#construction staffing agency
awkward-teabag · 5 months
Love (cannot emphasis how much sarcasm there is in that word) that an official Canadian government response to high cellphone rates is to switch carriers.
Switch it to what? We basically have three companies since one was allowed to eat the forth (with the government saying it wasn't anti-competition and the company eating the other pinky promising they wouldn't jack rates up). Even the smaller companies have to rent infrastructure from the Big Three so there's only so much they can do if that rent costs an arm and a leg.
And that's not touching on how many "small companies" are actually just subsidiaries of the Big Three. You may save $5 but you're still with Telus/Rogers/Bell.
Or that the actual small companies tend to have shit coverage because they don't have the infrastructure available to them and are prevented from getting it. Or their traffic is throttled in favour of the Big Three's customers. Or both.
Or that they're extremely regional thus aren't an option for a huge chunk of Canada's population.
We have no true options and the government has shown time and again that they're fine with monopolies, in multiple industries, and don't care when said monopolies jack up prices to make shareholders and the c-suite more money at the expense of everyone else. At most there will be a verbal slap on the wrist and a giftcard for $25 that people have to register for, for a decade and a half of price gouging.
It's not talked a whole lot about outside the country from what I've seen and heard but Canada is a country of monopolies. A handful of companies own nearly everything, every province has a family or two that owns a hell of a lot (Nova Scotia is basically owned by one family at this point), and our government ignores it. Even the branch that is supposed to be against monopolies is fine with mergers and takeovers in most cases.
Because, you know, the company said it totally wouldn't use consumers' lack of options to increase prices.
#canada#so much of our infrastructure and critical construction such as housing#has been pawned off for decades to private companies#and i forgot to mention one (1) family owns the bridge that is a major international corridor between canada and the us#which is apparently fine even though they fought tooth and nail to stop a bridge they don't own from being built#like our housing crisis can be traced back to the government deciding to stop building public housing in the 90s#because they figured private developers would pick up the slack#affordable apartments don't bring in much money so we got decades of cheap-ass 'luxury condos' instead#and once airbnb became a thing we got entire buildings with units <300sqft#and of course when the party in charge rotates between conservatives and neolibs nothing changes and that can gets kicked down the road#and keeps getting kicked until something collapses and they see the chance to fully privatize an industry#something similar is happening to our healthcare system too#it has been left to languish for years/decades with funding freezes and cuts#and private companies are quick to jump in and get the government stamp of approval to do [thing] that the public system clearly can't do#when [thing] would absolutely be possible if it was actually funded and/or staffed#so many communities were cut off when greyhound closed up shop because there's no government inter-city transportation#we lost internet/banking/cell service/etc nation-wide because one of the big three decided to push an update to live without redundancies#and it bugged and took the entire company's network down#even the government agency that demands major companies have a backup on a different network was taken down because they ignored that#and they got a deal if they kept their backup with rogers while their main network was also rogers#so they couldn't even make an emergency statement or anything about it#half my province also lost all digital infrastructure because it's a private company and making a redundancy line would mean smaller bonuse#it's just so bad#joke all you want about how canada is nice and friendly#but you are wrong and it's hell if you actually live here#the only reason canada is seen as nice is because it's hard to not seem like the better option when the us is your neighbour#and because of decades of pr work to make canada seem friendly and nice and not at all problematic#in some countries you actually have to try to hide you're canadian because of how much we colonize and the damage we do to other countries#yes these tags have derailed from the post but ugh#i take major issue with people who insist canada is nice and has never done anything wrong
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kittykatinabag · 9 days
my mom is lucky I'm off my meds and generally dampened by the depression because my god the way she phrases things about my life and potential future really pisses me off right now.
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margaretj01 · 6 months
Choosing the right construction staffing agency is essential for the success of your projects. But with so many options out there, how do you know which one is the best fit for your needs? This article will discuss five important tips to help you make an informed decision. Keep reading to learn how to identify the most reliable construction staffing agencies that can assist you in finding skilled, experienced, and dedicated professionals to keep your projects on time and on budget. Learn more - https://profitleeds.com/5-tips-for-choosing-the-right-construction-staffing-agency-for-your-projects/
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hbsmanpowerconsultancy · 10 months
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Contact us for best EPC Recruitment Services!!!
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On-page SEO optimization for service-based businesses
On-Page SEO Optimization for Service-based Businesses – A Complete Guide by Dhrubo Organization As a service-based business, you need to optimize your website for search engines to attract potential customers. On-page SEO optimization is the process of improving your website’s content and HTML source code to rank higher on search engine results pages (SERPs). In this article, we’ll cover the key…
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What Construction Employees Look for in a Company
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A great construction company is composed of great workers. If you own a construction company, then it should absolutely be a priority for you to know what workers want from their company. In gaining this knowledge, you can be sure that your company thrives in the coming years as the industry becomes increasingly difficult.
