#constance bergen
mariocki · 1 year
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Man-Made Monster (The Atomic Monster, 1941)
"Sometimes I think you're mad."
"I am! So was Archimedes, Galileo, Newton, Pasteur, Lister, and all the others who dared to dream. Fifty years ago, a man was mad to think of anaesthesia; forty years ago, the idea of operating on the brain was madness. Today, we hold a human heart in our hands and watch it beat. Who can tell what tomorrow's madness may be?"
#man made monster#the atomic monster#the electric man#1941#american cinema#horror film#universal monster cycle#(i mean it is and it isn't; certainly it's adjacent)#george waggner#lon chaney jr.#lionel atwill#anne nagel#frank albertson#samuel s. hinds#william b. davidson#ben taggart#constance bergen#ivan miller#chester gan#george meader#hans j. salter#disposable universal horror mishmash which succeeds largely due to the double whammy casting of two of my favourite from the universal#roster‚ Chaney jr and Atwill. the former plays to his strengths as the tragic monster as victim (a part he would perfect later in the year#in his iconic first appearance as the Wolf Man) while Atwill has an absolute ball of a time‚ waxing rhapsodic on his passion project of#producing electrical supermen and also repeatedly shrugging off accusations of madness with a 'yeah? and?'#the plot such as it is is absolute hokum (mad scientist investigates electrical immunity with plans to enslave people with electricity and#make an army of electric men.. or something) but it's an awful lot of fun and the modest effects are quite charming (inc. an angelic glow#for Chaney whenever he's in his electro man form). also this film isn't even an hour long and honestly we should go back to that#shorter films rule. this was rereleased under a couple of different titles over the years inc the Atomic Monster one once nuclear terrors#became the cool new thing (there's nothing really atomic here except that electricity is.. atoms.. maybe. im not a scientist. whatever)
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vintagewarhol · 2 years
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vintagestagehotties · 2 months
Round 1 is officially over!
Congratulations to the actresses who made it to Round 2!
Round 2 will begin on Saturday, May 4th
The winners of Round 1:
Maude Adams
Anna Maria Alberghetti
Julie Andrews
Angela Baddeley
Hermione Baddeley
Lauren Bacall
Olga Baclanova
Pearl Bailey
Josephine Baker
Lucille Ball
Anne Bancroft
Tallulah Bankhead
Theda Bara
Mona Barrie
Jessie Bateman
Polly Bergen
Claire Bloom
Mrs Patrick Campbell
Diahann Carroll
Lina Cavalieri
Helen Chandler
Geraldine Chaplin
Ruth Chatterton
Claudette Colbert
Constance Collier
Gladys Cooper
Katharine Cornell
Phyllis Dare
Zena Dare
Ruby Dee
Judi Dench
Stephanie Deste
Marie Doro
Geraldine Farrar
Maude Fealy
Edwige Feuillère
Susanna Foster
Trixie Friganza
Jane Froman
Eva Gabor
Zsa Zsa Gabor
Mary Garden
Greer Garson
Dusolina Giannini
Hermione Gingold
Dorothy Gish
Lillian Gish
Frances Greer
Mata Hari
Dolores Hart
Olivia de Havilland
Jill Haworth
Audrey Hepburn
Libby Holman
Lena Horne
Sally Ann Howes
Ethel Irving
Diane Keaton
Lisa Kirk
Eartha Kitt
Angela Landbury
Carol Lawrence
Vivien Leigh
Lotte Lenya
Beatrice Lillie
Bambi Linn
Gillian Lynne
Heather MacRae
Jayne Mansfield
Mary Martin
Jessie Matthews
Siobhán McKenna
Meng Xiaodong
Helen Menken
Ethel Merman
Cléo de Mérode
Evelyn Millard
Liza Minnelli
Rita Moreno
Odette Myrtil
Pola Negri
Julie Newmar
Nichelle Nichols
Maureen O’Sullivan
Aida Overton Walker
Anna Pavlova
Bernadette Peters
Lily Pons
Rosa Ponselle
Lee Remick
Diana Rigg
Thelma Ritter
Chita Rivera
Ginger Rogers
Lillian Russell
Rosalind Russell
Diana Sands
Lizabeth Scott
Maggie Smith
Emily Stevens
Susan Strasberg
Barbra Streisand
Yma Sumac
Inga Swenson
Laurette Taylor
Hilda Trevelyan
Monique Van Vooren
Fannie Ward
Ethel Warwick
Elisabeth Welch
Mae West
Anna May Wong
Diana Wynyard
Yoshiko Yamaguchi
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keesdp · 2 years
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Etappe 16
We willen minstens 1 touretappe meemaken en begeven ons door de Pyrineën naar Foix. Ik wil er een dag eerder zijn, maar het blijkt toch te ver om door Andorra in 1 dag van Pals naar Foix te rijden via Gerona voor de boodschappen. Dus overnachten we in Andorra op een parkeerplaats wat ons €1.90 kost. Daarvoor kan je in Den Haag 12 minuten parkeren. Om 8 uur zijn we weer on the road. Ik weet dat ze van Carcasson naar Foix rijden met 2 bergen van de 1e catagorie, dat ze 157 km moeten, om half 12 starten en om 18:00 in Foix verwacht worden. Bij Andorra staan al borden dat vandaag de weg waar wij op rijden afgesloten zal zijn i.v.m. de tour de France. We besluiten door te rijden tot het niet meer kan en dan met de fiets verder te rijden naar de finish. 25km voor Foix staan er al overal politieagenten, maar we kunnen nog door het is nog vroeg. Bij een Mac stoppen we om naar de wc te gaan. Achter ons wordt de rotonde naar de weg afgesloten met grote rood witte plastic blokken. We hebben geen idee hoever het naar de finish is en als we het vragen aan agenten, zeggen ze allemaal ja dat is in Foix. Kunnen we daar door met de fiets? Een schouderophalen is het antwoord. Zelfs mensen die official zijn met een badge om hun nek geven geen duidelijk antwoord. Ze denken allemaal; je gaat toch zeker niet op een wegfiets helemaal naar Foix. Over al die heuvels. Nou wij wel. Onderweg heeft Yvonne ook haar bedenkingen. Ze heeft het al over dat zij daar wel zal wachten als ik na afloop de auto gaat halen. In Bompas loopt de weg flink omhoog. Her en der zitten al mensen met stoelen en parasol langs de weg in de schaduw op de renners te wachten. Als wij langskomen met onze fietstas worden we luid aangemoedigd. Er rijden geen auto's dus de hele weg is voor ons. In Merkus staan een groep ambulances aan de rechterkant van de weg. Het personeel staat midden op de weg met elkaar te praten. Téte de la cours roep ik. Oui roepen ze en gaan lachend opzij. Bij Du Pont Du Diable vraag ik aan een man in wielrennerstenue en Asterixsnor hoever het nog is naar de finish. Bonjeur monsigneur,Combien de kilometre au l'arrivee ? Moi ongeveer 3,5 zegt hij in het Frans: Troi en midi, Merci boucoup. Hij vraagt of we Engels zijn. Nee Hollandais. Ah u spreekt goed Frans zegt hij. Zijn woorden hé, Horen jullie het ook eens van een ander. Bij een rotonde  na 5 km in het plaatsje Mont Gaillard staat een poort waarop staat kilometer 92. Dat is nog 65km tot de finish. Ik snap het niet. Opeens valt het kwartje. De renners rijden hier de andere kant op naar de 2 laatste bergen voor ze naar Foix rijden. Hier komen ze twee uur eerder langs. Op de rotonde worden we tegen gehouden door een officiele official. Althans dat denken wij maar kunnen dat nergens uit opmaken. U mag niet verder fietsen, u moet gaan lopen zegt hij. Hoever is het nog naar Foix vraag ik. Ongeveer 10 km zegt hij. Moeten we dat gaan lopen?vraag ik. Nee na de rotonde gaat u rechtuit en daar mag u wel fietsen. Vanaf hier dalen we af en Yvonne weet het nu zeker, ik ga niet tegen die berg op terug zegt ze. We komen aan bij het parkoers. Sterker nog bij de laatste bocht. Een U-bocht rond een rotonde. Rechts zie ik borden staan 250m en links 150m. Links is dus de finishlijn. We zetten de fietsen bij een hek van een flat op de hoek. Een man met hond zegt dat ze daar gestolen worden. Ik laat het dikke kettingslot zien. Hij is onder de indruk. Hij belooft ook nog een oogje in het zeil te houden. We lopen naar de meet en bij het bordje nog 25 meter vind ik een lege plek bij de boarding. We staan in de schaduw van het grote politiebureau. Om ons heen staan jongens zonder deoderand, die ik maar al te goed ken van mijn werk als vrijwilliger voor de stichting Anton Constance. Mensen die in de war zijn zal ik maar zeggen. Een begeleidster staat een eindje verderop bij de mensen die haar nodig hebben. De jongens met de dikke lippen kunnen zelfstandig herrie maken en hebben geen begeleiding nodig. Ze zijn allemaal aan de dikke kant en dat geld ook voor hun brillenglazen. Achter ons lopen 2 jonge vrouwen met een sjerp om naar de meet. De jongens met de brede heupen worden gek. Ze moedigen elkaar aan om met ze op de foto te gaan. Gewillig laten de twee missen zich fotograferen met zo'n jongen zonder deo tussen hen in. De ene miss draagt een lange glimmende jurk en de andere een zeer kort broekje waarin haar 2,4 meter lange benen mooi uitkomen. En dan heb ik het nog niet eens over haar stilettohakken van een halve meter. De jongens komen niet verder dan haar middel met hun slechte kapsel. Steeds weer wordt er van grootbeeldtelefoon en jongen gewisseld. Ik zie de missen denken waar zijn we aan