#yeah this is baby piko
glowexxy · 9 months
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would you listen to him talk about minerals
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beemovieerotica · 1 year
Would you pretty please talk some more about particles in Guaraní?
Oh yeah!! I love learning Guaraní it's so cool.
So yeah I explained +pe added to the end of a word denoting a destination (just like +e in japanese!) and then +ha before that if the destination is not a static, named place (like "graduation party" versus "Asunción") giving you a phrase like oho fiestahape [they're going to the party]!
The question particles are +pa and +piko (the latter having greater emphasis, sometimes used like "HUH?"), and these can be added onto just about anything, transforming all that precedes it into a question.
This is really cool because that's how you get all your "question nouns":
mba'é [thing] -> mba'épa [what]
mava [someone] -> mavapa [who]
moõ [place] -> moõpa [where]
(if the context is clear enough though and you're making a one word question/exclamation, the particle will be dropped and you can just be like, "mba'é??")
The particle +icha ("ch" is pronounced like English "sh") means "like this thing." So cheicha ["me" + that particle] means "like me," ndeicha is "like you."
This is also how you build the classic Guaraní greeting, mba'éichapa, [mba'é + icha + pa] which literally means, "What's it like?" Awesome!!!
Guaraní is super intuitive and has a ton of other particles that make for very quick sentence building, and I'll try to run through other important ones.
The particle +gua means "from," so the word moõguapa [place + from + question] is the complete phrase, "Where is it from?"
+guara denotes purpose or intent. So you could hand me a postcard, and I can ask, mavapeguarapa? [person + destination + purpose + question] -> "Who is this for?"
+ve is used for comparisons to denote "more." So iporãve [it + good + more] -> "It's better."
+hegui invokes the object being compared to. So, cheporãve ndehegui [me + pretty + more, you + comparison] -> "I'm prettier than you." (hegui, like guara, is a combination of two smaller particles but I'm not getting into it)
+rõ is the conditional particle, like "if something happens." The Guaraní word for "tomorrow" is ko'erõ whose literal translation is either "if [another] morning," or if you're feeling macabre, "if [I] wake up."
+guasu means big, giving us the word Iguazu [water + big], the name for the region in the Amazon where the biggest waterfalls in the world are.
+i means small. Mbarakaja'i [cat + small] -> kitten or a dinky cat.
(the word for chicken is ryguasu [bird + big]. So if you wanted to talk about a baby chick, it would be ryguasu'i [bird + big + small].
+kuera denotes plural. Ha'ekuera [3rd person singular + plural] -> they/them
+te is a fun emphasis particle. Iporaite [it + good + emphasis] is an enthusiastic response to mba'éichapa?
(and of course you can make this a question. Iporaitepiko? [it + good + emphasis + question] -> "This slaps, yeah??"
Verb tenses are also formed via particles making for very easy conjugations. +ma is something that has already happened, +ta is future. If you want to say that something is imminent, like "I'm literally leaving right now!" you'd say ahatama! [I go + future + already]
I desperately need to review my Guaraní, but yeah I hope this is a cool intro to the language and maybe you'd be interested in diving into more of it!! It is on Duolingo but only for Spanish speakers currently, so if you know Spanish then you can hop right in.
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mochiiwrites · 4 years
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☀️✨Summer Troupe Headcanons✨☀️
Some more uncensored swearing!
Also these might not be too good (especially Kumon’s)
☀🧡Tenma Sumeragi!🧡☀
Names his bonsai and regularly has conversations with them!
Remembers the weirdest details about places! (Despite this, he still gets very lost.)
“Ahh, where was that café again?”
“The one with the 4 trees behind it?”
Keeps all the fanart he’s been given during fan meetings!
Practices his autograph regularly! (Yuki teases that it’s because he doesn’t remember his name.)
Has seen cosplays of his characters and fancams and he’s like... “huh, alright then-” (He likes them a lot but he’s a tsuuuuun!)
Whatever cheesy line he’s spouted in his recent works, various Mankai members will make fun of him for it!
“yOu’Re ThE oNly OnE i WaAnt!”
☀💗Yuki Rurikawa!💗☀
Makes accessories for everyone's plushies! (Not just Pen-Pen!)
His older sisters give him old clothes and he'll upgrade them!
The only one who dares critique Banri’s fashion sense. (Banri never listens since he’s too arrogant to do that.)
Has never pricked his finger when sewing, even when he was a beginner. He’s just that good.
Whenever he makes skirts, he always adds pockets!
“Here you go, Izumi.”
“Oh wow, that was fast! Thanks for the skirt! I-”
“...What? Why are you looking at me like that?”
“It has pockets! You’re my saviour, Yuki!”
“H-hey! Don’t go spouting that weird crap!”
Uses the nearest person as a mannequin sometimes! (Most of the time it’s Tenma ‘cause...roommates.)
☀💙Muku Sakisaka💙☀
Used to make self insert ocs! (Stopped because he thought the canon characters wouldn’t like them, which is impossible. Who could dislike Muku or anything he creates?)
One time he got a papercut, and cried because he got a small bit of blood on a corner of a manga page, poor baby! How dare that page hurt him >:(
Has thought of Mankai adaptations of certain mangas!
Likes painting his nails, but when he does he unintentionally picks at them, so he doesn’t paint them often!
Likes biting into ice cream but also can’t because sensitive teeth ;-;
Reviews manga with Tsuzuru, (and sometimes they accidentally debate)
“I thought that arc was kinda weird.”
“What? But without that arc we wouldn’t be able to see that part of their character!”
“Well, yeah. But they could have executed it differently.”
“If they had done it any different way, it would have made the scene between the hero and the antagonist on page 74 of Volume 3 so much more-”
“Muku, don’t you need to breathe? Relax.”
☀💚Kazunari Miyoshi💚☀
Y’know those aesthetic journals? Kazunari’s done those before! Now, he just doesn’t really have the time.
Mans cannot pick an aesthetic. He has all of them somehow, but cannot commit. He loves all of them.
Paints his nails with Muku, he tries to keep them as clean as possible but most of the time he gets paint on them;-;
Referred to everyone as ____ best friend at some point!
“So, baby best friend and I were-”
“Who’s baby best friend?”
“Oh, that’s Saku-Saku! He’s pure and he’s the shortest, y’know, like a baby!”
Used to subtly slip memes into the website until Sakyo found them and temporarily banned him from editing it!
Randomly walks into Itaru’s streams and plugs himself!
“Man, that boss fight was kind of a bitch. At least I got some good loo-”
“Pfft-ahaha! Hey!”
“And Blitz Prime to Taruchi!”
☀️💛Misumi Ikaruga💛☀️
Isosceles triangles are his favourites! (I can’t explain why he just gives off isosceles vibes)
Really good at math including geomety! Anything else and he just says the answer is three!
Has Sankaku-kuns with the Summer Troupe's outifts!
Replaces vowels with triangles when he writes!
"Izumi! Here you go~!"
"Oh! Thank you!"
*Note says "🔼 l🔽v▶ y🔽🔽!"
"...I have no idea what this says."
"Ehhh~? It's says I love you!"
Likes playing Zelda games with Itaru! because of the Tri-force!
“Hm? What’s up?”
“Quadruple Golden Triangle!!”
“Oh, the triforce. Wait, wouldn’t it be a triple triangle?”
“No! There’s a triangle in the middle too!”
