episode, but instead were about brand-new fan content that I didn’t know I had needed.
Anyway, it was within this world of Bonanza fan fiction that I first learned that there were other people who were interested in focusing on the same sort of content I was. And the community of Bonanza writers had their own terminology that I’ve never seen used anywhere else, including a lot of unique acronyms. Some of them were ones that I could see fanfic communities as a whole adapting - for example, WHN, WHB, and WHIB fics were fics focused on specific episodes of the show and exploring ‘what happens next’, ‘what happened before’, and ‘what happened in between’, respectively.
Others, though, were very Bonanza-specific. The four main characters, Joe, Hoss, Adam, and Pa (Ben) were represented in acronyms by their first initial, and two of the most common acronym formats were ??M and H?S, which stood for ‘[Character]-[Character] Moment’ and ‘Hurt [Character] Story’. So, for example, a character tagged as ‘JPM’, or ‘Joe-Pa Moment’, would feature a scene of Joe and Pa being emotionally close, usually one acting as the caretaker/comforter for the other. And a fic tagged as, say ‘HAS’, or ‘Hurt Adam Story’, would be about Adam being hurt - and this tag would qualify whether he was dealing with being shot or sick or kidnapped or anything else that would be classified as whump.
Joe was my designated whumpee of the show (he was very alloromantic, which was a point against him, but his position as the baby brother of the family, his delightfully short temper and knack for getting into fights with people he shouldn’t, his stubbornness, and the fact that the show’s writers gave him so many angsty moments in canon because they felt his actor did such a good job crying on-screen, all more than make up for that when it comes to his appeal as a whumpee) so I devoured mountains of content in the sites’ HJS tags. So it was only natural that I start looking into such content here on tumblr as well. It’s not exactly a show that gets a lot of tumblr content, considering its age, but the few tumblrs that did make gifs and such for it knew exactly what the show’s appeal was and how to tag it: “whump”.
TL;DR: Supernatural taught me the term and its usage on tumblr, but Bonanza was my introduction to the online whump community as a whole.
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narutomaki · 3 years
I was tagged by @shikakunaras to do this tag game, thank u Julesey🥺🥺🥺
What do you prefer to be called name-wise? Mav , Vinny , Maverick
When is your birthday? June 2 1997
Where do you live? Canada in Southwestern Ontario  
Three things you are doing right now: At this very second; doing this, preparing for bed, coping with pain. Overall; working out plans in my head for the next month irt budget and meal planning, cleaning up the house and preparing my mothers gifts, and coping with pain.
Four fandoms that have piqued your interest? RGG/Yakuza, Naruto, LOZ BoTW, and The Way of the Househusband  
How has the pandemic been treating you? There have been some scares but overall. Eh. It just made my fears rational in some areas, negated them in others, and I've been coping with the isolation aspect of it decently because I have / had a job as well as a roommate and do all the household shopping. So I'm never really bored or alone.
A song you can’t stop listening to right now? The Ballad of Love and Hate by The Avett Brothers , Hello My Old Heart by The Oh Hellos , and Flesh and Bone and Small Hand both by Keaton Henson. I listen to them all in a row and then repeat em.
How old are you? 23
School, university, occupation, other? Highschool dropout working on my HS diploma, crossing guard, aspiring Househusband.
Do you prefer heat or cold? No. I don't prefer either. I want to be at a solid 20°c (which is a good temp for me these days where I could wear whatever and be fine) at all times. I hate both extremes now. If I was forced to choose I would saw cold bcus its more expensive and I pay for electric heating and have to buy weather appropriate gear for my job (NOT CHEAP)
Name one fact others may not know about you: I'm much quieter in real life unless I'm talking about a SI, which involves a lot of yelling and pacing and stamping/clapping. It's embarrassing.
Are you shy? Yes 😔
Pronouns? He/Him , They/Them , It/Its
Biggest pet peeves? Hah. Haha. Haha ha ha. Hmmm... Uh I don't have a lot of em in general that aren't brought on by mental health problems so I don't consider them pet peeves??? Idk
What is your favorite “dere” type? whichever the male slut dere is./hj (i don't know these things...)