begonnen. We hadden in de studio moeten blijven. Het is tijd voor de tourcaravaan. De sponsers hebben jongens en meisjes ingehuurd om frisdrankjes en koekjes en petten en sleutelhangers uit te delen aan de mensen bij de finish, want op het laatst moet de caravaan, die voor de tour uitrijdt, benen maken. De antideo-jongens schreeuwen en roffelen op de boarding om de reclamehulpen te bewegen hun bakfiets stop te zetten en uit te delen. De jongens scoren dan ook enorm veel gele petjes, oranje hesjes en blikjes frisdrank. De reclamekinderen vinden het heerlijk en moedigen aan voor ze tot uitdelen overgaan, veel herrie te maken. Als ze met hun lege bakfiets naar de auto terugfietsen, worden ze door de dikke lippenjongens met luid geschreeuw en geroffel aangemoedigd als zouden zij de wedstrijd nog kunnen winnen. Daarop zetten zij dan ook een sprint in tot de finishlijn. Het is tijd voor de race. Op mijn tourapp heb ik het al een beetje kunnen volgen. De Franse presentator doet door de luidsprekers aan de overkant verslag van de rit en en waar ik sta, kan ik op de Noorse tv2 monitoren de rit zien. Oego Oel (Hugo Hoels) heeft een kleine voorsprong genomen op Micheal Jorgensen en Micheal Woods. Op de 1e afdaling zie ik Jorgensen onderuit gaan in een bocht. Hij had Hugo bijna te pakken. Op de 2e berg houdt Oego Oel zijn halve minuut voorsprong volgens de live presentator bij de streep. Wij zien de renners eerst aan de overkant voorbij komen en komen dan aan onze kant aanrijden. Hugo heeft zijn handen al in de lucht als hij ons passeert, zo dicht staan we bij de finish. Jorgensen die viel wordt toch nog 4e. Het duurt nog best lang voordat de gele trui Vinjegaard en Pocacar binnenkomen. Het algemeen klassement blijft na vandaag hetzelfde. Na een half uurtje renners die binnendruppelen, houden we het voor gezien en begeven wij ons naar de fietsen. Wij hebben fietsers kennelijk op een idee gebracht, want er staan ineens heel veel fietsen hier bij en aan het hek. Ik reken Yvonne voor dat ze moet rekenen op minstens anderhalf tot twee uur voor ik terug ben met de auto. Dat idee trekt haar niet aan en ze besluit een eindje in ieder geval mee te fietsen van de 17 km. naar de auto. We hebben wind mee en Yvonne blijkt toch geen moeite te hebben met fietsen en fietst met me mee naar de Mac waar de auto staat. We doen er precies een uur over.
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honeyleesblog · 1 year
Providing In-Depth Horoscope and Personality Analysis for May 9 Birthdays
These individuals are loaded with thoughts and undertakings, and they have what it takes to carry out them. They are very lovely in character. They like solace and extravagance, yet are hesitant to be new and unprecedented. They express open talking abilities that they can grow brilliantly, and they can proceed to become political pioneers. They are held and sure of their power. In any case, they have created and superfluous convictions of their own significance, some of the time totally outlandish. That presumption tracks down no premise in anything, and can make the climate unfriendly towards them. They like to investigate, yet they additionally need to act with constancy and outcome. They have an incredible compassion toward human expression, particularly the applied kind or singing. They battle perseveringly for riches and are exceptionally fulfilled. In business, they generally leave a protected outlet. The imperfections related with this birthday incorporate, most importantly, exorbitant crabbiness. At the point when bothered they become extremely hesitant to think twice about. They are not extremely wonderful to others as a day to day existence friend. What undermines them: That their work in life may not be compensated, either in light of their pointless obstinacy or, in actuality, as a result of their hesitation. Providing In-Depth Horoscope and Personality Analysis for May 9 Birthdays 
 Assuming that your birthday is on May 9, your zodiac sign is Taurus May 9 - character and character character: laborer, liberal, ethical, enthusiastic, loquacious, curious; calling: pilot, veterinarian, engineer; colors: green, cream, blue; stone: spinel; creature: ostrich; plant: Zinnia; fortunate numbers: 5,10,42,49,53,59 very fortunate number: 25 Occasions and observances - May 9 Goku Day in Japan. Triumph Day over Nazism. Long periods of Recognition and Compromise (in celebration of WWII). Europe Day. May 9 VIP birthday events. Who was conceived that very day as you? 1904: Grete Harsh, disenadora y fotდ³grafa alemana (f. 1999). 1905: Lilდ­ დ?lvarez, tenista espanola (f. 1998). 1907: Baldur von Schirach, oficial alemდ¡n nazi (f. 1974). 1912: Pedro Armendდ¡riz, entertainer mexicano (f. 1963). 1918: Mike Wallace, periodista estadounidense (f. 2012). 1920: Richard Adams, escritor britდ¡nico (f. 2016). 1921: Sophie Scholl, dirigente y activista antinazi del movimiento Rosa Blanca (f. 1943). 1923: Carlos Bousono, poeta y filდ³logo espanol (f. 2015). 1924: Fernando Vidal, magistrado espanol, presidente del Council Predominant de Justicia de Asturias (f. 2012). 1924: Bulat Okudzhava, poeta, novelista y cantautor ruso (f. 1997). 1927: Manfred Eigen, fდ­sico y quდ­mico alemდ¡n, premio nobel de quდ­mica en 1967. 1928: Colin Chapman, ingeniero britდ¡nico, fabricante de automდ³viles (f. 1982). 1928: Pancho Gonzales, tenista estadounidense (f. 1995). 1928: Barbara Ann Scott, patinadora canadiense (f. 2012). 1934: Alan Bennett, escritor britდ¡nico. 1936: Albert Finney, entertainer britდ¡nico. 1936: Glenda Jackson, actriz britდ¡nica. 1937: Rafael Moneo, arquitecto espanol. 1939: Dolores Abril, cantaora espanola. 1939: Ricardo Aguirre, mდºsico venezolano (f. 1969). 1940: James L. Streams, productor, guionista y cineasta estadounidense. 1942: John Ashcroft, polდ­tico estadounidense. 1942: Mirko Sandiე‡, waterpolista y entrenador serbio (f. 2006). 1944: Richie Furay, mდºsico estadounidense, de la banda Bison Springfield. 1945: Jupp Heynckes, entrenador de fდºtbol alemდ¡n. 1946: Candice Bergen, actriz estadounidense. 1947: Vდ­ctor Ullate, bailarდ­n espanol. 1949: Marდ­a Eugenia Dდ¡vila, actriz y dramaturga colombiana (f. 2015). 1949: Ibrahim Barდ© Mainassara, militar y polდ­tico nigeriano (f. 1999). 1949: Billy Joel, mდºsico estadounidense. 1949: Andreu Martდ­n, escritor espanol. 1949: Adriდ¡n Paenza, matemდ¡tico argentino. 1950: Cristina Tejedor, actriz argentina. 1952: Adriana Varela, cantante argentina de tangos. 1955: Kevin Peter Lobby, entertainer estadounidense (f. 1991). 1955: Anne-Sofie von Otter, mezzosoprano sueca. 1955: Meles Zenawi, polდ­tico y preliminary ministro etდ­ope (f. 2012). 1956: Ludovica Squirru, astrდ³loga argentina. 1959: Christian Bach, actriz mexicana de origen argentino. 1959: Dis Berlდ­n, pintor, escultor y fotდ³grafo espanol. 1959: Miguel დ?ngel Gambier, futbolista argentino (f. 2016). 1960: Richard Horne, escritor britდ¡nico de libros infantiles. 1961: John Corbett, entertainer estadounidense. 1962: David Gahan, cantante britდ¡nico, de la banda Depeche Mode. 1962: Beatriz Gimeno, activista espanola de los derechos de LGBT. 1963: Emilio Maillდ©, chief de cine argentino. 1964: Genar Andrinua, futbolista espanol. 1964: Nacho Mastretta, mდºsico y printer espanol. 1964: Kevin Saunderson, DJ de mდºsica electrდ³nica. 1964: Miguel Tapia, mდºsico chileno. 1968: Marie-Josდ© Perec, atleta francesa. 1968: Ruth Kelly, polდ­tica britდ¡nica perteneciente al partido laborista. 1969: Golden, cantante holandesa. 1970: Ghostface Killah, rapero estadounidense, de la banda Wu-Tang Family. 1971: Paul McGuigan, bajista britდ¡nico, de la banda Desert garden. 1972: Daniela Silivaვ?, gimnasta rumana. 1973: Francisca Merino, actriz chilena. 1975: Juan Antonio Bayona, cineasta espanol. 1976: Tamia, cantante canadiense. 1976: Mდ³nica Godoy, actriz chilena. 1977: დ?nigo Landaluze, ciclista espanol. 1978: Bebe, cantante espanola. 1978: Joscha Sauer dibujante de cდ³mics alemდ¡n. 1978: Daniel Franzese, entertainer estadounidense. 1978: Leandro Cufrდ©, futbolista argentino. 1978: Marwan al-Shehhi, terrorista emiratდ­ que participდ³ en el 11S (f. 2001). 1979: Pierre Bouvier, cantante canadiense, de la banda Straightforward Arrangement. 1979: Rosario Dawson, actriz estadounidense. 1979: Matt Morris, cantante y typesetter estadounidense. 1980: Award Hackett, nadador australiano. 1980: Nicolae Dicე?, futbolista rumano. 1980: Estდ­baliz Martდ­nez, gimnasta espanola. 1981: Josდ© Luis Garcდ©s, futbolista panameno. 1981: Johnny Herrera, futbolista chileno. 1983: Gilles Mდ¼ller, tenista luxemburguდ©s. 1985: Audrina Patridge, actriz y modelo estadounidense. 1990: Jace Peterson, beisbolista estadounidense. 1991: Oswaldo Arcia, beisbolista venezolano. 1993: Ryosuke Yamada, entertainer y cantante japonდ©s.