If you want to have a great construction company, then keep reading to learn how you can attract the best employees!
6 Things a Worker Wants From Their Company
Now, let's get down to it. Here are 10 things that every worker wants from their company.
Great Leadership
A construction company is only as good as its leader. Employees want to work for a company that has a great leader who knows how to get the most out of their workers.
In order to have great leadership, you need to be able to communicate effectively, provide direction and set an example for your workers. If you can do these things, then you'll have no problem attracting the best employees to your company.
A Good Work/Life Balance
One of the most important things that workers look for in a company is a good work/life balance. In today's day and age, it's more important than ever to have a good work/life balance.
With the advances in technology, workers are now able to work from anywhere. This means that they don't have to be in the office all the time to get work done. As a result, employees are looking for companies that offer a good work/life balance.
If you want to attract the best employees, then you need to offer a good work/life balance.
Competitive Salaries
Another important thing that workers look for in a company is competitive salaries. In order to attract the best employees, you need to offer competitive salaries.
In construction, there are a lot of companies to choose from. This means that workers have a lot of options when it comes to finding a job. As a result, they're going to choose the company that offers the best salary.
In order to attract the top talent, you need to offer competitive salaries.
Good Benefits
Another important thing that workers look for in a company is good benefits. In today's day and age, health insurance is becoming more and more important.
As a result, employees are looking for companies that offer good benefits. If you want to attract the best employees, then you need to offer good benefits.
Some of the best benefits that you can offer include health insurance, dental insurance and a 401k plan.
Good Company Culture
Another important thing that workers look for in a company is a good company culture. In today's day and age, company culture is more important than ever.
Employees want to work for a company that has a good company culture. If you want to attract the best employees, then you need to make sure that your company has a good company culture.
Some of the best ways to create a good company culture include having strong values, providing employees with development opportunities and offering perks and amenities.
Advancement Opportunities
Nobody wants to work at what they perceive to be a dead-end job. If you want to hire the top tier of employees, then you need to be sure that you forge paths for advancement at your company. Make sure that your prospective hires know that there's a future at the company and that there's plenty of room for them to move up.
Steps to Make Your Company More Attractive
Knowing what workers are looking for is one thing, but actually doing something about it is another. Now, we're going to show you how you can put these benefits to work to attract high-quality talent to your organization.
Implement The Above Initiatives
The first step is to implement the above benefits that we listed.  If you want to attract the best employees, then you need to make sure that your company is offering them.
Make sure that you're offering a good work/life balance, competitive salaries and good benefits. Additionally, be sure to create a good company culture. These things will go a long way in attracting top talent.
Communicate Your Benefits
Having the benefits is great, but if you want to have success, then you also need to be able to communicate to possible employees that you have them available. If they don't know what your company has to offer, then you won't find it easy to bring them into your company.
Work With a Staffing Firm
If you need help with finding employees and communicating the benefits of working for your company, then you might want to work with a staffing firm.  Staffing firms are companies that help other businesses find employees.
They know what workers are looking for and they can help you communicate the benefits of working for your company.
Let's Recap
In this article, we've shown you what workers are looking for in a company. Workers want a company that offers a good work/life balance, competitive salaries and good benefits. Additionally, they want to work for a company that has a good company culture.
We've also given you some tips on how you can make your company more attractive to workers. Now, you have the information that you need to make your organization an attractive destination for the industry's most sought after talent!
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beguines · 4 months
As neoliberalism has infected higher education, research on "mental health issues" in the academy has become increasingly conservative. My own subject area, sociology, is as guilty as any other. We have lost sight of what it means to think critically about the mental health system, to be able to challenge the work of the psy-professions, to interrogate meaningfully the production of knowledge claims on "mental disease," and to adequately contextualise the expansion of the psychiatric discourse with reference to theoretical sets of ideas which refer to labelling, power, and social control. We have effectively become pseudo-social psychologists whose research agenda is passed down to us by state agencies, requiring us to do little more than identify marginalised groups who can be labelled and policed by the psychiatric authorities and the criminal justice system. Having a once proud tradition of highlighting the systematic, oppressive practices of the mental health system, the sociology of mental health is now in severe danger of simply becoming another arm of the state. Far too much of what passes for "research" in the discipline is flawed from the beginning: it takes for granted that the mental health system is a fundamentally caring, scientifically sound discipline; it accepts mental illness diagnoses as valid and having a proved aetiology; and the empirical lens is focused outward on "undetected" pathologies in the general population rather than inward on the pathological behaviour of the institution of psychiatry and its allies. The result is that we end up with sociological research and scholarship which perpetuates the myths of psychiatric knowledge and aids the expansion of psychiatric hegemony (how many times have we read at the conclusion of such articles and books that there is a gap—an "unmet need"—in current mental health provision for which further resources and staffing is required?).