Tells cats about the company to help with promotion! (Whether or not it actually helps is debatable!)
☀️💜Kumon Hyodo💜☀️
Doesn’t like sweets too much but will tolerate Sour Patch Kids! (Especially the blue and green ones!)
Pretty good at doodling and drew Muku’s self insert ocs!
Itaru played Wii sports with him once, Itaru has now banned him from Wii sports.
“How are you so good at this?”
“I dunno, I played baseball?”
“Damn it, now I have to actually try!”
“So, you weren’t?”
“I have to exercise in this game, of course I didn’t try! And I’m sure as hell not going to lose!”
*wins anyway*
“...In the nicest way, I hate you.”
Occasionally plays Genshin with Itaru and Banri, because he heard Fischl speak once! Now, he’s a Fischl main.
“I, Fischl, Prinzessin der Verurteilung-”
“Hm? ‘Sup Hyo-bro?”
“Who is that?!”
“Oh, that’s Fischl. She’s pretty good, but I haven’t really leveled her up.”
“What game is that?”
“...Genshin Impact. Why?”
“I want her!!”
He believes in red Gatorade supremacy!
Kicked Banri’s...y’know...once. It was an accident, he swears. (Banri tries to remember to watch his mouth around Kumon now. Emphasis on tries.)
Come back here, Hyodo! Little bitch!”
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askthevocalosers · 5 years
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[Thanks, guys. I...wasn't expecting that.]
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[And, no, I wasn't in an accident. I'm just made from a lot of spare parts--]
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[And, yes! I can grow up!]
[I was made as a baby so I know that for sure.]
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[And, yeah-- my eyesight is different in both eyes, but still terrible.]
[All that work and I still couldn't get decent eyes lol]
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[Hey, do me a favor and don't mention this to Ausgris + Piko? I... haven't told them.]
[ M!A Silenced Oliver: 12/? ]
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popopretty · 6 years
XYZ Summer Tokyo (August 21-22, 2018)
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So I was lucky enough to get the tickets for both Tokyo shows of XYZ on 21th and 22nd (Soraru appears on the first day which makes the tickets so much harder to get).
The lives were really nice (I didnt like it as much as the DJ tour for several reasons but it’s still good). And as usually I will just write down some parts I remember, mostly about Piko.
I arrived at the venue 1 hour before the goods sale and there were already hundreds people in front of me lol. It took me 3.5 hours more to finally get into the booth and buy stuff. I was able to buy Piko’s new keychain and got a lot of Piko badges from the random blind packs, and I was so happy carrying this tiny little Piko ita bag around xDDD
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The live didn’t start until 6pm (5pm on the second day) and each lasted for 3 hours. The members in the first day included luz, soraru, naruse, Araki, kradness, KOOL, Piko, and Silvana. On the second day, we have luz, naruse, Araki, kradness, Piko, Gero, KOOL and Meichan.
As for Piko’s tracklist, he has the same tracklists on both days (though I think he did better on the second)
- Secret Answer: the opening song with everyone. My favourite XYZ theme song haha. Piko wasnt in the original recording so they let him sing Sekihan’s part xDDD
- Oboroduki: This is a Mafu song he covered a few months ago. Traditional style ballad. For some reasons I think he sounded a bit off in the first chorus of Day 1 but Day 2 is just perfect.
- Non Tender a Loud: the latest collab with KOOL he just uploaded a few days before the live. It was a rockish song and I guess not many people know it so everyone was kinda confused with how to move the penlight XDD. But it was a really powerful collab. KOOL was... cool haha. I really like his voice and spirit. He somehow hurt his back during the tour and had to wear kind of back supporter in the 2nd day but he still did very well. I hope he would be more popular.
- Ghost Rule (with Araki): This was a really nice part of the live cuz they started playing more fire songs towards the end. So Araki started with Hibana, then they moved on Ghost Rule and then Piko took the stage with his usual godly performance of Haikei Doppelgänger
- Haikei Doppelgänger: I talked about this too much already lol but he was perfect to every single note xDDD and in the last sentence of the song, he put down the mic and sang it with his bare voice once all the instruments stopped which was really cool. I was happy I could hear him because for the previous times he did that, some people around me just kept singing along so I couldnt hear anything.
- Deliheri yondara kimi ga kita (with everyone): This is the last song before encore. It was always so funny. When luz sang that part about choosing a girl with big breast, Piko just jumped in and open his coat (like to show off his chest) lol.
- Cocktail (with everyone): Closing song and emotional as always :3
I will write more about the MC part cuz I happened to remember quite a lot of them.
- On the first day, when the members did the final introduction, they talked about how everyone loved Soraru and decided to pretend to be Soraru and imitate him. So Araki and naruse started by speaking in the very low and unenthusiastic voice like Soraru usually does and it was really funny. Then they introduced all the other members out and they all tried to speak in that low, uninterested voice xDDD However at Piko’s turn, naruse was like “Okay so the next person, I’m not sure if he can let out a low voice or not” xDDD and Piko came out, looking all prepared but when he started speaking he just couldn’t help switching to his natural high voice and everyone was laughing. So he tried one more time but still struggled with it xDD
- In one of his MC during the live, Piko asks where all the female and male fans were and everyone was like raising hands and shouting. Then he asked everyone to do the reverse, like the guys will have to say “Yeah” in girly voice and the girls will have to do it in manly voice. The guys parts was so funny, though most of the guys might be too embarrassed to do it but some of them still did. The first time the voice was small so Piko was like “It sounds like a zombie. You can do better”. Then they tried again and the girly voices from the guys were louder this time and Piko was like “ok so now the okama zombies are the most scary” xDD and then tried to imitate the zombies pose with an okama style which looks really cute xD
- On the second day, it was Piko’s last performance in the XYZ tour this summer so in his last MC part, he tried to make teary eyes and spoke in a voice that sounds like he was crying xD He was like “This is my last performance here. Can u listen to my last words? I am worried what this XYZ will be without me.” And it was so funny everyone just laughed a lot. Then KOOL told him like “hey basically everyone is just laughing”. So Piko was like, nagged back at the audiences (still in his crying okama voice) “What is so funny about it!!?” and everyone just laughed harder. It was a very funny MC part and when he was done, luz just added “Everyone, please never forget Piko-san” lol
- In the last part when they are walking around the stage and saying goodbye to the fans, naruse and Piko hugged and naruse lifted Piko up and turned a few rounds which was so cute. Then Piko tried to do the opposite but couldnt haha (naruse is quite a chubby baby xDD)
As for the other utaites, I think KOOL and naruse were my favs (other than Piko) but the others did a great job too. luz was super cool on stage and definitely the best person to be the host of XYZ. Soraru was cute, especially with his indifferent style. He even imitated kradness voice at one point of the MC XD. Araki is fire as usual. First time I saw kradness but he was so enthusiastic and his songs are also super catchy. And it was quite funny at the 2nd day MC when luz started asking every members if the live was interesting, but completely forget kradness 😂 So he said he missed because kradness is shining so bright he couldnt see xD Gero was definitely the comedian of the live xDDD Everything he says and every movements he makes made everyone burst into laugh. And as a bonus, him and Meichan both dressed in maid dress and sang an idol song (?) at the 2nd day encore xDDD
And... there is much more but I cannot remember everything and it has been a long post already so thank you for for reading till the end. It was a very nice experience to me and I hope to go to another one again soon ^^
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andtails · 4 years
A Prelude to Chaos Control - Chapter 11: Dreams Come True
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Click here to start from the beginning. You can also read this story on FanFiction.Net or Archive of Our Own.