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kevinpshanblog · 2 years
Still getting through some of my Charlie Chase DVD’s. This one has a nice song showing off Chase’s great voice. A better than average entry.
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theoldstar · 2 years
Die drei ??? und der Super-Wal (36)
Hörspiel von H. G. Francis nach der Buchvorlage von Marc Brandel Regie: Heikedine Körting erschienen am 29.05.1985 bei EUROPA Laufzeit: 46 Minuten Coverillustration: Aiga Rasch
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erzählt von Peter Pasetti
In den Hauptrollen: Justus Jonas, Erster Detektiv: Oliver Rohrbeck Peter Shaw, Zweiter Detektiv: Jens Wawrczek Bob Andrews, Recherchen und Archiv: Andreas Fröhlich
In den Nebenrollen: Kommissar Reynolds: Horst Frank
In den Gastrollen: Constance: Heidi Schaffrath Slater: Helmut Ahner Donner: Jürgen Thormann
Die drei ??? finden einen gestrandeten Wal und sie graben für eine Grube, damit er nicht austrocknet, bevor die die Flut wiederkommt. Dabei entdecken sie auf dem Meer ein Boot mit zwei Männern an Bord, die sie mit Ferngläsern beobachten.
Als die drei am Nachmittag wiederkommen, ist der Wal verschwunden. Justus entdeckt Reifenspuren.
Am nächsten Morgen fahren sie zu Ocean World, um sich nach einem geretteten Wal zu erkundigen. Dort treffen sie Constance Carmel, die behauptet, nichts von so einem Wal gehört zu haben, aber dass es dem "Pilotwal oder Grauwal" bestimmt gut gehe. Aus dieser Aussage schließen die drei, dass Constance den Wal gesehen haben muss. Obwohl sie behauptet hatte, zu einer Vorstellung zu müssen, rast sie nun mit dem Auto davon.
In der Zentrale nehmen die drei ??? einen Anruf von einem Mann entgegen. Er hat einen Auftrag, sie sollen den Wal finden.
Sie verfolgen Constance bis nach Santa Monica. Dort finden sie sie bei Slater, während sie den Wal trainiert. Mr. Slater kommt hinzu und Constance sagt, sie tue das nur für ihren Vater Diego und Slater solle sich nicht ins Wal-Training einmischen. Der Wal wird Fluckey genannt und ist vor einem Monat aus dem Marineland von Pacific Grow entkommen. Daher kennt er schon einige Tricks, was aber laut Constance das Training nicht leichter macht.
Die drei ??? suchen Constances Vater in seinem Büro auf. Er erzählt, dass er vergangene Woche ein Boot bei schwerem Unwetter verloren hat, während er mit Mr. Slater einen Angelausflug gemacht habe. Als ein Fischer vorbeikommt, stellt sich heraus, dass dieser Mann gar nicht Diego Carmel, Constances Vater, war, da dieser mit einer Lungenentzündung im Krankenhaus liegt. Den drei ??? ist eine Falte unter dem rechten des Mannes aufgefallen.
Die drei ??? erzählen Constance von dem Mann. Sie erzählt ihnen, dass Slater die drei beim Retten des Wales beobachtet hat und dann Constance kontaktiert hat, und mit ihr den Wal nach Santa Monica gebracht hat. Sie erzählt: Mr. Slater hat ihr erzählt, dass er gar nicht Angeln war, mit ihrem Vater, sondern Taschenrechner nach Mexiko schmuggeln wollte. Diese Taschenrechner liegen in einem geschützten Behälter nun auf dem Meeresgrund, nachdem das Boot untergegangen ist. Ihr Wert beläuft sich auf 30.000 $. Slater möchte mithilfe von Fluckey die Ware bergen, da das Wrack zu tief liegt für einen Taucher. Fluckey soll eine Kamera umgebunden bekommen, sodass Constance und Slater unter Wasser sehen können, wo das Wrack liegt.
Bei Mr. Slater dürfen die drei ??? Constance und Fluckey beim Training zusehen. Dort treffen sie auch den Mann, der sich als Constances Vater ausgegeben hat. Er stellt sich als Mr. Donner vor, ein alter Freund ihres Vaters aus Mexiko.
Constance erzählt, während sie mit den drei ??? nach Rocky Beach zurückfährt, dass ihr Vater immer dasselbe redet: "Du musst die beiden langen Stangen gut im Blick haben und zusammenbringen." Sie bemerkt, dass die Bremsen des Wagens nicht funktionieren. Sie bauen einen Unfall, aber alle sind unverletzt. Justus schließt aus der Sabotage, dass irgendjemand das Gegenteil dessen will, was Mr. Slater will: Nämlich dass das Wrack nicht gefunden wird, vermutlich weil sich etwas an Bord befindet, das ihn in Schwierigkeiten bringen würde.
Von Hitchcock erfahren die drei ???, dass Diego Carmel und Mr. Slater am 12. Februar von La Paz losgefahren sind. Also ist es auf der Heimfahrt von Mexiko nach Kalifornien gesunken, am 17. Februar. Also mussten die beiden die Taschenrechner entweder mit zurücknehmen oder Mr. Slater hat Constance angelogen.
Fluckey ist bereit, die Ware zu bergen. Die drei ??? und Constance machen einen Plan aus, nach dem Bob Fluckey mithilfe einer Kassette mit Fluckey Walgesängen ans Ufer locken soll, sobald er die Ware bei sich hat. Gemeinsam mit Mr. Slater suchen die das Wrack. Justus kombiniert. Das Wrack muss dort sein, wo sich zwei Stangen berühren, d.h. von wo aus ein Sendemast und ein Schornstein genau hintereinander zu sehen sind. Dort ist das Wrack, Fluckey birgt den Behälter und Bob lockt ihn ans Ufer. Dort erscheint maskiert auch Mr. Donner, der den Behälter an sich bringen will. Als Kommissar Reynolds erscheint, klärt sich der Fall auf: Mr. Slater und Mr. Donner kennen sich von früher und haben sich in Mexiko wiedergesehen. Dort hat Slater Donner gezwungen, 100.000 $ Falschgeld zu drucken, das er in dem Behälter für die Taschenrechner nach Kalifornien schmuggeln wollte. Mr. Donner hat die drei ??? beauftragt und das Auto sabotiert, um den Fund zu verhindern, da er nicht wieder ins Gefängnis wollte. Reynolds führt Donner und Slater ab.