Thus, we need to resist the top-down state-run agenda and reject funding streams that tie us into conservative, surveillance-focused projects. We also need to be vocal in challenging the scholars who take on such projects and reproduce the same old nonsense on mental illness prevalence which reinforces the hegemonic view of black, female, young, LGBT, working class, and other marginalised populations as pathological. As always, sociological investigation needs to focus on the powerful rather than the powerless. This requires the revitalisation of a truly critical research agenda for the sociology of mental health in which the operations and practices of the psy-professions and their production of knowledge claims are prioritised. Research would then focus on the politics of diagnostic construction and professional power, on how psy-professionals turn subjective, personal understandings of human beings into categories of pathology, on the inner workings of the mental health system, on the conflicts and alliances made internally and externally to these professions, and on their constant need to justify mental health practice as medically and scientifically relevant.
Bruce M.Z. Cohen, Psychiatric Hegemony: A Marxist Theory of Mental Illness
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umbralwaves · 2 months
[...] Across the media, reporting on the workers’ deaths plays into every good immigrant trope that exists. The men were “generous,” “humble,” “hard working,” and died doing a job Americans “do not want to do.” These are well-meaning efforts to elicit empathy for immigrant workers in a country that usually has none.  When migrant workers die on U.S. job sites, they transform into “heroes.” Never mind that in life, they are subject to anti-immigrant laws that make it impossible to adjust their status, xenophobic rhetoric at the highest levels of government, and narratives that somehow paint them as both a drain on the economy and in the country to steal American jobs.  In Baltimore, these men had no safety net—literally. Across the U.S., undocumented and other migrant workers are forced to earn a precarious living—funneled into dangerous jobs because their immigration status limits their options to industries where they can work under the table, use a false identity, or contract with predatory staffing agencies that can skirt unjust immigration employment laws.  Despite having rights as workers, our undocumented “heroes” are denied workers’ compensation, Social Security, and unemployment, forcing them to remain in dangerous jobs—even when they are elderly. In fact, across the nation’s most dangerous industries—including forestry, construction, and agriculture—Latino immigrants account for disproportionate percentages of the labor force.
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ajeetsgroup · 6 months
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Looking for Offshore Staffing Services from India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and the Philippines!!!
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female-malice · 1 year
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Cristian works a construction job instead of going to school. He is 14.
Carolina packages Cheerios at night in a factory. She is 15.
Wander starts looking for day-labor jobs before sunrise. He is 13.
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Oscar Lopez, a ninth grader, works overnight at a sawmill in South Dakota. On this day, he skipped school to sleep after a 14-hour shift.
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Children being processed by the U.S. Border Patrol in Roma, Texas. In the past two years alone, 250,000 unaccompanied minors have come into the country.
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Cristian, 14, has been working in construction in North Miami for two years instead of going to school. Federal law bars minors from a long list of such jobs.
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A detention site in the Rio Grande Valley in March 2021. The Biden administration has faced pressure to move unaccompanied children through the system quickly.
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Migrant children were among the day laborers who gathered on a school day in Homestead, Fla., to find roofing, landscaping or other work.
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A handwritten ledger, in Spanish, of Nery Cutzal’s debts to his sponsor, including money for tacos and clothes. The child owed more than $4,000, plus interest. Court information has been redacted for privacy.
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Jose Vasquez, 13, photographed at the church he attends in Grand Rapids, Mich. He works 12-hour shifts, six days a week, at an egg farm outside the city.
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A selfie taken by a 17-year-old at a Hearthside facility in Grand Rapids. She said older men at the factory sometimes harassed her.
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From left: Oscar Nambo Dominguez, 16, was crushed last year under an earthmover near Atlanta. Edwin Ajacalon, 14, was hit by a car while delivering food on a bike in Brooklyn. Juan Mauricio Ortiz, 15, died on his first day of work for an Alabama roofing company when he fell about 50 feet.
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Young workers exited an overnight cleaning shift last October at a JBS pork plant in Worthington, Minn. Their employer, a sanitation company, was later fined for violating child labor laws
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Carolina Yoc, back right, worked on math problems after a night shift at a Grand Rapids food plant. The 13-year-old girl sitting next to her said she also worked nights at a factory.
It has been a little more than a year since Carolina left Guatemala, and she has started to make some friends. She and another girl who works at Hearthside have necklaces that fit together, each strung with half a heart. When she has time, she posts selfies online decorated with smiley faces and flowers.
Mostly, though, she keeps to herself. Her teachers do not know many details about her journey to the border. When the topic came up at school recently, Carolina began sobbing and would not say why.
After a week of 17-hour days, she sat at home one night with her aunt and considered her life in the United States. The long nights. The stress about money. “I didn’t have expectations about what life would be like here,” she said, “but it’s not what I imagined.”
She was holding a debit card given to her by a staffing agency, which paid her Hearthside salary this way so she did not have to cash checks. Carolina turned it over and over in her palm as her aunt looked on.