Anonymous User Review Response (from FanFiction.net):
Guest: I agree the original anime was lacking in the Sonic and Tails brotherly department, and with a reimagining, I would “step it up”, so to speak, and place a substantial emphasis on their brotherly relationship, especially under the backdrop of an entirely new world. No humans will stand in the way of their precious bonding time!  ;D
In speaking of which, updates on the profile poll I created a few weeks ago are at the end of the chapter!
Chapter 11: Dreams Come True
“Sonic…Tails…anyone…please help us.” Cream let go of the rusted bars of her cage and covered her face with her hands, tears dripping through her fingers as her knees collapsed to the cold, metallic floor below.
“Chao, chao…” Cheese was crying as well, his stubby hands covering his eyes as tears soaked his red bowtie.
“That monster…” Tails walked toward the yellow television in the grass, dropping to one knee to get a better view of the imprisoned bunny and her pet chao through the flickering display. His eyes began to moisten.
…Am I to blame? If I hadn’t lost the emeralds, Eggman wouldn’t have kidnapped her.
“No…” The orange kitsune shook his head, trying to get these intrusive thoughts out of his subconscious before tilting his head toward the grass below, closing his eyes.  
Eggman is to blame. Not me or anyone else.
Tails sighed to himself before turning his gaze to his friends. Amy was about to pounce.
“All right, you robot!” The pink hedgehog grabbed Bokkun by his yellow M-shaped belt buckle, raising him so he could meet her angry gaze. “What’s Eggman planning to do with Cream, huh?”
“Wait, wait, wait, I didn’t do anything! Promise!” The small robot began to sweat profusely as he threw his arms and legs around. “Help me! Get this crazy girl away from me!”
“What did you call me?” Flames grew in Amy’s pupils as she grabbed hold of either side of his waist and shook him back and forth.
“Aaaaaaah!” Bokkun’s head bobbled as he screamed for mercy.
“Amy…” Sonic placed an arm on the pink hedgehog’s shoulder. She stopped and looked at his gloved hand, his head gently shaking as if to tell her that no amount of torment she could inflict on the henchman would do any good for Cream and Cheese.
“Hmph…fine.” She dropped Bokkun before dusting her hands off. The messenger robot landed on the grass below, swirls appearing over his beady eyes as his dizzy head spun around.
The party’s eyes returned to the television which now displayed the slightly fuzzy image of Dr. Eggman straightening his jacket and inspecting his long orange mustache with a handheld mirror. Throwing the mirror to the side, the doctor cleared his throat once more and turned his face to the camcorder.
“Greetings, my favorite adversaries!” His evil smile grew as he turned to the side, allowing the party to see Cream and Cheese once more. “As I’m sure even you lot have figured out, your little bunny friend is now under my care.”
“Ooooo, that Eggman…” Amy pulled her Piko Piko hammer from her hammerspace, gripping its handle with both hands as she slowly walked to the television.
“Wait!” Tails obstructed her path, stretching his arms in either direction. “Let’s hear what he has to say first.” The young kitsune turned around to listen as the evil doctor continue his speech. The pink hedgehog watched over his shoulder.
“I will give you the satisfaction of knowing just how much trouble this innocent-looking rabbit put me through.” He raised a clenched fist for the audience to see. “She destroyed several of my prized babies, annihilating my Egg Pawns as if they were nothing! Even her mother tagged in for a bit, but alas,” Robotnik swept his arm in the direction of his prisoners, “their efforts were in vain, and not only do I have Cream and her annoying blue pest in my custody, but,” he reached a gloved hand into his jacket pocket, pulling out a gray gem from within, “I acquired another Chaos Emerald as well. Wooahhooohoohooo!” The doctor’s laughter bellowed out of the weak speakers of the television, distorted audio echoing into the audience’s ears.
“By my calculations,” Eggman continued, raising his fingers to the camera, “I now have three in my collection, and you have one, so three more are still out there, waiting to be found.” The doctor turned to face his robot henchmen watching from the side. “Decoe! Bocoe! Wheel Cream closer, will ya?”
“Aye aye!” the two said in unison as they entered the shot in order to position the captives directly next to the evil madman.
“Bokkun! Get a good shot of this and be sure to edit this out!”
“Y…yes sir,” the messenger robot said in a weak, half-hearted voice, tilting the camcorder downward to get a better shot of Cream, who shielded her eyes from the studio lights with her hands while the chao cried against her orange dress.
“All right Bokkun, be sure to cut right…here!” The doctor’s demeanor changed as he addressed the audience once more, now completely out of the camera eye. “If you’d like to free your precious little friend here, you must trade me all of the remaining Chaos Emeralds, including those still missing.” He laughed once more as the little bunny removed her hands from her face and pressed them against her ear flaps, rolling into a fetal position in the center of her cage. Cheese rubbed his master’s arm with a stubby hand, but it seemed to have no effect. Nevertheless, he persisted as the evil doctor continued laughing maniacally.
“Okay Bokkun, now turn the camera back to me.” He did as instructed, zooming out from the trapped rabbit and spinning the camcorder in Robotnik’s direction. “Now cut back in riiiiiiight, now.”
Putting on another menacing smile while stroking his orange mustache, he continued his rehearsed ransom speech. “But you know what? I’m feeling a bit generous. I’ll give you five…no…seven days to collect the remaining gems.” He raised seven fingers toward his face for the viewers to see. “If you don’t bring me the Chaos Emeralds by then, I will hold Cream indefinitely. Maybe I’ll even put her to work with the janitorial night crew. Wooahhooohoohooo!”
“Eggman is gonna pay…” Sonic balled his hands as his arms began to shake, gritting his teeth.
“Well, I’m off to bask in my victory. Hope the news wasn’t too...explosive.” Eggman snickered as his image disappeared from the television, replaced with a large red number 5, slowly counting downward, accompanied by high-pitched beeps.
“Everyone, dive for cover!” Tails yelled, waving his arms away from the TV.  The gang scattered, running as far away as possible with what little time they had. As Tails was the closest, he didn’t have time to duck behind something, so he dove forward, covering his head with his hands as he clenched his teeth and closed his eyes.
A small explosion erupted from within the CRTV, bits of components shooting in all directions as the charred remains produced smoke which slowly dissipated into the sky above.
“Everyone okay?” Sonic asked, stepping out from behind a stack of logs. Attached to him was Amy, whose first instinct in this situation was to dive toward her blue boyfriend and continue holding on well after the danger passed.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” Tails twisted his head, inspecting as much of his back as he could. He couldn’t see or feel any shrapnel, so he rolled over, thoroughly inspecting his arms, legs, and torso. The only thing out of place were the grass stains covering his knees and belly.
Pulling himself up, he watched as Knuckles emerged from behind a makeshift log seat. Rouge, who took to the skies as her flee tactic, returned to the ground below. All of them gathered near the charred grass, none appearing worse for wear.
“Are you kidding me?” Knuckles shook his tightened fists. “It’ll take me hours to clean up this mess!”
“Really?” Amy asked, turning in the red echidna’s direction. “Are you really only concerned about your yard at a time like this?