Rate your life from 1-10, one being crappy and 10 being the best it could be: my entire life? 2. my current situation? 6.5
What’s your main blog? This one :^)
List your side blogs and what they’re used for: mlmtoadsage - gay yearning reblogs, mostly defunct , nardoau - for my naruto au(s) also mostly defunct , and i have a password locked vent blog
Is there something people need to know about you before becoming friends? I communicate poorly / can't keep conversation going most of the time unless my hand is being held. It comes from both autism and the fact I suffered month long bouts of isolation for 3/4 years. (Saw no one, talked to no one, went out for groceries once a month.) So there's definitely some left over ... *gestures* issues I'm still working on wrt relearning social rules and skills that I knew before along with learning the new ones expected of me as a 23 y/o and adult.
I tag - uhhhh idk. Im sowey
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jindoelf · 4 years
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200404 Eunhyuk Online Birthday Party (full trans)
🎁은혁이와 함께 온라인 생일파티🎁 (HAPPY BIRTHDAY EUNHYUK)
hyukjae says he is at shindong's studio haha the one shindong usually does shindongdaengdong
ded omg they are making hyukjae make the dalgona coffee
hyukjae barely started to whisk and he says he is almost done LOL SURE BB
Hyukjae says he will call the members and if they manages to say certain words, he will pass on to the manager to whisk
the words the members have to say is "saranghae" and hyukjae was like...'which members will say 'saranghae' to me?'
hyukjae just needs to call donghae lol simple
hyukjae is gonna continue to call the members
He is gonna call yesung and yesung has to curse at him in order for it to be a succes
hyukjae is making shindong decide the words donghae has to say and shindong said 'lee donghaek' but hyukjae suggested 'onyongnyongnyongnyong'
donghae singing happy birthday my e oppa
Donghae did the onyongnyongnyong but he was late so he failed. Then hyukjae said why are you always late then donghae said he is not! then hyukjae was like why cant you catch up with me??? then donghae said dont you know we have to keep a distance now due to corona???
Apparently donghae went to buy presents for hyukjae at the same place hyukjae went to buy presents for his mom and they were there at the same place but they didnt know
Donghae and his random youtube videos.... not considered as youtuber to Hyuk?
Omg he knows how to do the put hand behind item to let the camera focus on it thingy!!
Donghae's birthday
Hyuk: It's my birthday, why do I have to do this (making dalgona coffee)?
elfs asked him to speak nearer to the mic so he’s like “then you have to give up either one. it’s either my face or my voice”
he's asking how long he has to stir?! Can't believe he hasn't watched any videos on how to make dalgona coffee
Why are there random cute stickers appearing w people's names ah? How do they send them?
he is asking why (he has to do it), it's his birthday again
Hyukjae says he will call the members and if they manages to say certain words, he will pass on to the manager to whisk
the words the members have to say is "saranghae" and hyukjae was like...'which members will say 'saranghae' to me?' LOL
Heechul was like "Saranghae bobo (I love you xx)"
Heechul confirmed be like ???
The 30 April 2012 Airport Fashion Concept question was one of the Q&As in the 2020 Seasons Greeting scratchcard!
hj: i have to call donghae next. what shld i get him to say?
sd: shld i help u pick? smth hard for him to say... this kid... lets get him to say his nickname "lee donghaek"
hj: shld i just get him to say nyonyoynyoo
right donghae. what to do if he curses? they curse a lot with me. right so "nyo nyo nyo ynoo"
dh: happy birthday to you
hj: nyonynoynoy
dh: happy birthday to you
hj: nyonynoynoy
dh: my e oppa
hj: nyonynoynoy
dh: did u do ur birthday party
hj: nyonynoynoy
dh: oh u did thats nice
hj: nyonynoynoy
dh: did u eat seaweed did u talk with ur mom
hj: nyonynoynoy
dh: nyonynoynoy
hj: oh????? ur late!!!!
dh: im never late!!!
hj: ur always a step behind me
dh: ur a step behind me!!!!
hj: ur like 2m behind me
dh: nyonynoynoy
hj: u shld have did this earlier!!!