“I know you get sad,” Ms. Ramirez said.
Carolina looked down. She wanted to continue going to school to learn English, but she woke up most mornings with a clenched stomach and kept staying home sick. Some of her ninth grade classmates had already dropped out. The 16-year-old boy she sat next to in math class, Cristian Lopez, had left school to work overtime at Hearthside.
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Cristian lived a few minutes away, in a bare two-room apartment he shared with his uncle and 12-year-old sister, Jennifer.
His sister did not go to school either, and they had spent the day bickering in their room. Now night had fallen and they were eating Froot Loops for dinner. The heat was off, so they wore winter jackets. In an interview from Guatemala, their mother, Isabel Lopez, cried as she explained that she had tried to join her children in the United States last year but was turned back at the border.
Cristian had given his uncle some of the money he earned making Chewy bars, but his uncle believed it was not enough. He had said he would like Jennifer to start working at the factory as well, and offered to take her to apply himself.
Cristian said he had recently called the H.H.S. hotline. He hoped the government would send someone to check on him and his sister, but he had not heard back. He did not think he would call again.
(continue reading)
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rossemboss · 1 year
Notes from Tokyo Vice: An American Reporter on the Police Beat in Japan by Jake Adelstein
note: take book with grain of salt as author is greatly self-aggrandizing, but provides some nice color on yakuza
many yakuza prefer to be called 'gokudo' (the ultimate path)
shobadai - slang for protection money paid to the yakuza
"Santa Fe was a book of nude photos of the popular actress Rie Miyazawa" that showed her pubic hair. When authorities didn't pursue the book for breaking obscenity laws based on the photos' "artistic qualities" it opened the floodgates to the relaxing of those policies enjoyed to this day
typical divisions of a police station: violent crime, white-collar, fraud, , traffic, juvenile crime, prevention, lifestyle/vice, plus an organized crime control division, which would pursue drugs, credit card fraud, and human trafficking
kind of neat - the idea of exotic animals being sold to yakuza to scare people. who would have a leashed tiger?
When someone leaves the yakuza, a letter is circulated to all members, either a hamonjo - this person is no longer in the organization, don't do business or associate with them; or a zetsuenjo - betrayer hunt this person down.
if a murdered body is found with the head facing North, that may indicate a killer feeling remorse as that's how dead bodies are laid out.
suicides remove their socks and shoes as it's rude to wear into the afterlife
There are two major types of yakuza: tekiya, low-level con artists and bakuto, the big leagues, who engage in predatory lending, human trafficking, the racket, and blackmailing corporations. They are over half Korean-Japanese and the dowa, formerly untouchable caste of Japan.
The major yakuza have lots of sub-groups that pay monthly dues. The Yamaguchi-gumi (biggest) takes in about $50M in private equity monthly and this is considered a conservative estimate.
The police don’t have the authority to wiretap, offer plea bargains, or witness protection in yakuza investigations, which limited their ability to effectively prosecute them. It’s also not illegal to be in a criminal organization.
As of 2006, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police compiled a list of ~1k front companies in greater Tokyo, 20% real estate with significant investment in securities, auditing, consulting, and other financiers.
Police sometimes call the yakuza “Realtors” lol
In 2008, a major Corporation was found to be paying over $100M USD to yakuza to remove tenants from properties they wanted to purchase (this is called jiage or land-sharking and is big because tenant laws are so protective.)
The bosses of some yakuza groups are minor celebrities and will be photographed and reported on having meetings/dinners with politicians, or will grant TV interviews!!!
Marubo cops – organized crime detectives
One business model: landsharking, moving yakuza into buildings before they can be repossessed and then buying them themselves or getting money from the original owner for the service, protection money from the sex trade, and the cash cow, extortion (specifically, shaking down business people with embarrassing secrets). They would do the same with companies in financial trouble. They would take out loans from midsize banks using the company’s real estate as collateral, but then when the company would go bankrupt, those loans would go unpaid. The Sumiyoshi-kain also ran staffing companies, loansharking, and an insurance company specializing in false claims to rip off real insurance companies. A collection agency for recovering bad debts for real loan companies. Pawnshops for trafficked goods. A talent agency for porn (paid well not coerced). Transportation and security for large events. Take construction contracts and then subcontract out, pocketing the difference. Set up a fake political org for the tax break and a way to launder money. Have your extortees pay to receive your newsletter.
kabukicho was the undisputed red light district of tokyo before it got partially cleaned up following the 2001 fire of the Myojo 56 building where 40+ people died. It is speculated that the yakuza burnt it down after not being paid its protection money by the mahjong parlor inside.
At least in 1999 during the time of this book, a reporter tells him: "Nine times out of ten, no matter how much it looks like a murder, the Shinjuku police will write it up as a case of assault resulting in death - manslaughter? Why? So they don't have to launch a full investigation." Murders of 'low-lifes' not deemed newsworthy. What WAS newsworthy was anything involving someone famous, a civilian, or a teenager. Maybe a brewing gang war.