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frankenpagie · 5 years
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travsd · 4 years
Constance Bergen: Short But Sweet in Shorts
Constance Bergen (1912-79) started out as a singer in her native Chicago, presumably with the approval of her parents, who had named her Constance Talmadge Bergen in honor of the movie star. (She was apparently no relation to Edgar Bergen, whose real last name in any case was Berggren.)  Constance was only 22 when she went into films, and not yet 30 when she retired, despite the fact that she…
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selcuksofta · 5 years
2019 Altın Küre kazananları! 76. Golden Globes Ödüllerini kim kazandı?
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2019 Altın Küre kazananları! Hollywood Yabancı Basın Birliği tarafından her yıl verilen Altın Küre (Golden Globe) Ödülleri, Oscar’ın habercisi olarak görülüyor. Beverly Hilton Otel’de, Sandra Oh ile Andy Samberg'in sunuculuğunda düzenlenen törenle 2019 Altın Küre Ödüllerinin kazananları belli oldu. Bu yıl 76'ncısı düzenlenen Altın Küre ödül töreninde en dikkat çeken isim ise aldığı ödülle Rami Malek oldu. İşte 2019 Altın Küre kazananları! Golden Globes ödüllerini kim kazandı? İşte detaylar...
2019 Altın Küre kazananları! 76. Altın Küre Ödüllerinde, Bohemian Rhapsody En İyi Film ödülünü alırken, başrol oyuncusu Rami Malek En İyi Erkek Oyuncu ödülünün sahibi oldu. Oscar'ın habercisi olarak kabul edilen Altın Küre (Golden Globes ödülleri) birçok ülkede canlı olarak yayınlandı ve milyonlarca izleyiciyi ekran başına bağladı. Peki 2019 Altın Küre Ödüllerini kimler kazandı? 76. Altın Küre Ödüllerinin kazananları kim? İşte 2019 Golden Globes ödülleri ve kazananları! Detaylar haberimizde...
KAZANAN: Bohemian Rhapsody
Black Panther
BlacKkKlansman If Beale Street Could Talk A Star Is Born
KAZANAN: Rami Malek, Bohemian Rhapsody
Bradley Cooper, A Star Is Born
Willem Defoe, At Eternity’s Gate Lucas Hedges, Boy Erased John David Washington, BlacKkKlansman
KAZANAN: Rami Malek, Bohemian Rhapsody
Bradley Cooper, A Star Is Born
Willem Defoe, At Eternity’s Gate Lucas Hedges, Boy Erased John David Washington, BlacKkKlansman
KAZANAN: Glenn Close, The Wife
Lady Gaga, A Star Is Born Nicole Kidman, Destroyer” Melissa McCarthy, Can You Ever Forgive Me? Rosamund Pike, A Private War
KAZANAN: Green Book
Crazy Rich Asians
The Favourite Mary Poppins Returns Vice
KAZANAN: Olivia Colman, The Favourite
Emily Blunt, Mary Poppins Returns
Elsie Fisher, Eighth Grade Charlize Theron, Tully Constance Wu, Crazy Rich Asians
KAZANAN: The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story
The Alienist
Escape at Dannemora Sharp Objects A Very English Scandal
KAZANAN: The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
The Good Place Kidding The Kominsky Method
KAZANAN: Rachel Brosnahan, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
Kristen Bell, The Good Place
Candice Bergen, Murphy Brown Alison Brie, GLOW Debra Messing, Will & Grace
KAZANAN: Alfonso Cuarón, Roma
Bradley Cooper, A Star Is Born
Peter Farrelly, Green Book Spike Lee, BlacKkKlansman Adam McKay, Vice
KAZANAN: Darren Criss, The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story
Antonio Banderas, Genius: Picasso
Daniel Brühl, The Alienist Benedict Cumberbatch, Patrick Melrose Hugh Grant, A Very English Scandal
Girl Never Look Away Shoplifters
KAZANAN: Christian Bale, Vice
Lin Manuel Miranda, Mary Poppins Returns Viggo Mortensen, Green Book Robert Redford, The Old Man and The Gun John C. Reilly, Stan and Ollie
KAZANAN: Patricia Clarkson, Sharp Objects
Alex Borstein, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
Penélope Cruz, The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story Thandie Newton, Westworld Yvonne Strahovski, The Handmaid’s Tale
KAZANAN: Ben Whishaw, A Very English Scandal
Alan Arkin, The Kominsky Method Kieran Culkin, Succession Edgar Ramírez, The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story Henry Winkler, Barry
KAZANAN: Patricia Arquette, Escape at Dannemora
Amy Adams, Sharp Objects Connie Britton, Dirty John Laura Dern, The Tale Regina King, Seven Seconds
KAZANAN: Peter Farrelly, Nick Vallelonga, Brian Currie, Green Book
Alfonso Cuarón, Roma
Deborah Davis and Tony McNamara, The Favourite Barry Jenkins, If Beale Street Could Talk Adam McKay, Vice
KAZANAN: Mahershala Ali, Green Book
Timothée Chalamet, Beautiful Boy Adam Driver, BlacKkKlansman Richard E. Grant, Can You Ever Forgive Me? Sam Rockwell, Vice
KAZANAN: Sandra Oh, Killing Eve
Caitriona Balfe, Outlander Elisabeth Moss, The Handmaid’s Tale Julia Roberts, Homecoming Keri Russell, The Americans
KAZANAN: Regina King, If Beale Street Could Talk
Amy Adams, Vice Claire Foy, First Man Emma Stone, The Favourite Rachel Weisz, The Favourite
KAZANAN: Shallow, A Star Is Born
All the Stars, Black Panther Girl in the Movies, Dumplin Requiem for a Private War, A Private War Revelation, Boy Erased
KAZANAN: Justin Hurwitz, First Man
Marco Beltrami, A Quiet Place
Alexandre Desplat, Isle of Dogs Ludwig Göransson, Black Panther Marc Shaiman, Mary Poppins Returns
KAZANAN: Michael Douglas, The Kominsky Method
Sacha Baron Cohen, Who Is America Jim Carrey, Kidding Donald Glover, Atlanta Bill Hader, Barry
KAZANAN: Richard Madden, Bodyguard
Jason Bateman, Ozark Stephan James, Homecoming Billy Porter, Pose Matthew Rhys, The Americans
KAZANAN: The Americans
Bodyguard Homecoming Killing Eve Pose
KAZANAN: Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
Incredibles 2 Isle of Dogs Mirai Ralph Breaks the Internet
Jeff Bridges
10 notes · View notes
thefilmjournal · 5 years
Golden Globe Winners 2019
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(Image source: Popsugar)
Tonight Carol Burnett is honored with the first Carol Burnett Award, Award for Lifetime Achievement in Television.
*Winners in bold*
Best Performance by an Actor in a Television Series, Musical or Comedy
Donald Glover, Atlanta
Jim Carey, Kidding
Michael Douglas, The Kominsky Method
Bill Hader, Barry
Sacha Baron Cohen, Who is America? 
Best Motion Picture, Animated
Incredibles 2
Isle of Dogs
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
Ralph Breaks the Internet
Best Performance by an Actor in a Television Series, Drama
Jason Bateman, Ozark
Billy Porter, Pose
Stephan James, Homecoming
Richard Madden, Bodyguard
Matthew Rhys, The Americans
Best Television Series, Drama
Killing Eve, BBC America
The Americans, FX
Bodyguard, Netflix
Homecoming, Amazon
Pose, FX
Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role in a Series, Limited Series or Motion Picture Made for Television
Alan Arkin, The Kominsky Method
Kieran Culkin, Succession
Édgar Ramírez, The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story
Ben Whishaw, A Very English Scandal
Henry Winkler, Barry
Best Performance by an Actress in a Limited Series or a Motion Picture Made for Television
Amy Adams, Sharp Objects
Patricia Arquette, Escape at Dannemora
Connie Britton, Dirty John
Laura Dern, The Tale
Regina King, Seven Seconds
Best Original Score, Motion Picture
Marco Beltrami, A Quiet Place
Alexandre Desplat, Isle of Dogs
Marc Shaiman, Mary Poppins Returns
Justin Hurwitz, The First Man
Ludwig Göransson, Black Panther
Best Original Song, Motion Picture
“All the Stars,” Black Panther
“Girl in the Movies,” Dumplin’
“Requiem for a Private War,” A Private War
“Revelation,” Boy Erased
“Shallow,” A Star is Born
Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role in any Motion Picture
Amy Adams, Vice
Claire Foy, First Man
Regina King, If Beale Street Could Talk
Emma Stone, The Favourite
Rachel Weisz, The Favourite
Best Performance by an Actress in a Television Series, Drama
Caitriona Balfe, Outlander
Elisabeth Moss, The Handmaid’s Tale
Sandra Oh, Killing Eve
Julia Roberts, Homecoming
Keri Russell, The Americans
Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role in any Motion Picture
Mahershala Ali, Green Book
Timothée Chalamet, Beautiful Boy
Adam Driver, BlacKkKlansman
Richard E. Grant, Can You Ever Forgive Me?