dh: nyonynoynoynyonynoynoynyonynoynoy
hj: oh u speak well. right by
dh: where are you?
dh: (in the live) happy birthday to you
hj: ??????
dh: i told u i was never late comepared to u !!!!! didnt i !!!!!! ah!!!!!!!! nyonyonyonyooo!!!!
hj: u shld have said so earlier!!!!!!!!
hj: ahhh hthats why the cake only comes out now!! i was wondering why we didnt start with the cake right away. u shld have come earlier
dh: (sings happy birthday) u have to blow the candles with ur nose
hj: shld i try one? oh it works?
eunhae: (laughs)
hj: bring me tissue!! ahhh its the first time i wear this
dh: birthday presents
hj: did you buy them
dh: what are you talking about
hj: i'll check. bring ur receipts.
dh: why do u need to do this
hj: u checked last time when i came didnt u
hj: oh u went there????
hj: bring me another tissue
dh: u don't need it. here!
hj: ???? thats not a gift thats just u promoting!!!!!
dh: no just put it on!!! put it on!!
hj: thats just u promoting!!!
dh: no!!!
hj: then u talk
dh: i really really want to meet you guys. really really really want to meet you guys. oh i will clean it up for u (the stain)
dh: u bought me couple gifts last time didnt u !!!!!!!!!!!!
hj: i did (laughs) ah this is so annoying!!!! we look crazy !!!!!
hj: oh this is shoes? ah this fucking?
hj: ??????????
(couple shoes)
hj: are you fucking crazy. youre crazy
(* pun with shoes and fuck)
hj: i cldnt even think about this (this event)
dh: u needed this right (beauty products)
hj: oh yea. is it the new one? the limited edition
dh: its just how it is
hj: the bag's too big just for these two products
dh: (pulls out couple lipbalms (?????))
hj: woooow youre the worst. this is the worst video ever (laughs) whats this
dh: mother gift
hj: oh i gave a gift for ur mom too. oh i think i bought the same gift for mom
dh: she can use it for a long time
hj: this is the worst
dh: (forces a kiss on hyukjae)
hj: wtf ?????? get off!!!!
hj: this is the worst video ever
hj: wah i want to cry
dh: of course
hj: not bc of you
hj: i cld never have imagined it.... is there water?
hj: oh right, the dalgona? oh you did a lot! then you do it (donghae)
hj: show them, is that enough?
dh: it smells like dalgona coffee
hj: wah my mind is blank
hj: oh its a cheap cake right? about 1,000W right? looks cheap
hj: oh right there was a game
dh: werent u supposed to end it in an hour
hj: idk i do whatever i want. lets do the mission together. everyone what shld i get him to say? oh english? just enligh? oh?? "no challenge no change"
hj: ma-onnnng
sw: hyok
dh: me-honnng
sw: we only call once in a year; on ur birthday
dh: i'll call u in three days
sw: wtf...?
dh: (makes weird noise)
sw: what are you doing
eunhae: (humming the tune of no challenge no change)
sw: nyonyonyo
hj: ma-ong where are you ma-ong
hj: if theres change then there is....
dh: everybody say???
sw: i think its time for your medicine
eunhae: (laughs)
hj: no challenge
sw: i can't say that here theres a lot of people
hj: (usb impersonation) yah yah happy birthday my friend
sw: yes my friend
hj: im on live broadcast
sw:???? its ruined
hj: u failed my mission. u didnt say no challenge
sw: i did
hj: its within 40s
sw: its hard
hj: its bc my birthday is 0404
sw: i kno
hj: ur 0407
next is ryeonggu. what shld i do with ryeonggu. lets hurry up. "im confident"? ok. no other corner, we'll only do this (laughs)
hj: he's not picking up. ryeonggu. ryeonguuuuu. im confident!!!! that kid... hes not busy though. he doesn't have schedules though. does he pick up ur calls? try calling him
dh: then hold this for me
dh: i shld cut off my hair
hj: right hes just not picking up right? its not just my calls right
hj: right then last is kyu. ryeonggu is a fail. hes not picking up. next is kyu. what shld we do with him. "its the worst"? i will try.i shld just sing then. he keeps saying my singing is the worst
kh: hyunnng
hj: (sings)
kh: hyunnnng
hj: (sings)
kh: what are u doing
hj: (sings)
kh: ...hello?