“I’ll have you know this is sacred ground…” Knuckles looked embarrassed, glancing toward his other friends for support. Receiving only stone-faced stares complete with furrowed brows and disappointed frowns, he turned to Amy as he shrugged his shoulders. “Okay, I guess it is trivial, all things considered.” He grimaced as he turned his attention back to the television wreckage before them, a scowl on his face.
“What do we do now?” Amy asked, turning back to the full party.
Looking up into the sky, Sonic clenched his fists once more.
“We’ve gotta save Cream and Cheese! We know where Eggman’s hiding out, so we could just rush on in and save ‘em.” Sonic’s gaze turned back to Amy and Knuckles as Tails stood to his side. “Pretty simple, huh? We can have Cream back to her mom before dinnertime.”
“I agree,” Knuckles replied, raising a determined fist. “What’s a few Badniks guarding his fortress gonna do to stop us?”
“You said it, Knux.” Sonic raised a clenched hand to the red echidna for a fist bump, which he enthusiastically returned.
“I wish it were that simple,” Tails interjected, watching as the party’s gaze turned to him. “Remember Rouge’s story? She is the expert on infiltration, and not only was she caught, she almost died escaping his fortress.”
“He’s right, as much as I hate to admit it.” Rouge shrugged her shoulders. “Eggman’s base is armed to the teeth with Egg Pawns and large mechs.”
“And that was before Rouge’s narrow escape,” Tails added, rubbing a gloved finger against his chin. “We have to assume Eggman is beefing up his defenses, or even using his new Chaos Emerald to add an extra layer of security.”
“Well? We can’t just do nothing!” Knuckles exclaimed, crushing a component from the destroyed television under his worn shoe.
“What if Eggman has us cornered this time?” The group looked at Amy, who was leaning against her Piko Piko Hammer, her face downcast as her eyes stared at the grass below, drained of their previous fire. “Cream and Cheese are our number one priority, so maybe we could just hand over the emeralds and deal with the fallout later?”
“What!” Knuckles’ face turned red as anger built up inside him. “Are you suggesting we simply give him the Chaos Emeralds? Think of the destruction he’d cause!”
“Knuckles is right.” Tails walked over to the pink hedgehog as a small tear fell from her eye. He placed a gloved hand on her shoulder as a warm, reassuring smile appeared on his face. “But we can think of something…right Sonic?” The orange fox turned to face his older brother, whose arms were folded and eyes closed.
“Well, we always do, so why is this any different?” Sonic cracked a smile as he delivered his signature thumbs up, which Tails returned in kind. Knuckles’ anger ebbed while Amy’s lips formed a small smile of her own, allowing her hammer to fall to the ground as she dried her tears with her index finger.
“Hey, do you guys hear that?” Knuckles turned back to the smoldering bonfire, the pot of water no longer boiling. They watched as Bokkun frantically consumed multiple, half-eaten bowls of oatmeal scattered around the bonfire. Transfixed at his ferocious speed, the party simply watched.
“Boy, he really must be malnourished, huh?” Sonic asked, turning to his young brother.
“I guess,” Tails replied, “but why would Eggman develop a robot dependent on organic matter to sustain itself?”
“Beats me.” Sonic shrugged his shoulders as he closed his eyes.
Amy wasn’t interested in such banter, however; she approached the messenger robot, who had since sat against the base of a log chair, stretching his legs out against the grass while resting his hands against his protruding belly.
“And just what do you think you’re doing?” She peered down at Bokkun with a long frown.
“What?” Bokkun gave the pink hedgehog a confused look while tilting his head. “I delivered my message, so I had oatmeal. Wasn’t that the deal?”
Amy sighed.
“Well, at least he took care of the leftovers.” She grimaced as Bokkun let out a long belch, a satisfied grin appearing on his face as he rubbed his belly once more.  
As everyone else laughed at Bokkun’s lack of manners, Tails raced through several different strategies for infiltrating Eggman’s base as his eyes explored the grass below his feet.
Hmmm...well, a direct assault would be too impractical and dangerous. We could try sneaking in, but this poses its own risks, especially as a group, and we don’t know what traps Eggman may be hiding.
A lightbulb went off in his head, and his eyes lit up as he raised a finger upward.
“Hey guys! I think I have an idea.”
“You do? That’s great!” Sonic gave his young brother a warm smile. “So, let’s hear it!”
“Well,” Tails began, “what if we bring all the emeralds to the fortress, get Cream back, and escape with the emeralds before he can get his hands on them?”
“Sounds complicated,” Knuckles replied, folding his arms together as he closed his eyes in thought, “not to mention risky. We’d have all seven emeralds within arms reach of Eggman and his energy doohickey.”
“I didn’t say it wouldn’t be risky,” Tails continued, gesturing with one hand, “but I could probably disable some of Eggman’s traps and mechs from the outside before we even enter the compound. This would at least keep Cream and Cheese safe.”
“I like the way you think, little guy!” Sonic said, ruffling the orange kitsune’s hair.
“Heh, it was nothin’.” Tails waved a hand outward, a small blush appearing over his muzzle.
“There is just one small problem with this plan,” Knuckles said as the brothers turned to face him. “We only have one emerald, and we need three more for Eggman to let us in.”
“True…” Sonic placed a finger against his chin.
“Well, let’s worry about that later.” Tails faced his older brother. “In the meantime, why don’t you fly Amy over to Vanilla’s? I’m sure she could use the emotional support.”
“Right on!” Sonic gave the young fox a thumbs up before turning to the pink hedgehog. “What d’ya say we mosey on out of here?”
“Right.” Amy jumped toward the blue hedgehog, who was ready to catch her in his arms before speeding off toward the Tornado 2.
“Hey Sonic,” Tails yelled, causing his older brother to screech to a halt. “Don’t forget these.” Tails withdrew his keys from his utility belt and threw them toward the blue hedgehog. Amy caught them in her hands before the two took off once more.
“And Rouge,” Tails continued, watching as she inspected her gloved fingers with her legs folded, sitting on a makeshift log chair. “Can we trust you to join us?”
“Me?” she coyly asked, pointing at herself with both hands. “Well, I usually don’t like taking orders, but I’ll make an exception for you, fox boy.” Winking to the lightly-blushing orange kitsune, Rouge stood up from her chair, wiping small bits of bark from her latex pants. “Just keep me posted.” She pointed to the watch she wore on her wrist, different from the ones Tails made for his immediate friends but still communicable with his signature model.
“Of course!” Tails gave the bat a warm smile as she walked toward the edge of the floating island, looking into the azure waters below.
“Be seeing you later. This girl needs a spa treatment.” Giving a two-fingered wave from behind her head, the jewel thief jumped off the edge, allowing herself to fall several yards before gliding upward and steadying her flight, making her way back to the mainland in the distance.  
“What will you be doing, Knuckles?” Tails asked, his attention now set on the red echidna standing nearby.
“For now? Cleaning…lots of cleaning.” He walked back to the bomb remnants several yards from the bonfire, shaking his head. “Eggman will rue the day he decided to sully my island…” The red echidna’s grumbles trailed off as he made his way back to his cabin to fetch a garbage bag.
“And now that just leaves me.” Tails stood at the edge of the island, gazing into the blue skyscape, the afternoon sun reflecting over the ocean waters below.
“What can I do to be useful?” Standing in thought for a few moments, he turned his head back to view the Master Emerald shrine in the distance.
“…Open your heart, huh?” He nodded to himself, a sense of resolve forming in his eyes. “Well, guess it can’t hurt.” He slowly made his way through the well-kept grass as he grew closer to the Master Emerald.