Sam Rockwell, Vice
Best Screenplay, Motion Picture
Alfonso Cuarón, Roma
Adam McKay, Vice
Barry Jenkins, If Beale Street Could Talk
Deborah Davis and Tony McNamara, The Favourite
Nick Vallelonga, Brian Currie, and Peter Farrelly, Green Book
Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role in a Series, Limited Series or Motion Picture Made for Television
Alex Borstein, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
Patricia Clarkson, Sharp Objects
Penélope Cruz, The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story
Thandie Newton, Westworld
Yvonne Strahovski, The Handmaid’s Tale
Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture, Musical or Comedy
Christian Bale, Vice
Lin-Manuel Miranda, Mary Poppins Returns
Viggo Mortense, Green Book
Robert Redford, The Old Man & the Gun
John. C. Reilly, Stan & Ollie
Best Motion Picture, Foreign Language
Capernaum, Lebanon
Girl, Belgium
Never Look Away, Germany
Roma, Mexico
Shoplifters, Japan
Best Performance by an Actor in a Limited Series or Motion Picture Made for Television
Antonio Banderas, Genius: Picasso
Daniel Brühl, The Alienist
Darren Criss, The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story
Benedict Cumberbatch, Patrick Melrose
Hugh Grant, A Very English Scandal
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(Image source: Just Jared)
Tonight Jeff Bridges is honored with the Cecil B. Demille Award. 
Best Director, Motion Picture
Bradley Cooper, A Star is Born
Alfonso Cuarón, Roma
Spike Lee, BlacKkKlansman
Peter Farrelly, Green Book
Adam McKay, Vice
Best Performance by an Actress in a Television Series, Musical or Comedy
Alison Brie, GLOW
Candice Bergen, Murphy Brown
Debra Messing, Will & Grace
Kristen Bell, The Good Place
Rachel Brosnahan, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
Best Television Series, Musical or Comedy
Barry, HBO
The Good Place, NBC
Kidding, Showtime
The Kominsky Method, Netflix
The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, Amazon
Best Television Limited Series or Motion Picture Made for Television
The Alienist, TNT
The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story, FX
Escape at Dannemora, Showtime
Sharp Objects, HBO
A Very English Scandal, Amazon
Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture, Musical or Comedy
Emily Blunt, Mary Poppins Returns
Olivia Coleman, The Favourite
Elsie Fisher, Eighth Grade
Charlize Theron, Tully
Constance Wu, Crazy Rich Asians
Best Motion Picture, Musical or Comedy
Crazy Rich Asians
Mary Poppins Returns
The Favourite
Green Book
Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture, Drama
Glenn Close, The Wife
Lady Gaga, A Star is Born
Nicole Kidman, Destroyer
Melissa McCarthy, Can You Ever Forgive Me?
Rosamund Pike, A Private War
Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture, Drama
Bradley Cooper, A Star is Born
Willem Dafoe, At Eternity’s Gate
Lucas Hedges, Boy Erased
Rami Malek, Bohemian Rhapsody
John David Washington, BlacKkKlansman
Best Motion Picture, Drama
Black Panther
Bohemian Rhapsody
If Beale Street Could Talk
A Star is Born
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Golden Globes 2019 Live™, @Stream - 2019 Golden Globes Awards
We know that the Golden Globes Awards will be held Sunday, January 6, and that the show will air on NBC starting at 8 P.M. ET. We know that the charmingly mismatched duo of Andy Samberg and Sandra Oh, both Globe winners, will be hosting the festivities. And we know that Jeff Bridges and Carol Burnett will both be feted with honorary awards.
With the new year officially here, the 2019 awards season is about to get into full swing. The 76th annual Golden Globes will kick off the festivities on Jan. 6 with a celebration of 2018’s best work in both film and television, including Vice, Adam McKay’s film about Dick Cheney that leads this year’s movie nominations with six nods.
Here’s how to watch or stream the 2019 Golden Globes Awards.
How to watch the Golden Globes red carpet
Both E! and NBC will broadcast the 2019 Golden Globes red carpet live, with E!’s Live From the Red Carpet special beginning at 6 p.m. EST/3 p.m. PST while NBC’s coverage kicks off at 7 p.m. EST/4 p.m. PST on Sunday, Jan. 6. If you have a cable login, you can also stream the networks’ red carpet coverage on NBC.com or the NBC app, or eonline.com, respectively.
How to watch the Golden Globes ceremony on TV
The 2019 Golden Globes ceremony will air live on NBC on Sunday, Jan. 6 starting at 8 p.m. EST/5 p.m. PST. The telecast will likely last for approximately three hours and end at around 11 p.m. EST/8 p.m. PST.
How to stream the Golden Globes ceremony
Anyone with a cable login can stream the 2019 Golden Globes ceremony on NBC.com or the NBC app at 8 p.m. EST/5 p.m. PST. A number of streaming services, including Sling TV, Hulu Live TV, DirecTV Now, YouTube TV, Century Link Stream and Fubo TV, will also offer streams of the telecast.
The full list of 2019 Golden Globes nominees is below:
Best Picture — Drama
Black Panther
Bohemian Rhapsody
If Beale Street Could Talk
A Star Is Born
Best Picture — Comedy or Musical
Crazy Rich Asians
The Favourite
Green Book
Mary Poppins Returns
Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture — Drama
Bradley Cooper, A Star Is Born
Willem Dafoe, At Eternity’s Gate
Lucas Hedges, Boy Erased
Rami Malek, Bohemian Rhapsody
John David Washington, BlacKkKlansman
Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture — Drama
Glenn Close, The Wife
Lady Gaga, A Star Is Born
Nicole Kidman, Destroyer
Melissa McCarthy, Can You Ever Forgive Me?
Rosamund Pike, A Private War
Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture — Musical or Comedy
Christian Bale, Vice
Lin Manuel Miranda, Mary Poppins Returns
Viggo Mortensen, Green Book
Robert Redford, The Old Man & the Gun
John C. Reilly, Stan & Ollie
Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture — Musical or Comedy
Emily Blunt, Mary Poppins Returns
Olivia Colman, The Favourite
Elsie Fisher, Eighth Grade
Charlize Theron, Tully
Constance Wu, Crazy Rich Asians
Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role in Any Motion Picture
Mahershala Ali, Green Book
Timothée Chalamet, Beautiful Boy
Adam Driver, BlacKkKlansman
Richard E. Grant, Can You Ever Forgive Me?
Sam Rockwell, Vice
Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role in Any Motion Picture
Amy Adams, Vice
Claire Foy, First Man
Regina King, If Beale Street Could Talk
Emma Stone, The Favourite
Rachel Weisz, The Favourite
Best Director — Motion Picture
Bradley Cooper, A Star Is Born
Alfonso Cuarón, Roma
Peter Farrelly, Green Book
Spike Lee, BlacKkKlansman
Adam McKay, Vice
Best Screenplay — Motion Picture
Alfonso Cuarón, Roma
Deborah Davis and Tony McNamara, The Favourite
Barry Jenkins, If Beale Street Could Talk
Adam McKay, Vice
Peter Farrelly, Nick Vallelonga, Brian Currie, Green Book
Best Motion Picture — Animated
Incredibles 2
Isle of Dogs
Ralph Breaks the Internet
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
Best Picture — Foreign Language
Never Look Away
Best Original Score — Motion Picture
Marco Beltrami, A Quiet Place
Alexandre Desplat, Isle of Dogs
Ludwig Göransson, Black Panther
Justin Hurwitz, First Man
Marc Shaiman, Mary Poppins Returns
Best Original Song — Motion Picture
“All the Stars,” Black Panther
“Girl in the Movies,” Dumplin’
“Requiem for a Private War,” A Private War
“Revelation,” Boy Erased
“Shallow,” A Star Is Born
Best Television Series — Drama
The Americans (FX)
Bodyguard (Netflix)
Homecoming (Amazon)
Killing Eve (BBC America)
Pose (FX)
Best Television Series — Musical or Comedy
Barry (HBO)
Kidding (Showtime)
The Good Place (NBC)
The Kominsky Method (Netflix)
The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel (Amazon)
Best Television Limited Series or Motion Picture Made for Television
The Alienist, TNT
The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story, FX
Escape at Dannemora, Showtime
Sharp Objects, HBO
A Very English Scandal, Amazon
Best Performance by an Actor in a Television Series — Drama
Jason Bateman, Ozark
Stephan James, Homecoming
Richard Madden, Bodyguard
Billy Porter, Pose
Matthew Rhys, The Americans
Best Performance by an Actress in a Television Series — Drama
Caitriona Balfe, Outlander
Elisabeth Moss, The Handmaid’s Tale
Sandra Oh, Killing Eve
Julia Roberts, Homecoming
Keri Russell, The Americans
Best Performance by an Actor in a Television Series — Musical or Comedy
Sacha Baron Cohen, Who Is America
Jim Carrey, Kidding
Michael Douglas, The Kominsky Method
Donald Glover, Atlanta
Bill Hader, Barry
Best Performance by an Actress in a Television Series — Musical or Comedy
Kristen Bell, The Good Place
Candice Bergen, Murphy Brown
Alison Brie, Glow
Rachel Brosnahan, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
Debra Messing, Will & Grace
Best Performance by an Actor in a Limited Series or a Motion Picture Made for Television
Antonio Banderas, Genius: Picasso
Daniel Bruhl, The Alienist
Darren Criss, The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story
Benedict Cumberbatch, Patrick Melrose
Hugh Grant, A Very English Scandal
Best Performance by an Actress in a Limited Series or a Motion Picture Made for Television
Amy Adams, Sharp Objects
Patricia Arquette, Escape at Dannemora
Connie Britton, Dirty John
Laura Dern, The Tale
Regina King, Seven Seconds
Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role in a Series, Limited Series, or Motion Picture Made for Television
Alan Arkin, The Kominsky Method
Kieran Culkin, Succession
Edgar Ramirez, The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story
Ben Whishaw, A Very English Scandal
Henry Winkler, Barry
Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role in a Series, Limited Series, or Motion Picture Made for Television
Alex Borstein, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
Patricia Clarkson, Sharp Objects
Penelope Cruz, The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story
Thandie Newton, Westworld
Yvonne Strahovski, The Handmaid’s Tale
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flatbutton5-blog · 5 years
Golden Globe Awards 2019 Winners
Photo by: NBC
Sandra Oh and Andy Samberg hosted the 2019 Golden Globes live on Sunday night. THE AMERICANS came away with the top drama award as the series came to an end, while actors such as Richard Madden and Mahershala Ali also won in their respective categories. The critically-acclaimed SPIDER MAN: INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE also came away with a trophy for Best Animated Film.