hj: kyu?
kh: hyung ur rly bad at singing
hj: i was just pretending
kh: ur really bad
hj: if u had to say one word what wld it be. i have to hear a word from u
kh: ah "the worst"
hj: ahh!!!! why didnt u say it earlier. its too late now! kyuu
kh: hyung
hj: im doing the birthday party
kh: i heard its at 6pm. im not doing mine bc of u.
hj: ah bc they might not watch? u pushed it back
kh: hyung dont sing
hj: i will dance
kh: ah then thats ok
hj: anyway someones here
kh: who
hj: an athlete
kh: really? lee donghae?
hj: ur good
kh: im good ofc
dh: kyukyukyukyu
kh: donghaiiii. its the two of u
hj: yes its just the two of us. d&e has to do it
hj: am i done? lets eat it
dh: do we have to drink it with a straw? i never tried it
hj: oh this is weird (lipbalm)
dh: its cool right? feels cool. drink it in oneshot
hj: do i have to mix it? no? do i just drink it like this? u hvae a coffee shop, how do i do it?
dh: just dirnk
hj: (drinks)
hj: yah!!!!! theres no milk !!!! its bitter !!!!!!
hj: ohhh youtube is fun!! shld i do it? shld we do it? dont u do it?
dh: i don't do it like that
hj: do it and i will come over to play
dh: no no no no
hj: u shld call ur youtube nononono
dh: teuk hyung does it for 4 hours
hj: oh thats a problem. hes got a disease.
dh: i iwll leave now
hj: try it first. it s weird though? is tat how its supposed to taste?
dh: thats weird
hj: is that right? is that how its supposed to taste
hj: anyway u can leave. i will see you nononono
dh: nonononono
i did the the cake, the dalgona coffee and the game. whats next. ah the most important part, the questions! i was wondering what id do in an hour but its alrdy an hour. thats why teuk hyung does it for 4hrs. and since i don't hear u its quite alright (laughs)
the coffee isnt that good, the milk is good though. yeah its good everyone
i will start eunhyuk's quiz! drum. did u hear the drum sound? theres this thing from shindongdaeng's studio. shld we try listening to applause? is it coming out? ah no? (laughs) well
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negahc · 4 years
March 3rd, 2020
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Our interns this semester have done great work already! We are so fortunate to have these dedicated interns, so we’d like to introduce you to them:
Carmen Villacana
“Hello! My name is Carmen Villicana. I’m from Gainesville, GA and I study history education (secondary grades) at the University of North Georgia! I plan on being a high school teacher after graduation and am super eager to learn as much history and as much about the teaching service as I can. Some of my hobbies include watching K-dramas and spending time with my dogs. Pictured is my pup Freddie and me on our way to the beach last summer.”
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Ruth Moreno
“Hello! My name is Ruth Moreno, and I am a History Education major at the University of North Georgia. I am one of the Educational Programming interns. I graduated just up the road at Gainesville High School (Go Big Red!) in 2018 and will be going back to be an active volunteer at the Hub. With my degree, I plan to teach middle and high schoolers as well as advance towards earning my Master’s Degree and teaching US citizenship classes.”
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We had a great group of students from Spout Springs Elementary visit us for a field trip last week. They got to meet President Abraham Lincoln in the Ivester Education Center, tour our exhibits, and participate in a hands-on corn grinding activity! It was a great example of what the History Center can offer both students and educators. 
By meeting a historic figure through Living History, the students can engage with history in a fun and memorable way. They can ask historic figures the specific questions they’re interested in and then ask an expert historian even more questions for context about the figure’s life. 
Touring our exhibits, we have new tactile-learning activities for children like building a miniature log cabin, conducting a railroad, and more. Our corn grinding activity really puts chores into perspective for the kids ;) and gives them a chance to consider how life was different in the past.
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We love having students visit the History Center! The excitement that the students bring with them is contagious and makes our job so much fun. Help spread the word about our programs by telling the parents and teachers in your life about the History Center! More info on our programs at www.negahc.org.