The reason the anti prostitution law is on the books is to protect girls who were being sold into sexual slavery after the war. That's why they only go after the pimps and owners, not the girls.
one thing to track is i keep writing big clubs, when i should go smaller, seedier, and more participatory. one stage, men using vibrators on the fully naked dancer. also kinkier: more costumes, piss play, the works.
downtown there are typical haunts where the yakuza hang out near their offices, where they get coffee and shoot the shit. and it's not one organization, but all of them.
lots of young girls (high school to college) get addicted to the host clubs and run up a big tab at which point they get redirected into becoming hostesses or joining the sex trade themselves. these are usually unlicensed clubs that have no police protection and are therefore easy marks for the yakuza. a good host club makes about $300k a year in 1999; the legit hosts can make big money too, think $6-10k a month not including gifts. hosts and hostesses often frequent each other's places when they get off work, so they're often busiest at like 4am/late late hours.
Roppongi is known for its foreigners. The place to go if Japanese people and foreigners are looking to connect (/connect!) Before the bubble burst, Roppongi was known for its highbrow establishments, but it's gone sleazy with big clubs, drugs, and all the typical sex trade establishments. It's nicknamed "High-Touch Town"
Because yakuza bosses can be held liable (and sued) for the crimes of their subordinates, when someone gets collared, it's typical to throw them out of the org (at least on the surface) claiming they were just a bad egg to limit liability. Yakuza will also sue newspapers and other organizations that call their businesses fronts or old members yakuza. Very good lawyers.
money laundering - hostess clubs and sex parlors (have your employees act as regulars and pay there); donations to religious organizations you run from the profits, own restaurants, r&r spots, and more and have your employees go there with the profits.
there are legal limits on interest rates for consumer loans, but yakuza loan sharks obviously go way above that. keep database of all customers at one establishment to see when the loan is falling behind, and then reach out from one of your other loan offices to offer a loan with even higher interest rates to double prey upon your victims.
more swords as weapons since gun use penalties are so high!
not uncommon for yakuza to own the movie studios making yakuza films which has promise as a funny detail; also more chopped fingers, toes transplanted as fake fingers, etc.
Tokarev - Russian guns popular in the 90s with yakuza
"that's why we farm out the dirty work to the Chinese and the Iranians. If they get caught, they don't talk and they just get deproted."
control the media by running the top talent agencies and denying them access to top entertainment talent if they publish unfavorable reporting
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boldrecruitment · 1 year
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Bold Recruitment Agency is a staffing and recruitment agency based in Brisbane, focused on providing small businesses with the tools they need to build a skilled workforce. We are passionate about helping businesses grow and thrive, and we believe that a strong team is the key to success.
Our team of experts specializes in identifying and recruiting top talent in a range of industries, including trade industries such as construction, manufacturing, and engineering. We understand the challenges that small businesses face when it comes to finding the right employees, which is why we work closely with our clients to understand their specific needs and goals.
At Bold Recruitment Agency, we believe that every small business deserves access to the best talent available. We offer personalized staffing solutions that are tailored to each client's unique needs, whether they are looking for temporary staff, permanent employees, or contract workers. Our goal is to help businesses implement their growth strategies, while focusing on what they do best - their trade.
As a leading staffing and recruitment agency in Brisbane, we use the latest technology and innovative techniques to source, screen, and select the best candidates for our clients. We are committed to providing exceptional service and building long-term partnerships with our clients, so that they can achieve their business objectives and succeed in today's competitive marketplace.
If you are a small business looking to build a strong, skilled workforce, contact Bold Recruitment Agency today. Let us help you implement your growth strategies and take your business to the next level.
WEBSITE: https://boldrecruitment.com.au/
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/boldrecruitment
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/bold.recruitment
LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/company/bold-recruitment-australia
PINTEREST: https://www.pinterest.com.au/imagroupf/
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ajosoph · 2 years
What do you Want a CANDIDATE or a JOB?
Job or a Candidate? What do you want?  Definitely, this sounds weird. But yes what do u want a candidate or a job? Because we have both. AJEETS provides both. Yes, AJEETS helps by recruiting the best skilled and unskilled workforce to various companies abroad and also guides and helps the candidates in shaping a bright career. 
AJEETS is a manpower recruitment agency in India that recruits skilled and unskilled human resources from India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Kenya, and Uganda. AJEETS is in this business for the last 16 years and is one of the most reliable and dependable agencies. AJEETS has its own experts who have a good experience in different industries. Our experts also guide the candidates. 
As the leading manpower recruitment agency in India, we are proud of our knowledge in e-staffing solutions, job placements, employment help, and recruitment. One of the most important parts of any company or business is its human resources, and we handle this for many foreign businesses, particularly those in the Gulf nations.