See the full winners list below.
Best Television Series – Drama The Americans – WINNER! The Bodyguard Homecoming Killing Eve Pose
Best Television Series – Musical or Comedy Barry The Good Place Kidding The Kominsky Method – WINNER! The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
Best Television Limited Series or Motion Picture Made for Television The Alienist The Assassination of Gianni Versace – WINNER! Escape at Dannemora Sharp Objects A Very English Scandal
Best Performance by an Actress in a Limited Series or Motion Picture Made for Television Amy Adams, Sharp Objects Patricia Arquette, Escape at Dannemora – WINNER! Connie Britton, Dirty John Laura Dern, The Tale Regina King, Seven Seconds
Best Performance by an Actor in a Limited Series or Motion Picture Made for Television Antonio Banderas, Genius Daniel Bruhl, The Alienist Darren Criss, The Assassination of Gianni Versace – WINNER! Benedict Cumberbatch, Patrick Melrose Hugh Grant, A Very English Scandal
Best Performance by an Actress in a Television Series – Drama Caitriona Balfe, Outlander Elisabeth Moss, The Handmaid’s Tale Sandra Oh, Killing Eve – WINNER! Julia Roberts, Homecoming Keri Russell, The Americans
Best Performance by an Actor in a Television Series – Drama Jason Bateman, Ozark Stephen James, Homecoming Richard Madden, The Bodyguard – WINNER! Billy Porter, Pose Matthew Reese, The Americans
Best Performance by an Actress in a Television Series – Musical or Comedy Kristen Bell, The Good Place Candice Bergen, Murphy Brown Alison Brie, GLOW Rachel Brosnahan, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel – WINNER! Debra Messing, Will & Grace
Best Performance by an Actor in a Television Series – Musical or Comedy Sacha Baron Cohen, Who Is America? Jim Carey, Kidding Michael Douglas, The Kominsky Method – WINNER! Donald Glover, Atlanta Bill Hader, Barry
Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role in a Series, Limited Series or Motion Picture Made for Television Alex Bronstein, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Patricia Clarkson, Sharp Objects – WINNER! Penelope Cruz, The Assassination of Gianni Versace Thandi Newton, Westworld Yvonne Strahovski, The Handmaid’s Tale
Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role in a Series, Limited Series or Motion Picture Made for Television Alan Arkin, The Kominsky Method Kieran Culkin, Succession Edgar Ramirez, The Assassination of Gianni Versace Ben Whishaw, A Very English Scandal – WINNER! Henry Winkler, Barry
Best Motion Picture – Drama Black Panther BlackKklansman Bohemian Rhapsody – WINNER! If Beale Street Could Talk A Star Is Born
Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy Crazy Rich Asians The Favourite Green Book – WINNER! Mary Poppins Returns Vice
Best Motion Picture – Animated Incredibles 2 Isle of Dogs Mirai Ralph Breaks the Internet Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse – WINNER!
Best Motion Picture – Foreign Language Capernaum Girl Never Look Away Roma – WINNER! Shoplifters
Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture – Drama Glenn Close, The Wife – WINNER! Lady Gaga, A Star Is Born Nicole Kidman, Destroyer Melissa McCarthy, Can You Ever Forgive Me? Rosamund Pike, A Private War
Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture – Drama Bradley Cooper, A Star Is Born Willem Dafoe, At Eternity’s Gate Lucas Hedges, Boy Erased Rami Malek, Bohemian Rhapsody – WINNER! John David Washington, BlackKklansman
Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy Emily Blunt, Mary Poppins Returns Olivia Coleman, The Favourite – WINNER! Elsie Fisher, Eighth Grade Charlize Theron, Tully Constance Wu, Crazy Rich Asians
Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy Christian Bale, Vice – WINNER! Lin-Manuel Miranda, Mary Poppins Returns Viggo Mortensen, Green Book Robert Redford, The Old Man in the Gun John C. Reilly, Stan and Ollie
Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role in any Motion Picture Amy Adams, Vice Claire Foy, First Man Regina King, If Beale Street Could Talk – WINNER! Emma Stone, The Favourite Rachel Weisz, The Favourite
Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role in any Motion Picture Mahershela Ali, Green Book – WINNER! Timothee Chalamet, Beautiful Boy Adam Driver, BlackKklansman Richard E. Grant, Can You Ever Forgive Me? Sam Rockwell, Vice
Best Director – Motion Picture Bradley Cooper, A Star Is Born Alfonso Cuaron, Roma – WINNER! Peter Farrelly, Green Book Spike Lee, BlackKklansman Adam McKay, Vice
Best Screenplay – Motion Picture Alfonso Cuaron, Roma Tony McNamara, Deborah Davis, The Favourite Barry Jenkins, If Beale Street Could Talk Adam McKay, Vice Peter Farrelly, Nick Vallelonga, Brian Currie, The Green Book – WINNER!
Best Original Song – Motion Picture “All the Stars,” Black Panther “Girl in the Movies,” Dumplin’ “Requiem for a Private War,” A Private War “Revelation,” Boy Erased “Shallow,” A Star Is Born – WINNER!
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Source: https://www.thetvaddict.com/2019/01/06/golden-globe-awards-2019-winners/
0 notes
Golden Globes Awards 2019 @live stream, kick off on Jan. 6
The 76th annual Golden Globes will kick off the festivities on Jan. 6 with a celebration of 2018’s best work in both film and television, including Vice, Adam McKay’s film about Dick Cheney that leads this year’s movie nominations with six nods.
The 2019 Golden Globe Awards are here. The awardswill be handed out on Sunday, January 6, 2019. Killing Evestar Sandra Oh and Brooklyn Nine-Nine star Andy Samberg will co-host the 76th annual ceremony, which will air live on NBC at 8 pm Eastern/5 pm Pacific.
A full list of nominations for the 76th edition of the Golden Globe Awards has been announced, featuring a slew of films, TV shows, actors, actresses and directors that stood out last year. 2018’s biggest hits, Black Panther and Crazy Rich Asians are featured, with Best Picture for Drama and Comedy nominations, respectively, alongside several other category nods.
Oh the television side of things, The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story has four nominations, the most of any other show on the list. And although the multiple Emmy winning Marvelous Mrs. Maisel has three nominations, the 2019 Globes are leaning toward fresher shows to arrive last year. Series getting the spotlight include Netflix’s The Kominsky Method, HBO‘s Barry, and Amazon‘s Homecoming.
View the complete list of 2019 Golden Globes nominees below and let us know your thoughts. The ceremony is set to premiere on January 6 at 8 p.m. EST on NBC with hosts Sandra Oh and Andy Samberg.
MoviesBest Picture — Drama
Black Panther
Bohemian Rhapsody
If Beale Street Could Talk
A Star Is BornBest Picture — Comedy or Musical
Crazy Rich Asians
The Favourite
Green Book
Mary Poppins Returns
ViceBest Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture — Drama
Bradley Cooper, A Star Is Born
Willem Dafoe, At Eternity’s Gate
Lucas Hedges, Boy Erased
Rami Malek, Bohemian Rhapsody
John David Washington, BlacKkKlansmanBest Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture — Drama
Glenn Close, The Wife
Lady Gaga, A Star Is Born
Nicole Kidman, Destroyer
Melissa McCarthy, Can You Ever Forgive Me?