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Ida Cox was a native of Toccoa, Georgia born in 1896 who heavily contributed to the blues genre for women. As a teenager, she left her home near Rome, Georgia and toured with a minstrel show and performed at vaudeville venues in the South before becoming a blues singer.
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Her repertoire includes songs like Graveyard Dream Blues, Weary Way Blues, Handy Man, and Wild Women Don’t Have the Blues. She wrote the majority of the songs and managed her own successful career. She would eventually be known as the “Uncrowned Queen of the Blues.” In 1939, she performed at Carnegie Hall which lifted her career even higher.
Ida had a stroke in 1945 which inhibited her from continuing to perform as rigorously. She lived in Knoxville, Tennessee with her daughter during this time and continued singing in the church choir. She passed away in 1967 and her legacy remains as modern singers like Francine Reed continue to sing Ida Cox’s music.
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We had a Webcast every day last week in the Cottrell Digital Studio! Students of six different schools met Juliette Gordon Low, Martin Luther King Jr., Frederick Douglass, Lewis & Clark, and Harriet Tubman. These are among our most popular characters for Webcasts, and they are always a joy to present.
Libba Beaucham, our Director of Media & Communications, portrays Juliette Low from the year 1920 when Girl Scouts was rapidly growing in popularity (and just starting to consider cookie sales!) Libba loves sharing stories of Juliette’s childhood, especially her love for animals. She retells the story of when Juliette was so concerned for the family cow on a cold winter’s night that she took the guest room blanket and snuck out to tie it around the cow. Well, the next morning the cow was perfectly fine but the blanket was trampled in the mud!
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Libba Beaucham portrays Juliette Gordon Low
Martin Luther King Jr. and Frederick Douglass are portrayed by Mustapha Slack. There are parallels to the stories of King and Douglass as they were both activists fighting for freedom, both gifted orators, both faced violence, and both believers in peaceful reform. Students get to hear the personal stories from these figures' lives and are always encouraged to stand up for what they think is right.
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Mustapha Slack portrays MLK Jr.
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Mustapha Slack portrays Frederick Douglass
Harriet Tubman is portrayed by Chiara Richardson who has a great wealth of knowledge about Tubman’s life having portrayed her for several years now! Chiara is able to answer just about any question the students have for her and truly brings this heroic figure to life for the students.
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Chiara Richardson portrays Harriet Tubman
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This week From the Archives is the program from the 1909 Brenau Chautauqua. Chautauquas originated in 1874 in New York at Lake Chautauqua. This event would provide lectures and music to the town and give the people a sense of community. Chautauquas first appeared in Gainesville in 1897, inspiring HJ Pearce, the founder of Brenau College, to work on his own with assistance from the college.
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The 1909 Brenau Chautauqua ran for 26 days in July and included hundreds of Hall County residents that volunteered their time for the event. The program book includes a history of Gainesville, updates on town history, and interesting trivia. Some trivia includes “The Pacolet Mills, at New Holland, is supplied with pure water from the boldest spring in this section of the state,” and “The finest churches that grace any city of its size are to be seen in Gainesville.” Our book is in perfect condition and is a great piece of history in our archives!
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Lunch & Learn: Girl Scouts Founder Juliette Gordon Low Thursday, March 5th, 2020 from 12:00-12:45 PM Included in General Admission
Meet the Founder of Girl Scouts, Juliette Gordon Low (or “Daisy”) during this Lunch & Learn! Daisy will tell the story of how she founded the Girl Scouts, stories from her childhood, her experiences around the world and more.
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Family Day: Women’s Work March 8th, 2020 from 1-4 PM Free! Thanks to the Ada Mae Ivester Education Center
In conjunction with National Women’s History Month the History Center take a special look at the role of Women over the last 300 years as they work at home and in public. Hands-on activities and living history interpretation will bring the work of women and the path toward equality to life on this special Family Day. Family Days are free to the public thanks to the Ada Mae Ivester Education Center.