In order to maintain industry competition, AJEETS, a manpower recruitment agency in India, adheres to the principle that it is our goal to provide meaningful solutions for both individuals and businesses. By bringing together individuals from around the globe, our services will assist firms in succeeding in a setting that is changing quickly. Every year, we guarantee potential candidates a position where they are deserving of it and promise businesses solutions that meet their needs.
After a fruitful 16-year journey, the public today recognizes our manpower recruitment agency in India as a capable, trustworthy, and all-inclusive Indian recruitment firm. Having started with a few industries, we now provide services to a wide range of sectors, including; Construction, Steel, Infrastructure, Oil and Gas, Hospitality, Medicine, railways, Marine, IT, Electrical and Electronics, Dairy Farm, Logistics, Automotive, Chemicals and Pharmacy, and many other industries. Following the selection of a candidate, we have an orientation or introduction program where he is made aware of important topics including the work culture of the respective organization, industrial practices, safety concerns, labor laws, and other pertinent issues. We constantly refresh our database to provide you with the best job opportunities. 
Our commitment to going above and beyond to provide the best solutions to our clients has been the cornerstone of our long-standing reputation. The standards set by our applicants and clients have always been met by AJEETS. We assist applicants with their migration from one country to another in addition to simply recruiting them. When they migrate, we assist them in obtaining their visas and other necessities. Without a doubt, AJEETS succeeds in being the best manpower recruitment agency in India. 
We take a unique approach to staffing as an all-inclusive manpower recruitment agency in India. With this process, we stand out because we guarantee success for both job seekers and companies. We make an effort to comprehend the businesses' lists of both temporary and long-term requirements before attempting to match them up with our list of available applicants' skill sets. Our process achieves exceptional results while serving as a link between the two parties. 
As a committed personnel agency in India, AJEETS believes in maximizing human potential to pave the way for successful careers. We help applicants find jobs at the greatest organizations on the globe as a manpower company by supporting their goals and dreams. At the same time, we observe that multinational corporations' temporary and permanent openings attract applicants who can advance their companies' operations. Our services are offered all over the world with an emphasis on countries like Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and Oman in the Middle East; and Singapore, Brunei, Malaysia, Maldives, South Korea, Indonesia, and China in the Far East Countries and the UK, Germany, Poland, Romania, Serbia in the Europe Continent. Make us your long-term recruitment partner with a presence in India today!
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stevenodickens · 2 years
How to choose a right IT staffing agency for your organization?
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Anyone who has accomplished anything noteworthy didn't do it by themselves. And you shouldn't either! Your team is the support for your aspirations. Ensure that they are sturdy enough! Finding, attracting, hiring, and keeping bright workers who will not only perform at a high level but also fit in with your workplace naturally is one of the most important factors in corporate success.
Any hire, whether temporary or permanent, falls under this. Staff is in control of what has been successfully constructed and what has to be accomplished in the future, supported by the organization's values, objectives, and purpose. Because of this, it's critical to recruit, develop, and keep a talented and effective workforce. But sometimes speaking the truth is simpler than acting. Hiring procedures take time and don't always yield the expected outcomes. You wouldn't want to waste your time and money working with a staffing company that couldn't understand and fulfill you’re hiring needs, after all.
So how do you pick a right IT staffing agency for your organization?
Here are some helpful suggestions to take into account when choosing a staffing agency to help you with the decision-making process. But first, let's take a quick look at some of the advantages of working with a hiring firm.
What Benefits Can You Get from Working with Remote Staffing services?
A staggering 77% of millennial clients plan to increase their use of staffing firms over the next five years, according to a survey. So let's examine the rationale behind why businesses depend on staffing firms to streamline and expedite the recruiting process.
Cut down on hiring time
According to the most recent Manpower Group data, 69% of employers worldwide are having trouble finding talent with the ideal mix of soft, technical, and personal skills. This is a 15-year high.
Your company can overcome that difficulty with the aid of a reliable staffing partner. You can have access to a sizable database of pre-screened individuals by working with a reputable staffing agency. As a result, you gain the ability to quickly hire from a talent pool of competent candidates.
Save money
By turning to a staffing agency, you may cut the costs of hiring specialized people to locate, evaluate, and hire candidates. Working with staffing agencies also ensures additional cost savings by eliminating costs associated with recruiting permanent employees, such as health insurance, employer taxes, 401k retirement plans, and others.
Expert Direction
Should you search for contingent, contract-to-hire, or direct-hire talent? What qualifications do you need to look for in a specific position? How many more team members are needed to reach your workforce expansion objectives for the upcoming year?
Do not worry if you are unable to respond to these inquiries. You can develop a tailored hiring plan with the aid of a reliable staffing partner to handle your workforce difficulties.
Find a Remote Staffing service that specializes in your industry:
While some staffing companies specialize in particular areas, others cover the entire spectrum of businesses. if the one you're about to choose has a multispecialty industry concentration and is a general staffing company. In that instance, consider the strength of their staff, your industry, their clientele, and whether they have account managers with competence in your area.