Rosamund Pike, A Private WarBest Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture — Musical or Comedy
Christian Bale, Vice
Lin Manuel Miranda, Mary Poppins Returns
Viggo Mortensen, Green Book
Robert Redford, The Old Man & the Gun
John C. Reilly, Stan & OllieBest Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture — Musical or Comedy
Emily Blunt, Mary Poppins Returns
Olivia Colman, The Favourite
Elsie Fisher, Eighth Grade
Charlize Theron, Tully
Constance Wu, Crazy Rich AsiansBest Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role in Any Motion Picture
Mahershala Ali, Green Book
Timothée Chalamet, Beautiful Boy
Adam Driver, BlacKkKlansman
Richard E. Grant, Can You Ever Forgive Me?
Sam Rockwell, ViceBest Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role in Any Motion Picture
Amy Adams, Vice
Claire Foy, First Man
Regina King, If Beale Street Could Talk
Emma Stone, The Favourite
Rachel Weisz, The FavouriteBest Director — Motion Picture
Bradley Cooper, A Star Is Born
Alfonso Cuarón, Roma
Peter Farrelly, Green Book
Spike Lee, BlacKkKlansman
Adam McKay, ViceBest Screenplay — Motion Picture
Alfonso Cuarón, Roma
Deborah Davis and Tony McNamara, The Favourite
Barry Jenkins, If Beale Street Could Talk
Adam McKay, Vice
Peter Farrelly, Nick Vallelonga, Brian Currie, Green Book
Best Motion Picture — Animated Incredibles 2 Isle of Dogs Mirai Ralph Breaks the Internet Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
Best Picture — Foreign Language Capernaum Girl Never Look Away Roma Shoplifters
Best Original Score — Motion Picture Marco Beltrami, A Quiet Place Alexandre Desplat, Isle of Dogs Ludwig Göransson, Black Panther Justin Hurwitz, First Man Marc Shaiman, Mary Poppins Returns
Best Original Song — Motion Picture
“All the Stars,” Black Panther
“Girl in the Movies,” Dumplin’
“Requiem for a Private War,” A Private War
“Revelation,” Boy Erased
“Shallow,” A Star Is BornTelevisionBest Television Series — Drama
The Americans
Killing Eve
PoseBest Television Series — Musical or Comedy
The Good Place
The Kominsky Method
The Marvelous Mrs. MaiselBest Television Limited Series or Motion Picture Made for Television
The Alienist
The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story
Escape at Dannemora
Sharp Objects
A Very English Scandal
Best Performance by an Actor in a Television Series — Drama Jason Bateman, Ozark Stephan James, Homecoming Richard Madden, Bodyguard Billy Porter, Pose Matthew Rhys, The Americans
Best Performance by an Actress in a Television Series — Drama Caitriona Balfe, Outlander Elisabeth Moss, The Handmaid’s Tale Sandra Oh, Killing Eve Julia Roberts, Homecoming Keri Russell, The Americans
Best Performance by an Actor in a Television Series — Musical or Comedy
Sacha Baron Cohen, Who Is America
Jim Carrey, Kidding
Michael Douglas, The Kominsky Method
Donald Glover, Atlanta
Bill Hader, BarryBest Performance by an Actress in a Television Series — Musical or Comedy
Kristen Bell, The Good Place
Candice Bergen, Murphy Brown
Alison Brie, Glow
Rachel Brosnahan, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
Debra Messing, Will & GraceBest Performance by an Actor in a Limited Series or a Motion Picture Made for Television
Antonio Banderas, Genius: Picasso
Daniel Bruhl, The Alienist
Darren Criss, The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story
Benedict Cumberbatch, Patrick Melrose
Hugh Grant, A Very English ScandalBest Performance by an Actress in a Limited Series or a Motion Picture Made for Television
Amy Adams, Sharp Objects
Patricia Arquette, Escape at Dannemora
Connie Britton, Dirty John
Laura Dern, The Tale
Regina King, Seven SecondsBest Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role in a Series, Limited Series, or Motion Picture Made for Television
Alan Arkin, The Kominsky Method
Kieran Culkin, Succession
Edgar Ramirez, The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story
Ben Whishaw, A Very English Scandal
Henry Winkler, BarryBest Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role in a Series, Limited Series, or Motion Picture Made for Television
Alex Borstein, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
Patricia Clarkson, Sharp Objects
Penelope Cruz, The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story
Thandie Newton, Westworld
Yvonne Strahovski, The Handmaid’s Tale
0 notes
hudsonespie · 4 years
Rolls-Royce Power Systems Increases Revenue and Profit
Rolls-Royce business unit Power Systems overcame difficult market conditions in 2019 and again succeeded in growing against the trend to deliver a strong full-year result. Underlying revenue increased by 4% to £3.55bn (€4.04bn, all € figures are based on fixed exchange rates), coming in above the 4-billion-euro mark for the first time. Underlying operating profit grew by 15% to £357m (€407m), corresponding to an adjusted return on sales of 10.1% (up from 9.2% in 2018). Now generating 23% of overall revenue at British technology group Rolls-Royce, Power Systems remains its second largest business unit.
“What stands out is that we have once again managed to strengthen the position of our MTU-brand products and solutions on a deteriorating market. That gives us a solid basis for further enhancing our profile as a provider of climate- and eco-friendly integrated drive and energy solutions. With them, we’re not only accelerating the energy turnaround, but consistently implementing our PS 2030 vision,” said Andreas Schell, CEO of Rolls-Royce Power Systems.
Power generation becomes main source of revenue; marine revenue posts slight increase
The rise in the global energy demand highlights more than anything else the urgent need for eco- and climate-friendly power generation. In 2019, energy solutions became the strongest revenue segment for the first time, accounting for 35% of adjusted sales (up from 30% in 2018). Marine sales posted only a slight increase, causing their share of total revenue to drop to 28% (from 29% in 2018). The share of revenue of drives for agricultural and construction machinery and rail applications decreased from 31 to 25%, with customers in 2019 using the engine stocks built up in 2018 prior to arrival of new emissions legislations. Defence technology business and other products account for 12% of revenue. New products are being increasingly demanded by customers in the context of complete system packages. “That shows that we’re on the right track with our strategic transformation from engine-maker to complete solutions provider,” pointed out Schell.
Revenue from service activities and products increased by 4% across all segments, contributing some 33% of total revenue in the business unit.
“All our financial figures point to a healthy business unit that has achieved profitable growth for three years in a row. With adjusted revenue passing the 4-billion-euro mark for the first time and the competitive edge we’ve gained, we can safely say that 2019 was a very good year for the business,” summed up CFO Louise Öfverström.
The order book was £2.93bn (€3.44bn) at the end of 2019, just 5.6% below last year’s level. Among the drivers were major contracts sealed in the Far East, where Power Systems has entered into new markets.
In 2020, growth of the Power Systems business unit is expected to be on the moderate side. The faltering economic conditions that defined the second half of 2019 will continue to be felt in the first half of this year and may still deteriorate – largely due to the consequences of the Covid-19 disease. Economic recovery in the second half of the year is still a possibility, however. “But achieving the business outcomes we want in 2020 is going to be a big challenge,” concluded Öfverström.
Several measures are being enacted by the company to counteract the effects of weaker demand – increased use of instruments to make working time more flexible, stringent cost control and efficient management of current assets.
FIT2X program for the future launched; location and employment guarantees extended to 2023
A longer-term project is the ‘FIT2X’ program for the future, which prepares Power Systems for its new responsibilities as it continues to evolve as a provider of integrated solutions.  “We find ourselves having to strike a balance between dealing with a deteriorating marketplace and achieving our breakthrough into new technologies,” said Louise Öfverström, who is responsible for the program. FIT2X is designed to facilitate both profitable growth and greater process efficiency, for example through digitalization. The flexible framework that needs is provided by the location and employment guarantees agreed in 2019 for the sites in Friedrichshafen. Another goal of FIT2X is to foster agility and a stronger sense of personal responsibility among staff in the business unit.
Strategic review of Bergen Engines
Ensuring the ongoing development of the Power Systems business unit also involves constantly aligning its product portfolio and strategy. That is why the Bergen Engines subsidiary, which produces medium-speed gas and diesel engines for marine applications and power generation, is undergoing a strategic review. “We’ve arrived at the conclusion that Bergen Engines, with its highly attractive product portfolio, would develop more advantageously in a different setting to the Rolls-Royce Power Systems business unit,” explained Andreas Schell. From financial year 2020, Power Systems business results shall no longer include the figures for Bergen Engines.   
Energy turnaround and climate change solutions
The new emphasis on eco-friendliness and climate neutrality will soon be reflected in the MTU product and solutions portfolio. “We’re taking an undogmatic approach to addressing the challenges of the energy turnaround and climate change and in doing so we’re open to all technologies,” emphasized Schell. “We’re developing an array of technologies that are preserving the environment and slow down global warming. We’ll also be combining them within our integrated solutions to make the drive power and energy that come from our systems as climate-neutral and eco-friendly as possible. We’re really stepping up our efforts here, and 2020 will be the first year in which the products we supply are not just powered by combustion fuels.” This summer shall see delivery of the very first battery container to a solar park in Brandenburg. 