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Forum: Lost Towns of North Georgia March 10th at 7 PM (doors open at 6:30 PM) Admission is $4 or Free for Members
When the bustle of a city slows, towns dissolve into abandoned buildings or return to woods and crumble into the North Georgia clay. The remains of numerous towns dot the landscape--pockets of life that were lost to fire or drowned by the water of civic works projects. Author Lisa M. Russell has unearthed the lost towns of Georgia in her latest book, and will be sharing their stories.
Our forum series is brought to you by the Ada Mae Ivester Education Center.
Doors open at 6:30 p.m., program 7-8 p.m.
Admission is FREE for members, $4 for everyone else.
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Photograph of a group on a walk at Tallulah Falls, 1888. Source: https://dlg.usg.edu/record/dlg_vang_rab022
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jacquelineshyde · 7 years
okay i just made it to season 8 and my jackie hyde heart is broken... do you have anything to make this season worth it
NOTHING is worth that season, baby. NOTHING. Not even the “humor” because it’s silly and out of character, and more racist and sexist than ever. Really, don’t watch that crap.
If you like to read, here and here are some very good fanfics to heal your heart. And these are my recommendations of HJ fanfic set during and after season 8:
~ During
Made Bare by MistyMountainHop
Summary: A heartbroken Hyde considers his relationship with Jackie kaput. Too bad Jackie sees it differently. She intends to get a proper resolution with him, but breaking through his hostility—and getting past his wife—may well prove impossible.
Commentary: This is my season 8 canon, my favorite fic set during season 8. Really. Not to mention MistyMountainHop is my favorite t70s author ever, she gets the characters in such incredibly deep, it’s just awesome. Her scenes are delicious, her words are how you would made your brain persive color if you couldn’t see them. It’s all feelings and nivnineinfir, it’s beautiful.
The Right Road Lost by zpplnchick
Summary: After a car accident, Hyde wakes up to a twisted version of reality he comes to find is actual hell and with no memory of how he got there, a hell that Jackie’s been living in for the past few months. Set during Season 8, shortly after “Sweet Lady”.
Commentary: First fic I read from zpplnchick, It’s a great story. I recommend you to read it after you read ‘Made Bare’, because it’s another option of how things can get well resolved.
~ After
Zoso: A Journey to Understanding by zpplnchick
Summary: “You don’t deserve a real tattoo. But if I were to get one, I’d show it to Fez before I’d ever show it to you!” Ironically, that’s pretty much how it happened. One-shot.
Commentary: This fic is lovely and has one of my favorite ideas ever: Jackie getting a tattoo. This fic explores why would she get it. Plus side, it has a happy ending and, Fez and Jackie being good friends.
The Morning After by ShanghaiLily
Summary: (The sequel to my one-shot ‘Resolutions’) What happens the morning after Jackie wakes up in Vegas with a nasty hangover and a wedding ring on her finger that she just can’t manage to take off?
Commentary: One of my favorite fanfics, even when it does has some flaws. Jackie in this fic is very strong and really, after s8? It’s always nice to see Hyde pining a little for her.
** And just because I’m ridiculous, here let me tell you about my fanfic. It’s after season 8.
Heart Like Yours by poetdameron
Summary: Jackie goes home to Point Place for Donna and Eric’s wedding, but an accident and an unexpected experience may show her a reality she never thought was happening around her.
20 Questions by ShanghaiLily
Summary:Just after New Year’s day in 1980, Jackie Burkhart decides to disappear from the basement to save her sanity. When Xmas rolls around and the Formans beg Jackie to attend their party, she ends up involved in an elaborate game of 20 Questions with Hyde that could change both of their lives. T-rated w/ some M chapters. Story is COMPLETE! This one’s for the Zennies who hate Season 8!
Commentary: THIS FIC! It’s really good, I had a lot of fun reading it. It has some M scenes you may not like or, maybe yes. Also, the characterization isn’t always the best, Jackie gets manipulated to forgive Hyde’s shit in such weird way, you must be careful. 
~ In which it never happens
Shade by MistyMountainHop
Summary:Hyde finds himself homeless on a night where Jackie is without parents. The gift he gave her last Christmas draws him to her, but his attachment lingers past that rainy first night, grows through countless experiences, and leads him across state lines. Their relationship is a high-stakes gamble, but Jackie may fold before Hyde can show all his cards.