Only the sound of rustling wind and ocean waves could be heard at the abandoned campfire, save for the rhythmic snoring of a certain messenger robot, whose catnap ended abruptly as his snot bubble popped. Rubbing his eyes, he looked around to find the site deserted. Bokkun lifted himself up and flew around the perimeter of the bonfire with his jetpack before setting his feet back down in the grass.
“They left me all alone? Why would they do that? I thought we were friends…” Tears began to form in his beady eyes as he sat back down, his downcast face looking into the smoke coming from the extinguished fire in front of him.
“Cream…I hope you’ll be okay…”
“Cream?” came a voice from behind. Knuckles returned from the cabin, a garbage bag in tow. “Why are you concerned about her? I thought you were on Eggman’s side.” The messenger robot quickly jumped backward.
“No, no, no…this isn’t what it looks like!” He waved his hands forward, making himself look all the more guilty.
“What? Are you defecting or something?” Knuckles eyed the robot suspiciously, wind blowing into the opening of the garbage bag, inflating it as it flew like a flag in the red echidna’s hand.
“No! I would never betray Dr. Eggman!” Bokkun shook his head, sweat starting to form along his brow.
“…You robots don’t make any sense.” Knuckles scoffed as he turned to the charred grass. “If you’re not gonna help clean your mess, I suggest you leave immediately.”
“…Right.” Bokkun took flight, making his way upward before flying across the shrine.
The fox looked up as he saw the dark speck above leave the island before sitting down in front of the Master Emerald, cross-legged with his back up straight. He allowed his namesakes to flutter as he studied the mystical gem glistening in the afternoon sun while racking his brain.
Blinking a few times, the orange kitsune rubbed his temple with his gloved fingers.
“Think Tails, think…” After a few more minutes of deep thought, he came up with an idea. “Well…it’s certainly better than nothing.”
The young fox got on his knees and bent his back, bowing to the Master Emerald with hands pressed against each other.
“Oh Master Emerald…ummm…hear…my prayer?”
While he knew nobody was watching, Tails felt his body shake in embarrassment, his namesakes resting against the stone surface behind him as his muzzle grew warm.
“I worship thee divine gem…and all of its…ummm…wonderous…ness…and the power that it…bestows…upon us.”
Yep. Totally losing my mind here.
The fox winced as he looked up at the green emerald, towering over his small figure as he pondered someway to continue his extemporaneous prayer.
“I pledge my…fealty…to you, almighty Master Emerald!”
Tails unclasped his hands and raised his body upwards, slowing swaying his arms toward the sky before allowing them to sway downward. He repeated this several times, as if slowly fanning the mystical gemstone.
“You know that’s not gonna work, right?” The orange kitsune’s hands were upright when he was startled from behind, toppling over backward with arms outstretched. The fox looked up to see Knuckles peering down from above. Tails’ face turned a bright shade of red before managing a few nervous chuckles, his hand rubbing a triangular ear as he cracked a small smile.
“Here.” The red echidna reached his hand down to the fallen fox, who twisted himself around, grabbed hold of his spiked glove, and allowed himself to be pulled back up to his feet.
“Thanks, Knuckles.” Tails brushed bits of gravel from his legs as he fluttered his namesakes.
“At least you get an ‘A’ for effort.” Knuckles cracked a smile. “Come.” The young kitsune watched as the guardian stepped around him, planting his feet in front of the Master Emerald before setting himself down, crossing his legs and holding his back upright. Knuckles patted the stone surface next to him, beckoning the orange fox to join him.
“Oh…okay.” Unsure of Knuckles’ plan, he shrugged his shoulders before taking a seat next to the red echidna.
“When I said to place your faith in the Master Emerald, I didn’t mean to literally pray to it.” Knuckles looked over at the young kitsune, who placed a hand behind his head.
“Yeah, sorry ‘bout that. I probably looked really dumb, huh?”
“Well…just a little.” The red echidna raised a hand forward, forming a small gap between his thumb and the rest of his gloved fingers as if to emphasize his level of dumbness. “Now, I want you to repeat after me.”
“Right.” Tails looked on with determination in his eyes, studying Knuckles as he hoped to emulate him down to a tee.
Knuckles closed his eyes as he drew in a big breath, holding it for several seconds before slowly exhaling. Tails did the same, his face pointing downward as he closed his eyes, filling his lungs with fresh air, keeping his breath held for a few moments before letting a warm flow of air leave his nostrils.
Knuckles repeated this ritual, so Tails did the same. After several rounds of deep breathing, the red echidna looked back at the orange fox.
“How do you feel?”
Tails raised a gloved finger to his chin, looking up at the baby blue sky above.
“Well…I feel fine, actually. No anxiety, no pressure…it’s as if all my worries have been…extinguished.”
“Heh…that’s the idea. Meditative breathing helps ease the soul and calm the mind. You should try it more often.”
“Me specifically, or people in general?”
“…Yes.” The two friends shared a laugh.
“The next step,” Knuckles continued, “is to bare your soul to the Master Emerald.”
“Huh?” Tails looked at him, his head slightly tilted and his brow scrunched.
“Well…” Knuckles rubbed his chin with a gloved hand. “It’s kinda hard to explain. Haven’t really taught anyone before.” The red echidna cleared his throat. “Okay…think of it like this.” His eyes met the young fox’s curious stare. “Imagine you’re in a room with nobody but your closest friend.”
“Right.” Tails closed his eyes once more, placing his hands in his lap as he imaged a blank room with a single couch. He conjured up an image of Sonic sitting alongside him. “Okay, got it. What’s next?”
“Now imagine telling this friend a secret, one so personal you’d only share it with them.”
Well that should be easy. Sonic knows me like an open book. I can’t keep anything from him…well…I guess everyone has their secrets, right?
“A deep fear works, too,” Knuckles added.  
Tails wiped his brow, sighing in relief.
In his mind’s eye, he imagined venting to his older brother, lifting the weight of the world from his shoulders and sharing this burden with him. Sonic didn’t mind, however, simply looking back at him as he allowed the young kitsune to unload all his past failures and insecurities, the bullying he experienced prior to meeting Sonic, growing up orphaned, and the complete and utter loneliness he felt for a significant portion of his life. He imagined the blue hedgehog wiping the tears from his puffy eyes before embracing him, providing reassurances which helped him feel better about himself.
“Okay,” Tails said, flicking away a small teardrop with a gloved finger. “What now?” Knuckles looked forward, staring at the glistening gem before them.
“Imagine your friend has been replaced with the Master Emerald.”
“…huh?” It usually took a lot to confuse the prodigious kitsune, but he was dumbfounded beyond all measure.
“I know it sounds silly, but try it. Trust me…and the Master Emerald. Treat it like a friend. Form a bond with it. Only then will it help guide you forward.”
“Okay, I’ll give it a try.” Tails sighed once more as he erased Sonic and the imaginative room from his mind, replacing them with the stone shrine he currently occupied. He stepped toward the mystical gem in his head, placing both of his palms against its shimmering surface as he closed his eyes, allowing himself to repeat what he had mentally spoken to Sonic moments before.
Opening his eyes in the real world, the orange fox discovered that he was no longer sitting cross-legged on the stone floor but, rather, standing before the Master Emerald, his hands pressed against its shiny surface as they were in his imagination.