Think about the staffing company's location:
Staffing assistance is required in Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Ahmedabad, or Chennai even though your head office may be in Bangalore. Do they have a location close to your branches in all of India to facilitate talent acquisition branch-, city-, and state-specific? Verify how many recruiters are on hand at the specified location. Verify their historical employee deployment rate.
Evaluate the staffing firm:
Investigate the staffing company's expertise in the industry, experience in the staffing field, specialties, brand reputation, staffing company policies, social media presences, client testimonials, and client list (occasionally due to competitors, the entire client list is not made publicly available; contact the agency & get the list or schedule a call by sending inquiry), and website.
 In general, a company that has been around for more than 15 years and has worked with reputable clients or your competitors is likely to provide high-quality service. A fast conversation regarding "Service so far, reliability, professionalism, efficiency, closure timeframes, quality of talent & other pertinent questions" should be had if you can connect with any current clients of the staffing agency.
Examine the hiring and selection procedure:
Check the number of people who are currently employed across various industries as a result of the staffing support that the recruitment agency has offered to other brands. Plan a meeting or phone contact to learn about and discuss their hiring practices. You might not find the suitable talent for your needs if the agency is still involved in placing advertising in the neighborhood newspaper or publishing job listings on job sites.
The recruitment agency is likely to give you effective outcomes in a cost-effective way & also in a shorter amount of time if it appropriately utilizes different talent search platforms, outdoor talent outreach techniques, social channels, and digital marketing.
Discover the retention rates by asking:
Consider finding the ideal candidate and releasing the offer letter as having completed 20% of the work. 35% of the DOJ is when the employee accepts and shows up for work. The retention of the same staff over the long term, or until the project or contract job is completed, makes up the remaining 45% and is crucial. Check the employee retention rates for your sector as well as the overall rate for all employees. One of the crucial factors in determining the caliber of the talent offered by the staffing agency is this.
Companies nowadays are aware that the more competent workers they acquire, the greater the return on their investment will be. You may get the talent your business needs for success by working with a staffing partner that is suited for you and who has your best interests in mind.
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mdesafey · 2 years
How to Strengthen Your Organization By Hiring the Right Talent
How to Strengthen Your Organization By Hiring Talent
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How to Strengthen Your Organization By Hiring Talent
If you are looking to hire talent that performs well in the construction or engineering industry, you want to make sure you are not limiting yourself in the way you think about recruitment. Improving your recruitment strategy can help upgrade the level of talent that you are attracting and hiring. WeBuild Staffing is considered one of the nation's leading staffing agencies and is dedicated to scouting high quality, industry-specific technical professionals. We are committed to finding exceptional employees, and you should be too. Do you think your recruitment strategy might be flawed? Here are some Dos and Don’ts that might help you identify issues. Don’t… Rely Too Much On The Interview Interviews are essential to landing a job, but they not everything. The person you are interviewing could be having a bad day or display uncharacteristic anxious. Some people will also say anything to secure a job, and great social skills and interview performance do not guarantee they are the most qualified for the job. This is especially important in the construction and engineering industries, where the new hire will be performing specific and specialized tasks. Do… Make sure you consider the application as a whole, taking into account the candidate’s experience and any projects they have done, without letting yourself be blinded by the way —good or bad— in which they present themselves. Don’t… Feel Threatened by Someone More Qualified Than You In fear that they might jeopardize their position, managers are often hesitant to take on someone with better skills or who seem more talented. However, this person could become a vital asset and improve your company. Do… Look at special certifications or skills that a candidate will bring that are not already available at your company. There is no such thing as being overqualified for the job! Don’t… Let the Job Description Misrepresent the Job The term itself could be misleading; a good job description is in fact more than just a description. You cannot simply offer an overview of the job, and even a long explanation might be too broad, leaving your new employees to be caught off guard by some of the duties they are asked to perform. Do… Include a list of duties as part of the job specifications. Make sure you indicate exactly what skills and requirements are needed to attract the right talent and discourage unqualified individuals from applying. Put yourself in the shoes of someone looking for a job: wouldn’t you want to know exactly what will be expected of you? Don’t… Wait For The Perfect Candidate Most employers want to find people who check every box. However, it is time-consuming and nearly impossible to find the perfect fit for every position. The longer you wait for a candidate who is exactly what you pictured, the more you are jeopardizing your team. Do… Keep an open mind about what you are looking for, and consider giving a chance to someone who shows potential and is eager to grow and learn. They can end up being a valuable team member. Don’t… Overthink References While references are a key part of the hiring process and give an insight into whether a candidate is a good fit for the job, they are not everything. Job seekers are very likely to have gathered their references from people they knew would give them a positive review —often close friends as well as employers— and a good experience at one company doesn't mean it will be the same for yours. Do… Use references as one element for consideration in the comprehensive process of forming your own judgement about the value a candidate can bring to your company. Michael DeSafey is a leading executive recruiter for professionals in the construction, engineering and environmental industries. He is currently the President of Webuild Staffing www.webuildstaffing.com  . To learn more about Michael or to follow his blog please visit www.michaeldesafey.com  Read the full article
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tempwork247 · 10 hours
Empowering Businesses with Tempwork247: A Comprehensive Guide to Staffing Agencies
In today’s dynamic business landscape, companies often find themselves navigating a competitive environment where talent acquisition plays a crucial role in success. For many organizations in Queens, NY, New York City, and the Bronx, NY, partnering with a reputable staffing agency like Tempwork247 has become indispensable. This article delves into the significance of staffing agencies, particularly in these regions, highlighting the services they offer and the advantages they bring to both employers and job seekers.