Commentary: I LOVE THIS FANFIC! It’s kind of my favorite by MMH. This story is just so lovely and the take after season 7 it’s incredible!
Hyde’s Long Way Home by MistyMountainHop
Summary:Hyde goes on a self-destructive bender after finding Jackie with a towel-wrapped Kelso. The day after that, he wakes up … and it’s the same day as before. He’s doomed to live the same day over and over — unless he can figure out a way to live it right.
Commentary: This is one of the motherships when it comes to the HJ fanfics. It’s precious. Every word is a trip you just can’t let go of. You’ll love it, you just have to be patient because booooy, this fic gets dark at times.
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carot-dj · 7 years
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What is the superlative of amazing? I bought the first edition of this incredible tome in 2015. As an ardent winelover for the past fifty years, I fully appreciate the dedication and passion that went into writing it. But MacNeil didn't just write it, she submitted the chapters to literally dozens of experts in their specialty for review. That is how it took TEN years to write! Go to Amazon
Yeah! It is finally here! I'd been looking forward to this new edition of the Wine Bible and it did not disappoint. Great updates and expansive new information. It sits on my coffee table, convenient for quick reads when time permits. That is the beauty of the book. I work in the retail wine industry and this book is necessary. I also recommend it to my regular customers who want to increase their wine knowledge because of the approachable style of the content. Good job, Karen! Go to Amazon
Great book - a bargain considering the amount of work ... Great book - a bargain considering the amount of work (over 1000 pages). Highly recommended! Go to Amazon
A Bargain. Recommended. The first fifty pages alone are worth the reasonable price of this useful and entertaing resource. "How Wine is Made" does not just describe the steps in the process but also the decision points along the way and why/how they affect the outcome. It is not as all inclusive as "The Oxford Companion to Wine" but for most of us folks this is a great reference especially for those beginning their wine journey and wanting to take the next step. The author has a pleasing, comfortable approach. A good gift for those wanting a reference and introduction. Go to Amazon
Love this resource. Energetic resource, educational, & fun. The pages are a different texture than the last one, which is a little weird, but still enjoyable to read. I purchased one for myself, some as gifts, & the online edition as well (as opposed to ripping out pages to travel, as I did the last edition). I read a few bad reviews about KM's style. NOTE: this is NOT Sotheby's Wine Encyclopedia, HJ's Wine Companion, Broadbent's Great Vintage Wine Book, or Oxford's Companion, etc etc (all of which I love & use). This IS infotainment. The first edition was a gift, which inspired me to research further & become a Somm (meh, why not). It also informed me of a fun way to travel. I started going to the wineries she recommended & having the food pairings as well. Traveling to Jerez and enjoying gambas al ajillo (garlic shrimp) with manzanilla while breathing the salty ocean air...I got that idea from this book, & the retelling of it, helped me pass my last Exam. If you're boring, this book isn't the right pairing for you. But if you want the knowledge of the wine world to be as alive as the wine itself... Go to Amazon
A great resource to own I have used this book for years and regularly find myself revisiting sections for information. Honestly, for the price (under $15 w/ Prime 2 day shipping) this resource should be in every persons collection if they are the least bit interested in wine, even if it just sits on a lonely coffee table. Go to Amazon
Five Stars Five Stars Five Stars Five Stars This is a absolutely great book if you want to learn about wines of the world this is the book! Very useful reference text An essential book for anyone casually interested in wine, ... Five Stars Must Have Great deal
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jacquelineshyde · 7 years
Yes! Your tag is perfect
That’sactually difficult for me because I haven’t truly read much fics, since I havetrust issues. But I can recommend you fics in which Jackie is wellcharacterized. Like,
Out of the Flames by MistyMountainHop
Summary: A life-consuming fire connects Jackie and Eric in unforeseen ways, but it also creates a blazing wall between them. Eight years later, Jackie braves the flames and ends up on Eric’s doorstep, but will her arrival heal their burns or incinerate them both to ashes?
Comment: I see you are EJ shipper, so I put this one in the first place. You may like it more than the others I mention here. Jackie has grown up a lot in this story. She has something that has hurt her to no end, but she has also found the way to be happy again. Is a great Jackie moves on story.