Tails wasn’t startled, though; for reasons unexplained, it felt destined…natural…as if it were meant to be.
“I’m sorry…” Tails closed his eyes once more, a tear rolling down either side of his face. “I know I don’t deserve this…but I…no…we need your help.” The young fox stepped as close as he could to the oversized gemstone, wrapping his arms around it while tears dripped through his muzzle, landing against and trickling down the Master Emerald’s smooth surface.
“We’ve relied on the Chaos Emeralds countless times in our fight against Dr. Eggman, but now he’s on the precipice of winning. Without your help, we won’t have enough time to find them all again.”
“So please…” Tails dropped to his knees as he rested his forehead against the surface of the gem. “…please help us.”
Knuckles watched from several steps away as Tails broke down against the Master Emerald, his shoulders moving up and down with the rhythm of his crying, his arms dangling from his sides as he kept himself propped up with his forehead pressed against the mystical gemstone.
“Tails…are you gonna b—” The red echidna froze as he watched Tails fall over. The young kitsune gripped his forehead with both hands as he groaned in a sudden bout of pain before rolling into a fetal position.
“Tails!” Knuckles rushed over to the orange fox, who instinctively wrapped himself within his namesakes, not responding to the red echidna’s calls. Gently pulling a tail outward, he witnessed as the fox lay on the ground unconscious, his muzzle damp with tears.
Knuckles placed a gloved hand against the fox’s neck. “Good…he still has a pulse.” Collecting himself, he scooped him up into his arms, cradling the orange kitsune like a baby. “Let’s get you inside.” The red echidna slowly made his way down the stairs, not noticing the green glow emanating from the Master Emerald as he walked back to his cabin.
Tails slowly opened his eyes. He looked down at his body, sprawled along the hard, white surface below him.
“Ah geez, this place again?”
Standing up, the orange kitsune looked around to find nothing. Peering down at his utility belt, he was already one step ahead of his own chaos-induced dream, pulling out the cracked emerald detector and turning it on. When he pressed the button on top of the circular screen, though, nothing happened.
“That’s strange.” He pressed the button again. And again. A few more times. He shook it near his ear to see if a screw was loose before trying once more.
“Nothing.” The young fox sighed to himself as he widened his belt pocket with his free hand. Before he could slip the device back in, however, it crumbled in his hand, components and bits of plastic falling to the floor below.
“Ummm…that was weird.” He scratched the hair on his chin before advancing onward, leaving the debris behind.
“Okay…so with no detector…where am I supposed to go?” As if answering his call, the fox noticed a brown speck in the distance. Walking toward it, he was surprised and a bit amused by what he found.
“Really? I don’t even think they’re trying anymore.” The orange kitsune sat on the reclining chair, pulling the footrest up. A large plastic bowl materialized in his lap as the fragrant smell of mint pierced his nostrils. He reached a gloved hand within and grabbed a small, black Mobian Scout™ mint chocolate chip cookie between his fingers. Shrugging his shoulders, he threw the morsel into his mouth, a satisfying grin forming on his face as his lips were coated in black cookie dust.
“Who’d have thought cookies would taste so good in dreamland?”
Taking a few more bites, the fox looked around as the whiteness gave way to black. Tails was along for the ride, though, and wasn’t particularly afraid, his hand wrist-deep in the seemingly bottomless bowl of morsels at his disposal. Finally, an image appeared before him, like a holographic projection with no apparent source. It displayed flickering black and white dots, as if it were a television void of its analogue signal, before finally showing a discernable video.
A piece of cookie fell from Tails’ mouth as his jaw dropped. He watched as he witnessed himself getting captured by Dr. Eggman’s large mech, its mechanical hand wrapped all around the defenseless kitsune.
“Help me, Sonic!” The orange kitsune on-screen reached his arm upward, grasping at the air with his exposed hand as the rest of his body was held captive by Robotnik’s menacing creation.
“Tails!” Sonic was several yards away, panting with his hands against his knees as he looked up at the machine before him. He clenched his fists as he stepped forward.
“Ah ah ahh!” Eggman bellowed from a speaker on the outside of the mech. He sat comfortably in the mech’s control center located in its head. “One more move and the little fox gets it!”
“Damn you, Eggman…” Sonic said under his breath, his eyes locked on the metallic hand keeping his brother trapped in place.
“Wooahhooohoohooo! It looks like you’re in quite the pickle, Sonic! But I’m willing to make an offer…even with the likes of you.” Sonic glared up at the glass oval housing the mad scientist.
“Me, make a deal with you? Fat chance.” Sonic pulled the skin under his eye down with his middle finger while sticking his tongue out at Eggman, blowing a raspberry in the process.
“So that’s the game you want to play, huh? All right then…don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Robotnik snickered as he pulled a lever on his control panel.
“Ahhhhh! S…Sonic, h…help meeeee!” Tails’ screaming was muffled by the mech’s tightening grip.
“Oh no, Tails, buddy. Hold on!” Sonic gritted his teeth with rage as he watched the horror before him.
“Okay, Egghead. Release Tails, and I’ll do what you want.”
“Nah ah ahhh. Do you really think I’m that foolish? I want you to hand over the Chaos Emeralds first. With all seven in-hand, I could care less what happens to your ‘little brother’.”
Sonic grimaced as the evil doctor continued his laughter. Looking back at the metallic claw above, he noticed its grip slowly getting tighter, Tails’ voice no longer audible to the blue hedgehog below.
Present-day Tails felt as if he was about to vomit, tears rolling down his face as he placed a gloved hand against his belly.
Why would the Master Emerald show me this? What’s it trying to prove?
“Ohhh…” The fox gripped the fur on his belly as his eyes remained glued to the holographic projection, too transfixed to look away from this horrible memory.
“Well, Sonic,” Eggman maneuvered the mech’s free hand downward, resting on the ground next to the blue hedgehog as it bent its knees. “What do you say? All seven gems for Tails’ life? Seems like a fair offer if you ask me.”
Sonic stared at the ground as he considered his options. Finally, he looked up at the evil doctor, a sly smile on his face.
“Okay, Egghead. I’ll give ya want you want.”
“No, Sonic! Don’t do it!” The blue hedgehog could hardly hear the pleas of his young brother. For the first and last time in his life, Sonic chose to ignore him, instead reaching for a backpack sitting in the corner of the makeshift battle arena, an abandoned cityscape decimated by the evil mastermind, with a turquoise metal surface below him and an orange, sunsetting sky above. He unzipped the sack and poured its contents out into the palm of the mech’s free hand.
“Haha, glorious! I didn’t think you’d be so reasonable, but I guess even dimwitted rodents such as yourself can show intelligence every now and again.” He snickered at he slowly retracted the hand closer to the head of the mech, hoping to deposit them directly into the central console of the large robot.
“Not so fast, Eggman!” Sonic jumped forward, landing next to the mystical gems as the mechanical hand continued making its way back to Robotnik.
“What? What are you doing!” Eggman yelled, reaching for a lever to jiggle the blue hedgehog off of his creation.
“What am I doin’? Savin’ my little brother, of course!” Sonic breathed deeply as he closed his eyes, planting his feet firmly against the unstable, metallic hand below him as the Chaos Emeralds began to float and spin around him.
“No! I can’t believe this!” Eggman was yanking at either side of his long mustache as he watched Sonic undergo his signature transformation.