Understanding Staffing Agencies
Staffing agencies act as intermediaries between employers and job seekers, facilitating the recruitment process by sourcing, screening, and placing candidates into temporary or permanent positions. They specialize in various industries and provide tailored staffing solutions to meet the specific needs of their clients.
Staffing and Employment Agency Queens, NY
In Queens, NY, Tempwork247 stands out as a premier staffing and employment agency Queens NY. With a deep understanding of the local market dynamics, Tempwork247 excels in matching qualified candidates with diverse job opportunities across a wide range of industries. Whether businesses require temporary staffing solutions to manage seasonal fluctuations or permanent hires to support long-term growth, Tempwork247 ensures quality placements that align with organizational goals.
Staffing Agency in New York City
Navigating the bustling job market of New York City can be daunting, but Tempwork247 simplifies the process for both employers and job seekers. As a trusted staffing agency in NYC, Tempwork247 leverages its extensive network and industry expertise to connect top talent with leading companies. From administrative roles in Manhattan to tech positions in Brooklyn, Tempwork247 excels in delivering staffing solutions that drive business success.
Staffing and Employment Agency Bronx, NY
In the Bronx, NY, Tempwork247 serves as a vital resource for businesses seeking reliable staffing solutions. Whether it’s filling positions in healthcare, construction, retail, or hospitality, Tempwork247 offers comprehensive staffing services tailored to meet the unique demands of Bronx-based employers. With a commitment to excellence and a focus on customer satisfaction, Tempwork247 has earned a reputation for delivering efficient staffing solutions that meet the evolving needs of businesses in the Bronx.
The Role of Tempwork247
Tempwork247 distinguishes itself through its commitment to quality, reliability, and personalized service. By partnering with Tempwork247, businesses gain access to a pool of pre-screened candidates who possess the skills and experience necessary to thrive in their respective roles. This not only streamlines the hiring process but also ensures that employers find candidates who are well-suited to their organizational culture and operational requirements.
For job seekers, Tempwork247 serves as a gateway to meaningful employment opportunities. Whether individuals are seeking temporary assignments to gain experience or permanent positions to advance their careers, Tempwork247 provides the support and resources needed to succeed. Through personalized career guidance and access to a diverse range of job openings, Tempwork247 empowers job seekers to achieve their professional goals.
Advantages of Partnering with Tempwork247
Expertise and Industry Knowledge: Tempwork247’s team of staffing professionals possesses deep industry knowledge and expertise, allowing them to understand the unique staffing challenges faced by businesses in Queens, NYC, and the Bronx.
Cost-Effectiveness: By outsourcing recruitment to Tempwork247, businesses can reduce hiring costs associated with advertising, screening, and onboarding new employees.
Flexibility and Scalability: Whether businesses need staffing solutions for short-term projects or long-term strategic initiatives, Tempwork247 offers flexible staffing options that can adapt to changing business needs.
Access to Talent: Tempwork247 maintains an extensive database of qualified candidates, ensuring that businesses have access to top talent across various industries and skill sets.
Compliance and Risk Management: Tempwork247 handles compliance issues, such as payroll, taxes, and legal requirements, thereby reducing potential risks and liabilities for employers.
In conclusion, Tempwork247 plays a pivotal role in the staffing landscape of Queens, NYC, and the Bronx by bridging the gap between employers and job seekers. Whether businesses are looking to fill temporary positions or hire permanent staff, Tempwork247 offers comprehensive staffing solutions designed to meet their specific needs. By leveraging Tempwork247’s expertise, businesses can streamline their recruitment processes, reduce costs, and gain access to a diverse pool of talented candidates.
For job seekers, Tempwork247 provides invaluable support in navigating the job market and securing rewarding employment opportunities. Through its commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction, Tempwork247 continues to uphold its reputation as a trusted partner in staffing and employment across Queens, NYC, and the Bronx.
Partner with Tempwork247 today and experience the difference a premier staffing agency can make in achieving your business objectives or advancing your career aspirations.
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