20 Questions by ShanghaiLily 
Summary: Just after New Year’s day in 1980, Jackie Burkhart decides to disappear fromthe basement to save her sanity. When Xmas rolls around and the Formans begJackie to attend their party, she ends up involved in an elaborate game of 20Questions with Hyde that could change both of their lives. T-rated w/ some Mchapters. Story is COMPLETE! This one’s for the Zennies who hate Season 8!
Comment:This fic is something. It was one of the first t70s fics I read and also thefirst one I actually loved. It isn’t perfect, but Jackie’s roll in it isbrilliant and important. She doesn’t let anyone, especially Hyde, step on heranymore. It’s amazing to see a Jackie like the one ShanghaiLily writes mosttimes.
Shade by MistyMountainHop 
Summary: Hyde finds himself homeless on a night where Jackie is without parents. Thegift he gave her last Christmas draws him to her, but his attachment lingerspast that rainy first night, grows through countless experiences, and leads himacross state lines. Their relationship is a high-stakes gamble, but Jackie mayfold before Hyde can show all his cards.
Comment:Author MistyMountainHop has a gorgeous writing and understanding of thecharacters, so her Jackie is always one that works perfectly for her stories.In this one in particular, we got a very strong Jackie who gets what she wantsand grows from her mistakes. This is also one of the cutest fanfics ever, sobelieve me when I say… read it.
53Minutes, 12 Seconds by MistyMountainHop 
Summary: Jackiedefies a thunderstorm and her past to experience a major first with Hyde.
Comment:One of the best first time fanfics I’ve read for the fandom, and also a good view of howJackie feels about physical affection and love making. The author gives Jackiea strong narrative voice and the insight of her character is pretty good.
The Morning After by ShanghaiLily 
Summary: A multi-chaptersequel/companion piece to the one-shot, Resolutions, which you may want to readfirst.Jackie goes to Las Vegas for Fez’s wedding, drinks a little too much, andthen wakes up in married to the last person she ever thought would commit toher. This is what happens the morning after.
Comment:Again, we met a very strong Jackie who is no longer naive nor blind by love.Her feelings are as strong as ever, but she doesn’t let them control her andshe wants her life back, she doesn’t want the fairy tale anymore because shehas understood the only way to be happy is if she is alright and if her partneractually wants her. This is, in fact, my favorite characterization of Jackie byShanghaiLily.
Made Bare by MistyMountainHop
Summary: A heartbroken Hyde considers his relationship with Jackie kaput. Too bad Jackie sees it differently. She intends to get a proper resolution with him, but breaking through his hostility—and getting past his wife—may well prove impossible.
Comment: I love fanfics in which s8!Hyde gets an explanation and foot in the ass, and this is one of my favorites. It starts with Jackie’s POV and her insight is glorious. The way things work out between her and Hyde is not manipulated to be pure romance, it’s an actual experience for both of them. I love this fic.
Strange Brew by ShanghaiLily
Summary: Just a naughty little one-shot taking place sometime after Jackie Bags Hyde and before she reunites with Kelso. Jackie goes to a Lynyrd Skynyrd concert on a date but goes home with somebody entirely different. Sexy but not quite over the line into smutty M territory.
Comment: This is the first t70s fanfic I read, a damn beauty. Jackie is portrayed as someone who knows what she wants but is still growing up. It’s great for her character and for the HJ feels. And the sexy too.
She’s the Devil by starfalls
Summary: It’s Halloween 1980, and the gang takes an ill-fated trip to a party that leads to some major revelations between Jackie and Hyde.
Comment: Jackie is clever and sexy as fuck in this fic. I’m not a big fan of the Hyde of this fic, but it’s a very fun experience to read. Not to mention, seeing Jackie get what she wants, when and how she wants it, is always amazing.
Thunderstruck by bubblewrapstargirl
Summary: Jackie receives an invitation, and it makes her think about her life with Steven, and how far they have come since those days in the Formans’ basement.
Comment: This is about adult!Jackie and… you’ll see when you read. It’s a great lecture, to see her all grown up and so.
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