Raising his arms forward, and balling his hands into tight fists, Sonic let out a loud shout as the emeralds rapidly spun around him, eventually disappearing from view as the hedgehog’s azure blue coat was overtaken by a glowing shade of yellow. His eyes were red and his quills stood on-end as he glowered at the evil doctor, who still hadn’t managed to stop the mechanical hand from making its ascent closer to him.
“I think it’s time we put this bad boy outta commission.” Sonic smirked as he hurtled through the mech in several directions, slashing through its thick metal as the machine gradually began falling apart. Cutting the wrist which still gripped the young fox, Sonic teleported the metallic hand away from the fight, landing several yards away as the claw’s grip loosened. Tails’ body rolled from its palm and gently landed into Sonic’s arms, the golden hedgehog holding him like a parent caressing their newborn child.
“…S..Sonic…” This was all the young kitsune could say before he closed his eyes, falling out of consciousness. Super Sonic set him down on the ground, wrapping his namesakes around him for good measure before turning around and teleporting back to the fight, slashing the mech a bit more before the central command pod was all that remained.
Eggman’s wits returned as he pressed several buttons on his dashboard. The disguised Egg Mobile previously locked in place within the giant mech lifted itself out of the dilapidated, fiery mess and hovered above the ground. He soared up, attempting to flee the losing battle.  
“Oh, I don’t think so.” Sonic teleported in front of Eggman’s path. “So long, Egg-breath!” The ascended hedgehog flew in for a forceful kick, shooting the Egg Mobile and its inhabitant across the destroyed city.
“Cuuuuurseee thaaaaaat heeeeeedgehoooooog!” Eggman’s yell could barely be heard in the distance as he drew farther away from the heroic hedgehog, his departure solidified by the sight of a lone sparkle in the sky.
Sonic floated back down to the ground and walked toward the sleeping kitsune. Smiling to himself, he fell to one knee as exhaustion claimed him. His golden fur dissipated as his standard blue color returned. The seven Chaos Emeralds reanimate themselves around Sonic’s figure, spinning around rapidly before making their way upward. Holding still for a few seconds, the mystical gems shot across the sky in seven different directions.
Sonic watched the emeralds scatter before falling to his belly and crawling toward the ruined metal hand. Gripping its mechanical fingers with labored breaths, he pulled himself up and pressed his back against its open palm, gently pulling the unconscious fox toward him. Placing his little brother in his lap, Sonic wrapped his arms around Tails’ torso, his hands resting within the namesakes still wrapped around him as he rested his back against the mechanical paw. The blue hedgehog closed his eyes, allowing his weariness to take hold.
The holographic video faded away as the darkness around the orange kitsune gave way to piercing white light once more.
The young kitsune still felt nauseous as he pushed the footrest back into the recliner and walked into the white plains of nothingness.
“Why’d you show me that, huh? What are you trying to prove?” Staggering along for several yards, Tails gripped his belly once more before dropping to his knees, breathing heavily.
“Open your heart, Tails…calm yourself…face your fears…and be honest with yourself.”
“What?” Tails squinted, unable to see the woman behind the familiar feminine voice.
“Trust your feelings, Tails. Only then will you find what you seek.”
The fox fell backward, landing on his behind as he used his gloved hands to keep his back upright.
“Well,” Tails started, staring into the empty void before him. “I…yes…I was scared…I felt hopeless…defenseless…and…” a fresh round of tears began to form around the fox’s eyes. “...worthless…”
The fox waited for a reply, but he heard none. Wiping away his tears, he forced himself up, planting his feet to the ground.
“…but not anymore.” Tails raised his fits into the air. “Sonic taught me it’s okay to be scared…okay to be frightened…okay to admit I need help.” He sighed as he looked downward, closing his eyes in deep thought. “…doubt, hopelessness, fear, worry, regret…these are all normal feelings, and it’s okay to experience them. The real test is taking action despite these feelings.” Tightening his balled fists once more, he raised his head to the endless, white chasm above.
“Fear will no longer paralyze me!” Tails screamed as loud as his throat and lungs would allow, his entire body vibrating with the force. “Regret will no longer hinder me! And I will always work hard to save my friends and protect those in need!”
The kitsune fell back down, landing on his behind once more as he gasped for breath, clutching his aching belly with a gloved hand.
The orange fox looked up to see a shadowy silhouette above him, the feminine shape of someone around his height, with dreadlocks behind her head and a blouse covering her waist. She placed her hand on Tails’ head.
“Please protect the emeralds from the evils that lie before you.”
Tails felt a sense of pressure growing against his forehead where the shadowy hand still rested.
“What’s going on?” The orange kitsune winced as the pain above his eyes grew exponentially.
“Ahhhhh!” He remembered this unpleasant sensation, the same he felt before entering dreamland. He pressed a gloved hand against his face as the pain rose.
The feminine figure planted a gentle kiss against his forehead, seemingly making the pain go away. Lightly blushing through his furry muzzle, the young fox fell to his side, his weary eyes closing as he slept against the cold, white surface, the silhouette fading into the void.
I hope you all enjoyed Chapter 11!
A quick update on the poll: thank you to those who participated and reached out to share your thoughts! Consider the sequel to A Prelude to Chaos Control officially happenin’! It will still be some time until I finish with the Sonic X prequel, though! In speaking of which, Chapter 12 will be uploaded within the next two weeks, so stay tuned!
I’ve also been working on a side fanfic, spurred on by members of the r/milesprower Discord server that I help moderate. A hint: it will be quite fluffy. UwU
Click here if you’d like to join the server and hang out with fellow fans and fanfic enthusiasts! :P 
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pikonv5 · 7 years
hello hello !! i was scrolling through the piko tag and i saw that you were also a Piko enthauiest so !! would you like to perhaps....discuss Piko headcanons :0c ? sorry if this is weird !
hi and heck yeah!!
I wasn’t sure how to organize it and not make it too wordy, but here’s a list on some of mine for pik :>
a short boi
has a poor battery life
glitches are not uncommon
probably only eats like the same 3 things or steals off of other loids
too blunt for his own good
has issues
some that stem from being the only sony/ ki/oon loid and being neglected by them
cries too easily but likely wont admit it
iroha is like a big sister to him
but at first he didn’t want to get along
can shoot laser from eye?
likes to look cool but often doesn’t feel like putting in the effort
won’t eat veggies
often mellow
but will fight
would likely win in a fight
ritsu and him fight but they are bffs
a space baby
prides himself in the fact lui is jealous over his eyelashes
startles easily
speaks in monotone probably half the time
has never made his bed
likes cats
doesn’t have any though sometimes borrows iro’s
can control usb like tail and is detachable
doesn’t get enough sleep
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icipicicicacici · 8 years
Rules: Complete the survey and say who tagged you in the beginning. When you finished tag 5 people to do this survey. Have fun and enjoy!!! tagged by @cherrydrop (-: !!!! 
tagging @raindropsfallingup @uchihachiha @nachofather @thirdbomb @zoocosplay101 (if you want to ^^<3 ) 
1: Are you named after someone?
nope my mom just saw my name in a baby names book and liked it a lot 
2: When was the last time you cried?
today? I cry almost every day tho LOL
3: Do you like your handwriting?
I like the way it looks but it cramps up my elbow/wrist when I have to handwrite for long periods of time, or very fast 
4: What is your favorite lunch meat?