Microgrid Centre of Excellence in Berlin
Berlin-based Qinous, in which the company recently acquired a majority stake, is to become a Centre of Excellence for microgrids where staff from Berlin, Friedrichshafen, Augsburg and Ruhstorf unite all the expertise associated with the independent, eco-friendly power grids. Negotiations are already in progress with potential customers for microgrids, which integrate renewable energy sources and conventional on-site power generation with battery storage and smart control.
Ecological hybrid and gas drives enter service
Examples of climate-friendly products that are now commercially available are hybrid drive systems and gas engines. The MTU Hybrid PowerPack for railcars can harness the energy that is normally emitted into the environment during braking, store it in batteries and re-use it as drive energy. Fuel savings of up to 25% are possible, with quiet, emission-free travel possible in urban areas. The first series-produced system is scheduled for delivery to a customer in the United Kingdom in May.
The first passenger ferry powered by MTU gas engines is to go into service on the Wadden Sea in Holland in May. And the first inland waterway ferry to be powered by an MTU gas engine is currently being assembled on Lake Constance for the City of Constance public utility company. Mobile gas engines boast zero particulate emissions and 80% lower NOx emissions than diesel engines. 
Research into hydrogen for Power-to-X
Hydrogen technology occupies a central position in possible future scenarios for the business. “We firmly believe that hydrogen is one of the keys to the energy turnaround,” said Schell. It is vital, however, that the hydrogen is manufactured in a climate-friendly manner using renewable energy sources. Thus the company is engaged with partners on several projects for the climate-neutral manufacture of hydrogen as a basis for producing energy or synthetic gaseous or liquid fuels, also known as Power-to-X. “With these fuels, we can make diesel engine operation virtually climate-neutral and save resources at the same time,” said Schell.
The direct use of hydrogen as a fuel is also a research and develoment topic at Rolls-Royce, with the Power Systems business unit currently examining applications for hydrogen fuel cells. A demonstrator equipped with several fuel cells derived from a cooperation with Daimler is being constructed on the Friedrichshafen site and is scheduled for completion by the end of 2020.
from Storage Containers https://maritime-executive.com/article/rolls-royce-power-systems-increases-revenue-and-profit via http://www.rssmix.com/
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biofunmy · 4 years
Wyckoff, N.J.: A Peaceful Suburb With a Sense of Community
Daniela Panetta is from Westchester County and her fiancé, Rob Cappadora, is from Long Island, but when they decided to buy a home they chose Wyckoff, a leafy township in northwest Bergen County, N.J., that they discovered after visiting a friend nearby.
“Wyckoff had such a neighborhood feel and just felt so peaceful,” said Mr. Cappadora, 28, a financial adviser who works on the Upper West Side of Manhattan.
Ms. Panetta, 30, a paralegal, said that seeing children at the petting zoo at Abma’s Farm made it easy to envision raising a family in this township of 17,000, about 27 miles northwest of Times Square. The couple, who plan to marry in October 2020, recently paid $900,000 for a 1969 colonial with four bedrooms in the Sicomac section of Wyckoff.
These days, many Wyckoff buyers are young couples moving from other parts of the metropolitan area, said Adam DeFino, the broker and owner of DeFino Realtors, in Wyckoff.
“People like the schools, and taxes are on the fair side compared to some other towns,” Mr. DeFino said. “The local government has always done a good job of keeping costs in check.”
Melissa D. Rubenstein, a member of the Wyckoff Township Committee and a real estate agent with Keller Williams, said the government keeps tax rates manageable by holding down debt levels. It also helps that the township shares a regional high school district with two neighboring boroughs, Franklin Lakes and Oakland.
Wyckoff is the kind of place where children bicycle around the neighborhood and residents get to know business owners, said David Cantinieri, 39, who works in law enforcement.
“We shop local in town,” said his wife, Taryn Cantinieri, 34, a nurse, who grew up there. “It’s nice to see a friendly face.”
The couple, who met as students working part-time in a Wyckoff supermarket, bought their first house there in 2011, then spent $620,000 last August to trade up to a four-bedroom colonial after their third child was born.
Joey and Patrick O’Connell recently moved to Wyckoff from Montgomery County, Md., after Mr. O’Connell, 34, a sales manager for an orthopedics company, was transferred. They paid $895,000 for their new home.
Their older son, who is 8, attended a regional Catholic school in Maryland, but the family chose public schools in Wyckoff because of their good reputation. Now, their two sons’ classmates live nearby instead of in other towns, said Ms. O’Connell, 38, who runs a crafts business: “It really helps them create these new friendships.”
There is little room for development in the township, but the Christian Health Care Center, which offers nursing care and rehabilitation services, is building 199 senior independent-living apartments on its campus, which straddles Wyckoff and Hawthorne. The project was proposed a decade ago, and faced opposition over concerns about traffic and the loss of wooded areas on the site. After changes were made to the plan, the building was approved, and it is expected to open at the end of 2020.
“It’s allowing our residents to retire within our community,” Ms. Rubenstein said.
What You’ll Find
Wyckoff, which covers 6.5 square miles, has housing stock that was mostly built in the decades after World War II, with a lot of ranches, split-levels, colonials and other 1960s and 1970s styles. Sales are steady in the under-$1 million market, but slower at the high end, real estate agents said.
Wyckoff is largely a single-family market, with few condos or rentals, said Sergio Sciortino, an agent with Keller Williams, who lives in town.
And while it has a small-town atmosphere, Wyckoff offers easy access to highways, including Route 17 and Route 208. “You can be at the mall in a few minutes,” said Maryanne Elsaesser, an agent with Christie’s International Real Estate in Franklin Lakes and a longtime resident of Wyckoff.
What You’ll Pay
The most active part of the market is between $600,000 and $800,000, Mr. DeFino said.
Prices of single-family homes rose 7.6 percent last year, to a median of $726,000, according to the New Jersey Multiple Listing Service, and 185 single-family homes sold in 2019, down from 205 in 2018.
A recent check of the multiple listing service and Zillow found about 70 homes on the market, from a Cape Cod listed for $450,000 to a newly built ranch with a pool and tennis court on over an acre of land, listed for $2.2 million.
The Vibe
Wyckoff offers quiet, shady neighborhoods and a downtown that centers on Wyckoff Avenue and Franklin Avenue, and includes the recently expanded Boulder Run shopping center.
Dining options include the Brick House, Blue Moon Mexican Cafe, Aldo’s and the Barn, a rustic restaurant in an 1876 dairy barn.
Although there is no municipal pool, the Wyckoff Family YMCA offers Spring Lake, a sandy pond just off Wyckoff Avenue, as well as two indoor pools.
For a walk in the woods, there is the James A. McFaul Environmental Center, an 81-acre Bergen County park on a former pig farm.
Bargain hunters like the Wyckoff PTO Economy Shop, a resale and consignment store founded in 1947 and run by Wyckoff’s parent-teacher organizations. The shop is in a historic train station in the heart of the township and donates all its profits to the local schools.
The shop has created a sense of community that keeps many volunteers coming in even after their children have graduated, said Sarah Renner, a co-president of the Economy Shop. “Once you start, you keep coming back,” Ms. Renner said.
The Schools
The Wyckoff school district serves about 2,000 children in prekindergarten through eighth grade, in four elementary schools and one middle school.
Ninth- through 12th-graders are served by the Ramapo Indian Hills school district, which has about 2,300 students and also serves nearby Franklin Lakes and Oakland.
High school students can attend Indian Hills High School in Oakland or Ramapo High School in Franklin Lakes. On the SAT tests in 2017-18, students at the two schools scored an average of 585 in reading and writing and 578 in math, compared with statewide averages of 542 and 543. About 92 percent of graduates continued to college.
The Commute
The rush-hour commute from Wyckoff to the Port Authority Bus Terminal in Manhattan takes about 50 minutes on Coach USA buses. The fare is $9.75 one way, or $244.35 for 40 trips.
The township is not on the commuter rail line, but residents can drive to nearby Ridgewood to catch New Jersey Transit trains into New York. The trip from Ridgewood to Penn Station takes about 50 to 60 minutes and costs $9.75 each way, or $298 a month.
For those who prefer to drive, Wyckoff is on Route 208, a state highway that slices through the township and connects to Route 4 (for those heading to New York) or Interstate 287 (for suburban destinations). The drive to New York at rush hour can take an hour or two, depending on traffic.
The History
Constance Kopp, who lived on a Wyckoff farm with her sisters in the early 20th century, was Bergen County’s first female sheriff’s deputy. Ms. Kopp was drawn to crime-fighting after a car driven by a Paterson industrialist rammed her buggy; when she tried to collect damages, the factory owner and his associates sent threatening letters and sprayed the sisters’ home with bullets. The Bergen County sheriff armed the Kopps for self-protection and later appointed Ms. Kopp a deputy. The story is the basis for a series of novels by Amy Stewart, including “Girl Waits With Gun.”
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