I fucking love spam (but hate pork otherwise?? idk whats up with me) 
5: Do you have kids?
no they are yucky 
6: If you were another person, would you be friends with you?
hell yeah! I have so much in common with me!! 
7: Do you use sarcasm?
ya especially with people I love (^: they get the best of it 
8: Do you still have your tonsils?
i believe I do 
9: Would you bungee jump?
nooooo, the fact that I have to rely on that rope freaks me out. I have no problem with heights, it’s that.....rope.......agh 
10: What is your favorite kind of cereal?
Love Crunch strawberry dark chocolate granola 
11: Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
I can’t take them off otherwise loool ;_; (doc martens) 
12: Do you think you’re a strong person?
emotionally: no
physically: I can lift many things/people so i will take that as yes (LOL) 
13: What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
coffee <3 
14: What is the first thing you notice about people?
usually their lips, but sometimes it’s their hair 
15: Red or pink?
red but I like both 
16: What is the least favorite physical thing you like about yourself?
acne on my chest/back that still comes back sometimes, even after medication in highschool ): 
17: What color pants and shoes are you wearing now?
black leggings and no shoes because who the heck wears shoes in their room?? this is not the american south yo 
18: What was the last thing you ate?
thai coconut soup
19: What are you listening to right now?
lana del rey.......... its good for drawing 
20: If you were a crayon, what color would you be?
charcoal (im 2 edgy 4 u) 
21: Favorite smell?
sandalwood or peach 
22: Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone?
Junj <3 
23: Favorite sport to watch?
figure skating & swimming (fuck ice dancing tho that shit is scary) 
24: Hair color?
silver/grey/steel (i have no idea but something like that)
25: Eye color?
26: Do you wear contacts?
nop only coloured plano for cosplay sometimes 
27: Favorite food to eat?
sashimi!!!!!!!! or pizza 
28: Scary movies or comedy?
scary movies 
29: Last movie you watched?
It was a short horror film titled “Dumplings” for class at school 
30: What color of shirt are you wearing?
dark grey 
31: Summer or winter?
i like both and then I get tired of both (-: i’m picky 
32: Hugs or kisses?
hugs <3 
33: What book are you currently reading?
魔の断片 (Fragments of Horror) by Ito Junji (thank u riko piko <3 ) 
34: Who do you miss right now?
Viola and I miss her every single day 
35: What is on your mousepad?
the overwatch logo lol (it’s the razer OW mousepad) 
36: What is the last TV program you watched?
That 70′s Show (while I eat bc it was just on netflix) 
37: What is the best sound?
that noise cats make when they go “mrrr?” when you touch them suddenly 
38: Rolling Stones or The Beatles?
lol neither i dont listen to them 
39: What is the furthest you have ever traveled?
thats a lil subjective I guess i mean.... Ive been to mexico and also Romania so idk both of those are kind of “far”? to where I am now? 
40: Do you have a special talent?
I’ve become a pro at crying (jk but I do happen to know the lyrics to technologic by daft punk and can still recite it from my head wtf ) 
41: Where were you born?
Quebec, im not french tho it was just where my parents were randomly at the time 
42: People you expect to participate in this survey?
anyone from up there who also loves to overshare on the internet (-: 
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norwa-y-blog · 8 years
Rules: Answer the questions and tag 20 blogs you’d like to get to know better! tagged by @zerogravitychuuya Nicknames: sig, nisse, aurel, lu, piko, all of my kin names, like 800 other names plea s e Star Sign: Virgo / id is taurus Height: last time 5'1 i thjbk Time right now: 12:41pm Last thing I googled: aph romania Fave music artist: GHOST Song stuck in my head: idk I'm listening to electric angel rn tho Last movie I watched: zootopia (I'm not a furry) Last TV show I watched: Idk What I’m wearing right now: sweatpants and a shirt that's a little form fitting but not too much also a blanket if it counts When I created this blog: I have no idea The kind of stuff I post: he.talia shit (mostly kin stuff), vents, memes, personal stuff, idk I'm all over the place Do I have any other blogs: yeah like 70 Do I get asks regularly: sorta?? Why did I choose my url: dpd + norvegia (me) (also the romanian word for norway bc it's a good word) Hogwarts house: no Pokémon team: mystic Fave color: I donT JNOW Average hours of sleep: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Lucky number: 7 Favorite characters: aph romania Number of blankets I sleep with: 4 Dream job: lay in bed and do absolutely nothing but that's sorta impossible so an architect or an actor maybe Following: 73 i’m tagging: @denamewiki @italywiki @ms-baby-bird
anyone else bc I'm. lazy I'm not tagging 20 people
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The Cats of Angsardjono’s Mansion
Cats are the master of the universe. It’s just a matter of time when they can manage to rule the earth. That’s why I devoted my life to serve them. 
Well, so to speak. 
Let’s just say I’m  a felinetrovert who diagnosed with an acute ailurophilia. I love cats since I’m still in elementary school. I named my first cat Lucy, and she’s the longest living cat I have.  Her age is about 12 years old till she passed away about a decade ago. After that, cats come and go in my house whether they've died in illness or just leave to find a better man to pet and it made me get used to it. 
There was a long period of time that I haven’t got any cat in my house and one day my mom brought a little stray kitten from the local market. 
I call him Meru. A name that suddenly pops in my head. 
I think he’s a mixed breed from a local cat and a siamese. I don’t know why but we quickly get bonded to each other. Every time I want to call him, I don’t even bother to call his name, I just glance at him, and he came straight away. But sadly he passed away less than a year after I found him. I don’t think I ever feel that sad in my life before.
But God is good. Really good. A few months after Meru’s gone, a local white cat suddenly appears in my house. Sadly (again), though she only lives for a few months, she manages to deliver 5 cute kittens and two of them manage to live until more than a year and also manage to deliver 2 healthy boys that I still have until this very moment. 
I named them Mouri, from Kogoro Mouri, and Miko. 
In honoring Meru, after he passed away, I used the letter “M” as their first name every time I have a new cat. 
I always wanted to have a Maine coon. And about a month ago, I have the opportunity to raise one, and the funny thing is, his name is Motty.
My girlfriend’s brother has to move to a boarding house and they don’t allow to raise cats there. So she asked me if I want to raise him or not. At first, I was afraid that Motty won’t get along with my two other cats because they are all males. But since I’m dying to have a Maine coon, I said, “Heck, why I don’t give it a try?”. 
Motty isn’t actually a pure Maine coon. He’s a mixed breed between a Maine coon and a Persian. But that’s okay with me since now his body is much bigger than average cats.
The first week is been a hell to me. Like I estimated before, Motty don’t get along with my two other cats, so I have no choice than to lock him in a room. A room which is larger than my own bedroom. After all, I’m just his servant. 
Every time he heard my cats voice, he gets grumpy and angry, and sometimes attacked me when he smells my two other cats scent in my hand or feet. One day, when I opened Motty’s room, he saw Mouri standing behind me and he escaped, chased and attacked him. I literally have to sacrifice my two arms to separate the both of them from fighting. I still can feel the pain of the swollen wounds in my arms from his biting and his scratching within a week.
But after a month he’s calmer now when he heard my two other cat’s voice. Though I won’t take a chance to release him in my house. 
And just a few days ago, I put an ad in Facebook if there any female cat wants to find a mate, and find one! Her name is Piko, and she’s staying in Motty’s room for a while until she’s pregnant. 
I hope they both have some cute baby kittens!
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